• ■>*. \ ■ ■/ . \ / ' ; \ i. •.* ' i X TUESDAY, MAY 25f i95-t PACE EIGHTEEN \ / JHanrIjpBtifr ttwntttg J|p^ali> ■ 'X Average Dally Net Fress Ran Tht Weather \ — "=------.. . . . 'T '" F o r the W e ^ Ended FoTCCMt Of C. S. W eatk w B ar ana Xyt a meeting of the All Saiivts fqr the evening and also, accoifp’ M a y ^ 19JI4 Mothers O rtle held recently at tw Hold Teenage Road-E-Cr Raii^ow Girls pahjed the soloist, Mr. Culver, who GeneraRy fair, eeoler teaHftit, About Town home of Mrs. Arthur Leduc, 61 saqg''.w beautiful arrangement niEGAL of beverages! ndnlmuni $8-42. PoaaiMjr fraat la Edmun<^St., the following officers 'T h e 23,rd Psalm .” as the officers ^ At LOW PRICES ^ XT,245 were elected* Mrs. Da"id Donovan, were obligated, and "I B6Ileve," , 'T valleys. Thnniday, inereaalag Xa H. Hannon, 93 Vernon St., la Tonight at' Salters Pool Seat Officers while the wprthy advisbr knelt at Member of the Audit s rlovidlnesa. eool, higll In ddst leader; Mrs. Arthur Leduc. a-si.st- Bureau otClrculaHon* Ling a abort course in aubmarine ant leader: Mrs. Her.ri' Stephen­ the altar. Alftpr the officers were' ^Arthur Drug Stores 1 ...^latruction and handling at Gro­ MancheUejt^A City of Village Charm \ son. secretary: Mrs. Mary Miner, bii duly installed, he sang "TheJL,ord's rilOtJRS « A. M. to |1 P. M.l ■k T- ton. 'Chief eatlmatot- for F. H. Me- assistant secretary: Mrs. .Marian Eohr judges for the • Junior.„pele ^ the national contest Some DI Culver In.stalled Prayer.” > , ^ ▲ A A. A A J Oraw ft 0>., he i» one of a group apgj Cliamiler of Commerce Teenage $3, tot) in scholarships is being Mr. and M|*a. Culver Were es­ ©f 17 IniM'trtaUatamaking a two- Pertucelli, treasurer: Mrs. Michai* Worthy Adviiior; Hold (Claaalfled Advertlftnp/M Pago 92) MANCHESTER, CONN., XVEDNESIXAY, MAY 26. 1951 (TWENTY-FOUR RAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS CTemenlino, assistan t treasup ^Road-e-t) to be held at 6 p. m. to- a’c.arded in the nation-wide com­ corted to th< "E a st” ..W'here their VOL. LXXIII, NO. 207 tour of the Electric Boat Di- Mrs. George Hiut-ey, welfaresM ja night at Ihefpaved area at ..Salters petition. daughter presented hep mother vialoh o t GOoeral Dynamics Corp., Semi-Piihlic Ceremony! Dwight Grant an.: Mrs. ^Michdfl Swimming Pool were named today Locally, the contest tonight is with a beautiful' bouquet of red and the neart^ U. S. Naval Sub­ Treschuk. representative.* Mrs. by Edmund. Cox. chairman of the being largely underwritten by the roaea. , SAVE with SAFECO m arin e judge.s committee. ' Miss Dian Culver, daughter of Miss HiU w aa presented -with V Robert Sa-ory. contatt; Mrs. An^ insurance agents and new car Mr. and Mrs. Donald Curi’cr, $6 \ tlo n y C am bria.' publicltV*. The The Judgijs will acore con- dealers through their associations. her past worthy advisor’s jewel Auto Insurance te.stants a.s they drive through the -phe dealers are donating the $30 Westminster Rd,. wa.s installed as and commended„on her fine work spring dinner will be held at worthy advisor of Manchester As- \ dMl^. Wright’s Inn, Plaihville, on June 2. folir test.s designed to determine, fop. *nd cars for use at the a» worthy advisor by the new sernbly.,^No. 1.5, O rder of Rainbow worthy advisor.' t heir driv-ing .skill. 'The judges are haVe been donated by three of for Girl#, at a seml-pnblic Inatal- CROCKETT Jo.seph Volz, manager of the ebjers. - Following the installation, a] William J. McCoy, of 475 Wood- North End Branch ot the Man la\ibn at the Masonic Temple last social v?as held in the club room, iRSHranet A qancy MCLERC bridge St., Manchester. Conn.. This iV, the first year the local night. Miss Oliver is a senior at Chester Trust Co., who will handle Junior Chamber of Commerce has under the chairmanship of Mrs, I 244 MAIN STREET FU^NERAL HOM E . assistant traffic^ manager of the test for driving through pairs Manchester IRffb School. Fred Gels’sler and the advisory I the American Screw Co., Willi- conducted the Road-e-o, but. for] Retiring Worthy Advisor -Miss of rubber balls; Folice Chief Her­ board. Telephone MI-3-5416 mantic. Conn., has recently been man O. Schendel, for the aerpen- other rorhmuntties the Road-e-o is Priscilla Hill exeniplifled the in­ FUNERAL elected President of the Eastern tine driving test; Joseph Sterling, in its third year. Last year 80,000 stallation in a beautiful and im­ fCoW cticul Traffic Club for the teenagers took part in 600 local pressive manner, ably ^sisted' py Fallot Studio former Manchester poljceman. for Dian Culver SERVICE I coming year. the parallel parking test: and contests. the following officers:, Nandj* ASHES ^ RUBBISH Floyd F«Jrde, local in.surance ad ­ "The -Road-c-o has been widely Cowles', marshal: 'Marcia Wallace, l> clcrc,' chaplain, and Eleanor Panciera, Walter N. ’ Choir members of the Center juster, for the pm-point stopping acclaimed by safety authorities as sXverj.Nina McAlIiater, outer ob­ REMOVED I test. a constructive step toward en­ secretary. D irector i Congregational Church will enjoy The' following elective and ap­ server; Feggy Gustafson, choir di­ Also Top Soil For Sale urt fo, ^ . a potluck supper tomorrow at 6:30 Thirteen contestants, all of them couraging road safety and giving recto r, and Nancy 'Whitehill, 23 Main Street. Manchester pointive officers were installed: p.m. in the Robbins room. A pic- students at Manchester High recognition to young drlvera who Joan Wilaon. worlh.v a.ssoCiate ad­ jpusiciatv. ' CALL MI-3-7644 OLD SHOeS Cjaii MI-9-5C169 j ture of the group will be taken School, have taken the written have skill and "judgment," ac­ visor: Carol Hewitt, charity; Bar­ 'James'McKay wps the organist between « and S:.30. and membera quiz which qualifies them to take cording to Alex Girelli, chairman bara Hewitt, hope: Avia Anderson, Don’t unable to be. present at the .supper part in the, field tests'tonight. of the local contest. faith: Donna Gardener, loye; Joan are urged to report at 8 p.m. Cash prizes totaling $30 will be He said today that spectators 220 Hurt in Lewis, religion: Tyra Findell, na­ ^arp if they wnsh to appear in given the'three top winners in the will be welcome at tonight's skill ture: Roberta Kensall. immortality; THROW THEM • A the picture. event designed to select the com­ test. Janet ■ Koelash, fidelity; Carolyn munity's most skillful' driver. Johnson, patriotishi; Joan Swan­ AWAY ■ , / / HALE'S Each of the three will be given a MINSTREL SHOW FRID.W son, service; Marcia Nelson, chap­ still Plcnly Of Wear I,eft plane ride by the Manchester Fly- lain; Eleanor Chase, drill leader; HEARING AIDS In Shqex Repaired Hero Rouiifl the Barrell——But Don't Touch .Ing Club. They will be guests of Cub Pack No. 120 will- present Carol* Daniels, confidential ob- ^cjhine WasAWOL Eden’s P^n Headquarters the Junior Chamber of Commerce its "Showboat Minstrel" Friday B A T T ERIE S—C ORDS — REPAIft^ SAM YULYES at .its next dinner meeting Jufie 28. or at 8 p.m. in St. James’ School hall. FOR , Shoe Repairing of tho ■ Meanwhile, however, the three Ail relatives and friends of the JACOBSEN and REO PERSONAL HEARING SERVICE ". ■Will have the opportunity to com­ Cubs are cordially invited to at­ Better Kind Done While To End War pete June 6 in the State Road-e-o tend. They are. requested to be POWER MOWERS o e t 4 a n c h e s t k r You W ail. In Spite of Orders to be held in Middletown; . at the hall no later than 7 p.m., SALES—SERVICE- -TRADES 8 0 8 M A I N ST.—MI-9-6381 1.5 M.-tPLE STREET One winner from the Connecti­ and all assistance the * committee TERMS Opp. Flrat National Store had apecifically Inatructed him he Is Opposed on cut contest vVill be given an ex­ members can give Mr. Paquette Parking Lot Washington, May 26 (/P)— ipitol Equipmtnf Co. ’ w«ia not to leave the poet witi^out pense paid trip to Washington. prior to and during the show will I Main St.—Tel. MI-S-79S8 Pvt. G. David Sc-hine’s com­ D. C. where he or, she will com- be greatly appreciated. ' Miller'a authority. Miller said he pany commander testified to­ alao advised Schine that becauae Geneva, May 26 (/P)—A Schin* had a (Thriatmas pass, he British plan to open im- Quon.aet Point, 11.1., May 26 (/P)—^Two expkwiomi and a firo day Schine took .New Year’.s killed about IHt) Navy men and injured 12,’> other* aboai4 leave from P"t. Dix, N. i*.i would not be entitled to a |i*.ss for i mediate military discus.sions violation of instructions but New Year'.*. Day. ^ ! here Itetween rival military the aircraf). carrier Renninjgton today as she eruiacd akHiR \ Continuing, Miller *atd it de. command.s on how to end the the eastern) coa.stline en route from Norfolk, "X'a., to her homF was allowed to remain at /veloped that Schine c4>uld not be ba.se at Newport, R. 1. home after Roy Cohn tele­ ' found in the company area where I war in Indochjna ha.s failed to phoned the fort.' Schine "was aup^ed to be." i win approval from all. the Capl. Joseph J. M. Miller .said He said he considered that Schine I anti-Communist delegations. Quon.tet, R. I.> May 26. t b ' finds Ronald I^sreheveqiie, winner of the reiKut that this wa.s a drill." $5.95 Second Worst Disaster totlay he 'will not seek the White, Young Lock yesterday which empha.slzed ear­ Teenage Rond-e-o last night, )■ guilty of no violation here aa the driver xlg-rags around the barrel, k lairelieveque tallied .417 points mil of .500 In the Junior Chamber of Commeree driving skill test. Sehen- The disaster probably was th« Dernwratic nominetioii for Open Tues. and Thurs. Until !) R M.—All Dav Wed. lier Communist claims on part., of I second w’oi’st in naval peacetime MOTOR Laos and Cambodia. del waa one of the Judges. (Story on Page 4). Governor this year, b\it that I history. There were 178 men 512 WEST CENTER STREET :TEL. Ml.9.5295: The Communists maintain the' mi.ssing or killed in 1952 In a mld- he may run for United Statea OPEN EVENINGSHiNTIL 9 In Rail Proxy Fight two kingdoms are engaged in civil I A tlantic collision betw*een the de­ Senator in 1956. POTTERTOIPS wars against "resistance govern- i stroyer Hobson and the carrier in a formal statement iaauetl 130 CENTER STREET— (C^ner of Church) ments” composed of their own W asp. . * from hia Essex home, Bowie* said Albanv special. But he got off at citizens. FBI Grabs 11 Puerto Ricans A shift ot^ liclu'opter.s carried that It has, been hit poaltion. that Albany, N. Y., May 26 (A*) The 'governments of the two, — The titanic .strugtjle for roughkeepsie a’joiit half way up mari.v ■ of the serio u sly . injured he would ■ "accept the nbminaUon 1953 OLDS 98 OE LUXE the Hudson River and boarded the kingdoms eategorically reject > ashore to the New port Na*tal Ho.s- only if it w*aa OverwhelmlhiK mi OLDS SUPER control of the 2 ';>-biliion-dol- se -nd section. this. They say the ' Communists ; pital aero.ss the bay from here as clear to me and to everyone that^ fighting in their territory are in­ Convertible. Black, radio, heater, hydramalle, lar New York Central Rail­ A spokesman said that White In Conspiracy Against U.S. the 32,000 ion Essex cla.ss carrier my candidac.y'Was essential to the vaders who should withdraw. 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatie.itie. Al>*p-Abfco- V anted to mingle with stock­ moved tosvai*d port. success of the Democratic party power hteering, white walli. Full leather Interior. lutel.e clean Inside and out Solid green. road .system got under way Thl» offer* the most In luxury tran*- g holders in both sections. P riv ate consultations were In There w*as no immediate ex­ in the fall'election." Wa* 169.5. Now ...... 1 4 9 > in Albany tlxiay with both progress today among the dele- planation o*'the exidoaion.s but one portation. Was S09.5. Now...... A/ f O * White and Young did not meet .Washintrton, May 26 t/P)— "I am convinced that thia situa­ sides claiming victory. face to face on the train. gatea to redraft the Eden plan Attorney Cicneral Brownell Bundle Faced report said high octane gas was tion is not in fact the caae.” said Robert R. Young, leader of the White had moved like a politi­ and to persuade Molotov to agree Russian Team today announced the arre.st of involved. Bowles, who won the governora)Up- forces seeking to oust the present cian through the first nine ear*, to di.,cuaaing a, pos.sible cease fire Two Ex Illusion* in 1918 and lo.st It to Republican managemenj. and board of direc­ shaking hands with stockholder* in Viet Nam without implications 11 leaders of the Nationalist Grant raid the fire evidently Gov. John Lodge in 1950. tors of the'second largest railroad and expecting to meet Young at for Laos and Cambodia. Eden was Will Meet U. S. party of Puerto Rico ' >—Frenrk Red Blackmail air strike wits concentrated on lengthy FBI. investigation into by the 40-odd, international.organi- * My ankles aie raw ansi bleed-j I'nioit force* blew up two of thoir ALL SAFETY-TESTED CARS troops bunched near Nha Phu Culled from AP Wires Nationalist party activity extend­ zations to which'the I'nited .‘-tates ing " he .said, "but that is nothing. \ own post* today In the sooth- about 90 miles southwest of Hanoi. ing back to 1936. Irelongs. has' been investigated nothing at all compared to what, eastern .|Nirt of the Red River CONNECTICUT STATE INSPECTED AND READY TO GO! In the delta itself only' light FBI director J, Edgar Hoover under executive orders i.s.sUed by happened to soiiif of niy buddies, j 'delta. They hastily reorganised In Recruiting their defenses *aa the VietBSiilh action was reported. Twelve rebels Laii Lee. Penang’s No. 1 Coniniii------. ! G rant .said the fire crew.* ri.sked , atepped up harassing' attache w*e.re killed a.s French war planes nlst guerrilla, killed by Malayan (Continued on Page ftlrie) (Continued on Page Twelve) j their live4 in going deep into the : 1952 BUICK ROADMASTER 1951 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 pounded Vietminh forces harassing Security forces and woman com­ forward lower deck to fight the and ambtMhe* In ail key oenSera. EDITOR’S NOTE: William I-.. out the errand Five times more oi’tposts southeast of Hanoi. panion die.swith hi*r.*i . . . piscius- rblaze. "They dpught it alnio.st a s'. Riviera Coupe. With dynaflow drive. This ca* I* 3-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatie. Two tone Ryan give* a peek at Communist the same thing happened. Meanw’hile, the airlift of French aion of "minor*’ point.* idelaya sign­ ■ soon as .it started and were .still HfX'OND ARMS SHIPMENT Immaculate inside and out and must b* '") A Q C green. Clean Inside and out. W as 1495. 1 9 C guerrilla recruiting methods In this It became routine.^ w’Ounded from Dien Bien Phu con­ ing of new contract • be’ween the ; fighting‘it at the time.the car-; .Mobile. Ala., 5Iay 36 iA>>—The second of two CI34 Globeonater* seen. W as ’139.5. NOW ...... i. A V J r J Now ...... * . . . 1 3 4 5 third of four artlelea on the out­ TTie sixth time. * unsuspecting tinued. The French Command said Hat Corp. of America in Danbury Dockworkers Begin Voting rier docked at Quonset. " j look In •'The Battle for .\ a I a.” Wong was asked to place the food 1148 w*ere flown’ out last night and ■ the. union, company spokes- : The carrier reached poet at; leoving this port Of embnrhntloa R'yan spent six weeks this spring under a palm tree near the village ’bringing the total ' evacuated to man says. . 12:31 p. m . more than aix hours I with amio for Hght Infantry units took off early today for surveying the polltiral-mllttary road. Wong did so. Then school­ I 710. The French hope to wdnd up Colors of ■ U. S. 28th and 43rd,' On Choice Between Unions . after the eatimatfd time of the ex- I ■cene In Indochina . and nearby the shuttle today. The rebels have Infantry Divisions on way back to i I plosions. j Managua, Nlearagua, the Ihlr master Ho had him. Force said. The plane* rarrted nountrles menaced by a Com­ The^ polite. Wong was told, sus­ U. .S. to he takei. over by National munist sweep southward. Hr (Continued on. Page Fifteen) Guard units In Connecticut and ' New York, May 26 'A*' Voting • Douils may be able to' atinoiince (Continued on Pago Two) equipment to Nicaragua and pected him of supplying food to a Honduras in a apeelal adort write* from the scene of the Gen­ civilian Chinese organization sup­ Pennsylvania . . . Chester H. Smo- j started but qt a iivelv pare todav the result bv midnigh*.. 1952 OLDS SUPER 88 eva Confrrenee). linski; 44. of Terryville, found dead in the bitlei struggle between two. The NLRB assembled a staff of prompted by the recent aoqald i plying Red terrorist* in the Jungle. and medical examiner says it is tIon of arms by Leftist Guato- 1951 OLDS 98 DE LUXE This was a serious offense. The rival union.* for the_ right to rep- 191 officials from a.s far away as By WILLIAM L. RYAN Gibraltar fVoiilier •'suicide'' by .oas. resent 2.5'.000 dock workeis at the Denv’er to supervise the election, Vi oiliaii Tvcooik 62, mala, a neighbor of the (wo Cen­ Convertible .Coupe. This light green sport ear with 1950 DODGE MeadDwbrook 1949 PONTIAG StraamUmr t British-Malayan "O pe'ratl.on Trinity College students smaidi tral .Ameriian eouatrlea. matching top Is ready to go. 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio heater, hydramatie, 1 C A C AP Foreign News .Analyst Kitchener", erseking down on the port of New York. •».,5«Mt Police «>n Patrol 4-Dr. Sedan. Dark gm n. A really A ^ C 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater. An Q A Geneva, M ay 26 UP) — Wong Shut to Spaniards atom as they put in’o operation An e.stimaled ,5.000 men cast With feelings running high be- Hold as Eiiibozzler Was 3195. N ow ___ _ ! ...... 2 2 9 5 ■pot light. Excellent. Wa* 1795. Now .. I 9 Jr 3 Red supply line, had reduced the cyclotron they built .*. . Air Koice good boy. Wa* 1095. N o w ...... excellent famtiv car, Wa* 1045. Now O Jr J Ful-Foo's school master waa a their ballots during the fiist two tween adherfenta of the rival ' SCORE RED METHODd terrorists in many areas in living tw*in engine plane rraahra Into hours in Manhattan and Brooklyn, unions. Police Conimiasunier Fran- Mlnnea|M>lls, May 36 tTW—-1 persuasive fellow. So, almost be­ on oil pal.m nuts. Madrid. Spain,. May 26 C45 — Ironton,' Oliio, Mav '26 i/P> Mrs. fore he knew it. Wong became a lumber yard outside Nesvark. Del., No violence was reported. cis VV. H. Adams put 2..VH) New I „ „ . , . ; ...... American— — Baptist------Csiuve------Spain has ordered her frontier Communist terrorist. The only thing Wong could do. ' #nd explodes into flame with none Heavy police.‘details patrolled York policemen on waterfront ' * ,9di*t 6--year-old ^ ^ Wong's historv is. In- brief, the .schoolmaster Ho told him', was with •Gibraltar closed to keep all ; injured. the waterfronl to prevent repeti- patrol. -On the New* Jersey side of ■ w-oman who -buil' a business eni-;i chureh members, today ‘ -A-;. hide out. Wong believed it. He Spanish tourists from going to the Robert Taylor and hia German ' tionti/\n of ' the11,— iintimidation n 11 n, I aa 11 nn .atv.i-and ' , tlie1.— vast port, V. hundreds ■... .1——. 1— of police ;; oin*.Pite here* here- sndand in in nearbv nearby* Aalvland. Aalvland, ; moualy approved a state at meal history of nine years of jungle British naval base, a government wr.rfare In 51alaya, the story of joined the Communists afield. He j born brid; of two dajv. Actress strong-arm tactics whi’ • todav*'faces federal action on striking out at those “aa lutcut remained with them until he was ■pokesnun annouced today. ' 1953 DODGE Communist recruitment In south­ Ursula Thiess, honevnioon in cot­ the results of a pre-Christmas ! The Il-A. w*hie|h ruled waterfrunt ; charge ^ e embezzled $114,000 upon rombatting the meaaca *( 1952 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 1951 MERCURY 1952 OLDS 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 8 punished for shooting* a wild boar An American* travel agency re- tage overlooking picturesque Rus­ east Asia by pet suasion, blackmail election to be scrapjicd.' ( i labor for deeailes before it,w*qsi“ pre.stderiti of an Ironton bank.; Communism that they adapt 4h# 5Ioadbw brook. Light Mur. while on sentry duty.. Then he preaentative earlter reported ail sian River al Cloverdale, CTalif y I-aat-minute claims of victory - ousted frort the\AFL for harbor-( Many of Itjjnton'a 16.000 resi-i very prlnclplea sad UMthads, and kittnaping. Catalina' Coupe. We have two to 4-Dr. Sedan'. Radio, heat­ CInb Coupe. Radio, heater, Bit Deli|xe 4-Dr. .Sedan. 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, iieatef, hydra- escaped aim^ surrendered to the travelers going to Gibraltar from 1 Appointment of Senate Armed ’Were made by spokesm en for both ing racketeers. itr>ok another IkhIv ' dents thought of Mr*. Sexton as a ; which makes' CommuuiSas itself i'hoo*e from. Radio, heater, hydra- er. .One owner, low mile- dark green. Radio, heater, hydramaltr. matlr. Dark green. Excellrnt W ong\a young Malayan ChF' RrUlfh-Malayan forces. Spain would ^ affected, but the I Services Subcoounittee to "study the International Longshoremen's blow on the eve of the election. ■ bii.sine.sa genius. H er career s ta rt-i irlghlenlpg. matir. Both fully equip- ‘IO A )( age. W a* 180ft Immaculate. lO Q lia condition. Wa* 74ft X O C nese, bright atudent, the 'Ih Malaya the Red ferroriat spokesm an said t.hig waa errone- I esaentfality of .American watch in- ' T«n. tILAl and.4he rival AFL- Federal Judge David .N. E(ifl»lem Eijelstein . cd <‘o ih the 19WSiRws \swhen w n aneahe opened ft : \ , kind the Cmhmunists like to> take ped. Wa* 3095. .Vow . . l O T ^ Now ...... 1695 1295 W a* 3395. Nov^* I T T J N W ------0 * 3 movement is In deep trouble tit its pua. • dusfry" announced by 'ciiairnian H-A. • ) ' ■ placed it in ijeceiveFship vverterday.'! •■“•'all restaurant hear .the railroad fi’^R.AN.AH.AN IN FIFTH ROVXil over!' \ "■ jungle fastness. A s^attera stand The government spokesman said Saltonatall iR-MasaV. . . . Dispute \ liaried voting hours; ^tween 6 Edelstein appointed Raymond j; tra^k■ in Rus-sell. Ky.. across the Muirfleld. ficuUaM. May M ill T fach er W eaved Sly. W e b ^ ^ now-, the'Reds ara alto 'firing bad- the Ameffcin had misunderatood '- between truck drivers and mailers a. m* and. 7 p. m . wejV set for Scully, an ofBcisl Of the New York Ohio , River from Ironton,.Ironton, and Fraak BtraaakaafitM akaa^^Te el Teieds, Ohio, Ha lived in (^e La yang Layang ly In Burma, a republic of IS mil- an order given out during, a meet-' In PittsJbUrgh. over loading - of three polling places In ^ ’ew 'Ytojk State Bar Aasn ,' aa receiver. w ork^ ‘ there'ea e waitieaa. ^ ahoeUag for his third tMe, i \i a tv a o t 'Rritlah-culed -llalaya. One Uoii freOtl by th e-B rltiah iit 1047. ing yesterday of a representative newapapors into ’delivery*' trucks, City and, three in northern New fiaullyl rcaponsibilrties will end, if She'became one of the ,Tri-8tet* tthe fifth reMud^af ' 1 day achoolmaater Ho CJioong gave In nelghbo'rtBf Thailand, the ttur- of the Spanish' Ministry of Infof- result* in Pittsburgh Post-Ga- Jem y. The count will start at M and when the ILAf raises -the ■ I W estViifginia; Ohio, Kentucky > Aiuatcor Gelf Wong a' list ,of foodatuffa to buy cetts being unable to d^tnbute ,us arniofT here at 8:30 p. m. NL k B hy M sidli^ H 'V* at the’ villageIlan store. Wong carried (CwUmMg M Pggo BerwitaMi) (OsottaMfi M rago sdlUona for selreiidrtfne*'' Regional Director Chatl** '• T. (Ceatteoed a* «.?.) . ‘ (Csw U aued *■ Fag<* i •) o t fireUaud, I aad 8. X..: : A - ■ = . ^ ■ t i \ PAGE TWO MANCHESTER KVENiyG HERALD, MANQi^STER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JJAY 26, 1P54 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONNo WEDNESDAY, MAY. 26.-19f)4 / /^A6E THREE that h# would have accepted th* rapidly. THE Ambul CM were ni*hfd to iy ie nomination had It been offered to ton. Mrs. Alltert'Gjzlhes. or Mrs. j dockslda Senate Seat him. ROSEMOUNT Celebrate (Colden We«lding Anniversary Need Volunteers Foster Willianf*..' chaIrmAn. TTieae | ior Disaster All Bvailab'te helicopters were The Courant aaya Bowles told Elks Select Future Site latter are Gray Ladies whose duty i pressed Into ^^r\'ice shuttling The Biiteh Bob Gives party leaders quite some time ago RESTAURANT Here on Friday It i|; to serN’e the fruit Jtiice given FO R E X P E R T csuiualtlea from \h e broad flight R a c e S e e n that he would not Involve himself to Jach donor, to take his oiiter. deck of the carriejN^o the Newport in a contest for the nomination, Route .flV—Bolton For Lodge HomeyTonight 55'raps'and hang them up, and toj "'WHEEL ALIGNMENT — WHEEL BALANCING Naval Hospital. and that he has refused to cam­ To Reaeh Quota keep the line of waiting donors' Relatives of men‘'aboard the That “Idiot Look”" paign for It despite the urging mijvthg in an orderly and'speedy RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING Elk dignitaries from the Grand o n craft began gathering at dockside of friends. Will Reopen T tvo sltea for R poeisibl* hom e, When the Bloodmobil* unit rolls, m anner. * COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE m inutes afte r xyord of tn \tr a g e d y F o r B ow les Lodge are expected to be present Bowles himself had no comment will be up for- conalderntion at Motpj' Coi'ps memhor.s with their was heiml here. •Women are i ''•‘ “y *<>*■ rolling. My wife came I in addition tn other Elk notables into Wooiiruff Hall as it will, this chairm an. .Mrs. A lfred Vennard. - New York on- the Courant'* report, which | SUNDAY what promises to be the most Im­ SEE The .''Nsvy gathered theifv, into ./V, shorter ^han I fpr p look one night, *aw a from Jfew England lodges and Friday, to conduct blood program will be on dut.v all afternoon to ■: wearing their'^halr (Continued from Page One) added that he ia not withdrawing | • (OMtiaoMl from P»fe One) ' | "Tliey wanted a r.-ew and I we* the ba.se..theater and served toffee men now."/ complained ex-Sgt. i btuich of chorus girls in the place, portant meeting In the Short his­ from states adjoining New Eng­ operations from 12:45 to 5:30 p;m. tran sp o rt donors.,w.-ho are unable to | not a member but I just couldn't from public life and will continue _ MAY 30 AT tory of the Manchester Lodge of amt'sandwiches. Ijirry Mathews, "and this summer *”'1 said, ‘This’ll never do.’ casions Mfj^ce my return , from land. in an effort to achieve Manches­ reach the donor center by their own SecreUry of the Nnvy Chnrles stand there. . I had to help," he • In stretcher after stretcher, tl it's going to be even shorter." ‘"nie next day she had a ‘for to act as a leader and spokesman PJlks tonlgfht a t 8 o'clock a t the , An extensive program of enter­ means of tran.sporlation,. Dn Hand India I havA said that I was not for the Connecticut Democratic NOON American Legion Home. ter's monthly quota of 1.50 pint* of CLARKE MOTOR SALES Thom** flew on from WMbington said. burned and injured were gently Mathews, a tall husky hair styl- ssle' sign on her shop. “Two nights tainment is being planned for the blood from volunteer donors, there with Mrs. Vennard will he Mrs. to meet C«pt. Reborn end begin FVt Burned Four Hour* but rap'dl.v, carried by shipmates t who flew on bombing missions' Ister she was working in the shop an active candi/ate for the Demo­ party on the national level. The two cites which'' members visiting brothers at Garden Gro^ E. E. Perkins. Mrs. Charles Case, 301 BROAD STREET MI-9-2012 Toth estimated the fire burned will vote on for a future home for will be on hand, as alWA.vs, a great the Nevy’e invesUgetion. from the Bennington. to wsHing in\Europe during the last world , with me." cratic nbminationTpr Governor this "It can be aald,” the Courant re­ v,'here the formal dinner, will number of worker* who donate and Mrs. Millard Jtowle.v. From Waehlngton Preeident Rie- about four hour*. He was black­ ambulances which wheeled in and wa\/io\v operates what he believes ' l>arry and Norma now have 12 ported, "that an.amicable relation­ the organization, are the Darna held. An orchc.stra will fjmtish fall. I have also aahi that I would Farm on W. Middle Turnpike and their time and efforts to helping The.se women are'only a part of enhower eent hie pereonal end offl-. ened and shaken, by hi* experi­ out with precision.^ is A frica's Only all-night beauty employe*, operate their beauty ship exist* between Bowles and the m>'8ic, assisted 'oy the m any bands this worthy project. the group of volunteer workers ence. He had been aljoard the accept the nomlnatioiiKXtnly it it a large lot on the sotijhwest corner ctal 'eondolencee to the offirere end Some of the men were' in poor parlor. shop around the clock, close it only party leaderahlp, which preaumably Shoppey** M atinee W eek Days which will be present a/CguestS of Staff Aides, under Mrs. Charles who. each Bloodmobile Day work crew of the carrier and to their Be'nningtnn only three dnys. condition snd in various 'stages of SltuaCbd in the Great Northern on Sundays. ■was- overwhelmingly cleW^-tp me has indicated to him their feelings of Htllstown Road and f^pencer Manchester I.jidge. CLEANING AND INSTALLING and to everyone that my\candl- F eature 'Shown a t 3 P. M. Peckham's chairmanship, not only long hours in order that the Man­ famillee. miuiy of whom waited He said there was' gogd order dre.ss. Hotel, it ^aw s a fabulous clientele "Moat of our night clientele arc that Bo^vlea■'can be of greater ’ .‘Street. MembeiW are keenly inter­ /puainess places tut Main Street chester operation may He a sue dacy was essential to the success ested in this project' and a large will have telephoned and ached aiudouely for the big ahip.to dock. hut that It was an hour before the I'apt. Raborn described the ac­ after dark,' aanging from house­ .show people." said Larry, “and service to .he party on the national will be asked to decorate their -Hied donors, previous to the day's ' one RIotvt Program Another aurvivor, Aviation crew could get at'the bodies of cident, to reporters in the Ben­ of the Democratic party in the rqfi turnout; la expected at tonight's SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS wives with 'insomnia to Metro­ often our place looks more like a election. I am now convinced tha Icvek than on the state level." store fronts for the occasion in actlvlUe*. btit will be on hand to official pointed out, "It takes Electrician Mete Frencia Toth of the victims. nington's No. ■ ready room. politan OperaXsingera, actresses, rehearsal hall than a. beauty salon. meeting. honor of the first birthday of the donors many more than we have A complete organization of TRAINED SEWAGE SPECIALISTS this situation is not in fact the Bowles, elected governor in 1948 Report* will l>e mad* at this check per.sons who appear against Phoenixvllle, Pe., we* a volunteer "After that we Just drsKsed out He said about 100 are now dead, night club chorus girls -and ff- Sometimes wc’ll have three sing­ and defeated by Gcv. Lodge when local lodgit. and to make a favorable scheduled fit this point t() a.ssure using the most modern equtpiHent and machinery—-RESULT: A bodies." he .said solemnly. caae. Meeting also on the pr.ogresa to the appointment sheet, to type the BETTER Job at a LOWER PRICE. In the first fire control crew that i.e added: "We just completed male impersonati^. ers in the .same row of driers re­ '■’With the exception of my two he xan for reelfction two years impresaion on the thousands of vital statistics which must go the blood supply that us needed so went Into action on the eth deck; A.shore, the Navy mobilized help our first successful launching of "My hair is longW than half my hearsing three different songs' at TODAY date of the plans for the first an­ badly. We can organize Rlood- years as Governor, my entire later/served until a year ago aa niversary celebration of the lodge, viailora who will throng Main along with every pint drawn, and the first of our air groups when clients'." remarked Mqlhews. "The the same .time. ' ambasabdor to India. Sine* hia re­ Evening One .Show 7 P. M. Stieel during the celebration. mobile Day efficiently, and nth our • Sump pumps installed to career in public life has been fo­ wiitch will be. held on Saturday, to m ake out donor card.S. Serving rembve water from your THIS IS WHY suddenly sn explosion «hook the high style for women right now is '‘Sure we get sYu-'e unusi:al re­ turn .to Connecticut, many who C!o-Hlt 7:18— F eatu re tiOO Manchester Lodge now has more work smoothly, but only donors cussed on national and foreign af­ jtine 12. in this rapacity on Fridav will be cellar. . . . more people caQ lorward part of the ship down on the butch bob- very mXscultne. quests late at night. One girl came fairs, These remain the areas of were closelV asSpclnted with him than 600 members- and the initia­ Mrs. George E m ott. Mr.s. John can make the day a .siicci'ss," "It makes a girl iook like a Yale Tentative pla.is call for a mam­ Neiv underground w ater M Kinney Bros. the second or third deck, In to get a Martini washed out of my major interest. Although 1 am during hia adniinistration as gov­ moth parade consieting of march­ tion of 100 or more new members Field. Mrs. Morgrin Porter, Mrs. Donors who liAve riiM yet been 0 "Realizing a serious catastrophe freshman in front, and her h.'ir. Her boy friend had toasCd ernor urged hihy to try for the on June 12 will s'.vell the ran k s to contacted may make an appoint­ llhes Installed. 'V (1) Prompt Serrice back, and has Just a few deeply grateful for the many ex- ing delegation.*, bands, gorgeous He'nr.v Smith. Aliss B arbara Klop- had occurred we launched the rest It on her. pres-sions of loyalty and support, nomination this year. .The atate !!l!lNEMAScOPti moro lhait 700. . penburg. aniT Mrs. Frorence Col­ ment for Friday's Bloodmobile Day * N*5v ‘ro o tp ro o r’ M wer hair about the face flost* and drum corps. Prizes will lines Installed. (2) Quality Work rf of the air group to free the decks ’’Aboilt once a week a girl per­ which I have received from hun­ CIO organization a l^ faired him Lun(^h w ill be .served a t the con lins. registrars. Workinft as typ­ this evening or tomorrow by phon­ feminini.ty. All MW MMliR COLOR OLOlYl be awarded the outstanding groups ing 3-5111. Staff .Vjdi's will be on (3) Reasonable Prices for cssusity control." former may show up with a black dreds of people all over the state. s tro n g ly . and their'entries. elusion of tonight’s meeting. ; '' ists will be Mrs. Amos Friend. • Plugged aewer lines clean* "Th’e butch bob? You kno' I do not feel in all honesty that The reported removal\»f Bowles duty to receive such calls. ed electrically. ■E SAFE . . . IE SURE The Bennington was about 7.% what we call it in the trader? The' eye that,has to he painted over, Mrs. Nevln Decker, Mrs. William mile* south of Newport when the \and dancens come in with black the present situation requires me from the picture sppekt;ed to M, Wilson, Mrs. Irving B a y e.^. idiot look! Trying to bring out a to abandon my own primary inter­ strengthen the chances thatTprm- to defeat acting Gov. Charles E. 198 F .\( F, nK.YFT C.M.L blast occurred at 6:20 a.m., the woman's natural beauty with a ^nd blue marka that have to be Miss 'Virginia Ryan, anil Miss Faye covered up. ‘ est in order Again to seek state e. U. S. Re;>. A braham A. Ribmpff U. vS. Siiperiorily Johns for the two-year unexpired Ferris. \ H artford, ' May 26 (.Pi Brig. captain said. hair style like that is like trying to term of the late Gov. Dan Mc­ Wlembicki Photo, Call McKINNEY BROS: Proud of C'rew office. It is entirely possible that will become the parly'.* nominee, 5lr. and Mrs. Carl G. Johnson As the prospective donor steps Gan. Ernest Novey, director of decorate an em pty roonrr. B ut it's e night a society playboy although he, too. has yet to declare^ C arty.. the'Rtate SeleHive .Service system, 'T am mighty proud of the way what the gii'ls want." 1 may wish to run for national Cited by Strauss into thir main hall he will he met SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY . \ Hn and insisted bp wanted a office, perhaps for the United himself a candidate.. Collins, xlo.se friend and said ^sterday that the July draft the crew of the fighting Bennlng- Larry, who had done aerial pho­ perm anent wave, but we Ju.st Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Johnson, | grandchildren are Roy Adams by one of the following: Mr*. John -TEL MItcheU 3-AS08— ISU-IS3 PEA R L ST^ M ANCHESTER Our ly*l»t Viter States Senate, in 1956. In the same category is Rep. ! S E porter of the late governor, won 227 W. C enter St., w'hosc golden | Johnson and Allan anil Barbara Jenney. Mrs, James Sheehan. Mrs. call for Connecticut is 198 men. ■ ■ ton handled this very lerlous cas­ tography fpr Uncle Sam, decided waved out. Except for female 0 Hartford,, May 26 (A5 Rear Thomas J. Dodd, who succeeded by 67,0(W votea In the Dem ocratic wedding day falls on Friday. Ma.v Mitchell, Enfield. Alfreri Charest, Strs. William New- based on A national call of 33,900,' ualty catastrophe. They displayed when he'returned from the war he inr.personalora we accept onlv "All Democrats have a particu* Adm. Lewis L. Strauss, rhairman remarkable feats of heroism and I would let the same Uncle Sam women clleKU. We do make and larl.v heavy responsibility in the Ribicoff aa first district repre­ run-off primary which virtually 28. will keep "open house" (n cele­ of the Atomic Energy Commis­ assures election In this peninsular bration of the anniveraary, Satur­ can only say that as the truth teach him a peacetime trade. He style wigs foK«)nie 200 female im­ roming campaign. As one of them sentative. I'h -iM A R lE sion. expres.sed (he belief here last 5ISI3ISIEJ3JSJB/5JiSfSJ5JEIEIBJSI15JHlS)SlfiJ8)SJBIB®BBJElBlBMlB)51B/B/i!MIBIB®BIB)BIEfSIBn?IS®5ISJSJ5fi5IBI51513^^ CAP N’ BAG studied hair styling under the G.I. personator* IrK all parts of the I shall do everything in my power Both have been much discussed state of the deep aouth. day. May 29, from 4 p. m. on, and of the story comes out you' can night that America's weapons are cordially invite their friends ,and Judge for yourselves and be proud. Bill of Rights program. coulr.tr>’. \ to promote clean,, liberal and effi­ as possible nominees, with Ribicoff superior both in quality and quan­ 'Unofficial retir.'ns' from 1.709 of "You’d never believe the inti­ cient government in Connecticut appearing to have more support the .slate's 1,724 precinctls gave neighbors to call at their conven­ "TKa nature of the explosion at "No. we havenVgone Into tou­ and acros.s the nation. These are tity. ience. Bet the moment is undetermined. The mate things about their lives wom­ pees, but, boy, th/t's a growing for th* post than Dodd. in a talk at the annual meeting Collins 371,010 votes to 304,009 SHOP KEITH'S SPRING FURNITURE SALE THURSDAY UNTIL 9 en tell their hair stylists,’’ he said. the, principles which have giiided On the Republican side, it Is for Johns. t?arl C,. Johnson and his wife, general location la in one of three field. I know some toupee makers MKEa-FEMMHOOLMUS of the Connecticut Chamber of the former Miss Arina Skoog, "Maybe, because We also deal with my public life in the past and they generally accepted that Gov. Lodge Commerce. Strau.ss said the' nation He will take olTice in January, or four major Items of equipment. who have become richxin the last shall continue t6 do .so," • 3nd BIG HIT e were born in .Sweden. Mr. Johmson "The beat Information now Is their heads, they confuse us with few years. A good toupi^ sells for will be a candidate to succeed him­ never must abandon hope thxt bari-ing an unprecedented and ex­ E arlier, Democratic S tate self, although he has niade'^io an- k lilt *«ii 1*1 • itisiir • 78 years ago and Mrs. Johnson. 72. (that it Occurred I possibly at the their psychiatrists.” 1100 to 5300^—and they ^ear out eventually a workable disarma­ tremely unlikely defeat by Repub­ They were married on May 28. five-inch fuae magazine. But running an all-night beauty In a -y ear.” \ . Chairman John M. Bailey had re­ icem ent. ho—kit uMs kibal f ment formula, embracing weapons lican J. Tom Watson of 'Tampa in ONLY ported that Bowles had Informed 1904, in M anchester by the Rev. R. "This is completely unconfirmed parlor haan’t given Mathewa any Hla post-midnight trad^ has William S. Gordon, Jr., member goto vkitist tk« ksttsf of all types, will he achieved. ' the November general election. Carl Franzen, who was pastor of and until we do get information I particular new insight Into femin­ been so good Mathews L*- now f a n ­ .him that It waa his ‘'present in­ of a committee formed recently to , "Rut meanwhile," he aald. "and FkM 104 clination” not to seek the nomina- b* cWm bshisd! Johns, who is acting governor Emanuel Lutheran Church, Hart­ T«x can only aay it waa a serious ex­ ine ps.vchology^ ning to open a second all-nl)^^t urge that Bowles be drafted, said fpr as long aa the clear design because he Is stale Senate Presi­ ford. for 15 years. The family plosion at the third level on the "They’re no easier to figure out beauty parlor in an upper New "tion. of Soviet aggression menaces the Bailey sgid he had talked with he was ’’surprised to see the dent, will retain his .Senate seat. moved to M anchester in 1925. Mrs. port aide. after midnight than they are be­ York State resort hotel this mim^ story." Free World, the United States Franzen died in 1939 and Pastqr Doeior Killed fore.’’ he said. mer. ies by' telephone this morning must maintain both a qualitative He' said he wanted to check the FKI IT 5IEETI.n o PL.YN.NED Franzen lived to be over 95, HiV- In lUTCHER LINEN "It killed about 100 of our peo­ Larry and hi* wife. Norma, "Two years ago I couldn't bor­ r reading a Hartford Courant ------and quantitative ■ superiority in y saying that the latter would m atter before making any further Rockville, May 26 (.Special) A daughter, .Miffs' Harriet K. Fran­ ple, 125 others are injured and operated a daytime beauty parlor row $200 to buy a new chair," fie weapon.s. We believe we have this zen. is a teacher in the Lincoln t niii. seek toa-egain the post he lostc o m m e n t. MEMCRT i YATCt Twilight Fruit .Meeting at the about 25 or 30 of them are more for some time. said. "And now I've got everybody Gordon waa deputy Secretary of today." School. You'll lov* “Brtaiy'' in lha than minor injuries. "But our little daughter com­ to Ony, John Lodge in 19.50. Before the banquet at which t’ai'ln and Frank Volpi Farm. Birch from bankers to book'ies wanting .State In the Bowlea''administra­ Mountain. Bolton, will , he held Mr, .Johnson wa.s a loom fixer, in iummartima.. .for iperti... "The cooperation of the shore ac­ plained she hardly ever saw u* to go into bKID.\ FOR rOLLIN.S According to Elliott, this is one Three children were horn to the low, aqua, ica blua. ! Jured." ' on a shakedown cruise in Cuban the United States i\ international Miami, Fla.. May 26 'rV< .State of the most important times of waters in April. 1953, 11 men were couple, Roy Johnson and Miss i Capt. Rabom said he was on the affairs, eapeclall.v an questions Ren. l>roy Collins of Tallahas.sce year to apply the right Insecti­ F..slhcT .M, John.son, both of M an­ ; bridge supervising the air launch- killed in a boiler explosion. In 1945 cides and fung’cides at the right she was struck by a typhoon in News Tidbits dealing with the East. won the votes of south Florida's chester, and Jta rg a ie f, Mrs. P.ob- i ing at the time of /he explosion. the Paelflc. Democrats will nominate their heavily populated areas yeste^'day time. ert Mitchell'of Enfield, Conn. The ' In explaining the j^salble cause of The Benninton. an Essex class Culled from AP Wires state ticket at a June 2.V anil. 26 the explosion he/said fuses acti- convention here. WE HAVE AN icarrier, 11th of her classification va'te a shell—an/ make It go off. to be launched after Pearl Harbor, Bailcv stressed that at no\tim^ TELEVISION EXCEPTIONALLY The fuses i^e kept separately participated In the destruction of Sen. Sparkman (D-Ala) says liaXBowles offlclallv said he w from all other magazine*, the cap­ Okinawa.' . White Houses "attempting to lay .seel/\the nomination. There \v RNE SELECTION tain said, .since they are highly She also played a major role In groundwork to alibi niinnst total some,■'however, who said they fe ! explosive. the sinking of the Japanese battle­ lack of legislative progress by this he woulfK accept it if offered to OF ,| After the ^nJUsl shock of the ship Ysmoto. Republican Congress." . . . Thou­ him. PROGRAMS explosion, Capt. Raborn said the "nie Bennington sent her planes sands of deadl.v snake* driven into Orfirially. j3owles never waa In Here are the WORKS i men ab o ard ' the sihlp took quick aloft Jn the first carrier attack Port of Khorramahahr in Iran by it. not having o^clared himself s iJdeO’Everyday—All Right* Reserved—H. T. Dickinson A Co., Inc: ' action. ' - on the Japanese home islands. flood waters spread terror among candidate; but ItV as well known WHITE ! From the bridge "w^get up our refugees' crowding Teheran's out­ N I cotiiiTiunications for overMl super- skirts. IH lIllH H IH ililiiaiiH M O fllflfllll ! vision. American Baptist convention In HATS I Rescue Trappe«l Men Minneapolis considers "statement I "The first task was to rescue "eoneernlng freedom,” which calls for PLAY... 8 8 1 trapped men includinff tho.se cor- and y 4 . for "fight against tyranny that R i t t e r FOR MEMORIAL j nered by, smoke. This was done seems to respect neither rights of With the ship's damsge control ------individuals nor of Democratic 7Mm«T(S9Mir organization in the van of the res-‘ Dbes the Fifth Amendmeht processes of our nation. " .■. Mau- lASTWumeMl DAY AND to the Cnnktitution•'nnlHftitinr. guarantee ™)yonly ,reen Connolly of San Diego, Calif., Motorola TV cue effort." flArry Stilliviin In ALL SUMMIIl/ Capt. Raboiw said that about 20 against .feif-incrimlnation ? and Nell Hopmaii of Australia Clo«r, Sharp, Stoady UHF* air raft had been launched before A • No. H carries other gua.r- gam semi-finals of Women's Doy- "’niE MIAMI STORY" antees, Inclu'dl'hg due process' of hles Etn'ision today in French In­ VHF RocopdofT from the explosion occurred.-He did not law. give the number launched after it. ■x. ternational Tennis Tournament at (Mitant btartient $J^a98 [ q $0 a98 Tlie interview was interrupted P aris. 6 PIECE when Capt. Raborn went down Jthe Q —• What waa th* original pur­ OAD MI-9-1134 Gang-w.sy to greet. Secretary of pose of legends? Doctork rein<^e New Harea. retary sajd Thoinn* intended to ronii. \ (.Ml THK. BK;’ P IC T raR («ii TV H o r a POLO SHIRTS BOOKCASE Q - - la it true th a t there la a rhonarl M New Rrllaio. Co«a. return to Washington at 2 o'clock. ------> - 4 to 20 , - layer of granite all around the \ Channel (LS Holyoke. Ma«R. 8;:i* I.VII KII..M Tlie Bennington had an il- Channel .i.l Waterbury, Citna. »:»*.( SI STKIKK IT RICH -W arren Th«J»»!HALCco. lu.sti'ious career in World War 11. earth.? Channel 61 NprlnKfiehl. Ma»e. \ Hnll. hoFi ^ \ A — No. (^ ) HRKAK T l ^ BANK— BeH ...... MANcmnw CoNw — — She also was the victim of two Pnrk.h '1.39, 1 .79/ 2.95 other peace time, accidents. While ( hi AsMMAL TIMK c»3i Do w n v o r KAIXiK No. TI4 In Choice^Of the beginning of spring? i i l TKK—■Klaehln* dunfl" -“Hiai riiii: Jack Webb Bed Outfit <&Si WRNTKBN l*LAYHOLAP: (61) TKI.KViAION THKATRB — A TTie vernal equinox, around Harry Snillvaa Jimmy Hirvd <«l> TNCLK KD vS KI N CLI B ■'The B carlft laetter” M arch 20, in thr V 'G V P S V -Kfl Match SPORT SHIRTS f:QLT*’ 1:15 < M) nil.L'K ( ABTOONH IVORY, COLD, STOKY** (5S> JOLI.V (iKNK Q Which is the most predomi­ Tpr(|Xl**«loP DIFFERENT! i:30 t IMM) HOB'UY DOODY TIMK SPECIALIST IN $ . ,-$ nantly Lutheran countiV^ In ' the R:I0____ _ (5Sl -F’ll.-M 1 9 5 2.95 $ 1 2 9 9 5 F (5S> TOWN < RIKK KITCHEN REMODELING NYIjON. rOTTON, SEERSt tliER world ? Connecticut'* Most Beautiful SAT., -'BO.MBA'f - I'.ARTIIOFS, fi:M < SIKSSACfK OK SI AMY CHARTREUSE! A Finland, which is over 97 TI.M HOI.T., « K.STKRN '' Drlve-Inl , (SO) NKWS AT Nl-x-'pcie Stoner i per cent •Lutheran, ' u (5S&5) jrnv SriJNTKBS I PERSONALIZED * Finest Snarkaleria* ~ —Shlrlev Dinedate I COWBOY PLAYHOI ftR FLOORS. Inc. A thrilling Koith Redding Valiir ALL SIX Sl»r<‘ yoiir Q I* the Mexican volcano. * 1st Ruil Pictiib^l 1:15 < (TIKNTRR ROWLKS S‘19 Main St.—Tel. MI-9-93M PIKCKS are included . . . liand.«omc Twin Bed Paricutin. still active? * Easy to Reach froih PORTK DUNGAREES (Ml THK KARLV AHOW Hv Ou'tfit.s at a price nothinjr short of jscn.aationall A — 'Yes. .Ahvtt'here! "Son of Adveniure” »:M ( 4) MY LITTLE UARGIF,^ Liberal Keith Terms EASTWOOD <5S> KH.H —S larrin r , Cele StortaL DK’KIKanH Plan to .see them Th'iir.sday, Q - How old waa Tom Thumb (.55> WKATHK.BSIAN Charles Farrell — Rill Martin . (Ml I'VE GOT A SEI'ltET -*■. C-\HTKRS • * • /' ' ' ' \ when Barnum first exhibited him? In ClhemaScope «:’* (.IS) SrORTS-BlII keslin* — Carry Mooiv*. host. Panel- Two Hand.some lloH.v.wood Bookcase Headlioards ' Two luNurious hinorspring Mat tres^e?. Two Matching: Box Spri'n.Ks (,m Leg.s! Finer .sleej>* .r • A A 'ilie General, as' he was i l«la: Bill Cullen. Henry Mor- Kejcular and Wcslerit- /ailed, was not quite five, hut Bar- j • snii. .lavne, Meado.a injr comfort, plus/strikinp Itedronm heaiit.v . i . perfect for / u i r own room. t;h(' children's room, the cottage! The headboards are upholstered . "PRINCE VAUANT" M’C-iraDMI!l«,SN0CKNW DRAMAI (531 STARK ON PARADE A Felln Needs Plenty of our in attractive Pla.stic in choice ,of three .smarter xolors. Fully guaranteed Keith quaHty ! nHm added 'aix yeara to his ag e^ : (551 WATERFRONT — Preston ’ 8 Oz. or 11 Oz. C ThiVqvb died of apoplexy a t the age I In Tec.hnleplor M'lth Foster of <5. . . Today's Piefuees Will It:M t k) BOXING BOUT— .Stereophonic .Sound Chuck Davey v«. Vince ' . ; / James Mason O F W A B le Tomorrow's Treosurts 'Martinez . Q ■ W hich Is considered the •lanet l.,rlgli (3*1 TV THEATER DUNGAREES fasleal passenger ship? I.5Z-55I M l'StC SHOW SAVE $30! SEVEN PIECE CHROME HALE'S Robert Wagner In Action! ThrllU! (SI) 5IAKE ROOM FOR DADDY -A — The United .States. Shown a t 6:3.5, 9:8.5 — Dannv Thomas $ 2 - 9 5 / ‘ftACTNti BI.OOD’V (Ml ‘'DANGEROI'S a s s ig n - in Technicolor ANNE GRIFFIN 51 ENT" —Brian Donlevv Q -„-What la considered the w orst ------PLU.S ---- (*S) BETTER LIVING TREATER flood of recorded history? Thiir^.! “Arrow'll in the OuAt" Child Photography (55) ROLLER DERBY 4-16. Technicolor. . " (til WRESTLING ^ ' s o c k s .V The flood of 1228 in Holland, 476 Alain St. ML-S-S3SS 1t:45 ( SI SPORTS SPOT-Met Allen 28-31 waist. DINETTE SUITE when 100.000 persona were repu­ ^ "DUFFY OF 11:N ( tl C0.5IEDY HOUR— 83.40 tedly, droxCned in the Friesland Kddle Cantor 7 to lO'/i. ' SAN QUENTIN" i;sa ( S» SPORTSroi’K-Svd Jslle* (Ml .NEWS—Pete Stoner section. lii-ii} l>KAI)I.I.NK KIIITIO.N « (.Ml NEWS ■ KfORTH—Je rrv Hcalv (55l 5IOONLIGHT 5IOVIF.8 Tniajrinc! Roomy Extension TAble and SIX CHAIRS C:ta ( ai WKATHER t'ORKl'AXT Q Who w as the m iser In one .Shown a t R:30 «;45 ( X> WURLU .SKH8 TOItAV 11:15 (Ml THE L a t e SHOW ' ------c >nd c .... for the larger family . . . Keith priced to give of George Kfinl's ‘novels? <.M) AREA NKtl'K—SiK.rts "The Maatr Roa''’ 39 50 Manche.ster ay out.standinjr value! The table top is of., A “Sila* M arner. It IVIANC4^ E S T E R (,M» MIL'AI, NEWS—fVert Cwver 12:M ( 8) NIC.HT OWL THEATER — SUN.: ‘.The Miami Story' (Kli n ilR L II NkHK TONIGHT "Wpoden Hors* " stainproof plastic . . . the chairs are uphn'stered in a:.U I.VW 4 RI NAnER RARRIT (til FINAL EDITION Q What sentence wss passed on D rove t:M ( S) rAVALC'AUE'OE AMERIf'A Ray Drury tough, washable pla.stic.. Sparkling chrome .steel Mary E. .Surratt for her. part' in "Mighller Than Th* Sword " 13lit (til WEATHER—John QuIU frames. A buy—for ,vou! . aZ-U) CAPTAIN VIDEO 13:15 (551 NIGHTCAP EDITION the assassination of Lincoln? («ll WEATHER —Fred Dwyer A Sho and three men were g g f M.LOEWS 7:#5 (Kl) NEWS DESK KED and BALL-BRAND __ tTilldren under 12 Free! —Mark Feliiberf lf:3* (551 PRF.VUES executed. Her guilt is still a de- TTOP~TKrHXICOLbR~HIT?r 7:IS (Ml JOHN DAEV-.\*w. 1:M ( tl NEWS batabls question. nARTPORD (U> .MARGE AND J E F F 1WI10BY OP INtim CBUtAMItOMABMI j r (til HIGHI.IGHTH—Tom Colton SNEAKS $129 BUDGET DRIV E-iM A v//’r Ut» (M> WEATHERVANK — Cavrll Tamnrrow'e DavUms Hlaklltklt Q—Why are so many news rUBklNTUBWeiNE* WtWINOTOW^l Jo b rrt 1;M ( 81 OARHY MfMIRE I agencies located In Kansas City, 7:M i S> CONNEtTICI'T SPOTLIGHT 4:ta ( 81 WELCOME TRAVELERS FOR BOYS, GIRINS, MEN and WOMEN VALUE TERMS Ul MARK BARER 4'M (811 ON YOUR ACCOUNT i Mo. ? ' S a h r c i -N dO-Ui DOUGLAS r.DH'ARDS » (551 ROBERT J). LEWIS SHOW A It la a central exchange THE NEW’S I point for news dispatches. w (Cl) EDDIE FISHER SHOW 7:45 I S-41) NEWS CARA\W n - John 3 TECifNICOLOK HITS: ikimeroii SwsyK" III'FN THURSDAY' F\ E.MNG UNTIL 9. RegtiUr Store C fU MI‘3-4123 and Ask for Fur Storage Deportment TO VISIT RED CHINA (Ml PF.RRV COMO SHOW OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT ' Ilnurs Umm 9 A. M'. Until S:S0 P. M. . . . Ulo$ed Wednesday* ■J 'SECOND CHANCE" •chnicotir i MIRIAlllll (Ut INSIOF. INDUSTRY—Jimmy N icholi,. iiri,-KOlf*r A t Noon. Furs Picked Up by londed Pickrup Service lyindnu, Way SBT/i5:^The Brit­ KORKRT MITCHI'M SHOWN 10:IS • :M ( S-M-M> ARTHt R GODFREY R 8H1RT8 'N ish Labor Parly exeriitive body LINDA p.YKNKLL HIS FRIENDS KXCLUSIVE WITH US derided toda.v to send a delega­ in Trchnleilor Frank Parker. Marlon Mar­ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales fl low, Haleoke. J a n * 11 a tion, Including former prime 'iA H L E O F ^JESSE JAMES D'avlj, The Mariner*. Mc­ KELLER'S S’lSi? minister Clenrient '.ttlee and Guire Sisters. I.u Ann leftist leader .Aneurln Bevan, t* ROGUE RIVER" Simms. 'Toiiv Marvin. Communist China this summer THEDAlfONSr^ LS for ,a two-month visit. Th* STARTS SUXiyAV CEHOUSE&SON FREE FARklNG AT KEITH'S, visit. In August mad Srpteniber, "M IAM I -RTOBY" I K l will be In reopouae to aa lOvlta- ^ ' Usd Onf PHvnta Pnrkiay.Lat AdJolnlBg H m p t o t i , Ko M ntar CO. Im m .JamM ra. Hi« DnHons W E ‘ E A'fff OREKN STAMPS . I ttoa from the Conununlat Clil-' Shown 8:45—-Curtooua 8:15 1 '■ G j y Pnridng In 11w b ttra lUocIi Jnat 8««th D( T1w''Stoi«. aeoe People’s Instttnte , of For* CMIIDP free i ~ tn PeraourFeTday, May tS / Ills MAIN ST O^.^OSITE HIGH SCHOOL . % ‘ V -’ A elgw AffiUfa, tho Labor P ar^ w I jrjj , i.:, f I*' • »W(id Hrc.i • "Vnrle 8tm’’ Zany Clrcua C^oura ' i P)ght ToRlgfct WNHC-TV, duUHei 8—VtROo MRritaas vw Chw ^ ORtitf .V- \

i' ; .X* V '>* V> p \\ '4

• ..\v

/ \ 7

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CpNN- WEDNESDAY, MAY 26. 19, PAGE FIVE PACE FOUR MANCH^iSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1954 ■^ii/till I i'ltill-ri» JL- , ^ , .. comaoi Counting of the proxies^ by “a pcis.sihility of a misunderstand-' thcM college', professors. Rifle Accident ing" w-hich w-oiild J)e cleared up About Town Ronald Larcheveque Victor Board Studies , About 2,500 of the Central’s 50,- the follow-ing Monday. Obituary lOO stockholders were expected to Had ''Pass Form” crowd into thb armory for the Victim Now in Miller quoted Ryan as direpting, Everett MecCluggage was the Right of Wa] meeting. that if a member of the McCatt)ly; soloist at the installation of the In Jaycee Rodd-E-O Events Both sides have agreed to recess Subcommittee called t.nd request­ new- officers of Manchester As- GILEAD'S ■ ed a pass, Sfhine w-as to, be given •aembly No. 15, O rder of Rainbow the session thi.s’ afternoon, and Fair Condition Funerals Ronald Larcheveque. of 49 Court-, basis of a w-rltten quiz aa woll m Keeney Street Seliool ejection in.xpeclors will g9 to work one. for Girls, held &(bndayjilgtit at the the field tests. a t once, counting vntP!t'..an

■ ■ ■ f o a m Just-alike dresses for Su.^ie, Jane and Mother . . . trimly tailored by Rasila to flatter girls of all.sizes, shapes and ages. Clas.sic styling in dewy-fresh, shadow-cowl seersucker . . . witli notch neckline and easy skirt . . . all shined I up with a thin pla.stic belt. White grounds, traced in black with red or green lanterns. Sizes 10 to 20. 14V2 to 24V2 $3.98 Sizes 3 to 6x $1.98 — Sizes 8 to 14 $2.98 HAMILTON WATCHES r ,’ in rhythm I TwIe*-won

i * * bewitching frocks with matching gloves! Plastic Dove-Mesh K * enchanting paisley prints! * entrancing flower prints! , i!. ’ HANDBAGS

H our * 6 3 “ IY6R * 7 1 * li,- * captivating halter styleH 17. jewels. Natural 17 jewels. Natural * seductive sunbacks with jackets! or white gold-fiUed. or white gold. '. $ ' ' ' Matching bracelet. * alluring scoo^ necklines! MIDNWO * 7 1 " * 6 5 19 jemis. Natural * winsomo.high necks! jewels.Is. Natural or white gold-filled. I Pc Sun Sui'ls For The Young Fry ■iiulil-fiUed Super-smart handbags, all rayon lined, * slzot9-l5. 12-20. l6'/j-24'/2l euihiosed eese from K««l I# lee all prettily detailed with polished locks. f i ’ Gim' 6 mos. to 4'Yts. Boys' 4 mos. to 4 Yrs. In frosty plastic mesh, to wear now and CARTM'S JiH le fashion- CARTER'S vary cute sun straight through *til the leaves fall! Box­ -V es, pouches, and. vanity $tyle$,''^ . r ■ able idye of^ suit wifh ad­ suft for boys in solid colors justable snap fastened with embroidered trim. a strap-smocked shirred to The colors, are yellow and ' ■*■ ■ • v.:. .’.w , • ' JEW aERS • T ; fit. In pink, maize and mint. blue. . W F <31 Xf ff (3 R E E M R T A MPS A DAISY OP A DRESS SAliE! COM EIURLY! 533 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER y J, fi. ^

- V.: V. 'V'- ■v:

'■ r ' ■J . •i.’

I . /


free expreaaion o f the worker#' win prided Itself on Its anti-Comnv«-' bar o f hurricanaa wa hava they mat the CX>vantry eighth grad­ Boy. Scouts will tak]e part In the.{ at the polls. The N LR B th^h order­ Mrs. Bruce Myer And family ot W O O O ~ U N W H A T —CIO Balloting Started itlst activities on the waterffont Soroplimist Club Hfhron * enced within the past ers and compared notes. ^ Marlborough parade and there will be appro- ' ed today's new election. ORDERS NOW TAKEN FOB Walker's Lane. here. The report of the donation.! or "twisters" here snd UMlre. Last priate recitations and addresses. WDBO—IMO Daily Radio W GTH— 1410 IL A leaders have indicated they led adherents of the to The boys and girls brought home Bv Pier Workers Hosted bv Member Town Meeting Set .year there was also a^Afery marked r.iany souvenirs and had a glorioue Memorial fjK Vet8 Road Contpleted Mandieater^Evening H erald m m s m - M SMt«ni standard Time w n c — lOM would, protest the vote if their raise the cry of ■■'Coinrtinniam rainfall, too. The short stretch of road, that union lost today's election. They time. They,Were accompanied by Marlborough rorrespondrnt, Mra. against the ILA dui'ing’ the elec­ connects the so-called Vashalefskl (CVmtiniied from bage One) skid they would contend their tioneering foj, Today's vole. The Miss Alyce Salisbury, <>f, Oak Prepare* xNew i^-hediile Richard Gale, school principal. Howard I.ord, telephone E. Hamp­ 7:Sa— AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Over Bus Issues Mrs. C. Be Porter is trying to Mrs. Gale, the Rev. H. R. Keen. Plaiiiieci l>v Town Road to Route 94 in Hebron, has Tlili following program acheduJei member.! were roerced and intimi­ charge.! w^re denied. • POWER ROLLED • ALL WORK OIJARANTOED WHAY*^upptr Sfrtntd^ Street, home service director of i Mrs. Stanley K .Nygren, also Rep. been completed and Is now ready ton 647-3-2. are aupjtUed b>‘ tbe radio manage- Goofi KvMunn. Good Music 1.60,000 needed to pay a eontenipt dated by the New York-New Jer- ♦ MACHINE SPREAD • FREE ESTIMATES work ojjr a convenient program manta and are aubject to cnange WK^B—Kvfninf 3frenad*. the Hertford Gas Co., was hostesa i for the Post Office hours In its Richard M. Grant. for a coat of oil, The road, which Is hf court flnr'iOipo.sed for ft.s recent ! .sey w'aterfrtpit commission, an Bebron, May 26 — (Special) Marlborough, May 26 (Special) about one half mile long, serves as WflUiout notice. \ - WTIC— Hi ihe World to the Manchester Soroptimist npaf'^quarters to best suit the con- fhureh Cntnmlttee to Meet Marine Corps security detach­ WDUC—Svnvphonrtt^ atrike in deflam-e of a federal in­ anti-crime and rackets group; Gov. Hofdiiig Services TTie town meeting of June 14. to — A meifiorial In honor of all local a short cut and people living in I Thomas E. Dewey, a leading critic Club of which she is a member, at i TEL. CH-7-3377 enience of the Post Office pa­ This evening there will be a ments guard United States proper­ WGTH—G'Abnel a aumptuous roast beef dinner at bo held at the school auditnriii ;the north end of town will take * ’!m A V -8 1 U Polka Hop V T: 4t>— , ■ junction. , I of the ILA, and the N LRB to an trons. It was at first slated that meeting of a committee of the Con­ veterans who have served the ty at legations, embassies, and tiAKUb.N OF PKAYER (Jn Stafford). WCCC—Record Revue WHAY—N>us. Supppr-S^r^nAdf Oil Ascension Day the company's Pearl Street audi­ promises to be a lively on#, TtkCre advantage of the road's 'comple­ consulates all over the world. WKNB—Cleveland \f. Clmafu IL A Executive Vice President, the office would be closed from gregational Citurch at the home of towR since Its incorporatlofi -in Wt'CCr—Gni.d Kvcntn^. Good a\fusic j extent that prevented a- free elec- torium in Hartford last evening. CITY PAVING COMPANY aaema to be some differepc^ of tion. CL-6286 ' ^^aOU a^I^Backttaae Wife Patrick J. iPackyi Coflnolly said j tion. 1 to 3 p. m., daily, but this was Stanley K. Nygren to'consider the 1803, will be dedicated Sunday at WDRC—Record Shop •WKaVB—Kvrninc Miss Salisbury wss assisted in pre- ^ IN BUSINESS SINCE 1M5 opinion on the aubjectxOf school Personal Mention WTIC—One Man s Kamiiy last night that individual membera ! Since the IL A ’a .jd’ecades-old Momhers of the Woman'* transportation btiseSjxi^ether the not put In force. ■ need. C-rntrsl A F L e.stabli.shed the .AFL-tUA Moore made his reqiiest after town votes to sustain the School W TIC—The Woman spring each year. I service field, in this town, has con- •3 0 0 24.2.6 19:26 Ouida” to radueing nianihlf pnfaaama. Piiplla Enjoy Trip hrTn eorreapondent, Mias Susan ENJOY EXTRA DAYS OF WTIC— iHrai Glirtereleevo after ousting-the ILA last fall foi studying a 140'-page leport sub­ Board's plan. WDRC—Record Shop WDRC—21st Precinrl Other Ascension Day .services to j ducted classes and given food *900 3!).06 .30.70 3. fAIT m v iC f to awplairad gaapla. Change in the town's fiscal year W GTH—Jack Downey failure clean out racketeering mitted to him hy the New York- be held in St. kfi r.v's tomorrow Abovo BoymoRik covor ovoFYlhlRB 1 It rained heavily In New York Pendleton, telephone H.Arrison W(;TH R'^d Sox vs. Athloiirs ; demonstrationa at the Manchester 4. tmOlf-VIHT iOAN. PIM4M Ank and installment paying of property 9:00— elements. New Jer.sey \Valerfront Cominis- arboR when the local eighth graders went 3-3339. VACATION FUN WITH * 'w H a Y —Weatern Caravan WHAY- N>wp. N»phl Watch j Branch o4 the company and many i^omoMp roRoid 4o 12 cooitcotivo Oat mare with tha Big taxes will al.!0 be con.sidered at the WCCC—Record Review The first te.st of strength came ,!ion. sei vices will be celebration of the on their annual educational trip, WTIC—You Bet Your Lil^ women's organizations. Rtonthly {nitolimonh ol $10.0$M(b.. srrita, coma in fodayf f town meeting. but they didn't r.ilnd very much. W KNB—Cleveland ve Chicago WDRC—Cmn'* Photojrraphrr ifi an NLRB election I'a.sl Dec. 22 The report dealt with eontribu- Holy Communion. I The local Soroptomlst Club will W TIC—Juat Plain Bill WGTIC Rod So\ VP. Athlrtii.«« uont $as to r Rain B4symlng Habit THE MONEY YOU SAVE WDRC—Newi and 2.'?. The ILA was credited with i tions of $3.67-6 made to two aides The 6 oirlock service will con­ hold it# installation banquet. Wed- They visited varlot;s points of 9:15— It seems to rain practically intefest, including the United Na­ f I W G TH -Jack I>owney, WHAY^N^wp; N»pht Watih 0.060 votes and the A F L -IL A with ; of Anpstasia by locals of Harry clude prior to 6:30 a. m, so that , nesday, June 9. at the Yankee | 1 ■ il4 - WTH^—You Bet Your Lite - .666.. and 4.-399 ballot.s were chal­ i Bridges' left 'ving International person.! who.se workday begin.! at I Silversmith, Wallingford; and also avery day this spring, and it has tions buildings, took a ferry trip >LE6AL BEVERAGES 1 \Ui j L W H AY—Western Caravan WDRC—Crime Photn(fraph^ been aiiggested that we are having to Staten Island and visited Bat­ WCCC—Record Review lenged. 1 I. At , LOW PRICES d tvr.TII Red Sox ve. Alhlril's i e / i / ^ c n a i FINANCE CO. a rainy .season. This la in agree­ tery Park, ard the Empire State ■WKNB—Cleveland ve. Chicago 9:S0— After lengthy hearin;;.s. the elec­ j men's Union on the We.st Coast. arrive at their places of employ­ i SoropUmiats, Tuesday, 4une 8, at, w n c —Primt Page Karrell WHAY—.News: Night Walrh ILA Pr#.!ident William V. Brad- ment on time. ment with a statement by scien­ Building. WDRC—Record Shop tion result.! were invalidated by the Hartford Club. WTIC—Big Siorv I ley has hern making an Inde- M6 MAIN ST., 2nd R ., Ov#r WMlworth’t, MANCHESTCR tists that our climate is, actually •The.V finally did vi.sit the Hayden X WOTH-^ack Downey wnne-<'i inie Claseire the .NLRB on the ground that ILA The 7 oil lock service is pri­ K Arthur Druf; Stores 1 x-g.ia—. WCTH—Red Sox vs. Alhleiire members and .supporters exerted j pendent inve.stigafion of the dona­ marily for high .school stiidenta We all know that It isn't human MIteholl 3UUC . Aak tor Hta YES MANagtr changing to a semi-tropiPal one. Planetarium, though, there had .T n o t R S 9 A. M, to n P. M .y WHAY—Hall of Record! P « N THU9S0AY IVININOi UNTH • EM, This is borne out by the njim- been some doubt about it. Here WCCC—Record Review 9: 4A— ' intimidation, coercion and rtrong- tions reported by the waterfront and Main St. workers. It will be to be perfect and too many of us WHAY—News; Night Watch rommiaston. For years the IL A concluded promptly at 7:30. sw4< I* rtii4f!H st •# iswisb4Is| Is— ____ ■ . W KNB—Cleveland va. Chicago WTIC—Big Storv arm tactics and thu.s prevented a take advantage of It. w n c —Lorenso Jonea WDR('—Crime Ciasaics WDRC—Memory Lane WC.TH—Red Sox vs. Aihleiira t 5 V W G TK -W ild Bill Hickok 19:9*— WHAY—News: Night Watch *'vfcA Y—Hall of Records WTIC—McGee and Molly \ • " >> WCCC—Record Review WDRC-Mr. Keen \ W KNB—Cleveland vs. Chicago WC.TH—Red Sox vs. AlhVtlra SAVINGS WTIC—Pays to Marry, 19:15— WDRC—MaasM, 'Dlton WHAY—News: Night Watch WGTH—Wild Rill lllckok SPECIAL 9x12 RUGS WTIC- McCarthv-Armv Hearing REG. 89c #:•»- WDRC—Mr. Keen NEWEST W HAY—News WilTH-Red Sox vs. Alhisiira MIN'S COTTON WCCC—Good Evenfng, Good Music 19:Sa- FOR KOTTAGE, KAMP or KID'S ROOM! WKNBr-News; Scores WHAY—Nile Watch WINDSOR LOCKS W TIC—News AVIATION BRINGS A WTIC—McCarlliv-Army Hearing . Economical Liqht-Woiqht Enomolod Surface T-SHIRTS WDRC—N e«a WDRC-Moods for Romanace WGTH—Newa WC.TH—Red Sox vs. Athlstlcs Tilo and Horol Pottoms 19:45— \ Radmanizad to W HAY—Sports: Supper Serenade WHAY News: Nile Watch WCCC—Good Evening. Good Music WTIC—McCarthy-Army Hearing prevent ohrinkoga W KNB—Request Matinee WDRC—Moods for Romanacs d WTIC—Btrietly Sporu WflTH-Red Sox vs. Athlstlcs WDRC—Radio Almanac 1 1 :00— WGTH—Patterson WHAY—Ntght Watch • :M— 4*95 5 WTIC—Nek! W’HAY—Supper Serenade WDRC—News FOR CAREFREE WCCC—G o ^ Evening Good Music WGTII—News 0PENIN6 YOUR COHAGE MEMORIAL DAY? WKNB—Request Matinee 11:15— WTIC—E. Cote Glee Club WHAY—Night Watch Ketc shirt jrtt if tours WDRC—G. Lombardo WTIC—News of World SUNTIME LIVINC WGTH—Bill Stern WDRC—Radio Almanac shrinks oul of fit.' ny­ • :4S— I 1 :S0—' MAKE EARLY .. W HAY—Supper Serenade WHAY—Night Watch lon reinforcnl nnn-bg WCCC—

4 \ IRIAR FIFEF Ireiair ' ' "Puio-Smoka"' Q • « Sport Strh with iiltai , y O Wash whizzes sport ric- POLO-AND-CARRY Ca.'sual IcMik.*; from rich, SUN rac. two pockets. Navy, RE6ERS LIGHTER CAAIIP STOOL t-ofi leather . . . casual VISOR^ red, charcoal. 10 to .'20. in Rofpulor 79c lacing . . . ca.sual com ­ \ Adjutla^ Ui«wiad ’. .* Reg. fort. the exclusive HIGHLIGHTS 5/a afM 0 9 H Sun Tops Tots' Ploywoor NE'WS 89c Hates comfort feature. Lustrous broadcloths, pert AIRPO RT i m p o r t a n c e — E v e ry d ay BUY-2 BARGAINS IN •‘Slipper-Free where . piques. New col- A A f during the first three, months of this year C your f«M»t bends.*’ Its ors. Sm., mcd., If. O O an average of over .560 airline passengers Lightweight., .convenient. style coiuealed roomi- used scheduled airlines serving Bradley VITAMINS each ' Sturdy hardwood frame; ne.ss where the ball of COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP— Robert £>ouglas Furber of red, green, yellow seats. Field. Three-month passenger total was GARDEN SHOP your foot spreads. \ «tu Plaihville, has won Hamilton Standard’s first Raycroft ADD *1.00 TO BUY 2! Littla Girli' Twill Skerti 50,567. During the same perioid, 615,000 seldom see such luxury Walsh Scholarship. The annual UAC award, pven on a Do«ikla-Du(y Olafiaa •— SPECIALS ith cuff'. Sanlorizfil and ■ f^ummeb Furniture . pounds.of mail,652,(XX) pounds of express in everyth in g but the competitive basis to the son of a Hamilton Standard em­ sturdy. Malt-ho\fr uai»t 2 Values parcels, and 3,369,000 pounds o f freight AYTINAL P R lV K T ■’rice. ployee, covers a full college engineering course. Above, left •pockfts.^Pdpularcolor*. '-t)\. Bamboo Blinds ------1..*)9 were handled at the airport. VITAMINS KLEENEX] to right: General Manager Eric Martin, Robert Furber, A MINERALS I POCKET-PAK Reg. 1.19 2 for $ 1 .Xwnings ,.------2,98, i.79 and his father, George D. Furber, of Hamilton Standard’s RECREATION SCORES A HIT^HamUton Wnkfail Cattan PtiM S traw R u g s — 69c to I..7!) c a s m E Q i machining department. Standard’s new drama group, the Prop TISSUES v e (;k t a b lk p l .\nts Sturdycomhfd cortoninu on- •Muminum C hairs .S'r.98 and Wing Players, is only one of 25 dif­ totilos Cabbage, Tomatoes, . deiful hlarrr colors. V it- Pow er Lawn Mower $77 B 12 Added ferent and highly popular employee recre­ T9-HOUR POUR— A slab o f reinforced concrete 115 feet' If 1 N ‘ Sweet Pepper ^ dyed,, long « earing. 3 to 8. ••H r ation activities sponsored by the Recrea­ long, 80 feet wide and 4 to 11 feet thick, was poured during 19 Buy 2 -S A V E •l.SB!| STURDY tion and Welfare Council at the plant. On continuous hours at Hamilton SUnda^. The big slab .(note •■y . . . " T Doz. 3 9 * ^ April 30 and M a y 1 the group scored a hit, men, circled, for size comparison) wi^ be the base for two hug* O llfiN OIn b (Limit 4) STEEL CHAIR FLOWER PL.ANTS with a presentation of “You Can’t Tsike machines to be used jn making propeller blades. Roncari Con­ PircNMrpInB iohed on, waolhar- He. MM, It With You,*’ for large audiences at. struction Company of Windsor Locks, and 'Tumar Construe-, Samkiaa VHeiaie*' proof anomaf fin/ah Windsor High School auditorium. The tion Ckimpany, handled the pour with a contmuoua ahuttie o f Doz. 4 9 * ^ R(C '2 98 Size .MAplayers now have 71 members. trucks between the mixing plant and Hamilton Standard. ROSEBISHES ' Exthuin nm/»n fttln t R eg. Met 0*8 Hardy 2 Year Old 5.98 ‘‘SUPREI-riEMENERE la rto iO "* 2 Field Grown- Bushes ViUR rOIT •1110$'* contour-fit modem I ADD *1.00 TO |BUY I ^ ------• i: design. Heavy gauge steel: OLA-BERON-n SIGHT SAVEHS GXADIOLI BULBS white enamel frame; red, HAMILTOP? STANpARD Large As^'rtmenll green or yellow scats and BCOMPLEX fye g/as! S A C 3 aKfi. B-(2 tissues . . X w h|^. Has 3 drain holes. ‘'■<4 60,000 VISITORS— Ev*ry working day ah average of 240 DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPI^RAmK DAIRY QUEEN NO. 1-418 HcNtforii Rood .visitors—from Timbuktu to 'Thompeonville—stream into - . ■ a ; ’ REG. $ 5 .9 8 SIZE ■Owned and Opafratod ky AUap IL Coe., Jr. ' 'H m ilton’Standard’s plant lobby on busineaaaaid irispeo-i ■aUltt ■; KAIL CLIPPER Main St.. '^Manche^ter ^ tion trips. Laat.yeip the totid topped 90,000. Above, a bpor' WINDSOR LOCKS, CONNECTICUT V DAIRY QUEEN NO. 2-w307 Middio T i m i ^ Wotf A'. "Mini-C/ip" 1 O C W. T. GifANT CO E GIVE ^tVCREEN STAMPS receptionist,,^anor Quigley, regiaten a caller* Real Buy . JL ^ b j EIomk IM m m U MuGgoi by A1 EM b y W V /. jiip ii;

P'S." ' ■ - ■^, V.' .A' / .A • . / X

-Vi PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HER^ALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., W EDNESDAY, M AY 26, 1954 X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.'^ WEDNF:SDAV. MAY 26, 10.'?4 ^AGE NIKE ------— ------— . ferences between the legal reality tlms t o ' coins. It doea not sssm IHanrl^patrr and the political reality. Or per­ to make oi.y great differenc»,®^sx- ■ N- branch of the party, arrested at responsibility it is to find a re­ entertained in her honor and used tember'term of Superior Court on | haps it is that he has a fsteful in­ rept that a variety of campaign Manchester K FBI Arrests 11 his residence.* , placement, said he had no one in Misg Wylie Guest the same color scheme. The guests a charge of injury dr risk of in-1 Jose Antonio Otero Otero. 34, CD Director at this shbweroWere for the most jury to children under 16. Bdpds i stinct to come to grips with the promise, which eeepta pointless mind at the -moment. PICNIC TABLES {Dotting l|praUi Date Book For Coiispin 311 47th St„ Brooklyn, vice presi­ At Two ShoM'ers part relatives. of $2,500 were continued. Walker | PUBLUUUD hTt ^ full forces he has raised . against even as a campaign promise, dent of the party's municipal Resigns Po^ I Kraaenc's letter to the General ■iTie wedding date is Saturday, pleaded.innocent to the charge. Hie | 8 Foot Top—8 e«ts 8 r « »* t.n pRD m N U CO., IMC. Jhimself. .since it w’oos those who have no board, taken into custody at his Manager submitting his resigna­ June 26. has been music supervisor Of the; U Blaatll Pircct Ml.ss Arlene E.',Wylie, daughter Well built 6 lenred for add* Xancbcatfr Conn But the political and moral votes,, is kept slive and' available Tonight and Tomorrow . Guaranteed 10 Years! (Continued from Png6 One) home. tion said "it Is too much for Man­ Somers School for the past seven High School Art Exhibit, at art Carmelo Alvarez-Romen, 4.3, chester to expect any person to of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wylie, Ml'SrOAN BOUND OVER yrarzi and has given private music ed strenirth. reality in the situation, which is to those who want to use it. Krasenics Advises Full 61 Lake St., whose marriage to PubUtbnn __ studio on School St., ’f :30 to 9:30 noted in connectlpfT with today's 442 Pacific St.. Brooklyn, member devote the time necessary to 'd o X instruction in addition. The In­ Founded October 1. IStl that the administration is engaged p. m. roundup that members of the par­ of the party's New York municipal Time ^Employe to Fill the job properly on a voluntary John N. McKisaick of tJnionville Somers. May 26 i.Pi —Trial Jus­ vestigation Involved several of his ty were responsible . for a bloody board, arrested at his residence. will take place next month, has 1 Publluied Every, Evenlns Except in mortal combat with McCarthy, Tomorrow basis,” adding. " 1 found the job tice Fred C. Davi.s last night or­ girl music pupils. Walker has been $18.75 ■undnye nnd Holiduye. Entered nt the is not like'.y ever to be proved by Reception for. Miss Nellie Lull revolutionary atteifipt in Puerto Froncioco Cortes Ruiz. 31. of Job; Scores Apathy demanding . more and mo.'e of my been honored with two ml.sccl- dered Merle L. , Walker, 46, of s’;apended from his school post Rico In/October and November, Ponce, Puerto Rico, described as a laneous bridal showers, recently. 84 Wells St.—MI-9-903< Poet Onice at.Unnclieeter. Conn.. M to.stlmony. And perhap."! the best A Thought for Today and Miss Bertha Goodrich. Lin­ time until it has reached a i>oint Rockville bound o\'er to the Sep- pending the outcome of the case. Bd CUii Hnll Uniter. coln School. 7:30 to 9 p. m. WATKINS m fBEDDINC 1950j^^r the attemiited assasstna- long-time party, member, arrested ■ Director of Civil Defen.se Ed­ where it was impossible to con­ ■^e first party took place at ------' - rea.son 1for thi.s i.s that thi.s mortal ..YEAR, SUBSCIUFnO.N RATES Ffida.v, May 28 tlojr'of former President Truman near Ponce, ward Krasenics has submitted his tinue.” i the home of Mrs. William F. Mc­ i^nyabla in Advance combat was not so much a matter fioda Ws.v Blair’ House in November of The detainers were placed here Clelland, 81 I.4ike St., and was One Year ...... WBA Mysticettea Springtime resignation from that post, to be­ Chief Schehdel. who had headed of planning a.s a matter of in­ Human nature being what it Is, Revue,. Verplanck School, 8 p. m. that year, and for the recent against Miss I..ebron, Andres Figu­ given by her daughter. Mrs. Mari- Six Monttia ...... ■hooting affary in the House here. eroa, Rafael Cancel Miranda and come effective June 1. and has civil defense here since its incep­ ,lyn Moonan, who will be matron 24 H our Three Montha ...... stinct. There came point.s when sd- ran a man really love his ene­ , Saturday, May 20 recommended that the job be put tion in 1950, also said the job was One Month ...... mies? Is it possible to face A 20th reunion, class of 1934, On Subversive List Irvin Flores Rodriquez, Involved in | of . honor at the wedding. The NEW LOW Weehly mlni.stration leaders hardly need­ the March 1 House shooting. on a full-time and salaried basis. too much of a tax on his health decorations were in yellow and ittasle Copy ...... foe with self-giving concern, with KHS. Garden Grove. Here at Wakina we believe thi.3 is the finest bed­ The Nationalist party of Puerto Ambulance ed to splesk word.s to one an­ The detainers at Danbury prison ! In a letter to General Manager and time. green. The bride-elei t was seated deep compassion for him and wlthl' Hilliard As.sn. spring dance, ding we’ve offered at anywhere near this price . . . Rico, has long been on the At­ Richard Martin, Krasenics also SUMMER PRICES MEMBER OF other to realize what they had were'placed against Julio Pinto | To correct the situation, under an umbrella in these colors THE ASSOCIATED PRESS an intense desire to do something Italian-Americ.in Club. the best bedding “ buy” Connecticut has seen this torney ■ General's . subversive list, cited public apathy In civil de­ Krasenics wrote, "Manchester Service in his behalf? Evet;ythlng‘ •de­ described aa an organization seek­ GSndig, and Juan Francisco Ortiz | to unwrap her many beautiful The Aaaociated Preu la exclualvely to do. There were moments in .the Saturday, June H .tear* Holman-BakeT hand-makes each piece in Medina, 'who are serving time for ’ fense as well as health and pre.s'- should appoint an executive secre­ antltled to the uae of r^blicauoo of pends upon who the "enemy, is. ■,30th reunion, class of 1924 MHS, ^ ing "to alter the form of govern­ gifts, from friends, among whom ' JEDUO— Ilir.ilLAAU all newa dlapatchea credited to It. or growing battle \yheii things were order to properly control each operation and ey?'^ contempt of a New York federal j siire of bu.slne.s.s as' reason.^ for his tary, full time, and paid, to were members of the Daughters of not otberwlae credited in UUa paper Jesus prayed for the forgiveness Country Club. 4 p. m. ment of the United States by un­ court for refusing to answer ques­ cieci.sion to quit. ^ operate the program propei'ly.” end elee (he local newB ptibllahed here. done instinctively^ with no Liberty, of which she ia a mem­ of the men who were killing him Saturday, June 28 erything that goes into it! We're so proud rtf the^ constitutional means.” tions about the Nationalist party. K'.asenics, a local realtor and The, letter, also scored the pub­ ber. The buffet table was centered Ton All rlshta of repuDllcatlon of a p ^ a l "orders" needed. The President did because he recognizejl' them. He reunion, cla.<»^ of 1.144 MHS, G O A L $26.10 dlapatchea herein are alao reaeryed. lot., fine mattresses and box springs we guai^ieed Hoover said the party, founded The seditious conspiracy charge investment broker, was appointed lic's lack of interest in maintain­ With a shower cake, with the : (Cash—Delivered) not have to say to the Vice Presi­ knew them to be .the objects of at American Legion Home. in 1922, haa a history "filled with loilged against those rounded up head of the local civil defen.se unit ing a strong civil defence program, I\ill service client of N. E. A Serv- them unconditionally aganst manufacturing de­ words, "Good Luck, Arlene and j dent who said to the Secretar.v of Gods infinite concern and rom- 80 Violence." today involves maximum penalties or; Oct. 24, 1952, to succeed t'hief and .suggested that the Board of John," I roNNECTICl'T tee.lee. inc.Inc. _ passion. He felt a warm bond An Illinois man owns SC' patents. ! fects . . for 10 long .years. It’s youy'^ssurance Its lorig-term leader, Pedro PubUihers- ■ ■ ~RepreaenteUvee: ------—" ----- The Dejiense who said to the Secretary of six years Imprisonment or a of Police Herman O. Schenuel. Directors take a positive stand on Mrs. Howard Turkington. 186 ; JuUua Mnthewe SpMal Agen» — New of kinship with them and longed hut we ll wjiger some of the of 10 years of the best sleep you've eVer had! .Alblzu Campos, was arresVed again fine of $5,000 or both, upon convic­ This morning, Martin, whose the issue. Center St., aunt of -Miss Wylie, FOR YOUR P R p a iO N York. Chicago. Detroit and Boateraton. of the Army who aaid to the' Arm.v faucets in his home leak. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF to bring redemption to them. by territorial authorities in Puerto tion. CO K E to.$23.00 • Felly iqtiippe* CIRCULATIONS. Coun.scl that now was the time to it is not inripossihle for a father Rico after the shooting of the five Attorney General Brownell said * Cesiipletely Modem to continue loving a prodigal son Congressmen on March 1. He pre­ it 1s estimated that the NationaHst The Herald Printing Company, Infc., strike again.«:t McCarthy. It was ^ • Imiiiedlotely Avolloblo j assumes no financial responsibility lor not that kind of "plot," as Sens tor while-he .wallows with the swine, viously had been in prison.. party of Puerto Rico has »lx>ut 500 FOGARTY BROTHERS typographical errors appearing In nd- it is not impossible for a mother The leaders rounded up today menibers.' largely concentrated in vertlsementa and other reading matter McCarthy would like to demon­ to go on loving a daughter who the island, with about 100 living in SPARKLING OFFER! LIMITED TIME ONLY! Iju 2.36 CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER In The Manchester Evening Herald. were: . Wm. P.Quish strate it was. It ^'As more like the has become a victim of vice in its Carlos Auleb; 28,-1410 West 14th the United States. 24 HOI'R SERVICE—TEI- 3n-9-45S9 Display advertising clnalng hours,: operation of an instinct for sur­ most repulsive form, it is not im- 8t., Chicago, a 'body guard for COAI.—CORK— PI EL OIL For Monday—1 p. m. Friday PHONE MItelidl 3-5940 ! Fhr Tuesday—1 p. m. Monday. vival, real enough, but nebulous, po.ssible for a man to persist in Nationalist party officiais, picked Ftor Wednasday—1 p. m. T^ieaday. loving a kinsman who has become up In a parking lot at the rear C O O I-BREEZY For Thursday-1 p. m. Wednesday. legally speaking. an ominous threat. Hospital Notes For FMday—1 p . m. Thursday. For fun-i'n-the-sun over the of his residence. - For Satordatr—1 p. m. Friday Plainly It is the will of God Jorge Luis Jimenez, 34, 1314 CInaalfIsd dtadUiit; 10:W A m. sat Rather Free After All that we love out enemies. To do V est 14th St., Chicago, former Patients Today: ...... 187 day of pubUcattoD BBcept Saturday — what our Father wants done, is • A BL Before the national assembly president of the executive board ADMITTED YESTERDAY: the most practicable of all courses Holiday weekend... ^ " of the party in Chicago, arrested Mr.s. Harriet Machle, Andover; Wednesday, May *6 elections in South Korea the other of sctlon. for even the "weakness’ at his home. Richard Winkler, Andover Mrs, day, Pre.-.ident Rhee's political of God is mightier than any Armando Diaz Matos, 39, vice Mr.thilde Sorensen, 65 I^ockwood More Instinct Than Plot foes were complaining, regularly, strength of man, even the '7001? president of the party's Clilcago St.- Carol Lee Pari.seaii, Ea.st ishness" of God is wtser than visit Watkins Sun Shop. Technically, and so far as legal that President Rhee was running board. The FBI gave his address Hartforil: Thomas Ryan, 18 Dover The crisp white straps with their shiny testimony can go, Senator Mc­ anything man can devise, and the as 329-31 .South Racine, Chicago, R(l.; Arthur Smith, 28 Raymond a police state election. "wrath" of God lit rhore' loving Carthy is engaged In political bat but said the arrest was made at Rcl.; Marilyn Porter, Vernon Trail­ brass buckles can be adjusted to your individual 8'» 1-828 TEL. M1-S-.3I6I They complained that Rhee's than any human affection. tomorreiv his /current residence, 224 South er (7am)). ' MAIN ST. Ma n c h e s t e r tie with the Anny. Actually, his A — 4.95 ' y' terroristic methods made it. im­ .Responsibility rests upon us l.imin. ADMI'l'TF.D TODAY: Timothy fit. They're so comfortable and cool you'll battle is with the whole massive to take the initiative in restoring y Miiiqihy, 2 Fox Hill Dr., Rock­ possible for his political opposi­ ■Angel Luis Medina, 26, 119 hardly know you hove them on. weight o l the Elisenhower ad­ the broken bonds of kinship. It "Fair and Warmer." That may,fce the weather for this oiith Washtensw, Chicago; for- ville; 'Yalcntine Sudol, Talcolt- tion to function. Even while they is the will of God that we heap ville; Richard Nelson, 5 Robert ministration. 'mer seoii'etary'general of the C3ii- Hurry, while sizes ore complete. were making this complalijt, burning coals of fire of cbmpas- long Holiday weekend . . ^*nd if it it you'll want to Rd., Rockville; Miss frene Benson, Ho himself is helping make that esgo branch, picked up at 3045 the fact was that there were some iiion and forgivene.ss upon the head iet out there and soak yp the sunshine. Here are a C — 29.95 West Jackson St. 15 Orc hard St. clear. Perhaps his immediate pur^ of an enemy. We are called up­ BIRTH YESTF.RDAY: A son to 2,000 candidates in tlie field. ew examples of Watkins Ways-to-be-Lazy! Gonzalo Lebroh Sotomayer,- 33, pose in doing so Is an effort to en­ on to live this day as good mem­ ? Mr. and Mr.s.-.Sidney (L'lishman, 11 They rOmpisined, next, that bers of God's Home, run the risks, 1519 West Adams St., Chicago, A.sliworlh St. trap some witness in some contra­ / Rhee'^s terrori.stic methods would take the consequences., and leave the brother of Dolore.s Lebrpn. BIRTH TODAY: A daughter to diction. Perhaps, in his obvious Ar^Lighlweight folding Yacht Chair is easy to carry who led the party member.s In the Intimidate the votera of South the results In the hands of our Mr. and Mrs. Willard Be.ssett, Wll- playing m the likelihood that some Father. This Is the foolishness .ithout; packs conveniently in yrtiir car. It has a hard- assault on the House of Represen­ Iimaiitic. ALL SIZES Korea, so that the result of the tatives. jie was arrested at o f the Army's strategy, or gU of of God which is wiser than any wfKjd frame, in varnish finish; gay green striped Dl.SCHARGED YESTERDAY: e election would be a foregone con­ way of man. seat. 4127 West Monroe St. Mr.s. (Catherine Palmer, 204 Broad It, was a part of a general ad Manuel Rabagh Torre.s, 32, 1504 All foam clusion, and certainly not free. Kirby Page St.;'-(.'arl Johnson, Andover; Miss ministration strategy toward Mc­ Spon.sored by the Manchester West 'Vanburen St., Chicago, for­ .Sandra Hubbard. 176 Charter Oak CUSHION 'S jo that charge, the result of R— A mate to the yacht chair is this Deck model with HEEL Carthy, he is merely seeking to Council of Churches. mer Vice president of the Chicago ,St.; Mrs. Gi'ace Riibinow,*99 Green the alcetion seems to be the an­ legrest and fringed canopy. You adju.st it by merely Ir.'anch, arresGil at the corner of embarrass the witness who cannot Manor Rd.; Mrs. Anna Haberern, swer. ^'President Rhee diil obtain Four valuable cats were alolen lifting the arms; lowers to full reclining position. South Laflin 'and Vanburen St., 135 Bissell St.; Francis Bergeron, gay that, or embarrass the ad- Chicago, while en route to work. the election of a majority in the from an apartment in Chicago. ; 149 Branford, St.; Dr. Harold minlatratlon which can’t quite say Wife of Oscar Colla/.n Stone. 27 Crown St., Rockville; national assembly. But his ma­ Sounds like a fcliney. C—The all-metal chase, in a new modern stream­ it either. D — 6.50 Rosa Collazo,. 43'. 17.3 Brook Mrs, Gild.a Cuneo .and daughter, jority fell far short o f the two- lined version, finished in glistening white enamel, Avp.. The Bronx, New York, wife 0 jBut it is quite obviously true 701 K. Middle Tpke. third.s majority he wai seeking, with innerspring mattresses for de luxe comfort. of O.scar Collazo, who i.s serving DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. that, however much or little the with the object of changing the Covers are plain red or green Vinyl plastics. a life sentence for the attempted Alexandr.a Wajda, 21 Orchard St., actual conversation and planning ASHES - RUBBISH assassination of .former President Roikville; Mrs. Saunh McVeigh, constitution to give himself a life- which went into it; Secretary D— Another version of the Yacht Chair is this metal Truman. She was arrosleil at 134 Maple St. term in the presidency. If he was her home. Stevens has coyne into the role of REMOYEB one in white enamel with plain, durable, sailcloth SO MUCH MORE... FOR SO MUCH LESS controlling the election with his Juan Bernardo I>ebron, 31, 218 Because of T\' people turn in the front-Une champion of an ad­ Also Top Soil For Sale covers in Red, Green or Yellow. The same model is WATICINS West 11.3th. St„ New Yrri k, former later and turn out Ic.ss the next political police, it w as foolish of ministration which, ^having long also available with aluminum frame, ?19.95. Also president of the New York City's day. A 903 MAIN ST. V MANCHESTER him not to control it enough to CALL .MI-3-7644 tried to deal writh MtCarthy by B— 8.95 Beach and Lawn Umbrellas; Umbrella Tables. SUN SHOP give himself the power he was the processea of reasonableness seeking. and appeasement, has at last de­ The truth seems to be that the cided to, deal with him by other processes—those of showdown and election wa.s actually fair and free. Tlip political opposition did y ' exposure. This truth is not subject to campaign. It w.vs not actually as much testimony. Whatever con­ afraid os it proclaimed itself to versation and planning may have Ido. And It did fairly well, po­ a single piece gone on, it would still be true tHat litically speaking, in withstanding two the acts of the Army would be the the appeal President Rhee was responsibility o f the Army. making to the people. SALE Similarly, Senator McCarthy's So Pre.stdent Rhee, 'w;ho is dif­ a complete bedroom disclosure, by a combination of ficult enough as a character, was Big Savings Now questioning with gossip, that Vice not the villain he w as being President Nixon suggested to Sen painted by the poIitic{iI opposition. at Watkins Ljdw Prices! ator Potter ''that uTe latter write The political opposition did func­ REG. 89c CAMP STOOL Secretary of Defense Wilson for a tion. and with a fair degree of 0 Here it o-rcal buy. Folding Comp Stool it success for itself. And although copy of the report on Schine, doe.s lightweight, easy-to-corry. Hat a tturdy whr.t we were xlcfendlng in Korea Where else but at Watkinsins wouldwotild ycyou cxiiect such hot constitute any important legal good styling . . . plus sound,nd, qdalityquality cc construttion hardwood frame. Heavy convotduck. ,73c point. The legal, facia are that was not democracy in Itself, hut a world law forbidding armed ag­ as this for so little! Your bedrooms willwi take oh 18th aome Democratic members 9f Con­ Century beauty with eachh mecc you add.add The selected 1.98 VAClrtJM BOTTLE, gress had asked the Army for a gression. acTo.ss an inl^nalional border. H i.s good to no\r the African mahogany veneer/forfor tops, frofronts, ends and [i] Quart Vacuum Botfle keept liquids hoi 24 report on the treatment accorded bed panels are hand glazed;;Jazcd; fini.shcifinished in^ lacquer. Schine; that the Army prepared presence of some rapacity for hours; cold, 72 hours. Rustproof cose. Green democracy in the country thus Pieces arc dustproofcd/throiighout: drawcr.s center pebble finish. Plastic cup...... 1.77 BUch a report, and was due to for­ guided. ' ward it to those members of Con­ preserved. PROVED AMERICA'S REST-ROT T 79.95 gress who had asked for it. So the \ REGULAR 6.79 ICE BOX Vice President's suggestion that No Action Reg. 89.00 Sove on this Comp Ice Box. Keept drinkt 17.95 Senator Potter make sure that he Concress has failfd t'o make an.v These pieced \ & or fo6d cold. All steel construction. Red got a copy of it too was no con­ law with rcRard to th«! lif-ht >of 18- Reg. 19.95 enamel finish. Rustproof... .5.I S tribution to tlie main line of actual year-oW.s to yotr. and we find it B A SE 59.95 gventa involved. . a rathei^ impo.ssible In ni.ake any REG. 3:59 CAMP JUG A t the same time, however, .it ■ Reg. ep.-IO rigid evaluation bf the issue, LOW-PRICE CAR IR ACTDAL Keep cold-drinks cold, coffee hoi in this does.contribute aoniething to the either. . 1-gollon Comp Jug. Spout on tOp. Steel ItenerSLl atmosphere. Vice Presi- The truUi .seems'to be that it is MIRROR 9.98 jacket. Hot green metallic finish...... 2.97 , dent Njxon wa«, for a long time, just as ndirulnus to classify the Reg. the ac|minl8tration leader who was l8-.\’car-olds as it is to rl.-ssify an.v | 12.50 t a c k l e Bupposed to be able to talk to Mc­ otijier age group in our populatieu. i REG. 3.39 BOX Carthy and do Something tow'aid .Some, of them are inielllgrnt and * Q [l| Organize fishing gear with this 2-tray restrainiiig him. The two men con­ would make good voters, .'tome of i PART-BT;PART COMPARISOH! Tackle Bex. Trays lift automatically with lid. ferred frequently .But now Vice tiiem would he likely to follow the i Rutfproof hammerioid finish...... 2 .IS ' President Nixon) who had him- lead of anybody who happened to Now, 'for the 6rjt time, you can see .the results of port-by-port aelf .mildly criticized ^ McCarthy be the teen-age entertainment sen­ comparison between Plymouth and the other two best-known 3:98 CASTING REEL In his "administration an.jp voters be j dcires V. screw reel-locking seat. . . t'.".': . . .2.99 Thia la that the Eisenhower ad­ immature? How could they be 21.50 Soulhwick Mahogany ministration, as such, had come to n.ore Immrture than some of their ' Reg. 25.00 . REG. 151.00 OUTBOARD the moral and .politicSLl decision elders seen) to be, some' of the that it had to face McCarthy and tihic? -Would they possibly send (JJ Save over $14 on.this Sea King 5-HP What he stood for. ixior candidates to Congress? It’s Open Stock at Watkins Standard "T\yin:'\ Dependable. Eaay-to-- And the proofs of this have be­ Would they po.ssibly elect some operate motor ha.s full .360’ pivot ISS.88 VV come many. There has been the demagogues ?•.'If we're going to Reg: S69.50' Single Dresser meas­ way tha President has backed up bar voters, who might do that we Reg. $25.00 Mirrors for Double or R^G. 7.95 CROQUET SET Secretary Steven^ during the hear­ ures 46 inches wide ...... 59.65 Triple Dressers ...... tl.SO have a lot of weeding out to do. Reg. 612.50 Single Dresser Mirror Reg. $19.95 Bedside Table has a 0 6-Boll Croquet Set has 7* beaded Mopl*^ i n g and made pointed public, disr right now;. reduced to o n ly ...... 9.98 drawer and s h e lf...... 17.95 Mallets. Solid color enomeled plastic bolls. play of his allegiance to him. Try as we will, we cannot find Reg. $69.00 Chest bf 5 drawers; Reg $89.00 6-drewer chest-on- Blue enomeled wood and steel rack.. There has been , the way the Re­ any sound theory for believing Bowed front ...... 61.95 chest, reduced t o ...... 79.95 6.18 publican' party organization has Reg. $120.00 Triple Dresser Base Reg; $69.50 Bed with tall, slender tha^ the conduct of this lower age has 12 drawers ...... 9 2 J i9 Bii^ved M cC a^y out of its formal acom-top posU ...... 61J5 REG. 5.69 CAMP COT group w'ould be much different, in Reg. $99.50 Double Dresser .Base Both beds available In Full and Twin plana for the fall campaign. U 56 ihches w id e ...... S-.95 Ideal for camping or qxtra bed of home. quality apd effect, from that of Sizes. T.TnsjST-'' llie battle is between the wl\ole Uie present votihg group. Folds into neat bundle. Heavy canvas duck. •dmlnlktrmtion and McCarthy, and But some line has to be drawn. Sturdy frame. Reirrforced center legs.4.97 It is for HeepA somewl)ere. And since one line is .‘.i • For one motive or another, Mc- already drawn, and the drawing of B a se 9 2 .5 0 P R E IE I Gtt^this 8-pit* IhmvL toilay at our showroemi y VISIT WARDS SPORTS-DEPV Qarthy himMlf is bringing U^s out a new line would require effort Reg. 120.00 B a$e 8 2 ;9 5 .R eg . 99,sp It is «Md helping to make it clear. Per- and- doea involve controversy tri V your bliyipsiiuide to real BE$T-BUY value! Reod it before yoii buy AN Y^r. __'“*■ NOWM7URING THIS SALE ikM* it is mefely that he ia trying the minda' of many, the old line U B^ra witaiEM in the dif­ will atand, probably for a long ) ) :■ ' ^ You’ll And ’’Plymouth tYealers” undtr ’’Automoblltt” In your classified tetephone directory ^ 1- ■ \ -V /

P A G E T E N MANCHESTER fT T E N ^ HERALD, RfANCHESTER, CONN,, HTDNESDAr, MAT 26, If?S4 MAN<^ESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 26. 1954 SB thy’a probe. Ha said h* objected to It had been "doctored’* to remove stock has been act-by CLAP* proxlmately two weeks later, Th# ments of its customers. * surn ■■ / ■ ^ ^ ^ m eth(^ which he contended gave the llkeneaa of a. third person. CL&P Seeks board of dl»*fetora a t I12.7.5 a diapoaition of iinaubacribed com­ which is the largest annual |jnount a distorted picture. He said Mc­ In somewhat similar vein, Mc­ share. The exact price of the new mon shares, If any. will be decided McCarthy vs. Army Carthy’s aides subjected hlha to it has ever spent or expansion in Carthy accused the Army yester­ .preferred-stock will he determined following the expiration date 'of Its history. threats of an "exceedingly seri­ day of producing "moet dishonest, by market conditions just prior to the offering. Skywatch Schedule In Capsule Form ous’’ n atu re In seekings A rm y moet phony" charts piirportedly To Up Stock the offering date. Knapp also testified that the favors for Schine. comparing the number of Schine's Yesterday the company filed a B-Way RIUIM mp / • ' McCarthy ha* said through his passes at Ft. Dix •’•Ith that given PrrMflnil of“^Firni Asks registration statement with the money to be obtained from the Thursday, Mey / BTB-B5* , A ’***' M l-8-Stil WUhlncton. M«y J6 Here questioning that the answer to the average trainee. Days when Securities and Exchange Commis­ sale of the new. stock is ncccs.sar.v Midnight.2 *. m ...... Thom** Wilde / to. forward the company's exten­ Dry Eczema Itch MAIN 8T. MANCmiSTE* la a hrief ^undo^^’n on the Senate charges of pressure in Schine’* be­ Schine was, absent on leave were PU(', Approval for sion in Washington covering the Fora Happier Holiday 3 *. m.-4 e. m...... Floyd Oiepmen half is that Schine is still a pri­ blacked out. those when the aver­ new common stock Issue, and to­ sive construction program. 'This W’hen itchini periiiti due to tack of 4 *. m.-6 e. m...... Volunteera Needed Inveatiratlona Subcommittee’* In­ year CLAP expects to spend about natural skin oils, Resinol Ointment 8' a. m.-9 a. m. , ...... Volunteer* Needed vate. I age trainee was on leave were in $17,.'>27,000 Boost day will file a aecond registration gives quick relief. Riti is faso/is, (t quiry InW* the dispute between Sen. Adams testified Cohn threatened i white with black line*. statement covering the sale of $33,.V)0.000 enlarging present and- 9 *. m.-Noon ...... Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smell McCarthy (R-Wis) and top ftehta- buildlng„n«% facilities to supply oils and softenr dry skin as its sta that if Schine were sent overseas. "The .millions of television view­ Appearing this morning before preferred. 'The company antici­ medicants soothe fierj- jtchinf. J-Way Noen-3 p. m...... Rhode K. Bocktia, Ruth Beglisch gon officials; the ffl.st growing service require­ Stevens would be “through as sec­ ers. McCarthy said, “the real jury Connecticut’s Public Utilities Com- pates that the offering dates will relief that brinfs leaf-lasting comfort. > p. m.-8 p. m...... Roger Turkington, Alayne Mur- The baa)c charges--Secretary of retary" and the Army wrecked. In thiS’Vase, have got intelligence / phy ■ the-A rm y Stevens and A rm y covin- mls.sinn. President Sherman R. be" about mid-June subject tp the Adams said "the pressure (from enptigh to .-ee an attem p t has be^n approval of the state PUC. Finer Qtialit, 8 p. m.-8 p. m. ...X...... Eugene Maatrangelo aellor ^ h n G. Adams accused Mc- Cohn I became extremely hard to made to dupe them.” Knapp of the Connecticut Light 8 p. m.-lO p. rn .^ ...... Mq^ld Glean, MtchaeL Glean Qutby and two subcommittee In hia testimony Knapp stated bear.” ' . . Ryan and Lt. Col. John F. T. and Power Co. asked for Commis­ that rights to subscribe to the CAIMDY 10 p. m.-Mtdji(ght ...... Y p ^ Strangfeld WARD’S PRE - HOLIDAY SALE aidfS.'Roy M. Cohn and Francis P. Murray, who said he supervised sion approval of the company’s . Volunte'eca may register at Civil DeTepse Headquartera, Munici­ Carr, of using improper pressjires Adams testified that it was at new common slock will take the the sugjtcstion of Sh-rman Adams, making of the charts, said there plans to ral.se about J17..^27,000 in form of transferable subscription pal Building, Manchester on Mondays. Wedneadays, and Fridays ■ ' - ' - • , ^ ‘ ■ H» win favored Army treatment was no attempt to deceive and that new equity capital througli the BPgCIALLY PmCEO fmrrt'1-5 p. m. CtvU Defense Telephone Num ^r—9-9088. for Pvt. G. David Schine, a sub­ top White House , a.saistant to warrants which will be mailed to President.Eisennqwer, that he first no deception was prtssible if the sale of both common and preferred stockholders on or about the of­ Tin t WtCfC O M LY t committee aide who was drafted. captlon-s were read. afock. McCarthy and his associates in started setting down a chronology fering date, and will expire ap- of his relations \vith McCarthy Chairman Mundt (R-.SDl told The company asked for permis­ turn accused Stevens and Adams iiurtay he was "very definitely ” / of attem pting to u.se Schine as a and Cohn. Such a chronology be­ sion to .sell 200.000 shares Of pre­ came the basis of\lhe .\rmy fooled at first, conceding that any ferred.stock through a public sale,' RANGE ’‘hostage" in efforts to Induce Mc­ deception w'as inadvertent. PECAN VO le Carthy to halt or divert an investi­ charges. Eisenhower w\rote Sec- and to' offer to its holders of com­ BUTTER gation of alleged subversives in rctaiyof Defense Wilson rjireclmg Col. Kenngth E. BeLieu, aide to mon stock the right to subscribe o ' CRUNCH th* Army, particularly at Ft. Army witno.sses not to \teatify Stevens, testified he t.iought Cohn- to a to tal of .^90.290 shares of new FUEL OIL Monmouth. N. J. They also ac- about any role played by onrcials "wa.s very angry” whe i denied ad­ common stock. Stockholders would 3-WAY RADIO. in other branches of tlje adniin- mittance to a secret laboratory at be entitled to subscribe to one GASOLINE 954 , cUsH Asst. Secretary of Defense rrg .ft.W \ FREE STRAP H. Struve Hensel of seeking to istration. Tlie President cited \lie Ft. Monmouth on a visit to th,e| share of new common on the basis discredit the subcommittee. con.stitiitional provi.sion tor po t with McCarthy. Stevens and j of each ten held as of .lune 1. From Pertinent pa.st testimony Ste- .separation of powers between th^ others. "I tho. pht he was blowing the sale of the preferred stock LUKE OF W e TROPICS (Ko^telanetg) .vens denied trying to halt McCar- executive and ■legi.’ijstive branches. his top, in fact. ” BeLieu said. ■ | Knapp estimated that the compa­ BANTLY OIL 28.88 McCai thy called this a "cover-up. ” M L4s22—True High Fidelity. 5.95 XMcCarthy said he was willing to ny would realise approximately rOMI’WV, INC. V' $ concede Cohn had been irate. j Yesterday’s highlights Maj. $10,000 and from its offering of MI M M \ I r?i-;i;i 3-W ay PertabI* new $2 iiiik. The hearings started ' April 22 i Open Tues. and ’Thura. Until 9 P, M.—All Day Wed. Geu. Cornelius E." Ryan, com- common stock approximately 17,- le u than regular price. manoei^at Ft. Dix, N.^J., where but ■h'ere in recess qjost cf la.M .’^27,000. TEL. Mitchell 9-4595 CbtN FOLDERS .Schipe did his basic training, said week. Today’s scheduted hearing is Subscription price to common CORDIAL In addition, get $1.50 he did not hear Steyens’ reqiiest the 21st'daily sesdoh. stockholders for the new common TEL. ROCKVILLE 5.2177 PO'TTERTON'S leather thoulder strap rSEE CDm^ APPRAISAL that his picture be mrde with CHERRIES rchine, as the McCarthy side con­ 1.10 CENTER STREET— CComer of Church) at no extra cost. Plug f 954 rrg. $1.10 HOIIY SkOPPE tends he did. on a visit to the post. radio into AC-DC cur­ ^CorC)Mit«rh«d^^ The Army had said, when this picture was produced earlier, that rent or play on battery. We’ve joined the new American Motors Family LOFT'S CAIMDY S H O P S Pewerful,'produees rich, superior tone. Easy te and we’re celebrating with a big . . . coiry. Weighs leu than 0 0 YOU WANT Hir«B 5 tbs. Enjoy favorite p r^ Nbw gram whllo traveling. lonei Beautiful . Pfiena fe moka J orrang»m*nts tor a loett PottBrnt * 2 0 t o »SOO Tutf'y Fragrahc# S«tsl TAKE 1 te 20 MONTHS TO REPAY

Scent-matched Amaunf of Monthly Foymonla foe ...... ? 0 M O COLOGNE on the greatest performers ever built! AND DUSTING POWDER he»e »• h ed u let ol lep aim en i in- lu d r a-I i hargei They ate haaed ns pinmpi mnethlv pa«mentt At, this office yew moy got: ENGLISH LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE UYlIIIfll M O N EY to help with cupftnf regularly *2 each •Kpenies. MONfY for doctor, donti%t, .l-s p e e d s 41.88 Boys' and (iiris’ NOW ONLY. “ EACH t r V'- He’s sure tp score a hit! He’s fortifying hoipitol, luntfol billt. himself with the natural proteins, vita­ M O N fY for fo ies, interest, in* plui tch( suronce. tuition. Reg. 45.95 English Import ^combine* speed, bsee and mins and minerals in delicious Connec­ M O N IY For fornifure, fooN, safety. Weigh* only 38 lbs. (f^kpeed shift ntakes hilly equipment, , , for the l a t e s t a d d i t i o n s t o MICHAELS roads seem flat. Front and rear brakes insure quj^k ticut Fresh Milk. For your health’s sake, home, farm , summer comp. f AI U IO U S COLLECTION OF STEhUNGI stops. Spring leat saddle. Metallic colnra. \ drink at least three glasses of Connecticut m o n e y motte living more Convenient, more Fresh Milk daily and enjoy many happy pleosonf, more com­ days ahead! fortable. m o n e y to moke your work of \: home, in the shop, on We can’t remember when we've added the form, easier. 80 much sterling beauty all at the one SALE-25% OFF UST PRICE I liks to toy lime. See (left to right) SU.MMEB SONG by Lunt. ROSE SOLITAIRE HUDSON miPHONE . WRITE . «r VISIT 6,00-26 | 0 A S i 6.70-15 SERVES 4 AT by Towle, CLA.SSIC ROSE by Reed & Blaekwall Blaekwall 1 4 . 7 5 * Barton—all even MORP^ delicately A PICNIC- HORNETS PREFERRED four FINANCE CO., INC. beautiful than we could possibly show Save 25 % on each Riverside Deluxe blacli: or white- \ 2-BURaHER BARBECUE GRILL WASPS JETS ^ MANCHESTER here. w all tire you buy— get 4 tires for the list price of refreshing \ HI MAIN SIMIf . . 5.98 Op.n M«n fu ., W«y f,, * M t« 5 M 3. Built tb be better than' the tires that como on new la HoatoworOt 28 bt. high •nv ri..„ao„ f X) I. I . cit%^ j. iu.kb,, 13.95 sumrrier fragrances; EARLY IRIS —.A. !• ,11 n.a.u, tmwn. cars. 1st line construction, plus an extra-thick under- Just add food to this Come in today Bosket with stainless Two Breboxat for extra ytllity— jet block and canary in cologne, and a dusting powder SAFARI tread gives 15-23% more bruise-break rissistonce to match... in gap pastel polka thon ordinary tiros. Safe, multi-row tread design. steel Botwore, plastic yellow finish for beauty. 9-positien grids, hinged dpt pahkage*. LILAC and save! dishes. 18 x 1 )* 9 ' for easy fueling. Handy troy for food, tools. Block And the powder contains ■ Jeweler* Silversmiths BASKET FOR 6. .7 .9 8 wrought iron legs,., 3 ' wheals — where wanted. deodorant, tool OVATION Bfon'ior'l iftT ■"'I ipaeifiraiinni »n»f 958 Main St., MI-9-4293 Buy a Set of Deluxe Rivercidoe Today mhioei Vhanfo Tir* Dlockwollt WhiHwofU THE KNOWN QUAirrV THE KNOWN NAME, SINCE 1906 $(>■ foch Fric« ARTHUR DRUG STORE 6.50-15 16.30* 19.95* /: 942 MAIN ST. — ST. JAMES ILOCK McCLURE AUTO CO., Inc. SAVE’9' 6.70-15 14.75* 18.15* .17:i M A IN S T K K K T MANCHESTBR ROY MOTORS 7.10-15 16.45* 20.10* PICNIC TOOLS WESTINGHOUSE 7.60-15 17.95* 21.70* YOUR CHOICE 8.00-15 19.75* 24.15* 173.0$ S-HP PERSONAL RADIO 6.00-16 13.45* 16.45* Do You Own A Buick 6.50-16 16.65* 20.40* 1.19 tack COMBINATION PLUS CARRYING 6.70-16 14.95* $ Spoon, Fork, Turner CASE & BAHERIES Fuily Worrontoef. *P/ui Fodsral Excise Tox DeSoto or Oldsmobile? of rustproof stainless And O ld Tire From Your Car. steel. 2 2 ' handles let 163.88, »*4-g2R TEL. MI-8-.M81 Since the new DeSoto was announced we have been up you stand aw ay from M A IN 8 T. $0095 MA.NCHE8TEA to our cars getting enough cars in a variety of styles to fire. Cool wood grips. Now you con buy the 5- only supply the demand. Fortunately, we have been able to HP Seo King "Twiiy\ induce the factory to boost our quota which puts us in « a position to itieet the demand with tittle delay. How­ a Gas, Con and Safety ever, in spite of the fact that we’ve taken in trade some Chdin for leu then the of the most beautiful cars it’s been our privilege to see, fegulor price pf the mo- we have more requests for ’50, '51, ’52 and ’5.1 model. SKOTGH AUTO WASH FAotor shifts' into Buicks. Olds, Pontiacs and DeSotos that we can deliver. KARRY-ORILL MOP forward or neutrol while r If you own one of th^ise makes in the.se late models,We running. 3 6 0 ’ pivot lets, Are in an excellent positi(>n to make you a particularly you back dwoy from terrific deal\^\Vhy not»bring your car over here and see 6.95 2.19 piers. 5-Gol. Gas Con the otfer we iare-prepared to make, gives you odded houn Cook at beach.or picnic 36-iisch aluminum handle \ Our reputatOn for .sejling only the finest re-condi- of cruising time. , tioned and un-tiohditionally guaranteed u.sed car* has — qosy to corry. Eosy- fits te gorden hose, lets ’ created a demand hard to Dilfill. If you want to step up .'**•# e e e * * ^ to-cleon — removable, you reoch anywhere on to greater car comfort and economy drive one of our late steel firepet. Steel body . cor. Oversize mop ^hd > model used cars or step into a new DeSoto for complete in red plaid finish. 12x12'. ' rubber guerd-rf^. perfection. Pick outyo4r favorite niodel And we’ll make you an unprecedented offer for your present car. DeSoto has never^made a finer car than this year and while last year’s DeSoto is in our PAST, it is still being copied on other makes this year as the car of the REG. 39c (iraduation Gift Special FUTURE. Rut DeSoto this year is far, and away the outstanding car of tomorrow a.s .vou can .«ce over here CAR WASH

Powerful radio, complete with 5m.u1 , today. It is the economy leader and still ma-ster of the durable Carnival Red or Sun Tan luxury and performance fielji.- 3 3 ^ REG. 18.19 carrying ease playt anywhere on bat- Now if*you have an old car that time i,< snatching at. teriea. Choose from 5 beautiful colon Not a soop— o special while they last: Carnival Red (Model or a later model that needs work done, this is a good time / OUTFIT 461P4), Ivory, Bronze, Dove Gray, to trade upwards to a better used car or a terrific new washing agent thot euH, surf Green. ’ ■ ' DeSoto. Most likely your old car will more than pay the greose, won’t spot. Box 15.88 Act Now and Save! initial payment toward a new DeSoto and A^’e’l! arrange contains 12 packages of a payment plan to suit your need*. powder. V a lu * ^ Spin the right combina­ At any rate, don't let poor transportation spoil your tion to "Dovy Janets' Cjiiyy i n g , ... .$ 6 .9 5 ' pleasure. Drop over and see our .selection, look over our Locker" with this Sport SPECIAL SALE OF DINETTE SETS Batteries...... 2 .6 5 service facilities and you’ll understand why we do a mil­ King Spinning Rod, Reel ' Westinghouse lion dollar business—why it will pay you to put your, and Line. Reel has full Portable Rodip. . . $29 .95 automobile needs in our care. RIVERSIDE boil left or rt. hand re­ V alue... $39.55 SAVE $10—WROUGHMRON, 5-PCS. SAVE $20 ON S-PC. CHROME SET SAVE $20 ON 7.PC. CHROME SET trieve.’,2 -pc. Red is tu­ Yeuri for only- $ 2 9 .9 5 A Good Firm Trt Deal With—^To Buy, Trade or SPARK PLUI^S SAliE—FIBER SEAT COVERS bular fiber-glass. You Sovo $ 9 .6 0 Service Your Car Chromed guides and Regularly 69.95 Aak about Terms -MO CM a i SURI...ie ifb 77c pair 5^.88 Regularly 109.95 89.88 Ask about Terms Regulafly 149.95 129.95 Ask about Terms 8.88 reinforced tip. 100 yd. . s ' . 6 Ib.-test line of greqn louse ROY m o t o r s ; Inc. Reg. 98c a pairt Equal Per meet ledotw. Regular 10.95— how of so low a The n^-est in Dinette ^styling at a aale-priee—wrought-iron New oval ghape plug the gleaming good looka of chrome-plated braided nylon. Bpeciaily desttmed for the large family—table extends to 72 in quajityv^to plugs i« p ^ e you conY afford to pau them by. Durable flbe r ..»*’“ *^**^ In'-i'Qjack Oak" pattgim. Upholitcreu Clfiaira ateel. 3fi x 48-in. Table, Ipp—60. inrhea with leaf—In handsome Inches with extrg leaves, .sehts 8jcomfqrtabl.v. Plastic.tqp with' Fantasia' pattern In Coral. Chartreuse, or Yellow. 30 x 40-in. gray "Miat" pattern: SIlp-o|ver type'Chaira in Gray w’lth corn* mothei-Tof-pearl pattern in'G ray or Yellow. Chrome Handled MANCHESTER'S NUMBER ONE SERVICE CENTER most new cars— guafoit* eooted in deqr plastic to seal irt colors. Neot au*—48 In^ea with leaf—ideal fcifykltclhan or diiietti binatioha of Red, Chartreute, ^Ink or Yellow. Chairji in a variety of attractive ct^lor combinatlona. t . ' BENSON'S DcSOTO — ROAD SERVICE — PLYMOUTH teed I te lost as long. Plastic trim— sturdy soR-cieth bocks. DOn't wj ft, ia«.5 Main St*. — MI-.‘l-8790 241 N. MAIN ST. AT DEPOT SQ. — TEL. Ml-S-STU Compare this .prico. ' S'- *.-^ (Reliable. For 25 Y6arf) ' ' \ ■Vl. . 1 •■t -.V, r ; ■. / I v \ \

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING^HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 19.54 Section Two WEDNESDAY, MAY .2^, 1954 JEanrliefiter lEnenitig i^eral^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 26. 1954 Pages 13 to 24 weftitern delegations, Molotov said ■U. N. reported the board had - ^ ■ recently: Betrothedi \ . Judged 1,733 American employes as New Many Wear Eden’s Plan "Ah,’ yes, times arc cha'nging. unclie Faced ‘not disloyal," >vhile 162 cases GENERAL ^ EIECTRIC The world is changing. are were still pending. FALSE TEETH changing. You are^changing." He BUnche, a 49-year-old Negro Engaged Heads Drive RANGES ^ REFRIGERATORS WASHERS sighed and added: "Even I am Loyalty Board from Detroit, told newsmen as he Witli More Cemfert Martin Invites Crabtree File Slate Against Gyrk T o E nd W ar changing." Then he shook his head FASTBETH. a plruant alkallnb Predicts 40 Mill Rate t NO SALESMEN-^VERY LOW OVERHEAD left the meeting, "I have no state­ (non-sckli powder, hold* faUe teeth OPEN 8 to 9—SATURDAY 8 to .5 and„.st8red at the floor. For 12 Hours ment to make: Any inquiries should more firmly. 'So e»t end in more To still another, Molotov com­ be directed to the board." oomfort, Juit eprlnkle e little To Make Date for Talks ALL DAY SUNDAY 8 to 8 plained the Soviet Union was ha('->' TBETH on your pleiee. No guim y, Naming School as Issue He and Mrs. Bunche were slated gooey, peetT tMte or feeling. Qlteeke Within Next Five Years Big Trade-In Allowances—No Cash Down Is O p p o se d ing trouble w ith )ts cln.se allies, (Conttaaed from Page One) to - go to Washington toda.v, •’pine odor" (denture breeth). Oet the Chinese Reds and the Com­ I>aSTBBTH et ear drug eounter. Letter to ArcMleet munist-led Vietrflirih. fori.er President Truman and friends said, for a formal dinner at (Continued from Page One) the White House given by Presi­ gome 16 project* divided into three Cone Faction to Battle Make Votera Tdnixht Experts who have been following President Eisenhower. Mayor Makes Estimate categoriea. linet UmilMiont iS^[ olSlSiS*.™;., BRUNNER'S $oviet policy are firmly convinced^ dent Eisenhower in honor of the For Democratic, Party In Town Oerk’a Office rrecy rule on which kll the con­ Reports of these investigations visiting Emperor Haile Selassie of Among the iteitik that were dlz- AcroM From G arrllj’*—N'r\t To Vittnpr'n however, that If the U.S.S.R. was To Directors; Might cuziled were 0«e engineering and Facing School Design . j* “ ‘■opy M artin * ferees had agreed. ' are turned over to the Interna­ Ethiopia. lettSr.to Ci'abtree: CA>ntrol; S t a fe m ent BPCKVTLLE ROAD. TALCOTTVILLE—MI-3-S191 having difficulty ke.;plng these two tional Organizations Empto.ves Make Reassessment financial plaiU neceaaary to In- Deaf Mr. Crabtree: A voter-making aeaoioa SriU Some delegates indicated they allies in line, Molotov would be the PASQUALE creaae the town'* water supply General Manager Richard Mar­ he held in the town clerk’a «f- were encouraged by the progress L^oyalt.v Board, he add^d, and then FI.SHI.VG FEVER Encloseif is .a copy of the Min­ Scores Delav Tactics la.st man in the world to let out the stated : Necessary in T o w n system, iihprove the ■ft-aler distri­ lU - tin ha* .written Walter'Crabtree, utes of the Xfanchester Board of fice tonight from 5 to 8 In tlia achieved in yesterday’s talks. news. i Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., May end GRINDER bution,.sewage collection and sew- ■-'AlCS ' They said this was partly due to "Therefore no Inference should Jr.. West Hartford architect, ask- Director* of Wednesday evtining. A battle for control of the local Municipal Building. It has the strateid.sts in the 26 (A*)—"Fishing Fever” hit this SHOP Manchester faces an Increasing age ^aphsal systems, and to re­ ing Crabtree to make a date for a .May 12. 5'ou will find on pages 4 the absence of argument over a 'western camp wondering if this is be drawn from the fact that he island :today aa news spread that Democratic political organization, 569^ Center St. Tel. MI-f-MST lax burden that will hit 40 mills on finance the water and sewer de- dtreussion on plans for the Keeney 12 inclusive the discussion with the Keeney Street Schrml a political settlement to follow a I St a new version of ah old Rua- had a meeting with the board to­ a 59-pound I striped bass, the ocratic leader in the First Diatriet, cease'-flre. the preient aaaessment within five debt, , _ . __ I,,,. . , the Board concerning the Keenly basic issue, will be waged at the .■•ian diplomatic, trick: pretending day. As a matter of policy (he largest caught here in 40 years, years if the town is to provide it* board also di^ussed the Street SchjMl, but .his etter outlines g , and a resident of town for over 40 board does not mak( anv com­ We Specialize In Democratic party caucus Friday Molotov snarled up the talk.s something is the case when it is had been landed in the surf of residents with the services they Anal engineering and imancial what Martin haa inaiat^d are the The ^oard of “ Director* ^ tstified years, said that he had been com­ Special Monday with fresh demands for ' really ju.st the opposite. ment concerning any individual. Squibnocket Point. Men, boys and • Pizza • •Grindew plans for jonstruation of the high limitalion* facing any architect night at flollister Streqt School. • Spaghetti •Ravioli and reaffirmed the votes concern­ Thia was insured today as Sher­ pelled by personal reasons to liva discuasion of a political settlement I The exp'ferts compare this tactic The reports of the board’s deter­ even girls are grabbing surf yo'ds This estimate of the situation school and the long-stalled Keeney who takes over the school plans Job ing the; Keeney School which were in Wiliimantic between 1949 and which the Weat refuaes to consider minations are in all cases submit­ and headrhg for favorite fishing Italian Sauce To Take Oat now. wood Cone,- leader of a movement last September. In his statement HOLLAND 1 with the old Statue of Li'oerty play was given last nlgl.t by Mayor Street .School, and the problem* in- pas.sed' Jan u ary 26, 1954; challenging the regime of Town until ceaae-fire conditions are I in football, where runner holds ted to the Secretary-General or beaches. Sherwood G, Bower* at an ln-'volv*dvolved in fb*the nronosetlproposed cohsolidacohaollda- In a letter to the Board of Direc­ The five votes of January 26 are to^ay, he accused the Gryk faction agreed on. Contrary to expecta­ the executive head of the Open 9 A. M. to 1 A. M. tlon of the tow nfire departments tors. Martin notes that he has Chairman Weslsy Gryk, filed a j scheduling the caucus day on WINDOW SHADES the ball high to lead opponents into formal meeting of the Board of listed on page 8 of the enclosed full slate of candidates for the j tions, Molotov did not repeat his thinking he is going to tijrow It. Naylor Studio. appropriate International agency If you want your fricjlda to think Directors, held to dlscuM a Priority and in initiating a program for the written Crabtree '"without consid­ av 28 as '’ah unsutceaaful trick" Daily eration for reports of ’ultimatums’ minutes of tha meeting-of May 12. Demo<-.-atic Town Com m ittee wit Mado to ontor.! demand yesterday. Aa the.opposition,falls back to in­ 'Isa Helen JoMldea through the State Dept.” ,vou have good sense,^ust tell them Works Program. gradual abandonment of the emer­ Further action to carry out the I fo keep him from participating in party officials. / t jj” Bring jrmir own rollerx. MOIXITOV .MKIJjOW tercept the pa.a.s. another player On Mav 8, U. S. officlala at the they have. He also said that the town faces gency veterans housing a t, Green- that might be issued by the Direc- first three votes has been taken Geneva, May 26 Westerners ' Mrs. Frances K. Szymanowski a resseasment/Which would result haven. which ts now slated by the Ji)se|>h P. Ns.vliir Studio -tors to the Manager Or by the H-rsld Photo There was no design#tlon.,/by . thought." said Con*, "un- A Small Oiargo grabs Ihe ball ar(d runs around the as follows: Mr*. George .Alarlow are experiencing a new,' warmer end toward a totichdown. of Speonk, L..I., N. Y.. announces In a lower mlR^rate, but the effect legislature to be torn down after Miss Eva Pasqualini Manager to the Directors." All concerns who submitted bids the Cone faction today, of >t* po- j„„i,tedlv was that if I couldn’t ba IrO C For Catting the engagement of her daughter, July 1, 19.55. He points out the authority to tentiai candidates for tow-n chair-'| j yvouldn't acUvaly treatment by Rusaia'a chief dele­ The w cfterners are tru ly hopie- of which would be an Inhreased tax December 22 on the Keeney Street Mrs. George H Marlow. 120 gate to the Asian conference. They Miss Helen Joanides, to Aviation bill. A reassessment, which would Other Itema Mr. and Mrs. John Pasqualini,1, linehire an architect rests with him I i School project were notified in man. in Jh^^pvrnMt ^Fhould be vie-! participate in forminjf a alata and fUI the new "Molotov^ Mellowness" Plymouth Lane, a trained aocial t„rioiis Friday bight talk about it aa "Molotov mellow­ is the real thing. ‘ Cadet Henry O. Pasqualini, son result in a larger grand list, will Other Items In the priority pro­ 203 Averv St., South Windsor, an -land says he assume, the ! j„nuarv thkt their bids had been Un working for that alata.” ness." of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pasqualini, become necessary if the/town’s gram involve, Group 1, capital im­ nounce the engagement of their; request by the Board concerning | worker, has been appointed Man- ] Cnne’a Slate But they are keeping their eye rhester, chairm an of the 1954 Con­ • Gryk Coafldeut \ It may be true Soviet foreign on the ball. 203 Ave,-y St., South W indsor. bonded Indebtedness reaches its. provement projects, revision of the daughter. Eva. to Richard Roback, | Crabtree does not constitute in any- iMr. . Arnold Ijiwrence. Archl- Members of the town committee Town Chairman Gryk. today ••- aon of Mr*. Wslter J. Roback, ; ones mind a precedent for other necticut Mental Health Fund ticket organized by Cone were Special minister Molotov is mellowing with No date has been set for the debt limit. building code, and a fire prevention 70 tect, whq had prepared the detail- i according to an an- pressed regret that a caucua bat­ age. He has been making motions wedding. Bowers made his remark* during ordinance. Madison .St„ Hartford. | positions filled by the Manager* ed plana and specifications» on ' c a • „ Usted bv Cone todav as follows: tle had developed. and saying things that might indi­ MHS Conslruclioii a discussion of a request by Dlrec-. In Grw p 2. approval of a com­ No definite date has been set ' noiincemcnt from Mrs. John Lodge John ’D. Wilcox. Edward W. Car- "We had hoped for a ualtad cate he is .shedding some of the Jects or on any combination of tor Helen Fitzpatrick for a report prehensive purchasing program, for the wedding. Martin haa not engaged Crabtree T.ki. who is chairman fe.’ the State, roll. John M. Matchett, Fred R. party this year." he liaid. Howavar, aa yet and haa not aald he would. notified in Janiiart that his sei-\- i .. . .■ .j,, • , ■cold stoniness for which he is them . BEST BUYS ... UNDER THE SUN ! that would project the town’s chan{,’'lbg the fiscal year, a revalua­ ices as architect for the project I ‘ Delanev, Rudolph F. Carlson. Svea he expressed no doubt over tha noted; and that he. really is having CoiiiiiiiUee Meets bonded indebtedness for schools for tion of real and personal property, With hia letter to Crabtree, Mar­ had been terminated. | lesley College and the New York M. Carl-son. Harold A. Geer. Frank outcom e of the batUa F rid ay a worrisome time keeping his allies the next 20 years. completion of a program to house tin includes the statement of edu­ Mr. Lawrence was requested in i of Social Work, C.olumbia Slamler, David Stone, Ttiomas M. cational requirementa by the Board night. "We are certain to win," he --Red China and the Indochinese The Joint aubcommittee on con­ Come in now and our beautiful assortment of furniture for outdoor living. Make Requests Report town offices and departments, and TPC Hearing January to sugge.st a time when I Umveiaity was engaged in chil- S»illivan. Jav E. Rtliinow. William said. rebel Vietminh—in line. Public Reedirds — ' - - - - . - I dren and family case work before A. Viena. Michael Pinto, A. Elmer struction of Memorial High School this holiday weekend an enjoyable one with Marlow's large .selection of summer fur­ Mrs. Fitzpatrick said she wanted amendments to the town charter. Snecifica I **** Town Counsel snd I could dis- The Gryk town committee alata Some experts, however, say they the report so“ we could have a pic In Gro s. X • King * decision against a man- ham L. Ostrinsky, Helen E. Oarl- Howard.!*. Smith. Raymond All tills week’. Molotov ha.s been The town has already sold seph S. Wright and Margaret 3. and we’re going to continue to of the town and water department. has not been obtained. broader public' 'education, and to colt. Edmond Deacy, Paacal '• GARDEN HOSE ■smiling at people. In his private like thia. All aluminum body T w o Building Lines damu*. promote the needed clinics and ."on. Salve Vendilllo, and Evelyn Made of 'sturdy hambna. $2,000,000 in bonds for the sefiool, Wright, property on Chambers need schools for children, if tfie ' Those dooiimenta contain what The fourth vote authorizes and Mestrangelo. Walter T. Mahoney, exchanges with top members of and Victor Frid. the architect,' Is Street. , atainleea ateel firebox, people of Mancheater have them, other farilities. G. Ferrm. Eight zone change requests face ' Martin has said are the limitations requests me to engage yoiu Ip pre­ Geer ia the newly elected presi­ Philip Bayer, Ronald Liagard, Al­ other {^legations he ha's been soft- now working on final plans for Bill of Sale large S'* wheela . . . complete whether we have an estimate of pare plans and specification*, for The aasociation • is striving to phonse Reale, Albert 8. Adams, / $ 2 . 9 8 spoken and at tim ^ even gentle various sections of it-’ the cost* involved or not." “Holiday” Womien the Town Planning Commission j " " " • make pos.sible more preventive dent of the Keeney Street School Adolph A. (Juey to Thom as W. with 2 black porcelain enamel ^ .. . In his letter.' Martin says that the School, For yoUr information,] PTA. Atty. Rubinow brought the Joseph J. Moriarty. E. M p t Reg. 98c and philosophical in tone. Bids on site improvertient work Mmer.. Quey’s Tj’dol Service Sta­ General Manager Richard Mar­ when it meet* tonight at 8 p.m. in Crabtree draws new preliminary concerning the limitations on the I'work and more tacililles for early holden. Leo O. BlancheUa, J8n l- Guaiaateed for S yean. For a man whom even his own at the 44-acre Memorial Field lo­ pota . . . cutting board . . . tin has had prepared a report on Toiir Greeiilunise Town in preparing new or revi.sed : l -<;atment, especially among chil- unsucce.saful. mandamus action in tion. 510 Hartford Rd., stock and the hearing room of the Municipal I plans, those plans will have to meet the school fight, and haa also been hert T. Garrison. Edwin ,Xoaa, Soviet a-^sociates call "old stone cation will be open^ Frida.v at 2 aluminum ehield and rotlaaerie the town’s bonded Indebtedness to plsns for the Keenev Street dren. Columbus J. Murphy. M a » Aeatb, hottom" (Karneny Zadi, this is fixtures. Building. with approval of the Board of Edu­ identifieii with past battles against p. m. in the Municipal Building, attachment. date, showing the principal and cation. the School Building Com- School. I am also enclosing; The local drive will get under Olive M. C hartier, F red T. Baker. unusual, indeed. Marriage Ucenaea , interest payments the town faces The gardens and greenhouse at Three of the zone changes asked the Gryk control of the party. and the Board pf Directors will Richard Finian Shea, Chicopee r.iittee. and the Board of Directors. Outline of Requirements for | way June 1. • Mery D^ Rosa. Richqrd B. Boland To the leader of one of the discuss avvarding of a contract for for the next 20 years. However, the home of MIsm MilHcent Jones. for are expected to rheet heavy op- Makes School the Issue Falla, Mass, and Helen Kktherlne poaition from some 35 or more A copy of Martin’s letter to the Proposed Elementary School on and Abe Nuasdorf., ■ ■ - -y— ^------the work at (iieir meeting Tues­ this does not include capital im­ Tolland Road in Bolton, will be Keeney Street, Manchester, Con- In a .statement today, Cone em­ Advertisement-r Cassells. 98 Adams St/> June 5, property owners affected. Those Board of Directors follows: pared for the preparation of con­ phasized the Keeney School Luauc day night. provements for which appropria­ nectlciit, prepared by the Man­ St. James' Church. open to the YWCA Homemaker’s changes would make a Residence May 25, 19.54 tract plans snd specifications in as follows: Your vacation spot. Buy a lot. For purposes of bidding on the tions have not yet been made, al­ chester Board of Education and Hamilton Junior/ McKee. 51 though the board last year did Holiday group- on Wednesday Zone A section in the Hilliard and To: Board of Directors accordance with our procedures for "In most caucuses there is no M A ^ O Ashford Lake^ New cottage, rent site-improvement contract, the dated O ctober 20. 1952. preViou.s schools. work' has been divided into three Cooper St., and Lridlle Powell. 51 adopt a capital improvements morning, June 2, from 9:30 to 11 Woodland Street area a Residence From: Richard Martin, General lasued involved. In this caucus or sale. ' V Cooper St., May 29, Emanuel budget along with the method of o’clock. B Zone. Robert Valentine, a build­ M anager .Site Plan. W est. South. N orth If the preliminary plans and there is *n issue of the greatest Court C a ^ projects - rough grading, the in­ and East Elevations, F-teor Plan, stallation of a culvert to enclose Lutheran CTiurch.' financing It Coffee and doughnuts will be er, requests the change. Subject: Keeney Street School specificationa prepared by Mr. importance not only to Democrats Building Permit# Martin said Jast night that this served, followed by a tour of the One request would change from P ro jert and Outline Specification, which Lawrence approved at the special but to the town at large. That is­ Bigelow Brook which runs constituted the'"preliminary plans Robert L. Morae, o f Rock- through the property, and the in­ Raymond^Schaller for Anthony budget will have to he reevaluated.1 grounds. The best methorls of ■ Residence A to Business II an area ] The mo.at im portant considera­ election are to be used as your pre­ sue is the Keeney Street School. Zalinsk.v,4'or alterationa and addi- Unable To Unlsh planting and traa‘planting will be | on the west side of Main St. from tion in this matter is to get the aagtv outline specifications dated liminary plans and specification*, "The Gryk - Mahoney - Fitzpat­ ville, who was a tM this more- stallation of sanitary sewers. ing on aApeedtnj charga afttf a Contractors have been invited to tlon.s tci a dwelling at 399 Oakland The board last night, was unable discuaseJ, as well as the care of , Washington St. north about 2.57 scl.ool built and equipped as soon Wav 26. 19.53, prepared h.v Arnold then It will not, be neces.sary for rick axia of the local Democratic O ther O ia house plants and garden flowers I feet. Wylly* Street property owners E ast Hart- bid either on any one of the pro- ‘ St.. |2,000. to get through the entire Priority as may be piacticai. The number Lawrence. Architect, the estimated us to enter into a peparate con­ party has supported every oh-. police chase th* Barbequea From ^ 0 * 7 ^ Works Program, which Includes through the aummer month*. ; are asking that both sides of the of school children in Manchester cest nf which *a $4.50,000" which tract for preparation by you of slructive measure' and every - de- , ford town line/to VPapptng. Cbutetf, ■ Members of the group who plan street be zoned Residence Zone AA. continue.^ to grow. Tlie need for was approved by the voters al a preliminary plans and speciflca- laying tactic that has been pro-1 was fined $33 In Town Cburt t*- yoA. ^Jiadualioti, tc make the trip are requested to Other requests are for Industrial additional school facilities i.a now special election June 25, 1953. liona and we can go ahead with po.sed to prevent the Keeney | day., X make reservations before Tuesday Zones on a small section of Regent greater than it was a year ago Subsequently the Board of Direc­ the contract for the preparation of Street School from being built. | Sgt. (>orge McCaughey, Wh(> REDUCTION ON NATIONALLY FAMOUS PICNIC SETS noon bv calling Mrs. Earle Howard, , Street and on Mitchell Drive. when the Keeney Street S.hool tor.. issued bonds in the amount detailed plans and- specifications. The Keeney Street School bonds' made the arrest, said he took up Personal Notices 61 Adams St. S, or Mr.-. B. E. ! Hearings will also be held on a Project wa" approved by both the of $4.50.000 for the Keeney S treet It has been reported to the w ere sold over five months ago. i the chase near Wickham'* Hill .Sturd.v . . . hanilaome CAI.IFOR- H arry, 56 CTyde Rd. T ransporta- 11* I*«»t building line from Summit Board of Directors and the voter.s. School projert. Board of Direelora that you have but not one shovel haa l^en tui-n- and pursued Morse ' at apoeda NI.A RF.DWOOD; for .voiir backyard tion will be arranged, and cars will ! 1° Main Street along “•*th« One source of additional delay Opinion of Town Counsel Charles a sketch showing your proposed ed on the project. reaching 75 miles per hour over n^rth aide of E. Center Street, and -PANT CHILDREN'S SHOES picnic. \ atiirdy rcflwoml picnic oet Card of Thanks leave -from the rear of the Com in completing the project would be N. (Crockett dated Jan u ary 19, design for the Keeney Street "Mr. Mahoney is a member of . the winding bumpy Buckland Road 2 with large-aly.e, long laating table and a 35 foot line oh Boulder Hoad munity Y Buikling between 9:15. further litigation. The histor\’ of 1654. School. If you could provide us the Demo»'ratic Town Committee. ! before overtaking him In ,W ap- SERVICE^ AND DRESS UP STYLES two benehea for comfortable aeating. W* ml.-h In thank all .'•( oiir neigh- and 9:30 a.m. Pitkin Street to Robert Road. the project di:ring the last five Nelther the present Town Com- ' ping. Iviri*. friends, al) relallvr,-. for ' the Memorandum of Decision hv|with sufficient copies of such ' / manv ari.- M ■kindneas and svmpalhy Since the YWCA office will be months has been one of contro­ Judge King of the Superior Court sketch so thst we esn place it be­ mittee nor it* chairman h u raised McCaughev alto aald h* KM hlB GABARDINE ahn« n iia In inn- rereni hereavement. closed this week Fridsy for the versy. litigation and threats of In the r.iandamiis proceeding.s fore the Board of Education. one word of protest atout the de- | turned'on but that whan )M 1 and 2 STRAP OXFORDS FOR BOYS and GIRLS We esprrially thank nil ihr,ar who anil summer, nursery care cannot be legal action. We can *.sauriie tliat laying tactics Mr. Mahoney or ' Of thq »e- tfre hranlifni Hnrai Irihiitra and loaned Deaths Last Night brought against me in the Keeney School Building Committee, and ■the lae nf rare. provided in the Comm unity Y no course of action to huiid the the Board of Directors, it would Mrs Jitzpatrlck Hnally. r,,,ed. Morse would pull U» th# Lug Sdle Oxfords For Boys—Barefoot Sandals Street School maUer. Gryk *M«honey -6itzpatr»ck mxisl , ^ Building. There will be a nominal school will automatically meet Will you please suggest a date ■facilitate getting the opinion of PauBhler. Mtb. J-'lorencf Taylor. charge for the program. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with unanimovua consent. We recently put Mr. Gryk on *he i ^ OftRiri Sexton. Pass Christian. Miss. - James v.hcn ii would he convenient for those Boards concerning your should, therefore, endeavor lo de­ preliminary proposal. \ye should School Building Committee, pre-1 eo„rt thia morning. Mona / REG. $4.95 to $7.95 Lindsay Ewing, 64 former pub­ velop tnd follow a procedure in­ you to discuss v Ith me the prep­ Btimablv !»o that their delaying . . . eke Card of Thanks lisher of the New Orleans States aration of plans and specifications h*ve general agreemeht by all tended to eliminate the possibility parties concerned on prelii'iiinary tactics would have a representa- Biifldy Poppy Sale and a member of a p|-oinlnent df further di.-ligreement or litiga­ for the Keeney Street School pro­ live on that Committee to carry 1 , hoRpl Louisiana newspaper family. Born plans and specification* before any he was being puratiad. NOW $3.95 .. $5.95 f^iulfnlR aiul alRo.Dr. Diihjnnw tion. J ■ , . ject. time or money is spent for detailed RECLINING and Dr. Sejfal ff»r Ihe excellent rare Begiiis Tonioi*r4]^w In New Orleans. Died Monday. Attached la a copy of a letter to When we have engaged archl- ‘ "I repudiate and reject .the! and kindneR.R .jihown me diiriiiR m> re­ New' York -Arthur Pryor. Jr. tfct.s'in, the past »for .schools, we plans Slid specification.s. ■■ poliw that the Democratic Town ' morning. Judge John 8. O^.Jlott- cent lllnena al the hospital. Walter Crabtree. Jr.. Architect, If there is any further informa­ IN SKIPPER BLUE AND BROWN INFANTS’ 5 'i lo 8—CHILDREN’S to 12 CHAIR .57, a creator of aorhe of radio’s wliich I trust will start us on such have re.serveii the right to approve Committee and the Democratic I Kred Kncland. The committee for the Buddy first big name shows and son. of tion which any of the Town De­ members of the Board of Difec- nf 529 Tolland a course of action.- any slructuial. mechanical or other partm ents or I can .supply that MISSES 12'i to .3—TEEN-AGERS 4 to 5 Poppv Sale for Arideraon-Shea the noted band leader and Corn- (Thia action has been taken en'-ineer employed by the archi- to rs hav4» followed on the Keeney i in j*ii a charge of ^ntoxlMtR^ A handanme ch air w ith 8 re* In Memoriam P o st'2046, VFVV. wiahes to remind i poaer. Born in St. Joaeph, Mo. might be helpful to you. please do street School issue." ' | «nd fined John A. Lawler, »4. M/ wlthout con.siderati0n for repofta i tect to participate in the prepara- not hesitate to call upon us for it. (Assorted Widths) .taxing pooltiona. Featurea townspeople that the sale of the \ Died Tuesday. Reveals Ills SUlils : chajga •«mi yet. in this case does not in any way tmlay, one day after the filing t . V Headquarters where poppiea may H. Bon.sall, Jr,. 65. former profes­ preliminary plans and specifica­ "Slop and I’.eal" turnouts are sented oh June 1, and Carier on he picked up will be al. 1013 Main ronstitute in anyone’s mind a deadline. . ^ - ’ God Bav*’ UR j^rt ufiih tn fiftht. sor of religion and vice president tions for the Keeney, Street School being considered for the Wiibiir Cone, who wa* formerly a Dem- 'June 5. ' / . k And rouraB / to h“pr the blow, St., the former Midi^et^Tobacco | persona College. Fairfielfi, Iowa, precedent for ..irnilar action con­ ij.'Oject, such contract to consi'st of Bui what ll ^leanf sL "welcome " is « firte O ltshaiionA , If you want aomething rugged thIa one iintil you start taking *d- - la it. Made only aa Ren Motnra, tions concerning conslruttion. I mittee and the Board of Directors, 1 1 n assume this relationship will -be a further contract will he pre- .vahtage of it. . (the aame company that makea e the tnirka), ran make them. Con- , 1 atnirted of 2" extra amooth prime ateel tubing. 7!] ft. upright lega made of I inch prime ateel . LIVE tiihing. Tubular ateel aocketa are □ $ 129.50 Maple Bunk Bed, full twin size.'complete with 2-PANT \Velded. to top rail. Ball hearing ln.ittres-ses. springs, side gdard and ladder. ,' ' 1 ------Q one piece atrri glider, ball bearing so clean, so aasy, so handy, you’l hangerwf exactly a'a ahoM n. NOW ; ...... $79.50 nevor be without it anain .... □ $.'i4(9.> Solid Hard Rock Maple, full twin size Youth Bed ...... $44.50 MADE TO SEU FOR $55 □ 821.9.'> "Kiddie Korral"'modern play-yard . .$16.95 REGAL'S LOW, LOW PRICE □ $17..4(> 18 X 2« Cold Framed .Mirror. Plate glAss. ^p- per hacked for perm.anency...... $14:95 •N OTHER GYMS FROM $19.95 ••••a «»««• *••••• e^a»* OtSSOSABU rOUlTMS Keg. $119..5Q Studio Now . . . when assortments are complete apd prices reasonable, because of special Couch. i)e luxe style Gold purchases, we urge you to buy yoUr summer type furniture, much of which can be Bond with layer of foam used indoors too, f*or today's casual living. rubber over innersprinit SET . . unit. Can be used as two It’s NUMBER ONE in performance! separate beds. Smart dec- I ’ FREE ALTERATIONS PEEL CANE CHAIRS ...... FROM $4.69 • Now sanitary way to clean loilet .bowls—no ugly sirative colors. Reduced ALUMINUM C H A IR S ...... , FROM $7.95 brushes. - < i« $79.50. A wonderful blend of daemn and acetate f',»r BEACH UMBRELLAS...... FROM $7.95 Come see how it feels to be Number One on the road . . . with ■ • Set includes Johnny Mop plastic dispensing handle, , eonpleta aummer comfort. CHAISE LOUNGES...... FROM $19.95 America’s highest-rated engine: Chrysler 235 HP FirePower plastic dispenser. .30 chemically treated disposable V-8! Drive with Chrysler PowerFlife... iHoal ou/omafic ao-cJ«lek NORTHCOOL NYLON CORD METAL CHAIRS ...... FROM $4.95 cleaning pads. □ $19.9.5 » \ 1‘J .FIBKK Kfti.s, C'llOlt'K OF COLORS drive in any car. And with the safe, sure ease of Full-time .NATIO.VXI.I.V .VOVFKTLSEO BR.ANDS ...... $19.98 HBRE RUGS 9 x 1 2 ...... FROM $17.95 • Handle and dispenser havei a gleaming china-white Power Steering plus Power Brakes. Come feel new pertonal HOUSE" □ $’«4.95 KOI.I..AM AY COTS WITH COTTON \ y WOODEN CHAIRS ...... FROM $3.95 finish. ' , MATTKUSS ...... ■...... /. $19.99 TENDER YELLOW power that proves why anything leas is "yesterday’s" car! SUITS » -»» METAL TA B LES...... FROM $1.98 • Dispenser attached to tank without screws, holds a □ $,54.95 KOI.LAW AT’ COTS WITH INNER.SPRDtG 28 WARES M.ATTKKSS...... <... $$4iJ§ . . , $6.95 big supply of pads and Has a hook for Johnny Mop WASHABLE, SPOT RESISTANT SAMSON TRAY TABLES ... / £■ □ $4.9.5 SAN’FOKIZF.O. ZIPRERF.D MATTRK.SS SAMSON "AUTOMOBILE FINISH' METAL CHAIRS ...... ; $9.95 The pow «r and look of Uodorship or* yours in o DEPT. handle. C05 FK.S, FI LL OK TW’IN S I Z E ...... $ $J8 . FROM $9.95 □ REG. $«9..5« TW IN HOI.LY5VOOD BED. CHOICE OF SAND BOXES ...... MAIN R*6II Box of 10 Dispof■ \ s MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26. 1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HHRALD. MA^THESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY ^6, 1954 PAGE FIFTEEN f AGE FOUBTCEM

on hla “PUfrimac* to PaleaUnt" became pa^eiky yeoterday and aped to the acene when another David Bronateln (on# tt their .Magnum Photos, Inc., a world- pointed shortly at the South! child told him what had happened, Marv Bonn Fund Methodist (Tiunjh to determine! I at 8 p. m. at the Talcottvllle Con- Jt 8 p* I Grangers lo Ba^k Jumped from the boat into the strongest playeral, E. Geller, Paul Vietiniiih Veer• ■ M'ide cooperative pictures agency. ,w Ro^yitte-Vernon ’ . ' rrarational Ghiirch. The meetlnK -Arrive* liv^orea ■'"’••ntic River, where he lost his recovered the bod;’. But efforts,to rroacRinioio 1 Russian Team Kere* (another top man), Alex­ the use of the fund. For many yea'r.s 5ti.ss'Bonn was I la aponaoreil by the Ladies' Mis- . P\-t. Stanleyy'^. Wheeler, son Farm Iiistrii<‘tor life about 25 yards from shore. revive Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. PCAREFUIXT qOMPOCNDED i ander Kotov, T. Petrosjan, and 'The death o f Werner Bishop, Plans Announced { stonary Society of the church. Re- 1 heodore Schultz, >i neighbor who Weston Capen, were in vain. • one of Capa's associates In Mag­ a loi'al mern^r of the chqrrh and of Mr. and Mrit. Charles Wheeler. Mark 'ralr.ionov. "Two of these will North to Grab an active M'orker in the Sunday Poliiie Department to Add ; freshmenta will follow the pro- , Route 2. U p ^ r Butcher Rd.. re­ Will Meet U: S. be alternates. num Photos, M-as announced in AMESITE DRIVES Igram. *• Manchester Gran^'e, No. 31, Arthur D ili Sterit^ New York last night. The agency A Mary Bonn Al'bi'Jrial Fund, school and youth program'. cently arriv-ed In Korea for duty Sa.vs Beds Strong Those, Mho M'ish to contribute to The nionthly meeting of the iw ith’ the 7th Infantry- Division. which held an Improaive Grange Harold M. Phillips, the spry 79- Delta of River said he waa killed sometime- last in honor of .-Mias Bonn who died ! First Evangelical Lutheran Chess E xerts week in an automobile accident in the 'fund. In lieii of floMers, may . No Menoy Down * 34 Months to Pay Specially Designed^ Cruiser of the "Bayonet” division, service in the South Methodist year-old president of the Unlterl suddenly yest-arday hss been set mail checks to the churCh, or leave ! Church Council will be held at 7 State.- CJhess Federation, which the mountains of Peru. are-^ndeigolng intensive training j church. Sunday’ evening. May 23. (Ckintiniied from Vaga One) up. and (•ommittee M'ill be sp- '.lions .it the church office. ! p. m. at the church. . maintain the peak combat effi- attended by more than 300 persons. || . (Continued from 'Faga One) arranged the piatch, says the Rus­ Bischof v.-as a native of Zurich, Paving a Driveways a Pat-king Areas Rockvitle, May 2«\par><*Hr-A- Gtrirp- OCrowther vs, Marcel Kes- The Rock\ille Methodist WSCS ciency displayed by the unit from ' j,as voted to sponsor a teacher of:| AMESITE sians are "very lormidable." S'.vilzerland. He had covered as­ given pei-misslon to evacuate a newaw Dobc*Mlice rruiaarcruiser willwtH §c^T\^;pttomn';pe sei at-.ec.al; *1; Arthur H-idSpn vs. Er^- Wilt hold a Wrthday ^t-lu ck a ^ yalu river. agricultural methods in India, and Botvinnik, who has dominated Last year the Russians canceled signments for many American added to the equipm eny^ the. nest ‘^.■Licence et el.«: Mettle C. " f *?" P%t. Wheeler entered the Amiy ".the upper echelons of the chess their scheduled match here when total o f 858. magazines, including the corona­ 6:30 p. m. Latpr in the evenlp^tne also .to' devote the generous collec­ Manchester l o ^ department. Qyi Mereld Vince vs. Franit Wisnieskl et al; , in November 1963 and was last tion amounting to 8154,12. received world for many years, will be the State Dept, ruled they could The French Command in Saigon tion of Queen Elizabeth II for Life. teamed thismom ln*./in keeping Benjamin Pierson dck supper and penny Reahevsky. who Is 43. Is general­ elected to stay at a New York lost at, t),ien Bien Phu. A Memorial service for all de­ table at 7^. m. at Its rooms with dled through the .Manchester Eve­ tions are trying to do something, a canyon aliout four.jr'oiirs driving 251 BROAD STREET- MANCHESTER aa haa been used in the past, but ceased membc'/s of the \American about it. by proiiding speakers to ' Abo: Pdrking Lots — Tonnit Courts — WoHis ly acrlalmert by his colleagues as hotel, although the. .State Dept, The spokesman said the jieM' time from the mining center of membert bringing food and gifts ning Herald Rockville bureau lo­ the rhesa champion of the western . . . bteout* ifi locy-cool and a vehicle obstructed exclusively now says they can go lo Glen Cove units M-ould be sent in to holster I'ariiz,' P i Legion Auxiliary will Be. V Id this for X)xt table. cated at One .Market Rt., telephone explain the situation and raising Given On C.O D. Deliveries H’..ldlbiiyo, in Paiaz,' Province. naads no car* . . . pick nylon funds for Instructors. world. 4f they want. the imperiled delta. ElsOM hei e in, O'le Far East Sen for police work. evening at A p. m. with -t^he me­ e Sunday School teachers of Rockville 5-3136. 10% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS He waa a child prodigy. At the Powered/isnUi a IW ^orte power morials chairman, Mrs. "^Leona Grangers from many parts of The plans call for games on June Capa Killed Ry Mine ate Majority .Leader Uipriano Pri- math lo keep your feel pretty John's Episcopal Church will age of seven he -w-as playing publir 16, 15*,, 21 and 23, Unfinished, of motor, thO new F ^ d ' soon to be Remkiewicz in charge. Plans will Connecticut attended the service Terms orrangod if dosirod. * lOf Robert Capa, famed American nicias’ toda^" urged active Philip- wherever the holiday weekend hold a dinner meeting at Tariff- M.A.V DR0W :.S s e l f exhibitions and' defeating major adjourned games will he completed added to the d etrim en t unll be alto be completed for the uni^ •Sunday evening and enjoyed the ■ M'ar pliotographel'. m'bs killed*yes- : pii * miljliiry participation in the vilie at 6:30 p. m. Simsbury. May 26 •/P' Medical players. June 17, 20, 22 snd 24, / lerday in a land mine blast on the ; lokei you I Ai shown, apecially upholstered and fitted participation in the "Memorial Da.^ 'The Tolland County United Jew- social time which followed when ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED lY Indoch.iri'a M-ar. ■ with iw ny o b e r features suitable Examiner Owen L Murjihy said local members seiwed sandwiches, Israel ‘r«p* pines' business" If Indochina goes 'The report' of- the ConiiecUcut : a world cliamplonMiip mAtch to national collegiate record yester­ In recognition of his World War ndicett Jjehnsen headed by Paul D. Collier, chief of offerV m g r a n g e features II coverage, Gen. EjsenhOM'er dec­ Communist. the Bureau of Youth Service for Employment .Security DUision Botvinnik last year. The score waa day, when he finished the season shows s slight drop in the number ‘III 12 games to 12. Under^tlie rules, a with .57 2-3 scorele.ss innings. orated Capa M'ith. the U. S. Medal the State Board of Education and Plender msde it six shutout vic­ of,Freedom in 1947. Women seldom suffer from sny 950 Main $t. Plus grens eotehor, goselina ecm, gross shtors wiU be held at Cook's Tavern In of unemployment compensation IN tie goes' to the chaippion. given sge except M’hen it's given claims taken'dunng the week end­ Others on the Rutirian team are tories in a row ■ when he beat Capa-, M'ho M’as born in 1913. M-as and pump oilor FREE. Plainville. ESS FI^OR SPACE! Middlebury 7-0. among gix-owner. members of lo them by ether M-onun. Member* o f .the FStchange Club ing May 22. 'The total number for Yuri Aiierbach, I. Boleslawky, and the PtibliC Health Nursing this w ^ k was 289 a.s compared Othar powor mowors pricod preportionedoly low to 303 for the week ending May "DE LUXE 30" Aaen. SchoUrihipC®"""*^^**" Monday to determine the recipients la. "There was 22 new claims and NEW NORGE Ele c tr ic r a n g e ef the 1954 sohoMrshtps. 267 continued, with 188 of the total The cheerleaders for 1954-1956 number being women. Wedneaday Events PICNIC SUPPLIES have been named by Mrs. CTare A huge !4-lnch wide, complete­ Albom. The aenlor group includes At the meeting of Damon Lodge, For tha big Mamoriol Day wookond: Jfary DeCarli, captain; CynUila KnIghU of Pythls-s to be held at 8 ly automatic oven and smoke- Flghf r, co-captain: Alcyone p. m. al the VFW home plans will le«a broiler In Marbellte Porce. Thermos .lugs. Picnic Box^.. Paper Platea. Cups, etc., 8.,uires, Pat»>’ Scotta. Barbarh be rompieted for the annual me­ lain Finish. "T.4ILORED” cook­ Plaatic Plate.a and Cups and Dozens Of Other Itema. morial exercises lo be held June 9. Kramer. Porpthy Stanhope, Bea­ ing speeds-—countless big range Croquet Seta, Charcoal and Briqueta trice Brown and Jean McLaughlin. Officers feir the new combihed Tile junior group inoludes: Bar­ PTA for- th» new elementary features In this Ingeniously en­ bara DkleduL Judy Riddle. Judy school on East Street will be elect­ gineered "30" new* NORGK. See Czarnlckl. Thais Oordner. Nancy ed tonight at 8 p. m. at the present it today! Generous trade-in al­ Sprayers and Insecticides Calhoun, Barbara Smith and Joyce East School. By-laws will be lowance on your old range. Keye. adopted. Thofie joining at tonight's The AasernWy C om ^ttge will meeting will be con.sidered charter hold a food sale June 4:. members. Meeting TueedSy 'The 50-50 club of the Baptist Only ‘229 The regular monthly meeting of Church will hold th'eir annual out­ local American Red Cbmu CSiaptcr ing at the County Home, in Ver­ will be held at the High SchooL non at 6:30 p. m. There, will be IX)W DOWN PAYMENT Tuesday at 4 p.m. bXaeball with the childretj of the.; E-Z TER.MS History Chairman Appointed home, a dog roast and movies aa i Donh jrnis^ otAtr sbed^f oh First Selectman Herbert Pagan! the entertainment portion of the has appointed Herman Olson of program. Ladd A Hill Co., chairman of a committee to investigate the pos- The BciSril of Deacons of the JAMES A. WOODS PRESSURE albllity of publishing a book con­ First Congregational Church ■ of taining tha history of the town and Vernon Center rueet.s at 8 at the SPRAYERS tha City, with the publication by home of Frederick Paisley. Graham Leonard of the Ken­ the city and the town. ( , III, I ^ ' ■ M III, 111- -11 I • >|i< i< I > . i.i M',' t n I I' '' The Rev. Dr. George S. Bropkes nedy School of Missions in Hart- HAND X forci will give an Illustrated talk Supei^Cushiens former pastor of the Union Con­ gregational Church, spent several SPRAYERS years, corifplling information and SALES writthg„A history of the city and town. Several months ago Dr. :TEL. MI-9.5295: OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Brpbkea outlined to the Board of 512 WEST CENTER STREET Finance of the town and the City Council hla history which la now ready for publication. SsJtA£xjtionaL " , To Present I’lay g o o d ^ V e a r "The Hamsters." the newly 1953 OLDS 98 DE LUXE 1951 OLDS SUPER 88 formed theatrical group in this city will present thelf first pro­ Cnnvcrtlhlp. Black, radio, heater, hydramatir, 4-llr. Sed^n. Radio, healer, hydraJiiallc. .\bao- duction tonight St 8:30 p. m. in NYLON HOSIERY power steering, white 'walla. Full leather Interior. liitely clean Inalde and out Solid green, I A Q C BULB SPRAYERS ^ Red Men’s Hall. "Ten Nights in a Thla offers the mo«i In luxury trans- 0 7 0 * ? Waa 169.1. Now ...... IH f J Barroom.'*' The play will be repeat- Fa/r\o(4$ M A R A T H O N portatlon. Waa 3095. Now ...... m l ad ntursday night. FOR POHED PLANTS ® d \ ’The players plan to present s pity each year for the benefit of SALE in\(r Lawn rollars, >podas, fhovols, rakas, whoolbonbwf, a pubic cause, and this year's pro­ ceeds win go to the Rt.’' John’s DAINTY DOT ond HARMONY for only handy carts, garden hoso, lawn mowors, powor Episcopal Church huilding fund. 60 (.auRe. 15 Denier 'Jh, fiewors, lawn swoopors. Those in the cast include Her­ 51 (rauKc, 15 Denier man Olson. Rchard Mooney.’ Wsr- 1953 OLDS DE LUXE 98 1951 FORD DE LUXE ren Thurnsuert Mr. sn d : Mrs.' Some fancy heels. Vblue.s lo 11.50. -.Clarence Smith. Mr. and- Mrs. 4-I)r. .Seilan. (ireen with cream lop. Radio, healer, W L ( O o n l t | - 2-rtr. Sedan. Jtark blue. *ln evcclleni condilion. GRA$$$EED ’’Sohn Goddard. Francis Green. Mr. CLOSE OUT sale hydramatir, power steering, allp covera; w hlle Thla wniilit make a good aecond car. Q Q 8 S ' and Mrs. Joseph Belottl snd Mrs. walla. ^A heaiitifiil one owner, low 0 7 0 4 'Was t09.1. Now ...'...... O T J Dahlia, QIaAioli Bulba— Bagoniaa-Glaxiaia Rolsnd Wise. Fred LIpmann l.s di­ 45 mileage car. Waa 299.1. Now ...... A # # “T ______li______; recting the music. JC tW iV ^ juUl ^ /••i fYilldren’s I>ay Slated ' The annual Children's Day pro­ : pair pliM Isa Power moweri ineluding Savage, Exeello, gram at the Union Congregation-, asd ysur Reo and Lawn Boy-^Rnl and rotary type. al Church will be presented June firappablukia IA m i L C w l - - - 13. Various departments of the 3 Pairs $2.25 Sk*4J4alS Church School are making plans 1953 NASH RAMBLER 1951 RLYMDUTH CRANBRDDK Lawn mower sharpening anij|i,rilpairing for the day. The .Iiinior. and V- Junior High choirs will sing, with 2-l*r. Sedan. This car Is to be sold as Is and la the Junior choir appearing, for Countr.v rliih .Model. Radio, heatpF, white waljv, not aafety leslrd. It la a good buy C O K ONION SETS and SEED POTATOES the first time in the.ir blue and two tone brown paint. One ownrer, 1 >| Q g i i ‘at onlv ...... J T J white robes rriade by the ladies NYLON RUFFLED CURTAINS I.a*w mllragr. Waa 174.1..Now ...... under- the guidance of Mrs. John %.00x16$iz8 Peters. . 'There will be a baptisnial serv- I >l« ►'if; Ice for children. Infoiinalioh ■should be given to thi; nursery su- -, SpiciaL Sa lt, Morothon ^iHHWiiumii perintendent, Mrs. Leonard Fred- ■, fl.,j Flowar BaA Faneint crick n/)t later than Ju.ne j 1953 FDRD NAINL1NE YOUR 1951 NASH AMBASSADOR Cases ITanned Thuntday 100 INCHES WIDE TO THE PAIR ¥ Seven cases, sssigned for the 1 9 t-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatir, light tan. Thursdsy session of the Tolland Rtg. $4.49— 54 inchas long . . $3.98 Pr. LOW PRICES ON 4-Or. Hove grey, radio, heater, overdrive. Thia Is ROBWIT J. SCHALLER A truly beautiful hii>. Was 114.1. • ^ u n ty Supenp-/ Coiirt with .Judge a beautiful family car with hydra- 1 K O K PRESIDENT Use John 'T. Culhpan presiding irteliide. . Rag. $4.79— 43 inchas long .... $4.49 Pr. THESE SIZES, TOOl matte, Rear door locks. Was 179.1. Now J u w a Rtg. $6.98— 72 inchas long .... $4.98 Pr. No otKei" .tfre* af Krilium thede price* matcK ■ ALL 5AFETY.TE5TED CAR5 SIZE PRICE To Improve DOUBLE WIDTH— 81 inchas long . $8.98’ tKcse Goodye'arf CONNECTICUT 5TATE IN5PECTED AND READY TO GO! The Soil g jm TRIPLE WIDTH— 81 inchas long ... $12.98 for quality and per­ 6 .4 0 x 15 $ 1 3 . 7 5 ^ formance. So, why 1952 BUICK RDABMASTER 1951 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 Water Soluble Fertilizers a-TRANSISTOR take chances with 7 .1 0 X 15 * 1 5 . 9 5 * 2-Hr. Sedan. Kmlio, beater, b.xdraiiiatie. Two lodo Riviera C’oiipe. With dynaflow drive. Thia caa Is worn, smooth tires? 1 7 .4 5 1 OLDSMOBILE green. Clean Inside and out. \\as 149.'>. 1345 RX-15 A COMPLETE PLANT FOOD. 7 .6 0 X 1^ Immaculate Inside and out and-must I*** O A Q C “ .MANCMtSUU MOTOR SAliS" SEERSUCKER BEDSPREADS Come in and get aeea. Waa 239.1. NOW ...... -AwTJ, IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS DEPT. Plains and flgiired. F'lill and twin size. BRECO QUICK LIFE and FOLIUM new Goodyears 6.50 X 16 1 6 .9 5 * jL ill ■ ill 0 NEARIND AID AWNING and OI TDOOR FI R M T l RK while' our Special * Plut ts( asd yaur rs«ipa*W* tir* COVKRINt; MATKRIALS . $5.98 Sale is on. Tlie ASPARAGUS and RHUBARB ROOTS Ops/alti for only lU * Drapes to match the figured at $3.98 pair. ★ aMBih initesd of lii to ]0 f Plain and atri|>ed. 30 Inches w ide, prices will save you WHITE SIDEWALLS FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS • day for old-typt yscuum- 59c yard PRICED PROPOR­ luboaidi! Split width, hemmed— -19c yard BATES STRIPED money— new tires 1952 OLDS SUPER 83 1951 OLDS 98 DE LUXE Lifs-lik* lound, irusr and ma}T Mve your life. TIONATELY LOWI . ' » I ★ dsarsr than ever! PLAIN and J-TAIUAL tailored bedspreads 1950 DODGE Meadowbrook 1949 PONTIAC Streamlinar 8 TOMATO - PEPPER ~ CABBADE Convertible Coupe. This light greCn sport car with 4-Df. Sedan. Rarlio heater, hydramatir. S C Q 1C Tha MS "A ” batlary liiia a DRAPKIIY MATKRIAL Delrio and Berkeley, patterns. All colors. Fuji and miatchlng top la ready to go. 7 7 0 ^ ★ full month . . . no "'I" hsl- twin. size. . . ' 4"Dr. Sedan. Dark green. A really C 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater,. An O O K spot light. Excellent.Was 179-1. Now . . I J and LEHUCE PUNTS lary.. .fawarbauary chant« I 48 Inches' wide. Waa 249.1. N o w ...... ' buy. Was 109.1, Now , ...... JT-t J excellent famllv car. Waa 104.1. Now O 2e J $1.00 yard •a»r 4 | 2 5 EASY PAY PLANI n R M S AS LOW AS $1.2S A WEEK FOR A PAIRI 0 m r u i n IIM A M U iin r. M a A ft l* ( i i n Ca<>| $1..'19 Rverglaze Chintz— $1.00 yard $5.95 Aanawa by Ika Ceaacil os rsyiksl MadiciM asd Rtkabilusuon of j m Asnnean Msdical AMociaiioa * S9c KAIFJ.KS THE NICHOLS TIRE CO. BOODYEAR SERVICE STORE Sanyl Ordart aiuff ba 8llad Plain entnrs only, 45 Inches wjdr. 1953 DODGE 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 8 A a.dar racaJyadf 19c yard 1099 Main, 0pp. High School— Tol. MI-3-4047 713 Moiii St— Td. M|.y-$3tS ' ‘ 1952 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 1951 M ERCURY 1952 D L ^ Meadowbrook;'Light blue. 4-Or. Sedan. Radio, heater, hydra- I- ainst complete and largest line of slip t-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heal­ riuh Coupe. Radio, heater, 96 Deluxe 4-Dr. -Sedani covers tn town. TEXTILE Catalina Coupe. We have tw6 to ntatic. Dafk green. Excellent HOLLYWOlb SERVICE CENTER choose from. Radio, heater, hydra* er. One owner, low mlle- dark green. Radio, beater, hydiamatlc. ^EewAfdWfig itas LEHMAN’S ATLANTIC STATION Immaculate. T O O K tamditlon. Was. 745. i C 7 BT SHAG RUG SALE malic. 'Both- fully equip-, y Q O C Was 1495. . 1 7 0 K 342 Eosf Contor St.—^heno MI-9-1117 1695 Now .....n-lN.' Was 2295. Now I T T J Now .. ----- .-J ...... V ; 704 Main Sf., Monchasfar— Tol^ MI-9-8079'^ ped. Waa 2095. Now l O T J • . • i 'U i n n ^ s All coloraj * z ' r . Reg. $3.98. 24 i 36 . , . .NOW $2.98 I- ■ ■' ■: r ■' , Reg. $5.49, 24 X 48 . . . .NOW $.3.98 GULP SERVICE STATION I A. L. SLOCOMB, Prop. i I . ’ V Reg. $8.98. 34 x 54 , , . . NOW $4.91t V.' !4 MAIN STREET — PHONE MI-9-814S 34 DEPOT SQUARI TEL MJ.f-S274 913 MAIN ST.— m . MI-3-584f . i- '1 ■- f '» ■1/ -i4- 3 'S.. . yi -k ■

, r - f ■

•C" - JUNCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, GONN, WEDNESDAY.-MAY 26, 1M4 PAGE SEVENTEEN MANCHESTFR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, l!ii54 ^ A 6 B SIXTEEN spurned convention. She once told the selling of air tlcksta to Gibral­ back the strategic point was in- tar. Again, the government tensifl'ed by the recent visit of aervlcea. The ftrat jrame will be .1. Ploufe. AIlLaon F. Stewart, J r.l aald Morae had taken hia own life her Courier staff when It printed Gibraltar Frontier Woman' Tycoon, r 62, .spokesman said, thia only applied QueM Elizabeth II to Gibraltar between Yankeea and Red Sox. Herbert .1. Gable. Joseph Duara o f! and had died of carbon monoxide a major story she . didn't lifce:'- SAVE with SAFECO Battle for Asia (3) X to„ .Spaniards. dtiMrig her world tour. ■ Spain of- Coventry At B p. m., the DbdRerx will play the North Co'cntry Volunteer Fire , poiaoning. He had been deapondent "Don't print at all if there's no Shut to Spaniards The move was the latest In the ftcrally termed her visit an ^"in­ Au10 Insuronce the White Sox' with both jramea Dept, haa l ecri appointed institu-1 over ill health. State Police aaid; eld as Embezzler better news.” lional representative of the troop.'! state Police Lt, Harry Taylor long dispute between Britain and | sult" to all Spaniards. at •the^obe', t.«pn School Little Spain over the rock. Spain main- j Sixteen Scouta and Explorer' aaid Mor.ae’a body wa.a found by from 'Pag* On*) .'tirKDKR-SITICIDE VERDICT (Continued from Page One) Memorial Day Exercises League mambnd. ' R^d Blackmail W eap on tinned tains Gibraltar was "stolen" from I , PLAYFI'I, C.AMP Scouta and two leaders took a n ' Robert Roblnshaw. 16, who lives Danbury. May 26 liPi Mecfi^J, CROCKETT j . .AttiHlon Xeta $!W2 her by the British in the 18th cen- , over-hieht trtp over the weekend w »h the Moraea. Police found a area's leading citizens, owner and examiner JoVin D. Booth issu^ a mation and Tourism and directors ; The aum of. S352.B.'> waa realized of all travel agencie.s. tiiry. The fortress was captured; Montlcello. ' n . fNEAi- ; Insurance Agency to Camp Quinebaug in pioston. P'P® leading from the exhauat Into operator of theater chain here verdict of nqurder and s u lc ^ in Three members ^ E z z a r d Charles' Readied by AL Post^ Unit j from the auction Saturday at MXi'*'- He said the 15,000 S p a n k* h by a'British force Aug. 3. 1704 and 214 MAIN STREET Quown'a Red Barn on High Street They were, accompanied• by E:Ex- the car. 111 Recruiting Malayans and in Ashlani’T'-^d of other real ccnnection With the death s^ster- ramp— Including'^ the heav.vweight '\ ___ -— — — estate, newspapersnuhlishef anft workers who cross the frontier was feded to Britain by the Treaty conducted by fhe^Auxiliary of the 1 plorer RpSt Advi.sor W 111 i^ mi Detective Sgt. Walter Perkin.s. day of Mr. and Mrs. Hcn^' Hill, challenger play musical Instru-: Telephone MI-3-5416 each day to work in Gibraltar also of Utrecht. , * - Coventry. Miiv 2^v— (Sp»i;i8l> • W, Green by P<-5t ChapSain Philip Vplunteer Fire Hptchkia.s rand Scoutmaster John and State Troopers Edward Bea- president of the 5tiJ^ns National each about 27, estran g^ several Roiith Coventry the Indochina situation because were not affected .by the measure The Spanish campaign to w in ' ments. *ni« Memorial Dniy promum haa . F. UnHerson; .'Atienra ’ W ill be \ (. ! A. Hillman. A number of the bovB tien and Arthur Horan, all of the (Cottttniied froiu P s t* O **) Bank of Ironton. x months. tl^n completed bv theWal Amer- by aaFembly. and gravea will A.s.sn. the. government wanted to avoid Monday night she wasxrrested, for it applied only to Spanish tour­ Thia amount does not include pa.ased variOiis testa, "phe group {Stafford Springs Barracks. Inves- Mrs. Hill's body'W ^ found yes- I c a f t l^ o n Poat ’and AWlliara- by.be demrated by yeterana and rigated. The body was taken to the dily pro-Weatern Slameae ,are antagonizing China. in her apartment, taken to lt^rta- ists. Many Spaniards have been proceeds from the sale of refeeah- also went fishing and played ball, It Is strange to American ears tedday In the centet/of a room she th* Coventry and Mani«rMd die* achnol rtuldren Potter Funeral Home in Williman- cracking down on Chinese rde- mouth, Ohio and jailed overnight. cro.s^ng into Gibraltar for a day's mcnls. Mrs. Leo T. Lea.y, project Coming Evcptif* to hear Burmese leaders-in public shared with anoth^ woman. Hill's ■ \ , Some 4.V) travea iti all reme- llc. - ^ Ylt tcrday. 'Mi's. Sexton lyas iC- visit While touring, southern Spain. chairman said. Mrs. Eugene Rwhiing. Mts. ments suspected-of fostering uni-, .speeches denouncing the United body was found / ir lly in a clo.set, Memprial Day Runday ve'terana teriea of Coventry. ManafieM. An- leased on $5,000 bond provided by The American travel agent said Mrs. Clayton Horrii k was pgoj-• Rugoiie. W. CVmner and Mrs. Mil- derground Red «ctjvities. But Stste.s as a colonijil power. The a .22 caliber iw e at his side. “Dr. and aer\dcemen are tn\ited td. at-j dover will have been derorated ai I Manehesfer Evening Herald a daughter. She wai\cd prelimin­ Bbbth said Hill shot his wife and the ministry repre.sentative had pet co-chairman. The money will ,iip,| c . Juda*z will attend a aper revolution marks tjme across the violent attacks are all against tend church amdcea at the F rtft' the eoncJusion of the Memorial ! C o v e n t r y rorreapondent, Mrs. ary hearing and was bound to a then iHjiled the trigger on himwlf. forbidden, effective immediately. OonKreinUonal Church at 10;«^''X>ay Monday aerVicer-. Ce, letertea. go towards buying a .Scott A irip in l aijcial this evening for the borders. ^ Amerloa. Priv^tt'ely. Burmese will federal grand jury at Cincinnati. ^ \o*,her than.tho.»e in vhich .>;necial Pak fo r the firemen, the auxiliary veterans at the Rocky Hill Home ‘ Charles IJttle, telrplionr PI 2-B2SI. The ou llaw ed domestic Reds are admlt^that this Is because there is Then,' without commenting to The Rev. Truman .O. Ireland. V iW e .a are hcintr conducte|uslei . Boy ^Arthur Drug ^orM j OIL SERVICE- people of Vietnamese extraction had prevented Burma from taking and nighjx held business confer­ A wide aelectlon of Cemetery, with the main address St. Mary's Cemetery Monday at , ^ h^toiter inside Thai borders who slready a strong nnti-Communist stand. ences in' the cramped manager's iinh-fading eolora LIMITED for modem or tradi­ by Prof. Andre §chenker; song 10 a.m., weather ;vermitting. the. are politically inclined toward Ho The .Socialist party ruling Bur­ office m her theater. TIME "Am erica the Beautiful." and Rev. Bernard J. Foster said. In ! 40 Chi Mlnh. ■ \ ma wa.s founded a.s a Marxist A deliberate w'dman who doesn't tional archiiecture, benediction by the Rev. John C. r,a.se of rain or wet grounds, t)*e : OUSE ■1 Such organizations an the free party. It still is. Thcdntei prolation say much, she sometimes appeared Incltidlng the i)etv ONLY! Curtin followed by decoration of exercises will be held in the St. Hid u ^ f PAlH i Kachins from Burma aniKthe F''ree originallv wr.s close - to Moscow in her offices and beckoned work­ rallfomla-type/i»aa- veterans’ gravea. Mary's Church at the .same hour. Tliais from Thailand alt\n Red Communism. Now it is veering ers with a bri.sk nod and a curt: teU. Amazinji; dura­ bility. Get ex|*ert A t 3 p. m. the jrroup will aa- j Church Service Set China. Some day the time m>v' he away from Moscow in a revolution /hey!" "how-to-do-lt” ad­ • NAVY BLUE CA N VAS UPPERS semble st the comer on Route | Masses on Ascension Thursday . ripe for them to return and'net against totalitarianism. N . Mr.s. .Sexton, who lives modestly.;! vice from yoiir 4'ar- 44A. Front' there they will parade | will he cqnductcd in St. Mary's , PAINT "internar risings in motion. \ Burma. Thailand and Mala>'a air in a building housing a theater and • LONG WEARING RUBBER SOLES mnte dealer on I'olor to Earl W. Green Cemetery, to: Church at 6 a, m. and 8 a, m.. j ABMAC'S Burma leaders, uncomfortably' have a' large Chinese population, restaurant she owns, at times and in St. Joseph's Church in i ■k WhHa tfaya whHa— colors stay bright ^ d Chine.se Communist proi^a- selection, durability, • BUMPER t 6 E g u a r d bcap'addreaa by the Rev. Truman » .M aware of the country's peril.' say CARMOTf 5 ga'uda pours into, Burma and Tliai- surface preparation, O,'' Ireland entitled,, "That These. Eaglevllle at 7 a, m. k Goos *n fast and Mity" publicly they do not fear Commii- • WASHABLE I Doubleheader .Slated lanX^ln Malaya, the Communist ^ ease of appl^ation. Our Honored Dead. W ill Have Not PHBSUMMEB VALVES In 4 gallon Iota k Protact* your houto for yoort n'sm short of an Invasion from Died In Vain.” • I The local Little "League teams | China. 'moveinent is m .re than 95 per (§) An American region service w ill; will play a doubleheader Monday But a Burmese government cent Chinese; ► COSMETICS i •«*eu« eMi S O MUCH MORE FOR SO MUCH LESS after the parade and cem etery' Limitkd Timk offmr. Paint your h o uf now and savoi Tomorrow; Colonialism la still be conducted at the grave of Earl i leader told me there would be no ► W k c a r r y a l l i official statement forthcoming on a devil to India. LEAOrNC. BRANDS ^ Clipper Craft Suits 903 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER E. A. JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY (Arthur Drug Stores j • Nylon Cords, Dacron Blends. "Rayon Tropicals, Worsteds ; Ok ▲ 4K A A A A A A A A ^ 699 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER DUPONT PAINTS f o r EVERY PURPOSE SA V E " v i t a l i t y Wo Give Green AMERICA’S BKSTCl.OTHlNt; VA,LI E! COX V Stamps with Cosh Soles MANCHESTER FIRST IN E C O N O M Y , . . NUTRITION. . . RESULTS ARROW SHIRTS Mc(;RKGOR aSPORTSWKAR h ardw are • New' irntterfiA In lorig And nhort You doo'.l pay for water when you buy MANCHESTER BARGAIN CENTER • I'utrge seleclion of collar atylea sleeve *port shirts. Eertilixer, la y ti Seed. In white and'eoinra. Viialicy. Ever)' ounce if ALL food . . . with 721 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER • Denim outfits \ ALL the Riineralf, proteins and vitamins Lown Rolief^ to Rent * Broadcintha, flyfords and Zefiliyr • •laekrts needed to fttisfy your dog'f appetite and PLUMBING & SUPPLY CO. Shoor SsuvidsAiL materials. • RaM]iie shirts nutritional needs. One pound of Vitality Coriier Main and plus water equals three pounds of canned F. T. BLISH, .Tr„ Pres, and Treas. The Neiv dog food. Siari your dog on Vitality today. Middle Turnpike East , ‘’If It's Hardware We Have It” • Gahardine.s TEL. MI-3-6161 877 MAIN STREET PHONE .MI-.3-4125 "Yi'e (live Green Staiii|is'’ SLACKS FOODS Bulova • Checks Big Value Datys • Nylon Cords 2 P a ir CONN. BRED PARAKEETS i Our ('onnecticiit bred parakeets have been o Reu. $7.9.V Pair aviarv lnsi»ec.ted and approved by the TkorksHthbred M rle e * fbee IFTSI xhy rs. - Fri. ■ Sat. "23” $ ^ . 9 5 CONN. STATE DEPT. OF HEAI.TH! 6 Exi’clleiit \allic! a »«t tmUkred Setting a new pace in savings,on men’s and boys’ fumiishings and shoes. Giant RR^* $ 5 . 9 5 Up NO CHARGE FOR ALT;ERATIONS U r mkmtimmmm a ings in all departments before Decoration Day,. Come early. New EmerMm C A G E S K R O .M>I $.3.98 . CANARIES " R IG 16 IN C H C A S E LADIES’.and CHILDREN’S PORTABLE RADIO Puppies^ Guaranteed singers $ 7 . 9 5 I P Fish_____ h a n d y c a s e s Q C l-esa SPORT SHIRTS NYLON SH O Rfi BELTS LUGGAGE ^ IT.T J Batteries B Fay Only 50c A Week • Short Slrv\^ • Moxrr >1\1c / \ MANCHESTER / ■ F.ach # 6 9 * 33'hite and Solid 0)lora Each $ 2 . 9 5 PET CENTER riBKtIa Covered. For arhnpl or beach. 99 ' 995 .MAIN STREET / MI-9-427S $ 1 - ^ 9 Rrg\SI.50 to R.3..30 3 for $5.00 * 7 A L L M E T A L CHILDREN’S ' K.K» Tm With arch aupport. CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITE0— PAY WEEKLY OR MOmHLY Perfect Gifts foj $4.95, $5.9^, $6.95 SELF-Wlf^OING , Pair $ 1 # 6 9 CERTIFIED WATERPROOF* De|M‘ndlng on alze. Can take all hard knwkx. UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRING tl B R ID E RIu^n siitl ftsl^ SHOCK RESISTANT • ANTI-MAGNETIC MEN'S and BOYS' BROWN LACE to TOE fJ!;i.2r> A Week MEN’S CHINO No Carrying Charge \ SNEAKERS U A R MAC Aix-lied 'DISTINCTIVE MEN'S WEAR" WORK PANTS RAMANT CONTROL Pair$la95 NEXT TO ARTHUR DRUG 2 P a i l Far $ 5 . 0 0 / 946 MAIN ST. TOASTER "Come early"

Kxclufivc. Radiant Con­ WITH EVERY*'$5.00 .PI RCHASE THIS WEEK ONLY! trol givea you same per­ fect toast whether bread ★ FREE A (JOOl) PJ.ASTIC, WON T-CRACK WAI.LET. X it frozen or fresh, rye or will notice the differ­ white, thick or thill. f l * .WITH K.\CH $10.00 PI RCHASE; A MCE OVERNIGHT Bread lowers itself auto­ ence the instant you try o n i matically, no levers, to P K tt C.VSE. . P«y .u0c‘ Weekly push. Toast raises itself silently without springs, Middishade Classic-fine no popping or banging. V i U M H H ME.VS LONG SLEEVE .3IEN'S .ALL NYLON ■ME.N’S G A B .A R D IN B luxury fabrics, gentlernan'i \ § M A a n < ^ ^ ,n NOW IS THE TIME - - - PANTS styling, hand workmanship- SHIRTS SHIRTS, I fOS Hit Bulovu Dolly Madifton Now, Before the Annual "RUSH" Period, Is the Tim* 21 .lew.-Is For that going away »pre*. SFIIOIL and of course, expert fitting „,a$1.98 2 P a ir F o r $8.95 aUllNA Pay Only To Modernix* Your Homo With i^utomotic Oil Heat. f . AUTOMATIC Reg. $8.95 a pair value. PHOTO-IOENT $49.95 *1.00 .\;\Veck by our master tailor. ' rjM-h $1.98 Shi^rt .Nlc^ colon*. \ COmfilM SIEII "N o .AlteraMonv’V CLEAN — EFFICIENT — ECONOMICAL 4 •Reg. $',*.95 and *3.95 value*. Give'her the assurance of a perfect cup of coffee .MEN'.S AlU IV and N.AVY " 'M E N ’S 4»ery lime. Correct water .3IE.VS SHORT SLEEVE f? temperature,' agitation SEERsrcKr.R and brewing time con­ It’s dacron and wool in sub­ OXFORDS ‘ WORK SHOES SILENT GLOW BURNERS trolled automatically. Has stainless steel filter. tle colors, splash and slub SHIRTS weaves for the man in the P - , $4.95 P a ir $5.95 (iramerev Park suit this -■r. I-eather aolea, 4io«Hlyear welt. Kla<'k<« and brow n*. I.o w o r high, season. The miraClf of $1.29 leather or compoaltion aolea. AMERICAN STANDARD dacron helps this suit keep Blarkv and brown*. "Brutally atroug.” its crea.se, shed wrinkles 2 for $2.50' SSSeM and wear well. Tastefully MOOR 10 a u to m a tk stv'led in a wide selection of MEN'S MEN’S WINE rORDl'ROr __ __ HEATING iSYSTEMS MIXMASTER colors and tc\tures GAI'CHO STYLE Jainty it's a real buy at WORK HOSE SPORTCOATS / 3 Year* to Pay QualHy P^uete Faclusive Bowl-tt heal­ only ...... $ 5 0 POLOSHIRTS *^K0 N S 0 N ers for lighter, higher, SIGNET finer textured cakes, 6 P a ir F o r $1*00 % F.ach $8.95 creamier mashed pets* * 4 5 4 5 .5 0 , ' $1.50 V Elpart WorkmaRahlp , / UneonditioRal Ottaraalaa loci, etc. America's moil COMPACT Others at eSeS and up PRINCESS popular food mixer. -. Reg. $2.95 grade. With coliara. MEN’S (^Initials V Laftovar CoaT RafflovaO ^ Crafit Bitaa' MEN’S ZIPPER $5.95 lacliided $8.50 • TEE SHIRTS BOVS’ COiRDI^ROT DUNGAREK- X • RRIEFS

• A T H L IT C SHIRTS SPORT iQOATS $1.98 MORIARTY BROTHERS V I n e . : i pal *^h49c KEMP'S , X.-i,;»)95; . ‘ g Oa... good g o a lt t y .' 768 MAIN STREET I W E G I V E a-'fC GRE^N STXMF8. 301.315 C e n te r ST. TEL MI-3-SI3S ^ Advertise in Die flerald— It Pays t n m a i n S T R E E T \ MANCHESTER ,v?i:'■ /" ' V 1 V ■ ———r-— ' ■' ’ ' . ------■ A \ vV '■‘ V ■ h-\ ? aH*' c r . \ / 7 ? v m \'. / \ / ■V ■■ ■ , ■ ,


BY FONTAINE FOX FU N N Y B u s i n e s s BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNBR Special on All-M'ool CarpetiBg tOONERVILLE FOLKS Powder green BIGELOW’S N«w Fof Half-Six«rs W apping BEST TSS’IST, an all-wool three- ply yarn carpeting.^ regularly Open House Starts . Sense and Nonsense 512.50 a sq. yard la now available Bargains at 85ANCHESTER CARPET CEN­ Overheard in a hotel lobby; your araumenta, tha court haa oea- TER. 308 Main Street for $9.50 a For Kindergarten Younjc woman—I have to take cludad to deeida thla caat In your sq. yard. SAVE $36.00 on a 9' x my car down to be winterized to­ favor. Listed by IS' room size. This decorator shade Wapping, May 36 (Bpsctalj — morrow. uire harmonizes effortlessly with msny The kindergarten, sponaorad by 'YounR man—Be sure to get the The famouB Doctor Johnaon waa colors, scuff marks do not show the South Windsor KindcrgarteR right kind oT anti-freeze. There are diacoverad ona day, fey ktra. John­ and the underfoot softness is Assn., h<^ds open house this week several different types, you know. son, kiaalng ona of har aarring ti ’y" hi.xurious. ’ starting yesterday at the O m - Young woman—Ohi VV’hlch kind maida. muntty House from 9:30 Ul 11:30 do you use in a convertible? Wifa--Why, Dr. Johnaon, To remove gi:pase and food oil a. m. Parents are urged to bring Biiperior Mouse Paliita Cooling Fans and Circulators New Shipment of Upholstery - Gay Beach Itmbrcllaa children who will attend next fall. aurpiiaad.x Are you perturbed about the ap­ Rote Bordtr ^or Linens from wallpaper mike a paste from Huaband—No, that ia not - for the Senior Dance How parents can help the ehild Q- la\\yer would not cease. It seemed only thing you can count on is your On June 18th the date set for Ring", "Bridal Book" and "Wed­ adjust to kindergarten life, was the room first. Let hot water run 'Use distilled or rsin water in rickety chairs and stools Xo stand ding Bell" all with touches of re­ that he had attained such a mo­ fingers. In th ^ u b for a while ?r keep the on to reach high p la c ^ are the M.H.S. Senior Dance. RHINE­ also discussed. cm> ' n, ,, NC w mentum that he could not stop. your steam iron to prevent rust or main caiiaes of falls In^/ie kitchen. STONE JE W E IJtY from MATH­ fined accents. The printing rivals Little Loop to PraettfW CJ Finally Juatice Harlan leaned It's nice to sea people gat along, k«tti« going ,n the kitchen. 'Then, lime crust from forming in the ER’S AT THE CENTER will be t. appearance of engiaving with­ and the sooner Pome et them gat walls are covered with light Play safe! Wipe \ip ^ ilis aa aoon center stage attraction with Neck­ 'Practice for the little Leaxu* / “Okay, okay! HI gat tha whaalbarrow^fixed up for \ forward and. in the pollteat of simply go over them with v. ater receptacle. aa they are made:/use a sturdy out the cost. Ask to see the sam­ Alumni teams was called off Mon­ tones, said: Mr. Smith, deapite along, tha battar. lace and Barring Sets starting at ples. day night because ’ of rain. ’A a S- a»-5~4 / you again!" ' long-handled cleaner. kitchen stepladde/whenler ’ you have 56.62. MESH EVENING BAGS Picnicking Fun to reach a high /helf. sessions will be held tonight u d Vacationing dayJs and holiday complete the mSglc for a mem­ Tha more food that "goes Friday night at 7 p. m. at 8t. BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Versatile 8unbeam Frypan weekends are arrlvi.ig. MONT­ orable evening. OUT OUR WAY At KEMP’S, 763 Main Street, Choice G lft^ n r the June Bride through" the freezer, the less Francis Field. The season ia ached- GOMERY WARD COMP.ANY, pre­ op.rating cost there will be per uled to open June 12. accordlnx lo / Sunbeam's newest "family mem­ pared to add to your outdoor meal­ Count on/MATHER’S .AT THE You can use curtains that are ber," the electric FRYPAN, is dis­ CENTER ror helpf'.il advice as to pound, k amiliea who arrange to 8120 George Mullen, president time pleasure, invite yoU to their of a atrtpe or plaid dealgn with a I V- H POOR OL’ merman/ t h e v r e all Anawar to Provioua K 5 3 a played with pride. Set the dial wedding/ifts that will be truly rug of allover floral design If your "live out of" their freezers as W' 3 4 24 School Registration Set THIS KS COLLAR CM OILERS OR downstairs floor where sturdy, much as possible, and thus have a Pre School Registration for the THAT HOterlM-OMEWHlS 8AU. HIT Clothing the Fomily and cooking perfection is assured woven PICNIC B.A8KRT8 are cherishM. Their experience has re- walla'and furniture are plain. fo r him. CASHIW CUP sR EA se ooi(X-fa6re tvw f eveevmiM© «.,« ‘Tha boa* it gatting raaf cuta! Thit It tha third nota I’va for meats, vegetables, cassieroles vealed/\’ear-ln and year-out favor­ rapid turnover of frozen food, A handsome afternoon frock'de flrit (jrad# at the Wapping aad pavcaV ch ecks/ m o n keys n I shown. Eating utensils for four or make the most economicrl use of signed to flatter the woman who Union Elementary Schools hs THEM SATURD*/ NK5MT CHOPS OR C?LO eoV/— HE the lOCkfeRl found taying ^ t ai meva on, M i t t Higgint!' ’’ and desserts due to controlled heat. six are strs{;^d to lid; colorful,' ites. /Sheffield / -STEAK K N IV ^ Bar Crystal wlUri lovely Pearlex handles are this appliance. is- not-so-tall. Soft lace or eyelet held from June 1 through JiBie 4. .SPORTS WRAP A RALROaPS" WEHT DOWM LIlOE ROOM-LET'S THE ^ ^ ^ O L P / .= Ackoss 8 Soft drink Guesswork vanishes from meal non-breakabi^ plastic cups that Present Dad with a complete TEM AROUNP TH’ AN EARLY r> te « A u s a t t m e J DIA5KAM THAT preparation now that correct tem- h l^ on the want list and if pos- ■et of Bar Crystal or buy only for the yoke ia so lovely. Parents are asked to present birth R e ^ OF THEIR PA/ FORM OF OIL , OLD WHY TMDHT . 1 Slaievelass 4 African l.iterlqck over sectioned plates sre FIVE OroOCk - $HOT-m*W£‘NE Journeys peratUrea for each dish are perma­ held In a convenient lift-out tray swle add matching C.AKE SRR. the item ware pieces he needs CkK)l Co-ordinates Pattern No. 8120 is in sizes records and vaccination certillcatee IN ONES AN' FL«SH millionaires/ JUST SEEN ' BONOeOlftMAEOME TELL garment nently embossed on- handle. Cook VEB and TID-BIT FORK. Sterling Mix or match a well-cut halter 12'», 14'», 16'i. 18>i. 20>,. 22>,. for each child registered. PAT ROLJ;S.' —L aJHiSUE/. 5 Health resort with plenty of room below, an^' such as CORDI.ALS, COCKTAILS, HiSTCHZy HVDfiD6EM/l ME THE ?IMLLlAHS f - a ^ » ««a • 36 Interior floMing your way. rry to the FLORIST, 695 Main Street. Fresh 36. N. Y. g-U. 1«H-0WE«‘ ,.'S;^ 37 Self-denying •t IT" exquisite. Children’s Day is June flowers. ' nrefvi/iy combined for where the creative. masterly Frlendl.v Greeting <'ards. Street. If a painful sunburn takes BORN THIRfV YEARS TOO SOON t • IM « • Pal. «» " * * ftar- ««M if OU Kouaewares Dept, of J. W. H.M.E 'Hie colqrful 1954 Needlework 38 Foundation 13th. « )R P , where Rodney Kent KRO- maximum pleaAure-giving beauty, touch results in an arrangement Remember the June GR.ADU- vou by surprise, rely on REXALL lO R IO A N D 4 6 8 contains .56 pages of lovely that ia truly beautiful. An early ATE and Dad on FATHER’S DAY 39 Observes AIEX line is newly unpacked are yoi.r aasufance when you call designs, "how-to" • .sections on ‘SI'NBI'RN c r e a m at 69c or use M O RESCH l oo Cream a half cup of butter or MI 9-5268 A plentiful supply of call to avoid la.st minute anxiety with an appropriate CARD from the soothing ptish-buUon concen- A L L E Y OOP T B ig , B u d ! BY V. T. HAMLIN ■ 41 Before b These lovely pieces NEVER T.AR- needlework, helpful room illustra­ AccordioBS 42 High note in n.argarine with a teaspoon o: NIHH, remain new looking with, potted GERiJlNIUMa for this Me­ is auggested. XII. 9-0791. the extensive and varied selection trate at $1.49 that foams out tions ahd directions for 8 gift pat­ in HARRISON’S. 849 Main Street. spreading a healing film of gentle Gibson and Kay Gnltan WEa.CXAV, LEMME W THATS right. | MV. FER C ATSAKi, OOC, Guido’s scale » ■ugar and a tablespoon of molas­ out tiresome effort so the thought, morial Day commemoration. terns. 25 ccnl.s. Private InstnietioM FIVE OR SIX, OOYOU S E E - ^ NOW LET'S th a tca m t BE noHr- 44 Essential ses. msking sure that you add ^ e ful giver will be silently thanked Ties for Father's Day effective relief. Remember Dad on his dav with Music and Musical SnppOM •niEN. REMEMeER > VEAH/rr\ GO SEE THEBESC* being u sugar and molasses gradually. nanv, many times. (Thooae C.AN- Wash ydur children's seersucker When yoi) want to. measrre a HOLYCOW!! WHAT YOU IKA6 2 0 2 ,} WHAT the ARE cwar.'/_ 46 Horse trainer P 1 P Serve over waffles, pancakM or DLE HOLDERS at $. 98 a pair or corduroy clotViing soon after You Can’t Bii.v the Wrong Size a gift of TIES from the CHENEY full cup Of shortening, pres.s the Don't, let a s^wi ruin your ap­ WEIOHED BROTHERS REMN.ANT S.ALES- pearance. Carry a- little spot stl<^ ORCHEaTRA FOR HIRB 49 Spanish jars' k R French toast for somethlng/good! SET of EIGHT COASTERS $2.98. they are' soiled. Allow the seer- A factory representative will be fat flrmly ijato the cup so there LAST TIME NAPKIN or LETTER HOLDERS s'lckers/'to dry on a hanger. Cor­ “on hand all dav tomorrow at C- E. ROOM where a diversified selec in your purse to handle such;, an ? S3 Unit of energy are no air spaces, then level off emergency. 94 Straightening K' H 8 Guaranteed Fur Storage 98c and $1.79. INSUL-ATED duroys Ao not have to be ironed. HOUSE A SON td explain and tion as to attractive colora and in- w th the edge of a table knife or ter*.'«ting patterns now displayed DUDALDO 56 Time of life P Call BLAIR'S, MI 9^493. for BUCKETS at 54.98 keep foods hot J------■ demonstrate the many innova­ a spatula. / your summer F l'B STOR.AGE and or cold for buffets or picnics. HOS­ y Reiiaon Lighters tions of HOLEPR(>6f h o s ie r y , Here ..your gift dollar stretches D.M.C. Crochet Cotton 57 Row amazingly. J. W. HALE CORP. wishes to MUSIC CENTER 58 Volcano m i be as8^red of careful, vigilant pro­ TESS SETTS for gala breakfasts Eqtially appropriate for GR.AD- Ingeniously woven to mold a man's Fresh Poultrv K » r tection.' Needed RF^AIRS arid provide toast holder aim contain I'ATIOS' or FATHER’S DAY is a foot. Oniy ONE STANDARD announce that their Notion Coun­ IM MIDDLE TPK. WEST 59 Drone bee LYNN POULTRV FARMS. 505 ter again stocks famous D.M.C. TEL. Ml-»- your iron plugged in when you are ular and colored FH>M. available i'b.'miS'UJOt, iVvJt FOUND voo called away from the chore . mo­ in boiling water.. Have about one Authorities on child training WOULD L iiL P ( TM LH.QAOGD at THE FALIX1T STCniO,' 70 E. inrh of water in the pot and cook say it1s possible to eneburage good I • A J0\«.l MVS.V)0«0L»5T I SOWTA VWKVJIt "VO mentarily. Minutes have a- way of Center' Street. Aa you think A LADY ACaOSSY OOWKi , W lV L ,T<3tT 0»5 VOVTK VT .TH\G VOO« I iMXJKiCl multiplying rapidly and a life could with cover on. habits of posture and grooming For Your Skin LAW “ ONLY SHL PAK(T IX) , ahead tfi your favorite JUNE wi;.h itrategically pjxced mirrors, TWW' PLIOOLfi; / ^ \K> TVANS i r f TROTH OOT OT easily be the consequence. More GRADU.ATK, keep in mind the nvCKAGIS/ L A W 1 6 Wt'6 MR.WOQOOi’S fires are caused in this way than Gourmet SabMl Dressing where children ciich fleeting lasting joy and pleasure that a glimpses of themselves. In their result from any other electric ap­ CA51ERA provides. Be vour own Salad Chef in. 40 Ovemighl! pliance. seconds with GOOD SEASONS, own room, placed at their eye level, a nice mlrrop will foster Quick way to crush crackers; the gotirmet salad dressing base Just Pick Y ur Phone! created by Robert Kreis. world- well-scrubbed facee and hair neatlv L 6 Roys’ Summer tiothes place betvveen two sheets of waxed parted. 'The J. A. WHITE GLASS Mmher, have' fun this summer. paper and crush into fine crumbs famo\is chef.. At II.ARRISON'S, 849 Main .StrFel, the $1 00 INTRO­ C()., 24 Birch Street, haa a de­ Don’t slave over a hot iron all day. with a rolling pin. lightful aaaortment. some whimsi­ BUv the boys in vour hoviae TER­ DUCTORY PACKAGE Includes fmir different flavors together cally decorated. Children's Day is Call ui. Oi/r messenger will call RY CLOTH POLOS in .sizes 4 to Earrings for Graduation June 13th., 18 and TERRY CLOTH SHIRTS with MIXINtJ JAR FREE for add­ •The feminine OR.ADU.XTE will ing water and vinegar. Choo.se that need ^no .ironing. Come to I be delighted vvith one or more Do not serve meat loaf cold If for your furs at your conven­ Boys' Shop at C. E. HOUSE A from Garlic Dressing, Old fash­ - c ? 5-2fe pair of E.ARRING.S from .M.VTH- ioned French. Exotic Herbs, and you have kept it more than' 24 % SON. Oh. don’t forget those EB.H’s AT THfc CENTER. An hours. ience. We will store them for ever ha'ndsome SEERSUCKER Roquefort Type French and enjoy exquisits variety of tailored .ear­ salads .that will have -your guests P R IS C IL L A ’S PO P A Study In Blues BY AL VERMEER u ' SHORTS to go with the shirts. rings will take her appropriately Potted Geraniums you in our own scientifically Get the young man ready for camp begging for the recipe. Individual MICKEY FINN An Id ea! BY LANK LEONARD to college or Job-hunting and the dres.sings are 25c per package, Thriving and. brilliant are the I DON'T MIND earlyi while stocks are plentiful. dressy ones for the SENIOR when bought separately. POTTED GERANIUMS in the ' THE BLA C K EYE...' r protected air-cooled vaults. D.\NCE or glamoro\ia summer Housewares Dept, of J. IV, HALE BUT ME DIDN'T. IlPFSLSAFEkMICNEY, Want to dres.s up that vegetable ' evenings. There are cameos. Salads, mou.vscs and parfaits ; CORP. In great demand this time MAVE TO CALL IF MXJ'P PUT M2UR CUFFS Call us when you heed them soup? Brown and cook tiay ham- ’ bhie zircons, pearls:" also gold may he frozen in mold.s. Pour the ! of year, these plants sry healthy IT M IS A //?sr XXi«E rMONS MM ITHArSRJMTfLl AML-MCPlETTEir, AACKONMMfTHERESA ■ biirger balls in a .little fat, then > shells, heart shaped beauties and mi.xture to be frozen into the I and full of growth. M A S7£ff-.i add To the soup. [many for PIERCED E.\R8, TO me COUNTY / have mm iennp , OETGOMGtlMKfEj ftGCMVUATTNEGATEf again and they will b e returneci rc.oldk, after, rinsing l^em in told PIECE' V . . ; water. Seal with a strip of cloth I Ypu'll get best results In ironing JAlL,SHERBF?i EMSMAPEW , ACARKiUTiNGf I i( you iron each section perfectly MUTESr to you rapidly and in. perfect that haa been rubbed Well with melted butter or lard. Fury the j dry before going on to th* next. condition. mold in equal parts of ite and salt I i«iiAlin Plus lifHtJ is ike pstsBlsI p , ' * e j for three' or fodr hours. A .Special On .Sun Glasaes RECORD DEPARTMENT SUGDESTS Prevent eyestrain and provide fann of ceacentrateil IsBolia tkstfMi. A optical, protection Ibl* summer by itnifj sour skin. L'mJ ss ^ dasMltr NEW W E S H R N RELEASES— 78 and 45 ".' tkii for but ■ doUsr, plus Us. at sap FURNITURE and MUSIC HOME OF FRIGIDAIRE I benefits from the addition of al­ T e l . M l - monds and ripe olives. Mix In the good More. vaults. 763 Main St. (Jreen Stamps Given Tel. MI-3*5680 almpnds Ji'-it before serving so 9-334? they'll be'erisp • The Inquirer jJ{ //vou tptnl $1,000, yoq amid ftt more kraurt http ikon you gtS 7 / fnm m $l (pluj tea) LssoIm'FIiu Ufuid.

All fare and other articles SELECT YOUR TIES FOR T.«.a»n.AiM.«a' Um on* of our haovy eemigofad popar I baond chasts maasuring 36" lonig, 19" wida taken for storaxe stored in in C F L IN T Now (i.retchen BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Late Arrival FATHER’S DAY GIFTS FROM BY W1l,SON SCRDG6B 'oad 11" daap. Sfera your swaotars, sno- our own vault in our own ! fexcuca ME PER KrntUOIN'ON YOU OaOPED IT WOLLD B fi) PAY, CMOAJ/l FUSfiERED WHAT v v (^ t w a t T a » u t y a h o w 4 r .- h o p e THE KO 60T SOMTrUiNG suits. bloakats and any etfiar ifams subjact ta building. Anythinx can be OUR EXTENSIVE DISPLAY VaR PRIMACY, VC, BUT WHWvl fivtPER TO visrr^HERE.'V)Ha(PPe MA ca+tp'LJseais ABOUT THE VIC , THE COPS *o r ^ X eaiN DA HEADLKias AKxrr f A6ti0yAJT...tOM9OeArtO TUtV AAJ ALARM OUT exer OF IT...I V H d H HCWi' ME FEELS moth damoga. (Coots axclndad)/P^ only called for at any time. No REMNANTS AND IMPERFECTS A •LN' •erriA/WLLED N HELP YA TRACK DOWN DA POR aiqncvcN „wrrw X BULLY MAKlNg U S LIFE $5.00 for iteroga pins daoning chorgas. SALES VIROFWCB — K lL fiR AN'LO O K FOR TWe wemblv.'into w secable/ mou can’t eiin w aitinx. w-WMia oALMuraR/ THP

I - s ( \ „■ ■ i i \i PAGE TWENTT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN- WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1954 \ '^MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1954 PAGE TWETJTT ONE High Sweeps Twin Bill from Bockville by 9 to 3 Scores National Leaguers ______^ ^ ^ T ------T------^ ^ ^ ------? '------Have Better Stars Coiigos Score F i s h e r h o v ares By JIMMY THOMSON little League ^“ilarSght^atkbwski and Starin New York, May 26 (J5 -Hank'«-club, Pittsburgh, obviously, out of Win Streak; Braves 8th Softball Will Greenberg has picked a poor time Jhe race, the old firm expects to to propose that the two major put on' a thriller right through My biggest thrill was' winning leagues whip up . new spectator the summer and to oiitdraw the > V o r k Yankees uncomfortably error loaded the bases and Casa I turned from goat to starXwitq a ...... List 12, More Needed As^eiMeii "t*"*" .rP?’''*" close, only two games out. Michaels drew a walk, forcing in ninth inning home riin for Boa- th* Australian Centenary Cham-, Turn Back Lutherans, Senator Fan* Present Notch Pitching Wins Interest by playing a certain num­ American by a wide margin. As all big leaguers coine out of The Cleveland Indiana might 'Yanks took advantage of I ft vftfi, after a double and three ton over Philadelphia. White had , pionshlp in Melbourne in (Jclober' ber of games against each other have known that when their win­ M a n a g e r i v i t h N e w the .same bin. it Is difficult to ex­ hroWer. Ihe'vill the Indians' misfortune last night I ft'nKl” p-oduced two runs in the , hit into three, double plays en*lier;^f 19 3 4 , , / | 8 to 5; Methodists as part of their regular 1,54-game ning streak was Most Volunteers Have plain how one league or the other Johnson Clouts Homer schedules. I. ns would be the Chicago White close the gap. 'I'hey beat Wash- fifth, the Sox added a fourth tally in the game. \ , 5 iroiri I chipped in from Storii^roof? Play Saints Tonight ( ^ r h u t N a t s will at limes corner far more.than * - - ...... In the sixth on an error, a sacri-1 Two more rums .seweil up MiK atjetm t s f ,e t off the Rnal green. W orked Games Before Double Trium ph Specifically, Cleveland's general Sox. ington'9-3, Detroit shaded B.altl In Opener, Provost manager would have each of the, its share of Individual gale attrac- more 5-4 in 12 innings. Boston left flee, a wild pitch and a sacrifice , waukee's victory at Cincinnati. Joev birdie 3 to prevail by six i —Loop Provides Plate s t a n d i n g s t ' l Washington, May . 26 (^ —The ^ 16 big Teague clubs play ’ two 1 tlon.s. It jiiSt seems to happen, and •nie ffi^iftn* P"f; ft" rtii'ladelphia In last place all alone flv. * 1 Adcqck doubled in the fifth and stfokia anA pocket J3.500. i And Bogli Get Round Masrhetler (tt string on the.line In CSiiCftgo Dst bv w nning 3 - 2 ' W, L. Pcf. New York Yankees rewrote the : .. ab I- h i e rbi games In its home park against tlicre can be little argument that Whltey Ford went the distance Hank Aaron homered. Then pitch-i q-be shot In Melbourne was i Equipment; D etails 1.000 Cole, se ...... I n 2 4 1 n night and the White Sox promptly , vf .. t r x. 1 Second Congo* ...... 3 0 •script last night and what started Trippers in Nightcap each of the eight teams in the | the National has had better luck snapped it with a 4-2 decision. If In the National League the Md- for the first time this season as 1 er Warren Spahn followed with a ; beat, but I bflieve my' .St. B rid g e t's...... 1 0 1.000 Mcirhsrdl. rf. 3 3 (I n n o rival circuit, the results to count | Giat re-pect lately than its rival, the Yankees ruined Bucky Harris home run. The triumph gave , fme.st cams at the 533-yard 1.5t'h out as a big celebration for Bucky U'ojrlk. lb ... 3 1 1 10 n 0 3 the streak had been the other way waukee Braves won their eighth TwalV* men h*ve volunteered North Methodist .. . . . 1 1 .,■500 in the respective league standings | With the exception of Mickey Night in Washington with a 17-hit Spahn a .5.-3 record. -j ^be St. Aupistine course in the Harris ended in .<>ep gloom. By HAL TITRRINOTON Johnson, 3b , 4 1 3 3 3 1 3 around. C*leveland probably would in a row;. 3-1 over Cincinnati. The thelf eervicei to umpire basebnll Emanuel Lutheran . . .0 2 .000 Colas, 3b ... . ,0 0 n 0 1 0 0 the iiajne as any others. Hank' Mantle, the American League can assault. The victoi*>' was Ford's New York's assault on the h a p -! am ateu r-profnsional tournament Nothing makes Harris happier Sweeping a pair of aeven in­ ProvosI, rf .. .« 1 ft 0 0 0 0 not be said to have produced a have won. New York Giants slammed 22 hits Iftunes iit the Uttle League base­ United Methodist . . . .0 2 .000 1 ft 1 ft ft (I ft figures'that the fans of one-.team sixth of hia career over the Sena- less Pirate* was the second heavi- jn March of 1938; The ball for my than heating the Yankees, a^o a ning gamea from Rockville High bormei', rf really exciting figure in recent in beating Pittsburgh 21-4. ' St, ball iwoyam In Manchester this ■ by scorea ot 9 to 3 at Mt. Nebo !t — .3 1 ft 3 ft (I ft cities, in pMticuiar, would break Ixiiiis (loteated the Chicago Cubs tors who h.sve never beftten him. cst of the .voung sea.son, topped .second shot rested on the back Jumping into a two run lead in few years back fired him as ntwna- .ft ft 0 1 ft ft 1 down the fences to see the stars years, and the Yankee phenom ha.* THAT'S THE W.\Y these peren­ 9 4 The Jf nnkivn Dn.lirer manaee- ’Detroit's ’eirou.s loiig long u«ii ball Huava attack luuieu ruined ' onlyonl.v oyby v Chicago's mcago s *-.»-i.i '23-13 vu victory iory , , ,iopc*iopo of of the the 11th 11th tee. tee, waVway out out Of of •aaaon. - ger after a third place finish. .veaterda.Y afternoon. M anchester Alem’aby.’ r .!!!! .3 ft ft .5131 not, yet lived up to his billing. nial runners-up in the American . Additional volunteers are needed ' the first stanza, the Second Con- High boosted its season record to Grunasoii. n .!.! .ft ft ft ft ft 0 (1 of the oppositex^ague in .action. ment let a”mid-mm^^^^^^ hope." of breaking out over St. Louis late in April. Th» ime. Forty feet Ahead was a grotip Bucky now boss ot the Wa«hing- 7 .5 Silver. 2b ...... 3 1 ft 1 1 0 ft He coiijd be njl^t, hut it would Tile ilia|>arity between the League have, been going at each and utyone Interasted is asked to | go.s went on- to defeat Emanutl tnn Senators, announced himself a ^ 0 ^ D. Simmons, 2b . .ft 1 ft ft ft ft ft leagues in that rea|ieet was point­ other regularly during the pas; contact Sam Vacanti. who will' he extrem ely .dlffkmU Just now. ukTda; r«n" w*t” ^ . -"r-"ftrily ...... was.. higher .than than the right. right Ltilheran la.st night in a Church sentimentalist in pregame cere­ Slarlb: p ...... 3010103* ed up sharply h.v the N|ieetu<*ular three seasons in one of the most , • .< • .Tigers tied the game in the last far. In the .seventh they had scored , serve as the Commiaatoner of | THE LOCALS I’NLOADED in sell the National League on the oftball League game by an 8 to .I monies in his honor, but the Yan­ Totals ...... 23 S 7 21 11 4 9 sehenie. '’There mighujuive In'cn return of Ted WilliiiniN to the line­ evenl.v matched rivalries in the / ' (Of the ninth on a home run by Jim. five as Whitev Lockman hit a ' Pr , ’ J" Assignment, or President Ted three homers among 19 hits dur­ up of the Boston Red Sox. .Since /IN BE.XTING ('LK5 ELAND the'Delsing, the Orioles scored in the grand slam hi^me run. he hall up qu ckl> to clear the s^re at Robert.«on Paik. kees scorned sentiment as they BsrkrMIr (5) a tline /when the older \lengue majors. D sting liack through 1951 Fairbanka. ing the games. Coach .Tom Kelley ab r h n a s rbi Joe Di.Maggio left the' 5'iinkees, the the series stands 37-34 in favor of White Sox not only broke the nth only to have Johnny Pe.sky The Cardinals victory over the LT'*"’, '* *,11. • • • igie Brsinard arattried six sheliacked five of Harris' pitchers MrtJnvern, ...... 3 2 3 1 3 1 ft would ha\-e welcomed su<*h a* used several future hopefuls, giv­ Junior league Iib ’n no niher a ttra c­ the Indians. team's winning .steak hvt they gel fits first hit of the sea.son, a Cubs was a ninaway for pookie ■’ringing It pack Into i^ltKiB Wltn hita\ in making his first mound for 17 hits, their high mark for Ellin, 2b ...... 3 11 » 13 ft iilsint at the gate, but It snaf^l.v I THE LIST of vdtunteers include: ing his regulars a rest betore Burke. r( . tion to eonqmre with Wllllanis. Cliicago now has won three of pinned the first loss of the .sen-, pinoh hit homer, in the last of the Wally .Moon who stole four ba.ses. * *"? e* ■tariXa winning one. Harold the sesron, and licked the Sena­ ...... 3 ft ft 2 1 1 1 would be interested a t this Dave Kerr, Alton Cowles, Donald meetjig rival Bristol tomorrow Kidd, rf .. 4 ft 1 1 ft ft 3 Froltabl.v the nearest to him are five from the first place Indians son on Bob Lemon, who had won ,11th. In the I'Jth Al Kaline singled The mralei-n National,I^eague rec- had to be rarrled. The shot had to Bratnaid helped the caiieo .along tors, 9-3. Dowaies-ir« lb 3 0. ft 4 ft ft ft ttire. “nte Nationals, with some Oowlea, Stanley Charles, Leonard Before the game, Washington afterhooii «t 3 o'clock in the final Rosen of Cleveland and Minnie this season, Cleveland leads the six. Two.of.thAir runs off Lemon ' and Bill Tuttle drove him home ord of five’was set 5ft years ago Iw played from left to right, add­ Orac^ Henry Wittke, Charles with a borne nin In the fourth Payne, p ...... 3 0 ft ft 3 ft ft reason, consider themselves qual­ to the left, brought it back, with fan.s wheeled out a shiny n w black home game of the year for the In­ Hafniltnn. 3b . 3 ft 1 2 3 3 I) .llihpsp of the Chleago White Sox league by a game and a half ovm- came without a hit. 1 with a triple. this week bv DanMcGann of the ing to Its dlffleult.v. 14 |s hard to Monee, Harold Harrieon, William Inning, ity folks, not In need of any liiwk- the slice, and with the gid of a Cadillac fog the Senators' mana­ diana. Ilewklewlr*. If 3 ft 1 I 0 ft ft —HnKball players both, hut neither the Sox with the third place Ne"- In the third two walks and an', f-XTCHER SAMSIY WHITF, 1 Giants. obtain distance on this’-tj'pe of Mltchcdl, Itaanuel Solombn, Albert Poor aubport afield led to the The Yellow Jackets committed : i-*'** ® 3 ft ft 2 ft 1 (1 rtimr handouts. shot. slight following wind obtained 250 Lutherans'Xdow nfall. Hel.^trom ger, who has been plying that exuctl.vxhrlmrtilng with that rare VinceW and'V acapti. 1 2 errors, some helping the scoi - For one thing, the league pre­ qiiallt.v which pulls 111 ! tliie /uii- I used a 4 wood, played tha ball yards. hurled well b u t did not g et the trade for 30 yt^rs. but never before' 2S 3 *' 15 in 7 3 Most of fhe men in blue have ing. Manchester playod errorless j Rockville ... fttkl ft2«l 1-3 sided over b y ' W arren Gile.s h as tomers. off my left foot. I started the (tiiib This required tremendous pow­ same kind of\ batting or fielding had been given a "night" of his bad previous experience calling ball in the aecond game behind!*';"'"'’'’"''',.': ... (ion .324 X—3 won the last four All-Sta’.- games The last Anwricai, Leaguer to back outside of the line, on the er, but the ball wouhd up fouV feet support from his mate.s as his own. 2R. MnrhardI: HR. Johnson: 8 B. balla and strikes. Kerr and Vacanti Hank Zatkowskl. Morliardl. Silver.' MrGovern, Burket and fiill.v expects to make tt flye win the honie ruHsweopstakes wa.s Last Night's Army Brass Determined ouLstde of my normal swing. This’ from the pin. mound rival di< "This evemnp." Harris told the are members of th,e State Board, Moe Morha.-dt had a perfect day SAC. Wojcik. Starin: SP. Alemany, In this summer's classic at Cleve­ Gteenbcrg, hlmselK ai.d that was Butom.atically made me slice Experienced golfers called this Harold BrainaM with a homer fans, "will remain In my memory IXIB. Rorkvllle A.'^Manchester 7: .BB, Bv t h e AS.SOCIATED PRESS p Ityl" ■ • ■/ the Oowlea brothers were with the with 4 for 4. He *had a double and land. * Club officials have long back in 1946 when Nankvs .*mote Rookie across the hsll. . shor as great a one as they ever and single In two official tvips was a.s long as I live.” Starin 4. Pavne 7: SO. Starin 2, Pavns Northern Board, and Grace, Witt­ single and walked twice in the lid- 2: B. Payne: WP. Pa.vne (2 1 : PB( Lata, memoy-le.s, and the Nationals .have 44 of them-for Detroir\Slnce then I got the ball up quickly, hit It hoped to see; the game's batting \atar. Freddy Bucky V ould be willing to forget ke, Mitchell and Vlncek have lifter. In the nightcap, Moe singled Grimason 2; U. O'Leary-llleason. not begun ' to forget those hitter It has been a National league to Learn Martin"Case worked Uttle League games the McCurry al.so, collerted two hits everything that happened after he made Ujgt statement. twice and hit a sacrifice fly uriv- da.vs when their muscular rivals monopoly. ' Ralph Kihe'r Nshsied 148, Oakland, Drew, 10. z' past two years. as did ^ g ie Bralnarcj\Baylcs and MAArliftlFr i ft / Aces • • • Win or lose, though, Harris iar a ing in A run before retiring. Gene Ab r A F rbi were pouring it on them 12 times honors with Johnny Mize twic*.and Kennewick, Wash Jim Grow. Washington, May 26 (fl’i The-10 alhletoa in uniform among Carlson collected two l^its apiece Jonnson had a pair of hit-s, one a CoIf. rr .... 3 0 1 In thf' first 16 games, including, one won it outright four times. Last AP N ewslektures FIA TE EQUIPMENT is provid­ big man to Washington fandom. 132, Lewiston, Idaho, outpointed Army has-promised to find out for : them Maytin. Hess contended the for the losers. \ » long homer to left, and then sal BDftlt. lb .. 0 0 3 atrlhg of seven out of eight. yeiir young Ed Mathews of Ml David Jolly, .\Iil\vaul:ce pitcher Slugging Vin Martinez ed by the UtUe League for all Tonight the North Mrthofllata It was Harris who gave this city Morhardi. rf 0 0 1 tackle Vander Veer, 136, Seattle, . House inve.sH’gators whether Billy I men had been coddled and the itiT first and only world champion­ out the aecond game. PiRgjrr. rf : 0 0 0 Additionally, the Nationals feel ivaukee took over with 47 big ones. X ' Martin,-former New York 5’ankeo Armj/gave assurances it would I .. Bat.s and. throws right.. Born gam es. Will play . St. B ridgrt'a at 6:1.1. 0 0 0 After you've named those, there ship back,in 1924 when, as a 27- Gary Bogli and Bob Provost had Wojcik. r .. tjtat the pendulum finally has , A . D...... ! .sei-ond ba.seman, was subjected to discrim inate neither for nor against ' Oct. 14, 1924 at .Stony Point, N. Opening games are scheduled This game will bring together txvo Provofit. rf . 0 0 1 Swung strongly in their favor both Is Willie Mays of the Giants, the ’ C.. where he • still lives, . Height vear-old "Boy Wonder," he was homers in the second pari of the Dormpr. rf . ] t) 1 n n ’a i . ft Ln;Ariuv di.scriminatlou because of sport.s star.s. Hopes to S t^ Davey Sunday. May 30. long-time rivals and a close game twinbill. Mike Eacavicn and Zat- In the matter of colorful, home- great Stan. Musial of the Cardinals. 6 feet, weight 160. . Drafted by The American League will play elevated to the role of manager by Grl-iiwolfl. If 0 0 0 0 n 1 3 3 , bgkland knocked out St«" , bis diarhond prowe.ss. Brig. Gen Herbert P, Powell, is expected. day Baumgardner. 5. Is the younge.st angler in tlij.s line at Fish­ kowski chippecl ih with two hits Fairnrlrli. If/ 2 2 n 0 n / run hitting "name" players and in Roy (’anipniiella of the Dodgers. Senuie^>^^26',. Oaldand. 9. - . Deputy Chief of Armv Personnel. the Braves ia 1952 after he com- at Waddell Field and the National BernnH ('ongofi (S> Clark Griffith, the Senators' owner. erm an's Paradise, hard by Bellefonte, Pa. The kid's bent, safety pin each. GoIak, 3b 1 0 b ft 0 ' the ove'rall quality of their eight Hank Sauer of the Cubs. Ted League will call Charter ,Oak Park AB n H r o A K Now 84, Griffith was on hand to SwFFt. 3h/...... 4 0 1 3 1 .0 Galvestoh. Tex.—,Sauveur Chi- | (-]|.giR5I.\N HESS (P. Ohio) said ye.slerdny. 'Jl’s hard to judge Chicago. May 26 on — Chuck-draws and four di^ata. He ha» 26 J. Brainard, rf ...... 1 I) n 0 0 n w^s more pictu.esque, bu^ it's more fun and he gels much better re­ salute Harris, who has been the FIK.ST GAME ZAtkowAXl. p ...... 4 1 2 0 0 0 member team". With Only one KliiSzew. ki of Cincinnati, Robin oi'c,'*. 113. ti^iince, stopped John-| Honjje Armed Servic's Suh- from liere what happened to Mar- Davey, ■who was given a boxing knockouts, hut 25 hf them were Its hom^ baise of operations. 2 3 2 ' 1 0 0. H. Bralnard. cf sults when well equipped. (NEA). Washington manager In three dif­ It was a Bcoreleaa battle for Robert." of the I’hilties. and doubt- ny Mf’Cr.iy, 140. Birmingham, 8 . committee rcque.sted the investiga­ tin. We'll go out to California lesson by welterweighychampion earlier in his career when ha was J. Vittnrr. Ibi ....!!!!.’ ! 1 0 0 1 n .6 T^otakf ...... 33 12 21 9' 0 leas Olliers who do not com e,quick­ S^lbir. If ...... 3 n 0 1 p 0 ferent hitchfts adding up to 22 three and a half Innings before the (S) New Haven, Cdqn. Teddy (Ked tion after Martin contended his and ask what tile situation is," Kid Gavilan in his Chicago being groomed for the tiHe chance, K. Bralnard. r ...... 4 1 2 Ac- ‘i n years. locals broke the ice, ncoring three r h 0 a p r ly to mind. It seems here that, as To,.( Davis. 1 3 1 , Hardford. stopped ; should not have been listed Stadium appearance ateps Into the Bill Daly. Martinez' manager and N. Vittiwr, 3b ...... 1 1 0 1 (1 0 ciirtVFrn. r 1 •2 1 2 - 3 a group.- they .surpass any .similar Curly Monroe, 133X Worcester MrCiirryi bp ...... ,1 1 e./ 2 4 0 Harris, Griffith declared, “la one times. Walks Issued by Dave RpniklFwicz, 1 II (I 0 n by the subcommittee among star | IN \ I.ETTER to Powell re- same ring tonight against slugging former pilot of such rin|fm*i;> *» Varlry. If. Ih ...... 3 1 1 8 n i of the’ greatest fellows who ever Payne and a boot of a potenti (»rmiF. If ..., 0 0 0 n n .set the Aineric&n League can offer Mass., 5. athletes said to have been coddled questing the Inquiry, Hess quoted Vince M artlnes as a 7-5 iinde'.'dog. I.,ee Savold. ' Fitzie Priiden gnd Lord, rf ...... 2 ,t 1 0 0 1 played baseball. He has been a double play ball hurt. Payne,/a BuikF, rf ... ] .0 3 1 n CARTER’S at the box office. Detroit Duke Harris. 148. De by the Army. j from a newspaper article which Martinez. 25-year-old Paterson. James J. Parker, is - among thnSe Caron. 2b ...... ,3 0 1 3 2 1 National Golf Day 0 0 0 0 ereatp: June 5. "In the 30 years he has been left-handed batters, gave a/ pass BFAtoh, b ... 0 0 0 a 0 trean, ,152'j. Pittshurgh, 1. of his standing in the sports world [ at Ft. Ord as saying: the welterweight bracket and hss. hia tiger Tolalu ...... 2A 8 21 3 managing," Griffith aeded. "he haa to Provost wlUi cne out m llie Hamilton. 3b 0 n a 2 \ WORK CLOTHES American I>eague proliahly has ! he had been barred from trying I "Marlin i.s too hot. He ts radlo- 2(), knockouts among his 33 vie-. "And then I'll put up a $100,000 weight, is next to expla/e the Kmanurt Lnlhrran '(M Plaee: Manchester Cmintry Club. Biadjrv. r .. 0 n 0 0 0 been the long domination of the Toledo. Ohio Pat Lowry. 148 ■\ brought glory to Wasiiington. He frame. Harry Griswold hit to short out frir the post baseball team at 1 active. What would people say if lories in 36 fights. It is his first guarantee for Gavilan to fight my power of Tommy (Hiirricane) AB R II r o A K Eligible C ontestants: .\nynne and everyone who pin.vs golf BFFruworth. 2b 0 0 7 n 0 loop by the Yankee . The Bombers Toledo, knocked out Al Moody Herd. If ...... 4 0 0 4 0 1 al.so ha.s ■won pennant i for other and Bob McGovern gt(t a good laAtA. r ...... 0 0 7 1 1 For Painters, 148'..,, Chicago, 5. ^ Ord. Calif., and had been ! I let him play ball, a $25,ftft0-a-year Chicago start. boy for the title," he say*. "That MED Jackson. . The pair meet In a . .. . 1 n 0 0 0 0 vs. Ben Hogan, winner nf the I’. S. Open and British Open iinlf have let tlieir manager, ('asey Holland, r ...... ball clubs, including this crew over Han.v, p ...., 0 1 0 n (1 granted fewer passes than other : professional ? People would say televised New York ten-rounaer. Robinson, r ...... ■5 0 n n 1 0 championships as well as the 10,13 .Masters rhampihnshi|i and throw to second but it was S-K-ram-'Qli'. Calif. Henry Dav- Davey, 28-year-old ex-MIchlgan much dou.»;h will lure the Ktd to o here ‘(meaning the Yarkees).” dropjred and roll^ away from Klltn A .... 0 0 0 n 0 Carpenters, Plumbers .ttengei, supply most of their own soldiers. ] we are giving him a .siift touch." May 28. (NEAl. L. .rnimson. rf . ;.*!! 2 n .1 0 2 voted the .Male .\thlete of the Year. Hogan will play his round iin StAiir^r. p .. 0 0 0 1 0 cidor for the past five .seas ms. with'. Is, 138, Los Angeles, stopped Bolo State colleqiate^.imampion with a us. I think." Bavins, '3b ...... 3 1 2 0 0 Izzy Ellin. The/s"*’"'’"""'* '''’' ftarlicr this | This quotation had been read to Kentals n 0 6 0 0' Satunlay.. June H at the Baltusrol Club In Springfield, N. .1., the only catcher 5'ogi Berra breaking Montes, 140. San Jose, ,1. master's degree in education., re- The scheduled’ 10-rounder will ha (*lamnv*r. lb ...... 3 e» A wild pitch/moved both run- ■ . •: , 2ft 3 5 14 month investigated the careers of I Powell at the hearings. Carlson. 2h ...... 3 0 0 2 1 seene of the forthcoming 19.54 C. S. Open Championship. Every fiFidFr r rho|( If 0 I>t A llT>r into the art on rare occasions Sijn Antopio. Tex. El Con- tuin.s to the scene of his most televised starting at 9 p.m. EIST. STEA L BA SES,, TOOT 0 0 ■ners up. Berni4 Alemany rescued j Tbrrf'n. ss . .. . 3 1 3- 1 golfer who pays his nr her entry fee is eligible to romiiete against f F’layers on the .seven other el'jbs I scriplo (Tomas Lopez.i 141':.., disastrous bout. Bnrnninc: rf ...... 3 1 I 0 n 0 Plan to Expand the first n iiy w lth a long fiy. Carl | i>—Struck .(lit for DowglFA irz/In 7lh. On Feb. 11. 19.53. Gavilan stop­ • White Dinner Jackets Hd*i)«trom. p ...... 4.•X n 1 0 Hogan and If lucky enough to belter Hogan's srore will receive have ha*i little incentive to go fori Mexico City, ."lopped Danny Sti- Bentori Harbor, Mich. (if*. - A Bep .Silver slrplled and Mai ty Starin | Hamii- ra/tmjO S the headline.". ’ panovich, 1,52',, Pitt.sbiirgh, 9. Slraiialian (s<‘t:s ped the one-time television glamor a bronze medal from Life magazine and the I*, (i. A. hiH<'rll>ecl: • Tuxedos ton township baseball team mkj Totalfi ...... 2 6 Is 6 Ifi .5 4 helped erect the lead for himself i Rnckrin boy in the 1 0 th, handing the 0 “I Bent Ben Hogan.” A&I Activities 020 ft- .3 X ’ M ajor^eague have to play without Its inficlc I,uthoran.s ...... l*NMt 230 v-s--.5 with A two-run single to r ig h t! Msnrhe.si'r .321 ( (122 X 3 southpaw -swinger hts first defeat Sport Chatter • Cutaways I-ast year a rather unusual record was achieved when three 2B. Kldil (21. liany: HR. Bogli. Impressive Vi in and outfielder until five plajera^ "r b I it Bralnani. k " Bralnanl. ce.iter*;•/ in a ’.-apid build up to the cham ­ nf the four golfers playing at the Manchester Country Cluli, who The Alumni and Intermediate Prrtvn.st: SB. Wojcik (2». Kxcsvlrh. .SF, = L e a d e r s ^ = are rclcaaed by juvenile autnori-j nn i?. Brainarri; s«;b . n. viti- a a a Mnrhsrftt: DP. Sweet to .Boali: LOB, pionship shot. We outfit you right from stock. turned In wins over the then Jiolfer of the 5'ear, Juliiis Boros, •Sport* As.sn.. has elected Mrs. Kay ties. The youths, aged 15 and 16, nn-. H. Brainnrn BB. BcalnarH.l. Hf'l- ROCKVILIJC TXJt'GHT back in Rockville 9. Manchester 9 ;’ BB. Zatkow- Muiifield, Scotland. May 26 lA'i • • • 5V.ALT I-EK G I S4IN, the golfing Nothing to aend away for. or* nrpiifir/1 nf thm Ih^ft of five *lroni 2; SO. Brainarfl 2; Hits off. were left hand swingers. Herb .lohnson, Sav /avarelhi and Ed Ppnticelll president for the coming aki 5. Han.v ’]; SO. Zatkowtskl S. Staiecr n> Tin; A>.s()i i .\1i:k i> are atcused or ti^ rneri oi ii e i; hit, off. Brainard « fiT .■> the fifth with a pair of tallies. McNamara, the fnVtiinate portslders, and Stan Materak. the year. Other officers named at a I. Ilanv 7: hft" off. Han,v 9 for 7 nina •N/ll ■ll.>;tl. I.l'.'vxtll — Frank Stranahan of Toledo. OAVII-AN DID HIS job with member of The Herald, tied for baseball gloves from two depart,; g Innlnea: llHalrnni !) for s Starin got the first two men to In 5 Innlrga. Stalxer 3 f(>r 2 runs in I: HOW TO DRESS Rtt llMK JatlltllUiKl. 4S( .\ J-OU ment stores. ' - mna in 7: PB, Robinson i. Bralnard 1; fourth member of this elite group, will be back again on June recent meeting were: JaWb-t Beck­ Mii.'llfi, N.'W v.-rk, .3(11 \ m Ohio, seeking his third title, and such thoroughness and compara­ first place among Class'B golfera pop out to third and then dug his HBP. Many* ( Prr>vosl>; W'P. Zalkowski- V VlMn'‘r-M»)i«k<'; Srorrr. Marlin; 3 to try their luck against Hogan. with, vice pre.sident: Dana Cannon, Itany l2l; II. O'Leary-Gleason; L, i.oui.-, .3b.i. Bn.o Irish Joe Carr, the defending tive ease that Davey was r^uced 1.at Sunday at the Moncheiter REGAL rimf'. 1:40 - secretary, and Mrs. Ha'rold Sm'uin\u aiul tories today to lead the march Into But instead of forsaking the Tournament. Walt shot a 38-10 28 Daytona Beach. Fla. — (NEAl Camden. N. J , — (N E A l—Jockey m 907 MAIN STREET n'ittee are: Albert Martin. Ronald Burke. Jim Kidd singled on a line A.'-hhurn. l‘h»la«U'lj*hi\ \ the »ourth round of tlie British ring, a.s some expected, the quick to share honors with Foaier Harry —L«e Petty of Randleman and Agent Chick Lang. Jr., is the son to center and two runs crossed i.un.k Kail’ ll sii .\l(tsial. Si. " I*\i4lK. fi.sted Davey started his campaign 35- 7 28, Bill Hall 34-6 28. Tom of Chick Lang, who was astride Repairman De luxe Richards Daigle and Stanley Olsaver. Louis riniuiU jiri. iMiniJ*, \f4 AmaleW Golf Tounament. Telephone Ml-9-1352 Buck Baker of Charlotte, both ti.d plate. 4s. Jnhlmi.Hki. Si. Ltim.’*. '- . . ii» ll, c* all over again. Since that time Panclera 41-13 28. and Al Moneila the [ Reigh Count when that one won Gagnon will continue as chairman AlnoricVs hopes were furlher N. C.. are battling for . MOrhardl's double and Johnson's InIu'-/-. 'W.«ki. 1 infiiiimti, 3^ he has had six bouts, winning half 36- 8 28. Lost Saturday .Ferguson NASCAR driving lead. the 1928 Kentucky Derby. of the Membership Committee. :J0j .. HM.H' JaMciiFki. Si. (H : Mii.''ial;’^.strcnglhened by the triumphs of During the busineas meeting homer got the two runs back In Si. i.i’Ui.*, flit, . St'hc.’ ntllrn.’tiX Si. L4Hiu«,,j all Campbelk W alker Cup star of them. Two of his losses were set the pace for the B golfers. that followed, it -was decided to the lower half of the frame. The a3; Mitulit'i, ISVw Yolk, 5U. t*lh-] (yom Huntlngt^. W. Va Frank j DAVlB JOLLY to At Andrews and a third, was a Gets Chance to Apply imiau,. 4H. disputed decision that went to Art JI.M.MY HORVATH'S 30-3 27 again print the rarier, schedule locals finished their scoring in the D’-iiDlt. Jftlilun.Hki. St. L’-uL't. 12. ' Striifnei of Garden City. N. 5’.. ' ------and scorecard'as a mean., of rais­ sixth with two runs produced on SnulciA Hi'ooki.Mi Him MumhI, Sl.’J.tiuii*. > l-am * Cai penler, \ 23 - year - old , piled a 6 - 1 rerord appearing in Aragon ii) Los Angeles three and Joe Cerina'a 32-3 27 set the ing money by selling advertise­ singles by Eddie Wojcik and John­ fijuL&SLnJbciJbhj^ 12. Aiilwauk’'»‘, 11! fiv«‘ i*la\- .\rm/ intclllgonce \nian from ‘1(1 game.s ftn- Kansas C ity. .W.iiile months ago. pace among Class A players in' li4‘(i with !• Davey haa signed for a re-match Magic to George Kell ments. Tt was also decided to ex­ son. The weird inning also saw a Tn|.(. MiiN.** N’-w Yoik. IiAiii SprinKyielii, K, J.. H:4io 1(1 serving* apprentieeshrp in oullpen Sunday's Select^ Nine play. pend the activities that would be balk, ' three errors and a wild VESTERUaV'S RKSI LTS mill .Uu’ li‘ 1 , .N' W Ytiik. Ilumii*'! au'H p^uJelov\of Ilavertown. 1 ,vith Braves perfected :i KnuckJe with Aragon In Los Angeles June spon.sored by the a.^nociation, . In Naliaaal T«‘IK‘ -•’"H. I’mla'i’ Ipina. I.-*. I'm.''- , ^1# 25 and desperately needs a victor>’ BEST B.ALI. winners last night pitch. New York 21, PiuaburRh 4. Imi Kir iih‘l Schc’ iMi!’ lujl. Si. .1 Sfru n a^ in pla>e«l aiih-i>Hr golf b a ll. . Though Amly-Aieci.«lt)n tn 1953 New 'York (NEAl — The tele-• left field' line.and wa.s thrown which it i.s intended to include A single, two passed bails and Milwaukee 3. Cincinnati I. H-'HO' Mu.-iial.' {si. L«»ui.'4, M in ellinin.imng Or. K. J. HlH^der- y. a.s a loss he was inviluable -4n over Martinez to keep alive the were Bob Cotton and Jirnwy Prior phones are still ringing in Bo.ston, out at second, base. That always 'teenage girls as well as boys. Phlladelphla-Brooklyn, ppd, with n 33 score. Dqc McKee and an infield out got" Rockville its St. l.oiila 9, ('hlcaso 4. SiiU'.i. rinuaK'*'. Kiusicfwski. I'liuitt Hon of KngiVnd,, 4 »*nd S. WlniiPiRof loh^f while appearing in 24 gnmew ! hopes of a $ 10 0 ,0 0 0 gate for the But in selling George Kell the,Red has been an automatic double for nali, 11; Mhv.m, N»w Yoik. li*. H’mIkisX This boimtrr group of ^rents last run in the seventh. Americaa SUMMER SUITS BnK»ki\ji. '.L this title ln\l94K948 nnd 19.50,1950, thCitW , ..B .Began e g a n organized ball career ...in | West------Coast ------fight. Davey W to get R-us Gongwere and Bill Deasy and Sbx did nothing more th^n dispose anybody but a combatant with was originall.v designed to carry Manchester had seven hits to six New, York 9, Washinglon 3. Sloli'M Hrulfii. Milwaukee. 10; Ohlii spiirU phig hi-lr plii.vcd W I IX 19 4 6 with 'Moo"csvillp in .North ' 30 per cent of the gate, having Al Ayers tied for. runnerup honors of a- third basc' no more speed that what was Boston 3. -Philadelphia 3. Now i.s the time’ to choose your cool Itght-weight summer Ktnitlv ('hluap^ h !'• mpl*-, iMneinnati of nn where the Uttle League Boost­ by the losers. ' Chicsso 4, Cleveland 2. liaiii Klrkpatriii of S«x>tluiid thls-^rolina 5?tate League.; Had .a | ti.rned down a guarantee with 35s.' man with a bad -possessed by Srtynozzola I.om- suit. Stocks are complete and the selection is the best? right aii«l .Moon. Si. I*oijis. . KoDliison ers Club left nir. Cooperiitlng close­ HECXJND GAME Delroit 6. Baltimore 4 (I2j. hi.'okl.vn. .Mallow.-, Mllwauk ami ■ft**'''"*’®'’. \ ' I 5 -3\rocor . jI zer of Scotland. 5 ^ d 4. His next- for TiHsa In 1948-49; gelling 1.5 has a good chance To knock out managers will hold an important the Pirates' pare. So Junkman Richanl gets a .MIIwaukFjs , St LinilH. r»-o.‘ I tUNi; I’tidn'.**.' HrtMtklyn. in offer other assistance In organ­ second game. Wojcik went^behind ...... 21 14 .600 Palm Beach ...... 4-0 1 oni». K’-wlf/. <‘*lnemna(». 3-o. I.ikki. opponent is Carpenler. who d e -: neci.sioni^Iosing 1 2 .. Had i-oiigh Davey. A cold kayo would bflng li.eeting tonight at 7:30- nt the Pei;Haps t h c chrnce .to repair another, broken- izing four teams of 1.5 bo,va each ’ Brooklyn ...... an 16 .57J 1 . the plate and three quarters of the 1 N>w York ...... an 16 ..>66 Atil”iioHi. N'-w York; H-J. .TftO. five feated Alex Kyle ofXScotland, 3 tune at .Syi:ac>ise in 19.50 with 5-11 an automatic six weeks suspension Fast Sido Rec. most unusual down .star. He ftt lea.st* ha.s the in the .Miimni League (for 13-14- Vk plirhi'i .i' llo'i Willi .1-1, ,75iL l St. l«4lUiS ...... 21 . 17 ..553 l*-j Smk’'oiit.> llHtldlx. St. Louis. 57: and 2. \ J record*. . BaVk with T'llsa in 19ol from the Illinois Boxing Corn-mis­ thing ubput the authentic hitter whom hejia's been year-nlds) and four teams In the (Cincinnati ...... ID 18 ..514 3 Tropical ^ orsted ...... Sp.ihm Mllw alike.'. 4s. .!loh» rls. Phila- Campbell's sen,salion(iI\ putting his feoord’ wa\ 9-13. sion sn(l put a crimp, in the June HOWARD HQLM|^ has four; •seeking. Intermediate l>eague (for 15-17- PhiladF>iphia ...... 17 17 ..500 .3»,3 tL'lphta. 4f>. MiU'io’lli. New York, transaction is that wild pitching in the 'first run in the ('hicaRo ...... tft an .428 6 in the clutcli heal John VN^Mill of ;— - ;>- '25 plans in Califdrnls. which, like tickets for Friday night's baseball Something had to he done about year-nlds). This, year, if was de­ .Mat;lo . N*'W Y-*rk. Thomas A u's t in ' PittsbiirjEh ...... 12 38 ..300 .AMLBH'AN I.KA(.I K ^ Scotland, one up. Strafaci. Vending SKRAKINE AGXiNST IMIVES Illinois; is a mambei* oi the Na game at Fenway.' Park between the He'd Sox infield, and in the cided to add another team In the t Americaa Dacron and Worsted ... $49.50 B:illin»r Aviia. i‘U-i elaiul. !(74 the Red Sox and Y‘onkeea he would Yawkey after all CI^VFland ...... 24 11 .686 from .start to finish, ousteos An­ tlonal Bokihg Assn.^ judgment of General -Manager .\lumnl I.aague, whieh Is being H'Sen. riev.-lnml. .’.ITi: 'Tuttle. Drtiolt. drew Miller of Scotland, 3 an(i\l. like to dispose Of. -Anyone Inter- these years got a with two down. < t'hiraco ...... 23 1.3 .639 Micha’ l.-*, riuruK'’. Ilou.sf. n'he F.a.sl H artford DovaJelles Cronin this i.s the first step. siMinsoifed h.v.'the Elks. Now York ...... % 22 n .629 3 CampbcH'a fourth round \)p, M.XRTINE// REt’OBD of flat-'Orted may contact, Hojmes. considerable sum That Rockville lead was quickly D«-troit ...... 17 13 .552 4’', D.'n.»ii. . with Par Bolduc, the tram's lead The Red Sox' principal head­ The-assogiation plans to include erased in the bottom half of the Iluio- Avila, (M’V.'lantl 2i'. Mino-*4.. ponent this afternoon was SluaiJ for a performer other sports and actlvitia* than Baltlmoru ...... 12 20 .375 low SPORT SHIRTS (’hn'ai;i* 2D i’l» v**laml. 2d' in... hitter. Riirhlc Jarvis. and'Vum 1 tening foes Is imposing. Five of . ache now i.s that Billy Goodman'.s Inning.* Al Cole singled tq start it. WashiniEton ...... 12 20 .375 |0*t Mui’iay of Scotlami. who defentec instead of paving baseball in its program for the Smith. I •leV’'lHn, . I'l' vi.'laioi. 25: pitching for . Midtilclown. f ' Davey also haa an eye-catching '.rent;'Bl the Manchester Country attempting to repair the l«ak that all. lij for it, and rolling far enough | • ' »^''’‘'''‘«'---Wynn (S-2i r.. ,^ lh a t require no k'Oning. Cottiins. H--II a' N* w York. over Capt. Malcolm Stokes of to'start roller skating in Manches­ Game time is 6:4.5. 1 recor.d 40 victories against two,'Club. \ • has bothered Paul Richards mn.st A spot had to he made for Good­ away for Bogli to circle the sacks. i Bslti'moie si DetroU-plllriir (2-4> f rayons, nylons, dacrqns and kni* Hit.S" Avila, rh'V'laiitl. 52 Ur-s'-n Garden t'ity, N. 5’ , 6 , anti 4. ter for young people next fall. It fMiV’ laiot 4V Ko\. rhleaK*'., 46 p.idgley defeated W. T: MacDon­ since he took over, forked over man. wju> now is the hope at third Provost -then. droVe a made to or- /vii, Zuv-rlnk mmu. „ ted .fabrirs. Alt new. MIio.'n.., rhUa^'M. 4.5. Bushv. Wa.-«hiiip- 475,000 and Grady Hatton, who was . base. Vei.satile Billy the Kid. who dbflnltely plans to Include girls In der home run i'nto deep left center. ; 5*', ~ ald of Scotland. one_ up, on the- a program to suit thfjir needs and expected to be a.ssighed to- I^ u is -. al.so ha.s led the league in liatfing. The lead waa increased to 5-1 In Ronion ai PhilAflFVi>hlA iniRhn-^-KiF^y * f>4*uhl«'.s MelK’UKnhi. N-w York UV ! desires. Arrow 3.95 up Bauer. Nfw 5’oik ami , Vern'Ri. Wasli- for a birdie three on.the extra hole. ville lack.s the. suie liand.s required at the second inninir when pave Go- | to-2) v9. Martin u-3». ^ iniji’ti) J*. B’ lra aijil Kilszuto. N-w t aecond hn-se, where he could hot . Ahyphc..^'"'*"*•'*'*‘1 in promoting . ------S..J __ A ---- ...... NAtleaal The timing was bad, frgm the las reached on an error. Zalkow- PhilAdFlphiA At Brooklyn (nirht) — York,' K. . • ' sati.sfactoril.v make the double better recreation for 'teenagers in skl's single, an error and a wild Airman 2.95. up r i’-vel iTid Tmt!e. I». troit anil \ * ny.n. Hub viewpoint, for after a mis­ RobFitA GV4> VN. NFwrombF i3-2>. Tnph's Min"S4., l.’hirapo 7 IleKan. play. TliCfC is some question ahnut town is invited to join the associa­ pitch added the runs before Rock- PittAbui'Rb At Nrw York—Law (3-41 erable start, the Bosox had just Bu-ltv aiul llunfi’ Is Wfi-shln-pton. 4. the frail-looking.North CaiolLnian tion. Watch for announcements of \ille got its defense straightened v». JtnAFh (2-U or GoniFx <2-3». Jantzcn 2.95 up/ .hiorhe Kuii.'^ »;<’>• !'. i*h'\ « l!tn4l. U: Chiilrh Soft|)alI N iC H IM E SHOPS AND STONES OPEN SA T U IN A T taken . .two of three at Y'jtnkec meetings Ifi "Local Sports CSiatter" MilwAukFF At rinrlnnati (n lfh n O n * Mini’^’o. I'huMi;". Mantle. N*Yor k Stadium, the veteran Kefl mak­ being a replica of Billy Cox at out again. Ifv <3-4» yp. ValFntinF ,tar4i. «ileir«»ii.'' 4* tying one in the eighth, and scor­ iHiniis tmb.v who prftniisod an Other Sport Shirts 1.65 up I'oaii Baltlmor’ . .Ma.xw» ll. K..sl'',n anU Burke walked, and both rode home United Methodist' Complete Line of • ing twice in the hibber game, much at wM'ond ba.w throughout y»s. anA Mirliaelj*. rliif'UK”. 3- St. Bridget's the training p«Tioul’*^ TurLv. BallliiVor*'. 6 .: The decision on Kell was made hi>^ plea.sant suipn.se at second IMerre. Chirauo, 6'». Tiui'ks (’hiruRo. FIntt Round ba.se, where there is less concern funs in the fifth. He gave up two Rallying after a discouraging tortable . . • and keep,in the; fashion 41; Lroiin'k ami Hoeft, D* tinil, 37. in CHeveland. when the one-time picture with ,n pair of these lightweight Wednesilay, May 26 ... about Jiis hitliiig than there is* in Toledo. Ohio, May 26 GF>—The hits, but two errors behind him start, Patty Torsa of Edgewood Arkansas Traveler, crowding .32, summer shoes. Man.v of the newest Tue.sday,-June 1 ...... connectjftn with the shortstop, Toledo Times said this morning hurt. —' wfijt on to capture the Connecti­ . i m h ig e r c a m p hit the ball all the way dovv’n the Bill Staiger tolled the sixth and . styles to choose fitim. Wednesday. June 2 ... Milt Bolling; Clair Bee, coach of the Baltimore cut Women's Golf Asaociatinn Meriden.' May 26 fP The was rapped for three hits. Wojcik Brooklyn Dodgers will hold their Monday, June 7 ...... • Unle.ss Jackie jengrn, who went B’ullets in the National Basketball One-Day Tournament yesterday, Ballantine Beer watches your belt-line and Escavich worked the double Flofshcim ... 818.95 up .seventh annual tryout camp and Tue.Hday, June 8 ...... BONDED OR RIVETED BRAKE SHOES five for 5.5, picks Up. Goodman's over the Manchester Country ;A£sh., i.s the leading candidate for steal with the former crosaing the hasebsll school nt In.silco Park 1 Wednesday. June 9 ... . services may tj^e required in right Club course. the job of head xoach at Toledo plate. Bob Sweet's first hit of the Plymouth ... . .; 812.95 up here June 28-30, it was announced ; Monday. June 14 . . fold. L'nivcrsit.v. Miss Torza took* 48 strokes go­ Jensen was renuccil for a year brought in the last run. last night. The Dodgers said their • Tue.sday. June 15 . COMPLETE The Times said the ,54-yearrold Zatkowskl had control trouble. ing out, but cut it down to ^ New England .scouts. John | Wedne.sday, June 16 BRAKE DRUMS TURNED pinch-hitter, in the pay-off game fermer Long Island University coming back for an 84 total on Man.sfidhls .... 810.95 up with the Yankees. He wolked eight and found Kidd (Whltey) Piurek of West Haven, 1 Mr>nd*ay. June 21* . . coach and author , of many hooks his biggest obstacle. The husky the par 75 layout to lead the and Bill O'Connor of .Somerville. 1 Tue.Hday. June -22 LOCKHEED HYDRAULIC PARTS RADIATOR When did- you last see a elean- on basketball play, was in Toledo Class A grcMip.. Runnerup was up man .vnnkid for a pinch-hltter? outfielder cracked out two_ dou­ Mas.s.. will be in charge. The try- Wedne.sday. June 23 . Monday night for an interview Mrs. Ed. Wolfer of Edgewood with o u l.H . ( ’ome, to think of it, th at's what bles. „ will be open, to applicants in Monday. JiinJ" 28. .... HOW MANY CALORIIS with ,the T. U-, Board of Athletic 44-41-85., DENIM CASUALS the 16-23 age bratket. Tue.sda.v. June 29 , . . BRAKE CABLES BalUntinc’t complete brewing process brews in SERVICE the Bo.sox require as imu h as a IN SALLANTINI. BURT Control and visited the school MOKHARilT. BOGLI, Escavich Class B honors went to Mrs. Ju.st the thinfr you can buy or lounging, Weilneaday, June 30 couple of infieliiei's who 'call hit a John DiCaprio of Southington the flavor.. . reduces the calories. You don’t want Bgaiq yesterday. and Zatkowskl hit safely twice as loafing or playing. Toss into the wa.*«hing ’ D Ha.s tliere ever I'een a left- Per Ounce lick. ■ with 50-44-94. A field of "68 com­ . S. KEDS OVERSIZE SHOES to bk used extra calories in your beer, So it’s important to know that ' A good fourth-pIa( e hitler Frosty England, T. U. Athletic the Indians rap4>ed out a dozen machine- an(i they come out like new. Four hamjed catcher in the major All games will begin at 6:15 ^HDS Bjllaiitiiie Beer...... H i cal. peted in the two classes. Booster XVIIKN HRXKK DRUM S H.AVK BEE.N TURNF.D Ballantine has fewer calories than any other leading beer. ' • CLEANING swinging 'oehind Ted W illiam s Lirector, announced that a "name hiu. Coach Kelley had a good op­ colors In' jackets and slacks • •• • caps and leagues? and be played at Robertson Park. Skim .Milk...... lOi Call. should coriie close to breaking the coach" had been questioned for the portunity to look at his future keds to match. Oxfords A. Joe . Wall, a soiithpatv, Rained out gamea will be playeil Independent laboratory tests show that to be THE F.\Cr. proapecU. McGovern was guilty of If Your Dealer Doeoa't'Stock Faria, We Invite Your Inquiries Orange Ju ice ...... 121 cal. • REPAIRING ruus-balled-in recor 1. job hut said he had "no comment"^ So light . they- caught for the D East Hartford 7 Weaver (Hartr 21-4. Slocks of dacron, orlons and rayon blends. prints, plain colors in knitted and boxer sty|es present TV an- O Q C O MODERN STORES FOR AUTO PARTS ford) 4. . --nylons too. Automatically! Notre Dame. Ind. (F Bill Walsh, “ B E -A IT Y ON T T i e ‘A EA 8 T 8 " Pitching—Warren Spahn. Mll- P’s!!! colors, mixtures ind corjls. lenna tin ly ----- Norwiclji 4, (faftford I (12 in- BROWN- Notre Parite cen ter on the 1945-48 , Hastings, Neb. (2h( - Barbara waul-.ee Braves, gave - up aix hita teams, returned to his alma mater' 834.56 ' Call MI-3-8790 CHURCH CONNERS i , ’ ■ ’ > i _ ’ ningsi. ) ' V / Rochlita of / Hiance, Neb., has in* and hit a home run in winning hia $5.95 up u p \ Rejf. Price to help a former teammate. He B ristol v8 HalD(Wesl HkrtfejrdJ MAIN AND liBiilVAto 1^1 CEHtfR ilRWT vaded what used to be considered fifth game. 3-1 over Cincinnati. 651 PARK 5. BEAUPRE came to aasistnew head coach a mala stronghold In taking ovar EAST HARTFORD • 'AAAMCMHTIR Terry Brennan with the-line assign- Manchester 9-9 RockvIIU 8 -S. HARTTOIID . • . laoorporated fi Unl apofta aditorship of the Haat- Q. What Is tha best batting mehta: Walsh been th^ first Wethersfield 7 • Glastonbury 4. BENSON'S, Inc. t^ te t TEL. AAHcImM h § H $ Inga Cellega weekly, th^ Collegian. nark Fee W*a Reeae "haa eom- TIL. iAdkwe 7.ISII T H ^ A c^ 3S8 EAST CENTER'S!, string offensive center for the Wilson (M i()dl«lt^) 10 louth- Men ’s Shop 1085 MAIN STREET BAUANUNE She wrilas a "aporU column titlad piled in tha major leaguaaT , 7^9 M AIN STREET ^ PitUburgh Firatea in the National ingt-onon 1 . . -A. 4M.-M .li*L'\ Ml-f-S234 Football League for. fiva;^eara. . . ' Wlindsqr • Nexvingtoa fit . t "Baauty on tha .BeajlX” T- h * ' \ ’ ,X-.. K ’ -; I V. Nr A V V- 1 .'

\. . 1 MANCHESTER EVFNING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDN>:SDAY, MAY 26, 19-S4 PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTfJR B:VENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 26. in FACE TWENTY-THREE j A » Auto Driyina: School^ Roofinff-^SidinR 16 Help Wanted— Female Articles For Sale AS Afiticlem For Sale 45 Househ .Id Goods .Household Go6ds 51 Rooms Without Board 59 Farms and Land For Sale 71 H o t t ^ For SaK \ 72 Suburbuif For Sale AutomobilcR for Sale 4 'I Graniniar School 1*48 CHEVROLET Tudor. Oriyin«l A U T O ^ S y iS o inatruction frb; FOR THE BEST in Bonded built CLERK TYPIS T, state age, per- R E D CEDAR, round post and rail IT ’S BENSON'S fdr >ck bottdm REFINIBHED THREE drawar VERY. PLEASANT front room for MANCHESTER — Surrounded by MANCHESTER, Cape Cod, fi BOLTON HILLSIDE. 8 room split rour home> Insured dual contri up roofs, shingle ' roofs, gutte lence and salary desired. FLAGSTONE. Stone for walls, prices on gemilnd Youngstown marble top'cheat, $25; unfinished | gentleman. Parking, at 272 Main. beautiful open country, yet only rooms, Timken hot water oil sys­ level home, large living room, black finiah, radio, heater, low Write houM fronts, fireplaces, etc. Bol- 'fencing installed. Alao red pertor (loiicert Draws Classified Laraon Dj^lving School. MI.'II> , conductors and looi repairs cj Box'V, Herald. clothes poles. Call MAM. MI. sink units and esbii s. Plan now dressing table $6; glass and china. I MI. 8-4Q71. 25 minutes from Hartford. Seven tem one year pld, combination Ireplsce, Youngkloiyn kitchen, BUY NOW ANb SAVE! mileaKe, on? local owner. Very, ton^otch Quarry M'. 9-0617. very clean. Exceptional value at #- 75. lUghlin, Mltched 3 7707 9-9757. , to modernize your 1 chen on E-Z Richmond, 52 Mt. Nebo Place. rooma, coops, fruit'- treet. Only metal t storms and screens, excel­ ' wsshbr, hot water hfst, st- only $.145. Se Bob Oliver today, STENOGRAP^JilR terms! Benson’s, I) \l085 Main $13,'500, H.' B. Grady, Broker. MI. lent condition, $10,300. We have tadbed garage, ameaite drive, Large, Audience FOfVALL KINDS of roofingy^iding COME IN —Browse around The B E AU TIFU L Mahoggny dining ROOM FOR Gentleman. 91 Foeter Advertisements Center Motor Salea. Excellent oppoi tui^y for capable St. 3-8009. many othei3s including, ranches, largVjot. trees; Carlton W, Hutch­ Rer Ton Cash an d \ painting call M a^hester VVoodshed, 11 Main St., Manches­ IJWATORY AND CLOSET. Call room set, oval table, pads, buffet, St. colonials and Cape Cods, priced ins. 9-5132, 9-4894. COKE $23-00 B u sii^ s Services Offered 16 young woman F^ve day week. CLASSIFIED ADVT. Roofii^ and Siding Co. ^ r t t estl ter. Cortn. Good used furniture China cloeet, six chairs, sofa and from $7350 up. A. R. Wilkie A Co. Last night a la rg ' audience — . * - V. 1953 FORD Victoria. Radio, heater, manv benefits. Apply In person. Call MI. 9-2975. TAKK IT fill^ the auditorium of the Ver- | mates. T^l. MI. 9-8933., bought and sold. Tel. MI. 9-31S4. coHee table. MI. 3-8814. MI. 9-2461, MI. 9-4389. $14,500.'a b o u t 10 miles from Man- DEfXHOURS power, ateerinit, 4.800 milea. We w i r i k g i n s t a l l a t 8:.30'to 4:30 P. M. Houses For Sale 72 Per Ton Cash X : Open 'til 7. p.m. . W INTER , SEAL of ConnecUcut ?n66.17 LIST PRlCl Apart ments— Flat*— cheater. I ^ r bedroom house, pialick- School to hear the glee $26.10 f^iarantee that thla car looka and 8:15 A rCHo 4 :}t0 P. M. types, Job txK> amaji, :2_ ANTIQUES Bought and sold. clubs of Nathan Hale. Robertson,' handlea like a brand new car. K TA LC O TT f.- SONS aluminum combination storm win­ For This Tenement* 63 i MANCHESTER — Designed for good condttfbn, all conveniences. (EGCm^ O V E and CHESTNUT) Pantaluk, 40 Foster street R o o flr Towne House Antiques, 72 BisscII MANCHESTER Lincoln. Verplanck ■ snd Highlaml Dotig:laa Motora..3.33 Main. 16-A 3!i3 Park Avenue dows and doors. Guaranteed Good romtortable living. Sturdily built Barn, about nmr acres market Mitchell 9-‘ra03. LOOK .6 rOMPLETK Street, Mancheeter, Conn. MI. TWO ROOM Fumlihed apartment | Six rooma completed, cape Cod 5 room bungalow. Garage, porch. Park school* presented In concert TELEPH O NE MI-3-5133 COPY CLOSING TIME . / 'East Hartford Housekeeping. Manchester repre­ garden land. Bye'ninga, Frank BUICK .2-door club coupe, 1951. ROOh'ING— Spepjallzing In repait- WE SAY AGAIN ' sentative. M. J. Granfield, MI. ROOMS OF BRAND 3-7618. ■ for couple. On bus line. Call MI, ' in very central location. Selling for Good location, $12,500. H. B. Piriney; MI. 9-78T7, Walton W; by their fine directors. Miss Mar- , ROWER MOWERS FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Solid greert with Dynaflow, radio, COMPLETE Hand and power lawn roofs of all 'kinds. Also new APPIJ 9-6758. NEW FURNITURE 8-8083. ! $11,500. ______Grady, Broker. MI. 3-8009. Grant, Realtor. JA\2-7584. tha White and Mrs. Lee Dellert. mower sales sura aervice. Motors IJKjATIONS being accepted for No Money Down - $2 Weekly IT'S BENSON'S for rock bottom MON. THRU FRI. heater, new white wall Flreatone Gutter WMk. . Chimneys full^, time salesgirls. Steady work, / and Appliances As in past .vearx the children i tuned ar overhsraled. Pickup and , repaired, 28 years' ex- BUDGET c e n t e r prices on televlalon! Up to $100 TH REE ROOb^ unfurnished apart- , . . VERNON New cubtom built lOt.lQ A. M. tire.a. A apctle.aa family car. Not all'store benefits. W. T. Grant Co, PIPELESS HOT air furnace, in FOR O N L Y ,$488.26 MANCHESTER performed Very creditably, serloiia- MORIARD BROTHERS ment. AdulU preferred. Apply In ' ^ too big. not tm amali but Juat delivery aervice. Gybson'i Garage. periel^e. Free estimates. Call 91 Center Street good condition, |50 cash. Inquire and more In trade for your old ranch, $ /bedroom^, \plastered ly for thfm o.it part. eVes glued on ; .601-315 CENTER STREET SATURDAY 9 A. M. Ml. 3-5012. \ T.V. See Philco. R.C.A., Weating- nerton.person. Center SDrlnsreSprings Realtv.Realty, 470 walla, fully Inaulat^, attached ga righl and priced right too. Don’t Howie’iv Manchester Mitchell Wa n t e d Waitre.Sa over 21. From MI-3-4 X64 Mrs. Porter, J4 I*aurel Street, MONTHLY PAYMENTS piece of land. Selling at $11,900. VALUES the conductor, determined not to ; 3-.ir,6i. 5 p.m, - 1 a.m. no Sundays. Call Rockville. houae sales and service. MI. Main^Street. rage, city water and sew ----- let her down, but the weight of ! paaa thia one. I » w bank ratea. GONDER'S T.V. Servlf!*, available OF $17.63 TOUR COOPERATION WILL Trade today. Brunner'a Packard, MI. 9-8127. 3-8790. E-Z terms. Benson’s, Inc., MANCHESTER $13^500—Spacious six room ranch directly on. busline. Lot ap their> terriffic reaponflibllily lifted BE appreciated any time. Antenna cbnversions. 3 : 1085 Main St. A new five room i n'nch on Wood-, style'cottage bn Bolton Lake, only 114 X 280. Immediate ocrupa; Rockville Road, acroaa from Oar- TRICYCI.E WITH wagon bapk and Beautiful WesUnghouse Elcc, UR ROOMS for rent. noticeabl.v at times, aa in the. case :'*hilc'o factory auperviseq service. Plumbing / 17 ATTRACTIVE Boats and Accessories 46 Inquire land stieet selling for $1.3,500. 2 years 'old. 100’ lake frontage. $15,750. George J. Colman rity Broth^ra, Open evenlriga and one scooter. Call MI. 3-7008. Refrigerator 114 Charter Oak Street. of the little -girl in the front ro>v Tel. Ml. 9-1486. PART TIME POSITION Sandy beach. Ten minutes drive er. Hartford-Conn. Trust Bldg.,'' Dial MI-3-5121 Sunday. GUARANTEED PLUMBING and CAPE COD Flberglasi Out- Beautiful Bedroom Suite TWO-PIECE Living room sot, Many Other -Li.itinga yvho could not conceal her delight COMBINATION Aluminum ss/^ats. from Manchester. Rockville. Tel. 5-4045. 6-4710. RUBBISH AND Ashes refqoved. , ______healing. Jobbing anil new wor /sail. S Bcautifid Living Room Suite good condition. MI. 3-5253. 3>i ROOM Apartment. New build­ T. J. CROCKETT singing ’.’O What a Beautifu, . EXpriienred and arenrate stenhjr- dows and screens, $17.95 and up Mbrning," and that of the w‘ i'SSpfs m e m o r i a l d a y General cleaning of attics, cellars i Joseph Skelley. Ml. 9 ii. tronger, lighter, leas mainle- Beautiful Dinette Set ing. Heat, hot water, Janitor aerv­ R eal. Estate 'Broker $15,000 Large six room ranch, RO CKVILLE- New Cape Cod, full raplier and t.vplst. Days of -hours plus installation.' Combination gleeVclub in “ Somebody’s and yards. Call M and M Rubbish ’ nahre. New arid iiaed. Tel. MI. Beautiful "De Luxe " Range 8 CU. FT. SERVEL gaa refyfgert- ice, Refrigerator nice new stove. attached garage, patio, overhang shed dorlner, 4 rooma finished, 2 SPBXIALSI LENNOX FURNACES a to met your convenience. Excel- aluminum doors $49.50 plus instal­ Phone M1-3-.1416 or T,dwt and .Found 1 removal. MI, 9-9757. 3-700jK(or appointments and litera­ Instead of We.itinghou.ie Elec. Re- tor. Good condition. C a^ W . Available- June 1st, MI. 3-5175 or •fireplace, bookcases, ceramic tile unfinished, fireplace, plastered .at Y ^ r Door." This was eajfecial- air heating. Earl Van Cairi^ lehl salary. lation. Manchester Horrie Imp'ove- Re.iidence MI-9-7751 one. Lowe.st Prices In Town ture. frigecalor if you prefer *9-3028. MI. 9-7740. hath, all utilities, close to two walls, basement garage, excellent • POUND—i fellowa who will wax, MANCHESTER T. V. Service, 9-5844.' ipent Co., 35 Oak'St. MI. S-8177. V ex- All the\sohools coinbip/d for the 1051 Ford Countiy Squire Station , ■ M I-9/255 Riigs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum and CUSTOM BUILT four room, schools. Must sell at once, lot 110 X 180, city water and sew­ tara^ and clean out your car for radio and T.V. gpeciallrfs since Few Other Articles pandable to six, cabinet kitchen, singing o ^ lh e last aix numbers, j Wagon -Loaded with atcea- ! PLUMBINGtNG /and heating. he< A LL ALUMINUM combination win- Business [..ocations erage. An outstanding buy at einly $5. For aervice telephone MI. Ik".*. Houst sei ci-p ■•.all $J.5> Buildida/Materials 4< Machinery aiift Tools 52 large living room, firej'ace, oak $15,500 Attractive alx room I a'pd it wa.i'-a joy hear , again aorie.a. Extra niCe. woi k or■ repairs. P h ^ e MI. 9-8541j' dowsNand doors, self-storing, save For Rent 64 $12,600. George J. Coleman, Brok­ ••07M. MI. 9-6680 or MI. 3-4607. Help Wanted— Male .66 KVKRYTHINt; floors, sanitary molding, atorm ranch, attached . garage porch,! er, Hartford-Conn. Trust Building. Sylvia Clariiivs IqVel.v "Children’s i Ernest J./Morin, / heat, comfort, convenience, la.it a Mahogany Plywood SHOPSMITH Complete with ai- 1951 Dodge Wayfarer 2-Dr.— With O NLY $488.26 windows, oil steam heat, 100' lot. ] ipHt-rall fence, carpeting, utilities, Rockville. Tel. 5-4045 or 5-4710. Prayer for PeaiV/ Mrs. Dellert as ! FOUND—Male Beagle, no tag. I fluid drive. Tint green finlah. ANTIQUES Refiiiished. Repairing lifetime. Free demon.itration. Call ft. 21c tachmenls, almost- neW. Phone ! FOR R E N T—Small store, 23 Oak trees, near stores, bus. Only Convenient location. . ! violini.it snd 5^es/Dori.i Carpenter, I Owner may have by paying for PUMPS Water systems. In- anytime. Bill Tunsky. MI. 9-9095. Free storage until wanted. Free MI. 3-5008* “ *3^rninga or after 5 streetStreet/For AFor information call MI. Wonderful buy. , doite on any furniture. Tteman, CAR Salesman. Apply Gor- 18" No. 1 Natural $0,900. Carlton W. Hutchins. M l.' a TTFNTION VETERANS' a i — Beautiful year-old, accompaniay^addefkmueli to the/ ad and board. Call PI. 2-7113. 189 South Main St. Phone MI. gei sol£ Rand, wholesale and re- deliver.y. Free set up by our, own p.m. 9-1890 or/M . '9-8094. 1952 Chevrolet 4-Dr. — Styline. otor Sales, 285 Main St. THE MURRIDOR, combination Shakea ...... • per 9-5132,9-4694. ! few home.1 available for .30 year i Vroom garrison colonial, large performaru;* of "Jhsu,' Joy of 3-5643. tail . /Engineered estimates free, reliabi- men. Handsome grey finish. Spot­ and/1/ complete repair service. I storm and srrCen door.'full 1" No. 1 Stain Shakes ~7 SEXXJNO 04- n., I no down pavment mortgages for I bedroom. 2 additional twin Man’s Dj^iring." W ANTEDXA-I mechanic. Only ex all colora ...... No Payments To Bank.i ~ r Little' Susan BarninXmounted ; FOUND—Male tiger cat. Call MI. lessly clean. FURNITURE Refinlahlng, anUque Tirf^ms arranged. Call Enterprise thick, offent you comfort and pro- " “ colora ...... per plenty ight/two Isvatoiiei-, three PO RTER STR E E T—Six rooma, the qualified veteran, Stop in today , size bedrooms, step-down living j perienced ones, need applw' Qood or Finance Companies Miisical Instruments 53 room, fireplace, full size dining the pridium to conduct thXPowers j 9-9831. 1951 Ford Custom V-8 Fordor — furniture a specisiUy. chairs caned i , 1775. i^hepard Farm Equipment lection at a moderate price. Also j Oak Fltwring per M front rooms, witable light- manu*. fireplace, ceramic tile bath, hot and get the facts, | salary and \vhrking conditions. Ap­ Rhone Me Immediately factoring, large^ffice halls Apply room, excellent kitchen. I ' l baths, third giade rhythm band/ anp'i Fully equipped. Black finish. and rushed. Anson P. Thorp { ■Co.. 200 West Main St., Rockville, combination windows priced to ' *'* and 16’s Nails MUSIC Ir'ttumantal rental. Com- water oil heat, garage, ame.iitet,, ply Stewart Johnston, Dillon Sales X HARTFORD-HARTFORD-CH-7-n,3,18 ( Backer. 36' Oak. \ full cement cellar, breezeway, at- managed to keep cymbafs. | As good as new. Priced to Phone Mitchell 9-5785. 'Conn. A Service, .319 XIoin St. fit .vour pocketbook, Manchester; (picked np) ...... keg piets line of instrumenta. Rental driveway. Screens, storm windows. W A R R E N E. HOW X AND FOUND-Black and white male j Awning Co., 195 West Center St. ' <^"hadian Framing ..p e rM Aftrr 7 I’. M. ni-6-46:H) /applied to purchase price. Rep- atched garage, all city conven- triangle.i, drums, tamhorines, e t^ l, , sell. with base- Excellent condition. Realtor—Insurer dog. Call Dog Warden. MI. 3-4540. ALL KIT7DS of smtenna' workirk ..fc ^ ! MI. 9-,3091. Open all day Saturday, ! N- U. Sheathing per M from ^ It Day fOr Night' resenting Olds, Selmer, Bach, LARGE STORE for i ienqes. id Immaculate condition. fairly w-ell in hand. They gotliw iX i 1949 Chevrolet Conv.— Light green BOlT TO Work frqnf\6 to 10 a.m ment, desirable looft Sui table 648 Woodbridge Street Art Pinney, TV Antenna ■pecim- 'pecii Moy inji— Trucking — ._ — . ------. — Cleai-^ine Ca.iing ....per Pedler and Bundy. Metter's Music DruUcally reduced for immediate from her a hit toward the /nd but paint, white walls and white Must be 16 years o ^ and have i.;_K_T— S tor any^usiness. For formation. VERNON: BOX MOUNTAIN Phone MI-3-8600 MI-3-5711 1st, Sales and Service. Very /air Storaffe 20 working papers. ApplyNto person, BURGUNDY Wool rug 9-12, 8-way NATIONAL BUILDERS Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. 3-7500. | sale; mfcmer transferred. Georg’* she rounded them up for the LOST Pair of eyeglaaaea at Man- top. Radio and heater. write Bex E, Herald. DRIVE. "SITTING ON TOP OF finsle. prices. Tel. Ml. 9-4772. /' , mornings. Pine Pastry, ^ Center ' floor lamp, golf clubs, 3 woods, . SUPPLIES ' ■ ALLY-VxfiT., HARTFORD GOOD B uys. F.our room ranch J. Colenvqn,, Broker. Hartford- PfHsbuigh “ cheater High School. MI. 9-2154. reasonable. Call after 6 p.m, ML CLEARANCE SALE of trade-in \ THE WORLD. ” 23 foot living i-oom, Conn, Trust^dg., Rockville, Tel, Robert Johns . conducted the 1950 Studebaker Champion 4-Dr. MANCHESTER - Package Deliv­ St. 420 Dayenport Avenue AIR CONDITIONED offlcbk Mod- type. 280’ frontage, oil heat, cop­ COMPLETE REPAIRS by/Stuart 9 1305. FIVE IINING Room, chairs spinets and small-sized uprights. fireplace, kitchen, dinette, two 5-4046, 5-4710. German Band, five boys and one LOST—Man’a Benrua wrist watch. .—Green. A car you’d be proud ery. txicai light trucking and New Haven, Conn. ' erii design. Near Poet Offlce/Maln per plumbing. Many -more fes- R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ tabic. Take your choice of six, priced large bedrooms snd large I'eramlc girl. the trombonist of the group. Vicinity otf Main Street.' Call MI. to own. package delivery. Refrigerators, EXPERIENCED Carpenter whint Telephone .STate 7-3597 125. Mi.iccllkqcous. ; etreet, comer Wadeworth. \)<1. turea at $9,990. Also West End, six matic washing maahines, vacuum F IL L For Sale, $2.50 per load. One 9-5090. ffrim $95 to $395. All pianos tuned tile bath on first floor; two large I so. COVENTRY houses for Tonight at 7;30 the Buckland. s 3-7391. Reward. 1051 Heniy J 6. Maroon Club Coupe washers and stove moving a ed. Steady work. Call MI. 9-1421 ] 9-9779, or MI. 0-9810, robm CApe Cod. Excellent con-1 cleaners, motors, small, appli­ specialty. MI. O-0752. mile vicinity of South Main St. and delivered. Terms. Goss P ia n o ______bedrooma and bath on second floor. sale. Excellent loc for bust- i Washington, Briwer*. Green snd -^14,806 guaranteed original after 5. dition throughout. B e a u-t I f ii 11 nea*._ All _ moden convbqiences. ances. Welding 180 Main street. MI. 9-.38T7. FIR83STONE\Refrigerator. company, 317 Asylum Street.' h e ATEL Attractively decorated. Full ha'se- Waddell glee clubs will be heard WAUHIDE L o s t —M an's brown wallet. Vicin- Diamond^!— Watches— ;^ T O R E , 247 No/ Msiif^ grounds. Handy to bus. new miles. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., lent runningVondition, $45. Call Mat^ Street, So/ CoventryX^Two | liy of State Theater. Call MI. Phone Ml. 9-6678. APPLICATIONS BEING taken for , ^ Jewelry 48 Hartford., JA. 5-6896. Open Thurs-1 gj Man^anch^ ter, 18 X 70. Suitable \pient.' Aileaian well. Thouannd.i of church apd schools. Price $14,200. In the same auditorium, and the ! In Tow'n Or Out Of Town local, and long distance tnoving, experienced dump tnick drivers. TH AYER STROLLFIR gootl Condi-1 MI. 9-18,1,3. \ day nights. tidlpa, crocua, peonie.i. etc. Breeze­ apartments f^'rent. Inquire, two bands will repeat their per- 9-2038. Mr. Foye. DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, ——------/v- for dry cleaning, laundry, tailor Barbara Woods Agency. MI. Cod house next to Library. Your Best Buys Are At packing, storage. Call Ml. 3-5187. Mti.1t, be good, hard woi ker with j tiorf\269 Parker St. Rhone MI. LEONA r1d~wT y OST. Jweie^re^ way, 2 car garage, hot water, oil, ormances. copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, 3-6.361 shop, hardware, paint ori any bua- 9-7702. . LOST-^PASS BOOK No. 61219. Hartford CHapel-1P1423. ______excellent driving ferord. Apply ' pairs, adjusts watches expertly. U K E NEW. Accordion and case am'eSiite driveway, lamp po.it, stone; eretofore. all the schools have TOWN MOTORS, Inc. ,guns, etc., repaired. Shears, NO NEED TO JOIN A CLUB inaaa. Call MI. 0-2652 • JA. 3-1,149. Notice is hereby given that Paaa Thomas Colla Construction Co., ~ Reasonable prices. Open daily. for sale, 120 baaa. Asking price wall,'knlit rail fence. Lot 183 x 160. FOUR ROOM CAPE Cod, two FIVE ROOM HeerKpresented together, but ow- Book NO. 61219. issued by The 45 West Center Street knives, mowers etc., put into con­ 251 Broad St., Manchester. ^ i CU Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce Top Quality Furmitiir* $195. Phone MI. 9-1846 after 5 p.m. Price ^2,.100. )>artinlly finished upstairs, full ln$r foH he great Increase In the Wall Painf FT. Like new. Suburban For Rent Savings Buk of Manchester has Tel. Ml-3-8557 dition for coming needs. Braith- PainlinK—*Papferin|f 21 cellar, three years old, combina­ RANCH HOME number of-^hildren attending the Call MI. 9-2 ■treet. Mitchell' 9-4387. Brand Name Appilmcea • BEAU'nFUL SET of Slingerland ------/ , n .... been lost and application has been waite, 52 Pearl street. WANTED (las .station attendant tion 'acreena and storm windows, school*, it has become necessary Oil p a i n t i n g , Exterior and interior, part lime, 6 to 10 p.m. Monday and TV at Tremendous ^vtriga 'drums and practice board. C oatB O C K V IL ti!, 24 Grove Streets Hlll- Three Bedrooms C$&t C$hrs • M$ Mm$r made to aaid.bank for payment of 1951 W ILLYS Station wagon, six BENSON’S Holiday Special! Bin- oil -heat, lot 50 x 150. Mortgage!^ to give the Aqnual Elementary cylinder, all metal, radio, hester, paperhanging Ceilings reftnish- through Friday, Saturda.v 1 to 10 $375 sell for $150. MI 3-7125. i »ide House. /Two room furnished the amount of deposit. two Arvin m e t ^ porch or lawn I Garden— Farm— Dairy CHAMBERS FURNITUF ------! apartment with private bath. Chil- THE ESCOTT AGENCY by G.I. and state, loan at I'a 4t)8 Parker Street Schools Glee Cltibsponcert In two overdrive. Honest Douglas, 333 WASHING MACHINES repaired. ed. Wall paper books on request. p. ni, Sunday 9 a, ni. to 6 p.m. Piiubslrgh'i aUyd type one cost, ssif-issling Estimates given. Fully Insured. chair.i, price $6 4.1 <(ach. Get meta) Products 50 ------^— ------! dren accepted. On bus Uhe. In- ' Licensed Broker interest. Priced for quick aeUing. part*. Main. MI. 9-9757. Must be experienced. Van's Serv-. SALES Builder— MI-3-605/1 Q A givst iMgcr life, greattr endurance, Call Edward R. Price. Mitchell cocktail table free\\Vorth $3.95. Wearhig Apparel— Furs 57, quire first floor, apartment 9.___ / 266 High Street West $13,000. Phone MI. 3-6583 before 0 wash- P e r s o ^ t a ire Station. 427 Hartford Road. No RHUBARB, Freezing or canning, A< Tbe Green coidrsK s pltsaiqg luw* sod ezccpdqasl BUICK 1952 Special Riviera. This CARS CLEANED and simonir.ed in 9-1003. Benson's, Inc., 108.1 Main St. Com'fer McKee Street, Manchester p.m. The homes of former PVesidents telephone'calls. 15 lbs. $1, Rhubarb rtxits, 6 for $!. XtUchell .3-1187 sbilitJiT Coe* oa *69^7, dries quickly! 12 c ( o lo n . THE PROSPXXiT HiU School for car in’ excellent condition. Prac­ your garage. $12 and up according LAOIiSS! Beautiful selection ns- ROCKVILLE—Two, three or lour MI-P-7683 Rutherford B. Hayes. Jambs A, TWO HEAVY benches, siHlnble for Ml, 3-.1698, O’Con. or« 171 Union. No $1,000 DOWN, THREEV bedroom Wanted— Real Estate 77 sad'Whits. young children. Transportation tically new tires. Must be sold be­ to par aize. Phone MI. 9-61141. CLERK-TYPIST. State age, exper­ Hours: 30 to 5—7:30.to 8:30 P. M. tionally advertised underwear, apartments, furnished. Garfleld and Warren G. Han EXTERIOR PAINTING only. Free work or picnic tables, $ ^ each suits and dressed,/ nurse’s uni-. children. Rockville 5-5450, ranch, fireplace, large rooms, pic are preserved in Ohio. Ceiee hi fee 9 m ‘ r hi Aedee" beetdM. furnished, Mrs. Lela Tybur, dlrsc- fore June 1st. Gall MI. 9-6541 ience imd salary desired. Write TOMATO AND Pepper plants, 25c ture window. higX elevation; toll CASH WAITING tor anv type real 0Ut-«AUON GUARANTEED Top quality tele­ estimates. Ml. 9-1383. Phone MI. 3-407.3. forms, beach ,, arid plaji.ear. ' ------MANCHESTER tor. Pbons Mitchell 9*5767, after 5:15 p.m. or see car at cor­ Box Q, Herald. dozen. Glass for hot bed at Tony TWIN BEDS, bookcase, walker, estate you have to sell. First and vision service. Calls received be­ Shown in yoUriiWme. Budget plan. 68 cellar, garage^one acre, trees, ner of Broad and Middle Turn­ -As- Carblno’s, 12 Glehwood St. MI. grey living room set, rug. Call Wanted Tp Rent second mortgage money available. MRS. ZOPPI, reader and adviser. fore 9 p.m. will be serviced same PAIN TIN G —Exterior and interior. WANTED Man to work in Wash Call JA. 5-0001. suburban. Carlton W. Hutchins. pike. Private owner. 9-4187. ,MI, 9-3127. Also listings wAnted. Qall The A L L RIND S Alt welcome. 258 Franklin Ave., night. MI. 9-1347. For free estimates. Call MI, room m laundry. Opportunity for G IR L’S TRICYCLE, chain d rive\ WANTED—2 or 3 room apartment, built, 8 yeais old. living room, with M l. 9-5132, 9^694. 9-9773. Like new, $20. Call MI, 9-2129. for young couple. No children, fireplace, open aUircaSe, becircom, ~ 'Johnson Bunding Company, 053 SH HARDWME CO. across from the Art theater. 'For 1952 CHEVROLET deluxe fordor advancement. Apply in per.sori. ! 1948 NORGE Deluxe automatic de­ \ PIN K NET evening gown, size 14, Stanley Jacobson, Hartford Hall, j ceramic tile bathroom, dining room, rU U K yKAKS OLD: No. 381 Last Main St. Ml. 8-7426. Evenings Ml. ^ 793 MAIN STREET -appointment call CHapel e-678S:, sedan. Green. Radio, heater. Ex­ PAIN T AND Paperhanging. Time Maple Dry Cleaners and I*aunder- R O YA L AN D Smiui-Ckirona port­ Household Goods 51 frost refrigerator. Price $30 MI. M idd^Turnpike; nice 6 room Co- 9-0018. SIGNS cellent condition. Price $1,150. MASON—Fleldstone a specialty. E. ers, 72 .Maple St. 9-1403. \worn once. Call MI. 3-8687. University of Conn., Storrs, Conn. ;and Urge kltbhen downstairs. Cosy Toth. Phone MI. 9-3207. payments. Finarcing arranged. able and standard typewriters. GArfield 9-2801. knottv pine enclosed porch, tw o, hot water oil heat includ- EXPERT FOUNDA’nON garment .Olsen, 73 Alton Street. MI. 9-0249. flE A D Y BUYERS waiUng. For im­ ED'S SIGN CO. aervict. Individual attention. For Wm. Dickson & Son. Phone MI. All makes of adding machines unfiniihid I'ooniit upstairs. InsulaL-l- ‘ t * »ummer domeatlc hot water. Oil, BURNER mechanic. Man with NESO ELECTRIC Roastep. Call GENERAL ELECTRIC Stove: Six mediate action liat your property fim iU R G H appointment call Mrs, Aids R. WEBB’S TV - 17 Maple St.. $3 per 9-0920. experieni e for servil e and instal­ sold or rented. Repairs on all Wanted— To Buy, 58 WANTED—S-4-5 unfurnished room I jjpt water iieat, copper ttib- arge ceramic tile bath, fireplace, Mirehsll 3-8268 makes. Marlow’s. MI. 9 H any time. /’. months old Weatinghouse autonia-’^ with the Albert J. Gatto Co., Real­ Ada.ms, MI. 3-8160. 1949 ENGLISH AUSTIN. Call MI. house call. All Work fully guaran- lation. Lassen Petroleum MI. rent by married couple. No chil­ Ing, set tuba and hatchway. Com storm Sash and screens, amesite teed. Call MI. 9-6535 for quick! RALN-nNG Interior and exterior. tic washer. Call MI. 9-0350. driveway, many, many types of tors. CH. 9-8489, evenings MI. 9-0862 after 4 o'clock. 9-0121. ELECTROMASTER 2>” x 42’/ dren, Reasonable rent. Call Rock­ bination aluminum storm windpws Wallpapering. For free e.itimates HAVE YOUR electric shaver serv­ flowers. Call The Johnson Building 8-6946, JA. 8-3989. X CANDID WEDDINGS and special honest service. I stove, in gi^pd condition. Price W ANTEI Sm’all cement mixer. ville 5-2207 collect. and door*. In excellent cnngkilon. call MI. 9-3203. / iced by experienced repairman. Company, 953 Main St. Ml. 3-7426. ' events pictures taken. Sample $1.1. ,M1. 3-639( MI. 9-395'$ after 6 p.m. Convenient bus and schooj H A I RADIO-TV Service. Service Parts for Sunbeam, Schick and /■ BUSINESS Couple, no children, Evenings MI. 9-0018. LISTING S W ANTED - Single, work gladly shov*n, reasonable. 1939 CHEVROLET. Motor recently Help Wanted— 3 1 two-family, three-family, bull- Call after 5 p.m. MI. 3-8777. overhauleil, $95-. MI. 9-0232. charge $3,50. Tel. XU. 9-6685, Gary i Remington. 10 Risscll St. ATTE N TIO N Litoies: Slip-covers/ urgently need 4 or 5 rooms un­ Courses and Classes 27 P IN E ACRES, 7 room home, large neaa property. Have many caah lamonaco. j Male or Female .61 and drapes custom made. Re-up- FOR RENT Rooms Without Board 59 furnished. Call AD. 3-7592, ext. 40, Ex'clusive \yith RIDE WANTED from Lake street CHEVROLBJT 2-door ^ a n deluxe, Desirable space for manufac­ after 4:30 p.m. Ml.' 3-7407. kitchen, ceramic tile bath, storm buyers. Mortgages arranged. RADIO, Electronics, Television WANTED - Cook and waitresses. holsterlng. BeaUUful fabnes. to Manchester Centre, store hours. green. Radio, heater, new Royaj WIRING INSTALLATION and' re­ LUAM ami HU.MUS turing nr wholesaling. PLEASANT Furnished room with windows, hot water heat, garage, Pleas* cscil George L. Graziadio, Servicing. "Learn by Doing’’ at -Apply Rosemounl Restaurant,’ print.i. atrtpes, soll^ . Expertly FRANCES ^WAGNER MI. 9-9427. white wall tires./Low /mileage. pair of small electric appliances rooking privileg^, suitable for RESPONSIBLE! Executive needs amesite drive, nice yard, trees, Realtor, MItcheU 9-6878. 100 "Connecticut’s oldest electronics Route 8,1, Bolton. - finished; $5 down. $2 weekly, Looks and ru i^ lik e 'new and it's and fixtures. Clarence G. Smith, X Tel. Da.v .MI-;>-.i7H two. Phone MI. 9-3 desirable three bedroom house or altnr easy walk to storea, bua, new Henry street 21 Knox St. Phone Ml. 3-8423. school.’’ New term starting. En­ SuiKTuu' Uuaiity balance ‘one year to pay. Call apartment in good neighborhood, WANTED—Ride to Travelers In­ priced at $ 1 ^ less than new. Evening: MI-9-918.6 achool. $14,900. Carlton W, Hutch­ surance Co. from vlcinitv of Hem­ roll now for day or evening divi­ JAckaon 2-7780 or JAckaon 4-0154. coat secondary. Please leave mes­ 1. ^1-9-0028 ins. MI. 9-5132, 9-4604, / IP READY to buy, sell, exchange I » w bank lAtes. Brunner's Pack­ YOUNG MAN with small pick-up sion. Phone CH. 7-1630 or write Situations Wanted— Out of town reverse charges. ROOM FOR gentle man\91 Foster real estate, mortgages arranged. lock St. Hours 8.4:30. MI. 378381. ard, Roclm lle Road, across from sage for Mr. Spiwak. MI. 3-5183, truck, will do odd Jobs, evenings New England Technical Institute, street. \ TH REE^ED RO O M ranch. Roomy MANCHESTER - Six room C( Conaultr Howard R. Hastings, Garrity /Brothers. Open evenings Female .68 Call ^ ■/ dally 8 - 6. or week-ends. ML 9-8452. 193- Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. 7 CU FT, International Harvester kitchen, large living room, fire- Cod, two unfinished. Full bi Agency, Ml. 9-.1107. and Sunday. freezer, $200. A-1 condition, used NEW LY DECORATED. Beautifully FOUR OR FIVE rooms, first floor. place, ceramic tile bath-, paneled Automobiles for Sale pnl5' 4 mont ment, hot water oil heat, firepmee, b u l l d o z e r and loader woik. j CURTAINS Laundered and ironing DUREIKO months. Inquire William furnished and spacious room\The Manchester or vicinity. One tod­ recreation room, steel beam con­ combination windows and door*. 1953^^?HEVR0LET all metal station Ruppert, Cer BEFORE YOU Buy a used ckr Landscaping-and grading. Reason­ Private Instructions 28 ■done in niy home. MI, 9-4.3.33, rmetery Road. Vernon. most complete light Jiousekee^g dler and one infant. Not over $55. struction. many extra*. picture VA approved at $12,600. Available Legal Notice 8 c« Gorman Motor Bales. Buick wagon, like.new condition, radio, able rates. No Job loo small. Call Used TV Sets facilities available in Manchesti book yard, trees, near bus. /neater, low mileage. Douglas MI. 9-6400 with no down payment. Approxi­ 1 7 4 N C H Bales and Service, 285 Mam Ml. 9-Oi6.10 after 5 p.m. W ILL CARE for child tlay.i in- re­ Rockville r)-,66.62 You w ill marvel at the cleanllncsi Bower* School. Carlton W. Hutch­ I.I.MITATIO.N oaiir.R Motors, 333 Main. ACCORDION and piano taught In I PHILCO CHAIRSIDE radio. Tn- In V IIF «nl.v> Some floor modeln mately $79 per month carrying AT A COL’m' OF rttOBATK h*lri s ^ t MItcheU 9*4571. Open eye^ liable li(-en.ied home. \$hile moth­ of this building. Children accepted. OREAN VETEh^jN, wife and ins. MI. 9-5132 - 9-4694. charges; Immediate occupancy, I MiinchpRlor wit1>in mid for ih< STONE, BRICK, fireplace and ce­ .vour home. MI, 9-5144. er works or shops. Call MI. 9-8801. [ quire 383 Hilliard Si. with riew wgrranl.v. n ln n / 1949 STUDEBAKER Pickup. Good Central. Priced so reasonable ild, urgently need a three or Lomas A Nettleton Co, JA. 7-32n! ment work. Call MI. 9-5451 or Ml. | KUtler !)-2.'vl8 you'll gasp! Be sure and aee this f OLDER C h ^ o lete, . payment. $30 monthly. Cole Bonrfs—-Stock.8 $95 to $125 one. Mr*. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. in Aisfchzst*'' or vicinity. MI. of JjliiAii S. Rnworii, 'IaIp of Fords, othqr good transportation. time typing and clerical job. E x­ 9-738- room Munchpiil^i, in Dintrin, SUPER-V Motors, 436 Center St. Ml. 9-0980. SEWING MACHINE repair.i on all Good credit enable ue ^accept $S I Mortirasre.s .61 perienced. Tel. ,VII. 9-5I.1I. USED LUMBER, 2 x I, 2 x 3, 3 x 4. ATTRAC TIVELY Furniahed room , — -----^------1 On of Shf*V'wofM| il. Bowers of domestic make.i. Speiializing on} Mid . e'Xf'rmor. I down. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. , 4 .X 6. 2 x 6. 6 .\ 6, 7 t ents board SEPTIC TANKS GARRITY BROS. for two. Complete housekeeping FOUR tX'’ FIVE room* PONTIAC'Convertible-,19.13. Red all 'indudtrial types. James Lcn- FIRST AND second mortgages.! O RDKRKD: Thai jrix inomlia from j -with black top, almost new. Royal ft. 1 X 10 rough siding, 6 cents AND INrORPORATED facilities available. Private en­ near MiriSin St. Call thp 24ih dev of Mn\. AD. 1W4. bo n n tV tini. MI. 9-1496. i bought for our own account. Fa.it, i D o r .s— Bird.s— Pets 41 4 ONLY DOUGLAS aeU you a Master white wall tires. Hydrama- board-ft. Some 1 ’ matched trance. Parking. Inquire at 167 after 5 o’crqv*<- tKo 9»n»p erf* limiK'd and a!low/*d f^r confidentiat service. .Manchester tealtor. Ml, fh^ creditor* within which t4$ hnnK in lata model car/aA. low aa $145 tic. P-ower steering. Very shsrp-'- THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet pine flooring. Windows, suitable PLUQOED SEWERS Tatcoitville-Rockville Road Maple St. 1 Features fireplace, open stainvRV.I a Y s tfo r's -lw e ’ down. We do not asir-you to take Ihveslment Corp., 244 Main street. W ANTED-Oi room aphrtment I enrage, fenced in land.icaped lot,! ______-_ /__ ' th»lr rlelma exeinM Mid yAnd Just like new! Save $1()06. Ix>w Ceiiter, 995 .Main St., invites you for chicken coop or garage $1. Oppoiite Rriinner'a ------7------" •------'■ , ihf paid px^ruior ia dir^ctf'd to /g\v^ a loan fronr a bank hr. finance Household Services ML 3-5416 2 m etal‘'■('.isement windows with FURNISHED Front roonj, central­ with rooking'NfacilitieiXby ! 6 nly” $12.,100. MANCHESTER GREEN—8'a room ’ piihlir notlcp io*ihc rredHora l^1>rinf bank rates. Brqnner’s Packard, to vi.sit ipets of ail kind.s. Cqn- PHONE MI-9-4521 ly located, continuous liot water. business woriran. /Call' M iss' company to complete y ^ down Rockville Road, aerdsa from Gar­ Offered 1.6-A screens, 38 ” x 38’’ .and 18 ” x 38". Mathine Claaaad house. Oil heat, storm windowi. 1 " iK puDilahinK A rop> of Ima nrd^r payment/ Positively ' onl^\ $145 rity Brothers. Open evenings and Several sizes inside and outside Insulated. Built in 194s, Call MI. epmV n^wapap^r having e rtTculation . downvn buys a 1949 car, $195 buy h s < intOL one ba.sket is a good idea I I 9-4273. Hours Monday through doors, cellar sash.. Some \ " pine 9-7129. ' Sunda.v. F LA T FINI.3H Holland window Call Frank Burke at CH. 6-8897 toJ Friday, 10 to 6:30. Wednesday Septic Tanka. Dry Wella, Sewer WANTED—I room rent, ] Six room' Cifpe Cod 1 two im- 9-5985 or Rockville 5-5520. In aeW . ptohet^ dialrtn. Vithln f^n ■ 1295 buys a 1952. No addltibn- ■ flooring. Some trim about ~a" x deva from th#*. daip of ihla/ordpr. and ahades, .made to measure. All disvitss consolidating your deblsi closed at 2 p.m, S. it H. Green Line# Initalled— Cellar W ater- PLEASANT ROOM, separate kitch­ preferably School District! I tto**hed I fireplace. hot,,y water oil r^t irn makr |o thla fviurt df th'* nottra de notes or loans. We guararii|]948 FORD tudor, 1947 Chevrolet 16’’. long lengths. 2 lolly rohnnn.i. $15,500 RANCH HOME of five larfe metal Venetian -blinds at a new into a first or se.cpnd mortgage! stanip.i. Proofing Done. en, central. Free parking. Gentle­ John Men Woodland St. Tel! h «»L Ulcd b^th! pa.iement garage. given ee to sell under the above terms tudor, 1946 Ford fordor. 19’46 Buick 1 flil.sh bowl. 3 oil diums with rooms, fireplace, full basement. .JOHN J. WAlil.KTT. Jurtse. low price. Keys mad.e, while you with ('omfoi'table payments. Con- man. MI. 3-4724. Ml. 9-192iy \ 1 excellent We.it Center fit. Im.-atinn, with notes as low as $40 monthly. cotipe. $5 down and good credit. wait. Marlow’a; TROPICAL FISH, New .shipment faucets, metal .stands $2.50 cqch. McKin n e y b r o s. Onlv one left. Bnv now at $1.3100.' Good credit is our only require­ nei'ticut Mortgage Exchange, 27 CREDIT GIRL -"■y- Lot 162 X 200. Madeline Smith, Walk in, drive out. We . are easy just anived. Kelly s Aquarium, 29 Rear Whit* Glass Co., Birch St. SEWERAGE OISPOS.IL CO. FOR RENT - Room in private ment. Dotjglas Motors, 333 Main. Lewie St . Hartfbrd, is open on' Ti>K MI. 3-7449'. Realtor. MI. 9-1642 or 0-1146. to do justness with. No pressure, W EAVING of burns, moth holes Saturday 'til ntion. Sunset St.. Open 'til ,9. I SO-132 Pearl SL Tel. Mt-S-SSOS home, with kitchen privileges for F a r n ^ and Land For Sal JARVIS REALTY CO. no down payment. See Bob Oliver, and torn clothing, hoiacr-y runs, Work inteirsting and agree- two working women. Ml. 9-4052. 614 Center Street Lainprecht Enlists BIG TRADES accepted for Rem- CHORCHES FOR VALUES Center Motor Sales, 461 Main St. handbags repaired, zipper re­ HANDSO.ME, well ma'nnered 16 a,hle. Many employee heneflta. BOLTON—Five room, single, '^11 Mitchell 3-4112 ington-Schick, Sunbeam electric Lots- For Sale 73 placement, umbrella^ repaired, Business Opportunities .62 months old medium size male Experience preferred hut not ROCKVILLE, 24 GrovXstreet, Hili- heat, barn, four tie-ups, garag 1052 Ford V-S 4 Door— Radio, Collie. Also .large, sturdy dog 'razors. Also cutting head^ and nerd neighborhood. Real value at 1051 Ford Tudor Radio and heat- medium size friendlv dog. Call. Thi4* family dwelling, five room* $775. 7 miles to Mancheateiv-Post Mr. and Mrs. Rdvyard A . Lam-- antee. Ford, Chevrolet, Mercury, 'IN-’FHE-HOME SERVICE. Up- 5-7607. . fir, Blue. Low mileage $895. j MI. 9-1909. occupied by owner. Call for fur- Office. Inquire 130 Pearl St., Man- p'recht, 112 Spencer St.,- eliated in Dodge. $124.95. Pontiac,' Oldamov holitery and floor coverings clean-1 ■ r 1,951 Pontiac Catalina Hard Top—. bile, ete. $174.95, $10 month. Goto ther Infprmatlon. cheater. Tel. Ml’. 9-4143. the U. S. Marines Corp* on May ed or mothproofed. Inexpensive j SIX VVEEK.S OLD mongrel pups. SEARI radio, healer, hydramatlc— Motors. Ml. 9-0980, / World-Wide servic e. Conn Dura-1 Help Wanted— Female 66 y « iir M r ATTRACTIVE LOT, 60 x 15,1. PekvL 29, 191^. for a period of four year*. $1,395. Small breed. Male, $5; females,. G O O D JOBS ALICi^,CLAMPET. Realtor FOR TIRES, Tubes and batteriea cleaners If Homfe Services, 101/iqUSEWTVES.-Anxififis to earn} $1 $4, Rockville 5-7216. LOAM • • f for. fit. Residence B zone. Call MI. It was . .knnounced .by Master 1051 Studebaker Champ., Starlite 1 Delivered from Ogden’s Corner, PIthpe MI:9-4.i4.3 I contact your Goodyear Service Harlan St., Town. MI. 9-7024. to $2 per hour without canvassing. 9-3.393. Sergeant Sahiuel ^ m o lc . non- Club Coupe—Overdrive and FOR 611 MAIN -STREET S^tore, 713 M.ain Street, ^ x ’fl. Write P. O. Bo.x 661, Hartford, Rm-kville, to .Manchester $2.2,1 MANCHESTEI^ - Vacant, roomy Cojnmlsaioned officer in charge of heater, grey.-^ $895. ' : SERVICE ON all makes sewing ''Live Slock— Vehicles 42 Manchc-Htor, -Conn. the Marine Corps Office in Man­ j 9"^5390. Llae our easy pay plan. Vnai'hines. Also elei trifying. Work Conn.- yd. Delivered in Roekville $2.00 and comfortable three > bedroom LOT AT LAKE AMSTON, Ideal for SKILLED Phone MI-9-4.681 house. First ftpor has living chester. 1050 NasK, Rambler Convertible— ' done in your home. Sii-kel. MI. yd. $1.33 yd. loaded and truck -picnics. Tel. Rocki'Nle 5-7660. BATTERIES - - .10;% off. Square WOMEN Do -you. like .people? En­ WE BUY COWS, caivea and beef room, dirling rortin, kitchen and’ ______Pvt. Lsmprecht. a former atu- Radio, heatA- and overdrive. I 9-9419. Day phone Ml. 3-5171. cattle. AI.10 horses. Piela Bros. type, as low as $4.9.1 ex., long tvpe ______joy your own bii.iiness, part or full MEN y.oiirself. ■ Apply In Person jdent of Manchester- High School Special— $645. Tel. -Ml. 3-7405. lavatory. .Second ■■ floor three VERNON Beautifully locajed $7.95, Written guarantee. Cole C O R N Ic S , DrapeaVrid slip covers time. Full training, high cnmrrtis- bedrooms and full both. Two-bar building'lota. High elevation, won- V * a employed in a Hartford de­ 1050 Chevrolet 'Tudor Radio and! ' Saturday A. M. / K l .Motora. MI. 9-09 custom made by Classic Decora­ sions. bonus'. Avon Products, .77 Coll OwMf JA-8-0271 garage, nice grounds with fruit derful view. MI. 9-5956 or MI. partment store. . heater. Beautiful black finish. | tors, 41 Oak St. For free estimate, Westbourne Parkway, Hartford, PURE BRED Giiein.sey cow. Very.^^ • MECHANICAL tree* and garden apace. Thia is 3.7*98, TTie new Marin* was sworn into -A rejil bu.v. , Conn. call MI. »-2730; • good milker, $150. MI. 9-7901. ^ DESIGNERS DRIVING an ideal family home witlr many j ------^ ^ ;------the Marine Corps by Captain W. F. Auto Repairini;— Painting: 7 'x, added feature*. Priced at $13.900.1—^------:------—r-— ------—------1950 Chevrolet Conv. Radio, heat­ 'laylor. Officer In Charge of re­ er. light hlue. Very clean. THERE’S A (1001) JOB Call Alice Clampet, Realtor. MI. {{pggi-t Property For Ssle 74 Craslay p f saiHs **YOUff MIT •ARAM" lehirAev *l§lits mm NIC talovUlMi 1 AVticles For Sale 46 • tOpL DESIGNERS 0-4543. cruiting in Connecticut and West­ Save. Buildin^StCwntracling 14 IN YOUp FUTURE ern Massachusetts. Following the CAR BURN OIL? .. . h i d e a w a y COTTAGE at the • DETAILERS MANCHESTER —This agency haa^: ’ enlistment cererriony, Pyt. Lam- CUSTOM BUILT homes, general IX)AM — Rich lop soil, delivered,] WE SPECIALIZE IN: Guaranteed and Fully Econbmy overhaul, moat all large listing of 4, 5, 6 and 7 room | Furnished, fireplace, nice brook ' precht entrained for Parris -Island Na%8 ouHlda Mmw IfisIsM contracting, remodeling! repairing. TELEPHONE COMPANY No. 1 grade, $3 yard, No. 2 grade, s Reconditioned cars. Parts and labor 649.95. $2.50 yard. Washed ' stone, sand, • TOOL and PIE MAKERS HELP! HELP! singles at $8,750 and up. Two fam -' running through property. Ap- j ^ u th Carolina, fqr ten week* of —••tsi — aevsrfvt, sadintiw Financing arranged. Free eali- • 8RAKE WORK >•«, a«ker K i S*s*f-Vertkal Omk Low Down Payments at Vpii can have the sati.i* gravel, fill, . Nussdorf Sand and tly homes, 4 and 4. 5 and 5. 6 and j proximately 2 acres. Full price Intensive training. During hi* re- No money flown. $4.90 month­ matea. Vanuour Constniction Co., ikwsir puntn Bank Rates faction of doing interest­ Stone Co. MI. 9-7408. • TOOL and G AU G E 6 rooms, $13,500 and up. colonials,: 51,200. Call crult training he.w'ill be instructed .17' Mb Studebaker Sales and Sei-i'ice ly. All work guaranteed. 172 Highland St. Tel, -MI. 3-48.38. • MOTOR TUNE-UP seven looms at $14,800 and up. ing and imiKirlant work INSPECTORS .Native of Manchester, «4ldnw with two li. all phases of military life, par­ CABINET M AKIN G -V\; also ^ BEAUTIFUL Selection of wool rem­ Ranch homes. $11,900 to $38,000. E * E REALTV ticipate in any sports o f hi* clrblce • $raiH It all scraan—ceairelt Clutch Overhaul nants at low prices. Alzo rug wool rhlldren ,desperatel,v needs rent to keep • LU8RICAT10N CHORCHES ^^OTOUS all lypea of carpeniiy work, re­ as a • GAUGE MAKERS family together. IJved at present nd- Please call Howard R. Hastings MI-9-6297 or 3-4480 and be lntervlew;ed and classified 80 Oakland Street—M1-9-94S3 .Plate, (iasket.i and Labor modeling, alterations, elc. Good and instructi ms in braiding nigs. Agency, Manchester. ML 9-1107. to determine what type of duty he Call Rockville 5-5706. , dress fnr 10 years—-owner now wants it $16.90 workmanship, and "reasonable TKLEI’HONE • PRECISION GRINDERS for ow n use. Best of referenres. \\ mild Is best suited for. • U(ht anawgb ta carry—Maefl 104$ OLDSMOBILE Six sedan 35 WASHINGTON STREET. Here Suburban For Salt 75 rates. Estimates ' gladly given. OPERATOR PEAT HUMUS, shredded.. E.Xcel- be glad to shnw care taken of owner's Upon fomblelibn o f his t{;s1hlng •- eiiewali •• bsffSI*. Take ii eiywhscs coupe. Hydramatir, new rings, • JIG BORERS The StHte will soon he making spot is an ideal home for the small ------COLE MOTORS Call Dick at PI. 2-6695 or John at lent soil conditioner, top dressing. propert.v In present rent. Prompt pay­ family. Dutch colonial in style and BOLTQN -Comfortable older home, ’ he will be granted a ten day leave good'tires, written guarantee. No Ml. 3-5769. Full 'Time rherka on nutna nn the highway, 436 Center Street - MI. 3-6515; - ment of rent assured. If you have any* Make sure your e*r will pas* with in. immaculate condition. First neat and clean, about I ' j arces to be with hi* family,and. friend*. a Tuba-llfa IxtenAer—awkssfwbss dow'n payment. $5.90 weekly. Cole • EXPERIMENTAL thing—or know.-of anyone who has— neat and clean, about I ' i acres G E N E R AL construction, altera­ flying color*. floor has pleasant living room, , and be assigned to a new duty lea lentsr Motora. MI. 9-0980. MI-9-0980 Yon will receive good pay FIELDSTONE for fireplaces or re­ MACHINISTS would you please write Bo.v A, Herald. Beautiful landscaping. Barn, ga­ tions, remodeling,’ plastic tiie, dining room, large kitchen and { I atation. and frequeiit raises. No taining walls. Call Coventry PI. sunporch. Tw o large bedrooms: rage, chicken coop, plenty of. gar­ ^ 1 3 9 CHEVROLET Hard Top. 1950, counterwork, garage, etc. No,Job • CbaUa af walnut-, ■shssasf 2 1 2-7161. den apace overlooking Bolton lake. Beautiful light Capii blue witti too small. Eugene Girardin, 16 e.xperience is necessary With ever.v lubrication job (fo r a limited and bath on the second floor; Nice­ sr bteaS-Ssiikea -**ai>is< WALNUT FINISHID Situated on South Road Just be- black top. Original paint, just like Auto Driving School 7*A Trotter St, MI. 9-5509. and you will receive full Apply time) we will put your car through a State ly landscaped level lot plus de­ tached garage. Residential neigh-; yortd Bolton Lake Hotel. Church Finales Receives new. Royal Maaler while .wall pay whi'e training, Ages Inspection test W ITH OUT CHARGE. Yours for u kiw u $1.50 A week tirea; almost new. lajw mileage. AUTO DRIVING instruction. All horhood, handy to schools and Si on the corner. 'Howard R. Hast­ a Parfaet far parch, kiSrsia, 6a^ Employment Office bkciw* er reesi You can save $1700 on this car lessons on insured dual control - Florist.s— Nurseries 16 16-.68, high school gradu­ Not if•e block fram Main St. Sale price. ings Agency. M I; 0-1107 any time. ^1 .“1,075 Damages Mahogany with U H F at $179.95 car. Capable experienced inatruc-' $15,750. Robert J. Smith, Inc., 063 and ll’a like new. Low bank ratea. ates jireferred, GLASTONBURY; Nice $ room lor. Cordner ' Auto School. ML Main St. Tel; MI. 8-5241. • Brunner’a Packard, Rockville Rd., GERANIUMS, 35c eai h or 3 for $1 home in the country; 4 bedrooma; acroaa from Garrity Brothers! 0-6010, JA. 7-3680. and up, mixed pots $lu.and up, A P P L Y NOW ! Invitation to Kid Weekdays Franklin O. Fingle* of 52 GSraCd On Tree Removal 42 COOUDGE STREET. West 1 acre of cleared land; Juat a few St., was awarded $13.0’75 by Super Open evenings and Sunday. cemetery baakela "ts and up. an-, feet from the .New London Turn DRIVING Instructions from - your nuala 25c dozen. MrConville’a 806 MAIN STREET Bid.* Will be received for liee le- t j9 H I0 [. Side. Attractive Cape Cod with six , ,, , , — ,t .. i tor Court Jndge J. Howard Roberta (x^jonJtsd. finished rooms. Oil heat. Hatch­ 1040 CHEVROIJ5T fordbr sedan. hom?, Dual-co;.trol insureo car, | Greenhouse, 302 WoodbHdge St, iiioval St the office oi the General 8 A. M. to 4:30 I*. M. pike; suitable for a lactc : yeaterdav for injuries received in Good tires, clean car. Excellent standard or automatic. Call Man-' Manager. Town of Manchester at way. Storm windows and screen*. term* arranged to auit buyer. Call J- ,h ri« v»*r* **o on \bucan'seeii on a CROSIsEV Ml. 9-5947. Op«n every evening Mon., Tui's., Thurs. The Johnsiin Building, -Company, ; * running . .condition. Douglas chestei Urivui« AcaCenar. PI. I until dark. All day Sunday. 3:00 P.M. \Vc«ine.nlay, June 2. Situated op a lovely landscaped ' apd Kri* (Closed Saturdays) EXPERIENCED - lot with many trees. Walking dis­ 953 Main Street. M I 3-7426. EviJ ! hv tha da Motors, 333 Main. 2-7249, ToU free. • 1914 at which lime bid.i will be nina. MI S-Ooi* Liability ws* concaded b> the da- 0 A, M.1'o,4-P. M. opened in public. Bid.s. sealed and tance to new school, church, nings MI. 0 0018. ; feridant. *niomas D.^.Ooll*. and THE FINEST OF SERVICE ON A U TELEVISION AND RADIO MUST SACRIFICE! 1047 NTah BALLARD’S DRIVING SCHOOL — Roofing—Siding 16 Or call M itchell-.6-4107 stores aitd biis line. Priced for im -! club coupe. Does not bum oil. "Manchester’s oldest.” Owner- marked "Tree Rejiioval Bid me^M^ale ^xcluaiv^^^ - Moving from Judge Robert, was aakrd to. deter- Opened June 2. I M f " , mu.it be In mediate sale. Exclusive with Elva immediately, mine the amquiit oL damages'. Baft offer accepted. MI. 0-9057. .Certified by AAA and Board of KUOS'ING, Siding and carpentry. I’RATT and W H ITN EY MAPLE SUPER SERVICE Tyler. Realtor. MI. 0-4469. WANTED—Girl for general ^office the office of the CJenerai Manager Winterized four room single, glass 1 Fingle# was injured when Education. We offer training, ex­ Alterations and additions. Cell*, work. - Shorthand and typing re­ LINOTYPE OPERATOR "SALVE‘S VENDRILLO. Prop. 1060 M ERCURY club coupe, radio perience, latest methods. MI. inga. Workmanship guaranteed. before t,he time -itated above. 'Hie AIRCRAFT $12,000 SIX FINISHED room*, enclosed porch, knotty pine .living CJoUa-owned truck and his car col- quired. High School graduate of hded June 25. 1951W TJh* plaintiff and heater, 'excellent condition. 0-M45. , A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Au$unriilJ^UI 1953 or 1954 acceptable.. Good right ia reserv’ed to reject any and ; FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT— APPLY IN iPERSbN screened porch, oversize garage. room, picture window, fireplace, Low mllcace, one owner. Low all bids. I . DivitioB 'of United. Aircraft 220 Spruce Sfreet, O rn e r Msple-^Telephone MI-9-3487 Large lot with trees. Timken oil t4co bedrooma and bath. ,kn«tty acatalned multiple injuries in the itreet. ktltieh«>i 3-4860. working copditions. Ebcperience * ' -S\ , • ' ■ payaMdta. Rob OUvar has the best MORTIjOCK’8 ID R IV IN O School. ^All bids must confomi to the j burner, aluminum storms and pinet' kitchen, dU burner. Lake crash. ’ ‘ , e r t o n 8 rot required. Apply The W! G. CorporattoB AttV. Wsrren MsjrwSU at Hart- at Center Motor Sales. L

\ V \

CACE TWBNTY-rOUB WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1954 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather iiattrliMtfr lEwtilttg ■ f For the Week Ended X' Foracast of C. S. Wentbar jtanaa Mny 22, 1954 f.. Playschool Plan§ Oloiidy tonight. Not aa eoiol aa '■ 1 . AboutTown Cotnniis8idned 11.245 laat night. .Low near he. Friday, Member of'ttie Audit cloudy witn> arattered ahowers An Important meeting of^the For Fourth Ytear Rurenu of'Circulation likely. High ki 80a.. H oly Ghost Mothers Circle will be held at the home o f M rs .^ e o rg e Hdnchester~^A City of Villane Charm , The Manchester Y W C A an­ UST 3 DAYS DeCormief. 20 Steep Hofjmv Lane, tomorrow night at 8 nounces plans for the fourth year of its playschool' for children, VOL. LXX III, NO. 208 * (Claaalfied AdverUalng oa Faga 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 19.54 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS OF The Oonnectlcutv'Stfte Button which will open in the fall on !let>t. y T Society's annualfecnlc. and auction 20. Advanced registration can be will be held June 1 at the L. B. Riding Club House. Arbutus nude this week at the YW C A of­ Street, Mid^'etown, starting at 11 fice at 79 N. M ala St. between 9 to Free 71 s. m. a. m. and 3 p. m. FOR BATHING SUITS. TOWELS. ETC. HALE’S The school is open to children WATERPROOF '\ I Air.v Jean MacLachlan of Glas- who will be four years of age by ffow, Scotland, who i.s vi.sitinc rela­ Jan. 1, 19.55, but there W ill be a Probe: Cohn LINED IN SOLID AND GAY COLORS tives in towTi and' was a guest at limit of 20' children accepted for ____ ems Hinted MAY WHITE SALE jthc installation ceremony of Raip- the group. The playschool la con­ ' ' ■*.. ■ •• bow officers in the Ms-son'lc Terh- du ct^ . Monday through FTiday ple, Monday evening, wa-s^called from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m. from Sept. L»WMt iwiets in ytan in shtnts, easts, mottrtss upon for remarks, hjirs. Macl 'The object of the playschool is stand firm against any settlement and -Mrs. Axel Johnson of 31 to provide a place where a child Chine.se Communists at Griku Scenes Aboard Ill-fated .Aircraft >Z)arrier Main St,, yesterday Joined the Geneva for release of about of the Indochina problem which Fire, Blasts U. S. Air Force and h^s proceeded Cambridge St., was commissioned can meet other children of his own would partition territory of the As­ to Sampson A ir Force Base, N. Y. a Lieutenant in the U. S. Air age, share in supervised group IN A W IDE a s s o r t m e n t O F 71 Americans held in China. sociated States. Force recently. He 'Js attending activity, and becom'e better pre­ Sources cloxe in the American Th is view was reported by au­ the Aircraft Observef School in Epworth Leapie members of pared for the broader experiences STYLES FOR CHILDREN AND GROWNUPS ' delegation at the Geneva Confer-, thoritative quarters as the 9-party In Catapult the South Methodist Church will Waco, Tex. of public schooL Although group ence aaid they .agw* no reaaoft to Indochina Conference prepared to meet in front of the high school Lt. Johnson graduated as an participation - will be stressed, as prevent, direct negoUationa over meet again in secret session to tomorrow at 7:30 and proceed in a honor student and president of the muck opportunity ns possible will prisoner.* ■T^e United States dealt consider the problem of defining Manchester High School Class of be made 'for the individual devel- R o o m A r e a body to the South Methodist .98 directly with the Chinese at Pan-: asaembly areas into which the mili­ 1930 and was the recipient of the Church to attend the funeral serv­ opnient of each child. inunjom on the release of Korean tary forces of the two sides would Beatrice Fox Auerbach, scholarship ice of Miss M ary E. Bonn, w'ho Since the YW C A office closes war prisoners. be regrouped after a cease .fire. upon his entry into the University ^uonset Point, R. I., May died yesterday. for the summer on May 28. those These sources noted there was I Viet Nam sources said the pro­ pf Connecticut. He was a junior desiHng information about the no apparatus set u)> for direct deal-! posals, submitted Tuesday by Com­ 27 (/P)-—The word "catapult” \Va.5hington, MaV 21 (/P)— Roy M. CohnW ore tGday Secre­ in the School of Pharmacy at the The Choir Club of the North' playschool after this date may Inga with the Chinese and that any I munist-led Vietmlnh definitely bobbed up today in eyewitness tary Steveii.5 and Army coun.selor John G^ Adams tried to block University when he enlisted in the Methodist Church has elected the contact Mrs. A. P. Wylie, 605 N. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales order to undertake them would be would result in the partition of Air Fore* in April, 1953. accounts of the horrible the McCarthy subcommittee’s probe for Communists in the following officers for the ensuing Main St. entirely up to the State Dept.. Viet Nam and would be strongly The question of the Imprisoned i opposed by the Vietnamese. disaster which killed at least Army and .quoted Adams as saying itwould be "a^|^eather in year: Mrs. Frances Wieheat. presi­ 91 men and injured 201 yes­ cap" if no hearings were held. ------— ...... dent; Mrs. Vivian Stewart, vice 'The cloisteder Dominican Nuns Americans came up earlier this Informed quarter^ said the week when it was learned the Under oath, the 27-veae-old ______president: Harold Dickinson, see- of the Monastery of Our Lady of United States had not yet taken a terday on the aircraft carrier chief ^de to Sen. McCarthy also . United Stale.* had aakelf room ixf the thy camp alleges,^ that the Arm. W h i t e F B e ^ on the matter. eucharistic hour of gratitude to BY POPULAR REQUEST action of the U. S. delegation was big ship may come under investiga­ officials tried to' "discredit” the The Golden Age Club will hold a Our Lady of Grace at 3:30 p. m. Yesterday an official -Cliinese that the proposals go a great deal tion after the Navy BoSrd of in­ subcommittee. spokesman indicated the best way meeting, in Orange hall tomorrow Sunday. farther than the U nite^ States Is quiry meets for the flist time this Cohn aaid that soon after afternoon at 2 o’clock. The u.sual U O N E C E N T Ic sMANcmmi Conn* the United States could arrange prepared to go. / afternoon at this naval air base. Adams wa.s employed as Army C h a l l e n g e s pastimes and refreshments will be for relea.se of the A'oericans was Rrench Foreign M a s te r Gorges Last Oetber, 37 men died in an counselor last Oct. 1. Adams told enjoyed. by direct negotiation. Bidault, who returned this fore- explosion on the Carrier Le.vte as him it would be a "feather in his SALE The spokesman. Huan^ Hua. told / w F DO T x s S t ^ ' J sh* ws.* being overhaul.ejuA, 9jt> Jh s L (jt}UL CL drifts of snowy nylon wjth yards and ering in Rome for two weeks to Ruse at Probe partment was "cluttere^''w 11 h Aboard Ship ings and let them "do this them­ o< President William White. honor tha man who dreamed as a bodies &f,„lnjured and dying men.” selves.' Arguments by lawyers for both little hoy of being a priest. Heat Terrible Ry TOR A8eoti*5rBim tE#s Stevens and Adams both insisUdiatdCAJtre to be^ade on the.valKiity . yards of skirt floating beneath a crisp Washington, May 27 (IP)—The " o f vobng this stock. The verdict niHhops, Cardinals Expected "W e couldn't open the escape when they were witnesses earlier U. S. Court of Appeals today re­ Connecticut counted^ one of her in the McCarthy>Army hearings will be rendered by the threg'law grosgrain ribbon belt, delicate self Some .500 bishops and about 45 hatch to help them and the heat residents dead and two other in- of the present 69 cardinal.s of the instated an indictment accusing was‘ terrible," he said. that they never tiled to halt the professors presiding oygr ths count Senator's investigation. church are expected to attend. Ray Brennan, Cliicago Sun Times But the most stirring story ji red today as a result of the «x- ss election inspectors.' ‘ Stevens sfild he was concerned The inspectors went to work on .buttons. A dress any grad would be Among those already in Rome was reporter, of posing as a govern­ came from Seaman Edward Cuah- plo.sion and Are alraard the aircraft about the "type” of hearings and the count on tht 12th floor Of tha Samuel Cardinal Stritch, arch- ment officer to get secret Senate carrier Bennington. ’ OS'***' proud to wear. bi.sljop of Chicago. ■ Francis Car­ Crime Committee testimony. (Continued on Page Eight) Alexander Hiibetsel, 28. an ayla- Hotel Ten Eyck. dinal. Spellman, archbishop of The indictment had been dis­ flon ordna'nceman\who was killed, (Continued on Page Two) 2,000 a t . Voting New 'York, was in Venice., the pa­ missed by U. S. District Judge listed. 10 Division St., Bridgeport, Proxy votes were moved to tha triarchs city of Giuseppe Sa.to (Charles F. McLaughlin. as his home becaveeXtlrat is where hotel after yesterday's tumultuous when he was a cardinal. Judge McLaughlin ruled t h ^ a Ij^uptoii Offers hi.s brother and next Nrf kin, John Old ILA Wins ar.HusI rnectmg in the Washington V Sizes 8 to 14* i. ■The New Yxjrk Prelate ''cele­ atatement made voluntarily by Hubetset, livo.*, but \the Navy Avenue Armorj-, attended by 2,(>0h Brennan to John L. Burling^oun- actually wa.s his home. stockholders. \. brates a Pontifical Mas.s today at the high altar in St. Mark's Ba­ sel for the committee.yeMld not Direct Primary He enlisted In 1943 at tW age of Natned as election inapectors by silica. where th*\ new saint-to-be be used aa governm^m evidence l7, when he was liv'ing iri\Brook- NLRB Election White, ths preCassbre sre Robert frequently performed the same against Brennan. lyn. N. Y., and had been a\Navy W. Miller of Syracuse University, Plank to GOP man ever since. ceremony. Cardipal ^ Spellman The com m ute^ headed by Sen. By 319 Ballots John Hsnna of Columbia Uniimr- celebrated Ma-ss there yesterday. Kefauve^. (D -T ^ n ), made a long The Navy's list of critically in- sity and Omlngton Hardeo of Har­ jureci included Seaman RobertXs * 8 ^ ® t o S|0 98 From Europe, nearly all the investigation/jf organized inter­ Bridgeport, Msy 27 ngshoremen'k Assn. iIL A » d ayror even weeks longer, .shortly after the teitlnfony was John Hubetjrel.who runs a tire ' RWMMWW that of the 1950 holy year, when man in Shelton. had a vote edge over the newly- One reliable. authority said,, published. Gilbert Wss badly beaten recapping business in Bridgeport, F.oKArms to Guatemala Pope Pius X II proclaimed the The proposal to put the party learned of his brotiier'n death when formed AFL-II.A. ! howeve^: that if, a clear advantaga dogma of the Assumption of the in Cook County, normally, heavily on record against s state income' I That ,NLRB election waS scrapped ; were shown by on* side, the other* l^ u in n ’s Democratic. the Bridgeport Telegram called / Virgin Mary., tax came from. Edward L. Tracy him after receiving the Gasi'alty because ILA adherents employed { might waive- small dispute a That ceremony al.so was held in Brennan was accused of posing of Greenwich, a m'em^^r of the Re­ Panama. May 27 i/Pi - --Tensions * who sent the boxe.*. He did not | strong-arm tactics and intimida-j aa to the validity o f proxies and a.s a member of the staff of the list.'Hitbetsel said he had V.een lis­ ’sun/L St. Peter s Squire. ’The throng ex­ publican State Central Committee tening to the radio and worrying increased in jittery Central Amer-1 how many weapons w ere i upn ^t the pollSj with brawls and 1 concede the election officially Kefauv/sr Qjmmittee in order to tended' from the broad ramp of the from the 36th district. about his brother throughout the ica today aa U. S. custbma inspec-' S*"*™*'"*? terror;«)) th e: Tuesday. C ites' Public Interest aftefnoon and evening. *wr. •> til. Ati.nii/. mm.th ih . ^ enough to start a war. waterfront. , H the margin Is narrow, how- (Continued on Page Two)/ (Continued bn Page Two) Lupton who said he appeared tors at the Atlantic mouth of the "W e often carry arm.* for one . . In yesterday's new election, al- ' An Associated Press wirephotb Panama Ctatial ransacked the as "a private citizen" asserted and a telephone call from St’. countr>’ a.' another a.^ we never moat everybody p la ^ the part o( j (Continued oa Faga -Two) there ia a great deal of public In­ egrgo of a French -freighter — get anv trouble.' he .siid. "There |a perfect gentlemiMV Heavy details , foA . £L CahSL~ Petersburg, Fla., assured' Victor presumably for contraband arms. telsat in a direct, closed primary Waterbury of Rowayton that hL* is northfnK. extraordinary. >Ve[ of police 2,500 oh apecial duty in ^ System, and added that : if the An igen t o f the French line at only rkrry what our cUstomera New York City and about 500 others 1 sdn, Bob. who was aboard the Ben­ Qristobal said a search of its Njxon BlastK Hearings; GOP does not support such a pro­ nington. hail eM'aped injury. ask us to carry." . .on the New Jersey side of ih* port posal ".It could very well be detri­ 8.693-ton freighter. Wyp.ming be­ The U. S. State Dept, had heard ' )iad little to do. NLRB Regional i One of the firat pictures serv­ gan last night "in connection with mental to us in the future." iced aho.ut the disaster showed there were Ave boxes of sporting j Director Charles T, Douds said ttje'j Bulletins Lupton, who has announced his the business in Gtiajemala.” He — . ! election was the“ mo8t orderly” 'he young Waterbury. who lista his obviou.sly referred to U. S. charges froin the A P Wire* Adlai Bids Ike Be Firm candidacy for Congress against wife's home in Clearwater.. Fla,, (Continued on Page Seven) had .ever seen. that leftist'Guatemala recently re­ Rep. Albert P. Morano of Green­ aa his addre.ss. to.*aing a blanket The N LRB announced last night < ceived large arms shipment from W ear them on “the trip and while you're wich, the incumbent, said st one around a aoot-blackened crewman a that the IL A held a .lead of 319 ' New 'York, iia y 27 UP)—-Vice behind the Iron Curtain. Guate­ SOO DONATE BLOOD MerWian. Miss., May 27 i/P>— point " I n FairAeld County it now with whom he had' been fighting votes over the- A F L -IL A in the i there. Shorts. Bermuda shorts and pedal Adlai Stevenson declared last night President Richard M. Nixon says mala is one of the W.voming's hitter struggle for certification as- Boston. Ma.v 27 i Virtually pushers. An assortment of colors, plaids that what he termed Pre.sidenl the Army-McCarthy.'hearings are porta o f call. bargaining agent for the port of the entire crew, of the l'.S.S. . (Continued on Page Nine) (Continued'bn Page Nine) and checks. Eisenhower's reluctance to defend diverting attention from more im­ Denies Contraband News Tidbits New York's dock workers. Ttminerman (Bag— 152), a de­ his executive position and the portant issues, and the quicker The.agent declared the ship car­ There Were 1.79,7 challenged-bal- , stroyer leader, today aM^mbied lows "shameful spectacle" o'f the Army- they end the belter. ried only general cargo and "there Culled from A P Wires lotm-and Douds said it may take : at the Red Cruu blood donor Sizes 10 to 20. McCarthy hearings were symp­ h e declared last . night that are no arms or contraband from SIX weeks to two months to ; renter to volunteer blood for tom's of a constitutional crisis in the Eisenhower administration is The Battle for Asia (4) aboard.” investigate and tally them and de­ vlrtlm* of the aircraft carrier yourriME? American government. "smashing the Communist toh- Director Edmond Lanier of the- Arthur M.. Schlesihger. Jr., a cide the winner. Bennington. Approximate^ 80* • Stevenson »«id that what he spiracy to bits" through efforts of French Line aaid in Paris, how- leader' of American.* for Demo­ Spoke.smen for each union pre­ men headed b.v their akipper,- Ixp tf ¥ ^ h fp€HT $5-98 called the’ Preaidenfs "reluctance Ally Gen. Herbert Brownell and Moscow-Peiping Activities •ever. the Wyoming, was carrying cratic Action, tells dinner of Libr dicted victory after the chal- Cnidr. S. E. WagrnhaU, volun- to man the barricades' of his office" tHl'Chief J. Edgar Hoover with­ seven boxes of sporting weapons e.al Party in New York that GOP lenged ballots are counted- It was -leered. Mmrvicm to h o lp y ou and resist what the Democratic out comfromlaing fair play prln- described in the manifest as hunt­ after year and a hjilf in Wash- not possible to learn how many of , leader described as "Congressional c.ples. ing rifles and pistols — consigned ipgton 'has shown ho capacity to them had been challenged by each SIR ED.MCND ILL .Itoop on timo Turning India Against U.S. .New Delhi. India. May 27 (F) encroachments" against his rights Nixon, addressing a glOO-a-plate from Antwerp. Belgium. Three of- govern country. .Wife of Ffench uniohr . — Word received here to ^ y said had left the Republican party with New York State Republican Com­ the boxes were to be unloaded at General De Castries, captured at I The election in the vast port of y L — "as manf wings aa a boarding­ Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror M issing mittee dinner, did not mention Sen. (EDITOR’S NOTE: William U ;‘centrated Ran Jose, Guatemala, and the oth-j Dien Bien Phu. says she ha.s r e -' New York was being closely house chicken." upon Ide.itifying the ers at La Lfbertad. Salvador. Lan turned to Franc- in hope of help­ of Mount Evereat, baa contract­ 5L-91 C A PR IC E —Jantzen cuts a clever caper . . . and de­ Missing trains? Joseph R. McCarthy (R-W ia) by Ryan winda up with India today a United 'States with colonialism ed pneumonia while trying to signs a si|H that starts, and end.s with Nylon lace . . . and at The televised hearings of the ler said. He said he did not know ing French Union troops .in Indo­ (Continued on Page Nineteen) 1 Nothing is more' -ni.me. four-part series on the polltiral- and imperialism. Army-McCarlby Aght, he added, china. ■ I . - - - scale a Himalayan'height Berth the cutest places, too! 'The bloomer silhouette and rounding But he ''declared Brownell and mtlltar.v outlook for southeast The Communbt party In India of Makalu, world's fourth larg­ bl'a treatment combine to camouflage and curve where you irritating than a watch that JERSEYS and HALTERS displays in public a Republican New Haven Railroad President; , ixi' ■ won't keep good time. To pro­ Hbover are waging an antl-Red .\sla, target of a Coaunanist drive professes to give all-out aupport to est p ^ . like it most! Added bra beauty is jmurs if you slip Jantzen party which acts like a "blind dog program of "action and not talks." southward. Ryan spent six weeks the foreign poliev of Prime Minis­ V ivien Stam ls FirnvWiinl, hnow Block tect the eocurac j of your watch Small, medium and large. in a meat house." "Accents" into the pppn bra lining. This, a Lustrous Fallla Prefers Profeitaionals In Indoehlna and nearby ebuntrlea). ter Nehni and his Congress party, BLAS'l' KILLS MOTORIST is a fabric combination^ of Acetate and Lastex. In tight blue have it inspected at least once .*4eea Crisis In Government itself carryln;: on a grim struggle Referring to the televised hear- O n i ing of *1,732.400 in "unusual ; t a i n Crawforda'viUe, lad.. May 27 and black. Sizes 10-16. 823JV0 a year. Wc’U do this for you ■ All are symptoms of “ sofnething By WILUA.M L. RVAN with the domestic Cpumunists. Governor Race Mo nil Rescue deeper—a constitutional crisis in mgs in Washington, he said: imd deferred charges ’ .. Jordan y Jantzen .. . this glimpse of glitter in the ^ in y new fabriq Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales . Maiary i ng fijr yoor watch. late Jimm>« Rogers, Meridian rail­ form at the Waldorf-Astoria Ho­ ".America la capitalist,” he said. is serving (O to 21 years . . . Na­ tel with Mrs. .CK’eta Ciilp Hobby, 1. U; S. military aid to Pakistan. principle o f the thing. Miss Kel- Argus, one of three surilvora of a PRO.VIBS HELD FORMaV . . . ‘‘Confetti Faille'^ -. . . a concoction of Acetate,. Cotton e d man Whd became kno\s-n is "Indiana relate camtalism jo im­ Nothing has so stirred anti-Amer­ tional Cpngrei^s of Parents and 1.000-foot fa|l .which kHled' the S eew u ry of Health, Education lerns indicated in. an interview Boatoa. May 27 fF)—MHh and JjfmUx Uwt will give pre^, practical wear for its. the father of hlllbiliy music. perialism, and ' fopcrtaliam' to ican aentiment. One Indian leader h f ^ .veat-rday when she was ques­ Teachers wmda up annual conven­ fourth meoibe. of their party May FHiaheth McCarthy, headwylt- -modast price tag! Shirred front i ^ i c e underlines a bra cut "In the last. 16 months. Repub­ and Welfare, and Gov.' Thomas E. colonialism. Oolonialiain is the tpid me this amounted to airming tion w ith plea that more federal Dewey.. . tioned about a suggestion tifbot Mtv tnraa ‘ aa anixlca of COa MA.\CH£8TER‘S OLDEST 'Stamps Given sverythnig from the B r i c k e r er he would run for a fourth tterm; p$tttr IM marvelouB for comfort and freedom in action. Sizes ESTABMSHEp dEWEUER who ia j.ro-Ametican. and thus.U RakUtanl dispute «v e r Kashmir * letter from Connecticift Stale ^ ro h g winds bh>H'_ d'ow;n rirrug JdciUnley, North Amkrtea's high­ W oblieh Co. atochhaldara, i. Coloni Copper and white. 812.95 ^.AUNeMtrni Conn*. W'ith Cash Sates Am enc^nt to intimldstlon of our this fail, as )t had expected he testimony gp the strength « Mds- stau. Rep. Wjliliam A. Ward, Sr., CUn- tent iix Stockton. Kail., but ahouf l i t -peaki ti lad ^ t>r. John 28JiM ' prtqeattd hy H ft' 787 Mala St— TH. Ml-8-8817 cow-Feiping propaganda in Aa(a- ' ^ ■ I I 1.5(X> *p«ctatoi4 and pMormera t (Conthmed on Pngs Tw elra) (Co O. Badth of T r s ts a . tf. *•*4 OB Page MnetoM) Oopmpunist affdita have been eon- (CtpUnneg aa Faga Sevda) (Coatlki^' oil Four) es<^pa a e r i(^ ] Injuir ' (CoattaMg aa Fac* Ihraa) State Theater BMldlag'