Boys' Wash Suits Former Soc Values Re- Seem to Place This Hammond Returned to Washington
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MAL AT eOll ECONOMY NE BusycQ*MFr 'Pgba LAT TH.S SALES FOR Opmo:15 A. M To.6:00 P. M. or~CP..Ss.0w WEDNESDAY JEAN ELIC given in marriage by her father. Mr. Several Broken Lines of gnd My. Fisher will make their home Pnv wife of the senator from in Charlest0n where he is enaed In ]Envelope Cool Pinted Voiles RMR&Illinois.. DILLexpectsMcCORMICK,to leave budUein. Wshit tomorrow for . Rdek 39c a Yard- 36 mWd 38 Wide where + Regularly Im"be River B , t Byron, IW., Mrs. Minngesrode Andrews is re- of Si SotNabWsOOL she spends t of every summer. 3overing from an operation. and is at The farm, w h Is one of the show Ner home In where DRESSES country Virgini% Verysew in that part of the country. the sumer. TomorrovP, 25c yd. Mkrz. McCormlck's particular she will stay throuh Combined in one it for real on summer's most desired Pride, She manages it herself and big and radi- $.00, Achance savin rs conducts a successful dairy buil- 3.4 at 3., HM*.r. lot, Choice of several styles, wash.goods. Crisp, fresh Pri nted Volles, in light grounds, ness, Rock River milk being in The Rev. Roland Cotton Smith. cally teduced. showing~ excellent work- a wonderful < f and effects, reat 'demand. The McCormick D. D., of St. John's Church. and Mrs. They are values manabp;of fine soft fin- showing range lovely designs Children have been established at Smith, 'ai at the Malvern Hotel, Bar im nainsook, in square and such as checks, stripes, dots, fl oral patterns and neat figures. the farmn since early summer with Harbor. Me.. for the remainder of from $8.95 -to their nuisen and governesses. Mrs. he season. round' neck models, with Very fine, sheer grade-reduce,d to 25 a yad. $12.95. Choice , varied trimmiks of laces -89 McConnick does not expect to re- Lbe- 35 COLORED ORGANDIE ipches wide, exceptionally turn to Washington until autumn. Mrs. William MitcheU. ,ffVe of aid insertion with ribbons. sheer and fine quality, in all %ranted street and evening -2& Senator. McCormick is not able rigadie General Mitchell. Is mak- Full-cut garments, in all shades. Reduced to, yard ...... to leave Washidgton iat present be- ag an extensive motor trip through sises. S5 LUNENE AND BEACH BUITINGS-84 es de,firm cause of his duties at the Senate. anada, after whicb she will join NEW CORSET COVERS- woven. serviceable quality so mueh in demand for making the popu- However. he Is occupying Mr. and mor famly at het summer home in Of fine nainsook, perfectly lar jumper dresses. All wanted itreetand evening s Mrs. E. S. Newman's spacious the Thousand Islands. cut and full mixed; fine em- also white. Special at. yard .... 19C house on the hills above Rock biodery insertions and lace 59c TAN PONGEE-35 inches wide: beautiful, lustrous eilk-and- Creek so that the warm weather Mrs. John Calvin Hall will arrive -edging". Sizes 38 to cotton material that has the fini sh and appearance of the has few terrors for him. Like pic- .n Washington today to be the guest 44. Special values at"" most -all-silk ecial turesque Graystone, where the Sec- at Mrs. Newcomb Barney. XT2A SIE MUSLIN expensive pongee. Sp at, yard.............. retary of State and Mrs. Hughes -4- PETTICOATS-Of fine-grade 50c Beach Suiting, 3c 39c Sp'irt Gab. din, 25 are passing the summer, the New- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan. who muslin, with flounce. of 36-inch Black-and-White man house, with Itock Creek Park mave been in London for some time, In a va- 34-inch Beach Suiting; splen- Sport at its can boast all the left last week for aris. pretty embroideries, did quality that looks and wears Gabardine; one of the moot spread feet, riety of openwork patterns. cotton materials for advantages of a great estate with- -T h e materials Made with Flezo like all-linen suiting. Colors of popular out the of it up. Gen. and M's. Willard A. 51.50 old rose, tan. reseda, copen. lav- suits, skirts and dresses for late expense keeping Maj. a r e band. Special at.. summer and wear. brooke have gone to Colorado ginghams, ender and white. The favored early fall will Third Pleer. lresses. - Winter Plans. ir they pass the remalador plain and dotted material for jumper Ge0berg'e-nrt Fleer. MRB. HARRY M. WUREBACK. e summer. Wright Ruin- While It Is a little early for Major organdies, linenes, winter- definitely form- wife of Congressman Wursb&ck of af36S. of Camp Benning. Ga., was plans to. be Texas, a youthful and ttractive the guest of General and Mrs. Hol- figured voiles, tis- ulated. one occasionally hears of rooke last week. A Reducti on Sale of houses being let for the season- member of oXicial society. sue ginghams, Women's 50c as was sashes and also or ev" sold outright, ert M. Butler. Capt. Hugh Barclay. Major Sydney L. dappell, U. V. some trimmed with -organdy collars, Mercerized Lisle Eagle Lodge, Mrs. John A. Logan's Cadet Robert Oliver and Cadet Wade k.. who is new on duty at *Walter some ce de jures. big house up on. Thirteenth street. Heavey. of West Point. Fteed Hospital. has' arrived in Npw all sizes in ,the It Is to be extensively alitered Vtork Mrs. -The s are broken, but there are Suits Stockings, 29e Pair before the per- accompanied by Chappell, Tsh by all W being occupied in Richard Townsend is now oo- ,ter mother. Mrs. and Mrs. lot, not all sizes styles. Boys' chasers, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Ham- Mrs. Thornton, though her at Bar 1rown. the sister. have Good quality mercer- a copying cottage Hadpor, major's They Kann'a-Second Floor. mond. But It is hqge place- where she will remain until early fall. been on a rmetor tour of New Eng- ized Lisle Stockings, in fifteen rooms and five baths. and And for the last two weeks room care-de- and -will tan and cordovan garage for five Senator Lawrence C. Phipps. who ae at the Hotel Astor for a few 81 black, tached as I remember It. and with was a member of' Secretary Weeks's before to their home k --dependable foy wear. quite a little ground. I don't lays returning party at Mount Prospect. N. H., has n Washington. Remaindes of our re;ular'stock of Boys' Wash Suits Former Soc values re- seem to place this Hammond returned to Washington. Mrs. PAipps Publishers' Remainders much lowered to effect im- duced to 29c a family. They tell me he Is em- went to Watch HM. R. I., from New Congrosman and Mrs. Ira C. that sold at higher price s-price pair. ployed in the Treasury Depart- and will the remaind- Cop- WOMEN'S STOCKINGS- ment-but he that Hampshire pass seX will leave Washington late in mediate clearance. isn't buying er of the summer there. kugust for their home in Aurora. Of fiber and silk mixed; made house on his salary as a Treasury Ill., and Salesmen's Samples of and Madras, with mock seam. Well-known Lnd expect to be absent until No- They're made good c uality Chambray employs. Announced. vember. interest Book Lovers. colors. ar Dutch and "Gordon" brand. Choice of Also Harold Phelps Stokes has Engagement -In a special sale that will greatly In white and Popu Daddy Middy a number of street shades, leased Mrs. Frederick Harris' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pomeroy Davi- models, in sizes 3 to 8 years. The 99c price will sell them but no blacks. Spe- house at 1732 Sixteenth street. Mrs. son, who are now at their couiftry ReyneMe Goes North. an- out quickly. cial at ............... Harris seems to have several home. Locust Valley, yesterday Guy B. Reynolds and his niece, -Books formerly listed at Goldesberg's-Third floor. Genberg'-Flrsl Floe. houses and to hold the leases of nounced the engagement of their Miss Mary Ruby Johns, after spend- an apartment or two, and use daughter, Miss Alice Trubee Davi. ing several weeks in Washington. $2, $3, and $4 now....... A VOL. herself whichever is not satis- son, to Artemus L. Gates, "son of left for Atlantic City and New York factorily rented. Harold Phelps Mrs. Emma L. Gates, of Clinton. this morning. They will return to Stokes to whom she has rented- Iowa. their home at Fort Davison's brother, Truboe Myers, Fla., by -Among them you will find Biographies, Travel, History, she Is going to occupy an apart. Miss steamer about September 1. They kind of books that or ment at 1302 Eighteenth street- Davison, and Mr. Gates were 191h were entertained at dinner last even. Fiction, etc. Just the public pri- Cloth classmates at Yale and her friend- Women's Dr. Suits and real book lovers Clearance Mrs. and that >f Is one of the younger sons of the Ing by Everett M. vate libraries should possess, late Anson Stokes of New ship with her fiance dates from his Ellison. Phelps the war Miss delight to securi. Cloth Garments York. He has gons in for journal. college days. During Originally Ism, and represents a New York Davison rendered splendid service. Lieut. and Mrs. Harry D. Mitchell Kann's--Bargain Table-Street Floor and Downstairs Bookstore. PO paper here. Lat September he for in 1916 she organized with E. J. and Major W. C. Young. U. S. A., Sold Up t $24.Z Dratically married Miss Elizabeth King of Nally, of the Marconi company, the of Camp Meade.