The Infant Church: Early Christian & Byzantine

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The Infant Church: Early Christian & Byzantine TheInfantChurch: Name:_____________ /26 EarlyChristian& Grade10 -EarlyChristian& ByzantineQuestionsPart1 Byzantine Art 1.WherewasEarlyChristianart largelyproducedandwhy?(2) 2.Whosegloryandpowerwas EarlyChristianartintendedto illustrate?(1) 3.Makeasketchofthecloseup ofChristas TheGoodSheppard catacombpaintingfromRome, early4th century.(1) TheGoodSheppard.Catacomb Painting,Rome,early4thcentury Christianreligionwasnotlegalformanyyears Catacombs AnEarlyChristianCatacomb throughouttheRomanEmpire. Assuch,early EarlyChristanart inthesecatacombs Christianart wasproducedlargely(andliterally) differedfromtheartofRomeinmany underground. ways.EarlyChristianartistsshowed littleinterestinthegraceandpowerof EarlyChristiansdugcatacombs, orunderground thehumanbody,whichwasso passagewaysoutsideofthecitytoburytheirdead importanttoGreekandRomanartists. andholdoccasionalreligiousservices.Intime,these Christian Art wasintendedtoillustrate catacombsgrewtobemassiveundergroundnetworks thegloryandpowerofChrist. /4 oftunnels,whichwerelightedandventilatedbyairshafts. 4.WhatyeardidConstantine Architecture proclaimChristianitytobethe officialreligionoftheRoman WhenConstantine proclaimed Empire?(1) Christianitytobetheofficial religionoftheRomanempire inAD312, Christianswere abletobringtheirreligion 5.Makeasketchofthefloorplan tothesurfaceinthe oftheBasilicaandlabelthe wakeofthedying Apse transeptandapse.(3) RomanEmpire. Theyhadtothen decideonakind ofabuildingtouse Doublesideaisles fortheirchurches. CAMPANILE EmperorConstantine BAPTISMAL FONT theGreat,Roman, ENTRANCES CRYPT UNDER APSE 4thc.Marble. 6.Comparetheexteriorofthe Christiansagainborrowedfromthe APSE earlyChristianchurchwiththe Romansandselectedattheirmodel ALTAR GreekParthenon,listone thebasilica,alongspaciousbuilding similaritiesandonedifferences.(4) thattheRomanshadtraditionallyused formeetinghalls. SimilaritiesDifferences Theoutsideofthesechurcheswasquite 1.1. plain,especiallywhencomparedto ATRIUMS COVEREDWALKWAY classicalRomanandGreektemples. (NARTHEX) COLUMNS BEMA (TRANSEPT) 2.2. TheParthenon:EastPediment Construction St. ApollinareinClasse.Exterior St. ApollinareinClasse.Interiorview GreekTemple:TheParthenon, /8 view,534-549.Ravenna Athens448-432BC. RomanEmpireDivision( Constantine time) 7.TheByzantineEmpirewasan BeforethelastRomanEmperorConstantine alliancebetweenwhattwo diedhecreatedasecondcentreofpowerin institutions?(1) Easterneurope,whichhecalled Constantinople beforetheRomanEmpire begantofall. 8.Makeasketchofthefloorplanof theSanVitalechurchinItaly.How Thissecondcenterofpowernowmodernday isthischurch'sfloorplana Istanbul (Turkey)overtimebegantogain differentshapefromearly strengthandwealth. Afterconstantbarbarian Basilicas?Listonestylistic invasionsfromthenortheventuallytoppled innovationthatappearinthe Rome,thecity structure.(2) of Constantinople wastheonly centerof Romanpower ineasternor western Europe. Bythemiddleofthe4thcentury, Innovation: Constantinople beganthecapital inthiseasternlocation. TheloseofRomeasthecenterofpower alsoaffectedthechurchprofoundlyandasaresultthe centerofthechurchandthepapacymovedtoeasternEurope. Theallianceofstateandchurchwaslaterreferredtoasthe ByzantineEmpire. AlthoughtheplanofmanyearlyChristianchurchesfollowed closelytheestablishedRomanbasilicaformthereweresome notablechangesduringthe ByzantineEmpire. SanVitale inRavennaItalywasthecity'smostimportant JustinianchurchandwasdedicatedtoSt.Vitalus whowasa SanVitaleinRavenna RomanslaveandChristianmartyrattheendofthe4thcentury. Italyc. AD400. EarlyBascillicafloorplan /3 Justinianandthe 9.Howwerethefiguresin The CourtofJustinianmosaicdepicted? ByzantineStyle: Realisticallyorunrealisticallyand SanVitale Mosaics whatleadstothisconclusion?(2) Theinterioristhoroughlydecoratedwith mosaicsandmarblecolumns. Theinterior hasarichlydecoratedapseandalterwith largerectangularpierssupportingthemain archeswithcolumnssupportingthebase. TheseearlyByzantinemosaics were createdfromreflectiveglasscubes.The 10.Whatmaterialweretheseearly surfaceofeachwasplacedataslightly Byzantinemosaicscreatedfromand differentangleandsecuredatanuneven whatwastheirpurposeinchurches? anglesowhenthelightcamethroughthe (2) churchwindows,eachmosaicwouldglow andsparkleinwhatappearedtobea CourtofJustinian,apsemosaic,S.Vitale,547 A.D. supernaturalmanner. Thesemosaics wereplacedthroughoutthe interiorofthechurchesonceilings,domes andwallstohelpcreateuniquelysacred spaces. 11.HowistheChrist(detailofa mosaic)fromHagiaSophia depicted?Realisticallyor unrealisticallyandwhatleadsto thisconclusion?(2). CourtofTheodora,apsemosaic,S.Vitale,547 A.D. Christ,detailofamosaic, HagiaSophia.13thcentury. Realisticshadingisevidentatthecheeks,neck,andrighthand. TheedgesofChrist'sformisindicatedbyaslightshadingrather /6 thanablackoutlinearoundthefigure. 12.WhatisHagiaSophia, andwhatdoesthename mean?(2) 13.Whattwoarchitectural elementsdoesHagia Sophiaconsistof?(2) 1. HagiaSophiainIstanbul,c. AD400. 2. EmperorJustinian decidedtobuildagrandchurchin Constantinople, whichatthetimewasagreatcityandas aresulthecreatedanenormouschurchthathecalled HagiaSophia (whichmeant"holywisdom"). 14.Whatarchitectural innovationdidthe HagiaSophia interiorwasalmostthreefootballfieldsinlength architectswhodesigned andcombinedtheRomanrectangularbasilicafloorplanwitha HagiaSophiaincorporate giantcentraldome. tosupportthemassive domeceiling?(1) Thearchitectswhocreatedthismassivedomeachievedthis newarchitecturalwonderbycreatingpendentives. Fourarches wereplacedformingasquare(asopposedtoroundweight- bearingwalls,asinthePantheon)supportedthedome. Atthebaseofthedome,fortywindowswereplacedcreating theillusionthatthegreatdomeappearedtofloatonahaloof religiouslight. Floorplans,HagiaSophia /5.
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