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tioned above I Remember and Demand Volume #77 Number 110 / English 14 Issue (21,351) MAY 25 - MAY 31, 2015 Armenian Centenary of the NEWS FROM ARMENIA Camp Armen being Returned Microsoft is Coming to Armenia to Armenian Foundation The Government of the Republic of Armenia has approved the proposal to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation, Licensing Agreements and an agreement on the Support Program of the Government with the Microsoft Company. The cadastre document for the building of Camp Armen Armenian orphanage of Istanbul’s Tuzla District will As “Hayern be returned to the Armenian foundation this week, as the Turkish Evrensel newspaper reports, according to aysor” reports, the decision comes after the memoran- dum of mutual understanding that was signed between the RA Ministry of Econo- my and Microsoft Company within the framework of the 7th annual ArmTech 2014 High Technologies of Armenia global forum held in New York on September 26, 2014. Based on that, a task force was established by the decision of the RA Prime Minister of 22 December 2014 and discussed the programs and directions for future cooperation with Microsoft. The package of documents submitted by the task force includes the following components: the establishment of a regional center for “cloud” and mobile solu- tions based on the Microsoft Innovation Center, cooperation in the education sec- “Armenpress”. According to the newspaper, this is what Harut Ozer said in an interview with Agos Weekly. tor, joint programs for the protection of intellectual property and the implementa- Istanbul Armenian Karapet Orunuz told Evrensel newspaper that the owner of the building has promised to tion of other initiatives. make an announcement about his refusal to own the building and start formulating the cadastre document under It is expected that the adoption of a decision on giving consent to the docu- the name of the Armenian foundation. Orunuz added that Camp Armen would remain open all summer long. ments to be signed with Microsoft will create preconditions for effective coopera- tion with the company in the future. During the discussion on the issue, the gov- It is worth to mention here during the partial demolition of the Camp in early May, a group of Armenians from ernment specified the amount of funds that would need to be allocated to obtain , including some of the former students of the Youth Home of Istanbul, who grew up in Camp Armen, licensed computer software programs for the Government of the Republic of rushed to the site and are keeping guard day and night, thus halting further demolition of the Camp. Among those Armenia for the next three years. who went to the Camp was Rakel Dink, the widow of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink. Armenia in 50th Place According to Global Education Rankings NEWS FROM THE WORLD Within the framework of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Board of Trustees’ Armenia President and NKR President Pago annual meeting in Yerevan, a delegation led by Executive Director Ara Vartanian and comprising trustees, representatives of affiliates worldwide, benefactors, and German Chancellor Sahagian Laid Wreath at associates began a string of project-site visits and opening ceremonies of newly completed projects in Artsakh and Armenia. The events, which were kicked off in Discuss Cooperation Monument to Gomidas Artsakh on May 20, will continue through May 25. The delegation traveled to Artsakh via the Vardenis-Martakert Highway. A Perspectives On May 19, President of the Nagorno-Karabakh large-scale construction project, the highway will be fully paved this year, as Republic Pago Sahagian visited Yerevan Park in Paris planned for the second phase of implementation. Armenia’s President Serj Sarksian and Chancellor of and laid a wreath at the monument to Gomidas. On May 21, the delegation held opening ceremonies for the newly built com- Germany Angela Merkel discussed questions on Armen- munity centers of Patara and Khantsk, villages in the Askeran Region. The con- ian-German interstate relations during the meeting in struction of Patara’s community center was made possible by the financial support Riga today. The intelocutors were pleased to note that of the fund’s French affiliate, with additional support from the government of Art- the agenda of the Armenian-German cooperation has sakh. The two-story community center houses the mayor’s office, a medical clinic, a library, and a computer room, with an adjacent events hall. Cur- rently the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund is building addi- tional community centers and schools in Artsakh with the sponsorship of the French-Armenian community. The construction of the Khantsk community center was co-sponsored by the fund’s Montreal affili- ate and the government of Artsakh. Also a two-story, multifunctional structure, the recently expanded and become richer, being reinforced Khantsk community center houses the mayor’s office, a health clinic, a library, a by nearly sixty cooperation agreements, Armenian Presi- computer room, and a game room, as well as an adjacent events hall with a seat- dent’s press service reports. ing capacity of 150. During the meeting Serj Sarksian expressed gratitude The community centers of Patara and Khantsk, like scores of other similar to the German government for the continuous support structures built by the fund across Armenia and Artsakh, are breathing new life provided to Armenia. into towns and villages, by addressing many core community needs. Sarksian and Merkel touched on Armenia-EU rela- According to the Central Information Department of Following the Khantsk event, the delegation visited the village of Ivanyan, in tions and their development perspectives. Serj Sarksian the Office of the NKR President, afterwards, the head of the Askeran Region, where the fund is building a kindergarten with the co-spon- noted the importance of Germany, which has a weighty state visited the Prelacy of the French Diocese of the sorship of the Toronto affiliate and the government of Artsakh. The approximately position in the EU, in the deepening of those relations. Armenian Apostolic Church and met with Primate of the 420-square-meter kindergarten is designed to accommodate up to 70 children. Reference was also made to the Armenian Genocide Diocese, Bishop Vahan Hovhannisian and members of With sponsorship of Toronto-Armenians also a community center is being con- Centennial, and the commemoration events that took the diocesan council. During the meeting, the sides dis- structed next to the kindergarten. place on that occasion in Armenia and different countries cussed a number of issues related to Artsakh-Diaspora On the evening of May 21, the delegation will attend a concert at Stepanaker’s of the world, including Germany. President Sarksian relations and the domestic and foreign policies of the Sayat Nova music college. The concert is organized by the college in honor of the expressed gratitude to the German authorities for their Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. guests. stance on the Armenian Genocide condemnation. President Sahagian attached importance to the role of The Sayat Nova music college, which recently underwent a complete renova- The interlocutors also exchanged ideas on the prob- the Armenian Church in the preservation of the Armenian tion with the support of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, hosts different educa- lems and challenges of the South Caucasus region, identity in the Armenian Diaspora and the strengthening tional and cultural events. Last year it hosted a visit by world-renowned soprano including the negotiation process aimed at the peaceful Montserrat Caballe who also gave a concert in Stepanakert. settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. of strong bonds with the homeland. 2/E MAY 25 - MAY 31, 2015 Turkey must Reconcile Post gazette Dedicates Entire Article with its Own Past: to Successful Armenian Cellist The American Post gazette.com periodical has pub- States to attend the University of Cincinnati and to study Aram I to New York lished a vast article devoted to the Armenian cellist Katya with Mr. Hanani, who became her mentor and friend. Janpoladyan, who left to the United States from Armenia. After completing her master’s degree, Ms. Janpola- The article dedicated to the successful Armenian cellist dyan moved to Pittsburgh in 2008. “I moved here to work Times particularly, runs as follows: with my string quartet,” she said referring to the Freya “When Katya Janpoladyan says she never takes any- His Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia reflected on the law- thing for granted, it is easy to believe why. At 37, the suit in Turkey filed by the Armenian Church to recover its ancient headquarters, cello player from Yerevan, Armenia, knows what it is like seized a century ago during the Armenian genocide in an interview to The New to experience the deprivations of life in a blockaded York Times. This is the “first legal step” of a goal to reclaim all Armenian proper- country. ty seized by the Turks, a worldwide leader of the church said Monday. There is only a hint of melancholy in Ms. Janpola- As reports dyan’s voice as she recalls her youth during the blockade. “Armen- She was 10 or 11 when she began to understand that her press”, the biggest passion in life was music, though she had not yet Catholicos of mastered an instrument. the Holy See Unlike most children facing many years of practice of Cilicia also and selfimposed discipline, Ms. Janpoladyan had to beg said that if the her parents — both of whom are journalists — to let her Turkish legal take music lessons. Her Armenian father and Russian authorities mother wanted to make sure her request wasn’t a momen- String Quartet, which formed in 2009.” rejected the tary bout of enthusiasm, so they didn’t acquiesce immedi- “The quartet recently announced it would soon dis- lawsuit, it ately. band so its members could pursue new opportunities. It would “deep- By the time she was 11, Ms. Janpoladyan suspected specialized in the work of new composers. Ms. Janpola- en the divide” she was “too old” for piano lessons, so she started to nar- dyan enjoyed the challenge and the opportunity. between row her choice of instruments. It was only when she “We do a ton of music by new composers. Some of it Turkey and heard a student playing a Haydn concerto under the is really great,” she said. the 10¬mil- supervision of her future music teacher that she found her Ms. Janpoladyan is about to begin a new musical proj- lionmember life long companion. ect, but doesn’t want to talk about it yet because it is in Armenian ‘This is how it started,’ Ms. Janpoladyan said, recall- the early stages. It will be in Pittsburgh, a region that con- diaspora. ing the moment decades later.” tinues to inspire her creativity. Aram I Among other things, the article highlights: “From that Still, Ms. Janpoladyan’s initial encounter with the spoke in an interview at The New York Times while on a visit to diaspora commu- point, mastering the cello became her priority. She put in region wasn’t love at first sight. “It takes time to fall in nities in the Northeast after having participated in genocide centennial events in years of disciplined practice under difficult circumstances love with Pittsburgh, but I did,” she said. “I love the Washington. and sacrificed many of the few comforts that were avail- bridges, the cultural life … a lot is going on here.” He is a leading advocate of the effort to increase global recognition of the able to her to pursue her dream. In what could be a first, Ms. Janpoladyan said she 1915¬23 killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks as a genocide, a “I missed my prom to get ready for an audition,” she “even likes the rain” in Pittsburgh. Now a resident of description embraced by Pope Francis, the European Parliament and legislatures said, “but I never regretted it.” McCandless, she teaches cello privately to 30 students. of more than 20 nations but angrily rejected by Turkey’s government. She remembers the multiple layers of clothing she had “I like molding and bringing students to perfection,” Legislatures of many American states also have called the killings a genocide. to wear in her unheated conservatory. But the chilly con- she said. “I try to create a community with my students so The White House has yet to do so, but Aram I said, “I am sure President Obama, ditions under which she had to rehearse didn’t prevent her that they know each other and don’t feel isolated.” in his heart, knows that this was genocide.” from winning awards or progressing steadily in her mas- Ms. Janpoladyan has a 2 year old daughter named On April 27, lawyers for the church filed a suit with the Constitutional Court of tery of the cello. Maria. Not too long ago, she took Maria to Armenia to Turkey asserting that the headquarters of the Catholicosate in Sis, part of the During the blockade, her father was a communications introduce her to her family. It was a joyful reunion and Kozan district in southern Turkey’s Adana Province, was wrongly seized and officer, so he wasn’t home a lot. “It was difficult,” Ms. she enjoyed seeing her family bond with her daughter. should be returned. Janpoladyan said. “There was no heat in the house. Looking back on her life in Armenia and contrasting it The headquarters, which dates to 1293 and included a cathedral and monastery, Because my father was at work, there was no provider. with her life in Pittsburgh, Ms. Janpoladyan is philosophi- was once the epicenter of Armenian Christian life. It was among the tens of thou- My mom, brother and grandma couldn’t cut the trees [for cal. sands of Armenian properties commandeered and plundered during the last days fire wood], so we collected branches.” “I’m glad I went through that,” she said referring to of the Ottoman Empire and the scattering of Armenian survivors. The headquar- Meanwhile, Ms. Janpoladyan began thinking about the blockade. “It taught me not to take things for grant- ters was re-established in 1930, in Antelias, Lebanon. leaving Armenia to pursue her art and to live a life that ed.” Aram I, who at 68 is the first Lebanese¬born leader of the Catholicosate of was a little less defined by blockades and ancient con- She ticked down the things she has, including her Cilicia, said he had decided to proceed with a lawsuit after having consulted with flicts. daughter, her health, food, warm clothing, a car, an 30 legal experts, including some from Turkey. While the church’s efforts to A plan to study in St. Petersburg, Russia, fell through, income that she refuses to treat as entitlements,” the arti- achieve an international acknowledgment of the genocide were important, “after but an opportunity to study with cellist Yehuda Hanani in cle concludes. 100 years, I thought it was high time that we put the emphasis on reparation,” he Cincinnati opened up new possibilities. “I’m a lucky person in general,” she said. “Fortune said. In late 2001, Ms. Janpoladyan moved to the United smiles on me.” “This is the headquarters of the church,” he said. “This is the first legal step. That will be followed by our claim to return all the churches, the monasteries, the church¬related properties and, finally, the individual properties. We should move step by step.” Speech Delivered by Lara Setrakian There has been, as yet, no response by the Constitutional Court to the suit, and the Armenian Church leader speculated that its judges may be ignoring it. But the mayor of Kozan, Musa Ozturk, signaled within days of the suit that the church During an Official Gathering in would have a fight on its hands. “Not even an iota of land is to be handed over to anyone,” Mr. Ozturk said in Washington on the Occasion of remarks quoted by Turkish news media. The mayor said the church had no proof of ownership. Aram I acknowledged that the church did not have deeds, but said he consid- the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide ered that level of proof to be absurd considering the obvious nature of the proper- ties. “The ownership is clear,” he said. “They are Armenian. Nobody can question Your Holiness Karekin the Second, Supreme Patriarch founder of the new Ayb High School in Yerevan. He’s the ownership or identity or history of those properties.” and Catholicos of all Armenians, transforming education with a culture of excellence, The church’s lead international lawyer in the suit, Payam Akhavan, a McGill Your Holiness Aram the first, Catholicos of the Great deeply rooted in our humane values. The students' aver- University professor and legal expert on genocide issues, said in a recent tele- House of Cilicia, age scores on the SAT II subject exam: just above 760, phone interview that he planned to take the case to the European Court of Human Your Excellency Hranoush Hagopian, out of a total of 800. Rights if the Turkish court rejects it. Under the European convention on human Honorable Guests, Dear Friends and Fellow Armeni- At Ayb, their future is full of infinite possibility. rights, all domestic remedies must be exhausted before such a case could be ans, A short drive away in the green hills of Dilijan, kids heard. from all over the world are going to high school in the Mr. Akhavan said the lawsuit had been carefully framed to avoid antagonizing It is wonderful to be together. United World Colleges' Armenia campus. And on that the Turkish authorities over the genocide issue. “We have a property claim,” he I am honored to be here tonight, speaking to you about gleaming campus much of the town of Dilijan is going to said. “We’re not asking for recognition of the Armenian genocide. We have a very the future. work -- at the new jobs they found when the school pragmatic claim.” The future is the gift our ancestors gave us by making opened. Aram I said he had never been able to visit the ancient headquarters and feared it out alive. Their survival, their faith in an almighty They are the changemakers shaping our shared future. that the local authorities had made efforts to erase its Armenian identity. He also power made the future possible. Now, with love and grati- Each of them alone, and all of them together, are funda- expressed impatience with a view that the church’s confrontational stance, as seen tude to those who came before us, we hold the power to mentally rewiring Armenia – rewriting the code of how in the lawsuit, is inconsistent with the principle of forgiveness, a basic Christian shape the future, together. things have always been done. Keeping what’s made us value. We now know, from our own direct experience, that great and adapting what needs to be changed to better “Forgiveness comes when there is confession, repentance, acceptance of sin,” this world contains a light that overcomes the deepest serve the future. he said. “Reconciliation is part of our human faith and values, but first of all, darkness. We came under attack by the strongest evils in It's a massive task. I asked Father Mesrop: How does Turkey must reconcile with its own past.” the human heart: hatred, greed, the impulse for exploita- he do it? How do we do it? Previously it was reported that on Tuesday 28 April 2015, the attorney of the tion and extinction of life. Our survival proves that there "Faith," he said. "Faith is what allows the future to Catholicosate of Cilicia in Turkey submitted a brief to the Constitutional Court in is something greater than all of those evils, that we are unfold.” Turkey, requesting the return of its Centre in Sis (Kozan). part of something that is stronger than them all. For a century, we lived with a constant layer of sad- Convinced that recognition of the Genocide and compensation should go Our survival means that everything is possible. ness – a burden of knowing that our people, our culture, together, His Holiness Aram I, on the year of the 100th anniversary commemora- So what will we make of it? were terminally – and almost fatally wounded. 1.5 million tion of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, has filed a lawsuit at the Turkish Consti- We have honored our lost ones, we sainted those who people. Did anyone remember? Did anyone care? tutional Court for the return of the Spiritual Centre of the Catholicosate in Sis. In suffered and perished. They are now our patron saints, We never have to ask those questions again. We have initiating this effort, His Holiness is setting a precedent for the descendants of the watching over us now, looking to us as the ones who our answer. We are cared for. We are loved. martyrs to reclaim their family belongings. carry their lives forward. On the hundredth anniversary of the Armenian Geno- Since 2012, His Holiness Aram I has presided over a committee of Turkish and We can use this moment to write the greatest chapter cide we were all one big Armenian family – embraced by international human rights lawyers, preparing the current litigation. The commit- of our history. Our future is one of infinite possibility. a greater human family. The world stood in sympathy tee will explain the lawsuit through two press conferences. The first will be held In Yerevan, after the cold and rainy day of April 24, we with our history of painful distress and miraculous sur- on Wednesday 29 April in Washington DC and the second soon after in Geneva. went to sleep and woke up to a sunny, bright, beautiful vival. The Catholicosate of Cilicia settled in Sis, the former capital of the Cilician sky. I stood in the sunshine, watching Mount Ararat, and I They showed us that truth does prevail, even if it takes Kindgom, in1295, after moving from several places due to the political uncertain- realized we were having the best first day of the next hun- a hundred years. ties in the region. In 1921, following the 1915 Genocide, the Ottoman authorities dred years. That layer of sadness within us can now begin to dis- ordered Catholicos Sahak II Khabayan and the clergy to vacate the location within That day, April 25th, I was at the Tumo Center for Cre- solve. two days. The Catholicos and the clergy left the monastery in Sis, taking with ative Technologies, surrounded by the bright, smiling We have a motto for this season: we remember and them very few objects, such as the basin pot for the preparation of the holy muron, faces of Armenia’s tech startup scene. They were eager, demand. But demand what? Our land? Our homes? Our some manuscripts and liturgical items. After moving between Jerusalem, Aleppo, talented, and ready to create something new. overdue apology? Damascus and Cyprus, in 1930 the Catholicosate settled in Antelias. Their future is full of infinite possibility. Earlier that week I met Father Mesrop Aramian, the See Speech Delivered by Lara Setrakian page 3 MAY 25 - MAY 31, 2015 3/E

CENTENARY OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE Speech Delivered by Conference on Argentina’s Historic House of Lara Setrakian From page 2 Armenian Independence Marks Genocide We each have our own response to what is a deeply personal question. That’s just a fact of our community – with 10 Armenians, we’ll have 15 answers. Genocide to be Centennial But since I have the privilege of sharing this speech with you tonight, I’ll give you my answer. Casa de Tucuman (House of Tucuman), a historical Argentinean building and We remember, and we demand the best of ourselves, a higher Held in Paris museum was illuminated with the colors of the Armenian flag for the Armenian version of what we’ve always been. Genocide Partzratzeer, Partzratzoor. We rise up and we lift others up with Centennial us. We cherish life and protect it, however we can. We demand of Claude Goasguen, French MP and Mayor of on Friday, ourselves...our better selves. the 16th arrondissement (district) of Paris, May 15. We keep what’s made us great and adapt what we choose to urged to gather for a demonstration in support Reports change for the future. of the Eastern Christians on May 20 in front of Agencia We demand a rethink of how we work as a community, as one the Municipality of the district, according to Prensa Armenian family – celebrating our diverse opinions, never again News.am the newspaper Nouvelles d’Arménie Armenia letting them tear us apart. The next generation doesn't care about reports. Casa de political divisions. We don't want to see Barskahye-Bolsahye- Tucuman Beirutsihye. We just want to see each other, and want to be together. is a nation- We lost 1.5 million people - but look around you. Menk Mezi al historic Enk. This is what we got to keep. We got to keep each other. In the monument future, we soften our hearts toward each other and celebrate that in Argenti- we’re all here. na, In the future we repay the people who helped us, like the Syrian because it people. They took is in a hundred years ago and are suffering so was the much today. What will we do for them in the future? place Some 600 Armenian kids are struggling to go to school every where the day, in Aleppo. In the future, will you help them? They’re waiting Argentine for you, wondering what's taking us so long, wondering if we Declaration of Independence was signed on July 9, 1816. remember they're still there. The artistic impression, which also featured music and poetry reading, was In the future we reconsider how we see the Turkish people. organized by the Historical House Museum of Independence, the National Institute Their ancestors were not all evil and they did not all do us harm. Besides, the Municipality of the 16th Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), a body chaired by Celal Bey, the governor of Konya, saved thousands of Armenian arrondissement of Paris will hold a conference Pedro Mouratian, and the Armenian National Committee of South America. lives – as many as he could. In my own Setrakian family, our Turk- on June 5 on the topic of the Armenian Geno- “Genocide is the most extreme form of discrimination and the awareness of ish neighbors loved us, and we loved them. They cried when we cide, with the participation of the historian society is essential to prevent the recurrence of these crimes against humanity,” left and helped us rebuild our lives in Lebanon. And there are Claude Mutafian. The conference will be said Guillermo Ferraioli, Coordinator of INADI. Turks now – the people, still not the state – who say I’m sorry and attended by Armenia’s Ambassador to France “Under Law 26,199, Argentina declares April 24 as the ‘Day of Action for Tol- want to welcome us home. Vicken Tchitetchian. erance and Respect between Peoples’ in commemoration of the genocide against In the words of our beloved Hrant Dink, we must talk to them, The conference will be organized in cooper- the Armenian people,” added in turn Gustavo Diaz Fernandez, member of INADI we must get together and tell our stories. When we do, it will be ation with Mayor Samia Badat-Karam and Tucuman. end of exile – the thing that heals us, by connecting human hearts. Philippe Panossian, Chairman of the Armenian Madres de Plaza de Mayo joined the act through a letter signed by Sarah Mrad, In the future, we'll stand a little taller, a little straighter, and be a General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU) District in which she stressed that “we cannot be absent in this commemoration with the little less sad. Committee of France. Armenian people.” We will bring the best of who we are to the rest of the world – our Armenian culture, strength, and resilience, as an offering and a contribution to the betterment of humanity. We will empower our community leaders – men and women – ARTS & LIVING playing an active role as equal partners in our families and in shap- ing Armenian life. The Anatolian woman – in all her strength and beauty – sharing her talents with the new world in a new century. Our women our amazing. They should be empowered to reach Armenia to Participate Best Works of their fullest potential, for the rest of time. In my life one woman has been a special inspiration: Rita in Leading American Armenian Composers Balian has always been a role model to me, alongside many women in and outside my family. Rita showed us that it could all be done, in any generation. Book Fair Born in the Last In the future we will embrace diversity among us. We'll cele- brate the new Armenians: the odar spouses and friends, who join Armenia will take part in the leading book and author event for the our community and help make it complete. North American publishing industry, Book Expo America (BEA), for Century Compiled in And don't worry. In the future we will still speak Armenian. the first time. Abakayeen, ter hayaren beedee khosink. BEA combines the largest selection of English language titles and is We will live and work in a continuous cycle, between Hayastan the largest gathering of booksellers, librarians, retailers, and book indus- Eight Discs and Spiurk – Armenia and the diaspora – the country and its people try professionals in North America. This year BEA has more than 2,000 Under the sponsorship of RA Prime Minister Hovig blooming and communities around the world thriving. Each side exhibits, 500 authors, and over 60 conference sessions. Aprahamian, the RA Ministry of Culture has created a renewing and supporting the other. BEA’s conference program will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May collection of albums featuring 100 Armenian melodies on In the future we will no longer live in exile. We will go home to 27, with the show floor opening at 1 p.m. and closing at 5:30 p.m. In the occasion of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. the places we’re from, touch the soil we’re made of, and come addition to Wednesday afternoon, the exhibit floor will be open from 9 back to our lives around the world. I am an American, but I know a.m. to 5:30 p.m. On Thursday, May 28, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on exactly where I’m from: Aintab, Kilis, Yozghat, and Dortyol. And Friday, May 29. my future children, God willing, will know it too. Half a century ago at the fiftieth anniversary of the Genocide, my father was a teenage boy scout, standing in salute and listening to his uncle Hratchya Setrakian serve as one of three speakers of the day. Now my father is here, listening to me. It's already the future. And it's already alright. Faith has made the future unfold, and there is nothing to fear. Life has given us this moment of infinite possibility to cherish, together.

Lara Setrakian (born in United States she is the daughter of Berge Setrakian the president of Armenian General Benevolent Union AGBU) is an Armenian American journalist with a focus on the political econo- my based between the Middle East The “100 Armenian Melodies” collection of eight discs & New York and founder of BEA 2015 welcomes China as the global market forum Guest of was presented on May 21. The collection includes the best Deeply, a single issue news website Honor. Global Market Forum is part of the BEA Content & Digital Con- songs by Armenian composers born in the past 100 years. ference and is open to all BEA. Its delegation will include more than covering the civil war in Syria. As During the press conference devoted to the presentation of the Middle East correspondent for 100 of the most important Chinese publishing houses and groups atten- the collection, RA Deputy Minister of Culture Artur Bloomberg Television, she was dees. China will hold a series of panels at which participants will dis- Boghosian attached importance to the preservation and cuss the Chinese publishing market and explore ways publishers can dissemination of Armenian cultural heritage. “It is a com- instrumental in Bloomberg Televi- work with Chinese companies. pilation of eight discs featuring Armenian folk songs and sion’s live on the ground coverage of the 2011 Egyptian Revolu- The Armenian Pavilion in BEA will showcase the Armenian culture the songs of Armenian troubadours, Armenian choral and tion. Following the toppling of 's president Ben Ali dur- and heritage through books and writings, which form part of a long spiritual songs, as well as chamber music. The project is ing what became known as the , Setrakian arrived in standing tradition and culture. also political. before the January 25th protest and was reporting live Books published recently in Armenia and abroad will be represented I’m referring to the country’s cultural policy. Over the from when Egyptian President in the Armenian pavilion. Publishers and booksellers from Armenia will past years, samples of Armenian music, films and fine arts participate in the pavilion. A great importance will be given to the books stepped down. While covering the rise of piracy off the horn of are being digitized and preserved as much as possible,” , Lara was the first American to interview the new presi- on the Armenian Genocide published all over the world. Artur Boghosian mentioned, as “Armenpress” reports. dent of war-torn , Sheikh . She par- The opening of the Armenian Pavilion in BEA will be on the 27th of According to the deputy minister, of course, it was impos- May at 3:00 p.m. sible to compile the entire cultural heritage of the past 100 ticipated in TED-x Yerevan in Armenia and discussed her career During the opening there will be presentations of books and readings years in eight discs. President of the Union of Composers as a Middle East foreign correspondent and the five things she by Matthew Karanian, Scout Tufankjian, Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, and Musicologists of Armenia Aram Setian welcomed the learned along the way.[7] Lara continues to report for ABC News Dana Walroth, Nancy Kricorian, Marian Mesrobian MacCurdy and initiative. “The Union of Composers and Musicologists and is a freelance contributor to Bloomberg Television, splitting Sona Van. has archives that could have been used. her time between New York and the Middle East. Lara Setrakian Ambassador of Armenia to the U.S., Tigran Sargsyan, will attend the There will come a time when they will be revived. I was named as one of Marie Claire's Top Women of 2012. book exhibition as well. welcome this initiative and hope there will be more than The participation in BookExpo America is supported by the State A graduate of Harvard University, she was named a 2012 eight discs in the future,” he mentioned. The collection is Young Global Leader by World Economic Forum's YGL group Commission on Coordination of the events for the commemoration of not for sale. It is a memento. the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. and is the third most followed Bloomberg personality on Twitter. 4/E MAY 25 - MAY 31, 2015

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The "Eurovision-2015" Armenia Folk Dance Sponsored by British- Contest Has Ended Ensemble of Armenian Community,

The winner of the "Eurovision-2015" song contest was Sweden, the second place was Russia and the third place was Italy. The par- Krasnoyarsk Celebrated New Kindergarten in ticipants of the final were selected according to the results of two previous semi-finals which took place on May 19 and 21. its 15th Anniversary Sasunik to Open Within

On May 17, Krasnoyarsk’s Armenia Folk Dance Ensemble celebrated its 15th anniversary. RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Days Hakobyan had also sent a congratulatory message to Armenia Folk Dance Ensemble on the occasion. Sasunik, a village in Armenia’s Aragatsotn Region, has a brand-new kindergarten, thanks to the sponsorship of the Hayas- tan All-Armenian Fund’s British affiliate, with additional support from the mayor’s office of Sasunik. Fully furnished the two-story facility will open its doors to Sasunik’s close to 100 kindergarteners within a few days. The construction of the kindergarten was a long-awaited gift to the community. Mayor Arman Margarian says that the village, which has a population of 4,000, has not had a proper kinder- garten since 1998. Children have been attending kindergarten in

The Genealogy group which represented Armenia performed brilliantly during the first semi-final and moved into final. Ten best songs were selected during the two semi-finals. With them performed the founder countries of the "Eurovision" United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the winner of the previous year from Austria and for the first time the delegate from According to Hayern Aysor, the concert dedicated to the 15th Australia. anniversary featured nearly 20 dance numbers and was held with The Public Television of Armenia loyal to the slogan of the con- the participation of more than 700 representatives of different test worked hard this symbolic year and chose a unique format. nationalities at Grand Hall of Krasnoyarsk. The 5 singers of the Genealogy group which represented Armenia Over the past two years, Armenia Folk Dance Ensemble has were invited from all the continents of the world building bridges accepted more than 150 dancers, and the Ensemble’s artistic with their homeland. The group sang the "Face the Shadow" song. The Genealogy group was under number 06 during the final. directors Georgi Melkonian and Arpine Asatrian have made their The members of the group are Essai Altounian (), Tamar great contributions to that. During the concert, Melkonian and Kaprelian (America), Vahe Tilbian ( Africa),Stephanie Topalian Asatrian were granted the certificate of appreciation of the Min- (), Mary-Jean O'Doherty Vasmatzian (Australia) and Inga istry of Culture of the Russian Federation. a converted classroom inside the community school, while there Arshakyan (Armenia). has been no facility whatsoever for preschoolers. Few local fami- lies are able to send their young children to the nearest kinder- www.1tv.am garten outside Sasunik, in the town of Ashtarak. Adam Schiff and Serj “We will no longer have to take our kids to the Ashtarak kindergarten — which is both costly and time-consuming,” said a delighted local young mother during our visit in Sasunik. Armenian Scientist in US Tankian Talk About The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s British affiliate sponsors projects primarily in the spheres of education and healthcare. “True to the adage ‘a sound mind in a sound body,’ the education Develops Unique Flight System of a Down’s and health of our children are what will secure the continued progress of our homeland,” says Armineh Carapeti, chairperson Control Safety System of the fund’s British affiliate and a longtime supporter of major Concert in Yerevan development initiatives in Armenia and Artsakh. Armenian professor Naira Hovagimian has a background as a Congressman Adam Schiff met yesterday with world mathematician. Over the last 17 years, however, researchers in the renowned singer, member of the band System of a Down Serj United States have tapped Hovagimian’s calculations to help Tankian. As “Armenpress” reports, citing Congressman Adam Armenian Market in advance work in the stability of flight control systems, reported Schiff’s official Facebook page, the two figures had lunch togeth- ECN Magazine. er together. Turkey to be Turned into Tourist Center The Turkish government introduced a program of development of country’s eastern provinces. In the framework of the program, it is also planned to restore the cultural monuments and develop a new strategy for stimulating the tourism.

In March, her research group’s L1 control method was success- fully tested in a Learjet plane at Edwards Air Force Base in Cali- fornia. Hovagimian, now a professor of mechanical science and engi- neering and Schaller Faculty Scholar at the University of Illinois, “Had lunch yesterday with Serj Tankian from System of a was a college student during the end of the Cold War. She complet- Down. We have known each other for years and I greatly admire ed a Master of Science degree in theoretical mechanics and applied his music and creativity, as well as his deep commitment to phi- mathematics in 1988 from Yerevan State University in Armenia. lanthropy and passion for justice. I had read about the band’s Hovakimyan furthered her education in Moscow, completing a electrifying performance in Yerevan during the centennial, and it PhD in physics and mathematics from the Institute of Applied was a treat to hear about it firsthand. It always rains in Yerevan According to the Turkish website Kanal A haber, an apricot Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences in 1992. on April 24 like tears coming down from heaven, it is said but marketplace is planned to be set up in Malatya in the framework From 1994-98, Hovagimian traveled the world taking advan- nothing could dampen the spirits of the throngs of young people of the economic development program. tage of offers to study and teach. She has been to Germany, in attendance,” Adam Schiff wrote on his Facebook page and In terms of tourism development, the restoration of the Armen- France, and Israel. ian market in Bingöl Province would be an interesting step . With posted a photo. Her career path was set in motion in 1998 when she received an the view of increasing the flow of tourists to the monument of invitation from Georgia Tech (USA), looking for a mathematician God Nemrut, a direct road is scheduled to be constructed from of her skill set to join the team there in studying the stability of Turkey’s Malatya city to Adiyaman city. flight control. Our Meanwhile, sponsored by both the US Air Force and NASA, Our Hovagimian found a position as an associate professor at Virginia ZARTONK receives material from Tech (USA) in 2003. It was there that Hovakimyan, jointly with e-maile-mail addressesaddresses are:are: around the world and in many languages. postdoctoral fellow Chengyu Cao, developed the L1 adaptive con- Our Liberal principles advocate ‘Freedom trol theory, which can aid a pilot to regain control of an airplane in [email protected] of speech’ as a mainstay of our beliefs; consequently the subjects sudden and drastic circumstances. and ideas presented will not necessarily reflect our point of view. NASA tested a 5.5 percent subscale general transport model air- . [email protected] All published material is reviewed, however, we rely on the kind craft for a variety of challenging conditions and testing it for understanding of our audience when grammatical and spelling mis- aggressive maneuvers. website: takes are missed. And in some rare cases, correction of submitted Following the successful NASA Langley flight tests, Naira material is purposely not addressed, if it changes the implied context Hovagimian’s research garnered international recognition. www. zartonkdaily.com of the author.

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