Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-04-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-04-1916 Journal Publishing Company University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-4-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-04-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-04-1916." (1916). abq_mj_news/1804 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY ALBUQUERQUE MO JOURNAL EDITION 1 - i : : n K u 1 1 ; r v s i T n v Daily hy Carrier or Mnll,7 I Albuquerque, New Mexico, Wednesday, October 4, 1916 Vill..S( II.. N. i. A Mouth. Single. Cupios, Oo TO RAISE GREAT FUND WORLD SERIES TOLL OP SITUATIOiM III EFFORTS Can the Leopard Change Its Spots? HEM FOR ARMENIAN RELIEF MADE BY IBV MllRNINd JOURNAL aRICIAL lA,,D WIRI, I ive .M il's ngx, at a lime when New Mexico was a normally republi- DEATH TAKEN Washington, o,t. ;i. The greatest TO BE BETWEEN can slate, Ihc republican candidates lor the principal state olflivs IN DOBRUDJA STILL A me, i. an relief , a mpaign to be un TEUTONIC TROOPS were overwhelmingly dcicntisl. dertaken since oi ga iiz.ilion of the One of ( In- - principal reasons lor Hnir defeat was III ItKI.I.I IsM. I'clgian Belief commission. was Prank lluhh.'ll was not u oundlii'ite for any office, but the lin t that launched today by (lie Anicocan com- - SOX ills Inl'ltii'iiiT exerted III the noni.liatiuu ol'the ticket was iilfiilcnl TRAGEDY U CERTAIN; N BOSTON RED to detent it. BRIDGE WS leiiiee lor Armenian ami Syrian re TO HC E This year I 'rank. Iluhliell Is in his own person u for the lief. An exhaustive suiiimnr of the highest office in the gilt of the p nplo of New .i'iin. lie actually whole Arm, in, m and S rlan situation whims to Ik- - rnite slates senator. was made public and will be to scut If the tinnl of lliiblH'llisin was sufficient to defeat the republic!!! I to uiimslers of I Jii.imiii churches all SUPERBAS ,'n or AT CLEVELAND IS NOT SUCCESSFUL ticket Kill, what Is to lie said the candidacy or lluhhcll hlinselr o er the inanity, and to uianv lend- M for I uitcd Slates senator in Hilt!'.' ing citl.cns and ichef oi g.iiy..,i ions. Has lliihhclli'.m liHimie less disreputable in llllll than it was in A fund of $;,,ooii,imoi is calN-- for Hill'.' Is Iluhliell more respectable M!iicnlly noxv than he was Ihc to relieve I I'll H, nil ,1 destitute, exiled years nun? Dim-s- i be stiind for any different principles in xhtics (inlay Final Test of Strength in Na- than then.' lias lie reformed? Cars Collide, Causing Struc- Rumaiiians Continue til Gaill M'inillL: Armenians and svrians. In the Region East of Novo The nominal ion of I rank IIuIiIh-I- I for ted States senator was an si atteied htoadcast oxer Tutke.x, I'et In. Collapse in tional League Shows Trol- insult to the iMple of New .Mexico, Will the tliivnt citizens of the ture to and Plunge Transylvania, but s'a, Sytl.i and Palestine, The appeal Alcxandrovsk Dense Ger- state, democrats, Mibmil, thai L'.i'tU'.iMitl Ar- Ahead of republican or tamely to that insult? Passengers Thiity Feet to and Sophia Send declares of nearly ley Dodgers Out The Journal claillciigcs '('ii " (.illonvvnlcr, Ilubbcll's political menians originallv in their native man Columns Are Held in manager, to name one solitary ,i iiliftcuiiiui that his man has lor the Below, country, t hree i,ua iters of a million Field in Pennant Race, n Railroad Tiaeks Out Repoils at Vaiiance, Check by Soldiers of Czar, office that lie seek. It challenge any Mipiortcr of lliibliell to give l ave I n massa. ,e, or have died of he single reason why he should sent to the I idled mmcs senate. It wounds, disease, or exhaustion since challenges liny one who knows the man to tell x herein he is represent -- the war began. of ti e intelligence, patriotism and xillue or the state. RAIN FIRST GAME TO BE atle TELEPHONE OPERATOR INTERFERES WITH The stati' department, through ur- 5.000 PRISONERS TAKEN There are many things to Ik' said alsnil I rank lliililicll. Itut let's gent negotiations, recently secured PLAYED SATURDAY ho fair to him. Let's give him and his friends a cham-- to say something HEROINE OF OCCASION OPERATIONS ON SOMME IN TWO DAYS' BATTLE In his fix or. liefoi'e going further with the subject let's ask them to Turkey's consent to xteii: ion of answer this noMioii: American ichef, provided it is dis- Wll T ol ALII'ICVI IOX II A S I'KAMv III Bill I I. Kill IMT-- I tributed Jointly by the American Bed I Gi Sitting Fighting in Pi ogress Tn-da- Struggle Opens in Beantown I) ST I I S SKN A OK? at Switchboard Violent Cross and the Tuikisb Ke, Cross, v Violent Artillery Duels North Sees Accident and Imme- in Russia and Galieia; Seibs it was aniioiinci, that the allied of Report- for Two Days, Then Trans- blockade had been lifted lo allow pas- the Sommc Ate fers to Sleepville for Two; diately Summons Ambu- Victoiious Over Bulgais in sage of Ihc supplies, in tober L' t ami ed; the Enemy, However, was disgusted witii the playing of bis BUSINESS CONDITIONS have set scl ,tsi,e by ploclaiua-tio- Brisk Demand for Seats, team, .Manager John .1. of lance and Dortois, Muredonia, ly President Wilson as leluf Meets Reverses. Is Claim, the New York National league club, ARE REPORTED GOOD days and the appeal being sent t left the playing field at Kbhetts field by the louiniittee calls f"i' ser- in inning of today's game be- IIV JOURNAL IPKCIAl. l,A,,n WHfd ibv MciNNiNa journal art. AL If A,IO WIRIl rav ,av mornins journal special w,ri, the filth lY HOININ9 JOURNAL aPIOAL LI A RID WIRR) mons in every pulpit In the i nlrv noiMi journal avaeiAL liaiio wiaal iiaiio 3. Cleveland, o., Oct. bodies Although continue to 111 3, -- New Yolk, Oct. 3. The Boston tween Brook vn and New York and Washington, Oct. 3.- - Business con- litinianian and ai tides every newspaper, Petrograd, Oct. Today's official recovered, several Tran-- American League club and the Brook-- j retired to the club house. Manager ditions throughout the country are have been other gam against Aiisln crnians in i statement follows: are believed I," be in the vvrcok- - y ii Nationals, will meet in l lie r.ilti .Mci'ii'iiw did not appiar on the fold dt scribed as good, in reports from dead s K a nia. t lie sit nut ion in liohrudja, Troop- - Pursue llaiullts, "In Hie region east of Novo Alex - inning. ag. aud more than llnrlv are in hns- F.I ii. -'- hun- (Jertnim en worlil's scries, lli opening game of after that the twelve federal reserve districts, whh Ii Icis alt. lined added lot .1 Paso, Oct. 1'lnt nndrovsk, dense columns game, in pitals as toll of a bridge tragi dv which will I"' played cm Braves' field In a slaleiiiint after the made public today by (lie federal re- the dred Cariaii.a lumps are leaving Ch- deavoreil pi advance beond their wlrn evenim:, when Ivoi street since the crossing of the 1'unuho into - nt Huston next Saturday, October ". will, h Brooklyn clinched the National says, in early this ihuahua Oily oyer the Mexico .Nortb- nlangleineiils but were driven hack. serve board. The report pall: by ma u re league pennant, Met! raw asserted that collided on the West Third si reel Bulgaria, in nia fmces, ralli I for the base at enemy The teams will remain in Huston over "Kansas City--- 1 Jeneral business re- oais weslei'n Santa "on the river Heroin the any of bridge, causing It to collapse and uncertain. 311 proceed Sunday and ilay tin; second game of although he did hot believe the mains active with crops in fair con- mains Vsabel, miles distant, to bombarded our positions in the Krln thirty feet to the the si ricH there on Monday, October players tried deliberately to favor dition, except corn. Labor conditions the cats Biicbaicst says lob nt I'icbton; con against the iilistas who fought the sector and an hour after obey and Ohio railroad tracks Con de forces of Matins Ba-- ( !. after which they will return to Brooklyn, they bad refused to better; general conditions highly sat- Baltimore tinnes all along the line from fad, Ceneral midnight launched Hn attack whlcl, persons on a t p.iooklyn for two games at Kbhetts orders and had disregarded signals. isfactory. below. There were fmly stanza to the lunula', with the Ten mos 'uslhuiriacliic on September was frustrated by our flro. one twenty n the other. Uti. se In of fiel.l on Tuesday and Wednesday, "When I'erritt wound up with a "liallas High prices for cotton car and tonic allies offering stubborn resist Th forces are command "In the neighborhood of Knt'trlo, 11. run- accident occurred when n however, Ceiieral Carlos ozuiia ami Include October 10 and The fifth and man on first base, allowing the have stimulated business and labor is The am e.
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    TH E NE W YO EK H[ERA LD. t WHOLE NO. 7846. \rORNING EDITION.THUR.'WAY, FEBRUARY 25, 18i58. rKHJK TWO CKX'FS. more modca'e; timed reef t; 1- U u-e '-y observation i ilib'tikn of lh« Prtnrti Rtvulnllunif E*" raid the noire Id .Him LopcileUer »u a signal of tho The Otfllralfy Between Mwn Clay and ADDITIONAL FROM TJE DISASTER TO TH, JOHB 1S11T0I. 38 degress M minutes. eowofall of the lorU**s of tyraaay,aod lh«t lh«< ailem Cniiom. EUROPE. bruary.INI8 if f*>iw Or>im was u»t at ell a failure; and &ui«n»d wKh rklativk to tiie DEFCBirTION OF TUK BO III BR. Ir accordance witfc tbe a Tns co»«B*erQ»a)*Nc« appiib fallowing inn-uncrmen 'erge the erf of "Viva Ormal,'' which «M revived Willi veh HAT!I.KMKhT OP IHK THOI BI.C. SATISFACTORY The bodies, as baa been etated, w<ll be kcp till -fatar »»»e»b'ed Ihh«. at 72 Leonard to nnlit «|i|i aiiK>'. IUIL PA&TICULASS OP THE WRECX. r«'b*rt»g night etreat, Mr. Ktb. vl, 11S8 Interesting in thO British day, so that they may be tdentifleo by their friends or celebrate the of the French revolution of woattjioi* than Bald, that uatil now the present WAflniNurcM, RpnivcicMry rnivertar? far been celebrated in ihe uni of the Preneh Tbo la over. Tbo difficulty bet vcen Messrs. relatives With the exception of the colored man rvter lirg agony on the Refugee Question,Parliament February ru'lrn, new ttwtll be In tb* namo of wholo world FYwm t*» LIvh Lwt.Tw*lv« 24,1*4*:.
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