HOW FEDERALISM INFLUENCES INDIA’S DOMESTIC POLITICS OF WTO ENGAGEMENT (And Is Itself Affected in the Process) Rob Jenkins Abstract India’s federal system has significantly influenced the way in which domestic political forces have reacted to the “multilateralization” (via World Trade Organ- ization agreements) of key areas of policymaking, particularly agriculture. State-level politicians tend to view World Trade Organization-related matters through regional lenses. In the process, Indian federalism itself has been sub- jected to certain, sometimes contradictory, changes. I.Introduction This paper examines one aspect of the complex relation- ship between globalization and federalism. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has become a potent symbol of at least one dimension of globaliza- tion: the multilateralization of national policymaking, a process by which is- sues that were once purely of domestic concern have become subjected to intergovernmental discipline. India’s engagement with the system of multi- lateral trade governance negotiated and administered through the WTO is influenced by many factors, including the sectoral composition of the Indian Rob Jenkins is Professor of Political Science at Birkbeck College, Uni- versity of London. This paper is based on work carried out under the Globalization and Poverty Research Program, funded by the U.K.’s Department for International Development. The author would like to acknowledge his debt to Francine Frankel, Jos Mooij, Aseema Sinha, and an anon- ymous referee for helpful comments on an earlier draft. Email: <
[email protected]>. Asian Survey , 43:4, pp. 598–621. ISSN: 0004–4687 Ó 2003 by The Regents of the University of California.