TCNS 127816 TRIBAL CONCERNS & ETHNOGRAPHIC REPORT: NATIVE AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES FOR THE SD17534-B RAPID CITY 7 COMMUNICATIONS TOWER Pennington County, South Dakota T2N, R8E, Section 31 By Lisa M. Jennings Quality Services, Inc. Project #SD391501030E June 16, 2015 Quality Services, Inc. Archeology, History, Paleontology & Tribal Consultation 1621 Sheridan Lake Road Rapid City, SD 57702 Phone 605-388-5309 Fax 605-388-5319 Email:
[email protected] Quality Services, Inc. - Archeology, Forestry, Geophysics, History & Paleontology 1621 Sheridan Lake Road, Ste. A, Rapid City, SD 57702-3432 - Phone 605-388-5309 – Email
[email protected] Abstract This document provides an ethnographic and archeological overview of the state of South Dakota with an emphasis on the county in which the proposed project is located. It summarizes a century of ethnographic, archeological, and oral traditional research. The proposed project was reviewed by Quality Services, Inc. Native American Liaison and Oglala Sioux Tribe of South Dakota member Reuben Weston. This consisted of contacting representatives of local tribes regarding their potential concerns, assessing information about traditional use plants in the project area, attempting to identify cultural and spiritual locations near the project, reviewing known cultural resource site data, and obtaining Native American perspectives on the proposed project based upon traditional oral history. Based upon the response from tribal contacts and document research, this study did not identify any tribal concerns regarding this project. x No Native American cultural resources are in the direct area of potential effect (APE). x No effect to Native American cultural resources within the visual APE.