Royalty and Freemasonry
___ — — — i — i. ¦ - ¦ ¦ - i ..,— ., i ¦ ¦ i , m^> Grand Director of Ceremonies left the Lodge, ROYALTY AND FREEMASONRY. returning almost immediately with the patent, which was examined by the Grand Master, after which MONDAY witnessed one of the most imposing Masonic ceremonies that has ever taken place seven Past Masters were directed to conduct his in the Provinces, the occasion being the installation Royal Highness the Provincial Grand Master of H.R.H. the Dnke of Clarence and Avondale, at Designate into the Lodge. The young Prince was Reading, as Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire. received with due honours, the patent was read, the The Grand Master of England personally officiated , Grand Lodge offered prayer, and then, in clear tones, and was supported by his brother Past Grand Master the Grand Master recited the obligation of a H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, the Deputy Grand Provincial Grand Master, which was repeated by the Master the Earl of Lathom, and a host of dis- Duke of Clarence. tinguished Craftsmen and men of position in the The young Prince then ascended the steps of the outside world, among others being Bros. Tilton dais, when he was duly invested with the apron, Grand Master of New York, General Laurie Grand chain, and jewel of his office , these being carefully Master of Nova Scotia, the Earl of Euston, Lord adjusted by his Royal Highness the Grand Master. Wantage, Lord Carrington, Brother W. W. B. The Prmce ol Wales took him by the hand 4&0. Beach, M.P., &e. placed him in the chair which he had previi(<%* The royal party joined the special train, run by the occupied, taking himself the lower seat on the jiydke Great Western Railway from London, at Slough, and of Clarence's left hand.
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