A Geological Interpretation of the Geophysical Data for the Ouyen 1:250 000 Map Sheet Area
VIMP Report 39 A geological interpretation of the geophysical data for the Ouyen 1:250 000 map sheet area D.H. Moore July 1997 Bibliographic reference: MOORE, D.H., 1997. A geological interpretation of the geophysical data for the Ouyen 1:250 000 map sheet area. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 39. Department of Natural Resources and Environment. © Crown (State of Victoria) Copyright 1997 Geological Survey of Victoria ISSN 1323 4536 ISBN 0 7306 9417 8 Keywords Ouyen 1:250 000, aerial magnetic surveys, magnetic interpretation, geophysical interpretation, Palaeozoic, Cainozoic, granite, greenschist facies, amphibolite facies, basalts, turbidites, Lachlan Fold Belt, Glenelg Complex, Netherby Trough, Murray Basin, gold, copper. This report may be purchased from: Business Centre, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Ground Floor, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 For further technical information contact: Manager, Geological Survey of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, P O Box 2145, MDC Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION - OUYEN 1 Contents Abstract 2 1 Introduction 3 2 Access and physiography 5 3 Previous work 6 3.1 Regional studies 6 Geology 6 Geophysics 7 3.2 Mineral exploration 8 3.3 Petroleum exploration 10 4 Regional interpretation 12 4.1 Pre-Delamerian and Delamerian 12 General 12 Glenelg Zone 12 Delamerian intrusions 16 Stawell Zone 17 Devonian granites 19 Carboniferous-Permian 19 Mesozoic and Cainozoic 20 5 Conclusions 23 6 References 25 Appendix 1 29
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