Wit.Aa:,N1' WI&AN Is an Ancient Parliamentary, Municipal and County '• North Bank, Th'e Later 'Portion the South
1194 WIDNES. LANCASHIRE. [KELLY'S •Harrison Henry, saddler,.'28 Farnworth st| 'alton William, head master, Widne's,; Hewitt William, grocer & dairyman, 38- Hewitt Peter, coal merChant,Farnworth stn-i Technical school, 15 Victoria avenue •Birohfleld road (Hill Peter, wheelwright, 124 Derby road 'arbnrton James, farmer, South lane, Bold Heyes Brothers, wire drawers, Appleton vil! Holding iJoh'nt team owuer,64Farnworth s't1 'atkins Philip, bookkeeper, 19 Derby rd Horabin John, tool maker, Appleton village- Houghton Jn. grngrcr. 62 Lunts Heath rd 'ebster Arthur, grocer, 9a, Farnworth st Houston : William John, Angel & Elephant: Houghton Walter, grocer. & farmer, 6 ..'ebster Harry, manager, 192 Birchfleld rd P;H. 27 Appletou Village Louts Heath road Whiteside Frederick James, tax collector, Hunt Emma .(Miss), confectioner, 23.'. Hoyle Samuel, householder, 43 Derby road 186 Derby road Appleion village Hughes John, ins. agent, 19 Farnworth st ..hitley Wm. householder, 7 Victoria aven Hunt Joseph, ironmonger, 41-BirohfliI. rd Hughes Peter, beer retailer,19 Farnworth st Whitfield James; farmer, Eose farm, 190 Hurst Bobert Topping, householder, 65. Hughes Thomas, assistant borough sur- Derby road Highfield road 1 veyor) 11 Victoria avenue Wilson Charles John, inspector'of -water Ireland Wm. confctnr. 16 Birohfield road Hunter James, joiner & bldr. 156 Derby rd "works, 14S'"Peelhouse lane Johnson Jn. markt.grdnr. 105 Birohfleld rdl Ingham John, farmer, Lauesend farm, Wilson Henry B. engineer, 45 Derby road Kean Peter, newsagent, 47 Appleton village- Birchfield road Vilson James, coal merchant, Farnworth stn Kelly William, farmer, • Widnes house Jems'Alfred. E. householder, 37 Derby rd Wilson Parthenah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 90 Kiddie James, householder, Caen villa,.
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