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DDC-Newsletter1-9-2019 September 1, 2019 Dance Du Coeur News Recital is Saturday May 23, 2020! It’s not too early to start know you won’t be able to plish. Dress Rehearsal days thinking about Recital participate, you will need to at the Stafford Centre will be 2020! Mark your calen- fill out an opt out form by announced in April, but will dars for our 9th Heart- November 16, 2019. likely be the second week of beats recital on Saturday, May. Tickets will go on sale We will keep you informed May 23, Memorial Day at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, as we get closer, but we weekend once again! In- April 18, so set an alert to be plan to have four shows 19875 SW Frwy. vite out of town family and able to grab your seats while throughout the day on May Sugar Land, TX. 77479 friends now to take ad- there are lots of choices! All 23. Our goal is to keep eve- (281) 565-0005 vantage of a holiday week- tickets are purchased online, [email protected] ry show under 2 hours in end! Over 97% of our eligi- first come first serve. SugarLandDance.com length! We make it a priority ble students participate in Facebook/dance.ducoeur to arrange the shows so that the annual recital because The Stafford Centre is an Hours: 3-8 p.m., M-F and siblings dance in the same it is a great presentation of 1100 seat performance thea- 9 a.m.—1 p.m. on Sat. performance but it is some- what they have learned tre at 10505 Cash Road in times impossible to accom- Important Fall Dates: during the year. Plus, our Stafford. Closed for Labor Day on students love being able Monday, 9/02, Fort Bend to shine on stage! Many Students age 5-7! County Fair Day on Fri- have shared that the recit- We are looking for a few more day, 9/27, Halloween on al experience stands out dancers to join our Mini Compa- Thursday 10/31, and as one of their favorite ny! This is the youngest division 11/25-30 for Thanksgiv- childhood memories. No of our competitive dance team! ing fees are due until Novem- It is lots of fun and will acceler- Bring a friend to dance ber when we collect the ate their training! Please email class for free 9/16-9/21! costume fee ($80 per cos- us at [email protected] RSVP with their name tume). There is another if your child has been dancing at and class by 9/15! $60 recital fee (that goes least a year and you want more Parent Observation Week to rent the Stafford Centre) info. Subject line: mini compa- 10/14-19! Parents and due in February. If you ny. grandparents invited into the studio room to watch class! New Program to Foster Student Excellence Wear your Halloween We consider all of our stu- Dancer Manners. Star dent. This system will also costume to class Thurs. dents to be Stars but are stamps are recorded pri- allow us to track problems 10/24-Wed. 10/30! implementing a new program vately by the teacher in the with attendance, tardiness, Recital “opt out” forms to encourage and recognize roster. ALL creative move- dress code violations, lack due Sat. 11/09 for danc- those that maintain excellent ment students leave each of participation/effort and ers not participating in attendance, consistently ad- class with a participation behavioral issues so that we ANY class recital dance. here to dress code, put forth sticker! Students in levels can communicate better Automatic draft of recital their best effort, and exhibit 1 thru 5 will receive a 1 to with parents and work to- costume fee - 11/18. Let proper dance etiquette. Stu- 5 rating each week based wards a solution that will us know if you prefer to dents in the Creative Move- on punctuality, adherence better prepare the student pay by cash or check ment Program (Pre Ballet, to dress code, hair code, for success. before this date! Fee is Ballet/Tap, Ballet/Jazz, and effort, and dancer manners. $80 per costume. Intro to Hip Hop) will receive Everyone who receives a **ALWAYS READ YOUR EMAIL TO a star in the teacher roster weekly star or 5 point rating MAKE SURE YOU FIND OUT ABOUT at the end of class if they are at the end of the month will CHANGES AND NEW INFO! IF YOU ARE NOT GETTING EMAILS, LET US present and display proper be recognized as a Star Stu- KNOW ASAP! Creative Movement Curriculum Sets Young Dancers Up for Success As the only licensed Leap N opment from psychologi- children actively engaged cabulary, and basic coordina- Learn studio in Fort Bend cal, physiological and in the exercise they are tion like running, hopping, County, Dance Du Coeur is social foundations, it al- being taught. Most clas- jumping, turning, kicking, committed to teaching so includes the basic ses incorporate “free skipping, marching and gal- young children proper bal- structure of a traditional dance time” as well. loping. Ballet technique in- let technique from the class aimed at the older “Young dancers who are volving these movements in- start, in a creative, engag- student. “For instance, consistently exposed to cludes plie, demi-plie, tendu, ing way that will encourage instead of a ‘free form’ free dance activities in passé, pique, echappe sauté, participation and a love for class, our curriculum pro- class are generally more bourrées, chasses, chaines, dance. Designed by mas- vides children with the creative in their choreo- and more. They should be ter teacher Beverly Spell opportunity to experience graphic efforts in later learning and experiencing the and expert child psycholo- a warm up, center barre, years and are correspond- joy of music to music and cre- gist Dr. Annie Spell, the and across the floor ac- ingly freer in their move- ative play in their movement. Leap N Learn curriculums tivities just like in a tradi- ment styles as they devel- For 5-6 year olders, the pro- combine the healthiest tional ballet class,” says op”, says Spell. gram strives for more complex practices for teaching chil- Spell. mastery of the same skill dren ballet technique, Students are all taught sets. They should achieve while simultaneously en- Each class begins in a ballet technique or move- increased coordination and couraging pretend play circle to allow children to ment with an emphasis on balance, correct execution of amongst the youngest stu- feel secure in the studio correct posture, align- patterned movement, in- dents to maintain a posi- space and to connect ment, and execution—not creased body awareness, in- tive and nurturing environ- with other students and the “steps” involved. Prop- creased musicality, an under- ment. the teacher. During circle er French terminology is standing of dance terminology time, students will en- always used in describing and an ability to problem “The ages between 0-7 are gage in rhythm exercises, movement. The children solve and demonstrate crea- the critical period of cogni- as well as stretch and will leave each class with tivity. tive/neural, motor, socio- strengthening exercises. a coloring sheet that con- emotional and language From there, they will tains a list of that month’s “Through an appreciation and development,” says Spell. move on to center barre, ballet terms. utilization of natural develop- During that time, young center work, and travel- ment, students in a Leap ‘N children are developing ing across the floor. The program also sets Learn program will acquire mo- neural connections in eve- Each class will explore goals for students aged 3 tor, cognitive, and social skills ry area of the brain. Grow- monthly objectives such through 6 which include beneficial for life,” says Spell. ing those neuronal con- as music, movement learning social skills such nections during the critical concepts, and class eti- as correct classroom be- All of our creative movement period of early life devel- quette. Our teachers use havior, taking turns, fol- teachers are trained and certi- opment “is the biggest a variety of movement lowing directions, working fied in the Leap N Learn curric- predictor of sufficient cir- stories involving animals with classmates as a ulum and are required to at- cuitry, cognitive flexibility, or fun characters and team, and practicing emo- and emotional maturity,” incorporate an assort- tional self-regulation. tend yearly workshops to con- she said. ment of props such as Cognitive and physical tinually build their teaching silk scarves, ribbon rings, goals for 3-4 year olders skills. Although the curriculum beanie babies, flowers, include developing atten- correlates with child devel- and maracas to keep the tion span, expanding vo- Meet our New Teachers! We are pleased to intro- Saturdays. She is a 2018 Brooke Kotrla and originated roles in works duce our newest staff addi- graduate of Bellhaven Uni- by Jerome Robbins and Peter tions, all of whom have versity in Jackson, MS and Martins. Between 2003 and something extra special to has several years of experi- 2012, Ms. Lorenzo was a Solo- bring to our amazing teach- ence teaching ballet, jazz, ist and then a Principal in the er team! Please welcome lyrical, modern and Creative Pennsylvania Ballet . During them to the studio and in Movement classes. In col- that time, she also earned a some cases, to Sugar Land! lege, Caryn was co-chaplain Bachelor of Science in Health in of the student counsel Jennifer Alafat Science from the University of and participated in a dance the Sciences in Philadelphia.
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