TBTJTH SPOILS BOMANOE. A NIPPON" Ziatude'a Long Captivity Proves to "DAI LDCOL HOMES National Cane Shredder Be the Figment of an Imagina- Hotel Street (Arlington Block) tive Mind. tS 111 For more than 100 roars French Juat Received another Invoice ot THE iwrnNTM-- IINDKH rHK LAWB ok thb Hawaiian imi.aniu. men have wept ovor tho sorrows of Latude, who was imprisoned iu tho Japanese Fancy Goods &r Bastile for thirty-fiv- e years, snjs a BEST Paris correspondent. One of tho - AN- D- s iililco auk Bazaar most popular dramas ovor written is called "Latude; or. Thirty-fiv- e Years NOVELTIES! PAINT fry $ Cys of Captivity," ami it has only re- cently been revived in Paris. Thoro coMrnismo is no doubt that the story of Latude's W. P. Reynolds, : Prop. unmerited sufferings, as written by OIL! PEARL CITY himself, had much to do with the Dress Goods! popular feeling which lod to the Plain and Figured Bilk and Or ape. destruction of Bastilo in 1789. Save Half the Amount of Your Oil the MORNING GOWNS But, alas, tho story, wo are uow told, &gSZ? Bill Through Saving in Pigment. Papers, must bo relegated to tho category ?&& of fictitious legends. A writer iu Plain Bilk and Kmbroldered. Every painter should nee Lucot, in- - I ?SSiSi3ai the Matin has been led to louk up dlcnd of Linseed Oil, because: j the subject, owing to the fact that a Silk and Cotton Kimonos 1. Lucot is more diirn&fe than I.lnseed UtfUEKSIUSEI) HAVE HKI2N APPOINTED SOLE AUENT8 FOK ' portrait of Latude and n ladder said '.'HE Bilk Funs, Cushions, Oil. i to bo the one by moans of which the 2. Lrtcnt, is more tconomlcnl than Lin- ' tbeeo ynutDiiKr.'! nin ir-- now prepared to receive onture. Newspapers, Kmbroldered Bilk Tea Cosies ! Iri):n famous prisoner mado his escape seed Oil. Tlic great uilvtHUugt: bi ilurivuU the ttao of the National Oaik j Table Covers, Ued Oorers, ! have added tho curiosities fUKKUDUii itro tuurouglily chtabh-tbe- ntnl nokn'jwMgocI by Plautore been to. Bilk Sashes, Neckwear. PROOF THAT LUCOL IS MOItK Kvii'irnlly. in the Hotel Carnaveiot. The Cheva TMTJB ' DUHADLE. s lier rto as he call- Tli3 larg unmbur ol Pl.mU-r- using them m th United Stutua, Cuba, Periodicals Latude, or Latude, Beautiful China Ware I IV-- u, ed himself, was, seems, in reality Aigoutluo Kfjmblio, Aiiati.vliiv urt uJowbero, bear witneas to thu i it Six years of uclual use In oxtcrior Palnd Bowls, Hnn-lx- Dlshea, above claim, named Danry and his narrative is a houso painting in California (the pack of lies, is a surgeon's as- I'latea, Ktc, Ktc, Ktn. Tho umj of tho btiuKunuH vry Utguly utigmtsut tl quantity ol crtue . llu must trying climate for paints), in - who w.1.4 several im- Un mill can grind (25 i itOji, ul tut- uAtnuMiou of jttleo (6 to 127.). J sistant, times the burning heat of the Arizona Des- i And prisoned for swindling. On 0110 oc- Smoking Oabu Railway & Co. It a i;rcnt rHiici aril, making knovrn at onto tbo presouco of auy , Latest Jackets! ert, tho Arctic cold of Alitskn. and on bid ji.rci'g ol iruii, hi truiii r or uttytliiuf; wiiicu would be lmblo to damage casion ho sent a mysterious powder coast, have fully and ta its, Mmo. Bilk and Cotton Palntnas. the Atlantic (he mill, and iiilwug am pit time to mime boforo damaging tho mill. to Pompadour aud thou made practically shown I.ucol always overtures iu order to obtaiu money that Ths S:iKtrir.c very -- iruiigly uinile, and from tbc manner of its opera-I'o- n outwears Linseed Oil under the eamc it cut or tears licsi- - jiivc of wood or iron without oftuu breaking the for denouncing certain imaginary JiPj&HESE SCREEHS! conditions. All the acid works in mikkjjduh: and if it of Novels accomplices with whom ho was sup- Frunclpco Lin- anything break, uieiinply come the knives or cutters, posed Rags, Elegant Lamp Blisdes, San have discarded OKKKIW THK PUBLIC rhtch bo quickly and teon.nniully replaced. Tho Kiikkudkr, m Its to lo conspiring against her seed Oil fur on life. Mme. do Pompadour did not Bainboo Canes, Lunch Ussketa. Lucol. tame fudicucD, icr the cuuu into eliroJs of varying lengths, perfectly open nam boo Valises. Japanese Traya. lug it aud nllow hit, tbc uii'l to thoroughly press out the juices without fall into tho trap. That Danry was Rtn., Kin., Ktc., Rio. ILLUSTRATE THIS YOURSELF. llu immense power grind whole ovor a political prisoner la confident- extra iit.txasary to or crush the By the ly Put strong ammonia on Linseed and 0 auo. The SllitMjiihH spread.' he shredded uniformly aud evenly to douied. caue Mrs. J. P. P. Gollaco. Proprietress. Lucol paitite. Tho Linseed pulntu Another Great Opportunity l lo mill rolle, and de away with the necessity of spreading the bagaMO by aro destroyed in a few minutes; tho tMnd between of Bayings of tho Sages. tho tuilh, wbero reminding is iu use. No greater amount Lucol tialnts are practically unaffect boiler cHprcity is rcquin.il to nperatu tho Siirkdukr than that which M " Poor folks have their vanities as ed. juUieieut (or tbc null, for the above nuon. We furnish full working Australia." well as tho rich. Grtfley. crawiugs (or the installation of our SmiKuDnas, enabling any competent on-jini- To know how to dlsnomblo is tho PROOF THAT LUCOL IS MORE to riicc.tfil'y hintuU and start them. knowledge of kings. lllchrtieu. ECONOMICAL. To iMmor Home In One of Um Moat In ordering ii'&uut.Ke' from us, pleate send small sketch, showing the Holl is as as condemn- ubiquitous - tliamcter mid width of tho mill tolls with which 3iim:uuix is lo be connected, ing conscience. '. IP. Ilobcrtson. r.- rw Break up 1) llu. paste whlto lead DalUxhttuI LooatlitlM to ba aI'o (he side (cithei rirflti or It ft band as you face tho delivery eido of the The imaginations of men are in a V. in one pint of Li'cot., and tho Mine -- mill;, uh)i which tho mill eugiu? i loetted, also tho height from floor line SY. . i. .aS (tifititily in ono pint of Linseed Oil. great measuro under thu control of r'ex'.t ti round tn the Paratdta to center of front mil! roll hsit, ami center this shaft to front end thoir opinions. Mucaulay. ..'..:.'.: Spread the paints on similar dark of bed plate. These are now being used by Hibt Hugar Oo. Mirfaucs for comparison. The Lucol iiiKMii'ii the Thou wilt always rejoice in tho of the Paelflo. itiid H.iwi .Mill, KhImK, wliero tlioy arc-- giviua great sAtisfactiou. evening if thou hast spent tho day Wholesale Retail. paint spreads ns far us aud covers l& J'rliV" am) lur'.lier jtartieulurs may bo bad by applying to profitably. Thomns a fCtmjilt. a much hotter than the I.insctd paint. It is nevor worth whilo to sucrgest To get equally good covering with the WM, G. & CO., L'd., I Linseed oalut you have to use 2 lbs. IRWIN clever- doubts in order to show how - or- - rui.L link of white lead to ono of Liimccd Aa a healthy raaort-fe- arl Olty taaa 1 ly we answer M'hatrly. pint i 1 THE F0EEION LEPABTMENT can thorn. There is no doubt such a thing as Oil. TMi mean a saving of J ll. of already established an enrlable reputation. or tiik Lucol, Many chance, but 1 seo no reason why paste lead lo each pint of used, nood clllteni In thli oommanlty 0 every gallon, equivalent haTe experienced the wonderfal effect pro- riCI.KI'HUNK llrf p. o. box m HONOLULU Providouce should not tnako use of I or lbs. to it. iSVmrnx. Japanese v Goods to your Having moro than half the duced by a few dayi aojonrn In that dry, llrel coat of thu Lucol. cool atmosphere, and giro grateful teali-mon- y - Ono of the godlike things of this CI LAS. I1USTACE, Free -:- Kindergartens world is tho veneration shown to Litoi, is not in competition with to the rollet they have almost Silk and Cotton Dress Goods, cheap Limiced Oil subaliliitce. galnod front aerere and long con- WILL OPEN human worth by tho hearts of men. IMTOItTKU AND DEALER IN ,Curlyle. tinued attacks of aathma. Phyalolana acquainted with the climate of Pearl Olty Oa Moactj, September 10th Wo lovo to ozpocl. and whon ex- fttc.. Kto Ktc. Kto. 1 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR and PEED. pectation is eithor disappointed or recommend It aaa natural sanitarium. At 0 o'clock a. M., at Knitna Hall, corner wo ex- RWIMO ol Nuuanu and Heratanla ntreet. gratlfiod want to bo again Ml m Mia Hannah K. Kattit.au, a principal of pecting. .odmoii. I fresh California Roll Batter and Island Bntter Silk, Liuea and Crape Shirts aeTcral years' experience tn the Onldeu Oroat minds, like heaven, aro LjIJITBID, Uate Krte Kindergartens of Ban Kranclaco ploasod in THE WATER SUPPLY UT ALWAYS ON BAND J0M here, doing good, though the will have miperrUlon of the work ungrateful of KlndtTKattHU hours: Iroui 0 to t'i. Tub subjects thoir favors UK CUMI'liKTK BTOOK -- Agent;; for the Hawaiian Island Set Goods KecMvcd by Every Slcamer from Sao Frdbdsou Hon: Ircc. aro barren in return. How. - A tralnlnn dais for Klnderpartenern, Unbounded courage and compas- Made by Yamatoya ol Yokohama, IS armloiiR AMPLE! UT-- All Ontvra diitliMily nn-li.- l lo. sutlslnrtloti nukmnloort. Ilnn tirrtn with three af'vrnonn each week, sion joined proclaim him good and suil t trJ nltli raru. will he orKnlred hy Mlti Koiioan, on eW When you are In need ot anr Hue L. B. KERR'S filii'itl Tuesday, Ueptember I'tli. at'J o'clock, in great, aud mako tho hero and tho nf Japanese tioodi, Rlve ua first call and Ltvvu HirtCR, Kino Strbki. Un. I'ubt and Ai.akka Srum. tli cUis-riHJ- at Emma Hall. uiau complete. Aildimm. save roIuk all around town. Tuition for training clans: HUiwr month. Wo aro oil of us moro or loss And on be Uiurvaaert to meet the needs ol Aiillcatlon for adrnmsloii to trio K nder a equal to largeet In ganen or trnlnltiK cUhm inuy he made lo echoes, repeating involuntary tho ANNOUNCEMENT! population tbe city iK'M rKi.i:i honks aw .f O BOX Wl t'l. principal, .Miai Kastman, or to Mrs, virtues, the defects, tho movements, ITOETATST, tbe world. Hurrlet Castle Coleman, Klnanclal He. ro- and tho cbaractors of those among 80S Xtort Bt xxaoki Cuotoca rCenxm 1'aor. A.D. Ltons of Oahu OoUage la tary Honolulu Kite KlnderKartena whom we & CO., 1122 tf lv.Jnulrrt. our authority for atatlng that the water LEWIS Heroes iu history seem to us poe- I HAVE JL'ST RKCl'.lVhP A supply la the unrest yet dlacorered tn thla tic because they aro Hut if 13,444. fc'OKT rtTKKET. there. "Stock Chief," LAROK AfiSORTMKNT OK . . country. W we should tell tho simple truth of Empire Saloon, some of our neighbors it would Ofloht, 16.2. Weight, 1,300. sound liko poetry. IP. d1 Retail Grocers 0. Curlh. Special iDdQctmeDis to Kutj i 100 iters, Whobale Ooroar Betal ft JIimbb StrMta Ho who Indulgos his sousn in any Fine Suitings, Mm excesses renders himself obnoxious to his own reason, and to gratify we will tho in him diripleAMtn Elogant Patterns, For ninety daya from data Mil Provision Dealers & Naval Supplies - brute tho , LOTS ON TKRMB to CHOICE OLD - and sets his two virtues at variance. BI'KOIAL farorable --Scott. bona-fld- e aettlera. For a term of three L'resh Goods by Every California Steamer. and Latest Styles. build-lu- g Who would dio in his month from data, lumber and all Family Wines and Brandies not dear will be supplied, deliver- I(J10 - 1IOLTS15 - - - country's piuce, if base foar material! and GOODS A SPECIALTY. cause, ed at Olty mnch lower prioe than his dantard step from I'earl at OciNANTCkD. A BI'KCIAl.TY. withdraws, .THKSR OOOriS WILL UK HOLD IN erer before obtained. Isua"m Ouukhx Sotfcirm. i? STisr(rrios death ho cannot fly om common fff j ASY QUANTITY PROM A grave receives at lut the coward For further particular, call at thla office PORT SUERKY and tho bravo. -- FitUUug. ur on any of the lumber dealer In thla TKI.K'.'UON'K : - - -- P. 0 BOX M Jlrnry It is harder tn avoid cuiisum than 100 Yards Down to Enough city. Those who now own Iota aa well aa B3 Old. is gain thoee who propose to become reeldenta ot Ac Years it to applause, for this may II. K. MolNTYKE IHi()M bo done by one wisn or great action to Make a Single Salt I that growing city, will do well to erabrao in au age, but to oncapn censure a thi opportunity. Thoee who Mali them-selre- s luruRTKiu ! nieufcas in I man must pass his whole life with- , of thla offer, within the tint named, E. N. REQUA Block Ohli-f- mil: by Ftuokliuf Chief, - AND Al - 102U MANAOKlt 16m out eaying or doing 0110 ill or foolish '.a'); hy Clark Chief, M); hy Mamhrliio will be enUtled to, ahd will receive the ! rnnQj'm - - - thiug. i7uii. Chief, 11; hy .Mitii.lirliui I'liyinniter bv following beneflUt Uf UUGNUO Provisions and Feed. Ho alone aright who, Mamhrimi hy Imported Mi's-envu- r; Block r reads history Doll by term ot ten yean, this Company how Chlel'silam ii Anliir. laVJ; bv Hard Times Prices! For ifY Oixxiii Uni!imJ hy Kvnry 1'arkvt iron, llie Katrn HUIb and tfaiui Merchants' Exohange observing powerfully circutn :M; by Alxandiini Abdullah, IS; by will carry each resident and their families stances iuflunuce tho feelings aud Hambletoidan, IU, hy Abdsllah, 1, hy from Pearl Olty to Honolulu In tho morn- KKKSH CALIFORNIA I'ltODUiG - BV - EVERY STEAMKH opinions of meu, how often vices MuuhrliKibv Imiortiil Messenger. "Like fl. I. BIIAW, Proprietor. lit;6lN Like." J I reed to tlm best. ing arriving a little before aeven o'cloek, pass into virtues aud paradoxes into L. 13. KERR, - Impoiitkr, Irom to Pearl Olty the (ill ft.iihfiilv HtUitnleit lo mid OimhU llMvsrtd to nj axioms, aud Honolulu in Orrtr learns to distinguish what is Terms Cash. Fee S25.00. evening leaving a r'ri ol iti 'Uy KUKK accidental aud transitory human Honolulu station little Ohoico to QUKKN STRKKT. after live o'clock), for ten cent each way, .StJLlCll ED GaARAHTKsia Liquors nature from is iA. I'urther lufiirmatlnn can be oh-- 1L NP lKl'Kltii Sri3rOTioii what esneutial aud a lea one cent per mile. The immutable. Mucaulay. tallied from rate than K'HT roitNKI. "iijfl V! KISO HTKKKTP. A. It. ROWAT, n. V. S., rates ou all other paaseuger train running To Iw Knntf.-jrn- r entirely just in our estimate ft KIiir Btrrct. during the day or uight will be IX oenta and Pine Beer of other ages is uut only dilUuuit "CLEVELAND" per mile Hrst claaa, and 1 oent per mil but is impossible. Even is W. W. AHANA, WM. DA what second class. VIES, passing in presence wo IIKLI, TKI.EPHONH U1. our see YOKOHAMA BAZAAR, & through a glass darkly. In histori- of A good school la about to be opened Iu Rigger Stevedore, cal inquiries tho most instructed Are Never Ashamed their the Peninsula, In the One, large, uew (Vr. KlnK and Nuuann Btrevt, Honolulu. Corner Nunann ft Hotel Streets thinkors have but a limited udvau-tag- e Mouuts. Other Riders acbool-hous- e erected by Mr, J, T. Water-hous- e. WRB OKSJK.. over the most illiterate. Those Resident liviug at Pearl Olty CSTIMATKH AND OONTKACTB ON PACIFIC HOTEL who know tho most approach least Often Are I heights., above Pearl City station and Al.l. KINDS OK WOUK. to agreement. Mamie. New Goods! New Goods! those having home on the Peninsula, will Merchant Tailor, Corner Ring & Nnnann Bta. be allowed to ride free on regular train Thu Stmr " AN Knw. i : Manager. betweeu Pearl Olty stations to and from 333 ITuuanu E3ui. WAIM AIO" WoLTai, i i Band Ooncort. RROKIVKI) DY EVERY BTKAMKR. Will nm rei;iilarjy httwun this portsnJ the Peninsula. VS'alrtlim, Kiiwallmiml, Mokulela, Keawo- - Finest of Wines k Liquors Tho public baud, under the lender-shi- p Those who want to continue, to seud KINK SUITINGS nul aud I'uulki on the Inland of Oahu. their ho' KrclKlit, etc., apply to the Captain. Billiard & Reading Room of Prof. Borger, will give a con- Silk Dress Goods, chlldreu to schooU in Honolulu, can have cert this oreiiing at 7:.'M) o'clock, transportation ou all regular train to and Imiuire at olllco of J. 8. Walker ran ro rATioaa. at Emma Square. Following is -- ALL COLOR- B- uver Uprccuelii' Hank, Kort street. U67-- tf from Pearl Olty, for the purpose of attend- English, Scotch and American Goods. unvxL T3C3jaci3ioiTae 373 the program: .IAPANESE SILK CRAPE, ing bebool, at live cent each way for each pupil. This 1 equal to M to tf mile ride tityl" ninl Kit UiiHruntn(t. PART 1. Plain and Brocaded; A. F. Medeiros & Co. Ovrrturo Masnnlello .. Anber for ten cent. AT THE ANCHOR riucolo Bold ISoliemlim fllrl .I'rrndivllle JAPANKBK COTTON CRACK I a Equal inducement for thoee desiring to Ktintasia Mouiitio Dnncu. HIlciihurK QO 1 0 F Vie pretty llht wheel (Jlouuing & Ro wiling Oyatar Oocktalla I Me'odluu uf Northern aa IMa, ur rod work isi t It? secure homes in tills country have never "H Kuroi KuhuiT Silk and Night That'lllathe weight of the mauhiiiu Merchant Tailors I Shirts Shirts, thul beforo been otlered public. Bauer Brunnen I'Aiir 11. H. K. Walker rftteti. to tho Mutual Tnle. 668. P. 0. Boi 144 Fredericksburg Beer I Orand March ltienzl. . .Warner Hilk illouses. Bilk Neckties, This Company ba been requested from Kill! (ill! Uundnlle The Times. . (.'oute Haudkercblefb, Bhawla, Bushes. The "CLEVELAND" IS A GREAT SUCCESS Hdiol Ht aniter ArlliiKUm Hotel, Straight and Mixed Drloks Thu Beriinn tine Jlancu. UlllHt Hoalery and Chemlaea, abroad to name the price of all their nn-voi- d t'ulka- - llllo liny llerger land Iu that locality. Of All Klndi and Quality. lluwull Ponol. Beit H. E. WALKER, to Latest Patterns in Suitings ! Should a clearance aale be made a Pur Milk SontBVMt OorBer E1b I: Numb 8ta Silk and Cotton Kimonos syndicate, no opportunity like the present Home and Abroad. Agent. Honolulu, U I. eS Hm.'fltveit by Every Hwaniet wonld again occur for tbe poruhas 01 AOTJEN, 11 S-A.L- l H. is Japanese Trays. a in boo Brrrens. CDimnlDi Block, Merebiol SI home at Pearl Olty. FOR PEKFECT FIT OR NO 8ALE. It the duty of everyone, whether Tea BoU, Klower t'otx, Kto., Ktc. GUN-MAKE- homo PRAOTIOAL KI at or traveling for pleasure or business, to equip himauli with tho Prices Cheaper than Ever ! Ring Up Both Telephones 122 Delivered Twice Daily OEYLON TEA AND JTEWELBY. I beg to Inform Bportlng Men and tbe remedy which will keep up strength Oeneral Publlo that I am prepared to He. and prevent illness, and I HKU TO INFOKM THK fUUlilll pair and Kenorate erery deacrintlon of cure such rim to 'IO ANY I'AUl OK TIIK 1'1'JV J tliat I lieve ooiifd my Blorn at No. WI KIrearina. Guna, Kiflea and KeTolrert ills as are liable to come upon all in "A Word the Witt ii Nnntiiii) street with Ceylon Manufactared skillfully UlnelnRand Drown. every day life. Hood'a SarBapnrilla LAM'S BICYCLE Matoal Hell 4G0 Juvtclry Hat with KuIiIm, Hapihlrea, Pearli, lug done in any ibade. Klrit-clai- a work, keeps the blood pure less Baggage Express, etc. Just received some Pure Ceylon Tea manahhi guaranteed. Ouatooiera promptly and liable SniticiMt." to absorb the germs of disease. l trv It. AUo Indian Hahana and Dantnn attended to For Sal tftand at HollliiKer'aHhoeluk'Bhnii, WAIALAE RANCH. riL'.im An iimiwitlnn of my ntnok i noil vex. Address Unn i nssr Kurt. W. J. HADItiH, UNION HTHKKT, HONOLULU Hood's pills aro hand made, and UCrJ-ll- ii l JHKMII ItO I'n.p No. 4.Vi Nunanil htrret JAM KB POLLOCK perfect in proportion mid appear-Alic- e, "COLUMBIA" JOHN T. BROWN, LTic, jier box. MUSIC LE8BONB. OAHU RAILWAY LAND CO, JIO YWN KI3K & CO., liHaler In Hawaiian and Korelgn Postage Used hut llltlu As l'oihI its new. Bold en a I Humps. P.O. Uoz 411, Honolulu. account of owner leaving the wiuiitry llto'l'.S.iOlt IIUAIII.KY UlVIIh I.KH Miniuturo Art, II Nuilriil 1 In IIIi.IimmI ttrlnMtt 0lv1.ll flip lttllllifMl aril! Ilfcf'il UeV- - Call or 1 4IPI win blnuini;. . Violin and addnoi nishesniid nintstvMre Wiiulmtl I At i Hi ii 'IVrms. ii un hnuri )l. half hour. Hnwallan Hianuia In eirhbnite for other Williams' Studio are to bo soon ('looks. Wiilnlie and Jewelry Waiilwl l from ilrat-clas- s sheet H. r UlLLiNUllAM, iiu"iiiu linn vi jttiirv mi enHire as ur. uiiintrlea aimrnva Portraits on Watch Dials, which he Honolulu Oyolory, Old Uold ami Oilvur Wanted I PlmnMiiij, Ctc. lanl.l mid uimir trainer liuI It iiihu lo an Bheeta forwarded to any part of the Islands Tinsmiths, i is lliaklllL' a Hlmeialli' of. I.untiirn iiil'uu 111111I In thiMH tniisrllliia. llfwt nf 1111 aimllratloii with town referenre. IIUI l 107 KIiik Street. Rigliftit Prlooi Paid I te.tliiiiKilAls. Al Kmiiia atrvr-t- Mutual; J. T, II, la open to meet any collectors hy Slides for lecture by the rot or W jn OltOUKlillY and UI.ANhWAllIC leluilij!u-IW- , illb-v- j appointment, lll'i-v- ui I dozen, 77u Daily Hulutin, 60 eenli per monfa 11 't Kiut; Utruot, Oornnr of AluUou, UKNKUAL MANAUKU.