Mellon Square and the Sixth-Oliver Corridor 70; the Cultural District and the Allegheny Riverfront 81; Commerce and Government on Grant Street 93
CONTENTS ix PReface 2 1. INTRodUcTIoN: Pittsburgh FRom THe GRoUNd UP 40 2. dowNTowN: A GoldeN TRIANGle The Point and the Monongahela Riverfront 45; PPG Place, Fourth and Fifth Avenues, and Market Square 54; Mellon Square and the Sixth-Oliver Corridor 70; The Cultural District and the Allegheny Riverfront 81; Commerce and Government on Grant Street 93 114 3. THe NoRTH SIde: A RIvAl cITy Old Allegheny 117; The Mexican War Streets and Allegheny West 121; Manchester, Perry Hilltop, Observatory Hill, and Fineview 127; Deutschtown, Spring Hill, and Troy Hill 138; The North Shore 149 158 4. THe SoUTH SIde: ReAl Pittsburgh Old Birmingham, East Carson Street, and the South Side Slopes 161; Station Square and Mt. Washington 177; The Back Slopes of Mount Washington 184 188 5. PeNN AveNUe: First FoUNdRIeS ANd First SUBURBS The Strip and Polish Hill 190; Lawrenceville, Bloomfield, Friendship, and Garfield 203; East Liberty, Highland Park, and Morningside 220; Larimer, Lincoln-Lemington, Homewood, and East Hills 241; Point Breeze, Regent Square, Edgewood, and Swissvale 249; Wilkinsburg 259 262 6. FIFTH AveNUe: UPHIll ANd UPScAle The Bluff, Uptown, and the Hill 264; Shadyside 281; Squirrel Hill and Greenfield 297 318 7. OaklANd: THe NeRve ceNTeR oF edUcatioN ANd cUlTURe The University of Pittsburgh 322; Carnegie Museums, Schenley Park, and Carnegie Mellon 338; North Oakland 363; South Oakland 375 382 8. THe RIveR TowNS: ValleyS oF INdustry On the Monongahela 384; On the Ohio 408; On the Allegheny 426 442 9. THe Pittsburgh PeRIPHeRy: SUBURBIA, HistoRy, ANd ReNewAl Settlements South and West 445; Settlements North 457; Settlements East 469 Significant Buildings of Pittsburgh488 Further Reading 499 Index 503 Photo Credits 512.
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