t h e U K R A IN IA N r e v i e w is a quarterly journal devoted to all aspects o f Ukrainian studies. All articles, whether commissioned or unsolicited, reflect the views of the author(s). Editor Stepan Oleskiw Deputy Editor Vera Rich Associate Editors Volodymyr Mykula Oleh S. Romanyshyn Editorial Board Nicholas L. Chirovsky Seton H all University (em erit us professor) James Dingley University o f London Yarema Kelebay M cGill University Bohdan Kordan University o f Saskatchewan Lubomyr Luciuk Royal M ilitary Academy o f Canada Dmytro M, Shtohryn University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign t h e U K R A IN IA N r e v i e w is published by: The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, Ltd. Ucrainica Research Institute, Toronto, Or»., Canada Editorial Office 200 Liverpool Road, London, N1 ILF, United Kingdom Tel: (0171) 607-6266; Fax: (0171) 607-6737; E-mail:
[email protected] Subscriptions The subscription price, which includes postage, is £20.00 (US $40.00). The price for a single copy is £5.00 (US SI0.00). ' Orders should be sent to 49 Linden Gardens, London, W2 4HG, United Kingdom Tel: (0171) 229-8392; Fax:(0171) 792-2499 ISSN 0041-6029 Printed in the UK by U1S Ltd., London. Contents Cover illustration: Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi (1866-1934). U K R A I N I A N r e v i e w Contributors 2 Current Events Beyond Politics: Internal Problems of the Ukrainian Language JENNIFER PICKUREL TAYLOR 3 Some Aspects of the Development of Tourism in Ukraine VSEVOLOD KOBRZHYTSKYI 2 9 History The Fourth Universal of the Ukrainian Central Rada OLEH BUDZYNSKYI 34 Chyhyryn Roots of Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi’s Family Tree MYKOLA KUCHERENKO 40 The Veneti, Sclaveni and Antae in the Light of Archaeology VOLODYMYR BARAN 49 Arts and Culture Literary Anniversaries Bicentenary of Kotlyarevskyi’s A en eld (1798-1998) 64 To the Eternal Memory of Kotlyarevskyi t a r a s S h e v c h en k o 65 Kotlyarevskyi ivan fra n k o 68 Volodymyr Sosyura (1898-1965) 69 I recall..