Todd, page 1 LAWRENCE CALVIN TODD, Jr. 2021 PERSONAL DATA: Mailing Address: PO. Box 70, Meeteetse, WY 82433-0070 USA Phone/email (307)868-2169; Cell (970)556-4130;
[email protected],
[email protected] EDUCATION: University of Wyoming 1972-1978; B.A. in Anthropology, August 1978 University of New Mexico 1978-1983 Albuquerque, New Mexico M.A. in Anthropology, August 1980; Ph.D. in Anthropology, December 1983 Dissertation Title: The Horner Site: Taphonomy of an Early Holocene Bison Bonebed Dissertation Committee: L.R. Binford; L.G. Straus; J.A. Sabloff; E. Trinkaus; B. Kues; G.C. Frison GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: 2021 Wyoming SHPO CLG grant to Meeteetse Historic Preservation Comm. Heart of Meeteetse $10,300 2020 Shoshone National Forest, Challenge Cost Share, Heritage Resources. Mod 2. GRSLE $5,000 2019 Shoshone National Forest, Challenge Cost Share, Heritage Resources. Mod 1. GRSLE $10,000 2018-2022 NSF BCS 1832486 Reconstructing Ancient Human and Ecosystem Responses to Holocene Climate Conditions Co-PI with D. McWethy, C. Lee, G. Pederson, & J. McConnell, $349,989 2018-2019 Wyoming SHPO CLG grant to PCHPC Ice, Elk, and Archaeology: Inventory of Ice-Patches and Elk Migration Corridors, Washakie Wilderness, Wyoming. PI $12,340. 2018 Shoshone National Forest, Challenge Cost Share, Heritage Resources. GRSLE $15,000 2017 Frison Institute Collections Grant Documenting Articular End Breakage in Bison Jump Sites (Vore and Glenrock): Baseline data for evaluating perimortem fractures of AL288-1 (“Lucy”), $500 2016 Wyoming SHPO CLG grant to Park County Historic Preservation Comm., Heart Mtn Public Archaeology, $14,000 2016 Wyoming SHPO CLG grant to Park County Historic Preservation Comm., Ice Patch Landscapes, $10,000 2015 Wyoming SHPO CLG grant to Park County Historic Preservation Comm.