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6-1-1866 Portland Daily Press: June 01,1866

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I'Htnb1 {fthiCtl June 1862. Vo/. A. 23, PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1866. Terms $8 annum, in advance.

THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published PORTLAND AND VICINITY. Tribute of Respect. had •vary excepted,)at 82 Exchange Street, New New Advertisements. THE FENIANS. ng you for so many years at the head of day, (Sunday Advertisements. A of the members of tbe Board of Trade I Portland, N. A. Fohteu, Proprietor. »If meeting lier maritime and admiralty court TELEGRAPH, Nevr Advertisement! To-Day and of the Merchants* was called at half I Thumb :—Eight Dollar? a year in advance. Exchange Tlie people who have sulnlucd and controll- TO A Modern Miratle. action as e. SHERIFF'S SALE. THE DAILY PRESS. past eleven o’clock yesterdays to bike such the sea have from (lie the Rations Preserve your Health. earliest times dictat- THE MAfNE STATE PRESS, if published Proposals for would seem to bo the most expression ot a Bodies North- Lime. Commit and Plaster—J. U. &i>propriate ; While chiefs tame place every morning at $2.00 year, ss. Large Moving Lovqjoy. powerful subjected Thursday Cumberland, And Muscovado Molasses—Cloudman & the of tills in the death of Bea- |tflarws- in advance. Ship Chandlery. Stevuiui. sympathy community 9,lch tf,rr'Tories of tlio land as nvariably fPAKEN on execution Robert and June 1866- I. Robinson. thev «!,.uWay against Illsley Friday Morning, 1, Sugar—H. con John not one of the oldest and X will bo sold at au ward ! Puringtoii, only li,'fenetty officers and seamen v>l the SENATE. wealth ami mari- week By Desirable Real Estate lor Sale. W. Woodman, who, in a few brief remarks, stated gathering week, $ 1.00; 60 cents per alter. ol a written contract William W. Thomas U. S. Revenue Steamer or any oilier Seizure of Arms and Ammunition* ners finding exciting given by “Mahoning,” Mr. Ramsey, from the Naval Committee, re- Evergreen Cemetery. the of the thoughtful Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per to Robert lor Revenue Cutter or Cutlers that be stationed at objects meeting. adventures, square Illsley the conveyance to said Illsley of may a resolution for the relief of Sierra Morons Molasses—Geo. S. Hunt. minds were collecting and three insertions or less, $1.50. the said this lor the term of one 1st of ported Paul Mr. M. N. Itich was On mo- expounding those per week; real estate, namely, a certain lot of land in port, year from tba day for Sale. appointed Secretary. ot natural ••Stecial notices,' $1.25 per first inser- next. contractor lor of the iron Carriage tion principles equity, square Westbrook, county of Cumberland, with the build- July Forbes, building W of J. H. a committee of 25 ct». per square for each The anted—Agents. Perley, Esq., consisting toms and usages to which tion, and subsequent in- ings Iheroou, hounded as follows, viz.: rations for the Revenue service is the same as clad Idaho. New Yobk, 81. J. traffic had a May Fireworks—(’utter, Austin & Co. H. Hou. and M. learned f jrti m; hah square, $1.00 first 15 eta. on the that allowed in the naval the The Perley, Esij., Jacob McLcllan N. to accommodate insertion, Beginning north westerly side of th? Back service, omitting liquor; Mr. Wilson, of the committee of the two Herald’s Toronto dispatch says the Wet Eurse Wanted. itself, which still for the each subsequent Insertion. Cove road so and consists of the viz.: Blcli, was appointed to called, at the corner ol land formerly following articles, Reef, of to the prepare suitable resolutions most unenctcd form the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine owned Pickles or houses on the death of Oeu. a Mayor Buffalo yesterday telegraphed part body of the State by Joseph Beale, thence following the fence Pork, Flour, Rice, Raisin ve. erly from the hounds marked on oaeli. it is to be understood e begun at twenty-eight and one distinctly sentatives be to Yesterday, U. S. Marshal Munroe seized on I guilty and sentenced to pay a lino of five dollars vanced age of 79 years, therefore, ed for you in interpreting and the ball thence the Back rea southwest- that the contractor will be bound to furnish rea- appointed represent Congress it behooves us as citizens developing rods, by Cove l, upon the and which she was unable to do and was there- Resolved, That and mer- of sonable as often as at the funeral of the late Lieut. General. steamer Gen. from costs, principles maritime erly twenty-eight and one halt rods to the place be- notice, may be required by tlie Sedgwick, Galveston, chants, to make such expression as may most appro- jurisprudence. at. of the rounds of ammunition and lore sent to jail. it was the surmise gun Captain vessel, with the approbation of the The resolution Was adopted unanimously. 6,000 fifty revol- priately perpetuate the mem >ry of the Christian vir- pious of the Psalmist Entertainments. It is understood and a inot an one in that‘ agreed that strip thirty feet Collector, exceeding npon average day The Senate agreed to the report of the con- vers, consigned to the Adjutant General of the tues, honest and upright dealings, the uniiorm ur- They who go down to the sea in ships, in width shall be from the each week,) such fresh meat and fresh vegetables as I and appropriated northeasterly on the Fenian Brotherhood. From the of the Comer 8toneof the Cathedral. banity of character, and exceedingly kind, generous do business in waters see the works side line of the mav be to the the ference committee bill to amend the correspon- Laying great above described land jr the purpose equivalent corresponding parts of and aifable disposition that ever characterized the de- or the Lord of a rations allowed laws. dence which fell into the U. S. Marshal’s The ceremony of the Comer Stone oi the and iiis wonders in the street to be opened and laid out when Daniel in the naval service. pension laying ceased througuout a long and usoful lilo iu this com- deep.” THEATRE! Table of rations However tli sa wi Woodman, jr., shall give thirty feet in width adjoin- may be seen at this office. The t ix bill was received from the House, hands, it appears the property was stolen Catholic Cathedra] took place yesterday afternoon, munity, extending bac* to nearly a half century, nders may affect a refined and tlie so as to make a street in width Sealed will also be received at this office •elevated ing same, sixty feet proposals and to the Committee. from one of the Federal in Texas. and attracted au who therefore, it would seem until referred Finance camps immense throng of spectators, spirit, as it the effect of the same length of the above lot being the 15th inst, lor Ship Chandlery for use of the That as a tribute of to the de- the HALL. conveyed, The reconstruction was The Herald’s Toronto dated Absolved, respect storms of the sea PEERING same described in a deed from Daniel Wood- above named vessel or vessels for said term oi one resolution taken dispatch 30th, could be numbered only by thousands. The spacious upon men was property year ceased, that the members of the Hoard of Trad.1* and to arouse ordinary to List of articles to bid Tlie was in the substi- an Ottawa states that the storms of evil BID WELL & BROWNE, man, jr., win. W. Thomas, dated March 12th, 1867, lor, and other specifications up. pending question midnight, says dispatch grounds on which the building is to be erected, the ol the Merchants’ i.xchange be requested to attorn! passion, and that Manager*. and recorded in Cumberland of book to a full of tlie the is aware of the move- the lawlessness ot registry deeds, necessary understanding proposals tution of a new section which was Government fully street in and whero a look the funeral of the deceased, and that the Merchants’ the open ocean in advertised lor three, front, every adj King place begot 276, page 430. to which record relerence is had, and may been seen at this office. 10. ment of Fenians, and is The rail- Exchange be closed during the funeral servicou them a feeling that hail sailed WELL& BROWNE beg to announce the same IS HA Eli adopted—32 against prepared. could bo obtained, were filled with people, and the they beyond the lately occupied by said I llsley as a residence. WASHBURN, Jr., Resolved, That a oi the of this meeting constraints to will Further consideration of the was way companies have to load copy doings of human law and crossed the MESSRS.BIDthat, owing previous engagements, they Dated at Portland June 1st, A. 1>., 1S86. June 1—dtd. Collector. subject everything ready, utmost order prevailed. be fbruished tithe of tills for be absent for tuo night*, but will return at a moment’s notice. have daily pajiers city publi- line that hounds the GEO'. W. PARKER, Sheriff. postponed until Monday. troops Troops The were decorated with lines of of cation. jurisdiction ot conscience Juno not grounds flags and of God. 1—dltw3w23. 1 lie Chair announced the committee to at- yet been‘called out, but can be on the Attest: M. N. Secretary. Certain it is that tho sea has Friday Evening, dune 1st, all nations running across the street and over the Rich, tend the funeral of way to the frontier at three hours’ notice. Portland, May 31,18f»6, been the theatre ot some of the ! Gen. Scott: Messrs. Wil- A had been darkest deeds when thev will have the honor of t he Evergreen Cemetery The conlomplatcnl building. large platform His ol which human presenting great son, Johnson, Lane of Indiana, Herald’s Toronto dispatch of May 3ist, funeral took place yesterday afternoon. A tier nature is capable, and its im- Ledger story dramatization of tho Davis, Grimes, orected contiguous to the point where tho corner Wait! Wait ! Wait! and Nesmith. says the excitement is and volun- services at his late residcuc/, the b was taken to I'athomed caves hold the secrets ol Citizen* are hereby notified that the Plan of Lot* Anthony increasing, ody the bloodi- is stone was to he laid, upon which the services were to est cruelties ever Mi. Chandler introduced a bill to amend the teeriig again commencing with energy.— the 1st Parish (Jhurch, escorted by the Masonic perpetrated by man up.m HIDDEN HAND ! at the be A ot some 300 the a sura ol in a Evergreen Cemotory, recently plotted by News of the determination performed. group children, his kind. The investing large money National Currency Act, authorizing the issue of the Govern- Lodge of which he had been a member. At the early commerce, halt traffic Miss DOLLIE BID WELL BEFOREbusiness that is laborious and pays bui a small in ment to call out misses beautifully dressed in white and adorned with and half it as.Capitola. City Engineer, the vicinity of tLo Pond, will bo of one hundred lniliions in notes in addition volunteers, caused great re- church, funeral services were ltev.* Mr. pluuder. though drew civilization pci cent, of protit, give the subscribers a call and ex- performed by With a strong distribution ot three millions There i3 no and business is flowers, occupied raised seats near the platform.— in its was above the characters, together amine the placed at the Cemetery MONDA Y, June 4th. Those to the hundred provided lor in joicing. alarm, Howes ol Park Street (Jhurch, the choir of the church train, scarcely grade of with a LAUGHABLE FARCE, in which of said act on as usual. The Is These children were from tho Catholic Schools of St. statute nor could we section 22, not over five going Grapevine eagerly beautiful was piracy, believe unless RARE CHANCES desirious of lots in tliis section of tli© Grounds provided, assisting by their singing. The body MR. S.. E. BROWNE selectng millions be issued within six months from and the and Aloyslus, St. Dom'cic and St. Mary, and were t > as- compelled in at the the devoured, newspaper telegraph then taken to the Eastern Cemetery, where the usual by history, looking quiet do so are sist in the services On the oi the civil and Which offer to all classes of men to enter a may by calling on MR. FORKS, Agent for of this act, and not over two millions offices beseiged. The entire unite by singing. balcony decern, social life of the will appear. Particulars In programmes. they passage press Masonic rites wore and it w as then com- thriving which in performed, Tickets for sale at Crosmau «& Co.'s Store. business requires but a very SMALL CAPI- the month and ex- the belief that a blow is about to be struck. 'Sisters of Charity house was a select choir, composed communities on the new continents and In- Drug Superintendent. per therealter; provided any mitted to the silent tomb.. our TAL and i& NOT but on the Many of oldest citi- laborious, contrary gives isting laud: applying before October 1st next, Rumor says the Fenians are collecting on the of twelve of our beat vocalists, led by Mr. Dennett. lands, the massacres, enslavements and extor- one a Per Order of Committee on Cemetery. line zens were present at the church, ti testify their re- tions OUAND EAST LYNNE MATINEE if approved by the Comptroller as in good of the St. Lawrence. The services, which were those of the Catholic that accompanied their discovery and spect for the memory of the deceased. Pleasant Employment, May 31. junelllra shall have to become a The Cabinet was called together to-day, and church, with all its pomp and form, and which are colonization. KveD now tliat -ON—7- standing, authority necessarily National and also hanks the Ministers are lo Ottawa. calculated to create an were conducted of which the And which lrom 100 to 300 cent, hank; provided, that hurrying impression, U. S. ar despotic system mastery places SATURDAY AFTERNOON. pays por profit. The Personal.—Mi^jor Mann, Paymaster, and Such are of in States the Evening Telegraph has a reliable spec- ifct. Rev. assisted ltev. Jno. O’ |>ersons lives of unarmed seamen on opportunities seldom offered to the pub- Sierra Morena Molasses. unimpaired capital having by Bishop Bacon, by rived here, Wednesday evoniug, from New Orleans, ship- lic. one to be so fortunate as secure i< 1 from at 11 A. to board under the may30dtd Any wishing to least voluble amount of circulating notes, Hamilton, saying that M., of St. Dominic's church, now of custody of one a Donnell, formerly via Washington, lio has been ut New Orleans t >r doubly-armed chance to make money quickly, easily and surely the there were called the man, whose ferocious HKDS. SIERRA MORENA MOLAS- shall have the preference in receiving such au- day, troops out by Nashua, N. H.; Rev. Father Muller of St. Dominic’s passions are stimulated by investing from ) and thirteen months past, on duty. Tlie war being over, FOREST CITY SES just received j>#r Sch. ; and provided that the entire amount bugle, ample preparations were being by intoxication, sometimes back as f thority church; Rev. Wm. McDonald of Manchester, N. H.^ and the Mann has been reliev- brings Ten 28 TIERCES ) “Mary K. Gage,” and tdl sale to hanks tram made. troops paid off, Major from far-off' seas Hollars to Three Hundred, given National converted State Rov. Gillen oi and Rev. E. Vetromlle freightage horrors that afflict by Henry Bangor ed from the duties of the which ho has so TROTTING- PARK! banks, shall not exceed fifteen millions, and The same paper also has a dispatch from office, the human heart in the recital. As can do so or Imielittw GKO. S. HUM'. of Biddeford. Rev. John de Rose, Secretary to the Capital, by calling upon addressing preference shall be given such States and ter- Buffalo, dated 2 o’clock P. M., the Fe- faithfully and satisihcto^ily fulfilled. 1 he ocean, that seeing almost to its the subscribers saying was nguter of and Rev. Michael defy The Manager hereby offers a nians are Bishop ceremonies, When Major Mann left New York for New Orleans the last of Wet Nurse Wauled. ritories as have not received then- voluble pro- constantly receiving additions to Maker, chaos to feel the coercion of IMMEDIATELY. O’Brien oi this city, Cross Bearer. There were pres- last ho ha l in his of of One Hundred portion of the circulating note?, so as to equal- their numbers. They are very secretive and year, itosBessiou eight millions creative order, has hitherto battled man. But I*\irsc Dollars, at No. 2t> Park Street. ent in addition ti> the Bishop, Iweuty-eight of the GO L UL A Y & ize the entire apportionment of lour hundred will divulge nothing, except that they are go- dollars, wherewith to pay off the soldiers. The tact every one it yields to hi3 daring and inventive open to ail horses that never trottod for money (bar- POOR, APPLY juneldtf of this diocese. millions. The bill also amends the to California. clergy that he was to leave New York on the 7th of he found the ch. Freeze said to be the horse that 181 Middle No. 1 Stairs. National ing going spirit. Long ago means to venture ring g. out, St., Up It is At quarter past four o’clock, a procession composed out its kept everybody out of the regular purses,) to close June 1—dtf Banking Act so as to require the banks iu believed that Gen. Sweeney has sent April, with this amount in his possession, was sent upon open wastes, using its currents ITEMS OP STATE NEWS. of the Bis'jop and led tho Cross •and its KATc KI/AY EVENING, at 9 o'clock, at 90 Federal New York, Boston and Philadelphia to have armed men into the Province, to rise at night, clergy, by Bearer, to the Confederate f »rce at Red River, and ar- very storms as propulsions for his trav- Street. Mile best 3 in 5 to harness. and Altar from el heats, A MODERN MIRACLE! on hand at all in lawiul of the and seize the arms in the Government build- preceded by thirty boys, proceeded were made to the ram and Within our in —The Portsmouth Chronicle while the times, money rangements immediately get transportation. time, says at on the frontier. the to the North Eastern part of tho the be has GEO. 11. BAILEY, Manager. From old and from rich and from United States, least twenty-five per cent, of ings Ciiapel Jot, Webb in order, to meet in the Gulf, the vessel on steamboat, subjected it to forces young, poor, train was waiting at the E. It. R. station, Tues- the of its unsJor the folds of the Stars and a more within his may29dtd higb-born and Jowly, comes tho Universal Voieo ot aggregate amount notes in circula- Uuffalo, N. Y., May 31. where, Stripes board of which was the M%)or with his funds, and completely control; and defy- praise for at 10 some miserable sneak ab- tion and Cross liud been erected. Here the its own, he is about to a day, o’clock, deposits; If below twenty-five per Another of men arrived here last prayers prescrib- to the latter. But tho ram cou'.d not be ing just span it with HALL’S VEGETABLE body capture got line CITY stracted from oue of the cars a nice eaue and a cent., such banks cannot make loans or dis- ed the rubric were recited the This upon which his messages shall FOREST SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. night from the west, said to be a Fenian regi- by by Bishop. ,n order in season lor that "purpose, and when she whispered of or dividends until the being over the procession then marched to make themselves heard beneath ail its It is a perfect and miraculous article. Cures bald- pair gold-bowed spectacles, belonging to a counts, pay required ment. About 1,008 men have come altogeth- ceremony run tlic gauntlet down by the fleet, the Naval supply up- ness. Makes hair A better than is that to tho where the of tho Comer roar from continent to continent. grow. dressing any gentleman eu route to The articles proportion adjusted; provided, clearing er, and more are expected. have ap- platform blessing steamer which the and “oil” or Sottens and Portland, They Florida, convoyed Paymaster Not more TROTTING PARK. ‘‘pomatum.” brash, dry wiry house certificates is deemed lawful no Stone was to the rites of the remarkable than these hair were recovered. money. parently arms, but it is understood that performed, according his fuuds from New was anchored off tie physical into Beautiful Silken Tresses. But, above all, York, achievements which science and The act is also amended by allowing each as- there are secreted here. It is the The of the Saints w as by skill have the groat wonder is the with which it re- plenty pretty church, by Bishop. litany and the ram did not to touch but rapidity —The Bangor Times says the Hatch House in sociation Jeveo, attempt her, made the sea docile to the uses of PUIISE OF stores GRAY HAIR to ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. to selqct, subject to the approval of generally that a raid on Canada from then read by Father O’Donnell, the respond- man, are $100.00. that has Mr- thought clergy kept on and took fire about twenty-five miles Below the moral which Use It a few times, and city again changed proprietorship, the Comptroller, an association in New York, this is determined There agencies have carried the Mile Heats* best Three in Fire fo Harness* neighborhood upon. ing. and was run ashore and She PRESTO, CHANGE! E. H. of his interest Boston or in which to redeem the city destroyed. majesty and sanction of Jaws to the loneliest tho and Gregory having disposed Philadelphia, is no excitement here. No one believes in A for the occasion was then whitest worst looking hair resumes its youth- hymn prepared sung was commanded by Capt. Reed, who stole and burn- waters ot the most ful in the same to C. C. Johnson and Edward its notes at par. It is also amend- the success barbarous coasts. This ON JUNE 6th, beauty. It does not tho hair, but strikes at Teb- circulating of any movement the Feuians in a manner the select choir under Mr. TUESDAY, dye ed splendid by ed the cutter Calob Cushing. The plan was admi- Jaw, written in in those the root, and fills it with new life and a former landlord of the by striking the exemption from State taxa- make. part only axioms of never beat three minutes. coloring bets, house. may Dennett. For horses that matter. tion. rably arranged, but it was unsuccessful. natural which a l libera) —The St. Croix It is rumored that the Fenians intend mov- equity arge, and can- It will not take a trial to Courier of Saturday says a Bishop Bacon then delivered a short discourse.— did can Geo. H. namos b. g.Tecumseh Sherman, long, disagreeable prove Mr from the Naval re- mind read it has been Bailey, tho truth ol this matter. The will Grimes, Committee, on Her but your province names b. Mitchell. first application number of Fenians are still around the ing Majesty’s dominions, to-night, for his theme the 1st verse of the 127th Theatre—Deerinq Hall.—BidwellA Browne’s to Win. R. Fields, m.Maggie lurking with the bill Taking explain, and to to settlement of con- do good; you will see the NATURAL COLOR return- ported, amendments, to define nothing reliable can be found out. apply F. Baker, namesb, g.Baker Boy. bonder. Psalm, “Except the. Lord build the house, they labor in very excellent dramatic company returns to us to- without ing every day, and the number and regulate the appointment of PHII.ADELPHIA, 81. troversies, aid from the deliberations TRACK ! BEFORE YOU May vain that build it,** he his and the dramatization of a How GOOD DAY AND GOOD KNOW IT, —The Calais Advertiser says that as a officers in the Navy. The active list of the It is that three briefly impressed upon night, present populor Ledger jury. justly and have railway _ of Feni- wisely you the old, discolored appearance of the hair will reported companies hearers the idea that God most be with order of The Hidden Hand. Their excellent doue the gray, train was on its down from on to he one one Vice ans leave this performances it, confidence and of this be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beauti- way Baring Navy Admiral, Admiral, evening to join the party now respect ten Bear that the undertakings of ma.i shall prosper and be heretofore have created a very iavorable impression, whose claims TUESDAY, JUNE 12th, ful locks. the axle of one of the lumber Admirals, twenty-five Commodores, on the northern frontier. community you decided and Saturday last, whose Ask for Hall’s Sicilian Hair Rcncwer; no other ar- 180 Lieut. carried out. and we expect to see a crowded house to-night. Our property has been controlled DOLLARS. cars and the oue fifty Captains, ninety Commanders, by your BURSE OF ONE HUNDRED ticle is at all like it in effect. You will find it broke, behind it came jam up Tobonto, C. W., May 31. decrees is Commanders, 183 Lieutenants, 160 Assembled to lay the corner-stone of this House lady triends will bear in mind that an extra perform- ample testimonial. The shipmas- CHEAP lO PLEASANT TO TRY. it and two men who had seats Masters, The has a from Mile beats best three in five to saddle, open to all. BUY, against taken-their 160 and in other the Daily Telegraph dispatch of remarked the it is is to be devoted ter, in the of a SURE TO DO YOU GOOD. Ensigns, grades number God, Bishop, ance will be given on Saturday afternoon, when the port foreign land nas agd on a load of their Montreal, to-day, saying that 1,000 stand of U;en made to Geo. H. names s. There are imitations. Be Sure lumber, got feet very severe- now law. the retired to His and when erected and dedicated to successful drama of Fast will be feel that the ehaiter de- Bailey, g.Hero. many you procure required by Including arms were seized at St. service; highly LynLO pre- party F. names r. Morris. the Albans, yesterday, the E. g.Billy genuine, manufactured ly jammed,but had no bones broken. Had the number of Bear Admirals is not to that man no con- fining due (or his toil Emery, onty by they list, concealed in boxes marked service, to God it belongs, and has sented. compensation and Geo. M. Robinson, g. g.Troublesome. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. machinery. When risk, the interest of the been in the passenger car where they ought to exceed twenty-one. trol over it. ship in its proportion For sale by all druggists. J uue 1—BNd&wl w seized, they were turned over to the Ameri- Accidental Death.—John son of Ansel of GOOD DAY AND GOOD TRACK. The Senate went into Executive Trask, the gains of commerce and of the mer- haveheeu, in all probability they would not session, can authorities at The Tele- It was to be a House of In it would be after which it Burlington. Pra^or. Trask, of Westbrook, came to his death Wednesday, chants in of his would be These are two of the regular purses that closed adjourned. so as it all those ceremonies profits venture, en- have been injured. graph also says the Great Western performed, long lasts, in and will be well contested races for the H0U8B. Company, the following manner. He had just returned from forced his and his May 19th, which which God to His the bread and against goods person upon race l —The Machias Union are received notice to be ready to move bring children;—in his money. Pools sold every night previous to the FIREWORKS says subscriptions The Senate amendments to the a gunning expedition with a companion to dinner. return from however a House bill, have to the Trunk the wine tliat wou'd be in it. It would be prolonged voyage. at Bowdoin 90 Foderal Street, Portland. made a troops, telegraphed Grand dispensed The Hall, The Stock! being for steamboat of a suitable kind and A iter dinner, his companion, I.auib, took his gun sailor, the proper ward of the Largest facilitating commercial, postal military Company, to allow them the use of their roll- the place tor God’s children to biing their offerings admiralty Tickets 50 Cents. Ladies Free. to run on the Union river from in communication the and went out. Trask seized his the has found in the humane with The Best Ellsworth, among several States, s.ock. Col. Durie and petitions and to hear His lobe thankful Young gun by patience which Quality! ing received orders this Word; have *o connection were concurred in. to follow him, when the hammer struck a you listened the recital of his GEO. II. BAILEY, Manager. with the steamer Cjty of Richmond. from to all in for all He has done for His s? and for the innu- .muzzle, wrongs, The Lowest Prices ! morning, (Ottawa, notify corps aints, his his bis May 28~-dtd The boat will cost The House resumed the consideration of work bench and tho piece exploded, discharging the beatings, tyings-up, privations of about $12,000, of which more this district to be ready to move at once for merable blessihgs that have flowed upon the world tood and the bill to the construction of a rail- contents into the leit the of his wages, that your was DISPLAYS than half has been raised. promote active service, if The is rather through their intercession. It would be the temple, blowing top guardianship required. city place more than a road from to Cleveland. The bill head off. II died was something maxim. And the Pittsburg excited. The Canadians admit that Gen. to for to instantly. Deceased 10 years f>r Cities and Towns to at —There is no beef in plead mercy and forgiveness; bring coaster and adventurous J. B. GREENHALGH’S furnished,from $100 $5000, Farmington. was passed—77 to 41. of landsman who have short notice. Sweeney will attempt an invasion. The Gov- infant children to be to take the solemn age. braved —The Chronicle announces that last week A A number of bills were baptised; the storms of our own coast to taken from the ernment is censured tor rocky Sond for Price and compare with other and loudly withdrawing vows; and, when In the last hours of life, rescue wrecked EATINC3- List, high- J. Davis of Salem a male wolf means and referred. marriage J udge of U. S. District Court. ships, wrecked and HOUSE, cr lists. caught by Speaker’s table, from the and goods per- troops (rentier, leaving the bor- unable to come to this House of from It will will illed have — AMD— The bill the Prayer, It be noticed our telegraphic from byes, been of meat poisoned with strychnine. He was 5 authorizing appointment of ex- der towns at the of the by dispatches encouraged by your mercy Fenians. come those ncoded one over the to AUSTIN & aminers of a site for a fresh water helps to carry safely received late last aud published bounty venture again a like benefi- CUTTER, CO., feet in length and 3 feet high, aDd is estimated basin for Washington, night upon OYSTER SALOOX, Boston, May 31. river of death. this that Edward has cence. 32 U 3G Federal, fc 107, 111 A 113 Con- iron clads, was considered. morning, Hon. Fox been ap- to weigh ICO lbs. He had killed 50 sheep. Two hundred able bodied men left After made v* o FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, gress Streets, Boston, Mr. Lynch moved the previous question young closing lus brief discourse, the Bishop pointed by he President aud oonflrmed by the Sen- congratulate ourselves that your reports —The Bath Times learns that on the Depot the 5.30 train this af- an to to be further as we Only Wholesale Depot for- the celebrated I. XL. Tuesday, thereon. The resolution was passed. It pro- Fitchburg by appeal the vast audience for help, and stated ate, as Judge of tho United States Court for the Dis- enlarged trust by the pub- WORKS and John C. of that ternoon. were well behaved and lication of Nos. 152 and 154 Exchange Street, original Short Stick ltockct. Allolhers Swanton, Esq., city, while at vides for examination of sites near Portland, They quiet, that if funds were grauted, within two years the Al- trict of Maine, in the placo of J udge Ware, resigned • your MS., will be maturing monu- are imitations. without arms. could be learned of ments of juneltoJyl work at his fell and broke his left arm> Me. Nothing tar should be completed from whence the sac- your humane feelings, your cultivat- the International house, their dally {Oppostte House.) destination, but report says were AND ed sense of near the wrist. Tbe bill to protect American citizens en- they rifice should ascend to Heaven. ItOBERTH SWEENEY CIRCLE.—All members justice, your learning, and need Fenians and had tickets for 152. Hours in on the St. Ogdensburg. of this Circle arc to attend the not characterize in other terms than those jmrsi. Ladies entrance 164, Gents, —The Journal that Silas Leon- gaged lumbering Croix liver, was Six of tho clergy then carried baskets among the particularly requested fro™ 7 A- t0 11 p- M* ^he Desirable Real Estate Augusta says used in the resolutions we M*. P«*>Hc New Haven, May 31. and from a regular meeting this as business of vital im- have • of that passed. crowd, judging the looks of the baskets evening, adopted, r I will Audit to tlieir advantage to call and ard, Esq., city, succeeds finely in the A Fenian one books in all w£3) The Speaker presented a message from the company, hundred strong, liberal contribution must have been collected. portance will come before the Circle. Also all mem- quoted Admiralty Courts of the ^try ttfe above Oyster Saloon. He will On Commercial for of the Concord the St., Sale, growing grapes by allowing the death of Gen. Scott. left here last night, north. Another bers of tho world and never bnt with deference and re- also famish Parties and Pic-Nics with Seuate, concerning going The box containing copies of the daily newspapers military association, and those wishing to in of the Homostead oi the late Lem- vines to run at will in the of his The the will follow soon. spect, and attractive to the Consisting part tops apple action of Senate was concurred in. company ,, a become members, are to be on hand. general scholar Current* Pound and of the city; plan of the city; various coins of the requested by Ice Creams* Fruit* uel Dyer; this lot is near the Grand Trunk Depot, and without the trouble of ti The of the committee of conference their perspicuous statements, their vivid trees, king them report a document in Latin on Per Order. stylo Sponge Cake* about 117 feet on Commercial Street, extending back present year; parchment, and the and ¥ on the bill the was cogency conviction of their 95 a valuable lot for stores or a manufacturing down and covering them in the autumn. amending pension laws, a statement of the and of the argu- notice. Remember the feet; giving inception origin Honors to the Memory of Gen. Scott.—Tue ments. There is one At the very shortest HP* establishment. Also a lot on the side of concurred in. obligation, however, due northerly —A of the Rockland Demo- FROM WASHINGTON. and a list of the names of the Presi- No. 152 and 161 Exchange St. inay26tf correspondent building, on tho Custom and from counsel lor the Place, Commercial Street, nearly opposite the head of Cus- The bill reported yesterday to promote the flags City buildings, House, ship- uniform fullness and ap- tom House and the site for the new crat states that the citizens of Deer Isle were dent oi the United States, Go^rnor of Maine and laimess Wharf, adjoining construction of a railroad from Washington ping in port, were at half mast yesterday, in honor preciative which in vour oniuions Custom House, 60 feet front, and about 50 feet thrown into intense excitement on of was then in the and deep. Wednesday to Point of Rocks was 38. Mayor Portland, placed cavity to the of fhe late Lieut. General Winfield you state, and the candor with which de- SPRING STYLES! Also several lots on Mui^Joy Hill, situated on Turn- passed—65 against Circular to Collectors of Customs. memory you a most murderous assault made the corner stone was lowered to its place and sealed fer to of er street and the Eastern Promenade, containing eveniug last, by A resolution was adopted that the Commit- Scott. arguments theirs, which you found one the that service with a silver closer New New about 120,000 square feet. Also lot of Flats ad- by one Charles A. Hooper, a merchant of that tee on Pensions inquire into the expediency up, Bishop performing yourself compelled upon analysis or a Goods, Cloths, joining tlic above, 104 feet front and extending to the All kinds of Jewelry selling cheap at Dresser’s more review John master of of increasing pensions to widows of deceased trowel. comprehensive to overrule. —AND— a fine lot for a Ship Yard. town, upon Capt. Collins, Jr., Embarkation of Austrian Troops old 99 street. channel; soldiers and While the service was on the was stand, Excnangc to Packet Collins four sailors of the present war in pro- going Miserere The members then gathered about the Apply Eclipse. Oapt. received for Mexico portion to tiie number of children under six- Countermanded. was Bung in beautiful stylo by the childreu. and Tailor’s Trimmings! JOHN C. PROCTER, wounds, two in the fore arm, one in the shoul- bench, listened to the teen. The then and marched following reply: is at' procession formed again Resignation of Judge Ware. The best Stock in tbe city REAL ESTATE BROKER. der, and a slight wound in the neck. Twomus- Gentlemen op the Bab: A message from the President was over tho foundation of the the bless- June 1—dim Lime Street. received, building, Bishop This on the cles, aud one artery of the fore arm were severed further of Gens. Steadman CONFIRMATIONS, Ac, expression part of the bar prac- 131 Middle Street. enclosing reports ing it by sprikling holy water upon the stones. ACTION OF THE CUMBERLAND BAR. in this was arrested and held to and Fullerton in to tne ticing court, wholly for and s. p. brown & entirely. Hooper reference operations A piece was then sung the se- unsought All of which will be made to order, and Bold at SON, magnificently by on my deserves from me sum of the Frecdmeu’s Bureau. Referred. unexpected part, and bail in the of $5000. lect choir, and thanksgiving service was performed A Washington, 81. is received with the deepest It is a Lowest Cash Prices J —On tlie bill was introduced to enlarge the powers May the An adjourned meeting of the Cumberland gratitude. Monday last, says Kennebec Jour- The in executive session con- by Bishop. source of Commission of the National Courts as to Senate to-day great gratification that the course of Merchants, processes. The V'eni Creator was then chanted to take action relative to the Call al-’d examine GoodB and Prices. nal, the heavy rai'.s caused the bank on the firmed the nomination of James Wilson, of by the children : Car, appropriate the court the I The House Committee to attend the 1 durin0 protracted period have 465 Ninth D. 0. ftineral and the the which Street, Washington, west side of the railroad between Court Minister resident at Venezuela; Bishop gave Papal benediction, resignation of judge Ware, was held in the had the honor to sit in it has 131 Middle Street. track, of General Scott are Speaker Colfax, Messrs. Indiana,as long received Wm. of to be Assistant closed the services. The procession then formed the ot men Particular attention to the sale o! and streets, to slide a Faxon, Connecticut, U. S. District Court room, yesterday morning approbation learned in law who (jTJr“ paid Wintlirop down, pushing Scbenck, Denning, Marston, Rosseau, Brig- and returned IV GOULD. Anthracite of the vice and again to the Chapel, and thence to the have been familiar with its and Cumberland Coal, Lumber, Granite, coal shed which stood under the bank ham, Ancona, Ketchum, Banks and Secretary Navy, Fox, resigned, at half past ten o’clock, Hon. T. A. Dehlois in practice, from directly Sitgraves. the to be an of the residence of the has been Pori land, April 14—2m Lime, Cement, Slate, Bricks, Hay, Potatoes, Corn, Mr. Banks took the of latter additional Secretary Bishop. w,hom nothing or could be conceal- &c. across the track. An engine and a crew of place Mr. Blaine, ex- the chair. District from the Oats, &c., for six months, under the recent act of We have never witnessed so large a throng of per- Attorney Talbot, ed and IKis cana l forth such an Mercantile Collections made in this and cused. Navy expression._ City, men were at once set to work to if in air was committee at a former case in of the pull down, Congress; Edward Fox to be Judge of the U. sons the open where there so little noise as appointed meeting, In every one party or the other must be GILMORE & CO.’S through our concspondcucc all parts A bill was introduced to reduce the pay of United Rates of obtained which was accomplished in a short time. In S. District Court for the District of Maine. there was on this occasion. Not a tiling occurred dur- disappointed, iu almost instance of rea- Stales, Highest Freights officers and regulate the pay of soldiers of the presented the following resolutions, which every for vessels with The of the has address- was sonable and in some Celebrated Band Instruments! dispatch. the removal of the shed a beam fell upon the It was Secretary Treasury ing all the time, whioh about two hours, to dis- perhaps of just expecta- ft3T*All ClaimB the Government promptly army. debated, alter which the House were unanimously adopted: against ed a Circular to Collectors of Customs direct- turb lor one moment the solemnities of the occasion. tions, especially as the and Used in the Army and Navy. collcetod. head of Mr. L. R. Holbrook, a joiner in the car adjourned. That the members jurisdiction prac- Extensively to the resolution of Resolved, of the Cumber- tice of the court were S. P. Late A. P. Bbown. ing their attention joint It was pleasing to notice tho presence of Father in some degree uncer- Brown, Navy Agent. him quite seriously. He was land Bar, ask on the occasion of the re- Price* * Circular* 1—d3m shop, injuring and to the leave, tain and unsettled. In the Juno Interetting Newt from Panama. Congress, approved May 26,1836, O’Donnell, from Nashua, N. II. Thirteen years ago, tirement of from the bench of the Admiralty pre- carried home and surgical assistance obtained of Judge Wave, act February 25,1796, respecting quaran- when he was settled he matter a vailing opinion of the soundest and most 1 New York, 31. here, initiated the of District Court of the United States, to express Rcy Government, from early iutlepeudent existence finger Notice. Carriage for Sale. cockney that a Mr. Disman of Sandusky of Com- and bit it to the Germany, indicate a large return of United reports Upper A SPECIAL meeting the Ladles Sanitary ot your State. Maine, by her seaboard posi- bone, eliciting a yell that and will lie reoelred In SECOND HAND deuny l.ind reoently burnt; the proprietor, not discouraged has of would have done honor to an CIDER Is wanted Chaise, In *e00d States bonds within the next few in Ohio, discovered a process hardening mittee will be held this afternoon at 4 o’- tion and the and hardihood of Indian warrior for sale low ior Call at months, (Friday) enterprise her ■nail as well ae larger quantity, and A repair, that ■‘What's the matter, Joe?" said OLD quantities C. P. declared another, should, “Phoenix-like, consequence of tho unsettled condition of af- copper, an art which has been lost for nearly clock, at their room, City building. A full attend- people destined to become a commercial Jim “Thun-" „..i, paid at No. 26 Commercial Street. KIMBALL’S and der and F returned it* flashes,” fairs in Per maritime Joe, nourishing 18, 1808.—dtf Juneldtf Manufactory, arise from Europe, three thousand years, ance it requested. Order, State, counts herself happy in hav- his mutilated *AprU member vigorously,' fte’s than r United States by persons residing without the when so ma oy men can be found anxious to Resolved, That, while with State pride and SPECIAL NOTICES. and Goods. Business Cards. Business United States and not citizens thereof. enjoy the lim 'ted satisfaction of becoming at tender feelings, we remember the “empty Dry Fancy Cards._ sleeve” of our own immortal Howard, it is DAILY Mr. Pike said,— least candidates for office. HASHEESH CANDY I PRESS, with emotions too deep for expression that we A N. NOYES & SON, EDWARDS & HART, This is a matter of think of the now Variation ! POBTLAND considerable importance. vacaht chair that honest The attention of the public is invited to Hasheesh One Price, and No The chairman of the that the the Mountains. Abraham Lincoln loft for his marblo tomb committee states May among Candy, which is recommended to them as the best No. 35 lixchiuise Street, RETAIL GROCERS, __- in this the reve- among his at 111. change projiosed bill lessens To the Editor of the Prest: friends, Springfield, medicine known for the cure ot all diseases of the nue PORTLAND • Comer of and federal Sts., 186G. §17,000.000. The amendment proposes These resolutions were and Nervous 'Hie MAINE, Exchange June 1, other- A day’s leisure at Gorham, N. H., gave me adopted without op- Throat, Lungs System. proprie- EICH STOCK Friday Mornihg, an of incomes to $1,000; in on hand a stock of exemption up in thus a trial — Manufacturers of and Dealers have good From a on the state of the tors, offering it, leel confident that will OF __---- wise it is a re-enactment ot the old law. The an opportunity of a ride into thegleD, and of position. report tully sustain the high reputatiou it has already ac- arises as to the of assessing the mountain country, presented the Rev. E. A. Helmers- Groceries, Country Produce,Fruit*. To Correapondeut*. question propriety witnessing scenery'ln its spring by in various of the To those on one quired parts United States. Shawls, Silks, FURNACES, au income tax of five per cent amount, and select RANQES, Please give us a call and buy at prices which will will be published, unless accom- aspects; and having never been here before liausen, unanimously adopted, we w ho let their prejudices always blind their No euminunicstiou and a tax of ten cent, on a larger income. judgment give you aatisiuctiou. e per as Office soul Parlor the name and address ol the writer. \V so in the I found much the following passage, which may be taken t is useless to present tacts or arguments, but to oth- Cooking:, Stores, panied by Of course it is the net income, and early season, therein “AID— A. U. KDWAltDg. P- UAKT. oommunica- onlvup0" _nnnt undertake to return rejected net income is not novel a the third resolution: ers we feel that it will be sufficient to say that we offer OF a tax of ten per cent, upon that was and unusually interesting. commentary upon And WORKERS HEAVY IKOV. TO KXCIIAX'GK STKEtri'. no new' or bur are stand- tluns. than many other rates in this discovery experiment; goods __ higher imposed The deciduous trees are into A Democratic Bepublican Federal just coming govern- ard. In the Hasheesh is the and BEAD PIPE, SHEET mayll__ biU. Now, if we give away by this provision such as our fathers of East, beginning PUMPS, I.EAI), and and the the ment, the revolution DRESS GOODS all kinds of Tin, and Sheet State bill as it stands seventeen millions of foliage; deep purple of maples, the end of Medicine; it is used for numberless dis- U.>i>,ier JAMES O'DONNELL, Union .Convention. in the lived and died for, cannot long exist without iron, in quantities to suit. we must look elsewhere to supply the the brilliant green of the white birch, and the eases, and that it is used with success we need only NOW OPENING BY The Union voters ol Maine arc requested to send revenue, the most serious and alarming disturbances, If we retain the seventeen mil- retcr our readers to the trav- in Portland for the Celebrated notary public delegates to a Convention to be held at Bangor on deficiency. paler tints of the aspen-poplars contrast fine- with millions of persons compelled to be clan- unlimited testimony of Sole Agents June at 11 A. for of tax we relieve small and —AND— Thurtday, 2l$if o’clock, M., the pur- lions may many nish. Colonization in the would be a elers in all ages. That it should so long have escap- ol nominating a candidate lor and ly wjtli the somber hues of the hemlocks and country iVI ugeo Furnaces and stoves. pose Governor, weak manufactures of the country. Every ed the science of the is an other business that cancer in the body politic. Without coloni- practical Western World, ELDEN& WHITMAN. transacting any may properly man in the a tax while the wild and moose- laboring country pays upon spruces, cherry but now in Orders trom the solicit- COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS come before the Convention. zation, millions of people deprived of their astonishing fact; that it is prepared such tjr~ Country respectfully Each what he drinks, and wears. And until to the of ed. Job Work done to order. auglldti —FOE THE— Thfe basis of representation will be as follows: eats, wood, crowding edges every opening rights would constitute a cancer with its roots a form as to make it pleasant, safe, and above all, ef- town and plantation will be entitled to one del- we come to the of the city, point relieving great and to the borders of all the with all the from the there can be no doubt that it is destined to New Western and Southern States. and an additional for seventy- streams, running through country fective, the England, egate, delegate every of in the from onerous confidently invite the attention of WILLIAM A. Debt* anil Gubernatorial body people country lakes to the and from ocean to obtain the confidence PEARCE, collected in the several Status by prompt live voles cast lor Samuel Cony at the their wealth of snowy blossoms, add a gulf, ocean, of the public, and especially ot WELADIES of the and vicinity to our latest reliable will be en- taxes upon every day’s it is a pecu- City corru»iH)ndciitH. election ol 1864. A fraction or forty votes consumption which would result in the death of the Re- those for whose relief selections of charm to scene. it is prepared. Invalids can titled to an additional whether or not the men who are enlivening the PLUMBE R! OFFICE, 122 311DDLE STREET. delegate. question liarly public in the most horrible manner—a war of be assured that it to should not contains not a particle of opium, ap27 3m JAMES G. BLAINE, 1 able pay pay this increased pro- The of is no less noticeable the races. It be do ELEGANT AND SEASONABLE MAKER OF diversity aspect may asked, we favor social or else that is in JAMES M. STONE, of their income to the General anything any way inj urious to the | portion Gov- in the mountain acclivities. of and domestic equality ? That is not the Hugh patches ques- system, but that it is an agreeable and permanent A. C. ernment. tion in discussion. The idea of is Force Pumps and Water Closets, DENISON & CO., snow and ice still about the caste alike 1 have examined the law from cling higher crags, tonic. DRESS English which repugnant to the principles and spirit of our FABRICS, this income tax is and I find that for weird and spectre-like, beneath the Sent to any address on receipt of price and stamps. NO. 124 EXCHANGE derived, glaring government and of our holy Christianity. From the NEW YORK Markets. Our Stock com- STREET, several the in that was Price—Large Box $1.00, postage 15 cents; Small to bo Paper Manufacturers, Union State years system country gloom of impending clouds; and the swollen The civil and rights of all the prise’* many CHOICE STYLES not elsewhere political peo- Box 50 PORTLAND. ME. Committee. ten per cent, on seven anil a race or cents, postage 6 cents. For sale by all Drug- found in the large incomes, streams come wheeling and curvetting down ple, without regard to coloi-, is the real City. Office 151 Commercial Street, half on more moderate incomes and five per under discussion. gists and Apothecaries, or Patent Medicine Dealers. their question There is much cent, on the not as rocky channels, as if rejoiced to be loos- We would call special attention to our assortment Waim, Cold and Shower Wash UP STAl it smaller, divided precisely mental, moral, social and domestic inequality Imported and manufactured solely by the SYL- Baths, s. we divide but different kinds of ed from the of winter. u them, by prop- reign among white people, and probably always will VAN COMPANY, 151 Washington St, Howie, Brae. St Silver Dialed Cocke. ap!6 erty. They have always pursued the system The road along the banks of the is be, but this is a tar different from the (opposite the Old South Church,) Boston, Mass. Silk of and in- Peabody thing 3?oplins», TTiyEllY description of Water Fixtures tor Dwel- M. apportioning taxes upon property idea of caste. The civil W. F. PHILLIPS & for PEARSON, in excellent and a drive of an hour infamous and politi- CO., Agents Maine. XU ling Houses, Hotels, Public Buildings, Shops, come. In one instance a tax was laid condition, and specific cal of all the without to May 30—SNd& #6 In all the most perfect modes, LAVENDER &c., arranged and set up in the best manner, and all and a half us rights people, regard wtujunc May 7, on those who with brought to the Glen House.— STEEL so desirable this season lor Suits. orders in town or executed. All Gold and Silver 1866._ kept servants, commencing race or color, were involved in the most sol- SHADES, country laitlifully Plater, on one and un- Kinds of JOBBING promptly attended to. Constant- one pound servant, increasing Here the that has been made within emn of the AND change asseverations revolutionary pat- AN INVALUABLE SPUING MEDICINE. OUR STOCK OF on hand LEAD SHEET LEAD ami BEER WARD CAUCUSES. til the men who had eleven servants six ly PIPES, paid the year, has been so great, that but for the riots and fathers. If they could leave their PUMPS ol all descriptions. apriMtl Manufacturer of Silver Ware, pounds on each, thus recognizing the principle Dr. J. W. Poland’s Humor Doctor. of Portland are familiar its marble tomb3 they woidd doubtless be sur- PLAIN AND FANCY The Union Republicans requested man means look of circle of mountain 23s opposite City Building, that the of larger should pay an steeps, This exceUent medicinal compound was llrst pre- Congress Street, to meet in their several Ward Rooms on prised to find even the descendants of the old tax in to his means. I should have the pared by Dr. P. in 1847, and was then with increased proportion That hardly recognized locality. tories these and employed Tyler, Lamb & Co., PORTLAND, ME. denying high holy principles. great success in expelling humors trom the blood; Saturday livening, June 2d, is a principle recognized by the bill of the When the Glen House was building, eight It is with unfeigned thanks to almighty God bntin 1848, a medical fi’itmd, who was quite celebrat- May 11)—dly Committee of Ways and Means when they ex- ed as a in the DRESS GOODS! at 7| o’clock, for the purpose of selecting live dele- or ten years ago, few, I apprehend, thought that we accept the two great historical facts, physician, especially treatment of hu- for each Ward to attend the State Convention meti of moderate to mors, some SOMEKS Si; WALL, gates empt income, np $1,000, the liberty and the civil bights of a once suggested important improvements, MANUFACTURERS, be holden at on Juno 21st. The taxation it could fail of all who should which were adopted, and which havo made it the In all the different is the roost complete DEALER IN to llangor Thursday, from altogether. And it is carrying accommodating to (so qualities, thus chosen will choose three at enslaved people. With earnest, deep praise people say) the very Lest lor all kinds of hu- and desirable ever in this market. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN delegates delegates out the same idea when you have to these wild but remedy offered EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN to attend said Convention. apportioned penetrate seclusions; large the Giver of all we the sublime mors known to “the faculty.” This is large this from five to ten cent. The good, repeat preparation Per Order of City Committee, per principle as it is, it has been found altogether inade- words tor which Galileo was' imprisoned and composed wholly ol vegetables, among which ary is also in the taxation of Yellow Noble FYIVOY Portland, May 31, I860. recognized gas com- threatened with “The world moves.” Sarsaparilla, Dock, Burdock, Pine, GOODS, quate to the accommodation of the summer death, Senna. andBIoodroot. SiiiHce it to Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, panies, where the tax ranges from five cents Mandrake, say. CASHMERE SHAWLS, Yankoe Notions. Thanks be to God, “Revolutions never go the “Doctor” is used in hundreds of families as a &c., on a thousand feet to and last year so was the con- Stationery. ten, fifteen, and twenty- travel; great medicine. Unlike The Constitutional Amendment backward.” Though events may appear to general many other popular rem- and in Grades. SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, NO. 332 CONGRESS STREET, five per cent., in proportion to the amount course of visitors that the Mr. edies, it is to the taste. a»ze bot- Long Square all, landlord, move in alldirections, like the visions of God very gratefhl Large -AND- Me. NOW PENDING BEFORE THE U. 8. SENATE. It is a fair of taxation and tles 75 cents. Prepared at the New England Bo- maj23. Copartnership. amusing. Gail Hamilton, though occasionally JAMES FESSENDEN, The have formed a copartnership un- gtate. years to come retain this tax of ten per cent. hotels in the and his received from New undersigned country, nearly tripled York, and for sale by the der name of shall be a senator or coarse and often harsh, is never dull. Possess- Woolen the sec. 3. No person rep- Here the hammer fell. former accommodations. JUSTundersigned, a large invoice of ORIENTAL, Department! or an of Presi- and resentative in Congress, elector ed of a and ready wit, speaking boldly, other at & sharp Will be found a carcftil selection ot LADIES Counsellor Laiv, STANWOOI) DODGE, dent and or hold any office, To the allusion to the The new buildings are extended along the Vice-President, English precedent, and that too upon wherein women have SPRING CLOAKINGS and seasonable goods for under the United States or topics For the transaction of the GROCERY, PRODUCE civil or military, and in line with the wear the Lowest Price. Mr. Morrill, chairman of the Committee of ridge northwardly, old, been to have but little she Men’s and Boys’ at No. 59 andSUlP-SToKE BUSINESS, 17 Silver St. under any State, who, having previously taken supposed interest, Exchange Street,' the whole a front four hun- EASY CHAIRS! WM. II. STANWOOI), an oath as a member of or officer of and that distinc- range forming has about her an OUR Congress Ways Means, replied English already gathered audience, Maine. FERDINAND DODGE. the United States, or as a member of any State dred and fourteen feet in In the cen- Portland, tions of rank are unknown in America and length! which, by its hearty appreciation of her writ- FOR RADIES* USE. Acconnts of tlio late firm to be settled with or as an executive or offi- Legislature, judicial tre* is the with rooms May 2—dim 17 Silver St. of that the discrimination Mr. Pike’s office, spacious reception ings, attests the truth of many of her convic- House-Keeping Department! W. H. Stanwood, cer of any State, to support the Constitution proposed by 1SUC. This of the is Also, Ladies’ Devon Sewing Chair, Is as full and'complete. May 17th, maySld2w the United States, shall have engaged in insur- amendment is unjust and undemocratic. Mr. adjoining. portion building tions. qpual rection or rebellion the or given Assortment of Prints. Cot- JtO$S FEENY, against same, Pike two stories in height, all the other portions The success of her various volumes has been and Devon Extension Ohair. A Lnrjje aid and comfort to the enemies thereof: but rejoined,— the bottom Notice. the new from DevoiijArm, tons and Delaines,at prices. Copartnership are, including attic four remarkable, and this collection her The former ease Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each I have one word to sav in reply to the gen- chambers, stories, unsurpassed for and comfort, and PLA8TERHR8, remove such will doubtless find as admirers as the latter the most desirable and luxurious Chair for a house, disability. tleman from Vermont, I cited besides the basement story. pen many Hdkfs White Goods and Fancy PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL mHE undersigned have this day formed copart- [Mr. MorriU.| Gentlemen in its is not its recom- Hosiery, • Sec. 4. All obligations of the United States the of use; cheapness only A nership under the firm of example England in this matter of in- The which is on the lower floor of those which have gone before. mendation. in • or in de- parlor Goods Great Variety. incurred in suppressing insurrection come tax. I did it because British STTJOOO AND MASTIO WORKERS, BURTON, THUMBS & CO., fence of the or for of bounties legislation the new fronting towards Mt. Wash- -AT- Union, payment has been of a conservative building, and incident shall remain invi- always character Hinged Folding Carpet Oak Street, between, Congress and Free Sts., NO. 151 COMMERCIAL STREET. or pensions thereto, to ington, is a splendid room one hundred feet in SPECIAL NOTICES. with regard property, and no man can be Brokers and Commission Merchant*. olate. Price and No Variation! UK. As Merchandise accused of or of and feet horizon- One PORTLAND, Sec. 5. Neither the United States nor any demagoguism pandering un- length forty-four wide, larger Chairs, A. M. BURTON, to the taste who FULL SIZE AND FOR CHILDREN’S USE. K. C. THOMES. State shall assume or pay any debt or obligu- duly popular follows the con- tall, I think, than any church in Portland 1 A Card. 5 Free Street Block. Coloring, Will toning and White-Washing prompt- Oilier* irom out oi town solicited. 30,186G. mayltf tion incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion servative example of British legislation. The y attended to. April The dining room, in a wing extending back I have returned Irom New York and shall remain Canvas and May 22—dtt the United many claim for com- chairman of the Committe of and Means Carpet Stools, % against States, Ways in Portland until This will be last Also, lor of and to me that have from the main building, is of the same September. my Suitable for Pic-nic and other and desira- Notice. pensation emancipation any slave, replies they rauk there, that grand usos, very AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THE Copartnership and claims shall be visit to the “Forest City** for several years as I return ble for deck use on &c. BRADBURY <& SWEAT, such debts and obligations they have lords and commons, a queen and proportions, and of the same of finish as steamers, style to New York in to remain until next Walnut and Oak and Butlers have formed a forever held illegal and void. barons and if the in- September May. Library Steps, undersigned copartnership dukes, knights. Now, the Voider and Stand. and Counsellors at under the firm name of Sec. 6. shall have to enforce, parlor. I then to It is needless for me to inform # Ac IJaker Attorneys Law, THE Congress power come tax under British legislation was assess- go Europe ^rroyer legislation, the provisions of On the second floor are and wliat I can do tor old chronic lints that have Office 117 Middle Street, L • DANA & by appropriate ed in proportion to rank, the argument would private parlors, you compl GEO. T. BURROCGHS <£ CO. SONS, this article. ever baffled all other modes of treatment. All seek- BIOX BltADBURV, * For the transaction ol a be a good one, but, as he well some of sleeping rooms, and the third and fourth sto- May 31—dtf PORTLAND, ME. knows, SEWING MACHINES, L. D. M. SWEAT. ) these lords aud barons are as as church ries are ingmy aid should do so immediately as my stay in and fishermen's Busines s. poor entirely occupied by sleeping rooms, Fam- Grooery Outfitting Portland is short. Those who are not Ladies arc invited to examine this celebrated Political Controversy. mice; they are entirely barren of as unavoidably Mr. Sweat will be in after the 1st ol income, most of them being about 15 feet square. The FINE SHIRTS ily Machine. Washington LUTHER DANA, the from Iowa able to for treatment will be treated free every and will attend to any business entrusted W. A in ov- gentleman [Mr. Wilson] sug- pay Machine Findings at the manufacturen prices. January, LUTHER DANA, communication Tuesday’s Argus, passage ways are on the same to before the Court oi Claims, FRANK gests, |laughter;] and consequently the planned spa- Friday afternoon. My treatment is original with my- liiin, Supreme Court, J. DANA, raises the reply MADE TO ORDER! or any of the dc20tl 1880. fo»ir er the “Patriot,” following made the cious all 14 feet in now in which Departments* Portland, Feb. 11, signature by distinguished chairman of the scale, being width. seli and unlike any other use, X will ELDEN & WHITMAN, interesting question: Committe ot Ways and Means is entirely mal In the rear of the central oflice demonstrate to any intelligent person. Personal ref- adjoining THE BEST COTTONS AND LINENS Five Free St. Block. MESERVE, HASKELL & 00.. Notice. a propos. erence to hundreds of lormer patients. Offlce in DAVIS, Copartner ship How shall we get rid of the low slang, the the dining room, are the kitchens and pantries, my a Arc used, and a One and No Variation ! and Jobbers heretofore existing under the the which too often Mr. Morrill replied that in point of fact, the Tolman Place, few steps from Congress street, jiiFft BUT* Price, Importers oj Copartnership vituperation, personalities, large and commodious; and to ensure cleanli- • name of .1 ACK80N db above Caseo Street. Hours from 0 A. M. to 6 May 10—(IU THE S. K. SSON, not to income tax in Offlce PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. will be continued after this date under the of characterize, say disgrace, political England though formerly pre- and all influences from Goods and Woolens, style and which do no manner of ness, contaminating p. M. Dr. HARVEY. J>ry campaigns, good different is now uniofrm. He JACKSON & senting rates, the the wtf ALSO, * PERKINS, CO., to anybody ? How shall we eliminate this waste, throughout entire fabric, ample Portland May 26th, I860. »Nd& Arcade 18 Free* Street,’ said still further, that he felt no particular in- NEW GOODS ! Wholesale and retail dealers in LUMBER, COAL rowdyisli element from the political canvass, provision has been made in a covered drain F. DAVIS, and WOOD, Sawyer’s Wharf foot of High Street. and confine it to a discussion of the terest in the question. He did not intend to MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP! Shirt Patterns Dec 21,1865—dtf manly four feet high and two and,a half feet wide, JUST BECEIVED AT PORTLAND, MB merits of the represented by each of take in this but # £££££:■ policy any part debating question, which is to be extended to the and By Saving and Using your Waste K. CHAPMAN. nov9’65dtf the two parties, and to a consideration of the river, Cut from. let the House take its own course, only wish- Measure, fitness of the e&ndidates for the honest and through which a never failing stream, tapped J. A. I>AV1S & CO., Androscoggin House, to himself on the record. He GBEASE, By CHARLES CUSTIS A CO. EASTMAN BROTHERS competent discharge of the duties of the ol- ing keep right one mile distant up Mt. is to be divert- Carter, one Box of the LISBON MAINE. tices for which are nomi- had been from the first to the Buy May 31—dlw 293 CONGRESS ST. A choice selection ol Spring and Summer FALLS, they respectively opposed princi- ed, so as to be continually flowing. So much Commission Merchants, nated ? of the tax. '.The effect of it is Penn'a Salt Manufacturing Oo.'s ple particular for the interior as to the exte- arrangements; 04 MIOHIQAjr The method “Patriot” that to harrasss men of in the STREET, This ITouso is located About 28 miles from proposed by is, great enterprise rior of the an DRESS GOODS! range eye has been had to SA-PODSTIFIER! W. C. BECKETT, Portland, on the Androscoggin railroad, iu the candidates nominated the in this It will have the of crea- I)ATI9 A COLBY, ) MILWAUKEE, a and near by parties country. effect, too, architectural and with its 1st and 8th Feb. 1859.) comprising oil tlio most desirable stylos of very pleasant thriving village, taste, long piazzas (Patent^of S4 and 86 La Salic Street, ( itbe Depot and Telegraph office; and is sur- State shall canvass the State together, holding ting absenteeism. When men have IU. WISCONSIN. acquired and projections, it is all that could be wished. Merchant CAMBRICS, Chicago, ) rounded by pleasant drives,pleasure grounds, a splen- Tailor, Feb 24—d6m and in the a joint meeting and speaking once at least in a large fortune they will be very apt to go else- LAWNS, did grove, suitable lor Picnic parties, Ac., By the time of the rush of summer travel, CONCENTRATED EYE! MUSLINS, immediate vicinity of two celebrated Mineral springs. The is not objectionable where to it. CHAMBRAS, intends this a first class every county. plan expend the entire will be ready for its accom- It will make 10 POUNDS ol cxccllont Hard Soap, 137 Middle The Subscriber making Street, ORGANDIES. CHASE, CRAM & STURTEVANT, and solicits a share of on the score of nor indeed on building Hotel, public patronage. novelty, any Ehe debate was1 continued other er 25 GALLONS of the very best Soft Soap, for only a by speak- motion. Already our host Thompson is pre- just roQBived SPLENDID STOCK POPLINS, Lisbon Falls, May 20. A. T. PIERCE. if the candidates themselves choose to but without new of im- Cento. Directiono on each box. For sale at JJAS ALPACCAS, GENERAIi other, ers, adding any points for the of with his about 36 May 29—dim pared reception company mh28dGmss MOHAIRS, embrace it. But we are unable to see how portance. Mr. Pike’s amendment was finally all Drug and Grocery Stores. former accommodations; and a few visitors SPRIISTG GOODS, BRILLIANTS, Commission Merchants, a once in each a vote of (11 to 34 TAFFETAS. such debate, occurring county adopted by yeas nays. have HASKELL & Embracing a large assortment ot Cloths for Spring ! made their appearance, mostly young STEVENS, CHASE, A lull ot Widgery’s AVharti Portland the is to eliminate the row- Overcoats, which he will be happy to make up to or- variety Academy during campaign, JOBBEB8 OF der or The Situation in folks recently married, seeking the delights of sell at the Portland, Me. the canvass. The is Europe. MOURNING GOODS! dyish element from press LOWEST CASH PRICES. oe!lC(.'tt Summer Term 2S, W, the honeymoon away from the world. And Also a lino of and doublo width Cloths begins May in The last number of The Nation thus BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, good single the great forum of political discussion eve- rapid- 18—dtt lor Ladies' Woolens for Men and And Coutinura Eight Wee lit some have ascended to the summit house on OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Ap^il Sacques; Boy’s free in ly and clearly indicates the chief features of wear; BroadciotliBand Doeskins. MTLLEIt & DENNETT, ry country. Every day Bangor, Bath, Mt. Mr. Washington, where Hitchcock, the 54 & 56 Middle St., over Woodman, True & Co’s, Masters and Misses of all ages and attain- Lewiston and and in every the present crisis in European affairs: MARINE 129 Middle Street. Portland, weekly host of the C. INSURANCE. ments received at any time in the term. popular Alpine bouse, through J. Stevens, ) may8t( EASTMAN BROTHERS. COUNSELLORS AT in the the discussion will go on. The movements in are be- M. E. PORTLAND. LAW, mHE ('lastical Omrse is extended to village State, military Europe his was Haskell, J undersigned having made with sufficiently obliging agents, already prepared to A. E. Chase. arrangements O K E The and candor the rival ginning to assume a strategic character. At ) apl78x3m THEall the leading MARINE INSURANCE COM- ICE, 1 enable young men to enter any college In the dignity displayed by them. last accounts bodies of Austrian occu- receive PANIES of New York and Boston, a LARGE OPENING!! 64 MIDDLE ST country. in their fifteen discussions troops 500 BUFF ENVELOPES, representing MET. for instruction is candidates public the In the department voting ladies, pied northern—Bohemian and Silesian— But I have extended my rambling notes COMBINED CAPITAL OP tarnished teachers in all the the several will be lost the I’or $1.00 Opposite Post Ollier. by competent Higher in counties, upon frontiers of the empire; a Bavarian army was branches, in Luthi, French, Draw- farther than was my intention; and shall not J. F. MILLElt. L. II. DE.TNETT. English German, great body of the people unless the press re- approaching the confines of Bohemia, probab- AT DRESSER’S CHEAP STOBE, FANCY GOODS ing, Music, &c. try with the of our $25,000,000. uiay2ti' limited numl>er of private In ly lor co-operation with the the yourjpatience particulars 99 Exchange Street. -AT- pupils, clasjes, and reflects those admirable qualities. Austrians; Are now will still be attended to. peats ascent of Mt. we found 23—sn d2w» prepared to c ileot insurance on 0? singly Prussians were massed on the borders of Sax- Washington—how the May CHAS. J. Terms week. While in Cumberland County they address VESSELS, SCHUMACHER, $1.00 per an invasion of that road in how we didn’t see WHOLESALE I C. O. FILES, Principal, ony, threatening kingdom; capital condition; CARGOES, and hundreds once, the newspapors of Portland considerable transfers of were taking Purchasers p. o. 103« *8 ilanuvor St troops a bear, but heard one; how we were FREIGHTS. Fresco and Banner and the Italian delighted Will at T. E. MOSELEY & Summer May It,'—d3w> will address thousands every day. place ijt Venetia, naval squad- find, CO’S, St, IN ALL ITS FORMS. MERRILL. <6 SMALL Painter, _ with the and when little a select assortment ot ron was reported to have taken up a grand views; how, Boston, LkdicB*, Gentlemen’s, NO. 144 MIDDLE STREET. The practical advantage of “Patriot’s” sug- position Misses' and Children’s Boots and Shoes of French From our largo experience in matters relating to Call tlie attention ol the trade to their new and exten- between Ancona and an island near more than half way up, we ran butt a Marine we Portland. lies in his ’honest condemnation of Grosso, against and American manufacture. dltsx Insurauce, feel confident of being able to sive stock ol Maine* gestion the Dalmatian coast, thus blocking up the en- therein a hole which satisfy all who may favor u» with their business. CITY cloud, making through Work executed in every part of the State. PORTLAND LAUNDRY the “lack of dignity and lack of truthfulness trance to the northern part of the Adriatic, We shall also continue the the rain poured out as if all the celestial hogs- TIN- TY EES! and White Goods, jimeldtf JVo. 3(i Hanover St. and falrnes3” which have too much character- and, so to say, beginning the blockade of SHIP Fancy Hosiery, and heads were how the rent BROKERAGE, The and Trieste, Venice, Fiume. Garibaldi had bung down; rapidly ! ! ! Gloves, Oorsets, Dress ized political discussion. existence LOOK LOOK Trimmings, of all kinds WASHED and CLEANSED the command of the Italian volun- in the aforesaid cloud until it ex- And Commission accepted increased, 25 for 50 cent#* Business, LEWIS, ROLLINS & without to the finest fabrics. of such a feeling will do much to the Tin-Type# Buttons, Small &c. BOND, LINEN injury expression teers, Senate had concurred with the tended out Wares, MANUFACTURERS AND perhaps to Portland; so that for 25 Gem Ambrotypea, 50 ccnta* As before. ( JOBBERS OF repress the evil, but the correction will not Chamber in granting powers to These goods being bought for cash at the lowest im- [ extraordinary rain have -AT THE- LUSTEISr the and the any you may received, you may con- porters and lnanulactuiurs' p» it is intended to t GENTS’ come discussion from King, enthusiasm of the C. M. DAVIS & ices, by transferring political people CO., offer all the and of the best Now was still on the rise. sider yourselves indebted to the persevering PORTLAND PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY variety advantages Made Got in the Best Possible the press to the stump. It is the press itself 117 Commercial Street. York and Boston houses. Ready Clothing, up Manner, Parts of the Austrian empire, Bohemia and of the mountain No* 80 Middle Street. superintendent road, ("Mr. Portland, March 1SC6—isd3m Agent* for Notice. that must rise to meet the demands of a high- Galicia, also.evinced great for the 2d, 145 MIDDLE At Short alacrity war, Ham) and your humble servant. S. •jallSKdtf A. S. DAVIS. STREET, er sentiment. We with the Ar- while opinion in seemed to And Sutislactiou Guuruuleed In all Cnur*. public agree public Hungary Me. Patent Enamelled be in to be decided the CHOLERAZ CHOLERAZ POUDRETTE. April 4,1866.—d2m Portland, Gray’s Collars, in its editorial comments “Patriot’s” suspense, by Emperor’s C. PARKER. gus upon The feast Maine tor the determination to restore or not to restore the Methodist Conference on the Prof. Bouve’s Atmospheric Purifier. communication: “The elections State of BARRELS LODI POUDRETTE. N. attention to Bed ami approaching liberties of the country. The impression was the Country. Q/"\r\ 331 STATE OF MAINE. D.—Special paid cleaning This article lias been extensively used as a Deodor- OUO 500 BBLS. ESSEX MILLS POUD- MilltTrSS Ticks. are to be the most important ever held in this that Francis Joseph was about Hun- ust | granting The following resolutions, adopted by the izing Agent by the Governments of Egypt, Turkey, RETTE, j received and for sale at Portland Ag- Nov 4—dtf a in accordance and the late Cholera ricultural Warehouse and and Seed Orders il*om all parts of the State promptly filled country. In the discussion of so vital an is- gary responsible government Methodist Conference France, during epidemic, and is Store, by Congress the and recently in session at the most perfect akinfectant extant. at MAN UFACTUREirS prices. let with laws of 1843, placing it under It.effectually KENDALL & sue, us by all means have candor, dignity have been destroys all noxious gases and ertiuvia arising from WHITNEY. the regency ©f the Empress. The armaments Waidoboro, forwarded to us for pub- HOUSE LOTS. and animal or vegetable matter, and lor purify- April 17, 1806. apl8isd£m St, ability.” and works of fortification were for- lication. decaying Nos. 141 & 143 Middle pushed We have alluded on a previous oc- ing Hospitals, Vaults, Drains, Cess-pools, &c., can- St., ward with increased The Prussian not be surpassed. FERTILIZERS. Portland, eli &riblclot near tho head ot State street; energy. casion to the of these • significance declarations For sale all WEEKS & ME. \VEUY*izo, r»8 by «2, • was on the eve of Vienna. by Druggists. POTTER, PORTLAND, The Income Tax. leaving Maine. Abo lota on and Lewis near Pino from the Methodist clergy. of men 170 Washington street, Boston, General Agents. Cumberland Bone Mar 12—cbtwtf Emery Streets, A conditional treaty had been concluded be- Abody 9—SNd2m. Company’s Super Phosphate of Street. W. II. STEPHENSON. The telegraph has May Lime. already announced that tween Prussia and arid a who have consecrated themselves to i ap2£—dtf 2d National Haul*. ot Italy, threatening entirely Coe’s Super Phosphate of Patent. DON NELL & the House Representatives to re-en- addressed to Lime—Bradley’s GREELY, agreed note by the latter power Hanover, the work of the ministry, who have no per- A Miraci e.—Mrs. Parkeb ol No. 137 Fourth Lloyd’s Super Phosphate of Lime. act the law for a neutral-, Williamsburgh, N. Y.. lias been E. F. Coe’s of Lime. L. B. present the taxation of in- demanding disarmament and strict manent home in this the true street, completely Super Phosphate FOHLETTE, Commission world, church cured of a violent attack of Neuralgia, with which Flour of Bone. Merchants, Molasses. the ity. The military occupation of both Hanover And .Wholesale Dealers in Clayed comes, merely raising limit of to she has suffered the most excruciating agony, one Crushed Bone. exemption and Electoral Hesse the Prussians was ex- militant, standing always ready march at by to The by dose, forty drops, of Metcalfe’s Great Rheumat- Also, Bone Meal for Cattle. HOSIERY AYD GLOVES, HHDS per “David from $<500 $1,000. proposition submit- the word of command—what Groceries, Flour. Pork. Clayed Molasses, barque pected. Public opinion in Prussia, however, they say has a ic Remedy. May 10—BNdlm. For sale at manufacturer’s prices in large or smal Lard, Fish, &c., ♦JU Nichols,*' Worn Cardenas, for sale by ted the Committee of at the by Ways and Means, seemed to be little in accordance with the war- an of quantities Portland Ag icultural Warehouse No* 452 Commercial Street* directness, intensity purpose, which and Seed Store. HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, II. I. ROBINSON, reads as follows: like efforts of the Government, and earnest Aromatic PORTLAND, ME. springs largely, no doubt, from their habit of Colgate's Vegetable Soap. KENDALL. & No. 1 Portland Pier. demonstrations in favor of peace were not WHITNEY. J. B. DOICNELL, (apl4d&wfcf) JUSTUS OttEELY. That section one hundred and sixteen be for immediate A superior Toilet Soup* prepared from refined April 16—is2m May lG-isdlm The Rhenish was particu- laboring results, striking with Ladies’ & Children’s amended striking out ail after the wanting. province Oil# in combination with Underflanncls, by enacting on the tlireat- all their on the head of the Vegetable Glycerine, G EORGE F. thereof as larly alarmed account of war, might nail, know- WHOLlSsALE AND RETAIL. TALBOT,w clause and in lieu follows: « inserting cued French invasion. To the and especially designed for the use of Ladica and Advances Made. Mar 16—ill f there shall be and as it is by gain that their time in any is short. It is That levied, collected, paid ing place for the Nursery* Its perfume and its Southern Pine Timber and favor of the of the people, llismark iscxquiqjtc, and Counsellor at upon the gains, profits, income majority a fact that these the undersigned axe to Attorney annually it was his cabinet significant men, repre- washing properties unrivalled. For sale by all Drug- prepared make LIBER- Law, of in the United States stated, intended AL ADVANCES on in m Office <5veM,ho Post 3d every person residing, ©n modifying sentatives of the THE goods transit, store, Office, Story, FOlt SALE. the basis of coalition witn the Liberals, largest religious hotly in the gists. felO’CCsudly for or on ARA CUSHMAN & of five per cent, on the excess over sale, shipment. Also vessels or any other CO., |a duty demands for so security, shall be collect- the convocation of a German par- country, clearly and put them- good PORTLAND, MAINE. x 'OW IN DOCK—AT WHOLESALE OK RE- $1,000, and a like duty levied, definitely MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF were loud in Mar 21—d&wGm TAIL. ed, and paid annually upon the gains, profits, throughout Germany; selves on the side of equal rights for all, recog- ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! BROWNS & MANSON. IN of the Reichsratli CHURCHILL, AV. AV. and incomes of every trade, or pro- was '■e-assembling a J an 19—dtl nilOAVN. business, nizing it as religious duty so to enroll them- UKOWN-S WHARF. ou A con- Scratch! WILLIAM H. fession carried in the United States by per- terence°of 4*! ^dependent press. Scratch, Scratch, BOOTS & CLIFFORD, 1»— fr°m the minor selves ior the great conflict. We invite SHOES, May sons without lhe United and stales w.LS German special STENCIL CUTTING ! residing States, {states was Iinistl?r3assembled Wheaton’s Ointment Expressly for the COUNSELLOR AT a like shail be at attention to the of the fifth LA¥, duty levied, collected, and paid Bamberg. quaint suggestion Itch in Notice. Will Cure the Forty-Eigkt Hours* j AMMUNITION, Guns, Re- Solicitor of annually upon the interest or dividends ac- Rifles, New Patonts, notice that a resolution: Also cures SALT volvers, Fishiug Tackle and England Retail Trade. uulevsigned hereby give portion democratic RHEUM,'OJLCEkS, Chilblains, ! Sporting ot th 9 cob work end cruing upon investments within the United Goods, Assorted sizes of Stencil Al- A'o. 10S Middle Street. THE at the southerly ofVaughan’.* for That we offer our most and all the Skin. Price 50 cents. For the Kith or bonds or other of Candidates.—Aspirants Resolved, sincere Eruptions of and Me. liridge wi U he remove 1, on Monday instant, States, upon securities the Democratic * phabets Figures. Auburn, nomination- are God for the success our sale for the VO»e of in and making solid the as thick as to of all -r SEAL PORTLAND, MAINE. pur tilling the United or of citi- thanks Almighty by druggists. PRESSES, MANUFACTORY^ States, corporations, or leaves in American Canceling'Stamps, 25—dt f eml of said and all persons In trav- Yaiombrosa. The arms, the abolition of slavery, and By sending 00 cents to WEEKS & Sole and all kinds of Start Utter Cutting, ftirnishod at Portland, March 12,1SW1. Aug southerly bridge, zens And the herein Argus ha. alrea- POTTER, over tl u) same will do so at their until thereof.! duty provided return of with all its to our Boston prices. In connection with our at elling own^risk the peace blessings Agents, 170 Washington St., Boston, it will be for- Manufactory Auburn, for shaft be assessed, collected, and paid upon dy published communications G. L. we have leased the new store further notice*- recommending beloved land, J44 BAILEY, SHEPLEY & STKOLT, J M KOBINSON the and income tor Col. Alfred W. Johnson of warded by mail, free of postage*, to any part of the April 5—dtt 42 gains, profits, the year and That it is the of Exchange Street. No. 40 GEO. F. Belfast, Ur h Resolved, imperative duty United States. Union Street, Portland, HENLEY, coding Slst day of December next F. Buxton of to manifest a H. S JACKSON, preceding Warren. the American people practical whore we intend to keen a good class of floods Yesterday morning Oct 25,1865.—8 n d&wlyr XJi3 adapt- & Counsellors at Selectmen of Elizabeth. the time for levying, collecting, and paying for the brave men who bore the dear TOWN ed to the trade of this State, all of Attorneys Law, Cape it was obliged to give up the task of sympathy nearly which arc 13. U8W aplltl said duty. printing old flag through the storms of battle; and es- of our own manufacture and Cape Eltoalxsth, A;«ril the correspondence about this and and Poland’s Magic Powders* important mat pecially for all disabled soldiers sailors,_ OFFICE OVER CANAL BAKE, Mr. Pike ot Maine, moved to strike out the and The Boot. Shoe& Rubber WARR AN TED! ter and publish merely a list of the widows and orphans of soldiers sailors, Great Remedy for all Bilious Affections. Store, Street. names and institu- &o. 3S3 Street• Middle Su^ar & Molasses portion of the above amendment enclosed in who died to preserve the principles They cure I Congress Cases of size and width Muscovado which have been suggested. Here Headache, Constipation, Pimples,Blotch- any made to order an, 1 they are: tions of the fathers, and of the heroes os, Sallow forwarded with (nih19dtf) A, A. RTBOPT. brackets, and to insert the 1 Pilgrim Skin, Drowsiness, Dizziness, Heartburn. AT promptness. U. .F 8IIEPT,EAr« BHDS. PRIME GROCERY MUSCO- following: flon. J. C. albot, of anil SAMUEL BELL’S our to furnish our Washington Countv patriots of the Revolution. Palpitation, and other It is aim customers and the trade VADO SUGAR, Or ot citizen of Hon. Arno \Vis of heart and and hand in disagreeable complaints arising be louud one of the best selected stocks with (Jood Sound Warranted (loodt. Muscovado any the United States re- well, Hancock, Resolved, Tl\pt heart, from a disordered To those who Milliken & 250 llluls. I Superior Molasses, liver. CANBOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS that can are our customers DeerinK* Clo., abroad whether lion. Gorham L. hand with all here before oj be already this last remark porlia ut> 50 Tierces. J just landed per B**!g L. Staple** siding derived from any kind Boynton, of Penobscot good men, standing H. H. found in this which will be *mot$ io G, L. Slorer the our- HAY, Agent for F. W. A. city, Bold at the lowest s not ; to those who are we i’dcn $ Co,, for sale of Hon. K. D. Bice, of eye, we solemnly pledge Portland; Rankin, at 353 necessary; not, would ss y”1 rom Matanzas, by property, ents, interest, dividends, or sala- Kennebec. all-accing cash price, Congress Street, near Green St. “Give ub a try.” JOBBERS OF selves to each other and to that while life Jr., Lewiston, Agent for Maine. ries, or from any profession, trade, employ- Eben F. Pilsbury, Esq., of Franklin God, KL ARA LYNCH. BARKER «C sball we will never cease our efforts or our Fifty Cents per Oct 25—dtfSAML CUSHMAN, CO., ment, or vocation carried ou in the United Col. D. K. Hastings, of Oxford. last, package. mayl8(12msx CHARLES II. STAPLES. | prayers until the civil and political rights of all Mar 12—d3m Dry Goods, Woolens, 139 Commercial Street States or elsewhere, or from other source Hon. Joseph Titcomb, of York. any persons are secured, throughout the length and REMOVAL* Portland Athenaeum. April 7—dtf whatever, a of five cent, on the Calvin ltecord, EsTif, of 1 duty per Androsco'—in" breadth of our land. Annual And Gei its’ Goods s» of c. w. MeeUrg of the Proprietor, of the Furnnhing amount derived over and not exceed- Oliver Moses, Esq., Sagadahoc. That we would Itwell, Portland Notice. $1,000 Resolved,' make honorable THE Athenaeum will be held at the library Southern Pine Lumber Dealers in and a of on Manufa :turcr» ot and ing $5,000, duty ten per cent, on the The Argus adds that several other mention of the brave and noble men in our advertising agent, Room, Plumb Street, on Jung holdingU. S. Bond., (the tntere.t on gentle- at 7* WEDNESDAY, amount exceeding $5,000. And a like Congress, who, in the more sublime battle of FOX 1 Up 27th. o’clock, P. M. which i. payable in gold) lor 91000 nr upward., duty men have been BLOCK, No, Staibs, Are CLOTH I YG AND CLOAKS, PERSONS be and spoken of, whole names will ideas, of and of Particular attention is called to the rule Y\rE prepared to execute orders for SOU.TH- who wish to them whore they will be »cure, shaft levied, collected, paid annually thoughts principles, unawed requiring f T URN PINE de livor- 82 all books to be returned to the on or LUMBER, by the cargo, for EMP1 RE SEWING MACHINES for at the Merchant* National Bank (hr lnlor- the and be added to the list. The Demo- by influence and unbribed have so Exchange Street, Portland* library before Agents npplj upon gains, profits, income of every probably by gain, June 12th. ed with dispaSoh at any convenient port. Maine. maymatioii. grandly sustained the for TUESDAY, ; State of trade, or profession carried on in the cratic must be principles which our GPEr* Advert isomen Is received for all papers in NATHAN RYAN Sc CHA3. Cashier, business, | party getting hungry, heroes died, j WEBB, Secretary. MeBILVERr, DAVI!I 51 ndd 60 Midd St., POBTL4 ND, FAYSON, very Maine, and throughout the country may8’66SKdtt I 1866, le March May 30, may31dtful3&/u27 Ap^ u 17—dtf 101 Commercial*,. Sept 7—dtf 16,16M-dtt potatoes, onions, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, Medical. Miscellaneous, * Miscellany. and miik. Miscellaneous. Stationery. _Medical. Auction Sales. MONDAY. Sayings of Josh 1>K. Billings. Breakfast—Mutton chops (two) eggs, boiled Dr. Larookah’s s t e a. nvr J. «. HUGHES E. M. PATTEN & CO., Auctioneer*, 18 Exchange St This bread and wheat,) Labor Omnia Vincit! CAN droll philosopher, though occasionally (two), (corn butter, sugar, GREAT BK FOUND AT HIS and coffee. BARGAINS a little milk, says a many -IN- Valuable and Desirable tiresome, certainly great Dinner—Beefsteak, panned oysters, pota REFINED SOAPS! shrewd and PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS. piquant things. We append a toes, onions, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, and Sarsaparilla Compound! few milk. Xo. it Temple CITY PROPERTY specimens: Hie great Spring Medici ue and Blood Purifie ROOM PAPERS! l.KA IHKA- Street, TUESDAY. GORE, can ON F The prinsiple diffurents between a luxury TXTHEBE he be consulted privately, and with It i: K S T II EEX, Breakfast bread solicit the attention of VV the utmost couiidoncc b> the and a necessary is, the prise. Beefsteak, eggs, (boiled ) the trade and unifcma, ul#ul (com and and WOULDconsumers to their Standard Di amis of hours uaily, and from b A. M. to 1) 1*. M. AT Wize men dont to do the wheat,) coffee, butter, sugar Dr. Larookah’s are AUCTION. expeck away with milk. Dr. li. addresses those who siuieriug under tl e visissitoods ov onla Ac STEAM affliction or whether irwiu life, they expeek tew blunt Dinner—Veal Hailey Noyes, REFINED SOAPS, private diseases, arising the of them. cutlets, fresh or salt fish, po- Impure connection or the terrible vice of sell-abmc. FRIDAY, Juts 1st, at 3 P, M., on tbe preni- edge —viz:- corner ol tatoes, butter and coffee. Devoting his entire time to that- particular brunch <»■ ONines, Fn-u anil Oak streets, will be Gravity is often mistaken for wisdom, but onions, broad, SS EXCHANGE in sold the Sarsaparilla Compound STREET, EXTRA, the medical protessiou. lie leels warranted Cii> ak- very attractive pruixn tv formerly owned iz as much be- WEDNESDAY. and tliare dipherents as tliare iz FAMILY, nan eking a Ci Hii ix all OasJbS, whether Of loi.- occupied by Hon. d.T. McCobb. This lot ha* it. Breakfast—Ham and eggs, corn and wheat PORTLAND. or al*)Ht tween a giile board and the man who made Cures Liver Complaints and Dyspepsia. NO. 1. standing recently contracted, entirely removing Ium::?*.1 w.“ ^ib'hty-one feet by al»outone take bread, butter, sugar, coffee and milk. Manufacturers to Order tile of disease Ifom the and making :* ®D<1 cl on Oak in all Honesta is the best but don’t received dregs system, ulitiiiril!. street, policy, stewed just per ship Sunderland, direct OLEINE, perfect and PEUSIARLNT CUul£. three honored and ninety- wurd lor tri Dinner—Mutton chops, oysters, po- a thru r.Jo‘Vc ^msaud my it, it. from Liverpool, large invoice of He would call the attention of the afflicted to the '** a three storied tatoes, butter and coffee. HAVE CHEMICAL OLIVE, do,,*.. mansion Ginowine proverbs air like good kambnek onions, apples, bread, Dr. Larookah’s tact of lus long standing and well-earned reputation THUKSDAY. CRANE’S PATENT, needles—short, sharp and shiny. SPLENDID furnishing sufficient assurance of hi.> shill and su« boiled cess. A man running for oiiis puts me in mind ov Breakfast—Beefsteak, eggs (hard,) SODA, AND AMERICAN CASTILE, bread or —AND— a that’s lost—he smells ov he (com wheat,) butter, sugar,milk and la dog everybody coffee. All of SUPERIOR QUALITIES, package, suita- CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. meets, and hisself all over. Sarsaparilla Compound ENGLISH ROOM PAPERS! ble fir the trade ami loudly use. wags Every intelligent and thinking j>erson must know in the very heart o. Most ov the advise we resceve from Dinner—Veal cutlets, panned oystets, po- Importing direct our chemical., and using only the others iz Cure. Scrofula and Salt are that remedies handed out for use should hai e business, and lar Illieum. They CHEAPER than the Amorican Papers, best and as our arc manufactured general yet enough iron? Md bustle not so an evidence oi tatoes, onions, bread, and butter. materials, goods their established well tested in t and is much their affeckshun coffee, &c., the rolls THREE INCHES WIDER. A loom senior eliicacy by experience lor a 'iU.i home, m o,cl tt being under ilie [sirsoual tmperviuon ol our partner, the an evidence of FKIDAY. which 12 rolls of hands of a regularly educated physician, whose residt nco that has keen off. red lor us, az it iz their alfecksliun requires the American paper w'ill who ha. had tiurly practical experience in the at auction holls DEALERS years studies tits lain for ail the unties lie must son. »ill be e„id or Breakfast—Stewed mackerel or need only ten oi the being a sav- we assure con- preparatory This property themselves. oysters, Dr. English, buxines, therefore the public with the is with nostrum* .A^uL'lei^ fresh Larookah’s ina to the oi 20 cent. We shall tulhll; yct. country Hooded poor serve, and on term.- lavorable to tbe ourrlm-. is™ want ter a fish, bread (corn and sug- buyer nearly i>er deuce that we oak and will turuish the and If yew git sure crop, and a big wheat), ccffee, sell cure-alls, purporting to be the best in the worl *. purtleiilar*.allon J. C. ar, milk and butter. are not PBOCTEli.hhneStreet or lor the seed, sow wild oats. only useless, hut always injurious, 'i’he un- ou the Auctiouccrh. yield Best Goods at the Lowest Frioes! fortunate mayl7d{d What a man Dinner—Pork steak, poached AS LOW as tLke American should bo pakticulah in selecting h ? spends in this life, he saves; eggs, potatoes, Papers as it is butter and coffee. Having recently enlarged ami erected NKW physician, a lamentable yet inconirovcrt- what he don’t get wau’t ment for and onions, bread, Sarsaparilla Compound arc Sold. -1 X- able that Sale oi Horses at him, WORKS, coutaingall the modern improvements, Me fact, many syphilitic patients are mare Auction. what he he loozes. SATURDAY. miserable with ruined constitutions nia!treatment saves, Cures St. Fire and are enabled to furnish a supply of Soup* of the by SATURDAY, June 2, at 3 o'clock p. M. at Breakfast—Mutton Erysipelas, Anthony’s Dropsy. Having imported them direct from England our- troin in *’ When a Teller a down it duz chops, boiled eggs, but- Hest equalities, adapted to the demand, for Ex- inexperienced physicians general practice: ON Forest City Trotting Park, we shall sell gits goin hill, selves there will NOT be commissions, and two or lor it is a conceded seem as tho ter, bread, milk, sugar, and' coffee. port andDoiueMtic i'ousumptiou* point generally by the best svpln Ore Murk Iloree. every thing had bin lor three profits added to the cost before the consumer that the and greased stewed ographers, study management of*the?e oiu> Good family Hone. the okkaslmn. Dinner—Beefsteak, oysters, pota- gets them, as when they are purchased from Now should the whole Dr. complaints engross lime oi those One Mare uiul Colt, Hired by Shennr.n Black Hawk. it toes, onions, bread, and coffee. Larookah’s York Jmnorting Houses. LEA THE A GOR E’S who would be and successful in their Ip there was nothing but truth iu this wurld butter, competent treai- One two years old er.tire Colt, Birod by Gen. Knox. I V'The trade who have not themselves Paged Blank Books inent and cure. The inexperk need general a would stand as supplied practit- One Carryall and Hutucm*. pliool just good a chance ac with their will do well to avail. nor An SpringStoek, fjiveus ioner, having neither opportunity time to make < )n»- Sunshade. a wize man. Important Discovery.—The Pall The retaSl trade of the city and vicinity will SAVE STEAM REFINED SOAPS! himself with their acquainted pathology, rommon-y These Homes con be examined at the Trotting Park lias the MONEY and find one of the BEST ASSORTMENTS one of in mos< eases Rise arly, work hard and late, live on what Mall,Gazette following announce- Sarsaparilla Compound SOLD BY ALL THE pursues system treatment, mah- morning of *aie. ment: of an use ol that and dan- yew kant and if “A of at least as vital im- ng indiscriminate antiquated BA ILK r sell, give nothing awa, yew discovery, Cures of knowii xr & CO., Auctioneers. Epilepsy {and Rheumatism. every Wholesale Grocers Throughout the State. gerous weapon, the Merc ary. May 2Ndtd don’t die ritch and go to the devil, yn may portance for Egyptology as the celebrated Ro- soo me tor N. B.—The above re- setta stone itself, was made about three weeks ROOM HAVE CONFIDENCE. damages. PAPERS, K. M. PATTEN & marks are not Intended to be ago by a of tour German Hieathe & CO., Auctioneer*, IN Exchange St personal. party explorers— Dr. Larookah’s Grore, AH who have committed an excess oi any kind, We are apt tew bate them who won’t take Reinisch, Rosier, Lepsius and Weidenbacli— 397 Commercial St, 47 & 49 Bench Strerl, whether it be the solitary vice of youth, or the sting- in Groceries, l>ry Goods, at Auc- our advise, and dispize them who du. at a place called Sane, the whilom Tanis, the SIZE AND STYLE, ing rebuke of misplaced coulidenco maturin' yt-ais, etc., CURTAINS £ BORDERS PORTLAND, MAINE. SEEK FOR AN AN Ti DOTE IN SEASON. tion. It iz dredful eazy to be a pliool—a man kan principal scene of Rameses II.’s enormous March 2G—dtt lie one and not no it. architectural A stone with Sarsaparilla Ever before offered in this city. The Pains and Aelics, and Lassitude and Nervous ttt 111 A- M., isno pairs undertakings. Compound ( )NSlh,VwsR0!«',Vvi',,U:i0.21 ^ !' Prostration that follow ar«> ., ^ Miliary Real don’t consist so mutch in Greek characters upon it was found may Impure Coition, Wrappers and Drv happiness protrud- Cures m- -_ the Barometer to tlic whole ,lts"'iiaiju man from the Pimples, Pustules* Blotches and Boils. system. wliat a don’t hav, as it duz in what he ing ground, and when excavat- Manufactured from the boat Do not wait for tne consummation t hat is sure to fol- “s&fifirev,-ry fully &; » ! ___- dont want. ed proved to contain a bilingual inscription in Bailey Noyes, NATURALIZER low: do not wait tor Unsightly Ulcers, for no less than Disabled for Loss oi “Barge bodies move slo”—this ere proverb thirty-seven lines of hieroglyphics 55 EXCHANGE For the Limbs, Beauty and Dr. Larookah’s STREET, Hair. and Complexion. dont apply tu lys, for the bigger tha ar the seventy-six lines of Greek, in the most Horses, (’arrives, Sleighs, Ac., laster tha go. perfect state of preservation, and dating from PORTLAND. HOW MANY THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY TO AT AUCTION! the time of fhe French I have compounded THIS BY UNHAPPY EXPERIENCE!. Jlarrhi lor love be a little but it is third Ptolemy, in May 22-eod&w21 American, English, and t may risky, Eucrgetes I., and a arriag°"' so 138 11. 0. The perfected prep- men troubled with emissions in Sle'gh8’ RoU'”> honest that God kant but smile on it. stone measures two metres aration Young sleep,—u WSe^s'SlT*’ help Sarsaparilla Compound for restoring complaint generally the result of a bad habit in Thare are a grate multitood ov twenty-two centimetres in width, and is com- gray, light or rod hair Every Saturday at 11 .’clock imlivijuals Cures yo itli,—treated scientitically, and a perfect cure war- A. !»., who ar like blind covered the Pain In the Stomach. Side and Bowels O. C. D. to a beautiful brow n At Forest mules—anxious enuf to kick, pletely by inscriptions. Their ra ited or no charge made. City Stable, comer Fodernl and Sir or black in lour w Lime but kant tell wliare. first attempts at editing this in- eeks. Hardly a tiny passes but we are consulted by one where Carriages can be stored ami Horses important COOK’S It is uot a does boarded it’ is the German dye, or more young man with the above disease, some oi paired, previous to or alter the .sale. It highly when a man makes scription having failed, travellers returned Papers! not stain the or important, skin, wjom are as weak and emaciated as had '1 hen© Bales will be under cover, his mind to to the and a of two Dr. Larookah’s soil the (hough they ami held without up hokum a raskal, that he sliud spot, during stay days, the clothing; it th) consumption, and l>y their friends supposed to regard to weather. 22d and contain^ all the medic- examine hisself and see if he aint bet- 23d of April, the Chlorate Dentifrice ! have it. All such eases to the proper ami oui> BAUiEY * closely copied inscription inal yield c°-Auctioneers. most and -FOR- of the correct course ot and in a snort time art March ter konstructed for a phool. carefully, photographed it three chemicalproper'ies treatment, t"*UfKV times. The Reproducer made to rejoice in perfect health. • I argu in this way, il a a man ts right he next post will bring particulars Sarsaparilla Compound Cleansing the Teeth! for making the hair kant be tu as to the and of its EDW. M. raddiele, if he is long, he kant bo coutents, copies the docu- preventing MIDDLE-AGED MEN. PATTEN, Si CO., A rs, ment itself;” Cures Uterine Ulcoration, Syphilis and Mercurial HARDENING THE G Sow,lling off, andremov- tu conservativ. VMS, COUNTY, AND TOWN There are men at the ol who an Na, disease. CITY. ing dandruff, and con- many age thirty 18 Exrhaugc 8l* There is 2 troubled with too evacuations from the blad- things in this life for which we -and- tains nothing poisonous or m the least hurtful to the frequent oiteu a or burn ar never fully prepared, and that is twins. head or hair; on the contrary it is composed of vege- der, accompanied by slight smarting HUMPHREYS’ sensation, and the in a man net To a PURIFYING THE BREATH! table substances healing in their nature, and which ing weakening system Stable correspondent. Cora.—Now you ask the patient cannot accouut for. On the Livery Stock Dr. Larookali’s are in fact being daily prescribed by the lirst physi- examining #c tu mutch. I kant no sartin HOJil CEO-PATHIC It 13 a New Article in the Market, but lias a sediment will often l»e give ressippee SPECIFICS, already cians throughout the civilized world for external ap- urinary deposits ropy found, a a id sometimes small semen or tu make a felier pop the kwestion. Sum men gained \#kle-spread reputation. Record Rooks! plication in skin diseases. particles of albumen -A.T F.-OVED, from the most wdl appear, or the color will be of a thin milkish AUCTION! ar awful slow on a tha ar like old houn nmple experi- I will not insult the good sense of the giv- hue, court; ence, nil enlire public by a rain to a dark and turbid HAVE success* Simple—Prompt_Effl- it a the of which be changing appeal ante. all tha want iz to be sure tha ar on Sarsaparilla Bead the following Testimonials in its Favor. ing name, pronunciation would dogs, the and Reliable. are Compound There are men who die ol this uent, They the only Medicines likely to dislocate their jaws, but will call it simply many difficulty, ignor- ON rite trac, and don’t seem tu care il' tlia perfectly to use—so Lewiston, Jan. 12,1866. ant of the cause, which is the TUESDAY, June don’t adapted popular simple that Purifies the NATURAL IZ Eli, or Improved Roproductor. “th, mistakes canuot be imtue in so Complexion, rendering it clear and trails*' Messrs, John G. Cook & Go—Dear never come up with the game. If I was a using them* harmless Sir:—Having Asa dressing, as well as for a remedy for every dis- SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL as to bo free from ami so as parent. tested your Chlorate Dentifrice we feel a WEAKNESS. AT 10 O’CLOCK A. and one ov danger, ellicieiit to bo al- ease of the scalp and hair, it is unsurpassed. M., gal, this kind of dogs got alter me, reliable. sured that it is an excellent for the ways They have raised the highest com- powder cleansing Manufactured and lor sale Wholesale and Retail I can warrant a perfect cure m such cases, and a I wud hold teeth and the and by at the well known rite off and if he didn’t comments meudation from all, and will render satisiac purifying breath, having examined lull and healthy restoration oi the organs. stable stand opposite the Klin always -1 Tax and urinary tu dig me out at onst, s shud no he was lion. the recipe from which it is made, we are sure there Valuation, Highway HORACE II. JOHNSON & CO., 80 Middls Persons, who cannot personally consult the Dr., 0CCU1‘leU Mr‘ »'• Babcock, only Dr. is no article in it which is in the least to lor fun. Cts. Larookali’s injurious the Stairs). can do so by writing, in a plain manner, a description wlTbesJddT% hunting No. 1 teeth or but on the St., Portland, (Up Cures Fevers, Congestion, 25 general health, contrary, highly of their diseases, aiul the appropriate remedies will 44 Inflamations, beneficial to both. 23—d&w22tf 2 Worms, Worm-Fever Worm-Colic, 25 May be forwarded immediately. Without the Roast Reserve, Tho Inventor of the Flying Ship. 3 Cry inn Coho, or ofinfants, 25 Respectfully yours, All correspondence strictly confidential, and will be 44 Teething D. B. the 4 Dianna of childron or adults. 25 Sarsaparilla Compound Strout, Ordinance on returned, il desired. entire stock oi The of the art of 44 Thomas S UR VEYORS* BOOKS ! Health. history flying, like that o 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billious Colic, 25 Fillebbown, Address: Dfi. J. B. HUGHES, 44 44 Is double the Dentists, Lisbon 9.—AU dirt, sawdust, soot, ashes, cin- all other great is the of a G Cholera-Morbus, Nausea, Vomitnnr, 25 strength of any other Sarsaparilla in Street, Lewiston, Maine. No. 5 Temple Street [corner of Middle Horses, discoveries, history u 44 SECTIONders, shavings, hair, shreds, manure, oyster, clam Carriages, Harnesses, etc., man’s 7 Coughs, Colds, 25 the market. We the have examined of Street], Portland. Me life. of a still 44 44 Bronchitis, undersigned specimens or lobster or animal or Forty-two years ago, 8 shells, any vegetable substance, Send a for Circular. Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache, 25 Cooke’s Chlorate Dentifrice, also the from dF* Stamp consisting In as summer Sabbath a of seven- 44 44 recipe or filth of any kind, in any house, warehouse, cellar, part follows, viz:—One Brett In ex- afternoon, youth 9 Headaches, 26 which it is and we take in recom- 44 44 Sick-Headache, Vertigo, prepared, pleasure or other which the order, with Horses ami Harnesses all in a small was un- 10 Billious it yard, place Mayor, any Alderman, cellent ready teen, Jersey village, sitting Dyspesia, Stomach, 25 uvijnvnoDY mending to the public as a safe and effectual looth or lor tea 44 44 City Marshal or Deputy, Health Committee or Offi- jElectic Medical work, Jenny Linds and Top five two scarce what was il Suppressed or 25 Infirmary, and loor Buggies, der, listening to, doubtless a 44 44 painlUl Perioas, jiowder. cer shall deem for the Health of the wheeled thiee excellent 12 too necessary City chaises, Carryalls sermon Whites, profuse Periods, 25 Should purify the blood and the A. Garcelon, M. D., John M. Small, M. D., Pearl be shall bo carried TO THE LADIES. writh other also very good of his father’s, a 44 44 invigorate system by JOURNALS to removed, away therefrom bv and carriages: eleven Horses and Mart« clergyman. 13 Croup. difficult use M. M. C. M J. LEDGERS, aU well known 41 Cough, BreatUng, 25 fcSfi^tho ot Martin, D, Wedgewood, .D., Fanning, the of the owner or of house in tills community for But the were of 14 44 at expense occupant such DR. HUGHES particularly nvitrs all Larllet*, wl;c speed, endur- boy’s thoughts green fields, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Erupt ons, 25 M. D./A. Burbank, M. D., Eli M. ance anu suitable tor 44 44 Edgecombe, D., or other place where the sanio shall be found, and re- need a medical adviser, to call at. his rooms, No. houesty, livery or laxuiiv use murmuring and the of birds.— 15 Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains, J. P. M. R. R. M. boou brooks, song 4 44 £5 Fessenden, D., Ricker, I)., Lew- moved to such as shall be within four which will find for having selected, owned and driven 16 Fever and place directed, Temple Street, they arranged theii before' pur-* His followed his out the Ague, Chill Fever, 50 iston. H. L. K. Wiggm, M. S. M. N. notice in to that chasing ono of our best eyes musings open 4 22 44 Agua, Dr. D., Oakes, D., hours after writing effect, given by the especial accommodation. by Horse fanciers. Ear impaired 50 Larookali’s C. Harris, M. D., Auburn. windows. Suddenly passed before in 44 44 Discharges, Hearing, Mayor, any Alderman, City Marshal, Deputy, or Dr. H.’s Electic Renovating Medicines arc unrival- LIKEWISE, him, 23 Scrofula, enlarged Glands, Swelling 50 Lewiston, February 3,1866. some and a 44 J7 44 * Health Officer. led in efficacy and superior virtue in regulating ull twenty Harnesses, double and single, made to rapid flight majestic swoops, magnifi- Piles, blind or 50 Messrs. John G. & 44 44 bleeding, Cook, Co—GentlemenI SECTION 10.—Any person against the Female Their action is am' beat oak stock and mounted with cent 18 and sure or offending Irregularities. specific Uj" heavy eagle, king alike of the air and the whole Ophthalmy, weak eyos, 50 have carefully examined- your “Chlorate Dentifrice” DAY t shall relief plate,“Jj""1 together with all the 44 19 44 BOOKS provisions of he preceding Sections, forfeit and certain of producing in a short time. stable Airnlture, such feathered Catarrh, acute or chronic, 50 Sarsaparilla Compound both and In feobe* creation. the text that 44 44 lnfluenaa. Chemically composition it not less than one dollar nor more than LADIES will find it invaluable in all cases of ol» Whips, Halters. Possibly 20 accords with the Physically. pay twenty .Saddles, Shawls, Whooping-Cough, violent 50 recipe, and is free from metal- lor also the sum of also office had been: “Oh 1 that I had the of 44 *4 Coughs, any dollars every offence, one dollar structions after all other remedies have been tried it: luruituie, Walnut DeHk, backs Engrav- day wings 21 Asthma, -IN- or mineral which can 44 44 oppressed Breathing, 50 lic, compound, injure the teeth. for house that tlie nuisances or substance* vain. It is ings, Stove, Wilder Ulc. a then would 1 and be 34 every purely vegetable, containing nothing ii Sale, bird, fly away at rest.” Diphtheria, ulcerated Bore 50 It cloanses the surface of the teeth w itliont in the In attention to 44 44 Throat, abrading mentioned previous sections of this ordinance the least injurious to the health, and may be takeu sailing tins sale it is with the assur- Be that as it the an 32 Sufferings at of them, and it contracts tho on ance that may, instant, electric "re- 44 44 Change Lite, 1 (H> gums firmly them, are suffered to remain after due notioe thereof. with at all times. every lot and number will 33 while its chlorate pertbet safety be sold without solve in the mind was: Epilepsy, Spasms. St. Vitus’ Dance. 1 00 April, May and June. compound destroys any -AND- All the above are Sent to of the the least reservation to the boy’s “Not till I have 24 44 decaying persons violating Ordinance here- any part country, with full directions highest Indoor. General Debility Physical 50 matter adhering to them. In it contains the notified to the air the 44 *• Weakness, fact, by govern themselves as 1 DK. power in of wings of a bird, ‘will I 25 and best constituents of several accordingly, byaddrossing HUGHES, Dropsy, scanty Secretions 50 popular dentifrices. snail proceed at once to a enforcement of the No. 5 Street of Ali be at rest.’ That the 44 26 44 PREPARED BY rigid Temple (corner Middle), Portland. neraons Indebted to. or demands afternoon flying-ma- Sen-Sickness, sickness IVom riding. 50 Respectfully, same. JOHN S, having against 44 44 HEALD, llix,. U. babcock, ura requested to call at chine was born in 27 Kidney Disease, Gravel, 50 A. A. Hates, M. D. tf and the Stable embryo. 44 44 apr18— City Marshal Health Officer. N. B.— Ladies desiring may consult one of theii Office and settle, 28 Nervous Seminal DR. State To acquire skill, delicacy, and of Debility. Emissions, E. R. KNIGHTS, Chemist, Assayer. own sex. A iady of exi>uricnce in constant attorn* maylfidtd rapidity involuntary Discharges, 1 00 20 State St., Boston, February 26th, 1866. the man loarmed watch- 44 44 manipulation, young 2 9 Sere Mouth, Cauker, 50 BLOTTERS! WHIPPLE’S *nee.__lanl.lStftd&w 44 44 MELROSE. MASS. To acquire of the sci- 30 Urinara EDW. M. PATTEN Si making. knowledge Incontinence, wetting bed, 60 This celebrated Tooth Powder is put up in two CO., Auctioneers, 31 ,44- even MEDICAL ELECTRICITY ences, he entered upon and passed with hon- Painful Periods, with Spasms, 50 Sold all ounce Boxes, and sold at the low price of. New Photograph Rooms, NTo. 18 Exchange Street. FAMILY CASES. bj Drnffgiiiti* or through a course of medicine and surgery, 35 Vials, Morocco Case, and Book, $10 00 Twenty-Five Cents a Box ! No. 207 Washington Street, with Dr. Valentine Mott, in tlfe old 20 in and DR. w. n7 Desirable Ileal Kstate at College large Vials, Morocco, Book, 6 00 A liberal discount to the trado. over dewing, Auction. of and in 20 Corner of Temple Place, Hogg, Brown & Physicians Surgeons Barclay street, large Vials, plain case, and Book, 5 00 June 15 Boxes 1 DR. KNIGHTS’ Trial Taylor's. WEDNESDAY, Ctli. at 12} on his in 182b. His mechanical (Nos. to 16) and Book, 3 00 FREE on Medical Electrician the will be o’clock, getting degree Packages Application! Me. W. executes desirable of ON premises, sold thaf desirable JOHN G. & every style Photo- on very and scientific were both VETERINARY SPECIFICS. COOK CO., Druggists, 174 MIDDLE preperty the north corner proficiency bent to Cash, Invoice, Alphabet graphs—copies old Daguerreotypes, Card Pictures STREET, eusteily of Brack eft Case, lo Vials, known as the one life invention of a Mahogany $10 00 PROPRIETORS, Lewiston. Me. and life them in like oil Nearly the Called State* the Bradley ”%*> purpose—the flying- Vials, with Hair ! Tintypes, size, coloring oil, Opposite Hotel unforavaStrcots,a Singlo directions, 1 U0 Dressing1 EXT’For sale iJray *° ft'°l 04 on machine. But was a He by Druggists generally. paintings. lie would rospcctliillv announce to tlie Bwkctt St ?htho °f-abOUt by money necessity. iyThese Remedies, by the Case or Box, For sale in premiseH a one and a hall single Portland by W. W. Crosman citizens of Portland and that at ?) o °.V must be rich. So the watchmaker and are sent to any part of the Mail or Ex- A dressing for Children's which can be used Whipple, Portraits Taken from WHERE vicinity, he has 0 physi- country, by liair, & Co., J. R. Lunt Co, L. C. Gilson, W. E. -AND- Life, Various Sizes located in this House—nearly new—contuining ten free of on without fear of Short, permanently city. tlie thee, finished woms, well cian invented and patented an press, charge receipt of the price. Address, injury to its growth or texture, Jr., Edward H. T. During arranged, fitted for unpickable lms Mason, Cummings, T. G. Loring, ALSO, years wo have been in this we have cured some gas,gwlth • hitherto been unattainable. if not ol city, A1“°a two and a sold it to whose name it HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC Most, all, Benson & Merrill, F. E. M S: j> ON AND COLORED LIKE •“Si* halfstoritd lock, Hobbs, bears, the Hair Coved, Whittier, PORCELAIN, IVORY" ot tlie worst forms of discaso in persons who have Hri,n*LC'«terl!’ et’iVtor one HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE Dressings beret-)fore sold at tho drug stores Sweetscr. E. C. F House, arranged or two (amiltcs, with a Store and in those a COMPANY. are Chapiunn, Duran, and by H. II. MINIATURES. tried other forms ot treatment in and curtn" pocketed $30,000, days quite Office and composed chiefly of oil and vain, underneath, well fitted for a or Depot, No. 562 Broadway, New York. alcohol,—ingrv’-dients HAY,* wbo will supply the trade at Manufacturers’ Particular attention is in so short a time that the briery Dry fortune. That lock has been the Dk. to the life of the hair.— given to taking the like- patients Question is often boods business. In the rear nursing HumH1BKV8 is consulted daily at his ifvi^iare,antagonistic nesses of asked, do cured? To answer office, kAlOHTS’ Hair contains nor prices._ aideodSm BILL BOOKS! children, making views of resi- they stay this question house, all ill good order. mother of the flying machine. The name of ersunaliy or as lor all Dressing neither oil country Excellent water on tho by letter, above, forms of is dences. copying and we will say that all that do not stay wo will premises from a tliat disoaso. alcohol, purely vegetable in its composition, and is engravings, crayon drawings cured, spring that never Utils, watchmaker, doctor, is Sol- the most Hair jiaintings. 23—3w doctor the seepud lime without cliargc. lock-inventor, •A. ROBINSON, 61 St. perfect renewer and invigorator that may with and omon now a hale Exchange has ever been Dr. D. has been a practical Electrician tor tillf.fie eatifKshade promisesjiurTotraded large Andrews, man, of fifty-nine, H. H. made available to the public. Persons twenty- illy trees, offering attractions lor a 11AY & Co, Wholesale and Retail ouc and is also a residence born in Herkimer N. but Agents. whose hair has been thinned by sickness or should years, regular graduated physician. *tn“» »»*• County, Y., living Portland. july26’05eodiy age CITY OF Electricity is perfectly minuted to chronic particulars call on of his life give this preparation a trial, with the assurance that anil every kind of FOHTIANJD. diseases in J1 HRADLEy'S/iS “f< l,""Mrd’1 most in Perth Amboy, N. J. He the form of uervous or sick a luxuriant g owth of hair will result, unless the oots Marshal’s headache; neuralgia im StrLteforon’ invented the lock which is used in the United are Office, May lltli, 18C6. the head, neck, or HURRAH! HURRAH! dead, when such an effect is impossible. extremities; consumption'when M' PATTEN Anctloneers. BOYS, ORDINANCE ON iu the acute or whero the are ®CO- States mail service. At the request of his oys- DOGS. stages lungs not fully May 2i>-dldE‘ involved; acute or chronic that be re- i. No dog shall be permitted to at rheumatism, scrofula liii ter-selling townsmen, they might KNIGHTS’ HAIR DRESSING go diseases, white swolliiigs, spinal SECTIONlarge or loose, in any street, or diseases, curvatui* lieved from the yoke of the Connecticut lane, alley, court, of the contracted distorted Auction. keg- & Men’s books traveled way, crin «iny uninclosed or public in spine, muscles, limbs makers he invented Boys’ Clothing, is an elegant in- place or St. Vitas’ Dance, be which a preparation, exquisitely perfumed, this until the ow?ier or of palsy paralysis', deafness, stam- sold at auction on machinery by clines the liair to city, keeper such dog, or public the premlHon Or curl, will not soil the skin or any ar- the mering or hesitancy ot speech, WILL Jerseyman may make his own Clothing Made to Order• ticle of head of the family, or the keeper of the house, dyspepsia, indiges- »«* day Of June.XT: oyster-kegs, anparcl, and is fast the and liver at 12 o and at the rate of a a superceding pernic- store, office or other where such is tion, constipation complaint, piles—we cure .coo, clock, unless of hundred lie has ious articles which so shop, place dog be previously .Usposed at day. -ALSO- have long deceived a crodulous oa every case that can presented; bronchi- private rlouse and invented kept harbored, shall have paid to the City Mar- asthma, Bale, Lot No. Sit Waterville street. very many other things so public. tis, strictures of the chest, and all forms of Ihe lot Is about J1 feet beside, For needed in shal Two Dollars for a license lor suchdodlto go at female front by Op feet ileep, and lias tliat even the which he holds GENTS’ changing gray or faded hair to its the Counting Room. complaints'. it a two pipe in his FURNISHING GOODS, original color, large. upon Btory woodoa house, well for two bundle*. arranged mouth while he talks about the is con- At Prices than Sec. 7—In case any dog shall be loose or go- Large portion ol the purchase money air-ship Cheaper any place this side of foun^l -By Electricity can remain on 7 structed on a New DR. ing at large contrary to any of the provis- mortgago Apply to principle new. York, at the KNIGHTS’ foregoing The Rheumatic, the the lame entirely the owner or keeper thereof, or the head of the gouty, and thelazv May28dtd E & F. FOX. ions, with and move with the New family or keeper of the house store, shop, or leap Joy, agility and elastic- Argus copy. England Clothing offfce, of the lieatod brain is Company’s, Railroad other place where such dog is or ity youth; cooled; tbo frost- Mb. Lincoln’s own account of ms Just Removed to Freight, Express, kept harbored,shall bitten limbs the forfeit and a sum not ten dollars. restored, uucouth deJbrmities re- ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER pay exceeding faintness Flight.—In a history of the rebellion by J. S. HKALLi, City Marshal, moved; converted to vigor, weakness to 28 Market % 12—d2w strength: the blind made to see, the deal to hear and Square,. should be used, and in the preparation for that -May Benson J. Lossing, just issued, the only the palsied form to move upright; the blemishes 01 following purpose upon which the public can with confi- OPPOSITE THE PREBLE HOUSE, PoBTI.ANT), rely youth aro obliterated; the accidents of mature life' account of Mr, Lincoln’s clandestine dence. Doth the Dressing and the Restorer are put journey prevented; the calamities ot old obviated and an may2203m E. LEVEES «£. CO. up in COAL. COAL. age between Philadelphia and Washington is giv- ITS EFFECT IS active cirqulation maintained. as LADIES en being from his own Ups: LARGE BOTTLES, PRICE *1.00 arrived per sch. from Baltimore Kodington, Who have cold hanus and teet: weak MIRACULOUS. STEAMBOAT RECEIPT JUSTa cargo of iresli-mined Creek Cumber- stomachs, lam- “I arrived at Philadelphia on the 21st. I LARGE BOTTLES, PRICE BOOKS! Georges and weak nervous ami sick COTTON *1,00. land Coal for Blacksmith’s use. backs; headache; dizzi- to over and on the DUCK, The the the middle unite ness and in tho with agreed stop night, following LARGE old, young, aged to pralae Also, on hand tho best ol Red and White swimming head, indigestion and BOTTLES, PRICE *1.00. qualities of the in the morning hoist the hag over Independence CHAINS, ANCHORS, &c. Attli Coal, at the lowest prices for cash. constipation bowels; pain side and back; leucorrhma, (or whites); tailing of the womb with in- Hall. In the there was a crowd Tlie subscribers, manufacturers and sole agents lor PREPARED evening great BY BAND ternal and all that the sale of “LAWRENCE” and “OLD COLONY” HALL’S order ALL, McALLISTEE & 00., cancers; tumors, polypus, long wheie 1 received my friends,at the Continent- memorandum, train of diseases will find in a sure means Cotton Duck and now have a ftill assortment C° C 01“merCi,‘1 Electricity a warm Twine, S,TeeU ™»uire ol d.i not al Hotel. Mr. Judd, personal on likewise:— Dr. E.R. KNIGHTS, Chemist, VEGETABLE 1—tltl' of cure, is'or painful menstruation, too profuse anti nuV; do*, friend, hand; Melrose,Mass SICILIAN May exbauht, tor elderly persons, females and child- sent for me to come menstruation, and all oi those long line of troubles from Chicago, to bis room. 300 Pieces Cotton Ravens ren, are just the thing. Two taken at Duck. with young ladies, Electricity is a certain nigh® mov- I and found there Mr. a skil- 20 Bales 2 and 3 thread Not a Hotel. / specific, the bowels (nice tho next went, Pinkerton, Flax Sail Twine. and will, in a short time, restore tho sufferer to the morning. Warranted 20 Bales Stout in all cases ot Tiles and of the ful also from who and LlghtRussia Ravens Duck. KNIGHTS ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER. HAIR RENEWER. Furnished and vigor of health. Falling Hectuin. We police detective, Chicago, unfurnished rooms to let with a 500 Coils I lotli’s Russia Bolt-Rope. good promise cure lor all symptoms of the Dyspepsia had been employed for some days 'in Balti- board at No. TBBTII I TEETH X TEETII X such as 300 Pieces English Anchor Bunting, assorted colors. B^T^WUat the Press says and what the people know. 27*Willow Street. Oppression alter eating, Sour Stomach. Spit- or for 100 Chain It is an new scientific Dr. still continues to ting of lood, more, watching searching suspicious Cables, £ in. to 1J in. entirely discovery, combining People visiting Portland can have all the conven- D. Extract .Teeth by Elec- Palpitations; also. Headache, Diazlness, there. Pinkerton informed me that 100 Tons Coil Chain, 3-1G in. to 1 many of the most powerful and restorative agents tricity without PAIN. Persons having decayed persons jin. KNIGHTS’ ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER iences of a Hotel at much less prices, at a retired and Sick Warranted American Anchors. v in the teeth or stumps wish to have removed for reset- aril'ibes" a plan had been laid tor my assassination, the vegetable kingdom. they For sale at 23 & 25 Commercial Boston. genteel place. Also permanent board lor families and ting he would give a polite invitation to call. exact lime when I to St., Restores and tttded hair to its color. We have such confidence in its and are expected go through gray original merits, Superior Electro Magnetic Machines tor sale so sure it will do all we claim for that we FREE MASON BOOKS I gentlemen. Baltimore being publicly known. He was may4—d3m FEARING, TH A CHER & CO. it, offer for family use, with thorough instructions. jyRemember the place, opposite Wood’s Hotel well informed as to the plan, but did not know KNIGHTS’ ORIENTAL HATR RESTORER Dr. D. can accommodate » lew patients with board isstsi comer ot Middleand Willow St*. fel2dtf at his tha>SM-SzSrjXA they may be earned tn the the would have Reward end treatment house. vest pocket Price 60 that $1,000 _ \ conspirators pluck enough Removes dandruff and cures nervous headache. Oflice hours from ft o’clock A. \f. to 12 from 1 «”»• ‘•'ur ssle J. me to EAGLE M.; u°“h by to execute It. He urged go right through HOTEL, If the Sicilian Hair Uenewer does not sat- to GP. M., ami 7 to 9 in the evening. No 1 Tremont give Flower Seeds. Tonmio Boston.t &™{?,VProprifctora» with him to that I didn’t Consultation free. novltl Temple, Will be mailed to any addve?s on Washington night. MECHANIC ME. KNIGHTS’ ORIENTAL HATR isfaction in all enses when used in strict accord- 80 FALLS, RESTORER FULL and ol enclosing cents. like that. I had made engagements to visit ance with our instructions. complete assortment Flower Seeds july4dly STJIPBIRIOIR from the and from there to Prevents A most celebrated Seedmen in the coun- Harrisburg go Baltimore, the hair from falling off, and promotes its Also luxuriant HALL’S try. CHEROKEE Citizens of Portland. and 1 resolved to do so. I could not believe y \ ^ ri» This Hotel is finely located in the growth. PILLS, pleas- WASHBURN Sl HOVEY’S IKE that there was a plot to murder me. I made ant and thriving village of Mechanic Falls. Or Female Regulator, to call yonr attention to Dr. Cutter’s 1m- on Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer ? proved Chest with Mr. Judd for 5 the Grand Trunk Railway, KNIGHTS’ ORIENTAL HATR IDES Expanding Shoulder Brace which is however, my thirty-six RESTORER Illustrated as arrangements, J_[miles from surrounded fine hns itself to be the Amateur Cultivators. Cure Excessive and recognized the only peract Brace ever ottered to tile next if I Portland, by proved most perfect preparation Suppressed, the return to Philadelphia night, uiivcb, beautiful scenery and pure air.. Is the Green public. only preparation of its kind that all for the Hair ever offered to the Guide to the Flower and Kitchen a Painful Menstruation, that there was The performs public. Garden, giving tit the form are worn should he convinced danger in famous POLAND MINERAL SPRING is it promises. POCKET BOOKS Sickness, Nervous and Spinal Af- They perfectly, with comfort but six It is a descriptive list of two thousand varieties ot and are euro to result in told him miles distant, whose waters promise to a vegetable compound, and contains no Pains in the Hack, siick- expanding the chest enlarg- going through Baltimore, I that if give fections, the mid large class of invalids of the complete restoration of injurious properties whatever. Headache, Giddiness, and all dis- ing Innga improving the health. I should meet at as 1 had at other Flower and Vegetable Seeds, arc Harrisburg, heal n. KNIGHTS’ ORIENTAL HATR. RESTORER eases that from They convenient anil desirable fir both Ladles me It is not a it strikes at the Roots and fills spring irregularity, and For a to go with to the next The subscriber to make the house Dye, For sale at the the cause and all the Gentlemen. gentlemen make an excel- places, delegation intending worthy new mule to by removing lent they of a Acts file roots of the with life and matter. order. £t suspender and their Baltimore should feel and public patronage, solicits share ol tlie same. A directly upon the Hair, and its of- glands coloring effects that arise from it. considering durability * about place (then JI safe, They as lin ited number of boarders can be accommodated, iects are speedy and permanent. are perfectly sate in ail cases, ex- cheap. go on. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO fcir* Charges reasonable. 4 Portland Warehouse cept when forbidden by direc- TO When I was Agricultural PARENTS. making my way back to my ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. f tions, and are easy to administer, P. It. Large bottles—price $1.00. AND 1 Would you have vour children room, through crowds of I met Fred- COBB, Proprietor. as they arc nicely sugar coated. grow to make people, in the healthy men and women? Then see to it erick Seward. We went to room May 11—dim* large bottles—price $1.00. It will keep the Hair from falling out. SEED They should bo hands of that they together my STORE, Maiden, Wife, and Mother “As the twig is bent he told me that he had been at the -BY- !5fJSA*?.0dtin tree is mciined. The school when sent, Large bottles—price $1.00. It cleanset the and makes the Hair in the land. room is wtiere ms Scalp, (every ny get the habit of instance of his father and General Scott, to 10,000 BUSHELS Ladies can address ns In perfect stooping forward, thereby “Jl SOFT, LUSTROUS, AND SILKEN KENDALL & WHITNEY. tracting the chest and thus me that their coiifidmce, and state tbeir com- injuring the lungs. Thesee8u inform detectives in Baltimore Savannah, Ga„ Feh. 4,1SC0. April 2—isibn braces are just the for Dit. E. R. PAPER RULERS plaints in full, as we treat all Female Complaints, thing them. had discovered a plot there to assassinate me. Knights, Mekong. Mass. It you would leave to Pure Yellow Corn! IT IS A SPLENDID HAIR-DRESSING I and Medicines suitable for all diseases to your children a see to Dear Sir—I am liappy to inform you that the nse oi prepare legacy, 'W knew nothing of Pinkerton’s movements. which are then-physical as well as mental They run mealing. one bottle of your Oriental Hair Restorer has restored SPRUCE SLAB WOOD. they subject—Thirty-two pago pamphlet, improvement’ such a to he No old or should fail to use it.' In a scaled free. 1 now believed plot in existence. my hair, which was nearly white, to its person, young For sale to clear the epvolopc, TO Mixed original brown, wharf, by Pills are sold all at THE LADIES. 1 raised the High Western ami it is sofl and as in It is recommended anil used the FIRST MED- The Cherokee by druggists $1 The next morning flag over In- Do., glossy oarlier days. Dr. Walsh by Would — — or six boxes for $5; or they are sent you have a and then went tells mo that it is the only preparation ol the kind that ICAL AUTHORITY. AND per box, by graceftil form? Then wear Cnt- dependence Hall, on to Harris- BY CAR LOAD. Bethel Steam. !M!ill .mall, free of postage, in an ordinary letter, free tei s Improved is worthy of confidence. Grateftilly yours, Co., Chest-Expanding Braoo and Skirt with Mr. Sumner, Major (now Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian from observation, by addressing the sole Wur» burg General) 50 Tons Fine Feed and Mbs. A. 1) LAAIAlt. gV* Delivered in any part of the city for proprietor, s,'I,VIn.r^r' i,lle> ar®. with ease sad eonUtM, Huntfe, Mr. Judd, Mr. Lamon, and others.— Shorts, Hair Renewer, and take no other. Dr. B. MERWIN, 37 Walker N. Y. ■ray uothmg ot health and form, they are rich- Y* St., y worth the as met the and ON SALE BY price a Skirt Supporter. La. lies; Oy There! Legislature people, dined, The offer the Sicilian Hair Re- Cord. I N. B.—Cherokee Pills No. 2 aro prepared for them, and as Proprietors $4.50 per* you find thorn,* recommend them to and waited until the time appointed tor me to KNIGHTS’ BILL HEAD ca#e*, when milder medicines fail; these your friends. EBW’JD U. BU11GIN ft ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER. nkwer to the confident that it will OFFICE, COMMERCIAL special Mr. Judd had CO., public, entirely STREET, are sent mail, free of on of N. leave, lu the meantime, so se- back the hair to its its by postage, receipt f&t Smith, the for the manufacturer* ot Xo. 120 Commercial bring original color, promote Head Hobson’s Whart. sack booo. Agent that no mayl4dtf Street* mayTdtf the price of rnded by all had re- all kinds*, Our are express charge uiesagc there from Pinkerton (who A medicines t of the ,iV|filed by LARGE VARIE l Y of the BEST GOODS Price $100 Per Bottle; Six Bottles for $5 and I” turned to Baltimore) that the conspirators White and Red Ash thoroughly refitted, furnished In the respectable dritgglste d d,;aiera, however, try to JAS. F. LEVIN South j Coa, some Agt. Down do. held their final that and I FOR SALK UY globe; by selling cheap and worth- had meeting evening, PREPARED BY are deceive their ft Central Wharf, "BOSTON, MABS. These Coals oi the very best ,.a most elegant style, to make money. Be not nerve to m March 2—d&wim it was doubtful whether they had the CHARLES CUSTIS & ranted to satisfaction. Quality, and war- oi kinds. less and take no CO., give all A ad Now Opened to Ike Public compounds t||(.u medicines of I 5«o cords of best by deceived—•« write attempt the execution their purpose. E. R. M. Also, quaff f l|r0(nr|,t d.K-s not keep them, MORTON BLOCK. (-0XQBESE ST. Knights, D., which «■* B. oth,,ra' as the had SOFT WOOD, w' S. will send them express, earefiiliy Wharf Notice...... went on, however, arrangement 31—dlw 5,.°' “A*1?at the BBEW8TEH, Jm by May lowest price and deliver it se? very *“ from observntion. We will be pleased been made in a train. We were a MELROSE, MASS. *° «l at of THE " of Portland special long short notice. “"V Part the city formerly SKOWHEQAN HOUSE. letters with frill.statements In regard to Proprietors Long Wliarf ar < 'receive that the time in the station at Baltimore. 1 heard us a caU an- with which ladiea or gentlemen are THE notified annual of said SOLD BY HEJr'Uive j ue_ Inv disease hereby meeting try wontd be will he held at the lh win talking around, but uoone Clayed Molasses. ; Mr, Brouter happy to meet his old atnicted Addresa all letters for medicines, lisuiph- proprietors Counting ot D people particularly T. on on w. or advice, to the sole proprietor, Chase, Long Wharf, MONDAY, the fou-tii < ibserved me. At an hour on F. PBILLirS & Qtlends and the public generally. at 3 early Saturday CO., >y" day of Jane next, o’oloe < P. M., for the at about the time I was to J. W. PERKINS Jan lSUi-dtf HOUNDS & SON. Portland, Feb. 2, 1885. ■ Dr. W. B. MEBWIN, 37 Walker St., H. Y. follotrihg morning, expected tltjO IIHDS. 1 SUPERIOR CLAYED M0- & CO., ,j(i I arrived in ————■— o choose a Moderator. leave Harrisburg, Washington. 30 TIERCES. I LASSES, now landing per BURGESS, FOIiBES & porjo*. CO., 2d. To choose a Treasurer. Brig *‘J. W. Drisko,” Itom for sale Door Plates Cardenas, by W. W. WHIPPLE, and Numbers. 3d. To ehoose a Standing Wharf at this Committed a Ad Jeffebson Davis’s Bill of Fare.—The CROSMAN & CHOICE assortment ot SILVER PLATED LOOK I such other Committees as inav be LYNCH, BABKEB & CO., CO., at deemod necessary schedule of meals sal’TTsalt i A DOOR PLATES « NUMBERS may be bad to manage tlu> artair* of the following is the furnished 139 Camnacvciai St, H. H. Whart AI no, tolttn- HAT. TEIRNEY’S 191 .actanv other huaincsa that Davis at Fortress Monroe: 7- 111 Market Square, upstairs* may come before them Jefferson April Benaon & HHDS May 8—41m* Second-Hand Clothing, at said meeting. Merrill, c. E. T. O. LIVERPOOL now SUNDAY. Beckett, Coring, Ed- SALT, c’lsr MIDD _ ward 0‘)V/U 74 LE, ELIPHALET * New Inventions. Maaon, E. L. Stanwood, M. S. Whittier. J. H. charging from shlp;“C’harles Chalones.” Jff). WEBSTER, Clerk Breakfast—Yeal J. R. FOR SALE Of .aid cutlets, poached eggs (two) Thayer, J. J.unt & (;o„ W. E. Short. Jr., L. C. 1000 Ilhde. Turks Wagons! Proprietor, of Lon* Wharf and county Rights lor sale at Inventors’ C. W, Island, in store. Wagons, Portland, May as, i*m>. wheat and corn bread, butter, sugar, milk, and Gilson, Foss, H. T. Cummings & Co., F. E,. Can be seen on mayjtkltd No. 80 Federal C.F. I*rrr HEAVY ARMY WAGONS. WM. BBOWN, No. 91 Federal 8treet. TOWNExchange, Street, Portland, Coveil, Duran, E.Chapman, S. Gale, M. Hanson, lor sale By Conn jr ot E corner of Union and Fore Ste, by coffee. Me., tor one week only. T. Sweetser, Samuel J. J. Gilbert and C. F. xchange Street f ,) the of all kinds Cleansed and in 1 Job work of description itolfe, I>»n» Sc Co. JOSEPH WESCOTT ® SON, Clothing Repaired every neaUyezeeuU chicken, stewed iuay25dlw* R. FARR, Proprietor. wwy* J* 1 and at short at tb« Promt pinner—Broiled oysters, ap2—dlyMWFaw May 22—d3wi» 22.—d2w* Head Union Whar£ good stylo, notice, inarJd3«n «d AprM eodXnr May ~ °en- Soott’g Last Hour* [Spealal BUpatch to the New york /ferM For and to Lost Roe’s MA^IISr^ NEWS S.ile Let* Wants, and Found. Miscellaneous. Insurance. Steamers. Hotel, West Point, j Railroads. PORT Of poR T LA N D. Lieutenant-General Wto«y !**£1888- > I A Country Residence fbr Sale. Wanted this house kcott died at f >r sale Immediately. Steamboat to-dav the vicinity of Saccarappa are offered custom Special Notice. f,eveD- Thursday, May 31. state of culti- QEVERAL Coat, VeB't and Pant makers at General Insurance Upon his P^ sixteen acres of 1; ind under a good TAKE Agency! T>Y reawm ol a accident to the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 3 l' ARRIVED. IN A. L. CASE OF TOUR LIFE slight StewoerNow 16 on which are erected a barn and out- CHACE’S, 10th tha vation, house, uU -—of- York, a steamer will leave FRIDAY instea.1 ol inst., by SMcia it, %emDX°rt all of most modern The niay31 113 Federal Street. was boat from Neiv it \ Barque C IJ Ilamilton, (of Matan- buildings, the style. origi- this week. C. C. EATON. observed ,w , York, h Portland) Pote, and Jate im- Ihursday Reduction ot Fare* W“ zas 21st inst. nal cost of the buildin gs were $13,000, mayaisitt UP°U now be descending ye7 further occupants, consisting hotel- Arter ffew ue Morcna 15th inst. tor one week at Saecara ppa, particulars will wile and Steamship Portland and South Pariu. ever hT „to,rh? days, gentleman, child.; one who can ^.-Metallic Sole. raHied and Brig William Havana be may31dlw reference8 if bring good Sa.„’ , considerably, as ,ow- Robertson, (of Calais) Reed, given. required. Address Box 1789 Post Office, B.~Outer Sole. MARINE COMPANIES. * 19th inst. or call at Eastport, Calais and St. John. Ilalf-past tB0- was out .ate as Exp;ess Otiice 282 Congress St. C'.—Inner So.e. In order to oftord Incru^.a accommodation to the brirv^’ V Sch Mary E Hopkins, Sierra may30d3t* of New York* th* Tbe li- Gage, (of Jonesport) Washington. public, on and after Monpay, May With, a train will ne -o the Morena 12tli inst. FOR SALE. he wrotewrme someVill^e’riding' letters Insurance Co* of North America, SUMMER leave Portland at 6.00 P. M. daily, conveying pas- to friend'' , dav Sch Md. ARRANGEMENT. Nancy R Heagan, BunkoChester River, of senger* tor South i arts and all intermediate station*; Oays hef0re Jle Ge^ Sch Philadelphia* requested bn a l w Flora A Sawyer, Reed, Philadelphia. LBS. BOLT;* AND SPIKES. wXnYeYI and a train will leave South Puri* in the alter neon Commandant of the to Sch Yantic. Deland. Boston. 7000 THREE TRIPS PER in for post, eral Ca lu ub 5000 lbs. new and second-hand Chain, dif- WEEK! turriving Portland at 6.50 P. M. which he Sch Lizzie W Davis, Kennebunk. With the el such alteration of time a* him, franked Ir a letter Dyer, ferent sizes. Also. Shovels, Spades, Axes, Hatchets, QUALITY, round Flour FIRE COMPANIES. WITH REDUCED exception an ‘“(lite1U*5!“ t ‘u Sch Matauzas, Kilby, ltockport. 1 OOfly* SmsT hoop, PARE. lie desirable in the is almost illegible hand. Hammers, Camp Kettles. V/V/ Barrels, at Thirty-live Of Hartford* may winter seuson.k Intended, m Sch Silver Reed, Cents, by ^Etaa, *uiticieui to He to f niscif, thougli Lake, Boothbay. SHELTER the thing for should encouragement he extended tlic^e appeared sutler Brook tin for Boston. 1'ENTS—Just Hay and London* Sch Solon, Post, ami a few A are 13. 13. Koyal, Of Liverpool On and after trains, to conlinue them ail the round. but Caps; Tents; all of which selling UPHAM & SON, MONDAY June year meat, rather a gene Sch Flore-», Hale, Brooklin for Providence. Return good for the oi i**uc ./om no specific ail low,at No. 8 Moultou St., (storeformerly occu- Continental, Of New York* 4th, the Steamers ol the Interna- 'rickets,, day only,) l.y strength. Hismlujr Sch Gem, Arey, Vlnalhaveu for New York. Win. ******** Wharf. Line train, will be sold to and from all stations at iho pied by Duran.) May 29—dim Of New York. I tioual will leave liaiiroad any little ral decline of Sell Denmark, tor Hartford. Arctic, viz: expectation xr physical Parker, Bangor May 31—dim «. W. STEVENS. Wharf, foot ol State Street, everv following reduced rates, clear to the last. So Sclis Susan Herrick, and Juliet, Snow, Ban- Lorillnrd, Of New York* demise, that hi, /a? Ross, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and Falmouth and back, 40 Cobb'sBrilgo & bock,$1.15 rf/ gor for Boston. Hoard SEELY’S at 5 o'clock P. who Perkins, Wanted. Pulton, Of New York* FRIDAY, M.,for Eastport and St. Cumberland 6o Danville June. 1.45 York, had be , wS Sclis President, Perkins, aud Elizabeth, For Sale. YOUNG John. LS, Mrs.m° 1'n,“edlat® man, who can bring the bent of refer- Norwich, Of Norwich. Yarmouth 65 Hotel Hoad 1.75 -ughter, Hoyt, of New for Boston. *• days, left ber« Bangor Two-story Brick House and Lot, No. 2 Deer A ences. desires a room with Patent Returning, will leave St. John and same Y 65 Road l.s5 en with him tor for Danvers. board in a desirable Metallic Sole. People’s, Of Worcester* Eastport aruiouth June.41 Kinpire Bight the staying some Sell Boxer, Sutton, Bangor THEStreet, at a great bargain. ami central 01 the A days lor and Boston. No. Ufi Mechanics' Falls Gene Sea Caluci- part city. private or a Portland, Yarnmuth 2.15 ,or home Sells and Serpent, of family A NSW At the <» the yesterday. Last Harriet, Maddocks, For particulars, enquire place where there are but few boarders INVENTION. E&stport Steamer CJueen will connect lor St. Pownal Uxiord 2.25 assistant wood, Rockland for Boston. BENJ. Address Press preferred. ( aiaia and New Now Was ia* was taken with a chill, and for Boston. KNIGHT, Home, Office. Wetting the Feet is the most cause ol LIFE COMPANIES. Andrews, ltobbinstou, Brunswick Gloucester 1.35 South Paris k.tio immed’’ Sch Boston Light, Boardman, Camden octlSdtt Atlantic maykSdlw* prolilic to Woodstock and Yar- Wharf. disease and death known to It is almost Railway Houltou Stations, and there orgeon of the post, Dr. Sch Willie oi aud from humanity. Connecticut Mutual, Of Hartford# After the above date passenger* will not be allow e l apnea Marsh, Martin, (new) Noyes, sure to on a and ami Stage Coaches will connect for Machias. Boston. Wanted. bring cold; colds, neglected, often to travel by trains on tuat part oi slie tine be- o’clock ately summoned. Even theu mouth for when not STATE AGENCY OF THE At St. John passenger take K. & N. A. irieght this For Sale. neglected, lead to fevers or to coughs and fa- Railway tween Portland ami South l’aris. ;'ed to be no and at CLEARED. and Female—to tal for Shediac, and Ironi tin lice for Summerside and Callum tb danger, nine soil The Great consumptions. It is in recognition of this truth Connecticut General, Of Hartford* J he summer of trains will come into St John, NR master. The new FRENCH Labor and Fuel * P. E. and axiungemenf Dr. Marsli assured Sell Arizona, (Br) Larsen, COTTAGE, AGENTS-Male Saver, orlb $40 a year to any that the inventive talent of the lias for (’harlottetown, Island, Pietou, N. S; also on the mediate f morning, Gen. L G >vu- and about seven acres of situ- country years STATE AGENCY OF THE at St. John efToct 1’sthoi June whin the 7.(Hi A. Al. train Sch E G Parsons, Philadelphia land, lamily. Agents are $10 been some the Steamer Empress for Windsor and at Le had no Willard, making per day in bome.- devising method, or attempting to devise will run to anu apprehension of iui- ated on the Cape Cottage in A.idress with two for New York Of New York* Halifax, and through Ait.nireai Quebec. Cdin« road, stamps full particulars M E. it, for keeping the leet dry, and yet that should not Accidental, every Tuesday Friday evening, and C. J. Director. Of issolutiou; but in a short time it be- New York—T F Weston. Cape Elizabeth. The house contains PIERCE, Box 2204 ill. for Digbv and BitYDUKS, Managing thPevi' W’s'cii Eagle, Thorndike. ! Chicago, give inconvenience to the wearer. Rubber shoes, in The undersigned. Agents and of the every Monday Thursday mornings. II. Local __ may24d2w* Attorneys BAILBY, the eventful Barberick, Boston WNett* fourteen rooms. The sea view is un- Freight received on of Sui*eriuteudent. ^ lent that and useful life Sch Jerusha Baker, one form or another, have hitherto been our reliance; al>ove named roliable Companies with a combined days sailing until lour 3'he Enquire of « o'clock Portland, Alay 23d, 1866. maudlin .triot was surpassed. but it is well known, as their that and of more than P, II. C. C. EATON, in soldier drawing to a close. II White. W. H. Hoarders Wanted. among many evils, capital surplus aj.®,0 Sell Harriet Fuller. Upton, Boston—Jos STEPHENSON, while the feet from external May 29,1806.-—dtf Agent. Kev. J. A. xvas called Second FEW they keep dry moisture, naplain, French, Sch So-West Harbor—master. April2—tf National Bank. boarders ean bo sweat them over $^7,000,000. POHTLAWD player , Raymond, Pacv gentlemen accommodat- they much, and by thus inducing the General’s hand recited a Sch Wiscasset—Eastern A ed at No. 38 Preble Street. •are to the amounts desired in Blzant taking Napoleon, Roberts, njay28dlw* an undue tenderness increase a susceptii ility tocoldi prepared carry largest & Co rather than otherwise. also Marine, Inland, Life and Accidental Insurance. Steamer Thougli quite conscious and cog- schs Har- They are cumbersome to Fire, for Freeport. sPeecb and Sword Fish; Lot Tor Sale. Marine and us well as Fire risks hound at SACO i R. R. that deatti was him, the of SAILED—Brigs Iris, the feet, and withal are very expensive. The demaud Inland, PORTSMOUTH tbe j, upon power and others. once. Losses and riet Fuller, Nevada, Arizona, AGENTS WANTED. is for something that shall make the ordinary Boot equitably adjusted promptly paid. Thu Steamer CASCO will was gone, but the dying soldier pressed COFFIN & SWAN. SUMMER head to at a fair and Shoo impervious lo water, without affecting their Ft)YE, leave for PORT- ARRANGEMENT, the will closed ,0 person desiring purcliase bargain Marine FREEPORT of and of and bowed his CnrTlio Custom House one elegance or il without add- KIT* Risks placed in any Boston or New n clergyman funeral ot Ucn ANY of the most beautifully located and desira- canvass the State of Maine for ot durability, and, possible, LAND every (Sunday* Coiumencin]; Monday, May Mill, 18(1M. at on account of the Medallion® York Otiice desired. day, in token of liis consciousness -lay 12 o’clock, ble lots within the limits of the of am- our men—the ing sensibly to the cost ol their manufacture. at 7 o’el.x'k Was repeatedly eity Portland, TO public best production of art before These, Portland, Fob. 5 1806—dtf 'excepted) A. M.. Passenger Trains leave Portland f.*r solemn Sc jtt. for a flue residence and fruit the it will be are most important ---and r*S^Uw.;*a2 e last riles xvliich Mr. French ple and flower garden, American people. Address G. E. MOREY, No. 80 conceded, features, returning leave CUSTOM »^iaff!^3nL?Bo«toii ats.4o A. 2.flo and ti.00 (ex- £pj, surrounded broad and we affirm that are absolute- HOUSE ibr FUREPi i\i., wrecked on by acres highly cultivated ami Federal St. mav21d2w* conscientiously they WHARF >BT, at 4 o'clock P. M. precs) P. m. j performing according to the rules of the Isabel Bcurman. before reported attained in the invention horewith Brig beautified with stately elms, ana so near the ly presented to Fare each way 60 eeuts. Freight taken at low Leave Boston for church. Florida lias arrived safely at Remedies. yet the Portland at 7.30 A. M.. 3.00 and ly, .copal Keys, business center ol the as to com- public. rates. ma>"T3dtf 7.00 P. M. city conveniently The invention consists in PERPETUAL INSURANCE! (expressi ha .t precisely five minutes after bine the pleasures and of both Wanted. inserting between the in- On eleven, quiet- domestic ports. advantages country er Mondays, Wednesdays ar.d Fridays the Express in a and will do well to at Agent in every town in the State ot Maine to anti outer sole, when the boot is making, a thin in as if slumber, the whose life city, enquire immediately the train to and from Bouton will run via Boston & Mu'Ue patriot, NEW ORLEANS—Cld 24th, ship R C Winthrop, Probate ANsell a new, convenient and useful patented arti- MetALic Plate, exceedingly ductile, combining s heen so associated Office, City Building. may29dlw* L. It., stoi»piug only at Saco. Biddcford, Kenuebiuik, intimately with the cle. Ladies or Gentlemen wishing for a rare chance flexibility with and every FARE REDUCED TO BOSTOX toughness, very light, way -■1 1 \ North Berwick, South Bov wick Junction, Dover, Ex- ilitary history of his 17th, brig Abby Thaxter, to make money should call on, or adapted to the end while the additional ex- country, passed axvay. StEERJ?ANDlNA—Cld address®, desired, eier, Haverhill and Lawrence. Ami on There were Walker, Matauzas. J. HANKERSON & CO., pense is merely nominal. It furnishes a perfect bar- HOME INSURANCE Summer Tuesdays, present with him at the last Valuable Lot for Sale! CO.,1 Arrangement! Thursdays and will run via the Eastern f 25th, sch Abblc, Lorlng, tor 130 Middle rier the admission of wot or | Saturdays oment General G. \V. SAVANNAH—Cld Street. against dampness, though K. It., slopping at Calium, Commandant Nov 23—tUf the feet be ever so only &oco, Biddetord, Keunel’unk, Porto Rico. T Portland, Maine. may exposed upon wet A long pave- NEW HAVEN, CONN. Until lurther notice the Steamers North Beiwick, Salem West Point, and lor Aid to sch Nautilus, from Galveston for N York, very Lot on Street, near ments or Portsmouth, Newburypurt, many years Below, eligible Temple damp ground. of the Portland Steam Packet Co. and Lynn. eueral Middle with the Walls thereon. There is To ladies and children a_ Scott; Surgeon Marsh, Chaplain (captain sick.) THAT Street, the Metalic Soles will be will run as follows f E a with of ifc^T'A ■‘pocial reight train, with passenger car at- and BALTIMORE—Ar 29th, brig P Swett, Chad- good cellar connecting drain. Lot about 70 by incalculable value, as from tlieir habits of life and Leave Atlantic Wharf rench, the General’s faithful ser- GEO, F, FRENCH, M. D„ for Boston, tached, will leave Biddetord lor Portland at 8 body bourne, Cardenas. by 90 feet. Terms reasonable. to of are to the daily ant. General Apply delicacy dress, they particularly exposed every evening, (except Sunday) at A. M. FltANCIS Calium immediately telegraph- Cld 29th, (.’rest ol the Wave, Woodburn, Rot- train ol ills that attend an CASH CHASE, slup long upon inadequate pro- CAPITAL, 7 o’clock. Leave Boston the same days at 7 P. Si. Portlaud, May 12,18CC.—tl d to Mrs. who arrived here at five terdam ; soli Peuciniau, Turner, Portsmouth. JOHN C. PROCTER, Formerly of the Regular and late tection to the feet. Supt. Hoyt, Army, Cabin tare,.$1.50 ’clock this afternoon. PHILADELPHIA—Ar 29th. brigs Wenonah.Graf Lime Street. These Soles have already been tried by the best of John Fifield, H actual and the testimonials to Beck,. '.. 1.00 At the desire of the deceased General’s tain, Matanzas; Welsh, Jr, Sagua; May 18,1866.—dti tests, use, their $1,000,000.00 Whitmore, Providence; Elmira, Norton, New in Chief 1st Div. 15th merits, indicate that must lie I5T* Package tickets to be bad ot the at re- the Leeds, Surgeon Army Corps, freely proffered, they Agents PORTLAND SKEKNEBEC R. R. laughter, Mrs. Hoyt,—and it is thought York; schs Ella, Crocker, Mobile; Hannibal, Cox, speedily and adopted the public. The duced rales. For Sale. universally by Surplus, 176,830.07 ild hero himself had the same wish,—the re- Bangor; Jessie Hart, Parsons, St George; Saratoga. Announces to the citizens of Portland that he has Patent Metallic Soled boots and Shoes are being in- Freight taken as usua\ SUMMER Pinkliam. Saco: Grace Clifton, Otis, Nowburyport; one and a half House, in troduced into the Boot and Shoe Stores L. ARRANUEMENT, uains will be interred in the West Point story good order, permanently located himself in tliis city, and respect- leading B1LLLNUS, Agent. Harriet, Sawyer, Boston. with the lot 30 throughout the United States, and. will supplant all May 32nd, 1866—dtf Camiueueinjf M.udnr, April UOIh, 188C. pleasantly located, together by tenders his services to the $1,176,830.07 Cemetery. Cld 29th, brigs Nellie Mowe, Leemon, Portland; 80 feet. Price low—terms liberal. ully public. forms of overshoes, except for mud or to- MA possibly deep The remains will probably be removed Monica, Mitchell, do; Elmira, Norton, do; of snow, as thoy become known. Be suro to get them Henry Inquire Policies issued lor one or five on insurable SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! Passenger Trains leave Portland daily of the Mean- Boston; J Means, Wells, DO • and take no other. If shoemaker does not years, morrow to tbechape! academy. Leeds, Whitmore, do; JOHN C. PROCTER, Ofllce at the Kingsbury House, your hap- at 1.00 P. M.f lor Hath, Augusta, Wat- Schwartz. Salem; schs Flying Arrow, Ea- 15th—d3w pen to have them, he can them without dif- property, at current rates. while a guard of honor, composed of officers Custner, May Lime St. proouic er vilie, Kendall's Mills,Skowhegan, and intermediate ton, Holbrook, Rockland; Grace ficulty. If he will not, then send to the in- Also full dress and on the left Calais; Sardinian, 203 St. yourself PERPETUAL POLICIES, which never ex- Stations, (connecting at Brunswick with in wealing crape Clifton, Otis. Bath: Ida L Howard, McDutfie, Port- Congress ventor one dollar and and obtain six DAILY7 LINE Androscog- thirty cents, on gin K. R.), for Lew’istcu and and at arm, are in attendance upon the land Oraloo. Harriet, and Hanni- For Sale. assorted with to which pire, BETWEEN Farmington, corpse: ; Small; Sawyer, pair, sizes, right use, will be Kendall’s Mills with Maino Central R. R. tor Bauigi r Scott had been confined to UNITED STATES PATENT REFERS BY forwarded and which Gen. only bed bal, Cox, Bangor. EIGHT for PERMISSION TO promptly by express pro-paid, and intermediate stations, /'arcs as hi to by this route Ar 30tu, Cardenas. MARSHALL'S can be made up shoemaker in the Dwelling Barns, Churches as for the last three but that time brig Lije Houghton, Morton, TIIE IMPROVED ANCHOR. DRS. DAVEIS of and BOWDITCH of by any country.— Houses, PORTLAND & PENOBSCOT RIVER auy othsr. days, during NEW YORK—Ar sclis Ambassador, Grant, For further Portland, will be established in and 29th, particulars enquire of, or address Boston. Agencies every city village, Leave Portland tor Bat h, and his strength was gradually failing, and he M Caroline and with Sole* and AND SCHOOL HOUSES. Lewiston, Augusta achlas; C, Pomroy, Calais; Abby Gale, GEO. L. KIMBALL, supplied proprietary stamps, at The intermediate stations on at 8.00 P. M. seemed to a was 30—dlw schedule splondul sea-going Steamers Saturday only have presentiment that this Ryder. Belfast for Eddyville; Atlanta, Smith, Rock- Firm of Stevens, Freeman & Co. May prices and liberal commission allowed on Mixed Train leaves Portland for Burn and interme- If a LADY LANG, ('apt. F. A. Prince, his last visit to West in which land; Phenix, Henley, Portland. 11-dtf sales. Also General Agencies for States appointed on any party holding j>crpetual policy, diate stations Point, institu- Noy. and Capt. J. A. daily, except Saturday, at 3.45 P. M. Cld 30th, barque Ionic, Woodbury, Bombay via application, wi'h proper testimonials to the inventor. liould desire to cancel the the will HKGUL/O'OK, tion he took an intense interest and at which same, company Blanchard, wnl leave Kailro&d Freight Train, with passenger car attached, mill Boston; Gribbs, Hat- SAMUEL J. leave Portland tor Mnneynick, Cientuegos: brigs For Sale. SEELY*, pay him back 90 per cent, of the amount foot of State str Port- Skowhegan and into mediate sta- he spent every summer for the last years. tie S St Naiad, Rich- REFRIGERATORS, General Hall Place and Read paid. Wliarl, et, tions forty Bishop, Hutchinson, Thomas; Depot;corner City 11 morning at 7 o’clock. from S Chebeque Island, a iarm containing 15 acres land, every evening, excepted)at o’clock, every Wien coming the boat on the 10th of ardson, Cienftiegos; Strout, Wallace, Mansanilla; MANUFACTURED street, New York. (Sundays Trains from Batn and arc land and 35 acres and wood or on the arrival of the 7 o’clock train from Lewiston due at Portland a schs Ohara, Eaton, Philadelphia; Hattie Coombs, ONtillage pasturage Insurance in the Express at 8.30 A and May, he remarked to friend that he had a and TESTIMONIALS. Cheapest Country. Boston. M., from Skowhegan and Farmington ; Fanny Elder, Shea, do. land, young thrifty orchard, two dwelling come to the old Drinkwater, Elizabethport AND and all intermediate stations at z.30 1*. M. to connect academy to die, and in conver- PROVIDENCE—Sld 30th, schs Canima, houses lu perfect repair, possessing the best ol water The undersigned have lor the past six months worn Returning, will leave Bangor every morning (Sun- French, The Company will l.-sue on with trains lor BosU>u. sation with a few Albert New privileges; also one barn, etc.; a good seashore Boots and Shoes possessing Mr. Seely’s Metallic perpetual policies days excepted) at 5 o’clock, touching at Hampden, Captain Boynton, days ago, Philadelphia; Jameson, Candage, York; Stages tor Rockland connect at and for do. privilege lor sea dressing. Said farm is situated on FOB SALE Sole, and find them an effectual preventive against Winterport, Bucksport. Belfast, Camden and Rock- Bath; Bel- he replied to some remark concerning his vis- (ieo W Glover, Holbrook, fast at Augusta, and tor NEWPORT—Ar sch from the west end of the Island, S miles Irom and in sight dampness, and the colds so often taken from damp land, both ways. For freight or passage please apply Solon, Anson, Norridge- it to West Point that he came there to be 30th, Adelaide, Crowley, wock, Athens and Moose Head Lake at for orders. of Portland city. Will be sold at a great bargain. feet. Most gladly do we testily to the perfect efficien- STOKES, STOCKS, to A. SOMEKBY, Skowhegan, Plymouth, NC, BY and for China, Fast and North at buried. It seems that the schs Inquire of CHARLES SAWYER, No. 123 Commer- cy of their service. The Met allic Sole is not a Portland, May 15,1866. at Office on Wharf. Vassalboro’ Yas- appropriate great HOLMES’S HOLE—Ar 29th, Only Son, Mar- only and lor at cial or ot the on contribution to the cause ot AND FURNITURE. salboro’, Unity Kendall’s Mill’s. military academy of the nation should be the sen, and Valhalla, Lord, N York for Boston; Louis Street, Proprietor the premises. grand general health, but a postive all of W. dying place of the nation’s oldest soldier. Walrh, Booth, Elizabethport tor do; Caspian, Larra- may29 dtf M.C. luxury, obviating necessity HATCH, Superintendent* do for N do for MERRILL, India Rubber shoes, except in muddy weather. All FARM PROPERTY. PORTLAND AND MACHIAS I860—dtf The funeral will take at one o’clock on boe, Portsmouth; Jones, Huntley, April 28, place Adaline do for Tenement to dampness, and even water upon pavements, Rockport; Hamlin, Wyatt, Hallowell; Let, ordinary Policies will be issued STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Friday, with such military pomp as the post Julia from New Haven for 51 Union Street* is completely foiled of its power of harm by this most Perpetual (never expiring) Elizabeth, Merrill, Calais; seven large rooms, over Perkins’ can alford. It is Fall River for Flora simple and uselul invention. No one who has once on this class of property, at such a cost as it will be for expected, however, that there Marccllus. Remick, Ellsworth; Confectionery Store, Morton Block. Enquire of for Portsmouth. CONTAINING Also lor sale at used them will over be without them again, as they INLAND ROUTE. PORTLAND* will be a large accession of eminent person- King, Cook, Providence may26dlw L. J. PERKINS. the interest of every person w anting insurance to ROCHESTER R.R. Ar 30tli, schs Silas Wright, Adams, and Superior, ncrcase the cost of boots and shoes by a sum which is ages from Washington and elsewhere. scarcely worth and ieet. call and see for themselves. Hatch, New York tor Boston. 53, Next Door Above. naming, insure,positively, dry On and after April 24th the new, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Sld, schs Seventy-Six, , FOR SALE! Which is reckoned among the first conditions of health (££r“Full particulars as to rates and terms given on substantial and swift going Steam- Maryland, and comfort. commend the “Metallic — The that with Julia L Flora Wo heartily to er On and after nitro-glycerine exploded Elizabeth, Walsh, King, Maroellus, t3f"JJmerent Sizes made to Order. Sole” to all the sensible. application '"S15E1 Monday. April 30.1S66, Adaline Hamlin, Superior, Valhalla. IN «OBC3BS touching Bartlett, Limington, Cornish,l*ur- kell; Valhalla. Lord; Louis Walsh, Booth, and Otto- May 22—d3w Lime St. perlect tention xeyeh to be without them. I have not had AGENCY! at above named landings, and arm ing in Portland ter, Freedom, Madison, and Eaton. N. II. A writer on “Our Houses” in the last “Gal- the heat anil makes it do in the engine. This is man, Lord, duty a wet or foot the whole time I have worn INSURANCE. the same night. At Buxton Center fur West Elizabethport. very in its after the damp during Buxton, Bonny-Eagle, that the of the modern from Sami Lind- simple construction; engine is in them. I them the best Insole made. undersigned respectfully announce to tlicir Stages win be in readiness at all the to South axy” says parlor house Below, ship Agnes, Penang; brig motion the smoke closed pronounce yet landings Limington. Limington, Limerick, Newiield, ■ FOB SALE. pipe is and the waste friends the sey, from Guanten&mo. tight, I am satisfied that no person having once worn them T1IE and business community generally, carry passengers to the neighboring towns. Parsonsfieid and Ossipee is in some more than heat carried through heaters, heating the steam to that have This Steamer is always degree splendid Cld 31st, ship Herald of the Morning, Sears, San Will do without them. Wishing you the success you they perfected complete arrangements for 879 tons measurement, has large At for South any temperature the remainder carried the Saccarappa Windham, Windham HilL the real rooms in which the and the Francisco: sclis Stato, Fob- I desirable House and lot on southwest corner desired; deserve for so valuable an invention for the preserva- transaction of and w^ll ventilated State Rooms, and new Furni- and North family live, Bay Long, Calais; Cyrus the water heater, all the waste Windham, daily. of Pine and State streets. The situation is one through using up tion of I ture, Beds and and is in all Steam Car and sett, Hodgdon, Eastport; Union. Rich, Millbridge. THE heat but the heat health, remain iruly yours, Bedding, respects elegant- Accomodation trains will run as fol- rooms are generally pinched and straitened of of 200ilegs.; being reduced so low RIFE and ACCI- fitted for has SALEM—Ar 29th, sch Sea Foam, Grifiin, Philadel- the most pleasant in the city. The lot is about 40 SAMUEL JEFFERSON, Contractor, New York. FIRE, MARINE, ly up passengers,and large Freight room. lows Leave Gorham for Portland at8(WA u. uud j there can be no danger of fires by sparks lor some to furuish out that one pliia. x 103, and well arranged and stocked with fruit trees setting Mb. Samuel J, Seely : Freight warded Jrom Portland the Boston 2OOP. m. Leave Portland for at comfort, magnifi- thrown from engines, which will add much value to DENT by Gorham 12 1j p m. Ar Baltimore. and Dear Sir—I take in INSURANCE, and New York Steamers und 4 p. u. senseless 31st, barque Chilton, Stafford, shrubbery. this invention, ocsides the 1-3 the fuel. great pleasure offering my cent, humbug." Sld Loch Stockton. For to W. T. A. saving to the usefulness and comfort of Passengers by the three o'clock and Even- 29th, barque Lamar, Clifford, particulars apply KILBORN, For particulars inquire of testimony your pat- To any amount, and in the most rcsixmsible com- 63^* By order of the President. H. W. or to ent Metallic Sole. I. have used a of boots for the ing Express trains from on their arrival at —Mr. Lowell, formerly of Lewiston, LIBBY, WM. i pair panies in New England and New York City. Boston, Portland, April 28, i860—dtf FOREIGN PORTS. JOHN C. PROCTER, WILLARD, past seven months, furnished with this and feel Portland, will l>e taken to the Steamer, with their writes to Journal lrom Los So- Corner of Commercial Wharf and Commercial St. Sole, thf Angelos, apC—tf Lime street. no hesitation in that I have never worn shoes baggage, free of Sld fin Montevedio 7tli ult, brig Alpine, i Feb 24—dlv saying Stocks on charge. Killman, that combined so the desirable of ofGoods.Buildings,Vessels Stocks, For freight or to nora, Mexico, under date April 20th, “Corn is New York. perfectly qualities passage apply GRAND .trunk dryness and &C# 9 &C*9 up than head. The trees are Ar at Valparaiso prev to May 2, ship Hattie E Tap- For Sale Cheap. durability, ROSS & STI RDEVANT, railway, higher my hang- 1 EMMA OVERTON, Brooklyn, New York. Ol Uonudu. ley. Tapley, Montevideo, (and sld for Paquica, to load at comer of and Brackett streets. Selee’s lair Life. In the most Reliable Fire Genual Agents, full of the beautiful fruit which this coun- Spruce S. J, Companies. ing for England.) to W. L. Seely,Esq.: 73 Commercial Street, Portland. LOTApply PUTNAM, Dear Sir—In answer to I am and the flowers are so A r at A spin wail llth, C from your request, pleased April 19th, 18C6. try gives us, sweet, I barque Mary Dyer, m&yl(Jd2w 74 Middle street. THE BEST, CLEANEST AND CHEAPEST to stale that I have HULLS, CARGOES, AND FREIGHTS, apliudtt SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Philadelphia; Rosamond, Fickett, do. | manufactured shoe* containing often wish I could send some to the cold re- Ar at Mansanilla 15th your Metallic Solo by machinery. I think them a su- inst, barque Acacia, Strout, Valuable Mill For Sale. ! article for the feet In In Marine. Co’s of well known responsibility. PORTLAND of Maine.” Boston. Property perior keeping dry: manufac- AND NEW YORK gions them there is no trouble from the And solicit the Sld 19th, brig Mecosta. Dunbar. Boston. interest in a Saw Mill and Store. Will be sold turing cutting they respectfully attention of all de- steamship Moruing Train for boutli HAIR thread when nor iu insurance. company. Paris, Lewiston and Ar at 18th Dow. from Anat a great bargain to a good business man who can RESTORER sewing, any difficulty putting siring Auburn at 7 00 a u. Cienluegos inst, brig Clytie, them in the shoe. Sear sport; 21st, barque A C Small, Cott, Boston. take charge of a Store. Apply to Respectfully vours, Mail Train lor Watcrville, Bangor, Gorham. Island SEELEMAN 8BMI-WEKKliY LINE. • The Markets. Sld 18th, brig J D Lincoln, Merriman. New York. LYNCH, BARKER & CO., And Dresser. PEARL’BROOK, Pond, Monties 1 and Quebec at 110p. m Practical Shoe Manulacturer, N. Y. COLBY & TWOMBLY Ar at Ucmedios 17th inst, brig Isabel Beurman, ap3tl 139 Commercial street. Brooklyn, This train conuoets with Express train for Mar. 19—d3m« 22 The Hi>l«ndid and fast Toronto, Curtis. New York,[has been reported wrecked]; 18th For sale by all Dealers. Exchange St, over Merchants* Exchange. Steam- Detroit aud Chicago. Sleeping Cars attached irurn TELE GRAPHIC REPORTS. barque Limerick Lass, Coney, Havana; scb Harper, We take in the US the ships DIRIGO, Capt. H.Shenooort, Island Pond to Quebec aud Montreal. For Sale. pleasure reicrring public and W. Cooinos. Pensacola. well known Gentlemen and businesss firms FRANCONIA, capt. W, No Baggage can be received or checked alter the FINE lot of new. following i hub will Ar at Havana 23d inst, barque Gan Eden, Reed. Springfield Rifles, nearly A Chance to Make in this wood, until further no; timo above stated. 1financial. which into smooth will & city. run as follows: New York; 24th, brig Clara Brown. Brown, do; 24th A by being changed bores, CHARLES CUSTIS CO., Money Hon. Israel Washburn Jr. .ioe, Trains will arrive as follows:— BY IN Messrs. Lynch, Barker New \ our. May 31. sch Maria make the most accurate sporting guns to be hail.— INVESTING Leave Brown’s Wharf, Portland, every WEDNES- So. Hall, Rowland, do; 25th, brig Glendale, Hon. Jr. & Co. From Paris, Lewistou and Auburn, 810 a is Tbe Commercial's article the stoc> is do. They will be sold at 60 per cent discount. BenJ.Kingsbury, DAY and at 4 P. and leave says market Munroe, "Wholesale C. M. Eau. Messrs. Mlllikeu SATURDAY, M., Pier From Montreal, Quebec Ac. dull though the of Ar of F. G. office Ex- Rice, Deoring, 38 East Now ai3r|n. unusually steady,-with exception 22d, barque John Griffin, Chase, New York. Inquire PATTERSON, 82£ -Agents. STATE BIGHTS Isaac & Co. River, York, every WEDNESDAY Southern and Me. 23—dlw Emery, Esq. and Erie, Michigan Cleveland & Pittsburg. Sld 25th, barque Annie, Chase. New York. change St, Portland, maylleodlm May John SATURDAY, at 4 o’olook P. M. THE- D. Lord, Esq. Messrs. Yeaton & Hale. The aro not fer Transactions in railroad shares are merely nominal. Sld 2'tli, Norton -OF These vessels are fitted up with fine accommoda- Company responsible baggic'e to barque Stover, Leland, NYork; Messrs. \V. & C. R. Mill!- Messrs. Chaa. E. Jose & Co any amount in value (and that State stocks are active, apparently irom the return of 25th, sch Ossuna, for Nuevitas. tions for passengers, making this the most exceeding $G0 person- For Sale. New and one of the ken. speedy, al) unless notice is ami lor a amount from London. » most Wonderful Bafe and given, paid at the rate of moderate Governments Ar at Matanza8 19th, barque Caro, New Or- Mar 24—dl»m comfortable route for travellers between Beals, Stable and corner Melbourne one passenger lor evury $500 additional value. quiet but lirrn. Mouev in moderate demand and leans; 20th, Investigator. Carver, New Garden, New York and Maine Passage, in State Room, York; 22d, and Willis streets. The Lot is 132x80 well laid out Inventions of the C. J. HRYDUF.Y, more sup ly. Gold active: opened at 384 and brig A E Reed, Jewett, Machias. HOUSE, Age, *8.00. Cabin passage *5.00. Meals extra. M'truujiny Director, ample and stocked with Fruit and Ornamental H. RAII.EY, TmcoI Superintendent. advanced to 39}, and at 1.30 P. M. was 39}. From Ar 20th, barque New Trees, Grape bby Goods forwarded by this line to and from Mon- Investigator, Carver, York; Vines and Persons desirous bf your ATLANTIC Portland, April 7.1*6. present appearances it doos not apear that the expor t 2.kl, brig J H Dillingham, Mudgott,* Shrubbery. purchas- treal, Quebeo, Bangor, Bath,Augusta, Eastport and dtt exceed two half Philadelphia; a and will j Howartli Patent Pocket Dinner Pail. on Saturday will and million. Ex- 24th, barques John Carver, Nichols, and Flit- ing Home, every way pleasant desirable, St.John. Henry do welW to examine this as it is one of (Paper and change in moderate demand at 109} lu9g tor sixty oor, Park. New York; brig II Houston, French, fin place, Mutual Shippers are requested to send their freight to the and 1 w 111 for the finest; on Mupjoy Hill and will be sold at a bar* Insurance as as days, IrtJJ sight. Philadelphia. great desideratum of this new patent consists Company. steamers early 8 P. M. on the day that they Kaine central Gold at 5 P. M. wa* The Erie Railroad has Sld gain. Envelopes leave Portland. r. ~r7 140}. 18th, barque Winslow, Brooks. Falmouth: (?) —AT— THEin its being made of continuous rings or bands, 51 Wall cor. NEW a loan and For on the of St, William, YORK, negotiated of nearly three a half millions 2'ith, brigs Cauluia, Isew York; Sarah particulars inquire premises so that after the meal has boen eaten, can be so For freight or passage apply to WINTER Richardson, C. W. SMITH. they ARRANGEMENT. to run two years. Peters, Lord, Baltimore. folded, one within the other, as to make it small Januaby, 1866. EMERr & FOX, Brown’s wharf, Portland. Ar at Cardenas T A May ^3—dtf. to be into common coat At H. B. CROMWELL A CO.. No. 86 West New York Markets, 17th, brig Darrell, Avery, Bos- DRESSER’S,/89 enough put any pocket. Street, Trains leave Portland ton; 23d, t arque Aberdeen, New Orleans. the bottom of the is a cell of a to hold New York. ..3S.L" daily (Grand Eaton, Exchange st. i pail cai>ocity Depot) New Yore. May 31. Ar 23d, barque New House for Sale. tea or cnocoiate sufficient fora meal, which Insures against Marine and Inland Navi- Mav 29. 1865. dtf e'fcrf'^ifJSsTrunk Sundaysexcepted.lor Au- Aberdeen, Eaton, Orleans; cotiee, buni and Lewiston at 7.00 A. and lor sales 1000 bales. tolds within the bands so as M., Bangor and Cotton—dull; Middling Uplands brig Crimea, Hichborn, New York, sch Laurel, Par- three-storv Brick House No. corner o< not to add in the least to Risks. ail intermediate 39 41c. 70, gation FREIGHT FOR .Stations, at 1.10 P. M. at @ ker, Frankiort; E Danfortli ana Tate the bulk. THE SOUTH AND WEST. Returning 24th, barque Mary Libby, Libby, THE Streets. It has all the mod- trains Irom Auburn and Lewision ale due at 8.30 Flour—State and Western dull and 5 @10c Portland. In order to be it must be seen. a’ lower; ern improvements and is in excellent condition. appreciated Per- M., and from Bangor anil all sales 12,000 bbis. State at 7 15 @ 8 85. Round Hoop Sld 19th, L L sons on and excursions into The whole profits ot the Company revert to the intermediate stations, brig Wadsworth, Crosby, North of The house can be examined any day. going pic-nic pleasure Boston and at 3 P. M., to connect trains tin- Boston. Ohio at 9 60 (a) 14 00. Western at 7 15 @ 9 70. South- Jas schs the or to the where the comforts of Assured, and are divided annually, upon the Premi- Philadelphia Hatter,^; Davis, Clough, do; Antelope, For terms, &c., apply to country, Islands, Freight trains leave at 8 A. M. ern-sales 580 bbls. at 10 80 ifi> 16 75. Cauada ami a dinner table are not will fail ums terminated during ilje and tor which Cer- daily heavy; Chadwick, Hamburg, Sprague, Philadelphia. RUFUS E. WOOD, available, not to pur- year; EDWIN sales 400 bbls. at 9 15 13 50. Ar at chase one as soon as tificates are issued, bearing interest until redeomed. Steamship Line. NOYBS.Snpt. @ Sagua 12fch inst, barque Cephas Starrett, No. 10 Central Wharf. (jrreat Inducements they are put on sale. Every Dec 15.1865. Wheat—dull and 1 2c sales The Dividend was 40 per dent, in each ol the The Steamers dc»tl @ lower; 21,300 bush.; Gregory, Havana; 13tli, Sharpsburg, Kamiall,Carde- Portland, Apr. 30,1866.—tf school boy and girl will want one. The mechanic years NORMAN. SAXON, and ARIES Milwaukee Club, new No.l, at 2 15 @ 2 18; Amber nas; llth, brig Paragon, Wells, Havana. FOR PATCHES WISHING TO BUILD. and the day laborer need Bo longer be encumbered 1863-4, and 5, and 35 per cent, in 1866. now form the line, and a .steamer lea\es each ]K>rt Michigan, prime old, at 2 70. by carrying a large tin to aud from their Labor. EVEKY FIVE DAYS. fTIHE subscribers offer ior sale a large of pail THROUGH TICKET8 Corn—under large receipts and advance in freights steamer Persia. For Sale, quantity The patentees claim this as new and has Over Twelve From Long Whar’, 12 M. (Additional por 1 X desirable building lots in the West End of the entirely origi- The^ Company Assets, 3 @ 4c lower; sales 227,000 bush.; new Mixed West- three storied modern built BRICK nal, and would invite the to call and Million Dollars, viz:— From Pine St. Wharf, 10 A.M. Old at Liverpool 18th, Trenton, Walker, city, lying on Vaughan, public generally Philadelphia,.at ern at 60 (rt) 81}c. Saguenay. thirteen with Pine, Neal, Carlton, Thomas, examine the article at the for the West forwarded bv the TO THE Ent lor ldg 18th, Bertha, Humphrey, for Cardiff HOUSE, containing rooms, Monu- United States and State of New-York Stocks. Freight Pennsylva- WEST! Oats—dull and lc lower. abundant closet marble fire West, Emery, Cushman, Lewis, Brnnihall, City, nia Railroad, and to Baltimore and and Montevideo. MA room, pieces; cel- ment, Dantorth, Orange and Salem Streets. Bank and other Stocks, $4,828,585 Washiugtou by Beef—steady. lar under the whole never of Canal or Railroad, free of commissions. $G less than any other route, via the Ent out 181 h, Thcobold, for Cardiff and Baltimore. house; failing supply will sell on a credit of from one to ten INVENTOR’S Loans secured by Stocks and otherwise, 3,330,360 Pork—steady; sales 8,750 bbls.; new mess at 30 43 hard and soft water: the house. They years, EXCHANGE, For freight, apply to Off Point Lynas 13th, John Spear, Stinson, from gas throughout Lot if desired the and to who will Premium Notes and Bills Receivable, Real cash. size with fine shade trees. by purchasers, parties SOULE & Liverpool for Philadelphia. good build houses of will ad- NO. 80 FEDERAL STREET, Estate, Bond and Mortgages and other se- SPRAGUE, CO., Grand Trunk Rail sales 740 bbls. at 19 @ Thehouse is in fine order and satisfactory character, they Nov 22—dlyr y T Wharf. Boston. tray! Lard—steady; 22}c. Ent out at located on one of the one curities, sales 125 bbls. Western at 15th, Fanny Buck, Roberts, vance, \f desired, fourth of the cost of building, on 3,650,025 Whiskey—uuchangod; for Palermo. principal streets of the city, in a good neighborhood, Me. United Slates Gold 27. completion of the house. From parties who build im- PORTLAND, Coin, 60,460 Also tickets all routes 2 204 m 2 and will be sold at a bargain if applied for at once.— Cash in Bank by principal through Boston mediately, NO CASH PAYMENTS REQUIRED. 310,550 or New Yonk from Portland to Rice—quiet. Can be examined Possession can be had at the West, North and Ar at Palermo 4tli Inst, Mary any day. every from nine to ten Persons wishing for State rights had better call sales 650 hhds. Muscovado at 11 Stewart, Dennison, once. Apply day except Sunday, South-West. For reliable information or tickets Sugar—steady; @ Marseilles, (and sailed for New York. Apply to A. at the office of llie where soon and improve the opportunity of making money. call 114c; 500 boxes Havana at 11 ($ 11 W. G. M., subscribers, plans $12,199,970 GAS AND at the Union Ticket Office, opposite the Preble llouso. jc. Ar at 7th Irom New CHADBOURN, be and full obtained. may26dlw COAL OIL sales of Rio on Malaga inst, Evelyn, Jenkins, may seen, particulars Coffee—quiet; 1,500 bags private York. May 18—dtf Office 91 Middle St. J. B. D. H. terms. BROWN & SONS. TRUSTEES: BLANCHARD, Agent. 13. sales 100 Portland, May 3, 18G5. uiayStf Portland, April Molasse*—quiet; hhds. New Orleans John 1). Jones, Win. CHANDELIERS, aprl'dtf at 75 50 hhds. Porto SPOKEN. Street House! Sturgis, Syrup (a195c; Rico at 67 @ 75c. Valuable Beal Estate Temple Eating Charles Dennis, Henry K. Huger t, Naval at 93 Ros- March 9, lat 3 N, Ion 22 W, ship Stores—Spirits Turpentine @ 95c; Castillian, Pike, SUMMER OPENING ! (FORMERLY BARNUM’S.) W. H. H. Moore, Joshua J. Henry, in at 3 00 % 10 00. from Sunderland for Singapore. -on- Important to WOW MESSRS Henry Colt, Dennis Travelers to March lat —, Ion 30 46 Perkins, Freights Liverpool—more active and jd higher; 16, W, ship Congress, from Win. C. Jos. PENDANTS, for Hong North & MRS. COLBY Pickersgill, Gallard, Jr., Corn 4d per sail and 6d per steamer. Newport, E, Kong. Congress, Cumberland Sts, BICKFORD & HENDERSON’S. Lewis J. TOTH. March In. lat 17 Ion 27 the Curtis, Henry Burgy. S, \V, Bangor, steering Would announce to the Ladies ot Portland that she Chas. U. Cornelius New York Stock Market, the of neat and spacious establishment well knovn Bussell, Grinncll, South, (perhaps barque City Bangor, fm Lou- will open on Ixrwell C. A. don for Australia. FOR THISthroughout the States and Canadas, as a first Holbrook, Hand, West, South, North-West and the Canadas. New York. May31. SALE, B. Warren B. J. BRACKETS, lat 28 Ion 75 sch Ruth H THURSDAY, May 31st, class house and restaurant, after being thoroughly Weston, Howland, Second Board.—Stocks firm. May 24, 25, 05, Baker, part of that desirable property ltoval Irom Portland lor Matanzas. at her Rooms, cleansed and refitted, and having sectored the services Phelps. Bonj. Babcock, American Gold.139* Knight, COMPRISINGformerly belonging to the Dyeu Estate, and Caleb Fletcher W. D. lat 38 Ion 73 W ot MR. DANIEL K. REED as Chief do Cuisine, well Barstow, Westrav, LITTLE United States 5-20’s, coupons 1862,.102* May 27, 10, 20, barque S Holbrook, embracing some of the most eligible lotB on No. 41-2 Free Street A. P. Bobt, B. StC*, from Portland for Matanzas. building Block, known to ail former habitues of Bar mini's as having Pillot, Minturn, Jr, United States 5-20’s coupons 1865,.1023 Mui\joy Hill. This property is now offered for a £. Gordon W. for all the'great Routes a choice selection of Summer the no superior, in skill or with a corps of assist- Wm, Dodge, Burnham, Agent Loading to Chica- 7 3-10 * short time at on terms to Bonnets, including celerity, Treasury .102£ (gj private sale, favorable ants and is now to accommodate Geo. G. Hobson, Fred’k Clinunccy, IS go, Cincinnati, Cleveland Detroit, Milwaukee, Michigan Southern .80* to PAMELA, PRINCESS, waiters, prepared purchasers. Apply LAMBALLE, visitors at home and from abroad to David Lane, James Low, FOE SALE ualena, Ushkonh, Ht.Vaul, LaCrossc, lireen !t»y. Michigan Central.107 STODDARD’S AUG. P. FULLER, and all the late French styles, to which your attention James Bryce, Geo. S. Stephenson, kluincy, St, Louis, Louisville, Indianapolis, Cairo, Read’ll};..lOOg 281 Congress St., opposite the Preble House. is respectfully solicited. may30dtf LUNCHES, SUPPERS, DINNERS, Leroy M. Wiley, Wm. H. Webb. fro. and is prepared to furnish Through Tlrkets Hudson...113* CHOLERA SPECIFIC. Apr 13—dtf Daniel S. Miller, from Portland to alt tho principal Cities and Town* Erie. Go* On the choicest edibles in the John D. President. AT in the leval States and the Canadas, at the A suifb Preventive and Cure Vessels Wanted. market, Jones, New York Central.98 for Valuable Real Charles Estate for Sale in AT ALL HOURS, from 5 A. M. to 10$ P. M. I)enni«, Vice-President. LOWEST Boston Watur Power.51$ -rClrH To load Lumber and Laths at St. W. H. H. 2d Vice-Prest. RATES OK KARR, John, Parties and families furnished Moore, CHOLERA, Westbrook. ®,r Philadelphia and Baltimore, {37’“ Wedding with J. D. 3d Vice-Prest. 53 of IceCream and Hewlett, UNION STREET. And all needful information furr.ished. hoMoii Stock Lint. Cholera Morbus, on account of offers Deals for Europe, Also vessels want- evOTy variety Cakes, Confectionery. J. H. oheerBilly Diarrhoea* Dysentery, subscriber, poor health, jQf*J5^and Meats. Chapman, Secretary. Thavulusss will ttnd it his FARM lor to Coal from Old Gao greatly totheir Sales at the Brokers Summer Pain in the THE sale,—situated in Westbrook,three ^SpEZZ*.,'Tagged freight Lingan, Cowbay, Fixtures reguildeil and branied. advantage Board, MayJSl. Complaint*, „ii-F anj other Nova Scotian to New ALSO, a small neat Hall for Dancing parties, in Gas to proonte Through Tickets at tho miles from Portland, half mile from Morrill’s Corner, ports tor Insurance with the above named piping done to order. And also Gas Cooking American Gold. Stomach an