Enhancing Diversity in the Police Workforce Challenges and Opportunities

Kossiwa Jacqueline Tossoukpe Project Assistant, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)

This article focuses on workforce diversity within Euro- Based on the findings, a set of recommendations for pean police organizations. Historically, the police force police organizations seeking to enhance the diver- has been known to be white, male, politically con- sity of their workforce is provided. Diversity in this servative and heterosexual, a perception which made article is defined as the inclusion of people of dif- it difficult for women, ethnic and racial minorities to ferent gender as well as different ethnic and racial consider a career in policing. With the implementation backgrounds in police organizations. of equal opportunity legislation and changes towards multiculturalism, some police organizations aim at re- 1. Why is workforce diversity important for the cruiting a more diverse force to improve their relations police? with the community. Studies on police diversity have Workforce diversity can be a sensitive topic for shown that when the police are representative of the many police organizations and yet cannot be ig- communities they serve, this increases public trust, nored. As society changes and becomes more legitimacy and operational effectiveness. The barriers diverse and multicultural, the police that serve it to enhancing diversity are recruitment, selection and need to evolve and adapt as well. Diversity helps retention. For effective diversity management, this the police to understand the security needs of all article recommends that police organizations modify members of a diverse society and to respond to recruitment strategies to encourage women and peo- these needs effectively. Research confirms that ple with a migration background to apply and pub- when the public perceives the police as represent- lish diversity data to facilitate monitoring. More, offer ative of the community in terms of gender, eth- language classes to promising candidates who show nic and racial diversity, the police are considered minor weaknesses in the working language but bring trustworthy and legitimate. Furthermore, a diverse other language skills. Further, provide police equip- police force is more responsive of internal and ex- ment, like handguns, that are adapted to female police ternal challenges, more aware of discrimination officers hand sizes, offer tailored skill-building train- and more open to change. All these aspects con- ing to women and flexible working hours. Finally yet tribute to greater accountability and operational importantly, a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual effectiveness. harassment and other forms of discrimination must be implemented and an inclusive police culture that re- 2. Data and information on police workforce spects diversity must be established. diversity in European countries There is no clear threshold for “diversity”. At the very least, senior police leaders need to know the demography of the communities they serve and un- Introduction derstand how representative their organization is of In order to identify the challenges and opportunities the local population. In the Swiss context, for ex- diversity management brings, we analyze different ample, data provided in 2017 shows that 50.4 %1 of case studies from Europe and the United States and try to explain how barriers to workforce diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity and race are overcome. 1 The Swiss Federal Statistical Office. “Population.”


Percentage of uniformed and armed female police officers in selected European countries Country Year Percentage of female police officers England and Wales 2017 29%3 Netherlands 2012 28.9%4 Sweden 2012 28.6%4 Switzerland 2008 22.5%4 France 2012 18% 4 Austria 2012 14.5% 4 Finland 2012 14.3% 4 Italy 2012 14.2% 4 Spain () 2012 12.4% 4

Table 1: Percentage of uniformed and armed female police officers in selected European countries the Swiss population are women and 37.2 %2 have portunity legislation and increased societal interest a migration background, of which around one third in gender equality fueled these advancements.8 In are Swiss citizens (13.5 % in total). the context of policing, gender equality means that Although some police organizations in countries women and men have equal opportunities in the such as the UK and the Netherlands have imple- provision, management and oversight of the institu- mented diversity policies, the level of diversity with- tion and that the different security needs of women, in police organizations across Europe as a whole is men, girls, and boys are addressed. In Switzerland, still low.5 According to a 2012 study, women contin- the Federal Act on Gender Equality (1995)9 fosters ue to represent a small percentage of uniformed and the integration of gender equality in organizations. armed police officers in Europe (Table 1): Gender equality in the police workforce is im- In 2006, the British Association for Women in Po- perative because women bring different talents and licing (BAWP) suggested that a target for female police skills. Research on women in policing has under- officers of 35 % is both feasible and necessary in order lined some primary valuable qualities that female to achieve gender diversity in police organizations.6 police officers bring to the workforce and these are: • Female police officers bring additional knowl- British Association for Women in Policing (BAWP)7 The BAWP is a national organization founded in 1987 and edge in understanding and responding to the its work is committed to achieving gender equality in polic- different security needs of diverse members in a ing. They aim at raising awareness about female police of- community. ficers’ concerns and providing their perspective for possible solutions. BAWP offers a network of professional contacts, mentoring programs and contributes to the development of members through professional development days. In 2001, 2 The Swiss Federal Statistical Office. “Population by Migration Status.” the BAWP played an active role in developing “The Gender 3 Home Office. “Police Workforce, England and Wales, 31 March Agenda” which is today used by the British Government. 2017.” Statistical Bulletin 10/17, 2017, p. 6. The BAWP also collaborates with other police associations, 4 Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya [ISPC] (2013). “Women such as the National Black Police Association, the Gay Po- in Police Service in the EU. Facts and Figures 2012.” pp. 11–82. lice Association, the National Disabled Police Association, 5 Ewijk, Anne R. Van, “Diversity within Police Forces in Europe: the National Transgender Police Association and the Na- A Case for the Comprehensive View.” Policing 6, no. 1 (2011): tional Association of Muslim Police in order to identify and doi:10.1093/police/par048, p. 78. address concerns that affect women and other underrepre- 6 Prenzler, Tim and Georgina Sinclair, “The Status of Wom- sented police officers. en Police Officers: An International Review.” International Jour- nal of Law, Crime and Justice 41, no. 2 (2013): doi: 10.1016/j.ijl- Box 1: British Association for Women in Policing (BAWP) cj.2012.12.001, p. 116. 7 https://www.bawp.org/. In most European countries, women were not al- 8 Brown, Jennifer, “Integrating women into policing: A compar- lowed to join the uniformed and armed police force ative European perspective.” Policing in Central and Eastern Eu- rope: Comparing Firsthand Knowledge with Experience from the West until the 1970’s. In the 1980’s many police organiza- ed. Milan Pagon. Ljubljana, Slovenia College of Police and Security Studies (1996), pp. 629–30. tions in Europe changed their recruitment approach- 9 The Federal Council. The Portal of the Swiss Government. “Federal es to reach more women. Equal employment op- Act on Gender Equality.”


• Female police officers report violent crimes different ethnic and racial backgrounds has some against women and domestic violence cases more advantages, such as: frequently. More, in sexual and gender-based vi- • Police officers with a migration background often olence (SGBV) cases, a victim might feel more speak different languages and are more aware of comfortable speaking to a woman and having not cultural differences, which improve communica- enough female police officers available will affect tion skills, intelligence-gathering capabilities and police investigation. strengthen relations with the community. • Female police officers are less likely to use ex- • The presence of an ethnically and racially diverse cessive force, appear less authoritarian in their police force increases public trust and legitimacy, approach to policing and make larger use of their and the society perceives the police as progres- interpersonal skills to defuse violent situations. sive and modern. These qualities improve organizational culture • Police officers who work alongside colleagues of and increase public trust. a different ethnicity or race learn about different Regarding the ethnic and racial background of po- cultures, improving their intercultural competence. lice officers in Europe, there is not much informa- tion available and Recruitment policies and diversity: the case of the Studies on ethnic and racial di- countries apply their Niedersachsen Police In Niedersachsen, about 17.8 % of the population has a versity within police organizations own data collection migration background. The Niedersachsen Police aims at in many European countries have policies. France, for recruiting more diverse applicants through the advertise- shown that, as European societies instance, maintains a ment campaign headline: “We are looking for policemen and policewomen with a migration background”.15 Due become more multicultural, the po- public policy model to these changes in recruitment approaches, the Nieder- lice continue to lag behind in terms that does not collect sachsen Police was able to increase the share of applicants statistics on race, eth- with a migration background from 9 % to 17 % between of the representation of police officers 2008 and 2013.16 The Niedersachsen Police subsequently nicity or religion.10 On with a migration background. accepted 11.3 % out of the 17% ethnic minority applicants. the other hand, data Even though the overall percentage of police officers with from the Niedersachsen Police (Germany) showed a migration background is still low (3.2 %), the modified diversity management strategy has shown some success. that 3.2 %11 of police officers in 2014 were mem- Box 2: Recruitment policies and diversity: the case of the Nieder- bers of ethnic minorities. The police of England and sachsen Police Wales composed of 6 % Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) police officers in 2017.12 In the Netherlands, 3. Challenges in advancing gender, racial and 25 % of new police cadets in 2017 had a migration ethnic diversity in the police background.13 This high percentage is credited to According to a 2016 study conducted by the U.S. the work of the Dutch National Expertise Centre on Department of Justice’s Equal Employment Oppor- Diversity (LECD), an independent evaluation center tunity Commission17 and a 2018 study by the British founded in 2001 with the mandate to assess, mon- itor and support the implementation of diversity management within the Dutch police.14 10 Ewijk, Anne R. Van, “Diversity within Police Forces in Europe: A Case for the Comprehensive View.” Policing 6, no. 1 (2011): Studies on ethnic and racial diversity within po- doi:10.1093/police/par048, p. 78. lice organizations in many European countries have 11 Mediendienst Integration. “Anteil der Beamten mit Migrationshinter- grund in Polizei und Verfassungsschutz.” September 2014, p. 8. shown that, as European societies become more 12 Home Office. “Police Workforce, England and Wales, 31 March multicultural, the police continue to lag behind in 2017”. Statistical Bulletin 10/17, 2017, p. 6. terms of the representation of police officers with 13 European Commission. “Netherlands: Dutch Police Has Already Reached Its 2018 Diversity Goal.” European Web Site on Integra- a migration background. As demands for security tion. and public expectations placed on the police rise 14 Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek. “Dutch National Expertise Centre on throughout Europe, ethnic and racial diversity within Diversity.” Amsterdam, 2014. 15 Polizei Niedersachsen (s.d.). Fact Sheet „Haben Sie Interesse?“. police organizations enhances their ability to tack- http://www.polizei-studium.de/downloads/FB_Migration.pdf. le crime, strengthens their community relations and 16 Mediendienst Integration. “Anteil der Beamten mit Migrationshinter- grund in Polizei und Verfassungsschutz.” September 2014, p. 8. reduces racial bias. Research on police diversity 17 U.S. Department of Justice Equal Employment Opportunity Com- suggests that the inclusion of police officers from mission. “Advancing Diversity in .” 2016, p. 17.


National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)18, the Furthermore, police organizations must consider main challenges to workforce diversity within police intersectional factors and understand how sexism, organizations include recruitment, selection and re- racism and homophobia are interlinked and these tention. Studies reported that European police forces interconnected forms of discrimination lead to une- have historically been majority white, male, politi- qual power relations be- cally conservative and heterosexual. This public per- tween different members A study in the Norwegian Police ception makes it difficult to attract women as well as of the police workforce. Service (NPS) highlighted that ethnic and racial minorities to a career as a police For example, a study on some young citizens with a officer. In addition, the historical legacy of excluding female ethnic minori- migration background who were women and minority applicants means that today ty police officers in the interested in a policing career many police organizations are struggling to increase Dutch Police showed ended up not applying because diversity. Moreover, it was observed that police or- that female ethnic mi- they feared they were not wel- ganizations tend to select male police officers over nority police officers comed due to their ethnic back- women more frequently because of biased percep- are subject to additional tions that men can do a better job.19 forms of discrimination, ground. Regarding ethnic and racial diversity recruitment, contributing to their underrepresentation at senior a study in the (NPS) high- levels.24 The presence of intersectional forms of dis- lighted that some young citizens with a migration crimination was also confirmed in a study on gender background who were interested in a policing ca- and sexuality within the Berlin Police Force, where reer ended up not applying because they feared unequal treatment and discrimination towards wom- they were not welcomed due to their ethnic back- en, ethnic minorities, lesbian or gay police officers ground.20 Moreover, research underlined that lan- created additional challenges for them in the work- guage proficiency requirements play a critical factor place, thus leading to higher turnover rates.25 in the selection process. The Hamburg Police Acad- In addition, some studies suggest that female po- emy found a way to overcome this barrier through a lice officers experience higher levels of stress due point system, which gives credit for speaking other to sexual harassment and gender bias26 and these languages to candidates who lack German language proficiency. This increased the changes of candi- dates with a migration background of being selected 18 National Centre for Social Research (NatCen). “Enhancing Diver- and has led to an increase in the numbers of Turkish sity in Policing.” 16.05.2018, pp. 13–23. 19 Dudek, Sonja M., “Diversity in Uniform? − Gender and Sexuality Germans in the force. The academy then provides within the Berlin Police Force,” Sociological Research Online 12, no. 1 German classes to these police cadets in order to (2007): doi:10.5153/sro.1534, pp. 2–3. 21 20 Bjorkelo, Brita et al., “Barriers to Achieving Ethnic Diversity in enable them to succeed in their work. the Norwegian Police Service.” Policing 9, no. 1 (2014): pp. 36–45. A further study conducted in the United States doi:10.1093/police/pau056, p. 38. pointed out that during the police application screen- 21 Thériault, Barbara, “The Carriers of Diversity with- in the Police Forces: A ‘Weberian’ Approach to Diversity ing process, black applicants were more likely to be in Germany,” German Politics and Society 22, no. 3 (2004): doi:10.3167/104503004782353131, p. 88. disqualified for making minor mistakes in their ap- 22 Kringen, Anne and Johnathan Allen Kringen, “Identifying plication and written examination in comparison to Barriers to Black Applicants in Police Employment Screening” Po- similar qualified, non-black applicants.22 Although licing 9, no. 1 (2014): doi:10.1093/police/pau034, pp. 7–8. 23 Boyle, Mike, “Issue Handguns: One Size Doesn’t Fit All.” Po- this study was conducted in the United States, Euro- lice One. March 12, 2010.Accessed October 13, 2018. https:// pean police organizations need to be aware that im- www.policeone.com/police-products/firearms/handguns/arti- cles/2018462-Issue-handguns-One-size-doesnt-fit-all/. plicit biases against black applicants may affect their 24 Boogaard, Brendy and Conny Roggeband, “Paradoxes of In- selection practices. Implicit biases can also apply to tersectionality: Theorizing Inequality in the Dutch Police Force through Structure and Agency.” Organization 17, no. 1 (2009): gender. For example, police organizations that issue doi:10.1177/1350508409350042, pp. 60–62. single, large-size models of handguns to all officers23 25 Dudek, Sonja M., “Diversity in Uniform? − Gender and Sexuality put female candidates at an unfair disadvantage, as within the Berlin Police Force,” Sociological Research Online 12, no. 1 (2007): doi:10.5153/sro.1534, p. 1. it is harder for them to pull the trigger due to their 26 Dowler, Kenneth and Bruce Arai, “Stress, Gender and Polic- smaller hand-size, thus undermining their chances of ing: The Impact of Perceived Gender Discrimination on Symptoms of Stress.” International Journal of Police Science & Management 10, passing the selection test. no. 2 (2008): doi:10.1350/ijps.2008.10.2.81, p. 2.


stressors impede job satisfaction and foster low re- ficers with a migration background in Switzerland. tention rates for women. Other reasons why under- Accepting applicants who have a C permit or are in represented police officers leave are dissatisfaction the process of naturalization might be a possibility with organizational policies, inadequate options for for Swiss police organizations aiming to strengthen childcare and lack of support from leadership.27 Last- diversity. This is what police corps in the cantons of ly, police organizations that do succeed in hiring di- Basel Stadt, Schwyz, Geneva and Neuchâtel have verse police officers struggle to retain them because done.33 The need to increase the number of female they tend to leave the force earlier in their careers. police officers has also gained importance. On av- The main reasons are that women and police officers erage, about 22 %34 of police officers are female in with a migration background often face discrimina- Switzerland, but they continue to remain largely un- tion and an unwelcoming organizational culture. derrepresented in higher ranks. To enhance workforce diversity, police organiza- Policing in Switzerland is regulated by each can- tions should eliminate discrimination when aiming ton independently, which explains why operational at improving recruit- differences and contrasting attitudes towards diver- Enforcing an inclusive police culture ment, selection and sity management exist. Swiss police organizations through mutual respect and equal retention. More, it is seeking to enhance workforce diversity can imple- participation at all levels is more vital that diversity pol- ment their own policies and gather and publish data meaningful and a better contribu- icies go beyond sym- on the makeup of their forces, disaggregated by gen- tor to diversity, which in the long bolic efforts. Hiring der, race and ethnic origin. This will allow for the run will attract diverse applicants. quotas, for example, drafting and monitoring of diversity policies and for can be counterpro- improving recruitment strategies. ductive. One reason is that “quota” police officers can experience increased performance pressure and 5. How can police organizations further improve feelings of exposure or isolation. Enforcing an inclu- diversity management? sive police culture through mutual respect and equal Police organizations aiming to manage diversity bet- participation at all levels is more meaningful and a ter and want to attract women and candidates with better contributor to diversity, which in the long run a migration background should develop targeted re- will attract diverse applicants. cruitment strategies. For instance, job advertisements that outline that applications from women and peo- Championing diversity in the Scottish Police28 In order to recruit a more diverse police workforce and to ple with a migration background are welcomed and raise awareness about employment opportunities for eth- encouraged will attract more diverse applicants. Fur- nic minorities and other underrepresented groups, the Po- ther, police organizations can offer language classes to lice of Scotland launched the “Positive Action Team” that offers support and mentoring to people from underrepre- promising candidates who show minor weaknesses in sented groups who consider a career as police officers. On the working language but bring other language skills, their website, they state that diversity is valued within their as has been done in the Hamburg Police Academy. workforce and promoted under the Equality Act 2010. The Police of Scotland further included hijab as a uniform op- Concerning gender equality, it is crucial to offer tailored tion to attract Muslim women.29 More, in 2017 they were recognized as Stonewall Diversity Champion and as one of the top 20 employers for LGBT people in the UK.30 27 Cooper, Christine and Samantha Ingram, “Retention of police officers: a study of resignations and transfers in ten forces.” The Box 3: Championing diversity in the Scottish Police Research Development and Statistics Directorate. RDS Occasional Paper No 86, May 2004, pp. v–viii. 4. Swiss Police and diversity management 28 www.scotland.police.uk/recruitment/diversity/. The Swiss Confederation calls for all organizations 29 www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/news/2016/august/hi- jab-ratified-as-option-for-police-scotland-uniform. to meet legal requirements for non-discriminato- 30 http://www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/news/2017/janu- ry hiring practices.31 Some Swiss police organiza- ary/police-scotland-top-twenty-of-stonewall-equality-index. tions, e.g. the Zurich City Police Department, have 31 Eidgenössisches Personalamt. “Diversity Management.” 32 Stadt Zürich Polizeidepartement. “Diversity Management.” Strate- implemented diversity management in their strate- gischer Plan des Polizeidepartements 2015−2019, p. 24. gic planning.32 However, there is a lack of public- 33 Thoele, Alexander, “Police Recruitment of Foreigners Divides Opinion,” SWI Swissinfo.ch, January 16, 2014. ly available data, broken down by canton, on the 34 Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya (ISPC). “Women in Po- percentage of female police officers or police of- lice Service in the EU. Facts and Figures 2012.”, p. 82.


skill-building programs to women interested in leader- provided by external organizations or consultants, be- ship positions in order to enhance their career opportu- cause they bring independent perspectives and expert nities. Moreover, equipment such as handguns should knowledge. be adapted for use by female police officers who have In conclusion, policing in today’s society has be- smaller hands on average. In addition, offering part-time come more complicated for police officers and skills and flexible working hours to police officers with family requirements have increased. The police are faced responsibilities increases the possibility that more wom- with the challenge of providing a better security en will stay in the force or that potential female candi- to diverse communities and of responding to new dates with children will consider a career in policing. At forms of criminality in an era of increasing globali- the same time, a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual zation and rapid technological progress. Therefore, harassment and racial discrimination, or other forms new and innovative approaches to policing are nec- of discrimination needs to be implemented as well as essary. If police organizations are willing to adapt robust complaint mechanisms. Another critical point is to changing societies by recruiting diverse officers, the inclusion of training modules on gender, ethnic and they will experience significant benefits in the -ar racial diversity, as well as intercultural competence in eas of organizational development, community re- the police academy and police leadership programs. lations, external representation and operational ef- It can be beneficial to have internal diversity training fectiveness.

Bibliography Bjorkelo, Brita, Marit Egge, Hege H. Bye and Jaishankar Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya [ISPC] (2013). Women in Ganapathy (2014). “Barriers to Achieving Ethnic Diversity in the Police Service in the EU. Facts and Figures 2012.” Barcelona-Ripoli: Norwegian Police Service.” Policing 9, no. 1 (2014): pp. 36–45. ISPC. doi:10.1093/police/pau056. Kringen, Anne and Jonathan Allen Kringen (2014). Boogaard, Brendy and Conny Roggeband (2009). “Paradoxes “Identifying Barriers to Black Applicants in Police Employment. of Intersectionality: Theorizing Inequality in the Dutch Police Force Screening.” Policing. March 2014. doi: 10.1093/police/pau034 through Structure and Agency.” Organization 17, no. 1 (2009): Mediendienst Integration (2014). Recherche-Ergebnisse Anteil der pp. 53–75. doi:10.1177/1350508409350042. Beamten mit Migrationshintergrund in Polizei und Verfassungsschutz. Boyle, Mike (2010). “Issue Handguns: One Size Doesn’t Fit All.” Berlin: Mediendienst Integration. Police One. March 12, 2010. https://www.policeone.com/police- National Centre for Social Research [NatCen, United Kingdom] products/firearms/handguns/articles/2018462-Issue-handguns-One- (2018). Enhancing Diversity in Policing. London: NatCen. size-doesnt-fit-all/ (Accessed 13 October 2018). (2018), „Recruitment“. http://www.scotland.police. Brown, Jennifer (1996). “Integrating women into policing: A uk/recruitment/. (Accessed 10 December 2018). comparative European perspective.” Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparing Firsthand Knowledge with Experience from the West, Polizei Niedersachsen (s.d.). Fact Sheet „Haben Sie Interesse?“. edited by Milan Pagon. Ljubljana, Slovenia College of Police and http://www.polizei-studium.de/downloads/FB_Migration.pdf Security Studies (1996): pp. 627–33. (Accessed 10 December 2018). Cooper, Christine and Samantha Ingram (2004). “Retention of Prenzler, Tim and Georgina Sinclair (2013). “The Status of police officers: a study of resignations and transfers in ten forces.” The Women Police Officers: An International Review.” International Research Development and Statistics Directorate. RDS Occasional Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 41, no. 2 (2013): pp. 115–31. doi: Paper No 86, May 2004. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/ 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2012.12.001. download?doi= (Accessed Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek (2014). Evaluation Dutch 10 December 2018). National Expertise Centre on Diversity. Amsterdam: Regioplan Dowler, Kenneth and Bruce Arai (2008). “Stress, Gender and Beleidsonderzoek. Policing: The Impact of Perceived Gender Discrimination on Symptoms Stadt Zürich Polizeidepartement (s.d.). “Diversity Management.” of Stress.” International Journal of Police Science & Management 10, no. Strategischer Plan des Polizeidepartements 2015 – 2019, Zürich: Stadt 2 (2008): pp. 123–35. doi:10.1350/ijps.2008.10.2.81. Zürich. Dudek, Sonja M. (2007). “Diversity in Uniform? – Gender and Thériault, Barbara (2004). “The Carriers of Diversity Sexuality within the Berlin Police Force.” Sociological Research Online within the Police Forces: A ‘Weberian’ Approach to Diversity 12, no. 1 (2007): 1−11. doi:10.5153/sro.1534. in Germany.” German Politics and Society 22, no. 3 (2004). Eidgenössisches Personalamt (2018). “Diversity Management.” doi:10.3167/104503004782353131. https://www.epa.admin.ch/epa/de/home/themen/personalpolitik/ U.S. Department of Justice Equal Employment Opportunity diversity-management---chancengleichheit.html (Accessed Commission (2016). Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement. 10 December 2018). https://www.justice.gov/crt/policediversity (Accessed 10 December European Commission (2017). “Netherlands: Dutch Police Has 2018). Already Reached Its 2018 Diversity Goal.” https://ec.europa.eu/ The Swiss Federal Statistical Office (2018). “Population.” and migrant-integration/news/netherlands-dutch-police-has-already- “Population by Migration Status.” https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/ reached-its-2018-diversity-goal (Accessed 10 December 2018). home/statistics/population.html (Accessed 10 December 2018). Ewijk, Anne R. Van (2011). “Diversity within Police Forces in Thoele, Alexander (2014). “Police Recruitment of Foreigners Europe: A Case for the Comprehensive View.” Policing 6, no. 1 (2011): Divides Opinion.” SWI Swissinfo.ch. January 16, 2014. pp. 76–92. doi:10.1093/police/par048. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/on-the-beat_police-recruitment-of- Home Office [United Kingdom] (2017), “Police Workforce, England foreigners-divides-opinion/37738102 (Accessed 4 October 2018). and Wales, 31 March 2017.” Statistical Bulletin 10/17, 2017.


Zusammenfassung Chancen und Herausforderungen der Diversifi- «Personalbindung» weiterhin gewisse Barrieren die zierung des Polizeipersonals Diversifizierung. Für ein effektiveres Diversity Ma- Der vorliegende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Di- nagement empfiehlt der Artikel eine Anpassung der versifizierung der Angestellten von Polizeiorganisati- Rekrutierungsstrategien der Polizeikorps, mit dem onen in Europa. Historisch betrachtet waren weisse, Ziel, Bewerbungen von Frauen und Personen mit konservative und heterosexuelle Männer in Polizei- Migrationshintergrund zu fördern sowie Daten zur korps stark überrepräsentiert, was dazu führte, dass Diversität zu veröffentlichen, die ein entsprechen- Frauen oder Personen mit einem Migrationshinter- des Monitoring ermöglichen. Ausserdem wird vor- grund eine Polizeikarriere selten in Betracht zogen. geschlagen, vielversprechenden Bewerbern/-innen, Seit der Umsetzung neuer gesetzlicher Bestimmun- welche in der Hauptarbeitssprache gewisse Mängel gen zur Verbesserung der Chancengleichheit sowie aufweisen, aber über zusätzliche Fremdsprachen- einer grösseren interkulturellen Öffnung versuchen kenntnisse verfügen, während der Polizeischule einige Polizeiorganisationen, mehr Frauen und eth- gezielt Sprachunterricht anzubieten. Wichtig ist zu- nische Minderheiten zu rekrutieren, um den Kontakt dem, dass Einsatzmaterial wie Dienstwaffen auch zur Bevölkerung zu stärken. Studien zur Diversität für weibliches Polizeipersonal angepasst ist und in der Polizei kommen zu folgendem Schluss: Bildet dass spezifische Weiterbildungen für Polizistinnen die Polizei das demographische Profil der Gesell- sowie möglichst flexible Arbeitszeiten angeboten schaft angemessen ab, hat einerseits die Bevölke- werden. Von grösster Wichtigkeit ist schlussendlich, rung mehr Vertrauen in die Polizei und andererseits dass Polizeikorps eine Null-Toleranz-Politik gegen- stärkt es deren Legitimität und erhöht ihre operati- über sexueller Belästigung implementieren und ve Wirksamkeit. Allerdings erschweren in den Be- eine integrierende Polizeikultur fördern, welche Di- reichen «Rekrutierung», «Personalauswahl» und versität respektiert.

Résumé Défis et opportunités liés à la diversification des elles se situent au niveau du recrutement, de la sé- effectifs policiers lection et de la fidélisation du personnel policier. L’article se concentre sur la diversité des effectifs au Dans l’optique de promouvoir une meilleure ges- sein des organisations policières, au niveau euro- tion de la diversité, cet article recommande que les péen. Historiquement, les forces de police étaient organisations policières modifient leurs stratégies principalement constituées d’hommes blancs, de recrutement afin d’encourager les postulations conservateurs et hétérosexuels, rendant plus difficile de femmes et de personnes issues de la migration pour les femmes ou les représentant·e·s de minorités et qu’elles publient des données liées à la diversité, ethniques d’envisager une carrière dans la police. de manière à en favoriser le suivi. De plus, il est re- Suite à la mise en place de législations destinées à commandé de proposer des cours aux candidat·e·s offrir des opportunités égales à toutes et tous et grâce prometteurs·euses présentant certaines lacunes à une plus grande ouverture au pluralisme culturel, dans la langue de travail principale, mais pouvant certaines organisations policières cherchent désor- apporter en échange d’autres compétences linguis- mais à recruter un personnel plus diversifié dans tiques. Il s’agit également de s’assurer que l’équipe- l’optique de renforcer ses liens avec la société. Dif- ment policier, tel que les armes à feu, soit adapté férentes études consacrées à la diversité dans ce mi- aux policières et de proposer des formations quali- lieu professionnel ont montré que lorsque la police fiantes dédiées aux femmes ainsi que des horaires représentait adéquatement la communauté qu’elle de travail flexibles. Finalement, il est essentiel de servait, cela contribuait à renforcer la confiance mettre en œuvre une politique ne tolérant aucune des citoyen·ne·s, mais aussi la légitimité de l’action forme de harcèlement sexuel ou de discrimination policière et son efficacité opérationnelle. Certaines et de veiller à asseoir une culture policière inclusive barrières à cette diversification subsistent toutefois : et garante de la diversité.


Riassunto Promuovere la diversità nel lavoro di polizia: sità incontra tuttavia delle barriere, in particolare sfide e opportunità a livello di reclutamento, selezione e fidelizzazio- L’articolo presentato tratta della diversità degli effet- ne del personale di polizia. Per una gestione della tivi all’interno delle organizzazioni di polizia a livel- diversità efficace, questo articolo consiglia alle or- lo europeo. Storicamente, la polizia è sempre stata ganizzazioni di polizia di modificare le strategie di considerata come costituita da uomini bianchi, di reclutamento al fine di incoraggiare le candidature orientamento politico conservatore ed eterosessua- di donne e persone con un background migratorio li – una percezione che di fatto ha frenato donne e e di pubblicare dati sulla diversità al fine di facilitare appartenenti a minoranze etniche dall’idea di una il monitoraggio. Inoltre, è opportuno offrire corsi di carriera nelle forze dell’ordine. Sulla scia dell’at- lingua a candidati promettenti che mostrano lacune tuazione di legislazioni volte alla promozione del- minori nella lingua di lavoro ma che, in compenso, le pari opportunità e di aperture verso il multicul- apportano altre competenze linguistiche. Occorre turalismo, alcune organizzazioni di polizia hanno inoltre assicurarsi che l’attrezzatura di lavoro, come iniziato a reclutare un personale più diversificato le armi da fuoco, siano di dimensioni adatte al per- al fine di migliorare le relazioni con la comunità. sonale femminile, proporre formazioni su misura Studi sulla diversità nella polizia hanno infatti dimo- per le donne e orari di lavoro flessibili. Infine, è fon- strato che quando gli agenti sono rappresentativi damentale attuare una politica della tolleranza zero delle comunità in cui prestano servizio, la fiducia nei confronti di molestie sessuali e di altre forme dei cittadini aumenta, così come la legittimazione di discriminazione, oltre a instaurare una cultura di dell’operato di polizia e la sua efficacia. La diver- polizia inclusiva e garante della diversità.

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