A Statistical Profile of Samoans in the United States. Part I: Demography; Part II: Social and Economic Characteristics; Appendix: Language Use Among Samoans

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A Statistical Profile of Samoans in the United States. Part I: Demography; Part II: Social and Economic Characteristics; Appendix: Language Use Among Samoans DOCUMENT RESUME ED 264 331 UD 024 599 AUTHOR Hayes, Ge'ffrey; Levin, Michael J. TITLE A Statistical Profile of Samoans in the United States. Part I: Demography; Part II: Social and Economic Characteristics; Appendix: Language Use among Samoans. Evidence from the 1980 Census. INSTITUTION Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, Oreg. SPONS AGENCY Employment and Training Administration (DOL), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Dec 83 CONTRACT 99-3-r946-75-075-01 NOTE 117p.; A paper commissioned for a Study of Toverty, Unemployment and Training Needs of American Samoans. For related documents, see UD 024 599-603. PUB TYPE Reports - Research/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Birth Rate; Census Figures; *Demography; *Educational Attainment; *Employment Level; Family Characteristics; Income; *Language Proficiency; Migr.tion Patterns; Population Growth; Poverty; *Samoan Americans; *Socioeconomic Status IDENTIFIERS California; Census 1980; Hawaii; *Samoans; Washington ABSTRACT This paper provides a broad overview of the demographic, social, and economic characteristics of Samoans in the United States, focusing particularly on the Samoan populations of Hawaii, California, and Washington, where 85% of Samoans reside. The data is derived from the "race" question on the 1980 Census and other local statistical materials. Demographically, the population is found to be highly urbanized, young (average age 19.5 years) and with a high fertility rate (averaging 4.3 children per adult woman). The total U.S. Samoan population projected for the year 2000 is most realistically estimated at 131,000. Among the three States, Hawaii's Samoans are youngest, with a higher dependency ratio and lower sex ratio than elsewhere in the United States. Economic and social characteristics outlined in the paper include geographic distribution and urbanization; household structure (averaging 5.2 persons); family characteristics (49% having children under six, 18% female headed); marital status (smaller proportion married than average for the United States); income levels (82% of U.S. median income per household); poverty rates (27.5% of families below the poverty level); housing; education; language; and labor force participation. Generally, Samoans are found to be worse off than other selected groups, even recent refugees. Strong differences appear between Samoans in California, who are much closer to national averages, and Samoans in Hawaii. (An appendix discusses language use among Samoans). (Author/CG) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDU TIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) The document hes been reproduced as /14a74-41 od-s received from the person or organization angrnaeng It Abe 1. oiRera-4./ 0 Minor changes have been made to .mprove reproduction quality Points of yew or osemons stated in this docu- TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ment do not necssanly moment off 'cal NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) positron or policy v-i A STATISTICAL PROFILE OF te\ SAMOANS IN THE UNITED STATES re\ PART I: DEMOGRAPHY .1) PART II: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 0.1 APPENDIX: LANGUAGE USE AMONG SAMOANS EVIDENCE FROM THE 1980 CENSUS L1J Geoffrey Hayes South Pacific Commission Post Box D-5 Nouma Cedex, New Caledoia and Michael J. Levin Racial and Ethnic Statistics Programs Population Division Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233 December 1983 Prepared for: U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Office of Research and Evaluation 601 D Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20213 George Koch, Government Project Officer Contract #99-3-0946-75-075-01 A Paper Commissioned for: Study of Poverty, Unemployment and Training Needs of American Samoans I Literacy and Language Program Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 300 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 This report was prepared for the Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, under Research and Evaluation Contract Mo. 99-03-0946-75-075-01. Since contractors conducting research and evaluation projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express their own judgment freely, this report does not necessarily represent the official opinion or policy of the Department of Labor. The contractor is solely responsible or the contents of this report. 3CITT./. .1 REPORT DOCUMENTATION 1. REPORT NO. 2 3. Recipient's AccessionNo. PAGE 4. Title and Subtitle S. Report Date July 1984 A Statistical Profile of Samoans in the United States:Part I, Demography; Part II, Social and Economic Characteristics 8. Performing Organization Rapt. No. 7.AuegrcAfrev Haves and.Michael. JLevin Sout Patifit Omission .U.S Bu -. a- -a 9. Performing Organization Name and Addross 10. Pro loot/Task/Work Unit No. Literacy and Language Program Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. 300 S.W. Sixth Av. (c) Portland, OR 97204 99-3-0946-75-075-01 (1kc 12 Sponsoring Organization Nam* and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered U. S. Department of Labor Commissioned paper Employment and Training Administration July 1983-July 1984 Office of Research and Evaluation 14. 601 D Street, N. W.. Washington. D. C. 20213 15.Supplement-ry Notes A commissioned paper for the Study of Poverty,Unemployment and Training Needs of American Samoans. Appendix on language use t6. Abstract (Limit 200 words) This paper provides a broad overview of the demographic,social and economic situation of Samoans in theUnited States, focussing particularlyon the Samoan populations of Hawaii, California, and Washington where 85 percent of Samoans reside. Demographically, the popu- lation is found to be highly urbanized,young (average age 19.5 years), with a high fertility rate (averaging 4.3 childrenper adult woman). The total U.S. Samoan population projected for the year 2000is most realiitically estimated at 131,000. Among the three states, Hawaii's Samoans are youngest, witha higher dependency ratio and lower sex ration than elsewhere in the U.S. Economic and social characteristics outlined include geographic distribution and urbanization; households (averaging5.2 persons); families (49% having children under six, 18% female headed);marital status (smaller proportion mar- ried than average for U.S.); income (82% of U.S.medianper household); poverty (27.5% of families below the poverty level): housing;education; language; labor force participa- tion. Data is drawn from the 1980 U.S. Census andother, local statistical materials. Generally, Samoans are found to beworse of than other selected groups, even recent refu- gees. Strong differences appear between Samoans inCalifornia whO are much closer to national averages than Samoans in Hawaii. Samoans households are larger than average and a substancial proportion of Samoans live in poverty. 17. Document Anatysis3.Oese.riptora education, employment, ethnic groups, mobility, population growth,population migration, socioeconomic status, statistical analysis, unemployment b. identifiers/OpenEnded Terms Samoa(n(s)), employment, poverty, training, demographics,economic and social status e. COSATI Field /GroupK IL Availability StatementDistribution is unlimited. 19. Security Class Mies Report) 21. No. of Pages Available from the National Technical UNCLASSIFIED 112 20.SecuritCLyClass (ThisPage) 22. Price Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 UN ASSIFIED ....._......... See ANSIZ39.18) Ste instructions on Reverie aEsr COPY NTIS-35) .. 3 .1.F:igr.: AVAILAEMYant of Commerce V CONTENTS PART I: DEMOGRAPHY Introduction Total Population Population Distribution Age Composition Sex composition Fertility Mortality Migration Population Projections Conclusion Bibliography Part II: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Introduction Geographic Distribution and Urbanization Households, Family and Marriage Income and Poverty Labor Force, Industry and Occupation Summary and Conclusions Bibliography APPENDIX: LANGUAGE USE AMONG SAMOANS: EVIDENCE FROM THE 1980 CENSUS PART I: DEMOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION The selected category "Samoan" appeared for the first time as a separate category on a United States census in 1980. Before 1980, esti- mates of the number of Samoans in the United States were little more than approximations based on a limited supply of poor quality migra- tion statistics, some community-level studies, and the assessments of community leaders. The 1980 census was therefore the first actual count of Samoans using a specified category, and the first to describe the demographic and socio-economic cnaracteristics of this immigrant group. The numbers of Samoans, both total counts and for selected charac- teristics, in this paper have been derived from the "race" question on the U.S. Census. The race question was asked of all persons in the United States. The numbers for any particular ethnic or racial category will depend on the definition employed. The concept of race used by the Census Bureau is based on self-identification, that is, the data represent self-classification by people according to the race with which they identify. Race does not denote any clear-cut scientific definition of biological stock. Since no attempt is made to distinguish number of generations or degree of affiliation, other definitions of Samoan ethnicity may result in different numbers. Although the 1980 census is the principal source of data on Samoans, information can also be taken from ethnographic and social surveys conducted in the recent past. This paper is intended to provide
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