CITIZEN’S CHARTER Brief History oh the Schools Division Office of Muntinlupa

Before the creation of Metro Commission, the towns of Muntinlupa, and Pateros were on the premier of the province of .

With the creation of the Commission, a presidential decree of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos, the three towns were integrated into the Me- tropolis to which Muntinlupa, Taguig and Pateros were attached with the Division of City Schools, City.

A re – divisioning scheme of the DepEd – NCR was conceived in the early part of 1993 as an innovative strategy to achieve efficiency in the delivery of basic edu- cational services to the pupils and students of Metro Manila. Consequently, the NCR Fourth District composed of the City of Pasay and integrated of Maka- ti, Parañaque, Las Piñas, Muntinlupa, Taguig, Pateros was divided into new School Divisions. Division of Muntinlupa, Taguig and Pateros also known as MUNTAPAT was created.

The new Division of MUNTAPAT, which started to operate June 01, 1994 at Al- abang, Muntinlupa City was given its official status by virtue of inauguration on the September 26, 1994 headed by Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Teofista Vibar.

After her retirement, she was succeeded by Dr. Aguilina Rivas. In 1996, Ignacio “Toting” R. Bunye of Muntinlupa initiated a resolution through the Sanggu- niang Bayan to separate Muntinlupa from Taguig and Pateros, to become a single Di- vision.

On August 09, 1996, an Unnumbered Memorandum addressed to Regional Di- rector Nilo L. Rosas was signed by then DECS Secretary Ricardo T. Gloria which sep- arated Muntinlupa City from the other two municipalities, thus creating the Division of City Schools, Muntinlupa City.

On August 19, 1996, Dr. Alma Bella O. Bautista assumed her duties as the Of- fice-In-Charge of the Division and subsequently became its first City Schools Division Superintendent.

On September 27, 2001, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Mrs. Fe. L. Faz acted as the Officer-In-Charge of the Division.

On June 5, 2002, the Division Welcomed Dr. Aurora P. Gervacio as the new Schools Division Superintendent.

After Dr. Aurora P. Gervacio retired, Mrs, Fe L. Faz assumed her duties as Offi- cer-In-Charge of this Division then became the Schools Division Superintendent from October 16, 2003 to January 19, 2010.

On September 15, 2004, the Division warmly welcomed Mr. Dominico C. Idanan as the new Assistant Schools Division Superintendent.

Upon Dr. Faz retirement in January 20, 2010. Dr. Dominico C. Idanan assumed as the Officer-In-Charge and lasted up to November 4, 2012. On November 5, 2012, the Division of Muntinlupa welcomed Mrs. Priscila D. De Sagun as the Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent, and later promoted as the 6th full-fledged Schools Division Superintendent on January 4, 2013. She remained as Division Head until January 8, 2015.

From January 2015 up to October 2019, Dr. Mauro C. De Gulan served as Offi- cer-in-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent, then later on the full- fledged SDS of SDO Muntinlupa.

On the same year, Dr. Dominico C. Idanan came back home to lead the entire Division with a fresh vision of making S.M.A.R.T Schools in Muntinlupa City. DepEd Management Structure Mandate

The Department of Education was established through the Education Decree of 1863 as the Superior Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman. The Education agen- cy underwent many reorganization efforts in the 20th century in order to better define its purpose vis a vis the changing administrations and charters. The present day Department of Education was eventually mandated through Republic Act 9155, otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education act of 2001 which establishes the mandate of this agency.

The Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates poli- cies, plans, programs and projects in the areas of formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises all elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learn- ing systems, both public and private; and provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development.


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and sup- portive environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsi- bility for developing life-long learners.

Core Values

Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan Makabansa TABLE OF CONTENTS












1. CONSOLIDATING DAILY TIME RECORD OF CITY-PAID EMPLOYEES ● Administrative Office consolidates and indorsed the summary of attendance and daily time record of all City-Paid employees under Schools Division Office of Muntinlupa.

Office or ● Schools Division Office of Muntinlupa. Division:

Classification: ● Simple

Type of  G2G – for services whose client is another government agency, government employee, Transaction: or official

Who may avail: ● Government agency, employees or official under SDO Muntinlupa


• 2 copies of Summary of Attendance signed by the Principal and the • Copies of the format of Summary of person who prepared Attendance and DTRS can be acquired at the • 2 copies of Daily Time Record of City Paid Employees signed City Personnel Office individually


1. Submit the None None 1-2 Signature of Principal/s Summary of days Principal and Attendance and Signature of Daily Time Administrative Record to Officer V Administrative Office within 2 days after cut-off

2.Administrative Admin Officer Office will V prepare the indorsement letter addressed to City Human Resources Management Department

3. The Schools indorsement Division letter will be Superintendent


forwarded to SDS Office.

4. After signing Liaison Officer the indorsement letter, the documents will be received by liaison officer to transmit to City Personnel Office

1-2 Total: None days

REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined/ improved. Write in the column provided.


2. INDORSEMENT FOR LETTER REQUEST OF REIMBURSEMENT (SERVICE VEHICLE) ● Admin office will prepare indorsement letter addressed to City Hall and Obligation Request (from MIS City Hall) for School principals who wishes to reimburse their payment for any repairs and maintenance of service vehicles

Office or ● Administrative Office Division:

Classification:  Simple

Type of  G2G – for services whose client is another government agency, government employee, Transaction: or official

Who may avail: ● School Principals


• Request letter signed by the Principal • Signed Service Vehicle diagnosis from • Signed Service Vehicle diagnosis Muntinlupa Motorpool and head of • Original receipt for payment Procurement Office • Three (3) canvass/quotation form filled up by different suppliers • Certificate of Emergency Purchase signed by Principal • Purchase Request • Inspection Report FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCE REQUIRED NO. AGENCY TO COMPLIANCE PERSON CLIENT STEPS SSING OF ACTION BE COST RESPONSIBLE TIME SIGNATURES PAID

1. Prepare the None None 1-2 Signature of Principal, documents and days Principal and forwarded to the Signature of Receiving Unit. Schools Division Superintendent

2. Receiving Admin Officer Unit will V & City forward to the Mayor SDS Office with routing slip, then SDS Official forwarded to the 3

Admin Office. AO will prepare indorsement letter addressed to City Mayor for approval.

3. If the letter Management was approved Information by the City Systems Office Mayor, the liaison officer will forward to MIS Office of City Hall for the preparation of Obligation Request (OBR) w/ the attached documents.

4. The OBR w/ Schools documents will Division be forwarded to Superintendent SDS Office for signature

5. After signing Liaison Officer of OBR the documents will be received by liaison officer to transmit to City Government- Budget Office.

Total: None 1-2 days

REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined/ improved. Write in the column provided.


3. PREPARING DIVISION MEMORANDUM ● Admin office will prepare memorandum for documents forwarded from Schools Division Superintendent Office

Office or ● Administrative Office Division:

Classification:  Simple

Type of  G2G – for services whose client is another government agency, government employee, Transaction: or official

Who may avail: ● Offices in SDO


• Document to be memorandize


1. Received None None 1 day Signature Schools document/s Division of Schools from SDS office Superintendent Division to Memorandize Superintendent in the Referral Slip

2. Prepare Initial of Administrative memorandum Administrative Officer V to the said Officer V document, check enclosures, references and perpetual indexes related to the subject & will be initialed by AOV

3. Forwarded to Initial of Asst Schools ASDS office for Schools Division checking. If Division Superintendent approved, Superintendent & Asst Schools 5

forward to SDS and Signature Division for signature if of Schools Superintendent not, If Division disapproved, Superintendent returned to in the Admin Office Memorandum for correction.

Total: None 1 day

REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined/ improved. Write in the column provided.


4. PREPARES ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT OF SCHOOL BOARD FUND PER QUARTER ● Admin office will prepare the Accomplishment Report Quarterly to the City Planning Officer for the Accomplishment of the School Board Fund

Office or ● Administrative Office Division:

Classification:  Complex

Type of  G2G – for services whose client is another government agency, government employee, Transaction: or official

Who may avail: ● City Planning Office


• Request Letter from City Planning Office


1. Prepares None None 2-3 Signature Schools request letter to days Division of Schools City Budget Superintendent Division Management Superintendent Department and in the letter City Accounting City Budget Office for SEF Office Utilization for the current quarter City Accounting Office

2. Prepares Accomplishmen t Report for the current quarter basis will be the report from CBMD and City Accounting


3. Forward to City Planning City Planning Office thru email to check and compare the Accomplishmen t Report

4. If approved, Administrative Will be signed Officer V & by AOV and Schools will be Division forwarded to Superintendent SDS Office for

signature. If disapproved, Correct the details as requested by City Planning

5. Signed AR Liaison Officer will be forwarded to Liaison Officer (Local) for conferral to the City Planning Office

Total: None 2-3 days

REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined/ improved. Write in the column provided.



Office or Accounting Unit Division: Classification: Classification Type of G2C Transaction: Who may SDO Non Teaching and Teaching Personnel avail?


CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO SUBSTANTIV PROCESS REQUIR PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID E ING TIME ED NO. RESPONSIBL COMPLIANC OF E E COST SIGNATU RES Request verify/and None None 1 day 1 Senior for cash validate bookkeeper advances the (purchas supportin es, and g training/ document seminars s Prepares None None 1-2 days 1 Senior the Bookkeeper Disburse ment Voucher (DV) , List of Due and Demanda ble Accounts Payable (LDDAP) and records it to the log book Signs the None None 1 -2 day 1 Administrative first box of Officer V the DV Check None None 1 day 1 Accountant the correctnes s of DV


and LDDAP and signs it. Release none none 1 day 1 Senior the DV Bookkeeper and LDDAP to the Cashier's officefor check preparatio n or signature of the LDDAP Request Receives none none 1 day 1 Senior for the Bookkeeper School Obligation mooe Request and Status Feeding (ORS) and its upporting document s Verify and none none 1 -2 day 1 Senior validate Bookkeeper the recived document s Preares none none 1 day 1 Senior the DV Bookkeeper and LDDAP. Records the same on the logbook Signs the none none 1 -2 day Assistant first box of Superintenden the DV t Checks none none 1 day 1 Accountant the complete ness of the DV and Its supporti ng


documen ts and sign it

Release none none 1 day 1 Senior the DV Bookkeeper and LDDAP to the Cashier;s office for check preparati on or signature to the LDDAP



I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION) - Prepares MOOE Obligation Request and Status (ORS)

Office or Budget Unit Division: Classification: Classification Type of G2C Transaction: Who may SDO Non Teaching and Teaching Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE - Schools MOOE Downloading - - Cash Advances o Training /Seminar o Purchases - Payment for Purchase o Goods o Services - Reimbursement o Training /Seminar o Purchases - Payment of Chalk Allowance

CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO SUBSTANTIV PROCESS REQUIR PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID E ING TIME ED NO. RESPONSIBL COMPLIANC OF E E COST SIGNATU RES Receives - None None - - Budget Staff supporti ng documen ts Supply - None None Budget Staff Unit Concerne - None None - - Budget Staff d Individua l / Impleme nter Supply - None None - - Budget Staff Unit

Supply - None None - - Budget Staff Unit / Monitori ng and


Evaluatio n (M & E) Section Concerne None None - - Budget Staff d Individua l / Impleme nter Checks - none none - - Budget Staff complete ness of supporti ng documen ts and returns to Unit / Individua l concerne d, if deficient Prepares - none none - - Budget Staff Obligatio n Request (ObR) Prints - none none - - Administrative ObR, Officer V puts initial and forwarde d Receives - none none - - Administrative signed Officer V ORS Encodes - none none - - Budget Staff signed ORS in the Summar y of ORS and prints ORS monitori ng sheet, if no further deficienc y is noted


Forwards - none none - - Accounting recorded Staff ORS to Accounti ng Unit and secures the signature of Accounti ng Staff in the ORS monitori ng sheet Filing of - none none - - Budget Staff signed ORS monitori ng sheet for future reference TOTAL REMARKS: -


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Prepares PS Obligation Request and Status (ORS)

Office or Budget Unit Division: Classification: - Type of G2C Transaction: Who may SDO Non Teaching and Teaching Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Test Questions  DepEd Website (Curriculum  Budget of Work Guide)  Curriculum Guide  School Library  Teacher’s Guide  DepEd LRMDS Portal

CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON Receives - None None - - Administrative Disburse Officer V ment Report (DR) from Liason - National Encodes - None None - - Administrative and prints Officer V (DR) according to PAP Classificat ion Encodes - None None - - Administrative signed Officer V ORS in the Summary of ORS and prints ORS monitorin g sheet, if no error is noted Forwards - None None - - Accounting recorded Unit 15

ORS to Accountin g Unit and secures the signature of Accountin g Staff in the ORS monitorin g sheet Filing of - None None - - Budget Staff signed ORS monitorin g sheet for future reference TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. RECEIVED VOUCHERS FROM ACCOUTING UNIT FOR PAYMENT/DISBURSEMENT OF CHECK S AND OTHER RELATED SERVICES.. ● Cash Unit Office Prepares Checks and Advice of Check Issued / Cancelled checks/ Release Checks and Encash checks for salaries of teachers and non-teaching personnels/Encode voucher for check disbursement record and report of collection.

Office or ● SDO-Muntinlupa Cash Unit Division:

Classification: ● Simple

Type of  G2G – for services whose client is another government agency, government employee, Transaction: or official

Who may avail: ● All


• 3 copies of Disbursement Voucher (DV) signed by the Schools • Copies of the DV must prepare by the Division Superintendent (SDS), Asst. Schools Division (ASDS) Accounting Office. Superintendent, Administrative Officer V, Accountant. • Copies of of OBR must prepare by the Budget • 2 copies of Obligation Slip (OBS) signed b y School Division Office. Superintendent (SDS) and Budget Officer • Copies of order of payment must prepare by • 2 copies of order of payment accounting office.


1. Request for For Cash/Check None None 1-2 Signature of Schools payment of Disbursement. days Schools Division unclaimed All vouchers Division Superintendent salaries, and stamped and Superintendent and Cashier other related arranged ,Administrative payments such as according to Officer V, (MOOE, PS, their source of Accountant, Current, funds and and Cashier Provident Fund priorities. account, SPHERE, LDDP, Prior Years account and Retirement, Gratuity and


Terminal leave (RGTL)

2.Prepare and None None 1 day Schools Schools signed checks Division Division for payment. Superintendent Superintendent and Cashier and Cashier

3. Prepare None None 1 -2 Schools Schools Advice of days Division Division Cancelled and Superintendent Superintendent Issued Check and Cashier and Cashier (ACIC) and bring to LBP or Veterans bank for confirmation and verification

4. Obtain all None None 1 day Cashier Cashier cancelled checks for the entire month for reporting to COA/Accounting Office.

1. For liquidation of Petty Cash Fund and Cash Advances. Report of Collection and

Deposit (RCD) 2. Request of Cash with copies of Offi None None 1-2 day Cashier Cashier Liquidation cial Receipts issued and Bank deposits for BTR, Provident Fund and Current Account

2. Report of Checks Issued for the month with the None 1-2 days Cashier Cahier corresponding disbursement None vouchers.

3. For Cash 1. Cashier Issued Collection of None 1 day Cashier Cashier Official receipt. refund and return


unused Cash None advance

2. All funds received are reconciled before deposit. None 1 day Cashier Cashier Cash is sent to the bank during None business hours.

Total 1-2 days

REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined/ improved. Write in the column provided.


I. Request for creation of DepEd email account or password reset of DepEd email Account

Office or ICT Unit Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may SDO Teaching and Non Teaching Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Fill-up the Google form for request of DepEd email.  Personal Email  Last Name  First Name  Middle Name  Tin Number  Philhealth Number  Employee Number  Position  School Assign  Home Address  Contact Number

CLIENT AGENCY FEES SUBSTANTIV PROCESSI REQUIRED PERSO STEPS ACTION TO BE E NG TIME NO. OF N PAID COMPLIANCE SIGNATUR RESPO COST ES NSIBLE Step1 – Verify Data None None 10 mins None ICT Unit Client Submitted Staff in Google must fill- Form up in Google After Form in receiving SDO a email Website for DepEd

email Step 2 – 5 minutes account After they will validating create the


the request password the ICT in the link

Staff will given by create or Google reset the account of After the 5 minutes the DepEd process of email and creating it will send the to there DepEd personal email the ICT Staff email will orient the client on how the DepEd

email will work TOTAL REMARKS: None


II. Philhealth Certificate Issuance

Office or ICT Unit Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may SDO Teaching and Non Teaching Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Fill-up the logbook for request of Philhealth Certificate  Must have authorization letter


mploye fill up the request log Command for Center Philhealth staff contributio member n searches certificate the

Philhealth Step 2 – Database Command for the Center 5 minutes name of staff the member teachers prints the


contributio n Philhealth certificate contributi

of the on teacher certificate of the


Step 3 – teacher/e Release mployee 5 minutes the must philhealth signe by contributio Admin. n Officer V certificate or the to highest teacher/e ranking mployee officer of HR



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teacher, Non-teaching Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Photocopy of the Appointment  School  Photocopy latest Pay slip  Service Record  Notice of Step Increment  Notice of Salary Adjustment  Summary of Payment

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES TO SUBSTAN PROCESS REQUIR PERSON BE PAID TIVE ING TIME ED NO. RESPONSIBLE COMPLIA OF NCE SIGNAT COST URES 1. The entitled None None 1 None Teacher/ personnel must minute Non- submit the teaching following Personnel requirements to the School HR- in-Charge for the request of Step Increment

2. The School HR-in- None None 1 day School HR- Charge will validate in-Charge the submitted documents. If correct, s/he will prepare the Summary of Payment for the step increment, Notice of Step Increment, Notice of Salary Adjustment, and the Service Record

3. The School HR-in- None None 1 day School HR- Charge will email in-Charge the scanned copy of appointment and soft copy (Excel format) of the Summary of Payment for Step Increment, Notice of


Step Increment, Notice of Salary Adjustment and the Service Record to the SDO HR/Personnel Unit for validation and correction.. 4. The SDO None None 1 day SDO HR HR/Personnel Unit Personnel will validate and correct the documents (should there be any) then return them through email to the School HR-in Charge. 5. The School HR-in- None None 1 School HR- Charge will print the in-Charge validated/corrected forms in two (2) sets. The Summary of Computation must be signed by the School Head. 6. The applicant None None 1 Teacher/ will submit the Non- complete teaching requirements Personnel (including all scanned original copies) with the Indorsement from the School Head to the SDO HR/Personnel Unit. 7. Once received by NONE NONE 5 mins 3 SDO HR the SDO /person Personnel/ HR/Personnel Unit, RPSU s/he will verify the correctness and completeness of the documents submitted. Then, the request will be forwarded by the SDO to the Regional Payroll Services Unit (RPSU) for implementation. If incomplete, the request will be returned to the school. 8. After the NONE NONE 1 day NONE SDO HR adjustment, the SDO Personnel 25

will return the duplicate copy of the request to the applicant because it will be needed for the processing of the salary differential. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided Submission of soft copy



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Photocopy of the Appointment  School  Photocopy Pay slip (before and after adjustment)  NOSI/ NOSA  Certificate of No Leave without Pay

CLIENT AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1.The School Non None 1 day 1 School HR- HR-in-Charge e in-Charge will prepare the requirements for the Salary Differential in two (2) sets: original copy of the Summary of Payment, photocopy of the Appointment, photocopy of the NOSI/ NOSA, photocopy of the Payslip (before and after the adjustment), and the original copy of the Certificate of No Leave without Pay. The School Non None School HR- HR-in-Charge e in-charge will email the 27

soft copy (Excel format) to the SDO HR/Personnel Unit for validation and correction. 3. The SDO Non None 5 mins / NONE SDO HR HR/Personnel e person Personnel Unit will validate and modify the documents (should there be any) then return them through email to the School HR-inCharge. 4. The Non None 1 day 1 Teacher/S applicant e DO will submit Personnel the complete requiremen ts (including all scanned original copies) with the Indorsemen t from the School Head to the SDO HR/Person nel Unit. 5. Once Non None 5 mins / 3 SDO HR received by the e person Personnel SDO HR/Personnel, s/he will verify the correctness and completeness of the documents submitted. Then, the request will be forwarded to the 28

Accounting Unit. If incomplete, the request will be returned to school. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Scanned copy of the letter-request

CLIENT AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher teacher will request to the School HR-in- Charge 2. The School None None School HR-in- HR-in-Charge will charge email the letter- request, together with the Service Record, to the SDO HR/Personnel Unit. 3. The SDO None None 3 mins 1 SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel Unit will validate and modify the documents (should there be any) then return them through email to the School HR-in- Charge. 4. Once validated None None 3 mins SDO HR and signed, the Personnel SDO HR/Personnel Unit will send to the school the Service Record, in a PDF format, through email.

TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Updated Service Record  School  Photocopy of the latest Pay slip

CLIENT AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher teacher will email the request to the SDO HR/Person nel Unit, with the attached scanned updated Service Record and latest Pay slip. 2. The SDO HR- None None 3 mins 1 SDO HR in-Charge will Personnel process the application. Once signed, s/he will return it to the concerned teacher (in PDF) through email. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Updated Service Record  School  Photocopy of the latest Payslip,  Original copy of the PSA Birth Certificate  Photocopy of DepEd ID

CLIENT AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher teacher will email his/her request to the SDO HR/Person nel Unit. 2. The SDO None None 3 mins SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel Unit will process the application. Once signed, s/he will return it to the concerned teacher (in PDF) through email. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Updated Service Record  School  Photocopy of the latest Payslip  Photocopy of Appointment

CLIENT AGENCY FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS ACTION TO COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE BE COST SIGNATURES PAID 1. The None None Teacher teacher will email her/his request to the SDO HR/Personn el Unit, attached are the complete requirements with the Indorsement from the School Head. 2. Once received None None 1 day 3 SDO HR by the SDO Personnel HR/Personnel Unit, s/he will verify the correctness and completeness of the documents submitted. If correct & complete, the request will be forwarded to the Accounting Unit. If incomplete, the request will be returned to the school. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Duly Accomplished Permit to Study  SDO Form (3 original copies)  Certification from the College/University  College/ University Registrar Registrar

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Download None None I min NONE Teacher the Permit to Study Form from the SDO Website. 2. Email the None None 1 min 3 Teacher scanned copy of the duly- accomplishe d Permit to Study Form signed by the School/Univ ersity Registrar and the School Head to the SDO HR/Personn el Unit (2 weeks before the start of classes) 3. The SDO 1min 2 SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel Unit will inform the applicant or school clerk (through email/phone call) regarding the release of the approved/ disapproved 34

Permit to Study. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Duly Accomplished Permit to Teach  SDO Form (3 original copies)  Statement of Official Load with  School Schedule signed by the School Head  Certification from the Authorized Official  School/ College/ University of the School/ College/University of the applicant’s Load, Number of Units, and Schedule addressed to the SDS  Medical Certificate (CSC Form 41) duly-  Government Hospital/ Center certified by a Government Physician


2. Email the None None 1 min 2 Teacher scanned copy of the duly- accomplishe d Permit to Teach Form signed by the School Head, together with the required documents to the HR/Personn el Unit 2 weeks before the start of classes.

3. The SDO 1 min 2 SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel Unit will


inform the applicant or school clerk (through email/phone call) regarding the release of the approve/ disapproved Permit to Teach. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Duly-accomplished Stop/Deduct Form  SDO  Scanned latest Payslip  Scanned Certificate of Full Payment  PLI from the Private Entity  Scanned Official Receipt from the Private Entity  PLI

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None N/A 2 Teacher teacher will get a copy of the Certificate of Full Payment and Official Receipt from the concerned Private Entity. 2. Then, None None 3-5 mins N/A Teacher s/he will download the Stop/Deduct Form from the SDO Website. After completing the form, s/he will email all the scanned pertinent documents to the Regional Payroll System Unit (RPSU) at rpsuncrfront 38 [email protected] TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Indorsement Letter from the School  School Head  2 copies of the Request-Letter from the employee indicating her intent to change her name and status (or status only as the case maybe)  2 Photocopies of PSA/NSO Marriage Certificate

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None 10 mins 2 Teacher married teacher will email/perso nally submit to her School Head her request- letter and the copy of PSA/NSO Marriage Certificate for indorsement 2. The School None None School HR in HR/Personnel- Charge in-charge will email the scanned documents to the SDO HR- in-Charge 3. The 10 mins 1 SDO HR HR/Personnel- Personnel in-charge will check the documents, then encode the Special Order for the Change of Name of the employee. 40

Then, s/he will email the documents to DepEd NCR- RPSU. 4. Once the Teacher name is updated in the payslip, the concerned teacher must update her name in other agencies like PhilHealth, Pag-Ibig, Landbank, and BIR to avoid errors in her records. 5. For GSIS Teacher updating, the teacher will email the scanned copy of the original PSA Marriage Certificate to amir.aphern andez01@g TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Accomplished ERF Form - 6 original  SDO copies  Notarized Sworn Statement (original  SDO and photocopy)  Updated Service Record (original and photocopy)  School  Authenticated MA Transcript of Record (original and photocopy)  Authenticated College Transcript of Record – photocopy  Permit to Study (original and photocopy)  MA Curriculum Sheet (photocopy)

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None 2-3 days 2 Teacher Qualified Teacher must submit the following requirement s to the School Head for the application for ERF/Reclass ification. 2. The School None None 2 School Head Head will check the documents of the teacher using the above checklist. If complete, s/he will sign the documents requiring his/her signature. 3. The Teacher teacher will 42 email the complete requirement s, with the Indorsement of the School Head, to the SDO HR/Personn el –in- Charge. 4. The SDO SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel –in-Charge will validate and make necessary corrections (if any), then return them through email to the concerned teacher 5. The SDO 2 SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel –in-Charge will process the ERF by encoding the following: Recommendati on from the SDS - 3 copies; Plantilla Allocation List (PAL) - 3 copies; Transmittal – 2 copies. 6. The SDO SDO HR will forward Personnel the request to DepEd NCR.

7. Once DEPED NCR validated and approved, DepEd NCR will return the ERF folder with ”Approved” stamp on the lower portion of the ERF form, followed by the NOSCA 43

from the DBM. 8. The SDO SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel –in-Charge will make the Indorsement to the School Head for those teachers with approved ERF/Reclassifi cation and process the documents for Appointment. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Duly accomplished Retirement  SDO Application (GSIS Form)  GSIS Clearance/Approval of Retirement,  GSIS Updated Service Record (w/Certification of Inclusive dates of Leave w/o pay (LWOP), if any)  Letter of Intent to Retire  Certification of Unused Service/Leave  School (for teaching)/ SDO (non- Credits teaching)  NSO/PSA Marriage Certificate (for married woman)

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Before None None 3-5 days Teacher / retirement, SDO the Personnel concerned employee will submit the requirement s to the SDO HR/Personn el –in- Charge, who will forward it to GSIS. 2. Once the None None Teacher / retirement is SDO approved, Personnel the teacher will send online the GSIS Approved Retirement to the SDO HR/Personn el-in-charge 3. The SDO 15 mins SDO HR HR/Personnel- Personnel in-charge will encode the Form 6, to be 45

signed by the retired employee. 4. The SDO 30 mins SDO HR HR/Personnel- Personnel in-charge will process other required documents like Notice of Salary Adjustment (NOSA), Statement of Leave Credits Earned certified by the HRMO, List of Actual Retiree to be Paid (LARP), and Indorsement by SDS. 5. The Accounting Accounting Personnel-in- Unit will charge process disbursement voucher. 6. SDO will SDO HR send online the Personnel complete documents to NCR. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Request-Letter to be indorsed by the  School School Head  Seminar Certificate of Teacher  DTR  Appointment as Board of Election Inspector during National/Local/ Elections

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The school None None 10 mins School representative Representativ will send e online the documents to SDO Records for service request earned. 2. The SDO None None 20 mins SDO Records Records staff Staff will route the documents to the concerned unit. 3. The Service SGOD HRD Credit request Unit / SDO earned from HR Personnel seminars will be validated by the SGOD- HRD unit, while service credits from the election will be validated by the SDO Personnel/HR- in-charge. 4. The SDO SDO HR HR/Personnel Personnel will give a copy of the approved 47

Special Order to the school for their file. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter of Intent to retire  Indorsement from the SDO  SDO  Duly-Accomplished Application Form  Regional/Division Clearance dated as  SDO of last day of service  Latest Service Record with certification of LAWOP  School

 Service Record from previous employer ( if any)  RPSU  Certificate of Last Payment  Latest Assets and Liabilities  Certificate of No Pending Administrative  DepEd NCR – Legal and Criminal Case/s  Ombudsman Clearance  Ombudsman  Declaration of Pendency/Non-Pendency  SDO of Case

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher concerned teacher will submit his/her letter of intent to retire to the Principal. 2. The None None Principal Principal will indorse his/her retirement letter to the School in- charge and process the necessary documents such as: Retirement Form Application, Updated Service Record, 49

Last Day of Actual Service, and School Clearance. 3. Once the Principal requirements are complete the Principal will indorse the application for retirement to the SDO. 4. Once 10 mins SDO HR received by the Personnel SDO HR/Personnel- in-charge, she will verify the correctness and completeness of the documents submitted and will bring them to the Administrative Officer IV/HRMO for signature. 5. The 2 mins Teacher / retiree will SDO request Personnel online for the Certificate of No Pending Case from the Legal Office using their DepEd email to legal.ncr@de and to ombclearanc e@ombudsm for the Office of Ombudsman , with attached scanned copy of his/her Service 50

Record. 6. Once the 5 mins SDS / RPSU Indorsement is signed by the SDS, it will be forwarded to the Regional Payroll Services Unit for the issuance of Certification of Last Payment with the attached documents such as: Updated Service Record, Last Day of Actual Service, School Clearance, and Division Clearance. 7. Once the SDO HR Certificate of Personnel Last Payment is available and the retiree has received his/her online Certificate of No Pending Case and Ombudsman Clearance, the SDO HR/Personnel- in-charge will prepare the Indorsement and forwarded it to the DepEd-NCR 8. Once the SDO Liaison retirement Officer papers are already signed by the Regional Director, the SDO Liaison Officer will get the documents from the RO Records Office. 9. The SDO 2 mins SDO HR 51

HR/Personnel- Personnel in-charge of the retirement papers will inform the retiree to get his/her pertinent documents for Oiling to the GSIS. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Indorsement from the SDO  SDO  Administrative Clearance from the SDO  SDO  Clearance as to money and property  SDO accountability (if leave is 30 days or more)  CSC form 6 (Application for Leave)  School  Certification of expected date of departure  Certification of Bonafide Employee  SDO  Certification as to who will be the  School substitute teacher  Letter request stating the reason/s for travel  DepEd-CO Form A-Application for Travel on Official Time/Official Business  Invitation for the requesting party from a foreign host

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher / teacher SDO concerned Personnel will prepare his/her letter of intent to travel. 2. The School None None Principal Principal will indorse his/her request application to the SDO for Authority to Travel together with his/her Form 6, School Clearance, Last Day of Actual Service and Certification as to who will be the substitute 53 teacher. 3. Once 10 mins 2 SDO HR received by the Personnel SDO HR/Personnel, she will verify the correctness and completeness of the documents submitted and process the necessary documents for travel abroad and she will bring them to the Administrative Officer IV/HRMO and to the SDS for signature. 4. The 1 SDO HR Personnel/HR- Personnel / in-charge will DEPED NCR forward the request for authority to travel abroad to DepEd NCR and return to HR the receiving copy of the said request. 5. DepEd-NCR 5 mins DepEd NCR HR in-charge HR in charge will check the correctness and completeness of the submitted request. Once complete, she will process and prepare the Indorsement to be submitted to the Central OfOice for approval. 6. Once 3 mins Central Office approved by / DepEd NCR 54

the Central / SDO HR Office, and Personnel received by DepEd-NCR, it will be indorsed back to the SDO which will prepare the return Indorsement to the teacher concerned. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter-Request stating the reason/s for transfer  Indorsement from the Principal  School  Indorsement from the SDS  SDO

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher teacher concerned will prepare his/her letter of intent to transfer. 2. The None None Principal Principal will indorse his/her application for transfer to the SDO. 3. Once 5 mins 1 SDO HR received by the Personnel SDO, the HR/Personnel- in-charge will process and prepare the indorsement to be forwarded to the other agency through to DepEd-NCR 4. DepEd-NCR DEPED NCR will prepare the indorsement to the other agency inquiring whether he/she will be accommodated . 56

5. Once 3 mins 1 DepEd NCR approved by the agency, DepEd-NCR will return the indorsement to the SDO informing it of the approved transfer 6. The SDO 3 mins 1 SDO HR HR/Personnel- Personnel in-charge will return the indorsement informing the teacher of the approved transfer and will process the necessary requirements for compliance. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter of Intent address to the SDS thru the School Head  Indorsement Letter signed by the School  School Head  Duly- Accomplished Leave Form (CSC  School Form 6)  Medical Certificate (CSC Form 41) duly- certified by a Government Physician with attached Documentary Stamp  School Clearance  School  Report on Last Day of Service  School

(Note: filing of maternity leave should be at least 30 days in advance)

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Download None None 1 min N/A Teacher / and SDO accomplish Personnel the Leave Form (CSC Form 6) 2. Email all None None 1 min N/A Teacher / pertinent SDO documents Personnel to the School HR- in-charge. 3. After 5 mins 2 School HR-in- checking for charge the completeness of the documents and the signatories in each document, the School HR-in- charge will submit all the documents to the SDO HRMO with attached 58

Indorsement Letter signed by the School Head. 4. After the 5 mins 2 SDO HR SDO Personnel HR/Personnel- in-charge has checked the completeness of the documents, the Request for Maternity Leave will be processed and will be forwarded to the authorized signatories. 5. The Division 1 day N/A SDO HR HR-in-charge Personnel of leave will coordinate with School HR- in- charge for the release of the signed and approved Maternity Leave. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter of Intent addressed to the SDS thru the School Head  Indorsement Letter signed by the School  School Head  Duly- Accomplished Leave Form (CSC  School Form 6)  Certificate of Available Service Credits (if applying for SL with Pay)  Medical Certificate (CSC Form 41) duly- certified by Government Physician with attached Documentary Stamp  Medical Abstract  School Clearance  School  Report on Last Day of Service  School (Note: filing of sick leave and Magna Carta for women should be at least 30 days in advance)

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Download None None 1 min Teacher / and SDO accomplish Personnel the Leave Form (CSC Form 6) Note: (for leave that is 31 days and beyond the signatory is the SDS. While 30 days and below leave is the ASDS.) 2. Email all None None 1 min 1 Teacher / pertinent SDO documents Personnel to the School HR- in-charge, who will check the completenes s of

60 documents and signatories in each document. 3. After 5 mins 2 School HR-in- checking, the charge School HR-in- charge will forward all the documents to the SDO HRMO with attached Indorsement Letter signed by the School Head. 4. After the 5 mins 2 SDO HR SDO Personnel HR/Personnel- in-charge has checked the completeness of documents, the Request for Sick Leave or Magna Carta for Women will be processed and will be forwarded to the authorized signatories. 5. The Division 1 day N/A SDO HR in-charge for Personnel leave will coordinate with School HR- incharge for the release of the signed and approved Maternity Leave. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter of Intent addressed to the SDS thru the School Head  Indorsement Letter signed by the School  School Head  DTR (CSC Form 48) signed by the  School School Head  Medical Certificate (CSC Form 211) duly-certified by a Government Physician with attached Documentary Stamp

 Report on First Day of Actual Service  School  Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate of the Child (for ML)

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Email all None None 1 min 1 Teacher / pertinent SDO documents Personnel to the School HR- in-charge, who will check the completenes s of documents and signatories in each document. 2. After None None 5 mins 2 checking, the School HR-in- charge will forward all the documents to the SDO HRMO with attached Indorsement Letter signed by the School Head. 3. After the 5 mins 2 SDO HR 62

SDO Personnel HR/Personnel- in-charge of leave has checked the completeness of documents, the Request for Return to Service will be processed and will be forwarded to the authorized signatories. 4. The Division 1 day N/A SDO HR in-charge for Personnel leave will coordinate with School HR-in- charge for the release of the signed and approved Return to Service. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Copy of original PSA Authenticated Birth Certificate  Copy of the original PSA Authenticated Marriage Certificate for change of Status

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. The None None Teacher / Teacher/Em SDO ployee will Personnel email the requirement s to SDO HR/ Personnel- in-charge 2. SDO None None 2-3 working SDO HR HR/Personnel- days Personnel in-charge will process and upload all data required by GSIS to the WEB MSP GSIS Portal. 3. Once 3-5 working SDO HR approved, GSIS days Personnel will issue TMS Reference Number to be given to the concerned teacher/ employee. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Birth Certificate  Personal Data Sheet (PDS)  Latest Appointment (if promotion or reclass)  Position Description Form (PDF)  Transcript of Records (TOR)  PRC License  PBT / LET Rating (Authenticated)  Oath of Office  BIR Forms (2305, 1902, 1905) for new applicant  SALN

CLIENT AGENCY ACTION FEE SUBSTANTIV PROCESSIN REQUIRED PERSON STEPS S TO E G TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBL BE COMPLIANCE SIGNATURES E PAID COST 1. Applicant None None Applicant prepares all requirements for appointment 2. Checks None None SDO HR completeness of Personnel documents 3. Verify SDO HR completeness of Personnel documents 4. Preparation of 5 mins SDO HR Appointment Personne’ paper 5. For approval 1-2 days 3 SDO HR and signature Personnel by the HRMO/ASDS/S DS 6. Release 3 mins SDO HR Head approved appointment to the appointee 7. Prepares report 15 mins 2 SDO HR on appointment Personnel issued RAI & submits to CSC TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / Qualified applicants avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter of Intent  PDS (Personal Data Sheet)  PRC License  PRC Rating  Transcript of Records with GWA  Service Record/ Certificate of Employment  Certificate of Trainings  NBI Clearance

CLIENT AGENCY FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS ACTION TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1.Applicants submits complete requirements 2. School None None 10 days 1 School receives/ Screening verifies Board applications (Please see DO 7 s.2015 for the SSB Functions) 3. Endorse None None 1 day 1 Principal folders with summary to SDO 4. Receives 3-5 working HRMO application days and pertinent documents of applicants Pre evaluates documents if the applicants meet entry requirements 5. DSC/PSB Evaluation – HRMPSB evaluates 1 week documents of Interviews/ applicants, DEMO – conducts 1 week EPT Result - interview & 2 weeks 66

demo teaching for new teachers 6. DSC/PSB 3 days NONE PSB secretariat Secretariat prepares registry of qualified applicants (RQA) for new teachers/rank ing for promotion 7. Deliberates NONE NONE 1 day 9-10 HRMPSB and signs the RQA 8. Submit the 1 day 1 SDS RQA/ranking to the appointing officers (SDS) for approval 9. SDS meets 1 day NONE HRMO qualified SDS applicant for appointment 10. Fill up 1-15 days NONE HRMO vacant positions/ite ms and deploys teachers where needs exist 11. Issuance 1-3 days 3 HRMO/ASDS of Upon /SDS appointment receiving of complete requirements 12. Submits within 1 2 HRMO/SDS report to RO month & copy of appointment to CSC field office TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Complex Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / Qualified applicants avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Letter of Intent  PDS (Personal Data Sheet)  PRC License & PRC Rating  CSC Eligibility  Transcript of Records  Service Record/ Certificate of Employment  Certificate of Trainings  NBI Clearance

CLIENT AGENCY FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON STEPS ACTION TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1.Applicants submits complete requirements 2. Receives 3-5 working HRMO application days and pertinent documents of applicants

Pre evaluates documents if the applicants meet entry requirements 3. Inform 1 day HRMPSB applicants Secretariat who did not meet entry requirements 3. HRMPSB Evaluation – HRMPSB evaluates 1 week documents of Interviews applicants, (1-3 days)

conducts interview 6. HRMPSB 1 week NONE HRMPSB secretariat Secretariat prepares ranking of applicants 7. Deliberates NONE NONE 1 day 5-6 HRMPSB 68

and signs the RQA 8. Submit the 1 day 1 SDS RQA/ranking to the appointing officers (SDS) for approval 9. SDS meets 1 day NONE HRMO qualified SDS applicant for appointment 10. Fill up 1-15 days NONE HRMO vacant positions/ite ms and deploys teachers where needs exist 11. Issuance 1-3 days 3 HRMO/ASDS of Upon /SDS appointment receiving of complete requirements 12. Submits within 1 2 HRMO/SDS report to RO month & copy of appointment to CSC field office TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Birth Certificate (if single)  Marriage Contract / Birth Certificate of Dependent/s

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Fills up None None BIR Forms 1902 2. Submits None None duly accomplishe d forms and requirement to SDO thru HR Staff 3. Registers 15 minutes SDO HR online Personnel 4. Download 1 minute form with TIN 5. Submits 1 day 1 AO V download form with TIN to AO V for signature 6. Release form with TIN to applicant 7. Submit List 1 day 2 AO V / SDS of Registered Employees on or before January 31 of the succeeding year TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Human Resource and Management Office Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers / SDO Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Payroll  If salary is not yet adjusted (appointment, NOSA, NOSI)

CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTION FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCESSING REQUIRED PERSON TO BE COMPLIANCE TIME NO. OF RESPONSIBLE PAID COST SIGNATURES 1. Submits the None None year-end bonus payroll 2. Receives and None None verifies payroll entries 3. Forward 3-5 working payroll to the days budget office 4. Forward to accounting 5. Forward banks advice 6. Release of bonus thru Landbank TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


Office or Division: Legal Service Classification: Complex Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government Who may avail: Teaching and Non-teaching personnel in the Division

CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Request Letter for the issuance Division Legal Unit of Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case 2. Documentary proof of the Division Legal Unit purpose stated in the letter (1 Original Copy) CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO PROCESSING PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID TIME RESPONSIBLE 1. Submit the 1. Receive and Record’s required evaluate the None 10 minutes personnel – documents completeness Receiving to the of documents Clerk Receiving Scan and Clerk of the record in the Records system Office 1.1 Process request for None 5 days Legal Officer Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case 1.3 Release to Record’s Appropriate None 1 hour personnel – Person/Office Releasing Clerk 5 days, 1 TOTAL: None hours, 10 minutes

Division Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case


Request for an Update on the Status of the Case in the Division Office Updates on administrative cases filed in the Department can be requested by concerned individual/parties.

Office or Division: Legal Service Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen Any part, or their duly authorized Who may avail: representative of the case. CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Client’s Copy of the Document ( 1 Division Legal Unit Original Copy) CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO PROCESSING PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID TIME RESPONSIBLE

1. Submit the 1. Search the None 30 minutes required document in the Legal Unit documents to database and Clerk the Receiving give the status of Clerk of the the case Records Office TOTAL: None 30 minutes


Request for Legal Opinion

Legal opinion about policies involving/ surrounding DepEd are given to any requesting individual.

Office or Division: Legal Service Classification: Highly Technical Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government, G2C

Who may avail: CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Letter or Memorandum requesting Client for Legal Opinion (1 Original Copy) 2. Complete Staff Client Work/Pertinent Copy of Law ( 1 Original Copy ) CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO PROCESSING PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID TIME RESPONSIBLE 1. Submit the 1. Receive None 30 minutes Client required required documents to documents the Receiving Clerk of the Records Office 1.1 Endorsement None 1 day Client to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent to the Division Legal Officer 1.2 Research and None 15 days Legal Officer Drafting of the opinion 1.3 Endorsement None 2 days Legal Officer to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent for review 1.5 Releasing to None 2 hours Record’s appropriate personnel – Office/ Person Releasing Clerk 18 days, 2 TOTAL: None hours, 30 minutes


Filing of Formal Complaint Filing of Administrative Complaint against Non-Teaching personnel

Office or Division: Legal Service Classification: Complex Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government, G2C

Who may avail: CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Sworn written complaint Client 2. Certification/ Verification Client against Non-Forum Shopping CLIENT AGENCY FEES PROCESSING PERSON STEPS ACTION TO BE TIME RESPONSIBLE PAID 1. Submit the 1. Receive None 30 minutes Client required required documents documents to the Receiving Clerk of the Records Office 1.1 Forward to None 1 day Record’s the Office of personnel – the Schools Receiving Clerk Division Superintendent to the Division Legal Officer – for Non- teaching personnel 1.2 Endorsement None 1 days OSDS Clerk to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent to the Division Legal Officer for Investigation 1.3 Conduct an None 20 days Legal Officer/ Investigation Designated and Action Officer 75

Clarificatory Hearing 1.4 Submission of None 3 days Legal Officer/ Investigation Designated Report to the Action Officer Office of the Schools Division Superintendent 1.5 Issuance of None 5 days Schools Order of Division Dismissal or Superintendent Formal Charge

1.6 Releasing to None 2 hours Record’s appropriate personnel – Office/ Person Releasing Clerk

30 days, 2 TOTAL: None hours, 30 minutes


Filing of Formal Complaint Filing of Administrative Complaint against Teaching personnel

Office or Division: Legal Service Classification: Complex Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government, G2C

Who may avail: CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Sworn written complaint Client 2. Certification/ Verification Client against Non-Forum Shopping CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO PROCESSING PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID TIME RESPONSIBLE 1. Submit the 2. Receive None 30 minutes Client required required documents documents to the Receiving Clerk of the Records Office 1.1 Forward to None 1 day Record’s the Office of personnel – the Schools Receiving Division Clerk Superintendent to the Division Legal Officer – for Non- teaching personnel 1.2 Endorsement None 1 day OSDS Clerk to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent to the Division Legal Officer 1.3 Endorsement None 1 day Legal Officer to the Office of the Regional Director 1.4 Issuance of an None 5 days Office of the Order to Regional conduct Fact- Director Finding 77

Investigation or Preliminary Investigation from the Office of the Regional Director to the Division Legal Officer. 1.5 Conduct an None 20 days Legal Officer/ Investigation Designated and Action Officer Clarificatory Hearing 1.6 Submission of None 3 days Legal Officer/ Investigation Designated Report to the Action Officer Office of the Schools Division Superintendent for Endorsement to the Office of the Regional Director 1.7 Receipt of an None 10 days Office of the Order for Regional Dismissal or Director Formal Charge

1.8 Releasing of None 1 day Record’s Order to the personnel – parties Releasing Clerk

42 days, 30 TOTAL: None minutes


1. Issuance of Requested Documents (Non-CTC) Issuance of Requested Documents is provided to teaching, non-teaching personnel and retirees who have misplaced or lost their documents. The non-CTC document copy is issued to authorized requesting person if document secured in the Records Section is not originated/created by the Agency. The said document can be issued if requested by the owner himself and or authorized person.

Office or Division: Records Unit Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen Who may avail: General Public CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Requisition slip (1 Copy) Records Unit 2. Valid ID (Original ID and 1 Requesting person and /or Authorized Photocopy) Person 3. Authorization Letter (1 Copy) Requesting person CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO PROCESSIN PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID G RESPONSIBL TIME E 1. Fill up 1. Provide the client the Records Section None 5 minutes requisitio requisition Staff/ADAS n slip slip form form 2. Submit the 2. Receive the accomplishe form and d search the requisition requested Records Section slip with document None 5 minutes Staff/ADAS valid ID or authorizatio n letter of the owner of the document 3. Receive the 3. Prepare, requested print and Records Section document give the None 10 minutes Staff/ADAS document to the client TOTAL: None 20 minutes


2. Issuance of Requested Documents (CTC and Photocopy of Documents) CTC document copy is issued to authorized requesting person if document secured in the Records Section is originated/created by the Agency. The said document can be issued if requested by the owner himself and or authorized person. Issuance of Requested Documents is provided to teaching, non-teaching personnel and retirees whose documents were misplaced, lost, burned, eaten by termites or beyond recovery due to wear and tear to be used for appointment, promotion, resignation, retirement, salary upgrading, leave abroad, employment abroad, loan, transfer and for other legal purposes.

Office or Division: Records Unit Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen Who may avail: General Public CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Requisition slip (1 Copy) Records Unit 2. Valid ID (Original ID and 1 Requesting person and /or Authorized Photocopy) Person 3. Authorization Letter (1 Copy) Requesting person CLIENT AGENCY FEES TO PROCESSIN PERSON STEPS ACTION BE PAID G RESPONSIBL TIME E 1. Fill up 1. Provide the client the Records Section None 5 minutes requisitio requisition Staff/ADAS n slip slip form form 2. Submit the 2. Receive the accomplishe form and d search the requisition requested Records Section slip with document None 5 minutes Staff/ADAS valid ID or authorizatio n letter of the owner of the document 2.1. Prepare, print or photocopy Records Section None 10 minutes the Staff/ADAS requested document


2.2. Once the document is Records obtained, None 10 minutes Officer and/or Records Admin Officer Officer will review and verify the document and certify true copy 3. Receive the 3. Release the Records Section requested document None 5 minutes Staff/ADAS document to the client TOTAL: None 35 minutes


3. Certification, Authentication, Verification (CAV) Official and formal processes and acts of checking, reviewing, and certifying to the genuineness and veracity of available academic school records of a learner duly performed by the DepEd and the DFA pursuant to existing arrangements by the said Departments; and shall be issued to the applicant only for the following applicable purposes required by DFA: (a)Employment abroad; (b)Seaman’s Book/Seafarer’s Registration Certificate; (c)Migration abroad; (d)Student visa; Tourist visa; (f)Fiancé visa; (g)Descendant’s visa; (h)Reimbursement of education allowance / tuition fees of children of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW); (i)Such other purposes as maybe required in writing by the DFA.

Office or Division: Record’ s Unit Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen Who may avail: Former and Present Students CHECKLIST OF WHERE TO SECURE REQUIREMENTS Elementary/High School Graduates/Undergraduate: 1. CAV Form 1/2/10 (1-Ceased SDO Records Unit Private School Request; 2- School Referral; 3-A&E/PEPT Request) – (1 original copy) 2. Diploma (if available) - 1 Client original and 2 photocopies 3. ALS Accreditation & Equivalency Test Result - 1 original and 2 certified true copies certified by the SDO SDO SDO A&E Coordinator A&E Coordinator) 4. PEPT Test Result Rating (1 original and 2 certified true copies) SDO/BEA 5. Certificate of Completion (for A&E only) - 1 original and 2 certified true copies certified by the SDO A&E Coordinator) SDO A&E Coordinator 6. Valid ID (Original ID and 1 Requesting person and /or Authorized Photocopy) Person 7. Authorization Letter (1 Copy) Requesting person FES CLIENT AGENCY TO PROCESSIN PERSON BE G STEPS ACTION PAID TIME RESPONSIBLE


1. Fill up 1. Provide client Records Section the the None 5 minutes Staff/ADAS requisitio requisition n slip slip form form 2. Submit the 2. Receive the accomplishe form and Records Section None 5 minutes d search the Staff/ADAS requisition requested slip with document valid ID or authorizati on letter of the owner of the document 2.1. Search for the appropriate Records Section None 10 minutes academic Staff/ADAS school records 2.2. Prepare, print the Records Section necessary None 10 minutes Staff/ADAS attachments for CAV 3. Verify the 3.1. Once the accuracy of document is the data obtained, encoded for Records CAV Officer will Records Officer certificate review and None 5 minutes and/or Admin then return verify the Officer to the document processor and affix initial to the document 3.2. Forwarded the Records Section documents None 1 minutes Staff/ADAS to the OSDS for signature 3.3. SDS will affix Schools his/her None 1 hours Division signature to Superintenden


validate the t (SDS) document

3.4. Return the documents to the OSDS None 2 minutes Records Staff/ADA/AD Section for AS released 3.5. Records Records Officer 5 Officer will min and/or certify Admin true utes copy Officer 3.6. Scan the List of approved CAV Records Section Request and None 5 minutes Officer/Staff/AD immediately AS inform the Regional Office thru email 4. Receive the 4.1. Release the Records Section requested document None 5 minutes Staff/ADAS document to the client 1 hours and TOTAL: None 48 minutes


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Assessment (Test Questionnaires)

Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Test Questions  DepEd Website (Curriculum  Budget of Work Guide)  Curriculum Guide  School Library  Teacher’s Guide  DepEd LRMDS Portal

CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. None None 1 month Teachers Prepares Test Items based on Bows 2. None None 2 hrs 1 Teachers Administe rs random on the spot test 3. Analyze None None 1 week 1 Teachers / test items Subject and utilize Coordinators/ test Head Teachers results for Quarterly Test 4. None None 2 hrs Teacher / Monitors Subject the Coordinator / conduct of Head Teacher quarterly / Principal / test PSDS (PSDS) 5. None None 1 month Teacher / Prepares Subject Quarterly Coordinator / Test based Head Teachers on TOS / CG / BOW


6. None None 1 to 2 Teacher / Provides weeks Subject TA/interve Coordinator / ntion Head Teacher based on / Principal / test EPS/ PSDS analysis according to priority 7. None None 1 week Teacher / Consolidat Subject es and Coordinator / analyses Head Teacher MPS (QME)

TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Lesson Plans  Template (Division Website ) / School

CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1 .EPS None None 1 hr EPS / School visits the Heads / Head school to Teachers / monitor Subject the Coordinators / implement Teachers ation of curriculu m through DLL/DLP checking. Prepares Test Items based on Bows 2. None None 5 mins 1 EPS / School Proceeds Heads to the SH Office for protocol 3. None None 30 mins 1 Teachers / SH/MT/H Subject T/GC Coordinators/ asks Head Teachers teachers / Master to submit Teachers / DLL/DLP EPS for checking 4. EPS None None 1 hr EPS / notes Teachers / observatio Master n on Teachers / DLL/DLP Head Teachers


5. None None 1 hr EPS Provides TA based on observatio n/findings 6. Follow- None None 1 hr EPS up visit on TA provided for Lesson Exemplar & Commitm ent to other teachers for TA TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  PRODUCTION OF CONTEXTUALIZED LM’s/ IM’s/DLL/DLP through Demonstration Teaching Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Learners Materials  Template (Division Website ) /  Instructional Materials School  Daily Lesson Log  Daily Lesson Plan

CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. EPS None None 30 mins EPS / School confers Head with School Head in the identificati on of demonstra tion teacher 2. EPS None None 20 mins 1 EPS / School and SH Heads / Demo informs Teacher the teacher on the Demo Teaching 3. EPS None None 30 mins 1 EPS prepares memorand um re: conduct of demo- teaching 4. EPS None None 1 hr EPS / and SH Teachers / observes Master SH Teachers / conducts Head Teachers PC


EPS / School processes Heads the content 5. EPS None None 30 mins EPS harvests, validates, evaluates IM’s/LM’s /DLL/DLP using LRMD tool 6. LRMD None None 5 mins EPS informs EPS re: reproducti on& distributio n of quality assured LM’s/IM’s /DLP/DLL 7. EPS None None 1 hr EPS monitors the utilization of LM’s/IM’s /DLL’s/D LP’s for feedback 8. EPS None None 10 mins EPS submits reports to SDS through CID TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Classroom Observation Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. EPS None None 20 mins EPS / School chooses a Head school to visit based on the MPS & informs the SH for the visit 2. The SH None None - 1 EPS / School informs Heads / the Department Coordinat Head / or/ Subject Dep’t Coordinator Head of the Learning area concerned 3. EPS None None 5 mins 1 EPS proceeds to the office for the standard operationa l procedure (SOP) 4. EPS None None 3 mins EPS / School informs Head the SH who will be 91 observed based on the survey tool through the “SKILL- WILL” Model 5. EPS None None 5 mins EPS / School and the Head SH proceed to the classroom for the observatio n 6. None None 1 hr EPS / School OBSERVA Head / TION Subject PROPER Coordinator / using the Master TLOI Teacher / Teacher 7. SH None None 1 hr EPS conducts post conference , EPS provides TA In the absence of the SH, MT/HT can take over but EPS will conduct the post conference 8. Follow- None None 1 hr EPS Up visit on the TA provided at least 3 times TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Routing of Correspondences Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. EPS None None 30 mins accomplis hes SDS routed correspon dences 2. EPS None None 5 mins 1 EPS / EPS Secretary Secretary logs in routed correspon dences 3. EPS None None 5 mins 2 EPS Secretary Secretary / CID Chief forwards the correspon dences to CID chief for signature 4. EPS None None 1 hr EPS / School Secretary Head follows-up the correspon dences from CID- ASDS for LOGO 5. SDS None None 1 SDS / Record signs the Personnel correspon dences for


Record’s posting

6. EPS None None 1 EPS Secretary Secretary provides SDS signed copy to EPS concerned for informatio n TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Conduct On the Spot Skills Performance Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. None None 2 hrs EPS Prepares criteria for evaluation 2. None None 1 to 2 1 EPS / CID Prepares days Chief memorand um for SDS approval 3. None None 30 mins 1 EPS / School Conducts Head / Performan Subject ce Coordinators / Evaluatio Head Teacher n s/ Teachers 4. None None 30 mins EPS Analyses results for TA on priority schools 5. Follow – None None 30 mins 1 EPS up visit on TA provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Reading Camp Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. None None 2 hrs CID Chief / Conducts EPS / PSDS / consultati School Head / ve meeting Reading to Reading Coordinator Coordinat ors 2. None None 3 hrs 1 CID Chief / Prepares EPS / PSDS work program and Memo anchored from the DepEd Memorand um 3. None None 30 mins 2 Reading Coordinat Coordinators / es with CID Chief / CID PSDS / School Chief/PSD Heads S/SH’s the conduct of the Reading Program 4. None None 30 mins Reading Submits Coordinator / Work Record Office Program

96 to the office of the SDS for approval 5. None None 30 mins 1 School Implement Personnel / s the Reading Approved Coordinator / Reading School Head / Program PSDS 6. None None Whole 1 PSDS PSDS/RE year GION monitors and evaluates the conduct of the Reading Camp of all schools 7. PSDS None None Whole PSDS consolidat year es Reading Program Reports of all the Schools for TA 8. Division None None 1- 2 days Division Reading Reading Committe Committee / e selects CID the Best Reading Implement er 9. None None 30 mins Division Submits Reading consolidat Committee / ed reports CID to CID Chief for Regional entry TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Conduct Division Capability Building for Teachers Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. None None 2 hrs CID Office Conducts survey on Teachers’ need assessme nt during INSET 2. None None 1 – 2 1 EPS Prepares days Work Program for each subject 3. Confers None None 30 mins 1 EPS / HRTD with HRTD for availabilit y of funds. 4. None None 30 mins EPS / CID Consults Chief with the CID Chief for recommen ding approval 5. None None 30 mins 1 EPS Submits Work Program to ASDS for indorseme nt to SDS


6. None None 15 mins 1 EPS / Record Submits Office to the office of the SDS for approval 7. None None 1 week 1 EPS Implement s the Work Program 8. QME None None 1 week 1 QME monitors and evaluates the program TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Cascading of Central / Regional Trainings Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. Confers None None 30 mins CID Office / with HRTD HRTD for availabilit y of funds 2. None None 30 mins 1 EPS / PSDS / Prepares CID Chief Memo for the consultati ve meeting 3. None None 1 hr or 1 EPS / School Consults more Heads SH for the identificati on of participan ts 4. None None 2-3 hrs EPS Prepares Work Program according to CO/RO Matrix 5. None None 1 day 1 EPS Submits Work Program to SDS through ASDS for approval 6. None None 30 mins 1 EPS / PSDS Prepares Memo for 100 the conduct of the training 7. None None 2-3 days 1 CID Office Implement s Work Program 8. None None 2 days 1 QME Monitors/ Evaluates Learning TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Conduct Feedbacking in the New Normal Learning Delivery Modality Office or Curriculum Implementation Division Division: Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, Principal, Education Program Supervisors, Public avail? District Supervisors

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  Feedback report  Template should be provided by  Narrative Report the CID Office

CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. The None None 2 weeks School Head school will conduct feedback about the New Normal Learning Delivery Modality 2. School None None 1 week 1 School Heads Heads shall prepare a quarterly report (including the challenges and issues) 3. The None None 2 days 1 School heads school / Record head will Office submit the reports to the Division Office 4. The CID None None 1 hr CID Office Office will consolidat e reports from schools 102 for submissio n to Ros TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Learning Resources Management System and Development Division: System Office Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE  DepEd ID  DepEd Muntinlupa Office  Borrower’s Form  LRMDS Office

CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. The None None 1 minute None Librarian II borrower will inform the librarian 2. Client None None 5 None Teacher / chooses minutes Borrower the title of the book needed from the list or goes to the shelves to select the books needed 3. Get the None None 5 None Teacher / bin of minutes Borrower book chosen 4. Check None None 5 None Teacher / the bin minutes Borrower and count the number of books borrowed 5. The None None 2 Two (2) Librarian II / librarian minutes Teacher / record the Borrower book borrowed on the borrower’s 104 form and logbook 6. Sign None None 1 minute One (1) Librarian II / the Teacher / borrower’s Borrower form and the logbook and submit DepEd valid ID TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided


I. NAME OF THE SERVICE (WITH SERVICE DESCRIPTION)  Development of Learning Materials

Office or Learning Resources Management System and Development Division: System Office Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. The None None 1 minute None Record teacher Personnel / will Teacher submit to the Record Office the learning materials 2. The None None 5 None Record record minutes Personnel / office will Librarian II turn over the said document to the LRMDS Office 3. The None None 5 None LRMDS EPS / LRMDS minutes Subject Supervisor Supervisor will give to the respective subject supervisor 4. The None None 5 - 10 None Subject Subject working Supervisors Supervisor days will quality assured the learning materials


5. The None None 2 Two (2) LRMDS EPS / quality minutes Subject assured Supervisor learning materials will be submitted to the LRMDS Office 6. If there None None 5 None LRMDS is no minutes Personnel correction, the learning materials will be uploaded to the LR Portal as Draft and if there is a revision , call the attention of the teacher personnel. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided



Office or Learning Resources Management System and Development Division: System Office Classification: Simple Type of G2C Transaction: Who may Teachers, SDO Muntinlupa Personnel avail?


CLIENT AGE FEES SUBSTANTIVE PROCES REQUIRED PERSON STEPS NCY TO BE COMPLIANCE SING NO. OF RESPONSIBL ACTI PAID COST TIME SIGNATURES E ON 1. The None None 1 minute None Teacher teacher will visit the SDO Website 2. Click None None 2 None Teacher the LR minutes Portal Tab 3. In the None None 2 None Teacher LR portal, minutes click the appropriat e tab for the grade level of the module you are interested in. 4. Click None None 2 None Teacher the Read minutes More button 5. Click None None 2 None Teacher the minutes Download Module button 6. Sign in None None 2 None Teacher / SDO to your minutes Muntinlupa DepEd ICT email account , if forgot 108 password contact the ICT Office of SDO Personnel 7. After None None 2 None Teacher logging in, minutes click the Google download icon. TOTAL REMARKS: Which parts are streamlined / improved. Write the column provided