UDC: 903"638"(497.11) https://doi.org/10.2298/STa1969113F 902.2(497.11)"2018" Original research article VoJiSLaV M. FiLiPoVić, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade oGnJEn Đ. MLaDEnoVić, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade VESna P. VuČKoVić, Hometown Museum in Paraćin ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF BOLNICA IN PARAĆIN AND ITS importance FOR THE prehistory OF THE CENTRAL Morava REGION – a contribution in chronology and horizontal and vertical stratigraphy email:
[email protected] Abstract – The paper presents the horizontal and vertical stratigraphy of the site of Bolnica in Paraćin, based on both earlier and the latest archaeological excavations and the material which had been collected for decades by the Hometown Museum in Paraćin, as a result of the construction works connected with the constant urbanisation of the area. The presented archaeological material is attributed to a period from the Early neolithic to the socalled Dacian La Tène, meaning the 2nd century AD. One of the subjects discussed in this paper is the possibility that the sites of Bolnica and Motel Slatina, in fact, represent one large site, which was artificially divided by the E 75 highway and the Serbian Glass Factory. The comparative analysis, which encompassed the sites positioned on the right bank of the Velika Morava River, showed that this is one of the sites with the most independent chronological sequences in the Central Morava Region. Likewise, the importance of this site as a strategic point and an important intersection on the route from the Danube River to the Central Balkans, and further towards the south and east is underlined.