l a n d i n g s l a g e t ’ sla s

LLLLLL AAAAAA NNNNNN DDDDDD ------IIIIII ------AAAAAA MMMMMM EEEEEE RRRRRR IIIIII KKKKKK AAAAAA LANDINGS LAGET 99th YEAR 1910-2009 February 2009 President’s Hilsen Fra Sandra Hendrickson The start of a new year means different things to different Our lag data base will connect you to your ancestors in people. Some people make resolutions, others refuse to Land as well as Landings living in and America. My make them, knowing it’s only a matter of time before they are earliest ancestor recorded in this data base is Lodin pa Juvkam, the forgotten. Some people see this as a time to set new goals, father of Endre Esbug, born in 1444. I’ve also discovered that and they proceed to make plans to achieve them. For I’m related to every member of our board, and most of the Landingslag this is a time to focus on the goals we hope to people who were on our Norway tours in 2000 and 2005. achieve for our centennial celebration in 2010. You can discover how you fit into the families of Work continues on the English translation of Boka Land by sending your Land family information to om Land IV, which covers the emigration from Land to Larissa. Send the information in a standard pedigree form America. The English edition will contain the names of all (you can use the one on the next page), and include Land emigrants who registered their departure from their information on when the family or individual emigrated and home parishes. BOL IV author, Arvid Sandaker, gleaned where they settled in America. It is helpful to know the name much of the biographical information on the immigrants from they went by in the US or Canada. Sometimes the parents the Landingslag yearbook of 1924. That means if you have went by their Norwegian name and the children by an ancestors who were lag members in 1924, there may very Americanized name. Farm names are essential to finding likely be information about them in the book. them in Norway, so please include that information. Newsletter editor, Ann Edwards, continues her work Since the publication of the bygdebøker for on our centennial publication. We plan to include the Nordsinni, Torpa, and Østsinni, tracing your roots has English translations of the annual meeting minutes, which been simplified. If your family information was sent into were recorded in Norwegian until 1971. These minutes our genealogist prior to the publication of the Nordsinni book contain the names of many members who were active in the in 1997, you may want to consider resubmitting it for review. lag during those years and will be of particular interest to Many of you have already received your updated anyone who knew them. If you have any stories or genealogy information from Larissa, and others will be memoribilia from the early years please send them to Ann. receiving theirs as soon as they are completed. Unless you In addition to 100 years of lag history, the centennial send us your pedigree chart we can’t do anything for you! publica-tion will include the family stories of Land Our goal is to have every member of our lag entered in the immigrants that we receive from our members. All family data base. We will be placing a file of our centennial data stories that have appeared in our newsletter since Landings base at Lands Museum, so you may wish to include an email across the Ocean was published in 1997 will be included. If you address in case someone would like to contact you. haven’t sent in your family story yet, I encourage you to do so. I hope one of your goals for 2009 will be to record Make it one of your goals for 2009. Don’t be one of those who your Land family information with Landingslag. Record laments the fact that your story didn’t make the book. your immigration story for future generations. Your family Our centennial genealogy project is well underway, will thank you for it. Hilsen Fra Sandy spearheaded by Larissa Ruetgen, an American Landing living in British Columbia. Larissa brings years of experience in genealogy research to this project. Her Land Welcome New Member roots are in Torpa, Nordsinni and Østsinni. If you have questions for her concerning this project you can contact her of Landings Laget: at [email protected] or at Box 572, Porthill, ID, 83853. Raymond Syverson, Lake Zurich, IL

1 Landingslag needs your pedigree information!

Chart no. _____ No. 1 on this chart is the same as no. _____ on chart no. _____ 16 cont___ b: 8 d: b: p: 17 cont___ m: b: 4 p: d: b: d: p: p: 18 cont___ m: b: p: 9 d: d: b: p: p: 19 cont___ d: b: 2 p: d: b: p: 20 cont___ m: b: p: 10 d: d: b: p: p: 21 cont___ m: b: 5 p: d: b: d: p: p: 22 cont___ d: b: p: 11 d: b: 1 p: 23 cont___ b: d: b: p: p: d: m: p: 24 cont___ d: b: p: 12 d: b: sp: p: 25 cont___ m: b: 6 p: d: b: d: p: p: 26 cont___ m: b: 13 p: d: d: b: p: p: 27 cont___ d: b: 3 p: d: b: p: 28 cont___ d: b: p: 14 d: b: p: 29 cont___ m: b: 7 p: d: b: d: p: p: 30 cont___ d: b: p: 15 d: b: Prepared by: p: 31 cont___ d: b: p: d:



First I would like to congratulate A couple of days ago I received a request from a small you on your new president. Like film production company to be allowed to make an internet millions of others throughout the advertisement for a book at the museum. They needed to world we turned on the television film in some old houses. This could only be done at a early to watch the inauguration live. weekend, and it had to be today, a Sunday. Nobody else at Obviously the expectations are the museum could be at the museum this weekend, and I had unrealistic, but there is no doubt that really looked forward to going out skiing, so the temptation the choice of president has created a new optimism to say no was very strong. But we have to be helpful so I throughout the world. A few days later I watched the concert reluctantly said yes, but that they had to be at the museum that had been held before the inauguration. I was delighted to early so that I could try to have free a bit of the day. see Pete Seeger, a living legend. A whole generation used the book “American Favorite Ballads: tunes and songs as For et par dager siden mottok jeg et spørsmål fra et lite sung by Pete Seeger” when they learned to play the guitar in filmproduksjonsfirma. De ønsket å få lov til a lage en the 1960s. So it was no surprise that the crowd nearly internettreklame for en bok på museet. De trengte å filme i exploded when he led them into “This Land Is Your Land”. noen gamle hus. Dette kunne bare gjøres i en helg, og det There was no doubt that this was the song that most people måtte gjøres i dag, en søndag. Ingen andre på museet hadde knew at the concert. anledning til å være på museet denne helgen, og jeg hadde gledet meg til en skitur, og da var fristelsen til å si nei veldig Først vil jeg få gratulere dere med deres nye president. Som sterk. Men vi må være hjelpsomme, og motvillig sa jeg ja, millioner av andre i verden skrudde vi på TVen tidlig for å se men at de måtte være tidlig på museet slik at jeg kunne ha en på innsettelsesseremonien direkte. Selvsagt er forventningene del av dagen fri. urealistiske, men uten tvil har valget av denne presidenten skapt en ny optimisme i verden. Noen få dager senere så jeg Today, Sunday, they arrived early at the museum, and på konserten som ble holdt før innsettelsen. Jeg var begeistret with grim satisfaction I welcomed them to -23 C. Our over å se Pete Seeger, en levende legende. En hel generasjon caretaker had obviously forgotten to turn up the heating, so brukte boka, ”American Favorite Ballads: tunes and songs as the “warm” room they were going to use for putting up make sung by Pete Seeger” da de lærte a spille gitar på 1960- up and costumes wasn’t very warm. Then we walked round tallet. Da var det ingen overraskelse at folkemengden nesten the museum, several places wading through 60 cm of snow to eksploderte da han begynte med ”This Land Is Your Land”. inspect the three houses they were going go use. The wall of Ingen tvil om at dette var sangen som de fleste var kjent med cold air that hit us as I opened the houses should have scared på konserten. them back to Oslo, but it only made them bite their lips a bit more. Log houses store the cold. Having someone to feed Life continues much as before here in Land. We have the fire could perhaps explain why women stayed at home relatively little industry, and a high proportion of the working before? population are employed by the local government and thus have secure jobs. So up to now it is largely the firms that I dag, søndag, ankom de museet, og med morsk build holiday homes or furniture for them that have felt the tilfredsstillelse ønsket jeg dem velkommen til -23 C. Vår pinch. It is ironical that depressions can be positive for small vaktmester må ha glemt å skru opp panelovnene da det municipalities. An important part of local governments’ ”varme” rommet som de skulle bruke var ikke særlig varmt. income is money they receive from the state according to the Vi gikk rundt museet for å se på de tre bygningene som de number of inhabitants. In good times most new jobs are skulle bruke, og flere ganger måtte vi vasse gjennom 60 cm created in the towns so people move from the countryside. In snø. Muren av kald luft som slo oss da jeg åpnet husene bad times there are fewer new jobs so people tend to stay put. skulle ha skremt dem tilbake til Oslo, men det fikk dem bare til å bite litt hardere i leppene sine. Tømmerhus lagrer Livet fortsetter mye som før her i Land. Vi har relativt lite kulden. Å ha noen til å holde peisen gående er kanskje en industri, og et høyt antall av de som jobber er ansatt i forklaring for hvorfor kvinner var hjemmeværende før? kommunen og har dermed trygge jobber. Som resultat er det hovedsakelig firmaene som bygger hytter eller møbler for There came a point at which I had to go skiing. Normally at dem som har lidt. Ironisk nok kan nedgangstider være these temperatures I would have been the first to want to lie in positive for små kommuner. En viktig del av front of the log fire with a good book, but I had said I was kommuneinntektene er penger som de mottar fra staten etter going skiing so there was no escape. They obviously thought I antall innbyggere. I gode tider er de fleste nye arbeidsplasser was mad (quite rightly), but then again I thought they were skapt i byene så folk flytter fra landet. I dårlige tider er det equally mad. I am now back from skiing (it was only -13C in færre nye jobber og da flytter ikke folk. the hills) and the log fire has become a good friend again.

3 Our film people have now been at the museum for nearly 8 skulle ta en skitur, så det var ingen veg utenom. Tydeligvis hours, and it became pitch dark a long time ago! Is all this tenkte de at jeg var gal (med god grunn), men på den andre suffering for the sake of art? No. Believe it or not it’s a sida tenkte jeg at de var like gale. Jeg er tilbake fra skituren promotion for one of those dreadful romantic historical nå (det var bare -13 C på åsen) og vedovnen har igjen blitt novels (a sort of Norwegian Barbara Cartland). The theme is, en god venn. Våre filmfolk har nå vært på museet i åtte og en not unexpectedly, an illicit romance between someone from a halv time, og det ble stupmørkt for flere timer siden! Er alle large farm and another from a cottar’s family. No doubt disse lidelsene for kunsten sin skyld? Nei. Tro det eller ikke - about it, these film people deserve to suffer! det er reklame for én av disse grusomme historiske kjærlighetsromanene (en slags norsk Barbara Cartland). Ikke Det kom et punkt da jeg matte dra på skitur. I disse uventet er temaet forbudt kjærlighet mellom noen fra en temperaturene er jeg vanligvis den første til å ønske å ligge storgård og én fra en husmannsplass. Ingen tvil om det, disse foran vedovnen med en god bok, men jeg hadde sagt at jeg filmfolkene fortjener å lide! .


the bark “Fremad” which left On October 17, 2008 I was fortunate to be recognized as a descendant of a Drammen, Norway and arrived in New Norwegian Pioneer who had York on August 25, 1848 with 91 passengers. resided in the state before 1858. Over Christian first settled in the Rock 1,000 were residing in Run Settlement in Illinois about 20 Minnesota in 1858 and 100 of their miles southwest of Rock Prairie for a descendants provided documentation to be awarded plaques. The recognition short time. He later moved to Lansing, was part of the Norwegian-Minnesotan Allamakee County, Iowa where he was employed by his uncle who kept a Sesquicentennial Celebration held at the general store in Lansing. Marriott Hotel Ballroom in Rochester, Christian was well acquainted with Minnesota. Ingeborg Ommelstad Sateren while My great-grandfather, Christian Pedersen Lunde, was born out of living in Norway and they met again in wedlock to Peder Jensen Bratlien and Allamakee County where she was living with her brother Johannes Karen Knudsdtr. Jørandlien on May 16, Sateren. Ingeborg married Mathias 1835 in Torpa, Nordre Land, Oppland, Pedersen Ringdahl who emigrated from Norway. Christian’s mother married Faaberg in Gulbrandsdalen and he told Johannes Stenerson Lunde on October 13, 1835, and Christian was adopted by Christian about the wonderful lands his step-father. His mother subsequently open to settlement in southwest Minnesota and of their plans to move gave birth to eight more children of up there in the spring of 1855. which five also emigrated to America. According to memoirs written by the Christian Pedersen Lunde, emi- grated from Torpa in 1848 at the age of Ringdahl’s daughter Olive, Christian 13 with his mother’s brother, Ole was impatient to be off to his land of promise and left Allamakee County on Knudsen Gaarder, and his wife Kari on his own to find his fortune. Now, according to http://www. mapquest.com this is a 127 mile trip by today’s road standards. In Section 26 in Minneola Township, 1855 Christian would have Goodhue County, Minnesota in the been walking and possibly spring of 1855. In the 1894 Goodhue catching a boat ride on the County plat book his name was listed Mississippi for part of the as Christian Peterson. way. But for a young man on The following information has his own, this had to have been taken from several sources been quite a journey. including Goodhue County Histories, Christian took out a land Lands Church History, recollections of claim on 160 acres on pioneer settlers and published books. 4 Early Sunday morning, June 15, 1855, the Rev. Nils Brandt came up to a Photo of Deb with three crude shack on a hill in Goodhue County members of Lands Church: which was the temporary shelter of church historian Betty Bailey Mathias and Ingeborg Ringdahl. Rev. is left front; Pastor David Brandt was traveling on foot and had Krinke is to her left, Deb is come from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, up center back, and Darlene the Mississippi to Red Wing and had Johnson behind her. there been informed of his new Norwegian settlement and had come to and Hilda were blessed with administer to their spiritual needs. There eight children, six of whom lived was a cluster of immigrant wagons in the to adulthood. My grandfather immediate vicinity that had come up from William Edwin Peterson was Allamakee County, Iowa the latter part of born 27 April 1870. May. Church services were held that day Christian was deeply out in the open and many of those interested in the Norwegian attending that first Lutheran service Lutheran Church and was one of became members of the future Lands the original signers of the Articles of responsible for the financing of the Church congregation. Incorporation for the Lands Lutheran church and parsonage. On March 19, 1859, in Red Wing, Church in Zumbrota, Minnesota and Christian also served the township as Minnesota, Christian married Hilda L. served many years as a trustee. The chairman, as supervisor and as a member Svensdatter (Swenson), daughter of Sven church was named for the area many in the of the school board. His home was often Svensen and Marie Jonas, who was born congregation came from in Norway. As the stopping place for the influx of in Småland, Jönköping, Len Sandjosochen, one of the nine members of the Building Norwegians that were to follow which Sweden on 7 February 1838. Christian Committee, Christian pledged to be included five of his eight half brothers and sisters and their families. Christian died in Goodhue County on Lands Lutheran Church, his birthday, May 16, 1904. His wife Zumbrota, Minnesota Hilda died March 19, 1914. They are buried in the Lands Lutheran Church Cemetery under the names C. P. Lunde and Mrs. C. P. Lunde. On the morning of October 17, 2008, several members of Landings Lag met at Lands Lutheran Church. We were served coffee and were able to walk the cemetery, view historical records of the church and visit with Pastor David Krinke, Darlene Johnson, Betty Bailey and other members of the church.

Three Noteworthy Books By Carol Olson, Genealogist, Landings Laget

A neat book has been added to the Landings Laget Genalogy In it are listed volunteers who have certain bygdebøker and have library which was donated by Rev. Howard D. Baumgart. The offered to help answer your questions by using these books. 761 plus page 2008 revision of 2006 has the title: "Ancestors and While volunteers have those books from many areas in Norway, Descendants of Torger Olsen Nerbye and Kari Hansdatter Lien: a there is one for Torpa – Knut Moe who has Boka om Land IX family from Fluberg, Sondre Land, Oppland County, Norway and X, Torpa A and B. If you have questions after doing research named Quarom and Olson in America". Among the farms using those books, you may want to ask Mr. Moe for help. mentioned in both sections of Land are: Nerbye, Kverum Perhaps the biggest news is that the 1913 book Familien (Americanized to Quarum when the family emigrated to the Thomle--long out of print--is now online. This was a favorite United States), Lien, Landaasen, Viker, Overbye, Granum, Bye, book of mine when I began doing genealogy for Landings Berg, Udal, Skoien, Gaarder, Naarum in addition to Skjervum and Laget and before the Nordsinni book was published in 1997. Mustad in Vardal. For more information, you can contact either The website you can click in order to gain access to is: Carol Olson or the author at his email address following: http://da2.uib.no/cgi- [email protected] win/WebBok.exe?slag=lesbok&bokid=thomlebok I will write Paul Anderson informs us that there is a website from about it in the May newsletter because it needs to be RootsWeb that you can reach by clicking on the following: explained as it is all in Norwegian. It is an important book http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wgnorway/lookups.html#top because so many members of Landingslag have ties to that farm.

5 “BRIDGING THE GENERATIONS” 2009 7-Lag Stevne: June 25-28, 2009 University Center, University of Wisconsin – River Falls, River Falls, Wisconsin

River Falls is located in west central Wisconsin on the east edge they choose, plan a lunch or picnic for lag members. of the /St. Paul metropolitan area about 30 miles 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Genealogy Assistance – The from downtown St. Paul. It is a rural, college community with a genealogy room will be open for family history research. population of 12,500. University of Wisconsin-River Falls 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Registration, Hospitality Room, and (UWRF) is a coeducational, public university with an enrollment Vendor Areas open. of approximately 6,100. Its University Center is a two-year old, state-of-the-art facility with excellent conference facilities. 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Classes and Presentations Air-conditioned, on-campus rooms are available at the Family Treemaking Software – Joran Olson UWRF South Forks Suites at $35* per night single or double or Rosemaling History and Designs – Marlys Hammer and Janet at $28* per night single at a dormitory. Area hotels, Ritzer campgrounds, etc. can be contacted through the River Falls Area A Norwegian Amercian Family History – Lloyd Svendsbye Chamber of Commerce @ Tourism Bureau at (715) 425-2533 or by email at [email protected]. Internet Searches for Genealogical Data – Dixie Hansen *= 2008 prices subject to increase for 2009. Lefse Making and Its History – Kane Viesselman The format of the 2009 7 Lag-Stevne has been changed Sondre and Rannei Norheim– Dave Gunderson somewhat from that of recent years. Classes and presentations are also being scheduled for Saturday to accommodate younger The Norway Project – Roger Magneson members and students who may be unable to attend on Note: Additional classes to be announced in the spring weekdays. All students, both high school and college, will be newsletter. admitted free. 7:00 p.m. - General Session – The main speaker for this The following is a preliminary outline of the schedule of events session will be Jeff Mueller, President of the Upper Midwest for the Stevne: Chapter of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce. The NACC aids companies wishing to pursue business THURSDAY, JUNE 25 opportunities in Norway and assists Norwegian companies 1:00 p.m. - Bus Tour: The tour goes to the New Richmond wishing to enter the Midwest marketplace. Mueller also serves Heritage Center in nearby New Richmond. The Heritage on the business advisory board for the Royal Norwegian Center contains a park setting of historic buildings occupied by Consulate General in Minneapolis. He will speak on early Norwegian settlers. Included are an 1887 Norwegian opportunities for business, education, and cultural cooperation immigrant log cabin, an 1884 farmhouse, an 1891 Evangelical between the United States and Norway. Lutheran Church, a 1902 school house, and the farm’s original 8:00 p.m. – Entertainment – Music will be provided by blacksmith ship, barn, and granary. LeRoy Larson and The Minnesota Scandinavian Ensemble 3:00- 9:00 p.m. - Registration Show Band. For three decades the Ensemble has been 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Genealogy Open House: Lag genealogists researching and recording traditional Scandinavian songs and will be available to assist stevne attendees with their family folk dance music. In July 2003, the Ensemble was invited to history research in the genealogy room. Washington, D. C. to perform concerts at the Library of Congress, and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 7:00 p. m. – Movie: The featured movie is “Heroes of

Telemark”, a 1965 war film starring Kirk Douglas. The movie SATURDAY, JUNE 27 is based on the true story of the Norwegian heavy water 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - Registration – Open for those sabotage during World War II. Norwegian resistance fighters attending Saturday sessions. sabotage the Vemork Norsk Hydro plant, which the Nazis used 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Hospitality Room and Vendor Areas to produce heavy water to make an atomic bomb. open. FRIDAY, JUNE 26 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Genealogy Assistance – The 7:30-8:30 a.m. - Registration genealogy room will be open for family history research. 8:30-10:00 a.m. - Opening Session – The session includes 9:00-10:00 a.m. – Welcome and Orientation Session – The introductions and greetings from the River Falls mayor, a session is geared for students and first time stevne attendees. It UWRF official, and the President of Fellesraad. Each Lag will include general information on today’s program and the president will comment on the highlights of their 2008-2009 role of bygdelags and the background on the stevne. Lag activities. Musicians from the Telemark region of Norway will presidents will tell about their lags and membership. provide the entertainment. The musicians include Torgeir 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Classes and Presentations Straand (hardanger fiddler) and Tone Jorunn Tveito (a The Immigrant’s Tale – Roger Hellesvig nationally-recognized Norwegian folksinger). Internet Access to Norwegian Church & Census Data – John 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. - Lag Meetings and Socials – During Haugo this time individual lags will hold their annual meetings and, if 6 Family Treemaking Software – Joran Olson and prizes will be given. Rosemaling History and Designs – Marlys Hammer and Janet SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Ritzer 9:00 a.m. – Bus Trip and Church Tour– Busses will leave Lefse Making and Its History – Kane Viesselmann for Mindekirken (Memorial Church) in Minneapolis. There Common Norwegian Greetings, Phrases, and Expressions – will be a guided tour and history given about the church. Verlyn Anderson 11:00 a.m. – Church Service – A church service will be held Writing a Family History – John Haugo at Mindekirken with the liturgy presented in Norwegian. Kitchen Irons – Roger Engstad 12:00 noon – Lunch – The lunch will be served to attendees at Norwegian Folk Dancing – Elaine and Kjell Nordlie the Mindekirken. Note: Additional classes to be announced in the spring newsletter 1:00 p.m. – Church Tour – On the return to UWRF, busses 6:00 p.m. – Banquet and Program - The entertainment will will stop at the Muskego Church now located on the campus of again be provided by musicians from the Telemark region of Luther Seminary in St. Paul. The church is the oldest Norway. The traditional bunad parade will be held. Awards Norwegian Lutheran church in America.


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 CENTENNIAL PROJECTS p.m. by President Sandra Hendrickson. Those in attendance Charter Member Descendant Search: We don’t have a list included: Paul Anderson, Ann Delano, Ann Edwards, Paul of charter members, so will try to contact descendants of Edwards, Sandra Hendrickson, Barbara Horn, Art Paulson and early members and officers based on names that appear in Deb Studley. early minutes and the 1924 Landings-Bogen. A motion was made by Ann Delano to raise membership dues, Bridal Crown fund raiser: The board was updated on the seconded by Art Paulson. The motion carried. The new dues progress of fundraising in Land. We will match what they structure will be in effect January, 2009. Barbara Horn suggested are able to raise. adding the new membership rates to the Landingslag website. Translation of Boka om Land IV: Sandy is currently LANDINGSLAG WEBSITE working on translating the book into English. Anne Sladky, our web master, said she could develop a Publication of Landingslag history and member stories: “members only” section on our site, with details to work out. Ann Edwards would like to do a mailing to members asking Items posted to this section could include: Boka Om Land IV for personal family stories and pedigree charts. biography pages, Immigrant lists from “Landingen Årbøker”, Farm pictures, tombstones with place names, etc. Centennial Video: Sandy suggested that a centennial video could be produced. It would feature past and present lag members and Anne Sladky had asked if we were interested in having her set activities and could be shown at our centennial banquet. up a page on http://www.myspace.com for Landingslaget. Sigdalslag and Hadelandlag both have myspace pages and there The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. at the restaurant and have been links made to their regular websites from that page. resumed later in the hotel for more discussion on the The group felt it was worth a try to set up a myspace page for Centennial Projects. Landingslaget to possibly attract a younger age group. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Studley, Secretary

LANDINGSLAG DUES STRUCTURE Our annual lag dues were raised a little at the October ’08 board meeting. But if you pay for a three year period the annual rate remains the same. Below is the new dues schedule. Our lag year, for purposes of the dues, runs from January to January.

Current Dues New Dues New 3 Year Dues Effective 1/1/09 Effective 1/1/09 U.S. Individual $10 $12 $30 U.S. Dual $13 $15 $39 Canada Individual $15 $17 $45 Canada Dual $18 $20 $54 Norwegian Individual $18 $20 $54 Norwegian Dual $21 $23 $63 Life Membership $150 $200


The Family Of Hans Fredrik Frantsen Shager and Anne Amundsdatter & Their Children By Larry Shoger Right: Hans Fredrik Frantsen Shager and Anne Amundsdatter Shager This is the third in a series about the children of Frantz and Agnete (Baggerud) Øvre Schiager. I wrote of their son Christian and his wife Anne (Komperud) Skjager in the June 2000 issue of Land-i-Amerika. This article focuses on my great great great grandfather Christian’s younger brother, Hans Fredrik Frantsen Shager.

Hans Fredrik Frantsen Shager was County, Wisconsin. Evidently, the acreage building of the Cherry Branch school. He born in spring 1814 on his father’s farm – was incorrect in the warranty deed because was also a trustee of the church. Øvre Skiaker, located in Østsinni, Nordre a correction was made to the deed On July 25, 1858, at a congregational Land. His parents were Frantz changing the acreage to 177.17 acres of meeting at East Wiota Norwegian Christoffersen and Agnete Christiansdatter land. The farm was located one mile from Lutheran church, Rev. Munch called on (Beggerud) Øvre Schiager. Hans had two the village of Wiota. The two brothers the dissatisfied members of the church to older brothers, Christian Frantsen and farmed together for a number of years. On withdraw. Five men stood up to leave, Christoffer Frantsen, one older sister, March 28, 1865, Hans Fredrik sold his among them was Hans Fredrik Schjager. Kjerstine Frantsdatter, and two younger portion of the farm to Ole, and moved to He, as did the others, wanted to see the brothers, Ole Frantsen and Martin Frantsen. West Paint Creek, Allamakee Co., Iowa. congregation instead of the pastors have Hans Fredrik was born June 26, 1814 Hans Fredrik Fransen Schager was the most power in the say of the church. and grew up on the farm Øvre Skiaker. united in marriage to Anne Amundsdatter, The power of the church and its pastors His baptism on July 10, 1814 and also his daughter of Amund Bakkum sometime was one of several reasons the confirmation took place in the Østsinni shortly after settling in Wiota township. It Norwegians left their homeland. Church near his home. is believed the wedding was held at the On March 28, 1865, Hans Fredrik On April 10, 1852, Hans Fredrik West Wiota Norwegian Lutheran Church, sold his share of the farm to his brother, Frantsen, his fiancee, Anne Amundsdatter, near Wiota, Wisconsin. Ole. The family packed up and headed and his brother, Ole Frantsen Schjager Hans and Anne were blessed with for Iowa where some of Anne’s brothers immigrated to America, sailing on the ship five daughters and a son, namely: Agnete were living. On June 15, 1865, Hans “Fedrenes Minde” from Holmestrand, - Mrs. Andreas E. Bakkum; Caroline - Fredrik and his family arrived in West Norway. They arrived in Quebec, Canada Mrs. Magnus Pedersen Jakobshus; Anna Paint Creek, Allamakee Co., Iowa. Hans on Easter Sunday. Hans Fredrik Frantsen, Marie - Mrs. Rev. Christ Pedersen purchased land in section 7 of Paint Creek Anne, and Ole Frantsen arrived in Rock Jakobshus; Frans (died at age 3); Township west of Waterville and also in Prairie, Wisconsin on June 11, 1852 after Mathilda - Mrs. Tollef Johnson; and Harpers Ferry Township, Allamakee Co., 6 1/2 weeks of travel. Francine - Mrs. Halvor Paul Halvorson. Iowa. Hans and his wife, Anne, remained On June 18, 1852, they arrived at their The Shager farm was mostly heavy on this farm for the rest of their lives. oldest brother’s home (Christian Frantsen woods and their home was a log cabin made Hans Fredrik Fransen Shager passed Schjager) near Dodgeville, Wisconsin. of the finest oak logs. Hans Fredrik and Ole away on October 16, 1882 at the age of 68 Christian and his family had immigrated to named the farm Gaarder Skiaker. When at his home in Jefferson township, Iowa. America in 1850 and settled in Wyoming they built their home, they planted currant Anne passed away on August 5, 1896. Township, Iowa County, Wisconsin. After bushes, grapevines, apple trees, rhubarb, Hans Fredrik and Anne are buried at Old a short stay at Christian’s farm, Hans and and lilac bushes nearby the orchard. There West Paint Creek Norwegian Lutheran his fiancé, Anne, and Ole Frantsen traveled was a hitching post near the house and a Church cemetery near Waterville, Iowa. south to the Wiota settlement in Layette spring with good clean, clear water. In church records of West Wiota County, Wisconsin. Hans Fredrik served as one of the first Norwegian Lutheran Church, the Shager On July 6, 1852, Hans F. Schjager Norwegian school teachers at Cherry name is usually found in its Norwegian and Ole F. Schjager received a warranty Branch, right next to the East Wiota spelling of Skjager, but Hans Fredrik deed from John M. Beam & Wife for Norwegian Lutheran church - the oldest always signed his name as Hans Fr. 17.17 acres of land on the SE corner of Norwegian Lutheran church in America. Schjager. The spelling of the name became section 19, Wiota Township, Lafayette In 1852, he gave money towards the Schager, and later, Shager. 8 SMALLPOX VACCINATIONS AND CERTIFICATES By Larissa Reutgen

This original document is a certificate of Archives in Alabama. They have a their vaccination certificate to marry and Smallpox Vaccination, with permission historical documents collection. Another those are recorded with the marriage in the from the owner, Susan Dechant. It was sent site I found was quite interesting called On parish book. They are usually on the far to me when I was helping with her Faaberg Marriage in Norway. This is an English right column with the marriage entry. families. I had not realized in all this time translation of a work by early sociologist Unfortunately for us, searching families in of researching my own lines that there was Eilert Sundt. There is a bit of discussion Land, the vaksinerte records don't start an actual certificate issued. I recognized regarding smallpox in relation to until 1831. However these records can this was for smallpox but had some population growth and mortality. The sometimes be found in the confirmation difficulty translating all of the document. book has many sections dealing with entry. They can be a good tool in marriage of course, but issues related to A couple of days later a friend of a friend narrowing the search years on someone population, including famines and asked me about getting documents in who is missing in action as it were. But be odelsrett. You can find any of these relation to the book she had on her family aware that the child was not always one articles by Googling them. Eilert Sundt's from Hedmark, Norway. The book was year old at the time of vaccination so don't book is here: (google search Eilert Sundt) very well written and included all the dates give up too soon. I have some who were 7 www.rhd.uit.no/sundt/bind2/eilert_sundt_b within the text but no parish record copies. and 12 in 1830's and 1840's records so d2e.html I turned a page and here was another apparently there was some resistance by certificate of smallpox vaccination! With I then went on to find out more about the the parents to these vaccinations. On one complete translation. Two in one week!? I vaccinations. The first vaccination took of my lines I could not find any vaccine- compared the two documents and the ‘form' place in Norway in 1801 but it wasn't until tion records for a couple of the children but was word for word. Ah ha, then this was a April 10, 1810 that it became mandatory they also moved to another parish and I standardized form for the whole country! for children over the age of 1. Despite the had that record. I searched there starting The translation of the document is also massive effort there was a smallpox the date of their coming to the new parish. shown for you from Bernice Meunier. epidemic in Telemark in 1838 and 1869 One child was vaccinated the day after that spread all along the trade routes to the they arrived, she was 7 years old. This started me thinking about smallpox west coast of Norway. Persistance and determination pays off. and documents so I searched on the net. I found two places that might help others Sometimes when searching death and If anyone recognizes the person on the with finding a document such as this. burial records one will see many children certificate would you please email Luther College has some smallpox deaths in a particular time period and I Larissa at [email protected] vaccination certificates in their Personal surmise this to be from smallpox in early Papers of Faculty, Alumni and Other 1800's. Beginning in Individuals Collection. A site I had not the early 1800's a known of previously is Gjenvick-Gjønvik couple had to present

Certificate of Smallpox Vaccination (This certificate, which is issued without cost, must be shown to the Parish Pastor within six weeks after it has been received) Ole Johannesen Sagbakken und Skårset born in Fåberg of parents Johann Asbiørnsen og Marthe Olsdatter living in ____ Sogn, 12 ¼ years old, is witnessed by me, in the year 1856, the 1st July, is innoculated with cow pox. By careful examination between the seventh and ninth days after inoculation I have found all signs, that show them to be the real cow pox; they were entirely round and filled with clear fluid in the middle and surrounded with a red circle. The above named Ole Johannesen has therefore had the real cow pox, which takes place of, stands for, or is children’s pox. Herewith then to the best of my knowledge, I testify to this in Fåberg the 6th December in the year of 1856. Ingevor Olson Johanneson This attest or certificate was shown the 17th day of December 1856. Parish Pastor in Fåberg (can’t read signature)

9 A 1699 FAMILY PORTRAIT with LAND CONNECTIONS By Ann Edwards On the 2nd floor of the main building at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Bygdøy, Oslo hangs the first portrait and the only known church painting of a Norwegian farm family. The portrait (52” x 78”) is part of their permanent collection and is of special significance in that it is the only reference in existence to show what traditional clothing/bunads in a rural area looked like in those early days (a combination of medieval and Renaissance fashion). Also at this museum is the Gol stavkirke (photo below) which was moved here in 1885, one of only 29 remaining stave churches and the first building where this portrait was hung.

1681 Bjørn married Guri Eivindsdatter mother Guri received land in Etnadal Tolleivsgard, my ancestor, and eight in eastern Valdres and at Dyve/Gjuve children were born between 1683 and in Nordre Land. Bjørn had bought 1701. This second wife and children Gjuve/Dyve in 1687 and this is where appear at Bjørn’s left in the portrait. Guri chose to move with the children, From Deb’s book, the translation of and this is where Ole grew up. the Gothic inscription at the top of the Boka om Land VIII, Nordsinni, portrait reads: Have thanks O God our page 472 at Gjuve names Guri creator for nourishment from land and Eivindsdatter as the owner in 1719 and water. Thank you the Holy Spirit for our lists nine children born to her and Bjørn minds and thank God for our hearts and Tollefsen Froysoker, Gol. In 2005 I our happiness and bread shall be wrote to Svein-Erik Ødegaard (author delivered us until our death and give us of Boka om Land VIII, IX, and X) with luck and health and life and gain eternity in Jesus name. Amen several questions. He alerted me that It’s interesting that Bjørn’s father the most accurate information about the Tollef Arnesen Frøysok, a large land Bjørn Tollefson Frøysok family is to be owner, has his name painted on the found in Boka om Land X. He wrote: wall in the front of the Gol stavkirke. “The information in the Nordsinni- We did visit this church at Bygdøy in volume about this family was totally 2000 but at that time didn’t know that based on older, written sources. This Borghild Olson, ‘Borghy’, first we should have looked for the name of Frøysok family has a huge number of told me of this painting years ago and this ancestor on the wall there. living descendants, according to this seeing it was at the top of my ‘must do’ the interest is great. After my list when Paul and I were in Oslo with Apparently Bjørn was rather well off and owned land in eastern Nordsinni book I received a great deal our children in 2000. Cousins Vicky of new material, based on studies by Hasvold Walker and Deb Nelson Gourley, Hallingdal, in Valdres, and in Nordre Land. Of the time following his death other persons, and I mention material author of Astri, My Astri, also have in Hallingdal in 1708 Vicky Walker from Erling Bolstad in 1998. Therefore connections and special interest in this writes, “Bjorn Frøysok had many you will find this chart of the Frøysok family and each has written about it. family repeated in volume X, Torpa B, th children in two families and there was The portrait was donated by my 6 great difficulty in dividing up the printed 2002, page 620.” In this great grandfather Bjørn Tollefsen estate. There were lawsuits and hard source the eight children of Bjørn and Frøysoker (1634-1709) to the Gol feelings.” Guri are: Ingebjørg, Margit, Tollef, stavkirke at Hallingdal in Buskerud and The connection to Land comes Even, Hågen, Hågen, Hågen, and Ole. shows Bjørn with his two wives and In 1727, my ancestor Ole bought children from each marriage. His first through Bjørn’s second wife Guri and the last, 8th, child Ole born in Hasvold in Søndre Land and on 25 wife, Ingebjørg Halvorsdatter Hersgard March 1732 he married Siri Børtnes who died about 1680, was the Hallingdal in 1701. Boka om Land III page 5 says that Ole was born at Gudbrandsdatter Esbjug. Siri was the mother of Bjørn’s first ten children and Froysok and after his father's death his daughter of Gulbrand Olsen Esbjug born appears to his right in the portrait. In about 1671 and Berte Andersdatter

10 Tomle . Ole and Siri had seven children Sjaheim at the time of their 275th over to the people of the community. and after he died at age 91, the farm anniversary in 1979. This article In 1798, Christopher Jensvold’s was owned by their son Bjørn. My mentions that the church first belonged grandson Christopher Gaarder married ancestor, their daughter Guri, married to King Fredrik IV, who in 1723 sold it Ole Hasvold’s granddaughter Siri Syver Iversen Thomle and lived at to Bishop Deichmann, who sold it to the Haugner. Their son Andrew Gaarder Haugner in Nordsinni. parish pastor, Ancher. When the pastor (with his wife Berthe Tandberg and 8 A point of interest concerning Ole died, his widow sold it to the brothers children) left their home in Land for Bjørnsen Hasvold can be found in an Hans Garde (Gaarder) and Christopher Wisconsin in 1867. He is Jane Fenno’s article in the Landings Lag newsletter Jensvold, together with Ole Bjørnson and my great-great grandfather and the about Fluberg church written by Arne Hasvold. In 1739 the church was turned great grandfather of Charles Gorder.

IN MEMORY Of: Obert H. Goplin Note from Paul Anderson: OSSEO - Obert Harvey Goplin arrival of elec- Obert and his wife were on our passed to eternal life on Friday, tricity to rural 1989 tour to Norway (Borgy Sept. 12, 2008, in Austin, America and Olson was the tour guide). I Minn., at 94 years of age. A tractors replacing his mighty last saw Obert and his wife at man of few words, he lived his Percheron workhorses. the Winona Stevne. (He is not life as an example to others. Obert was a member of related to me--at least, as of At age 34, Obert married Landings Lag, Norskedalen this moment). He is a Adeline Lundberg; they and, for more than 25 years, the descendant from the Store celebrated their 60th wedding Sons of Norway Tryggvason Goplen farm in Torpa. anniversary this past June. Lodge. He was fluent in the Obert's great grandfather Pigeon Falls Evangelical and was Erik Olsen Store Goplen born Lutheran Church was a focal able to visit Norway in 1981 1805 and immigrated in point of his family life. and 1989. Obert is survived by 1867 is listed on page 170 of Farming was a way of life for his wife Adeline,; four Boka om Land Vol X. Obert, and from childhood to children, 11 grandchildren; retirement he witnessed the four great grandchildren.



PRESIDENT: Sandra Hendrickson, 18641 Knollwood Circle, Lakeville, CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS COMMITTEE: MN 55044. (952)-892-5402. E-mail: [email protected] *Paul Edwards, 365 S. Oakland Ave., Burlington, VICE-PRESIDENT: David D. Benson, 5595 Shingle Mill Rd NE, Bemidji, WI 53105. (262) 763-3929 E-mail: [email protected] MN 56601. (218) 759-0642. E-mail: [email protected] John Monson, 1062 Bramblewood Dr., Castle Rock, CO 80108 SECRETARY: Deborah Studley, 27694 Pratt Rd, Webster, WI 54893 (303) 663-8911 E-mail: [email protected] ph: (715) 866-4901 E-mail: [email protected] Oscar Lund, Ex Officio (612)-821-4672. st TREASURER: Ann Delano, 5616 41 Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55417 GENEALOGISTS: Ph: (612) 725-0730 E-mail: *Carol Olson, 475 Doverwood Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 DIRECTORS: E-mail: [email protected] Wayne Lunsetter, 31126-390th St. NE, Middle River, MN 56737 Art Paulson: 2639 Aldrich Ave. S. #104, Minneapolis, MN 55408 (term exp. 2009) ph. (218) 459 3379 E-mail: [email protected] (612) 874-0463 E-mail: [email protected] Jane Fenno, 815 Dwight St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Larissa Reutgen: Box 572, Porthill, ID (term exp. 2010) ph: (715) 723-8106 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Barbara Horn, 734 Crescent Curve, St. Paul, MN 55127. (term exp. 2011) HISTORIAN and ARCHIVIST: ph: (612) 483-3063 E-mail: [email protected] Donald Paul Anderson, W4945 Center St., LaCrosse, WI 54601 PAST PRESIDENT: (608) 788-3181 E-mail: [email protected] Oscar M. Lund, Jr., P.O. Box 8167, St. Paul, MN 55108 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: (612) 618-0442. E-mail: [email protected] *Charles Hauck (telephone and addresses, column 1) NORWAY LIAISON: Mary Hendrickson Alastair Brown, Curator, Lands Museum, 2870 Dokka, Norway. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: DELEGATES TO BYGDELAGENES FELLESRAAD: *Donald Paul Anderson (telephone and addresses above) Mary Herness (telephone and addresses above) Miles Benson, 2511 Lovewood Dr., Wisc. Rapids WI 54494 Wayne Lunsetter (telephone and addresses above) (715) 423 4203 E-mail: [email protected] PUBLICATIONS: LANDINGS LAGET ON THE WEB: Ann Edwards, Newsletter Editor, 365 S. Oakland Ave., Burlington, http://www.landingslag.org WI 53105. (262) 763-3929. E-mail: [email protected] CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Anne Sladky, Webmaster, 6938 State Hwy 200 NW, Laporte MN,56461 Please notify the editor or treasurer! (218) 547-1156. E-mail: [email protected]