Innovator, 1997-06-06 Student Services

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Innovator, 1997-06-06 Student Services Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 6-6-1997 Innovator, 1997-06-06 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1997, June 6). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. June 6, 1997 " l _\_ A Governors State University Student Publication Volume 26, No. 9 I asu ARCHtves !Honorary The Ebonies sao-1~ Degree Letters to the Editor .......2 Recipients Career Connection .... 3-5 Controversy: Selected for News, Happenings . 3,9, 10 Commence­ Polygon Puzzles . ... 11 Teaching Tolerance Writing lab. 13 ment at Faculty Honors. 14 and Acceptance GSU Arts & Entertainment ..... 15 by Denise Graham Zahn by Candice Sexton ' that's wrong,' rather than say­ Youth," edited by Geneva Literary Section ........ 16 Public Information Coordina­ Editor ing 'this is the language we want Smitherman. tor Next Issue: July 14 to use here."' "After the Egyptian and In­ An honorary degree of Doc­ What is Ebonies? Coined "The way I teach students, dian, the Greek and Roman, the tor of Humane Letters will be from the words "Ebony" and said Dr. Muhammad," is this: the Teuton and Mongolian, the Ne­ conferred upon four candidates "phonics," this one word has language you use is defined by gro is a sort of seventh son, born at the 1997 commencement ex­ triggered a heated debate since the audience you're trying to with a veil, and gifted with sec­ A campus ercises at Governors State Uni­ the Oakland school district rul­ reach. A good example is my ond-sight in this American world versity on June 7 and 8. "¥'Directory ing several months ago. doctor: my doctor talks to me - a world which yields him no According to Dr. Cecilia The idea of Ebonies is "still one way, but when he's in the true self-consciousness, but only Main Campus Infonnation Rokusek, dean of the College of controversial despite research operating room cutting on me, he lets him see himself through the Une: (7()8) 534-5000 Health Professions at GSU and I dating back three decades, talks to his coworkers differently, revelation of the other world. It Public Safety (Campus chair of the committee that se­ which documents that it is a Again, when he' explaining is a peculiar sensation, this Police) lected recipients for Board of legitimate linguistic system and how he cut on me, he again uses double-consciousness, this sense Emergency: ext. 111; Trustee approval, the committee not merely a collection of ver­ a different language than when of always looking at one's self Non-emergency: ext. 4900 seeks candidates who have con­ bal aberrations arrived at by the he's with his coworkers. It's through the eyes of others ... One tributed professionally and per­ Registration: (708) 235-8887 reckless violation of the rules grounded in different terminol­ ever feels his twoness - an sonally to their respective fields Child Care: ext. 4560 of a so-called superior variety ogy." American, a Negro: two souls, but have also contributed directly Computer Services: ext. 5370 or indirectly to GSU's mission. Gym: ext. 5325 "It is important to us that we se­ lect outstanding leaders and pro­ Ubrary: Book renewal: ext. fessionals from a diverse pool of 4112; Reference: ext. 4111 Co s nominees," said Rokusek. Student Ufe: ext. 4550 Nominations are submitted The Center for Perfonning by GSU faculty, staff, students Arts: (708) 235-2222 and board members. The list is then processed by the commit­ tee with final approval made by Campus of English. The intent here is Most people know that two unreconciled strivings; two the board of trustees. "It is a not to argue the existence or Ebonies is "Black Talk," or Af­ warring ideals in one dark body ... Hours/ lengthy process, and appropri­ overall merits of (Ebonies). rican-American Vernacular En­ The history of the American Ne­ ately so because of the signifi­ Roo The case has been made quite glish. "This term looks at it as a gro is the history of this strife­ cant importance of this honor," Bookstore: 1st Floor, Rm. well by scholars," stated Keith science, more so than the term this longing to attain self-con­ said Rokusek. D1493- Mon.-Thurs., 10:30 Gilyard in his book "Voices of Ebonies, but Ebonies is a popu­ scious manhood, to merge his a.m.-7:30p.m.; Fri., 10:30 This year's recipients are The the Self." lar term,'' stated Muhammad. double self into a better and truer a.m.-3 p.m. Hon. Aldo DeAngelis, Georgie Ebonies is a bridge to stan­ "It's a cultural thing. It's a lan­ self. In this merging, he wishes Anne Geyer, Irving B. Harris and ChUd Care: Hantack House - dard English,'' said Dr. guage that was created in this neither of the older selves to be Richard Hunt. Rokusek said that Mon. & Wed., 7:30 a.m.-7:45 Rashidah Muhammad, GSU country from west African lan­ lost." a.m.; Tues., Thurs., & Fri., 7:30 DeAngelis is an "incredible ex­ professor of English. "If we guages, particularly Yoruba, lbo Said Muhammad, "When a.m.-5:15p.m.; Sat. & Sun., ample of someone who has given take a really deep look at our and some of the languages along you have people that you want Closed to the GSU community both as language that we use, which we the west coast of Africa." to work [referring to slaves], tak­ Computer Services: 2nd Fir., a citizen and as a former state term in linguistic circles as the "Black Dialect is an ing them from their home, you Rm D2431- Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 legislator." Geyer is a journalis­ language of "wider communi­ Africanized form of English re­ don't want them to create an up­ a.m.-10:30 p.m.; Fri., 8:30 tic leader recognized for her out­ a.m.-9 p.m.; Sat., 8:30 a.m.-5 cation," rather than standard flecting Black America's lin­ rising, so generally you put standing communications contri­ p.m.; Sun., 5-9 p.m. English, because once you say guistic-cultural heritage and the people from different tribes to­ butions to news and events on something is standard your say­ conditions of servitude, oppres­ gether so they can't communi­ Gym: A Building, Recre­ national and international fronts. ing something is nonstandard. sion and life in America," said cate. So, they have to learn how ational Center - Mon.-Fri., 6 Harris has been a tremendous a.m.-1 0 p.m.; Sat., 8:30 a.m.-5 Research has shown that lan­ Geneva Smitherman in her book to communicate with each other, contributor to education through p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. guage is historically grounded "Talkin and Testifyin, The Lan­ talk to each other, in the presence philanthropic involvement, new in people, language is our cul­ guage of Black America. " of the enemy, which in this case Ubrary: 2nd Floor, Rm. program development and policy D2400- Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 tural. Language is how we The language has been stud­ is the slave master, without him influence in education, and Ri­ a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8:30 carry our cultural. And so if ied for many years. W.E.B. knowing what they're saying. So chard Hunt has "undoubtedly left a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 5-9 p.m. you say 'this is right' and DuBois spoke on this topic in his this language has to develop many contributions of symbolic you're saying 'this is wrong' it book "Souls of Black Folk", trifold .... They develop a sort of Student Ufe and Box Office: immortality through his beauti- Student Center, Rm. A1120- defeats our purpose in language 1903, and taken from the book 'Pigeon English' and the way Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m.-1 0 p.m.; studies." She continues, "Black English and the Educa­ Sat., 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun., 1- "We're telling them, our kids, tion of Black Childre11 and continued on page 8 continued on page 10 Sp.m. 0 1997l1lc lnl'lOVOitor 2 June 6, 1997 Other The Student Senate: At From the Telephone Work On Many Issues Editor Numbers/Hours by Jennifer Parker -they help create a strategic marketing This will be my last issue as Editor of Admissions: 1st Floor, Atrium, plan for the university. They help create the Innovator. It has been my pleasure Rm. D1400- ext. 5708 The recent GSU elections have the image of GSU, what is seen by the serving GSU and its students in this Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-7 given us several new people with fresh outside world. This helps gain the capacity since January, 1997, when I p.m.; Fri., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; 1st & ideas for the next school year, but what interest of prospective students. took over this position from Allean 3rd Sat., 10 a.m.-noon does the student senate actually do for Currently, the president of the senate Phelps. Bookstore: ext. 4558 us? The student government is a very (Bradley) is serving on the Community A lot of hard work and long hours have important part of every college commu­ Safety Review Panel.
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