CONTENTS. BEFORE We Again Greet Our Readers the Elections for The
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CONTENTS. and keep before us. We ought to be much obliged to Bros. R IACH and H AW- LEADERS ; 5°i Royal Masonic Institution for Boys -{07 KINS who have so patiently placed side by side the alterations made and the The Revised Constitntions J02 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 507 Laving the Foundation Stone of St. Agnes' R EPORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS — amendments approved of. There can be no doubt, we think, that the revision Church , Moseley Jo*; Craft Masonry i(oS has been very carefully and thoughtfull y completed, and constitutes a great CORRESPONDENC E— Instruction 513 Bro. W. I. Hughan S06 Royal Arch 512 improvement on the preceding form. The grouping of similar matters, and The Late Fire at Freemasons' Hall Jo6 Mark Masonry 512 Rebuilding the Temple Jo; Ancient and Accepted Rite 513 the better collocation of specific enactments, will be a great boon and help A Historv of Freemasonry in Wiltshire... 507 Kni ghts of Malta , , 513 to all who have to study the Book of Constitutions, The Knights Templar Degree 507 Cryptic Masonry 513 either as Worshipful The " Antient and Primitive Rite ' So- Obituary 513 Masters, or on questions of reference and privilege and the like. We think, called Soj Australia 513 A. Little Mistake Soj The Theatres 513 therefore, we all owe to the Board of General Purposes and its Chairman, Reviews S°7 Masonic and General Tidings 514 and especially to the Sub-Committee charged with the primary redrafting, Notes and Queries 5°7 Lodge Meetings for Next Week...Page 3 Cover. our grateful thanks for the pains and attention bestowed, for the wise BEFORE we again greet our readers the elections for the Girls' and Boys' amendments introduced, and the salutary alterations acquiesced in. Wo Schools will be over. We still hear unprecedented accounts of high polling are also glad to note that there has been evidently no straining after undue likely to occur in both elections, and when our next issue appears we shall "immobility " on the one hand, or " change for change's sake " on tho be able to announce how far such prognostications and prophecies have been other. The moderation and yet comprehensiveness of many of the verbal fulfilled and made good. We are inclined to think that, as often happens, and sectional amendments are equally to be commended and acknowledged . there is a little exaggeration in the matter; but time and the poll will prove We trust that the same spirit will be evinced by Grand Lodge in December all things, and make all things clear and certain. next, and that we shall not have again occasion to allude to any, even the **# slightest apparent unwillingness, to hear any speaker dispassionatel y. No doubt some speakers are tedious in the extreme, and long winded tin a THERE is a proposal at the Quarterly Court of the Girls School, to make compulsory retirement obligatory on a certain proportion of the Girls' School mournful degree ; but as we all have equally to bear the infliction , Masonic House Committee annually. Abstractedly there is a good deal to be said in courtesy and Masonic forbearance must induce us to restrain our impatience, favour of the theory ; in practice, nothing. In clubs it is done, but even in and calmly endure the suffering. There are some good brethren who never know when to leave off j and some who think that all are equall clubs the law is not uniform, as experience shows us that the effect of the y interested with themselves in a lugubrious marshalling of rule is for the most part to take off the very members whose absence most is grievances, a persistent recommendation of " fads. The Book of Constitutions is a missed, and to put on those who are valueless as Committeemen, because code of Masonic law equally valuable and important for us all alike they have the " routine " work to learn. We know of several instances where , and which, as the best men go off year by year, and members are put on who never learn far as we know and have read or seen, has not its equal in Masonic form , their work, until the rule once so common is now practically condemned by good sense, and lucid enactment. It therefore demands ready assistance all who have had much experience in Committee work. In the Girls' School from us all in perfecting its provisions and handing over to another genera- there are grave objections to Bro. TATTERSHALL 'S motion , which appears tion what has been of such untenable value and importance for our fathers leted it will dererve to be the reflex and outcome of certain personal struggles, in and ourselves. When comp , as it will receive, the affec- which a large majority of the subscribers deliberately decided adversely to tionate adhesion of all English Freemasons who have tested its value and his views. In our humble opinion he had better "let well alone." If have progressed in safety, peace and prosperity under its elaborate pro. the House Committee either forfeits the confidence of the subscribers, or visions and its sagacious directions. # # any members of it are proved to be unattentive, negligent, or useless, a W ITH respect to Bro. W HITEHEAD'S letter in our last, Bro. GEORGE change can be carefully and deliberately made at the annual period of KENNING has consented to act as Treasurerof the fund proposed to be raised election. But compulsorily to retire a certain proportion , whether by ballot in recognition of Bro. H UGHAN 'S literary services. We have much pleasure or seniority annually, is certain to impair the efficiency of the House Com- in calling attention specially to the fact. We await fuller information and a mittee, to interfere with its unity and regularity of action, and import an more detailed proposition fro m Bro. W HYTEHEAD and all who are element of discussion and agitation , cabal and clique, year by year into its in- terested in this well-deserved testimonial to our able and amiable brother. proceedings, which may be productive of the worst possible consequences to We direct attention to the corespondence elsewhere on the subject, which the well ordered progress and prosperity of our Girls' School. We hardly , our readers will note, warmly endorses Bro. W HYTEHEAD 'S suggestion. think that the Quarterly Court will agree to the change involved. «* * * ** Is anything being done about the Junior Boys' School? The authorities W E have heard a good deal against the "double votes," but we are have received far more than £8000, whether asa "maximum" or a "minimum." quite clear that they are perfectly permissible and even beneficial. There Would it not be well as some return for anxious efforts and.kindly contribu- is one point, no doubt, which requires consideration. Will the future tions to try and make the benefits of the scheme available for many poor support of the Institution which adopts them in any way be affected ? boys at an early a date as possible? What is to prevent the authorities We are inclined to think that not much fear after all need be appre- from taking a house until the building is ready, and striving in April to confer hended on this head. If it may seem " a priori " all but impossible a great boon on the subscribers, and afford a wondrous help to many candi- to keep up our normal subscri ptions at their present abnormal dates by clearing off very nearly the " dead weight " of disappointed height to our Charities, yet after all a good deal of " margin " may fairly be claimants who have come up several times in vain, and if things go on as they claimed for the expansion and growth of our Fraternity. True equally it is are, will have little or no chance of success ? We shall recur to the subject, **. to assert, that there is a large portion of " untitled soil in our Brotherhood , # ** from which the Secretaries of our Institutions may yet reap a goodly harvest. S OME of our student readers may recall to mind that Governor POWNALL, A large portion of our lodges, chapters, and brethren have not yet done any- whohad a correspondence with H ORACE WALPOLE concerningthe Freemasons thing for the Charities, and we do not ourselves feel at all sure, that the true about 90 years ago, had some searches made in the Vatican, with the level of our yearly returns, large as they may seem to be, has yet been Papal permission, to find if any " Bulls" existed " incorporating the Masons." reached. So great has been the success of the movement financially for the None such were found, and such were averred not to exist, Quite recently, a Boys' School, that we venture to think, if the cause should justif y the expe- Jesuit Father, STEVENSON we think his name is, has it seems, at the request dient, that the Secretaries of the other two Charities may well take a " leaf of the English Government it is alleged, been entrusted with the overhauling out of Bro. BINCKES'S book." If , as rumour sometimes whispers, our pro- of the Vatican Archives for historical purposes. He said at Edinburgh perties at Croydon and Wandsworh may some day be required by irresistible it seems in a lecture, as we understand, that he found the Archives in railway companies, surely it will be a very reasonable course to pursue to great confusion , some in boxes, and some loose on the floor. They were obtain from a generous Craft the needed funds on similar terms.