ANNUAL REPORT 2013 / 2014

Incorporating Sportfishing NSW & NEWTAG

Founding Member of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW

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ANSA NSW Branch Executive & Committee 2013/2014 COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Stan Konstantaras South Sydney AFA VICE PRESIDENT John Burgess South Sydney AFA SECRETARY Joe Garufi South Sydney AFA TREASURER Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA MEMBERSHIP Mike Spitzer Sportfishing NSW REREGISTRARCORDER Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club MASTERS KEEPER Rob Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club SPEACIAL PROJECTS Tony Steiner South Sydney AFA ENVIRONMENTAL Craig Wilson ALBAA OFFICER PUBLIC OFFICER Yanko Serifi Wollongong SFC


ANSA NSW Life Members Badge 1 Dick Lewers Badge 2 Pat Hunter Badge 3 Hank Newman (Dec’d) Badge 4 (Dec’d) Alex Blair Badge 5 Bob Dunn (Dec’d) Badge 6 Geoff Hawkins Badge 7 Mark McKinnirey Badge 8 Gary Wade Badge 9 Bill Harvey

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History of ANSA NSW Branch

Date Line

 On the 12th August, 1967: – Steering Committee was formed consisting of the following people:

PRESIDENT John Bethune



 On the 4th May 1968: – The NSW Branch of ANSA was formed with the following office bearers:

PRESIDENT John Bethune




 On the 13th November 1968, the St George Sportfishing Club became the first ANSA NSW affiliated club.

 On the 8th October 1986, ANSA NSW Branch became incorporated.

 On the 12th February 2000 ANSA NSW Branch became one of the founding members of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW.

 2007 ANSA celebrated 40 years.

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ANSA NSW Branch Past Office Bearers

YEAR PRESIDENT VICE SECRETARY TREASURER PRESIDENT 1969 J.Bethane R.Lewers R Lent R Lent 1970 R.Allen R.Lewers R Lent R Lent 1971 R.Allen R Dunn R Horne R Horne 1972 R.Dunn F Phillips R Horne R Horne

1973 Nil Nil Nil Nil (Adjourned) 1974 Nil Nil Nil Nil (Adjourned) 1975 Nil Nil Nil Nil (Adjourned)

1976 R.Dunn F Phillips W Harvey W Harvey 1978 R.Dunn F Phillips W Harvey W Harvey 1980 R.Dunn W Harvey B Ray T Botham 1982 B.Ray R Brinkworth T Redman E Davis 1984 G.Hawkins M McKinnirey K Bennett E Davis 1986 G.Hawkins H Newman K Bennett E Davis S Church U Mitchell 1988 G.Hawkins M McKinnirey S Church G Wade G Hawkins U Mitchell 1990 G.Hawkins S Church U Mitchell G Wade 1992 W.Harvey M McKinnirey J Scott S Livgst 1994 W.Harvey M McKinnirey G Wade B Lloyd 1996 G.Wade W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 1997 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 1998 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 1999 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 2000 D.Shearing W Harvey Y Serifi J Burgess 2001 W.Harvey J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2002 W.Harvey J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2003 L.Waldock J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2004 L.Waldock J Burgess Y Serifi J Burgess 2005 L.Waldock J Burgess I Phillips J Burgess 2006 L.Waldock J Burgess I Phillips J Burgess 2007 S.Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2008 S Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2009 S Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2010 S Konstantaras J Burgess Y Serifi S Jasprizza 2011 S Konstantaras J Burgess J Garufi S Jasprizza 2012 S.Konstantaras J.Burgess J.Garufi S.Jasprizza 2013 S.Konstantaras J.Burgess J.Garufi T.Steiner 2014 S.Konstantaras J.Burgess J.Garufi T.Steiner

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President’s Report

It is almost a mandatory opening statement from me these days to thank the members of ANSA NSW, the Clubs that make it all happen and the State Executive and Committee who bring it all together every year. This year was no different and a growing membership is a testament to all our hard work and a reward for all of us. Reading through the Annual Report will give you some insight into the jobs that are required to keep the ship on an even keel and then throw the “issues” into the mix and it becomes a very hectic 12 months of dealing with all this but once again we have come through unscathed and still maintaining a good relationship at all levels.

The most important thing that we as a Committee have to keep in mind is ensuring that the name and brand that is ANSA NSW is held in high regard within the Government and media and once again we can safely say that all the work we undertake on behalf of ANSA NSW members and by default the State’s other anglers is being heard. Threats to fishing like the lack of science driving bag and size limits, mako, SBT and gemfish reviews and marine parks mean we need to be level headed when arguing our cases when it is just as easy to constantly attack and criticise. Well researched submissions, logical arguments and vigorous debates with all sides of politics has ensured ANSA NSW gets a front row seat at the table on the issues that matter to us as anglers and will hopefully mean we get satisfactory outcomes. It also means that when the science is right, we need to consider all the options on the tables.

Our flagship Fishing 4 Therapy, Mulloway Tagging and Angel Ring Projects have seen our stocks raise within the community due to our willingness to roll up our sleeves and get out hands dirty so to speak, something that I am extremely proud to be a part of and so should all ANSA NSW members.

The comprehensive outline that follows in John Burgess’ report should give you all some insight into the issues we tackled over the year but should also motivate your Club to pick up the ball and take on some of these issues at your local level. Your local MPs are the best place to start and efforts to establish a good working relationship with them can open some really good avenues to have your local voices heard and add weight to the bigger debates that affect the way we fish in NSW.

Finally I just want to add my 2 cents into the flavour of the month which is and how we should be using this great medium to communicate and keep things fresh and fluid. ANSA NSW use our page to post every relevant bit of news we think the membership should be aware of, my own club uses it to have instant updates on events and live fishing reports and as a means of keeping in touch over the course of the week (and also attract new members) but the big questions is what does your club use it for…….let me know next time we meet or just PM me!

Stan Konstantaras President ANSA NSW 6 | P a g e

Vice President’s Report

2013/14 was another busy year for ANSA at a State and National level. Listed below is a snapshot of some of the many issues concerning recreational fishing that ANSA has been actively involved with over the past year.

NSW Size and Bag Limit Review. ANSA participated in the review process and questioned the science and rationale for what essentially would have seen a halving of bag limits for most bread and butter recreational species with little or no justification. The jury is still out on the outcome of the review and it is understood that a final decision now rests with the NSW Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson.

Mulloway. New size and bag limits were introduced late 2013. ANSA supported the case for an increase in the size limit from 45 to 70 centimetres for both the recreational and commercial sector and a recreational daily bag limit of 2 fish and this is what was adopted by the Minister. Regrettably the extent of restrictions placed on the Commercial sector did not go as far as ANSA would have liked and Estuary General fishers using meshing nets are still permitted a by catch possession allowance of 10 fish between 45 and 70 centimetres and there is a 500 kilogram limit for Ocean Haul endorsement holders. ANSA also encouraged an early reintroduction of Mulloway stocking to give nature a hand and an ongoing study of mulloway stocks. A dedicated Mulloway research programme was established and ANSA members have played an active part in providing data on captures and the submission of Mulloway frames. ANSA has also played an integral role via Newtag in tagging Mulloway across NSW.

NSW Commercial Fishing Reform. ANSA participated in the review process which involved key reforms for the State’s five major commercial fisheries - the Ocean Trap and Line, Ocean Trawl, Ocean Haul, Estuary General and Estuary Prawn Trawl. While ANSA supports the case for key reform of the State’s commercial fisheries to make them more efficient and viable and to provide a framework for substantial long term investment in the fishing industry, we were very concerned with the lack of public consultation and the very short time frame for making submissions on this critical review. ANSA’s main concerns were the changes and sizes to vessels and the types of gear allowed and more specifically the proposals to increase the total allowable catch quotas (ITCAL’s) to levels based on the highest past 15 years take. Also of grave concern was the proposal to open up many of our protected coastal estuaries to commercial fishing. Support for the reforms also met a mixed response from the commercial fishing sector with many small commercial fishers recognising that they would be forced out of the industry with adverse socio economic implications for coastal NSW communities. Minister Hodgkinson recently announced that more time was necessary to fully consider all issues and for further public consultation.

Southern Blue Fin Tuna. ANSA strongly opposed the proposals to introduce a NSW SBT recreational bag and possession limit of one fish and to impose a daily boat limit of two SBT. It was ANSA’s position that the scientific evidence did not support the case for such draconian management measures. ANSA’s recommendation was that a daily bag limit of 2 SBT was reasonable and that the introduction of a boat limit could not be justified and would have the potential to encourage up sizing and dumping of fish. It was also ANSA’s recommendation that SBT be taken out of the generic Tuna bag and size limits and be established as a standalone species. It was encouraging that most other state and national recreational fishing peak bodies fell in behind the ANSA position. The concern was that if NSW was compelled to accept a one fish bag limit and a boat limit of 2 it would be only a matter of time before the other states would be under pressure to follow NSW. If the ANSA recommendations are adopted then all states where SBT are evident will have a common daily bag limit of 2 SBT per person

Gemfish. ANSA participated in the review by the NSW Fisheries Scientific Committee which proposed to list Gemfish as Vulnerable under the Fisheries management Act. If Gemfish do get listed as Vulnerable then recreational fisher interaction with the species will be illegal in NSW and

7 | P a g e adjacent Commonwealth waters. Gemfish are already subject to a modest 2 fish bag limit and a 10 fish boat limit. It was ANSA’s position that scientific evidence presented did not justify a Vulnerable Species listing and a consequential total ban on the recreational take of Gemfish. The recreational take of Gemfish is not known but considered to be very minor and anecdotal evidence would seem to indicate that the species is in a positive recovery mode and certainly not under any short or medium term threat of extinction.

Hammerhead Sharks. ANSA engaged in consultations with the Commonwealth Threatened Species Committee for potential inclusion of Scalloped, Smooth and Great hammerhead Sharks as Threatened Species under the EPBC Act which would preclude any form of recreational fisher interaction with these species in Australian waters. While ANSA is concerned with the serious decline in Hammerhead species globally due to excessive and uncontrolled commercial fishing activities by many of our northern neighbours the extent of impact by Australian commercial and recreational fishers was very minor and the status of the local Hammerhead shark population was not under any immediate threat. ANSA did not support the case for listing of all 3 species of Hammerhead as Vulnerable but did concede a case existed for the species to be listed as Conservation Dependent and made subject to an agreed recovery plan. Under this status recreational fisher interaction with Hammerheads would be allowable. Unfortunately in NSW all recreational fisher interaction with Hammerhead sharks is illegal as these species were listed as Endangered/ Vulnerable by the NSW Fisheries Scientific Committee in 2012. An investigation of the circumstances which lead to the NSW listing of Hammerheads is currently in process and hopefully we may be able to review the 2012 listings.

Small Pelagic Fishery. While ANSA and other recreational fisher peak bodies and conservation groups were successful in putting a stop to the Margiris supertrawler fishing for small pelagic species such as Jack Mackerel and Redbait in our southern waters , the current restriction on the use of large commercial freezer trawler vessels for the SPF fishery lapse in October 2014. An expert scientific panel was established by the previous Labor Government to make an objective assessment of the environmental impacts of large mid water trawl/freezer vessels operating in the small pelagic fishery. The expert committee is due to release its report and recommendations before October 2014. ANSA has met with the expert panel and presented its concerns with this scale of fishing operation. While it is unlikely that the Margiris will return to Australian waters there may be a case for other forms of large scale fishing activities to be undertaken in a manner which will minimise environmental impacts. We now await the panel report and the direction the Coalition takes on this very controversial issue.

Commonwealth Marine Reserves. Since the change of Federal government very little has happened in terms of the roll out of the network of Commonwealth Marine Reserves. The Coalition is still to announce appointments to Scientific and Management Advisory Committees for each of the Marine Reserves and what relaxations, if any, to commercial and recreational fishing activities that were to be restricted under the proposed Labor plans of management. Based on assurances given by the Coalition it is very likely that greater access for commercial and recreational fishing will be allowed in areas previously designated as no fish zones. It is hopeful that the government will make these announcements shortly. ANSA in conjunction with other peak bodies will continue to push the case for preservation of recreational fisher access to all Australian territorial waters.

NSW Marine Parks. One of the great achievements over 2013 and the outcome of the Independent Scientific Review of Marine Parks in NSW which ANSA participated in was the NSW government agreeing to an amnesty to allow line based recreational fishing from ocean beaches and headlands within most NSW declared Sanctuary zones. The government also announced the establishment of 2 new advisory panels, the Marine Estate Management Authority and the Marine Estate Expert Panel and a moratorium on any new marine parks pending advice from these panels. ANSA will continue to work closely with these 2 panels to ensure that the interests of recreational fishing and the marine environment are best managed.

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Caltex. Unfortunately ANSA was unable to convince State and Federal Agencies to disallow Caltex to dredge its Kurnell Port and Berthing facilities and to dump highly toxic TBT (Tributyltin / anti foul ) contaminated dredged spoil both in Botany Bay and in ocean waters about 10 km east of South Head. This dredging project has now been completed and it can only be hoped that no long term environmental damage or health risks have been incurred as a result of the spoil dumping. More recently Caltex, in March 2014, also experienced a major oil spill into Botany Bay from its Caltex plant which contaminated much of the northern shore of the Bay and may have drifted into Sydney Harbour as well a result of strong southerly winds prevailing on the day and large tidal movements. ANSA has met with the EPA which is investigating the circumstances and extent and impact of the spill as a lead up to the likely prosecution of Caltex in the Land and Environment Court. ANSA has also taken its own samples for assessment of the type of oil involved and likely environmental impacts. It is ANSA’s preference that any financial penalty imposed on Caltex be expended on fish habitat rehabilitation projects within Botany Bay and Sydney Harbour.

NSW Fish Habitat Partnership. This is a new body set up in 2014 for the purpose of working together to rebuild fish resources in NSW by restoring fish habitat and eco systems. The partnership is unique in its formation being made up of recreational, commercial and indigenous fishing organisations (including ANSA), the oyster industry, conservation groups and NGO’s, the tackle trade, fishing cooperatives and farming groups. The partnership is the result of many years of hard work by a variety of individuals bent on doing something on a large scale to address the degradation of our aquatic habitat over the past 200 years as a consequence of misdirected land and water management practices. The partnership will be independent of government but will work collectively with all government agencies to identify strategic and specific ways to improve and restore fish habitat and to raise the profile of fish habitat conservation within the broad public arena and to enlist financial support from the private sector. The prospect of the partnership being used as an authorised body for the control and disbursement of financial penalties imposed by the Land and Environment Court for breaches such as the Caltex oil spill is under consideration.

Compensation Package. After more than a decade of wrangling with the NSW government to achieve a compensation package for the loss of fishing access and environmental damage to the Botany Bay Recreational Fishing Haven as a consequence of the Port Botany expansion and a number of other development projects directly affecting the Bay we were very pleased with the government’s May 2014 announcement of a $5million Port Boating and Fishing Infrastructure program which will see 2 new artificial reefs installed south of Botany Heads at a cost of some $2.4 million, the installation of a fishing jetty adjacent to the Foreshore Road Boat ramp seawall at a cost of around $.5million and the provision of additional boating access to Botany Bay at a cost of $2.1million. This is a terrific outcome for Botany Bay recreational fishers and we are very grateful that the current NSW government finally acknowledged the merit of our case.

Regional Boating Plans. ANSA has participated in the current round of regional boating plan studies currently being undertaken by Transport for NSW and Roads and Maritime Services. The object of the regional planning projects is to undertake a state wide study of existing boating facilities and safety measures for each of the major waterways of NSW and to identify actions required to enhance boating experience by improving boating safety, boat storage and boat access to our waterways. To date the draft study for Botany Bay has been completed and very pleasingly all of the concerns raised by ANSA such as the need for more boat ramps servicing Botany Bay, inadequate boat ramp parking, poor boat ramp design, shortage of mooring sites, inadequate dinghy storage, the lack of public jetties and legalities with parking trailers on public roads have all been picked up in the draft plan. Hopefully we will see some demonstrable progress coming out of these plans.

Boat Trailer Parking. In late 2013 ANSA did raise concerns with Roads Minister Duncan Gaye and Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson about the actions of some coastal councils in enforcing section 200 of the National Road Rules which restricts all vehicles over 7.5 metres in length from stopping on a road in a built up area for more than 1 hour – this effectively prohibits most trailer boats over 6 metres from parking on urban streets and roads, even in front of your own

9 | P a g e home. Transport for NSW did set up a Boat Trailer Working Group to look into the issues relating to trailer parking on public streets and roads. Transport for NSW and the Office of Local Government are now finalising a response to the recommendations made by the working group in its report. The objective is to strike a balance between the right to park a registered boat trailer legally on a residential street for reasonable periods of time and improving parking access in congested areas with limited parking. This will include making funding available to councils willing to work with the government to establish dedicated off street trailer parking / storage facilities. It is imperative that such parking / storage facilities, if and when they eventuate, are not priced beyond the means of ordinary boat owners.

Fishing Safety/Education. ANSA continues to take the lead on fishing safety issues both in NSW and Nationally. The Angel Ring project which has saved countless lives in NSW is being successfully rolled out in other states and our safe fishing education programme material remains in popular demand. On a different tack ANSA should be proud of the initiatives taken by the guys from South Sydney AFA (my own club) in pioneering the Fishing 4 Therapy programme which uses recreational fishing as a means for those within the community with a broad range of disabilities to engage in a sporting activity that would otherwise not be an option for them. These are both highly acclaimed and fantastic community/ volunteer programmes..

Peak Body Representation. ANSA has maintained a presence on NSW ACORF and the NSW Licence Trust Expenditure Committees and continues to be a driving force behind the NSW Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA NSW) which is the widely recognised recreational fishing peak body in NSW. At a national level ANSA is a full member of Recfish and the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) which is continuing to emerge as the leading national peak recreational body with membership embracing industry bodies such as AFTA and the BIAA and most all of the established peak recreational bodies such as Recfish, GFAA, USFA , ANSA and the various state based recreational peak bodies. Via these bodies we are in constant engagement with the Federal Government and the various Commonwealth agencies on all matters that have a nexus with recreational fishing.

Recreational Fishing Council. One of the goals of ARFF and its members is to establish a National Recreational Fishing Council. The Federal Government has given a commitment to resource the Council and it is intended that ARFF will provide a Secretariat service to the Council which will be the focal point for 2 way dialogue between the Australian Government and recreational fishers and will replace the now redundant Recreational Fishing Roundtable.

Thank you. ANSA could not undertake all of these activities if it were not for the very small team of dedicated volunteers at a Branch and National level who generously give up so much of their time to make it all happen.

John Burgess Executive Officer / Director. ANSA Ltd Vice President. ANSA NSW

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Secretary’s Report

Another eventful year has past and the committees’ commitment has once again been put to the test. Needless to say, the committee passed with flying colours.

Once again, ANSA was called to stand up, defend and curtail various issues to ensure that our members’ rights and those of every recreational angler in NSW and throughout the country were upheld and protected. Our membership can be assured that ANSA has been well represented at both a State and Federal level.

The committee has worked hard to ensure that membership renewals were processed. This was a big challenge for our caretaker membership officer, Mike Spitzer, who basically was thrown into the deep end, but he did a magnificent job. A big thanks to you Mike and the other committee members who helped get us back on track. We hope to have a new membership officer voted in at the elections this year.

The committee ensured that all the latest updates for the ANSA NSW 12 Month Competition, ANSA Convention Circuit and Records were distributed as regularly as possible. This is a massive job and a big thanks has to go to our outgoing recorder, Shane Jasprizza. Thanks for your commitment throughout all the years you have severed on the ANSA NSW Committee. Once again, we hope to have a new recorder voted in at the elections this year.

To the remaining committee and other volunteers, THANK YOU! Your commitment is very much appreciated and I look forward to working with you all once again.

Promotional Material As you must all be aware, ANSA promotes itself through what it does and stands for, but if you are looking to promote ANSA through your clubs or at conventions or your local community, do not forget that ANSA has a NEW promotional brochure available for FREE and there is always ANSA ware that can be purchased. If you need any more information on promotional gear, please get in contact with me and I will guide you through the process.

Tightlines Bulletins The Tightlines bulletin is still in circulation, with several bulletins distributed throughout the year, the latest one being July 2014. We expect the next bulletin to be issued not long after this year’s delegates meeting, annual general meeting and the presentation night.

Committee Meetings The Committee meets quarterly during the fishing calendar year with its most recent meeting being August 2014. Don’t forget clubs are more than welcome to attend committee meetings as they see fit. It probably would not be a bad idea to come and see how things are run at a State level. It can be very rewarding and many hands make light work. We are always looking for new enthusiastic club members to join the committee and help run ANSA NSW.

The Email Database The ANSA NSW email database currently hosts all ANSA NSW affiliated Clubs. Most of the Clubs on the database have minimum one contact. In total, the database hosts more than 100 points of contact, which includes Sportfishing NSW members. As in previous years, the electronic mailing system has really helped ANSA NSW operate more efficiently, economically and has aided their capability for distributing up to date information quickly. Hundreds, if not thousands of emails are distributed to all our member clubs each year. If you are not receiving electronic information from ANSA NSW please let me know and I will most definitely add you as a contact to the database.

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Concerns are still with the clubs channelling information onto their own members from ANSA NSW, but there is more and more evidence that it is happening. Some of the larger Clubs are passing on the information ANSA NSW sends out as they see necessary, but there are concerns with many of the other affiliated smaller clubs, especially those that do not put out a newsletter. Hence, what we would like to suggest, especially for the smaller clubs is that you give ANSA NSW as many email contacts as possible for your club members. Do not forget, ANSA NSW has an email protocol and your addresses will be used for distribution of ANSA NSW information only.

The Website. The ANSA NSW website is the central information hub for all ANSA NSW members. It is a vital tool for distributing information, so make sure you visit at least once a month for any new updates. Not all information is distributed direct via email.

The ANSA NSW website has been maintained regularly through the past 2013/2014 year and is currently up to date. Anything you would need to know about how ANSA NSW operates, how to start a club, how to join ANSA, competition updates, and record updates etc is on our website. We even have a photo gallery with some great photos of fish our members catch.

Facebook. The ANSA NSW Facebook page has really taken off. Since its creation last year, more and more people are following ANSA NSW through Facebook. It is fast becoming the most popular form of electronic media for ANSA NSW members and the general public. So if you haven’t, do it right NOW!! Log on and like ANSA NSW on Facebook.

The ANSA NSW Committee is always here to service our membership efficiently and effectively, so please do not be afraid to approach the committee about anything.

Enjoy your year and stay safe,

Joe Garufi Secretary ANSA NSW Branch

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Treasurer’s Report

Presented on the following pages is the Financial Report for the Year of 2013 – 2014 as well as the budget for 2014 – 2015.

This year we finished with a surplus of $36,204.88, primarily due to the Grants for Angel Rings and Fishing 4 Therapy, as they were able to pay back funds borrowed to keep them afloat while waiting for promised grants to arrive. This left us with end of year funds on hand of $ 19,376.94 (main account) and $ 27,383.63 (project account).

In total, the combined projects have now reimbursed the main account $26,850.38 which represents the full amount borrowed.

Our main account figures show higher than normal costs against the budgeted amounts for every day costs, such as general sundries, stationary, phone and meetings, but these were due to covering costs incurred by the Angel Rings projects. This is best seen on the Budget sheets. These are part of the costs that have since been reimbursed.

This year the Angel Ring project received total grants of $ 67,675.92, while Fishing 4 Therapy received $ 18,500.00 and an additional $ 3000.00 still to come at the end of the current project. We also had higher than budgeted costs with the website due to a software glitch that had to be referred back to the company that wrote that software. We also had an increase in our Insurances.

The other figures that look out of proportion are the membership fees. This was due to an issue with the separation of Club versus Member Affiliation amounts being paid, even though the full combined amounts are correct. This has now been sorted for the new financial year and a more realistic break up will be shown.

As Treasurer I would like to thank the other Committee members for their ongoing support and help throughout the year and I look forward to what I hope is going to be a growth in membership and member involvement for 2014 - 2015.

Tony Steiner Treasurer ANSA NSW

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Membership Registrar’s Report

2013-14 was another healthy year, with total membership at 1,196 members and 31 clubs.

The following table shows member numbers by club for the last 5 years.

Club Name 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1 A.F.A. Sportfishing Club 20 14 11 7 7 2 Australian Land Based Anglers Assoc 48 47 67 66 67 3 Barrenjoey Sport Fishing Club 13 13 11 13 N/A 4 Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 90 74 80 82 91 5 Campbelltown City Sportfishing Club 65 52 42 1 37 6 Canberra Fisherman's Club 58 51 53 22 52 7 Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club 28 22 23 14 13 8 Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club 11 11 12 12 8 9 Lakeside Tavern Fishing Club 5 5 5 N/A 6 10 Malabar Boat Owners & Sea Rescue FC N/A N/A N/A N/A 57 11 Manly Warringah Sportfishing Club 16 18 18 20 19 12 Mooney Hawks Fishing Club N/A 1 1 1 1 13 Muddy Creek Boating & Amateur N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 14 Narooma S & S Bowlo Fishing Club 5 4 4 6 4 15 Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club 49 32 53 48 45 16 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 46 42 45 44 41 17 Hotel Fishing Club 3 4 7 5 4 18 Nowra Sport Fishing Club 41 60 64 71 67 19 Ocean Beach Hotel Fishing Club 12 4 12 7 8 20 Penrith Panthers Fishing Club N/A N/A N/A 9 13 21 Robbo Reelers Fishing & Social Club N/A N/A N/A 46 40 22 Sands Hotel Fishing Club 16 16 19 6 7 23 Sea Bees Fishing Club 64 85 101 106 109 24 Solitary Islands Game Fishing Club N/A 16 6 4 N/A 25 South Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 203 226 232 240 223 26 Sportfishing NSW 43 43 46 46 31 27 St George Sportfishing Club 125 130 129 117 116 28 Sussex Inlet Bowling Fishing Club 23 18 13 9 15 29 Team OTY Fishing Club 20 2 5 6 4 30 Toongabbie Sports Fishing Club N/A 9 14 22 19 31 Victoria Hotel Fishing Club 6 N/A N/A 6 N/A 32 Wagga Family Fishing Club 21 17 17 16 15 33 Western District Sportfishing Club 17 17 15 12 12 34 Winston Hills 6 5 N/A N/A N/A 35 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 52 78 70 78 62 Totals 1106 1116 1175 1142 1196

Cheers Mike Spitzer ANSA NSW ‘Temporary’ Membership Officer

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Recorder’s Report

This will be my last report on the ANSA Committee, as I’ve decided to take a break from the admin side of fishing and hopefully actually go fishing a bit more myself.

I want to extend a special thanks to Joe and Stan and the other ANSA NSW Committee members for the great job they do keeping ANSA NSW running. Without this small group of dedicated people, there would be no ANSA; members should be grateful and thankful for the tireless work they do, unpaid, in their own time, for you the members.

I hope everyone had a good year in 2013-14. Entries were down a bit in the 12-month comp but attendance at Conventions was up slightly. I’m not sure why, but let’s hope it picks up again this year.

State Records Seven (7) new NSW Length Records were achieved in 2013-14, compared to 13 last year. These comprised 4 senior and 3 junior Records. Highlights included a massive 66cm Golden Perch and an 85cm Snapper.

Line class entries were on par with last year, with 35 new Records, compared to 34 in 2012-13. Nowra Sportfishing Club lead the way with 10 entries, followed by St George with 8 and South Sydney with 7. Juniors set 12 of the Records, with 1 sub-junior Record also. Tuna featured prominently, with anglers getting amongst the good run of Southern Bluefin (5 Records), Stripeys (4) and Yellowfin (3). Whaler Sharks and Carp were also popular, with 4 Records each.

12 Month Competition Entries in the 12-Month comp were down again this year, with 157, compared to 186 entries for 2012-13. Only 49 anglers submitted entries, compared to 69 anglers last year.

Entries came from 12 different clubs, with the most being from Wollongong (56), followed by St George (29), Nowra (20) and Newcastle (13). This represents only about a third of our total clubs, so I’m not sure why the other two-thirds aren’t participating – something for the new Committee to look at I think.

Bluewater proved the most productive again, with the top 3 species being Dolphin Fish (22 entries), Albacore (18) and Striped Tuna (12). Best represented freshwater species was Brown Trout with 9 entries.

Tagging once again topped the entry count with 54 entries, followed by Sportfishing-Boat (Outside) with 12 entries and Land-Based Gamefishing with 10.

First, second and third places were awarded in all but a handful of divisions, which is a pleasing result. We just need to work out how to get the other clubs competing.

Congratulations to all the place-getters in the 12-Month comp and congratulations once again to Wollongong, our champion club for 2013-14. It wasn’t even close!

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ANSA Convention Circuit (ACC) A total of 472 ANSA members attended Conventions this year, up slightly from 464 in 2012-13, however total number of attendances was slightly down. The number of anglers attending each convention was as follows (ANSA members only):

Convention Attendees Attendees 2013-14 2012-13 Glenbawn 89 96 Talbingo 23 32 Burrinjuck 126 124 Nowra 86 115 Narooma 89 77 Sydney 177 171 Lake Lyell 70 98 Total (ANSA) Attendance 660 713

Attendees were from 24 different clubs this year, which is a great result. South Sydney had 105 members attend Conventions, Botany Bay 64, Narooma 55 and Sea Bees 46. I only made it to 3 Conventions myself this year, something I hope to improve on in 2014-15.

Once again, congratulations to all the winners and new State Record holders for the year. See you on the water in 2014-15.

Good fishing and don’t forget to fill in your capture forms!!!

Shane Jasprizza

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2013/14


DIVISION 1: Landbased - Game Species 1 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club COBIA 24.000 10 360.000 2 Gavin Beveridge Sportfishing NSW TUNA - NORTHERN 18.100 8 339.375 3 Luie Arellano Australian Land Based TUNA - NORTHERN 18.000 8 337.500

DIVISION 2: Landbased - Non-Game Species 1 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based GROPER - BLUE/RED 2.820 2 211.500 2 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based ROCK BLACKFISH 2.800 2 210.000 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing ROCK BLACKFISH 2.000 2 150.000

DIVISION 3: Sportfishing - Saltwater Lakes and Estuaries 1 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing FLATHEAD - DUSKY 5.070 2 253.500 2 Glen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club FLATHEAD - DUSKY 4.690 2 234.500 3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2.460 2 123.000

DIVISION 4: Sportfishing - From a Boat (Outside) 1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing TUNA - STRIPED 4.950 2 371.250 2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing MARLIN - BLACK 46.000 15 368.000 3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing MACKEREL - 5.900 2 295.000

DIVISION 5: Sportfishing - Freshwater 1 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing COD - MURRAY 6.000 2 240.000 2 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing TROUT - BROWN 2.500 2 125.000 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1.300 2 97.500

DIVISION 6: Lure Fishing - Saltwater 1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing TUNA - MACKEREL 4.900 2 367.500 2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing TUNA - STRIPED 3.800 2 285.000 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing TUNA - STRIPED 3.400 2 255.000

DIVISION 7: Lure Fishing - Freshwater 1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing TROUT - BROWN 4.200 2 210.000 2 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing TROUT - BROWN 2.700 2 135.000 3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1.400 2 105.000

DIVISION 8: Flyfishing 1 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing DOLPHIN FISH 3.100 2 232.500 1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing DOLPHIN FISH 3.100 2 232.500 3 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing DOLPHIN FISH 2.700 2 202.500

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2013/14


DIVISION 9: Gamefishing 1 Alexander Katrakilis Sth Sydney Amateur TUNA - YELLOWFIN 50.000 15 500.000 2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing MARLIN - BLACK 42.000 15 336.000 3 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club TUNA - NORTHERN 17.000 10 255.000

DIVISION 10: Capture by a Lady 1 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing TUNA - STRIPED 3.880 2 291.000 2 Faye Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club PERCH - SILVER 4.028 2 241.680 3 Jennifer Oates Wollongong Sportfishing COD - MURRAY 5.800 2 232.000

DIVISION 11: Capture by a Junior Boy 1 Ryan Nemec Sth Sydney Amateur TUNA - YELLOWFIN 61.500 24 384.375 2 Ryan Nemec Sth Sydney Amateur DOLPHIN FISH 3.952 2 296.400 3 Hartley D'Hyon St George Sportfishing MARLIN - BLACK 33.000 15 264.000

DIVISION 12: Capture by a Junior Girl 1 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing TUNA - SOUTHERN 29.000 15 290.000 2 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing PERCH - GOLDEN 3.760 2 188.000

DIVISION 13: Capture by a Sub-Junior 1 Ella McKinnon Newcastle Sportfishing Club SALMON - 2.350 2 141.000 2 Riley Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club ALBACORE 5.400 8 101.250

DIVISION 14: Tag and Release 1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club 500 2 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club 300 3 Malcolm McConnell Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club 140

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2013/14


DIVISION 15: Length Only - Carp 1 Mike Spitzer Sportfishing NSW CARP - EUROPEAN 935mm 2 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club CARP - EUROPEAN 900mm 3 Berenice Rowley Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing CARP - EUROPEAN 832mm

DIVISION 16: Length Only - Trout (All Species) 1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club TROUT - BROWN 692mm 2 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club TROUT - BROWN 685mm 3 Mark Gaal Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing TROUT - BROWN 670mm

DIVISION 17: Length Only - Australian Bass 1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club BASS - AUSTRALIAN 550mm 2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club BASS - AUSTRALIAN 235mm

DIVISION 18: Length Only - Bream (All Species) 1 Darryl McKinnon Newcastle Sportfishing Club BREAM - YELLOWFIN 440mm 2 Steve Golub Australian Land Based Anglers BREAM - YELLOWFIN 420mm 3 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club BREAM - YELLOWFIN 400mm

DIVISION 19: Length Only - Flathead (All Species) 1 Mark Formosa Sea Bees Boating Club FLATHEAD - DUSKY 950mm 2 Dennis Simpson St George Sportfishing Club FLATHEAD - DUSKY 945mm 3 Phil Festa Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing FLATHEAD - DUSKY 880mm

DIVISION 20: Length Only - Australian Salmon 1 Gai Mahony Newcastle Sportfishing Club SALMON - 675mm 2 Travis Furlong Australian Land Based Anglers SALMON - 645mm 3 Scott Maclean Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing SALMON - 615mm

DIVISION 21: Length Only - Yellowtail Kingfish 1 Mike Spitzer Sportfishing NSW KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 940mm 2 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 750mm

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ANSA NSW 12-Month Competition - Final Standings for 2013/14

DIVISION 22: Most Versatile Angler ANGLERS NAME CLUB POINTS Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club 42 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club 26 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club 10 Ryan Nemec Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 10 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club 9 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club 9

DIVISION 23: Champion Club CLUB POINTS Wollongong Sportfishing Club 51 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 13 Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 11 St George Sportfishing Club 11 Australian Land Based Anglers 10 Sportfishing NSW 8 Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 7 Nowra Sport Fishing Club 4 Sea Bees Boating Club 3 Canberra Fisherman's Club 2 Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club 1

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2013-14 ANSA Convention Circuit – Final Results

Senior Division Eligible (3 or more Points Angler Club Attended conventions) 39.5 Todd Moeser Sea Bees Boating Club 3 Yes 30.33 Ron Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club 4 Yes 23 Matt Prigmore Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 22 Joseph Garufi Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 5 Yes 21 Bruce Robinson Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club 3 Yes 21 Darren Parker Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 7 Yes 20 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers 1 No 17 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club 5 Yes 17 Mark Formosa Sea Bees Boating Club 5 Yes 16 Michael Foukkare Australian Land Based Anglers 2 No 16 Ethan Mallaby Sea Bees Boating Club 4 Yes 16 Andrew English Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 2 No 15 Matthew Manson Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 2 No 15 Scott Maclean Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 5 Yes 15 Robert Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club 5 Yes 14 Mitchell Willis Team OTY Fishing Club 1 No 14 Mike Spitzer Sportfishing NSW 4 Yes 13 David Kirk Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 4 Yes 13 Paul Cooper Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 2 No 12 Greg Davis Canberra Fisherman's Club 3 Yes 12 Stan Konstantaras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 4 Yes 12 Glenn Ward Barrenjoey Sportfishing Club 4 Yes 12 Glen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club 4 Yes 12 Paul Derbridge Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 4 Yes 12 Michael Markich Sea Bees Boating Club 4 Yes 12 Peter Mallaby Sea Bees Boating Club 3 Yes

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2013-14 ANSA Convention Circuit – Final Results

Ladies Division Eligible (3 or more Points Angler Club Attended conventions) 35 Faye Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club 4 Yes 16 Ann Gerard Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 15 Kylie Bain Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 5 Yes 15 Karen Maltby St George Sportfishing Club 3 Yes 13 Dianne Berestov Sea Bees Boating Club 3 Yes 11 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club 2 No 11 Rebecca Fenton Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club 2 No 11 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1 No 10 Lisa Robinson Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club 2 No 10 Vicki Clulow Toongabbie Sports Fishing Club 1 No 9 Rose Davis Canberra Fisherman's Club 3 Yes 9 Karen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club 3 Yes 8 Debi Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No 8 Samantha Collins Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No 7 Jennifer Oates Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1 No 6 Carly Schmidt Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 6 Simone Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club 1 No 6 Sue Waldock Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club 2 No 6 Gai Mohoney Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1 No 6 Michelle Askew Sands Hotel Fishing Club 2 No 6 Bernice Rowley Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 1 No 5 Suzanne Palmer Toongabbie Sports Fishing Club 1 No 5 Melissa Addis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No 5 Janet Reid Sea Bees Boating Club 1 No 5 Sheridan Kent Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No

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2013-14 ANSA Convention Circuit – Final Results

Junior Girl Division Eligible (3 or more Points Angler Club Attended conventions) 25 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 3 Yes 11 Mia Mitchell Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 1 No 10.5 Olivia Kerr Barrenjoey Sportfishing Club 1 No 8 Costalia Michael Sea Bees Boating Club 1 No 7 Claire Rutledge Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No 7 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 1 No 5 Jayden Markich Sea Bees Boating Club 1 No 4 Chelsea Rutstein Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc 1 No

Junior Boy Division Eligible (3 or more Points Angler Club Attended conventions) 28 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 2 No 20 Kobi Robinson Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club 3 Yes 13 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club 2 No 13 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club 2 No 10 Hamish Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No 9 Carl Parker Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 3 Yes 7 Riley Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club 1 No 7 John Aberley Toongabbie Sports Fishing Club 1 No 7 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club 2 No

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sportfishing Division ALBACORE 3 7.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama Canyons 27/10/2007 ALBACORE 4 8.21 Glen Malam Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 6 8.2 Glen Malam Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 8 7.6 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 15 10.2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/07/2009 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.1 Anthony Thorpe Trial Bay Sportfishing Club Lake Sinclair 5/04/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 5.6 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 6/02/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 3 4.13 Steve Bailey Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 5/03/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 4 4.4 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 6/02/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6 4.1 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 23/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 1.2 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 BREAM - BLACK 1 1.6 Mel Marlborough Canberra Fishermans Club Wallaga Lake 2/03/2007 BREAM - BLACK 2 1.8 Thomas Johnston Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 2/03/2007 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.92 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club 23/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 11.35 Timothy Sackett Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 22/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 14.72 Alyce Ehret Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 22/05/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 6.2 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club 8/12/2007 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 10.4 Neil Kemp Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 11/07/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 6 16.52 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park Sydney 26/04/2011 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 1 3.2 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 26/04/2008 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 2 2.77 Greg Davis Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 10/04/2009 COBIA 2 1.67 Ron Camp St George Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2007 COBIA 4 9.1 Darren Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Grassy Head 9/02/2006 COBIA 6 20.25 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 4/05/2007 COBIA 8 13 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 17/03/2009 COBIA 10 23 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2008 COD - MURRAY 2 18.6 Lance Harvey Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windamere 8/04/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 1 2.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 9.9 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Sydney Wide FAD 12/03/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 3 6.35 Allan Jobson Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Port Stephens 16/01/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 6 4 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 15/12/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 8 12.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 3/01/2004 DOLPHIN FISH 10 22.92 Marnie Sammut Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Wide 24/03/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 15 13.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coledale Wide 1/05/2010 DRUMMER - SILVER 1 1.15 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 15/02/2013 DRUMMER - SILVER 2 2.9 Jeff Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Catherine Hill Bay 12/10/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 5.66 Ron Camp St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking 5/04/2013 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 6.5 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 31/12/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 4.5 Helen Mortel St George Sportfishing Club Swansea Channel 24/02/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 8 5.122 Deborah Logan St George Sportfishing Club Harrington Lagoon 8/12/2009 GROPER - BLUE/RED 1 1.05 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamulla 26/11/2004 GROPER - BLUE/RED 2 2.82 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 14/02/2014 27 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sportfishing Division GROPER - BLUE/RED 3 2.85 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Curracarang, R.N.P. 22/08/2004 GROPER - BLUE/RED 4 4.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 29/07/2007 GROPER - BLUE/RED 10 13.56 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamulla 9/01/2010 GURNARD 1 2.05 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 HAIRTAIL 2 3.6 Chris Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Waratah Bay 16/07/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 3.37 Steven Paparoulas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 28/03/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.82 Kimberley Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 6 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/03/2008 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 13.2 Pablo Belarra Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Botany Bay 27/12/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 10 7 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 24/04/2005 LUDERICK 1 1.155 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 5/09/2009 MACKEREL - NARROW 4 17 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 19/04/2013 MACKEREL - NARROW 6 10.9 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2014 MACKEREL - NARROW 8 12.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 17/03/2014 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 2 3.1 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 7/04/2012 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 3 6.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 11/04/2008 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 7.1 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 15/03/2006 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 6 8 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 3/05/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 8 8 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 16/03/2008 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 10 8.5 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 25/03/2010 MARLIN - BLACK 10 35.6 Wayne Strudwick Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama Canyons 2/04/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 15 106 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bandit Reef 24/01/2012 MARLIN - STRIPED 8 80.5 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Berry on Steps 20/01/2013 MARLIN - STRIPED 15 96.5 Manny Kandros Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Shelf 14/03/2010 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2 2.48 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 MORWONG - RED 1 1.45 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club 5/02/2005 MULLET - SEA 1 2.5 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 13/03/2006 MULLET - SEA 3 1.7 Chris De La Rue Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 6/04/2005 MULLOWAY 1 4.945 Anthony Hensley Sands Hotel Fishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 MULLOWAY 2 12.57 Bill Kavouras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing 6/09/2005 MULLOWAY 3 8 Nathalie D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 29/09/2012 MULLOWAY 4 8.75 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 16/05/2006 MULLOWAY 6 10.25 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 13/05/2006 MULLOWAY 8 14.5 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 11/10/2005 MULLOWAY 10 24 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club SW Rocks 11/05/2011 MULLOWAY 15 23.95 Jim Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 7/03/2004 PERCH - GOLDEN 1 5.2 David Walton Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 16/10/2007 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 4.97 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club 2/05/2005 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 5.5 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Windermere Dam 2/10/2004 PERCH - REDFIN 1 2.27 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Inland NSW 7/05/2005 PERCH - SILVER 1 4.028 Faye Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club Windamere Dam 2/11/2013 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 1 5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 19/03/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 2 24.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 28 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Sportfishing Division RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 3 37 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 4 21.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 24/04/2004 RAY - COMMON SHOVELNOSE1 4.33 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Wagonga Inlet 10/11/2007 RAY - COMMON SHOVELNOSE2 3.75 Colin Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Wallaga Beach 27/09/2008 RAY - EAGLE 2 13.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 RAY - EAGLE 3 13 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 RAY - EAGLE 6 27.5 Glen Edwards Nowra Sport Fishing Club Comerong Beach 24/04/2005 RAY - EAGLE 10 34 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 28/04/2007 RAY - FIDDLER 1 6.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 RAY - FIDDLER 2 7.03 Chris Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Brou Lake 8/03/2009 RAY - FIDDLER 4 7.21 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smile Beach 2/05/2012 ROCK BLACKFISH 1 2.6 Jeffrey Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 31/03/2012 ROCK BLACKFISH 2 2.96 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 8/06/2009 ROCK BLACKFISH 3 3.05 Jeff Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Swansea Heads 19/11/2006 SALMON - ATLANTIC 3 4.28 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 16/09/2012 SALMON - ATLANTIC 4 4.1 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Lake Jindabyne 8/10/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.42 Stan Konstantaras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Narooma 4/03/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.65 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sandon point 30/03/2010 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3.35 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamulla 4/12/2004 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.35 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 7/08/2005 SAMSON FISH 2 2.15 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 14/04/2007 SHARK - GUMMY 6 10.75 Geoffrey Webber Sussex Inlet Bowling Club FC Sussex Inlet 12/06/2005 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 8 34 Brett Doyle Nowra Sport Fishing Club St Georges Head 14/04/2013 SHARK - MAKO 10 18.49 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Bateman's Bay 5/05/2005 SHARK - MAKO 15 81.7 Jason Simpson Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Brown's Mountain 20/08/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 4.05 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 19/02/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.8 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 19/02/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 8 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 8 29.52 Wes Tolhurst Sportfishing NSW 9 Mile Reef 17/03/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 96.5 Manny Kandros Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Stanwell Park Canyons 27/08/2006 SNAPPER 1 6.85 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 SNAPPER 2 4.65 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 SNAPPER 4 6.4 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sandon Point 10/07/2010 SNAPPER 6 6.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 11/03/2006 SNAPPER 8 6 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 24/03/2010 TAILOR 1 4.06 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 19/02/2011 TAILOR 2 4.89 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 25/04/2011 TARWHINE 1 1.06 Ben Karnatz Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Little Bay 19/03/2004 TARWHINE 2 0.9 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Not provided 3/05/2009 TERAGLIN 2 1.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Not provided 16/04/2009 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.01 Sue Scobie Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 12/10/2004 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 1.77 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 9/12/2007 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.2 Graham Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 4/07/2004

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Sportfishing Division TROUT - BROWN 1 2.43 David Tosland Sea Bees Boating Club 21/05/2005 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.405 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Talbingo Dam 9/10/2004 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 4 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1/10/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Harbour 5/03/2009 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.6 Kevin Ward Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coalcliff Wide 3/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 5 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 12/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 2.4 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Jibbon 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.8 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 24/04/2004 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 7.28 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 26/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 8.3 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 6 15.5 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 25/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 20.8 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 23/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 10 21 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2010 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 15 18.2 Michael Moon Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2010 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 24 60 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Ulladulla Wide 30/06/2013 TUNA - STRIPED 1 2.75 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 19/10/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 2 6.7 Charlie Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Browns Mountain 18/04/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3.38 Alyce Ehret Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour Wide 1/04/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3.7 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club SE of Peak - Sydney 4/04/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 6 9.58 Frank Res Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Narooma - Wide 30/09/2005 TUNA - STRIPED 8 10.4 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 20/08/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 4 8 Paul Cooper Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Shelf 27/10/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 29 Jose Vidovic Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 16/09/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 8 34 Joshua Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Jervis Bay Canyons 23/10/2005 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 10 39 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 14/05/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 43 Tori Reeves Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Brown's Mountain 25/05/2008 WAHOO 10 13.5 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 28/04/2013 WHITING - SAND 1 1.15 Mel Marlborough Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Macquarie 4/04/2007 WRASSE - BLUE THROATED 1 1.2 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club One Tree, Bermagui 21/08/2005

Junior Sportfishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.42 Amanda Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 3/04/2011 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2 Lachlan Fletcher Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 0.91 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 23/04/2011 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.265 Sheridan Rose Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui River 23/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 4.35 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wee Jasper 31/12/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 11.55 Nathan Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 27/06/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 8.54 Chelsea Rutstein Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 10/05/2014 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 9.25 Will Meyer Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 1/04/2014 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 1 2.62 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 25/04/2010 COD - MURRAY 4 5.05 Kirstie Head Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Tuggeranong 31/12/2009 DOLPHIN FISH 1 1.378 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 30/03/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 2 3.6 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 3 7.4 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 26/01/2012

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

JuniorSportfishing Division DOLPHIN FISH 10 15 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 5/01/2011 DRUMMER - SILVER 1 0.555 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 3.74 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 28/03/2009 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 3.36 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 27/03/2009 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 2.45 Thomas Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club 16/09/2007 HAIRTAIL 1 1.54 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Waratah Bay 16/07/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.67 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 27/03/2009 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 3.33 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 7/04/2013 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 4.5 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 3/04/2012 MARLIN - BLACK 2 8.8 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 1/04/2004 MARLIN - BLACK 15 107 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bandit Reef 1/02/2009 MARLIN - STRIPED 4 21 Andrew Wood Sportfishing NSW Botany Bay Wide 27/11/2004 MARLIN - STRIPED 15 61 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/01/2010 MARLIN - STRIPED 24 130 Laine Bathis Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Wide 30/03/2012 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2 1.6 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 15/08/2012 MULLET - SEA 1 1.81 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 MULLOWAY 1 2.52 Nathan Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Port Hacking 24/02/2008 MULLOWAY 2 5.75 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 MULLOWAY 3 5.2 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 3/10/2010 MULLOWAY 4 4.1 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 4/04/2010 PERCH - GOLDEN 1 4.04 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 27/06/2010 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3.35 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Burrinjuck Dam 2/11/2012 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 2.83 Thomas Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 10/11/2007 PERCH - REDFIN 1 1.66 Nadine Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Jerrabomberra Pond 18/06/2007 PERCH - SILVER 1 2 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 26/04/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 3 19 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 4 18.5 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - COMMON SHOVELNOSE2 2.75 James Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Congo 26/04/2007 RAY - FIDDLER 1 4.48 Luke Cumming Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Wagonga Inlet 30/08/2007 ROCK BLACKFISH 4 3.75 Michael Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Swansea Heads 19/11/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.2 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 12/06/2004 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.9 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 25/06/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3.33 Sarah Cooper-Griffiths Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea Heads 19/07/2009 SHARK - GUMMY 2 2.7 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 3/04/2010 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 15 26.6 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Reef 31/01/2004 SHARK - MAKO 2 4.85 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bombo Wreck - Port Kembla 30/03/2008 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 2.3 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Trial Bay 24/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.42 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Toothbrush Island 22/05/2005 TAILOR 1 3.755 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Wallaga Lake 5/11/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 2.18 Luke Cumming Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Wagonga Inlet 7/10/2007 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.2 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 21/09/2008 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.65 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 30/05/2009 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 2.4 David Gerard Sea Bees Boating Club Lake Lyall 30/04/2005 31 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date JuniorSportfishing Division TUNA - MACKEREL 2 4.2 Ainsley Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 23/03/2004 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 5.09 Sarah Cooper-Griffiths Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Newcastle 26/04/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.5 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Off Botany Heads 23/10/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3.8 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 2/09/2012 TUNA - STRIPED 4 2.65 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 18/04/2010 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 10.25 Chris Malam Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 WRASSE - CRIMSON 1 1 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006

Sub-Junior Sportfishing Division ALBACORE 8 5.4 Riley Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Drum Canyons 16/07/2013 ALBACORE 10 11 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 2/09/2006 BARRACOUTA 1 1 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Barrack Pt 19/06/2011 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.16 Jeremy Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.994 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Newcastle 26/04/2008 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 0.96 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 2 1.07 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Georges River 21/11/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 11.81 Nathan Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Georges River 12/06/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 12.8 Jeremy Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 25/06/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 11.2 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Camden 18/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 12 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 14/11/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 6 7.5 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 28/05/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 2 2.38 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Wide FAD 28/02/2010 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 3.73 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Sussex Inlet 7/01/2008 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 1.68 Daniel Brito Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Port Hacking 18/01/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 1.94 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2011 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 22/12/2008 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 3.484 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 LUDERICK 1 0.91 Jeremy Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 4/09/2011 MULLET - SEA 1 1 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong NSW 13/01/2010 MULLOWAY 1 2.86 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 MULLOWAY 2 4.68 Nathan Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 25/03/2006 PERCH - ESTUARY 1 0.445 Mariyah Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Georges River 5/04/2013 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3.1 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Lake Windamere 5/01/2012 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 6.46 Lachlan Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 11/11/2007 RAY - BANKS SHOVELNOSE 1 1.48 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/02/2005 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 4 28 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 24/04/2004 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3 Jake Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 25/10/2009 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.2 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea 28/04/2007 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.55 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shellharbour 26/12/2008 SHARK - GUMMY 2 12.1 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 14/01/2007 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 7.5 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SNAPPER 2 2.8 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 13/02/2010 TAILOR 1 1.758 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2010 TAILOR 2 2.65 Jake Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 29/11/2008

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Sub-JuniorSportfishing Division TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.07 Rachel Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 23/10/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 0.85 Jeremy Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 1/04/2011 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.15 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Outside Botany Bay 25/10/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 1.325 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Outside Botany Bay 25/10/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.65 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.09 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 6.055 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 5.42 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.48 Luke Windon Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Heads 6/10/2012 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla Wide 23/01/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 4 2.62 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 9/11/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 10 6 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 2/09/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 24.5 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Brown's Mountain 19/08/2006

Lure Fishing Division ALBACORE 3 7.64 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 4 7.23 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 8 7.14 Chris De La Rue Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.775 Kevin Hawkins Western District Sport Fishing 3/05/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.44 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 10/10/2007 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.4 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 13/05/2008 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.9 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 28/04/2007 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6 6.6 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 24/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 1.2001 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.87 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 14/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 3.68 Darren Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Burrinjuck Dam 4/01/2008 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 10.1 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 18/12/2012 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 8.94 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 13/11/2009 COD - MURRAY 3 4.9 Andrew Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Googong Dam 7/01/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 1 2.75 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2009 DOLPHIN FISH 2 5.2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 4/06/2009 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 5.2 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2006 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 7.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 1/01/2008 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 6.355 Bradley Taylor Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club 16/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 2.27 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 14/08/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 4.2 David Tosland Sea Bees Boating Club Port Stephens 5/01/2006 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 14.95 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 20/03/2005 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 5.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 16/03/2008 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2 2.3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 1/04/2006 MULLET - SEA 1 1.08 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 22/04/2011 MULLET - SEA 6 1.06 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 16/04/2009 MULLOWAY 1 4.8 Chris Billing St George Sportfishing Club Taren Point 8/05/2005 MULLOWAY 2 11.42 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 26/03/2006 MULLOWAY 4 11.4 Kevin Ward Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sandon Point 21/09/2007

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Lure Fishing Division PERCH - ESTUARY 2 1.35 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2006 PERCH - GOLDEN 1 4.68 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windermere 3/11/2005 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 4.9 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windermere 4/11/2005 PERCH - GOLDEN 3 5.5 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Windermere Dam 2/10/2004 PERCH - GOLDEN 4 4.8 Rob Safran Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 28/09/2007 PERCH - REDFIN 1 2.08 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Inland NSW 7/05/2005 PERCH - SILVER 2 2 Phillip Macdonald St George Sportfishing Club Glenbawn Dam 6/11/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.9 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 21/01/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 4.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 26/02/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3.2 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 26/08/2008 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.45 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 29/08/2004 SNAPPER 1 1.2 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 31/12/2004 SNAPPER 2 3.825 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Shellharbour 17/02/2008 SNAPPER 4 4.9 Michael Moon Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coledale 17/05/2010 TAILOR 1 2.5 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 31/12/2004 TAILOR 2 6.9 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 12/08/2009 TAILOR 3 3.1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 18/09/2010 TREVALLY - GIANT 3 3.6 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 27/07/2008 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 2.24 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 23/10/2005 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.15 Anthony Heiser Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 30/05/2009 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.2 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jindabyne 30/05/2010 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 2.42 David Tosland Sea Bees Boating Club 21/05/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 2.25 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Harbour 5/03/2009 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.45 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Grassy Head 15/02/2005 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 3.9 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 23/03/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/03/2008 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 19 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 4/03/2008 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 24 37.2 Joshua Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Ulladulla Canyons Wide 27/07/2013 TUNA - STRIPED 2 5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 19/10/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 3 2.24 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Narooma Wide 6/03/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 4 4 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 TUNA - STRIPED 6 5.8 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 15/10/2005 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 2 4.138 Warren Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 3 5.5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 6/03/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 4 6.2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 14/03/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 9.4 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 7/03/2006 WHITING - SAND 1 0.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 9/03/2009 WHITING - SAND 2 0.75 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 29/03/2009

Junior Lure Fishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 0.52 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 28/03/2010 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 1.13 Caleb Verdon Bermagui Sportfishing Club 15/05/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 1.88 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Burrinjuck Dam 6/11/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 1.35 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 9/03/2014

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Junior Lure Fishing Division FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1 2.014 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George's Basin 28/12/2013 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 3.2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Port Macquarie 20/10/2009 MULLET - SEA 1 1.52 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 MULLOWAY 2 7 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 23/04/2011 MULLOWAY 3 3.791 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.376 Dean Ford Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 11/02/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 25/10/2009 TAILOR 1 3.205 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 30/04/2005 TAILOR 2 2.68 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Wallaga Lake 13/07/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.11 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 2/04/2010 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 2.14 Luke Cumming Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Wagonga Inlet 18/11/2007 TROUT - BROWN 1 1.884 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Kalkite - Jindabyne Dam 24/09/2011 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.4 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club 31/05/2013 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 2.05 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 2/10/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.155 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 17/02/2006 TUNA - STRIPED 1 0.96 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 5/03/2006 TUNA - STRIPED 3 4 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 2/09/2012

Sub-Junior Lure Fishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6 0.86 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 16/04/2009 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1 0.73 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River 2/01/2010 MULLOWAY 3 5.7 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 2/01/2009 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3.9 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Windamere Dam 30/12/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.875 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 17/09/2006 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.41 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 23/10/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 2.91 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007 TREVALLY - SILVER 3 3.05 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 30/12/2007 TREVALLY - SILVER 4 2.65 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 15/03/2008 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 0.91 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2007

Fly Fishing Division ALBACORE 8 6.55 Barry Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Nowra Kink Wide 1/08/2013 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Carrington Pondage 28/01/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2010 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.6 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Sir John Young Banks 18/04/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 4.52 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Burrinjuck Dam 5/11/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 13.34 Paul Cooper Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney 7/08/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 8.55 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 29/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 11.41 Paul Cooper Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 25/09/2008 CARP - EUROPEAN 6 11.03 Jim Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 6/08/2009 DOLPHIN FISH 2 4.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 5/02/2006 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 2 3.1 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 27/11/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.1 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 14/04/2007 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 4.6 Sid Young St George Sportfishing Club Snapper Point 14/03/2004

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Fly Fishing Division LUDERICK 1 1.291 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 5/09/2009 LUDERICK 3 1.11 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 1/08/2009 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.2 James Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 26/02/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.9 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 26/02/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.75 Robert Sciberras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Botany Bay 6/04/2008 TAILOR 1 1.4 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 12/11/2005 TAILOR 2 3.5 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 13/03/2009 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.3 Paul Buttigieg Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Eucumbene Dam 15/11/2009 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.79 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Eucumbene 29/12/2005 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fishermans Club Middlingbank 2/01/2005 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.295 James Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 1/03/2005

Junior Fly Fishing Division CARP - EUROPEAN 1 4.12 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Long Swamp 16/11/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 4.74 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Long Swamp 16/11/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 5.12 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Long Swamp 16/11/2004 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 4.25 Jordan Zissimatos Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 12/02/2010 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.095 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 26/02/2006 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 0.97 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 25/02/2006

Gamefishing Division ALBACORE 4 6.53 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 12/06/2005 ALBACORE 6 21.95 Mick Roberts Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Bermagui Wide 14/05/2008 ALBACORE 8 11 Mario Imbriano Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 10/06/2006 ALBACORE 10 9.4 Stephen Katrakilis Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Bermagui 30/10/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.05 Kevin Hawkins Western District Sport Fishing 4/05/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.14 Shane Jasprizza Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay 13/06/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.38 Darren Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 4/03/2005 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 3 4.33 Steve Bailey Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 5/03/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.92 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 10/05/2006 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 1.1 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 11.15 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 5/09/2006 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 8.95 John Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 20/12/2008 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 6.54 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 8/12/2007 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 10.48 Steve Borkowskis Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 29/11/2008 COBIA 8 20 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 24/03/2008 COBIA 10 25.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2009 COBIA 15 17.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 COBIA 24 27.5 Warren Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/05/2007 DOLPHIN FISH 1 2.7 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 6.4 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 5/02/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 4 10.2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong FAD 5/02/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 6 8.6 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Botany Wide FAD 25/02/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 8 10.2 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 15/01/2004

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Gamefishing Division DOLPHIN FISH 10 15.4 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club St George's Basin 12/01/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 24 25.5 Chris Anagnostou Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Port Macquarie 25/01/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 2 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 5.7 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 26/12/2006 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 5.76 Steve Bailey Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 5/03/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 3.26 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 17/03/2007 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 10 19.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 24 30.14 Wes Tolhurst Sportfishing NSW Lord Howe Island 28/04/2004 MACKEREL - NARROW 4 23 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 19/04/2013 MACKEREL - NARROW 6 9.2 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 10/05/2005 MACKEREL - NARROW 8 12.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 13/03/2014 MACKEREL - NARROW 10 21.5 Wayne Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 16/04/2004 MACKEREL - NARROW 15 21 Wayne Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 12/04/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 3 5.6 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 16/03/2008 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 6.7 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 6/05/2006 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 6 8 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 1/05/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 8 32 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 17/03/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 10 171 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 17/03/2011 MARLIN - BLACK 15 137 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Banks, Nowra 19/02/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 24 132 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bandit Reef 17/02/2007 MARLIN - BLUE 15 186 Kevin Ward Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Wide 9/11/2008 MARLIN - BLUE 24 254.2 Jason Simpson Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Brown's Mountain 7/04/2007 MARLIN - STRIPED 8 68.5 Jason Simpson Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney 27/01/2008 MARLIN - STRIPED 15 59.5 Edo Rutstein Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Botany Bay Wide 11/02/2006 MARLIN - STRIPED 24 104 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Sydney 5/04/2008 MARLIN - STRIPED 37 75.5 Ivan Mitchell Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Southern Canyons - Sydney 8/03/2008 MULLOWAY 2 3.61 Karen Maltby St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 8/06/2012 MULLOWAY 3 7.8 Nathalie D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 3/04/2010 MULLOWAY 4 10.1 Yves D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 3/10/2010 MULLOWAY 6 13.2 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 5/05/2008 MULLOWAY 8 6.5 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Georges River 20/09/2009 MULLOWAY 10 24 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River SW Rocks 19/04/2010 MULLOWAY 15 21.05 Jim Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 19/08/2004 SAILFISH 24 25.4 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Hat Head 11/01/2007 SALMON - ATLANTIC 3 3.2 Peter Mortel St George Sportfishing Club Lake Jindabyne 2/06/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.55 Stan Konstantaras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Narooma 4/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.3 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 8/08/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 7/08/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.4 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 25/08/2004 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 6 17 Leanne Speight Sussex Inlet Bowling Club FC Sussex Inlet 18/03/2006 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 8 14.5 Brett Doyle Nowra Sport Fishing Club Sussex Inlet 12/06/2005 SHARK - MAKO 10 117.8 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Bermagui shelf 20/05/2013 37 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Gamefishing Division SHARK - MAKO 15 97.9 Lachlan Bate Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 23/06/2009 SHARK - MAKO 24 194 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Shelf of Botany Bay 28/03/2009 SHARK - TIGER 15 490 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Shelf 24/03/2006 SHARK - TIGER 24 351.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Wide 12/02/2012 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 4.9 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 23/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.55 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 19/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 7.5 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 4 11.6 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Macleay River 13/02/2014 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 10 110 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 27/08/2006 SNAPPER 1 1.6 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 24/04/2005 SNAPPER 2 2.85 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 19/03/2005 SNAPPER 6 6.47 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2008 SPEARFISH - SHORTBILL 24 26.5 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Kink Jervis Bay 22/02/2010 SWORDFISH - BROADBILL 24 73 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 18/10/2008 SWORDFISH - BROADBILL 37 86.5 John Rankin Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club - Wide 9/06/2012 TAILOR 1 2.3 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 25/04/2011 TAILOR 2 2.5 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 23/04/2011 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 2.37 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 8/01/2006 TREVALLY - SILVER 3 3.7 Travis Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shellharbour 13/11/2004 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.71 Karen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 19/05/2012 TROUT - BROWN 1 2.6 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jindabyne 28/05/2010 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.56 Graham Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 23/07/2004 TUNA - BIG EYE 15 20.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Brown's Mountain 12/06/2008 TUNA - BIG EYE 24 79 Tony Davis Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Brown's Mountain 16/07/2007 TUNA - BIG EYE 37 26 Mark Holland Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Shelf 11/11/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 3.8 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 16/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.35 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.68 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 12/05/2006 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 7 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 30/04/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 6.6 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 26/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 10 7.5 Luke Dodd Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2009 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 6 11.25 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2006 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 18 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2009 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 10 26.6 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club Forster 28/03/2012 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 15 16.34 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 10/05/2012 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 24 21.5 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 21/03/2007 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 15 99.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi Wide 3/07/2010 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 24 117.5 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi Wide 14/06/2010 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 37 61 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Ulladulla Wide 30/06/2013 TUNA - STRIPED 1 2.39 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 1/10/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.88 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 29/03/2014 TUNA - STRIPED 3 2.54 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 28/03/2014 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3.2 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 2/11/2008 38 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Gamefishing Division TUNA - STRIPED 6 6.2 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 26/05/2008 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 4 5.1 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 10.25 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 8 40 Brian Schofield Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 11/11/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 10 41 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Narooma 30/10/2004 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 50 Alexander Katrakilis Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Botany Bay Wide 22/09/2013 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 24 70.2 Tony Morosin Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 22/05/2006 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 37 61 Michael Sciberras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Wide 12/04/2004

Junior Gamefishing Division ALBACORE 15 9.1 Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 11/11/2007 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.086 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Botany Bay Wide 25/10/2009 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 0.93 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 5/01/2010 BONITO - WATSON'S 1 0.687 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Trial Bay 22/05/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 9.5 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Tuggeranong Lake, ACT 14/03/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 8.3 Jesse Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River, Camden 31/10/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 6.82 Chelsea Rutstein Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 10/05/2014 COBIA 4 6 Greg Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 12/04/2004 DOLPHIN FISH 1 1.204 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 30/03/2008 DOLPHIN FISH 2 3.952 Ryan Nemec Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Botany Bay Wide 21/04/2014 DOLPHIN FISH 10 7.9 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 28/04/2007 DOLPHIN FISH 15 17 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 8/01/2011 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 4 7.433 Alissa Heise Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 14/01/2006 MACKEREL - NARROW 8 17 Greg Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 16/04/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 4.01 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 3/04/2012 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 8 6.445 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/04/2014 MARLIN - BLACK 10 33 Nicholas Vella A F A Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 18/02/2007 MARLIN - BLACK 15 30.5 Hartley D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 31/12/2012 MARLIN - BLACK 24 161.5 Joshua Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club The Banks 3/01/2004 MARLIN - BLUE 24 90 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Sydney 18/04/2010 MARLIN - STRIPED 10 53.5 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 2 miles east of the peak, 12/03/2011 MARLIN - STRIPED 24 83 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 26/12/2008 MARLIN - STRIPED 60 153 Dean Ford Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 14/05/2005 MULLOWAY 2 4.2 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Nelsons Bay 4/04/2010 MULLOWAY 3 7.51 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 24/04/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.71 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay, NSW 6/03/2011 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.3 Luke Smith Newcastle Sport Fishing Club 24/04/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.95 Sarah Cooper-Griffiths Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea Heads 19/07/2009 SHARK - MAKO 15 103.7 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama Canyons 31/08/2013 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 2.3 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Trial Bay 24/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.4 Rebecca Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 12/01/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 4.5 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 22/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 33 Jesse Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 15/02/2007 TAILOR 1 1.06 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2010

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Junior Gamefishing Division TREVALLY - SILVER 1 1.06 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Tuross 24/01/2009 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 1.12 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 8/07/2010 TROUT - BROWN 1 1.39 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 21/09/2008 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.76 Jake Mackenzie Canberra Fishermans Club Jerrabomberra Pond 2/08/2009 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2 1.22 Jesse Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 10/02/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 2.32 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Jibbon 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 4 6.5 Greg Hogan Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 12/04/2004 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 15 29 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club S34.02.951 E151.47.230 11/07/2013 TUNA - SOUTHERN BLUEFIN 24 39.5 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Ulladulla Wide 2/07/2013 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.04 Jack Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Banks 18/02/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 3 1.7 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 28/03/2014 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3 James Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 3/03/2007 TUNA - STRIPED 6 4.1 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla 5/10/2013 TUNA - STRIPED 15 10.2 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Shelf Off Banks 25/04/2011 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 8 10.885 Alissa Heise Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Eden 27/12/2005 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 15 23.3 Laine Bathis Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Brown's Mountain 31/10/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 24 61.5 Ryan Nemec Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Southern Canyons 25/09/2013 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 37 29.5 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Southern Canyons 1/09/2013

Sub-Junior Gamefishing Division ALBACORE 10 10 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club S Canyons 25/06/2011 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.53 Angelique Paparoulas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.35 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bass Point Shell Harbour 7/03/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 3.5 Rhiannon Hossack Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Burley Griffen 24/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 4.5 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Ginninderra 17/04/2005 DOLPHIN FISH 2 3.9 Morgan Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 14/03/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 2 2.6 Breanna Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 28/02/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 2.73 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 23/05/2007 MULLOWAY 2 4.14 Gabriel Chilas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 25/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.68 Alexander Halim Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Narooma 6/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.1 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Swansea 28/04/2007 SHARK - MAKO 15 87 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Browns Mountain (Syd) 6/08/2011 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 6 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 46.4 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Sir Joseph Banks reef 17/04/2013 TAILOR 1 0.98 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2010 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 0.8 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 25/04/2005 TREVALLY - SILVER 2 1.21 Angelique Paparoulas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 1 0.99 Angelique Paparoulas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 28/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 2 1.06 Angelique Paparoulas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Botany Heads 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 6.08 Braedon Sinclair Newcastle Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/05/2007 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 6.44 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 28/04/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 8 5.17 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 2/05/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 2 3.08 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2011 TUNA - STRIPED 3 3.6 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Port Kembla Wide 23/01/2011

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Sub-Junior Gamefishing Division TUNA - YELLOWFIN 24 26 Douglas White Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Southern Canyons 17/07/2011

Handline Division BONITO - WATSON'S 3 1.2 Paul Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 20/03/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 7.62 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Tuggeranong 11/07/2005 CATFISH - FORKTAIL 4 3.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River 2/12/2006 DOLPHIN FISH 3 5.1 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Wide 12/03/2005 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 3 4.4 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 28/12/2005 GROPER - BLUE/RED 3 6.69 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 24/06/2012 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 2.9 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 1/04/2004 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 4 6.1 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 1/05/2005 MULLOWAY 3 5.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 3/05/2006 MULLOWAY 4 8.25 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 17/05/2006 MULLOWAY 6 12.5 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 30/04/2007 MULLOWAY 8 17.9 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River SW Rocks 2/05/2010 PERCH - GOLDEN 2 3 Grant Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Lake Windamere 2/01/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 2.12 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 23/01/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 3 5.6 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 26/03/2010 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 5.59 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 11/05/2008 TUNA - STRIPED 3 2.8 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 14/04/2012 TUNA - STRIPED 4 3.2 Sam Sanfilippo St George Sportfishing Club Stanwell Park Canyons 3/06/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 6 4.9 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 9/05/2007

Junior Handline Division MULLOWAY 3 4.21 Kayden D'Hyon St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens 22/04/2011

Landbased Gamefishing Division BASS - AUSTRALIAN 1 0.8 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 13/11/2005 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.25 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Kiama 12/12/2012 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.7 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Curracarang, R.N.P. 3/04/2004 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 2 1.72 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 2/03/2013 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 10.18 Timothy Sackett Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 22/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 9.4 John Stathakis Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River 12/02/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 12.01 Berenice Rowley Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 3/09/2013 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 9 Mark Secombe Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 11/07/2010 COBIA 8 29.5 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 31/03/2007 COBIA 10 24.8 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sportfishing Club Forster 12/04/2013 COBIA 15 23.5 Tomasz Szyszkowski Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Seal Rocks 1/03/2008 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 1 1.82 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 20/02/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 3 2.85 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Curracarang, R.N.P. 13/06/2004 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 6 5.85 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Port Stephens 21/03/2005 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 15 18.9 Tomasz Szyszkowski Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Forster 25/03/2007 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 24 22 Chris Billing St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 24/07/2005 MARLIN - BLACK 24 151 Adam Dia Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 24/01/2012 41 | P a g e

ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014 Line Mass Angler Club Location Date Landbased Gamefishing Division MULLOWAY 1 1.886 Neil Wilson St George Sportfishing Club Georges River, East Hills 4/10/2011 MULLOWAY 2 4.52 Ashley Robinson Happy Hookers Sportfishing Club Diamond Beach 19/03/2012 MULLOWAY 4 4 Phillip Macdonald St George Sportfishing Club Stockton Beach 26/12/2008 MULLOWAY 10 17.35 Michael Foukkare Australian Land Based Anglers Cronulla 22/02/2012 MULLOWAY 15 30.5 Clint Hitchcock Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thirroul 8/08/2010 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 3.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 21/01/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 3.65 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 19/05/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 3 3 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 7/08/2005 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4 3.5 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smoky Cape 24/08/2004 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 15 22 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 10/04/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 1 4.68 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 17/01/2005 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 5.1 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 27/12/2004 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 3 4.5 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 15/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 4 16 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Macleay River 15/01/2014 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 6 15.5 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Macleay River 13/02/2014 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 15 21.97 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 9/05/2012 SNAPPER 1 1.06 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 15/02/2013 SNAPPER 2 2.22 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 2/03/2013 TAILOR 1 2.99 Bob Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 1/05/2006 TREVALLY - SILVER 1 0.807 Bob Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 30/11/2004 TROUT - BROOK 1 1.13 Glen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 20/05/2012 TROUT - BROWN 1 3 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jindabyne 28/05/2010 TROUT - BROWN 2 2.6 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Lithgow 7/06/2013 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.5 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club Murrumbidgee River 23/10/2005 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.5 Graham Butt Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 4/07/2004 TROUT - RAINBOW 2 2.7 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Lithgow 7/06/2013 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 1 1.8 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 20/01/2006 TUNA - MACKEREL 1 1.35 Mark Rubie St George Sportfishing Club Beecroft Peninsula 25/04/2004 TUNA - MACKEREL 6 7.73 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 11/05/2012 TUNA - MACKEREL 10 8.16 Kurt Edwards Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 17/04/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 15 8.53 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 7/05/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 6 14.5 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club 19/03/2008 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 8 18 Luie Arellano Australian Land Based Anglers Iluka 17/03/2014 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 10 28.8 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 4/05/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN BLUEFIN 15 20.713 John Keith Australian Land Based Anglers Seal Rocks 10/05/2012

Junior Landbased Gamefishing Division BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.14 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay, NSW 6/03/2011 CARP - EUROPEAN 1 13.06 Will Meyer Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park, Sydney 22/01/2013 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 9.2 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Nepean River Camden 18/07/2009 CARP - EUROPEAN 3 7.2 Jarrod Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 25/07/2010 CARP - EUROPEAN 4 6.23 Amanda Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Centennial Park 27/06/2010 LUDERICK 1 0.89 Jeremy Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Sydney Harbour 12/05/2013 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 2.44 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Mystery Bay, NSW 6/03/2011

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ANSA NSW Line Class Records as at 30/06/2014

Line Mass Angler Club Location Date

Junior Landbased Gamefishing Division SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.04 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Tuross 26/01/2009 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2 4.35 Rebecca Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Belmore River 27/12/2004 TAILOR 1 3.5 Andrew Caves Bermagui Sportfishing Club Wallaga Lake 27/05/2006 TROUT - BROWN 1 1.35 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Jindabyne 18/09/2010 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 0.95 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Jindabyne 21/09/2008 TUNA - MACKEREL 15 6.7 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 21/05/2011

Sub-Junior Landbased Gamefishing Division CARP - EUROPEAN 1 3.54 Lee-Ann Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Queanbeyan River 23/08/2006 CARP - EUROPEAN 2 4.4 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Ginninderra 29/01/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 1 1.26 Alexander Halim Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Narooma 6/03/2006 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 2 2.22 Nellie Joseph Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Tamarama Beach 2/04/2011 TROUT - RAINBOW 1 1.155 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Jounama Pondage 16/10/2010

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ANSA NSW All-Tackle (Line Class) Records as at 30/06/2014

Mass Angler Club Location Date ALBACORE 21.95 Mick Roberts Narooma Sport & Game Fishing Club Bermagui Wide 14/05/2008 BARRACOUTA 1.00 Aaron Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Barrack Pt 19/06/2011 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 2.45 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Lake Lyell 18/05/2013 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 6.60 Frank Res Canberra Fishermans Club Montague Island 24/04/2005 BONITO - WATSON'S LEAPING 1.20 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Hat Head 18/03/2010 BREAM - BLACK 1.80 Thomas Johnston Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 2/03/2007 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 1.92 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Batemans Bay 23/04/2005 CARP - EUROPEAN 18.00 Mark York NSW Coarse Angling Club Lake Parramatta 30/08/2008 CATFISH - FORKTAIL 3.50 Mary Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Macleay River 2/12/2006 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 3.64 Andrew McGovern Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 28/10/2008 COBIA 29.50 Shane Bourke Newcastle Sport Fishing Club Forster 31/03/2007 COD - MURRAY 18.60 Lance Harvey Nowra Sport Fishing Club Lake Windamere 8/04/2011 DOLPHIN FISH 25.50 Chris Anagnostou Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Port Macquarie 25/01/2010 DRUMMER - SILVER 2.90 Jeff Tabley St George Sportfishing Club Catherine Hill Bay 12/10/2007 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 7.10 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 1/01/2008 FLOUNDER 0.50 Angelique Paparoulas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Botany Bay 31/03/2007 GROPER - BLUE/RED 13.64 Matt Manson Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc South Maroubra 20/05/2006 GURNARD 2.05 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 HAIRTAIL 3.60 Chris Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Waratah Bay 16/07/2010 KINGFISH - YELLOWTAIL 30.20 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 30/10/2010 LEATHERJACKET - SIX 1.28 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club One Tree, Bermagui 21/08/2005 LUDERICK 1.29 Tony Steiner Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Sydney Harbour 5/09/2009 MACKEREL - NARROW 23.00 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Yamba 19/04/2013 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 8.50 Leo Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Coffs Harbour 25/03/2010 MARLIN - BLACK 171.00 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi 17/03/2011 MARLIN - BLUE 254.20 Jason Simpson Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Brown's Mountain 7/04/2007 MARLIN - STRIPED 153.00 Dean Ford Bermagui Sportfishing Club Bermagui 14/05/2005 MORWONG - BLUE (Jackass) 2.48 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Boondelbah Island 14/04/2005 MORWONG - RED 1.45 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club 5/02/2005 MULLET - SEA 2.50 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 13/03/2006 MULLOWAY 30.50 Clint Hitchcock Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thirroul 8/08/2010 PERCH - ESTUARY 1.35 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 3/03/2006 PERCH - GOLDEN 6.46 Lachlan Bensley Canberra Fishermans Club Windamere Dam 11/11/2007 PERCH - REDFIN 2.27 Jason Clark Canberra Fishermans Club Inland NSW 7/05/2005 PERCH - SILVER 4.03 Faye Hanson Nowra Sport Fishing Club Windamere Dam 2/11/2013 RAY - BANKS SHOVELNOSE 1.48 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 6/02/2005 RAY - BROWN (Estuary) 37.00 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 26/04/2008 RAY - COMMON 4.33 Andre Pretorius Canberra Fishermans Club Wagonga Inlet 10/11/2007 RAY - EAGLE 34.00 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong 28/04/2007 RAY - FIDDLER 7.21 Mitchell Preston Nowra Sport Fishing Club Smile Beach 2/05/2012 ROCK BLACKFISH 4.29 Ivan Mitchell Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc North Little Bay 10/08/2005 SAILFISH 25.40 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Hat Head 11/01/2007 SALMON - ATLANTIC 4.28 Chris Lemmon Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 16/09/2012 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 4.80 Mike Spitzer St George Sportfishing Club Curracurang R.N.P. 13/12/2008 SAMSON FISH 2.15 Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Currarong 14/04/2007 SHARK - GUMMY 12.10 Adam Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 14/01/2007 SHARK - HAMMERHEAD 34.00 Brett Doyle Nowra Sport Fishing Club St Georges Head 14/04/2013 44 | P a g e

ANSA NSW All-Tackle (Line Class) Records as at 30/06/2014

Mass Angler Club Location Date SHARK - MAKO 194.00 David Busuttil Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Shelf of Botany Bay 28/03/2009 SHARK - TIGER 490.00 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Shelf 24/03/2006 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 110.00 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 27/08/2006 SNAPPER 7.10 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 26/07/2008 SPEARFISH - SHORTBILL 26.50 Arman Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club The Kink Jervis Bay 22/02/2010 SWORDFISH - BROADBILL 86.50 John Rankin Eden Sport & Game Fishing Club Merimbula - Wide 9/06/2012 TAILOR 6.90 Ian Phillips Wollongong Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 12/08/2009 TARWHINE 1.07 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club Little Bay 26/03/2010 TERAGLIN 1.80 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Not provided 16/04/2009 TREVALLY - GIANT 3.60 Wayne Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club South West Rocks 27/07/2008 TREVALLY - SILVER 3.70 Travis Anderson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shellharbour 13/11/2004 TROUT - BROOK 1.71 Karen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 19/05/2012 TROUT - BROWN 3.65 Peter Mortel St George Sportfishing Club Lake Jindabyne 29/05/2006 TROUT - RAINBOW 4.00 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Thredbo River 1/10/2005 TUNA - BIG EYE 79.00 Tony Davis Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Brown's Mountain 16/07/2007 TUNA - FRIGATE MACKEREL 2.25 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wollongong Harbour 5/03/2009 TUNA - MACKEREL 8.53 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 7/05/2011 TUNA - NORTHERN 28.80 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 4/05/2011 TUNA - SOUTHERN 117.50 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi Wide 14/06/2010 TUNA - STRIPED 10.40 Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Bellambi - Wide 20/08/2007 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 70.20 Tony Morosin Canberra Fishermans Club Bermagui 22/05/2006 WAHOO 13.50 Phil Worsley St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 28/04/2013 WHITING - SAND 1.15 Mel Marlborough Canberra Fishermans Club Lake Macquarie 4/04/2007 WRASSE - BLUE THROATED 1.20 Michael McMaster Bermagui Sportfishing Club One Tree, Bermagui 21/08/2005 WRASSE - CRIMSON BANDED 1.00 Lauren Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club NSW State Titles 22/04/2006

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ANSA NSW All-Tackle (Length-Only) Records as 30/06/2014 Length Angler Club Location Date Senior ALBACORE 810 Belinda Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Southern Canyons 01-09-13 AMBERJACK 635 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Botany Bay 07-04-13 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 555 Jim Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Nepean River 23-05-11 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 740 John Keith Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 26-01-12 BREAM - BLACK 470 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 31-07-10 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 460 Robert Sciberras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Sydney Harbour 14-06-10 CARP - EUROPEAN 940 Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club Shoalhaven River 18-12-12 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 572 Andrew McGovern Canberra Fisherman's Club Windamere Dam 28-10-08 COD - MURRAY 900 Matt Prigmore Sea Bees Boating Club Windamere Dam 21-01-11 DART - ALL OTHER 450 Scott Maclean Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Norman Creek 15-06-12 DOLPHIN FISH 1530 Stephen Camilleri Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay Shelf 09-03-13 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 1020 Deborah Logan St George Sportfishing Club Harrington Wall 22-10-11 GROPER - BLUE/RED 900 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 15-10-11 KINGFISH - 1550 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 30-10-10 YELLOWTAIL LONGTOM - STOUT 870 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George's Basin 26-12-13 LUDERICK 480 Spyros Vassiliades Australian Land Based Anglers Avoca 24-05-12 MACKEREL - SLIMEY 425 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 11-03-12 MACKEREL - SPOTTED 1050 Bob McMahon St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 06-05-09 MORWONG - BLUE 460 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 13-12-09 MORWONG - RED 450 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Malua Bay 29-03-13 Moses Perch 370 Ron Abdilla Sea Bees Boating Club Hat Head 04-01-10 MULLET - SEA 505 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Sussex Inlet 02-05-11 MULLOWAY 1210 Neil Adams Sportfishing NSW Ballina 28-04-11 PERCH - ESTUARY 465 Gordon Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club Wagonga Inlet 02-10-08 PERCH - GOLDEN 661 Wayne Dubois Sportfishing NSW Blowering Dam 24-08-13 PERCH - REDFIN 470 Wayne Dubois Sportfishing NSW Blowering Dam 08-08-10 PERCH - SILVER 567 Hayden Capobianco Ocean Beach Hotel Fishing Club Windamere Dam 03-10-11 RAINBOW RUNNER 930 Spyros Vassiliades Australian Land Based Anglers Avoca 20-03-10 RAY - COMMON 1020 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 02-05-10 SHOVELNOSE RAY - EAGLE 1550 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 28-05-11 ROCK BLACKFISH 560 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Stanwell Park 23-10-11 SALMON - ATLANTIC 580 Glen Malam Canberra Fisherman's Club Lake Jindabyne 18-09-10 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 760 Phil Turner St George Sportfishing Club Wattamolla 11-04-11 SAMSON FISH 1080 David Muscat Australian Land Based Anglers Coffs Harbour 24-10-10 SHARK - GUMMY 1120 John Keith Australian Land Based Anglers Stanwell Park 12-11-11 SHARK - 1760 Philip Worsley St George Sportfishing Club South West Rocks 07-12-10 HAMMERHEAD SHARK - MAKO 2210 Jess Vella Sea Bees Boating Club Browns Mountain 25-07-10 SHARK - WHALER (ALL) 2100 Damon Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 07-04-13 SNAPPER 850 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 16-02-14 TAILOR 930 Don Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St Georges Basin 01-07-12 TARWHINE 395 Bill Harvey St George Sportfishing Club Little Bay 27-03-10 TERAGLIN 405 Steve Golub Australian Land Based Anglers Port Kembla 10-01-13 TREVALLY - SILVER 530 Peter Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 01-01-11 TRIPLE TAIL 483 Lloyd Anderson St George Sportfishing Club 19-03-10

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ANSA NSW All-Tackle (Length-Only) Records as 30/06/2014 Length Angler Club Location Date Senior TROUT - BROOK 460 Peter Hewitt St George Sportfishing Club East Jindabyne 27-05-12 TROUT - BROWN 730 Rob Barrett Australian Land Based Anglers Eucumbene River 18-05-12 TROUT - RAINBOW 588 Wayne Dubois Sportfishing NSW Goobagandra River 02-06-12 TUNA - FRIGATE 475 Steve Golub Australian Land Based Anglers Bass Point 09-03-11 MACKEREL TUNA - MACKEREL 930 Grant Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 25-05-11 TUNA - NORTHERN 1310 Kurt Edwards Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 03-04-11 BLUEFIN TUNA - STRIPED 645 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Hacking Wide 18-04-10 TUNA - YELLOWFIN 1370 Bruce Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Southern Canyons 26-06-11 WHITING - SAND 470 Robert Sciberras Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Botany Bay 14-02-10

Junior ALBACORE 820 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Southern Canyons 01-09-13 BASS - AUSTRALIAN 510 Nathan Siarakas Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Sydney 11-09-10 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 580 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 21-05-11 BREAM - YELLOWFIN 400 Ryan Golub Australian Land Based Anglers Bass Point 26-09-10 CARP - EUROPEAN 750 Chelsea Rutstein Sth Sydney Amateur Fishing Assoc Centennial Park 10-05-14 COD - MURRAY 900 Mitchell McGovern Canberra Fisherman's Club Murrumbidgee River 02-12-12 DOLPHIN FISH 1240 Kayden Dhyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 04-01-11 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 910 Kayne Clark Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club 11-11-12 KINGFISH - 820 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Royal National Park 06-04-13 YELLOWTAIL MACKEREL - SPOTTED 900 Clayton Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Grassy Head 03-04-12 MARLIN - BLACK 1730 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Port Stephens Wide 20-01-13 MULLET - GOLDSPOT 400 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 25-01-10 MULLET - SEA 470 Joshua Colling Nowra Sport Fishing Club Macleay River 27-02-11 PERCH - GOLDEN 550 Tom Stanfield Canberra Fisherman's Club Windamere Dam 27-11-10 PERCH - SILVER 620 Jackson Taylor Campbelltown City Sportfishing Club Windamere Dam 30-10-10 RAY - FIDDLER 1070 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 06-02-10 SAILFISH 1970 Kayden Dhyon St George Sportfishing Club Hat Head 03-01-10 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 718 Mitchell Mcgovern Canberra Fisherman's Club Brou Beach 20-07-11 SHARK - GUMMY 1210 Hayden Ayres St George Sportfishing Club South Durras 08-04-10 SNAPPER 780 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 04-03-11 TAILOR 600 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club St George Basin 28-12-10 TREVALLY - SILVER 420 Jacob Thorpe Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 08-03-14 TROUT - RAINBOW 310 Hamish Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Lake Lyell 01-05-10 TUNA - MACKEREL 870 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Forster 22-05-11 TUNA - STRIPED 630 James Rayment St George Sportfishing Club Southern Canyons 16-07-12 WHITING - SAND 365 Anysia Oberg Australian Land Based Anglers Currarong 28-05-11

Sub-Junior BASS - AUSTRALIAN 445 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Minamurra River 30-10-11 BONITO - AUSTRALIAN 455 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Broken Bay 02-01-11 CATFISH - FRESHWATER 480 Finn Grant Sportfishing NSW Castlereagh 23-10-11

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ANSA NSW All-Tackle (Length-Only) Records as 30/06/2014

Length Angler Club Location Date Sub-Junior DOLPHIN FISH 1100 Douglas White Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Ulladulla Wide 05-01-11 FLATHEAD - DUSKY 940 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 29-03-09 KINGFISH - 870 Reece Cokun Botany Bay Sport Fishing Club Botany Bay 16-12-12 YELLOWTAIL PERCH - GOLDEN 550 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Windamere Dam 28-12-10 SALMON - AUSTRALIAN 673 Brock Evans Australian Land Based Anglers Kiama 13-11-11 TAILOR 510 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Botany Bay 03-04-11 TREVALLY - SILVER 400 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Swansea 18-01-12 TROUT - RAINBOW 390 Patrick Sinclair Sea Bees Boating Club Lake Lyell 03-07-11

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Masters Keeper’s

We had a record number of members receiving sixteen Masters Awards this year across nine divisions. Congratulations to the following recipients:

All Tackle Steve Bailey Canberra Fisherman’s Club

Freshwater Impoundment Chris Lemmon Canberra Fisherman’s Club

Gamefishing 10 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Phillip Turner St George Sportfishing Club

Gamefishing 20 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club

Length Based Species Greg Clarke Wollongong Sportfishing Club Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Chris Stolk Wollongong Sportfishing Club Terry Tatton Wollongong Sportfishing Club

Lure Fishing 10 Garry Cass Wollongong Sportfishing Club Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club

Lure Fishing 20 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club

Sportfishing 10 Jayne Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club Mitchell Jobson Wollongong Sportfishing Club

Sportfishing 20 Russell Emms Wollongong Sportfishing Club

Species Tagging Mark McKinnirey Wollongong Sportfishing Club

I would also like to thank a number of the recipients for their patience whilst we tracked down some very old claims that had not previously been processed and I am now happy to say all claims should now be up to date (please contact me if this is not the case). I would also like to encourage all clubs to have a look at the breadth of Masters Awards that are available as we would like to see many more awards being granted next year.


Rob Sinclair ANSA NSW Masters Keeper 49 | P a g e

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Angel Ring Coordinator’s Report

This year marks 20 years since that first ring was installed and over 12 years since I took this job on and still I get a great sense of satisfaction being part of a project that saves lives, raises rock fishing safety awareness and allows a whole bunch of likeminded anglers to give back to the community.

With close to 130 rings installed and 58 confirmed lives saved to date, it takes a lot of hard work to keep on top of things and with that in mind I would like to take the chance to thank all those who help ANSA NSW manage the project, including our members, other anglers and also the community who keep an eye on installations. A huge thanks to the National Park Rangers out there who also take the lead role in helping us manage the rings on their turf.

Below is a snapshot of the past 12 months. This is how I keep a track of things, including rescues and rings in the community. As you can see, it takes a lot of work to keep on top of things.

ANSA NSW Wattamolla, RNP Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Jul-13 ANSA NSW Coalcliff Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Jul-13 ANSA NSW Nth Curl Curl Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jul-13 ANSA NSW Nth Curl Curl Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Jul-13 ANSA NSW Botany Bay NP Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Jun-13 ALBAA Marsdens Headland Replacement Ring James Furlong Jun-13 Wollongong SFC Windang Is Replacement Ring Gordon Jobson Aug-13 Rescue 52 Mermaids Inlet 17 August Wollongong SFC Wollongong Harbour Replacement Ring Gordon Jobson Aug-13 ANSA NSW Catherine Hill Bay Replacement Ring Yanko Serifi Aug-13 ANSA NSW Catherine Hill Bay Replacement Ring Yanko Serifi Aug-13 ANSA NSW Lake Breakwall Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Sep-13 ANSA NSW Whale Beach Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Sep-13 ANSA NSW Yellow Rock Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Sep-13 ANSA NSW Breakwall Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer Sep-13 South Sydney AFA Mahon Pool Replacement Ring John Burgess Oct-13 ANSA NSW Nth Curl Curl Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross New Assembly Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Tuross Replacement Ring Max Castle Oct-13 ANSA NSW Dee Why Pool Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Feb-14 Rescue 53,54,55 Red Rock Jan 14 ANSA NSW Nth Curl Curl Replacement Ring Alex Bellissimo Feb-14 Tuross FC Tuross River Bar Replacement Ring Max Castle Mar-14 South Sydney AFA Little Greenie Replacement Ring Stan Konstantaras Apr-14 ALBAA Bas Point Quarry Replacement Ring Grant Edwards Apr-14 ANSA NSW Munmorrah SRA Replacement Ring Mal Poole May-14 ANSA NSW Munmorrah SRA Replacement Ring Mal Poole May-14 ANSA NSW Munmorrah SRA Replacement Ring Mal Poole May-14 ANSA NSW Munmorrah SRA Replacement Ring Mal Poole May-14 ANSA NSW Munmorrah SRA Replacement Ring Mal Poole May-14 ANSA NSW Munmorrah SRA Spare Ring Mal Poole May-14 ANSA NSW Catherine Hill Bay Replacement Ring Yanko Serifi May-14 Rescue 56 Charlotte Headland 19 April ANSA NSW Wollongong Harbour Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-14 ANSA NSW Windang Is Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-14 ANSA NSW Lake Illawarra Breakwall Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-14 ANSA NSW Killea Rec Area Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-14 ANSA NSW Killea Rec Area Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-14 Rescue 57 Wybung Headland 25 April ANSA NSW Bass Point Quarry Replacement Ring Mike Spitzer May-14 ANSA NSW Charlotte Headland Replacement Ring Vernon King May-14 ANSA NSW Mystery Bay Narooma Replacement Ring Shane Jasprizza Apr-14 ANSA NSW Yamba Breakwall New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14 ANSA NSW Illuka Breakwall New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14 ANSA NSW Evans Head Breakwall New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14 ANSA NSW Evans Head Breakwall New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14 ANSA NSW Broken Head New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14 ANSA NSW Kings Beach New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14 ANSA NSW Cape Byron New Assembly Yanko Serifi Jun-14

We managed to keep 7 people afloat this year until help arrived and that was made up of 2 anglers (Mermaids August 2013, Charlottes April 14) and saved 3 swimmers on 3 separate occasions at Red Rock in Jan 2014. We then saved a lady who was washed in at Wybung Head in April 2014. What is sad about the last incident is that this was the night that 2 of her male companions drowned trying to rescue her. She survived and was washed back out with the Angel Ring. Her heroic friends who jumped in to help her did not make it. We have always maintained that even though we install them for fishers they are an important form of PRE or Public Rescue Equipment.

It is both rewarding to keep the project running and saving lives. It is disheartening to see anglers and coastal rock platform users losing their lives, but we will keep spreading the word and getting our hands dirty rolling out new rings and replacing missing rings. 51 | P a g e

Stan Konstantaras and Yanko Serifi at the new North Evans Head Break Wall Angelring

New South Evans Head Break Wall Angelring

Stan Konstantaras and Bruce Tozer installing the new Yamba Break Wall Angelring

Stay Safe in 2014/2015.

Stan Konstantaras Angel ring Coordinator.

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Special Projects Officer’s Report

This year has been another great year for growth with the programme. We have been working our way through the Trust Funding, with the grant almost at an end. We are about to prepare our final report and claim the final $3000 of grant monies.

The funding has provided us with the ability to run additional sessions. This allowed us to accommodate the multitude of requests we get on a regular basis. It has enabled us to add a new group who work with ABI (acquired brain injury) for the inner west. They are a sister branch to the group we already work with in the Eastern Suburbs.

We continue to work with Centennial Park and have also brought on line a second venue, being Sydney Olympic Park in Homebush. This will allow for additional groups in the West to join in and give us an easy coverage from the Blue Mountains to the Coast.

Our team have also developed some new specialist equipment to aid the disabled attending. We have our standard belt outfit and have now introduced a modified wheelchair attachment that holds the rod and allows for one hand operation. Also, we have a multi adaptive seat holder that fits any chair or stool and again allows for one handed operation. These are all matched to custom altered or purpose made rods. We are looking to start a small production of these fittings, which we will make available to our regular attendees as needed. Also, we continue to make other specialist gear as needed for everyone’s individual needs.

2014 / 2015 will continue to be a growth year for the team as we try to increase the presence of our public face and make others more aware of ANSA NSW being the leader in Australian Disability Fishing.

Thanks to the small team of very dedicated and well intentioned members we have, who not only help at their sessions but are building long term relations with the attendees, also a very important part of the therapy.

Tony Steiner Special Projects Officer ANSA NSW.

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Environmental Officer’s Report

Whilst Craig Wilson undertakes a huge sea change by moving to Darwin, he is willing to stay on and give the ANSA NSW Committee hand, albeit remotely, so for that we are all thankful as his knowledge and experience in this field allows ANSA NSW to gain a better insight into this complex portfolio and allows Craig to engage and deal with the issues we are faced with in NSW.

The tyranny of distance is not the hindrance it once was with communication lines open 24/7 via email that allows us all to communicate and plan effective strategies. To this effect, Craig has kept his hand in and whilst he chases barra and queenies I have taken the time to convey my sentiments around the scenarios we can engage in at a club level.

One thing that seems to be lacking within ANSA NSW is getting our hands really dirty at a club level, by getting involved with things such as environmental monitoring and rehabilitation. I often see many of our freshwater associates working on fish ladders, river bank restoration and clean ups. I see a huge opportunity for us to take the lead in the salt water scene environmental and also participate in the fresh water scene. These projects attract a huge amount of recognition. By having your club participate, especially if it is part of a local plan not only makes a difference, but can boost your clubs profile and attracts positive feedback from local residents and community departments. What anglers need to do is engage and keep engaging and publicising their environmental practices. These are easy wins and there are avenues for small amounts of funding to help your club get these things off the ground. Have a think about it. ANSA NSW is always open to ideas and to guiding your club in the right direction.

One of my concerns is the call for a Marine Park in Sydney Harbour. It has so many exclusion zones and dietary advice for eating fish west of the Harbour Bridge, which it’s almost comical to constantly hear the conservationists calling for a marine park. We hear it every month. To this effect, our local anglers are getting mobilised and are mapping all the exclusion zones in the Harbour. Taking this into effect with the dietary advice, we will hopefully see this argument shut down due to the fact that we believe 50% of the Harbour is already protected by exclusion zones and another 30 % is under a cloud due to dietary advice. The argument being, that we are already severely limited in where we can fish. This is really simple stuff, but a good argument against the need for us to protect the environment further from recreational fishing.

Another example is the recent oil spill in Botany Bay, where my local club led the charge in gathering the facts and forcing the EPA to issue clean up orders against Caltex. It was a matter of being on the spot and recording and sampling the spill and forcing the big corporations into a corner with nothing more than a camera and a few test tubes. Spills and fish kills are easy wins and need to be driven by anglers and ANSA NSW Clubs. ANSA NSW is always there to help, so keep your eyes open and ears close to the ground on matters that affect the environment, access and habitat issues in your area and get involved.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the Fish Habitat Network is up and running. ANSA is playing a pivotal role in this project, so if you have any local concerns and / or rehabilitation work you want advice or support on, just contact ANSA NSW.

President ANSA NSW

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Champion Club Trophy

YEAR CLUB 1972 St George Sportfishing Club 1973 Sydney Sportfishing Club 1974 Sydney Sportfishing Club 1975 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1976 Bankstown Bluewater Fishing Club 1977 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1978 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1979 Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1980 Nowra Sportfishing Club 1981 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1982 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1983 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1984 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1985 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1986 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1987 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1988 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1989 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1990 TIE Wollongong Sportfishing Club / Newcastle Sportfishing Club 1991 Foster/Tuncurry Sportfishing Club 1992 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1993 St George Sportfishing Club 1994 Nowra Sportfishing Club 1995 Trial Bay Sportfishing Club 1996 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1997 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 1998 Nowra Sportfishing Club 1999 Port Stephens Rod and Reel Club 2000 Nowra Sportfishing Club 2001 Nowra Sportfishing Club 2002 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2003 Nowra Sportfishing Club 2004 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2005 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2006 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2007 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2008 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2009 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2010 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2011 South Sydney Amateur Fishing Association 2012 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2013 Wollongong Sportfishing Club 2014 Wollongong Sportfishing Club

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Tag and Release Trophy

YEAR ANGLER CLUB 1979 Michael James Newcastle SFC 1980 Tim Simpson Barrenjoey SFC 1981 Stephen McMillan Bankstown BFC 1982 Steven Church Coffs Harbour SFC 1983 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1984 Steven Church Coffs Harbour SFC 1985 Steven Church Coffs Harbour SFC 1986 Jim Wray Coffs Harbour SFC 1987 Jim Wray Coffs Harbour SFC 1988 David Stone Newcastle SFC 1989 Steven Church Eden SGFC 1990 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1991 Andrew Lukaszewwicz Newcastle SFC 1992 TIE Scott MacLean South Sydney AFA 1992 TIE Bob Irvine Canberra FC 1993 Mark Williams Lake Macquarie SFC 1994 Michael James Newcastle SFC 1995 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1996 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1997 Peter Sitarz Newcastle SFC 1998 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1999 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2000 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2001 John Lazzaro Bermagui SFC 2002 Arthur Smith Newcastle SFC 2003 Arthur Smith Newcastle SFC 2004 Warren Sinclair Newcastle SFC 2005 Brian Schofield Eden S&GFC 2006 John Rankin Eden S&GFC 2007 Mario Imbriano Canberra FC 2008 Cassie Schofield Eden S&GFC 2009 Luke Dodd Wollongong SFC 2010 Silvestro Severi South Sydney AFA 2011 Chris Mcfayden Newcastle SFC 2012 TIE Chris Anagnostou South Sydney AFA 2012 TIE Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC 2013 Russell Emms Wollongong SFC 2014 Russell Emms Wollongong SFC

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Most Versatile Angler Trophy

YEAR ANGLER CLUB 1981 Ian Campbell Wollongong SFC 1982 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1983 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1984 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1985 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1986 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1987 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1988 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1989 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1990 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1991 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1992 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1993 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1994 Cameron Jones Nowra SFC 1995 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1996 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1997 Phillip Worsley St George SFC 1998 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1999 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2000 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2001 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC 2002 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC 2003 Robert Barrett Nowra SFC 2004 Mark Rubie St George SFC 2005 Phil Turner St George SFC 2006 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2007 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2008 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2009 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2010 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2011 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 2012 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC 2013 Chris Stolk Wollongong SFC 2014 Terry Tatton Wollongong SFC

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Roy Winter Memorial Trophy Excellence in Rock Fishing The inception of the Roy Winter Memorial Trophy occurred during the mid 1970’s when Mr and Mrs Winter presented the Perpetual Trophy to ANSA in memory of their son Roy who passed away in his early 20’s before he could achieve his fishing goals.

The trophy is not awarded as a matter of course each year but rather only when, if in the Committee’s opinion, a significant capture has been made from the rocks during the competition year. Entries are not called for with the winners name usually obtained from examining all rock captures made from the 12 Month Competition.

YEAR ANGLER DESCRIPTION 1976 John Ashley 1977 David Mayne 1978 Ed Davis 29.5 kg Longtail Tuna on 10kg line 1979 Wayne Poole 26.0kg Yellofin Tuna on 6kg line 1980 Steven Goatcher 1981 Mark Wray 1982 Juha Sakkara 1983 Gavin Goodwin 1984 James Zsovar 2.3kg Rock Blackfish on 1kg line 1985 Not awarded 1986 Vic Caplikas 110.0kg Black Marlin on 10kg line 1987 Not awarded 1988 Not awarded 1989 Brett Harding 1990 Ian Beasley 17.3kg Mulloway on 8kg line 1991 Greg Medhurst 12.8kg Longtail Tuna on 4kg line 1992 Jim Siarakas 47.0kg Black Marlin on 8kg line 1993 Not awarded 1994 Barry Preston 6.0kg Broadbill on 8kg line 1995 Not awarded 1996 Not awarded 1997 Glen Beers 1998 Not awarded 1999 Not awarded 2000 Not awarded 2001 Barron Lippel 29.5kg Kingfish on 24kg line 2002 Dominic Casarotto 15.2kg Long Tail Tuna on 8kg line 2003 Mark Rubie 2.5kg Drummer on 1kg line 2004 Not awarded 2005 Not awarded 2006 Matt Manson 13kg Groper on 8kg line 2007 Shane Bourke 29.5kg Cobia on 8kg line 2008 Tomasz Szyszkowski 21.5kg Northern Bluefin Tuna on 10kg line and 23.5kg Northern BluefinTunaon15kg line

2009 Not awarded 2010 Not awarded 2011 Damian Thorpe 28.0kg Northern Bluefin on 10kg line 2012 Adam Dia 151.0kg Marlin – Black on 24kg line 2013 Shane Bourke 24.8kg Cobia on 10kg line 2014 Gavin Beveridge 18.10kg Northern Blue Tuna on 8kg line

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Most Meritorious Capture Trophy

YEAR ANGLER CLUB 1973 Kevin Champion Nowra SFC 1974 Paul Kelton Sydney SFC 1975 Garry Spruce Newcastle SFC 1976 Mich Micallef St George SFC 1977 F Spruce Newcastle SFC 1978 Pat Henderson Narooma SFC 1979 Ed Davis Newcastle SFC 1980 Phil Aylet Orange Ex Serv FC 1981 Mark Nolan Canberra FC 1982 Greg Clarke Wollongong SFC 1983 Ben McKinnirey Wollongong SFC 1984 David Shearing Orange Ex Serv FC 1985 Trevor Franklin Culburra FC 1986 Vic Caplikas Western District SFC 1987 David Rawlings St George SFC 1988 Samantha Anderson St George SFC 1989 Lloyd Anderson St George SFC 1990 Michael Wright Forster/Tuncurry SFC 1991 Guy Strange (Jnr) Byron Bay SGFC 1992 Barry Preston Nowra SFC 1993 Cameron Jones St George SFC 1994 TIE Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 1994 TIE Glen Ward Barrenjoey SFC 1995 Phillip Dumpleton (Jnr) Nowra SFC 1996 Nicholas Pearce (Jnr) Culburra SFC 1997 Joshua Sweeny (Jnr) Lake Macquarie SFC 1998 Peter Webster Nowra SFC 1999 Scott Mitchell Wollongong SFC 2000 Paul Yatras Western Districts SFC 2001 Jay Maunder Forster/Tuncurry SFC 2002 Wayne Colling Trial Bay SFC 2003 Nancy Fitzpatrick Nowra SFC 2004 Nathan Siarakas (Jnr) South Sydney AFA 2005 David Busuttil Botany Bay SFC 2006 Arman Cokun Botany Bay SFC 2007 Jason Simpson South Sydney AFA 2008 Mick Roberts Narooma S&GFC 2009 Russell Emms Wollongong SFC 2010 Mary Worsley St George SFC 2011 David Busuttil Botany Bay SFC 2012 TIE Laine Bathis South Sydney AFA 2012 TIE Aaron Anderson Wollongong SFC 2013 Barry Preston Nowra SFC 2014 Ryan Nemec South Sydney AFA

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