Dr. Sci. Roman Viktorovich Yakovlev

Date of birth: November 30, 1974

Key words: fauna, entomology, systematics, Altai, , , , Papilionoidea.

Short biography Born in the city of Barnaul in the family of doctors. Graduated from school with a silver medal. 1996 - graduated from Altai State Medical Institute with the qualification "doctor". Worked as a child psychiatrist in the Altai Regional Psychoneurological Clinic. At the same time worked as a research associate in the South-Siberian Botanical Garden of Altai State University. Since 2014 - Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty "Entomology", the theme of the dissertation: "Carpenter- (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of the Old World”); place of defense: Saint-Petersburg State University. 2008−2012 — Head of the Department at the Altai Regional Institute of Advanced Teachers Training. 2013−2014 − the vice-rector for the development of international activities of Altai State University. At present – senior researcher of Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology and assistant professor of the Department of Ecology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Altai State University. Scientific specialization: systematics, faunistics and biogeography. Specialist in the following groups of Insecta: Papilionoidea, Sphingidae, Cossidae. Author of over 170 scientific papers (more than 30 of them indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. Described over 250 biological species as new for science. The first to have described the fauna of Cossidae of the following regions of the Earth: , Vietnam, Mongolia, the Andaman Islands, the Korean Peninsula, Thailand, the Canary Islands, the island of Socotra, Zambia, Zimbabave, Malawi. Author of essays in the Red Book of the Altai Territory, the Altai Republic and the Republic of Khakassia. Has more than 100 co-authors from Russia and foreign countries: Australia, Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, USA et al. Participant and organizer of more than 40 expeditions in , Mongolia, the Far East, South Africa (South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe), Peru. Trained in a number of research centers: BMNH – British Museum (London, GB) IRSN – Institute Royal Science Nature (Bruxelles, Belgium) ITZ – Instituut voor Taxonomisch Zoölogie, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) LNK – Landessammlungen für Naturkunde (Karlsruhe, Germany) MNHW - Naturhistorisches Museum (Wien, Austria) MNHT – Natural History Museum (Tokyo, Japan) MHUB - Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Univerität (Berlin, Germany) MWM - Museum of Thomas Witt (Munich, Germany) RMNH – Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (Leiden, The Netherlands) SZMN - Siberian zoological Museum, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of (Novosibirsk, Russia) ZISP - Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Science (St. Petersburg, Russia) ZMKU - Zoological Museum at Kiev National University (Kiev, Ukraine) ZMMU - Zoological Museum at Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) ZFMK – Zoologisches Forschungsistitut und Museum Alexander Koenig (Bonn, Germany) ZSSM – Zoologische Staatssammlung der Bayerischen Staaten (Munich, Germany) The world's leading expert in , phylogeny and faunistics of carpenters (Cossidae); one of the leading experts in the fauna of Altai and Western Mongolia; the first to have made a detailed scheme of zoogeographic zoning of the Mongolian Altai. Supported by RFBR and Thomas Witt Stifftung.



1. Yakovlev R.V. 2006. Review of Carpenter of Genus Holcocerus Staudinger, 1884 (s. l.) // Eversmannia. Suppl. 1. 104 p.

2. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. System and zoogeography of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Old World. Barnaul: AltGU-Press. 394 p. [in Russian]

3. Balasova V.A., Bochkareva E.N., Burmistrov M.A., Volynkin A.V., Votinov A.G., Garms O.Ya., Goretovskaya O.S., Zhuravlev V.B., Zinchenko V.K., Inozemzev A.G., Irisova N.L., Konnov P.V., Kosterin O.E., Kudryashova I.V., Legalov A.A., Perunov Yu.E., Petrov V.Yu., Plotnikov V.N., Pozhidaeva L.V. Ryzhkov D.V., Chupin I.I., Shapetko E.V., Shutova Yu.V., Sherbinin K.S., Yakovlev R.V. 2006. Red book of Altai Krai. Rare species of Animals. Vol. 2. Barnaul: Azbuka. 211 p. [in Russian]

4. Zolotov D.V., Votinov A.G., Chernykh D.V., Yakovlev R.V., Nozhinkov A.E., Pisarenko O.Yu. 2007. Red book of Bystryj Istok district of Altai Krai. Rare plants and animals. Barnaul. 147 p. [in Russian]

5. Bondarenko A.V., Bubnova T.V., Voznijchuk O.P., Dubatolov V.V., Ivonin V.V., Kosterin O.E., Lebedeva M.A., Malkov P.Yu., Omelchanko L.V., Sergeev M.G., Kharitonov A.Yu., Chesnokova S.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2007. ARTHROPODA // Red book of Altai Republic. Animals. Gorno-Altaisk. P. 45–114. [in Russian]

6. Anikin V.V., Baryshnikova S.V., Belyaev E.A., Bogdanov P.V., Budashkin Yu.I., Vasilenko S.V., Gorbunov O.G., Devyatkin A.L., Dubatolov V.V., Efetov K.A., Zolotuhin V.V., Ignatiev N.N., Kovtunovich V.N., Kozlov M.V., Kononenko V.S., Lovzova Yu.A., Lukhtanov V.A., Lvovsky A.L., Matov A.Yu., Mironov V.G., Morgun D.V., Nedoshivina S.V., Ponomarenko M.G., Sviridov A.V., Sinev S.Yu., Ustjuzhanin P.Ya., Churkin S.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Catalogue of Lepidoptera of Russia. SPb–М: «КМК-Press». 424 p. [in Russian]

7. Averin A.A., Antonov A.I., Barbarich A.A., Barma A.Yu., Bezborodov V.G., Belyaev E.A., Burik V.N., Budilov P.V., Vshivkova T.S., Guskova E.V., Dubatolov V.V., Zinchenko Yu.N., Ignatenko E.V., Kalinin A.Yu., Kapitonova L.V., Kovtunovich V.N., Koshkin E.S., Kryukov V.Kh., Lantukhova I.A., Lelej A.S., Loktionov V.M., Lvovsky A.L., Makarenko V.P., Malikova E.I., Martynenko O.N., Mikhaleva E.V., Mutin V.A., Osipov P.E., Pittius U., Ponomarenko M.G., Proshalykin M.Yu., Rostova S.A., Rubzova T.A., Storozhenko S.Yu., Streltsov A.N., Ustjuzhanin P.Ya., Yakovlev R.V. 2012. World of Bastak Reserve. Blagoveshensk: Izd-vo Blagoveshensk State Pedagogical University. 242 p. [in Russian]

8. Tshikolovets V.V., Yakovlev R.V., Kosterin O.E. 2009. The of Altai, Sayans and Tuva (South Siberia). Kyiv-Pardubice. 374 p.

9. Tshikolovets V.V., Yakovlev R.V., Balint Z. 2009. The Butterflies of Mongolia. Kyiv-Pardubice. 320 p.

10. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. Catalogue of the Family Cossidae of the Old World (Lepidoptera) // Neue Entomologische Nachrichten Bd. 66. P. 1−130.


1. Tyumaseva Z.I., Guskova E.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Biology with basics of ecology for Students of pedagogical Universities. Chelyabinsk. 91 p. [in Russian]

2. Guskova E.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Concepts of modern science. Chelyabinsk. 88 p. [in Russian]

3. Tyumaseva Z.I., Guskova E.V., Dukhin V.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2009. Zoology of Invertebrates. Sankt-Peterburg. 102 p. [in Russian]



1. Yakovlev R.V. 2015. Patterns of geographical distribution of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in the Old World // Siberian ecological journal. № 1. P. 45−62. [in Russian] 2. Ustjuzhanin P., Kovtunovich V., Danchenko A., Yakovlev R. 2015. The Pterophoridae fauna (Lepidoptera) of Armenia // Entomologist’s Gazette 66: 219–226 3. Ustjuzhanin P.Ya., Kovtunovich V.N., Yakovlev R.V. 2015. New data on the plume moths of Mongolia (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) // SHILAP Revta. lepid. 43 (170): 309-313. 4. Yakovlev R.V. 2015. Patterns of Geographical Distribution of Carpenter Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in the Old World // Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 8, No. 1, pp. 36–50. 5. Yakovlev R.V. 2015. A new species of Isocossus Roepke, 1957 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Vietnam, including a world catalogue of the genus // Zootaxa 3990 (1): 141–146. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.1.9 6. Yakovlev R.V. 2015. A new species of Isoceras Turati, 1924 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Armenia // Zootaxa 3990 (1): 147–150. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.1.10 7. Yakovlev R.V., Kostyunin A.T. 2015. Range expansion of Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758) in Siberia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) // SHILAP Revta. lepid. 43 (170): 305−308. 8. Yakovlev R.V., Pljustch I.G., Skrylnik Yu., Pak O., Witt Th. 2015. The Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Afghanistan with description of three new species and special notes on the fauna of Bande-Amir National Park // Zootaxa 3990 (1): 41–72. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.1.3 9. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A., Rimsaite J., Ivinskis P. 2015. A new species of Camellocossus Yakovlev, 2011 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Southern Oman // Zootaxa 4013 (1): 147–150. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4013.1.12 10. Yakovlev R.V., Witt Th. 2015. Orientozeuzera martinii sp. nov., a new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Borneo // Zootaxa 3990 (1): 138–140. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.1.8


11. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. Russian entomologists in Africa // Science in Russia. № 1. P. 107−112. [in Russian] 12. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. Carpenter-Moths (Cossidae) of Altai Mountains Country // Zoological Journal. Vol. 93 (5). P. 651−661. [in Russian] 13. Yakovlev R.V., Pljustch I.G. 2014. Dieida Strand, 1911 – new Genus of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) for Fauna of Afghanistan // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 6 (1). P. 75−76. [in Russian] 14. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. Redescription of the genus Miacora Dyar, 1905 from South America (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // SHILAP Revista de lepidopterologia. Vol. 42 (165). P. 57−60. 15. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. A new species of Afroarabiella Yakovlev, 2008 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from the Republic of South Africa, including a world catalogue of the genus // Zootaxa. Vol. 3793 (2). P. 297–300. 16. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. Descriptions of three new species of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Vietnam, with an updated annotated checklist // Zootaxa. Vol. 3802 (2). P. 240–256. 17. Yakovlev R.V. 2014. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Zambia // Check List. Vol. 10 (4). P. 724–728. 18. Yakovlev R., Naidenov A., Perunov Yu., Artemiev R. 2014. First record of Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758) in Altai Krai, Russia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) // Entomologist’s Gazette. N 65. P. 11–14.


19. Dubatolov V.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2013. Finding of Acherontia styx Westwood (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in Southern Primorie // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 5 (1). P. 39−40. [in Russian] 20. Sherbakov E.O., Yakovlev R.V., Titov S.V. 2013. About Fauna of Mantids (Insecta: Mantodea) of Kulunda Steppe // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 5 (1). P. 16−20. [in Russian] 21. Yakovlev R.V. 2013. First data of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Arunachal-Pradesh State in Northern-Eastern India with description of new species // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 12 (1). P. 98−102. [in Russian] 22. Yakovlev R.V., Breitaupt R. 2013. New data about Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Eastern Emirates (United Arab Emirates) // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 5 (2). P. 176. [in Russian] 23. Yakovlev R.V., Guskova E.V. 2013. Mongolian Altai of eyes entomologists // Priroda 5. P. 21−27. [in Russian] 24. Yakovlev R.V., Dubatolov V.V. 2013. Features Distribution of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in the Palaearctic deserts // Zoological Journal. Vol. 92 (6). P. 682−694. [in Russian] 25. Yakovlev R.V., Dubatolov V.V., Titov S.V. 2013. New data of distribution of Hawk- Moths of Genus Hyles Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 5 (3). P. 306−307. [in Russian] 26. Yakovlev R.V., Kareev A.E. 2013. Notes of systematic Clossiana angarensis (Erschoff, 1870) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from Western Siberia // Caucasian entomological Journal. Vol. 9 (1). P. 172−174. [in Russian] 27. Rubin N.I., Yakovlev R.V. 2013. Checklist of the butterflies (Papilionoidea) of the Saur Mountains and adjacent territories (Kazakhstan), including systematic notes about the Erebia callias group // Nota lepidopterologica. Vol. 36 (2). P. 137−170. 28. Yakovlev R., Ivinskis P., Rimsaite J., Saldaitis A. 2013. Description of two new species of Meharia Chrétien, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from East Africa // Zootaxa. Vol. 3635 (5). P. 587–590. 29. Yakovlev R.V., Lenz J. 2013. On the Fauna of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Zimbabwe with description of a new species // Zootaxa. Vol. 3718 (4). P. 387–397. 30. Yakovlev R., Nakao K. 2013. A new species of Lakshmia Yakovlev, 2004 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Northern Thailand with a world catalogue of the genus // Zootaxa. Vol. 3736 (2): 198–200. 31. Yakovlev R.V., Murphy R.J. 2013. The Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Malawi with descriptions of two new species // Zootaxa. Vol. 3709 (4). P. 371–393. 32. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A., Kons H., Borth R. 2013. A brief review of genus Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with description of a new species from China // Zootaxa. Vol. 3709 (4). P. 330–340. 33. Yakovlev R.V., Dubatolov V.V. 2013. Distribution of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in the Palaeractic Deserts // Entomological Review. Vol. 93 (8). P. 991−1004.


34. Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Arshantyn-Nuruu Mountains Range (Western Mongolia) // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 4 (1). P. 54−60. [in Russian] 35. Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Trophic relations of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Old World // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 11 (1). P. 189−194. [in Russian] 36. Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Review of Genus Chingizid Yakovlev, 2011 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) with description of new species // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 11 (6). P. 513−516. [in Russian] 37. Yakovlev R.V., Volynkin A.V. 2012. New species of Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) in the Fauna of Altai Krai (Russia) // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 4 (3). P. 284−285. [in Russian] 38. Yakovlev R.V., Volynkin A.V., Tyumaseva Z.I. 2012. Centralasian elements in the Entomofauna of Western Mongolia // Materials of conference «Animals of Kazakhstan and adjacent territories» 22−23.11.2012. Almaty. P. 33−34. [in Russian] 39. Yakovlev R.V., Guskova E.V. 2012. Saur and Tarbagatai biogeographically: part of Altai, part of Dzhungaria or transition zone between Siberia and Central Asia? // Materials of conference «Animals of Kazakhstan and adjacent territories» 22−23.11.2012. Almaty. P. 186−187. [in Russian] 40. Yakovlev R.V., Doroshkin V.V. 2012. New subspecies of Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Hesperidae) from Western Mongolia // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 4 (2). P. 181–183. [in Russian] 41. Yakovlev R.V., Chernila M. 2012. suaveola (Staudinger, 1881) and Otnjukovia tatjana (Zhdanko, 1984) in Mongolian Fauna // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 4 (3). P. 286−287. [in Russian] 42. Ivinskis P., Rimsaite J., Saldaitis A., Yakovlev R. 2012. Description of two new species of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from China // ZooKeys. Vol. 192. P. 35−49. 43. Khramov B.A., Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gogland Island (Leningrad Region, Russia) // Amurian zoological journal. Vol. 4 (4). P. 387−389 44. Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Checklist of Butterflies (Papilionoidea) of the Mongolian Altai Mountains, including descriptions of new taxa // Nota lepidopterologica. Vol. 35 (1). P. 51−96. 45. Krupitsky A.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Description of a new subspecies of Callophrys suaveola (Staudinger, 1881) (Lepidoptera, ) from Mongolian Altai with notes on a distribution of C. suaveola // Caucasian entomological bull. Vol. 8 (2). P. 261−263. 46. Vodolazhsky D.I., Stradomsky B.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2012. Study of mitochondrial COI and nuclear ITS2 sequences of Mongolian specimens of the Polyommatus eros-group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) // Caucasian entomological bull. Vol. 8 (2). P. 264−266.


47. Vodolazsky D.I., Yakovlev R.V., Stradomsky B.V. 2011. Study of taxonomic status of species of Subgenus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatus) from Western Mongolia with applications of markers mtDNA // Caucasian entomological bulletin. Vol. 7 (1). P. 81−82. [in Russian] 48. Guskova E.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2011. Kara-Irtysh biogeography region of Altai Mountains Country. Oppinion of Entomologist (first results) // Amurian Zoological Journal. Т. 3 (2). С. 196−198. [in Russian] 49. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. Stygiinae subfam. n. – new subfamily of palaearctic carpenter- Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Entomologicheskoe obozrenie. Vol. 90 (1). P. 216–222. [in Russian] 50. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. Brief Review of Genus Cecryphalus Schoorl, 1990 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 10 (1). P. 19–21. [in Russian] 51. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. New data of biology of Carpenter-Moths of Genus Gobibatyr Yakovlev, 2004 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 10 (2). P. 251–252. [in Russian] 52. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. Two new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from New Guinea // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 3 (3). P. 284−286. [in Russian] 53. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. Eupterodon kuldjaensis (Graeser, 1892) – new species for Fauna of Mongolia // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 3 (3). P. 287−288. [in Russian] 54. Borth R., Ivinskis P., Saldaitis A., Yakovlev R. 2011. Cossidae of the Socotra Archipelago (Yemen) // ZooKeys. Vol. 122. P. 45−69. 55. Yakovlev R.V. 2011. New taxa of Rhopalocera from Siberia and Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera, Satyridae and Nymphalidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 42 (1−4). P. 225−230. 56. Yakovlev R.V., Titov S.V., Egorov P.V. 2011. New subspecies of nomion from Northern Kazakhstan // Nota lepidopterologica. Vol. 34 (1). P. 87−90. 57. van Nieukerken E.J., Kaila L., Kitching I.J., Kristensen N.P., Lees D.C., Minet J., Mitter C., Mutanen M., Regier J.C., Simonsen T.J.,Wahlberg N., Yen S.-H., Zahiri R., Adamski D., Baixeras J., Bartsch D., Bengtsson B.Å., Brown J.W., Bucheli S.R., Davis D.R., De Prins J., De Prins W., Epstein M.E., Gentili-Poole P., Gielis C., Hättenschwiler P., Hausmann A., Holloway J.D., Kallies A., Karsholt O., Kawahara A., Koster J.C., Kozlov M. V., Lafontaine J. D., Lamas G., Landry J.-F., Lee S., Nuss M., Park K.-T., Penz C., Rota J., Schmidt B. C., Schintlmeister A., Sohn J. C., Solis M. A., Tarmann G. M., Warren A. D., Weller S., Yakovlev R.V., Zolotuhin V. V., Zwick A. 2011. Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.), Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness // Zootaxa. Vol. 3148. P. 212−221.


58. Yakovlev R.V. 2010. Taxonomic position of Genus Culama Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 9 (1). P. 101–102. [in Russian] 59. Yakovlev R.V. 2010. Cossidae of Israel // Atalanta. Bd. 41 (3/4). S. 465–469. 60. Yakovlev R., Saldaitis A. 2010. Aethalopteryx diksami, a new species (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Yemen, Sokotra Island // Esperiana Memoir. Bd. 5. S. 333–335.


61. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. Systematic Review of Goat-Moth – Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 1 (1). P. 58–71. [in Russian] 62. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. Little known species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). IV. Phragmacossia ariana (Grum-Grshimailo, 1899), comb. n. // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 1 (1). P. 55. [in Russian] 63. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. Dieida judith Yakovlev, sp. n. – new species of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Israel and Jordan // Amurian Zoological Journal. Vol. 1 (1). P. 55. [in Russian] 64. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. Catoptinae Yakovlev subfam. n. – new subfamily of Carpenter- Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Zoological Journal. Vol. 88 (10). P. 1207–1212. [in Russian] 65. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. Little known species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). III. Catopta danieli (Clench, 1958) // Eversmannia. Vol. 17–18. P. 15–17. [in Russian] 66. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. New species of Carpenter-Moths for Chinese Fauna (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) // Eversmannia. Vol. 17–18. P. 54–56. [in Russian] 67. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. New taxa of African and Asian Cossidae (Lepidoptera) // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 8 (3). P. 353–361. [in Russian] 68. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. About systematic position of Genus Dieida Strand, 1911 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) // Bulletin of Moscow Society of Nature researchers. Ser. Biology. Vol. 114 (6). P. 49–51. [in Russian] 69. Yakovlev R.V. 2009. A new subspecies of Parnassius ariadne (Lederer, 1853) from the South-Eastern part of Russian Altai (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 40 (1/2). S. 201. 70. Yakovlev R.V., Witt Th. 2009. The Carpenter Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Vietnam // Entomofauna. Suppl. 16. P. 11–32.


71. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Faunistic Group of Carpenter-Moth (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Russian Federation // Zoological Journal. Vol. 87 (5). P. 632–633. [in Russian] 72. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). I. Two new species of Genus Cossulus Staudinger, 1887 from Turkey and Kirgisia // Eversmannia. Vol. 15–16. P. 44−46. [in Russian] 73. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). II. New species of Genus Phragmataecia Newman, 1850 from Turkmenistan // Eversmannia. Vol. 15–16. P. 47−48. [in Russian] 74. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). IV. New taxa of Genus Dyspessa Hübner, [1820] from Middleterranian and Iranian Regions // Eversmannia. Vol. 15–16. P. 53−68. [in Russian] 75. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). V. Phragmacossia ihlei Yakovlev, sp. n. – new Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from NW Thailand // Altai zoological Journal. Vol. 2. P. 26–27. [in Russian] 76. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). VI. Two species of Genus Dyspessa Hübner, [1820] 1816 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Kirgizia and Armenia // Altai zoological Journal. Vol. 2. P. 28–30. [in Russian] 77. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. New species of Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) for Altai Krai // Altai zoological Journal. Vol. 2. P. 33–34. [in Russian] 78. Yakovlev R.V., Ustjuzhanin P.Ya., Chernila M., Nakonechny A.N., Tshikolovets V.V. 2008. About first on 100 years finding of Oeneis elwesi Staudinger, 1881 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) on the Russian Altai // Altai zoological Journal. Vol. 2. P. 30–33. [in Russian] 79. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A. 2008. New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). III. New species of Genus Meharia Chrétien, 1915 from Morocco // Eversmannia. Vol. 15–16. P. 49−52. [in Russian] 80. Saldaitis A., Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of the Canary Island // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 396–398. 81. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. On distribution and systematics of Carpenter-moths of the genus Relluna Schoorl, 1990 (Cossidae) // Tinea. Vol. 20 (2). P. 102–104. 82. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Zeuzerocossus Yakovlev, gen. n., a new genus of Cossidae from south-eastern Asia // Tinea. Vol. 20 (2). P. 105–107. 83. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Afroarabiella gen. nov. – a new genus of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from the African and Arabian Peninsula // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 389–395. 84. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. A new species of the genus Sundacossus Yakovlev, 2006 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 399–400. 85. Yakovlev R.V. 2008. Notes about the Genus Eremocossus Hampson, 1892 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 404–411. 86. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A. 2008. Rambuasalama augustasi gen. nov. et spec. nov. of Cossidae from Madagascar (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 39. P. 401–403.


87. Lukhtanov V.A., Vishnevskaya M.S., Volynkin A.V., Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of Western Altai // Entomologicheskoe obozrenie. Vol. LXXXVI (2). P. 347–369. [in Russian] 88. Streltzov A.N., Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Zaranga tukuringra, sp. n. – representative of new Genus of Notodontidae for Fauna of Russia (Lepidoptera) // Eversmannia. Vol. 10. P. 24–26. [in Russian] 89. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) of Russia // Eversmannia. Vol. 9. P. 11–33. [in Russian] 90. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Two new taxa of Genus Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 (Subgenus Mellicta Billberg, 1820) (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae) from Western Mongolia and Eastern Kazakhstan // Eversmannia. Vol. 9. P. 34–39. [in Russian] 91. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. New species of Palaearctic Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) // Eversmannia. Vol. 10. P. 3–23. [in Russian] 92. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. New replacement names in Family Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Southern Asia // Zoological Journal. Vol. 86. № 7. P. 893. [in Russian] 93. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Two new Genera of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Western Palaearctic // Eversmannia. Vol. 11–12. P. 3–9. [in Russian] 94. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Little known species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). I. Cossus tibetanus Hua, Chou, Fang et Chen, 1990 // Eversmannia. Vol. 11–12. P. 10–11. [in Russian] 95. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. New data of systematic of Asian Carpenter-Moth (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Altai zoological Journal. Vol. 1. P. 57. [in Russian] 96. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Modern data of area of Erebia tsengelensis Suwa, Hirano et Hirano, 2002 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) // Altai zoological Journal. Vol. 1. P. 52–53. [in Russian] 97. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. New data of Carpenter-Moth (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) of Fare East of Russia and Siberia // Animal World of Fare East. Vol. 6. P. 74. [in Russian] 98. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Review of Genus Eogystia Schoorl, 1990 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) // Animal World of Fare East. Vol. 6. P. 75−77. [in Russian] 99. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. New data of Carpenter-Moth (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) of Mongolia // Animal World of Fare East. Vol. 6. P. 78−79. [in Russian] 100. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Erratum. Yakovlev R.V. New species of Palaearctic Carpenter- Moth (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) // Eversmannia. Vol. 10. P. 3–23 // Eversmannia. Vol. 13–14. P. 85. [in Russian] 101. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. New taxa of Lepidoptera of Fauna of Mongolia // Eversmannia. Vol. 13–14. P. 86. [in Russian] 102. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A. 2007. Little known species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera). II. Chiangmaiana qinlingensis (Hua, Chou, Fang et Chen, 1990), comb. n. // Eversmannia. Vol. 11–12. P. 12–13. [in Russian] 103. Didmanidze E.A., Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Georgia // Entomofauna. Bd. 28 (I). S. 1–16. 104. Saldaitis A., Yakovlev R.V., Ivinskis P. 2007. Carpenter Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Lebanon // Acta Zoologica Lithuanica. Vol. 17. № 3. P. 191–197. 105. Yakovlev R.V. 2007. Taxonomic notes on Acossus Dyar and Parahypopta Daniel (Cossidae) // Nota lepidopterologica. Vol. 30 (2). P. 415–421. 106. Yakovlev R.V., Lewandowski S. 2007. Paropta paradoxus kathikas subspec. nov., a new subspecies of the Genus Paropta from Cyprus // Atalanta. Bd. 38. S. 217–219. 107. Yakovlev R.V., Saldaitis A., Ivinskis P. 2007. Holcocerus witti – new species from NW Iran (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. Bd. 38 (3/4). S. 381–383. 108. Yakovlev R.V., Witt Th. 2007. Dyspessa aphrodite sp. n. from Greece (Cossidae) // Nota lepidopterologica. Vol. 30 (2). P. 411–414.

2006 109. Ivonin V.V., Kosterin O.E., Kharitonov A.Yu., Yakovlev R.V. 2006. Preliminary sketches of the to the Red Book of the Altai Republic // Rare Animals of Altai Republic. Gorno-Altaisk. P. 21–57. [in Russian] 110. Yakovlev R.V. 2006. About biogeographically structure of Mongolian Altai // Entomological studies in North Asia. Proceedings of the VII Inter-regional Meeting of the entomologists of Siberia and the Far East (in the framework of the Siberian Zoological Conference). Novosibirsk. P. 165–168. [in Russian] 111. Yakovlev R.V., Doroshkin V.V. 2006. On the Fauna of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) upper-stream of Chernyi Irtysh (Western Mongolia) // Eversmannia. Vol. 6. P. 13– 26. [in Russian] 112. Yakovlev R.V. 2006. Brief Review of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Genus Cossulus Staudinger, 1887 // Eversmannia. Vol. 7/8. P. 3–24. [in Russian] 113. Yakovlev R.V. 2006. Butterflies, recommended for the Red Book of the Altai Republic // Rare Animals of Republic Altai. Gorno-Altaisk. P. 16–21. [in Russian] 114. Yakovlev R. V. 2006. New Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from Asia, Africa and Macronesia // Tinea. Vol. 19 (3). P. 188–213.


115. Yakovlev R.V. 2005. Rare species of Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in Tigirek Reserve (Western Altai) // Proceedings of Tigirek Reserve. Vol. 1. P. 39–40. [in Russian] 116. Yakovlev R.V. 2005. Carpenter-Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Southern Ural (Russia) // Tribune of Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. Ser. 10 (6). P. 46–53. [in Russian] 117. Yakovlev R.V. 2005. New data of distribution and systematic of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Europe and adjacent territories // Eversmannia. Vol. 1 (3/4). P. 18–27. [in Russian] 118. Yakovlev R.V. 2005. Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Korean Peninsula // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 4 (4). P. 341–344. [in Russian] 119. Yakovlev R.V., Ustjuzhanin P.Ya., Doroshkin V.V. 2005. New for Mongolian Fauna Lepidoptera species (Macrolepidoptera) // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 4 (1). P. 55– 56. [in Russian] 120. Churkin S., Yakovlev R. 2005. A new subspecies of Plebejus (idas) mukhbayar Churkin & Zhdanko, 2003 from the Mongolian Altai (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 6. P. 169– 174. 121. Churkin S., Yakovlev R. 2005. A new subspecies of Oeneis elwesi Staudinger, 1901 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) from South Mongolia // Helios. V. 6. P. 175–180. 122. Didmanidze E.A., Yakovlev R.V. 2005. New distribution records of Isoceras huberi Eitschberger & Ströhle, 1987 and Semagystia cuhensis de Freina, 1994 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Atalanta. B. 36 (3/4). P. 575–576. 123. Dubatolov, V., Yakovlev, R., Doroshkin, V. 2005. New records of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) from Russia and Mongolia // Helios. V. 6. P. 139–140. 124. Freina, J.J. de, Yakovlev, R.V. 2005. Anmerkungen zu Cossulus Staudinger, 1887, mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art aus Ostanatolien (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) // Entomologische Zeitschrift. Bd. 115 (2). P. 81–84. 125. Yakovlev R. V. 2005. Cossidae (Lepidoptera) of Andaman Islands (India) // Tinea 18 (4): 257–260. 126. Yakovlev R.V. 2005. Type specimens of “Cossidae” described by W. Koshantschikov // Nota lepidopterologica. Vol. 28 (3). P. 159–161. 127. Yakovlev R.V. 2005. Present-day situation in the study of Asian Cossidae (taxonomic and zoogeographic aspects) // The second meeting of Association Lepidoptera Iranica (A.L.I.). Tehran. P. 18–22.


128. Yakovlev R. V. 2004. New data on taxonomy of the Mongolian Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) // Helios. Vol. 5. P. 221–231. 129. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. A new subspecies of Pieris (napi) euorientis (Verity, 1908) from the Saur Mountains (East Kazakhstan) // Helios. V. 5. P. 232–236. 130. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. What is Cossus sareptensis Rothschild, 1912 (Cossidae)? // Nota lepid. B. 27 (2). – P. 195–197. 131. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Cossidae of Thailand. Part I. // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). – P. 335–352. 132. Yakovlev R. V. 2004. New data about Carpenter-Moths (Cossidae) of China // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). – P. 353–356. 133. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Two new genera of Carpenter-Moths (Cossidae) from the Palaearctic // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). P. 357–368. 134. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. New taxa of Cossidae from SE Asia // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). P. 369–382. 135. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Cossidae of Thailand. Part II // Atalanta. B. 35 (3/4). P. 383–389. 136. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Carpenter-moths (Lepidopetera, Cossidae) of Mongolia // Euroasian Entomological Journal. V. 3 (3). – P. 217–224 + III: 1–21. 137. Yakovlev R.V., Doroshkin V.V. 2004. New data of Macrolepidoptera for the fauna of Mongolia. II // Atalanta. Bd. 35 (3/4). P. 390–398. 138. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Ukok Plateau (South- Eastern Altai) // Eurasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 3 (1). P. 69–78. [in Russian] 139. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Siberia // Eurasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 3 (2). P. 155–163. [in Russian] 140. Yakovlev R.V. 2004. Faunistic Group of Carpenter-Moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of Asian Part of Russia // Siberian Zoological Conference. Novosibirsk. P. 94. [in Russian] 141. Churkin S., Zhdanko A., Yakovlev R. 2004. Notes on Neolycaena musa Zhdanko et Yakovlev, 2001 (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 5. P. 149–152. 142. Kolesnichenko K., Yakovlev R. 2004. Taxonomic notes on Melitaea phoebe ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) from the south-western Mongolia with the description of a new subspecies // Helios. V. 5. P. 101–109.


143. Yakovlev R.V. 2003. Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) Altai Mountains Country. Ecology and Zoogeography [Dissertation autoreferate] Altai State University, Barnaul. 16 p. [in Russian] 144. Yakovlev R.V. 2003. Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) Altai Mountains Country. Ecology and Zoogeography [Dissertation autoreferate] Altai State University, Barnaul. 16 p. [in Russian] 145. Lvovsky A., Yakovlev R. 2003. Designation of the lectotype of Fischer’s Blue, fischeri (Eversmann, 1843) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 4. P. 179–180. 146. Yakovlev R. 2003. Pseudophilotes (Inderskia) svetlana sp. n. a new blue from Mongolian Altai // Helios. Vol. 4. P. 153–159. 147. Yakovlev R. 2003. A revision of Fischer’s Blue Tongeia fischeri (Eversmann, 1843) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) // Helios. V. 4. P. 181–198. 148. Yakovlev, R.V., Churkin, S. V. 2003. A new subspecies of Agriades glandon (de Prunner, 1798) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from SW Mongolia // Helios. Vol. 4. P. 148–152.

2002 149. Yakovlev R.V. 2002. New data of distribution and systematic of Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in Eastern Palaearctic // Eurasian Entomological Journal. Vol. 1 (2). P. 173−176. [in Russian] 150. Yakovlev R. V. 2002. Melitaea didyma pseudolatonigena ssp. n. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), a new subspecies from Tuva // Helios. Vol. 3. P. 102-106.


151. Pljustch I.G., Yakovlev R.V. 2001. Two species of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) new for Russian Fauna // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol. 10 (2). P. 188. [in Russian] 152. Yakovlev R.V., Nakonechnyi A.N. 2001. Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of Kurai Mountains Range (Altai) // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol. 10 (2). P. 179–187. [in Russian] 153. Yakovlev R.V. 2001. New data on the fauna of the Pieridae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the Asian part of Russia // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol. 10 (4). С. 431. 154. Zhdanko A.B., Jakovlev R.V. 2001. New species of blue butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the Mongolian Altai // Helios. Vol. 2. P. 166–173.


155. Yakovlev R.V. 2000. New data of distribution and systematic of Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of Siberia // Russian Entomologist Journal. Vol. 9 (4). P. 375−376. [in Russian] 156. Korb S.K., Perounov Y.E., Yakovlev R.V. 2000. Les Rhopaloceres de l´ Altaï planitiare (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) // Alexanor. T. 21 (2). P. 71–77.


157. Yakovlev R.V. 1999. Critical notes on some sections of Red Book of Altai Krai // Protected territories of Altai Krai and adjacent territories. IV regional conference. Barnaul. P. 154. [in Russian] 158. Yakovlev R.V. 1999. Pararctia lapponica (Thunberg, 1791) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) new species of Fauna of Altai // Protected territories of Altai Krai and adjacent territories. IV regional conference. Barnaul. P. 155. [in Russian] 159. Korb S.K., Yakovlev R.V. 1999. Colias mongola ukokana nov. ssp. (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) // Alexanor. T. 21 (1). P. 3–6.


160. Yakovlev R. V. 1998. New information about butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Souts-Eastern Altai // Entomological News from Russia. Vol. I. P. 22–25. 161. Yakovlev R.V. 1998. New information about Parnassius clarius and Parnassius stubbendorfii from Altai // Entomological News from Russia. Vol. I. P. 26–27. 162. Yakovlev R.V. 1998. Sudden meetings of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the South-Western Siberia // Entomological News from Russia. Vol. 2. P. 33–34. 163. Belik A.G., Yakovlev R.V. 1998. Confirmed occurrence of Oeneis jutta in the Altai mountains (Russia) with description of a new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) // Phegea 26 (4). P. 131–139.


164. Yakovlev R.V. 1997. Finding of Blue Neolycaena falkovitchi Zhdanko et Korshunov, 1985 (Rhopalocera, Lycaenidae) on the Northern-Eastern Altai // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol. 6 (1–2). P. 126. [in Russian] 165. Korb, S. K., Yakovlev, R. V. 1997. Description d’un taxon nouveau de Russie: Boloria angarensis shelkovnikovi ssp. n (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) // Alexanor. T. 20 (1). P. 45–46. 166. Korb S.K., Yakovlev R.V. 1997. Two new subspecies of diurnal butterflies from Siberia (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) // Zoosyst. Rossica. Vol. 5. P. 313–314.