Red Bank One .Volume Lxi, No
AIX. tte msws «< . - ' BED 1ANK SECTIONS MB* Samnmdlnf; Tom* ToU Veaxtaefy. and vvitfebot Bias; RED BANK ONE .VOLUME LXI, NO. 49, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1939. Lee, Florence Gall Lee, Chester Leh- Rumson Council High School mann, Denny Lingo; Charles William Coleman Pupils William Finegan Rumson X°ung Man Lube, Abraham Franklin Mason, Seven Students , School Graduates Eleanor Maaterson, Donald Mat- Is 'Syracuse Graduate Awards Contract Commencement thews; Elizabeth Matula, Louella To Give Annual Arranging Music Mauon, William Franklin Maxson, Otto Strohmenger, son »f Mr. and Receive Diplomas To Get Diplomas For Storm Sewer Jr., Lucille McGough, Lydla Mc- Mrs. Otto Strohmenger of Lafayette At Leonardo Queen, Dolores Meehan, Rita Ann Dance Recital For Glen Miller f street, Rumson, la a candidate for At Rumson School Thursday, June 15 Kelsel, Mary E. Menosky, Michael a bachelor's degree at the 68th an- nual commencement of Syracuse A. P, Thompson of Red Menosky, Charles Meyer, William : t School Orchestra to Give Meyer, John J. E. Mieloch, Robert Mabel Coleman Is Rumson Young Man university. Monday, June 3. Baker and Trustee Commencement at - • Bank Gets Job—Charge Miller, Richard S- Morgan, Frank F. Preliminary Concert Mowbray, Eugene F. Murray, Oscar Directing—Betty Huhn Among Top Notch Prizes Awarded to River Street School— Against Pazicky - Tomorrow Night Leslie Nelman, James C. Papa, Ja,n- 1 ice Eileen Parry, Grace Gloria Per- to Be Accompanist Arrangers in Country Harold Raynolds, Jr.' Baccalaureate June 11. , rone, Dorothy Lorraine Petzbld, Wil- , The RujnsOn mayor and council at liam Detwlller Rapp, Eleanor Kath- The annual class* night exercises ot The 13th annual dance recital pf William Finegan, Church street, Seven students received diplomas the regular meeting last Thursday Middletown township high school erlne Raza, Lester John Rembert, the pupils of the Mabel Coleman Rumson.
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