coMMrssloN OF THE EUROPEAN COMl{UNITIES rNDEx le7[[BHeRY BULLETIN of the Euopean Communities Secretorlot of the Commlsslon ,E INDEX 1971. BULLETIN of the Buropean Communities COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMTJNITIES Secretariat BRUSSELS Table of Contents I. GENERAL II. FUNCTIONING OF THE COMMON MA,RKET 11, - Free movement of goods 13 Competition policy 17 Taxation policy 22 Freedom of establishment, freedom to supply services, company law 23 Approximation of legislation and the creation of Community law by conventions 25 III. TOWARDS ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION 27 Economic, monetary and linancial policy 29 Regional policy 33 - Social policy 34 - Agricultural policy 45 Industrial, scientific and technical research and development policy 56 Energy policy 60 Transport policy 63 IV. ENLARGEMENT AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS OF THE COMMUNITY 77 - Enlargement of the Community 73 Relations with Mediterranean countries 75 Relations with non-European Associated countries . 79 Relations with non-member countries 84 Commercial policy 90 - Commodities and world agreements 92 The Community and the developing countries 93 The Community and international organizations 95 Diplomatic relations of the Communities 98 3 V. ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTITUTIONS 101 - European Parliament 103 - Council 1.06 - Commission 707 - Court of Justice 709 - Economic and Social Committee 1,17 ECSC Consultative Committee 117 Audit Committee 118 European Investment Bank 118 Community budgets and financing . 123 u. SPEECHES AND STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION 727 VII. SPEECHES TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 737 NOTT, FOR THE READER This index is a documentary guide to the contents o( the Bulletin of the European Communities in t971. The index covers two of the three parts of the Bulletin, Part One Features and Documents and Part Two, the classified survey of Community actiuities during the month under report. The arrangement of the index here follows the pittern of this second part. In addition, the special supplements published in TgZt are mentioned under the appropriate heading. For the numbered text it is the serial number quoted as reference; in other cases the Index refers to the page of. the Bulletin. I. General Political cooperation Foreign Ministers' Conference on political union: 19 November L970 1, (15) Second Foreign Ministers' Conference on political co- operation: 13 and t4 May 1971 6, (31) Conference of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Six and the Ten on political cooperation 72, (23) - European Parliament: resolwtion 72, 123, (99) "Presentation of the General Report for 1970 and Programme of the Commission for 1971" 3, (13) The building of Europe: From May 1950 to May 1971,. By Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission 6, (5) 28 October \971. Statement by President Malfatti after the House of Commons vote 11, (5) Strengthening of Community Institurions, by Mr Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission 12, (5) First meeting of the Ministers of Justice of the six Member States: 3 lune 1.97t 7, (9) First meeting of the Ministers of Education: 15 Novem- ber 1971 . t2, (28) Court of Justice decision on the EART case 22/70 Commission v. Council - 5, 80, 750 fhrck prrnt: No. of the Bullctilt; ltaltcs sectron; figures betwcen brackets. pagc. ff. Functioning of the Common market FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS Common customs tariff Amendment of certain conventional CCT duties t, 2, (67); ) 1, (39) CCT applicable from 1 lanuary 7971 2, 1, (39) Deferred application of CCT duties - Germany, France. 2, 3, (41) Regulations on the classification of goods 2, 4, (41); 6, 2, (61); 9/10, 1, (65) Regulations suspending autonomous duties on certain products L, 1, (57); 2, 2, (40); 5, L, (37); 8, 1, (31); 9/L0, 2, (65) Authorization for the three Benelux countries to defer any increases in the duties of the Benelux customs tariff which would bring it into line with the CCT on manufactured tobacco 9/10, 3, (65) Tariff. quotas Community 1, j, (67); 2, 5, (42); 5, 2, (37); 8, 3, 4, 5, (31); 9/10, 4, (66) National - Germany .a 2, 5, (44) Customs value Regulation on the exchange rates to be applied in determining customs value in certain Member States' currencies 7, 1, (43); ll, 2, (53) Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures between brackets: page. 13 Amendment to regulation on the periods of grace referred to in Article 10 (2) and (3) of the Council regulation relating to customs value 7, 2, (43) Amendment to regulation relating to standard average values for citrus fruits 9/10, 6, (67) Customs legislation General Programme for the Approximation of Customs Legislation 6, 7, (61, 46) Commission directive of 30 June 1971 relating to the application of the Council directive of. 4 March 1969 concerning the harmonization of laws and regulations relating to inward processing arrangements g, L4, (35) Directive relating to the harmonization of laws and regula- tions on the normal handling of goods in customs ware- houses and in free zones Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 6, L63, (39, 724) European Parliament: oPinion g, 202, (71.6) Council: adoption g, 13, (35) Community transit Simplification of Community transit procedures for goods carried by rail Commission: regulation 4, 2, (69) Amendment of two Commission regulations relating to the use of modern methods of making out Community transit declarations and documents 5, 3, (38) Regulation amending Articles 35 and 48 of Regulation 542/69 on Community transit European Parliament: opinion 6,4, 777, (62, 776) Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 162, (124) Thick print: No. of the Bulletin; italics: section; figures beueen brackets: page. 14 Council regulation amending Article 52 of regulation 542/69 to avoid useless complications in the compilation of transit statistics Commission: proposal . 9/10, 8, (69) The opening of negotiations for an agreement with Switzerland on the application of the system of Community transit Commissioni recomrnendation . 5, 3, (38) Council: decision 9/10, 8, (69); 11, 1, (53) The opening of negotiations for an agreement between the Community and Austria on the application of the Community transit system Commission i recommendation . 9/10, 8, (69) Council: decision 11, 1, (53) Commission regulation simplifying formalities in the offices of departure and destination g, 1.1, (34) Commission regulation on the use of Community transit documents in applying certain measures for the export of various kinds of goods g, 12, (35) Circulation of scrap metal within the Community Commission; proposal lor a decision by tbe representatiues of Member Gouernments of tbe ECSC, rneeting in tbe Cowncil 9/10, 8, (68) Determination of origin Amendment to the Council regulation on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods European Parliament: opinion 6,4, LL0, (62, Lt5) Economic and Social Committee: opinion 7, 5, L50, (44, L17) Commission regulation being a special case of the imple- mentation of the Council regulation on the common definition of the concept of origin of goods 6, 3, (62) Commission regulation on the determination of the origin of meat and fresh, chilled or frozen offal of certain domestic animals 7, 4, (44) Thick pnnt: No. of the Bulledn; italics: section; figures between brackets: page. 15 Commission regulation determining the origin of materials and fabrics having been worked up and other textile articles on which little work has been done 7, 4, (44) Definition of the concept of "products originating in" for the application of Tide I of the EEC-AASM Association Agreement 8, 7, (33) Definition of the concept of "products originating in" for the application of Title I of the Arusha Agreement 8, 8, (33) Definition of the concept of "products originating in" for the purposes of the Association of the OCT with the EEC. 8, 9, (33) Taxes having equivalent effect to customs duties Duty for administrative services imposed on imported goods l, 4, (68) The work of eliminating taxes with equivalent effect to customs duties g/lo, 7, (68) Elimination of technical barriers Directives on approximation of Member States' legislation concerning natural mineral waters -Economic and Social Committee: opinion 4, 4, (70, 1.43) European Parliament: opinion . 6, 4, 708, (62, 11s) concerning the classification, packing and labelling of - dangerous substances Council: adoption 5, 5, (39) concerning motor vehicles -Council: adoption 5, 4, (38); 9/10,9, 10, (69) concerning electrical equipment that can be used in an explosive atmosphere Economic and Social Committee: opinion 5, 6, 764, (39, 725) European Parliament: opinion 9/10, 73, 174, (72, 168) Thick print: No. oI the Bulletin; italia: section; figures between brackets: page' t6 concerning texdles -Council: adoption g/10, g, 77, (69,70) concerning units of measure -Economic and SocialI CommitCommitteCommittee: opinion 8, 227, (128) European Parliament: opinion 9/10, 175, 73, (768,72) Council: adoption 9/lo, 72, 2, (77, 43) concermng measuflng rnstruments Economic- and Social Committee: opinion 4, (742) European Parliament: opinion 6, 4, 709, (62, L1,5) Council: adoption 9/lo, 9, 72, (69,71); 12, 2, (43) concerning liquid meters other than for water -Council: adoption 9/10, 12, (71); L2, 2, (43',) concerning additional devices for meters for liquids - other than water European Parliament: opinion ll, 85, (97) Council: adoption 12, 2, (43) Euronorms Approval of thirteen Euronorms by the Coordinating Committee on the nomenclature of iron and steel 2, 6, (44) Meetings of working parties, 3 and 4 February 1971, - and
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