Metro-Auckland Pacific Population Health Profile This report was developed and written by Health Partners Consulting Group on behalf of the Ministry of Health and the metro-Auckland DHBs. Their assistance in supporting the data acquisition, analysis and feeding back on the commentary has been invaluable. In particular we would like to acknowledge the time and effort put in by Dean Papa, CMDHB senior health analyst. His expertise and assistance in developing the constructed population through numerous iterations made the approach of this report possible. Note that all views in the document are those of the authors, and the authors alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the MoH or the DHBs. The report may be freely used and copied for the purposes of improving the health of New Zealanders, providing the source is acknowledged. Health Partners Consulting Group Street/courier address: Unit 3.1, 8a Cleveland Rd, Parnell, Auckland Postal address: PO Box 147209, Ponsonby, Auckland Lead authors: Dr Gary Jackson Joanne Minster Contact:
[email protected] U4T Phone: +64 9 379 8620 Suggested citation: Health Partners Consulting Group 2012. Metro-Auckland Pacific Population Health Profile. Auckland: HPCG. The report and accompanying Workbook is available in electronic form from: U4T September 2012 Contents Key Findings .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1. Introduction