The Virginia Gazette : Genealogy
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5o4s~. ,_Friday, January 14,, 1955 THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, WILLIAMSBU Sarah ................ (b. ........, d. aft. 1684) & had, (7) John Billups ‘GENEALOGY (1660-aft. 1709) m.- bef. June 6, 1695 to Mary Gasscock & had (6) By Hugh 3. Watson Joseph Billups (1697-1767), m. 17l9, Margaret Lilly (1700-1770). WATSONIAN OBSERVATION orded in Petersburg, Va. Joanna & had (5) Robert Bil-.lups (Mar. OF THE WEEK: In our research Ellis is one of the witnesses with 1720- d. bef. 1795) m.- June 14, 1755 to Ann Ransone (b. ........, d. we find many unusual names and Wm Davis & Cyrus Ferguson to often wonder where they derived: ........), & had (4) John Billups (b. this will, naming the wife as Polly among some I have come across lvlar. 17, 1755-6, cl. Oct. 23. 1814) recently was the surname of & “my mother Letty Skipwith.” m.- 1798 to Susannah (Carleton) BIBLE; another was that of a This would show that the wife of Cox (b. 5-6-1761, d. 1-10-1817), gentleman by the name of “Wil Augustine Ellis may have been & had (3) Col. Thomas Carleton liam Crank Ford.” Perhaps some the Mary Skipwith. In the lineage Billups (b. 4-2-1804, d. 1866) m. 9-13-1847 to Frances Ann Saun of my readers have found some book of “National Society of just as unusual. Daughters of Founders & Pa ders (13.4-12-1808, (1. 6-1-1890), & triots,” Vo1.'XV, pp. 79-80 is had (2) James Saunders Billups QUERIES found the lineage of Mrs. John M. (b. 11-22-1808, d. 1-11-1919), m.-. 3991. GLENN - BILLUPS Morgan, nee’ Wilde J. Billups, 1868 to Wildie Sykes (b. 9-8-1852, GAYLE - RANSONE - FAUNT National No. 1809 showing the cl. 8-11-1899), & had (1) Wilde J. LEROY - NEWCOMB - QUISEN lineage as follows: (8) George B11llllIT3. The George Billups :n:—: BURY - NEWMAN - LEWIS Billps (1630-aft. 1684) m.- 1655. 2%‘!-:2‘<1!"this Mrs. Morgan was of. DUDLEY L COBBS — There is a record found in the Lineage Book, “National Society of the Barons of Runnemede,” by Mrs. RG. VIRGINIA PAGE ELEVEN Lewis L. Chapman of Smithfield, the landed gentry of Gloucester Francis Lewis, m.- Lucy Dudley, Va., p. 121, showing the marriage 01‘Mary Lewis (1729-), m.- 1750 Co. now Mathews Co., Va. Then (3) Mary Lewis, m.- Capt. Robert to Samuel Cobbs (1725 --): then there is found on p. 87 of Vol. III, Billups Glenn who served in war on p. 75 is found John Lewis 1- “Abridged Compendium of Ameri of 1812, (2) Robert James Glenn, 1725) who m.- Catherine Fauntle- 1.-anGenealogy” by Fred A. Virkus, m.- Mary Caroline Blassingame my 8: had Apphia Fauntleroy Lewis. m.- 1771 to Lt. David Al-g the following lineage of Mrs. Rob (desc. of Maj. John Blassingame len: then on p. 146 is found Wm? rrt C. Brickell of Huntsville, Ala., of the Am Rev. War), (1) Mary Lewis (1743-1785) m.- Lucy‘ as follows: (10) Nicholas Martiau Glenn Blassingame, m.- 11-29 Meriwether (1752-1837): then on {ancestor of Gen. George Wash l878 to Robert Coman Brickell (b. ngton, lst Pres. of the United 4-4-1824, d. Nov. 1900). How does p. 181, John Lewis (1726-87), m.-. States), (9) Elizabeth Martiau m. Capt. Robert Billups Glenn of the 1776 to Elizabeth Kennnn (1754-| War of 1812 connect with the Bil 1825) & had Augustine Lesris, Jol. George Reade, (8) Mildred Yeade m.- Col. Augustine Warner, lups family noting the names of (1784-1852) who m.- 1809 t~, Louisa Brooking (1790-1860); 1 1 (1542-81), Speaker of Va. Fauntleroy & Lewis which seem to conne-ct with the family of then find on pp. 264-267, Vol. 1'71‘ louse of Burgesses, (7) Elizabeth (Series I), William & Mary Quar- , ‘Jarnm m.- her cousin, Col. John Augustine Billups (d. 1823) of .ewi>' (6) Col. Robert Lewis Dinwiddie Co., Va.? In this line terlv entries from the Kingston age of Mrs. Brickell is stated that Parish Register of Mathews Co. ‘ 1704-66) of “Belvoir,” m.- Jane Va.: Richard Ransone m.- Ann ‘lerivcther (dau. of Nicholas Maj. Moore Fauntleroy (1616-65) from England to Newport News, Whiting on Mar. 21, 1771; Augus 7cri\'~'etl'1er7), (5) John Lewis (b. 726) styled as of “Halifax Co., Va. in 1643 was a Cavalier, mem tine Ransone m.- Apr. 18, 1753 to '3. who served in the Rev. war, ber of the House of Burgesses, m. z f‘at!'erine Hill & Robert Billups «*2»?I (Continuecl On Page 17) m.- June 14, 1755 to Ann Ran 1.— Catherine Fauntleroy, (4) sone, Mathew James. son of Rich ard & Ann Ransone was born Dec. 25, 1773, Robert Gwyn m. Jan. 25, 1777 to Ann Ransone, children of James & Letitia Ran sone as listed, James, 13.June 28. 1755, Ann, b. Dec. 26, 1756, Rob ert. b. Dec. 29, 1758, Sarah, b. l\":‘1‘ 15, 1760, Letitia, b. Apr. 13,. 7 ‘e I,.L1:-)1. b. Apr. “'“ 1764.; (‘ Auau..<tine Rans have; 5, -11., L,1~UI.)~rr of Ar 1I'1SOIl(2l who marr‘ )5 on! J,” - wbmg. Friday, January 14, 1955 THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, WILLIAMSBUI (b. 1769-Md.); living in Mononga lia Co. (W) Va. in 1810; Rev. Wm GENEALOGY Hawkins m.— 3 times, once to Mary Amos. He was father of 13 child.: Cassander; Mary (KING); By Hugh S. Watson Idney (Amos); Joshua T.; Aaron; Abraham; John; Isaiah; William; (Continued from Page 11) Ky.,,to 111.,m.—Alpha Chrisman, Henry; Josiah; Barbara (Dicken): 1647 to Mary Hill, had (7) Wil town of Lowder, named for Jacob; James; Isabella (Neely). liam Fauntleroy of Rappahannock him; (3) Nathan; (4) James, lived He d. Marion Co., (W) Va. 1855 Co., Va.), had (6) Col. William in Ky.; (5) William; (6) Sarah. PawPaw Township. Also want Fauntleroy (1684-1757) of “Nay Would like to know where abouts parents of Joshua Hawkins, b. Md. lor’s Hole,” Richmond Co., Va., of descendants of this fam., & also Mary 1780; as related to Rev. m.- Apphia Bushrod, had (5) wish to correspond with person Wm Hawkins above, either brother Catherine Fauntleroy, m.— John working on any Lowder line. or nephew, who m.- lst Cassa Lewis (same as mentioned above). (Mrs. O. F. Garrett, Box 817, Tracy abt. 1807 (where), m.—2nd, I want the names of the children Ysleta, Texas — suggest that you Sarah Sandy, Sept. 1830, Harrison of Robert Billups who m.- 6-14 Contact Mrs. G. Edward Travis as Co., (W) Va. father of Elizabeth 1755 to Ann Ransone. (Hugh S. mentioned above in section “A” (Hess), Mary Ideny (Jackson) Watson, Jr., 2114 Chestnut Ave., — Editor). William, Jared, twins James 8: Newport News, Va., editor of this 3993. FOREAKER (FAU Levi, Catherine, John, Benj. Eliza column). QUIER - FOURACRE - FOUR Jane. Rebecca. He died 1856,Cen 3992. LOWDER — John Low AQUERE) — Want data on par ter Township, Monroe Co., Ohio. der m.- Hannah ................, 1756; cnts or birthplace of George Would like proof that Rev. Wm. & their child. according to Quaker Foreakcr (Foraker - Fouracre Ruth Hawkins were related to records of Guildford Co., N. C., aquere) born in Va. bef. 1800;m. Joshua. Also county in Md. where were: Catherine, b. 1758; Caleb, .................... Eddington (where & these Hawkins were born. b. 1760 (m.— 1782 Ann Asborne); when?) & migrated to Fayette Co., (D). EDINGTON (EDRlNG John, b. 1762; Mary, b. 1764 (m. Pa.; had, Wm F., b. 1817; James; TON) - FORAKER (FORE William Osborne); Joseph, b. 1766; Charles; Israel; & one dau. Mrs. AKER) - MITCHELL ——Want Ralph, b. 1768; Rebecca (Rebekah) Sawyer, all of whom settled in specific birthplace in Va. for Wil b. 1770; Samuel, b. 1772 (went to Monroe Co., Ohio. Any general liam C. Edington (Edringtonj Indiana); William, b. 1773 (see information abt. the name of Edginton, Edgington), b. 1783 & below); Hannah, b. 1774; Job, b. Foreaker, or its variations, will be his bro. Charles & sister, l\’Irs. 1776; Joshua, b. 1778; Nathan, b. appreciated. (J. F., Gary, Ind.). George Foreaker (who was 1l\‘ll’1‘5‘ 1780. Wish data & anc. of this (B). TRACY ——Want data on in Fayette Co., Pa. in 1817); Wm line. (Editor: Wish to advise that John Tracy & wife, Elizabeth who Edington served in War of 1812, I’ Mrs. G. Edward Travis of 94 Har sold land in Harrison Co., (W) Va. from Shenandoah Co. (but is not[ bor Drive, Hampton, Va. is work in_'1827; where were they born, believed to have been born there) ing on the Lowder family of North where & when did they die. They in Capt. S1oan’s Reg. of Va. Mili Carolina & may be able to assist had one dau. Judith, who m.- John tia; he m.— Polly Hart, widow, you). _ Cookman in 1811 in Harrison Co.. nee’ Wolf in Feb. 1820 in Shenan (B). LOWDER - HARRIS Va. Were they also parents of doah Co., Bond signed by Abra (HARRISON) — William Lowder, Cassa Tracey who m.- Joshua ham Furry. Marriage record on b. 1773 in North Carolina m. Hawkins & lived in what ‘is now same day for Abraham Furry &, Margaret Harris (or Harrison); to Marion Co., W. Va., near Mill Fall Margaret Wolf, signed by William‘, Va.; moved to what is now Harlan Runn? Cassa Tracey Hawkins d. Edington. Were Margaret & Po1ly' Co., Ky. for short time; to Lee Co., abt. 1827-1830 in that vicinity. sisters? Who were their parents, Va. where Margaret d. ca. 1815; Where is she buried? where were they born? Were an Aunt Henrietta Kelley reared (C). HAWKINS - AMOS — Edingtons & Mitchells related some of the following children: NEELY - SANDY - HESS ‘ John & Rhoda Mitchell signed a (1) Mathew Harrison, b.