'Wlicre It Pays to Pay Cash Bunch—The Most for the Money

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'Wlicre It Pays to Pay Cash Bunch—The Most for the Money VOL. XXXV. MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH ^, 1910 NO. 9 March came, in like a lamb. A Mock Trial. The Biggest Bunch Muslin underwear sale at Mills' A program of unusual interest will /f. be given at the Baptlnt ciiurcii I''ri- store. * WALTER'S GROGERY It is natural to want the biggest day evening, March 11 til. The Amci'- Nntico the bargains advertised for ican Cliristian will be ari'algned be• 'Wlicre It Pays to Pay Cash bunch—the most for the money. •Mills'sale, beginning Friday. * fore Judge and Jui'y for vinlation of But, in looking for the biggest Opera House, Mason, I Quarterly communion service at the the Sacred command, "Go ye into nil CASH SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK, bunch, don't fail to consider qual• ;M, E, cluii'ch next Sunday morning, tiie world." Witne.sses from Japan, ity, quantity, values and service, on Friday Evening, March 4th Sweden, Itidia, Africa, Burmah and j The Rebekah Coterie will meet with otliprcoiintrles will be present to give 10 pounds of Granulated Cflft m. 10 bars of Jaxon or 'ORn as well as price. Town Kail, Dansviile, ' Mrs, W, A. Sloan ue.\t Friday after• their testimony. A. J, Hail, Allrcd Sugar for jUl* Lenox Soap for...,^JU 25 lbs H, & E. Gran. Sugar, .$1.40 noon. Allen, H. 0, Gall and R, J, Robb will With orders of ii;i.50 or more of other goods. Cube Sugar, per pound. Sc Saturday Evenins, March 5th You should' try those Ju Jii's for have charge of the legal prnceoilings. Pulverized Sugar, per pound...8c Niitli.i. (iKi rlinii»,'ft iif (lati^K tliat cougli. They taste good. At Freewill otfering. All are invli,ud. 25 lbs Moss Rose Flour.. 80c Longyear Bros. * Fancy .Seeded Raisln.=, 3 pkgs. .,2,5c 5 bars Sunny Monday Soap 23c SEATS ON SALE AT.-CULVER'S Holding Steamer Gaiilt Responsible. 25 Ibs-Gold Medal Flour.. S5c ___ Fancy Cleaned Currants, 3 pkgs.25c 3 cans Old Dutch Cleaner —, 25c The Aui'ellus Gi'ange will meet Judge Swan of Detroit has handed 25 lbs Pilsbury's Flour,.. S5c Ueourethem EARLY POPULAR PRItES Witii J, A, Barnes and wife Katurday down a decision (indlng that tlie Str, 25 lbs Moss Rose Flour ,,, ,80c 3 cans Tjye or Chloride of Lime,25c 10 lbs Graham Flour 30c, ^— evening, March 5tli. J. B, Gault was entirely to blame for 25 lbs Gold Merialinour 85c (i rolls Toilet Papi-r 2pc 10 lbs Corn Meal.. 25c, The ladles' aid society of the Prcs- sinking the Str, Byron Wliltuker three 2 cans Red Alaska Salmon .....25c fl 5c boxes of Malclies 23c years ago In Detroit river. Thus the 10 lbs Pure Buckwheat 30c i «m«KKKKKtnO.M1lKH10000000lMt«Km byti'rian church will serve agi'een tea Tpkgs Nine o'clock Tea 25c on Friday, March 11th. Wliitaker estate, of wliicli Mrs, F. J, 3 lbs Fancy Prunes ,...25c Brown is administratrix, has, won a 3 cans Tomatoes or Hominy... 25c 4 lbs Glngrtr Snaps , 25c ^ LOCAL NEWS .Inhn Harmon lias purchased the Redland Brand Apricots, lb...l5ci victory in a long pending case, and 3 pkgs Jell-O or .Telly Con 25c 3 bottles Fine Catsup 25c lKKKM>UfKl«KMKMH»aiHKKHKMJai>0tHlnoOOIKMH)nOlHK>m"kl| ITolrten farm In Vevay, one mile east 5-lbPail Jelly 25c Capt, Geo,H, Page, son of Mrs. Brown, 0 pkgs Argo Starch 25c of Eden, and will move next week. Is exonerated from all blame In the DILL PIOXLES — Just opened a Shreded Cocoanut, lb 18c The Loyal Sisters will hold their colliding of his boat with the Gault, Farmers, Take Notice. A. & H. Brand Soda, pkg 5c next regular monthly meeting with 3 pkgs Light House Raisins...25c We will pay 31e Mils week for Init,- Mi-s. Templar March llth at 2:00 p, m. To the Women of Ingham County; 5 bars Naptha Soap,.. .23c QUEEN OLIVES. Quart can,, 30c Lcr I'jih delivuriHl at, tjrtiiinic.ry In ynod Currants, 1-lb pkg 10c IA re you in favor of local option? If (jticidilion. Mj\sox CmcAMKiiY Co. The hardware firm of Densmore & Pint can ISc Doz bxs Searchlight Matches.SSc Bell has dissolved. Mr. Bell retiring so, will you place your name on peti• Meat Crocks, 5 to 30 gal, i)c a gal liorderlaiid. See It, and Mr. Densmore continuing tlie tions being clrciila)-ed about the coun• ty and also state if you are a taxpayer. business. BOTH PHONES mason, MICM. Packing Salt, per bu sack 30c See notice of organ for'salc, The object of this movement is to :W. C. WALTER Mrs. Jane B, Colgrove has exchanged Clara I^. Smith's studio is closed un• place the women of the county on rec• her house and lots on west Ash street G. SriHORBURN til April iitli. ord, so that the voteis of tlie county for A, E, Hllllard's farm in Delhi may know where we stand on this State Phone 103 Bell Phone 36 Dance at North Aurellus Gleaner tiownslilp,, question. ATTENTION, PARMERS! hall J<'riday evening, March -Ith. We, as women are amenable to F,E, Mills of Lansing wil> talk to A. L. Vandercook R. 0. Dart, real estate, loans and col• the Brotlierliobd iind other men inter• every law of our state. These laws Cream Harvester Demonstration. BUSINESS' DIRECTORY. we have no voice In framing. If ta,\'- lections, Olllce in Lawrence Block. * ested at the Presbyterian eliurcli next We will give a public demonstration payers, we arc taxed equally with the 10 lbs Gr. Sugar 50c, with .$1.50 Sunday at ;!;00 p, m, of the Blue Bell Cream Harvester at Mr. and Mrs, Ernest ISvt^ry are Mic men and through tiieir votes alone at mystoi'c Saturday, Marcii 5th, com• other groceries. parents of a ditiiglil.or weighing 10* Ib'J, Farraei's, don't fall to read the iid. ai'e we represented. r\ll. 0, IS. illJNDKlt.SON, IJenihst. Ovc, mencing atone o'clock, We will show Can Corn ., Sc U" J. Itrown'.s .Sliod Sloie, of Nelson & Williams oti itnothei'page There are a large number of these rierbert Oiirn is again workine for of this issue. Oliver plow demoiistra- you by chemical test that the lihie Seeded Raisins, package 7c li, ,IO.S, S. IIAWMCV, l.)|.|ill.M. voters who are trying to free our Bell Cream Harvester gets all the I'liiniiTlv Criicliett & Spaniur In the Maple tioi) on'Marcli llth, - county from the open saloon which Compound Lard, per lb 14c D MacKhiiiliiii; "Islnin l aiul .St. lunaco. .SmTu.«,s(ir street market. cream all the time, A competent lu S|miililliinniiil IJr. I.liisle). I.tiwri-iicuhlk. BATTLS—Vapor batlis,spoiigebatlis, directly or indirectly Is a menace to man will be in cliarge and make all Potatoes, per bushel,, ...30c The liaptlst lir.iis arc getting a oil and alcoliol rubs, and salt glows, every home. Believing tills to be a tests, wl J, E, Tayi'.or, Both Phones. hustle till tlu'iii, laying for the egg Mjis, li'iucD S. Smaivu.;v, Donnelly step toward the great end .sought— supper March 25th. universal prohlbltlou forourgreatand li. AI.I':.\'ANI)i.:i{, I'liytiktlaji iiiKl SiirKi'iui. [louse. Both phones, Sw-I School Notes. R I Olllcie <iV(ir i'"liiiiat,','iii's Dili),' .siori'. Ii(,.sl- glorious country—will you help them liiriiiii'iiiipiislli' llie iliipllsl, illniioli. Olllcii lidiirs Ernest.]. Grilllri and Arcelia Rosier, On anotlier page of this Issue will by using your name and inlluencc The Hag is attached to the pole. will buy an Edison b(il;li III' fjeslie, wen; recently married Our forthcoming records will prove 8 to 10 a. III,, I III ,| anil 7 lo ll p. in, Mn.suii. ,||-l be found an iid. announcing tlie sal agitating this .suliject and gaining $18.10 Phonograph, with by Rev, W, Jl. Slmninns, of, 25 high grade Ilolstein cows and votes for tlio moasurc? tlie statement conclusively, K. (JIIA.S. S, llAl.l.AHIX lloiiu.(i|i!itlili; I'iiy two and four-minute record in• D sluiaii anil .Siirtjooii, Dlsi'iisus nf iliu Rye Miss Floy Nnrt.on was surprised by hclfei's at auction. Don't fail to read We ask one woman to be the,cus• Teaclier.s visited schools at YjhI- Kar, No.si! ami Throat a iJiiuulally. Ollli'i'—Ncii lanti, Kalamazoo, Leslie, St, Julius liiock. lloiirn—8 lo !l a. Ill,, i :;ill to6 iiiiil 7 lo i) sovcriil (if lier friends JiYidny evening About nine o'clock Monday fore todian of the petition and return same cluded. Now is the time to own p.m. at lier home on Cherry stree"D. wlien lliled, .Every woman over 18 and Charlotte last Monday, Repre• noon Mrs, M. D,,True fell on the Ice sentatives from tiie students visited one of these most wonderful iit her home on soutli B street and yeai's of age Is urged to sign this paper ll.iniANK l':.TI10MA.S,l'liyfili;lniiiHi(l Sar Liist Wednrsdiiy Frank Sevcriiiicc and If possible gain at least one or at Lansing and at Leslie. machines. Get our terms. DKoon 0111(10 over \Viil)li ft Whliinan'sstore of Aliiiedoii sold a pure blood ilolstein broke one bone In Iter right wrist, raildonceftt cornel- li anil Oak streets, Mason, more oilier signatures and pass it on M, H, S.I baseball sclicdule for the cow lo Lake Odessa parties for $200. Dr, Alexander was called to reduce coming spring will consist of tiiree tlic fracture.
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