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G005073A.Pdf Copyright, 1922 BY ALBERT A. POMEROY "The Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family is 11 volume of 962 closely printed pages [aside from 78 pages of illustrations) that was published four years ago. At the time of its publication there was a full description of the book in these columns. At that time the secretary and historian of the Pomeroy Family Association was Albert A. Pomeroy of Sandusky, Ohio, who has been continued in the office. The volume represents the expenditure of a large amount of time and money, and the genealogies of the different generations are concise, so that each page contains as much information as is found in some genealogical pampl,/ets." -Boston Transcript. The History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family: "The book selected by the New England Register for attack, is a splendid work of 1040 royal octavo pages, with about eighty interesting illustra­ tions, the whole well printed in excellent type on beautiful white paper and handsomely bound, while in subject matter and contents it is, to an historian, of all genealogies which I have ever examined the one most notable and historically most valuable." -The 'Journal of American History, Vol XI, No. 2. VII ltbttafutn To the memory of Dr. Hiram Sterling Pomeroy, who passed to his reward on April 20, 1917, at Auburn­ dale, Mass. He studied medicine at Yale and received the degree of M.D. at Leipsic, and in 1891 the degree of M.A. from Yale; Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society; member of the American Academy Pol. and Social Science; President of the Pomeroy Family Association, and a generous contributor to the work and expense; and a prolific writer. VIII President-HON. GEORGE ELTWEED PoMEROY, Toledo, Ohio. First Vice-President-S. HARRIS PoMEROY, New York City, and N~w Rochelle, New York. Second Vice-President-RoBERT WATSON PoMERoY, EsQ., Buffalo, N. Y., and Camden, S. C. Secretary and Historian-LIEUT. CoL. ALBERT A. POMEROY, State Soldiers Home, Erie County, Ohio, and Sandusky, Ohio. IX C!!nntents nf Jart mt,ree l;tetnrg anh (l;enealngg .nf t4e Jnmerng Jlamtlg FRONTISPIECE . • • • • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • • . • ii POMEROY COAT-OF-ARMS.. • • . • . • • • • . • • • • . • • . • . • • • . • . • • • . • • . • • . iii TITLE PAGE.. • . • . • • • • . • . • • . • . • . • . • • • . • • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • . V CoPYRIGHT... • • . • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • . • . • vi THE NUMBER OF Youa B001c. • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • . • . • • • . • • . • • • • . • . • • . • • . vi Ga.ATIFYING QuoTATioNs. • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • • • • • • . • • • . • . • • . • • • . • vii DEDICATION .•.•••.••.....•.•.••......••.....••..•...•.....•..•..••••••.••.•. _. • viii OFFICERS OF THE POMEROY FAMILY AssoCIATION. • . • . • . • . • • • . • . ix CONTENTS....................................................................... X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. • • . • • . • • . • • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • . • . • • . • . • xii QUOTATION FROM JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY •......•..•......•...•.•...•.•...... xiii PART THREE-HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THE POMEROY FAMILY....................... 14 PREFACE.. • • . • . • . • . • • . • • • • • . • • • . • • • . • . • • . • • . • . • . • . • . • 1S . FIRST PROGENITORS OF THE POMEROY RACE.......................................... 19 LA PoMMERAYE IN NoRMANDY..................................................... 20 RuINs oF LA PoMMERAYE CASTLE, Noa.MANDY....................................... 22 THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME POMEROY................................................ 23 AUTHENTIC NAMES OF THE COMPANIONS OF WILLIAM THE CoNQ.UEROR ON TABLET .•••.• ,. 27 THE DoMESDAY Booic............................................................. 28 ELTWEED PoMEROY's ENTERPRISE IN BEAMINSTER. • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • 29 LETTER OF COMMENDATION WITH His SIGNATURE ••••..••.••••.•.•.•...•.•••.•.• , • • • • • 30 DEPOSITION OF ELTWEED WRITTEN BY HIMSELF •.•••.••••••••••••••.•.•. ,,........... 32 PEDIGREE OF THE DESCENDANTS OF ELTWEED POMEROY •••.••••••••••.••.•••••• , •• , • , • 35 OEVELOPIIIENTS IN THE AMERICAN POMEROY RACE •.••••••• , • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • 43 EXTENSIONS AND ERRATA IN PARTS ONE AND Two ••••.••••••••••••••••.•.••.••••••••• 143 A STuoY IN HEREDITY-POMEROY CHARACTERISTICS ••.•••••••••••••••.•••••.•••.•••.• 146 X ANCIENT PoMEllOY SEALS AND CHAllTEllS ..... , .•. , • . • • . • . • • • • • . • • • . • • . • . 155 DEED or Gin ra.oM REGINALD, EAa.L or Co&NWALL, To HIS SISTER. RoHESIA DE LA PoME&AIE. • . • . • . 156 FEET or FINES. • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . 159 A MAIL-CLAD Noa.MAN KNIGHT AND HIS CASTLE ...•.•.•.......•••••.....•••..•..•...• 160 THE Bu1LDING or THE CASTLE . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . 161 AN OLD ENGLISH CHURCH Ca.ISIS. • . • . • . • • . • • . • . • . • 162 BE&llY PoMEllOY AND THE TOWNS or THE DAllT. • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • 165 HoNoua.s or HAR.BER.TON AND ToTTEN . • . • . • . • . • . • . • 168 MusTE&s TAKEN IN CouNTY Doa.sET ...•....•.....•..........••.........•.......•.. 170 JoHN PoMEllOY, GENT •••.........•.•.•..................•......•.......•.•........ 170 INQ.UISITIONS PosT MollTEM. • . • . • . • . • . • • • . • . • • . • . 176 EA&LY CHANCERY Pa.ocEEDINGS. .. • . 182 CHAPTER or DEvoN, DollsET AND Coa.NwALL WILLS. • . • • • • . • . • • 197 I.Av SuBsmv RoLLs ..•.............•...........•.•.............•....•..•...•...•.. 201 STUDY or V1v1AN AND BoND UNPUBLISHED MSS. • . • . • 205 ELTWITT PoMEa.ov's Bia.TH THE F1a.sT REcoa.o IN BEAMINSTE& REGISTER.. • . • . 210 THE GREAT RELEASE AND Ta.ANSFE& or PoME&oY MANQ&s. • ... • . • • . 222 CHANCERY DECREE ROLLS. • . • . • • • . • . • . • . 225 THE FollcE or AcTUAL REcoa.o AUTHO&ITY........•... _ ••••....•.•.........•...•..... 232 HE&ALDIC ANALYSIS OF HA&LEIAN MSS. 1091. : ...................................... 233 SoME GUTIFYING ENGLISH RECORDS.. • . • . • . • . • . • . • . 234 ABOUT THE PoME&OY PAMPHLET NuMBE& ONE ........................•.............. 256 Ca.1T1c1sM oF A STUPID ATTACK ON THE PoMEa.ov GENEALOGY .•..•...•...............•. 2S9 CoNT&OVEllSY DETER.MINED BY ScJENTIFIC ANALYSIS ••.....•.......................... 260 "A GENEALOGICAL CAUSE CELEBRE" ......................................... 261 DIFFICULTIES OF Ba.ITISH PEDIGREE BUILDING ...........•.••..........•..........•. 267 UNASSAILABLE STRENGTH or THE HERALDIC RIGHTS OF THE PoMEllOY RACE •••••.•..•• 271 A NEW "DETECitATIVE SCHOOL OF GENEALOGICAL DETECliTINO" ••.•.•...•••.•••.••• 291 COLLAPSE or THE NEw ENGLAND REGISTEa.'s LAsT Ba.1DOE ••.•.•.••.....•••.•..••..• 299 XI ~ist nf 1Jllustrattnns Foe, Page FRONTISPIECE, VIEW OF THE RUINS OF BERRY-POMEROY CASTLE FROM THE LIMEKILN. II THE PoMEROY CoAT-oF-ARMS IN CoLORS........................................ III ENGRAVED TITLE PAGE IN COLORS . • • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • . • V RuINs oF LA PoMMERAIE CASTLE AT SAINT SAUVIEUR DE LA PoMMERAIE, NoRMANDY. • 22 TABLET WITH ENGRAVED.NAMES OF THE CoMPAi."IONS OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR ..• ~ . 27 THE ANCIENT CHURCH AT DIVES, NORMANDY, WHERE THE TABLET IS PRESERVED..... 27 THE FIRST OF SEVEN PAGES oF THE DoMESDAY BooK, FIRST CENSUS oF ENGLAND... 28 LETTER OF COMMENDATION SHOWING SIGNATURE OF £LTWEED POMEROY............ 31 THREE SONS OF MEDAD POMEROY, EIGHTH GENERATION IN AMERICA. • . • . • • . • • • 43 HoN, THEODORE MEDAD PoMEROY. • • • • • . • . • . • • . • . • • • . • . • • . • . • . 85 DEED OF GIFT FROM REGINALD, EARL OF CoRNWALL, TO RoHESIA DE LA PoMERIE.... lSS ANCIENT SEAL AND CHARTER OF HENRY DE LA POMEROY. • . • • • . • . • . • . • . • . 157 HoRN HILL TUNNEL BETWEEN BEAMINSTER, DoRSET, AND CREWKERNE, SOMERSET.... 210 MARKET SQUARE, CR.EWKERNE, SOMERSET........................................ 232 VIEW oF THE Rums OF BERRY-POMEROY CASTLE, SOUTH FRONT.................... 260 XII Part Three of the History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family is essentially a book of the Pomeroy Race. It is a book of sources; of reference, and for the present the conclusion of the research for the early records of those who bear this distinctive name. In this volume may be found about all the records of Pomeroy men and women ·preserved in the parish registers of Devon, Dorset, Cornwall and Somerset Counties, England. Also, many of the loose ends which have been dangling through more than nine centuries which the Pomeroy name has endured in its integrity; and it is safe to assert that it is one of the most ancient names of record, and may be traced from its infancy in Normandy. "Having a distinctive surname, confined to a single kinship to deal with, Col. Pomeroy has taken advantage of the opportunity by following the history of the race on both sides of the ocean personally to a degree which is almost or quite unprecedented, making his work, to an historian, or sociologist, as I have said, the most valuable genealogy which has appeared in print to date, so far as my knowledge goes. And this is the book selected by the New England Register for attack. In examining the attack critically, therefore, I do not feel that I am defending a book merely, but the entire science of genealogy."-Frank Allaben, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of American History. AUTHORITIES Dictionaire Georgraphique et Administratif de la France. The Great Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy. M. de Gerville. The Red Book of the Court of the Exchequer (Henry II). The Domesday Book. Chancery Depositions, Public Record Office, London. Parish Registers of Counties Cornwall, Devon,
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