The Sad Story of Aleksis Kivi (né Unsettled Childhood and Youth, Stenvall) (1834-1872) 1846-1859 ► Palojoki, Nurmijärvi Parish ► Unsettled Childhood and Youth ƒ Colorful relatives ► Sailor grandfather ► Tailor father ► Stenvall, the Student ► “Matti the Robber” Uncle ► Three brothers and a sister, of ► From Stenvall to Kivi which youngest boy ƒ Legendary childhood as “king of the playground” ► The Prolific Poet, 1864-1871 the playground” The Prolific Poet, 1864-1871 ► Taught to read at age six, by the Parish dean ► Nummisuutarit (The Heath Cobblers, 1864) ► Sent to school in , 1846 ƒ Acquisition of literary Swedish ► The Seven Brothers (Seitsemän veljestä, 1870) ƒ Lodger at Palmqvist family home ► Library ► Reception of Seven Brothers ► Daughter ► Impoverished student’s marriage ► Sickness Unto Death proposal rejected, 1853 ► Independent studies lead to completion of secondary school, 1859 Palojoki Village (Kimmo Pälikkö 1998)

Stenvall, the Student From Stenvall to Kivi

► Amidst student politics 1859- 1863 ƒ Fennomane movement ► Editorial assistant ► Powerful patrons ƒ Fennomane opponents ► ► Indigenous or Imitative art? ƒ Svecomane romanticism Director Jari Halonen’s cinematic Aleksis Kivi ► Indifferent student ƒ No bureaucratic ambitions ► Literary field ƒ Literary passion ƒ J.L. Runeberg ƒ August Ahlqvist (Oksanen) ƒ Kullervo (1859) ƒ August Ahlqvist (Oksanen) ƒ Julius Krohn (Suonio) University area, Helsinki, circa 1900 ► Personality Personality ► Moves in 1864 to under the wing of benefactress, Charlotta ƒ Nervous Lundqvist ƒ Laconic ► Emergence as committed, professional writer ƒ Ascetic ► Period of relative peaceful production ƒ Self-critical ƒ Financial security ƒ Prone to drinking bouts ƒ Typhoid fever

1 Nummisuutarit The Prolific Poet, 1864-1871 (The Heath Cobblers, 1864) ► Fourteen works in seven years ► Five Acts ► Kullervo Five Acts ƒ 1860 literary prize from SKS ƒ Classical models ƒ Breakthrough ƒ Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754) ƒ Hope attached to Kivi ► Esko’s comical but honest ƒ Opposition because of style attempts at marriage ► 1866: two plays and a poetry 1866: two plays and a poetry ► Buffoonish father collection The often adapted Nummisuutarit, ► Drama, poetry, and a novel… ► Domineering mother first made by Suomi Filmi, 1923 ► What was Kivi’s style? ► Complex Esko ƒ Deftly inventive linguistically… ƒ Linguistically clever ƒ Yet folksy and humorous ƒ Faithful and loyal language ƒ Honest ƒ Deeply aware of literary models ƒ A little bit dumb ► Shakespeare ► Tragicomic combination ► Cervantes Albert Edelfelt’s death-mask drawing ► Hollberg of Kivi, 1873 Remade in color by Suomi Filmi, 1957

Seitsemän veljestä Reception of the Seven Brothers (Seven Brother, 1870) ► Project undertaken over a decade ► “The work is laughable, a disgrace in . In decade particular, it mean-spiritedly denigrates the Finnish folk, ► First novel in Finnish while the author’s depictions appear as though mimicking ► Picaresque models nature. Nowhere is the Finnish folk like this—as the heroes ƒ Cervantes’ Don Quixote ƒ Schiller’s Robber dramas of this novel. The folk is serious and restrained, which has ƒ Schiller’s Robber dramas tilled the unforgiving Finnish soil. The Finnish people are of ► Peculiar novel ƒ Dramatic dialogue a different nature than Impivaara’s denizens.” A. Ahlqvist, Kivi played for comedy: Seitsemän ƒ Dramatic dialogue 1871 veljestä in the theater, 1951 ƒ Collective focus ƒ Renaissance novel ► Defense by Snellman, who empasizes freedom and self- ► Breadth definition of the brothers ► Humor ► ƒ Style Finnish Literature Foundation politics ► Realism ƒ How should money be spent to foster a national literature ► Romanticism ƒ What kind of literature should be supported? ► Lyrical fantasy ► Novel of education Kivi as cultural savior, Jari Halonen’s (Bildungsroman) cinematic Kivi, 2001 ► Enormous linguistic richness

2 Sickness Unto Death

► Kivi broken by Alqvist’s attack on the novel ƒ Internment ƒ “Damaged literary pride” diagnosed ƒ Schizophrenia ► Released into brother’s care, dying in a rental cabin owned by him Cabin in which Kivi died, ► Rural theaters perform Kivi ► Literary rediscovery ƒ ƒ Väinö Linna ► The Scholars write their histories ► Rehabilitation of the national writer and first novelist Kivi statue, in front of national theater, Helsinki