Improved Relations Nixon Asks Pakistan
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A \ • \ v \ A \ •V PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, JULY 81, 1989 Averagfe Daily Net Pres.t Run A. V - t jlanth^Btpr lEnramg Herald For Hie Week Ended Tile Weather Y June 28, 1969 'lonely with continued humid ity tonight and tomorrow. Showers and thundershowers That^s S 15,459 likely. Tonight’s low in 80s. 1964 OLDSMOBILE Saturday’-, high in 80s. Manchester— 4 City of i illaiie ('harm UpThere! - ‘ ,'il ' ' / ^ , VOL. LXXXVIn, NO. 257 By TEBBT IVITAUA 88 4-DOOR SEDAN (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. AUGUST 1, 1969 (CUiNsifitHl .\tl\-*‘rtU la K on P.-uce 16) You’Ve been doing^ housework PRICE fEN CENTS ell day, the kids have been out • AUTO. TRANS. side ptaylngf, and the house has been quiet as a hockey rink in ■ • POWER STEERING August. So, since it’s so quiet, and since you’ve been working • RADIO Exactly^ Sir! - Y: so hard, you decide to take a short nap before starting sup HONOLULU (AP) - M.ij. per. You get your sandals off, Gen. Ben Sternberg asked Improved Relations put your head on the pillow, * 7 9 5 one of the !M soldiers arriving and— from Vietnam how long he SLAM ! goes the back door, in had been in the war zone. come your kids, and’ on goes TED TRUDON. Inc. "Exactly 302 days, sir!" the etereo. The peaceful sUence came the quick reply from o f the house, net to mention VOUISWAOEN • POB8CBE Nixon Asks Pakistan Arm y Spec, 4 Bill Sheriln of l.AHOltE. Pakistan Vietnam, recommencement of tual collaboration between our your nap is destroyed. BOC'TE 83, TOIXAiND TUBinPIia: TAIXJOfrTVIIXB Battle Creek, Mich. Well, ail (t took to bring the (AP) — Presi.lont Nixon U S arms supplies to Pakistan two countries The pattern of "D o you have It down to retaim of the s-----yesterday and iws.-ible .•Vmerican econom our relations has changed some- the hour?" the general ask arrixe.i in Pakistan today was a etory about how dismal and liejran talks witti Pres- ic assist.iiu'e P.ikistan’.s tense since then, but there la no ed. relations with India were also diminution in our mutual regard the weather had been. No soon i.ilent .M. Yaltya Khan er had the copy left the type "It wouldn't take me long believed lo have been discussed. nor. I am happy to say. In your writer when a ray of s—'llg^ht to figure It out.” the soldier wliii'h Nison hoped would At .1 sweltering airport cere- country’s interest in Pakistan's quietly poked through the gray JOHNSON SEAHORSE said. holster relations with the mon.v. both Nixon and Yahya well-bt'lng " cBouds. onetime close ally of the referred to the shift .since the >iix>w in reply referred to A t first no one could' beUeve I'niti-d States. days when .-Vmerlca and Paki "some strains In our relations" it. "It won’t last,’’ seemed to Bringing the .-Vslan ivirlion of stan were close partners In the over the years and said: bo the general consensus. But it their round-the-world lour to a antl-i'ommumst 's>nilhern tier ” ; Wliat we want to do on this OUTBOARD MOTORS across .-Vsia that Koater did last, and those gloomy Dem ocratic I'lo.'e, Nixon and hi.- wife ar- visit Is lo restore a' friendship weather reports of the past days riveii from India In itHl-degree Dulles pul together based on the mutual trust which changed last night to "mostly V/2 HP. fo 100 HP. ^-J^cramhlc heat. But most of tlu-ir 21 hour With the United Stales bogged Is so e.ssentlal to good relations sunny, a three in ten’ chance of .sta.v was to be spent in the spa- down In Vielnain .iii.t showing a b.-tweon two countries ’ ’ rain.’’ SALES — PARTS —• SERVICE i h'us. air conditioned old (Jover- niarke.l antipathy toward parti t' along the flve-nille But don’t get too wrapped up Expected ndr’s House Ihal the British left. clpatlon In any more .-\slan route frimi the airport to the In tWp sun (oops, I said It) EASY TERMS — USED MOTORS Nixon nn-l along with Yahya wars, Pakistan has recenlly thn-ernor's House waved flags light, because out over the WASHINGTON (AP) - Sc-n. ■It yjovernor's House for an hour been cultivating relations ' with .111.1 cheered, but the intense Open Daily 7:30 AJM.-5 PJIL — Tkun. to » Rockies, is the weekend’s rain, 'Edw ard M Kcniu-dy's rcjocticm and 40 minutes Then they were I'omimmlsl china, her big north. h.-:it reduced the turnout. The according to last night’s weath Satto4PJNL of 1972 pi'c*aldontiaI agplralloiiH. Joined by their aides for a fur .-rn neighbor .-rowd w.ia considerably less er forecast. It has been report could produce a Democratic |X) ther 20 minutes of discus.-loti Yahya rec.illed Nixon's visit than , the throng that greeted ed that up to half an Inch of litlcal scramble If It sticks. Sources said Ih.- the talks as vice president in 1933 and ■Mrs John E Kennedy when she rain le expected on Saturday. If Hut two (xileiUlnl participants w.-re wi.le i'.inging, umchlitg the said: visited laihore In ilB63 that prediction holds, w e’ll have .Nixon halted the motorcade In such a scramble aren't oer- topics of Asian security follow That Was the b.-ginnlng of a our fourth artralght weekend of tain the Kennedy disclaimer Is ing ..Sm.-lira’s wlth.lrawal from rain. M AL R H IN ES new era of cooperation .iiul mu (Se.- Pa*.'- Klxhl) Irrevocable. Oh well, maybe another story Formerly with Newberry’s Marine Is Now 4nanrlaftid .-\nd another Democratic sena Monday about how rotten the With Us la Our Marine Department. tor suggests pressurt- from with weather’s been will bring back the sun. in the party could change Ken CAPITOL EQUIPMENr OO. nedy's mind. Sci(»ntists Study Mariner 6 Pit'turt's Hospital Wing Beginning to Take Shape Kennedy, returning to the FOR A fter eight months of work, Shown here Is a view looking Groundbreaking ceremonies 38 MAIN STi — T E L . 043-78M (AP PholofiiM Uapitol for the first time sliu-e a rooms. Rough estimates of the $6-»10 mliUon. (Herald photo by lardilyreiNirted. fatal automo the now ♦0^4 million axldlUan west. The bottom two storlas of wore held lost Nov. 6, but con- cost of that project are from Pinto) REFLECTIONS ON THE MOON—The leflection lunar module and television cameras, are reflected bile aceldent July 18, said re- to " Manchester Memorial Hos- the three-story addition are .structlon crews had begun to of Astronaut Neil Annstrong, the U.S. /flag, the in the face of .-Astronaut .-\ldrin on moon surface. I'cati-dly Thursday he wovild not Odds Against Finding Life Cosmetics pUat la beginning to taJke shape plainly framed out, and the (tlcar the land about one week run for the W itte House In 1972 supports for the third floor cam before the official ceremonies. IPS be seen Jutting skyward. O o under any eircumstahees Soon after the wing is com It Yourself or Let Us Do It For You In announcing his return, and LOFT S KITCHEN Although loss than one third pleted, the BO-year-old original his Inleiitlon to run for re eler- On Mars Lengthened Today complete — the target date for part of the hospital, shown on AiTest Man lion next year, the Massachu Liggetts FRESH CANDY Two Exposed to Moon Dust opening the new wing Ls Janu the left side of the photo, will setts senator said If he wins an i’ .A 1> K N ,-V, ('alif. the my*terloux planet Imrlxui equatorial band »oine BelenttxU ary 1971 — construction appetirs bo demolished and a new build other term, he will serve all six (.Al’) 'I'lic odd.s life or ever did iuiv«j thouKht might bi‘nr vege AtThePDikad* WELDON DRUG CO. For Brutal to be on schedule, according to ing will bo erected in its place. years That would lake him finding lift* on ,Mar.s Bulentlatf wiu) plan lo ieml hriloiy beenuie It xeem* to dark- -,(i7 MAIN sri{i:i.'l BIANCHBBTER Paul Somoza, the lujslslant lul- The hew building will house od- WE HONOR through 1976. past the lu-xl pres Icngt’lu'iu-.i toda\ as scien Murfnee-xor.ili'hlng unmanned ***' ■prtng mlnlatrator of the hospital. mlntstniiUve offices plus patient Join Trio in Quarantine idential race tists stmiifd .Mariner (i’s lamllng uraft I*) Mars In the What\^ the Mpaeeurafrx two ■<> Girl Slaviii«: 1970* were uautlouN ih their ‘*‘im era*\ imw. however. w er« He wouldn't speculate about closest-evcr pictures of the TEMPLE’S SPACE CENTER, Hous tine with the Apollo 11 astro of air escaping into the vacuum ANN ARIJOR, Miuh iAJ*t Ills long rang.- (Hilllleal future commenta on liie {xuimbihty of "GeneB llVe American deiertf red planet. showing a ton (A P )— Two men were nauts at about 3 a.ra................. , chamber. The aiTfsl of i 23-yo.iu-okl man Theodore Sorensen, a long life wliere^ moimtnln rnngex exposed to moon dust late Otficinis said blood samples Officials said it was unknown In the brirtiil .slayinj; of Karen time iminiati- anil iHilltk-al ad- nieteorite-hjit tere.l surface Halil I>r Holterl Is'lghton rUe from\ waxtelnmli of ' 1 5 X 7 " A" hleauheil ftand have been taken from the two how much degredutlon two sam Sue Belneinan.