FURNITURE SALE THURSDAY UNTIL 9 En Tell Their Hair Stylists,’’ He Said
• ■>*. \ ■ ■/ . \ / ' ; \ i. •.* ' i X TUESDAY, MAY 25f i95-t PACE EIGHTEEN \ / JHanrIjpBtifr ttwntttg J|p^ali> ■ 'X Average Dally Net Fress Ran Tht Weather \ — "=---------- .. 'T '" F o r the W e ^ Ended FoTCCMt Of C. S. W eatk w B ar ana Xyt a meeting of the All Saiivts fqr the evening and also, accoifp’ M a y ^ 19JI4 Mothers O rtle held recently at tw Hold Teenage Road-E-Cr Raii^ow Girls pahjed the soloist, Mr. Culver, who GeneraRy fair, eeoler teaHftit, About Town home of Mrs. Arthur Leduc, 61 saqg''.w beautiful arrangement niEGALof beverages! ndnlmuni $8-42. PoaaiMjr fraat la Edmun<^St., the following officers 'T h e 23,rd Psalm .” as the officers ^ At LOW PRICES ^ XT,245 were elected* Mrs. Da"id Donovan, were obligated, and "I B6Ileve," , 'T valleys. Thnniday, inereaalag Xa H. Hannon, 93 Vernon St., la Tonight at' Salters Pool Seat Officers while the wprthy advisbr knelt at Member of the Audit s rlovidlnesa. eool, higll In ddst leader; Mrs. Arthur Leduc. Bureau otClrculaHon* Ling a abort course in aubmarine ant leader: Mrs. Her.ri' Stephen the altar. Alftpr the officers were' ^Arthur Drug Stores 1 ...^latruction and handling at Gro MancheUejt^A City of Village Charm \ son. secretary: Mrs. Mary Miner, bii duly installed, he sang "TheJL,ord's rilOtJRS « A. M. to |1 P. M.l ■k T- ton. 'Chief eatlmatot- for F. H. Me- assistant secretary: Mrs. .Marian Eohr judges for the • Junior.„pele ^ the national contest Some DI Culver In.stalled Prayer.” > , ^ ▲ A A. A A J Oraw ft 0>., he i» one of a group apgj Cliamiler of Commerce Teenage $3, tot) in scholarships is being Mr.
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