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BULLETIN of the Euopean Communities

Secretorlot of the Commlsslon


INDEX 1971.

BULLETIN of the Buropean Communities




Table of Contents



- Free movement of goods 13 Competition policy 17 Taxation policy 22 Freedom of establishment, freedom to supply services, company law 23 Approximation of legislation and the creation of Community law by conventions 25


Economic, monetary and linancial policy 29 Regional policy 33 - Social policy 34 - Agricultural policy 45 Industrial, scientific and technical research and development policy 56 Energy policy 60 Transport policy 63


- Enlargement of the Community 73 Relations with Mediterranean countries 75

Relations with non-European Associated countries . 79 Relations with non-member countries 84 Commercial policy 90 - Commodities and world agreements 92 The Community and the developing countries 93 The Community and international organizations 95 Diplomatic relations of the Communities 98

3 V. ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTITUTIONS 101 - European Parliament 103 - Council 1.06 - Commission 707 - Court of Justice 709 - Economic and Social Committee 1,17 ECSC Consultative Committee 117 Audit Committee 118 European Investment Bank 118 Community budgets and financing . 123



This index is a documentary guide to the contents o( the Bulletin of the in t971. The index covers two of the three parts of the Bulletin, Part One Features and Documents and Part Two, the classified survey of Community actiuities during the month under report. The arrangement of the index here follows the pittern of this second part. In addition, the special supplements published in TgZt are mentioned under the appropriate heading.

For the numbered text it is the serial number quoted as reference; in other cases the Index refers to the page of. the Bulletin.

I. General

Political cooperation

Foreign Ministers' Conference on political union: 19 November L970 1, (15)

Second Foreign Ministers' Conference on political co- operation: 13 and t4 May 1971 6, (31)

Conference of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Six and the Ten on political cooperation 72, (23) - European Parliament: resolwtion 72, 123, (99) "Presentation of the General Report for 1970 and Programme of the Commission for 1971" 3, (13)

The building of Europe: From May 1950 to May 1971,. By Mr , President of the Commission 6, (5)

28 October \971. Statement by President Malfatti after the House of Commons vote 11, (5)

Strengthening of Community Institurions, by Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission 12, (5)

First meeting of the Ministers of Justice of the six Member States: 3 lune 1.97t 7, (9)

First meeting of the Ministers of Education: 15 Novem- ber 1971 . t2, (28)

Court of Justice decision on the EART case 22/70 Commission v. Council - 5, 80, 750

fhrck prrnt: No. of the Bullctilt; ltaltcs sectron; figures betwcen brackets. pagc. ff. Functioning of the Common market


Common customs tariff

Amendment of certain conventional CCT duties t, 2, (67); ) 1, (39) CCT applicable from 1 lanuary 7971 2, 1, (39) Deferred application of CCT duties - Germany, France. 2, 3, (41) Regulations on the classification of goods 2, 4, (41); 6, 2, (61); 9/10, 1, (65) Regulations suspending autonomous duties on certain products L, 1, (57); 2, 2, (40); 5, L, (37); 8, 1, (31); 9/L0, 2, (65) Authorization for the three Benelux countries to defer any increases in the duties of the Benelux customs tariff which would bring it into line with the CCT on manufactured tobacco 9/10, 3, (65)

Tariff. quotas

Community 1, j, (67); 2, 5, (42); 5, 2, (37); 8, 3, 4, 5, (31); 9/10, 4, (66) National - Germany .a 2, 5, (44)

Customs value

Regulation on the exchange rates to be applied in determining customs value in certain Member States' currencies 7, 1, (43); ll, 2, (53)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

13 Amendment to regulation on the periods of grace referred to in Article 10 (2) and (3) of the Council regulation relating to customs value 7, 2, (43)

Amendment to regulation relating to standard average values for citrus fruits 9/10, 6, (67)

Customs legislation

General Programme for the Approximation of Customs Legislation 6, 7, (61, 46)

Commission directive of 30 June 1971 relating to the application of the Council directive of. 4 March 1969 concerning the harmonization of laws and regulations relating to inward processing arrangements g, L4, (35)

Directive relating to the harmonization of laws and regula- tions on the normal handling of goods in customs ware- houses and in free zones

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 6, L63, (39, 724) European Parliament: oPinion g, 202, (71.6)

Council: adoption g, 13, (35)

Community transit

Simplification of Community transit procedures for goods carried by rail Commission: regulation 4, 2, (69)

Amendment of two Commission regulations relating to the use of modern methods of making out Community transit declarations and documents 5, 3, (38)

Regulation amending Articles 35 and 48 of Regulation 542/69 on Community transit European Parliament: opinion 6,4, 777, (62, 776)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 162, (124)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures beueen brackets: page.

14 Council regulation amending Article 52 of regulation 542/69 to avoid useless complications in the compilation of transit statistics Commission: proposal . 9/10, 8, (69)

The opening of negotiations for an agreement with Switzerland on the application of the system of Community transit Commissioni recomrnendation . 5, 3, (38) Council: decision 9/10, 8, (69); 11, 1, (53) The opening of negotiations for an agreement between the Community and Austria on the application of the Community transit system Commission i recommendation . 9/10, 8, (69) Council: decision 11, 1, (53)

Commission regulation simplifying formalities in the offices of departure and destination g, 1.1, (34)

Commission regulation on the use of Community transit documents in applying certain measures for the export of various kinds of goods g, 12, (35)

Circulation of scrap metal within the Community Commission; proposal lor a decision by tbe representatiues of Member Gouernments of tbe ECSC, rneeting in tbe Cowncil 9/10, 8, (68)

Determination of origin

Amendment to the Council regulation on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods European Parliament: opinion 6,4, LL0, (62, Lt5)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7, 5, L50, (44, L17) Commission regulation being a special case of the imple- mentation of the Council regulation on the common definition of the concept of origin of goods 6, 3, (62)

Commission regulation on the determination of the origin of meat and fresh, chilled or frozen offal of certain domestic animals 7, 4, (44)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulledn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

15 Commission regulation determining the origin of materials and fabrics having been worked up and other textile articles on which little work has been done 7, 4, (44)

Definition of the concept of "products originating in" for the application of Tide I of the EEC-AASM Association Agreement 8, 7, (33)

Definition of the concept of "products originating in" for the application of Title I of the Arusha Agreement 8, 8, (33)

Definition of the concept of "products originating in" for the purposes of the Association of the OCT with the EEC. 8, 9, (33)

Taxes having equivalent effect to customs duties

Duty for administrative services imposed on imported goods l, 4, (68)

The work of eliminating taxes with equivalent effect to customs duties g/lo, 7, (68)

Elimination of technical barriers

Directives on approximation of Member States' legislation concerning natural mineral waters -Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, 4, (70, 1.43)

European Parliament: opinion . 6, 4, 708, (62, 11s) concerning the classification, packing and labelling of - dangerous substances Council: adoption 5, 5, (39)

concerning motor vehicles -Council: adoption 5, 4, (38); 9/10,9, 10, (69) concerning electrical equipment that can be used in an explosive atmosphere Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 6, 764, (39, 725) European Parliament: opinion 9/10, 73, 174, (72, 168)

Thick print: No. oI the Bulletin; italia: section; figures between brackets: page' t6 concerning texdles -Council: adoption g/10, g, 77, (69,70) concerning units of measure -Economic and SocialI CommitCommitteCommittee: opinion 8, 227, (128) European Parliament: opinion 9/10, 175, 73, (768,72) Council: adoption 9/lo, 72, 2, (77, 43)

concermng measuflng rnstruments Economic- and Social Committee: opinion 4, (742) European Parliament: opinion 6, 4, 709, (62, L1,5) Council: adoption 9/lo, 9, 72, (69,71); 12, 2, (43) concerning liquid meters other than for water -Council: adoption 9/10, 12, (71); L2, 2, (43',) concerning additional devices for meters for liquids - other than water European Parliament: opinion ll, 85, (97) Council: adoption 12, 2, (43)

Euronorms Approval of thirteen Euronorms by the Coordinating Committee on the nomenclature of iron and steel 2, 6, (44)

Meetings of working parties, 3 and 4 February 1971, - and 17 and 18 February 1,977 4, 3, (6e)

General tariff preferences

See: "The Community and the developing countries" p. 91



Cooperation between Enterprises and Competition Policy. By Mr Albert Borschette, member of the Commission 4, (5)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italia: section; figures between brackets: page.

t7 "Rules of competition and the position of European companies in the Common Market and in the world economy" 8, 22, (40) European Parliament: resolution 8, 187, (705)

Commission's -proposals for amendments to the rules implementing Article 50 of the ECSC Treaty 2, 7, (44)

Application of Articles 65 and 66 of the ECSC Trcaty

Prior authorization for an industrial concentration operation between two steel firms, August Thyssen-Htitte AG of Duisburg-Hamborn and NKF Staal NV of Alblasserdam 2, 10, (42)

Authorization from the Commission for the acquisition of a controlling interest by the holding company Marine-Firminy SA, Paris, in the capital of the SA Acidries de Champagnole, La Courneuve 6, 5, (62)

Authorization from the Commission for the acquisition whole the shares in the capital of Maschinen- of the of '\tr7erke fabrik A. Beyen KG, Herne, by Kliickner AG, Duisburg 6, 5, (63)

Authorization from the Commission for the joint founding of the "service Acier Rhdnan SA", Ottmarsheim (France), by two undertakings dealing in iron and steel products, Kliickner 6c Co., Duisburg, and Ki.iderli AG, Zurich 7, 6, (45)

Authorization from the Commission for the joint control of Forges d'Haironville, Haironville, France, by Compagnie des Forges de Chatillon Commentry Biache SA, Paris, and Socidtd Mdtallurgique Hainaut-Sambre SA, Couillet, Belgique 7, 6, (45)

Authorization of the merger of the Vcilklingen/Saar plant of the Riichling'sche Eisen- und Stahlwerke GmbH and the Burbach/Saar plant of the Acidries R6unies de Burbach- Eich-Dudelange (Arbed), g, 19, (38)

Authorization for the Mannesmann-Rohrbau company, a subsidiary of Mannesmann AG, Diisseldorf, to acquire all the Shares of Fr. \7aldt GmbH of Aschaffenburg g, 19, (39)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berueen brackets: page.

18 Authorization of a concentration between August Thyssen- Hiitte AG, Duisburg-Hamborn, and Otto \flolff AG, Cologne, in the nuts and bolts sector . 8, 20, (39)

Authorization of four rationalization groups in the German iron and steel industry 9/10, 16, (73)

Commission authorization for the joint foundation of Betonwerk Bensberg GmbH by Kliicknet Durilit GmbH and Betonwerk Niedersachsen AG. 9/10, 17, (75)

Commission authorization of integration between Sociit6 Fiat SpA and Sociitd Acciaierie di Piombino SpA 9/10, 77, (75)

Commission authorization of the acquisition of the scrap metal business Benjamin de Jongh NV by the Vereenigde Utrechtsche IJzerhandel NV, of Utrecht 9/10, 17, (75)

Application of Articles 85 and 86 of the EEC Treaty

Proposed Council regulations authorizing the Commission to adopt regulations for exemption by categories and modifying the provisions of Regulation No. 17 of 5 February 1,962 . 8, 22, (40)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8, 233, (1.30) European Parliament: opinion 9/10, 21, 173, (77, 1.67) Commission decision concerning a joint selling agreement for ordinary superphospha tes 2, 8, (45)

Banning of an aggregated rebate agreement in one of the Member States 2, 9, (46)

Limitations on joint research and development agreements flowing from competition law 5, 7, (39)

Commission decision on abuse of a dominant position affecting the "Gesellschaft ftir musikalische Auffiihrungs- und mechanische Vervielfdltigungsrechte", Berlin g, 16, (37)

Requests for information in the beer sector in application of Article 11 (5) of Council regalationlT/62 8, 17, (38)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets, page.

t9 Commission decision on a specialization agreement between the Belgian company Fabrique nationale d'armes de guerre SA of Herstal-lez-Lidge and the Cartoucherie frangaise SA of Paris g, 15, (35)

Commission notice relating to an agreement on quotas, prices and exclusivity between three Belgian companies and one Luxembourg company producing steel tubing 9/10, 14, (72)

Commission decision of. 2 luly 1977 concerning a request for information addressed to a French enterprise 9/70, 15, (73)

Favourable Commission decision of 24 September 197L relating to an agreement involving the international texdle machinery exhibitions (ITMA) ll, 4, (s4)

Fine for incomplete information imposed by the Commission on a Belgian firm in the sugar industry on the basis of Article 14 of Council Regulation No. 17 . ll, 5, (ss)

Termination of two restrictive trade agreements in the field of construction materials 12, 3, (44)

Favourable decisions on cooperation agreements envisaged by the Commission 12, 4, (4s)

National commercial monopolies

Measures taken in frrrr.. and Italy in order to organize national commercial rnonopolies of manufactured tobaccos Commission reply to a written question 12, 9, (46)

State Aids

Aid benefiting exclusively or to a larger extent national production and financed by a charge equivalent to a tax 6,7, (63)

Reminder addressed to Governments by the Commission requestifig precise information on aids and on the way they are implemented . 7, 8, (45)

Coordination of national systems of regional aids g, 21, (39); tt, (37); 12, 5, (45)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; itahcs: secuon; figures between brackets: page.

20 Italy

Draft law of the autonomous region of Sicily for the - granting of capital subsidies for schemes to step up industrial actiYity 1, 5, (58)

Draft law of the autonomous region of Trentino-Alto - Adige for annual contributions by public authorities to the expenditure of enterprises to improve the organiza- tion of the crafts and small industries sector in the province of Trent 5, 8, (42)

Draft law of the autonomous region of Sardinia amending the regional law which introduced aids for the development of industrial activities on the island 6, 6, (63)

Draft law of the autonomous region of Sicily comprising additions and amendments to the existing aid system for handicraft industries 7,7, (45)

Draft law of the autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige concerning the determination of new budgetary means allowing the continuation of earlier systems of regional aid 9/10, 18, (75)

Laws of the autonomous region of Friule-Venezia- Giulia nos. 18 of 5 August 7966 and 39 of 23 Novem- ber 1970 9/10, 19, (76)

Interventions of a specific nature in the Sicilian region tending to make up the deficits of the sulphur mines Procedure of Article 93, para.2 of the EEC Treaty . 9/10, 20, (76) Draft laws of the autonomous region of Trentino providing for aid criteria in favour of local artisans. 72, 6, (45) Italian law establishing aids for imports into Italy of scientific instruments not manufactured in Italy Procedure laid down in Article 93, para.2 of the EEC Treaty 72, 7, (46)


Granting of credits to enterprises whose profitability is seriously impaired Procedure laid down in Article 93, para.2 of the EEC Treaty 5, 9, (42)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackers: page.

2t Germany

- Commission decision requesting the Federal Republic of Germany-bonuses to terminaie the non-selective issue of investment in the North Rhine-'Westphalia region, as specified in paragraph 37 of. the "Kohle- gesetz" 41 5, (70)

Aid measures to develop user software 4, 5, (71)

Draft law to promote the develoPment of the Zonen- randgebiet tl, 6, (56)


Extension of the French Government decree concerning - the conversion of shipbuilding companie,s 12, 8, (46)


Tax harmonization

Harmonization of Member States legislation on turnover tax L, 7, (69)

Standing committee of heads of revenue departments 5, 10, (43)

Proposal for a directive for harmonizing the structures of excise duty on manufactured tobacco l, 6, (68)

Proposal for a directive for the closer alignment of taxes on hydrocarbons used as fuel 2, 11, (48)

Directives establishing common rates of tax on capital contributions 3, 7, (49) 9/10, 23, 7'67, (79, L60)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion ll, 99, (705)

Thrck print: No. .of rhe Bulletrn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

22 Duty-free entry for travellers

Proposed directive concerning the harmonization of laws and regulations relating to turnover tax and excise duties levied during the international transit of travellers 9/L0, 22, (77)

Elimination of checks on travellers within the Community European Parliament: resolution 9/10, 23, 760, (79, 1.59) Application by Member States of the Council directive of.28 May 1969 Reply to a written question. 12, 10, (47)


Application by Member States of the directives on freedom of establishment European Parliament: resolution 4, 6, (72, 732)

Directive on eliminating restrictions on movement and residence of nationals of member countries within the Community in connection with freedom of establishment and freedom to supply services Commission:proposal 9/10, 26, (81)

Directives concerning freedom of establishment and freedom to supply services for self-employed activities in agriculture and horticulture - Council: adoption 2, 12, (48) in the wholesale coal trade - Council: adoption l, 8, (70) in cinematography - Commission: proposal 9/10, 24, (79) in hairdressing - Commission:proposal 9/10, 27, (82) as insurance agents and brokers - Commissionz proposal 2, 13, (48) European Parliament: opinion 9/10, 28, 772, (83, 757) Economic and Social Committee: opinion ll, 101, (105)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; Iigures between brackets: page.

23 in the financial, economic and accountancy field - Economic and Social Committee: opinion 31 3, (50, 89) European Parliament: opinion 6, g, 104, (63, 113) - in fiscal matters . Commissionz proposal 9/L0, 25, (80) in transpoft by road and inland waterways of goods - and passengers Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, 7, (72, 1.41) European Parliament: opinion 6, 8, 705, (63, 1.14) of itinerant traders - European Parliament: opinion 3, 2, (49, 85) Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 77, 167, (44, 724) of lawyers - European Parliament: reiection l, (71., 121) in the pharmaceuticals field European Parliament: opinion 7, (71, 122) of veterinary surgeons Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, 8, (73, 1.47) which have not yet been liberalized - Commission: proposal l, 9, (70) European Parliament: opinion 6, 8, 1,06, (64, 714) Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8, 231, (729) of opticians - Economic and Social Committee: opinion 3, 4, (50, g0) European Parliament: opinion 6, 107, (LlS); 9/10, 28, 771, (83, 766) Directive on the abolition of inspection of the "Green Card" at frontiers between Member States European Parliament: opinion 4, 9, (73, 733) Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, (742)

Company law Second directive to coordinate, with a view to making them equal, the guarantees required in Member States of companies, in the meaning of Treaty Article 58 (2), to protect the interests of associated companies and third parties as regards the constitution limited of a company- and maintenance of and changes in its capital Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7, 9, 745, (46, 115)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; itahcs: secrion; figures between brackets: page. a European Parliament: 12, 77, 733, (48, 109) Third directive on mergers between "socidtds anonymes" Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7,9, 746, (46, 715) Proposal for a fourth directive on the annual accounts of limited liability companies s. 7 /71


Directive on the abolition of inspection of the "Green Card" at frontiers between Member States 4, 9, (73) European Parliament: opinion 4, (133) Economic and Social Committee: opinton 4, (142)

Advance draft convention on the position of officials of the European Communities in criminal law 7, 1.0, (46)

European patent

Convention setting up a European system for the grant of patents, 4th Intergovernmental Conference 8, 24, (42)

Convention establishing a Cbmmuniry patent 8, 25, (42)

Public law

Directive on the coordination of procedures for the award of public supply contracts (45) Commission; .proposal 5, 12,

Council directives on the liberation of public works contracts and the coordination of procedures for awarding such contracts by the adjudicative administrations of the Member States 9/lo, 29, (83)

Commission proposals for directives relating to pharma- ceutical products ll, 7, (56)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulledn; italics: section; Iigures betwcen brackets: page. z' Economic law

Approximation of the law relating ro securiries 8, 23, (41) 'Water legislation 9/L0, 30, (85)

Company law

See: "Freedom of establishment, freedom to supply services, company law", pp. 23,24,25

Thick print: No. oI the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

26 III. Towards economic and monetary union


The Community and the monetary crisis 6, (11)

Monetary developments in the Community in 7970 and early 1,971, 6, 9, 10, (65)

The monetary events of. May 197'1, 7, 11, (48) European Parliament: resolution 7, 78, 178, (50, 98) Directive on regulating international financial flows and neutralizing their undesirable effects on international liquidity 8, 27, (43)

Consequences for the Community of the present ,iturtion in the monetary, commercial and agricultural fields s.6/71

International monetary events (I) 9/10, (LL)

International monetary events (II) . lt, (9)

International monetary and commercial events (III) 12, (71)

Economic and monetary union

"Economic union and the prospects for monetary union within the Community". An exchange of views between the Parliament, the Council and the Commission L, 10, (72,'.1.8)

"The economic and monetary union: its objective and its problems". Statement by Mr Raymond Barre, Vice- President of the Commission, to the European Parliament . 1, (18)

Establishment of economic and monetary union by stages . t, 10, (721; 2, L4, (50, 91, 115); 3, 5, 5, (51); 4, '10, (74, L1); 5, 13, (47) Council resolution of 8 and 9 February l97l on the establishment of economic and monetary union by stages 3, 5, (5L); a 0.\; 5, Li, (47) Building economic and monetary union; by Mr R. Barre, Vice-President of the Commission 3, (g',)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; rtalics: section; Iigures between brackets: pagd.

2:) From customs union to economic and monetary union 4, (11) Third Medium-term Economic Policy Programme European Parliament: opinion 2, 23, (53, 94)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 3, 70, (52, 89) Council: adoption 4,70, (74,26)

Medium-term financial assistance European Parliament: resolution 2, 23, (53, 95)

Council: adoption 4, 70, (7$; 5, 73, (47) Guidelines for short-term economic policy, the principal elements of the economic budgets and the guide figures for the 1,972 public budgets in the Community Commission z memorandum . 7, (L4) Council: approual 8, 26, 207, (43, tzt) Strengthening of the coordination of Member States' short-term economic policies 4, 1.0, (74, 28); 5, 13, (47)

Th" situation in the Community "corroriic Commission: Quarterly Survey No. 3/4-1970 l, 11., (72) Commission memorandum to the Council on the economic situation in the Community 2, 15, (51) European Parliament: opinion 6, 90-92, (703)

The economic situation of the Community: the dangers of inflation Statement by Mr Raymond Barre, Vice-President o'..n: Commission, to the European Parliament . 5, (20) The economic situation in the Community Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5,27, 760, (50, 123) The economic situation in the Community in L970 and the outlook f.or 1971, European Parliament: resolution 6, 73,90-92, (66, 103) First Quarterly Survey f.or 1977 5, 14, (47) Second Quarterly Survey for 1977 8, 28, (4)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: section; tigures between brackets: page.

30 EEC Survey of industrial investment g, 29, (44) Annual report on the economic situation of the Community Eionomic and Social Committee: opinion 11, 14,98, (59, 104) European Parliament: opinion 12, 724, (10L, 11) Council: adoption 12, 73, (50, 12) European system of integrated economic accounts 3, 7, (5L)

Monetary Committee

Meetings: L8 November 1970 l, 12, (74) 9 December 1970 2, 17, (52) 8 lanuary 1971 3, 8, (52) 3 March 1.971 5, 15, (49) 20 April1,971. 6, 11, (66) 6 May 197L 7, 12, (49) 23 lune 1.971 g, 30, (45) 20 JuJy 1.97L 9/10, 32, (87) 2 September t971 11, g, (59) 13 October 1971 12, 14, (51)

Working Party on Securities Markets

Meetings: 28 and 29 January 1,971 2, 16, (51); 4, 11, (74) 5 and 6 May L977 7, 13, (49) 2L and 22 September 1971, 11, 9, (58)

Short-term Economic Policy Committee

Meetings: 19 November 1970 1, 13, (75) 10 and 11 December 1,970 2, Lg, (52) 21. and 22 January 1,977 3, 9, (52) 22 and 23 April7971 6, L2, (66) 17 and 18 MavMay 1971 7, 75, (49) 7 luly 197t 9/10, 33, (87) 13 September 7971 11, 11, (58)

Medium-term Economic Policy Committee

Meetings: 1,luJy 1971 5, 17, (49) 9/10, 34, (87) 12 October 1971 12, 15, (511

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italcs: section; figures berween brackets: page.

3t Alternates of the Medium-term-Economic Policy Committee

Meetings: 18 December 1970 2, 22, (53) 4 and 5 February 7971 4, L3, (75) 8 September 1971 ll, 12, (58)

Working Party on External Trade Policy

Meeting: 4 February 797'1. . 4, 15, (75); 5, 18, \49)

Working Party on incomes policy 5, 19, (49)

Budget Policy Committee

Meetings:24 November 7970 l, 14, (75) 15 December 1970 2, 19, (52) 5 February 1971. 4, 12, (75) 26 March 1971 5, 16, (49) 7 May 1,971. . 7, 74, (49) 6 andT September 1971 ll, 10, (58) 11 October 7977 . 12, 16, (51)

Committee of experts on Economic Trends

Meetings: 10 November 1970 l, 15, (75) 8 March 197I 5, 20, (50)

Panel of experts enquiring into consumers' attitudes on short-term economic situations Meeting: 15 October 1971 12, 18, (52)

Study Group on Medium-term Economic Forecasts Meetings: 79 and 20 November L970 l, 16, (75) 11 and l}February 1,97t . 4, 14, (75) 9 June 1,971, . 8, 31, (45) 20 and 21, October 1971,. 12, 17, (5L)

Panel of experts on information concerning securities

Completion of the first part of its work on drawing up a Community prospectus in connection with stock exchange quotation of securities 2, 20, (53)

Thrck print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures betwen brackets'page.

32 Panel of experts on economic budgets

Meetings: 7 December t970 2, 21, (53) '1,4 and t8 May L97l 7, 16, (49) 1 September 197L ll, 13, (59)

Working Party on the Comparison of Budgets

Meetings: 8 and 9 February 797t 4, 16, (75) 30 April1977 7, 17, (50) 19 October 1977 12, 19, (52)


Community regional policy measures in priority agricultural regions of the Community - Commission; memorandum and dralt regulation 7, 79, (25, 50) "The region: a European problem"; by Mr Albert Borschette, member of the Commission 8, (5)

Economic and Social Committee report for information purposes on funds for regional development ll, 76, 702, (60, 105)

Regional development in the Community. 12, (31)

Creation of a common regional policy Council: exchange of views 12,21, (52)

Loans under Article 56 (2a) of the ECSC Treaty Germany l, 17, (76); - 2, 24, (54); 1, 17, (75); 5,22, (50); 6, 15, (67); 7, 20, (51)i 9/10, 35, (88); 12, 22, (53)

Thick print: No. of dre Bulletin; italics: section; figures betwcen brackets: page.

33 Netherlands 2, 24, (54); - 4, 77, (75); 5,22, (50); 6, 14, (66); 9/10, 35, (88) France 2, 24, (54); - 3, 11, (53); 5,22, (50); 6, 14, (66); 7, 20, (51); 8, jj, (46); 9/10, 35, (88) Studies

the development of southern l, 19, (76); 2, 25, (54) leisure and health protection needs 2, 25, (54); 12, 23, (53) the development of the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region of Italy 2, 25, (54); 4, 79, (76) the problems posed by the restructuring of the Community textile industry 2, 25, (54) on a concerted information and regional promotion policy for the Aquitaine region of France 2, 25, (54) on the economic development of the northern part of Belgium 7, 21, (57); 8, j4, (46); 12, 23, (53) on development in the'Westmiinsterland-Grafschaft Bentheim/Twente-Oostgelderland region . g, 34, (46) on the construction and promotion of an industrial airport complex in the vicinity of Bordeaux ll, 15, (59) on the classification of the regions. 12, 23, (53) on the departements of Ouest Atlantique 12, 23, (53) on the economic employment of Brittany 12, 23, (53)



The development of the social situation in the Community in L969 Economic and Social Committee: opinion l, 36, (83, 135) -

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; rtalrcs: section; figures between brackets: page'

34 Preliminary guidelines for a social policy programme in the Community 5.2/7L

The social horizon for 1980, by Mr Albert Copp6, member of the Commission 1, (5) Surveys relating to the economic and financial problems of social security l, 19, (77)

Setting up of an Advisory Committee on Social Matters in Railways 4, 19, (76)

Social policy and economic and monetary union, by Mr Albert Coppd, member of the Commission 5, (5) Preliminary guidelines for a Community social policy programme 5, 23, (13, 51) - Meeting of representatives of the professi onal organiza- tions on 75-16 July 1971, 9/70, 36, (88) Developments in the social situation in the Community during 1.970 Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8, 67,234, - (54, 130)

European Parliament: resolution 9/10, 50, 756, - (95, 154)


Council discussion of the practical outcome of the Conference on Employment held on 27 and 28 April 7970 . l, 19, (77)

Manpower problems in the Community (1971) g, 35, (46) - Commission's report 9/L0, 37, (89) Sample survey on the labour force. l, 21, (78); 12, 25, (54) Joint seminar for employment services staff l, 20, (77); 5, 27, (52); 8, 36, (47) Problems of women at work Exchange of views with representatives of employers' - and workers' organizations 3, 1.2, (53) - Exchange of views with the relevant national authorities 5, 25, (52)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

35 Study on employment trends in the plastics processing industry 5, 26, (52)

Report on prospect studies in the field of employment - Consultation with a group of independant experts 6, 16, (67) Summary report on employment in the building industry - Meeting of management and.labour 6, 17, (69) Equal pay for men and women European Parliamentz resolution 6, 37, 702, - (72, 712) Draft study on the development of employment in banks and insurance 11, 17, (60)

Draft report on the situation on the employment market int97L-7972 . 12, 25, (55)

Standing Committee on Employment - Setting up l, 19, {76) - Meetings 18 MarchL97.1 4, 20, (76); - 5, (28) 27 May t97L 7,22, (52) 5 October 1971 11, (33); 12, 24, (53)

Vocational guidance and training

General guidelines for working out a Community programme of activities for professional training 9/10, 38, (89)

Advisory Committee on Vocational Training - Meetings:5 and 5 November 1970. l, 22, (79) 4 lune 797L g, 37, (47)

Seminar for leaders of staff training in agriculture l, 2j, (79); 4, 21, (76); 5, 28, (52); 6, 1g, (69)

Thick print: No. -of thc Bulletin; italic: section; figures between brackets: page.

35 Vocational training of adults in the iron and steel industries of Great Britain and the Community L, 24, (7e)

Seminar for vocational training leaders in industry 2, 27, (5s);

8, 37, . 38, (47) Exchange of young workers (Article 50 of the Treaty of Rome) 2, 26, (ss); 7,23, (s3); 8, 39, (a8); Ll,7g, (50) Studies on "multiskill vocational training in Community countries" and "the position of programmed teaching in the Community" 6, 78, (68)

Proposal for-a directive on the minimum level of training for drivers of road transporr vehicles Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7,24, 749, (53, 115) Programme concerning the implemenrarion of Article 18 of the EEC Treaty 9/10, 38, (89)

Preparatory meeting for the seminar for managing executives in the field of training in rransport ll, 18, (60)

Combined course on vocational guidance for officials frorp the relevant authorities of the six Member States t2, 27, (55)

Group of experts to carry out research into the development of professions 12, 29, (55)

Free movement of workers and social security of migrant workers

Seminar on the social aspects of the regional effects of free movement, organized jointly by the Commission and the provincial immigration and reception services of Lidge, Charleroi, Mons and Namur l, 27, (go)

European symposium for young workers, organized by the European Confederation of Free Trade Unions in the Community (CESL) at the instigation of the Council of Young Trade Unionists. of the Community and in conjunction with the Commission 1, 26, (79)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italcs. section; figures berween brackets: page.

37 Technical Committee for the Free Movement of l7orkers Meetingsz 27 lanuary 7971 3, 73, (s4) - 28 April and 74 May 7971 7,25, (s3)

'\tr7orking party of the Technical Committee for the Free 'Workers Movement of Study of the clearing of employment offers and applica- - tions 4, 22, (77)

Administrative Committee for the Social Security of Migrant'Workers Meetings: 17 and 18 November t970 1, 25, (79) 22 December t970 2, 28, (55) 28 and 29 January 1,977 3, 14, (55) 77-19 March t971 5, 29, (53) 22 and 23 April L971 6, 20, (68) 15 September 7977 11, 19, (60) 5 and 5 October 1,977 12, 29, (55)

Audit Committee of the Administrative Committee for the Social Security of Migrant Workers

Meetings: 8 December 1970 2, 28, (55) 22 October 1,977 . 12, 30, (56)

Revision of Regulation No. 3 on the social security of migrant workers . 8, 40, (48)

regarding the social

Commission proposal 9/10, 39, (90) Economic and Social Committee: opinion 12,44, 166, (61., 125) Petitiort on the situation of Italian emigrants in the Com- munity and the adoption of a European statute for the migrant worker European Parliament: resolution 1L,24, 84, (63, 96) Proposal for a directive extending the field of application of directive 64/22l to workers remaining on the territory of a Member State after having worked there Economic and Social Committee: opinion 12, 44, 167, (6t, 125)

Thick plnt: No. of the Bulletln; rtallcs: sectton; ftgures between brackets, page

38 Regulation establishing the Annexes to the regulation implementing the social security schemes for paid workers and their families moving within the Community (formerly Regulation No. 3 revised) Council: approual 4, 23, (78)

Re-employment and readaptation

Enquiry into the retraining of workers leaving agriculture 12, 31., (56) /' $id for workers discharged from sulphur mines in Sicily L2, 33, (57) /\ ECSC readaptation measures (Article 56 (2) of the ECSC Treaty) 2, 29, (56); 5, 30, (53); 6, 21, (69); 7, 27, (54); 9/10, 4.0, (91) European Social Fund Committee of the European Social Fund - Plenary sessions: 10 November 7970 1, 29, (go) 2 and 3 March 1,971, 5, 31, (53) 22 laly t971 9/10, 41, (91) Reform of the European Social Fund Council: adoption 4, 24, (79)

Implementing regulation pursuant to the Council decision of 1 February 1971, on the reform of the European Social Fund 7, 29, L47, (55, 115)

Council: discussion g, 41, (48) European Parliament: resolutions g, 42, (48); 72, 43, 731, (6L, 707)

Council: adoption 12, 32, (57)

Aid from the European Social Fund 2, i0, (56)

Social security and social activities

Meeting of the senior social security officials of the six Member States (18 December 1970) 2, 31, (57)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; rtahcs. sectron; tigures between brackets: page.

39 Panel of independent experts commissioned to draw up a study of the financial problems of social security Meetings: 9 March 7971 5, 33, (55) 23 April L971 6, 23, (69) 18 June 1971 8, 45, (49) 24 September l97l ll, 20, (67)

European social budget - Meeting of government experts, 8 March 797t 5, 32, (54) Group of government experts to act on the Council decision bringing up to date and extending the Commission's study on the "financing of social security in agriculilre" Meeting: 6 Aplil797t 6, 22, (69)

Group of experts on occupational diseases Meeting:7 and 8 lune 1971 8, 43, 44, (49)

Setting up of a joint drafting committee for the reviews devoted to social security theory in Community countries First meetingz LI lune l97L g, 45, (50)

Housing r/ Financing, with the help of the ECSC Fund, of building programmes to provide housing.for workers in the mining and iron and steel industries in Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands l, 29, (gl); 5, 35, (55); g, 48, (50) Seventh Programme of financial assistance for the construc- tion of ECSC housing Allocation of the first instalment of 10 million'u.a. . 4, 25, (79); - 5, 34, (55) g, - Additional credit 47, (50) ECSC experimental building programme Meeting of the International Council of Experts, - 10 and ll February 1977 4, 25, (7g); 5, 35, (55) 8 and 9 July 7971 9/t0, 42, (92)

Financing, with the aid of ECSC funds, of construction projects concerning fifty units of accommodation for workers in mines and the steel industry in Belgium. 12, 34, (57)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletrn; italcs, section; figures beween brackets: page.

,10 Living and working conditions, industrial relations

Relations with workers and employers 6, 25, (70) Contact group: "Commission/European Teachers Trade Union Committee" 1, 30, (81) - Meeting: 17 November 1970 Contact group: "Comniission/International Confederation of ,Executive Staffs" ---r Meetins: 6 November t970 1,37, (81) ./ ;/Pobli.ation by the Statistical Office of a study on the rise / in nominal hourly earnings and on working hours in industry 8, 49, 50, (51) First Community survey of wage structure 4, 26, (79)

Rules concerning the organization of enquiries into wages . g/t0, (92) Commissiont ProPosal 43, Council: adoption 12, 35, (58) Group of experts commissioned to study the social conrelrret ces of international mergers and concentrations

Report on "the arrangements under the law of the Member Stales of the European Communities benefiting workers J in the event of dismissal" Meeting of representatives of professional organizations - (93) on t Jaly 1971' 9/10, 44, Toint Committee on harmonization of conditions of lmployment in the coal-mining industry 8, 53, (52) Joint Committee on Harmonizing Working Conditions in the Steel Industry Meeting of 5 July concerning a European collective - framewirk agte.merrt for the workers in the iron and steel industries 9/L0, 45, (93) Meetings of a working party on the employment of - partially handicaPPed workers 4 March 7977 5, 38, (56) 15 October L971 . 12, 36, (58l, Joint Advisory Committee on the social problems of farm workers Plenary meeting: 79 and 20 November 1970 t, 32, (81) - "safety and health" working party - Meeting: 29 lantary 7971. 3, 15, (55)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; rtalics: section; figures between brackets. page 4t Furopean Convention for the harmonization of working hours of wage-earners permanently employed in livestoc[ breeding 7, 30, (55)

Joint Advisory Committee on the Social Problems in Sea Fisheries - Meetings: 19 January 1.971, . 3,75, (ss) 30 June L971. . 8,52, (s2) 20 to 22 October 1971 L2, 37, (s8)

Joint Advisory Committee on social matters in inland waterway transport - Meetings: 2December 7970 2, 32, (57) 27 and28 April7977 6, 26, (70) \

Joint Advisory Committee on Social Matters in Road Transport - Meeting: 15 and L5 June 1977 . 8,51, (51) Survey on the problems of working hours in continuous shift working plants in the glass, perrochemical and man- made fibres industries 5, 37, (s5)

Commission report on the experimental collation of collective agreements in the non-electric machine construc- tion and electrical engineering sectors 6, 24, (70) I Building and construction employers' and workers'org aniza- tions - Meeting:27 May 7971 7, 31, (56)

Health protection

Collaboration with national safety institutes 4, 30, (90)

Meeting of national experts in the production and use of films on safety 6, 27, (70)

European symposium on the occupational readaptation and placement of handicapped persons 5, 39, (55); 7, 32, (55) \Torking party on the safety of migrant workers - Meetings: 15 and 17 March 1971. 5,47, (s7) 24 and 25 June 1.971, 8, 55, (53)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; rtalics: section; Iigures between brackets: page.

42 Meeting of a working party to examine the standards in force in the member countries regarding the colours, signs and safety placards used in firms 3, 17, (56) "Ad hoc" group of national experts on public health and toxicology - Meeting: 10 and 77luly 7977 9/10, 46, (93) Mines safety 'Working "Explosives and explosions" Party - . Meeting:9 and 10 November 1970 L, 33, (82) 7- Financial assistance for families of victims of mining I disasters 2, 35, (58); 7, i6, (s8) t/ ,- Mines safety research programme on preventing pit f ires and comb--ustion 7, 34, (57); 9/10, 48, (94) Third research programme into "health in mines" 7, 33, (57); - 9/70, 47, (94) Dust control in mines 2, 34, (58); - 5, 40, (57); 7, 35, (58) Panel of experts instructed to follow developments in - research work on the rescue of trapped mlners Meetings: L7 F ebrtary 1'977 4, 28, (80) 20 October 1.971' L2, 39, (59) Financial aid for research projects falling under the - ECSC "chronic respiratory complaints" programme and for research under the "occupational and psychology" programme .physiology 8, 54, (52) Mines Safety and Health Commission Seventh report of the Mines Safety and Health - Commission European Parliament: resolution 3, L9, (56, 84) Eighth annual report of the Mines Safety and Health - Commission g, 59, (53) Meetings of working parties and committees of experts - attached to the Mines Safety and Health Commission 1, 34, (82); 2, 35, (58); 5, 42, (58); 6, 30, (71); g, 58, (53); Ll,23, (63); 12, 40, (59) Setting up of three new working parties on ventilation - and firedamp control, mechanization and roof control . 5, 42, (58)

Thrck pnnt: No. of rhe Bulletrn; rtalics: section; figures between brackets' page'

43 Symposium on the organization of Community safery campaigns in mines 8, 59, (53) I7o-rking party on the utilization of farm machinery - Meeting: 15 and 1,6 June 7971, g, 55, (52)

Industrial safety in the iron and steel industry

Prevention and control of air pollurion caused by the steel industry 2, 33, (s7); 4, 29, (80) Study of accidents in the steel industry 7, 37, (ss1 Steel Industry Safety Commission - First annual report: resolution of the European Parliament 6, 31, L03, (72, L73) - Adoption of the second annual report 8, 5Z (53) - Use of explosives in blast furnacei. 4, 27, (90) - I7orking party on accident prevention arrangements 6, 28, (71)

Health protection (Euratom)

Symposium on parasitic X-ray emissions from electronic systems 1, 35, (92) Symposium on radioecology,T to 10 September 1977 ll, 21, (61) Commission opinion on the disposal of radioactive effluents - Central Bureau for Nuclear-Measurements, Geel 2, 37, (59) - from the Irradiated Fuel Reprocessing plant (\J7AK), Karlsruhe . 8, 59, (53) - from the nuclear power station at Saint-Laurent des-Eaux ll, 22, (63) Radiation prorection standards - Study on the sysrem of declaration and authorization applying in the Member States of the Community to activities- and operations concerning nuclear fuels'and other radioactive substances 3, 19, (56) Panel of experts on basic standards - Meeting:3 to 5 March 1971 5, 43, (59) Meeting of 7 and 8 July on the general revision of the - basic standards ' rela ting to the dangers resulting from ionizing radiation 9/10, 49, (94)

Thick print: No. of the Bullerin; rtalics: section; figures between blackets: page,

+4 i ,t

'Meeting of technical experts on research in personal I dosimetry 6, 29, (71) Intercomparison programme regarding personal dosimetry. 9/10, 49, (94) I R.port on the practical problems of the decontamination 'of workers exposed to ionizing radiation 4, 31, (90) Publication of the records of the symposium on radio- protection held in Rome in June 1970. 9/10, 49, (94) Publication of documents from the seminar on information og,_ qd training in, radiation prorecion, held at the end of 7969 12, 42, (60) 9t9,rp of contracting experts on physical, chemical and biological changes likely to be foundinirradiated foodstuffs 12, 41, (60)

Paul Finet Foundation

Board of Governors of the Paul Finet Foundation - Meetings: 8 December 1970 2, 39, (59) 1.6 March1971 5, 44, (59) 8 June 197L g, 60, (54)



Annual report f.or 1970 on the situation of agriculture in the EEC 4, 47, (96) The new Commission proposals for agricultural structures and prices. 3, (28) Towards new guidelines for the common agricultural policy; by Mr Sicco L. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission 3, (5) New guidelines for the common agricultural policy Commissiont proposal 3, (28); 4, 32, (59, g1) European Parliament: resolution 5, 58, 737, (66, t07) Council: adoption 7, ig, (59)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

45 I It


Directives and regulation to implement the "reform of agriculture" European Parliament: resolution 4, 49, (89, 727)

Economic and Social Committee:'opinion 5, 59, 758, (67,121) Towards the implementation of the new guidelines for the common agricultural policy Commission proposals to the Council. 7, (29); g, 62, (54) Regulation on producer groupings and their associations European Parliament: opinion 8,79, 194, (61., 1.12)

Commission decision on compensatory payments ll, 25, (64); 12, 45, (61\ Council regulation authorizing Member States *hi.h temporarily widened the margins of fluctuation of their currencies to take measures at their frontiers. 7, 39, (59); 9/L0, 51, (95) Consequences for the Community of the present situation in the monetary, commercial and agricultural fields s.6/71

Decision to repeal the measures implemented by the Commission in the rice and cereals sectors following the devaluation of the French franc 9/L0, 52, (95) Communication from the Commission on Community \ regional policy activities in the priority agricultural regions of the Community Economic and Social Committee: opinion 12, 57, 753, (58, 123)

Common organization of markets

Draft Commission regulation on the suspension of the advance fixing of levies and refunds in the various sectors of the common organization of the markets European Parliament: opinion 7, L23, (1.06)

Proposed regulations relating to certain sectors of agriculture Economic and Social Committee: opinion 11, 33, 100, (67, 1,05)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

46 Beef and veal 1, 39, (84); 2, 41, (59h 3, 20, (56); 4, 33, (81); 5, 47, (59); 8, 66, (57); 9/10, 58, (1oo); Ll, 27, (64)

Seeds 3, 25, (58, 91); 12, 46, (62)

Sugar l, 4L, (85); 2, 44, (50); 7)) (s7); 4, 36, (82); 6, 34, (7il; 71 4, (62); 8, 68, (s7)

Fisheries 1, 44, (86); 2, 50, (62); 3, 24, (57); 4, 39,49, (83, 89); 5, 53, (53); 6, 38, (75); 7, 48, (63); 8, 73, (59); 9/t0, 63, (104)

Import of fisheries products from Morocco and Tunisia g/10, 75, L68, (109, t64) 12, 54, (67)

Pigmeat l, 39, (94); 2, 42, (60); 4, 34, (87); 5, 49, (60); 6, j2, (72); 4, 48, (89, 124)

Modification of the intervention system 8, 67,79, L96, - (57, 61., 71.3) 9/10, 59, (100); ll, 28, (65); 12, 50, (64)

Fruit and vegetable preparations 9/10, 62, (703)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; ltahcs: section; figures between brackets: pagc

47 Milk and milk products l, 40, (85); 2,43, 54, (60, 64, 103); 3, 21, (57); 4, 35, 48, (82, 89, 124); 5, 49, (60); 6, 33, (73); 7, 43, (61); g, 6j, (54); 9/10, 57, (100); 11,26, (64); 12, 49, (64) Premiums for the slaughter of cows and non-marketing - of milk and milk products 2, 54, (64,100); 3, 25, (58, 90); g, 55, (55) Products processed from fruit and vegetables 1, 43, (85); 2, 47, (6L) (t06) - Export refunds 9/10, 67, Cereals and rice t, j7, (94); 2, 40, (59) Amendment of the basic regulations l, 48, (87, 125); - 5, 46, (59); 7, 47, 42, (60); g, 54, (55) Amendment of regulations on common organization - of the market 9/10,75, 764, ('t09, t63) Marketing campaigns 9/10, 54, 55-55, - (98, 99); 12, 47, 48, (63) Fruit and vegetables l, 42, (85); 2, 46, (61); l, 48, (87, 125); 2, 54, (64, 107); 3, 25, (58, 83); 4, 37, (82); 5, 51, (62); 6, 35, (74); 7, 46, (62); 8, 70, (58); 9/10, 61, (102); 11, 30, (66); 12, 52, (66)

Tnick print: No. of the Bulletin; italrcs: section; figures between brackets: page.

48 Cancellation of the short-term economic policy measures - taken in the fruit and vegetable preparations sector following the devaluation of the French franc in August 1969 8, 7L, (59)

Oils and fats . 2, 45, (61); 3, 23, (57); 5,50, (62); 7, 45, (62); 8, 69, (58); 9/10, 60, (101); 71, 29, (65); 12, 51, (65) Information reports prepared by the Economic and - Social Committee regarding the conclusion of an inter- national agreement on oils and fats 7, 152, (117)

Live plants and flowers 2, 49, (62); 6, 36, (74)

rWine 2,49, 54, (62, 64, 702); 3, 25, (58, 91); 4, 39, (93); 5, 52, (63); 6, 37, (75); 7, 47, (63); 8, 72, (59); 9/LO, 64, 75, 766, (L04, L09, 164); ll, 31, (66); 12, 53, (66)

Tobacco 4, 40, (83); 7, 49, (64); 9/10, 66, 75, L67, (105, 109, t64)

Flax and hemp 5, 54, (64); 7, 50, (64); 8, 74, (60); 9/10, 65, (105)

Hops 4, 42, (94); 8,79, 795, 226, (62, 1.t3, 728); 9/L0, 53, (96)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics; section; Iigures between brackets: page.

49 Production and sale of honey 7, 49, (87, 737)

Production and markffing of hatching eggs and farmyard chicks . L, 48, (87, 1,25)

Sale of equipment for the vegetative reproduction of vines l, 49, (87, L37); 2, 54, (64, 103) Proposal for a Council directive on surveys to be made by Member States of the producdon potential of fruit-tree plantations 4, 49, (90, 143)

Trade system for certain processed agricultural products 2, 54, (64, tO3)

Organization of the vine products market 2, (L03); 12, 57,734, (58, 110)

Basic survey in Italy 3, 25, (58, g4)

System of import, export and advance fixing cerrificates

Common implementing procedures 2, 52, (63); g, 76, (60)

Import and export certificates in the fars sector . 7, 48, (87, 125)

European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund

EAGGF (Guidance Section) aid for L971, . . l, 48, (87, 122); 2, 53, (63,702); 12, 57, 736, (58, 111)

Reguladons on the financing of inrervention expenditure on the international market in the beef and veal ind milk . a!4 milk products sectors and regulation concerning an additional advance on the expenditure eligible foi the EAGGF, "Guarantee" Section l, 45, (86); 2, 5i, (63)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italcs: section; figures between brackets: page.

50 European Parliament: resoluti.on L, 48, (87, 1231

Determination of the additional advance payment to cover expenditure chargeable to the Guarantee Section of the EAGGF for the first quarter of 197'J, 4, 43, (8a); 5, 56, (65) Advance payment made available by the Commission to cover expenditure financed by the Guarantee Section of the Fund 6, 39, (76)

Council decision on expenditure by the EAGGF in the fruit and vegetable sector in Italy 7, 51, (64)

Advance payment in respect of expenditure chargeable to the Guarantee Section of the EAGGF for the second half of.1970 8, 77, (6L)

First instalment of the EAGGF Guidance Section financial assistance for'1,970 5, 55, (55)

Second instalment of finance 9/10, 68-77, (t06 ff.) Methods of providing Fund finance for intervention measures on the tobacco, flax and hemp markets 9/10, 72, (t09)

Council regulations on the financing of intervention expenditure in the wine products sector and in the fruit and vegetable sector 12, 55, (67)

Financing of the common agricultural policy European Parliament: resolution ) (101); 3, 25, (58, 84)

Agricultural prices

Minimum price system for certain products Council: extension ol the ualidity ol its decision 2, 51, (62)

Agricultural prices for 7971,-7972 Commission: proposal 3, (28); 4, 47, (85)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 59, 757, (67, 720)

Council: adoption 7, 40, (60)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; Iigures between brackets: page.

51 Agricultural prices for L972-1973 Commission; proposdl g, 62, (54)

European Parliament: opinion 9/t0, 163, (1.62)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 12, 57, 764, (68, 724) Regulation on the adiustment to Community prices of the intervention or buying-in prices to be paid by France 4, 41, (93)

Conditions of competition in agriculture

Draft laws of the autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige l, 45, (96); 4, 44, (95) Additional measures for German agriculture 7, 52, (64); 71, 32, (66) Bills of the Sardinia region . 4, 44, (95)

Proposed aid for'Sardinia ll, 32, (66)

Proposed aid in the Netherlands 7, 52, (64); 17, 32, (66); 72, 56, (68) Plans for aid in the autonomous region of Val d'Aosta 12, 56, (68)

Commission proposal for the grant of aid to certain tobaccos European Parliament: opinion 12,135, (7t1)

Harmonization of legislation

Exceptional measures concerning health problems European Parliament : approual 5, 58, 732, (67, 1,t0) Procedure for cooperation between Member States and the Commission 8, 75, (60)

Problems concerning health regulations in respect of - intra-Community trade in fresh meat . 5, 58, 128, (67, 1.07) - intra-Community trade in meat-based products 12,57, 738, L65, (68, L1.3, 125) trade of fresh poultry meat 4, 45, (95) intra-Community trade in animals 9/10, 74, (709)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

52 Approximation of Member States' legislation concernilg pisla, conservation agents which qay bg used in foodstuffs for human consumption and non-alcoholic beverages l, 48, (87, t24)

Approximation of legislation concerning mayonnaise . . 3, 25, (58, 84)

Council (EEC) directive amending for the sixth time the Council directive on approximation of Member States' legislation concerning pieservatives for use in foodstuffs for human consumption Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, 48, (e0, 143)

Council: adoption 5, 57, (66)

Marketing standards for ovalbumin and lactalbumin European Parliament z resolwtion 4, 48, (90, 124)

Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, (144)

Council directive amending certain existing provisions on the marketing of material for asexual propagation of vines ' 5, 57, (66)

Directive amending previous provisions on the marketing of certain seeds Council: adoption 5, 57, (66)

Directive on the external quality standards for forestry reproductive material marketed within the Community Council: adoption 5, 57, (66)

Commission decision on the marketing of seeds of certain kinds of forest trees : 7, 53, (65); 9/70, 73, (r09) Council directive on the approximation of Member States legislation on ice-cream Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8,79, 235, - (61,, t3t) Amended proposal for a Council directive on taxation other than turnovei taxes levied on the consumption of manu- factured tobaccos 232, (1.30) - Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8, Aid system for cotton seeds European Parliament: oPinion : 8,79, 197, (6t, 1.1.3); 71, 33, 86, (67,98)

Thick print: No. oI the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

53 Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8,79, 229, (6t, t29) Proposals for a directive and a regulation on harmonizing Member States' legislation on beer Economic and Social Commirtee: opinion 7, 54, 757, (55, 117) European Parliament: opinion 12,132, (109)

Approximation of Member Srares' legislation on special diet foods European Parliament: resolution 9/10, 169, (765)

Harmonization of legislation in the animal feedingstuffs sector

Directive concerning additives in animal feedingstuffs l, 47, (87); 4, 46, (85) Regulation fixing the maximum permissible content of undesirable substances and producis in feedingstuffs and regulation dealing with marketing Commissiont proposals 4, 46, (95)

Directive specifying the methods of analysis for determining the content of animal feedingstuffs . 8, 79, (61)

Agricultural matters in the lnstitutions of the Community


Sessions: November 1970 1, (127, 130) December 1970 2, (1.06) lanuary 7971 3, (85); 4, (59) February 1.971 4, (135) March 1971 5, 45, 134, 736, (59, 177, 112) Aprll7971 6, 112, (116) May 1971 7, L28, L29, 39, 40, (1,08. 59,60) June 197t 8, 206, 210, (127, 723) July 797L 9/10, 180, (770) September 1971 11, 89, (gg) October 7971 72, 146, (776)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; frgures berween brackets: page

54 European Parliament

November 1970 l, 48, (87, 122-12s) December 1970 2, 54, (64, 100-103) January !971. 3, 25, (58, 83-84) February L97t 4, 48, (89, 127-L24) March 197L 5, L30-732, 58, (Lo7-L10, 66)

April7971. , 6, 93-95, 40, (L05-L07,76) May 1971. 7, L23, 54, (706, 65) June 1971. 8, 79, 194-198, (6t, 1.t2-L74) g/10, luly 197L 75, 163-169, (L09, 762-165) September 1971 17, 3i, 86, (67, 98) October'J.971 12, 57,734-L39, (68, 110-113)

Economic and Social Committee

November 1970 l, 49, (87, 737)

lantary L971 3, 25, (58, 90-91) February 1,97L 4, 48, (90, 1.43-L44) March 197L 5, 59, 757-158, (67,120-727) May 1.971. 7, 54, 752, (65, L17) lune 1,971 8,79, 226, 229, 235, (62, t28, L29, L3L) September 1971 ll, 33,700, (67, 105) Ocrober L97L 12, 57, 163-L65, (68, 123-t25)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: section; figures berween brackets: page.



Conference on the subject of "Indusrry and Society in the Community" 3, 26, (59)

The recent development of electronic industries . 3, (42) Commission Memorandum on the Community's industrial policy - European Parliament resolution 4, 49, (90) - Statement to the Economic and Social Committee by Mr Spinelli, member of the Commission 5, 60, (67) - Economic and Social Commirtee: opinion 5, 6L, 15g, (58, 122) Industrial Policy Committee - Commission, proposal 6, 41, (76) Industrial policy for the textile industry 9/10, 78, (713) \eggla{on for the setting up of. joint undertakings under the EEC Treaty tl, 34, (67)

The environment

Political and institutional aspects of. environmental management: Europe's experience 3, (36) Environmental protection: a pressing problem for indu- strialized societies 4, (53)

lTt q . .Euro-pean_- Community's ecological policy', by Mr Altiero Spinelli, Member of the Commission 9/10, (5) The Community's environment policy 9/70, (56) Control of river pollution, particularly that of the Rhine European Parliament: resolution 1, 57, (92, 720)

Iron and steel industry

Overall objectives for 7975-7980 Commission: memorandum to the European Parliament and to the ECSC Aduisory iommittee 5, 62, (69) Commission: adoption 9/10, 76, (L10)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

56 Estimates for the second quarter of 7977 . 5, 63, (69) Financial aid for tecbnical research 6, 42, (77); 11, 35, (59) Trend of capital spending and producrion capacity . 9/t0, 77, (772)

Nuclear industry

Request by the Socidtd belgo-frangaise d'dnergie nucldaire mosane (SEMO) that it be deemed to be a "Joint [Jnder- tahing" as defined in Chapter V of the Eurarom Treaty 5, 64, (70) Notification to the Commission of an investment project concerning the construction of a nuclear fuel element production plant at Busalla, Italy, by the company Fabbricazioni Nucleari SpA g, 93, (53)

General research and technology

Scientific and technical research policy - Present situation and future prospects of Euratom European Parliament: resolution t, 57, (92, 1.16) After the Fourth European Space Conference L, 51, (90, 62) - The Commission's proposals for comprehensive action - in research and development 1, 50, (gg); 2, 55, (65); s.1/77 - European scientific and technical co-operation Application from Yugoslavia to participate 3, 27, (59) - Meeting of experts from the Member States and 13 other European countries on 15 and 16 July 1977 9/10, 79, (715) - Committee on Scientific and Technical Research Policy 4, 50, (91) Use of numerically controlled machine-tools 9/10, 80, (1.1.6) Three-year research and education programme Commission:. proposal tl, 36, (69)

Nuclear technology

Exchange of information with nuclear reactor operators 2, 57, (66) Meeting on vibration phenomena inside water-cooled reactor pressure vessels 2, 56, (65)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: section; figures between brackets: pagc.

57 Study of the corrosion of reactor graphite 3, 28, (59)

Fast Reactor Co-ordination Committee 5, 65, (70)

Commission memorandum on the technical and economic prospects of light water nuclear power plants (as per Article 40 of the Euratom Treaty) 7, 57, (68)

Symposium on marine nuclear propulsion 7, 55-55, (55)

Joint Research Centre

Present situation and prospects of Euratom Parliament: resolution l, 57, (92,1.16) - European Reorganization of the JRC 1, 53, (90); 2, 59, (66); 3, j0, (60); 4, 52, (93, t36) 5, 67, (77); 6, 49, 96, (83, 107) The Commission's "General guidelines" for the preparation of the JRC programmes. 6, 43-44, (78) 40, (72) - Draft programmes submitted by the JRC 71, Proposals submimed by the JRC to the General Consultative Committee in connection with the multiannual programme 7, 58, 59, (68, 69) Various projects envisaged by the programme 8, 84-85, (53); - 71, 37, (70) Examination of the programme by the EAEC Stientific - and Technical Committee 12, 58, (68)

General Consultative Committee 6, 45-47, (80ff.) g, 96, (64); 9/10, 81, (1.17); 71, 38, (77) Scientific Committee Meetings;9,20 and 2t lune 7971, 8, 87, (65) - 8 September 1971 71, 39, (71)

Visit to Ispra by representatives of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 4, 54, (93)

Thick prrnt: No. of the Bulletin; itallcs: sectron; figutes between brackets: page.

58 Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements Open days: 1.9 to 27 November 7970 . 1, 55, (91)

Advisory Committees on Programme Management - "Heavy-water reactors" Meetings: 5 November L970 l, 54, (91); 3, 31, (60) 4 February 1971 4, 55, (94) 24 lune 7971. 8, 88, (55) 28 Ocrober 1977 72, 52, (70) - "High temperature gas reactors" Meetings: 19 January 1,971, 3, 31, (61) 7 October 1971 12, 59, (69) "High flux reactors" Meetings: 14 lanuary 1977 3, 31, (60) 19 October 1971 12, 61, (70) - "Plutonium and transplutonium elements" Meetings: 1,6 February 7971 5, 68, (72) June 797t 8, 88, (5s) "Solid-state physics" Meeting: 11 February 7971 4, 55, (94) "Fast reactors" Meeting: L3 October'1,977 12, 60, (69) "Condensed state physics" - Meeting: 5 to 7 October 1971 12, 63, (70)

Training - situation with regard to scientific and technical trainees and grant-holders at the JRC t, 52, (90); 2, 58, (66); 3, 29, (60); 4, 5L, (92); 5, 66, (77)

Future activities of Euratom -2, Preliminary design study on the SORA pulsed reacror 5g, (66); 12, 64, (71) Information meetings with firms interested in the - SORA reactor study 4, 53, (93)

Operation of the ESSOR reactor - Council: took note of the Commission's declaration 2, 59, (66)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackers: page.

59 Multiannual programme proposals concerning "controlled thermonuclear fusion" and "biology/health physics" 2, 59, (66) - Council: adoption 8, 80-82, (62) Resolution regarding the setting-up of a European uranium enrichment facility - Council: adoption 2, 59, (66)

Dissemination of information

1, 56, (91); 2, 60, (68); 3, 32, (61); 4, 56, (94); 5, 69, (72); 6, 48, (83); 7, 60, (70); g, 89, 90, (66); g/10, 82, (L1.8); ll, 41, (73); 12, 65, (72) ENERGY POLICY


Knowledge of prices of energy products from information supplied by undertakings 7, 61, (71) Meetings of the senior officials of the Member States with responsibility for energy Meetings: t9 April 7971, 6, 50, (84) !7 lune 1,971. . 8, 91, (67) Institution of a Community energy policy: new Commission proposals . 9/10, 83, (118, 52) Annual meeting of the Commission and trade union organi- zations 12, 66, (73)

State of the energy market in the Community

Annual report on the state of the energy market in 1970 and the outlook for 7977. 4, 57, (95) European Parliament: resolution 9/70, 90, 762, (1.21,, 1.60)

Thrck pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; itahcs: sectron; Iigures between brackets: page,

@ Short-term outlook for energy - first quaner of. 197L . 6, 5L, (94) Present situation ,regarding the energy policy 6, 53,97, (87, 108) The Commission's working programme 6, 52, (95)

Oil and natural gas

Proposals concerning the notification of investment projects affecting the Community in the petroleum, narial gas and electricity sectors - Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7, 62, (96, 1,36) Meeting of petroleum experrs . 1, 59, (93)

Proposed Council regulations concerning the notification to the Commission of oil and natural gas import programmes 7, 62, (96, 736)

Approximation of taxes on hydrocarbone used as fuels - Commission, draft directiue to Council 2, 63, (70) - European Parliament: resolution 7, 53, L20, (72, 103) - Economic and Social Committee: opinion 8, 96, 230, (69, 729) Statements by Mr Haferkamp, Vice-President of the Commission, on the international petroleum situation 3, 34, (62); 4, 59, (97)


Discussion between the Commission and representatives of the Community steel industries on problems of cokine- coal and coke supply in connection with the Generll Objectives for steel 3, 33, (62)

Present state of the coal market and future outlook 5, 70, (73)

Trend of capital expendirure and production potential l, 60, (93); 9/10, 84, (71,9) Provisional balance-sheet of the multilateral compensarion of the aids for 7969 Commission lorwarding to tbe Member States 8, 93, (59)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

6t '!(estern European Coal Producers' Association 12, 68, (74) - Meeting of 1 October 7971

Aid for the coal industry

State aid for the coal industry in 1970 7, 59, (93); g, 92, (68) Memorandum on financial intervention by the Member States for the coal industry in L97t 12, 67, (73) Community aid to the coal industrY 2, 61, (69) Draft decision on the application of the Community syste-m of Member States finalncial interventions in favour of the (74) coal industry . ll, 42, Aids to coking coal Commis si6n: authorization granted to Belgiutn 5, 71, (74) - granted by France 9/10, 85, (720) - decision authorizing subsidies

Technical research

Financial aid to technical research on coal in accordance with Article 55 of the ECSC TreatY 2, 62, (70); 9/L0, 86, (120) Memorandum on requests for financial assistance for technical research on coal 7, 62, (71) tour in the Community by American. experts Fact-finding g, in the context of the United States/ECSC co-oPeration 94, (68)

Electrical energy

the Commission and experts of the Meeting between g, Europein Community Committee of UNIPEDE 95, (58)

Nuclear energy

of Chapter VI of the Euratom Treaty j^Commission:C6mplaintApplication liled with the Court ol Justice against France 5,72, 742, (74, L16)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between bmckets:

62 Euratom Supply Agency

Community supplies of enriched uranium and plutonium t, 61, (94); 4, 59, (98) Exploratory contacts with the United States Governmenr on the industrial uses of enriched uranium: - Memorandum ro the United States Mission 9/10, 87, 129, (720, L41) Terms of delivery of plutonium from the United States 2, 64, (70)

Amendment by the USAEC of uranium enrichment criteria and prices 5, 73, (74); 9/10, 89, (121) Signing of three toll enrichment contracts between the Supply Agency and the United States Atomic Energy Commission - Commission: authorization 9/10, 88, (721)


General lWhat stage has the common transport policy reached? Statement by Mr Albert Coppd, membir of t-he Commission, to the European Parliament 6, (34)

Communication to the Commission by the French Government of a proposal'concerning the coordination of rail and road transporr in accordancJwith the procedure for prior consultation - Commis sion: recommendation 7, 64, (72) Situation in transport policy Oral question with debate in the European parliament - Replyfrom Mr Albert Coppd, member of the Commission 7, 119, (Lot) The Community confronted with the problem of road safety. Statement by Mr Albert Copp6, member of the Commission, to the European Parliament g, (g)

Bgrd safety in the Community. Oral quesrion with debate in the European Parliament g, 7og, 7go, (72, 109)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

63 Decision on joint action by Member States in respect of the negotiation of an international combined goods transport convention g, 97, (69) - Commission; ProPosal Common.organization of the transport market 11, 43, (74); 12, 59, (75) Colloquium between the Commission and the Committee of Transport Unions in the Community L9 and 20 November 7970 1, 6i, (96) 28 and 29 October 1971 12, 7i, (76)

Seminar on the common transport policy with the European Committee of Ministers of Transport (CMT) ) 71, (73) ,, Transport problems relating to ECSC products 70, (72)

Resolution on co-operation between railway undertakings in the Member States ) 68, (72) - Council: adoption Problems concerning Rhine navigation 2, 66, (71)

Proposals for regulations on "regular"- and "specialized regrilar" coach and bus services and on shuttle services. 2, 67, (72, 703); 12, 70, (75) Development of the common transport policy s.8/71

Access to the market

Meeting between the representatives of the Commission ,rrd of the Europer., Liriton Committee of Common Market Forwarding Agents l, 64, (96)

Proposal for the Council regulation establishing common rules for scheduled motorcoach services between Member States 2, 73, (74, 703) - European Parliament resolution Bill and draft regulations of the German Government for the implementation of the provisions of the Council regula- tion of 19 July 7968 on the institution of a Community quota for carriage of goods by road 2, 74, (74) - Commissionz oPinion

Thick printr No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page'

64 Meetings of experts from Member States on future arrangements concerning road haulage between Member States 9/10, 92, (722); ll, 44, (75) Draft royal order amending the decree pursuant to the law of. 7939 on transport of passengers by motor vehicle - Commission: opinion 2, 72, (73) Decision to open negotiations for an agreement between the Community and Switzerland on the introduction of rules with regard to the temporary laying-up of cargo vessels - Commissionl proposal 9/10, 9L, (127)

Transport rates and conditions

Committee of government experts assisting the Commission in the studies of transport costs - Meeting: 12 February 1,971, . 4, 52, (100) Terms for the publication of rates and conditions for the transport of ECSC products by rail between Member States via Austria or Switzerland l, 65, (97); 5, 76, (75) ECSC/Austria and ECSC/Switzerland Transport - Commissions Meetings: 77 and 1,8 March 7971 5, 75, (75) 26 and 27 May 1977 7, 65, (73) 27 October 1,971 72, 75, (77)

Nleetings to discuss the application of the ECSC inter- national rail tariffs 7, 65, (74); 12, 75, (77) Commission authorization under Article 70 (4) of the ECSC Treaty of measures concerning railway rates for the carriage of ECSC products . 9/lo, 99, (125)

Tariff aid for rail transport of German iron ore - Commission: authorization 3, i6, (64) Commission authorization for a rate agreement between the French State Railways and the Socidtd des Acidries R6unies de Burbach-Eich-Dudelange (ARBED) concerning caruiage of iron ore 8, 102, (70) il-i.t N. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

65 Communication by the German Government to the Com- mission of particulars of special German State Railways rates in respect of carriage of solid fuels from Ahlen to Alsdorf g, 106,.(77)

Consultations concerned with the problem of the publica- tion of rates and conditions for the transport of ECSC products by sea between ports of the Community 12, 75, (77)

Implementation of the Council regulation of 30 July 1958 on the introduction of a system of bracket rates to road haulage between the Member States, and the Commission regulation of 25 February 1969 fixing the conditions and procedures of publication of transport rates Consultation between the Commission and the Dutch - and Luxembourg Governments 2, 75, .(74); 6,55, (gg) Procedure for a formal statement that Member States - have failed to fulfil their obligations arising from the regulation of 30 July 1958 2, 76, (74); 6, 55, (gg) Consultation between the Commission and the German - Government 4, 61, (gg)

Consultation between the Commission and the French - Government 8, 703, (7L)

Consultation between the Commission and the Italian - Government g, lM, (71)

Consultation between the Commission and the Dutch - and Belgian Governments 9/10, 100, (L25)

. Disputes between France and the Netherlands and between France and Belgium concerning the level' of road haulage rates 9/10, 99, (124); ll, 46, (76) Meetings to brief the Member States on the general criteria applied by the Commission under Article 80 of the EEC Treaty - 14 June 1971 . 8, 105, (71) - 13 September 1971 , 17, 46, (76)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italis: secdon; figures between brackeo: page. 6 Consultation meetings as provided for in Article 80 (2) of the EEC Treaty on exceptional tariff No. 201 of the Italian State Railway (FS) and on Annex B ter to the general conditions for the application of tariffs to goods transport of the Socidtd nationale des chemins de fer frangais (SNCF) where these tariff measures apply to the transport of fruit and fruit preserves other than citrus fruits t, 55, (e7); 3, 36, 6fl; 5, 76, (76) Bringing into effect by the French Government of a new annex (Bter) Io the "general implementing conditions of rates for goods transport by freight car or by complete trains" of the French National Railways (SNCF) Commission: motivated notice, in accordance with - Article 169, paragraph 2 of the EEC Treaty 6, 57, (88i) Consultation meetings with the French delegation and - the delegations of all Member States pursuant to Article 80, paragraph 2 of. the EEC Treaty 17, 45, (76)

Harmonization of conditions of competition

Council regulation of 25 March 1969

Institution of the procedure under Article 1,69 of the EEC Treaty against Germany, France, Italy and Luxembourg for infringements of the regulation 2, 75, (74)

Regulation amending a number of provisions of the regula- tion of 25 March 7969 Commission; proposal 4, 60, (98) - Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7,67, 748, - (74, tL6) European Parliamentz resolution g, 777, 791, - (72, 7t0) Proposal for an amendment to the regulation to allow implementation of the AETR by the Member States 2, 65, (71); g, gg, (70); 12, 71, (76) Application of the regulation Commission: opinions issued to tlte Dutch, German, - Belgian and ltalian Gouernmcnts 4, 60, (98); g, 99, (70); g/lo, 95, (1?3)

Thick princ No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackes: page.

67 State action in the transport field Submission to the Commission of a draft of new condi- - tions of contract for the French National Railways (sNCF) 3, 35, (63)

Draft royal decree from the Belgian Government providing for the compulsiry fitting and use of a monitoring device in some road vehicles - Commissionz opinion 4, 60, (98) Decision to set up an Advisory Committee on Social Matters in Railways 4, 60, (98)

Examination of certain aids granted under directives concerning subsidies for the promotion of combined forms of transport and privately owned railway lines 5, 74, (7s)

Scope of the regulations on public service obligations and the standardization of railway accounting systems - Consultative meeting of government experts 5, 74, (7s)

Extension of the fiscal law on the taxation of road transport of goods in Germany Initiation by the Commission of the procedure provided - for in Articleg3,paragraph2, of the EEC Treaty 6, 54, (87)

Decision on the reconstruction of rail enterprises finances and regulation amending certain provisions in the Council regulation of. 26 lune L969 Commissiont proposdl 9/10,93, (L22)

Commission decision on the tax exemptions allowed by a German law imposing a tax on road haulage 9/10,94, (123)

Commission opinion concerning the double taxation of vehicles, addressed to the German.Government in accor- dance with Article L69 of. the EEC Treaty 9/10, 96, (t24)

Third two-yearly report on the implementation of the Council's decision of.1,3 May 1,965 9/10, 97, (124)

Consultative committee on "aid transport" Meeting: 25 October 1,97L 12, 74, (77)

,hr"L rrt*-". of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets

68 Technical harmonization

Working Party on "Riverboat construction standards" Meeting: 18 and 79 March L97t 5, 75, (75)

Commission informed by the German Government of amendments to the road traffic regulations Commission: opinion 6, 55, (87)

Harmonization of the weight and size of commercial vehicles 2, 69, (72)

Directive on the weight and dimensions of commercial road vehicles Commission: proposal 8, 101, (70) Council: preliminary discussion 12,72, (76)

Rate system for the use of infrastructures

Problem of the rate system for the use of road infra- structures in urban centres l, 66, (97)

System of accounting for expenditure on transport infra- structures l, 66, (97); 2, 78, (76); 4, 62, (L00) Taxation of road vehicles Commissionl. opinion 2, 77, (75)

Committee of government experts assisting the Commission in coordinating the work of the Member States in connec- tion with the proposal for a Council directive on the adjust- ment of the national systems of commercial vehicle taxation Meetings;26 and27 February 7977 4, 62, (100) - 25 and26 March t977 5, 78, (77) 26 and 27 Aprll197L 6, 58, (88) 9 June 1971, . 8, L07, (71) - Commissionz report submitted to tbe Council 9/L0, 101, (726) Commission memorandum on the use of infrastructures under the common transport policy 5, 77, (76)

Commission communication on rates for the use of infra- structures . ll, 47, (76); 12, 69, (75)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

69 Urban studies

Expert panel on Urban Studies Meeting: 72 March 7971 5, 79, (77)

Consultative Committee on Transport

Meeting: 22 and 23 April 7971 6, 59, (89)

\florking party in distortions of conditions of competition in international transport by rail, road and inland waterway within the Community Meetings: - plenary session: 13 November 7970 1, 57, (98) 9 and 10 December 1970 1 79, (76) 25 and 26 Febraary 7971, 4, 63, (1.01) 10 and 1,7 lune 1,971, 8, 109, (72)

Discussions concerning the implementation of a structural policy for transport by road and inland waterway 8, 110, (72)

Report on the evaluation of the incidence of distortions tt, 48, (77); 72, 76, (78)


Request from the Commission for the annulment of the Council decision on the negotiation and conclusion by the Member States of the European Agreement on Road Transport (EART) 2, 65, (77)

Judgement of the Court of Justice 5, 80, 750, (77, 178)

Thl.k prr",r Nl" oI the Bulletin; italics: sectron; figures between brackets: page.

70 IV. Enlargement and external relations of the Community


Countries applying for membership

Interim reports prepared by the Commission on the adaptations to be made to secondary legislation L, 68, (ee); 2, 80, (77); 5, 82, (82); 12,79, (7e) Transitional arrangements for the enlargement of the Community t, 68, (ee); 5,82, (82); 6, 60, (e0) Commission communication concerning additional measures during the transitional period 4, 65, (702) . Membership negotiations and prospects of enlargement, by Mr Jean-Frangois Deniau, member of the Commission. 7, (5) Points concerning the negotiations with countries applying for membership - Commission; communications to tbe Council 9/10, 102, (127) Commission communication on certain problems of the ECSC . ll, 49, (78) Communiqud from the Commission following the vote taken on 28 October 1.971in the House of Commons 12, 77, (79) Institutions of the enlarged Community 8, 7L8-722, (7s-76) Negotiations with countries applying for membership Ireland, Denmark and Norway 2, 82, (78); 3, 39, (66); 4, 67, (704); 5, 94, 85, 86, (83-8a); 6, 62, 53, (91); 7r 75,75, \77-78); 9,724-126, (76-77); 9/10, L04-106, (128); 17, 57, 52, (78-7e); 12, 84-89, (81-83)

Thick prrnt: No. of thc Bulleriu; rtaLcs: scction; frgurcs betwcen brackcts: prge

73 United Kingdom . 2, 81, (77); 3, 39, (65); 4,66, (102); 5, 93, (83); 6, 61, (gol; 7,68-74, vs-m 8, 772-777, (73-75); 9/10,10i, (L27); ll, 50, (78); 12, 83, (8ll

the agricultural sphere' . 7, 77, (76); - 9,773, 774, (73-74) - Commonwealth Sugar Agreement . 7, 70, (761 The enlarged Community's relations with certain - independent Commonwealth developing countries 7, 69, (75) Contribution to the financing of the Communities 7, 72, (76); - 8, 115, (741 Euratom and the ECSC 7, 7i, 74, - (76-77); 12, 82, (80); g, 776, 777, (74:75) Official visits Mr J.F. Deniau, member of the Commission, to - London 3, i7, (55) Norway 12,90, (83) Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission, - ' to London 5, 81, (79) to Denmark 7, 77, 78, (78) to lreland 9,727,128, (78',)

EFTA member or associated countries not applying to ioin the Communities

Exploratory talks with the EFTA member or associated countries not applying to join the Communities - opening session 1, 69, (100, 23) first round 2, gj, (78); - 3, 40, (66) - second round 5, 87, (84)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletrn; iulics: sectron; figures betwecn brackets: page,

74 Relations between the enlarged Community and the EFTA member and associated states which have not applied for membership 8, 129, (79)

Opinion submitted by the Commission to the Council on relations between the enlarged Community and those EFTA Member States (including the associated Finland) which have not applied for membership of the Communiry s.3/71

Exchange of views between the Council and the EFTA countries which have not applied for membership on future relations with the EEC 9/10,107, (L29); 71, 5i, (79) Consultation of the applicant countries on rhe negotiations with non-applicant countries 12, 91, (90)



The Community and the countries of the Mediterranean Basin 4, (30) The Communiry's commercial policy in the Medi- - terranean basin European Padiament: rcsolution . 4, 73, (106)

Talks between the Commission and certain Mediterranean countries 7,79, (7e); . 8, 730,, (7el; 11,54,, (7e) Algeria

Imports of Algerian wine 2, gg, (90); 12, 91, (83) Problem of relations between the Community and Algeria . 2, gg, (90)


Opening of talks with the Community 4, 70, (105); 5, 91, (96) Report by the Commission on rhe exploratory talks - with Cyprus 9/lO, 112, (132)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

75 Greece

Implementation of the EEC-Greece Association Agreement 1,70, (100); 2, 84, (7e) EEC-Greece Association Council 32nd meeting:26 May 797L 7, 80, (7e)

Alignment on the Common Customs Taiff. of Greek duties applied vis-i-vis third countries on certain raw materials and semi-finished products . 8, 131, (80)

Report on trends in the economic relations between the Community and Greece European Parliamentz resolution g, 733, 792, - (80, 111) Position of the Commissien regarding economic rela- - tions between the Community and Greece: reply to a written question 9/10, 108, (130)

Council regulation on the import of goods resulting from the processing of agricultural produce 8, 132, (80)

Commission decision to introduce minimum prices for imports of tomato concentrate from Greece . 9/lo, L09, (130)


EEC-Israel commercial agreement 1,74, (102, 1.L8) - European Parliament: oPinion Joint EEC/Israel Committee 44, (67) - Meeting: 20 lanuary 1971 3, Meeting between Mr Joseph Sapir, Israeli Minister for Finance, Commerce and Industry, and Professor Ralf Dahrendorf, rnember of the Commission 7, 84, (80)


Extension of the agreement on trade and technical co- operation between the EEC and its Member States and the LLbanon 9/10,115, (133)

Thick print: No. oI the Bulletrn; italics. section; figures between brackets: page.

76 Malta

EEC-Malta Association Agreement l, 72, (102); 2, 96, (79) - European Parliament: opinion 4, 69, (105, L29) - Council: adoption 5, 90, (85)


EEC-Spain commercial agreemenr - European Parliament: resolution 1,74, (102,1L7) t07ritten parliamentary question concerning the Community's relations with Spain - reply from the Commission. 4, 72, (106) - reply from the Council 7, 93, (90) EEC-Spain Joint Commirtee - Meeting:3 March 797L . 5, 93, (97)

Tunisia and Morocco

System applicable to fish products originating in Tunisia and Morocco 1,73, (102); 4, 71, (106); 8, 138, (82) Regulations defining the new sysrem to be applied to the import of fisheries products coming from Tunisia and Morocco - Commission: proposal 7, 82, (80) - Council: adoption 9/10, LL4, (732) Regulations amending regulations on imports of citrus fruit from Morocco and Tunisia - European Parliamentz opinion t, (lLg) System for imports of unprocessed olive oil 2, 87, (90); 5, 92, (96) Official visit of Mr Ralf Dahrendorf, member of the Commission, to Morocco 8, 137, (91)

Visit of Mr Masmoudi, Tunisian Foreign Minister, ro rhe Commission 9/10, 113, (732)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page n Turkey

Association Council 15th sessionz 2 April797l 6, 64, (92) 15th session:27 ldy 797L 9/10, 1L1, (137)

Changeover to the transitional stage of the Ankara Agreement 1,71, (101); 2, 85; (79) Additional protocol - European Pirliament: resolution 4,58, (105, 130)

System applying to fisheries products . 3, 41, (67); 6, 64, (92) g, 134, (8L) - New system applicable aftet T l:uly L977 . Food aid 3, 42, (67); 7, 81, (79) Joint EEC-Turkey Parliamentary Committee (85) Meeting: 15 to 1,8 March t97t . 5, 88, European Padiamentz resolution 8, 1.36, 793, - (81, 111) Meeting: 15 to 18 September 1971 11, 55, (80) Interim agreement on visible trade. 4, 68, (104); 5, 89, (85); 7, 81, (79); 9/10,110, (L30); 11, 55, (80) Regulation on imports of Turkish agricultural products European Parliament: oPinion 6,65, 707, - (93, t7t) 8, 135, (81) - Council: adoPtion Problems affecting Turkish workers Communiry without a work Permit :-']":o .'" .'n: 6, 65, (93)

European Investment Bank loan Loan agreement for the construction of a hydroelectric - power Jtation at Keban 7, 81, (79)

Regulation on Community tariff quotas for Turkish cotton yarn and for other cotton fabrics 8, 135, (81) g, Aid to th'e victims of an earthquake 735, 770, (81, 94)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; Italia: section; figures berwean brackes: pagc'

78 Yugoslavia

Joint EEC-Yugoslavia committee - MeetingzT andS lanuary L971. 3, 45, (69) Visit of Mr Toma Granfil, member of the Federal Executive Council of Yugoslavia, to the Commission 5, 94, (97)

Participation of Yugoslavia in work on scientific and technical co-operation undertaken by a number of European countries 6, 67, (93)

Visit of Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Com- mission, to Yugoslavia 8, 139, (82); 12, 92, (84) Visit to Belgrade by Mr Ralf Dahrendorf, member of the Commission 9/10, 116, (133)


The entry into force of the new Yaoundd Convention and the Arusha Agreement, by Mr Jean-FranEois Deniau, member of the Commission 2, (5)

EEC-AASM and EEC-OCT Association

Entry into force of the second YaoundC Convention 2, 89, (80)

Renewal of the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories with the Communiry 2, go, (gll

System applicable to imports of certain products from the AASM and OCT. 2, 93, (97); 4, 77, (109); 8, 742, 743,744, (84) Trade between the ASSM and the Community and the more important countries outside the Community . 4, 76, (L08)

Promotion of AASM trade 6, 69, (95); 7,96, (92); lt, 57, (81) - Study on the development of trade between the Com- munity and the AASM . 7, 95, (81)

Thick print: No. of dre Bulletin; iulia: section; figures betweeo brackets: pagc.

79 Extension of the rules applying to consignments by post 9/10, L18, (734) - Council: decision Fiscal and customs arrangements for contracts financed by the Community in the OCT 72, 95, (85)

Official visits 75, (r03) Mr J.F. Deniau in Chad and Cameroon l, - in Niger 2, 91, (87) in Ivory Coast 4, 75, (107) in Mauritania 5, 95, (88) in DahomeY and Togo 12, 97, (86) of delegations from Africa and Madagascar to the - Commission 2, 92, (81) Talks between Mr Hamani Diori, President of the Niger - Reoublic. and the Commission 3, 47, (70) M Jacques Rabemananjara, Vice-President of the - Malagasy Government, at the.Commission 4, 74, (107) Mr ItUltt Borschette, member of the Commission, - in Congo (Kinshasa) 9/L0, 1L7, (1.34) Gn.rrI S. Lamizana, President of the Republic of - Upper Volta, at the Commission 12, 96, (86)

Institutions of the Association Parliamentary Conference of the Association - Annual *eeting, at Youndd from t1 to 13 January 1971 3, 46, (69) European Parliement: resolution 7, 92, !21., (85, 104) Meeting of the Joint Committee 8, 740-747, - (82ff.) Final declaration 12, 94, (85)

EEC-AASM Association Committee Meetings: L8 Decembet 1'970 2, 94, (82) - t2 March t97l 5, 95, (87) ZZ October 7971. . 72, 93, (84)

EEC-AASM Association Council 6, 68, (93) - Session: 22 April l97l

European Development Fund

EDF financing regulation 3, 48, (71)

Adoption of the accountancy plan for the third EDF 12,99, (88)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletinl itahcs: section; figures between brackets: page'

80 New financing decisions Burundi 5, 99, (93); - 7, 89, (93); 9/10, 122, (1.35) Cameroon 1, 76, (104); - 5, 97, (89tt.); 9/10, 122, (135) - Central African Republic 9/t0, L20, (134) Chad 5, 97, (88); - 7, gg, (83); 9/10, L22, (735) - Congo-Brazzaville 9/lo, 122, (t35) - Congo-Kinshasa 12, 98, (86) Dahomey . 7, gg, (83); - 8, 146, (85); 9/L0, 122, (735) - Gabon 9/10, 122, (135) Ivory Coast L,75, (703); - 9/10,122, (135); 12, 98, (86) Madagascar 5,97, 700, - (88, 95); 7, 90, (85); 8, 147, (86); 9/10, 122, (L35) Mali 1,76, (103); - 5, 97, (88); 8, 146, (85); 9/10,122, (135); 72, 98, (86); - Mauritania 12, 98, (86) Netherlands Antilles 7, gg, (93); - 9/10,122, (L35); 11, 58, (81) Niger 5, 97, (88); - 6, 7L, (96); 7, 89, (83); 9/10,122, (t35); 12, 98, (86) - Rdunion 7, 88, (83)

Thick printr No. oI the Bulletin; italics: secti,on; figures between brackets: page.

81 Rwanda 5, 98, 99, - (93,94); 9/10, 727, 722, (135); 72, 98, (86)

Senegal 6, 70, (95); - 7, 88, 89, (83); 8, 146, (85); 9/10,122, (735); 12, 98, (86) Somalia 8, 146, (85); - 9/10,122, (135); 12, 98, (86) - Surinam 9/lo, 122, (135) Togo 9/70,122, (1.35); - 12, 98, (86) Upper Volta 5, 97, (88); - 6, 70, (95); 7, 89, (83)

Programme of study grants f.or L977-L972 9/L0, (L37) 'lfest Technical assistance in the creation of the African Economic Community 12, (88)

Visits, meetings and missions Cameroon 3, 49, (7t); 5, 701, (95); 12, 100, (88) Central African Republic 3, 49, (7L); 5, 707, (95); 9/lo, 123, (138) Chad 3, 49, (71); 4, 78, (709); 9/lo, lN, (138)

Dahomey . 3, 49, (71); 9/10,123, (138); 12, 700, (88) Democratic Republic of the Congo 2, 95, (82); 4,78, (L09); 9/10,12j, (738); 12, L00, (88)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figurc between bmckets: page.

82 Gabon 3, 49, (71); 6, 72, (96); 7, 91, (85) 5, 101, (95)

Guiana 12, 1.00, (88) Ivory Coast 6, 72, (96); 7, 9L, (85); 12, 1oo, (88)

N{adagascar t, 77, (104); 3, 49, (71) Mali 3, 49, (71); 4, 78, (109); 12, 1oo, (88) Mauritania 2, 95, (82) Netherlands Antilles t, 77, (104) Niger t, 77, (1M); 1 95, (82); 3, 49, (71); 5, 10L, (95); 6, 72, (96) Rwanda t, 77, (704); ) 95, (82); 8, 148, (86)

Senegal 2, 95, (82); 3, 49, (71); 4, 78, (1.09) Talks between Mr E.'Badiane, Senegalese Minister for - Cooperation, and representatives of the EDF g, 148, (86) Somalia i, zz, $oq) Surinam 4,78, (L09); 5, 107, (95) Togo 1,77, (lM); 3, 49, (77); 4, 78, (L09); 12, 100, (88) Upper Volta 4,78, (L09); 6, 72, (96); 8, 148, (86); 9/10,723, (138); 12, 100, (88)

Thrck print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

83 Meeting held between the EDF and representatives of the IBRD with a view to coordinating and exchanging informa- tion l, 77, (704); 4, 78, (709)

Talks between representatives of the IMF and the EDF l, 77, (L04)

Fact-finding mission to the Netherlands Antilles and Surinam European Parliament: resolution 7,92, L22, - (85, 105) Talks between the EDF and Mr Malekou, Gabonese Minister of State for Public'Works 7, 91, (85) Talks between the EDF and Mr L.S. Goma, Minister of Public Works of Congo Brazzaville 7, 91, (85)

Training and seminars l, 78, (105); 2, 96, (83); 3, 50, (7t); 4,79, (770h 5, 102, (96); 6, 73, (96); 8, 149, (86); 9/10,124, (138); 11, 59, (81); 72, 101, (89) EEC-East African Community Association

Entry into force of the Arusha Agreement 2, 97, (83)

Arrangements applicable to the import of certain products originating in East Africa 5, 1.03, (95)

ing products' and 3:l'#ffi :'.,1H*:l?:'Ji,":ilf 8, 750, (87)

First session of the Association Council - Meeting 13 May 7977 7, 93, (86) First meeting of the Committee of Association at expert level, 15 July 197t 9/10, 725, (139)


"Community, United States, Japan: trade policy problems and oudook." By Professor Dahrendorf, member- of the Commission 2, (20)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

84 Asia

Asian tour of Mr Ralf Dahrendorf, member of the Com- MISSION 5, 707, (e7)


Visit to the Commission by Mr J.D. Anthony, Deputy t- Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Industry. 8, 155, (89) I I Austria I Negotiations for the partial interim trade agreement between Austria and the Community . 1, 80, (105); 4, 80, (710) Commission report to the Council on the negotiations . 9/10, 129, (141',) - Discussions concerning the ECSC sector between the - Commission and an Austrian delegation g, L54, (89) Negotiations for an agreement on the application of the Community transit rules Commission; recommendation to the Council 9/10, 8, 729, - (68, t4L) Visit paid by Mr Ralf Dahrendorf, member of the Com- mission, to Austria 6, 78, (98)


Talks on relations between the European Communities and Canada 2, 100, (85) Visit paid to the Commission by Mr Sharp, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister 6, 77, (98) Visit of Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Com- mission, to Canada lt 60, (82)


Official visit of Mr Ralf Dahrendorf to India 5, 107, (97) Commission memorandum to the Council on the Com- munity's relations with India 9/10, 1i0, (L4t) Visit paid to the Commission by Mr Lalit Narayan Mishra, Indian Minister of Foreign Trade 11, 63, (83)

Thick prrnt: No. of the Bulletin; itahcs: sectron; Iigures between brackets: page.

85 Iran

Renewal of the commercial agreement between the Com- munity and Iran 1, 81, (106)

Commission memorandum to the Council on the Com- munity's relations with Iran 9/10, 130, (L47)

Visits: Mr Hooshang Ansari, Iranian Minister of Economic T - Affairs, to the Commission 3, 56, (74) / I - Commission delegation led by Mr Dahrendorf to Iran 7, 96, (gg) Mr Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Prime Minister of Iran, to - the Commission 8, 155, (89)


Visit to Dublin by Mr Altiero Spinelli, member of the Commission 6, 79, (gg)


Visit to Tokyo by Mr Ralf Dahrendorf, member of the Commission 7, 79, (105)

Negotiations for a commercial agreemenr 3, 55, (73); 9/L0, 131, (1,42) Commission / Japart contact group - Meeting:4 and 5 October 1971 12, 104, (90) Visit by Japanese industrialists to the Commission : 12, 103, (90)

Latin America

Relations between the Community and Latin America 1, 82, (106,129); 2, gg, (94); 5, 108, (98); 6, 80,99, 700, (98, 110)

Thick prnt: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: sectron; figures between brackets: page.

86 Talks with representatives of the Andean Group and with the Organization of American States 1,84,85, (707); 4,81, (ll1)

Community-Latin America Conference; L8 June L97t g, 757, (25, 90)

Non-preferential trade agreement with Argentina Negotiations l, 83, (707); - 3, 54,'(73); 5, 109, (98); r 8, 159, (90) Signing 12, 106, (92) I - I Exploratory talks with Uruguay on the conclusion of a .om-erciai agreement 9/10,133, (142); 12, 107, (92) Exploratory talks on the negotiation of an agreement with Brazil 12, 108, (93)

Visits Mr Galo Plaza Lasso, Secretary-General of the Organiza- - tion of American States, to the Commission . 1, 85, (107) Mr Albert Borschette, member of the Commission, to - Chile, Argentina and Uruguay . 9/7O, 132, (L42) Mr Gorge Valencia Jaramillo, President of the Com- - mission of the Andean Group, to the Commission l, 84, (L07)

Mr J.P. dos Reis Velloso, Brazilian Minister of the Plan, - to the Commission g, 158, (90) Mr Mercado Jarrin, Peruvian Minister of Foreign - Affairs, to the Commission ll, 64, (83) Mr Dahrendorf, member of the Commission, to Latin - America 12, 105, (90) Mr A. Vasquez Carrizosa, Columbian Minister for - Foreign Affairs, to the Commission 12, 109, (93)


Application for association by accession to the Yaoundd Convention ll, 62, (83)

Thick prrnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page'

87 Middle East

Visit to the Commission by Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan S, 106, (97)


I Visit by a Commission delegation led by Mr Ralf Dahrendorf I to Pakistan 7, 97, (gg)

Commission memorandum to the Council on the Com- munity's relations with Pakistan 9/70, 130, (741)

Sierra Leone

Visit of Mr Salomon Pram, Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone to the Commission 9/10, 134, (743)


"Sweden-ECSC Contact Group" - Meetings:20 January 1971 3, 53, (73) 29 September 1977 17, 61, (92)


Negotiation of an agreement on the implementation of the Community transit arrangements - Commissionz recommendation 5, 105, (97)

'United Kingdom

Extension of the cooperation agreement between Euratom and the British Government on rhe peaceful uses of atomic energy 3, 52, (72)

Appointment of Mr Berthoin as head of the Commission delegation 6, 76, (97)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; itahcs: section; figures bewcen brackets: page.

88 United States

Entry into force of the agreement on chemicals 2, gg, (93)

Consultation meeting on the Community's regulations on tobacco 2, 98, (83); 3, 51, (72) Exchange of views on questions of common interest in trade relations, particularly with regard to farm producs. 3, 51, (72)

Improv€ment of the rerms of supply of enriched uranium 7, 94, (87); 8, 153, (89) - Commission memorandum on exploratory contacts with the United States on uranium enrichment. 9/10, 87, 728, (120,747) Semi-official consultations between the Commission and the US Administrarion concerning their economic relations - Commission proposals in the field of agriculture 8, 757, 152, (87 ff.) - Measures taken unilaterally by the Commission in favour of the United States 9/10,127, (L40); 72, 102, (89) - Data on commercial relations between the United States and the Community 9/10, (45)

Facts and figures on monetary and commercial relations between the Community and the United States 11, (18)

After the monetary and commercial measures taken by the United Statei 9/10, 726, 149, (1.40,1.48, 1l) - Position of rhe Commission regarding Community-USA relations 12, (78)

Communication of the United States Government on - the EFTA/Communiry relations 12, (77)

Visits to the United States - Mr R. Dahrendorf, member of the Commission 5, 104, (96) - Mr S.L. Mansholt, Vice-President of rhe Commission 5, 104, (96) - Mr Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission. 6, 75, (97) - Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission 6, 74, (97) - Mr Albert Coppd, member of the Commission 7, 95, (97)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; itahcs. section; figures betwecn brackets. page


Need for a thorough study of the problems that face world trade today as a reiult of the protectionist tendencies which seem to be appearing 3, 67, (75, 80) - European Parliament: resolution Draft decision for the progressive uniformization of agreements regarding the commercial relations of Member States with non-member countries 4, 87, (7L3,1,31) - European Parliament; resolution

Establisbment and implementation ol the cotnmon cornrner- cial policy

Common import system applicable to state-trading countries 1, 85, (108); 2, 101, (85); 5,710, (98); 7, 99, (89) Common arrangements for commercial relations with state-trading countries 9/t0, L36, (143)

Trade agreements: renewal, derogation or authorization 1, 87, (108); 2, 102, (85); 3, 57, (74); 4, 84, (772); 5, 111, (99); 6, 91, (99); 7, 100, (89); 8, 160, (91); 9/10,137, (L43); 11, 55, (84); 12, 111, (93)

Export credit insurance . 2, 103, (86); 4,8j, (L12); 12, 113, (94)

Common arrangements for exPorts 4, 82, (7t1); 12, 110, (93)

Defence against dumping, premiums and subsidies . 4,85, (1t2); 9/10,138, (144); 12, 112, (94)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

90 Common arrangements for imports from non-member countries . 7, 99, (89); 9/10, 135, (743) Specific commercial policy measures ECSC products 2, 104, (86)


Imports from state-trading countries or territories- Change in the quota system in force with regard ro the Eastern bloc countries 2, 105, (86); 12, 114, (95) Annual tariff quotas Commissionz decision 2, 106, (86)

- Half-yearly taiff measures 2, 107, (87) Commission decision to renew the decision to waive - High Authority recommendation 1-54. 8,.162, (91)

Commission decision granting exemption to allow - application of the tariff suspensions granred to the developing countries 9/L0, L39, (1.44)

Safeguard machinery in connection with imports of - liberalized iron and steel products from state-trading countries 11, 66, (84)

Handicrafts 7, 102, (89); 8,4, 767, (32, 91); 9/10, 143, (145)

Scrap 2, 109, (87); 5,114, (700); 8, 163, (92); 9/10,140, (1.44); 17, 67, (85)

Foundry pig 2, 108, (87)

Non-ferrous metals 7, 10j, (90); 8, 164, (92); 12, 115, (95)

Raw hides and skins. 3, 59, (75)

Thick printr No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berween bmckets: page.

9t Cotton textiles 3, 58, (74); 4,86, (713); 5,712, (99); 6, 92, (99); 7, 101, (89) - Agreement between the EEC and Hong Kong 9/10, 147, (L44) Jute and,coir products 3, 60, (75); 5, 113, (99) joint (L45) - Meeting of the Community/India committees 9/10, 142,


Prices of chief raw materials 4,88, (L14)

Cereals International lU7heat Agreement Negotiations 1, 88, (L08); - 3, 62, (75); 4,89, (774); 7, 105, (90) Signature 6, 83, (99); - g, 167, (93) Coffee .Communiry participation in the International Coffee Agreement l, 89, (109h 2, 111, (88)

International Coffee Council: 18th session 4, 90, (L75) 19th session 9/10, 144, (145) Tin Community participation in the Fourth International Tin Agreement 2, 110, (87); 3, 63, (76); 4, 9L, (l'1.5); 7, 104, (90); 8, 165, (92) Olive oil

23rd session of the International Olive Oil Council . 2, 112, (88)

Thick print. No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures beween brackets Pa8e.

92 Problem of Community membership of the International Olive Oil Agreemenr s, fi6;, 0oo); 7, 107, (91); 11, 59, (95) Cocoa

Draft international agreement 5, 775, (100); 8, 16g, (e3); 11, 69, (8s) Milk products Community participation in the discussion of the GATT , working party on milk products 6, 84, (100)

International arrangement on skim milk powder 7, 106, (97)

Bananas FAO Bananas Study Group. 7, 108, (92)

Oils and fats Economic and Social Committee information report on the guidelines for an international agreement in the oils and fats sector 7, 109, (92)


International meeting for the exchange of information . g, L66, (93); 12, 115, (96) Rubber General Meeting of the International Rubber Study Group, f.rom 20 to 24 September 1971. . . 11,70, (96)


Commission memorandum,on a Community policy for development cooperation 9/10, L45, (746,47) Commission memorandum on a Community policy for development cooperation - Summary document s. s/71 Food aid Commission proposals concerning food aid in the fields of egg products and cereals European Parliament: opinion 9/10,75, 170, (L09, 165)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

93 Agreement for the granting of food aid to Jordan 1,91, (LtD)

Agreement for the granting of food aid to Peru 7, 9L, (11.0)

Agreements for the granting of food aid to East Pakistan l, 91, (1.10); 2,773, (89,120); 4, 9j, (L1.6); 8, L74, (95) Supply of milk products (and cereals) for people in Middle East countries 2, 113, (89)

Requests for cereals food aid made to the Community for the financial year 1970/1971 2, 114, (89)

(10o); Cereals food aid programme f.ot 1970/197L 6, 85, 7, 110, (93)

. Aid to the Sudan 5, 778, (101)

1WFP Emergency aid scheme for Algeria submitted by the 5, 118, (101)

Aid to India under the agreement with the IU(FP. 5, 118, (101)

Inclusion of dried egg pioduits in the food aid granted by the Community 6, 85, (lol)

Supply of dried egg products to the'!7FP 9/10, 147, (1,47)

Food aid to the Bengali refugees in India 8, 173, (95); 9/10, L47, 148, 1.70, (L47, L65); 12, 117, (96)

and the International Red Asreement between the EEC g, Cioss Committee for the supply of cereals 172, (94) g, Aid to Somalia 177, (94)

Implementation of the Second Convention on Food Aid 9/to, 746, (1.46) - Commis sion: ProPosal European Parliament; resolution 12, 778, 737, - (96, LLz)

Aid to Afghanistan ll, 77, (86)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics; section; figurs between brackes: page'

94 Generalized preferences

Report from the-Commission on the problems arising from the inclusion of- processed agricultural products i"n the system of. generulized preferences 3, 65, (77)

Generalized preferences in favour of manufactured and semi-finished products from developing countries 4, 92, (776\; 5, 117, (25, 101); 8, 186, (1,03) Reglllatio-ns concerning the implemenrarion of generalized tariff preferences - Council: adoption 8, 6, L69, (32, 94, 22); 9/10, 5, (67) - transitional measures 72, 1, (43)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Meeting.of an intergovernmental gr.oup assigned the task of examining questions concerning the expansion of trade, economic cooperation and regional integration between developing countries 7, 90, (709)


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Committee on Trade in Industrial Products - Meetings of the working parries 2, 116, (90); 5, L19, (LU) Trade and Development Commirtee

Session of 25 January 1971 3, (76) - .54, GATT working paffy on the American measures - Meeting:24 and 25 August L971, ll, 72, (96) GATT Council 5,120, (102)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berween brackets: page,

95 from the-principle o{ no.n- Request for an exemption - disciimination (Article- L of the GATT), made by the countries considering granting preferences to the developing countrtes 7, 114, (95) Exemption granted 8, 178, (96) - Exchange of views in the GATT Council after the American trad. mias,rres announcement 9/70, 149, (148)

United Nations

Economic Commission for EuroPe

Trade Committee of the United Nations Economic Com- mission for Europe 7 to 17 December 1970 2, 1L5, (89) - Session: Committee on Agricultural Problems of the Economic Commission for Europe 25 to 29 1971. 3, 68, (78) - Session: lantary 25th session of the Economic Commission for Europe 6, 87, (101)

Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 7, 111, (93) - 27th session Economic Commission for Latin America 7, 112, (94) - 14th session

United Nations conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

5th session of the UNCTAD Committee on Manu- - factures, Geneva, 3 to L4 May'L97t 7, 113, (94) 5th session of the UNCTAD Commodities Committee, - 5 to L5 luly 1%1. 9/10, 751, (750)

Trade and Development Council Session f.rom}4 August to 21 September 7971 ll, 71-77, - (88 ff.) Visit of Mr Manuel Perez'Guerrero, Secretary-General L - of UNCTAD, to the Commission . 9/10, 150, (L49) /

Thick print; No. of the Bulletin; itahcs: section; figures between brackets: page'

96 lnternational Labour Organization

International Labour Conference, Geneva, 2to29 JunelgTL 8, 179, (97)

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Problem of the Community's membership of the FAO in its own right 5,12L, (102); 8, 180, (97) Visit by Mr Addeke Boerma, Director General of the FAO, to the Commission 12, 120, (gg)

International Atomic Energy Agency

International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (6 to 1,6 September 1971) lL, 79, (90) Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear'Weapons - Negotiation of the inspection agreement 11, 78, (90)

Council of Europe

Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe 22nd session, third part (20 to 28 January 1.971) 3, 66, (77) 23rd session, first part (10 to 14 May 1971) 7, 115, (96)

second part (4 to 8 October 1971) . L2, 119, (97)

Joint meeting of the European Parliament and the Consul- tative Assembly of the Council of Europe 8, 203, (1.1.6)

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (oECD)

Meeting of the OECD Committee for Agriculmre 3, 67, (78)

Visit of Mr E. van Lennep, Secretary-General of OECD, to the Commission 4, 94, (11.6)

OECD Council a 10th session: 7 and 8 June 1,971, g, 775, 776, \ - (es-e6)

Thrck plnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

97 International Chamber of Commerce 9/to, 752, (750)

Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine

Ordinary session: 28 April797l 6, 88, (102)

' tWestern European Union

Ordinary session of the Assembly of the V/EU, 15 to 18 June 1971. in Paris 8, L77, (96)

North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission 5, 122, (1,03)

Commission of the International Convention for North- west Atlantic Fisheries

- 27st session: 27 May to 5 June L971 8, 181, (97)


Algeria 4, 95, (L17)

Canada 4, 95, (777)

Ceylon. 9/L0, 153, (750)

Chile 7, 116, (97)

Costa Rica 9/10, 153, (150)

Cyprus 7, 176, (97)

Ecuador 7, 11.6, (97)

Ethiopia 7, 92, (ILL) t Guatemala 9/10, 153, (150) )

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

98 Holy See 1, 92, (1L1)

Iceland 17, 80, (97)

Indonesia 4, 95, (717)

Iraq 5, L23, (703)

Jamaica 5, 12j, (103); 9/10, L53, (L50) Japan 5, 123, (1.03)

Jordan. 11, 80, (97)

ll, 80, (97)

Mauritania t, 92, (lt7)

Mauritius 7, L15, (97)

Mexico 7, 116, (97)

Nigeria t,92, (L7l)

Pakistan l, 92, (717)

Peru 5, 123, (L03)

Sierra Leone 7, 116, (97)

South Africa 9/10, 15i, (750)

Syria l, 92, (7111

Tunisia 4, 95, (1.17)

United Kingdom 12, 121, (98)

Thick print: No. of the Bullerin; italics: section; {igures between brackets: page.


Y. Activities of the Institutions




Plenary session (16 to 19 November 1970) t, (172-t27)

"Economic union and the prospects for monetary union within the Community". Colloquium between Parliament, Council and Commission 1, (712)

Approval of the EEC-Spain and EEC-Israel commercial agreements t, (tt7-11.8)

Presentation of the Communities' budget t, (t2s)

Oral question with debate on the present situation and the future of Euratom t, (t16)

Reply from the Commission to oral questions on the International Coffee Agreement t, (LL9)

Reply from the Commission to oral questions on the approximation of tax legislation 1, (L79)

Approval of a resolution for the effective control of river pollution t, (720)

Discussion of proposals for the freedom of establishment and freedom to supply services for certain activities of lawyers and of the pharmaceutical sector t, (121-122)

Questions relating to the common agricultural policy 1, (122)

Approval of resolution requesting the grant of aid to the victims of the disaster in Pakistan . t, (727)

Plenary session (2 to 4 December 1970) 2, (9L-704)

Approval of the Communities' budget 2, (96)

Favourable opinion of the Commission's proposals con- cerning the establishment by stages of economic and monetary union, on the projected third medium-term economic policy programme and on medium-term financial aid 2, (9t ff.)

'fhick print: No. of the Bulletrn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

103 Opinion on the agricultural policy. 2, (100)

Approval of a resolution concerning the Statute of service of Community officials . 2, (103)

Plenary session (L9-20 lanuary l97l) 3, (79-86)

Statement on the Parliament's activities by President Scelba 3, (79)

Debate on the Community's commercial policy arising from two oral questions concerning proteciionist trendi in the USA and generalized tariff prefer-nces 3, (80)

ECSC operational budget and rate of levy for 1,971 - revision and unification of the financial regulations 2, $zfl; 3, (82, 94) Opinions regarding the common agricultural policy and the freedom of establishment 3, (83-8s)

Discussion of the report on the activities of the Mines Health and Safety Commission 3, (84)

Approval of a draft amendmenr of the EEC and Euratom Treaties articles relating to the Economic and Social Committee 3, (85)

Plenary session (8-12 February l97l) 4, (118-133)

General report and work programme of the Commission - Statement by Mr Malfatti, President of the Commission 4, (118)

Plenary session (8-10 March 1971) 5,124-729, (104-1,07)

Constituent session (9 March) . 5, 125, (104)

Stateftrent by Mr Barre, Vice-President of the Commission, on the economic situation in the Community 5 125., (106)

!.eport on the social situation in the Community in 1970, by Mr Coppd, member of the Commission 5, 127, (106)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

104 Plenary session (18-19 March 1977) 5, 130-732, (107-170) Debate on the draft resolution concerning the new trends of the common agricultural policy 5, 131, (707)

Plenary session (19-23 Apfil l97l) 6, 89-11L, (103 ff.) Resolution on the economic situation in the Community in 7970 and the outlook for 1977 6, 90, (1.03)

Plenary session (17-19 May 1971) 7,777-725, (e8 ff.) Approval of the ECSC accounts for 1959 7, 124, (106)

Changes in the internal rules of the European Parliament 7, 125, (107)

Plenary session (7-ll June 1971) 8,182-203, (ee tt.) Address by Mr Maurice Schumann, President-in-office of the Council, on the political unification of Europe 8, 183, (99)

Resolution in favour of a new Summit Conference 8, 184, (701)

Statement by Mr Maurice Schumann, President-in-office of the Council, oi the activities of the Council . 8, 185, (101)

Debate on the Community energy policy 8, 189i (108)

Budget and finance policy 8, 799-201,246, (t1.4-115, 737) Advance estimates of the European Parliament's receipts - and expenditure for 1972 8, 1_99, (1.14) - The Communitie's administrative accounts and the Audit Committee's report for 1969 8, 200, (11.4) - New budget nomenclature 8, 201, (175) "The role to be played by an enlarged Community in the European context".' Joint meeting of the European Parliament and the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe 8, 203, (1.16)

Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berween brackets: page.

105 Plenary session (5-9 July 1971) 9/10, 154-176, (ts7-16e) Activities of the Communities in L970. 9/10, 155, (151)

Enlargement of the Community 9/10, 757, (1.56)

Debate on transport policy 9/10, 158-159, (ts7 ff.)

Plenary session (21-23 September 1971) 71, 87-86, (ez-e8) Oral question on the,articles by "$Tieland Europa" printed in "Die Zeit" 11, 83, (95)

Plenary session (18-22 October 1971) 12, 722-741, (99-114) Petition 2/70 concerning the Isle of Roses 72, 140, (713)

Petition 2/71 concerning articles in the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" 72, 141, (114)


130th session (9 and 10 November L970) . 1, (t27) 131st session (23 November 7970) 1, (128) 132nd session (25 November l97O) t, (L29) 133rd session (30 November 1970). 1, (130) 134th session (7 December 1,970) 2, (104) 135th session (8 December L970) 2, (105) 135th session (14 and 15 December 1970). 2, (105) 137th session (15 December t970) . 2, (L06) 138th session (L5 and 17 December 1970). 2, (1W) 139th session (25 and 26lanuary 1,97L) 3, (85) 140th session (1 February 1977) 4, (1,34) 141st.session (8 and 9 February 7977) 4, (1.34) 742nd session (15 and 76February 1971) 4, (135) 143rd session (1 March 1971) 5, 133, (110) 144th session (8 and 9 March t97L) 5, 134, (117) 145th session (15 March 1971) 5, 135, (111)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; itaha section; figures between brackets: pagc.

106 145th session (22,23,24 and25 March 1977) 5, 136, (l1Z) l,47th session (30 March 1971) 5, 137, (1L2) 148th session (8 and 9 May L97t) 7, 126, (L07) 149th session (10, 11, 72 and 13 May l97L) 7, 127, (1,07) 150th session (11 and 72 May 7977) 7, 128, (1.08) 151st session (25 May 7971) 7, 129, (108) L52nd session (3 lune 1971) 8, 204, (179) 153rd session (7 lane 1.971) 8,205, (120) 154th session (1,4 and L5 lune 7971) 8, 206, (721) 155th session (15 June 1971) 8, 207, (121) 155th session (2L and22 lune 197L) 8, 208, (122) 157th session (24 lune 1971) 8, 209, (123) 158th session (29 June l97l) 8,201, (723) 159th session (2 July 1971) 9/10, 178, (769) 150th session (12 July 1,971) 9/10, 179, (1701 151st session (19 and 20 luly 1971) 9/10, 180, (170) L62nd session (26 and 27 luJy 7977) 9/10, 181, (177) 153rd session (19 August 7971). 9/10, 182, (L72) 154th session (13 September 1971) 11, 97, (gg) 155th session (20 and 21 September L971) 11, 88, (98) 155th session (27 and 28 September 1977) [L, 89, (99) 157th session (12 October 7971) 12, 142, (174) 158th session (18 and 19 October 7971) 12, 143, (175) 159th session (19 October t97l) 12, 144, (175) 170th session (20 October 1,971) 12, 145, (716) 171st session (25 and 26 October 1971) 12,146, (176) 172nd session (26 October 1971) 12, 147, (117)


Official visits of the President of the Commission

Paris 1, (130); 4, (736) Rome 1, (130)

Norway 4, (1.36)

Hanover 6, 113, (716)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italcs: sectron; figures between brackets: page.

107 St#f movements 1, (131); 2, (107); I 3, (87); 4, (138); 5, 139, (774); 6,115, (777); i 7, 131, (710); I 8, 212, (124); l 9/10, L84, (772); 11,91, (L07); 12, 153, (L79)

Honorary appointments 2, (108); 4, (138); 7, L32, (170); 12, 154, (120)

European Communities Prizes and research scholarships l, (732)

Restructuration of certain services

Creation of a single Directorate-General for industrial affairs, technological development.and scientific research. 4, (1,36); 5, 140, (775) Reorganisation of the Supply Agency and the Security Office . 6, 114, (7L7) Setting up of an education and training group - Commissionz decision 9/10, 183, (L72) Creation of an administrative unit with the task of the "harmonization of the industrial policy of co-operation in development" . 12, 152, (7L9)


Retirement of Mr Linthorst Homan, head of the Com- mission delegation in the United Kingdom 5, 138, (713) Chancellor Brandt awarded the Nobel Prize; Statement from the Commission 72, 148, (117) Extension.of the budgetary and legislative powers of the European Parliament Setting up of a group of experts 12, 150, (118) - | Establishment of a delegation in the United States 12, 151, (1,1,9)

Thrck print: No. of the Bulletin; rtalics: section; figures between brackets: page.

108 couRT oF JUSTTCE

"'Work of the Court of Justice of the European Communities in 1970" 2, (1,7)

Composition of the Court 12, 156, (720)

Protocols conferring on the Court of Justice jurisdiction to interpret the Conventions concluded under Article 220 of the EEC Treaty s.4/71

New cases

6t/70 - Commission official v. Commission 1, (133) 62/70 KG in Firma Werner A. Bock, Hamburg, v. Commission- t, (133) 63 to75/70 - Commission officials v. Commission t, (133) 76/70 Firma Ludwig I7iinsche & Co., Hamburg, v. Hauptzollamt- Ludwigshaf enlRhein t, (133) 77/70 - Commission official v. Commission L, (133) 78/70 Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, v. "Metro"-SB-Gro8mdrkte GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg 2, (108)

80/70 Miss Gabrielle Defrenne v. the Belgian State, represented- by the Minister of Social Security 2, (108) 7/71 - SA Cadillon, Charolles, v. Firma Hiiss, Maschinen- bau KG, Roding . 3, (88)

2/71, Goyernment of the Federal Republic of Germany v. the- Commission 3, (88)

3/71 Gebriider Bagusat KG, Berlin, v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof- 4, (138) i 4/7L Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes VVaG, '\Ufiesbaden,- [. v. Johannes Van Hamond, Bauunternehmer, Sint-Oedenrode 4, (139) I Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italie: section; figures berween brackets: page. i : 109

I 5/7L - Aktien-Zuckerfabrik, Schiippenstedt, v. Council 4, (L39) 6/7L Firma Rheinmiihlen Diisseldorf, Di.isseldorf-Holt- hausen,- v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle ftir Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankf urt/Main 5, 141, (716)

7/71, - Commission v. Government of the French Republic 5, 142, (1,76) 8/7L - Deutscher Komponistenverband e.V. v. Commission 5, 143, (11,6) 9/71. and L7/71 Compagnie d'approvisionnement, de rransPort et de crddit,- sA and Grands Moulins de Paris, SA, Paris, v. Commission 5, 1.44, (7L6)

l0/71. MinistBre public luxembourgeois v. Miss Madeleine Miiller,- widow of Jean-Pierre Hein, Mr Alphonse Hein, Mr EugBne Hein and Mr Andrd Hein 5, 145, (717)

L2/77, t3/7t and t4/7L Firma Giinter Henck, Hamburg- Altona v. Hauptz.ollamt -Emmerich 5, 146, (L77)

75/71, - Firma C, MackpranB Jr., Hamburg, v. Commission 6, 116, (71.8) t6/77 Gesellschaft biirgerlichen Rechts mit der Beziehung "Zentralstelle- ftir privite Uberspielungsrechte (ZPU), Munich v. Commission . 6, L17, (1.L8)

17/7L - Commission official v. Commission 7, 133, (710) 18/71. - S.a.s. Eunomia di Porro 6c C. v. Italian State 6, 118, (L1.8) L9/7L official v. Commission 6, 119, (178) -Commission 27/71. Heinrich P. Brodersen Nachf., GmbH & Co. KG, Liibeck,- v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fiir Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankfurt/Main 6, 120, (179)

22/71. Soci6t6 Beguelin Import Co., Brussels, and Socidti Beguelin- Import Co. France SA, Paris, v. SA G.L. Import- Export Nice, Mr Karl Marbach, Mr Fritz Marbach and Firma Gebrtider Marbach GmbH, Hamburg 7, 134, (171)

23/77 Mr Michel Janssen, Rekem, v. Landsbond der Christeliike- Mutualiteiten, Brussels 7, 135, (LtL)

24/71 and 25/7L - Commission officials v. Commission 8, 213, (125)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berwen brackets: page.

110 26/71 - Mr Heinrich Gross, Mulheim, v. Caisse rdgionale d'assurance vieillesse, Strasbourg 8, 2L4, (125)

27/77 Mr August Keller, Gundelfingen, v. Caisse rdgio- nale d'assurance- vieillesse, Strasbourg 8, 214, (125) 28/7L - Mr Eugen Hiihn, Suls a/N, v. Caisse rdgionale d'assurance vieillesse, Strasbourg 8, 214, (125) 29/71, - Commission official v. Commission 8, 215, (725) 30/71. - Kurt Siemers & Co., Hamburg, v. Hauprzollamr Bad Reichenhall . 8, 216, (126)

3L/71, 32/7t and 33/71 Commission officials v. Com- mlssron - 8, 217, (726) 34/71 - Firma Getreidepflege H. Paulsen KG, Hamburg, v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Ericus . 9/10, L86, (174)

35/71 Firma Schleswig-Holsteinische Landwirtschaft- liche Hauptgenossenschaft- GmbH Kiel, Kiel, v. Haupt- zollamt Itzehoe 9/10, 1g6, (174)

36/7L Firma Giinter Henck, Hamburg, v. Hauptzollamt Emden.- 9/10, 187, (774) 37/71, - Commission official v. Commission 9/7O, 188, (775) 38/71 Westzucker GmbH, Dorrmund, v. Hoofdprodukt- schap -voor Akkerbouwprodukten, The Hague, iepiesenting the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 9/10, 189, (L75) I 39/71- Firma Gebriider Dietz, Frankfurt/Main, v. Hoofd- I produktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukren, The Hague, representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 9/10, 199, (175) I 40/71, - Commission official v. Commission 9/10, 190, (L75) ( 4L/71, - Official of the Economic and Social Committee v. t the Committee 9/10, 191, (175)

42/77 Firma Nordgetreide GmbH & Co. KG, Ober- sickte, -v. Commission 9/10, 192, (175) 43/7L - S.a.s. Politi of Robecco sul Naviglio v. the Italan ; Minister of Finances 9/to, 193, (L75)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page. ttt 44/7L - Commission official v. Commission 9/10, 194, (176) 45/7L and 45/7tP. GEMA Gesellschaft fiir musikalische Auffiihrungs- und- mechanische Vervielfiltigungsrechte, Berlin, v. Commission 9/t0, 1.95, L96, (176)

46/71, - Council official v. Council 9/t0, 197, (176) 47/71. _ Commission official v. Commission 9/10, 197, (176)

48/7L - Commission v. Italian Republic 9/10, L98, (176) 49/71 Firma Franz Hagen oHG, Hamburg, v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle- fiir Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankfurt/ Main 9/lo, 19g, (176)

50/7L Firma Ludwig \Tiinsche & Co. KG, Hamburg, v. Einfuhr-- und Vorratsstelle fiir Getreide und Futtermiffel, Frankfurt/Main 9/10, 199 (176)

57/71, NV International Fruit Company Rotterdam v. Produktschap- voor Groenten en Fruit, The Hague 9/10, 200, (177)

52/7t Kooy Rotterdam NV, Rotterdam, v. Produktschap voor Groenten- en Fruit, The Hague 9/10, 200, (L77) { 53/71- Velleman 6c Tas NV Rotterdam, v. Produktschap voor Groenten en Fruit, The Hague 9/10, 200, (177)

54/7L Jan van den Brink's Im- Ec Exporthandel NV, Rotterdam,- v. Produktschap voor Groenten en Fruit, The Hague 9/10, 200, (177)

55/71, to76/77 - Commission officials v. Commission. 9/10, 201, (777) 77/77 Firma Gervais-Danone AG, Munich, v. Haupt- zollamt- Munich-Schwanthalerstra8e 9/10, 202, (7771 78/71 and79/71 - Commission officials v. Commission 9/10, 203, (177) 80/7L Mme A. Merluzzi, Casablanca, v. Caisse primaire d'assurance- maladie de la Rdgion parisienne, Paris ll, 92, (102)

82/71 Pubblico Ministero Italiano v. Entreprise SAIL, Bari - 11,93, (102)

Thl.k prl*, N". of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berween brackets: page. tt2 83/71. Eschweiler Bergwerks-Verein, Kohlscheid, v. Commission 11,94, (703)

84/77 - Spa Marimex, v. Italian Ministry of Finance 11, 95, (103) 85/71 Firma E. Kampffmeyer, Hamburg, v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle- Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankfurt/ Main 12, 157, (LzL)

86/7t and 87/7L - Commission officials v. Commission 12, 158, llzLl


8/70 - Commission v. Italian Republic 1, (133) 75/70 - Dott. Amedeo Chevalley v. Commission t, (734) 4/70 - Commission v. Kingdom of the Netherlands 2, (709) 5/70 - Commission official v. Commission 2, (109) 17/70 Firma Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt/Main- v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle Getreide I und Futtermittel, Frankfuft/Main . 2, (109) F 73/70 F. Cinzano Ec Cia GmbH, Giidingen, v. Haupt- zollamt,- Saarbriicken 2, (109)

1,4/70 - Firma Deutsche Bakels GmbH v. Oberfinanz- I direktion, Munich 2, (770) l 25/70 Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle ftir Getreide und Futtermimel,- Frank-furt/Main, v. Firma Kcister, Berodt 6c Co., Hamburg 2, (1,10)

26/70 Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fiir Getreide und Futtermittel,- Frankfurt /Main, v. Firma Giinter Henck, l Hamburg . 2, (r10) 27/70 Firma C.V. Edding & Co., Hamburg, v. Haupt- zollamt,- Hamburg-St. Annen 2, (1,77)

28/70 - KG in Firma O. Witt, Stelle [ber l7insen/Luhe, t v. Hauptzollamt Liineburg . 2, (117)

Tlrt.k p.r"tj.f". of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berween brackets: page. 18 30/70 Firma O. Scheer, Hanover, v. Einfuhr- und Vor- ratsstelle- Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankfurt/Main 2, (11.1)

31,/70 Firma Deutsche Getreide- und Futtermittel Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Altona 2, (172)

32/70 Union Nationale des Mutualitds Socialistes, Brussels, v. Mrs Stephanie La Marca, Lilge 2' (1.12)

33/70 SpA SACE, Bergamo, v. Italian Ministry of Finance- 2, (L73)

34/70 Syndicat national du commerce extdrieur des cdrdales- et al. v. Office national interprofessionnel des cdrdales and the French Minister of Agriculture . 2, (1.1'3)

35/70 SARL Manpower, Strasbourg, v. Caisse primaire d'assurance- maladie, Strasbourg 2, (113)

36/70 Firma Getreide-Import GmbH v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle- fiir Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankfurt/Main 2, (1'1,4)

50/70 Internationale Spedition Ets. Ollivier SA, Bdthune, v. Finanzamt- Aachen-Stadt 3, (88)

27/70 official v. Commission . . 3, (88) -Commission 24/70 and 46/70 - Commission officials v. Commission 4, (1.39) 37/70 Rewe-Zentrale des Lebensmittel-Gro8handels GmbH, Cologne v. Hauptzollamt Emmerich 4, (1.39)

39/70 Firma Norddeutsches Vieh- und Fleischkontor GmbH,- Hamburg, v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen 4, (140\

40/70 - Sirena SRL v. Eda SF.L et al. 4, (740) 56/70 Fonderie Acciaierie G. Mandelli, Turin, v. Commission 4, (1,40) 66/69 - Commission v. French Republic. 5, 147, (1.77) 67/69 Societi Industriale Metallurgica di Napoli SIMET SpA, Naples-Barra,- v. Commission 5, 148, (717)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; rtalics: section; ftgures between brackets: page. tt4 70/69 Acciaieria e Ferriera di Roma FERAM, SpA, Rome, -v. Commission 5, 148, (177)

2/70 Acciaierie e Ferriere RIVA, SpA, Milan, v. Com- mlsslon- 5, L49, (L78)

22/70 - Commission v. Council 5, 150, (118) 29/70 - Commission official v. Commission 5, 151, (118) 38/70 Firma Deutsche Tradax GmbH, Hamburg, v. Einfuhr-- und Vorratsstelle fiir Getreide und Futtermittel, Frankfurt/Main 5, 152, (7L9)

47/70 - Commission official v. Commission 5, 153, (71,9) 51,/70 Firma Alfons Liitticke GmbH, Cologne v. Haupt- zollamt- Passau 5, 154, (7L9)

58/70 Compagnie continentale (France) SA, Paris, and Compagnie- continentale d'importation (Holland) NV, Rotterdam, v. Hoofdproduktschap yoor Akkerbouw- produkten and Produktschap voor Granen,Zaden en Peul- vruchten, The Hague 5, 155, (119)

4/69 Firma Alfons Liitticke GmbH, Cologne-Dettz) v. Commission- 6, 1_21, (1.t9) 76/69 and 54/70 - Commission officials v. Commission 6, 122, (1L9) 4t/70 N.V. International Fruit Company, Rotterdam, v. Commission- 7, 136, (117)

42/7_0 - N.V. Velleman & Tas, Rotterdam, v. Commission 7, L36, (1.t1) 43/70 Jan van den Brink's Im- en Exporthandel N.V. Rotterdam,- v. Commission 7, L35, (11.1)

44/70 Kooy Rotterdam NV, Rotterdam, v. Commission 7, 136, (1.1.1) t - 45/70 and 49/70 - Commission official v. Commission 7, 1i7, (772) 52/70 and 55/70 - Cornmission officials v. Commission 7, 138, (r12) 76/70 Firma Ludwig Wtinsche 6c Co. Hamburg, v. Hauptzollamt- Ludwigshaf enlRhein 7, 139, (172)

Thrck print. No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between bracketsr page

115 80/70 Miss Gabrielle Defrenne, Brussels, v. the Belgian State, represented- by.the Minister of Social Security 7, L40, (1.t2)

7/7L - SA Cadillon, Charolles, v. Firma Hiiss Maschinen- bau KG, Roding . 7, 74,1, (LL3)

4/77 Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes VVaG, 'S7iesbaden,- v. Mr Johannes van Hamond, Bauunternehmer, Sint-Oedenrod 7, 142, (1,1.3)

19/70 - Commission official v. Commission 8, 218, (126) 53/70 and 55/70 - Commission officials v. Commission 8, 219, (126) 60/70 - Commission official v. Commission 8, 220, (126) 6l/70, linked cases 53 to 75/70 and case 77/70 Com- mission officials v. Commission - 8, 221, (126)

78/70 Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, v. "Metro"-SB-Grossmdrkte GmbH 6c Co. KG, Hamburg . 8, 222, (126)

3/71, Geb$der Bagusat KG, Berlin, v. Hauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof- 8, 223, (127)

59/70 - The Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Commission. 9/t0, 204, (t78) 2/7I The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany- v. Commission 9/10, 205, (178)

8/7L - Deutscher Komponistenverband e.V. v. Commission 9/t0, 206, (178) t0/71 - The Luxembourg Public Prosecutor v. Mrs Made- leine Muller, widow of Jean-Pierre Hein, Mr Alphonse Hein, Mr EugBne Hein and Mr Andrd Hein 9/10, 207, (179,)

12/71, 73/7L and 14/71 Firma Gi.inter Henck, Hamburg- Altona, v. Hauptzollamt- Emmerich 9/10, 208, (179) { 79/77 - Commission official v. Commission 9/10, 209, (779) 45/71.R GEMA, Gesellscha{t fiir musikalische Auf- ftihrungs-- und mechanische Vervielfdltigungsrechte, Berlin, v. Commission 9/lo, 210, (179)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between bracketsr page. tt6 6/77 Firma Rheinmtihlen Dtisseldorf, Diisseldorf- Holthausen, v. Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle fiir Getreide und Futtermittel Frankfu t/ Main 12, 159, (l2l')

75/71, - Firma C. Mackprang jr., Hamburg, v. Commission 12, 160, (122) 18/7t - S.a.s. Eunomia di Porro 6c C. v. the Italian State. 12, 161, (122) 23/71, Mr Michel Janssen, Rekem, v. Landsbond der Christelijke- Mutualiteiten, Brussels 12, 162, (122)


90th session (25 and 25 November 1970) 1, (134-737) 91st session (9 December 1970) 2, (1,1,5-1,76) 92nd session (27 and2S lanuary 1971) 3, (88-92) 93rd session (24 and 25 February 1971) 4, (740-t45) 94th session (24 and 25 March 1,97t) . 5,756-164, (tzo ft.) 95th session (26 and 27 May 1971) 7, 144-1.52, (1,14 tt.) 96th session (23 and 24 lune 7971) 8, 224-235, (727 tf.) 97th session (29 and 30 September L971) . Lt, 96-703, (103 ff.) 98th session (27 and 28 October 197L) 12, L63-167, (123 ff.) Official visits by the Chairman of the Economic and Social Committee 1, (137); 3, (9L); 4, (745); 6, 123, (719); 9/10,211, (779); 11, 103, (707)


138th session (11 December 1970) 2, (11.4) 139th session (12 February 1971) 4, (745) 140th session (72 March 1,971) 5, 165-769, ; (tzs ff.)

Thrck print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between bracketst page. tt7 141st session (1.8 May 1.971) 7, 14i, (773) 142nd session (1.'l.lune 7971) 8, 235, (731) 143rd session (73 luly 797L) 9/10, 212, (1,8L) 144th session (24 September 1971) lL, 104, (108) 145th session ( October 1971) 72, 168-171, (126 ft.)


l Report on the accounts for the 1970 tinancial year 9/10, 213, (182)



Annual meeting of the Board of Governors, held in Luxembourg on 15 lune '1,971, Approval of the annual reporr - 8, 237, (132) toans floated

Floating of a 30 million dollar bond issue iri Italy 2, (116)

Floating of a bond issue of Lit.20 000 million in Italy 8, 238, (132)

Issue of bonds for DM 100 million in Germany . 4, (147)

Issue of bonds for Fl. 75 million in the Netherlands. 4, (748)

Floating of a bond issue in Belgium for Bfrs. 1000 million. 6, L25, (l2O)

Floating of a loan for 50 million dollars in France . 7,153, (118)

Issue of bonds for DM 100 million in Germany . 71, 105, (109)

Issue of bonds for Lfrs. 400 million in Luxembourg. tL, 106, (110)

Loans granted

Contracts concluded

Th:ck prrnt: No. of the Bulletin; itahcs, section; figures berween brackets: page.

118 Cameroon

EIB with the firm "CotonniBre industrielle du Cameroun CICAM" of Douala - to finance extensions to its spinning and weaving mill -at Garoua t, ('t37)

EIB with the company "Energie Electrique du Cameroun - ENELCAM" - development of electric power production in Cameroon 7, 156, (L79)


Commission and EIB with the De-ocraiic Republic of the Congo: loan on special terms equivalent to 9 million units of account to finance the construction of a network of power - transmission lines from the Inga hydroelectric power plant to serve Kinshasa, the capital, and suburban areas is well as other towns in the province of Central Congo 2, (1L8)

EIB with the firm "Gdndrale congolaise des mines a state-owned company of the- I Gecomines" of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo ] part financing of the scheme to extend the firm's mining - and dressing plants 5,175, (729)


EIB with the Socidtd nouvelle de roulements (SNR), a subsidiary of the R6gie nationale des usines Renault to finance a reorganization and extension of a group - of production units for the manufacture of bearings at Annecy (Haute-Savoie) 5, 175, (129)

EIB with the Caisse nationale des autoroutes to finance the Combles-Hordain section of the motorway - linking Paris to Brussels and the Ruhr 5, 174, (1.28)

EIB with Electricitd de France financing the construction of a pump storage station - at Revin near Charleville-MdziEres, in the Ardennes 5, L73, (128)

Thrck pnnt: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; Iigures between brackets: page. tt9 EIB with the Caisse nationale des t6ldcommunications part financing of the extension and modernization - of the telephone network in Brittany 5, L72, (127)

EIB with the Socidtd Anonyme des Acidries de Paris et d'Outreau to finance an extension to a ferro-manganes6 plant at - Boulogne-sur-Mer 8, 240, (133)

EIB with the Caisse nationale des tdldcommunications to finance the extension and modernization of the tele- - communications network in Loire-Atlantique, Vend6e and Maine-et-Loire 11, 108, (111)


EIB with Preussag AG, Berlin and Hanover part financing of a plant at Nordenham (Lower Saxony) - replacing an old foundry for the production of electro- lytic zinc 2, (116)

EIB with Leichtmetall-Gesellschaft mbH (LMG), Essen (North Rhine \Testphalia) part financing for the construction, at Essen-Borbeck, - of a first-stage aluminium plant with a capacity of 726 000 tons per year 5, 170, \726)

EIB with Kldber-Colombes Reifen und Technische Gummiwaren AG, Saarbriicken, a subsidiary of the French Kldber-Colombes SA f.or the construction of a tyre factory in the Saar region - near the town of St. Ingbert 6, 126, (121)

EIB with Dillinger Hiittenwerke AG, of Dillingen - to finance the construction of a new heavy-sheet rolling mill at Dillingen . 8, 239, (733)

EIB with the Aethylen-Rohrleitungs-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (ARG), Marl - to build an ethylene pipeline 12, 172, (727) EIB with the Deutsche Bundesbank to finance the electri.fication of the twin track Coblenz- - Vcilklingen railway line . L2, 172, (727)

1'hick print: No. of the Bulletin; italia: section; Iigures between brackets: page

120 Italy

EIB with the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno part of the financing granted by the Istituto per 1o - Sviluppo dell'Italia Meridionale (ISVEIMER) to build a soap and detergents factory at Ferentino (Frosinone). 2, (1,L7) EIB with the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno part of the financing of a project to improve telephone - services in the Abruzzi and Molise regions 2, (1,77) EIB with the Consorzio di Credito per le Opere Pubbliche (CREDTOP) part financing of the Verona-Brenner Pass section of the - Brenner motorway 2, (',t17) EIB with the Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (IMI) construction at Lecce of a plant for the manufacture - of earthmoving machinery construction at Battipaglia (Salerno) of a plant to - produce elastomeric accessories for the motor industry . establishment at Aquila and Santa Capua Vetere - (Caserta) of two new production units manufacturing telecommunications, signals and radio-commqnications equipment the construction at Bari of a fluorescent tube and I - mercury-vapour lamp factory 6, 127, (721) I EIB with the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno ) for the modernization and extension of a cement - factory at Tarento and the financing of small and medium-size industrial firms in Sardinia 7, 154, (778) EIB with the Societi Italiana per I'Esercizio Telefonico SpA to finance improvements to the telephone system in - Sicily and Calabria g, 242, (134) EIB with the "Societ} autostrade Concessioni e costru- zioni autostrade SpA", Rome - - for the Caserta-Salerno motorway ll, 109, (1.L2)


Commission and the EIB with the Malagasy Republic: grant of a loan on special terms worth 1, 862 000 units of account part financing of a cold-storage abattoir in the industrial - area of Tananarive 2, (118)

Thrck pnnt: No. of the Bulletrn; itahcsr section; {tgures between bracketsr page.

121 Netherlands

EIB with NV Koninklijke nederlandse zoutindustrie, Hengelo to finance the extension of the capacity of plants - producing salt and its by-products. 11, L10, (112)


EIB with the Republic of Senegal - to build an hotel at Dakar 8, 24i, (734)


EIB with the Turkish Republic - Keban hydroelectric scheme 7, 155, (718)


EIB: guarantee on behalf of the Deutsche Girozentrale- I Deutsche Kommunalbank, Frankfurt, for a loan which the latter granted to the Istituto di Credito per le Imprese l di Pubblica Utiliti (ICIPU) . 6, L28, (122) I EIB: guarantee to the Deutsche Centralbodenkrediet-AG, Cologne, for a loan to the company "Autostrade Con- cessioni e Costruzioni Autostrade SpA", Rome - 6, 128, (122)

Interest rates on loans from the Bank

Meetings of the Board of the European Investment Bank 4 November 7970 1, (138) - 26 February 1977 4, (149)

Increase in the Bank's capital

Meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank on 26 April 1971: decision ro increase the Bank's capital by 50 % 6, 124, (120)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; rtafics: section; figures berween brackets: page. txz COMMUNITY BUDGETS AND FINANCING

Draft for a new financial regulation 7, (739) Council approval -- on a Comrnission proposal of the main principles of the procedures for implementing- the Council decision of 21 April 7970 . 1, (139)

Entry into force of the Council decision of 21, April 1970 and of the Treaty of 22 Aprrl1970 concerned with increasing the European Parliament's budgetary powers and with the introduction of a single budget for the Communities 2, (1,19)

Budget matters

Draft of supplementary budget No. 3 of the European Communities for the 1.970 financial year . t, (139)

Amending letter attached by the Commission to the draft Conrmunity budget for the 1971 financial year l, (139)

Supplementary budgets for the 7970 financial year 2, (119)

Operational budget for the 1.971 financial year 2, (120)

Euratom research and investment budget for 1,971, 2, (121)

Amending budget for 1,971, 2, (122) 3, (93) t 4, (150) ! Advance draft of amending budget No. 2 designed to sub- divide the special "Food Aid" heading 8, 244, (736)

Research and investment budget for the 197L financial year and establishment of "interna I allocations" for the year 3, (94)

Supplementary budget for L97t 7, L57, (121); i 11, 112, (1.17) 12, 127, (706) Report of the ECSC Auditor g, 245, (736)

Administrative accounts and advance estimates for receipts and expenditure of the European Parliament tor '1972 8, 246, (137)

Tluck pnnt: No. of the Bulletln; ltallcs: section; figures between brackets: page.

123 Supplementary budget No. 2 for a grant of food aid 8, 244, (136)

Special report on the receipts and expenditure of the Euratom Supply Agency for the T97}financialyear . 8, 244, (L36)

Financial balance sheets relating to the transactions under the operational budget for the 1970 linaricial year 8, 244, (736)

Administrative accounts of the European Parliament, the Council, the Court of Justice and the Commission of the European Communities 8, 244, (136)

Draft budget of the Communities for the financial year'1.972 9/lO, 214, (184)

Supplementary draft budget No. 2-1971 17, 11i, (L17)

Revision and unification of the financial rules 9/t0, 176, 275, (168, 184)

ECSC budget f.or 7WZ 12, 126, (106)

Budgetary annex to the General Budget concerning research and investment credits for 7972 . 12, 173-774, (12e) Supplementary estimates for 1972 rcgarding safeguards and cc,ntrols of Euratom 12, L75, (1,30)

Regulation amending the Statute for Community officials and their detached duty allowances 12, 729, 130, (707)

Financial regulation for the European Social Fund 12, 131, (107)

Multi-annual estimates for 1972 to 1974 12, 177, L78, (131-132)

ECSC loans

Issue by the Commission on the European market of an international ECSC loan, made our in European monetary units, the proceeds of which will be reloaned to firms in the Community 1, (139)

Signing of a contract for a loan of 50 million European monetary units to be offered for public subscription in Luxembourg and Belgium 2, (723)

Thick print: No. of the Bullerin; italics: section; figures bbtween brackets: page. tu Signing of a contract for a debenture loan of Lfrs. 400 mil- lion between the Commission and a group of Luxembourg banks 7, 158, (121)

Signing of a loan contract for Lfrs. 300 million 9/10, 215, (1.84)

Signing of a contract for the issue of a debenture loan of DM 100 million between the Commission and a syndicate of German banks 7, L58, (121)

Signing of a loan contract for Bfrs. 700 million with a banking syndicate led by the Soci6t6 Gdndrale de Banque of Brussels 9/10, 216, (L84)

I Signing of a loan contract for 20 million US dollars with an international syndicate composed of a Luxembourg bank, institutional investors and finance houses 9/10, 216, (L84)


Thick print: No. of the Bulletrni italics: section; figures between brackets tls I I 'i {

l Yf. Speeches and statements by members of the Commission


Mr Franco Maria Malfatti 6, (5, 11); 11, (5, 13); 12, (5)

See also l,7L, (115, 119, 134); 4, (118, 121); 5, (29, 79); 6, (706); 7, 77, 7g; 8, 1"27-728, (24, 100, 703); 9/10, (L52, 155, 181); ll, (96, 25); 72, (L00, 25)

Mr Sicco L. Mansholt 3, (5)

See also l, (!23,724, L25); 2, (100,707,702); 4, (122, L24); 5, (108 ff.); 8, (1.L2); 9/10, 764, (29, ',1,62, 764, 765); 72, (1L1)

Mr Raymond Barre 1, (18); 3, (9); 4, (15); 5,20); 6, (74h 9/10, (22); 11, (15)

See also 1, (113); 2, (93, 95, 96); 4, (120,127); 5, 166,6,92; 7, (99); 8, (128); ll, (94); 12, (704)

lU7ilhelm Mr Haferkamp . l, (1t9-720, L22); 5, 767; 6, (709, 71,4); 7, (103); 8, (109); 9/10, (1.60, 762, 166, 767)

Mr Albert Coppd 1, (5); 5, (5, 31); 6, (34); 8, (9)

See also 2, (98); 3, (83, 85); 4, (1.30, 132, t33, 745); 5, 127; 6, (113, 115); 7, (102ft., 106); 8, (108, 110, 115); 9/10, (1.55, 159, 159, 769, 791); ll, (34, 97); 12, (705, L06)

Mr Jean-Frangois Deniau 2, (5); 7, (s)

See also 3, (70); 6, (94); 7, (705, 706)

Mr Altiero Spinelli 9/10, (5)

See also l, (176,720); 4, (726, L46,147); 6, (L07); 7, (L74); 9/10, (760, 1,68); tI 11, 97; 12, (L09)

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures berween brackets: page.

UD Mr Albert Borschette 4, (5); 8, (5) (to6' see arso t;'lf]i"Ti 8' rLZ); i

"to" I Professor Ralf Dahrendorf 2, (20); 4, (38); g/ll, (321

See also . . 3, (82, 84, 85); 4, (129, L31); 1 6, (111); 8, 176, (L051; 9/10, (L48)



Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: eection; figures betrreen brackets: pagc.

, 130 VII. Sleeches to the European Padiament


5 l

I I i.

; Mr Adams R. 3, (85); 6, 103

Mr Aigner H. 1, (115, lZ3, 126); Z, (91, 99, l0l); 4, (721,,127); S, 7j1; 7, 178, 721; 8, 799, 200; 9/10, 163; 12, 725, 129,73,6

Mr Amendola G. . g/!0, 155

Mr Armengaud A. 3, (82); 6, L02, 704; 7, l7g; g/lo, 755, 162, 772; 12, L24, L33, 737 Mr Arndt K.D. 6, 97; 8, 184; l!, g2

Mr Artzinger H.K. l, (71,9); 2, (97); 6, 91; 9/10, 760, 161; ,12, 127 Mr Baas J. Z, (97); 4, (12L, 731); 6, 94; 8, 786, 194, 197; 9/70, 163

Mr Barre R. 1, (113); Z, (93, 95, 96); 4, (120,727); 5, 726; 6,92; 7, 778; ll, 82; 12, 124

Mr Behrendt W. S, 12S; 7, 718, 722; g, Lg9; 9/10,754,757; 11,81

Mr Berkhouwer C. l, (t20); 3, (80); 4, (tZO, t26); 5, 125; 7, 778- 8, 783, 187,203; 9/10, 157, 762; 12, 723, 125, 132

Mr Bermani A. 1, (L18, 127); 2, (104); 4, (123, 733); 6, 94, 102, 106, 7D; ' 9/10, 174; ll, 84, gS Mr Bersani G. l, (1,79); 2, (95); 3, (83); 4, (122, 125); 5, 725, 1_j7; 6, 94; 7, 727, 722; 8,786,798; 9/10, 1551' ll, 8j; t2, 124 Mr Berthoin J. 4, (130); B, 1gS, t92

Mr Beylot P. 9/lO, 163

Mr Biaggi F. l, (11,4); Z, (97); 4, (LZS); 6, 94

Thick ptint: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

133 Mr Bjiirk 8, 203

, Mr Blumenfeld 8, 20i i

I l, (1t7, 1181; 4, (1231 Mr Blondelle . l

Mr Boano G. . l, (117, lLgl; 4, (723, 73L); I 8, 7861' 12, -7i4, 735, 137

Mr Boersma . l, (114, 720); 2, (92, 94, 96); 4, (1211; 7,778; 8,787; , 9/10, 154 Mr Boertien 1, (121); 7, 725; 9/10' 154 Mr Bohman . 8, 203 Mr Borm V. 3, (85); 6, 97, 97; 7, 778; 12, 732

Mr Borocco E . 2, (98); 3, (82, 84); 5' 737; 8, 795,207; 9/10,16i

Mr Borschette A. 8, 187, 19j; 9/10, 773

Mr Bos C.A. ll, 83 Mr Boscary-Monsservin 4, (122); 5, 737i 7, 778; 9/10, 153

Mr Bourdellls P. 6, 705 Mr Bousch J.E. l, (LL4); 2, (91); 6, 97, 98; 7, 118, 720; 9/1O,762 t Mr Bousquet R. !, (115, 117); 2, (93); 4, (L20, LN, 129); 7, 778; 8, 787; . 9/1o,758,159,162, 170

Mr Briot L. 2, (100); 4, (LZL, L31); 5, 737; 727, 123; 8, 6,94; 7, 786 : Mr Broeksz J.B. 6, 702; 7, 722; 8, 193. 12, 7i3

Mr Broglie J. de 7, 720

Mr Brouwer T. 4, (123); 5, 737; 6, 94; 8, 202; 9/10, 163 I

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italis: section; figures bcrween brackcts: page.

734 Mr Burgbacher F., 1, (720); 5, 737; 6,97; 7,778,720; 9/10,756

Mr Califice A. l, (724); 2, (L04); 3, (82,84); 4, (725); 6,70j,777; 7, 778; 9/10, 150,169; 11,84; 72, 123

Mr Cantalupo R. . 2, (92, 97); 3, (85); 4, (L28, 7291; 5, 725; 6, 100; 8,203; 9/10,155; ll, 82; 12,12i

Mrs Carettoni-Romagnoli T. 8, 188, 792; 9/lO, 155,756

Mr Cifarelli M. 1, (L18, 723); 2, (94, 100, 102); 4, (125,128); 6, 700; It, 821' 12,723, 734

Mr Cipolla N. l, (119, L23,124); 4, (t23); 6,94; 9/10, 163; 12, 134

Mr Cointat M. l, (123); 2, (100); 4, (122); 6,93

Mr Coppd A. l, (726, 127); 2, (98, 702); 3, (83, 84, 85); 4, (L30,132, 7331; 5,727, 728; 6, 702, 103, 108; 7,779, 724; 8, 188, 190, 797,200,207; 9/10, 756,159,759,776; ll, g4; 12, 725, 726, 727, 729, 737, 7i4, 737

Mr Corona A. 5, 725; 11,83

Mr Coustd P.B. l, (Lt4); 2, (92); 4, (725, 130); 5, 725; 6,91, 701i 7, 779; 8, 187, 197, 19j; 9/10, 155, 161; 77, 82

Mr Couveinhes R. 12, L34 t Mr Dahrendorf R. 3, (81, 92,93,94, g5); 6, 100; 8, 186; 11,82,8i

Mr d'Angelosante F. 1, (118); 4, (128,13L1; 5, 7j7; 6, 7N; 8, 203; ll, 8i

Mr Darling. 8, 203

Thick print: No. of the Bulledn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page.

135 Mr Dehousse l, (lZL); 2, (gg)

Mr De Gryse A.J. 12, 733 i

Mr Deniau J.F. 7, 727, 722 Mr De Winter E.P. 1, (118); 4, (130); 6, oo99, 7^7.707; \ 7, L78, 720; 8, 786, 793; 9/10, 175; 12, 724

Mr DewuLf M.. 1, (719,725); 2, (100, 101); 4, (123)

Mr Dittrich S. . 7, (122); 4, (132); 6, 104, 706; 9/10, 171; 12, 132

Mr von Dohnanyi 2, (98)

6, 94, 97

Mr Dulin 2, (95, 100, 103); 4' (724); 8, 794; 9/10, 163; 12, 125

Mr Dupont J. . 7, 717 Mr Durand J. . 7, 717 Mr Emde' L, (125)

Mr EstEve Y. 1, (125); 4, (724, 733); 5, 731; 9/10, 164

Mr Fabbrini F. 3, (83); 6, 97; 12, 725

Mr Faller W. 8, 197:' 9/lO, 159

Mr Fellermaier L. 6, 103; 8, 186; 11, 8j; 12, 124

Mr Ferrari-Aggradi ll, 82 Mr Flimig G. . 1, (1L7); 2, (98); 6, 96, 98; 8, 789

Mr Frydenlund 8, 203

Mr Furler H. 5, 725

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; Iigures between brackets: page.

136 Mr Gerlach H.B. 1, (120, l23l; 2, (96); 4, (732); 5, 729; 8, 2N; 12, 727

Mr Girardin L. 6, 700; 8, 188; 12, 131

Mr Giraudo G. 2, 192); 3, (86); 4, (729); 6, 97; 8,203; 9/10, 155

Lord Gladwyn. 8, 203

Mr Glinne E. 8, 792

Mr Habib-Deloncle M. l, (122); 8, 183, 185; 9/10, 155; 12, 723

Mr Haferkamp'fi/. l, (LL9, 122); 6, 97, 98, 7M, 105, L06; 7, 720, 123; 8,789; 9/10, 761, 762, 770, 171, 772; 12, 733

Mr Houdet R. l, (127); 9/10, 764, 765; 12, 134

Mr Hougardy N. . 4, (726); 6, 97; 9/10, 171 Mr H.E. . 8, 185, 203; e/to, 155; Jahn l\,rtfr,

Mrs Jotti L. 9/10, 157

Mr Jozeau-Marignd L. l, (l2l); 2, (703); 7, 179; ' 9/lo, 158 Mr Judd 8, 203 Mr Klinker H.J. 4, (723); 5, 737; 7, 72j; 12' 132

Mr Koch G' 'r',1t2'a,oirt"l\,1>]3'rrlii!" t- Mr Kollwelter N. 2, (100); 7, 779; 8, 797; 11, 83

Mr Kreidemann H. 1, (178, 724); 2, (100); 3, (81); 4, (120, L28, t37); 5, 737; 6, 700; 8, 785, 794; 9/1O,157; 11,83; 12, 732, 739 )

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; Iigures berwccn brackets: page.

137 4, (l?-0, 727); 5, 7261' 6, 97, 770; 7,778; 8,787; 9/10,770; 11,82; i 12, 124

Mr Laudrin H. l, (L21); 2, (94, L}O); 6, 702 8, 188; 9/10, 156,163,168, 171; 11,84; 12, 131

Mr Lautenschlager H. 1, (L22); 3, (85); 6, 705, 707; 8, 183; 9/10, 777,772; 12,123

Mr Leemans . l, (126); 2, (99)

Mr LefEbvre R.L. . 2, (103); 3, (84); 8, 797; ll, 86

Mr Lemmrich . 8, 203

Mr Leonardi S. 1, (115); 2, (93, 95, 98); 4, (125); 6,96,-97,98; 7, 778; 8, 78j, 189; 9/10, 162; ll, 82; 12, 723

Mr Liogier A' ' 'i,Wi, 'e,t{ii!,'i;!:)' 8,786, 7881' 72,734

Mr de Lipkowski . 4, (!20, 127, 132)

Mr Lloyd 8, 20i

Mr L6hr tU7. l, (174h 3, (81); 4, (121, 131); 6,97, 702; ll, 82; 12, 724

Mr Lucius J. 1, (7211; 5, 125; 9/lO, 175

Mr Liicker H.A. 4, (720); 5, 725; 8, 185; 9/10, 157; 11,83; 72, 123

Miss Lulling A. 1, (724); 3, (82); 6, 702, 70j; 8, 188; 9/10,756, 757; 12, 729, 737, 7j2, 134, 135

Mr Luzzatto 9/10, 755

Mr de la Mallne C. . 4, (L28, 729); 8, 203i ll, 82

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: sertion; figures bctwecn bracketsr page.

138 I Mr Malfatti F.M. . 7, (115, 118, 1L9, L27); 4, (118,721); 5, 125; 6, 9i, 95, 1.01; 7, 118; 8, 183, 185,20j; 9/10, 755, 157; 11,82,83; 12,723

Mr Mansholt S.L. . l, (727, L23, 124, 725); 2, (100,707,102); 4, (122, L24, L33); 5,7j1; 8, 194,795; 9/lo, 163, 164,765, 167, 169; 71,82; 12,735, 136, 137,139

Mr Meister S. . 8, 790l' 9/10, 758; 12, 133

Mr Memmel L. 4, (133h 6, 98

Mr Merchiers L. 2, (94); 5, 725; 6, 702; 8, 188; 9/10,156, 171; 12,738 , Mr Mitterdorfer K. 4, (127) Mr Mdller . 2, (97)

I Mr Moro A. 12, 125 I I Mr Mtiller J. 4, (128, 130); 5, 727; 6, 708; 8, 788, 793; 11,83,84; 12,131

Mr Nessler 8, 203

Mr NoE L. 1, (7L7, 720); 4, (126h 6,96,97, 108- 9/10, 759; 12, 132

Mr Oele A. 1, (714, 116, 120); 4, (72L, L27); I 6,90,96,98; 7, 778, 120; 8, 784,787; 9/10, 756, 762; 11,82,83; 12,124

Mr Offroy R. 2, (91); 3, (91); !, \!22); , 9/10,760, 167; 72,724 t Mrs Orth E. l, (123); 3, (83); 4, (123); 5, 732; 6, 702; 7,720; 12, 138

Mr Pedini 9/10, 155, 757 1 t Mr Pianta M. 8, 200; 9/10, 774

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; ialics: section; figures bcrwecn brackets: pagc.

1:r9 Mr Pintus M. (9!); (83, (133); .. l,12,124 3, 84); 4, i l

Mr Portheine B, 203 | I Mr Posthumus 7, 119; B, 190; g/lL, 1Sg, 1Sg I Mr Radoux L. 1, (118); 3, (82); 4, (tizg) I

' Mr Ramaekers J. 9/lO, 156

Mr RibiEre R. . g, 789 Mr Ricci C. l, (I24)

Mr Richarts H. 7, (lZ3); 2, (100, Lll, 102); 3, (83); 4, (12'1., 124, 133); 5, 732; 6,94; 7, 778, 719; 8, 794, 195, 196,797; 9/10, 758, L63,167; Ll, 82; 12, 734, 135,736, 737, 139

Mr Riedel C. t, (l2S); B, 202 lt, 83; 12, 732

Mr Romeo N. l, (L17); 6, 91, 708; B, 788, 192; 9/10, 155; 12,124

Mr Rossi A. . 2, (103-10a); 3, (82, 83); 4, (728); 5, 725; 7, 124; 8,787; 9/10, 176; 12, 729, 129, 130

, Mr Scarascia-Mugnozza C. 7, 118; 8, 18.3, 784, 1BS ll, g4; 12, 123

Mr Scelba M. 1, (172); 3, (79-80); 4, (121, t3Z); 5, 125; 6,94; 8,203; 9/10, 155

Mr Schiller . l, (113, 1lS)

Mr Schuijt'$7. 4, (130) ;

Mr Schumann M. 8, 1g3, 7gS, 18g

Mr Schwabe W. 4, (133)

Mr Schw

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page. tfi Mr Scott-Hopkins 8, 20i

Mr Seefeld . 7, 719 8, 790, 797; 9/10, 158, 160

Mr Servais L. 6, 102; 7, 178

Mr Sourdille J. 9/10, 171 I Mr Spdnale G. l, (L25-726); 2, (97,98, 100); 3, (81); 7, 718,724; 8, 186, 799, 200,207; 9/10, 170; ' ll, 82; 12, 724, 125, 126 Mr Spinelli A. . l, (lL6-1,L7, 120); 4, (726); 6,96, L09; 9/10, 760, 774, 175; 12, 732,739 r springorum G' 6' e7; t' tzto; il i'JJ; tirf,"r);r

Mr Terrenoire L. 5, 725

Mr Tolloy G. 6, 701

Mr Triboulet l, (116); 3, (80); 4, (123, 128); 5, 125, 137; 6,700; 7,727; 8, L86; 9/10, 755, L57,76j; 11,82; 12, 725

Mr Vals F. 2, (102, 103); 5, 725; 9/10, 766; 12, 734

, Mr Van Amelsvoort 2, (96); 4, (721); 7, 720; 9/10, 761

I Mr Van der Ploeg. 4, (122); 5, L28; 9/lO, 156 Mr Van Offelen J. l, (1t7-lt8); 4, (L25); ll, 82 Mr Vetrone M. 2, (100); 4, (721); 5, 7j7i 6, 94; , 9/10, 763, 767; 12,7i4,739 ) Mr Vincelli. g/tl, 158, 15g Mr Vredeling H. 1, (118, 1L9, 122-123); 2, (L02); 3, (83); 4, (727,731); 5, 737; 7, 72j; 8,786, 788; ', 9/10, 763, 767, 170; ll, 82, 8j; | 12, 737,136, 1i7,139

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; Iigures between brackets: page. t4t Mr'Werner t, (tt7); 6, 100

Mr'l7esterterp l, (118, 122, 127h 3, (81); 5, 725, 729; 7, 722; 8, 186,799; 9/10, 170

Mr Vohlfart J. t, (7271; 2, (101); 4, (130); 8, 793, 200

Mr I7olfram E. 1, (115); 2, (96); 4, (7251; 6, 97; 7,778; 8, 189; 9/10,155; 12, 724, 132

Mr Zaccari R. l, (724); 4, (7?3l-; 9/10, 764; 72, 139

Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: ecc.tion; figurcs bctween brackets: pagc. ta





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