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What Trans84pp Final:Layout 1 Greater Manchester’s Future Transport What the Transport Innovation Fund Package includes A description of the proposed improvements to public transport and the congestion charging scheme in Greater Manchester July 2008 Information Pack Document no. 2 Contents Glossary 3 Your Views Are Important 4 Introduction 5 The investment package 6 Delivering better bus services 7 Improvements to the local rail network 23 Improvements to the Metrolink network 32 Fares, ticketing and improved information systems 47 Safety and security 49 Interchanges 51 Park & ride 57 Behavioural change 60 Congestion charging 65 Appendices 80 2 Glossary AGMA Association of Greater Manchester Authorities ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition CROPT Crime Reduction on Public Transport Partnership CT Community Transport DCSF Department for Children, Schools and Families DfT Department for Transport DRT Demand Responsive Transport DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority FT Flexible Transport GMBOA Greater Manchester Bus Operators’ Association GMP Greater Manchester Police GMPTA Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority GMPTE Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive HLOS High Level Output Specification P and R Park and Ride RCTS Regional Centre Transport Strategy RFA Regional Funding Allocation TIF Transport Innovation Fund YSB Yellow School Bus 3 Your views are important We are particularly interested to hear the views of local residents and businesses – that’s why a Consultation Brochure has been sent to all homes and businesses in Greater Manchester. Within the brochure is a response form that can be filled in with your views and returned to the following address in the freepost envelope enclosed in the brochure by 10 October 2008. GM Future Transport Consultation Ipsos MORI Admail Freepost 4115 Manchester M4 5ZZ Responses can also be provided by a number of other means • Online at www.gmfuturetransport.com • Via email to: gmfuturetransport@Ipsos-Mori.com • In writing to the GM Future Transport Consultation freepost address • By texting us free @ 60013. Simply text TIF plus your message. If you represent an organisation or group you are encouraged to send us an email or a letter – the views of such groups may be made public. Information in different languages and formats To receive this document in other languages, or in Braille, large print or audio format, please ring 0800 234 6100. If you use a text phone please dial 18001 before the phonenumber – you will then be connected to the BT Typetalk service. 4 Introduction On 9 June 2008 the Secretary of State congestion. Drivers will be charged if for Transport announced that Greater they cross one or two of the rings of Manchester’s bid for an investment of charging points located inside the M60 up to £3 billion to boost the City and between the M60 and the City Region’s public transport system had Centre, inbound in the morning peak been approved for Programme Entry by and outbound in the evening peak. No the Department for Transport. This charge will be payable outside these document is one of three which taken times, at weekends or on Bank together, explain in detail the rationale Holidays. There will be no charge if the and detail of the proposals as part of a journey concerned does not cross one of comprehensive public consultation the charging rings. There are no other exercise. This document (Document 2), charging proposals being considered for is divided into sections which focus on Greater Manchester. two key components of the overall package. Document 1 addresses the key question of why a strategy of significant Section A contains details of the public investment to transform Greater transport investment proposals. These Manchester’s public transport system include radical plans to transform the alongside action to tackle congestion local bus network. A new, ground- and incentivise a switch from car travel breaking partnership with bus operators to public transport is considered will be created to improve services, essential. Document 1 also explains the modernise vehicles and ensure that the impact of this package on the future great majority of local people are within economic and social health of Greater easy reach of guaranteed level of Manchester, what alternatives have service. Investment in new Metrolink been considered, and why the package extensions and extra trams is proposed of investment, reform to exercise more along with improvements to rail and bus control over buses and rail services and stations and interchanges, and provision a weekday peak-time only congestion of longer trains. The package will also charge is considered to be in the include more and better facilities for interests of the area. cyclists and pedestrians, and a comprehensive package of proposals to Document 3 explains how all the encourage changes in travel behaviour, transport improvements will be and create a safe environment for delivered, including an outline of how people to use public transport at all transport will fit into the new times of the day. governance arrangements for Greater Manchester and how GMPTE is Section B details the complementary changing its skills and organisational proposals for a weekday peak-time only arrangements to deliver the scale of congestion charge which is due to be investment which is associated with the implemented in 2013 when at least 80% package. Document 3 also addresses of the public transport improvements funding and financing of the overall will have been delivered. This shows the package and how a more intensive options considered and how present approach to funding and managing proposals target only those journeys by financial risk will characterise the car which contribute most to local delivery process. 5 The investment package Overview • enhanced orbital services operating throughout the day, making bus journeys a real alternative to the car The Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) for more people; investment package has been carefully designed to ensure that its different • extensions to the Metrolink tram elements work together to provide network including Oldham and maximum benefit and value for money. Rochdale town centres, Manchester The planned investments, based on the Airport, East Didsbury, Ashton- identified transport needs of key under-Lyne and a new second corridors of movement, have been crossing of the City Centre. Funds selected to deliver effective integration have also been earmarked for a between the bus, train and tram Metrolink extension to Trafford Park networks, and to provide attractive and the Trafford Centre; public transport alternatives for car users. These investments will be • major expansion of capacity on local complemented by integrating ticketing trains through additional carriages; arrangements, making it easier and simpler to pay for travel on different • improvements to over 40 railway types of public transport. The stations, building on the investments will also include proposals improvements already being funded for new and upgraded transport from other sources; interchanges, and plans for capacity and service improvements on existing key • real-time information displays at all routes. Improvements to facilities major bus and rail stations; available for cyclists and pedestrians will also be introduced. All of these • 120 additional Yellow School Buses; investment proposals will be accompanied by a programme of • 8 new state-of-the-art public measures to support changes in transport interchanges; individual travel behaviour and maximise the benefit gained from the • integrated ticketing arrangements, investments. including smart card; Key improvements that TIF will deliver • doubling of park and ride provision across Greater Manchester include: on rail/Metrolink networks; • an expanded, reliable and accessible • fully-funded behavioural change / bus network which consistently change support programme; delivers high quality, easy to use services for Greater Manchester; • 200km of new and improved cycle routes; • more bus feeder services to rail and Metrolink stations with direct and • a cycle hire scheme modelled on more frequent services to the those operating in Paris and Lyon; Regional Centre and other town centres across the region; 6 Delivering better bus services and a fast connection to the City Centre can be made; • a weekday peak-time only charging scheme operational from Summer • variable quality of the buses in 2013. service; and This document describes the strategic • personal safety concerns when role played by the different parts of the waiting for or travelling on buses, TIF investment package, and describes particularly when it is dark. its key elements. Appendices provide a fuller description of some of the Passengers can also be frustrated by individual schemes. the complexity of services, fares and tickets, and by the time wasted at bus Introduction – the current stops whilst passengers pay the driver. situation Transforming the quality and reliability of the bus network is a fundamental In contrast to the recent growth in local part of the overall transport rail travel in Greater Manchester, improvements. Within the overall overall passenger use of buses has package of public transport remained at around 223 million trips improvements, those relating to bus per annum over the past 7 years, services are the most critical. Even with despite the introduction of free bus an improved and extended tram travel for older people. Barriers exist to network plus enhanced local rail making bus services
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