A REVIEW of the GENUS KELISIA in AMERICA NORTH of MEXICO with FOUR NEW SPECIES (Homoptera-Fulgoridae-Delphacinae)

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A REVIEW of the GENUS KELISIA in AMERICA NORTH of MEXICO with FOUR NEW SPECIES (Homoptera-Fulgoridae-Delphacinae) Volume 24, No. 3, July, 1951 117 A REVIEW OF THE GENUS KELISIA IN AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO WITH FOUR NEW SPECIES (Homoptera-Fulgoridae-Delphacinae) R. H. Beamer University of Kansas, Lawrence.* Key to the Species a or 1. Elytra with brown black, longitudinal stripe of regular width to from base tip.2 a Elytra without such stripe.7 across 2. Dark mark of elytra continued front.flagellata across Dark mark of elytra not continued front.3 on 3. Black spot on front beneath each ocellus and one lateral mar gin of pronotum above coxae.pectinata Usually without black spot in either of these positions.4 on 4. Stripe elytra very broad, occupying two-thirds area.spinosa Stripe narrow, occupying about one-third area.5 on at n. 5. Stripe elytra very light amber except tip.torquata sp. Stripe very much darker.6 6. Elytra of short wing form barely passing abdomen, median stripe n. light .parvicurvata sp. Elytra with almost one-third their length beyond abdomen, median stripe dark.curvata n. 7. Elytra without black marks.flava sp. Elytra with black marks.8 on 8. Black spot beneath each ocellus and lateral margin of pronotum above front coxae.bimaculata Without such black spots.,.9 to a in of 9. Black markings of elytra confined spot apex elytra.10 at Black markings of elytra heavy apex and base, usually narrowly following second sector.axialis on over 10. Dark stripe either side of abdomen continued ^iowoXxvci\....retrorsa on not over Dark stripe either side of abdomen usually continued pronotum.11 n. 11. Genital capsule of male almost black.vesiculata sp. Genital capsule of male stramineous.hyalina Kelisia axialis VanD. was one at This interesting species described from pair taken Lancaster, New York in 1886. This range is extended to include the following localities by specimens in the Snow Entomological Collections: Brule, Wis.; Spring * Contribution No. 758 from the Department of Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence. 118 Journal of Kansas Entomological Society field, Vt.; Danbury, N. H.; Durham, N. H.; Stroudsburg, Pa.; Pecks Pond, were Pa.; Bergen, N. Y.; and Mountain Lake, Va. All of these specimens were macropterous and taken in August and September. Kelisia bimaculata Beamer A nice sexes was series of both of this species taken at New Canaan, N. H., in are as are August. All specimens brachypterous the types. Kelisia curvata Beamer as The range of this beautiful little dark-lined species is here extended fol lows; Dallas, Texas, Dec. 5,1945; Old Ocean, Texas, Jan. 3,1946; Chapel Hill, N. C, Aug. 31, 1946; Gainesville, Fia., Dec. 25,1950. Kelisia pectinata Beamer Additional specimens of this species have been taken in Tinley Park and Paxton, III, July, 1946. Kelisia retrorsa Beamer The range of this species has been increased by material from the follow ing localities: Canaan, N. H.; Colchester, Conn.; Storrs, Conn.; and Ding mans were Ferry, Pa. All taken in August, 1946. s a Kelisia pinos Beamer Additional material of this species has been added from the following lo calities: Pact?la, S. D.; and Dingmans Ferry, Pa. 1.Kelisia torquata n. sp. Brachypterous form: curvata on Resembling Kelisia Beamer but longitudinal dark stripe elytra near a very light, process middle of aedeagus with many divisions instead of a single process and lyre-shaped anal segment processes without median basal tooth in caudal view. Length S 3 mm., 2 3.2 mm. to more Structure: Elytra widest just before base, tapering pointed apices, so on mesal margins, extending about one-seventh their length beyond tip of to abdomen. Hind wings reduced tiny pads. a Color: General color stramineous with very light amber colored stripe to from hind margin of eye tip of elytra where it is usually darker, stripe not more area usually covering than one-third of elytra; body usually without definite dark markings. more or Genitalia: Pygofer of male in lateral view less triangular, posterior with angle broadly rounded, basal angles somewhat sharper; anal segment as as a posterior margins truncate, less than half long inner margin with basal at a pair of processes widest base, lyre-shaped in caudal view without median a tooth; aedeagus long and broader than normal for the genus with basal a ventral process which ends just before middle of shaft in number of finger like processes, the number variable; apex of shaft more or less twisted with a on not sharp tooth either side before tip bilaterally symmetrical. R. H. Holotype S , 5 S and 16 $ paratypes, Storrs, Conn., August, 1946, Beamer. rC\ >. 5 Kelisiocurvoto f? \) \\J J IKelisio torcuata "\V \X \ /?f {f 2 Kelisia s^-~^~ parvicurvata Ib ^^ 3 Kelisia flava 4 Kelisia vesiculata EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1. Kelisia torquata lateral view of genital capsule; la caudal view of processes on anal seg ment; lb enlargement of processes near middle of aedeagus; lc dorsoventral view of aedeagus enlarged. 2. Kelisia parvicurvata lateral view of genital capsule; 2a caudal view of processes on anal segment. 3. Kelisia flava lateral view of genital capsule. 4. Kelisia vesticulata lateral view of genital capsule. 5. Kelisia curvata caudal view of processes on anal segment. 120 Journal of Kansas Entomological Society : Macropterous form on of thorax Like the brachypterous form but brown line sides darker, 4.5 mm. with flight wings about one-third longer than abdomen. Length S 1 Holomorphotype S and S paramorphotype Storrs, Conn., August, 1946, R. H. Beamer. Types in Snow Entomological Collections. n. 2. Kelisia parvicurvata sp. : Brachypterous form Resembles Kelisia curvata Beamer but definitely smaller, median longi on median on venter of tudinal stripe elytra much less dense, process aedeagus a between the and basal longer and without sharp demarcation apical portion. mm. Length S 2.2 mm., 2 2.5 at to Structure: Elytra widest tip of scutellum, tapering evenly sharpened of hind reduced to apices, barely reaching beyond tip abdomen; wings tiny as as an pads about half large eye. Color: General color stramineous to almost white; light brown stripe from it is less than back of eye to tip of elytra where darker, stripe occupies slightly some areas lateral mar one-third area of elytra; body with slightly dusky along gins. view more or less with caudal Genitalia: Male pygofer in lateral triangular toward dorsal of anal angle broadly rounded and margin; posterior margin as as anterior or dor segment broadly rounded and less than one-fourth long in caudal view not half as as sal margin; lyre-shaped processes narrow, long without median tooth in caudal aedea aedeagus, with tips turned out, view; an on ventral side of basal third gus long and slender with elongated process on near middle. which is not deeply incised its ventral side 1 and 6 March Holotype $ , allotype 2 , S 2 paratypes, Palatka, Fla., 10,1947, R. H. Beamer. Collections. Types in the Snow Entomological n. 3. Kelisia flava sp. Brachypterous form: but has no Resembles Kelisia flagellata Beamer in internal male genitalia are and more with dark color at all on the elytra and the elytra longer pointed 2.9 3.2 mm. out branches in apices. Length S mm., 2 near basal abdomen less Structure: Elytra widest third, extending beyond of an than one-fourth their length; hind wings tiny pads less than half size covered with rather eye. External parts of genital capsule quite thickly long so white hairs, much more than in K. flagellata. fum?se color Color: General color light stramineous without anywhere. view more or less caudal Genitalia: Male pygofer in lateral triangular, a of basal angle broadly rounded; anal segment with pair long whip-like broad with a of lateral teeth before processes; aedeagus long, rather pair just apex. N. Holotype S , allotype 2 , 97 S and 57 9 paratypes, Danbury, H., H. other at hand: 1 N. August 8, 1946, R. Beamer; specimens pair Durham, s 2 Lake N. 32 S s and H.; 1 pair Colchester, Conn.; 87 S and 9s Placid, Y.; Volume 24, No. 3, July, 1951 121 4 $ s Paul Smith, N. Y.; 2 $ s and 4 9 sNumidia, Pa., 12 S s and 12 $ s Ashland, Pa., 8 ? s and 10 $ s Chapel Hill, N. C, all in August, 1946, R. H. Beamer. : Macropterous form ex Resembling the brachypterous form but larger and with flight wings mm. tending almost one-third their length beyond the abdomen. Length $ 4 Holomorphotype $ and 4 $ paramorphotypes, Lake Placid, N. Y., July 30, 1946, R. H. Beamer. Types in the Snow Entomological Collections. 4. Kelisia vesiculata n. sp. Brachypterous form: Resembling Kelisia hyalina Beamer but genital capsule almost black in color, aedeagus straight in lateral view with median ventral process enlarged on outer and flattened laterally half instead of hooked. Length #3.2 mm., ?. 3.4 mm. on to Structure: Elytra widest basal third, slightly narrowed rounded apices, extending about one-fifth their length beyond abdomen; hind wings to mere as as an reduced pads less than half large eye. Male pygofer quite hairy. narrow Color: General color dark stramineous with white median longi on a or tudinal stripe pronotum, elytra almost hyaline with small black more on less angular black spot apices. Male pygofer almost black, various darkened areas over abdomen. more or Genitalia: Pygofer of male in lateral view less triangular, ventral corner a broadest, caudal angle about right angle; processes at base of anal about as as segment half long aedeagal shaft, almost straight, quite narrow; at to aedeagus straight, widest base, narrowed twisted apex, median ventral about half as as to a process long shaft, enlarged large lobe apically, laterally flattened. 44 Holotype $ , allotype $ , S and 26 $ paratypes, Storrs, Conn., Aug ust, 1946, R.
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