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Stall Assignments Are Subject to Change Do Not STALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO STALL UPON ARRIVAL CHECK ON‐SITE POSTED STALL CHART FOR CURRENT ASSIGNMENTS Updated September 11th, 2:30 PM Great American/USDF Region 2 DressageStall Championships Chart Rider Name Horse Stall Number Aitken, Mary Copperfield 113 Aitken, Mary Copperfield Tack 114 Aiuto, Ami Nuts In Vegas 736 Alexander, Maryanke Wilhelmina 426 Allen, Michelle Tyngwndwn Loves 203 Amthor-Shaffer, Teal Regatta 727 Anderegg, Jennifer Satino 218 Axelsson, Ylva Bribon III 615 Axelsson, Ylva Nord la Devesa 614 Baese, Ian Gersinaa 724 Baker, Michelle Collingwood Tack 845 Baker, Michelle Collingwood 846 Barrett, Haley Zalsa 227 Barrett, Haley Zalsa Tack 228 Bartholomew, Karen Denaly 701 Basak, Alyssa Lord Perry 529 Bell, Halley Woodford 809 Bell, Halley Woodford Tack 810 Berger, Alicia AireTack 801 Berger, Alicia Aire 802 Berger, Allison JP Zanzibar 803 Berkhofer, Ella Morafic 712 Berryman, Jill Celestina HP 406 Blaszak, Kimberly Gintaras Tack 775 Blaszak, Kimberly Gintaras 776 Boatman, Valarie MSU Supersticious 616 Boatman, Valarie MSU Supersticious Tack 617 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Boensch, Erin Lords Country Leg 718 Borror, Melissa Fiderhelm 601 Brady, Mary Ziezo T430 Brazus, Stephanie Destination 882 Brazus, Stephanie Sea Anthem 881 Brazus, Stephanie Sea Anthem Tack 890 Briney, Paula Sir Earl Grey 1104 Briney, Paula Willemina Tack 1105 Briney, Paula Willemina 1106 Brink, Hannah Donetello 204 Brink, Hannah Perseo BRH 205 Brinkman-Berkhofer, Saman Armani 711 Brollier, Emily Before Taxes 840 Brollier, Emily SkyHit 839 Brose, Jeanne Il Divo Tack 607 Brose, Jeanne Il Divo 608 Bruce, Andrea Althea 307 Bruce, Andrea Althea Tack 308 Brueneman, Sydney Carolina Brew 1033 Buck DeJonge, Debby Paxem 213 Buck DeJonge, Debby Paxem 214 Burke, Jenifer Kali 116 Burket, Laura Sir Diamond H 837 Burket, Laura Sir Diamond H Tack 838 Burson, Brittany Don Diplomat 822 Burson, Brittany Florinus 827 Burson, Brittany Jazz Dance Tack 821 Burson, Brittany Jazz Dance 826 Buys du Plessis, Bronwyn Lochlan 917 Bye, Vicki Ritzy 524 Bye, Vicki Ritzy Tack 525 Bytwerk, Barbara Wanderfee 829 Calka, Susan Delta Blue 507 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Cattell, Jody Delacour SGF 905 Chappars, Madeline Kokovoko Sirocco 219 Chiocca, Donna Reflection WS 816 Chiocca, Donna Van Buren WS 815 Cho, Jasmine Fantazja Lotnik Tack 8101 Cho, Jasmine Fantazja Lotnik 8102 Christensen, Kaylee Chateau 28 521 Christensen, Kaylee Chateau 28 Tack 522 Chu, Belinda Felix Felicis 828 Clayton, Hilary Donzi MC 410 Clifford, Shannon Norma Jean 115 Clugston, Alexis FHF Fein Tuned Tack 855 Clugston, Alexis FHF Fein Tuned 856 Cobb, Loreen Instant Karma 709 Conrad, Michelle Cadiz Tack 305 Conrad, Michelle Cadiz 306 Cook, Betty Lynn Legado ESF 215 Cooper, Carol Elton J 517 Cooper, Carol Elton J Tack 518 Cooper, Carol Regina Elizabeth 516 Copeland, Megan Adagio Tack 707 Copeland, Megan Adagio 708 Corsentino, Laura Gravitas 924 Corsentino, Laura Matarita+++/ 922 Crowl, Laura Hana Tack 761 Crowl, Laura Hana 762 Daniel, Deborah Autumn Inspire 1019 Daniels, Suzanne Diamond Gold 404 Darby, Madelin A Gorgeous White 226 Degrazia, Jeanne Femke Zarma TF Tack 869 Degrazia, Jeanne Femke Zarma TF 870 Deisig, Janelle Romano Imperator 715 Delaat, Lisa Cobra 535 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Delaat, Lisa Cobra Tack 536 Dennis LaBudde, Deanna Day Bi Day 224 Dennis LaBudde, Deanna Day Bi Day Tack 225 Deputat, Linda Wendal 420 Deputat, Linda Wendal Tack 421 Dever, Ann Royal DavinciTack 618 Dever, Ann Royal Davinci 619 Diener, Kelli Daughtry FS 402 Diener, Kelli Sergent FS Tack 401 Diener, Kelli Sergent FS 403 DiSabato-Aust, Tracy Wiz BangLMP Tack 902 DiSabato-Aust, Tracy Wiz BangLMP 903 Dodd, Alison Echo Tack 111 Dodd, Alison Echo 112 Doering, Halle Galanta 726 Dornack, Lea Night At Last 778 Dossmann, Daniela Mick Jagger 108 Downs, Kristine Zafir 508 Dresing, Meredith Lysetta 320 Duiven, Jennifer Fernando 436 Durham, Stacy Spiderman MG Tack 807 Durham, Stacy Spiderman MG 808 Eppley, Andrea SDF Pegaso Tack 867 Eppley, Andrea SDF Pegaso 877 Eppley, Andrea SDF Pegaso 878 Esterline, Joan Fredrikson FDL 428 Etzel, Clara Eros RIA 514 Etzel, Clara Zebulon 515 Evans, Brandon WestPointe 610 Evans, Therese Constantine 740 Evans, Therese Diego M 741 Evans, Therese Diego M Tack 743 Evans, Therese Sommersby 25 742 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Faylor, Sydney Emmy Lou 440 Ferguson, Heather Destino 434 Ferguson, Heather G-Star Tack 432 Ferguson, Heather G-Star 433 Ferrara, Vicki Saint Brogan 1118 Firenz, Chelyn Tuxedo N Tail 770 Firenz, Chelyn Tuxedo N Tail Tack 771 Foltz, Kristi Shagall 321 Foote, Iris Frederick 605 Foote, Iris Frederick Tack 606 Forton, Colleen Zhou Shuxi 120 Fortune, Seana Perado's Fortune Tack 1119 Fortune, Seana Perado's Fortune 1120 Foster, Katie Golden Charmant 415 Foster, Katie Katusha Van 'T Wij Tack 412 Foster, Katie Katusha Van 'T Wij 413 Foster, Katie Pt Larkin 414 Frieling, Tena Giovanni Tack 831 Frieling, Tena Giovanni 832 Fruchterman, Ella Recess 754 Frutig, Maddie Augustus 430 Gariboldi, Joan Bravo 763 Gariboldi, Joan Cantata 764 Gill, Emily Coulee Bend Kahlu 1121 Gioia, Nancy JP Zafer 739 Golubitsky, Elena Duke Of Wellingto Tack 805 Golubitsky, Elena Duke Of Wellingto 806 Goodman, Dey HS Wroosevelt 621 Gormley, Kelly Feodora 534 Goss, Hallie Chapel Hill 710 Grabarczyk, Carley Analeeza D 1113 Grant, Kelly Easton 721 Granzier, Mellissa Lowenherz 322 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Greaves, Shannon LSR Melle 1030 Green, Emma Viva las Vegas 901 Greeter, Jennifer Hampton Classic Tack 872 Greeter, Jennifer Hampton Classic 874 Greeter, Jennifer Rowan Oake LL 871 Gregory, Alaina Smokes Bailey Mcc 513 Groe, Addison Dalivoust 737 Groe, Addison Dalivoust Tack 738 Grossi, Angelina Labano Tack 1011 Grossi, Angelina Labano 1014 Gunther, Payton Mayhey 817 Hagman, Julie Rockstar 1108 Hailey, Linda Enterprise Opie 405 Hannon, Emma Romulus WF Tack 811 Hannon, Emma Romulus WF 812 Hanssen, Angelique Weltauna 318 Hanssen, Angelique Weltauna Tack 319 Harmelink, Bradey Pretty Flashy Dude 407 Hart, Jessica Oliver 323 Hart, Mary Jane Gwaihir 8100 Harvey, Kris Where's Wyndham 906 Healey, Lori Quatrero Tack 1010 Healey, Lori Quatrero 1015 Heine, Carly Zolando 1034 Heitman, Michelle Malakya 1107 Henne, Alexandra Classy Miss M 411 Henson, Stephen Ghaliya Tack 879 Henson, Stephen GhaliyaTack 880 Henson, Stephen Ghaliya 889 Hill-Jordan, Rachel El Mistico 1001 Hill-Jordan, Rachel El Mistico Tack 1002 Hill-Jordan, Rachel Vanidad Inspirado 1003 Himes, Laura Cruisewood Tack 851 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Himes, Laura Cruisewood 852 Himes, Laura FHF Rockstar 854 Himes, Laura Jazmine Zarma TF 853 Hoekstra, Ella Drommels 833 Hojnacki, Lilliana Zariena Tack 532 Hojnacki, Lilliana Zariena 533 Hughes, Coralie Nugget 760 Hunter, Brittany Chanting Jezebelle 408 Ilada, Maya Here-Be Seren Gw 209 Jackson, Angela Figaro H 753 Jackson, Angela Gaston TF 751 Jackson, Angela Gaston TF Tack 752 Jackson, Angela Royal Heiress 750 Jacob, Catherine Rowan 1109 Johnson, Maria Balmullo's Catfish 324 Johnston, Kimberly Drakensteijn 1026 Jonkman, Ann Mr. Jones 894 Jonkman, Hayley FHF Renee' 899 Jonkman, Hayley Love Bug 898 Kaiser, Jennifer Up-Hi Santana 819 Kang, Betsy El Pantero WF Tack 705 Kang, Betsy El Pantero WF 706 Kaufman, Manette Lougford Tack 509 Kaufman, Manette Lougford 510 Kelly, Judy Benise 301 Kelly, Judy Quintess 303 Kendall, Lyn Aragon 820 Kenyon, Meredith Julinda M 843 Kenyon, Meredith Julinda M Tack 844 Ketko, Annahbel D-Top Hat Boutou 729 Ketko, Annahbel D-Top Hat Boutou Tack 730 Ketko, Brecken Nick of Time 728 Ketterer, Elizabeth Taavi 119 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Kimbell, Linda Istanbul Tack 758 Kimbell, Linda Istanbul 759 Klus, Lynn Rumor Has It 888 Klus, Lynn Rumor Has It 893 Knight, Olivia Crash 431 Knoechel, Katie Rendezvous 907 Knox, Pam Samorano 1004 Koffler-Stanfield, Reese Follow Me 733 Koffler-Stanfield, Reese Follow Me Tack 734 Koffler-Stanfield, Reese Marques WEC 735 Kohl, Heidi DG Edorijke 1117 Kondoff, Deborah Ivette 774 Konrad-Dunn, Julie Fiona 429 Koroleski, Katherine Bucephalas 835 Kotila, Carolyn Summertime Tack 302 Kotila, Carolyn Summertime 304 Kroll, Ellisa Meinte 490 Tack 1041 Kroll, Ellisa Meinte 490 1042 Kroll, Ellisa Tjaarda 483 1031 Kroll, Ellisa Tjaarda 483 Tack 1032 Krug, Penny Bentley 620 Kunitzer, Ella Oddens Norske Wo 222 Kuyper, Barbara Arithmetic TF Tack 437 Kuyper, Barbara Arithmetic TF 438 Ladwig, Adalee Argenta MSF 896 Lamb, Kris Keyanna Beyberry 834 Landis, Andrea Brioso HGF Tack 201 Landis, Andrea Brioso HGF 202 Lane, Mindy Fjurie Tack 310 Lane, Mindy Fjurie 312 Laster, Tay Flambeau 1122 Lawrence, Kelsey Jimmy Choo W 309 Levasseur, Kelly Luminus Tack 772 Great American/USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships Rider Name Horse Stall Number Levasseur, Kelly Luminus 773 Lewis, Kelly CA Regal Fire 1017 Lewis, Kelly Meshakir Z 1018 Lowell, Sarah Aamira 1024 Lowell, Sarah Frosty's First Drea 1023 Lund, Alexandra Mc Scuttlebutt 104 Lund, Alexandra Tribute 105 Lutomski, Faith Cava Champana Tack 602 Lutomski, Faith Cava Champana 603 Majkrzak, Leah Freedom Hit 441 Majkrzak, Leah Freedom Hit Tack 442 Manfredi, Jane Anastasia 409 Markel, Alexandra EM Chalk One Up 439 Marshall-Deck, Lauren Siemen R.S.
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