A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Aji Prasetyo Putro

Student Number: 121214181




A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on



By Aj i Prasetyo Putro .. Student Number: 121214181

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Approved by

15 May 2018


A Sa/jana Pendidikan Thesis on






Student Number: 121214181

Defended before the Board ofExaminers on 4 June 2018 and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Yohana Veniranda, M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. Secretary : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M. Member : Dr. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A. Member : Markus Budiraharjo, M.Ed, Ed.D. Member : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., PhD.

Dr. Yohanes Harsoyo, S.Pd., M.Si.



This thesis dedicated to:

Allah SWT

My Beloved Family




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 15 May 2018 ... The researcher ~.

Aji Prasetyo Putro





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Putro, Aji Prasetyo. (2018). The Meaning of Jobs’s Struggle for His Achievement as Seen in Aaron Sorkin’s Steve Jobs Script. English Language Education Study Program, Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. This study analyzes Steve Jobs (2015), a movie script written by Aaron Sorkin. The script is an adaptation of the best-selling biography Steve Jobs (2011) by award- winning journalist . The movie script tells about the struggle one of the most revolutionary and influential men not just of our time but of all time. This study focuses on Steve Jobs’s struggles to get his achievement. There are lot of obstacles that Steve Jobs has to face. There are two research questions to answer in this study. The first one is “How is Steve Jobs described in the movie script?” The second one is “What is the meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggles for his achievement as seen in the Steve Jobs movie script?” Two data used in this study. The primary one is the Steve Jobs movie script itself. The secondary data are taken from books, journals, texts, and the internet. There are some theories used to answer the research questions: theory of character and characterization; theory of personality; and theory of motivation. In this study, the researcher uses psychological approach. Based on the study, the researcher finds two research findings. The first one, is about the character of Steve Jobs. He is an unique person. As an entrepreneur, he is perfectionist, visionary, brave, and reactive. Those characteristics help Steve Jobs to struggle for his achievement. The second finding is the surface meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggles to get back things that already taken from him. It is about going back to the Apple and get all his popularities back. Meanwhile, the deeper meaning the researcher employs theory of McClelland about human motivation. There are several types of human motivation. Here, the researcher is only uses two motives; achievement motive and affiliative motive. In the achievement motive, the researcher reveals that Steve Jobs’s passion is only for work. Even though he gets failure over again but he work hard to get his highest achievement. In the affiliative motive, the researcher finds that Steve Jobs is need a love. It comes from his personal relationship between him and people around who can support him to get his achievement. In the last part of this thesis, there are recommendations and suggestions. The recommendation is for the future researchers. For future researchers who employ the same movie, the researcher recommends the character ’s role to be analyzed. The suggestion is for English teachers. They can use the script as a teaching material to upgrade the student’s skills in writing, speaking, and reading.

Keywords: true meaning, motivation, struggle, Steve Job




Putro, Aji Prasetyo. (2018). The Meaning of Jobs’s Struggle for His Achievement as Seen in Aaron Sorkin’s Steve Jobs Script. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma. Penelitian ini menganalisa Steve Jobs (2015), sebuah naskah film ditulis oleh Aaron Sorkin. Naskah ini merupakan adaptasi dari biografi Steve Jobs (2011) karya Walter Isaacson. Naskah film Steve Jobs bercerita tentang perjuangan seorang pria yang paling revolusioner dan berpengaruh sepanjang waktu. Studi ini berfokus pada motivasi Steve Jobs untuk mendapatkan prestasinya. Ada banyak rintangan yang harus dihadapi Steve Jobs. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah yang harus dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah "Bagaimana Steve Jobs dideskripsikan dalam naskah?" Yang kedua adalah "Apa arti perjuangan Steve Jobs untuk meraih prestasinya seperti yang terlihat dalam naskah film Steve Jobs?" Ada dua data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data utamanya adalah naskah film Steve Jobs itu sendiri. Data kedua adalah buku, jurnal, teks terkait, dan internet. Ada beberapa teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian: teori karakter dan karakterisasi; teori kepribadian; dan teori motivasi. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologis. Berdasarkan penelitian, penulis menemukan dua hasil dalam penelitian ini. Hasil pertama adalah tentang karakter Steve Jobs. Dia adalah orang yang unik. Ia adalah orang yang perfeksionis, visioner, berani, dan reaktif. Karakteristik tersebut membantu Steve Jobs untuk berjuang demi prestasinya. Hasil kedua adalah makna tertulis tentang perjuangan Steve Jobs untuk mendapatkan kembali hal-hal yang telah hilang dalam kehidupannya. Ini adalah tentang bagaimana Steve Jobs ingin kembali ke Apple dan meraih kembali popularitasnya. Sementara itu, makna yang sesungguhnya, penulis menggunakan teori McClelland tentang motivasi manusia. Ada beberapa jenis motivasi manusia. Di sini, penulis hanya menggunakan dua motif; motif pencapaian dan motif afiliasi. Dalam motif pencapaian, penulis mengungkapkan bahwa ketertarikan Steve Jobs hanya untuk bekerja. Meskipun dia seringkali gagal tetapi dia bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan pencapaian tertinggi. Dalam motif afiliasi, penulis menemukan bahwa Steve Jobs membutuhkan kasih sayang. Hal itu muncul seketika dari hubungan pribadinya antara dia dan orang-orang di sekitar yang dapat mendukungnya untuk mendapatkan pencapaian tertingginya. Di bagian akhir dari skripsi ini, terdapat rekomendasi dan saran. Rekomendasi ini ditujukan untuk para penulis selanjutnya yang menggunakan film yang sama, penulis merekomendasikan karakter Joanna Hoffman untuk dianalisis. Sedangkan saran untuk para guru bahasa Inggris. Para guru dapat menggunakan naskah sebagai bahan ajar untuk meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis, berbicara, dan membaca.

Kata kunci: true meaning, motivation, struggle, Steve Job




First of all I would like to thank Allah SWT for the love, blessings, guidance and strength so that I can finish this thesis. I always receive strength in finishing this thesis everytime like I feel like giving up. Allah also save6 me twice when I am faces the bad accident during finishing this thesis.

Secondly, I would like to address my gratefulness to Dr. Antonius

Herujiyanto, M.A., for his generous heart which guides me during the process of thesis, for the time, support and pushing me when I have no spirit to keep doing this thesis. I also thank all PBI’s lecturers and staff for the guidance and help, and the last for all PBI’s students who always help me during the time so I can finish this thesis.

My special gratitude and appreciation go to my beloved father AIPTU

Sudibyo, my mother Puspita Dewi Pramufany, my sister Rahma Inka Yovani for the endless love. I thank for always being with me no matter happens.

My special thankfulness goes to I Putu Dimi Eka A. S.T., Kadek Dimi

Yuda S., S.SI., for always helping me since I was in Yogyakarta. I thank to Dani

Hertanto, S.Pd., Livia Sisillia Ui, S.T., Mayla Disa S.T., Rahel Dea Sirait,

S.T., Bima Damar Gosela, Yohannes Eriek W, Yosia L. Tobing, S.E., Monica

Adista FL., S.Pd., for the sharing moment when we were stuck in life and for the support so far. My appreciation is also for Dyah Lukita Wedhawati, S.H. for all the supports.



Finally, I would like to thank every single person who has helped me in daily life. Boooyaah!

Magelang, 15 May 2018

Aji Prasetyo Putro





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Objective of the Study ...... 5 C. Research Questions ...... 5 D. Significance of The Study ...... 6 E. Definition of Terms ...... 6 1. Motivation ...... 6 2. Struggle ...... 6 3. Achievement ...... 7

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories ...... 8 1. Psychological Approach ...... 8 2. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 9 a. Personal Description ...... 10 b. Character as Seen by Another ...... 11 c. Speech ...... 11



d. Past Life ...... 11 e. Conversation of Others ...... 11 f. Reaction ...... 11 g. Direct of Comments ...... 11 h. Thoughts ...... 12 i. Mannerism ...... 12 3. Theory of Personality ...... 12 a. Id ...... 13 b. Ego ...... 13 c.Superego ...... 13 4. Theory of Motivation ...... 14 a. The Achievement Motive ...... 15 b. The Affiliative Motive ...... 16 B. Review of Theoretical Framework ...... 17 C. Review of Related Studies ...... 18 D. Context of The Story ...... 19 1. The Scriptwriter ...... 19 2. The Script ...... 20

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ...... 21 B. Approach of the Study ...... 22

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS A. Description of Steve Jobs’s Characteristic ...... 24 1. Perfectionist ...... 25 2. Visionary (Strong-vision) ...... 28 3. Brave ...... 29 4. Reactive ...... 32 B. Steve Jobs’s Struggle to Get His Achievement...... 33 1. The Surface Meaning of Steve Jobs's Struggles ...... 34



2. The Deeper Meaning of Steve Jobs's Struggles ...... 39 a. Achievement Motive ...... 40 b. Affiliative Motive ...... 44

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ...... 52 B. Implications ...... 54 C. Suggestions ...... 54

REFERENCES ...... 55 APPENDIX ...... 57





The chapter presents the research foundation including background of the study that talks about why the researcher conducts this study, objective of the study that talks about the aim of this study, research question which gives two research problems, and the definition of terms. The terms for comprehending this study are provided in this chapter.

A. Background of the Study

Literature is widely known by many people and expert. Many experts have done their research about the definition and the meaning of literature itself.

Hudson (1960) states that literature is the expression of life through media like words or languages; people may regard literature as something essential since literature contains real life, ideas, people, and feeling about the life itself. There are so many kinds of literature such as the writing or the study of books, valued as works of art drama, fiction, essay, poetry, biography, contrasted with technical books and journalism. In the study, the researcher focuses his analysis on the respective movie script as primary data. Movie script is part of a movie that represents social problems in the real life.

Movie might be categorized as part of modern literature. Therefore, movie shares similarities with literature since movie has the capacity to employ the structures and devices of narrative. Sequence of images on screen tells a story and




this is equivalent to the sequence of words on page. The use of language in a movie firmly establishes the connection to literature. For a better understanding, an analogy stands out for movie and literature. The basic structural units of the novel have been replicated in the film. In a novel, people might read words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters and entire parts. In a movie, people might view frames, scripts, scenes, and sequences. The words in literature and the images in movie are similar since both of them are visual phenomena; both of them are perceived by the eyes.

A movie source is therefore a kind of visual literacy (as opposed to verbal literacy), a new medium which is an extension and enlargement of the idea of literacy itself. In common studies, everything that is written such as poem, prose and especially movie script, is a part of the study of literature. Thus, movie script is a branch of literature. Movie has an important role in helping us understand about the social happenings: how people are treated in society, how they meet the problem in their life, and what their struggle to solve their problem.

In the study, the researcher would like to discuss about a script of a movie entitled Steve Jobs. Movie scripts are used as the primary data since they are easier to find and they help to understand the context in the movie. The movie was released in 2015 and was directed by Danny Boyle with a story written by Aaron

Sorkin. The movie took place in California and Michael Fassbender became the main character. The setting of the movie was in California, United States, during

1984 until 1998.



The movie focused on the main character, Steve Jobs, who was described an ambitious person who wanted perfection on all of his jobs perfect. Actually,

Jobs had high motivation to be a successful person. During his terms of service,

Jobs faced many obstacles caused by himself, especially about his high motivation that turned him into an ambitious and perfectionist person. Earlier, before the launch of “iMac”, Steve Jobs should fight his own ego to solve his inner problems, including the internal conflict inside his company that cracked his relationship with his own confidence, the continuance of his own family, and his passion to innovate – that affected his own health.

Back to the study, the researcher would like to discuss the motivation of

Steve Jobs in struggling for his achievement. There are some reasons why the researcher selects the movie and its script as a primary data. First, the situations clearly shown in the movie become the first aspect, which build this movie’s plot.

Second, the conflicts shown in the movie are parts of real conditions that can be found from many startup-founders (creators) throughout a country. In the researcher’s opinion, people already have had their own satisfying achievement that comes from their struggle. Steve Jobs has also done the same thing, but there is something different in his motivation to get his achievement. Steve Jobs has some goals.

Regarding the movie, there are other reasons why the researcher has chosen the movie as primary data. First, as a startup-founder and as an individual,

Steve Jobs definitely has to deal with lots of problems. Steve Jobs should come up with boundless ideas and motivations to accomplish his goals. NeXT is one of the



examples that represent the ideas for smart problem-solving tool that Steve Jobs has and the establishment of NeXT as smart problem-solving tool has inspired the researcher. As seen in the beginning of the movie, Steve Jobs took all the risk by threatening to fire all his co-workers if they did not have the capability to perform their job well. Through such manner, Steve Jobs got all his wishes by officially launching the . Unfortunately, on the other hand Steve Jobs had to deal with his ego to re-build his personal relationship with his daughter and his colleagues. Despite the situation, in this study the researcher would like to analyze not only the achievements but also the goals that Steve Jobs has been struggling for.

In conducting the analysis, the researcher will rely on several theories.

These theories are Theory of Character, Theory of Characterization, Theory of

Personality, Theory of Motivation, and Psychological Approach. By relying on these theories, the researcher believes that he will be able to discuss several variables shown in the movie. The Theory of Character and Characterization will discuss the researcher to discuss the character that is written in the movie script.

All aspects from the main character will be provided by the researcher through the theory as well. Then, the Theory of Personality will guide the researcher to discuss about how to the main character think and behave. Next, the Theory of

Motivation will guide the researcher to discuss motive as an inner direct force of needs or demands that arouses the organism and that directs behavior toward a goal.



Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

(Feldman: 2011). The approach discusses about how people’s mind and behavior working. It will be a very important approach in this study.

The aspect that the researcher would like to investigate in the study is the meaning of Jobs’s motivation that influences his struggle to get his achievement as seen in the movie. There are a lot of obstacles seen on the movie that make the character has to struggle and hence the researcher is interested in revealing the meaning of Steve Jobs motivation. The reason is that the struggle to decide choices that the character performs in his life as seen on the movie has its own meaning which is different with other people’s struggle in their life.

B. Objective of the Study

The aim of the study is to find the meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggle, the main character in the Steve Jobs movie script.

C. Research Questions

The problems that the researcher would like to analyze are:

1. How is Steve Jobs described in the movie script?

2. What is the meaning of Steve Jobs struggles for his achievement as seen in

the Steve Jobs movie script?



D. Significance of the Study

The study of literary works has many benefits. These benefits will certainly be useful to both the researcher and the readers since in the study the researcher will discuss the motivation of Steve Jobs in struggling for his success from the psychological point of view. For the readers, the study will help the readers to analyze literary works in the future. In the same time, the study might also serve as an authentic material for the teachers in performing their reflection based on the movie.

E. Definition of Terms

The section of the chapter will provide the research terms that will guide the readers in understanding the content of the study.

1. Motivation

According to Eggert (1999) motivation is the process which encourages and guides behavior (p.2). Eggert says that motivation might be seen through behavior, the changing of behavior. Thus, in the study the term motivation refers to the process, which encourages and guides or change the behavior of Jobs (p.3).

2. Struggle

McKenchie (1989) states that struggle is a task or goal requiring great effort to accomplish or achieve (p.376). In the study struggle refers to every human effort in facing life problems to achieve goals in life. Jobs has serious



problems and his effort in trying hard to achieve his success explains the term struggle in this study.

3. Achievement

Travers (1970; 447) states that achievement is the result of what an individual has learned from some educational experience. By the experience that

Steve Jobs has gone through, he has a huge tension to get his achievement.

Deeply, Smith and Hudgins (1964:95) similarly state that achievement is to do one’s best, to be successful, to accomplish tasks requiring skill and effort and to be recognized by the authority.




The chapter will discuss the theories that the researcher employ in analyzing the topic of this study and is divided into two parts. The first part is the

Review of Related Theories that consists of theory of psychological approach, theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, and theory of motivation. The second part is the Theoretical Framework that will explain the theories that are used in analyzing the Research Question of the study.

A. Review of Related Theories

There is one approach and three theories that will be discussed in the chapter. They are the theory of psychological approach, the theory of character and characterization, the theory of personality, and the theory of motivation.

1. Psychological Approach

Rohrberger and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature (1971) distinguish five critical approaches in psychology. One of the five critical approaches that the researcher will employ for the analysis within the study is the human motivation. Human motivation is the most suitable critical approach for this study because human motivation helps the researcher to understand about human motivation, behavior, and personality within the analysis of literary works

(p13). Then, the researcher would also like to explain about human personality. 8



Human personality is divided into three parts namely ego, super ego and id.

According to Deeper, Rohrberger and Woods, human personality:

... the psychological approach brings us to the exploration to the unconscious of the human mind that led him to the conclusion that it was this area that was wellspring of person rich imagination, his capacity, for creation and the complexity of his thought, behavior, and that the contents of his region of the person found expression in symbolic words, thoughts and action (p.14) The above definition confirms that the psychological approach is the most suitable approach for the study since the psychological approach consists of various theories psychology in order to analyze the character’s personal problems by identifying the personality and motivation written in the movie script.

2. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is very important aspect that should be present in literary works such as novels, dramas, and movies. The reason is that character does not only serve as complement but also represents a unity and a whole in literary works.

Without character, literary works will not attain senses and purposes. According to Abrams (1999), in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms character is:

Persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying it – dialogue- and from that they do – action. (p.33) Character in literary works may have all sorts of links with the people we meet every day, but we only meet them in some literary works like drama or in a novel (Gill, 1995, p.127). In literary works, authors do not only set characters but



also identity. Specifically, authors are demanded to set characters in detailed manners so that the characters are similar to the people in the real life.

Unfortunately, readers do not always perceive the characters according to the authors’ intention (Gill, 1995, p.128). With regards to the problem, another definition about characterization is provided by Holman and Harmon who states that characterization is the creation of imaginary persons in fictions (p.18).

According to Forster, there are two categories of a character. The first category is flat characters while the second category is round character. The flat character is built by a single idea so they can describe in a single phrase or sentence. On the contrary, the round character is built by complex ideas, temperament, motivation and it cannot be described only using aphrase or sentence (p.18).

In analyzing the characters within literary works, Murphy classifies nine methods that might be useful in revealing the characterization of the characters.

The nine methods will be explained below: a. Personal description

The method is usually used by the author to describe the appearance of a character (p.161). The method is very important because through the personal description the readers might have better visibility about the character’s aspect.



b. Character as seen by another

According to the method, the author tries to include another person to describe the main character by opinions from different eyes (p.162). c. Speech

The character might be identified easily from what they say for example in a script (p.164). Through the method, the readers might gain better understanding about the clues. d. Past life

Every story always includes how the characters grow up. Authors might give the clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character (p.166) e. Conversation of others

Authors also make use of the method to give the readers some clue to shape the person’s character by another character (p167) f. Reaction

According to the method, authors might provide a clue by showing how the character reacts to a various situations and events (p.168) g. Direct comments

The method is usually used by authors to tell the character directly (p.170).



h. Thoughts

Authors might freely state what they want about the character and what the character is thinking about (p.171). The method is quite complicated to perceive by the readers if the author cannot put the attributes of thoughts appropriately. i. Mannerism

The method refers to the trait or the habit of a person. Through the method, authors also provide the point of view about how the character’s way of life toward the readers (p.173).

3. Theory of Personality

Personality refers to our external and visible characteristics that other people can see. As Mischel (1981) states, personality usually refers to the distinctive patterns (including thoughts as well as “affects”, that is feelings, emotions and actions) that characterize each individual enduringly (p.4). While

Weinberg & Gould (1999, in McLeod 2014) emphasize that blend of characteristics can make the person unique.

According to Freud’s model of the psyche, there are some important ideas about that. Hjelle (1981) in Personality theories states that human psyche is structured from tripartite: the id, ego, and superego. Each of them is developed by their own ways and steps during a human’s life.



a. Id

Id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. It is the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. It is based on pleasure principle to avoid pain or displeasure and to obtain pleasure, meaning that Id can do anything or get anything it wants or needs. Hjelle explains that if Id has a strong need or want; it is brave enough to take any risks or consequence just to fulfill the needs or wants

(1981) b. Ego

According Hjelle (1981), the ego is 'that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world. Even Ego always follows what Id wants or needs it is also the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality that attempts to mediate between the id and superego. The

Ego operates on the reality principle, which strives to satisfy the Id’s desires in realistic, logically and in socially appropriate ways. c. Superego

The last component of personality to develop is the Superego. The

Superego provides guidelines for making judgments. Superego is the moral part of the personality that includes the values, social rules and morals of society and the three aspects are learnt from people’s parents and others. The superego’s function is to control the id’s impulses such as social prohibitions, taboos, sex and



aggression. Superego is able to operates on the moral principles and is also able to differentiate between good and bad and also what is right and wrong (Hjelle, 191).

4. Theory of Motivation

According to Worchel and Shebilske (1989), motivations are the reasons why an individual acts in certain times (page 373). It can be understood that motivation is drive that leads people do something to reach their goals.

In literary works, there are lessons about extrinsic and intrinsic part. It can be used to support the researcher to figure out the problem later. According to

Ryan and Deci (2000b, 69) motivation can come from the individual's own interest (intrinsic) or from an external reward or threat. Ryan and Deci define intrinsic motivation as “the doing of an activity for its own satisfaction rather than for some separable consequences outside” (2000a, p.56), whereas extrinsic motivation is on the other hand motivation to do a task for a certain goal to get later gain the satisfaction (2000b, p. 71).

According Murray (1965), individual with high achievement motivation will automatically do better in all tasks. Murray adds high achievers always selects challenging tasks, prefer intermediate risks, and tend to have self- confidence and prefer to concrete knowledge of the result of their work (pp.99-


Affiliation motivation can be a desire to be with people or in other words like friendly relationship. Murray also states that people with a strong affiliation



motivation prefer to work with friends. People who have strong affiliation motivation would think that they have to concern in one or more characters to reach their goals (pp.101-104).

According to McClelland (1985), there are four kinds of motive systems.

They are achievement motive, power motive, affiliative motive and avoidance motive. In the study, the researcher would only explain about achievement motive and affiliative motive that very close with this study problem. a. The Achievement Motive

What should be involved in the achievement motive is doing something better for its own sake, for the intrinsic satisfaction of doing something better

(p.228). There are three characteristics of people with a strong need to achieve.

1. Personal performance for responsibility

Subjects high in n Achievement would prefer being personally responsible for a performance result, because only under such conditions could they feel satisfaction from doing something better (p.246).

2. Need for performance feedback

Subjects in n Achievement should prefer working in situation where they get feedback on how well they are doing (p.247).



3. Innovativeness

Subjects in n Achievement should be more likely to seek out information to find better ways of doing things (p.249). b. The affiliative motives

Affiliative motive also become an important thing to get the achievement.

There are five characteristics of people with strong need for affiliation.

1. Performing better when affiliative incentives are present

This type will perform better on tasks that do not involve affiliative content if the incentive in the situation is shifted from achievement to affiliation


2. Maintaining interpersonal networks

Since individuals high in n Affiliation learn social relationship more quickly, they are more sensitive to faces than to other objects, and engage in more dialogue with others, they might be expected to also show signs of maintaining their connections with other people (p.352).

3. Cooperation, conformity, and conflict

Individuals high in n Affiliation, particularly males, believe that goodwill is more important than reason in solving human problems (p.354).

4. Managerial behavior



Subjects high in n Affiliation tend to not succeed in management (p.355).

5. Fear of rejection

Subjects high in n Affiliation are anxious about their relations with others, fear disapproval, and spend time seeking reassurance from others, which make them unpopular (p.356).

B. Review of Theoretical Framework

To conduct the study, some theories should be applied. The first theory that will be used in the study is the Psychological approach. The theory will help the researcher to understand deeper about the motivation, personality and mental upheaval through the main character. The theory also becomes the main focus in the study.

Then, the second theory is theory of personality. Here, the researcher tries to present several definitions about personality from different experts. These definitions in some senses are needed to answer the second research questions presented in this study.

Next, the third theory is theory of motivation. This aspect is very important in the study of person’s personality. From this theory, we know why people are motivated to do something in their life.

The fourth is theory of character and characterization. This theory helps the researcher to identify what type of the character in the story. By seeing lots of aspect, the researcher can easily investigate and find much information.



These theories above provide the researcher a lot of guiding materials in conducting the study. In the same time, these theories that have been explained above will also give the researcher information and knowledge in conducting the study.

C. Review of Related Studies

Nathalia (2012) conducted a study about Psychological Analysis of

Adam’s Motivation to Struggle for His Personal Identity as seen in Tash Aw’s

Map of The Invisible World. The present study and the one conducted by Natalia are the same but there are some differences. The present study still focuses on the motivation of the struggle of the main character but specifically on the deeper meaning and the motivation of the character itself.

There are two points that distinguish the two studies. The first point is the primary data. The researcher chooses the movie script as the primary data, whereas the study conducted by Nathalia focused on the novel as her primary data. Then, the second point is difference lies in the aim of the motivation between the two characters. The present study aims at finding the meaning of the motivation in extrinsic and intrinsic ways. On the other hand, the study conducted by Nathalia only revealed the characters itself. Overall, she conducted the study on every aspect very well.



D. Context of the Story

1. The Scriptwriter

This part presents context of the story. As a Culler (1990) in Literary

Theory says, “context is what determines meaning” (p.62). Based on the argument, it might be stated that Steve Jobs motivated to deal with his personal problem. The first indication came from Jobs’s problem like, he cannot battle with his ego when he faces problems such as his perfectionity, the relationship problems (with his companion also his daughter), those are where the story begins. The setting is divided into two parts, the setting of the author and the setting of primary data. Aaron Sorkin lives in United States, he was a hard-worker person before he succeed. Sorkin did an odd job while he struggles to be an actor at that time. This case is similar with what the main character has, Steve Jobs who worked hard in perfecting the iMac.

The fact behind this movie is very complicated. Sorkin as a screenplay and scriptwriter try to make a movie looks like as real as possible. Alan Sorkin said there are so many confrontations and things in Jobs’s life, but he cannot pick all of it in one movie- it would be very confusing. Then, Sorkin also stated that he got special access when he made the script. Sorkin also have met with Steve three times, so that he knows how the script will be.



b. The Script

Meanwhile, Steve Jobs movie takes a place in California, United States around 1984-1988. In the setting of the script, Jobs is a very ambitious, perfectionist and arrogant person. Almost all of the dialogues tell about how dominant Jobs was in every single thing such as, in marketing, leading his crew and also dealing his personal problem with his daughter. The unique thing is that the movie only makes use of only one setting place. Moreover, the movie about

Steve Jobs only has three scenes. The scriptwriter argues that it will be deeper if he just focuses on a few things.




The chapter consists of three parts. The first part deals with the object of this study, and provides the physical description of the object of the study. Then, the second part deal with the literature approaches that will be used in explaining the approach for the analysis. Next, the third part deals with method of the study.

A. Object of the Study

The study investigates the movie of Steve Jobs. The movie was directed by

Danny Boyle with a screenplay by Aaron Sorkin, was loosely based on the biography Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson, was an American biographical drama. The movie was not directly adapted from the novel and had been reviewed by many critics.

Based on the real life story of the legendary founder and entrepreneur

Steve Jobs, the film portrays the core aspects of Jobs’s personal and professional identities that will be further advanced and imaginatively. All of his impossible perfectionism and refusal to all of his colleagues also employees are based on the name of eliciting their very best work. As time passed by in 1998 at San

Francisco’s Davies Symphony Hall, the now 43-year-old Jobs has been restored to his full glory at Apple and he is ready to launch the iMac.




On the other hand, Lisa Brennan-Jobs plays a major role in the movie.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs and Steve Jobs had a difficult relationship for many years, starting from the time she was born. Lisa's mother was Jobs’s girlfriend Chrisann

Brennan, and when she became pregnant, Jobs denied that he was the father of the baby. By the time, Steve Jobs tries to re-establish a relationship with Lisa. When she was nine, the two were so close that Jobs signed her birth certificate and had her name changed to Lisa Brennan-Jobs. The relationship between the father and the daughter become a focal point of the film, serving to humanize the person who was often described by employees as a short-tempered, relentless perfectionist who obsessed with something.

B. Approach of the Study

The focus of the study is the personal problem of the main character. The researcher needs an approach can help to analyzing the problem. So, the researcher use the psychological approach. Rohberger and Woods (1971) state psychological approach would help the researcher to know about motives, personality and behavior that the character shown in the movie (p.13).

In the study, Steve Jobs should struggle in dealing with his personal problem affects his psychological aspect. By using the approach, the researcher will focus on investigating the problem deeper.

The study is a library study. In the process of analyzing the source, the researcher has decided several steps in answering research questions stated above.



The study begins with choosing the primary source. The primary source is the movie Steve Jobs by Danny Boyle (2015). Then, the sources is the books that will support the analysis.

There are several steps that should be performed in conducting the study.

The first step is reading, understanding, and comprehending the movie-script. The second step is collecting the information about the primary source such as the author, the novel, the motivation and the rest of them. The third step is generating research questions to be analyzed. The fourth step is analyzing the primary source by using theories that are stated in the previous step. The fifth steps is generating conclusions from what the researcher already discussed.




In the chapter, the researcher presents the analysis of the movie script in order to answer the Research Questions. First, the analysis of Steve Jobs’s character is described in the script of the movie. Second, the analysis is focused the motivation of Steve Jobs to struggle for his success.

A. The Description of Steve Jobs’s Characteristic

In order to understand Steve Jobs’s personality further as seen on the movie script, the researcher intends to reveal about the personality of Steve Jobs.

As Forster (1972) states, there are two types of character that are usually seen in the literary works, they are a flat and a round character (p.18). Steve Jobs can be classified into a round character as he is always seen in all the scenes of the movie with the complex things such as motivation and mood. At the beginning, the scriptwriter leads the readers to think about the Steve Jobs’s character through the problem of his new product, Macintosh. Steve Jobs forces his crew to fix the problem a few hours before launching. As the story continues, Steve Jobs should deal other problems that involve his colleagues, John Scully and Woz, and his daughter, Lisa. During the movie, the scriptwriter urges the readers to think so hard that they can understand the character of Steve Jobs by seeing the conflicts that Steve Jobs is facing in the movie.




After conducting the analysis of Steve Jobs’s personal description such as speech, past life reaction, and direct comments from the author, the researcher finds out that Steve Jobs has character as a perfectionist, visionary, brave, and reactive person.

1. Perfectionist

The most distinctive and empowering quality, as well as the most important, was that Steve Jobs was a perfectionist. He thinks that every product, which is created by Apple.Inc, should be made in detail. It is proven when he delayed the Macintosh’s launching as there were several problems that needed to be perfected. He wants every product he makes to work well.

STEVE It worked last night, it worked the night before that, it worked three hours ago.

ANDY It’s not working now so just skip (over there) – STEVE (over) F**k you. JOANNA Shh. ANDY Skip over—everything else is working. Skip over the voice demo. STEVE We need to say “Hello.” ANDY You’re not hearing me, it’s (not gonna) – STEVE (over) Fix it. ANDY Fix it? STEVE Yeah.



Steve Jobs is absolutely perfectionist. It could be seen from the way Steve

Jobs reacts to Andy’s argues. Steve wants every detail of the product work well.

That is why Steve Jobs forced Andy to fix the problems as soon as possible even though Andy thought that it is not a big problem to solve. In the conversation,

Andy did not take seriously the problem by saying “It’s not working now so just skip

(over there) –“. However, the Steve responded by saying “ (over)

F**k you”.

Another moment that shows Steve Job is a perfectionist can be found at the time when he asks Joanna to looking for a shirt. Steve Jobs wants looks perfect by the shirt, white shirt, which is have a breast pocket. He thinks that shirt with breast pocket would be help him to keep a disk easily. Steve Jobs only wants a white shirt. It is because he wants to look suitable with the Mac’s color. It could be seen from the way Steve Jobs reacts to Joanna’s option.

…. STEVE sees one of the engineers take a diskette out of his shirt pocket and a light bulb goes off in his head.

STEVE (CONT’D) Stop. You. What size shirt do you wear? ENGINEER Me? STEVE The disk fits in your pocket—I need a shirt with a breast pocket, I can take it out on stage. ENGINEER A shirt? STEVE The disk! (to JOANNA) I need a white shirt in my size with a breast pocket. JOANNA



Yes. Which one of the no stores that are open at 8:45 do you want me to have someone run to and return from in 15 minutes? STEVE Go out in the lobby, find someone my size who’s wearing a white shirt and tell them I’ll trade them for a free computer and they get to keep my shirt. JOANNA Does it have to be a white shirt, is blue okay? STEVE No, the Mac is beige, I’m beige, the disk is blue and shirt has to be white.

The researcher closely noted that Steve Jobs is very detailed-person after looking at his employee’s shirt by saying, “The disk fits in your pocket—I need a shirt with a breast pocket,……..” In the other conversation, Steve also shows that he is very superior with his attitude by refusing Joanna, “…No, the Mac is beige,

I’m beige, the disk is blue and shirt has to be white.” By this speech, it may be more than enough to proof that Steve Jobs is a perfectionist.

Steve Jobs is very neat person. He wants to look well dressed. He has a good sense of dress up. The dialogue between Steve Jobs and Joanna in the last conversation that the researcher adds shows that Steve Jobs is a perfectionist.

According to Murphy (1972), personal appearance from the character, Steve Jobs, can describes to the readers how strong characterization of the character itself.

JOANNA Please--you have to tell me why it’s so important for it to say hello. STEVE Hollywood. They made computers scary things. (pointing to a Mac) You see how this reminds you of a friendly face? That the disk slot is a goofy grin? It’s warm and it’s playful and inviting and it needs to say hello. It needs to say hello because it can.



It is somewhat a firm argument from Steve Jobs that they do not eliminate anything. Steve Jobs insists on his stand by saying, “….. It needs to say hello because it can.” According to Murphy (1972), the researcher can identify from all

Steve Jobs’s speeches above that he is a perfectionist-person.

2. Visionary (strong-vision)

In facing his life, Steve Jobs is very unpredictable and always come up with brilliant visions. It is shown before the Macintosh was launched. At that time, in the dressing room, Steve Jobs declares to Joanna that they will sell a million units in the first ninety days. Here, Steve Jobs has a strong-vision about how much their company can sell the Mac products.

STEVE’s done with his tie. He puts a disk in his shirt pocket and tries taking it in and out. Then he grabs his jacket-- STEVE God sent His only son on a suicide mission but we like His anyway ‘cause He made trees. We’re gonna sell a million units in the first 90 days, twenty thousand a month after that, so maybe you could gimme a break, Ms. Hoffperson.

It can be seen that Steve Jobs has a good and strong-vision by convincing

Joanna about what they will achieve later. As we can see in the script, Steve Jobs also has a good calculating about the selling. It describes him as a visionary- person.

The second situation, which shows that Steve Jobs is a visionary, is when he can see possibilities about the project on which he has been working. Steve




STEVE JOBS - Shooting Script CONTINUED: JOANNA --when did you change your mind and start building the Steve Jobs Revenge Machine?


------(script was cropped out, unnecessary part)

I really wanted to build a computer for colleges. The technology just didn’t catch up as fast as I needed it to. And you know we’re outta money. But then Apple stopped innovating and I saw something better. Joanna, I know schools aren’t gonna buy a $13,000 dictionary with good speakers, you know I know that. But Apple will ‘cause is gonna build exactly the OS they need. And they’re gonna have to buy me too. For half a billion dollars in stock and end-to-end control on every product.

It could also be seen that Steve Jobs is a visionary by seeing his thoughts.

According to Murphy (1972), characterization from the character can be described by his/her thought. The author makes the readers easily understand about the character. He has a good vision and confident that another company will need his program. That is why he wants to launch it soon.

3. Brave

In facing reality, Steve Jobs is very brave. He is very tough in facing his past and current life because his past taught him to survive, like when he succeeded to overcome all problems with his former colleagues. First, Steve Jobs must deal with Wozniak. Wozniak comes to Steve Jobs and tries to blame him about their past life.


(old time producer) I’m right here, Woz, the company left me.



WOZ I begged you, I begged you. The Apple II accounted for 70% of revenue, what’d you think was gonna happen? You didn’t care enough about the Apple II or the Lisa. STEVE Let’s be really clear, I didn’t care at all about the Apple II or the Lisa.

Steve Jobs responds to Woz’s statement without any consideration. Steve

Jobs clearly shows that he is not afraid and he believes that he is right about the statement to Woz.

Steve Jobs is described as an impassioned person in almost all things that he does. He never regrets about all the decisions that he make in his past or current life. He tries to convince his rival that he is right in some ways by showing his faith and anger.

STEVE I don’t have any trouble remembering that, John, because of it being the worst night of my life and I forced a vote because I believed I was right, I still believe I’m right...and I’m right. I bled that night and I don’t bleed. But time’s done its thing and I really haven’t thought about it in a while. I absolutely understand why you’re upset and I want people to know the truth too. Steve Jobs has been passing through a lot of things in his carrier. He has been making various decisions too, including his voting when Sculley tried to take him down from Apple at that time. According to Murphy (1972), past life can be used by an author to reinforces character in some literary, especially in the movie.



Past life has taught Steve Jobs to be a regretless person and force him to be a brave person. From the conversation above, Sculley aims at terminating to terminate Steve Jobs’s event by blaming him about his decision in the past.

Sculley has failed. Steve Jobs was against the Sculley’s statement roughly. Steve

Jobs believes that past life was teaching him to be better. His brave personality comes from that day.

Another situation which describes that Steve Jobs is a brave person is when he warns Sculley to do not interfere his project.

STEVE (over) You want my help, Pepsi Generation? Don’t send Woz out to slap me around in the press. Anybody else. You, Markkula, Arthur Rock, anyone but Rainperson. Don’t personipulate him like that. Whatever you may think I’m always gonna protect him.

JOANNA (O.S.) Come on, Steve. STEVE That’s what men do. I can’t start late. STEVE exits out into--

Sculley tries to interrupt while Steve Jobs was arguing. Steve Jobs does not like what Sculley actually did to him by manipulating his close friends and his colleagues. While Joanna called Steve Jobs to go, he warned Sculley firmly by saying, “Whatever you may think I’m always gonna protect him.” It sounds like a threat, but Steve Jobs shows that he is a brave person who will protect anything who he considers important.



4. Reactive

Actually, Steve Jobs is a funny person but he is also a stubborn and angry person in the same time. He is not a person who likes to chit-chat. He is a funny person because Steve Jobs has a sense of humor. On the other hand, he is a stubborn and angry person moreover to people who try to take him down. He can be very reactive in some situations. In some situations, Steve Jobs gets involved with about progression of Apple but it is not going easily.

SCULLEY Steve! You can’t drop the price and double a budget! The only way to do that is to take money out of the Apple II and-- STEVE The Apple II should embarrass you. It embarrasses me. If you had any pride at all-- SCULLEY It doesn’t embarrass the shareholders, Steve, (the share)-- STEVE (over) I don’t give a shit about—the shareholders are your problem, that’s why I hired you, so I don’t ever have to hear about--

Steve Jobs is very angry to everyone, especially to Sculley. He thinks that

Sculley was messing up his plans about Apple. Steve Jobs also blames Sculley about why he cannot handle that problem. In the conversation above, it can be seen that Steve Jobs reacts to his opponent speaker twice. It proves that Steve Jobs is a reactive person.

Steve Jobs’s reactive characteristic also can be seen in one of the scene when Andy came to his room and tells Steve Jobs about Lisa’s life. Andy tries to explain that Lisa needs his attention. But, Steve Jobs is not ready to hear that and finally Andy gets blamed by him.



ANDY It’s cold in Cambridge, she needed warm socks. STEVE You gave her socks. ANDY Well I gave her money for socks?

STEVE You don’t get to deputize yourself as her interim--(beat)-- you don’t get to override my decisions. Do you understand? You don’t get to act like you’re her father. ANDY Somebody had to. STEVE The fuck did you just say to me?!\

The italic words show that Steve Jobs is a reactive person. He does not want anybody to interfere his personal life. He reacts to Andy’s argument by saying that. Even though Andy is mean, he is good. However, for Steve Jobs it looks like demeaning him. Therefore, he gets mad and warns Andy to back of interfere his personal life, especially about Lisa.

According to Murphy (1972), a character can be built by some reactions.

The scriptwriter succeeds describing Steve Jobs as a reactive person by giving persony reactions. As a perfectionist, visionary, and brave person, Steve Jobs definitely has lots of problems, which require him to give the proper reactions.

B. Steve Jobs’s Struggles to Get His Achievement

This part tries to find out the Steve Jobs’s struggles to struggle for his achievement. In this case, the researcher wants to discuss this part by using two- way analysis. There are the surface meaning analysis and the deeper meaning analysis.



1. The Surface Meaning of Steve Jobs’s Struggles

Surface meaning is the literal meaning that can be found explicitly.

Surface meaning can easily be found by reading the story. The readers can identify the surface meaning of the Steve Jobs’s struggles by reading the movie’s script.

The researcher wants to discuss the surface meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggles by using Freud’s theory. Tripartite of human psyche is very appropriate to help the researcher analyze the problem. The Id, Ego, and Superego will help the researcher reveal Steve Jobs’s surface meaning in order to struggle for his top achievement. In the beginning of the movie, the directors already show problems that would be faced by Steve Jobs. These problems of Steve Jobs can help the researcher identify the first ‘tripartite’ from Freud’s theory, the Id.

In 1984, Steve Jobs was ready to launch the first version of Macintosh, but it did not look well in the backstage. Steve Jobs forced his entire employees including his personal secretary, Joanna Hoffman to make it better as soon as possible. While waiting for the time, his past girlfriend and the child named Lisa came to see him. Chrissan Brennan, his past girlfriend demanded him to give a better compensation for her and Lisa. Chrissan said that Lisa had been grown up and she had to know that Steve Jobs had been her biological father. Steve Jobs also met with Woz and Sculley, his past colleagues. They were trying to persuade to re-cooperate.

Steve Jobs faced a lot of problem like everyone does. He had a failure at the Apple in the first time and finally he is fired. Couple of years after the



moment, Steve Jobs struggled to build NeXT Corporation. This company did not last long too. However, Steve Jobs believed that there should be a solution. He was sure that he deserved his success.

Then, Steve Jobs has serious problem with his ego. In the beginning of his career, Steve Jobs tends to focus on his goals. He is careless what people think and say about him. The only thing that he cares about is only how to get popularity and wealth.

Steve Jobs is born to be an entrepreneur. He always has a good way to deal with every problem. He tries to do everything perfectly. Steve Jobs does not want excuses from everyone who works together with him. He believes that everyone has to work hard to get the best achievement. One moment, Andy Hertrzfeld and the entire technicians are stuck and decided to meet Steve Jobs and tell that the problem cannot be solved. Steve Jobs tries all the way to get what he wants. His ego drives Steve Jobs to take any risks to fulfill his needs. As an entrepreneur who has perfectionist character, he is directly threatening .

CONTINUED: JOANNA can’t help a smile and small laugh. STEVE looks at her...

STEVE Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to announce the names of everyone who designed the launch demo--I’m gonna introduce everyone and ask them to stand up. The bag was designed by , the Macintosh font that’s scrolling across the screen was designed by , the starry night and the skywriting was , MacPaint, MacWrite, Alice, down to the calculator and then I’m going to say the voice demo that didn’t work was designed by Andy Hertzfeld. ANDY laughs a little for a moment but STEVE stares at him and ANDY realizes he’s serious. The others are looking down and trying to make themselves look busy but there’s no saving Andy here. ANDY Steve--



STEVE Five in six is your chance of surviving first round of Russian roulette and you’ve reversed those odds so unless you want to be disgraced in front of your friends, family, colleagues, stockholders and the press, I wouldn’t stand here arguing, I’d go try to get some more bullets out of the gun. (beat) Do it, Andy!

Steve Jobs is a famous egomaniac. In the following scenes, his ego dominates himself when he has conflict with Chrissan because the same time

Chrissan Brennan, his past-girlfriend comes into his life. She invites Lisa

Brennan, the child that should be Steve’s daughter. Chrissan asks Steve Jobs to give them a better living and tries to convince him that Lisa is his daughter. Steve

Jobs insists that they have no rights to complain about the welfare and emphasize that Lisa is not his daughter.

CHRISANN (over--stopping him) I applied for welfare yesterday. STEVE I’m sorry? CHRISANN I said I applied for welfare yesterday. The Time article said your Apple stock is worth 441 million dollars. And I wanted to ask you how you felt about that. STEVE Well...I feel like Apple stock is being dramatically undervalued. This would be a good time to get in. CHRISANN Your daughter and her mother are on welfare. STEVE Chrisann-- CHRISANN We’re living in a hovel in Menlo Park. We can’t pay the heating bills, she sleeps in a parka. Your daughter is (living in a neighborhood)-- STEVE She’s not my daughter.



At that time, Steve Jobs thinks that having Chrissan and Lisa in that time might be destroying his popularity as an entrepreneur. Therefore, Steve Jobs decides not to acknowledge them. Steve Jobs tells to Lisa that he does not give her name. His ego influences him to emphasize that the name Lisa is a coincidence.

After the conflict with Chrissan and Lisa has been done, Steve Jobs must meet Steve ‘Woz’ Wozniak. Woz comes to Steve Jobs and asks for the acknowledgement of Apple II team. Woz tries to convince Steve Jobs that it is important to do. However, Steve Jobs believes that the mistake is coming from the company who left him. In the end of the conversation, Woz also tells Steve that

NeXT, the project that Steve has been working on will be useless and will end with a failure.

STEVE Today is about the Macintosh and the Mac is mine. WOZ I give you that. STEVE Thank you. WOZ I give you that. Just publicly acknowledge the Apple II team because it’s the right thing to do. ------WOZ I came here to clear the air. You know why I came here? STEVE Didn’t you just (answer that?) WOZ (over) I came here ‘cause you’re gonna get killed. Your computer is going to fail.

While Steve is ready to launching his new project, NeXT, Sculley comes and tries to distract Steve’s focuses on. Steve has been debating with Sculley about their past life. Sculley thinks that when Steve Jobs start establishing the



company he thinks he can manage it. He has grand and bold visions that was a little grandiose. Sculley blames Steve about what Steve has done in the past life between Sculley, Steve Jobs, and the entire of the Apple’s shareholders. In the end of the quorum, Sculley put Steve Jobs out from Apple. Sculley thinks that he is

100% responsible for his firing from Apple. His ego is unequivocally out of control.

Steve Jobs never regrets about his decision. Steve Jobs‘s response to his firing was understandable. He proves to Sculley that he can grow up and gain popularity by exerting his passion outside the Apple.

STEVE You took me off the Mac and it was bad business. The quorum call was a homicide. SCULLEY Right there is the part that’s bullshit, my friend, it was a suicide, because you knew your cards and I showed you mine, I showed you mine and you did it anyway.

Twelve years later, in 1998, Steve Jobs is returning to Apple after his long journey to find his passion and get more achievements. That day Steve Jobs is ready to launch the newest product from Apple called ‘iMac’. Steve feels so close with all his goals. Steve Jobs realizes that he cannot be selfish in entire his life.

Steve Jobs is turning his mind and trying to be a calm person.

JOANNA (CONT'D) You brought the company back from life support after going through the misery of laying off 3,000 people and cutting 70% of the product line so’s over … you’re going to win. It would be criminal not to enjoy this moment.



STEVE I’m enjoying it.

Joanna tries to convince Steve Jobs that he has to beat up his ego. For almost 19 years, Steve Jobs and Joanna work together to create something new, something big and something different. His ego influences him to become random person. His ego also drives him pulled company he founded and loved, Apple, back from the brink. Apple is healthy and churning out the kind of breakthrough products that made the Apple name synonymous with innovation.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs’ struggle is to keep walking and passing through the pain is about going back to Apple and get the popularity. Being stubborn in everything for many years makes Steve Jobs closest to his goals. His ego to keep believes in his capacity helps him to get back all the things that are loss from him.

2. The Deeper Meaning of Steve Jobs’ss Struggles.

This part discusses the deeper meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggles for his achievement. Deeper meaning is the real meaning that shows the reality described in the script. The researcher tries to analyze the deeper meaning by understanding and combining between surface meaning and the motivation of the main character.

Eggert (1999) said that motivation could be seen through behavior, the changing of behavior. Thus, in this study the term motivation refers to the process, which encourages and guides or changes the behavior the main character. This part tries to find out Steve Jobs’s struggles to find his true achievement. Steve

Jobs is a successful entrepreneur. He is a perfectionist man. He will do anything



perfectly. Steve Jobs also reactive person. He can react randomly to anything or anyone which makes him feel uncomforted.

McCleland (1985) explains that there are four kinds of motive systems.

They are the achievement motive, power motive, affiliative motive, and the avoidance motive. In Steve Jobs’s cases, the achievement motive and the affiliative motive are really close and most suitable to help the researcher describe the motivation of the main character. a. Achievement Motive

The achievement motive tells the reason why Steve Jobs wants to get his highest achievement. According McCleland (1985), someone who has achievement motive will be doing something better for its own sake (p.228). Steve

Jobs is known as a perfectionist man who will do his every job details. After he failed with his first project, Macintosh, he builds a new company. He intends to compete with Apple. In the same time, Steve Jobs also has a serious problem with his personal life. He is rejecting that Lisa is his biological daughter. In the end,

Steve Jobs realize that he should be accepting the truth. After he is closely with the successful, he decides to rebuild his life. He wants to have a better life that he has never known before.

Fade in:

Peter Jennings- ABC NEWS

Apple Computers closed teo of its factories today in the

wake of disappointing sales. In a move that surprised

some but not all on Wall Street, the board of directors



of Apple Computers voted today to fire its cofounder,

Steve Jobs.

Wall Street Weeks- Panel Discussion

Jobs is hitting back with a new company and a new

computer. Apple has a new competitor.

Steve Jobs’s struggle to get his achievement begins with the failures of his past life. According to Ryan and Deci (2000b, 69), motivation can come from intrinsic or from extrinsic. Steve Jobs’ individual interest is to prove that he can succeed without Apple after he has been fired from that company. This can be related to intrinsic motivation. Whereas, extrinsic motivation is to do tasks for a certain goals to get later gain the satisfaction. Here, Steve jobs states that he wants to build a new computer for the education market. It can help Steve dominating the market.

Since Steve Jobs fails and gets fired from Apple, he force himself to do something. He decides to build a new company with a new computer. He feels that his passion to develop a technology cannot stoppable by anyone.

STEVE If they really wished me well they’d keep it to themselves. JOANNA Can I tell you something? STEVE I don’t think they do wish me well but I’m alright with that. I’m over Apple. I got over the Mac and Woz and Sculley the same way you get over your high school sweetheart. Build a new one.



His satisfaction is only about working on a computer. He believes that his thought about selling the best personal computer will come true. It’s just about to begin and he is still trying to make it come true.

In the other hand, Steve Jobs is trying to make a personal computer for education market. As having been told, Apple, his past company, also develops the same thing. Steve Jobs thinks that, education market will help his new company be able to produce big profits.

Thus, from the two reasons, Steve Jobs is motivated to get his achievement. He wants to get back his right, he wants to build up his personal life, also he wants to achieve lot more things including rebuilt his popularity. Steve

Jobs is a perfectionist man. He is very detail and brave to take a risk. One day, his first Macintosh was failed. He was also get fired from Apple. This situation has made Steve Jobs frustrated. Steve Jobs tries another way to rebuild his credibility after the failure. This failure soon affects Steve Jobs to achieve something big in future.

According to McClelland (1985) people who has strong achievement motive usually prefer being personally responsible for the results of their performance. McClelland adds that this kind of people will feel satisfaction for doing something if they work alone (p.246). Steve Jobs has Strong motivation in doing something, especially about computer. It can be seen when he never regrets about his failure and keeps moving forward by building a new company that creates a new computer product, NeXT Computer. It can compete with Apple and



other companies. He believes that NeXT will be a success. He is very brave to take a risk whatever it takes.

Regardless from the way Steve Jobs being alone in working on something, actually he needs some feedback from others. Steve Jobs always be hundred percent in doing something. Nevertheless, sometimes he needs a feedback from people around him. It will help him to see how well he is doing.

JOANNA I’m your closest confidant, your best friend, your thing- -what do you call it--work wife. This whole time, the last three years------when did you change your mind and start building the Steve Jobs Revenge Machine?

Here, Steve Jobs has Joanna Hoffman. The woman who has been his companion several years ago. Joanna always becomes Steve Jobs’s alarm. One day, Steve Jobs had been working harder to create NeXT and he became over- confident. Joanna Hoffman thinks that she should give Steve Jobs some feedback.

He needs to be controlled.

People who have strong achievement motive would try to become more innovative as they can. This statement from McClelland is similar with Steve

Jobs’s personality. Steve Jobs has strong motivation to proof that he can be better.

For Steve, his idea is only about making something perfectly. However, his innovation is being things that are waited.

Wall Street Weeks- Panel Discussion

Jobs is hitting back with a new company and a new

computer. Apple has a new competitor.



Steve Jobs’s black cube is aimed at the education


Male Reporter #7

Few people have ability to make the world wait, but

that is just what Steve Jobs is doing with his new

company, NeXT.

Steve Jobs is a visionary man. His will to look for other options to keep his thought of achieving something is still always in his mind. The company, NeXt, will not stand out if there is not any innovativeness in his decision to struggle for get his achievement. b. Affiliative motive

According to McClelland, there are words that have been commonly used to show various types of affiliation. Love, mutual understanding and cooperation should be satisfied and many people agree with the statement (p.335). Actually, in the deep of Steve Jobs’s heart, he feels rejection. The issues that he is adopted by a family might ruin his mind. Then, he also has a bad time for years with her biological daughter, Lisa.

STEVE A lawyer couple adopted me first and then gave me back after a month. They changed their mind. Then my parents adopted me. My biological mother had stipulated that whoever took me had to be college educated, wealthy and Catholic. Paul and Clara Jobs were none of those things so my biological mother wouldn’t sign the adoption papers. SCULLEY What happened? STEVE



There was a legal battle that went on for a while and my mother said she refused to love me for the first year, you know in case they had to give me back.

Steve Jobs finally tells to Sculley about why he always feels rejected.

Steve Jobs has a bad time about being always rejected by everyone. He feels that he has been played. Even his mother has set the high standard for others who will adopt him. All of these experiences make Steve Jobs become a perfectionist and reactive-man.

For several years, Steve Jobs has still been working for the answer about

Lisa. He does not believe that Lisa is his biological daughter. He is looking for the answer to his best friend, Dan Kottke. Dan tells Steve that Lisa is his daughter.

But, Steve Jobs cannot believe that Lisa is his daughter until the present time.

JOANNA You said--when you told me the story, you said, “Dan, did Time Magazine ask you if I had a daughter named Lisa?” and Dan said, “Yeah” and you said, “What did you tell him?” and Dan said, “Yes.” My point was that he answered you simply and honestly because he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong.

Joanna’s point of view is used in order to explain Steve Jobs that Dan

Kottke is right when he says ‘yes’. Throughout his experiences has been played repeatedly, that is why Steve Jobs becomes so hard to himself. He turns into a reactive person. Steve Jobs cannot live and enjoy his achievement if he is unable make sure that everything around him is going well.

Joanna tries to convince Steve Jobs that he has to make everything all right with everybody, especially with Lisa. Steve Jobs is starting to become a man who can control his temper. He tries to leave his ego when he talks with Lisa.



One day, in 1998, Steve Jobs was ready to launch his newest project after he came back to Apple. This year became the raising year for Apple after long years of failures. Steve Jobs was close to his achievement. But, there was something that ruined his mind and it was about Lisa. She had been growing up into a smart girl. For several years after Steve agreed that Lisa had been his daughter, he learned many things about being a good father. He did not want to be rejected by Lisa in the future. Before the iMac’s launching. Lisa came to the back stage and had a debate with Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs went to meet Lisa and tried to clarify all the things that they had been through together. Steve Jobs realized that it was the time to tell to Lisa about the truth. Steve Jobs told to Lisa that her name was given before the computer that Steve Jobs designed in the past. Furthernore, Steve explained that

Local Integrated Architecture did not even mean anything.

LISA (pause) Why did you say it wasn’t all those years? STEVE (totally upfront and without hesitation) I don’t know.

Within the limited time, Steve Jobs managed to tell about all the lies that he had made in the past. Steve Jobs acknowledge that he had been a bad man. In front of Lisa, Steve Jobs tried to convince Lisa to apologize him. It looked like an easy thing for Lisa because she was big-hearted; as a result everything was becoming easier to do for both of them.

STEVE You know what Lisa stood for? LISA



What? STEVE The computer, the Lisa, you know what it stood for? LISA I’m sorry I said that about the iMac, it’s not what I really think. STEVE Behind my back, at the office, you know what it stood for?

Lisa tried to blame Steve Jobs. She pulled a long face to Steve Jobs. Here,

Steve Jobs thougt that it had been the right time to tell Lisa about the truth. He realized that Lisa had given him some reasons to struggle. It happened when Lisa was nine years old. She hugged Steve while saying, “ (WHISPERS) I wanna live with you.” Since that time, Steve Jobs realized that he should try to be a good father.

Those situations motivate Steve Jobs to deal with his affiliation problem.

He thinks that, relationship is important thing to support him in achieving their goals. He believes that he can deal with.

McClelland has explained that there are five characteristics of people with strong affiliation motive. As McClelland states that the first point is performing better when affiliative incentives are present (p.348). In his life, Steve Jobs dedicates his life to get achievements. LISA, Macintosh, NeXT, and iMac are evidence that working is his passion. That thing can satisfy him. Steve Jobs realizes that it is not about her daughter or his personal relationship. This situation can be said as achievement motive. By the time and for several reasons, Steve

Jobs shifts his point of view into affiliative motives. He realizes that when he has accumulated sufficient wealth to last our lifetime, he should pursue other matters that are unrelated to wealth. He needs a good relationship to support him in



achieving his goals. He needs people recognize him. He also needs Lisa to know that he is a good father even though it is not easy to do. All those reasons can help

Steve Jobs to get all his achievements perfectly.

Maintaining interpersonal networks will become the second characteristic of Steve Jobs. As McClelland states in his book Human Motivation,

Since individuals high in n Affiliation learn social relationship more quickly, are more sensitive to faces than to other objects, and engage in more dialogue with others, they might be expected to also show signs of maintaining their connections with other people (p.352).

Steve Jobs is a perfectionist and reactive person. He wants everyone to work perfectly. He will be very angry if there is someone who does not follow his order. He is terrifying almost all people around him with his personality. He cannot maintain good relationship with others. By that time, he finally changes his habits and tries harder to make good vibe with people around him. He begins to speak better and rebuild his connection with all his employee and colleagues. He believes that they are the true people who have been helping him so far, by being positive thinking and having a good reason to apologize.

STEVE (CONT’D) (pause) Did I do this? Screw it up? (SCULLEY takes a moment and then says something he’s not sure he means--) SCULLEY Let’s let it go now. It has to be time.

This is something he has never done in the past. He become so calm and looks like a wise man. He shows that he is brave to recognize that he has a mistake. “The wealth that he has won in his life cannot bring with him. What he



can bring is only the memories precipitated by love”. That is the piece of Steve

Job’s last speech that can also describe that Steve Jobs is change.

Maintaining connection may become the hardest part for Steve Jobs, especially with Lisa. When Lisa is nineteen-years old, she is growing up become a smart, brave, and reactive girl. She is starting to know about her personal history.

Lisa’s personality is almost same with her father, Steve Jobs. One day, Steve Jobs decides to meet Lisa a few minutes before the launch. He is trying to explain Lisa about everything happened.

STEVE (speaking quietly inLisa’s ear) I’m paying your tuition. Are you crazy? Of course I’m paying your tuition. LISA (quietly in his ear) I must have misunderstood when you said you weren’t paying my tuition.

Steve Jobs watches her walk toward him. He is too worn out now to have a real confrontation with her but he will be slowly forced into it. He thinks that Lisa needs to know the truth. He starts speaking to Lisa by saying the little thing. He knows that Lisa cannot be forced to understand all the problem immedietly. After a long debate with Lisa, Steve Jobs finally gets an attention from Lisa and they look fine. However, in the last scene, Steve Jobs is still trying to maintain his relationship with Lisa.

STEVE (CONT’D) (calling out) I’m gonna put music in your pocket. LISA turns around-- LISA What? STEVE



A hundred songs. A thousand songs. Five hundred songs. Somewhere between five hundred and a thousand songs. Right in your pocket. Because I can’t stand looking at that inexplicable Walkman anymore. You’re carrying around a brick playing a cassette tape. We’re not savages. So I’m gonna put a thousand songs in your pocket.

Steve Jobs is promising to Lisa something better. It is about inventing and creating tool which is later known as iPod. His relationship with Lisa helps him a lot to in getting his achievement. His needs to be loved is now satisfied.

McClelland adds that people who have strong affiliative motives also believes that goodwill is more important than reason in solving human problems

(p.354). In this case, especially after he has been passing through all the situation,

Steve Jobs change his views about life and connection. He is trying to improve his connection to people around him. He talks to Woz, Hertzfeld, Sculley, and Lisa.

He does this because he just wants everything going well. He feels that it would be perfect when he can get full support by people around him to get achievements.

Steve Jobs’s strong affiliative motive also can see from his last speech before he dead.

“ … non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person

into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses

to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions

brought about by wealth. The wealth I have won in my life

I cannot bring with me. What I can bring is only the

memories precipitated by love...”

Steve Jobs realize that relationship, love and connection is important thing that he is looking for since years ago. His relationship with Lisa, his daughter,



now is more important than anything. He understands that “material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost — Life and Love.”

McClelland theories about the characteristics of high need of love are appropriate to be implement toward Steve Jobs character. Even though Steve

Jobs’s characteristics are not good enough in the beginning of the movie, his affiliative needs shift him into a good person. It is clear that Steve Jobs is a person who has strong affiliative motives in his life.




The chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the conclusion of the analysis in the chapter four. The second part is the recommendation that consists of recommendation for future researchers. The third part is the suggestions for

English teacher in order to help the teaching-learning activity.

A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis in the previous chapter of Steve Jobs movie script the researcher has noted the conclusion based on the research questions. The conclusions are drawn into two parts. The first one is about how Steve Jobs drawn as the main character in the movie script. Using the theory of character, Steve

Jobs is drawn as a round character. As Murphy’s states that characters are made to convey to the audience so that they understand what kind of the characters are.

Steve Jobs is one of a successful entrepreneur and he is a famous egoistic person. He has a strong personality. The character that makes him successful is perfectionist. He is a very detailed person. He wants everything to be perfect. He also does not hesitate to scold and threat his employee to work better. He does this to push himself and his company so that it will be produces a good and different thing.

The characteristic of Steve Jobs is visionary. This one is like a gift.

Not everyone can predict or see the future. Steve Jobs’s expectation is almost all right. He can predict how iMac can be the bestselling personal computer. This is not a coincidence; Steve Jobs always tries his best when he 52



is doing anything. He builds the iMac to be a good stuff that smashes the competitors. Steve Jobs is also a brave person. He is very brave to say the truth.

He never hides his feeling. He does not want to give up at all when he gets failure.

He takes a risk to build a new company even though he knows that it is not easy to beat his competitor at that time. The Last characteristic seen in the movie is reactive person. It can be seen from his actions. His action is easily affected by other personalities from Steve Jobs. He can get angry easily if something does not according to his demands.

The second conclusion is the motivation of Steve Jobs in struggling for his achievement. The researcher explains this part into two lines, surface meaning and deeper meaning. The surface meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggles is to achieve a lot of things especially popularity. In this part, Steve Jobs is described as a poor man

(selfish). His ego makes Steve Jobs get many problems with people around him.

Time flies, Steve Jobs is going mature. In the end of the story, Steve Jobs finally get back what he really wants so far; going back to Apple and get his popularity.

He got all his wants, the achievement as an entrepreneur and as a person.

The deeper meaning of Steve Jobs’s struggles can be seen from two motives that Steve Jobs has. First is the achievement motive. This part explains about how strong Steve Jobs’s struggle to get achievement or to achieve something that he never has before. His satisfaction working on thing that related in a technology especially computer shifts him into a successful person. That is why this motive is appropriate to discuss Steve Jobs motivation to get his achievement. The second motive is affiliative motive. Steve Jobs is an ordinary



person who always has fears. He also has a bad time when he was rejected by her mother and people around him. This fear of rejection and the need of relationship affect him to struggle to get his real achievement, in this case is to rebuild his connection to people around him. Steve Jobs’ experiences to maintain connections push to be a better person. He finally makes peace with Lisa after long years with conflict. Steve Jobs realize that love, in this case is connection or relationship is one of the thing that actually Steve Jobs want. It is very important for him because his achievement is nothing if he could not keep his connection going well with everybody.

B. Implications

In this section, this study might give benefits to education. The study might help students to understanding the character in some literary works. The study might also provide some educational values such as forgiving ourselves, keep moving forward, taking a risks and keep innovating. All of these values can help the teacher to motivate and influence the student to be a better student.

C. Suggestions

The section gives suggestions for English teachers. The story of Steve Jobs still can be used for teaching-learning activity. The teacher can invite students to see the movie of Steve Jobs and the students can be asked to retell the movie by means of summary. The script itself can used by teacher as a learning material to improve students’ writing skills. The all parts of this movie is very interesting and very useful.




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Summary of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is largely the iconic name and face of Apple Computers, a company he co-founded. He always wants to be in control, in large part an outcome of his childhood, where he knows his biological mother willingly gave him up for adoption. That control often places him at odds with those around him, about which he doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants at the end, including a closed end system for each of his products to maintain his vision rather than users being able to transform his products for their own wants. The state of his life is presented at three specific times, on the day of preparation for the launch of three different products, each for which he is the lead: in 1984 for the Macintosh computer, it being the first new product for Apple since the debut its most successful product, the Apple II, seven years earlier; in 1988 for the NeXT computer, which Jobs outwardly is more concerned about the integrity of the perfect black cube design than its unknown capabilities, but for which he secretly



has a specific end goal; and in 1998 for the iMac computer. The significant people in Jobs' life are also presented, they who are at the three launches, if not in person than in direct spirit to the proceedings: , Apple's other co-founder who sees himself more as the nuts and bolts man compared to Jobs being the big picture man, with Wozniak wanting as much of a focus on Apple's successful brand as opposed to Jobs' want to focus purely on his product being launched;

Joanna Hoffman, his ethnic-Polish head of marketing for each of the three launches, and who acts as much as his mother figure and his moral center; John

Sculley, Apple's CEO who is more concerned about meeting the wants of the

Board and the shareholders than Jobs'; Andy Hertzfeld, one of the two Andy's, who is chief engineer for the Mac and who needs to meet Jobs' every whim for the product, even if he feels it cannot be done; and Lisa Brennan, who the courts deem to be his biological daughter, a claim which he tried to deny largely to spite

Lisa's mother, , whose every action, in Jobs' mind, is for her own best interest as opposed to Lisa's as she claims.


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