'Wlicre It Pays to Pay Cash Bunch—The Most for the Money
VOL. XXXV. MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH ^, 1910 NO. 9 March came, in like a lamb. A Mock Trial. The Biggest Bunch Muslin underwear sale at Mills' A program of unusual interest will /f. be given at the Baptlnt ciiurcii I''ri- store. * WALTER'S GROGERY It is natural to want the biggest day evening, March 11 til. The Amci'- Nntico the bargains advertised for ican Cliristian will be ari'algned be• 'Wlicre It Pays to Pay Cash bunch—the most for the money. •Mills'sale, beginning Friday. * fore Judge and Jui'y for vinlation of But, in looking for the biggest Opera House, Mason, I Quarterly communion service at the the Sacred command, "Go ye into nil CASH SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK, bunch, don't fail to consider qual• ;M, E, cluii'ch next Sunday morning, tiie world." Witne.sses from Japan, ity, quantity, values and service, on Friday Evening, March 4th Sweden, Itidia, Africa, Burmah and j The Rebekah Coterie will meet with otliprcoiintrles will be present to give 10 pounds of Granulated Cflft m. 10 bars of Jaxon or 'ORn as well as price. Town Kail, Dansviile, ' Mrs, W, A. Sloan ue.\t Friday after• their testimony. A. J, Hail, Allrcd Sugar for jUl* Lenox Soap for...,^JU 25 lbs H, & E. Gran. Sugar, .$1.40 noon. Allen, H. 0, Gall and R, J, Robb will With orders of ii;i.50 or more of other goods. Cube Sugar, per pound. Sc Saturday Evenins, March 5th You should' try those Ju Jii's for have charge of the legal prnceoilings.
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