o I?


Jnfiltuted 1737. Incorporated by Royal Charter i 778.




- Chap, I. OfOrdinary Meetings - i

II. — Extraordinary Meetings - -. 4

- III. — 'The Decijions of the Society 5

- - IV. — Ordinary Members 8

V. — Extraordinary Members - m 9

— VI, Correfponding Members - 10

- - VII. — Honorary Members IX

— VIII. Prejidents - - - 12

- XI. — The Treafurer - iG

- X. —- I’he Secretary and Librarian 17

- - XI, — Vifitors - 2t

XII. — Providing Subjects for Dijfertations 24

- XIII. — The Delivery of Dijfertations 27

~ XIV* — The Circulation of Minutes and Differ

tations •

XV. — The Reading of Dijfertations - 31

- - - XVI. — The Library 32

- - XVII. — Committees - 35

- - XIX. — Penalties - 41

- XX. — T’he Colledion of Money 41

- - - XXL — Diplomas 44

- - - XXII. — Expulfon 47 XXIII. — New Laws - - 49 Order of the Proceedings of the Society at Ordinary

- - - Meetings - 50

- Private Btfinefs - • ib. Private IV C O' N T E N T S.


- - public Bujinefs - - 51

- - Lift of the Medical Society - 55

- Lift of Honorary Members - 95 Lift ofAnnual Prefdents - - - 103

N. B. Thofe whofe names are Italics have been ele&ed Honorary Members.

Thofe to whofe names are prefixed this mark * have been Annual Prefidents# I LAWS





l. The ordinary meetings of the Society fhall com- mence the lad Saturday but one of October, and be held every Saturday until twelve fets of members (hall have read their diflertations. Each ordinary meeting for private bufinefs (hall commence at fix o’clock P. M. and ihall not be protra&ed beyond feven. If the private bu- finefs ftiould not then be finilhed, it ftiall be refumed either at the next ordinary meeting, or at an extraordi- nary one to be appointed for that purpoie f. An ad-

•I According to Chap, ii. Law r. LAWS. journment of a few minutes fhall take place after the* private bufinefs, when the public bufinefs fhall com” mence, and continue, with an adjournment of a few minutes between the cafe and queftion, until the meet- ing be diftblved by the Prendent. 2. The names of the ordinary attending members fhall be called over by the Secretary, at the beginning and end of private bufinefs, at the beginning of public bufinefs, during the interval between the cafe and queftion, and at the end of public bufinefs. If any of the members be abfent from either of the roll-calls, at private bufinefs, he lliall be fined 6 d.; if from both i s.; if from one of the roll-calls (public bufinefs) 6d. if from two i s. and if from the whole three i s. 6 d. 2. Any member may petition for leave of abfence from the meetings of the Society for a limited time, pro- vided he be not to give in difiertations within three weeks. This petition fhall circulate a week, and then be determined by ballot, three-fourths of the Society being required for its admiffiort ; and if rejected, a fecond peti- tion cannot be prefented by the fame member, during the fame leflion, founded on firailar reafons. During the permitted time of abfence, the perfon who has obtained it fhall enjoy none of the privileges of a member. And if, after the expiration of this term, he fhould be abfent from three fueceftive ordinary meetings, without a fuf- ficient apology, he fhall thereby incur the penalty of ex- pulficn. 4. The Secretary fhall, on every night of meeting, examine the lift of abfentees ; and if any honorary or extraordinary member, whofe name may be on the lift of circulation, fhould have been abfent three fucceffive nights, without a fufficient excufe, he fhall not be per- LAWS. 3 nutted to receive the diflertations and minutes the re- mainder of that feffion : Nor lhall he, in any future fef- fion, receive them, until he fhall have petitioned the So- ciety, and obtained permiflion. 5. No pevfon fhall publilh, or intentionally furnilh a- ny other perfon with materials for publilhing, any of the tranfaftions of the Society without their authority. Any member infringing this law, incurs the penalty of expulfion. w 4 L A S.

CHAP. 11.


z. When one third of the Society may think an ex- traordinary meeting requifite, the Prefident in office ffiall appoint it within forty-eight hours, unlefs the member propofing it confent to its being later. 2. The roll ffiall be called at the beginning and end of

the meeting ; and if any member is abftnt at either roll- call, he ffiall be,, fined is. and if from both is. The

following appeals to be confidered valid ; confinement for one day by illnefs, engagements at other focieties, at daffies, abfence from town two miles. 3. The firft Wednefday after the laft Ordinary meeting of each feffion, there ffiall be an extraordinary meeting, for the purpofe of colle&ing the money due to the Socie- ty* 4. The fucceeding Saturday there ffiall be another ex- traordinary meeting, for the purpofe of receiving the re- 1 port of the committee, which ffiall have been appointed to examine the accounts of the Prefidents. t A W S.

CHAP. 111.


I.W HEN any propofal lhall be made to the Society, and feconded, ikit be not unanimoufly agreed to, it lhall be determined by ballot at the enfuing ordinary meeting, except a propofal for an extraordinary meeting, which lhall be balloted for immediately. Any propofals made at an extraordinary meeting, and feconded, if not ob- je£led to by one in ten, lhall be balloted for immediately; if otherwife, lhali be determined at an extraordinary meeting, to be appointed that day le’ennight.

a. The manner of balloting lhall be as follows : Every member who may not choofe to vote, having retired, each remaining member lhall receive a balloting ticket, which he lhall put into the admit or rejetl fide of the balloting box. The Secretary lhall then count the num- ber of voters ; and, if this be found by the Prefident and four ordinary members fummoned each night in rotation, according to their feniority, (who lhall always together examine the returns), to correlpond with the number of

• See the Ciftlndlion between JLws and Regulations, Chap. 43,

J-aw. 3. v / LAWS balloting tickets in the box, the Prefident fhali announce the decifion of the queflion, according to the proportion, of tickets in the differentlides.

* 3. A propofal for adopting a new regulation fhali be admitted by the concurrent fuffrages of two thirds of the Society. A petition for a feat in the Society lliall be admitted upon the following conditions : When the num- ber of members voting fhali be below twenty-nine, if there be not four negatives ; when the number voting fhali be between twenty-eight and thirty-eight, if there be not five negatives ; between thirty-eight and forty- eight, if there be not fix, and fo on in the fame propor- tion. A propofal for the admiffion of an honorary mem- ber fliall be admitted, if there be not one negative for e- very ten members voting. A propofal for the admiffion of a vifitor (ball be admitted, if there be not two nega- tives. A petition for a certificate fhali be admitted, by a majority of the Society. A petition for leave to alter the turn of delivering differtations fhali be admitted, if there be not fix negatives. A petition for altering the fubje&s of differtations, or of new members for leave to write on particular fubjefts, fhali be admitted by the fuf- frages of two-thirds of the Society. 3. The fenfe of the Society, colledled from the fuf- frages of a majority by ballot, fhali in all other cafes re- gulate their decifions.

• See the diftin&ion between Laws and Regulations, Cahp. 23. Law 3. LAWS. a



j. Every petition for an ordinary feat, lhall be pre- fented in due time, at an ordinary meeting, by fome one member, who fliall not be at liberty to make a re- commendatory fpeech in favour of the candidate ; but a written recommendation fliall be affixed to every fuch petition when it is prefented, figned by no fewer than fix, and not more than twelve members. The fpirit of the following recommendation to be pre- ferved. We the underwritten members of the Medical Society of Edinburgh, atteft upon our honour, that we believe the petitioner is perfe&ly qualified to becoipe an ufeful member to the Society. 2. No petition fliall be balloted for more than once the fame evening, unlefs on the difeovery of a miftake in the ballot. 3. No petition fliall be received from the fame candi- date more than for three times the fame feffion. 4. Admiffions into the Society ftiall take place be- tween the ill of November and ill of May. t A W ft.

5. If any member afk or promife his vote for or a* gainfl. a candidate, he fhall incur the penalty of 10 s. 6d„ 6. A copy of the Laws (hall be fent to each new e- leded member, by the perfon who fhall have prefented his petition. The ne v cleded member may lign the Laws (at the appointed time *) any of the three nights of ordinary meeting fucceeding his eledion : But, if he negled to fign them the firft night, he fhall incur the pe- nalty of a crown. If he continue his negled the fecond night, he fhall incur the penalty of another crown. And, if he continue his negled the third night, he fhall forfeit the right of ever becoming a member. 7. Whatever member aflumes to himfelf a title of the Society which he has not lawfully acquired, fhall be fined two guineas, and fhall be obliged to relinquifh the title he has affumed } or by non-compliance with either of tbefe, fhall be expelled.

t Sec Order of the Proceedings of the Society, No. J5. LAWS. 9



i. Any member, after having written two fets of' dif- fertations, and difcharged all his debts due to the Society, ihall, provided he has attended two complete feffions, or at the end of the feffion, when he has read his fecond fet of diflertations, become an extraordinary member. a. An extraordinary member Ihall enjoy all the pri- vileges of an honorary member. laws.

chap. vr.


I. Any perfon who has fent feme communication to the Society, or has publilhed his opinions in any other man- ner, may be propofed as a correfponding member. The propofal fhall be circulated with the papers, and determi- ned at the next ordinary meeting in the fame way as a petition for an ordinary feat. 2. A correfponding member {hall enjoy all the privi- leges of a perpetual vifitor. In return for which, he. {hall communicate to the Society any obfervations or ca- fes, that fhall feem to him worthy of their attention. 3. The perfon who fhall have propofed a correfpond- ing member, {hall, after election, fend him an account of his privileges and duty, accompanied with a diploma *,

* Vide Chapter refpe&ing Certificates. LAWS.



2. Any perfon, after the ill of January, may be pro- posed as an honorary member. The propofal ffiall be affixed to fome confpicuous place in the library for one month, and then determined at the fubfequent ordinary meeting. 2, An honorary member ffiall enjoy all the privileges of an ordinary member, except fuch as are otherwife par- ticularly Specified. He ffiall, befides, be excufed from writing diflertations, attending meetings, and paying contributions. 3. If he receive the papers in circulation *, he ffiali be fubje&ed to all thofe laws, from which he is not par- ticularly exempted.

* See Chap. iv.Law U. LAWS. *

CHAP. vin.


i. On the firft ordinary meeting of the Society, aftqr the 16th of November, (or on the 16th of November, if an ordinary meeting happen that day), the Prefident fhall appoint the election of Annual Prefidents to take place at the next ordinary meeting. a. Intimation of the appointment fhall be circulated with the diftertations and minutes. 3. Each member fhall be called upon, according to fe- niority, to deliver to the Prefident a lift of thofe for whom he may vote. A committee fhall then be ap- pointed to examine the lifts, and to bring in a written report of the names of the members voted for, and of the number of votes for each. If two vacancies fhould occur in the office of Prefident, during the feffion, the fame order fhall be followed in filling them up as at the annual election. 4. No member fhall vote at the election, if he has not been admitted a month before the eleftion fhall take place, and unlefs his name fhall have been in the lift of circulation for one week at leaft previous to the election. 5. After the ill of December 1791, no perfon fliall be LAWS.

to the office of Prcfident, who has not written one complete fet of differtations. 6. No extraordinary member, whofe name lhall not have been on the circulation for three weeks previous o the ele&ion of Prelidents, lhall be put on the circulation, unlefs he lignify his intention for that purpofe to the Se- cretary by letter. And any member who lhall fallily fuch letter, lhall fuller the penalty of expulfion. 7. The resolution of the Society, upon the Ja- nuary 1787, (expreffing their fenfe with regard to the conduft of extraordinary members), lhall be read aloud from the chair, immediately before any election of Pre- fidents. 8. If, at the beginning of any meeting, all the annual Presidents be abfent, the office of Prelident lhall devolve on the fenior fhember prefent. But, if the Prelident whofe turn it may be to prelide, have occalion to leave the chair, he may fubftitute in his place another annual Prelident; or, if none of the other annual Prelidents be prefent, any member whom he may think proper. 9. The four Prelidents lhall officiate according to fe- niority. And, if the Prelident whofe turn it may be to take the chair Ihould be abfent at the hour of meeting, without having obtained another Prelident to officiate in his Head, he lhall be fined 1 s. j and, if he Ihould not ap- pear during the whole bulinefs, he lhall be lined half-a- ero wn. 10. The four Prelidents lhall attend the meetings of the Society, and be fubjedled to lines, as ordinary mem- bers. 11. No Prelident lhall be allowed to relign his office, without the confent of two-thirds of the Society. LAWS.

12. The President, whofe turn it may be to officiate at tbe public bufinefs of any meeting, is to officiate at fhe private bufinefs of tlie fucceeding ordinary meeting, and at ail extraordinary meetings which may occur du- ring the intervening week. 13. The Prefident (hall announce from the chair every vacancy which may occur in any office of the Society

when it ffiudl have happened ; or, if it happen in the mid- dle of the week, at the enfuing ordinary meeting. He ffiall take care that notice of it circulate in the minutes, and that it be filled up at the fucceeding ordinary meet- fog. 14. The Prefident in office ffiall draw up the minutes of private bufinefs, and ffiall deliver them to the Secreta- ry to be tranfcribed into the records of the Society.

The Prefident and Secretary ffiall both fign the minutes ; and the Prefident ffiall be refponfible for any omiffion or miftake contained in them. 15. The Prefident in office ffiall regulate the debates j for any irregularity during which he may impofe a fine not exceeding Is. If any perfonal, impolite, or difor- derly expreffion, ffiould occur during the debate, the Prefident ffiall immediately cenfure it. Should he be inattentive to this, any member may remind him of his duty, and (if necefi'arj) may require him to take the opinion of the Society immediately. If the offending member refufe to make fuch conceffions as the Society may judge proper, he ffiall incur the penalty of expul- fion. But it, after he ffiall have made fuch conceffions, any member ffiould challenge him to a duel, that mem*

her ffiall incur the penalty of expulfiou, . LAWS.

1 6. Any member diflatisfied with the conduct of a President, may accufe him. An extraordinary meeting {hall be appointed for judging the accufation. If the Society find the allegations juft, the Prefident ftiall he cenfured or depofed ; if not, lue accufer ftiall incur tbs penalty of half a guinea. LAWS.



The Trcafurer ihall receive all the money of the S°” ciety; and diffiurfe none of it without its order. He is to continue in office as long as he fhall faithfully per- form his duty. If a vacancy happen in his office, the fame form flxall be obferved in his eleflion as in that of 9 Prefident. LA W S



I. The fame perfon ftiall aft both as Secretary and Li- brarian. So long as he ftiall difchargc his duty faithful- ly, he (hall receive L. 35 Sterling per annum. 2. The Secretary ftiall call over the names of the or- dinary members, at the times appointed by law. 3. At private buflnefs, he ftiall read the minutes of the preceding night. At public bufinefs, he ftiall read the cafe and queftion, but not the diftertations on them. 4. He ftiall give to the Preftdent, every night at the private bufinefs, a lift; of the gentlemen who are to ap- point vifitors ; alfo of thofe who give in diftertations on that and the following night; and alfo, the names of the gentlemen who are appointed to examine the circu- lation and periodical publications. 5. He ftiall tranfcribe into the records all the tranfac- tions and minutes of the Society; and, at the end of each meeting, deliver fuch records to the Prefident, to be in- fpefted and figned by him. Thefe minutes (tranfcribecl into proper books), he ftiall afterwards deliver, together with the diftertations received, to the fcnior member, e- LAWS. very Sunday during the feflion, at eight o’clock in the morning. 6. He fhall tranfcribe into a book kept in the Libra- ry for the ufe of the members, all the new laws and per- manent regulations agreed to by the Society, within eight days after they have been pafled. 7. He fhall give members notice when they are obliged to attend the committee of fines. 8. He fhall receive the differtations and minutes, after they fhall have circulated among the members. 9. In balloting, he fhall count the number of voters in the room ; and carry round the balls and box. 10. He fhall, in a book kept for that purpofe, and which fhall be allowed to lie on the Library table, mark down the names of all thofe gentlemen who may have been abfent from any of the roll-calls ; fpecifying the particular one, and the penalty incurred. He fhall alfo mark down, in the fame book, when ordered by the Prefideut, the names, offences, and penalties of any per- fon who may have tranfgreffed any of the laws. n. On the fecond ordinary meeting in March, he fhall deliver to the committee appointed for fekfting fubjedls for differtation, the cafes and queflions given in by the members. After the lots have been drawn, he fhall, within the fpace of a fortnight at fartheft, tranfcribe into a book, to be kept in the Library for the infpe&ion of the members, all the fets of papers, marking each fet with its proper number, and the name of the perfon, who is to write on the fubje£l it contains. He fhall then deliver to each perfon the original fet allotted to him. At the commencement of each fiffion, he fhall LAW S, hang up in the Library a lift, fpecifying the names of the authors for that year, and the fubje&s of their dif- fertations. If he tranfgrefs any regulation of the above law, he fhall incur the penalty of 2s. 6d. for each of- fence. 12. There fhall be a book kept by the Secretary, in which he fliall regifter, at the end of every meeting, the fum of money received during that meeting. To this account he fliall affix his name, and deliver the book to the Prefident who received the money, that it may be at- tefted by him alfo. 13. If an extraordinary meeting be appointed, for the accufation of any member, the Secretary fliall give in- formation of the day appointed, to the party accufing and the party accufed. 14. The Secretary (as Librarian) fhall have the foie charge of the Library, and fliall be accountable to the Society for eveiy book that may be loft, for which no receipt Hands in the book. If he refufe to make com- penlat on, he fliall be difmifl’ed and profecuted. 15. The Liorarian fliall not erafe the name of any hook from the prefs-catalogue, unlefs by the defire and under the infpe&ion of a committee appointed for the purpofe. 16. Whenever a book is added to the Library, the Librarian fliall, within three weeks from the receipt of it, infect its name, &.c. into the prefs-catalogue. For a- ny infringement of this law, the Librarian fliall incur the penalty of 6 d. 17. He fliall not intruft any member with the keys of the Library, or fuffer any one to take down, or put up hooks into the book-cafe. LAWS.

18, He lhall attend at the Library every Monday, Wedtfefday, and Friday, between the hours of four and fix in the afternoon, for the purpofe of giving out and receiving books from the members. After which hour lie is not obliged to give out any books. 19. The Librarian lhall lend books to members only; and to no member in the name of another. He lhall take a receipt for every book, or books, lent out; which re- ceipt lhall be inferred into a book kept for the purpofe, and figned by the member who takes out the books. 20. The Librarian lhall not allow any member to have out more than twelve volumes from the Library at a time, except when a book conlifts of a greater number of

volumes ; in which cafe he may lend out the whole Work. ai. When a book is returned, he lhall expunge it from the receipt-book immediately, under the penalty of live Ihillings. 22. On the firft ordinary meeting in December, and alfo that in April, the Librarian lhall intimate to every member who may have the Society’s books in their pof- feffion, the Society’s order, that thefe books be returned on or before the Friday following. He lhall give in to the committee of lines, a lift of thole who negledl to o* bey that order. If he tranfgrefs this law, he lhall incur the penalty of 5 s. 23. The Librarian lhall alfo be entrufted with the care of the apparatus for making experiments. He lhall give it out to members on the fame nights on which the Library is open, taking a proper receipt. He lhall be refponfible for any part of it which is loft or deftroyed, am! for which he can produce no receipt. When any LAWS. part of it is returned, he fliall not erafe it from the re- ceipt-book, till it has been examined aud found in a pro- per Hate by one of the Library committee. He fliall give members who may be ufing any part of the appara- tus, notice to return it at the fame time when the books of the Society are called in ; and he fliall fine thcfe who difobey, in the fame penalty. 24. He fliall colleft and preferve the periodical publi- cations. 25. For every negleft of duty, not otherwife particu- larly fpecified, he fliall incur the penalty of is. 6 d. 2 6. He fliall attend Committees when ordered. 27. He fliall not be permitted to fpeak in the Society as a member : But, if accufed for neglect of duty, See. he may (on petition) be allowed to anfwer in his own de- fence, as members, when accufed. 28. The Society may difmifs the Secretary at pleafure, upon giving him intimation of their intention four weeks before * or immediately, upon paying him a month’s wages from the time of his difmiflion. 29. He fliall not be allowed to refign his office, with- out giving the Society four weeks notice; during which time a committee fliall be appointed to examine into the ftate of the Library, to receive the keys, and fettle ac- counts with him. LAWS.



I. A.T the private bufinefs of every ordinary meeting? the Prefident, whofe turn it may be to officiate at the public bufinefs of the next ordinary meeting, two mem- bers felefted by rotation, according to feniority, and the authors of the cafe and queftion for the meetings on which their differtations are to be difeuffed, (hall appoint each one vifitor, to be admitted, if approved by the So- ciety, at the public bufinefs of the enfuing ordinary meeting. If any member, whofe turn it may be to ap- point a vifitor, be abfent at the time for making the ap- pointment, he fball lofe his privilege, until it return to him dgain in rotation. 2. For the firit public meeting of every feffion, the right of appointing vifitors Avail be extended to every at- tending member, who is prefent when the tickets are given out. 3. After the nomination of the vifitors, their names ffiali be read ; and if objection ftiould be made to a- ny one, his admiffion ffiali be balloted for immediately. 4. The fame perfon fhall not be appointed a vifitor twice within one month,, LAWS,

5. Any perfon who may not remain in Edinburgh iong enough to be appointed a vifitor in the ordinary manner, may be propofed and admitted on the fame night. 24 LAW 3.



I. Upon the firft ordinary meeting in March, the Prefl- dent fhall order every ordinary member, and fuch other members as receive the books in circulation, to deliver to the Secretary, at the next ordinary meeting, the hif- tory of a cafe, and a Medical or Philofophical qucftion, each to be written on a feparate paper, and figned by the name of the perfon delivering them. 2. Thefe papers fliall be delivered to a committee, who fhall feledl thirty-llx fets, confiding each of a cafe and queflion. If there fhall not have been a fufficient number of proper fubjefts, the Prefident fliall appoint ajecond delivery, fo that thirty-fix fets may be procured. Each of thefe being numbered, and fealed up in a feparate cover, the whole fhall, at the next ordinary meeting, be delivered by the committee to the Secreta- ry, together w T ith a report, fpecifylng the names of the perfons whofe papers may be contained in each of the numbered covers. 3. The fets of papers having been thus returned, the Preddent fhall order that every perfon intending to w’rite LAWS. 25 the eufuing feflion, fliall, at the next meeting, declare (in perfon or by letter), his intention. Each of the thirty- fix fenior members, who intend to write, lhall then from numbers, on flips of papers, correfponding with thofe in the feveral fets, draw one. 4. After the lots fliall have been drawn, the Secreta- ry fliall, within the fpace of a fortnight at fartheft, tran- feribe into a book, to be kept in the library for the in- fpeftion of the members, all the fets of papers, marking each fet with its proper number, and the name of the perfon who is to write upon the fubjecls of it. He fliall then deliver to each perfon the original fet allotted to him. And at the commencement of the enfuing feflion fliall hang up in the Library the names of thofe members who are to write, and the fubjedts of their refpe&ive dif- fertations. 5. Any perfon may write on the fubjedfls given in by himfelf, provided they fliall have met with the approba- tion of the committee, and that he fliall have (in writ- ing) fignified his intention at the time of delivering in his fet. After the fubjedls fliall have been thus difpofect of, by lot or choice, any perfon who fliall make any al- teration, or alterations, in them, fliall be fined 5 s. for each. 6. If any perfon be diflatisfied vrith one or more of the fubjefts, which fie has procured by lot or choice, he to may petition the Society for leave alter them ; this petition fliall circulate along with the minutes, and be balloted for on the next ordinary meeting, when it fliall be admitted, if two-thirds of the Society appear in its favour. The Secretary fliall, within eight days, infert alterations made on the fubjeds, in the book kept LAWS. for the purpofe, and in the lift which is hung up in the library. Should any member petition for a fubje& al- ready written upon during the feflion, or allotted to an- other member, he ftiall incur the penalty of 5 s.; and if he ftiall write on the fame, he ftiall incur the penalty of a guinea. 7. The fame form of petitioning for leave to write on particular fubjecls, ftiall be obferved by new members, who ftiall have occafion to write during the feffion they are admitted ; and likewife by thofe who become mem- bers, after the fubje&s are difpofed of by lot. 8. The Prefident, Secretary, or any member, who maj- have tranfgreffed any of the laws, for providing fubje&s for differtations, ftiall incur the penalty of 2s. 6 d, for each offence. LAWS.



1.0U the firft Friday in October, the Prefident (hall order the two fenior ordinary members, then refident in Edinburgh, to deliver to the Prefident, on the lall Satur- day but one of Odlober, each a diflertation on one of the

fubje&s allotted to him ; The fenior one, on his cafe ; the junior one, on his queftion. On the Saturday following,

the fenior one, on his queftion ; the junior one, on his cafe. The Prefident in office ffiall order the fucceeding members, in fets of two, according to feniority, to deliver diflertations in the fame order. Any member coming to Edinburgh, after his turn of writing ffiall have been paft, muft be confidered as the fenior member of the next fet. 2. The firft fet of writers having, according to the a- bove law, delivered their diflertations on the laft Satur- day but one of O&ober, the Society ffiall difcufs them on the fecond Saturday of November. During the im- mediate time, the Secretary ffiall, in the courfe of thefirft week, have the diflertations tranfcribed into books to be kept for that purpofe; and, on the following Sunday, fliall deliver them, at eight o’clock in the morning, to the LA^S. fenior member on the lift of circulation, that they may 1 circulate amongft the members. 3. The books in which thefc diflertations ftiall have been tranfcribed, ftiall lie on the table in the library, for the infpe&ion of the members. Any perfon who may remove them from the Medical Hall (hall be fined half- a-guinea. 4. Every fet of writers ftiall deliver their diflertations to the Prefident, three weeks before they are to be dif- cufled, in order that they may be tranfcribed the firft week, and may circulate the remaining fortnight. 5. Should the perfon, appointed to write, negle£l to give in his diflertation at the ftated time, he ftiall incur the penalty of 6d. for every hour of negledt, until his fine ftiall amount to half-a-guinea. If he totally negle£b to give in a diflertation, on the night appointed for the difleuflion of it, he ftiall, in addition to the above, incur

the penalty of half-a>guinea for the firft offence ; of one

guinea for the fecond ; and of expulfion for the third. Sicknefs ftiall, in no cafe, be deemed a valid excufe, un- iefs the perfon ftiall have been confined for two weck s previous to the time appointed for giving in his difler- tations to be tranfcribed. 6. No perfon ftiall be allowed to exchange his turn of writing with another, unlefs for a complete fet, leave to exchange having been obtained by petition. No mem- ber ftiall be permitted to exchange with one who Was not to have written that feflion. LAWS,



I. A Sufficient number of copies of diftertations Ihalj be procured, at the expence of the Society, fo that every member may receive them in circulation. 2. The diftertations and minutes fhall circulate among the members, according to feniority, unlefs any two a* gree to change their times of receiving them for mutual convenience. No member is to keep them longer than fix hours. Any perfon detaining one or more of the papers beyond the time appointed for fending them away, Ihall be fined 6 d. for each hour. 3. The Secretary Ihall begin the circulation every Sunday, during the feffion, at eight o’clock in the morn- ing, by fending the diftertations and minutes to the fenior member whofe name may be on the lift of circulation. This member Ihall fend them to the next in rotation at the hour appointed,—he to his, and fo on. If any per- fon detain them more than fix hours beyond the time at which he ought to have fent them away, he Ihall not fend them to the next on the lift, but to him whofe right it may then be to have them, And every perfon is to LAWS, fend the diflertations and minutes, at the appointed time, whether they fliall have been flx hours in his pofleffiort or not. 4. If the diflertations and minutes be delivered at the abode of any member later than the hour appointed for him to have fent them away, he (hall not incur a penalty, to though they fliould happen be detained ; but he muft endeavour to fet the circulation right as foon as poflible. 5. A book fliall circulate with thefe, in which fliall be inferted the names, and places of abode, of thofe mem- bers who are to receive the diflertations and minutes, and the time allotted to each for the perufal of them. In another part ofthe fame book, each member fliall mark, in proper columns, 1. The name of the perfon from whom he may have received the diflertations and mi- nutes. 2. The hour at which he may have received them. 3. The name of the perfon to whom he may fend them. 4. The hour at which he may fend them. 5. His own name. For any irregularity, or omiflxon, in marking the circulation, he fliall incur the penalty of 1 s. L A W S.



1. The Secretary fhall, at public bufinefs, read trie fub- je&s of differtation from the book in which they lliall have been transcribed *. Then the member whofe turn it may be, fhall read his own diflertation ; in failure of which, he fhall incur the penalty of 2 s. 6 d. 2. If any author be abfent during the difcufllon of his paper for more than a quarter of an hour, he fhall incur the penalty of |s. The Prefident fhall notice whatever time he may be abfent.

* See Chap. 4. Law 4. LAW??.



i. Such periodical publications, relating to philofophy or medicine, as the Society on the recommendation of a committee to be appointed for that purpofe may approve of, fliall be purchafed. 2. The lafl. number of thefe publications fliall be laid upon the Library table, and Quail not be removed from the Medical Hall, until a fucceeding one appear. Any perfon who may remove, or in any way abufe, one of thefe publications, fliall incur the penalty of 5 s. 3. When a new periodical publication fliall appear, the former fliall either be bound immediately, if it be fuffi- ciently large, or be laid afide until a number, deemed fufficient for that purpofe, by the Librarian and Treafu- rer, be collected. Each particular book fliall then be en- tered into the Library Catalogue, and lent out under the common regulations of the Library *. 4. At every ordinary meeting of the Society, the Pre- fident fliall appoint, in rotation, one of the ordinary mem- bers to report, in writing, at the following ordinary

* Sec Law 8. and 9. of this Chapter. LAWS. 33 meeting, what publications may at that time be upon the Library table. During the fummer recefs, the Library Committee fliall appoint one of their members, in rota- tion, to prefent them at their monthly meetings with a fi- milar report. Should the Prefident, Secretary, or Mem- ber appointed, fail to obferve what this law prefcxibes, he fliall incur the penalty of 2 s. 6 d. 5. Atthefirft ordinary meeting in December, and alfo at that in April, the Prefident {hall order all the books of the Society to be returned on or before the enfuing Fri- day. Of this order, the Secretary {ball give notice to each member who may at that time have any of the So* ciety’s books in his pofleffion. If any member negleft to obey this order, the Librarian fhall, on the third ordi- nary meeting, report his name to the Society ; fliould the Prefident, Librarian, or any member, fail to obferve what this law prcfcribes, he {hall incur the penalty of 5 s. for each book. 6. A box fhall be kept in the Library, in which fliall be depofited the great anatomical plates, and fuch other books as the Society may order. The key fliall be lod- ged with the Janitor, and accefs granted to the members every day, from eight in the morning till eight at night; except on Saturday' evenings, when no accefs can be granted after four o’clock. Thefe books fliall not be lent out, nor is the Librarian to be accountable for them. 7. The manufcript difiertations read before the Socie- ty, fliall be kept in a feparate prefs of the Library, under the fame regulations with the anatomical plates. Any member mutilating, or ctherwife injuring them, fliall in- cur the penalty of expuifion. 34 LAWS.

8. No member {ball caufe a book belonging to the So- ciety to be taken farther than two miles from Edinburgh, under the penalty of 10 s. 6 d. for each book. 9. If any member negledl or refufe to give up a book at the requeft of another member, after it lhall have been fourteen days in his poffeffion, he {hall incur the penalty of 1 s. for each day he may continue to detain it. 10. At the end of every feffion lhall be printed a fe- parate catalogue of the books added that feffion, contain- ing the names of the books, with thofe of the places and times of their publication annexed, difpofed (as in the former printed catalogues), in alphabetical order. LAW 9, 35



i. On the fame night on which the Annual Prefidents are eledled, a Committee ftiall be appointed for the pur- pofe of propofing and purchafing books, to confift of the four Prefidents, and feven members chofen by ballot, out of thofe whofe names are on the lift of circulation. 2. This Committee ftiall, on the firft ordinary meeting of every month, prefent to the Society, a lift of books, which in their opinion ought to be purchafed. This lift ftiall remain in one of the Library drawers, till the Fri- day before the fecond fubfequent ordinary meeting, and during that time any member may add to it what books he thinks proper, annexing his fignature ; fubjedt, how- ever, to the revifal of the Committee, who, at a future meeting may mark out any books they think unfit to be purchafed, 3. The lift thus corrected, ftiall again be prefentedto the Society on the third ordinary meeting of every month* and the books contained in it lhall be feparately balloted for, one-third of the Society being fufficient to rejedt any ®ne. LAWS.

4. The books ordered by the Society ftiall be purchaf- ed by two members of the committee, to whom that of- fice ftiall be delegated by the reft. Thefe members ftiall have the power of giving orders, figned by themfelves and the Prefident in office, to any bookfeller they think fit, provided they mark in a book kept for the purpofe, the time when, and the perfon to whom their orders were addrefl’ed, with their fignatures annexed. Should they give an order to any bookfeller, without attending to thefe conditions, they ftiall incur a penalty of ss. each, and the Society ftiall not be refponfible for fuch orders. 5. It ftiall be the duty of the Library Committee to infpe£l the conduct of the members, whom they appoint for the purchafe of books, to fine them for neglect, in a fum not exceeding 5 s. to remove them for improper condudl in the exercife of their office, and tofubftitute o- thers in their room. 6. Should it appear to any member that the Library Committee have been remifs in procuring books, which had been oulered by the Society, or otherwife guilty of rnifcondufl, on fpecifying the grounds of his complaint, a Committee of five ftiall- be appointed, of which the complaining member ftiall be Chairman, the fecond be appointed by him, the third by the fecond, and fo on, for the purpofe of obtaining an explanation from the Libra- ry Committee, which they ftiall report at the next ordi- nary meeting of the Society. If the Library Committee appear in fault, and cannot exculpate themfelves to the fatisfaftion of two-thirds of the Society, they ftiall be re- moved from office, and a new Committee be ele&ed in their room. LAWS.

7. Should any member of the Committee have his name taken from the lift of circulation, he fliall be con- fidered to have vacated his feat, and the election of a new member fhall take place accordingly. The fame fhall happen, when any member of the Committee leaves town, or refigns his feat. 8. The Committee fhall meet on the ift and 3d Sa- turdays of every month during the feflion, at a quarter before three o’clock. The fine for abfence at the begin- ning of the meeting to be 6d. during the whole of it 1 s. 6 d. 9. The Committee fliall alfo meet during the recefs on the firft Saturday of every month, at the lame hour, and fubjedft to the fame fines in cafe of abfence, for the pur- pofe of receiving from one of their number, a lift of the publications on the Library table, and of ordering for the Society, and purchafing immediately any publications on Chemiftry, Phyfiology, and the pra£lice of Pliyfic, which may have been publifhed, or at leaft only known in E- dinburgh to have been publifhed after the laft monthly report to the Society. 10. Befides their ordinary reports, the Committee fhall, on the firft ordinary meetings of January and A- pril, prepare and lay before the Society, a ftatement of the periodical publications and tranfa£lions of Societies, that have been purchafed fince laft report, and of the de- ficiencies ftill exifting. The Committee fliall alfo be en- trufted with the care of fupplying thefe deficiencies. n. All the proceedings of the Committee fhall be minuted by themfelves in a book kept for that purpofe, and the minutes figned by all the members, under the penalty of I s. each. LAWS.

12. For every negleft of duty, not particularly fpeci- fied, the members of the Committee fhall be fined i s. each. 13. The Committee of Fines fiiall confift of nine mem- bers, namely, the four Annual Prefidents, and the five eldeft ordinary members. 14. This Committee fiiall meet by themfelves every Saturday afternoon during the Sefiion, at a quarter be- fore fix. They fiiall examine all fines that fiiall have been incurred a fortnight before. They fiiall determine, by ballot, everj? quefiion that may arife with refpecl to the validity of appeals from fines. And each member (ball be underftood to have pledged his honour that he will not divulge what may pafs among them. 15. If any member of this Committee be abfent at the time of meeting, he fiiall incur the penalty of 6d. If he negledt to attend during any part of the meeting, he fiiall incur the penalty of 1 s. 16. The Committee of Fines fiiall have an extraordi- nary meeting on the Monday fubfequent to the laft or- dinary meeting of the Society, at a quarter before three o’clock, when they fiiall determine on all fines incurred previous to their meeting, and not formerly examined. 17. The members of the Committee of Fines fiiall incur a penalty of 2 s. 6 d. each, at any time when it fiiall ap- pear to a majority of the Society, that they have acted inconfiftently, or in violationof a pofitive law. 18. All Committees for examining accounts mufi con- fift of the four Annual Prefidents, the Treafurer, and five ordinary members. 19. At the laft ordinary meeting of the Society, in e- ■ very Sefiion, a Committee fiiall be appointed to examine LAW 3. 39 the accounts of the Annual Prefidents. This Committee lhall make their report to the Society at the fecond ex- traordinary meeting after the clofe of the feffion. 20. At the firft ordinary meeting in January, a Com- mittee lhall be appointed to examine the Treafurer’s ac- accounts. 2i. At the Hated periods for giving in the books of the Society, a Committee (hall be appointed to infpect the Library. 22. On the Saturday previous to the election of Prefi- dents, a Committee lhall be appointed to examine the Lift of Circulation.* 23. The five preceding Committees to be named by the Prefident in office. But if any member object to the Prefident appointing the Committee, before he has na- med any one of them, they lhall be appointed by bal- lot. 24, The Committee appointed for the impofition of fines lhall be authorifed to colleft them in the following manner : On the firft meetings of the above Committee, in the months of November, January, and March, the Committee lhall dire£l the Secretary to tranfmit to every gentleman a written account of his fines ; and, before the next meeting of the Committee, each member of the So- ciety fo written to, lhall to the Secretary the full a- mount of his fines, under the penalty of 2 s. 6 d. 25. The Prefidents lhall receive tills money from the Secretary at the next meeting of the Committee, and lhall-account for it, in the ufual manner, to the Treafu- fer. 40 LAWS.

26. In cafes where any member of the Society defires to make an appeal, he fliall intimate his intention before the next meeting of the Committee, by a written reply

to the note he received from the Secretary ; and, if the appeal be not fuftained, the appellant fhall incur the pe- nalty of 5 s. 27. If any gentleman, thus applied to, fliall not an- fwer the note from the Secretary, within fourteen days after the receipt of it, the Committee fliall report the conduct of fuch gentleman to the Society, under the pe- nalty of 2 s. 6 d. from each of its members. 28. If a Committee be thought neceflary for any pur- pofe, except propofing and purchafing books, taking care of the apparatus, and adjufting the fines, the propofer of the motion, for the execution of which the Committee may be thought neceflary, fliall be nominated by the Pre- fident to be chairman of the Committee. The chairman fliall then nominate a fecond member, the fecond a third, and fo on, till the Committee be completed. 29. The Committee fliall give in their report in writ- ing at the appointed time *, on the enfuing night of meeting, and be then diflblved, if the contrary be not fpecified. 30. The Prefident in office may attend as a member of any Committee, .*

f See Order of the Proceedings of the Society, No. 12, LAWS



I. In a book which fhall be laid on the Library table, the Secretary fhall mark the offences and penalties of each perfon who may tranfgrefs any of the laws. 2. The validity of all appeals muft, in the firft in- llance, be determined by the Committee of Fines ; but an appeal may be made from their decifion to the Society at large. 3. No excufes for non-attendance, from an ordinary meeting of the Society, can be deemed valid, except two days confinement from indifpofition, or two days abfence from town. LAW §.



i. Each member,, upon figning the Laws of the Socie- ty, fhall pay to the Presidents five guineas for the funds. He fhall be entitled for this to a copy of the Laws, and fhall be confidered as having paid his firft year’s fubfcrip- tion of one guinea to the Library. a. At the firft ordinary meeting in December annual- ly, each ordinary member, provided it is the fecond fef- fion of attendance, Shall pay one guinea ; if the third fcf" lion 10 s. 6 d. 3. There fhall be a book kept, by the Secretary, in which he fhall regifter the fines, confirmed by the Com- mittee for that purpofe. Upon payment of each of thefe fines, the Prefident fhall annex to the account of it his Signature. There fhall alfo be another book kept by the Secretary, in which he fhall regifter, at the end of every meeting, the fum of money received during that meeting. To this account, the Prefident receiving the money, and the Secretary, fhall annex their fignatures. 4. Each member muft difcharge his debts to the So- ciety on or before the firft extraordinary meeting after the clofe of the feflion ; or, in default thereof, incur the penalty of a fum j:qual to his original fine, and be de- LAWS. 43 prived of the privileges of a member till the whole be paid. 5. No member lhall be entitled to receive a diploma or certificate, until he lhall have difcharged his debts to the Society. 6. The money colle&ed by each Prefident lhall be paid to the Treafurer within eight days after it is col- lected, under the penalty of half-a-guinea j and the fame penalty is to be repeated every week, till the fum be paid. LAW



I. Every member requefling a certificate muft petitidir £or it in writing. The petition ftiall be immediately de~ tcrmlned by ballot. 2. The Society may grant to any member who {hall have written one complete fet of papers, the following certificate; Societas Regia Medica Edinburgena, Anno Domini 1737 conftituta, et Regia au&oritate, Anno Domi° ni 1779. confirmata. Omnibus ad quos haec pervenerint Salutem. Ingenuus ornatiffimufque vir A. B. dum focius nobis per interfuit, plurima, eademque pulcher- xima, baud fhinus ingenii felicis, quam diligentiae infig- nis, animique ad optimum quodque parati, exempla, medium protulit. In quorum fidem has literas, mentis tantum conceffas, mauibus noflris, figilloque munitas, dif- cedenti lubentifllme donamus. Edinburg}, anno, See, I A W 3.

The Society may grant to any Honorary Member the following certificate: Speclatiffimum ornatifllmumque virum A. B* inter primates nempe Honorarios noftrac Societatis adfcripfi- mus, quippe cujus felicis ingenii, laudum inque rempub- licam meritorum, animique ad optimum quodque parati, certiores fadti fuerimus. In quorum fidem, has literas, manibus noftris focietatifque figillo obfignatas, lubentiffi- me donamus. Edinburgi, anno The Society may grant to any Annual Frefident the following addition to the ordinary certificate: His de more pracmiffis, fubjungere officii ratio exigit, omnia nimirum haec ufque adeo nobis probata effe, ut Praefidem eum annuum, comitiis ad id habitis, re- nunciaremus. Euraque demum teftamur, in honorificum hoc munus, liberis fociorum fuffragiis eveclum, fe ita deinceps geffiffe, ut hoc palam profited decori habeamus. Edinburgi, anno, See. The Society may grant to any member who may not have written papers the following certificate : Ingenuum ornatiffimumque virum A. B. quippe cujus graviffime commendata fuerit et in moribus integritas, et in difeendis literis diligentia, die numero nof- tro, liberis fociorum fuffragiis, adferipfimus ; adferiptum- que difputationibus ita interfuiffe vidimus, ut omni at- tentione eas, omnique ingenio juvaret. ' Quae cum ita effent, ut ea omnibus cognita vellemus, hafee ei literas, figillo noftro Praefidumque manibus muni- tas, difcedentl lubentiffime donamus.

Edinburg i ? 46 LAWS.

The Society may grant the following diploma to any correfponding member: Ingenuum ornatumque virum A. B. quippecujus gra- viffime commendata fuerit, et in moribus integritas et in difcendis literis morbifque curandis diligentia, die in numerum Sociorum Correfpondeutium adfcxipfi- xnus. In quorum fidem has literas manibus noftris, fi- gilloque munitas, lubentiffime donamus. Edinburgi, anno, &c. All Diplomas and Certificates to be decided by a ma- jority. 3. No member, who has. at any former period receiv- ed a certificate, fhall be granted a diploma, unlefs the certificate formerly granted be returned to the Secretary. 4. No member lhall be granted a fecond diploma, on any account whatever, unlefs the firfl be returned. 5. The Secretary lhall not affix the feal of the Society to any certificate or diploma, in which the name and date are not fpecified. LAW S.



J. Any member, diflatisfied with the conduct of an* other, may accufe him. An extraordinary meeting fliall be appointed for judging of the accufation. 2. Intimation of the day appointed fliall be delivered "fn writing, by the Secretary, to the party accufed. 3. The party acculing, and the party accufed, (unlefs they obtain leave from the Prefldent), fliall be allowed to fpeak only twice upon the fubjeft, the accufer begin- ning ; after this, the parties fliall withdraw, until called for. 4. After the parties fliall have retired, the Prefldent fliall aik the opinion of the members upon the fubje&. No one fliall fpeak more than twice, unlefs he obtain leave from the Prefldent, The accufation fliall then be determined by ballot. 5. If the fenfe of the Society be in favour of it, the ac- cufed member fliall incur the penalty of expulflon. If not, the accufer fliall be lined 10 s. 6 d. 6. If the member accufed do not appear in his own defence, or do not fend a valid excufe, he fliall thereby jpeur the penalty of expulflon. LAWS.

7. No accufed member fliall be permitted to refign his feat, until the accufation be decided. 8. Immediately after an expulfion has been carried, it fliall be determined by ballot, whether it be proper to in- fert it in the newfpapers. L A W S.



i. On the firft ordinary meeting in February, the Pre- fident fliall appoint an extraordinary meeting, to be held in the courfe of the third fucceeding week, for receiving propofals for making or repealing Laws. Each of thefe propofals fliall circulate with the other papers of the So- ciety, and fliall be conlidered at another extraordinary meeting, to be held in the courfe of the fucceeding week. If the propofal be reje&ed, the propofer fliall incur the penalty of a s. 6 d. i. At the giving in of a propofal, none but the mem- ber giving it in fliall fpeak concerning it. At the dif- cuflion of its merits, he fliall not fpeak more than twice; any other member more than once, unlefs permitted by the Prefident. 3. The Society may, in any part of the feffion, make new Regulations , which fliall have the force of laws, un- til the fucceeding extraordinary meeting in February, and no longer* If any propofal for a new reigulation be reje&ed, the propofer fliall incur the penalty of 2 s. 6 d. LAWS.



1. Society conftituted, and roll called. 2. Minutes of the preceding meeting read. 3. Diflertations delivered to the Prefident for tranfcrip- tion. 4. The names of the perfons who are to give in dif- fertations at the fucceeding ordinary meeting an- nounced. 5. Nomination of a perfon to examine the publications lying on the library table. 6. The announcing of appointments for particular nights. 7. Vifitors appointed. 8, Petitions for feats determined. 9. Petitions for feats read. 10. Petitions of members read and determined, 11. Reports of committees received. 12. Miscellaneous bufinefs. 13. Laws Signed bj new members. 14. Roll called, and Society adjourned. LAWS.


i* Society inftituted, and roll called. 2. Medical news. 3. Medical cafe read. 4. Diflertation on it read and difcuffed. 6. Roll called, and Society adjourned for a few minutes. 6. Medical or Philofophical queltion read. 7. Differtation on it read and difcufled, 8. Roll called, and Society adjourned.




medical society



N. B. Thofe gentlemen whofe names are printed in

Italics, have been elefted Honorary Members, with- out having been previoufly ordinary members of the Society. Many others have been railed to the fame

rank ; fome in conference of having written a num-

ber of diflertations ; others as the reward of particu-

lar fervices ; and a third fet as a teftimony of efteem for merit. But it has been thought improper that their names ftiould be diftinguilhed by any particular mark in this lift, although it has been done on fome former occafions.

ir ist



*737- Nov. 26. George Armftrong James Scott Mich. Dickfon Arch. Drummond Rob. Gufthart Tho. Wilkinfon Rob. Pringle Stewart Threipland 1738. Nov. 10. Geo. Tait James Ruffel John Monro LIST OF THE 1738 Nov. 10. Sam. Ball Donald Mackenzie *739 Nov. 20. Geo. Hadow Adam Auftin Nieholfon Doubleday Charles Biffett Ro, Mercer John Macleod Nov. 27. Geo. Gregory- Dee. 4. Conway Jones 1740 Dec. 9. Francis Home John MacColmc Rob. Willan Jo. Maxwell Walter Laurie 23. John Roebuck 30. Rt. Traill Rob. Hamilton Mark Akenlide 3741. April 7. Edw. Archer Nov. 17. Ber. Allan Gilb. Elliot 1742 Jan. 16. John Kerr 30. Pat. Ker March 3. Richard Brockle&y MEDICAL SOCIETY.

1743. Nov. 13. Nicholas Munckley John Rotheram, John Gregorie 20. Sacn. Wightman *7, Jofepb Nicol Scot Dec. 11. Charles Ramfay *74 3- Jan. 2a, Robert Fergus 29. James Fergufon Nov. 12. Will. Macghie James Irvine Dec. 10. Wm. Johtillonc David Clerk Rob. Macdonall 24. Eben Macfait Geo; Marjoribanks 1744 Jan. 14. Charles Congalton Nov. 20. Will. Cleghorn Dec. 8, Tho. Elliot David Clerk Patrick Ruffel 22. Will. Fordyce 29. William Hamilton 1745- March 9. W. Ormifton 30. Rich, Smith April 13. John Hope Aug. 9. Duncan Forbes

Alex. Vere Dec. ai, John Brilbane LIST OF THE

i74 6* Mar. 15. Henry Carter 22. John Gill April 5. Lewis Hall John Straton May 3. John Forfter Nov. 8. Alexander Stevenfon Thomas Frafer John Campbell John Smith *747- Feb. ai. Gheyney Hart Nov. 14. Norvell Home Mich. Law

John Moult , John Beevor Dec. 5. Fierfon Croafdaile John Moultrie Rich. Lambert Charles Collignon April 16. John Mattear Bayly Rogers 1748. Nov. 12. Francis Hutchefon David Orme Alex. Henry Haliday 1748. c Dec. 10. Andrew M Allefter 18. J. A. Philip Brown 1749 Feb. 25. Peter Middleton MEDICAL SOCIETY.

1749- April 29. William Sandiford May 20. Geo. Sutherland Rob. Petrie Oft. 14. Patrick Dickfon George Hay- William Scot Nov. 11. John Taylor 25. Ja. Johnftone Dec. 2. William Dunbar 16. John Donaldfon 23. John Scot *7s°- Jan. 6, Crif. Rogers Arch. Campbell 27. Thomas Bornet Feb. 17. James Dobbin Mar. 3. D. Macbride Ed. Kelly Will. Mollefon Chriftopher Packe Wm. Semple Tho. Livingfton James Paterfon George Clampet I 7s°* Mar. 5. Ken. Mackenzie < Gilbert Stewart Nov. 10. John Hudfon Dec. 22. Alex. Blunter i7si- Jan. 5. Gregory Grant LIST OF THE

175 1 John Rofs Feb. 16. Will. Delap April 5* Will. Butter 13. John Scanlan Will. Guflip Will. Fyffe Tho. Ellis Wm. Shawn Wxl Chalmer James Brodhurft Robt. Emmet Anthony MacHarg John Walker Nov. 14. James Henry

*75 2 - Jan. 26. Gilb. Paifley Upton Scott William Adair Mich. Stewart Ja. Ainflie Fra. Wayne Samuel Benton 175 2 Jan. 29. Tho. Anderfon Will. Patten Jo. Campbell Walter Maxwell April 20. John Alves J. Williams J. Baxter MEDICAL SOCIETY.

*753' Jan. 13. Hugh Rofe Rob. Innes Tho. Beveridge Theodore Forbes Adam Sloap John Hall Hugh Smith John Macfarlan Oliver Goldfmith Will. Broughton *754 Jan. 4. Hugh Alex. Kennedy L. Macleane Wiliam Donne And. Dangear April 20. Charles Brown Nov. 23. Pryce Owen *7 55- April 5. Robert Ramfay June 26. John Cunninghame Will. Haly Geo. Buxton Aug. 2. Samuel Pleydell John Collier Matthew Dobfon Will. Turner John Keir *7 5 6 April 24. John Bayly LIST OF THE

*7St- Balfour Ruflell Wm. Bagot May 3. John Rofs Geo. Paterfon Arch, Hamilton Aug. 7, Geo. Macrae 21. H. Loftie Nov. 5. John Lloyd 13. George Fordyce 17. John Fallon Dec. 11. Henry Donfon William Elliot 18. William Gharteris Feb. 19. Robert Maccullocl* Mar. 26. Jofeph Churchill April 2. William Graham Thomas Clayton 1 757- Aprii 9. John Lefley Mungo Honyman Alexander Fairbairn James Duddingfton 16. Richard Price 32. Robert Middleton 23. John Gardiner July 30. Edward Richardfon Nov. 19. John Richardfon William Kerr 26. David Congalton MEDICAL SOCIETY.

*7ss Dec. io. John Marten Butt 24. Alex. Crooks 26. Peter Leifliman 1758. Feb. 11. John Brickendcli March 3. Thomas Smith April 15. Niel Dancanfon Nov. 25, Arch. Somerville Dec. 9. Ro. Hamilton 30. David Carmichael *759- Jan. 6. James Span 20. Charles Richardfon Mar. 24. William Ulher April 14. William Stcvenfon William Budd July 7. Robert Moore Dec. 22. William Cooper 29. Thomas Pleydell 1760. Jan. 5. Walter Robertfon Walter Farquhar 19. James Booth George Skene Feb. 2. John Pearce George Bethune Nov. 11. A. Monro Drummond John Shiels David Millar LIST OF THE 1760 Samuel Garland 18. J. Smith Carmichael Alexander Wilfon 35. George Grant Michael Garner James Haddocks 1761. Jan. 10. William Lloyd Feb. 14. William Buchan April 10. James Clytherall May 2. John Brown Oft. 13. Anthony Fothergill James Crowther 27. William Smibert Nov. 3. James Feild Dec. 12. JohnLaw 1762. Mar. 6. Alex. Hamilton 27. James Blair April 2. William Saunders

9. John Morgan „ 10, Will. Bankhead Frafer Forbes John Edwards 21. Daniel Cooke May 1. J. Gould 4, "John Purcell 1763. Andrew Wood Jan. 13. Silvefter Douglas Feb. 19. James Bofwell MEDICAL SOCIETY.

*7 63 Feb. 19. Lyonel Dickfon Thomas Percival Mar. 26. William Witherings Thomas Slatter Samuel Martin April 23. Samuel Farr 30. Tho. Arnold Samuel Bard Jo. Haygarth Sept. 5. Tho. Holdfworth 12. Corb. Griffin Daniel Rainey- Dee. 24. John Rogerfon 1764. Mar. 24. 31. John Fyfhe Palmer April 7. Patrick Anderfon 14. Alexander Copland 21. Thomas Rufton 28. Francis Balfour Mark Smyth William Dunbar Benjamin Cliffton Chriit. Douglafs Nov. 24. Hugh Shiell Samuel Goulding Thomas Laffilcy Theophilus Davy Dec. 8. J. D. Garenciers. 1765 Jan. 4. William Watfon 66 LIST OF THE

*7 65 Jan. 4. Robert Urquhart Theod. F. Leith 26. William Alexander Feb. 22. Lucas Pepys Mar. 9. Andrew Duncan John Eaton John Rudolph Japhet Rhode James Makittrick Adair 16. David Spence 23. Charles Drayton Nich. Eveleigh John Parfons Mar. 30. Matt. Kirfopp April 13. John Bollock Nov. 30. Samuel Leeds John Fleming Dec. 7. Charles Grieve 13. John Abel Lafont 14. Rich. Buller 28. Henry Reeder X 766. Jan. 4. T'bo. Williamfon Roger Birdwood 11. Adam Freer 15. William Falconer Mar. 8. John Taylor W. White Moncrieffe W. ￿ ‘29. George Steptoe John Collins John Taylor April 19. Robert Scott MEDICAL SOCIETY.

1766 Nov. 22. Adam Kuhn Dec. 6. John Dunning 13. John Cowling i 7 67* Jan. 17. Robert Reid John Oakes Feb. 28. Alex. Baron Mar. 6. Edward Fofter 1767. Mar. 13. Jo/epf) Black 2i, Walter Jones Charles Blagden Wm. Penny Benjamin Rufh 27. Robert Davifon April 4. Guft. Rich. Brown Dec. 5. Hen. Revel Reynolds Daniel Robert Henry Schonheyder Joftma Dixon Jafper Porter William Brown John Warren Tho. Tudor Tucket Joihua Sampfon 12. John Beridge Robert Dougan 19. Hugh Perry William Chalmers James M‘Lurg 68 LIST OF THE

1767. Dec. 19. Peter Fayffoux 1768. Jan. 9. John Wall John Leman 16. Daniel de la Roche John Gifford Mar. 5. Edward Dowfet John Huggan William Grieve 26. Ifaac Chanler April 9. Francis Garden 16. Evan Clements Guftavus Brown 23. Jofeph Godwin 30. Dec. 3. Louis Odier Samuel Harwood 1769 Jan. 28. Jofeph Brandreth Feb. 4. Thomas Airy David Campbell 18. David Stewart Edward Williams 25. Archibald Campbell Mar. 4. William M‘llvaine 11. Francis Mllman 25. Thomas Caw April I. John Badeley Dec. 9. Martin Wall Henry Leader MEDICAL SOCIETY.

I 7^9* Dec. 9. Peter Steele 16. Benjamin Bell 28. Gafpard Vieufleux David Wardrobe 1 77°* Jan. 6. Moore Fauntleroy 13. Richard-Wilfon Greatheed Feb. 3. Thomas Ruffel William Currie 17. Nath. Dimfdale Mar. 3. Charles Gordon 24. Benjamin Thomas Dec. 1. John Parnham William Cooper Robert Dobfon Ifaac Hall 8. Tucker Harris 15. Thomas Gibbings

1 77 1 * Jan. 5. ‘ Hugh James Thomas Hay- -12. John Aitken 26. Gilbert Blane Feb. 2. James Ballantjne 9. Robert Peronneau 16. James Maynard 23, Henry Cullen Richard Budd Thomas Bradbury Mar. 13. William Ball 30. Walter Riddell 70 LIST OF THE

I 77 I « Mar. 30, Robert Freer April 6. John Stark Charles Cameron 10. Richard Dennifon Alexander Monro Charles Grove Nov. 30. A. J. Fau Dec. 14. George Pearfon Henry Hart James Hammerton Ludovicus C. Guilders 1773 Jan. 4. Robert Innes C. A. Caille 11. James Johnllone Feb. 1. Matthew Roberts 15. William Fouffiee 22. John Taylor Griffin Mar. 7. Oglethorp Wainman John Maxwell 15. Jofeph Dimfdale Samuel Eveleigh 2 8. Thomas Baker April 4. John Ryan Walter Hanfon Jenifer 11. James Gregory 18. Andrew Wardrop 25. Timothy Kirby John Williamfon Nov. 28. William Edwards MEDICAL SOCIETY.

1772 Nov. 28. Samuel Evans Wilkinfon Manuel John Hunter Dec. 5. James Fowler Baker 12. Thomas Neufville William Nicol Alexander Wemyfs David Shaw R. B. Remmett John Birnie 26. James Hendy Henry Gahn 1 773- Jan. 9. Thomas Dale 16. James Macknight James Hamilton 30. Richard Byam

John Henderfon „ Feb. 13. George Logan ao. Hugh Morris April 24. Sylas Neville Nov. 27. William Harvey John Hickes John Barnard Switt William Low Henry Watfon William Salkeld Nbv. 27. Thomas Clark D, Portal LIST OF THE

2 773 Dec. ii. Richard Cowling Jean Louis Manget James Johnftone Cumberland Chriftie 18. Chanles Lufcombe Fotherley Panneli Philip Turpin James Ruflel 1774. Jan. 8. William Clapham Edw. Mary Bofquillon 23. Philip Meadows Martineau 39. Will. GottlobLillie John Itmes William Woodville Harry Gibbs Feb. 5. Edward Spry 12. William Holland Jofeph Camplin 19. James Innes April 16. Thomas Bowdler 33. Thomas Blackburne Thomas Yalden 39. Bartholomew Thomas Dec. 3. Archibald Cullen Lewis Brotherfon William M‘Kinon Frafer 17. Thomas Karr Samuel Graham 34. John Sims MEDICAL SOCIETY. 73

*775- Jan. 7, David Stuart Charles Dunant John Gordon Andrew Italinfki 14. William Keir Dennis Dorfey 11. Charles Ker John Whytt Feb. 4. Robert Moodie John Dayman 10. Edward Maefe James Robertfon William Lee Charles Elfden Bagge Mar, 4. James Theobald Payne James Gerard 11. Samuel Daniel 35. Dnncan Macfatlane April 1. William Rae George Coltman 11. Albert von Haller Will. Hunter 15. Henry Miller Caleb H. Parry James Melliar 28. Tho. M‘Farquhar Dec. 2. H. Bryan 9, T. Pemberton Thomas Clerk Thomas Paytherus Ellis Button Mettford 74 LIST OF THE

1 775 Dec. 9. William Fullerton Gardner 16, Henry Woolcombe Nath. Tucker Adam Hotckis Philip Fifcher Stanhope Baynes ‘Thomas Toung 1776. Jan. 6. John Willis George Bell Wyville Smith John Shepherd 20. Edward Stevens Zachariah Neufville 27. Thomas Fowler Feb. 3. John Caulet 22. John Tailour Feb. 23. Benjamin Beddoms George Shaw April 6. Richard Pew Francis Claxton Dec. 7. Arnold Beerenbrock Benjamin Collyns William Eoulli John Harry John Ford Robert Stevenfon George Logan Seguin Henry Jackfoil 14. John Hollis Pigot 17. Samuel Byam Athill MEDICAL SOCIETY.

*ll 6- Dec. 17. Edward Johnflone Gabriel Wynne John Nankivel Peter Sandilands 21. Charles Darwin Stephen Pellet John Evans 1777. Feb. 28. Alexander IVvod

32. Alexander Campbell . Mar. 1. Ralph Adye 22. Arthur Broughton 29. Charles Wade April 5. William Hamilton Samuel Pleydell Henry Harris 26. 'Thomas Kirkland Nov. 29. Will J. Grelley Charles Webller Wm. Abington LalTels John Power John Billatn Dec. 6, Charles Wm. Quin Thomas Bouchier William Cleghoru James Webller Edward Nugent William Fearnc Samuel Cave Francis Brown 1778. Jan. 10. Robert Pringle LIST OF THE

i7 9 * Jan. io. Ambrofe Cookfon Richard Worthington 17. James Steuart Trevor Jones John Bell Robert Lovell George Leon. Blydcn Feb. 7. James Home Mar. 28. Robert Maitland John Stedman April 19. James Currie George Cleghorn 25. John Bennet John Winterbottom. Robert Willan Nov. 21. William Cruikjhank 28, Alexander Ruffel George Selby Robert Buck John Bofvile. Wm. Spence Lau. Nihell Jonathan Stokes Thomas Jeans Henry Farley Dec. 5. George Mackenzie John Fenwick Charles Stapleten James Fenwick Henry Slaughter John Young MEDICAL SOCIETY. 77 1778. Dec. 12. Henry Blake Thomas Proffer 19. James Campbell Philip Cojle William Maxwell John Watfon Howell 1 779* Jan. 2. Edwood Chorley Thomas Miller 9. William Carter William Lifter 1 6. George Burrowes James Farifti Nicholas Romaync William Moore Alexander Dalzell Paul Harris Johnfon Thomas Griffiths John Johnfton ■Feb. 2®. John Hallilay Robert Perceval 27. Charles Stuart John Clement Fade Mar. 13. Samuel Foart Simmons 27. James Law John Aftbury April 3. Henry §>uin 23. George Daniell 27, James Hair Phoebus Hitterus Themmen Maitland Maitland Edward L. Fox LIST OF THE

i7-9- Nov. 27. Jacob Pattiftbn Robert Hamilton Dec. 4. Tipping Brown Wiliiam Graham Robert Bloxnam James Durham Innes William Stephens Andrew Fyfe it. Samuel Stevenfon 18. Philip Holland 1780. Jan. 8. William Flanagan Thomas Jeffery Harper Hall William Corp 15. John Cooke Richard Codrington Feb. 5. James Hill Henry Chrift. Senior. Edward Harrifon 9. Horatio Cock Jphn Wainman Adair Crawford Jof. Ewert 2s. William Gourlay Mar. 4. Aug. Chrift. Reufs Robert Salmond William Codrington 25. Henry Moorhoufe Richard Sill April I. Hen. Mathias Marcard John George Zimmerman MEDICAL SOCIETY. 79 1780 April 1. Walter Van Doevern 22. Henry Browncer Wilfoa Gideon Keren de Rozier Dec. 2. Nath. Ernft. Dauter Vicq. (V A%yr James Athill Rich. Anthony Markham John Bill > Samuel de Butts Thomas Every William Lewis William Gilby John Stovin Andrew Willifon 9. D. Berent 15. John Jacques Edmund Goodwyu 23. John Ferriar 30. William Halliday John Wilkin Stephen Dickfon Thomas Stevenfon 1781. Jan. 6. Arch. Llndfay Edward Hatching Feb. 24. William Frafer Mar. 17. M. Morrifon Dec. 1. John Henry Engelhart James Nafmyth John Aikin T. Watfon LIST OF THE 1781 Dec, 1, Edward Reily Henry Ainflie Clement Nicholfon John Duncan Abraham Wilkinfon Win, Thomfon Fra. Frafer James Paterfon James Robinfon Rich. Kiernan Thomas Leighton Robert Hen. MDonald Hugh Owen 8. Benj. Kiffam Ray Beckwith Rich. Sill John Tool George Somner Robert Cleghom George Maxwell 15. James Hutchinfon Rich. Lubbock R. D. Willis Thomas Spens James Forfythe George Bell Andrew Coventry Charles Davy Samuel Ferris Edmund Somers 12. Chriftopher Stanger MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1782. Mar. 9. David Earl x>f Buchan Nov. 30. James Carver Arch. Macgilchrift Alex. Williams David Reid Thomas Hardy David Skene Robert Cooper John Lawfon William Munro Robert Batty Thomas Prettyman Thomas White ' * James Jeffray Charles Hill James Edw. Smith Rich. Kentifli Dec. 7. Thomas Hobbes * Thomas Addis Emmet Thomas Wallis William Thornton William Barton Rob. Gordon Munro John Wilfon John Hilton Solomon Richards B. Penn 14. Edward Hill * James M‘Donncll Nic. Archer Rob. Groat LIST OF THE 1782. Dec. 14. Thomas Ryan. ai. Cha. Throckmorton John Harrifon Rd. W. Rockliffe C. Sommers Alex. Peliffier Dec. 38. Nathaniel Barry 1 7 83* Jan. 4. Charles Didrie Engelhart Charles White James Curry J. Potter Feb. 8. P. M. Augujhis BrnJJonet 18. John Franklin Clark 33. William Morris Mar. 29. Colin Maclarty' Dec. 6. Wm. Pufey Hayle William Youngs John Barry John Plumbe Benj. Culham Edw. Fryer W. C. Lettfom. * Tho. Skeete Rob. Waring Darwin Arthur Grant Robertfon John Allan M‘Cartney Ja. Donovan Jn. N. Nott Tho. Clothier Geo. Wood MEDICAL SOCIETY.

iyB 3. Dec. 6. Wm. Spooner Wm. Henderfoa 13. John Robertfon * Wm. Alexander Tho. Waring Samuel P. Griffiths * Richard Pearfon ?o. Edw. Fairclough George Bachmetieve Peter Crompton Jo. Chapman 29. Wm. GaidkeU Ja. Wallace 'John Dawfon Rich. Pultenty Wm. Irvine 1784. Jan. 5. Barnaby Geogehan 10. John Barclay 17. John J‘Anfon Feb. 7. Wm. M. Dixon 21. Richard Millar 28. Martin Dowy Wm. Hutchifon Mar. 13. Wm. Marffi 20. John Butter John Monteath Benj. Aird April 16. Rob. Cary Michell William Babington White Dec. 4. John R. B. Rodgers Pierre Sylvefter LIST OE THE 1784. Dec. 4. John Gay Samuel Fitte Thomas Edgar Ev. Job. Thomafon aThuffink * , camuel Hinds William Hailiday William Symonds John Prendergaft William Jacklon Charles Snell 11. Patrick Barron Morgan Deafy Thomas Renington P. James Wm. Robertfon John H. Gibbons f Cafpar Wiltar, jun. J. Lyons Benj. Sykes Samuel Argent Bardfley I7 85- John Gardiner Jan. I. John Heath Hugh Gillan George Archer Jonn Fleming L. Llran Meurs Wm. Johnllon F. Siemerling Jofeph Phelan Alexander Stewart Jo. Wm. Boyton James Forller MEDICAL SOCIETY.

t)Bj Jan. i. John Cutting Samuel Black Patrick Dillon John Flint Biker M‘Donald Tho. Trotter Fr. Marcellini John Unthank * Thomas Beddoes George Wilfon John Bankhead 2.8. James Skelton Gilliam Campbell Betham Janies Laidlaw John Evans John Carmichael Feb. 19. George Monro Samuel Latham Mitchell John Addie Robert Scott Mar. 12. James Watfon Roberts Richard Lawrence April 2. Henry Cline Edward Sandifort Fourcroy April 7. Frye 16. Benjamin Rujh April 19. * J. Macintoih T. Smith Jofeph Mafon Coxe 23. T. M‘Rae LIST OF THE

*7 8 5- April 23. Thomas Renwick Fockedy Lucas Perkins Van "Juans Forster Dec. 10. James Moultrie Wm. Plowden James Ramfay John Ffrye * James Chicheiler Maclaurin * John Haflam John Dobfon Ignatius Maria Kiuz- Luzuriagn Dec. 17. Jerechoujki 31. James Hamilton, Richard Butler Petrus Dubos 1786. Jan. 7. Valentine Girard * John Lane 21. Thomas Charles Hope John Craven Thomas Girdleflon 28. Petr. Afzelius Feb. 18. Robert Reddick Samuel Wilfon Henry Staniftreet 25. Samuel Alvye Mar. 4. John Rifteau. MEDICAL SOCIETY.

i»786. Mar. 4. Thomas Bafnett Percival * Theobald M‘Kenna 11. Sir Charles Peter Thorrib erg 18, Jofhua Parr Alexander Frafer Henry Luxmore Edgar 25. Robert Graves Francis Smith Robert Grant Edward Alanfon 1 April x. James Green Parkinfon Watfon 8. Peter Alhton ‘Jofeph Warner John Taylor Thomas Garnet 15. Charles John Berkeley Robert Walker William Blount yohn Hunter Dec. a. Stephen Thibaud Henry Barker * John Fleming Henry Burton Fran. Sayers Anth. George Forbes Thomas Gill Audeherti 9. Arthur Daniel Stone LIST OF THE 178s Dec. 2, Thomas Pym Weeks William Allanby 16. William Handy Geo. Cayley Thomas Chriftie Grofchi * G. Dunbar 33. * Benjamin Smith Barton Henry Bowles * Edward Aftx Thomas Concanen John Turner Greer 1787. Jan, 7, Antonio Gaetano de Freytas Jolhua Hobfon Alex. Jackfon John Ramfay Thomas Tomfon Mar. 3. Auguftine Smith Geo. Kirkaldie 10. Arthur Billiop James Short Feb. 2. CaJJimerus Urtega Wm. Shippen Feb. 10. Benj. Franklin Mar. 10. Mich. Hutchinfon Levi Myers Jofeph Baader #4. Herbert Packe Jofeph Pinto de Az.eredo MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1787. Mar. 24, Francifco Joaquim de Azeredo

3 1 • < J°feph Prieftley Brugman April 1. Benj. Gloxin * Robert Wm. Difney Thorp Nathan Drake * James Mackittrick Adair •j. David Ramfay John Howard Percival Pott 8. Jofeph Cappe John Morgan 15. William Carleill William W. Page Dec. 1. James Holman Edward Rudge Allley Pafton Cooper Samuel Gurney Edmunds 8. John Smith Andrew Kerr 22. Franpois Sobral Jean Gomez Lewis Dijhaud 3788 Jan. 12. * Francis Foulke 26. Francis Morriibn William M, Thackeray John Goldie Mar, 8. Arthur Bedford 15. Robert Wood 22. John Coahley Lettfom Murray Grant LIST OF THE 1788. ]\i r. 29. J mcs Frver Jslov. 22. Francis Codon 29.' John Benjamin Jachmant? Philip Ediot * Jofeph Gahagan John Gibney Dec. C. * Robert Gray 13. William Ruffell 20. Richard Drake Edward Alexander 27. Jofias Clerke

Chrijfopherus Fred. Flsner 1 William Girod * John Allen 1789. Jan. 3. Wm. Batchelor Bayley 17. Thomas Cruden 24. Edward Vaifey 31. William Gibfon Alexander Bertram William Kent teb. 7. William Morrall John AJh j William Robertfon * John Gahagan * Alex. Purcell Anderfon 14. John Langford William Blizard David Urquhart 21. Gervafe Thorp William Hey MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1789 Feb. 27. John Murray Thomas Denman Mar. 7* Jean Louis iMVoi/ier yean Henri Due de Lhaulnes 14. John Swayne 21. Francis Rigby Brodbelt 28. 1 homas Spencer Davis April 4. Edward Bradly 11. John Bolton Hon. Gen. Murraj yofeph Denman Felix Fontana Nov 28. James Buchan John White Robert Lindfoe Dec. 5. * Thomas Bradley 12. Robert Menzies Robert Elrington Wm. Gordon Keantilh 29. William Yates 2 6. George Dickfon William Lifter John Johnftone 1790. Jan. 2. John Bradley 16. Chrijlopber Girtanher 23.* William Macdougall William Hamilton Edward Gahagatt 30. Henricus Fijljer Jujus Arnemann 92 LIST OF THE

i79°* Feb. 6. M. N. HenriqueZ Andrew Kekie 20. John Begg 27. 7homas To ung April 24. William Belcher Jofeph de la Metherie Nov. 13. James Cleghorn * John Thomfon James Wood James M‘Lennan James Percival James Bruce Difney Alexander * Richard Fowler John Butt Salt Dec. 4. Richard Langllow Jofeph Kearfley 18. Robert Halls John Gilfon'

1791 . Jan. x. Pafchal Paoli Drew 22. William Lehre 29. Andrew Duncan Feb. 26. Patrick Erlkine Caleb Crowther

Mar, 12. Gihelin * Pea die John Mervin Nooth April 2. William Tayleur 9. Hngh Macpherfon John Sanderfon 16, Antonins Szraajler MEDICAL SOCIETY. 93

1791* Nov. 26. Onofrio Agnefe Scaffi William Bourke James Weftwood Wallace C. A. de Brandner Kean Brown Ofborne James Robert Grant George Hunter Edmund Tatham John Ruan Donald Macniel William Jackfon Alexander Hutton. John Eraimer Dec. 3. William Simplon Robert Taylor Ifaac Cathrall Maiachi Blake George Pinkml Fred. Thackeray James R. Pringle Andrew Knox Edward Holme to. Craven Fowlis Browne Alexander Menzics x6. Alexander Philip Wilfoo Samuel Pelt John Pallmer Simon Alhertus Deimsn

' George Weir Jofeph Babington Dec. 24. JohnWalton LIST OF THE

I 79 T * Dec, 24. William M'Beth Jofeph Pr. de Caftro Henry Watkinfon 31. William Jervice John New *79*. Jan. 7. Stewart Crawford 14. Charles Alexander Graham. Feb. 4. William V vafour 18. .John Crampton 2.5. Berthollet April 7. William Reid Antonio Scarpa 14. Bonn Onofrio Agncfe Seaft Mar. JO, Orange LIS Tof the Honot? ary Members of thq Medical Society of Edinburgh,

J748. John Stntton Robert .I Douall John Hope George Hay- -1749* Peter Middleton James Dobbin Edward Kelly *7s°’ George Clampet John Hudfon Kenneth M‘Kenzid James Paterfon Gilbert Stewart *7Si- William Mollefon Thomas Livingfton George Sutherland Gregory Grant Win. Semple

*75 2 - Wm. Butter Wm. Goffip Francis Wayne LIST OF THE

*753 Wm. Chalmer James Ainflie John Alves Robert Innes Wm. Patten Gilbert Pafley Ifaac Williams John Campbell Walt. Maxwell *754* Theodore Forbes John Hall 5.756. Thomas Beveridge Will. Hally John Cunnighatne Matthew Dobfon. Pryce Owen Robert Ramfay George Buxton f 757- George Paterfon G. Fordyce Wm. Lottie J. Lloyd J, Bayley Arch- Hamilton Balfour Ruffell John Fallon


*75 8 - Richard Price Jofeph Churchhill Win. Graham John Lefley Alex. Crooks Alexander Fairbairn 1659. Edward Richardfon J. M. Butt J. Brickenden Thomas Smith. Neil Duncanfon Robert Hamilton David Carmichael James Span Charles Richardfon 1760. Wm. Uiher 1761. Wm. Cooper Walter Robertfon George Bethune Rob. Moore 1762. Alex. Monro Drummond John Shiels David Millar Sam. Garland James Maddocks - Wm. Lloyd John Purcel 98 LIST OF THE 1762. John Lawe William Smibert 1763. James Smyth Carmichael Alexander Hamilton James Clitherall Michael Garner Jo. Brown James Blair Anthony Fothergill £764. James Crowther Wm. Saunders Daniel Rainey Wm. Cullen 1766. Francis Balfour Samuel Goulding 1767. Andrew Duncan Robert Urquhart Theodore F. Leith 1768. John Bollock Thomas Williamfon Jofeph Black Charles Drayton Roger Birdwood George Steptoe 1769. William Brown MEDICAL SOCIETY.

*77°- John Warren

177 1 * Louis Odier Alex. Monro Lud. Cl, Guilbert 1772. C. A. Caille Ben. Bell Tho. Hay Henry Gahn *77 3- James Hamilton Edward M. Bofquillon D. Portal William Riddell Rob. Freer 3774. John Innes John Leman Edw. Spry George Pearfon John Sims Richard Dennifon John Hunter *77 5- Cha. Wm. Dunant Andrew Italinlki Wm. Harvey Jo. Heathfield Hickes Albert Von Haller Wm. Hunter Tho, Young LIST OF THE 1776. James Gregory Tho. Karr Philip Fifcher *777- David Macbride Alex. Wood Tho. Kirkland I7 John Stedman George Cleghorn Wm. Cruicklhank P. Cofte x 779* • Jo. Clement Tode S. F. Simmons Henry Quin 1780. Adair Crawford J. G. Zimmermann Walter Van Doevereu H. M. Marcard Felix Vicq. d’Azyr D. Berent 1781. M. Morifon J. Aikin 1782. David Earl of Buchan Edward Hill Nathaniel Barry *7 8 3» Cha, Didri Engelhart MEDICAL SOCIETY.- 1783. Cha. White P. M. Aug. Brouflbnet Rob. Emmet John Dawfon 1784. Rich. Pultney Win. Irvine *7 85- John Gardner Henry Cline Edward Sandifort Fourcroy Benjamin Rufh Van Juans Forfter Terechoufki Sir Charles Peter Thornberg 17815. Watfon Jofeph Warner John Hunter Audeberti Grofcki 1787. Caffimerus Urtega William Shippen Benjamin Franklin Jofeph Prieftley Brugman David Ramfay John Howard LIST OF THE 1787. Percival Pott John Morgan Francois Sobral Jean Gomez Lewis Difbaud 1788. John Oakley Lettfom List of the Annual Presidents of the Medical Society of Edinburgh, from the firft Election of Prefidents.

1764- , Thomas Smith Alex. M. Drummond Carmichael James Blair 1765- Tho. Smith Alex. M. Drummond James Blair John Fylhe Palmer 1766- Alex. M. Drummond James Maddocks Daniel Rainey Samuel Goulding ,1767-8. Alex. M. Drummond Samuel Goulding Theodore F. Leith Andrew Duncan 3768-9. Alex. M. Drummond Samuel Goulding John Bollock Charles Blagden 104 LIST OF THE 1769- Alex. M. Drummond Samuel Goulding Andrew Duncan Walter Jones 1 770- Samuel Goulding Andrew Duncan Will. Brown Louis Odier 1771- Samuel Goulding Andrew Duncan Louis Odier Ifaac Hall 1772- Andrew Duncan Wm. Bell Walter Riddell Rob. Freer *773-4* Andrew Duncan Walter Riddel Rob. Freer JohnBrown 1774-5 John Aitken Rob. Freer Richard Dennlfcn William Harvey Gilbert Blane, ele&ed on the refignation of Robert Freer MEDICAL SOCIETY.

*7 75-6. John Aitken

Rob. Freer - Sylas Neville Thomas Blackburne 1766-7 John Brown Rob. Freer David Stuart James Melliar 1777- Robert Freer Andrew Wardrop Caleb. H. Parry James Melliar 1778- Andrew Wardrop Edward Stevens John Ford Stephen Pellet George Logan, ele&ed on the relignation of Andrew Wardrop 1779- John Brown Edward Stevens John Ford William Cleghorn Charles Quin, elefted on the relignation of John Ford 1780- James Ruffell Arch. Cullen LIST OF THE 1780-1. Ambrofe Cockfon Wm. Lifter Andrew Waldrop, defied on the refigna* tion of Ambrofe Cockfon Charles Stuart, defied on the refignation of Archibald Cullen 1781-2. John Winterbottom Jonathan Stokes Ja. Hair Jacob Pattifon John Fenwick,’ defied on the death of Ja* cob Pattifon 3782-3. John Stark Andrew Fyfe Thomas Evory Jo. Henry Engelhart 1783- Edward Harrifon

Stephen Dickfon * Benj. Kiflam Robert Cleghorn 1784- James Jeffray Thomas Addis Emmet James M'Donnell Thomas Skeete 1785- Richard Pearfon ' Samuel Hynds MEDICAL SOCIETY. 107 1785-6. Cafpar Wiftar, jun. Thomas Beddoes 1786- Edmund Goodwyri W'illiam Alexander James Macintolh John Haflam John Lane, elected on the refigriation of' J. Macintolh 1787- James Chichefter Maclaurin Theobald M‘Kenna John Fleming Benjamin Smith Barton 1788- G. Dunbar Edward Afh Robert William Difney Thorp James Mackittrick Adair 1789- Francis Foulke John Benjamin Jachmann Jofeph Gahagan Robert Gray Henry Bowlea elected on the death of F. Foulke John Gahagan, elefted on the refignation of J. B. Jachmann 1790- l. John Allen Alex, Purcell Anderfon list of the;

1750-91. Thomas Bradley William Macdougall 1791-2. William RufTell John Langford John Thomfon Richard Fowler
