Maria Camelia Dicu THE WORLD IN ITS TIMES. A STUDY OF YEATS’S POETIC DISCOURSE VERSUS THE CONCEPT OF HISTORY Maria Camelia Dicu THE WORLD IN ITS TIMES. A STUDY OF YEATS’S POETIC DISCOURSE VERSUS THE CONCEPT OF HISTORY Maria Camelia Dicu THE WORLD IN ITS TIMES. A STUDY OF YEATS’S POETIC DISCOURSE VERSUS THE CONCEPT OF HISTORY EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE, Publishing Impressum Bibliographic information published by the National and University Library "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at; CIP - 821.111(417).09 COBISS.MK-ID 95022602 Any brand names and product names mentioned in this book are subject to trademark, brand or patent protection and trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The use of brand names, product names, common names, trade names, product descriptions etc. even without a particular marking in this works is in no way to be construed to mean that such names may be regarded as unrestricted in respect of trademark and brand protection legislation and could thus be used by anyone. Publisher: :European Scientific Institute Street: "203", number "1", 2300 Kocani, Republic of Macedonia Email:
[email protected] Printed in Republic of Macedonia ISBN: 978-608-4642-09-1 Copyright © 2013 by the author, European Scientific Institute and licensors All rights reserved. Kocani 2013 THE WORLD IN ITS TIMES. A STUDY OF YEATS’S POETIC DISCOURSE VERSUS THE CONCEPT OF HISTORY Maria CAMELIA DICU December, 2013 Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5 1. Yeats’s Biography as an Anglo-Irish Artist .............................................................