EXTENSIONS of REMARKS Ma'rch 12, 1975 by Mr
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6376 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Ma'rch 12, 1975 By Mr. MORGAN (for himself, Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. H.R. 25 CONABLE, Mr. JACOBS, and Mr. MoL By Mr. McKAY: LOHAN): Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Page 294, line 22, after the word "forest" H. Res. 301. Resolution expressing the sense and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk insert "where the present use or value of the of the House of Representatives with re and referred as follows: area to be surface mined is primarily re spect to the missing in action in Southeast 66. By the SPEAKER: Petition of a joint lated to timber or recreation at the effective Asia and the Paris Agreement; to the Com session of the Senate and House of Repre date of this Act, but nothing contained in mittee on Foreign Affairs. sentatives of the Khmer Republic, relative this paragraph shall be construed to other By Mrs. SULLIVAN (for herself, Mr. to U.S. aid to the Khmer Republic; to the wise limit the Secretary of Agriculture from FLOOD, Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT, Mr. Committee on Foreign Affairs. MooRE, and Mr. WoLFF): designating such lands as unsuitable in whole H. Res. 302. Resolution in support of con 57. Also, petition of the city council, Val or part under the provision of section 522 (b) , tinued undiluted U.S. sovereignty and ju lejo, Calif., relative to cable television sports and excepting further". risdiction over the U.S.-owned Canal Zone on programing; to the Committee on Interstate H.R. 25 and Foreign Commerce. the Isthmus of Panama; to the Committee on By Mr. MAZZOLI: Foreign Affairs. 58. Also, petition of Dollie M. Powell, New Page 180, strike out line 21 and all that By Mr. WAGGONNER (for himself, Orleans, La., relative to redress of grievances; follows down through "a program" in line Mr. MOORE, and Mr. STUCKEY): to the Committee on the Judiciary. 22 and insert in lieu thereof "this title a H. Res. 303. Resolution in support of con 59. Also, petition of the Chamber of Com program." tinued undiluted U.S. sovereignty and ju merce, Fort Stockton, Tex., relative to ad Page 180, strike out line 24 and all that risdiction over the U.S.-owned Canal Zone on journment of Congress for a minimum of 4 follows down through "department" on the Isthmus of Panama; to the Committee on months each year; to the Committee on page 181, line 1 and insert in lieu thereof Poreign Afi'airs. Rules. "program subsequent to the enactment of this title and which program." PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Page 181, beginning in line 4, strike out AMENDMENTS "school" and all that follows down through Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private "conducting a" in line 5. Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, :Pro bills and resolutions were introduced and posed amendments were submitted as Page 181, strike out line 7 and all that severally referred as follows: follows down through line 9, and insert in follows: lieu thereof "traction wherein curricula suf By Mr. ADAMS: H.R. 25 H.R. 4823. A blll for the relief of D. Eugene ficient to prepare a student for a career in Hokanson; to the Committee on the Judi By Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota: mining education, mining research, or min ciary. Page 194, line 14, after the word "or" strike ing industry are being carried out and By Mr. GIBBONS: out "10" and insert "5". wherein sufficient facu1ty and students par H.R. 4824. A b111 for the relief of T. Sgt. Page 194, line 15, after the word "less" ticipate to carry out research supported by Elmo M. Miller, U.S. Air Force; to the Com::. strike out the period, and insert a comma the funds authorized by this title." mittee on the Judiciary. and add the following words: "except that Page 181, beginning in line 21, strike out H.R. 4825. A bill for the relief of M. Sgt. this reclamation .fee shall not apply to lignite George C. Lee, U.S. Air Force; to the Com "school" and all that follows down through coal." "conducting a" in line 22. mittee on the Judiciary. Page 195, line 5, after the word "funds" H.R. 4826. A bill for the relief of Lt. Col. stril{e ·out "Fifty," and insert "One Hun H.R. 25 Frank A. Moorhead; to the Committee on dred". By Mr. RISENHOOVER: the Judiciary. Page 195, after line 14, add the follow:ing Page 52, line 12, after "Act." insert "Noth By Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT: new subsection to section 401: ing in this Act shall be applicable to the H.R. 4827. A bill for the relief of Bobby R. "(f) All operators of coal mining operations States of Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland, Prince; to the Committee on the Judiciary. North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, By Mr. KEMP: subject to the provisions of this Act may credit against the reclamation fee imposed by South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Vir H.R. 4828. A blll for the relief of Mrs. ginia, which have heretofore joined togeth Eleanor D. Morgan; to the Committee on the section 401 (d), the amount of a reclamation fee paid by him to any State or political sub er in the Interstate Mining Compact or any Judiciary. other state who joins the Interstate Mining By Mr. ROSE: division for the comparable reclamation or Compact as long as such States have in force H.R. 4829. A bill for the relief of Leah conservation activities provided for by this Maureen Anderson; to the Committee on title that are conducted by the State or po and effect a "Mining Lands Reclamation the Judiciary. litical subdivision." Act." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AID FOR OUR POLICE nothing to create the problems of drug We in the Congress should be the first addiction, gang thefts, or civil unrest to come to the aid of our policemen. We and dissension, yet our policeman is al know that the law enforcement profes HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO ways there to pursue the criminals, right sion needs more money and higher sal OF ILLINOIS the wrongs, and maintain order. aries as well as increased benefits, both IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These all-important . operations that to raise morale and encourage other Tuesday, March 11, 1975 our law enforcement officials perform are well-qualified men to continue to join not always fully appreciated. Actually, a this essential vocation. Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, the law enforcement officer is often the onlY I have sponsored three bills this session Federal Bureau of Investigation recently visible symbol of authority that the that I feel would go a long way to make published its preliminary crime statistics average citizen constantly sees. And the plight of our policemen a little easier for the first 9 month-; of 1974. Unfortu when a frustrated individual seeks to to bear. nately, the statistics confirmed our worst revenge himself upon society for real or H.R. 189, the Public Safety Officers fears; major crime increased 16 percent imagined wrongs, all too often it is the Benefits Act of 1975, would provide im over a similar period in 1973. portant benefits to the survivors of our To a victim of crime, statistics that policemen and other law enforcement officials who become the victims. Just valiant policemen and public safety offi show it is happening to the other guy as cers. well are of little consolation. Now, more last year alone, there were 132 deaths of This bill, in establishing a group life than ever, we have to depend upon our policemen killed in the line of duty, and and accident insurance policy for public law enforcement officials to fight the tens of thousands more victims of beat safety officers, would provide a $50,000 surging rate of crime. ings and assaults. gratuity to the survivors of law enforce The job of a law enforcement officer, As I said, a policeman represents the ment officers. It is designed to meet the from the policeman walking the beat in law. Because people so often resent au immediate financial needs of a police our parks to our patrolman insuring thority, more and more often a law en man's dependents, and could provide up thoroughfare safety, is one of the most forcement official is met with a cool atti to $3,000 in interim emergency benefit difficult in our society. He must con tude from the very people he seeks to payments if it is found necessary to as stantly be on guard to protect a society protect, when he so desperately needs sist a family through this difficult and from its own ills and conflicts. He did their support in the community. trying time. I would like to add that this March 12, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6377 bill covers professional and volunteer LEST WE FORGET-TESTIMONY OF Because of this you must not fo1·get the firemen. Moreover, H.R. 189 also extends A SOVIET PRISONER OF CON scores of Jews who are in labor camps and the three million who are in a similar situa these important benefits to deaths re SCIENCE tion, though their camp is larger. And this sulting from injuries sustained on ol camp also has borders-the state borders of after October 11, 1972. the USSR. Since both the House and the Senate HON. JONATHAN B. BINGHAM In the "camps" each additional day is have overwhelmingly approved these OF NEW YORK grave. I ask that your struggle for the free same gratuity benefits for the last two IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dom of emigration must be continued and Congresses, it seems only fitting and intensified.