Lb740 Lb755 Lb830 Lb909 Lb980]
Transcript Prepared By the Clerk of the Legislature Transcriber's Office Transportation and Telecommunications Committee January 30, 2018 [LB740 LB755 LB830 LB909 LB980] The Committee on Transportation and Telecommunications met at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 30, 2018, in Room 1113 of the State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on LB740, LB980, LB830, LB909, and LB755. Senators present: Curt Friesen, Chairperson; Jim Smith, Vice Chairperson; Bruce Bostelman; Tom Briese; Suzanne Geist; Mike Hilgers; Dan Hughes; and John Murante. Senators absent: None. SENATOR FRIESEN: Okay, if we could get everyone to please take their seats, we will begin. We'll begin the hearing, please, if everyone would take their seats and please be quiet. I need to get my big rubber gavel out here. Welcome to the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee hearing. My name is Curt Friesen. I represent District 34; that's Hamilton, Merrick, Nance, and part of Hall County. And I'll begin with a few procedural items. I wish everyone would turn their cell phones off, and their other electronic devices, or turn them to silent. We will be hearing the bills in the order listed on the agenda. Those wishing to testify on a bill should move to the front of the room and be ready to testify. We have set aside kind of a reserve seat up there for an on-deck chair so that everyone can be ready to go when somebody leaves the seat. If you are going to be testifying, you need to legibly complete one of the green testifier sheets, located on the table just inside the entrance.
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