1943] Biological Briefs 95

W. G. V inal, Nature Gtuiding, Comstock Pub. orcganism, although it is possible to produce Co., Ithaca, N. Y., $2.00. it experlimenitally by transpants of living W.TG. Vinal, Natttre Recreation, McGraw- cancerous tissue between animals of the same Hill Pub. Co., N. Y., $3.00. hereditary constitution. Cancer may be in- duced by excessive exposure to X-rays, ra- dium, or light, or by repeated PROPOSED CONSTITU- contact with various chemicals, including TIONAL AMENDMENT some coal-tar derivatives. When cancer has thus been produced, further contact with the The Chicago Biology Round Table has causative factor is no longer necessary for p0oposed aInamendment to the constitution of its continued growth. It may be that natur- THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BIOLOGY ally occurring cancers are caused by chemi-

TEACHERS. The submitted change would add cals produced within the body; large amounts Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/5/4/95/31291/4437364.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 to Article IV, Section 1 (the section dealing of female sex hormone may induce cancer of withi the makeup, duties and powers of the the breast in animals. Furthermore, it is executive board) the following statement: fairly well established that caineer is niot a "The executive board shall be empowered to single disease but a group of diseases with adjust the ainount of membership dues as some characteristics in common. The growth necessary to cover the cost of the journal and and physiological effects of caneerous tissue the operation of the association." are heino0ainalyzed biochemically. Its growth A detailed explanation of the proposal will rate can be greaty reduced in aninals by be printed in the February issue. diets low in essential components, such as According to Article VI, Section 1 of the certain amino acids or vitamins; this may constitution, "An amendment to this consti- soon have its application in the diet of can- tution may be proposed by an affiliated chap- cerous persons. It is also being discovered ter of biology teachers. Such proposed that the growth of cancer has widespread amendments shall then be published in the effects on the biochemistry of the body as a official journal or by written notice to all whole. members at least sixty (60) days before be- ing voted upon by the Representative As- THOMAS,EDWARD S. Nature Points the IVay sembly. Such proposed amendments shall to Wartime . Fauna 4: 34-40. also require a favorable vote of two-thirds June, 1942. (2/3) of the members present and voting." The principle of camouflage is not being Section 2 of this Article states that "any publicized so widely in the present war as. muember or group of meimbers may submit his in the last, perhaps because its value is more or their written opinion on such proposed universally known and accepted. Protective amendments to the secretary-treasurer at must have developed as least ten days before being voted upon by the soon as sight was acquired, but although Representative Assembly. It then becomes outstanding exainples must have been known the duty of the secretary-treasurer to make to man since earliest times it remained for available to the members of the Representa- an artist, Abbot H. Thayer, to analyze some tive Assembly for their consideration those of its fundamentals in 1896. His descrip- opinions that have been submitted prior to tion of the principle of countershading which being voted uponl." tends to make an animal appear flat has become known as Thayer's law. This has been attacked, but certain exceptions only tend to support it. Thus large animals which need fear no predators are not counter- Biological Briefs shaded, and those which mimic inanim-nateob- jects or which exhibit warning coloration VOEGTLIN, CARL. Present Status of Research are not so concealed. Thayer's second con- in Cancer. American Journal of Public tribution was an exposition of the laws of Health 32: 1018-1020. September, 1942. concealing markings which make the animal It is common knowledge that the crude look like its background viewed slightly out cancer rate is increasing, a fact largely ac- of focus, and of ruptive markings which dis- counted for by the increase in longevity re- tort the outline of the creature. A recent sulting fromi a better cointrol of other dis- work entitled "Adaptive Coloration in Ani- eases. The risk of cancer increases with age. mnals"by the British naturalist Hugh B. Cott There are now about 450,000 cancerous per- brings together an enormous body of facts sons in the United States, and 150,000 annual in support of Thayer's main tenets. Dr. deaths from the disease. We are now cer- Cott is, incidentally, applying them in the tain that caneer is not caused by a specific British camouflage service.