The Unbroken Chain
INDEX THE UNBROKEN CHAIN INDEX Note: a bold page number indicates the person’s biographical entry Aaron Shmuel Zev, 107 Adler Abraham, 529 Simcha Bunem, 639-640 Aaron, 234 Aarons Tzvia, 285 Aryey, 128 Bertha, 427 Yaakov Shimon Moshe, 639 Baruch Isaac, 548 Abarbanel Yakov Chaim Baruch, 640 Bernice, 516 Isaac, 424, 450 Yehoshua Heschel, 638 Bertel David, 548 Abel Yehoshua Menachem, 107, 638-639 David Baruch, 548 Morris, 57 Yehuda Meir, 638 David Bertel, 548 Steven, 57 Yisrael, 639, 641 Ehud, 128 Abeles Yisrael, 107, 638 Eliyahu, 234 Ernestine Esther, 374 Yitzchak Aryey, 107 Emil, 549 Abir Yosef Elimelech, 640 Hannah, 549 Moshe Yehuda, 504 Zehava, 483 Harry Baruch, 548 Abir (originally Stanetzky) Zvi Yitzhak, 640 Ilana, 106 Mordecai, 520 Abrams Isaac Baruch, 548 Abowicz Daniel Helmer Dubois, 496 Isaac David, 548 Chercyk, 408 Lawrence David, 494 Joseph, 8 Abraham Louis, 496 Martin David, 549 Chaim, 610 Sander Edward, 496 Menachem, 604 Levi Yitzchak, 610-611 Abramson Menachem Mendel David, 712 Meshullam Zusha, 610 Akiva Yonatan, 401 Meyer Baruch, 548 Mordechai David, 609 Ari (Yehuda Aryey), 400 Nelly, 549 Moshe, 609 Matatiahu, 409 Pinchas David, 712 Nuchem, 609 Naftali, 400 Poul Martin, 549 Tzvi Dov, 609 Roni, 401 Richard, 468 Yoel, 609 Samuel, 400 Rigmor, 548 Zalmen Leib, 610 Shlomo, 400 Rivka, 341 Zvi Dov, 611 Yechiel, 409 Shlomo, 640 Abrahams Yosef Dov, 401 Yisroel Eliezer, 712 Abraham, 529, 531 Absatz Adolf Miriam, 539 Zahava, 660 Jenta (Yenta), 593 Abramov Abu-Kasis Afek (originally Suisa) Yaakov, 209 Tsipora, 508 Shimon, 209 Abramovitch
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