(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,261,537 B1 Klaveness Et Al
USOO626.1537B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,261,537 B1 Klaveness et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul.17, 2001 (54) DIAGNOSTIC/THERAPEUTICAGENTS 5,632,983 5/1997 Tait et al.. HAVING MICROBUBBLES COUPLED TO 5,643,553 * 7/1997 Schneider et al. .................. 424/9.52 ONE OR MORE VECTORS 5,650,156 7/1997 Grinstaff et al. ..................... 424/400 5,656.211 * 8/1997 Unger et al. .......................... 264/4.1 5,665,383 9/1997 Grinstaff et al. (75) Inventors: Jo Klaveness; Pál Rongved; Anders 5,690,907 11/1997 Lanza et al. .......................... 424/9.5 Høgset; Helge Tolleshaug, Anne 5,716,594 2/1998 Elmaleh et al. Naevestad; Halldis Hellebust; Lars 5,733,572 3/1998 Unger et al.. Hoff, Alan Cuthbertson; Dagfinn 5,780,010 7/1998 Lanza et al. Levhaug, Magne Solbakken, all of 5,846,517 12/1998 Unger. Oslo (NO) 5,849,727 12/1998 Porter et al.. 5,910,300 6/1999 Tournier et al. .................... 424/9.34 (73) Assignee: Nycomed Imaging AS, Oslo (NO) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros ecution application filed under 37 CFR 2 145 505 4/1994 (CA). 19 626 530 1/1998 (DE). 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year 0 727 225 8/1996 (EP). patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. WO91/15244 10/1991 (WO). 154(a)(2). WO 93/20802 10/1993 (WO). WO 94/07539 4/1994 (WO). Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO 94/28873 12/1994 (WO).
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