o36 SIDMOUTB. DEVONSHIRE. rKELLY's Rine-Haycock Ralph, Core Hill house Mat on Leonard J ames, Harston Searle Mrs. Radway lodge Hobart-Hampden Lady Charlotte Mercer Misses. 2 Cambridge terrace Sellek Miss, 1 Clifton place Augusta, Hampden lodge Michelmore Philip Hellard, 9 Cam- Sellek Mrs. High street Hobart-Hampden Lady Louisa Selina, bridge terrace Shepheard George, 3 Landpart villas Hampden lodge Milles Major-Gen. Thomas, The Kraal Shepheard Misses, Camden Houghton Mrs. 3 Elysian villas Mitchell Miss, Florence cottage Sheppard Charles W alter, Fairla"'n Hooke Mrs. Winsley cot. Salcombe rd Morritt John Matthews, Asherton Skinner .John, 15 Jubilee terrace Hooper Miss, Spring cottage Moulson Rev. John, Crossways Skinner Misses, Meadhnrst Hunt Mrs. Redcliffe Newton Miss, Salcombe road Squire Dennis Brown, Lymebourne Hunter Mrs. I Radway villas Nicholson Miss, Rosemount Stanford Edward, Helens Huxtable Mrs. 2 York terrace Nightingale Rev. John Leathley M.A. Stokes Robert Day, 2 Elysian villas Isaacson Charles, Cotmaton hall (incumbent of .All Saints'), All Stone .Arthur Uayden, The Bungalow Jemmett Charles F., B.C.L. Sea view Saints' road Stuart John, Glencoe Jerrard Mrs. 4 Coburg terrace Northey Miss, Old Chancel Stubbs Miss, 3 Coburg terrace Jobson Godfrey, Redlands Nutcombe Quicke O.Irs.), Highbank Summers Miss, Meadhurst · Johnston Thomas L. Sidlunds lodge Orchard James .Albert, Hope cottage Summers William, Sto'l'"ford Jones Rev. Norbert (Catholic), Con- Paddon Miss, 5 Salcombe road Talbot Mrs. Convent cottage vent of the Assumption Parker Nathaniel Wilkinson, Seafield Taylor Miss, 3 Limepart villas .Jury Alfred John, Bank house,High st villa, Seafield road Tighe Mrs. I .Albany villas Kennedy Miss, Peak house Passmore Harry, 7 Jubilee terrace Tindall John, Eaglehurst Kennet-Dawson Mrs. Eglantine Phillips .Francis .A. I Bedford place Toiler Mrs. Oakland Kennet-Were Thomas J.P. Cotlands Pick Mrs. 3 The Myrtles Trepplin Miss-, Elm cottage Keynton :Mrs. 5 Florence villas Pidsley George, I Enfield villas Tucker :Frederick William, 2 Lime King Mrs. Beach house Pile Samuel James, ID Cambridge ter Park villas Knapp Mrs. Barton house Potbury John, High street Tucker Ernest Edward, 3 Sid p~ace Lamb Henry William, Brooklands Primrose Fredk. William, The Elms Tyrrell .A. W. N. Peak cottage Leese Sir Joseph Francis K.C., B.A., Pullin Bingley Gibbes, High street Vallance George, Sidlands M.P. Red house; & Queen Anne's Pullin Thos. Hy. Stocker M.D.High st Vallance George Hy . .Avishayes mansions, Victoria street & Reform Purcell Mrs. High street Vevsie William, 2 .A.lbert terrace • club, London S W Radford Misses, Sidmount Vickers Rev. William Vernon M . .!. Lennox Mrs. Woodlands Rainger Mrs. I2 Cambridge terrace Knowle grange Lean George Alexander M.A.Oxon. Randall Wm. Edward, Salcombe road Walker Mrs. Radway Hillsdon Reed .Alfred, Khandwa Wheeler William, I Elysian villas Lindemann Alfred, Sidholme Rhodes Rev. Charles (Congregational), Whitaker William John D. Holme Luxmore Mrs. Richmond villa Swiss villa White Richmond, Arcot McDonald Mrs. 2 Radway villas Roberts Charles Edwin, 2 Coburg ter Wilkin Henry, Powys Macindoe .Alexander, High street Robson John, 4 Yoruha villas Wood Richard Henry J.P., D.L. Eel­ Mackenzie Miss, Rock cottage Russell J ames John, 4 Florence villas mont; & Conservative club, Lon­ Maclean Mrs. Hilt on Salter Miss, IO Jubilee terrace don SW Major John, 4 Landpart villas Sampson Rohert Wm. Wychwood cot Yelland Mrs. I I Cambridge terrace Marshall Rev. Thos. L. Percy lodge Scott George, Blackmore hall

COMMERCIAL • llurgoin Ernest, but.cher, Fore ,street .Acraman Lanra Elizabeth (Miss), sec. Young Women's Bnrgoyne James George, Marine hotel, Esplanade Christian Association. The Grove Butter Frederick William, painter, 2 Salcomb road Alsop Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Cambridge terrace Butter George, painter, High street .Appleyard George Hy. manager Gas Co. Lim. Butter John .Alfred, beer retailer, Radway 2 East Cliffe Butter Thoma.s, builder, 6 Salcombe road Baker Thomas, bricklayer, 3 Riverside terrace Bnxton Alfred Eli, boot dealer, New street Barnard Elizh. Emma (Mrs.), Royal York hotel, Esplanade Cann Mary Ann (Mrs.), lalllldry, I Lime Park villa~ :Barnard Mary N. (Mrs.), lace maker, Old Fore st Carnell Richard C. gardener to Thomas Kennet-Were esr:r- Barnard William, fisherman, East street J.P. Cotlands lodge :Baron Elizh. (:\Gss), apartments, Belgrave cot. Station rd Carter Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, I Lawn view Baron Percy, apartments, Esplanade Carter Frederick, gardener to the convent, >CDnvent ldg Baron William Henry, greengrocer, Church street Cartwright Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Fortfie:d terrae~ Barratt Charlotte (Miss), stationer, Fore street Caseley Venn, wheelwright, Russell street Barratt Edwin, tailor & parish clerk, C:burch street Casson Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, New street Barratt Scptimus, co·stumier, Fom street Cawley Emily (Miss), dairy, Core hill :Barter Herbert John, butcher, High str8€t Cemetery (James AlbM"t Orchard', clerk to the burial Bartlett Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bedford square board ; W. J. Iris-h, keeper), Landpart Bartlett Henry, fishmonger, Church str8€t Channon Theophilus, grocer, & agent for W. & .l. Gilbey Bartlett Henry, music warehouse, Fore street Limited, wine & spirit merchants, & receiver for the :Bastin Henry, butcher, Church street & Exeter Savings Bank, High street -Beacon Levi Wm. boot maker, 3 Knapp cottage, Landpart Church of Temperance Society (Hy. Jas. Bend- Beacon Mary .Ann (Miss), laundress, Landpart ing, sec.), I The Myrtles Beard Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Jubilee terrace Clark James Thomas, travelling draper, 6 Limepart villa~ Bedford Louisa (Miss), apartments, 2 Marlborough place Clarke Cecil, blacksmith, York street Bellamy J oseph Arthur, teacht>r of music, Rose cottage Clarke George, greengrocer, Market p:ace, & apartments. Bellinger Joseph Augustine, photographer & collector of Marlborongh place income & assessed taxes, Fore street Clarke George Robert, picture frame maker, !High stree~ Bending Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Prospect placa Clarke J ames Gcorge, agricultural implement maker, en­ :Bending Henry James, apartments, & sec. Church of Eng- gineer & ironfound.er, Sid Vale iron works; offices. land Temperance Society, 1 The Myrtles Holmdale Berkin John, evangelist, 4 Park terrace Clements Howar&; sec. & collector of taxes & manager,Manor hall & Theatre;! Fortfield ter­ for Sidmouth Dispensary, Old .Fore street Unrnish Edith (Miss), apartments, 3 Fortfield place Brooks Amy (Mrs.), apartments. 7 York tPrr~ce C'AJrnish William, apartments, Sunnybank :Brooks Alfred Edward, ham & beef dealer, Market place Cotterell David, gardener to the Misses Radford,Landpart Buchanan-Wollasron & Co. photographic ma:t17rial dealers, County Police Station (John Mairs, constable in clw rge) The Western studio Cox Eliza (:Miss), dress maker, Rosedale Burgess Charlotte (Miss), apartments, 3 Ahna terrace Cox Robert Henry, apartments, 9 Jubilee terrace