TODAY ONLINE >> Lariat Letters: Send us responses to articles, columns and editorials at [email protected]. Baylor



BAYLOR BLESSING SUSTAINABILITY Baylor becomes even greener


Baylor proved that it was green in more than one way when the university was recognized by  e Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education for outstanding performance in sustainability.  e Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education presented Baylor with the Silver award, the second highest award. Baylor was also recognized as the top performer Dane Chronister | News Editor in the categories of Coordination, DREAM COME TRUE Midway High School sophomore Kade Perry got a chance to not only meet with one of his mascot heroes, but he got to be Planning,and Governance and Bruiser. Perry walked around campus on Wednesday and greeted students with a Sic ‘em and a hug. Diversity and A ordability. Although Baylor had been awarded the Bronze award by  e Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education in 2012, this was the  rst year Baylor quali ed as a top performer in any of the 17 categories Filling the shoes the organization considers. “We’ve never been recognized at this higher level,” said director of sustainability, Smith Getterman. Young man from Midway gets the opportunity of a lifetime Getterman along with the Baylor Student Sustainability Advisory Board were instrumental in gathering the DANE CHRONISTER Panther. epitome of what we are supposed to be,” said data that was to be submitted to  e News Editor In his journey in becoming the mascot, Wesley Perry. Association for the Advancement of Kade’s parents, Wesley and Kelli Perry, felt that Perry’s parents didn’t tell him a thing about Sustainability in Higher Education for Joy, utter and constant joy, is what makes he might be discouraged if the opportunity him getting to be Bruiser for the day.  ey review. the Midway High School sophomore Kade didn’t come through for him. planned on taking Kade out of school early and In 2007, Pattie Orr, the vice Perry stand out in a crowd. “It was his idea, and I actually discouraged give him the chance to meet up and hang out president for IT and dean of university On Wednesday, Kade got the opportunity to it at  rst. He had to go through the tryouts; he with Bruiser. But parents and Bruiser himself libraries, was instrumental in creating not only meet Bruiser, one of his mascot heroes, had to do everything they did. He had to work had something a little di erent in mind. the sustainability program at Baylor. but actually got a chance to walk in his shoes. hard, had to do a skit, just like all the other “I’d been a UT fan my whole life, but it’s hard “I am especially proud of the Kade was born with a medical condition, kids,” said Wesley Perry. “So, I was afraid that not to love Baylor; quality people, quality kids, recognition from  e Association for known as hydrocephalus, which has le him what if he doesn’t get it?” who reach out and love other kids.  at’s dear the Advancement of Sustainability in without a part of his brain. Perry’s dream of becoming a mascot  rst to my heart.  ings like this win parents over,” Higher Education because it shows “ is is just an awesome experience to be began when he met Scott Beckwith, a former Mr. Perry said. “Baylor’s always got something that we are now, just eight years later, apart of I know I can speak for all of us mascots Bruiser, at one of the last games at Baylor’s old good going on, and they are always doing good a national leader,” Orr said. that this is just such a cool experience. Not only football stadium, Floyd Casey Stadium. His things.  e way people treat Kade is what keeps Orr cited Baylor’s Last Lights Out are we able to let him be Bruiser, but he has interaction with Kade helped make the entire us here [in Waco.] Everyone is just too good to program as one of the numerous shared with us what it is like to be a Midway family Baylor fans and encouraged a young boy him and we can’t get that anywhere else.” practices that quali ed Baylor for Panther,” said La Vernia senior Colby Huth, to pursue his aspiration. Keith Miller, the Associate Athletic Director the sought-a er award.  e program one of the Bruisers on the Baylor Spirit Squad. “He reminds me of what being a man is for Compliance, helped put the Perry Family in encourages residence halls and To many, a position as a mascot may not be about a lot of times. Even with my struggles contact with Rachel Levetzow, director of spirit other buildings to turn out the lights one of the most glamorous opportunities.  eir in my job industry. I still get a little skewed and tradition. Miller and Levetzow were able when the room is not in use.  is are copious amounts of sweat, long hours on on people, but he doesn’t know the di erence to help make all of this happen with Bruiser requires a high level of coordination one’s feet and the fact that the suit can reach up between good, bad and otherwise. He loves on with all of the departments, schools, to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. However, Perry has people that other people don’t love on. He is the taken this position as the Midway High School BRUISER >> Page 4 GREEN >> Page 4

>>WHAT’S INSIDE POST-GAME opinion Editorial: Feminists look to taking o their shirts in order to gain traction in Baylor provides more for its their equality race. pg. 2 students even after the games arts & life Pigskin Preview: Check it ELLA KIMBERLY “ e goal is to provide a safe, community out for a glimpse of what Reporter environment and always provide something for free. So we recognize that students a erwards are is to come this evening Baylor’s Department of Student Activities hungry and, sure, they can go across the street, pg. 5 holds 5th Quarter immediately following every but we want them to hang out with us,” said Jordy home football game. 5th Quarter provides an Dickey, assistant director of the student union. sports inviting atmosphere with entertainment and  e events that they have had in past included activities for students and families to participate roller skating in the Bar eld Drawing Room in the in on campus.  e feeling of community within Bill Daniel Student Center, having in atables in Baylor does not end a er the game does. Fountain Mall and bubble soccer also in Fountain Since football came to campus last fall, Student Mall, to name a few. Activities has attempted to increase engagement 5th Quarter intends to keep the joy going from around football games. Student Activities football games and tries to carry the excitement organizes tailgating before and during the game onto a di erent part of campus. Baylor Football: Get to for various student organizations and continues “When students are coming back and alumni their engagement with 5th Quarter a er the game. are wandering through campus, we want it to know Spencer Drango Sarah Pyo | Lariat Photographer and Andrew Billings. 5th Quarter has intriguing programs for be alive and fun, not just a dark campus,” said pg. 11 GAME DAY FUN Baylor line fans reach out for students and alumni families.  e event is always director of student activities Matt Burchett. a free shirt during the home game against West free and Student Activities provides free food for Virginia on Saturday at McLane Stadium. attendees to enjoy. 5TH QUARTER >> Page 4

Vol.116 No. 31 © 2015 Baylor University Thursday, October 22, 2015 2 The Baylor Lariat

GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? We want to hear it. Send us your thoughts: [email protected]


Exposure, but no results WE SAY YOU SAY #FreeTheNipple Wednesday’s campaign makes survey question: little headway for Do you think the city is doing enough to gender equality revitalize East Waco?

In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive, interact with strange men or go anywhere YOUR RESPONSE without the guidance of a male chaperone. Guatemala’s female underclass confronts rape, domestic violence and the second-highest rate “Waco needs to be creating of HIV/AIDS a er sub-Saharan Africa. Many more job training & jobs for the countries still do not allow their women to attend people in East Waco. Allowing school. for opportunities & a ordable Yet in America, one women’s activist group funding models for small feels con ned and oppressed by the social business entrepreneurship construct of — covering their nipples. & community involvement  e feminist campaign, #Free eNipple, — investing in their futures began as an equality movement highlighting the by being an active part of absurd double standard of female censorship, the planning & development particularly of the chest area. Beginning as process of their own a  lm by Lina Esco, the movement seeks to communities.” eliminate the taboo of women’s bodies and the inconsistencies of the culture and legal system in “No one goes out there. If America and globally. enough was being done, you  e group’s grassroots style has garnered would see folks out there.” attention from celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Liv Tyler and Lena Dunham, who have outwardly “ e last time I crossed the shown their topless support. river was for a football game, But the problem with the #Free eNipple and the time before that, I campaign is the fact that it creates a nonissue, a don’t know. I have been to problem that’s not really there. Lula Jane’s a couple times, the library, even the dentist. But Because of the unwavering e orts of movement’s mission is to address “equal rights irrelevance.  is movement raises no awareness su ragettes and activists, women now have the these are rare occurrences. I for men and women, a more balanced system for pay inequality, reproductive rights or general need more reasons to cross.” right to vote, work in virtually any industry and of censorship, and legal rights for all women to equality mindset, here or abroad.  ere are far hold government o ces. But in the 21st century, breastfeed in public,” according to its website. more dire issues facing women worldwide than equality is sought in areas where oppression does But the reality is, in America, breasts are seen the #Free eNipple campaign can touch. Is this not exist — the naked body. as sexual objects.  is notion cannot simply be really what the 19th century su ragettes intended  e campaign makes note that in the U.S. it is turned o like a light switch, as the campaign sees when they put their reputation on the line for Read the editorials? illegal for a woman to be topless in 35 states, and feasible. It’s a cultural norm and an expectation women’s rights? Take the survey either jail time or a  ne is given for an exposed of modesty to keep them covered. Expecting a Without question, equality of the sexes in nipple in more conservative states like Louisiana. cultural standard so impervious as this one to America has not been attained; there is still work the day on New York City legalized this kind of exposure in change so drastically is just not probable. to be done. But going topless neither solves the Facebook and 1992 yet continues to arrest women for public In order for this movement to be successful, issue nor creates a pathway for equality to be Twitter. indecency, the campaign argues. however, change must occur in the way women reached.  e expectation for women to cover their are portrayed in media. Without this societal  e #Free eNipple movement does nothing FACEBOOK TWITTER breasts is largely cultural, a social construct even. shi , the desire to go bare-chested actually defeats for feminism, other than take focus o of the The Baylor Lariat @BULariat Tribal women in South America, Africa and the intended purpose of equality. important issues women face. Instead, these Papua New Guinea have gone bare-chested for In fact, the movement seems more, “I just feminists should stay fervent on the serious generations, simply because the act of covering don’t want to wear a shirt,” and less, “My nipple is injustice found here and abroad. SEND YOUR THOUGHTS TO: up is not an invention of their cultural standards. the same as yours.” Editor’s note: Half of the Lariat Editorial [email protected] It can be argued there is a double standard  e issue of gender inequality has gone o Board is comprised of women, all who share the when it comes to women’s breasts. In fact, the on such a tangent that the cause has segued into sentiments expressed in this editorial.

COLUMN Disabled students need Baylor’s help, support to thrive on campus

STEPHEN NUNNELEE Baylor is coming up short? interesting, almost disheartening. or, in Tony’s case, transportation.  is Before leaving Tony, I asked him Videographer  is question never occurred to He said he had contacted act also seeks to provide reasonable the same question I ask everybody me until recently when I shot a video administration upon arriving at modi cations to the rules, policies or in interviews. I asked if there was I’ve heard all the typical package for the Lariat. Tony Zhang, Baylor and realized he needed help, practices if necessary. anything else he would like to add. stereotypes about Baylor, everything a freshman with cerebral palsy, was yet received none whatsoever. In Now, that seems like an up-front Tony paused to gather his thoughts, from “just a bunch of rich kids” to surprised with an electric power chair fact, all involved in the situation — and simple policy until you read the then spent the next few minutes “poor kids at Baylor can’t have any purchased with donations from a Tony, the two students  ne print.  e act applies explaining that he knows he is not fun.” I have to tell the truth: Before GoFundMe page, which was set up who set up the fund and to every public and the only person on campus with coming to Baylor, I had my own by two students who felt compelled even a parent of one of private institution except disabilities struggling to get to class, reservations about what I was getting to help. the students who set up those a liated with and hopes Baylor realizes there will myself into. Tony was having problems the fund — contacted religious organizations. be more to come. Gratefully, all my fears and accomplishing the basic task of Baylor administration By no means am I He’s right. If an athlete is injured, negative assumptions about this getting to class. He had to plan his about Tony’s problem. insinuating Baylor is accommodations are made to get school were quickly dissolved. I entire day and class schedule around All were either given using this as some type them to class, and rightfully so. What was immediately showered with the fact that it would take up to 45 the runaround or, to use of loophole to not help about Tony? positivity and support from complete minutes just to get class. If it was their words, “hit a brick students with disabilities. Baylor needs some type of strangers, and I truly can say I would raining outside, forget making it to wall.” I know  rsthand how program to assist students with not be graduating this May without class. In 1990, the U.S. much compassion disabilities with getting to class. Every the wonderful sta and students of When the Lariat sat down government passed the Americans Baylor has for its students, but why student in college has enough stress, Baylor. to interview Tony, he expressed with Disabilities Act, which requires could Tony not  nd the help he and whether or not they can make it But what if this is not the case for his gratitude to the students and colleges and private institutions needed? Why, when contacted, did to class should not be one of them. every student who attends Baylor? community for coming together to remove any barriers impeding administrators not have an answer Stephen Nunnelee is a senior What if the students that need and helping him with his situation. the student — whether these are or some type of program that could journalism major from Tyler. He is the accommodations the most  nd that  en he said something that I found architectural, communication related assist Tony? videographer for the Lariat.

Meet the Staff *Denotes a member of the editorial board Opinion EDITOR-IN-CHIEF SPORTS EDITOR SPORTS WRITERS Taylor Gri n* Je rey Swindoll* Tyler Cagle Contact Us The Baylor Lariat welcomes reader viewpoints through letters to the editor and Joshua Davis CITY EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR General Questions: guest columns. Opinions expressed in the Lariat are not necessarily those of the Shehan Jeyarajah* Richard Hirst PHOTOGRAPHERS Baylor administration, the Baylor Board of Regents, the student body or the Stu- Trey Honeycutt [email protected] dent Publications Board. ASST. CITY EDITOR NEWS EDITOR Sarah Pyo 254-710-1712 Trey Gregory Dane Chronister Amber Garcia

WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA STAFF WRITERS CARTOONIST EDITOR Helena Hunt Asher F. Murphy Sports and Arts: Editorials, Columns & Letters Sarah Scales Emma King [email protected] Stephanie Reyes AD REPRESENTATIVES Editorials express the opinions of the Lariat Editorial Board. Lariat letters and ASSISTANT WEB EDITOR Jennifer Kreb [email protected] Rachel Toalson BROADCAST NEWS Stephanie Shull columns are the opinions of an individual and not the Baylor Lariat. PRODUCER Parker Walton COPY DESK CHIEF Jessica Babb* Rae Je erson DELIVERY Advertising inquiries: ASSISTANT BROADCAST Jenny Troilo Lariat Letters ARTS & LIFE EDITOR NEWS PRODUCER Spencer Swindoll [email protected] Rebecca Flannery* Thomas Mott 254-710-3407 To submit a Lariat Letter, email [email protected]. Letters should be a maximum of 400 words. The letter is not guaranteed to be published. VIDEOGRAPHER Stephen Nunnelee Thursday, October 22, 2015 The Baylor Lariat News 3 For the greater good Friends for Life revamps finances to better serve elderly, disabled

ROLANDO “These are people that, for other parts of the state for an RODRIGUEZ SOTO whatever reason, just don’t organization that would give Reporter have anybody,” Russell said. the elderly a support system,” “I have a huge family, and it’s Russell said. “When I couldn’t Friends for Life, a Waco hard for me to imagine how find anything, I started Friends nonprofit organization that hard it would be to not have for Life.” helps seniors and people with anybody. We try so hard to The early years of Friends disabilities, faced financial make sure that these people for Life involved a few issues last summer due to know that there’s somebody volunteers gathering to visit significant funding delays, and that really cares for them.” people in hospitals and nursing has recently made changes A simple visit to the homes, offering company and Courtesy Photo to its budget to address the hospital in 1989 soon became assistance to those that no FRIENDS Inez Russell (middle) founded Friends for Life, a nonprofit that serves the elderly and problem. 26 years of service to the elderly longer had anybody to care for disabled, in Waco in 1989 after realizing the need for community and assistance these two groups Inez Russell, the founder and disabled of Waco. While them. have. In 26 years, the nonprofit has expanded to serve residents in more than 80 Texas counties. and executive director of As Friends for Life Friends for Life, said she ONLINE EXTRAS expanded, it started The nonprofit also offers a opportunity to interact and special T-shirts made and has been working to cut the independent living and quality money management program establish relationships with candy ready to toss out to the budget, reduce expenses and Read of life programs, which helped where it intercedes with seniors and people with children. eliminate cash flow problems. the full story people with things they creditors, creates budgets, disabilities. “I don’t know about an The nonprofit’s management online. couldn’t do for themselves assists with accessing benefits “When I walk in and the event that they’ve been this is now in a position to build anymore. The program ranges and helping people connect clients recognize me, and they excited about,” Russell said. a reserve that will keep the from a telephone reassurance with financial resources in the run up to me and give me “We were afraid we were going organization from being program, a light bulb changing community. hugs, that makes me feel like to lose a bunch of them when vulnerable to funding delays. visiting her father, Russell program, a ramp building Friends for Life started I’ve really made a difference we told them how early in Russell wanted to reassure heard a woman screaming and program, driving clients to its own adult day care center in their day,” said Kaufman the morning it was. It doesn’t the community that the crying in a nearby room. She the doctor’s office, buying when Waco closed its program senior Rachael Helpenstell, matter what time. They’ll be funding delays were not was close to 90 years old, and groceries and mowing yards. in early 2000. a volunteer. “It’s such a great there lined up and ready to go.” caused by misuse of money, she told Russell: “I’m dying, “Each time we found a “If you have a community experience. Even if you’re not Through Friends for Life’s mismanagement or sloppy and I don’t want to die alone. need, we first tried some other that doesn’t have a good adult comfortable working with many programs for the elderly practices. Please don’t leave me.” organization that did whatever care program, people start this population, it’ll make you and people with disabilities, “When you have a hard Russell stayed and listened it was someone needed,” going to a nursing home too comfortable, and you’re going Russell was recognized as a time saying no to hurting to her life story. She had Russell said. “If we couldn’t soon, family members have to to want to come back.” CNN Hero. people, you can stretch yourself children and grandchildren, find one, we would figure stay home to take care of their Nathan Brookshire is a “I don’t think they picked pretty thin as long as you don’t but nobody was coming to see out some way we could do it loved one or people end up regular visitor of the adult day me. I think they picked Friends have delays,” Russell said. “But her anymore. Russell brought ourselves. Usually, that meant staying home alone who really care center. He said he likes for Life,” Russell said. “The if funding gets delayed, it can her flowers and a stuffed finding volunteers that could shouldn’t be staying home the home-cooked meals and exciting thing about the CNN cause you to be late and cause animal, and she read the Bible help us with it.” alone,” Russell said. playing bingo with his friends. deal was that we were able to problems.” to her until the woman got Friends for Life started a The center is open from While the fair was in town, he connect so many people with Friends for Life was better and went home. Nurses guardianship program in 1990 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday had the chance to go with his programs where they would founded in Waco in September approached Russell asking her for people who are unable to through Friday, and it provides friends from the center and be able to reach out and help 1989 to help the elderly and to comfort two other patients make medical decisions and nursing care, nutritious and hold a small deer in his arms. elderly people who are alone.” people with disabilities live that didn’t have anyone to be that had no family who could home-cooked meals, activities Adult day care staff and For more information independently for as long as there for them. intervene on their behalf. They that include movie nights and clients are going to have the on Friends for Life and to possible. It protects and cares “I started calling people currently serve 528 people in bingo, and a place for social chance to participate in the learn about volunteering for those who are unable to that I knew in other parts of their program within 81 Texas interaction. Baylor Homecoming parade opportunities, visit care for themselves. the country and people in counties. Volunteers have the this Saturday. They will have

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GREEN from Page 1 and residence halls, which makes Baylor a contender for the Coordination, Planning and Governance award. HORNS BLAZIN’ e other award, Diversity and A ordability, was based on Baylor’s unique Baylor Interdisciplinary Poverty Initiative, which coordinates with campus gardens and Campus Kitchen to make a di erence in the Waco community. “To me, this is a wonderful testimony to the importance of good stewardship and shows how we can serve others through good stewardship and working together for sustainability,” Orr said. Participating schools use a reporting tool called STARS, where they gather data from their campus’ practices and waste output before sending the compiled data where it is reviewed and checked by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. “I sat in a lot of other people’s o ces to get the information,” Getterman said. e report was  led last March and considered a wide range of sustainability related factors including, but not limited to, greenhouse gas emissions, food and beverage purchasing, indoor air quality and building energy consumption. While there is no  nancial award given to winners, receiving a prestigious award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education opens opportunities up for notable schools to gain the attention of other organizations. Last year Baylor was recognized by the Sierra Club as one of the greenest schools in the country. e Sierra Club and other organizations share and borrow data from organizations like the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. ough Baylor has improved its sustainability record since 2012 and advanced another level, a few additions to campus could help the university increase its score. “One of the reasons why we are not ranked higher is because Baylor is not an Ag school,” Getterman said. “ e University of Vermont is ranked platinum and they have a farm on campus.” | Although Baylor has a community garden with Campus Richard Hirst Lariat Editor Kitchen, a farm the size of Fountain Mall would be needed for The Golden Wave Band prepares for homecoming weekend on Wednesday. They are prepared to perform rain or shine consideration for a higher award like platinum Getterman said. throughout the homecoming parade, Bonfi re and football game against Iowa State at 11 a.m. Saturday at McLane Stadium.

5TH QUARTER from Page 1

With the positive feedback from really well received, so we this as a is typically between 1,000 and 2,000 a well-known artist that is up-and- “In this next year, as we continue 5th Quarter attendees in their  rst year to build o of that and provide students, depending on the event that coming and provide a concert venue to grow, we want to look for di erent year, Student Activities has used that greater experiences for students to is happening. a er the game, and that has been well organizations to partner with,” enthusiasm to create a bigger event connect a er the game,” Dickey said. “People really enjoy concerts,” received by students.” Dickey said. and make sure it is more known One problem they are facing is Dickey said. “So last year we teamed Student activities is looking across campus. that people think the event is only together with Uproar Records and to combine with other student “We are really excited because for freshmen. It does actually include we did the Feel Good Fest with Judah organizations to bring even more fun the  rst response in the  rst year was all students and alumni. e turn out and the Lion. We are looking to bring a er the football game.

BRUISER from Page 1

and the Perry family. “It’s really awesome and it has been an honor,” Kade said. Kade’s parents said he’s full of energy and full of love for everyone and all he wants to do this for is to make people happy. at’s his goal. “He would wear the suit every night to bed if he could,” Wesley Perry said. “Kade wasn’t put here for Kade, Kade wasn’t put here for his dad and I, Kade was put here for everyone to learn how to become compassionate with people who are di erent,” said Kelli Perry. “He is here to do God’s work of showing the way and showing the light for everyone else.” Kade hopes someday to attend Baylor University

Dane Chronister | News Editor and  ll the coveted shoes of Bruiser. He also would like to one day be Chucky the mouse at ChuckyECheese and PROUD PARENTS Kade Perry poses with his parents dressed as Bruiser for a photo. Perry’s parents, Wesley and Kelli Perry, are proud of maybe even go on to  ll the shoes of Mickey Mouse. their son and his accomplishments. “He is here to do God’s work of showing the way and showing the light for everyone else,” Kelli Perry said. Thursday, October 22, 2015 The Baylor Lariat 5 & life ON-THE-GO >> Happenings: Follow @BULariatArts and look for #ThisWeekinWaco for updates


Lariat File Photos A ROUND OF APPLAUSE Clockwise from top left: Phi Kappa Chi, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Omega Tau and Pi Beta Phi will perform today through Saturday at Waco Hall for Pigskin Revue 2015. The top three acts from last semester’s All-University Sing are Phi Kappa Chi, Pi Beta Phi and Kappa Omega Tau. Homecoming kicks off with Pigskin Revue’s Club Night

HELENA HUNT Kappa Gamma and Chi Omega will also be returning to Waco work and the work of the participating acts is meant to welcome Sta Writer Hall this homecoming. Each group has been rehearsing since the guests to the unique Baylor tradition. beginning of the semester to make their acts even better than they “Pigskin has been a tradition for many years and it’s very e stage at Waco Hall will be lit up once again during this were during the competition at Sing. important, not only to performers and students, but also alumni homecoming’s traditional Pigskin Revue. From today through “Our group, we’ve been practicing four or  ve nights a week who were already performers,” said Helotes senior Elijah Rangel, Saturday, Pigskin will welcome the spring’s top All-University since school started, two hours each night,” said Salado senior the external relations o cer for Student Productions. Sing acts back to the stage to reprise their performances to Hunter Ward, one of Kappa Omega Tau’s Pigskin Chairs. “We Ward said Pigskin is particularly special because it allows audiences of alumni, students and guests to Baylor. have a lot of people participating that didn’t participate before, a alumni to see the legacy of the groups they were members of at Student tickets for Pigskin went on sale on Oct. 20 and have lot of sophomores that joined in the spring. Having them brings a Baylor. already sold out. e popularity of Pigskin is a testament to the new, fun energy to the group.” e women of Pi Beta Phi will be opening the night with their homecoming tradition’s quality and endurance. Kappa Omega Tau will perform its second-place act “Grand act “Back in the Habit,” followed by Kappa Sigma’s “ e World is year, top three Sing  nishers Phi Kappa Chi, Kappa Hotel,” which features fraternity members dressed as bellboys, for WIll Know.” One of Pi Beta Phi’s Sing Chairs, Leawood, Kan. Omega Tau and Pi Beta Phi will all refresh their acts for both the audience at Pigskin. Other characters coming to the stage will senior Allie Boyd, hopes that her sorority will brighten the stage new and old audiences. Phi Kappa Chi charmed Sing audiences, be the nuns of Pi Beta Phi, the goddesses of Chi Omega and the for all those in attendance this homecoming weekend. including the Lariat’s critics, with its winning tribute to the Dust merry thieves of Kappa Sigma. “We’ve been focusing on encouraging the girls to give it every Bowl era and hardworking farmers. is fall, the fraternity will Student Productions, which puts on Pigskin, has been ounce of joy and enthusiasm they have,” Boyd said. “We really perform for Pigskin’s  nale. preparing the stage for these acts for several months now. eir want the purpose to be to glorify the Lord.” Kappa Sigma, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa


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*Offer valid at all Waco Locations Hot Spots! Not valid with SAME DAY SERVICE! any other special Thursday, October 22, 2015 The Baylor Lariat 6 A&L ‘’ doesn’t compute New biopic falls Chicacgo short, doesn’t stay Tribune true to character Star Rating:


“Steve Jobs,” a dazzling shell of a biopic from screenwriter and director Danny Boyle, is a three-act backstage Out of 5 stars drama about a bullying, insecure, overbearing visionary who learns to be a better father and less of a jerk in the nick of time. His products may be the ones on which you’re reading this review right now. In the lm’s eyes, that fact exonerates him from the other, messier stu .  e last 10 minutes of the movie are bad in a cushy, sentimental way that may help “Steve Jobs” nd a wide popular audience in addition to its inevitable Oscar nominations. Much of what precedes the third act percolates nicely, with one good actor a er another, starting with Michael Fassbender and , Universal Pictures happily chewing away on the granola bars of Sorkin’s dialogue. JOB-LESS Michael Fassbender plays the title role in “Steve Jobs.” Film critics note the absence of Jobs’ inner struggle he wrestled It takes a while to notice what’s not there, and to suss out the with throughout his life as the founder of Apple in the biopic. peculiar mixture of nger-pointing and genu ection in the lm’s attitude toward Jobs himself. and resident truth-teller, hovers with a clipboard and a knack Daniels’ Sculley returns to discuss the Freudian implications of Act 1, shot on high-grain 16 millimeter lm by cinematographer for undoing the damage done by Jobs’ every human interaction. Jobs’ own adoptive childhood. Chagrined yet godlike, Jobs is Alwin Kuchler, takes place in 1984. Jobs is about to launch the She loves the man for his genius. Sorkin’s script, loosely based sent o by director Boyle into a bath of glorious white light, to a personal computer at a Cupertino, Calif., community on ’s biography, has no interest in completism; promised land of iMacs, iPods, iPhones and the rest, shining like college. His surly ex-girlfriend (Katherine it telescopes and compresses and leaves things out, such as the the spotless glass windows of an Apple store just before opening. Waterston, misdirected into a perpetual rage) and her 5-year- cancer that ultimately claimed his life. Pardon me if I retch just a tiny bit. Jobs’ accomplishments old daughter (Makenzie Moss), whose paternity Jobs denies, nd Act 2, shot on gleaming 35mm, 1988: Jobs has been summarily are fantastic, of course, and omnipresent, and they did change themselves a few steps from welfare. bounced from Apple. Backstage at the San Francisco Opera the world. But having seen “Steve Jobs” twice now, I’d like to ask Brennan has come at this dramatically opportune time to ask House, he’s readying the launch of an ill-fated, overpriced but Sorkin what he really thinks of the man. Sorkin’s equally ambitious for a bump in child support. Meanwhile Macintosh marketing strategically shrewd computer called the NeXT Cube, from his but far wittier script for “ e Social Network” was in nitely wizard Joanna Ho man (Winslet), Jobs’ de facto stage manager new company. Apple will need the operating system; Jobs knows tougher on its subject, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. I’m the Cube won’t sell, but it’s his leverage with the people who didn’t not sure that’s why that lm ended up stronger and more clear- believe in him su ciently, among them Apple CEO eyed than “Steve Jobs,” but with this one Sorkin’s exchanges o en (Je Daniels). As in the rst section of “Steve Jobs,” Jobs’ friend go nowhere,  oridly. Friday Waco Showtimes: and colleague (Seth Rogen, excellent in a one- Fans of the whole truth and nothing but the truth will freak and-a-half-note role) comes around to press for recognition of out about the biopic liberties taken. I didn’t care about that part, at Starplex Cinemas Galaxy 16 the Apple II team, something Jobs resists. Jobs’ daughter, now 9 least until the nal scene, in which Jobs and his Harvard daughter and played by Ripley Sobo, is an eerily eloquent sprite, dying for reconcile over dad’s promise to invent the iPod someday soon. 333 South Valley Mills Drive a ection and some attention from her dad. At the time Jobs was married with three more children, and Lisa 10:55 a.m. | 1:40 p.m. | 4:25 | 7:10 | 9:55  e third act jumps ahead a decade, and is photographed had lived with her dad for several of her teen years. Whatever; digitally, with clean, sharp lines.  e usual suspects, including a Sorkin owes no one the facts, simply his own idea of what makes Regal Jewel Stadium 16 gure of conscience, Mac collaborator (Michael a compelling ctionalized version of Steve Jobs. Stuhlbarg), return for a nal reckoning, to discuss nances,  e dialogue has a theatrical zing, at its best; at its weakest, the 7200 Woodway Drive betrayals, grudges and Jobs’ failings of character.  e guru at the thesis lines regarding Jobs’ need for “end-to-end control” in every 12:50 p.m. | 3:55 | 7:20 | 10:20 shiny center of “Steve Jobs” has one way of dealing with any threat aspect of his life, and his product line, get a little thick. “Go make to his loss of control over any situation: He wires money at the a dent in the universe, Steven,” whispers Winslet at one point. MPAA rating: R (for language) problem, before shutting down emotionally. Jobs did, but lines like that don’t help anybody’s cause.  e movie, Running time: 2:02 But daughter Lisa (Perla Haney-Jardine plays the 19-year- a formidable technical and design achievement, has everything old edition) calls him on his issues, at long last.  is is just a er going for it except a sense of Jobs’ inner life.

Daily Puzzles Across 1 Rifl e fi ller 5 Campus bigwigs 10 Ending for brides, chamber or milk 14 Teller of fi bs 15 Humanlike machine of sci-fi 16 Edit menu option 17 Presidency’s last days, e.g. 19 ‘90s TV title toon teen 20 Attaches with string 21 Prefi x with deed or lead 23 Quaint lodging 24 Six-pack muscles 25 Pre-cable reception aid 29 Stop for a moment 31 Abolish 32 Leading the fi eld 33 Three: Pref. 34 Rapper __ Kim 35 PC key near Ctrl 36 Anonymous writer, maybe, and a hint to the devotee hidden in 17-, 25-, 50- and 60-Across 41 Kit__: candy bar 42 “Bossypants” memoirist Tina 43 “__ you ready?” 44 Fire-setting crime 47 Boxing count 48 Gets a glimpse of 50 Commentator dissecting chips 2 Typically 18-inch-long baseball 35 “Trainwreck” actress/screenwriter and putts collectibles Schumer 53 Bro or sis 3 Double-checked 37 Attacked on foot 54 Expected landing hr. 4 Gold medals, to Spaniards 38 Reject as false 55 Wobbly walker 5 Pipe clog dissolver 39 Causes of disappearing beaches 56 Green fi lm on bronze 6 Scads of centuries 40 Entourages 58 Clear liquors 7 Prez on a penny 44 Issue in May-December romances 60 Usual sitcom length (including 8 Painter Rockwell 45 Spiral pasta ads) 9 A red wine one is hard to get out 46 Slopes 63 First chip in a pot 10 Stick-in-the-__ 47 Japanese fl oor mat 64 “In other words ... “ 11 Consecrate using oil 48 Laurel of Laurel and Hardy 65 Cabinet dept. concerned with 12 “Beats me” 49 “Handmade fresh all day” pizza nukes 13 Steal a pup chain 66 Leaning Tower city 18 Links warning 51 Like three Cy Young games 67 Stadium levels 22 Vodka order, familiarly 52 Bridge measures 68 __ buco: veal dish 26 Memorial column, for short 57 “The Cosby Show” son For today’s puzzle results, 27 Pita fi lling 59 Baltic or Aegean go to Down 28 Catch in a sting 61 Sara whom “nobody doesn’t like” 1 Brewpub fi xture 30 Bored with 62 At a distance 34 Permit

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SCOREBOARD >> @BaylorVBall 2, TCU 3 | Recap on page 8. Runner earns weekly award

JOSHUA DAVIS Sports Writer

Baylor women’s cross country runner Maggie Montoya received the rst Big 12 Runner of the Week honor of her career on Wednesday. Montoya’s 11th place performance at the prestigious Wisconsin Adidas Invitational Friday gave Baylor its rst conference honor of the season.  e native of Rogers, Ark., ran at a blistering pace to nish with a time of 19:56.0 in the 6,000-meter course. Montoya was in 20th place a er the 4,000-meter mark, but the junior had a strong nish to move up the leaderboard and set a new personal- Sarah Pyo | Lariat Photographer best time in the event. TO BE RECKONED WITH Senior tackle Spencer Drango (left) and junior nose tackle Andrew Billings battle in the trenches during  e notable showcase from Montoya, who beat the football game between West Virginia and Baylor on Saturday at McLane Stadium. her previous personal-best for 6,000 meters by more than 35 seconds, brings about anticipation for the upcoming Big 12 Championship, which is less than two weeks away. Montoya’s individual time gave the team a point total of 671, ranking 30th at the ultra-competitive meet.  irty-six schools competed in the event, including ve top-10 teams. It had been nearly a year since Baylor’s last Domination conference weekly award winner was recognized (Peyton  omas). Baylor has had 22 female runners honored during its 19-year history in the Big 12.  e women’s cross country team will have a week Drango, Billings lead on both sides of line o to prepare for the Big 12 Championship meet on Oct. 31 in Stillwater, Okla. Montoya will look to carry the momentum gained from last weekend into TYLER CAGLE  e Bears are also the only team in the me now,” said Billings. the event where she set her previous personal-best Sports Writer nation to rank in the top 10 in both passing Opposing teams have not been able time (2014 Big 12 Championship). and rushing yards per game, ranking sixth to stop this season, despite the double Having achieved the No. 2 ranking in in passing and second in rushing. and triple teams.  e defensive tackle has the country, it’s no shock the Bears have “Spencer is a guy that, you know, if registered 21 tackles on the season, eight of talented players all over the eld. It’s for you’re diving o the boat and there’s one which are for loss. Billings’ play has earned this very reason the Bears have been one of life jacket, he’s going to throw it to you and him plenty of high praise all season. college football’s most successful programs try to lay on his back and  oat and wait Following the Bears’ 66-7 win against in the last three years. for help.  at’s just the guy he is, and that’s the Kansas Jayhawks, Kansas head Two of Baylor’s interior stars, senior what makes him special,” said head coach coach David Beaty stated Billings was o ensive tackle Spencer Drango and Art Briles. the best defensive tackle he had seen junior defensive tackle Andrew Billings,  at loyalty and character allowed since Ndamukong Suh. Suh was wildly were ranked in the top 25 in the Schneider Drango to also be named as a Wuer el successful at Nebraska and placed fourth Rankings. Trophy nominee, which recognizes college in the Heisman voting in 2009.  e Schneider Rankings are a grading football’s top community servant. Billings recently went down with an system developed by voters for the Outland Drango’s mix of talent and high ankle injury against West Virginia. While Trophy, annually given to college football’s character have certainly helped him for the he returned to eld later in the game, he most outstanding interior lineman. future, as Drango is projected to be a rst exited again shortly and did not return. Drango topped the list with a score of round pick in the NFL Dra . Panic was abound in McLane Stadium 137, which is 18 points higher than second On the other side of the ball, Billings when Billings went down, as the crowd was place. Billings on the other hand ranks 17th has been the enforcer on a Baylor defensive as silent as it has been in its short existence. overall with a score of 85. Billings’ score front line that is loaded with talent. However, Billings was evaluated and was is also fourth highest among defensive With junior lineman Shawn Oakman, determined to just have a sprain and will tackles. Beau Blackshear and Jamal Palmer, Baylor be questionable this weekend against Iowa  e scores are determined by a has one of the best defensive fronts in the State. collection of individual statistics as well nation. With Drango and Billings both as team metrics. For Drango, his top score Billings, a three-year starter, has been controlling the trenches for Baylor, the is testament to his incredible individual the focus of opposing o enses all season. Bears look primed to capture to their third play as well as Baylor’s high pro le o ense, Despite Shawn Oakman’s presence on the straight Big 12 title. which leads the nation in scoring and yards outside, teams have chosen Billings to take  e Bears top ESPN’s football power per game. out of the game. index and have the 18th toughest remaining “Our job isn’t the most glorious one, but “I’ve always been double teamed and schedule in the nation. For the Bears to run it helps get the job done. Saying the stats triple teamed, but now they’re putting the gauntlet and secure a spot in the college Courtesy Photo alone gives us some love,” Drango said. shots on me.  ey want to get me out of the football playo , the health and continued  e Bears are averaging 63.8 points per way so they can get their ball running or dominance of Drango and Billings will be CLOSER Senior Maggie Montoya runs during the game, tops in the nation. thrown. So there’s a little more attention on essential. Bear Twilight Invitational on Sept. 1 in Waco.


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Tweet @BULariatSports and you might get featured in the paper too. Thursday, October 22, 2015 The Baylor Lariat 8 Sports Nail-biter in Fort Worth Baylor volleyball falls in five sets to Horned Frogs

JOSHUA DAVIS Sports Writer

Baylor volleyball dropped a five- set road match against the TCU Horned Frogs Wednesday night (25- 18, 20-25, 25-22, 21-25, 10-15). After a dominating three-set sweep of West Virginia in their last game, the Bears were unable to carry that momentum to pick up a second conference win away from home. Outside hitters, senior Andie Malloy and sophomore Katie Staiger, came out firing on all cylinders to give the Bears an 8-3 lead in the opening set. Baylor showcased a remarkable amount of accuracy early as it took the lead 17-12, behind an early .524 attacking percentage. TCU called a timeout, hoping to throw off the Bears’ rhythm, but Baylor continued with the offensive assault to take the first set 25-18. Malloy led the Bears in kills with eight in the set on a .312 hitting effort. Staiger was right behind in the category with seven kills on a near- perfect .778 attacking percentage in the opening set. That would be as accurate as Baylor would get for the rest of the night. The second set proved to be a little Sarah Pyo | Lariat Photographer bit of a letdown for the Bears, who NO BREAKTHROUGH Senior outside hitter Andie Malloy (right) digs a ball during a volleyball match between Baylor and Texas Tech on Sept. 30. The Bears showed clear signs of lacking focus. won 3-0. In seven conference games this season, the Bears have won against two opponents (Texas Tech and TCU). TCU opened up a 5-0 lead, due to several Baylor miscues. Baylor head coach Ryan McGuyre failed to show the consistency that Again, Baylor struggled with appeared as though neither team offensive end. had seen enough of the inconsistency had been present in the first. sluggish play after winning a set. TCU would be able to run away with the Baylor ended the match with after the Horned Frogs opened up a The third was the closest as neither jumped out to an early 9-5 lead in the match. a .342 attacking effort, while TCU 14-8 lead, and called a timeout. team was able to gain an edge. Each fourth, which warranted a McGuyre The Horned Frogs took advantage finished with a .340 hitting effort. The break seemed to allow the team traded points throughout, as the timeout. of Baylor service errors and timely Malloy and Staiger led the Bears in Bears to refocus, as they were able to scoring went back and forth. Unlike in set two, the timeout did kills to go on an 8-3 run and take a kills with 21 and 20, respectively. trim the deficit to 19-21. However, Late in the set, Baylor was able to nothing to spark a Baylor run and match victory. Baylor (14-7, 2-5 Big 12) will look TCU would call a timeout to regroup break the tie and take a 23-19 lead. TCU was able to hold onto its early The loss drops Baylor’s record to to rebound in conference play in its and go on to take the set 25-20. TCU called a timeout, hoping to advantage to force a fifth frame. 14-7 (2-5 Big 12) on the season. After next match against Iowa State (12-6, After a stellar opening set from come back, but the Bears took care of Both teams traded off the first a strong showing in the first set, the 5-2 Big 12) on Sunday at the Ferrell both Malloy and Staiger, the two business to go up 2-1 in the match. 14 points in the shortened set. It Bears struggled to hit the mark on the Center at 2 p.m.

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