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St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 19, No. 13, November 17, 1927

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 19, No. 13, November 17, 1927" (1927). St. Cloud Tribune. 273. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/273 ST. CLOUD II Mil KM I KK 1927 NOVKMBKK 1927 Sm, MM Tu,. «,,! i>... Pn. S.I Weduewlnj'. \„ . o 84-4*2 Ul v Bl 1 2 3 4 5 Tliiir*iii.v. Nov 10 M all 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 II 16 17 18 19 Kriiln.v, Na.v il 82—06 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Ntiliinlny, Na.a, Ul m IMI 27 28 29 30 Ul Ul Ul SIIIIIIH.V. Hot I : MI ,n Ul 111 W . | . „ Maiiiilii.i MOT, II wi II.-I itr, N.IV i.-, ga iv,

VOI.IIMi: NINKTKKN I 1)1 I). OSIF.OI A I IM \l V. KIOKIIIA I III KNOW. NOVBMBBB 17, 11.27 Miim K niiitn i \

I.ADIKS IMri'tlU Ml M |>IHlllli'lll ta. im-ii I laa* lalllilllllK a.l FIED THE MEMBERS AND A VOTE OF THANKS WAS rin. aaaal offering win i,t. tuki*n MEBUNG PO* Till': KIN A I. till MIS TENDERED MR. MITCHELL FOR LUCID IN­ sltlli* lllllll \.a *J I liir.llllil ' a.nil llll" laaa.nl,., all-atrlt.iila i| iiiininK llll' inuiii.i* ti. ian early completion." liilliiii, MI. Olond .*1IIII*I*II.*N f(,r fiii-t.Lei* FORMATION ABOUT CITY'S AFFAIRS Mn*. I.ii< > \l. i'liirknniii is preeUlaiil dtstrlbuttoB in tjiiiin.-r w in-i-,. charity llllll All's, linn.* K. Ll^a-lt, M|.(*n*tlll'.\ inusi needed, AM nn* Invited I'ln (liiniiii, i* ,,f c nn ra*. membership drive will be launched imtriiiKsis sons BAvm WA.. TO siUAitiHT-KOKWAIUI HKII.IIS af Ilio rini. Mill. i" '' '• 'lima, i* .unl banquet t.. in* staged in tlu roomi nf tin* OK Mill III l.l AND I'AKKKK organlaation on Thurada; aranlng, ICovember SO, il teks annotanoed ni tin* weekly luncheon yeaterdaT. URGES ACCEPTANCE ALL GOOD CITIZENS ARE I.. I*;. Trickle, in charge of the oommltte. Working out a pro- Mr. "They Say" held tin* itage nt ihr meeting of ihr Bt. Cloud tli.-il there were several details yel tai In settled, sueh Buaineai Men's Club In si night, when thirty two membera were OF PRESENT S. R. URGED TO ANSWER ns tin* provision fm* music, the limn* al which iln dinner « pmeunl to hear a reporl on city affairs which was made by City Inlil .nni a few .iiini* bul minor features bearli *i\ b canner .••r Qeorgu M. Mitchell, representing the City CommJ 24 SURVEYS THE ROLL CALL of tin- drive Itwlf, Ilr s.-iial ilt.ii Wiilii, -. l , % ember :,',. being mi personal invitation ol Iiie dull. Ilia* ilnv Inr Un* Weeklj units, tin mum ilnv In con WOul a* alis Tin' whole oatafory ail buainesi affairs wu dlacussed pro .'iiiii CHAMBBB OP COMMBBOI FAVORS I'MAIBMAN ZKTROLER CITES THE pensed wiih sc thai everyone would Iimi ii probably a,111 aim iiftrr Mr. Mililia-ll read -*i reporl nl" iln condition "f tin' i*ity M'MiKKTION THAT INDIVIH KLLING NEED IW MMII>s(p *. nn nt. tn iiiiini iln* evening meeting. liiiaiici-s, i ity ili-\ a'lai|iiiii*iit .-uni im ]n u\ i nu nl |i],nis, Including all UAI..N III KY liKIKVAM I TOKT IN ANNUAL KKO 'i'lm nn inin is preaent teemed in (eel '' aim | uf the tin.* Improvement wnrk tlmt li.nl Inin doaa am petition ul ]iroperty AND IHT WORK PRO- •TKOSS DKIVI: t KKI) iiiiiiuiii ta a ... in- .. they were outlined would

  • r the nhnmher have now re- What tin* club member! bad desired waa authentic Information """'• 1'""'1 department win. tha begin in epteudid -it.il>-' • in year, iiiiii.i! 1.1 st. Olond ., , i , >, ...... ,. ,, nfliK nl' rnlisl l*lli*l lliil wns imlii'iiti ii ll is BOW nu. AND COMPANION a manifesting their usual In­ M to tbe progrw provement!, bul Mr rhey-Say waa „.,.;„„„.,,„,*„ ,„„,,„, ,„• ,,„. ,„„., .Mr. Ketrouer in rtreeatnir tin* needs ternal in tin* forthcoming affair. i iiu* ite.i ( roas ;it this time [Minted ntly used to propound hypothetical questions to Manager , f oommarce. And a telegram i" SHOCKS BOY AI laal week's meeting it waa point­ )M r n ih.' in ed mil that tin. fiiiiiiuiail aaiailitiiiti ail Mitchelof l khane d clubMayo. r I'lnParker- reaul, lth ewonl latted r havalseo pleasebeing dpresent a "Philadelphi, on Inritaa A. Hathaway.t wu, schairma forwarden do f toth eDr deper. Etoni i« tha hiatoric wort »f the . Lawyer/ for tin- raaaon that H.r two officials had actual foots ,l,r'"' il1 «WW»"ee. '•> n«iit>. v. in. were swept <-i splendid shape niul thnl with a satis- and figures to bank \\\> their statements, NOW IIW lit- SPEND WIN aill llll- fi.lli.Wili! llll'SSIilii* : allirill^ llll* TKK IN OHIO INSTEAD . iir.iiiiiii I.I 111 iia- approaching wiirn UKS neetlni worn oUled to ••At tin* weekly meeting tot nni atgaln t" tbe III ST. (Mil I) drlVe pin*, i-i.all Mill laa* Hnnl,' fill' H|,I,,,. order bj I L'azaon, the aecre* iim st. t'l-.mi Chamber a.t' a • -an n Unglanil ii*" iiv,i.v entertainment during tin* win- tiiry, wns f-miiil lo IM> iihsriii ,'iinl T • a inni fm* such further adver- MISS HOLMES DIES ii wns iin* iniiiiiiiiiiaiis opinion nf iiii troapbea did not only at*w Till, la.*, a i. alWtl.V II l',*W illl.VS lli,'ll •ti. Moon* -.-.ii*- appointed temporary ilia* tin -iiiiii.i*s in. siiii lluil ynur . | „[«,„ ltasl OrO« funda I ml •ecratary. Later Boeretarjr il. Porter v nf Rev. Ni' ty Aliiiisiui, Wl tttiag ns may In- ni-avssiiry frum (lino . in.ntn. ni I.I* anivisiii tiiiii tin .ui.a a, trained (om ..i u.-.i Oroes iiiimi ami retired Christian mlnlater, In tillll'. apeeared and eras in tnur to oeU UM FROM INJURIES 11 i-. certain thai iin- program 1st -.I tho minntec «.r tin- prr- are satiiflad .\iiii tin* paeeaai ttwway tvtirkers is still lui...ring valiantly in was a profound slnu*k in liis ninny 1 ai Ii.n. i» rebuild 'tn* In.in. > Of tlia lal. November BO will nut only oarry M*V- vioiiM intt'liiiK frl.'inis Hai especially s.i in Hi He llo- SUNDAY NIGHT hv snflaaer *.r your department tiiiii UH-.V may oarry nn as Imfm-a-. berl Rinesuilth, an Ll-year-old ahoy, • nii prominent ipaakars imt dtere Tinier reporti fi oommitte-i will be sunn, spleuillil music, l»tb "•""'• ron ami ilia* Members i, wu „ini„st mlrsculas t* reoordI who oamc st. cia.uit from Mnriiiii, Hruiiirn. oi tin Thaalofflring Day plo- v l, 111 1 Vmall uuil lllslruilll'lltall nir fonuniiii i laid thai BO many folks OFFICIALS FIND ACCIDENT IN "' "" ' :i'i"" " " "'<• '*-_>i'_><*«i<*"'""' " »"«"< '"' a i, una.iM, ,,. most nil dtlaei ' "i Uttle Boberl in hi UethodlSt alllllali Mil- illlHl ai ta-w j pnl intu riii'ulnll.in opportunity win ba had tn advaaoa i rii il h.v ihe Inisiness men at la probably saf.* to my averj dttaen panlon hnd attiacted the admiration 111* a-iiviii* in tin, .lal* IIIIII lln* l.i'ily WU Inl-fll t*.; Hi* ax iiin in, a iimi in* eras uui ir>* future I line. Which \vus HKieeil In. inn in sponaor Dr. Rathawa] i- a iti*.i Ore 'ia.* in.a,,.*. •*• ii*- cltlaons «la.. i been liairiiiai 1 uf Uu* i-iTiiri. tin* funeral satabllahmenl 1 |,,; ,: Thi* committee "ii Uu* work ot iimi in lln- matter, I.nt IH. l"iV'.l'"'.uI ""' """ ""' '"•'' '''"-" ''"'"'- 1 IIK H Kolf • t.ni'.r Inr Si. i'lond report I'.IT.II.a MINl.sil.KH ASSOCIATION nl Hmi -Tin I Dunn's IIIIIII, na import a I lilli s llllil jUSt It'll Hll' i ll nil on hiylnLT .-in or HI. Cloud, d attended tin- eventns If .ANN .' ,(NTV ORGANIZATION hmt not beau ready tn saspund t" tin- sin- saensad sa^ous to ^ti ' Iseatala aillllll i ml thnt a a'l'l ami) \l*lltliri il N-llillll | meet vtthin .a tea days it tin* Hethod ihere wne twi. proiHisitions that lit Mnaitiwhllt- nn.illla*]* | II ;i project until lln* I'Vilrraal Aill i*n ininlai I., sufficient in enlist I ami i.ii.*. driven I.T wiiiiiin Btlffler, i*a*.'' in* mid. "Ynn know 1 um «i-' ist I'huii-h bnagalow in tn—liniiiee for gttmt bad ""i aiude dear to ihe oom liitlll-I*. a*. III*!'!' il Is 11 tl'.Lfl'l llill laall-l port uf nil is tta.' ..piiiiuii axpraaaad h.v inusi broken up nver iim death of my tba purpoee ..r planning .1 sooaty-wlde i thlH lime un his (Mr. Sir-'n's) a... pr-Hii in Un* weal tnd .sinu*i- Mr. /.elriiiH-i'. anil nil an* it ml, Sill il li-- i:. -aaalt- laaalal Nn L.'1 tins iljl- ,, , . 1 friend, Bev. Alanaon, anal 1 must nilnisii*ri.*ii organisation. A -ptM-uliai Hias tiiiiiii,**-. iia-furi- either ahe or tin* aa,„*sl,*al In ji.it, tile tune, nf 111,* big £ .,„.,. „. offer of donating spproslasat proved Um survey. ^i» liiu-li llllllll* JIUW. driver could detect iln- other, M an anal put tt over mure culm iiii'ii.-r waa the foot thai when thu m-rcH for a OOUree and Oluh hiaine. For tin* fnregnlng raaaotta ho wa-nt iia>\, Alanaon \MIS in splendid bmlth delegate from tbe st. Cloud Min. tn . i.inun! in* needed further atia.ii eonductad sum) afterward • m I., say, ilu- n-fiistil ul' I'l'ilain im iiniu .1 hundred i-a-i nt up lllllll the ilny uf Ills ihnth, whi.li i nne rein ini tier men Urn in nml and • i Umi iiu- aooUeni i' si \--in iiii.m celled upon iia* Klaalmmee ujuiii Ilu- MUVefl was oauaad hy nn niiiii'k aif apoplexy. Urithien were to reporl detaila of the IIIIIII..iiiuiii.*. ST. Cl.Ol 1) U»ST AKM1STKK ocganlaatton bo pcoaeiil tbe plant in* in i n\ pairlii-iihn- iiisltiiu-i- mltght luihl found thm thai ocgaaluatfoQ had jusi plan after conferring with Mr. Steeu, a iiiiiin- iinui tn st. i'luliil ajbant up ilu* wink imi, linilily anil thnl il t.MII TO MsSIMMII according •*• Mr. i'n»Non'n report. l.n itaaa*. inin I*' sIM'llll Ilia* l\illt'*T I. ST. CLOUD 1IOTKI. inaiioii p. iiu* si. Oloud bodff, a tetter wan.lal IK* licyiuiil Ilu- a-iinlrnl uf the HURSTS MAY SKM) KKKI-: ifkowisr propmdng a oounty orgnnlna- ricaldaill I'uxson aasBsd Ihat nil borne uin.; la ann Attar, MI.-II. atata road department to .in anything Tha Kissimmee Cowboys trimmed members of ths oluh attend the weekly rin' body ims been prepaMd f.n' ship iiu- st. cii.iiii high school football ebal- THANKSHIVlNtJ MKSSAliK rin* Federal engineer in- said uad ll.ni. i ni iin* Chamber ..i Oonuoeroe, int'lit In Ann Alla.il*, wlu'tni* il stiirtisi ii'iigeis tu iin* 1 una- iif i.'t tu nothing saytam Hmt it SM ids bBprosrteo thnt lln- final my anil tlm survey Which lie today. ala-aiih'il uiMin WOUld bava In he niliipt' 11 Ariulsiiii* liny, as II reniilt of the The llult'l St. riniul niaiiniiaiiu'iil When "ir .llll. iorrplril Ihe ilivllllloil ,-,l tn gel approval 11.• deplored Herculean work*of Oapt. Tynar "of llils completed irrangementa with the Kl I.ISTI H AT WKSTKKN UNION of Ihr Chtllilher of rninnirlre to list* its (Continued nn Ifgmg St'ven ) LiUMES IMI'RiOVKMKNT III It thla inii.iiti. 111 iii tin* absence of,the Klaalmmee tenm. w, inn Union Telegraph (*.... where I. BL Dlefendorf, inuntigor of tho vMl anwu]s iothen accorr .solutiod wiiini ththae aOhember' to acoepa ln ni t tba»l wawnas a1 walgreak ta\«.a Kami\ *Co rh mCoac noht Soonle *>." eac "»n rhankujMnfueat will gb o naparmittoy greetlngd tua Weatern Onion Telegraph otfloe, urges 'i*h.. ijulii's Improvement Oluli mel anbnooa \\iviu*.- bo \r.i\<> the Aqnut lla* mon were alway-, athwart, and a bj telegraph wiiimut ,-ost t.. tM Ihat all tourists or vltulors reglater Hs usiuil in tin* llluiiri ,,n \\ I'lltti's.lni brtlltant at. Olond hack, Tyson, sent g eoader, 1 infill ni mUnbneaae aettle opon Mir- TI,1N is ;M Ilu* his ulTiiv BO thai un.v tdegramo XYLOPHONE SOLO WAS ni'iivinai ti. November i' vr.VN nln.ul\ madl wlm!) Mirx.'y. il four to tin- bearta of tho Oowboya following tho policy of large which mlghl « .M.I. ini,. »i- them oau Mrs Lucy Hlil'Uin.lil. Ilia- pii-slill-lll every iim.* he carried tho balL botala In tin- larger dttaa, and will l( i>. panatnTlj onderetood imvi* met tin* ,1 , , llu IM- delivered promptly. A BIG HIT LAST aii ilia* chair. ,1 i'lniiv.'ii of ihr fedora] engft st. i'i.uui made two brUUant at "' ' ' Unnwdlani approval of all in reaponm to the mil mil inph*. wiiiic in Klaetnunea Uun vnialt, Dn tempta in tba aaoonfl per- oononrnnn. WILL WORSHIP IN NEW SUNDAY "Public ll.-iiii ii." many Interesting nmi H;Miuiu;i\ litiiii 11 KIt Mi.' money that imi wln-n they reached tho 95-yard helpful iii'iii'ia**- wi'iv rmd nmi Quoted would IT apeni on tbe IraUdInc uf tbo lm.' I iy 1 iiit-s of i'ino plays. The WHEATS TOGOBRV CHRISTIAN CHURCH lay Siailll- aal' llll* llU'llllH-IS road between Klsdnunea mul tin- ltre- si.'.Mid rani, ill tin* Mist iM-rind n In-n HAVING "PANTS" SAl.K Vriaatiaa-i im KI- iiiiii appreciative \Ia r Laekaj nan Lnatruetad i" \;ml cininty Iiin: wmild Jippinximnte their reaortod '•' tha aero , rnwii nf in a'l'l.• assembled in rity NEXT SUNDAY .... a ha i i> -t.*a*i aniiip i-lmlrs. (his :i million doUeraj nnd dml probably Tin- St. cloudii> aomethlng like iifui Kylopbone mio rendered in Mr. privllegs ui* "in* library, This will be preponderant portion oi UH i«»titi ing been collectod tram Iba aalo of largo amount he lb giving tho public $.1,000 could U* made, will In* open lm Vincent ll. Newsll, .Ir. It was n Hplen- luaa-il In Imy iu*w 1 lis. monlea ertimetod to pen-ride inr not* liokois. After mi ezpenaea had boon tin. benaCU of tho remarkable low fhe tiuirisl season, the work fcnvlng ataai Fantasia on Irish nml lootoh Mi*in Mi i' A Dawlay, in charge nf the Ida'i highway progMnk Ho pointed deducted .S'titil.iH* was h-ft to lu* divided been llniRhed this weak, Sorvloos \\ill iiii'H. nml Mr. NewaU waa inticii hnck |ir./|rl"l'lll. Inpii* "Ita-il I'l'uss," Inhl aaf lis mil thnl Dr. MiUluiwuy hud Malid ri- equally between (ho two bnuM, ho held In tho new hulldum whleh Is m-a-als niul nl' its graal WOrt anal staitt-il lur wvi-iiil i*iii*iii; s. i-i'iilly Ihul It would Inkr BOVnnty t'ivo lonatad at the corner of Knntuekji ave thai tin* drive is maw mi. Sin* Inlil us uilllii.n.s to complete tin* p*"g—W, nnd OKU \MZKS KKNANSV1I.LK ST. CLOUD HAS AN Mr. Newell plnycil With tlio Fort ill,iiii I In* iii-w l* 11 whiili is liia-nli-.l nue ami Twelfth street, next Sunday. l*ii*ri*i* Imiiii fm* rlvi* yi'iirs and WIIB •bowed "hat a large percentage Os- i MW1HIK iW ( OMMIIU K uad it v.iM is- a Kounv aif extreme in iin* imiii 'i I building t'..r itn* wiih tin- Unlveralty of Florida band oonla ooontjf would bo Betting whno EXPERT AUTO gratification to ail to wltneni thi mnrii iia ai criiss wort am.i stated that llll* taking Into roiisldoi aiioii ihul tln-ro A iivi* Chamber of Commerce has oil axtanilona ami embeHlebmenta, lur a yenr. m*\a inusi*. Miss i ni, ii wnt if la expect been formed al KenanavUle, wiih John IJIKI Bunday'i program (olio ,111 IIT oountlea, and thai the popula­ MECHANIC Sunday's aarrloaa will IMS HO follows: •> io I Mnnh I'llllu , "lla-llal 1 a-M a am. ii wiih Mr-. Dawley. ]i,i.\ probably ien than MIH- IHT cent Night mrvtoe, • trulo u]hit 1 plan nf ooiainunity mi- • oin'i-nl llobora oars, to know Ihat ft, Ol'l'lllilii Mel tllllu As announced in another solemn to ..I' tin* atate I i nnii* and worship with us in The vancemoni ami commercial and agri- U BUnaor, BHUUPM »»r tin* i>ixie 1 i Wlllll Km Iiiiiiiiii Nlghl — ilny, llli* i-luli rotgd I" write I • Hit* ih* apoka of tbe mandatea "i tin> cultural development, suoh HH is be­ Friendly Church* for tbem you ate a K I„ King uitttiira i.r ihe state ninil department ft-ih-rai uid enntnoero ami reierted bi Qa tnge, oppoatta tha •ofaool i. itranger bul once," Kiys tlie mlnlater, iiirlr doctalona »H dk-tuuia. ing oarrtod on hy other oMo boiltig Tinih siivei, .^iM'ni mora than twanre '• Overture, Home Olrelt urging Hu' early conatructloa of Btata "la iinmty. Her. I. s. 'i^ayhrt*. K. Bcblapegrell a. 24. iu view therefore of . •emu in Obteago handling malntonanoa , Hymn, Onward Christian «.f suoh oondltlona, in- thoughi it was woi*. i.a- thf r.uifk Moior Ooinpeny, "IN WALKKI> AUNTUr nuiv the baal sort i.f policy for the KKAI. KSIATK TI.ANSKKKS and bnfOTi OOmlng bo St. rioud, \\as Snlilii*!' .. Sulllvnn A BAND CONCERT I | laiph S'.iln l.'lllllnslll nil people t»f 1 liis oounty tu noonpl il'-o •tatlOUad in Jackaonrllla in a similar • M touting .if Iho mads HM Tin- linn of Johnston A Hu.-alou 11- canacltT, fi nboul a : oar irli.li niul S**..'i*li Mi'luilii'H port two salt'.-, riosi'd iu thoir oftloe Mr. 1'. I'. I sii ice. ialhsl on Mr. .Moore _. W K Slaililic TONIGHT AT THE made bj tha highway offioiais, Mr .MIS-MI, a/hnna attraottva advei uinl hla toaimilteo this afleraooa an.i The eaatern proJeota of road No. i»4 ihis weak. Mr. Chan ECalaon purchaa inn run aslun— tiioiiu'iit appenca in other .oiuiuns of oompleted arrangementa to giv.* 'in WlU ho ailTOinaefl and idds .,*( un i'ii tho h • Of Mi Siimili'l Stewart mi loday's Tribune, has alroatly bnlll a 8. Chinees Intermemo— "Ung- CITY PARK WUked Auntie" at the ii. \ ft hall Kaung Foy Vu" _.K. la. King Januars i»>. hm dovbl waa ttpreaand Indiana avonuo Tin- Other lino bontMM In SI. I'luud, aud it lias with rolVroni-i. in the otlior project hit-go unci ofcitrua land purchaaad hy mi November Mh. This show win iM- T American I'm ml Tiir Sl ClOOd Mr ipnl Himd will 1.1in creditably earned, tor be has given under tbe anaplcaa of the Baal- !•'. \V Maiiilinin mnnlng from si. Oloud t" KiHsinnufH'. Mr. John i Tyaoa from M | peeved ui-, e-Mlltj t«« And mechanical render ;i eouotrl thla evening el the i ns i luh of Nl. «'loml. < iiyinii. Tin- Horning Ugbt IH In in-dor to inn Ki- it poeatidi for thn Wbeeler tronhiea ia .1 onr, wblcb aavea to the itiv peril nt T :tu )>. in. under nn- di ilopai Iiuiiii In h*| a tonlraot tin HIIH "In Walked Auntie" is a sensational Itrinklng i; \\ Wa-hli OWnel both time and money, with al recttou of Protee«oi T W, Henke \ si irhh alao oa January Kith, it will CHRISTMAS AI.KK.AUV \KKI\I i> earned! nunnnm, whh-h enjoyed a soiu ' Hai il t Inin ... V.illlll iiM-si magic skin. K. 1.. King monMl i" in- 1 in* it. eeaaaq to bury individual ..p- year's inn in New York t'ity due to tii*' i'"' t ">«• ona *'r)s imv, (lo.^iliiiii and accept ilu* mad «« It Theodora Oecer Holltday, of Tint ui Columbia, Tin- Qaai u fr tha IIU (K FAKMINO I lei'iin i>. v. siiuw' '"'«•" '-iniiijii'it in.m tin* etternoon until -1 a recently laid out imn, oido, has arrived in si .Cloud TOI'KIST CMli MKF7TS MONUAt AllUTllTI 11. Otru <• ven inc. Nexl Baturdej evenlni a nm wiu'iv in* win siH'nd tho winter Mar Simimlid HHIIIHT H. Arnold nt will hi* civi-ii :it THM) p. 111. In On* WIM. SHOW I It\l I montha, Mr. BolUday has Hi«nt his T. \V. HutCblnOOU Who I^os on Mith An luteiVstlng progrino -)\1\ft IMOO ,,-H ,.|i tin- A 0 L ili'|K>t loi. PICTITBBS AT PALM wlnti'is in Si. Cloud for a grout num- Ignn avenue aoutta of st Olood aboul arrnnged loo • mts'ting of Hn* season of the Sl. Cloud Tourist KATZ TO ISSliK IJ< KNSKH Bundaj '!"• procran «in he in thm bgg) uf years, wh.'io hu IUIH nnulo a one mllo has u Iriuk furiu lo Is' proud Kilt-itr KufK, of KiHilmmee, IIIIK IMIII dtj pert nt i'M |i. in. Motion pirtiiii's of Ihr loothllll Kama Wide bOOl of frioluds, of. lie has ono trim*) of Is-aiu* whleh » lah, ami everyone u invited to at- appointed bg Motor Vi'liivlo COIIUIIIH game between st. (Bond uud KINHIIU- In noxt wcok'M Tribune a feature ho i« gaihering ut the praaanl time. tendlng ihis maollng. whieh win bo rilom*r W. JT. ANrn lu iuHiie uuloino- Mr. and Mi;*. Aif 1 i-ii Doriuutti ».f 11100 on ArmiKiin* Day will hu shown story, narrating his iidvouturea of held at the oluh house, in City Park, Dorend, kllch., rcturiiod to St. OlMri i.ui. i Iiuti slvly yours ago In the iivrhi' thousand eahlnige pi ts and at 8:M o'eloek, Monday afternoon, idio lloanaaa in Ofoaola oounty for ai tim piiiin Tbeatre today ami tee* over ono hundred bushels tif aweot IH>- lnnt ThniHilay orrow, Novoiuhor 17 und 18. wild went, will be imblliUied. ion latiM's November -t. THURSDAY, NOVKMHKR 17, ii.*.*7 I-AOK TW« THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA


    - jOilNsos v.*.* I'aI'I.*I.I.I.*.I* aa I MllllllAT SI-KKlll OV I.1KIT. Ml I \KI.V\t; W \N A 1-KVIlRi: OK nsi-ii. wiiirli Is ii decided Impraivemwil H .IIIIIN-lllN. • *• lilt: MORNING SKKVii'KS HMIIilAl.l.. KIlllM. I OVUM nvfi the ..iai method of indiui t»'iii dry Christmas Photographs || IlllllIlT nml m-i I'll li'iii--.

    \J.Tll •sm fde* "'. Wll lit ll>lt\ HAI I I VMM. U* AITKKMMIN \ -iia -iiiiiiiiii nr it . new set can 1 11*1 alf u laT til' l.i- luul ni the .*i*iiwi..iii Electric sh..|i ! >l ala'l, l-'.l. \\l> 11IMM. The most intliviilual gift .-.ml the price I- ra n.-ii tn be reaaon r ri> lanvail'li- <>ll lha- ni.l.'. eonsldering tin* Imtprovemeuts advertisinm g t'l"" > on can k ivr, or send your dear .eafar™e. m.ut\."nJiZ '"« J"""*,'' I. .-..IIIIIII-iiiiiii li.v .all |.i*,*-i*iil. l-'i'inn lllllt till. I* tK'I'll lll.-Hl'* T I'ln* i .aaiiitv wi'lv \ a llli*-ll'*l* 1 * towa isn v." f '•"'' "' <"> "' "'' lamtl t in-' '"i i• i-• > .H.I aoi Uie till I' llll' .'laaliillu llllllll'.'. all 11 ones is a photograph of your­ .Tllla'*'. n„H*t iiir c lent atitiell p in. until lln' II.Hin. S"a--*l Itaniia- The r.o'iu TtMilii'is ASMH i:ii imt nit'l Thf TrllimiP is liulallsbsd •;«'» n Iiii li " a- iti,* ntucludlng tinm­ III I'l^ui.i i 1.• »"- "STL"! .,.,.,'.„,,.Ill,-, nml i.*-liv latlaS Mil- an* a.r iin* iiiiii. wn- played -ia..rii> tih< now woai H!ji PIKE'S STUDIO HaniUnK noUMas In local columns, tOc a lllllll'l'll. , ||„. liaal-s ror illmiU)' aalvurtl.tss ll'l I > aaa ,,|„|;||,-,| will, tllCIII. laaatlt lll,'l.l- lli«> A -•...•i;it ion tO «o nvrr ||l(- IMM.KS ot Hunter Anns Building airnl.lia-al on a, pll.-ial i.aa I i a ,11 .iniiil I'laink ila*llva-n-a| Hi' 111 nf tin* i.riiiani nmi Auxiliary uid Hu- lun'' on r«f»rtad thai thaj found t-ix-allon. after uliii-li Muy..a l*nrker St. t'l,nui, Plorlda TBr. nin , , an making the day sn great « the it....it- tu in- in exvaUent condition. 1,1 is is Bdltor In I lal.'f nniiii' Hi.- address of vrvAv me, turning -ma,.- They wish I'-iifi'lnlly In ttwtlik The linn dr.».iii is lH*iim i*n.*il.lt*il to paj lHli. r nver tin' "proverbial i,i'.v- of tin* fit?'" tin* i-ltlaena and vlaltors fan* the man­ lln* AchltH .LI which liiyini'iii Wga *\v " .\,.~a,i:l«te Eilllor til ||i,. v IslterS. I. I''. Tl i. kll- li*-|i-'ia'l .f rlmit ner 111 whirh lll.*.\ lllllli'il aallt t'i lln- t'lTrt-.i when iin* eloatttf of the haul - KalHair I i-al "Ml lielialf 'if 111'' l\l-sitllllliv llll'l t*t. v ai i-1- ..a s events during Un celebration. Insi \.*:ir tied up its fiimK |ti ,i most ''•Ut. j l'l. all-1 |ia-M a.f till' AlliaTll-IIll I ri.||lll|.*lli?:l Ml? IIU) lllll'f Unrj of il"' Legion and min •' Ilia' a ivil will' X|aallli-ll \ I * waallil will* vcleratn- CHU12CII -..„• 1 irk - 'lia* nniyiir nii'l tin' 4 N. < ii Mini•:> M. IIITTIIN Till. aa. '. IU. •'.|* Ilia- s|ll.'ll.H.I g. ngeal l.HS'N r.UMl all si Pstsrsbarg, fls. IKIMiMKKIAN CHIIUII St. Cloud it(-\. H \. CnannVnH li.*|.*ai*tni<*nt •vei •! iiO sni..it*, i- a ll , t'liii-iiiiii1- I lii^li l*a Ilia* >i."llk. . , liaisi'tta AramHaa Electric Co. a* taa tl l..i|ll, •.. UM'S." ,li*liia'l*i*il II. - i*i la.' wl-lla-.. aail.'IIU'lll. Which uf I'.'" Electrical Wiring and Con­ I naa.la "IU '•""' i.a.i,- Setrouer had nunli- Ini EPISCOPAL I III KI'll l\„. iiiiniui. I>. Ii. Minister Slip, V he "ia- n eolonel lu tin* tracting—Eatimatea Cheerfully ivirrlal wai II reminds nn'." he 1 111! -laa^nii \ Iriilailly Church ill V\c wish to announce that we liave • ill Ilia* I'll' ,,*• II i •aiiii'i-iirciiti* vta-nwi 1 saw 111 al I'liillilll lit. Given—Satisfaction Guaran­ l':illl|i.-l al.arlll-- Ilia* lillllllill tlll'li* l««l 11 I'lll llllla *,' III Sialial.i -, h.'a.l lust leased the repair department of the Stal- a ..til »..litter evidently did Sunday mi- about twentj higher thaa teed—Prompt Service naker Hudson-Essex Garage, south of l,ait wnnl lu -lallia* aaiiy rnnk lla- had nol for ilia* corresponding smiiim Will intimity irHii'y.i iiiiii canted • year The offering w aa - alsu hi Kissimmee on the l)i\ii* Highway, Infill |. 11 *• onlj prlreie left frum 'aal Ill'* VMIllll." Nexl Bunday inorniug the laiiaalneaa I'nrla-r llliln. I'rini-lv vniiia Aw. iln- r.aiitiiiiTiiti' .iriiiy." Ills remark, iiia*ii- .liiss will reoaVganlxe I anio­ .in uproar of laugbler Interested in joining are nskeal taa nm-i We are equipped to repair any make Pen of U I started." iln* speaker said, "as 4i|imre ail l'all'l,, r .*. I'll a 1.1*1'- lal" llffll B Og | ns ana inli-ti'al niyn and had l been wias Teutb sl reel Immedtutel,! [ullov ol car and will guarantee all work. When mly d l would bare ended nn so. Ml iln* link • la -Va. li.. lllll .'M-I.'i*.'- .'I III,* S.lliala'.V* J your car needs overhauling— rank I gol was thai of se, l lleuten- School ll--i'lill'l.v. I .1- BU Of lull klla.W IIII.I l- IIII Siuiilny niairtiini; ll,e sermon "ill TURKEYS Stridently timi Teapot Doau iH'iinlh* the Legionnaires , • isarond ti* in keeping with iti,* Tlinnk JUST CALL MC or RHYNE • .I.T alll all'* lii'iiii'iaaiiii "aa- n sort at la.w ranking FOR YOUR .a t.li.ri, long" "ai- rldlni to a flail. -l.l-aall Mi Wm aeeldilge i- Hie -aai.iii-r iii iiii* estimation "f tin* lioys " aalaai-l, . | ;ila|al;|i:-,- aa'jalili illtlTl U 1-t "*.l Ai iia,* i*\snlng sen ia«* Ma- u Wa "ill bel Mini "..nun wbo flew his -|.-...li r*n* Hi.* frank manner In I'livlur will sing Thanksgiving Dinner McCorkle & Rhyne iall." Saw Yuri, bo .'.ilil'*" which be ";a- asm rlhlnf !iiius,*;f iiaa Dpwortfa !•'• igue plana, tn i"llaiw I,.*I*|I II .limit-r engagement hmi i nee Immediate!; in front „t the liaud the anneal cuatoi '"\iiiiiijt Phone 2()!» ITi.WII. -laaini from which the address was Tha nkagt ring dinner, fur used] i npii Kissimmee, Florida delivered all the seata for man; rows in iin* community Barrels v. ill ha Sam McBeth r.i.'T will lie known as tin- year In . , wer"i'iie' nil.*.nut ! wltA veterans cd * pieced in tha- annex a.n Baturday ns; receptacles lor all donations. All who Leave order, at St. Cloud Tribune nmnnn *'*i.*l, America ow-nsinen principal oe-r ^ ,|ni, Ml. M,.,.-„,.,.„„, „„ ,,,,..,, , 1Un caa aprovlde anything Ln the wny a*f "' ««- i« « »•'" ' "' pertinent note when be Imn' IHH-II eatables, vegetables, canned good-s, etc.. smite down askeparticularld t y nefortunat to Bt. eCloa d am this a e ,,, place them in the barrels Tin* great ivvi- myatery ill-inn. for I On not know of any place lasfon IVednesdaj t c.i-li dona I MI "III-IIHT tin* nuni in aa -!••ini drinking ii,ma would receive anj more ,|,,,W ,| |,| i„. >,snded to Mi IH 1 Hen wns kII'.til l.y (J ila-|a!r.a* a., iniiil Hllll ala-lisli' ,.,,,.,, I;,,., ,,,• ,|,,. j,.-,-.,,.a- • I fir in dell' * ttotlc address than Tin* laeague win tnKi* chat*gB ..r' iln-i nt si . I .ml. where -u-*!i an outstand­ intd-week prayer service In pn Shija- *. all crow ing muni.*r uf survivors of nil the wnn Win Mi Oa week. -. ma like * ia*iiii»i'- -iiii living are • ;i-iii in. ..iiin;- will be held • . should IK* ni'i.' to lii IIIL; : every ev*aulng from Ni i 27th to Dec, j a-al* tllJlt aai be hoped • Bclently nti in charge of tbe Bpworth L/esgue • length nf iinn*. The DeLuxe Market House gtftasil t II "iiinn I believe. "In.! tbe ir *vill lae held on '• American Legion -tmni- for: why it l\.*.llii-.l.iy. Van 30th. All kin.I- of i inded a,n.i "lm: ii Imp, ,,,., goods "ill IK- I lilalia-l II,* told bow ilia* I, • .1 „ in iK. aerved an ni.l da; l.y ili. The J edge's Josh in Paris, followlag the slgnlug of Hn- liiiiv Circle Will Offer Another Big Day of armletlce. and bow itn* aimerlaan Miking Sure ittera then iiisi.ia-.i upon the American M,. rjavw oana boaes .an.* day nmi ,\]i -..ii changed tii- aaiaa i" Min­ and further how It was created found his wits In tlit- sa of ula* when taa* entered college." i-a st. Louis witli nothing in view bol their son three an ten "Maomsner, What i"i''" a l,' llli' ll.il.ll* llll'l III. HI- a.f till* l||..11111,1.| " |„. CTM I'M'ill-llly '"l.a.l M nnii* always peas." ••spirit tn.in the -anl ..f tin* i«sii<- ..r sii./iii,i n.,i fX*. li three quart ths peoples wlm formed tlv- United tin. haby! Su.-li ertrevagnnce will II \ aall Must Iill.HV Sinn*-. It luul back "I H the tnnl.a inin i,,.. *• Harold Whal will it coal be -.ml Hi.' spirit "r the imn wlm luul, *\,, pnppw,," -ni.l hi- wit'.* sooth n t.'li'iirnui- fOogbl fur li fr.>iii it- Inception fought lafly it pgaaaaa htel I la-i lima Telagri :ierk: Whet i.u* what thej believed to lie rlgM. i* tbe gas meter He thinks. In,i lil (softlyl Uuiii Itrindple •fink.' l''r.IIII the - in ii.*-i lur Svv Them bava Dough! not to aggrandlae anj ona Four bill loo pounda more milk | Saturday, November 19 Tin- i'.u <• on tin* barroom Root muy imt ror thoae urtnclijlea wtUoh are tha i Inced In the United Btatea liiivo killoil one iiuui outiinht. hut foundation of what we stand for bo-day. Ing 1926 than In 1929 moat of the faces aeen about tin* BtrMl Shilling with tlM* Aral war and en-il Here are a Few of Them: tiiii-i. nothing bul alow tortn Ing wiiii the world war Lieut Mr Far* .MI.'.I i thrilling word picture 1 CABBAGE, Per lb 8c Th*' li cut Thinx of bow oach bad baan eouducted t " i can*! leave vou I I t'.*'Ll the prindplea upon whioh tlie United H VKLU)W ONIONS, Per lb 4<* II luiriiinu s.-ii-.itimi in my hanrl StaiM "ii^ founded. "Baa father boon giving vou thoaa Coming again to the puriwee of 'h*' e/xaMw,. • SWEET POTATOES, 5 lbs 17c cheap •; > i 11 v" Aiiu-ii \\w above there will be some very special offer- Quite • Porcj Hhn k Legion, I'or Qod and Country." November 24th I'ntil In* >iii down on II link. At ihe cloaa or Mr, M.-KHIIIUHN s inu*- too numerous to mention here in staple and ran?y groceries Bat whan tin* tack and ivny nml Mpaech, wtiiih laated Por something liki* sugar cured bacon, etc. Hut ymi must visit our store Saturday ll.- forgol iii- book of etk|0«tta l.'i luiinitos. tin* ra»l erowda * beared for Liggett's •even I mtouow aa .-i i rlhute to t lie == .imi st'<- loi yourself. Who Want* a Whole Team? vlattor and aa a tohan «»f their profouu-d Hopeful Aihiiii* i have ;• chattoa Hppreclatloii ef tin* manner in which Little Bits from for the fl othull tenm. in* bad propounded the auhjeei of thu the East sii.• Are tiny going to raffle it bour. I WESTERN MEATS i iff BMM Need Wawala Wilis Bl#n| Ceiilisl Our Meal Market offers for sale only the hitflirst quality Mike, 1 bought » aal of bal­ llie riding conteetp heM InAnedlntel; loon Urea the other daj " after tha footlhnll gama on Anniatlov = Western Meats. In beef mir store handles Swift's Premium "'Sin eo Iki'.-' l didn't know fcgj owned ;i bnlloou " ,i i.h-ti II gram daal of ;. tnuae || Stamped Beef milv. '...., I'oi' thoae who siity.'ii io wlttieM lies Ltki Thftl thaaa evente, ffevanal local and onl l'[-..r • giving 'ii' : 1 ou t-r (own ii.i.i- participated in the eon- POULTRY can't get any idea MIM'-.O bow tarrtbla ifr-i- which couKiatad of riding bucking Leave youi orders I'or your Thanksgiving Cliiekens and von obaerve boraee fhncj and bare back riding, A me careful). [Viae of 126.00 bad hoi D offered t<> any = Turkeys. nuni ebo could --nt. t- -t'niiy Suefa 1.im­ the back of a wild Ikoree which i the A laaii ni ui-.iy chocolates iii and quite prettj property of Mr .Toe Jo-hnntou, Si*\ Truly wonderful in the OYSTERS Ibe'a deepl) In leva with Jim Bell rini unaucceitaful uttemptx wviv nmda and i..r a tltna ii looked an If the bored Iini llml nil lln* BOal Though i no favors raven-hatred iMi|iniiir |,ii-i*i*K m-i* offered Fresh Northern Select Oysters always in stock. maldena, would be the winner of thla event, hul r*i dyi for thai fallow: iwann not dtgeouraged hy the failure ot in ;i better unit more eg othere, Mr. •' Denn »>i Plaa quality than o*rei mounted ihe animal nntl uTtmw not before I LUNCH COUNTER II «• 0|M»II .SeaMou K Id era bla bucking aud pltehlug bp tha •Whm Kir.il of girl i.- Ailoef gccei ded In ^<*i t Ing It under M llz lla IV We are now prepared to serve Steaks, Chops and Short Orders ,: •Weil in- ean only ba ki^s*'«i oil control gnd gaming the covered ' = ol any kind including oysters in any style. tWo I W O I'll. $1.50 \...i i\ )iut ar i i-i- Virtory Kail •wi. tint and whon It Tl..- \'i(t..ry Ball al iln' Hunter Arum REMEMBER WR DELIVER doeontt '" botal proved to ba i graal •*< • •* Edwards' Pharmacy dlttlng room in whirh lh.* .'.iiiiiiiL' book .Sv\a> the Money -ftoea plai ntiruiiy decorated nn.l • Wii;it beoama of that portable Lighted, and praeented • charmh garage af foural" peari nee The muatc waa furnished St. Cloud DeLuxe Market House I tied the dog ta it tin* othar day by an orchaatra of picked uui St. Cloud, Mi.rlali.alaliai JX \ god I Ml came i>y." rr the municipal hand and waahlgti PHONE 43 TKNTH & PKNN. AVE. m

    ~_sri«L. - I'lrtlRHOAV. NOVEMBER 17, 1«1 THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA rvtOE riiittK

    Baby in Bath-Cake in Oven, and A PEDDLER AT THE DOOR!

    44 Not Being Done Today"

    High pressure selling methods may pay certain profits to the business which cares not for good-will or of rendering real service The Merchants Named Below are Boosters for St. Cloud to its customers. The peddler who appears at your door is but one and are deserving of small cog in the higher up machine that drives —drives —drives your patronage E. MORIN St. Cloud Bakery —to bring in the dollars at any cost. S. W. PORTER Real Estate, Insurance H. E. CRAWFORD Electric Shop HETTINGER and SCHATZMAN Such methods applied by any local store in St. Cloud would H. St S. Grocery soon result in the closing of its doors forever—because you THE PEOPLES BANK of ST. CLOUD ELMER IDE Men's Furnishings H. S. DAWLEY Real Eatate would not tolerate the peddlers' practice dominance by local ST. CLOUD MOTOR CO. H. L. Godwin merchants. Weigh the facts. What the peddler and the mail-order J. W. PICKENS Groceries house offer, as compared to your own local merchants and L. V. COLEMAN Roberson's Pharmacy tradesmen. WHEAT'S TOGGERY G. G. Wheat E. MALLORY Grocery ST. CLOUD DeLUXE MARKET (Haymaker) The peddler and the mail-order house pay no local taxes; as­ V. CLYDE EDWARDS Pharmacy LEON D. LAMB Real Eatate sume no community responsibilities; own no property here; care FLORIDA FLOUR A FEED CO. C. Porter not if your property investments decrease in value; whether our C. A. BAILEY Grocer PARK GROCERY L. T. Paxaon, Prop. town grows; whether jobs are plentiful—oi wages get better. In JOHN F. BAILEY Real Estate JOHNSTON & REUHLEN fact, they care only for their own profit. Real Eatate C. BOUTELLE Grocery STANDARD GARAGE C. W. Landies Therefore, do you think it amiss that we call to your attention R. W. BLACKSHEAR Manager Person's Store the importance of doing all your trading at home? There isn't a ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE CO. Publishers merchant named on this page who does not, directly and indi­ C. C. PIKE Photographer J. F. DANIELS Lumber rectly contribute heavily to our present and hoped for prosperity. Frederic Steven, Realtor r. If. Berry Hunter Anna Hotel Think of these things—also think— laaliai I. I.iiiilliulin Pluiuhi-r Now "My Town First" Always IlllH-liW NOVEMBER 17. !»*."! fAlSK FOt*R TIIF, ST. CLOUD TKllU'NK. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA EDIHON T O TKST Kl ltltt.lt "WHAT PRICE GLORY" MROAON TO IIOI-IAUiMlli" AIN'T WE GOT FUN Original American In POPULAR STARS TO PLANTS l>l MNG WINTM AT ii. A. K. KKIUW Presidential Race GENTRY BROTHERS BE SEEN AT THE Im-infni- Ih-tertuiiHil In ltrt*;ik llrltihh IS A WILLIAM FOX li isni always that n photeplay eun MBMpggJ mii ke patroiu weep " Ith sugar •• PALM THEATRE PRESENTATION i n ti delight, ijruadlj Bpaklni CIRCUS COMING I Winter I'a iiv Besuld) Hollywood." the wrepinlngly funnj • i tn rspW iln* sd i N "*'" i"*i is \or ll sr \ WAR P1CTUU III T Km aui h i.- the alao srtth "Roada to Till* l.i.MM blnS Of » 'l:ir .i r."H lis ;| cluenui aatlre on morlelnud, which IT * ml i. it Ntar and ths return nf Kllnor (Hyn tu ih,- MiniiMiiiri'iiii'iit iJun the Brttssh \ MAGNIFH'IKNT f.tni: SHm\ .•oinrni spproxtnautaly T'» [ler '^'iit of i.mil's I., i bo <• •! li thi ' waning I'aramotiul La, from thr pirtilir'a stand WITH WOKI l» (ONKM1 I ; i be world rtaBlJ-bar supplj, and bi • veiling, mni In whleh An Icord tha a mm mi i KM point, "Hi ut iii.'.-f fortunate things \s lt\(-Kt.KOl Ml POR • 'iiiftit mada by the couUuittee real ured player llllll'l.ll thsl occur nil ton rural* In motion | ITS 111 >l\\ IW\M\ : it i urea. Vnd what was nn even more nil hUMM " tho Tiosda .i" Hollywood depicts, in ;i a aiaaffhn way, I ' c>' •' i laaltial •lallllill. "ill >'l 'uiimint*' ntrofce WII* lite mill H.ir tin* rubber Ind ii i- |T«H laiiui'ii by iiil thoss Ln l'l.mil iiif raiiiiiurt flnpiwr uinl tiw illnl Uigulah* i n, I,*, i Nta tee hue grown Tmni $068, nutborlt) ;i- iln* greateal imn |i uM-I nmi a iny. who roysgr i" Hoilj 000.000 iii L9B8 to |1 •_**,. OIHI.IMMI in u i tnnn widely -ipii.iti"! parts ol lleat'll i'ii KIUIIHII i.MM-lhi In II xlngle Mini. turs ot th>' yaar ii bi not i war li.nuns A, (OcliflUll, whOOO t'X : in uses tlielr fortune, What •|.]H, .-.*l,l I.a.Ill.l I i-ila-al Ill I) ' . HI Iklfl I I llt'KC -I I li'HUIit- i PU-I II i-i*. r AVnis lis liackground II \i»'iiiii.'nis hare attivM*od La* is nn mors a war [Jay than a Uws Im-ppenH after they arrive IN both thrll Hi,* rll Ii 'tH ""' "" ,nr iliuiiii cl. v i' Kt mutely n'.*t.imiu'ii,| ml ool boo, Is rushing wwfc on iitiii'ii\ i.'ihi in ii nyivan setting would Una and d«»wnrlghi biunoroua. arrungi renting thi :li;1i .ill .imn tern attend HM* ruhii theatre tonight nr Krtiluj mul witness tnStallHtlaa t.f • ooti«l«Se ch hmi i'i called a rural play, lis sutlsora -rronnalt i tbe -h..«* a ill e« iirv No OaaaMsr hiliii. eceaaars lleem* the reeull >r 11• i — comlriuatlou in th** lab-orntorj sl his tstotsr estate, whars took war BB tin* canvaa <'n whltrii to mul ih - iupplies in•.•.•"in­ Kllnor Qlyn I 'larenoe H idger product lu will -it'ini -t'ViMlU in.iiilh- IP Ills llll -ki'irii 11ifir story : wi- as tho groat Kind Lad j i v«ni ihoold loan* tip, .i | rttj a.r uien. |i n. -I l '• tiring efforts t'»> And fl ruMwr i-i-mt or inlliu'iii -r mi iinn snd "I'liii'ti that n.-' which can bs is my i • nuni Remember what you ll a wl" ot Nut ;i Hull Miiin-iiit in M.N I'llm would bring "in i ;iiim-. cootady mni in i he rn*mi siMti'v rn break the Sett­ "ve to -i..ii*l> III,IIW. T 'I days Taken lu \ t*IUm stunt* bu a|ii»',ii ;i- no other i liniiM i {hmi .I'M* society nuthln', le!) monopoly. the Ht'fnii - ul nalhiJi*- I DUld In IUR. i win arrive and Pnllouin- iln-ir iKiiii-y <.t sbowtng Iiuly. What do .vmi think I'v ban i'ln* Inventor, eftnr re-equlpplng his AIMIVU all "i-i' there i- comedo . m ,..,.i itn* lillli. herald j III,| I* 1-v.llr.iH- lh*' UM'U\ -INlls <|f iiiihi'—playing arid log lla. >!„* drills Hi T.null ! \ 11,1*1 nn. l'n\ Film- produced i'ln itorj fur the ruW*et otudy, Proimblj nu picture ever made along ..nl lln* || .nm.nn.lin- ter ' < :in> II .1 Light," Which lin- Its lm . drop iill ni lu i' ivojeota until 11 Iga -if a graal erorld i ragi \.i> Muih \h..iil i -Hi.r.i. later AdverttslM ii IIM* lviiin thi'it '.• Hul unlay. In bu* locatnl tha plsol Bar A-aawican II.HI -•• much ri>ini*iiy. 1 want ytm tn nnil a IMIIII ghOttt i'an* So .-.,. miii n similar in Yellowstone National rml-.. 'Hiis ,in.. ion and peffsrted ms* li'WIl." s;ili| Lord ''llllinhv. its hi' in a ii'iy a** . Mil- nml banner I iHtenl storj of the Went. utart lug Tom flianlml darters fur its barvesl snd tha i iniinieii hi- friend in a paaslng ash- nhrrcvi • * can -till be found. \ \ii\ sad tii- wonder home Vooy, is B IM r i. tion "i* tbs Uqntd later Uha a a„. >a| hour lllllll | ripping tale nf love and adventure bavin« l»een Idle Por the laal saratnJ \*\. .„. , ;,. • of the mammoth | ihal Is sun* to pteaeo sll e IM< BSS It ns 'ii- "'hi wurkahop s h< ra organise • Ihal all la in There i- sot ;i dull nuMnsnl In tha il twsfsutad tJi»* phou ,,.,i,iii„. * oming ni* iln* big i i. nm*. Dorothy Dwnn iiiny- ths mul clifiri'' liuhi hulh nuuiv n omt .if* n*-. leading rsuiinlne role. \\ bile Balph njfo. will lake II now nUMO OB UfSi ind a;,.,,,, ii- la larger aad * li'^n'iiv, Barr) Norton. WtlUaai WW win bum i«' ili*- timi' ot I umnt aint PALM THEATRE . . before Another ug, i ':ivi \iih. r snd * '*n oa I Its Qst I nt tii it.v i to the train aghty hmi* Important parts In thi*- Mi EOdlsou is dotarmlnad in bis „,I,I I,,.. . .> beautiful i.iiiiiini production which was directed by Bat niiiUi* .'\|K'riiiiintN, nni irorktag oo TONH.HT \M> KKHIAV .i.ii'.i i.. the spei Moloff. ih.- etudy a*- h*' ims baan *-.iiti m bars tnculur ada which will ba Senator Charles Curtis, of Kan­ .Ictln tMiiulalV "White I.uld" worked oa aii ot his (asanas InruB ... a stras • ai noon. sas, Republican Whip in the Sen­ \ .ii.nn.i timi •wasps with Insetst timi-, the \vi»ml hns little tt» -ny. Modoc, tha largest elepiianl in rep- ate, and in whose veins flows the Ibis powuc from ths pjcturaaqua IUN hs four AEON > oars, aht In i iin* Uentrj blood of Osage and Kaw Indians. hull- of Mexico i«' the borren 14ains of rem or piano to cm in long boura la Us Bi .. performing .•!•• has announced his entry into tht the western sheep country Involving workabop. rTng tttg last bora years hs Iiinuil*.. Mia.l-.a does the Charleston race for the Republican Presiden­ , i.iMiitii'ui dandng girl, .*i rich roam baa bSSn sratMag nijrln ami ilny ti> mul the it ..* k Bottom to the iii-liu-lit ol tial nomination next year. Senator i-iiii'ii herder uad Hw "other man." llml a ruhber bearing plant wtth which l|„. jn,. ba "..lila-i* I.. Curtis, as a young boy, was a win­ Ttie story of n basntlfol woman who t.' smash the foreign hold oa ning race-course jockey. lured life two man who loved bar the market Bund reds ot ptante, hues • ii.,.|aai-.T . turnkeys, an •nd oas who bated pis red oul wtth iiini even weeds Asond ta bars oon tiiiii.il pi.-i-t-r suh-iaiM-i' .H'f u^ng can inni i oi uraphlc reallai i rid plalna of fully |nt»i» gated tinder the laveator's uers nl the greal Wasl WW • Foreign Calls for Help The * - Inn., nn Hers in ;i iiut-in'ii i- revealed the theme -»f Jetta OoitdaTa sew star pit- . ii-t,.. entirely new Answered by Red Cross Whil.' all "i Mr Ddhsoo i Luwen White Uuiii.*• whirh will be dla \\ inu I'tin* Qlory" oa thi Ki-aiki * on, and Ibis M-AMH .• teoosjalsad sa graal h« Ipo to : played al ths i' iim theatre Monday i- [woplad with loni Bad human \ea. They nrs tho talented srtlati in ihis eeoatr-f aad United States, the people of the 'VMI of iiif star, eeu it- grown Ln tlu> sottthern whah makeo no ralatske. \\\< K.lf.l, \- alalia* :a- I'ufti in*!- t aa k «' country, through the American Red Wiurs Kortimt in Imv BS Of iln- t'tiittil States In •• \m genuine thing In fronl at tha naianri piHa,' nii'la*r the big i"|i al aaa iiini*. Cross, extended relief to sufferers H/velyn Brenl who giaya the leading qua nti t.V niul .|iiilii\ \- i-i.inlii-iM iii..i> ' i- n a .mix a greal ami flhoorh iu.. performances will i*' given, er rlass bave shut n*i bring ii chuckle and n I brill long nfter the Isle of Pines, the Bahamas, and | n- ii Fortune In ina gnl Ac tent Parts 1 ih" i sal you sea It tiilNKs III- nUBNDt stiil HMI poles i • -i baoght id Is tween CLARA other ialands in the group; fires In Importattoua and evening wear fur- .".<• nnd 40 tt-»'i The Uh-daguucar vine, Haiti snd Porto Rico, floods in Mex­ in -i.nn* nf iin' magnlOc-tent acenss In kr iwn to sfwcMlata BS '*i rjptastegla A Naval in tin* MJIIUIIK M * . \ st.mt. iiim hns fully re- ico and Jugoslavia, earthquakes in thi- j^ctnre depleting ;i iihaee uf high • «-;nviisi-," haa been found i<* wv haven't w titten a no-rel yet, but -orered from liis reeenl iiltn'ss, ni-iaa- Japan, the Azores Islands, Armenia life in the exlKtence of iwu Fifth Ive • good psmritage ttt rabfarr in ii- iiir ii tmm linen ws ihall laclude ai express his gratitude t.. tlia* many and Albania, and refugee relief oper­ nue tnsnutklnn, The cast al-" Include* in thai wnrii BOW Intex, snd it is ths lnranitor*fl Idas bo [rlends who visit.-il him while In* «»- ations in Bulgaria, Syria, ana China. -inii wall known seresn playi mow iin* IT<-!' Uks bay tnti rxtrnoi thm ihi- alarm clock wenl off, Horsce /* Mir a.lll'lllf.l taa hjs t j. -I a | • •. During the Eleventh Annual Roll r.. rl i,\K'ii. i.n ry Kent, Oertruds liquid "y a ni'i-ha ni.al procw, rather at oas ami brought ii back, Clinor Clyn Call, November 11 to 24, the Ameri­ Ktedmsn, Cissy Pltagerald, -SylvU Ash- than I'tiifioy tha tapping method nasd A daap •Uencc Pilled the xtlllnew ton, Qiao Onrrsdo and Jamas Mack. • *\i l | 1 iii OM li." ill ll. Clarence Badger can Red Crosa will seek a member­ mi rofahsr taasa, it hai baaa ftajad MODltfTIOM s«, i ma i" i in general, i aes, l*4Ion ship of 5,000,000 to keep ita disas­ thai lhe M--i- I: i :: •' -i ;ir Vine will -in M>II iratulatloaa, General op«m making my ter relief and other services con­ i. v ii-'imr fin i.fr t.i the ground, 1 FT. MADISON HAS AN acquaints nee.* For Your stantly ready fbr iny call. and (he - mowt^ orer ii was of thee* little towns IT rhe hleodlnx iwirw-;, w hi rs tin > sim tell sboul tho pass •a AVERAGE CITY WITH tin. "Limited" itopped i" li I LalST, Mu>he Kb? Rural Home AN AVERAGE MAN \ TiHir Jsh Ontonio TYIoreno were standing In tlu ballwaj A little boy -ii|'iH.«i Into the psrlor SPECIAL ATTRACTION for tIn nrehentra to piny The proprietor -.f i naa man cloth­ and then eyed the vi-itur up and down, I'iallir,**- aaf tlia* It Will Pay You ing store in Port Madison, [owa, has "Well, litth* lii-in " aald hi- fa thi r'i Tiii'iiiiy in* placed hla arm around been chosen ni America's "swag* friend, 'What are YUM looking ;it ms ST. ( I.OUD-KISSIMMEE 11st. man" by WlUtam B. Dutton, writing FOOT BALL GAME to See sh. blushed sad stsppsd back, in ths American Magsslne, "Dsddy -aiii ymi wei * u islf made Mil.I.* Alliii-tl.i Pan V-.i. i nii'l |iiill thiit stuff in tlii< Neither a leader nor JI Isggard In •nun and I wanted to see whal yon wss ber reproof. "Bul MIV, Ira of iii- town, Bay I looked llka.M Adults 35c — Children 10c the "average" nominee, has sn srar- 1 kM. wr'vi* got a -iih- porch tlist's the •'Quito right/ aald thi gratified Pupils over 12—25c heal place in town*" age education, lives In sn STerags guest boa II an a rerage strest di • Um why did you Niaki' yourself iik.* J. W. SAGE csr, sad !• '!»<• bead «>f o thsl for ' -."i'i ihr boy with consider •AT! liliw famll] «>f four, whlsh is ths swags able surprise, aaed by ths Census Bu-rsau* OH BOY! BACK AGAIN Dr. A. W. Tindall Bs is a church member \\h*> dSSI For llsrKOI'ATHK nut iiiiiini sirvii.-s regularly, Big tbeatroo and muntdpal nntl ctets ar and tastas in iiiiii'. HOSla run fmni cur- r.ii - to sa areraga dsgtsa, nmi was IIHI Jass to liuiit «ins-iriii comport- • in taking in a cabaret and \1 IHM I BATHS 1 Mrt. Dr. A. M. McClaran tlona, sad bs bsUsrss ths nmrlsi to b* witnessing othar aotata "f Inh Standard ia bad si thsy srs rsputad to be. Attnliilant the city's great nlghl Ufa, Ths young generation dosi not slam ..*;; Saainii Mn>s:irlniM*tts Ave. At no iinif did ba shnw ;my rrtsfg- him. nmi be sras aa gturage tntsrari ul'l* n 1 iinl'llS: no in Of anxiety, and met ovcryone Septic Tanks in matters whleh do nut directly af- with Whom bo WSJ thrown into mil­ t mi l.i 12:011 A. M. fi'i t hi*- iiuiiii- of his buslm 1 ::ti to 8:00 P. M. iar! in tin' isms tuni sunner bsaosa* tbs Assoflstsd Pn inu' an BVSnVS nnni. A party naa ta national politics, in- is Independent in Local Usui ffii attitude mi prohibition i DOD com* mttal because bs bellsras neither wets nur ilrys nre glviiig lilm sccurats In­ G. A. R. Theatre formation on tin- Iseus Hi m We Are Again Soliciting tbe ' Ibsmber at Oommerce tbs Botsry Club, Uu* Dlha snd i i Odd KKII)\*> Ml.Ill Pel lows. —Tina Shams— ".Musi i.r nil." iii* MI.VS, i am la- la: aaa IIIIII Him I*. M. Your Orders for tereated In my boms, Ami uezt oomss TDM -MIX my iiiisini * - because my bomi 'ROAD TO HOLLYWOOD" TOM MIX .....I HIS*, Hpiiii it." In ih- likes to read ths current tnaga- sllllriliaa /.iiM". bstter Una aaythln i a] • bul Mtr MJOBO "CANYON OF LIGHT" Fresh and Salt Water bs i' .i'i- ibs sdeertlasmenta • nml cause "thi'.v hasp gM la boudi with I IIIIW MAKSIIAI.I. KAW.K and NKWS tin. latest di'Vi lupim M \ 'rillillillL- Slaarx ,,|' II,, \|. in ths nawspapsii be read wtth Ya.ll Will «'.*. *|i. Snail.-, M0NDA1 \M> ri KNim latarsst sboul new larsntlona, then •".I'a'l I ll.a.'ll' sl t graal disasters or nnusuaJ \lvii A I \\ a. It.il rnniiilv J ETTA GOUDAL crimes, Foreign news bai so appeal • l.aa.lL'lal. a of I i, i.. a a Va-l.-ril IIH mil ;i Strong Gael in for blm, hilt 1 lir I-|H-I HH of t I,. I 'i . j Fish H Shrimp nf tin- i'Ivil War benefit picture Hu*. WHITE GOLD" deal "i of tho Governor of [owa bs I ' tiaU.*i It iia f in, Danchti 1* \\ in read from beginning to end. 0 \ I a .IIH'IHIIIIIK I *j, *, 1,1',- llllllll.. tlllll Ths choice of M r, Orsy ui wear ths llli* IIIIII Ml Plumbs iin* Hi*|iiiis • i ii in bestowed upon bim ended • ss> Wailllll ll'H S.Hll tion wide search In whirh Mi Dutton -All Itnw Willi A liuml r.iliiial> aaad • mapt a ares ther r:jjari and ths Baltimore Oysters report, dividing the tmmbsr —TWII IMN— of dttee sad towni Ln th.* country *, lllll uuil K; 1.1 P, .11. mmau population to find th Arcade Theatre Received FRESH Every Day n was ths wg in "JACK RIDER" KIKI.YN IIUIM population, location aad climate. Kiaaimmee, Florida mul iiin'i' I'm-1 Madlaon was "elected, mi. nn\ WILLIAMS IIKRT I.VTKI I. i. ra a-Ui'ii i<> chooi s i rom I laa I ,\ "I I Wl I.'Ill Wi- Will Monday and Tuesday Wiih II BHN I Hit. T r .|iiilar among themaelrai lbs msn who best UM siaiii A i; | Wi-ii'i II •Urs Mnki* repn i nted i bs i -rarage, Tho city SlTil.l I*lillll,* November 21 and 22 "WOMEN'S WARES" found thai "there Is B little hit i.'f llli: traSTBBI ito\ nil of ns in itny U Orsy." v ii.iifiiirui i,iiii . st..i I I Ml' I laa I I | lit,' SHOWS: ( After i in* news of Oray*i oholoi tog the rsre distinction his qoalli Wet I a • I'll llllil I 'lllll.-Il.V 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 IIIMKDY and NKWS Bums' Fish House saraad tat iiim, bs wai Lavltsd to 7:30 and 9:30 • by ths Ohioago Trlbnm bol llll H-l> W NOV. Mill •Inr Ki

    n hariow" pli for the county in the MU 'IIM* \N ASSO< IATION alll.\ In lle.eiiil.,-1* for lhe . Iri'li.-M Mi O. A. S t . ut. imineil the fol MANY RE0UESTS ARE tdii.eiv. i-itimi mentioned. meats ai .1 .hi. ken dinner lun iii. hoard agreed to purcfaai 1 tin November -ml. aboul seventy4lrs 1 ram oa It. Rile) . Her il Mi. ami Mi--. Hugh Perkins, MADE ON COUNTY io, sirafion H |di" driver machine for l*i "ph' nat at 1 tu- (Hub 11, nil v 1"r a i M rn, \ ll, si iii.in Dwlghl 90BO, meeting "i iln* Iflclllgaii Asaoctatton, l;i,k Simiiamv wn-, allowed -SI •"' I" 1 Nl1 Ihn Id Rlaa nf Ffoutlmrloii, w Kim,hi 11. Arthur Hent«n and lira .1 COMMISSIONERS ihe meeting a .1-- called tu order hy iiinnth til euro tnr Iiai.I, Kvans. who „ In vl King frlenda in st Clond 1 . .*.ly. 11 on I In- 1 lamiy iiiahitt'iiaii, - II.* I'lVKldcul II, L Smiih I'I;I.\.*I l.y 1TTORNK1 DAVIS AND < 11 UKMAV and UOW i.ee.1 Kl l;i1'" A" |,,f ' in UH\ \\ WKRR IN IA( KSON , e attention « tn bis advanced *'•*««•••»« ' 'V s« Houd Veil waa \ll I I DKLIVKRLNCS Till: ngw nnd ill health. I given. A notion prerntled that wa IIAO.000 BONDS T. II Keen aaked that tbs r«>ml from ; !• *-i|inin' th" election at officers til) 1 n*cr I'.i ii. t" Tnylor croak 1 iii.* next meeting the flrsl Wednesday unl.. routine liuiiliiwn- uaitterH occu graded, No uci lor takeu. I >. . 1 mini- Mi-lnniaM ami llin^haiau ueif al i he 1 Heeling then resolved Lteelf in pled the lime nl UM* ll.. ini of C 3 io an experience meet Ini a ad Mr ra al t be regular noni blj h..veii 9230.N7 ns freight on machinery DANCING hiii-eil to Kennnsrllle I.T dewonatm smiih ti.hi of hi- experience during •baaton held Miaaia*. \ P. Ilaaa, min­ in.ii whlcb wm 1 '-I.'. 1. .1 i.> the eounl.i lhe siinini. 1 or fr the si (loud db tries . ommiaalonera. iin* eonipanj i'hrei of 1 h.ii' r. hitfve- hmi U-eii Every Wednesday ond Friday Night BCtSd a- rlriiriiiai' in the Moaenoe "I in relenaa the eon 11 t.i rrom all eiaitn-- lllll t.i un. Mr I'.u iiilei* inlil h 11 imn t',v\ in a ho 0 to lu .lm k un l lm 1 uilg-ht arise If th.- hnn nl WOUld al wbal a iiin- trip the) hnd. Mrs. Price* Gent*, 99c—Ladies Free vilh* with -VttorilUJ ©Ills I". D«vU, liav the li'«*ghl. Itih v gave a little hlatory of tha mast Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 making dell ver j ..1 the 1150,000 Ke A hill t'rtmi I9. 1.. Love I'm damage w In. h hul heel) Ilelil III) -Ullllliel ,lli* mad bonda. . hi 1 mod done 10 a fence at a eoh *'i* i 11 ml*bo« we had all enjoyed the meet PFElFFER'S Qlllte a nitiiiU'r of cltlseus and ta\ imi near Fish Lake mi tin* Ktsshnmec FLORIDA MELODY KINGS [layers addreaaod tho board during tho si (loud mad wna Ued, 'Ilic lamrd \h MaraboU gave 11- bis experience 6-P1ECE DE LUXE ORCHESTRA • i.i.i i.n \ urliius [iroiKmltlon Instructed Herald Aaliton, road BUper 11. -tn.\ Ing lui e nil s a in me 1 while his l'ni Johnston, as attorusy tot tba vlaor, to hire 0 mriisatar and pepUice at in Michigan. Mr. Bullard l*v K. r, railroad aaked the board to the t'ant-x" fence thai had bono tnoreil "•aim a aong which was: written h.v bin Swimming At All Times i..n 1 freight Liii of some fc&OOO,du e i.\ workman in rebuilding tho road. I • I., TV 1 . s A. iin* nephew died In •-ii llie Kenansville rand, and al>" OSksd Tlie board rai Wed the agreement of bort iin." after he a rote the song. Boxing Thursday Nights -*A hoirf lor every child"—is lutereat he Hdded. The matter was an arhitrilti 'fiuuih tee "ll the a Mra, Hem-dirt waa asked to tell HH THE AMUSEMENT PLACE FOR PEOPLE OF ie tlopan i-i Sophie Irene Loeb, referred i" tho attorney for tho boaril mount due M. H Cm,mil for daniagi II hunt the reception given by Mrs. resident ol th, Oiild Welfsre as in pa \ imaii of tha Inters I. The OSCEOLA COUNTY AND CENTRAL FLORIDA nm i" prupeiij i" t.a.i eonsirm-ii.". , liioiiipaon nn inr 80th birthday. She f ommiltee of Americs. who now freight hln lo i" ba deducted rron n the Point road. The amotiin agreed • " gaye u rceUlng, "October had 11 tlan, s national campaign in 1928 amount* duo ths contractors nrt*o did >r s million dollsr fund 1.1 |MJ wae 9300.110, jl'iniv " Mi-s LoiHiiis gave ns n song. lh" W.ili-.. The 1...ani adjourned nni ii the i>« 'We ftset Again, Welcome Home." i'i....ni hm Officer Kliyin* naked hn eember meeting to beheld on the 13th ' Mr, Qott also told bou be had sn* ,:> Cash's Pavilion an appropriation "'" *' ' ' '" i'"> frano ed ihi meetings through tbo sum RED GROSS FLOOD p.ui.ni..n for <.lad.\s I'.nnl.n anl to Recitation, "The Bngtneer." by South Carolina, whli-li wa-- miauled. : u,l,,,n A Il-Le-Wa-Ha Springs Mr. ami Mra. Leslie Parker snd Mn book was given tn ths Kissimmee, Florida \ s Nelson nnd flecretary -AlieellUH I, M. Parker hit Sun.lay f"i Miami ' " '> u> I"1*' Jnnltor of the hall mid RELIEF IN SOUTH :i>koii ihe board Pot aa appropriation in attend rhe state convention ..r Iced everybody to reglstar. of 9100 )MT month to help pej Cham w I T, C Adjourned to meet tbe first Wed INT of Ootianeroe rani at Klaalmmee, COSTS $17,000,000 :i- three iiiunty employeea uae that of i li. .1 in'inhiua 1 (era, Al 1 ho 11 ft er noon brought "'ii 1 but 9 A. M. CroHH 1 1 loel In 77 ma­ imii tee jor dls;. I aili it Slal» s and *n>S? ii: John 11 r.ai-i"ii. represent •" N d, Ini ludlng 1 bnrrloana Kenan* \ llle < -faamber of Onuunerce arar Hsrsna, Cuba, and the iaie of aaksd iii" board i" etmtrlhute to the Xo be Continued Until Stock is Sold Out Completely! pint'*, ono In the Bsbareasi and oih- nupport of ihai organlaation oul "f tho We liave leased new quarters which are now being prepared for our later entry—rather than move a dollar's worth of pre­ ers throngh rsrloui Waal Indian re- |iiiiiii,iiv funda ll" e/aa promleed what Ki.niM, |r< In Porto Rico, another In help «uuld be given nfter the Fund sent stock to oui new location, we will sell these most desirable fall wearables at startling sacrifice—cost and loss are ignored, Haiti, earthquakes la Armenia, Japan were available, foi entire stock must move quickly! Come and fill your need? at the amazing low cost now at your command. ati'i klhanla logo Blai in A deiwt) lOtertfTa bond for .1 P, and Mexico. 1 bomas \\ as approi od. The organisation ooadhotad refugee i •..nut - Bkiglner Joe Johnston n a 1 relief spsratlOUl Ifl Syria Dul-garl* Instructed tn order a/hat notarial araa ami OhlaSi ths latter Largaly due to liec-tHtaarj to do lln ."inM.\ s part nf Free! MEN'S SUITS 1 DRESSES r,i(iliMial wars fought over various to uildltia ths mad between Ki Free! and st cionti. TO WOMEN All Sacrificed parts of China tin pawt > aaf New Fall Styles TO MEN Tbe tWO "ai 'landing disasters tit 1 ounty Agent 1 QUO < hum a RI The best styles and qualities in fall A Fine suits—select colors and patterns—at A Fine hnnii' aaa tha Florida Irani oapt ud ad to buy .i growers "Blue Rathei than move them to our new Iho MiHHiHHippi Valley flood. Rohahlll- Itonk" in aid the farmers of lo big sacrifice in prices. tatlon operations of the latter disaster 11 nmv in securing relluMo oonunlaslnn store we will place on sale our entire are still In progress under the Red boQsss t*" which in ^i-iii 1 protluce Felt Hat stock Silk, Satin, Velvet and Woolen Felt Hat Crons A national appeal for fundi from ihi- ."iiniv Th" cosl WM*. est! Willi nWATt raaal air Suits Suits Willi a.\..r.\ lull suit wa* mated at $mn\ while Mr. Cinin reportetl iln--. -ulii Kriiln.v anil Dresses at marvelously low prices as was made In both d1na«t<>rs, resulting to $30.00 to $35.00 -all I iiiiii and Nat nr In I'uniiJhai, laf amounting tb ,1 about 9100.000 in poodncs would sniiii'ilai, *\II\<'IIIIM>I- IK per the listing below: ilui. \a.\ iiuiiii* IS anal to mon. than |M,OOO.0tO. hn shipped. aiml III a Iim* Fall l'i-li l!l HI- uili riv« II Iini* Ureases up i.. |10.00 Tin* UlsslSSlppI than! Is the out- .1.. Rutler reported thnt a olo pli iiai—KUI;K! K.ll Mat—FREE! "\i'i"il nu oouto state lands near the $14.50 $18.50 all I'III.iai* $4.95 Handing dlsat •• r In tha whole history wc-t evtanati f the laaa WVlson road of UM Red I 1 rtilef serv- Dresses si trade : thai mlgfal IK* sei iil-eil t'.n use 011 the ONE LOT SUMMER SUITS ii e la thla "in* 1 ataatrophs tha si shariM* rosd. 'Hir clerk was Inst ru ted l(i*ilin*i..l In $7.95 gaatsstlon ralssd through Babsarlp In w 1 ite th" state land offlee to w nn Free! to $25.00 $5 Freel tlons by the people of tho country and 50c i in * - MII MI orads In t lose t MI i ihise suits from last M-UNIII lll'l|lla*l*l| lal foreign nations approximately $17,* Enameled VM nt ter tlnin at il inert* Inniiiai of value $11.50 $1.50 tided iiv thla Inipinil Worsleils. CniKhi's. linens— I iresaes ap ,,, *L'II .'.ii Aluminum fund It fed, clothed, shsltsrsd or nth \.lines lo M5.M), at $5.(10 Suit. Sail,* Price $13.95 srwlse assisted more than flno,0OO hu Dish Pan man tn im* , IVd unl cai 1 d for np CANCER CAN Water Pitchers proximately |00.l In ad of ti- To Ihr first M nis BROKEN LOT To thi' first M i iistnni anil sstablti in d 1 i'i rafugss oaanpj tsaaaVB KrldH\, Nmrni- am \\\\o panbaaaa $.ri.iui Tho flood Inundi 1 approximately BE CURED ber IH,—fur miy IIMT FALL COATS or niorr In this wale 20.000 square Bliss ami gffsctsd 174 rhamliM' in Hiis *ale. Women's Shoes Kiili in i|iiailil\. iiilni* ami tin* IrimniiiiKK— starting al 9 o'clock, oountlsi In eight ita tee. lom« MOv wv will glaa 9twt I iia nni Up to $6.00 HH-I* iiiuls an- WWS\ iiilu.- al regular prira-n Iiiiiii) iiHiiniiii;. otK' of 000 homeless persons wero shell em] Dish Pan—FRBB1 alllil mm llia-j mi* i;li*.ill) sa, liliiril tn nit: tll-TNT $1,511 t-f|llfUi In Red Cross enmpa. Winn the enn r Dr. S. M. Bardnar, of Bt, $15.00 Coats—$ 9.50 \liiniinum I'llrhrrs will gency wiu at its height iln* Red ( rosi IN* given—FREE! (l.i.nl. Florida, V <). Itox $2.95 $25.00 Coats—$16.50 was serving more than a nilII n TOPKIS Varfot) aal Sljlas mill I alllil - I'air Salaal iaill ni.'.ii'. ,1 dn] ti I. certainly can ru re 1 linn UNDERWEAR $35.00 Coats—$22.50 so vast ana ths work Imp • Sh, never fat la, Bhe cured One Lot 15 Coats—7.95 the Red Cro^s nnd allied agencies ;i bad one .111 niy HUM . She FULL LINE oonductlng rshnhllltatlon that thlo Freel haa cured several other oeo 69c 75 PAIRS MEN'S d : ba flood rsllal 1 Men's .$1.50 paetad kl extend well into the coming jile in four block 1 of ma, Women's Shoes fmtst i'p to September IS, 104,441 $2.95 WORK Up to $5.00 DRESS SHOES fanillleN in tii" flood IOOO bad lieen .She in red M r (lamer, SHOES Kerchiefs rshsbllltath n - hy ths 111 I) I, Olden \v, . Or $2.95 A llai\ alf il 'ka'l rhnls Rsd CroHH, and 1,700,000 a, $3.65 waariii *i.."ao Praa, nnii 1 .a Op land in SSI Sfl Slates li.nl lando, I I.e. \\ ho hnd 1 pled ••••wl. Salmiil anil llrassa M>li-s ill Willi* Sold Up to $6.00! $1.95 \ll in l*.i-i stjlis ian, lli-imn. Ilkiili- I aall pair nf Ni-n's bsea replantiMt with Hod CrOOB aid. 10 CIl re a ei nee 1 .ui his f.n a Si'laal imi—*:».«."> I'llir Sllna's •old, iiiiiii iln* 1 h.nl In on expended 01 commit •rtliil.- I .nt Holds Out I Imiii* lill.-a for '-'<) yeara. I la.l 1 ha X-ray llll 111 Kalalll.N hallll tSd for expenditure in SOnnsotloO $3.50 WORK out. wlili thia relief and rehabilitation alau. had II cul oul two SHOES ororb « total af flMtitunia Onyx Pointex $2 Silk Hose Onyx Pointex $1.65 Silk The appeal for a nation aid* v 1 a rs SffO, l>ul ll c. mi. linrk MEN'S $1.00 1 loorssasd i" ' " 00 adnH in fon r inun t hs ami snot her $2.45 $1.65 Hose—$1.35 1 ra, It was pointed out, I mie w it h it I )r, Bordner and $1.25 III Mill I llll fun mill Si'lliai* Shaa-l lll'sl Shllili-,, < 1,1(1.1,1 Waiulll "ti tba realization thai d. manda on *-illl til ll,-,il—;, rii|ii|lai- tt. 1 Crou nervlcs such as oconslonsd killed mil removed t hem. MLN'S DRESS Wi'iulil*. 111 11.*-1 Hull Miaali-i. H,i«i-—at Sairlfiii- by dlSBStar rolls! are In, •ml In H 1 il lie t ii WO I ti PANTS Work SHirts Nf that rsasoii his woii in twelve daya, i |. in *,; portanca ti lent to the Dlereatb -vn $1.25 Silk Hose, 69c nnal itoii cnii of ths organisation to I a Inii all t he n 0 rid I- ni a 75c Silk Hose, 39c 69c Be li* id froni Analstlee Dsy, Nov»m< $2.95 lla-l lull Miuila's ill llllii't, \ -iiotiit \sstirt nieiii nl < iilors bar It to Thanksgiving. Nov an ber how since ssfnll \ l>r. ll.tr-l Ifltit- and Kl .- :,i 14, dining" whioh this an nl n.i r HI ni i*. r,i ncers. win bo hunt up. MRS. F. E. PENNY, Mi .in.i Mm 11 !'• Psrcell, • I \.. 100, I ileventh Si.. No. 6 mg. \ *>,, iiii ,t* 111 mni 10 sspail ihs Si Cloud, Plorlds winter in Mt. i'h.ml They WSTO in* SALKINS' Broadway I- il h> Mr wiiiii 'iiNwhi.v of KISSIMMEE a in. -a in i» 1 inii mil's 1 here for the sea eon TltlRSIlAV. NOVEMBER 17, 1IW7 •VI.I *-l\ TilE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, .ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA

    lilUTIIl'A*. DINNRH of lervloa to Plortda'a tourist inter \ a laiiUill alilllli'l* MT'IS a-llji. It'll lil-l GOVERNOR MARTIN A. A. A. OFFICIAL PREDICTS THAT THIS WILL BE Beta are arranging hi take full udvun sun.Iny nt the li.'in.' aaf Mr. ,tta,1 Un nage of tin- oo-operatloa whleh has .linn.- iiiiiiinil In inun.r nf Mra, Ite SEES NEED FOR THE GREATEST TOURIST SEASON been Offered them tiy ttn*lr northern Bool b, ia li" '•!. I'l'iiti-il IHT nffiliation * As the service of A. A. eighty-third birthday aaatveraai'-i GREATER UNITY IN FLORIDA'S HISTORY A. cluba is reciprocal, the Florida A. Among i.iiii'i' good ihliiKi* a iHTita \ \ .lulls must he In pooltlon to KA8TKH1-) BTAU I v.U'Vs I iln lulu ,v i-iiki- graced tha table. Un I;KMK\I. MANA<;KK MMNMN HASKS ills IVOfHWi IIFOH PUt •eive northern membera when tiie.v HOCIAI \l I'OHNa.a as , celred noma pretty nml useful TEIX8 DINERS TII AI PEOPLE arrive and give slnilhir service to The ontortatmwtil min.*.* ol th* cut- I'ln* gueata wera Mr. nml Um. Ml si l.\\ DOWN PETTI IHF SIIWIi OltSKR^ \TIONS~TllRKK A CM IIS MKKWVHMtfr Florida motorlata whea they go north si Cloud I'liaipin nl Hn* Kaatern sun* .lllllll- Illllilll.I. Ml- H.'ln1*l*ll II. a, 111 FERKNCRH AMI \MIKK SENDING MOTOKIsrs MM TIIWMtK during the su miner mouths. arranged . ma.-' •'• o^i.t ,*..i ,1 I a*111 l.ailli: ainal Un, Ji*|ilili*| KOK A tiKKATKK "This is onqueetlonably a motor Bftl-rU I '"' Tll.'-I*'.' a,l III.. I..11.1-1 Tuckar. PLOKll>\ age, Fully fifty IMT cent of the tow n„b In 11 * i'n' Park, aai whlcb alwul i>lti tNDOj I'la. Nov. *-. Florida can oonaerrafclvelj axpeol Isis who eiuue t Florida (luring 1P1W ,-,„ ulll »| ,,i, pn -• ni Including • [IRAN i*A I niKir n iMililXi; \ee,i tag greater co-operuttaa bf tin* beal .ml 010 obi K- tourist sen son this *,\ inter tin- state hns ever \\ill i-une hy aulniuohile, As the road nurnbel aal ni.n.l- li'.'iii KI-aiinlil.T W \s SHUII' snriAl, i:\ i:\ i lioiiduin*. tor tlie nltiniiitt' licnellt ol enjoyed. This is the firm conviction nf V. 1). I,. Hohinsnn, ^eiornl oondttloaa throngh Georgia improve, i ,I,I, „ ra. arrangml In the -I.U.HHI- MI— iinii.i l.i'.'iin Padgett, iiiniuii this percentage will laereeoa so that we Florida VM •txp—d by GoTwnor John manager of tin- Plorlda State Automobile Association wlm Ims just ,.|'„i, r,„ or bridge, BOO uinl "cootie." I,I of Mi nmi Mi- i .1. Padgett, * i W, Martin at a lian.|iiei glvta in his in a few years Klorldn will he welcom­ Iimlni.' iln* nln -i'i 'i ""Ir*** •'• ''•• s si Cloud, imi Mr. Winter Dean of 1 it Thnixlii.v aklit nl the Maialarln returned to Qaflando from a fifteen dny tour of the leading A. A. A. ing the target neroantaga of hes visi- I'liilllr- .l.lluhi.-al Hi. govts with ii-t Anl.iiriiilnli*. were married on Wednes­ lun. iiiiiiiiii,1. by W U. (HftDn, cluba and aaaoclatlona throughout the north, Mr. Robinson nude tora nt the blgnway gatawaya <>f the a, wns performed h.v ami forgotten, tin* chief axecutt-aa mh I of the program oi the stale of Florida Travel Bnraaa. greater opportunity to benefit from laHKHl I'la - Tlllll' Which -lla* gtWi M elanil. in i i.ier that ibv IIUMI ami By attending the annual meeting of the New York Stale Auto this flow of tourlal travel over the ,,„ ,*,„•,.i. Mi- I 1 I •' Ln ll1'" Bev. Ivor i; llyii,liiiiiii. piisiaai ni the M.*iia...li-i Kplscopa] church, auleted wouii'ii of the atata may work Bot a mobile Association at Itoclnstei* ami the New England Conference highways, us the avcniKC tourist coin l-v Frank I*:. rillt|Hilt, mul v i- wll greater li-uiiia nor, and thrimgteoul Ing in Ids own ear will wnnt io tuki AI thi • I*-** "i lh'" i-njoyabli ; tht* years to iiniie. j of A. A. A. secretaries at Worecsltr, Mass , Mr. Hohiii.son made per advantage of Florida's wonderful sys­ :il|,.l* ,a, .1 -lllllll i* -a* With '..llf.T- III --iii by ivintlvi's nnii Intimate Oovernor Martin was unatluting \u [aonal contacl with tin* aecretarlaa and managara of practically * vin tem uf highway* and travel over the .-'llai ti-ll Wai -a*ra • .1 friends hi- pnlaa ". (he people of Orange L|ul> from Portland, Me. to Sgm York (ity, N. Jf(J .-md from New entire stale." Till Iiuiiii* «. IHI I. llllla ill lonniv in tiuir foi'vini ami progreaa Mil ANH Mils i'ii 1« I'nUli wltb iini-. s|*nnisii lim-s mni poinset- j VorU to Buffalo, S. \.. Waihlngton, P. <'.. BalUnora, Md., According to K. M. MIUS, of the BKTKKTAIN IT BttlDOH he nttlhitlo in regard i" 'ho develop- Philadelphia, I'.i., Harrlabarg, l'n.. the hcadqaartan of the tlii- in Inn inaaiii/.lii^ iiiiitiniiiiil ahndea. nuni of tho terrHorj He aleo landed United suites Departaaaal «-^ Agrl- Ma HIH! Mr- I li I - l'1'iiaM..nl i'ii 'I'll.* inili In tlia* ra i ll*li.*r.. til., lliili­ IN niis\ i\ an la Motor Federation, Columbua, Ohio, State beadquar gnltnre, a mt nonanmaa tin- eqnlvaletii a, iiiiiiiiii lln*. .* I. .''I.'- "f hrUf* HI ihe -..11 lily's re|»i evciiijit i\ e.s iu the llli) va.w- wara ->iK>ki-,i mrbally In the -;ate -tnate and legtalature dnrlng the ten of tlie Ohio Slate Automobile Asso<*iation, Cleveland, Ohio. De of two ilollars a year nnd .New Bnglaad their home I'ii.-.iai> . viiiliii;. An in- sign language, IMIS imnkett with ilu* three feara in arhleli he haa held the troit and Saginaw, Mieli.. and Chicago, Ml., were also visited. alone hses 114,000^000 yeniiy ttirongt ten -ii"-' fi an nr. a.: aiaa* evanlai WU Slillll' ala. alllllillllS Wllllll flll*|l|l'll 11 -"fl the depre.lalioiis of this |s*sl di,. game ..r bridge playad (ran In- green tun kgrnund for Hie Illuminated mnhnetortal ralni of the state. "lu every instance", snhi Mr. Rob- Ilio outside to contain the route eariis -iriuili.ii- being i*.. iv.*,i oarer radio. wi-dilltiff bell Tin* ring caramonj was "Oman Oounty'l -ounior ami rep iie-oii. 1 found thnl the advanee In of ihe trip to Florida, Ills seont Mull aoora aad naod ).-entative- hmru devoted their «*«ia quires and requests fm* toiirltiK In­ ears have made four trips to Florida Figure eoinpiled hy the WashhiK low -a*, a. Wanl I" Ml-. Kiltlla'l'llll- Tlie attractive yutniK bride was hearted ami enttiualastlc rapport twf form.niou t" Riorlda greatar thaa thay i his fall Checking up ^n read eondl- ton, 11 r., tniffie bureau show that i i, III ii aiml tflaa I • ni .liilm-..ii; gowned in (link 1*1*1 |n* ili* chli ihe u-neiir of their conatltoenta, not have been In any previous tloaa into Florida, five par aaal of tha dty*a antomoblle \a iiii.- i b< III. o*. pi laee wanl ba 0 I iliiiiiy triiiiiiu-il with silvi'i* beads, nnd .>iil\ in their :ieti\it\ lnwanl theiiiivet Tii, ,.i. lane-, and inuiiimerw eXprOOa •At the Ohlo&gO Motor tiuh whleh caauattlea nre oauaad by peraona w«ik- Halle., nn.i I .' Hattli carried am arm houqonl nf pink radi­ .iov.'i..|-iiieiit i.r the eouniy. Imt alao ed theia-elvi s as deeply hitresli u in has a membership and fiuilltles sim! inn into the sides of vnovjiip inator ve A .1* li. i..ll- -ll.a'l "itli -llll*lui.ln- ance ta'-l -. in ihelr talmi* for imlinvt U-nelll to Horlda and anvious to loopemte willi lar to thoaa or tin* Detroit Olnb, i hides. mul chocolate w»« -* IM-II. After tii,* aar,in,my refreshment H Ma- eounty through iireet proffraaa ihe Plorlda .v. A. A. orgaalaatloa in found a keen Intereal ln serving aiotoi rii,.., . preaenl wan Mr. were served to the bridal party nnd .Hal .te\elo|iin,*at of ihe *-lale," lie as every waj in nadlag motor tourists ists rtaajrlng to visit Plorlda. This nnd Ui I • St. aad lira. -erf etl. to iius state, Dvery club -a organlaation llkowiaa owns its build­ Colvln riirki T. Mi and lira, 0. A. Immediately after Uu* repast Mr, *• war • Martin \\;is Introduced by thm with Which contact was made. ing ittataglcally located on Michigan lluilaa. Mr- Kalll a. I ia mli iiiiii nnd Mrs, D« tored tu Jacksonville Seiuni.r M. 11. i Ivor street i" the Kuth- readily agreed aoi only to handle the boulevard, i'he Obloaga elnh laa s THK NI \N Mi--, - lla I allaMl I Van .la'llll-a'll where they will -iny n ft>w ilny- la.>- erlng »«f affHOxhnntelj . in. .Mrs. In.-I "f liiiti'l- throaghoal tin -inn* correct way Aay gave tha salute ami rity. N. v.. Philadelphia, Pa., and i mi ri.-is expressing n desire lo visit I las .lust .1 10. s. PbllUpa will lie aaalataal li*»s- win. uili l.i* inti n-Miil iii il,,. mi. pledge i" om- flat;. All ezpreaaad Columbus, ohlo. Requesta were made a paratteiilar - e. tlofl at Florida are ii—. 1.mli. - ited in lirliiK thanks ami appreciation for tha flat;. 1111 11! "t their marriage, mul f,.r special touring artidaa ami pit given folders of thai aection, nts ARRIVED their Hiiinl.i. • iia*i i n aew- will wi-li Mii'tn 1 uii liiipphn*-- ported. magastna nml newapaper las Under nen business the National snail ears have likewise eovered the articles. The I A \. alnhm are pre various rontaa to Florida In a thorough Call for WIIM \N*S KKI.IKK (OKI's pem word ";i- given out. The chair­ i ni rim: apeclal maps on tin. nirloni DINNI H \T I AST man of the [executive Committee re­ uuinnej; this fall. mutes to ri.-riihi for uaa In Ihelr Local 'Whal t he so (duhe ate doliiK for Demonstration i.AKi: a The l. h* Mitchell Rebel ported thai Ifr, Cfaamberlln woaM new-pa lie is. the I »et t'oit AtttOmobtlC Ml. alll.I Ml*- Aall..11 Sla.ly WHI \u\iliar> io ihe Qffand Army give us a data foi* *i movie u-ueflt Florida is being duplicated bg CSava eiuh has arraagad for taage featurea lamt. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Aocbe laa.-I- I., lla, in.-lul.il- llllll "f iho Republic, met in regular aea- ni.l it was Voted to lake Friday, Nov on ihe trip to Florida aeeniupiniied by i.r. , Nw York < ity. Boaton, Washing ITIIa-l- Of ll.a W. alii. -al.aV Bvenlllg Tlllll si November 10. after i be of ember -•"*. aa ««• had been Invited to ii map in nini' large newepapera of CRAWFORD 1 ton nml hundreds of others of the BOO Which lii'-l ul llii' i..i-l I-atki* I'luli fleers march, the meeting was called Join in the parade md other exerdaae Michigan. The DetTOll eluh in ordnr A \ \ elulis tkrOUghoUl Ihe liilted llli- I'l'ak A ala li. ia.ll- Illlka'V alillll. T t.» order al 'J o'elodi p. nt. bj tha on Arnilstlee day. The COTpi Wrtad to -.ive its ii5.(MM» membera occupiea Slates. 'I'he hurried tOUI thTOUgh the WW. nf lil'ialgi*. president, <;- rtrude N, Balcom. to do -,t. four BtOll huihlin^ in the north has opened up almost unlimited llU'ia score prlaea ware awarded to The guard annonnaad tbi li i Mir Inspector and friend, Mr-, Moot li,*,iii of Detroit. Blghteen elerks are lea ter utilising the servie-- Electric Shop Mr-. Prank Bryan and P. BBeraian; in waiting and tlie conductor and color Mi. ii gave sunn* lieipfni and encourag­ at the touring counter at their main facilities ,,f Hi,. MM) \ A \. elul.s in iin* oonaolatlona to Mr-, r Sherman iiiniiis retired nnd aaoortod Into the ing advice, after which iha was given office ia addition to the clerka at the exploiting the attracttoaa and advaa- llth Street alllil 1*\ 111, meeting Mra, Ploreaot M Boot. paat ;i ri-iim vote of thanks for In-i pati eleven branches in eleven nftleg ot ta^es of Plorlda in bringing more tour department preeldent of Uti tttgan Blioa and help. Kort.v nieiiihers and gouthern Miehitian. Mr. Malhesun. the d been detailed te ni-pi•< i onr isis to Florida A- this eo-operatjou .St. Cloud, Kla. KI:|'.I:KAIIS AND two vlattori w/et • praaam. manager "t the touring bnreaa, has is given "niy through affiliated A. a a Hil i I Kl.l.llWS Sa a, | A |. had printed sii-eiai envelopea with an The membera a.f the Bebakah Lodga Aliention is tailed io the fuel Hint A. dune, ihe Florida A A A. aagu Mi> Bool vv.i- oondnetad t" tha there will '>•.* no mentlng on Tinmk- nt 1 raetlvo norlda seine printed on i/aiimis appreciating tbe opportunity and ibe Order of Odd Pallawi win right of the Prealdenl Introduced and givlng Day, November M, and our ».exi Imiil II get-ti Ml nml [ilanla* given i'1'opei* imn" regular ueetlag wll be on December ill the I ll ia !•' Ilaill in M Monday iin* roM eaii tetrad 'i'i offlo Bth, our election day for off'. evening, November L'l. All Odd Pel- ee|i| Ihe a-sist;ili( (huii J >I , -~r |jf. Mi'S. Iowa alllil Ita-laaklill-. llllil* I'll Ulii ii -. ailla] i I 'nn.i in waiting ami wns < I I- \KINi. TO III III* .all lllai-l* flitiil.il. I.. llii'liiln-r-llili ill initiate'] in aa Impreoalve mtnnar ami either order, gra inviii*ii. wel^'^ieit. Th.. relief committal ra Ur, I I*. IU 1 a ml nephew are •omethlng tat ili«* guppar. port. «d; .ail-, U boqneta ami ft,IMI .ioariiiL i iv. • ..uinl on West Will laa* |ll*aa\ lata a|. others Hum nioiiey. Ii alao P 17th -ireet, in anticipation of building th of Comrade ilemy Bartlett, We Guarantee Our Work ai a near future date, U:iIMAN iiM.AI.L bnaband of onr paal daaprtmeal com* Mi George \\" Uhanui ami Mrs. mender, Bamantha Bartlett Roaa B, Tindall wera married al tha Mi- Brown annonneed that aha Inr I'llblie Inane .'1 Mr .1. W Oliver at Kissin; a faaaed to st mi iho i>ox of clothing ami Because— s STENOGRAPHIC WORK liieo nil I »i •! ..In t I . othar thiims for the orptuuu at Jack- Mr. I*'hiimn i- nuiaager of the -uni •oavllle "ti Thnraday, November l". tall On tarj Barbei Bbop Ha nw hwa I'ai riotie I u-1 met or. Mrs. l»erkiiis, MISS MAK\ A1JCK BRACE*. tioin Oolumbue, Ohio, aaaal three reported on the praaentlng of tin* flaw I'liiniiii.I- nf I'aiinllia-rii' KIH.IIIV We Know How to Do It! reara igu for lhe andltoriuma in the Westsiile 'I'.lilli Sln-i-t Mr. ind Mi I.oliiiiati are now hu.hl- school house mi Wedneeday, Novem­ Lng ,i ai'. n|] room bone oa Aiigutnr Lake, a beautiful aection near St. Tell Us Olond. Mr. Lehman aill remain as wiagac of the Sanitary Barber "hop hm i- Your Auto Troubles having four acres pianteii io ranger laaa oa bla place ou tba lahi • 1 sler for tills KCtlOD nf Iim nf, timt both tin* i.II.i. inti green have maaj frlmida In tlu coauanalty who wish them :i happy a till pi * Foture. M*;\v ENGLAND BOCIB1 V 'I'ln* flril iniiiiiiu .af tha Maw Kim inml s,„ i. -1 >• ims la .-i.t in ih,. Tourlal 'i'ii. II..II- \i..niiiiy. Norambar n. aiii.,1 ia, otaat iiy .iiai Aini'iiiii" wm* •mni! i.v un- aadlaace, followad in- prajer, Bev. Mr i Tin' roll call i.-wiTiii ais (Ollawai llaallll, |j \,*w lliiiii|a- stiiri*. i; ViTiii.aiu, Maaaa. III; Elbod« Island, 'i. Conneottcut, zi: rlalatora, 13. Mra, u ahoraa ,,r l^ika. Tohopekallga, Honda] waning, where Order Thanksgiving Cakes Now ''•'I '.vir II l.liizlnn camp firi*. Dixie Garage and Filling Station rii.* ineetlng „r tha dab will i.a h.iai "Hi.v ..I tlH .lllll.ll am .Maimliiy R It. BLOSSER, Manager ai which iiim* iiiii Initiation St. Cloud Baking Co. Tenth Street, Opposite High .School Building 'if ni-.v lii.'iiihl'l- will IH* in III. "KNOW US BY OUR LOAF" CiAS OILS ACCFaSaSOHIKS — .11 li BNTEBTAINBD St. Cloud, Florida Tills Al*"l |TUMn,\ PENNSYLVANIA TIRES — Mrs. ii i*' z,.i, i i,. utartainlng ui.. nn nihirs a,i bar I.II.IKI* . ini, thi JOIN THE RED CROSS" afternoon ut her home on M si-tis tTenne


    ,, 1 "Tenn >lHrrilMt*' rrniMiwd Fishing and Hunting the itata it la $10.00 \ MOD raetdcui ***• i n r*** IMII i ">« • i "i 11 M 1111:11111 *** * m' " ** *' >»*< Floil.Inn nm fish only In Iiin own V1H1T1NO SOCIAL A liNcvi'lir ti'ilii luinrhiLi'. nini illllly nmst pay t'jf. tor ihi .ntin- atate. HUM renewable i'.v elthsr busbnnd or wife. county without a license. To flnh In nil other counties of the ninte will TrapptnC llotBi < $t.,trO fm* n • iiii iiv I'imrh**- s Burnell, 11 siihni of liis own county. tor Hu pn•• -itiiim jndgs "t thr I^is AngalM enat |1,(M) for MM nll-stnti' lln•• superior court, n:-* a Mibstltuu to ti»>' Nmi n-iiiiiiin mual pay to tith any- -tale 980.00, St. doublets for any particular ooun< . ii will ba adrtaable for flahermen |.n*iiil i ivil cnlitnirt Of niiirritine. t* or IS 50 for nu ;iii atata lit i nnd buntera t«" consult a county Judge IIIMIMJ I'KKNONAI. I.OIMJ This iiinn Ims IK"*II dlSCOSMd I'.v well •I'm 'HH hnnl in IIIN own coiin- ' inline they RO out with min*- and roda M*-M*-H 11**i 11 .i 11»., m.i known writer•- on • iiM'K lllllll WOUld lie : another i ouuij I lie coal i- 15.00; tor her -jil. W. I'orler, real relate, Insurance. ii, ,,aaai \ii- Frank Trevett in* i Contracted tor a period of rive Waving Orchard Park, It. v.. nn Nov- I II ra nuiv. VMI the H A *, (Irairery f the amber ID tor it Cloud. Bnrouta thay iinn w iii.it* by nini mil consent •aaal WWlaW lanil Klurlilii nit-nla, will visit I'liiiiiis iii Poavtoria, miii'. otilj, for II wc I -iniiiiir period. nnil nlsia 111 llriiln. Ihniilii (Oeort**r of tht /hiMp'fu gefoam Dftart* siiiple nnd finny gnewmn, **lf etesl, r*jr}eeHw» Stow* Cvrnpemy) Terminated by the desire "t OM party, or both. lira, s.iii* Wanton raturnad Toaa lir. .1. D. , luiini. t'liysiiimi wu) Bur­ i Terminated by dlTorcc upon Wfo The Hunter Arms Hotel .iuv fr..in BloMvllle, N. .1. geon. Office Btal ilamr lo Kurd liar- Carolina and California Meat tii't.niuis only- adnltery and eztrena age I'ennaylvatila. J'linne ill efflfi' Recipes which Satisfy cruelty, Every Room With Private Bath and Telephone Connexion L. t". Riddle, llenllal, C. in llulldlng. nml resWcme. lilMputei over property, etiiidven, efeo., \ WHi I n linen I* made. (Editor'* Netwi This IB on* of m Bwrles to in- disposed of i'\ ihr oourta, MODERATE RATES Mr. nml Ura. I. 0. Mngo, * b et eeoltinr MtlolM by 9 famous cook*.) tha - in. i His touring IVe let it St. Cloud's Most. Modern Hotel Rani .M.U" iiliil.r Iiinni- now. Nee "Almost everyone enjoys \ 180,000 .•Miitri.it haa baan let for nr write R. 8- Ijwhry, llth Hnd Ohio. Klnt.'s. lm la- III l, ill.*. I to Bt. Oloud. F. K. BERRY, Manager ST. CLOUD, FLA They • IM n ti beautiful biaine ou aVtaaaa* meat/' says Miss Rosa Mi­ ih.' construction oi • achool booaa »t 8-tf cbuaotta avonue, whpro they will spead chael is, the Kivirvlew, Florida. HI . llilaiai Mlll.l 1 l~tt.-.l fllillllK ili.- iiiuiii' New Orleans III winiii 1'nik iiii-t waal cooking au­ Ilr. J. II. Allen. S. T. Cures, preaenl thority. "It'a llllanl.ll.' caillvri-t,- I.link-, glva a.a'i . ur absent, nitlimil drugs, Offlee Kill highly nutri- and Maas. Ave. llniirs ll nn In 11:00 St. Cloud, Thursday, December 1st. i„.ii.*i* indldtng -ii LOWKflt * A. M.; 2:00 lo 3:00 P. M. 40-tf tlous, because ti if of its high Mrs. W, B. Bow; "'I, of Cincinnati protein con­ Butter, Imi Ur mill, and cream. tent. It con­ Moilil Dairy Farm, or phone 67'.' nml her Iiiuiii, Mis. urn .Miillini-nliv. rliign. - H7-tf ..r Chicago, in arrived la Bt Olond MIM ROSA tains valuable In-l weak i" -laatiil iln winter. They MlCHAELIB fats, mineral nn. vi iy comfortably Located wllh Mrs, important vita- Mr. iimi Mrs il. Inm*. r returaad ,*. II. Colon HI :tni Miissin-inisi-ii- nvi* salts, and tnnl week from smim- Point, Haw nm.. mines. Yuri.. If vail nl.* lllti*l i*-l III in .1 |a.i\\fl Carolina Broiled Steak Mlinli.iii -Dull) |iii|M*r, mngHvliii's, waahing maeklne, t will IH* delighted Kluliun.'r)', |nist riirilK, iiinfarl'iiil". etc. "Steak )• eaptcla'lr good whan :.. give a li'*.* ili'linni-l nil i**n at lln irepurt'd *C»rollnii brotlad.' B» iur* si. On-ill Nam stnlloii. 7-tf ill yOUr lll'llll' Will lali'll ro BCIOCI a Und-ar , preferably a i,,ii mi imii |.iiil. W'rlli* Bra I*. S. 1 H Inches thick. lliaaiil. na.mis mill ai|iiiiliiii nt*.. ( nl "llnve the Bklllot plpfnff hot, and Itaalll i. II. I' '-'. Klaalmi l.'l-lin iiu lliiii-a*, liiilliini \va*. nml ITIIU'IIIII •alie.i, put In the limit, nonrlna tt Turn often. npe Two Mml. 1141 ? »nd •'. y not to puncture the iad Ma *. 11 s. meeker and ebll Keep nil tha juicua in. Ice I'aiy in Ht. i l I. T». Itiini-tti-r- Wiiiit.il. ; it should be conked rare ln Mr * I'll 11 a I. I WHS fl.11111*1*1,1 |>1 ilia IJlllI 1ft RilfiUtM. Well dune ln 16 iiiimii-a \IIIIIII-, n.ai* i iiy Park, i'.' II **a H High * I I In si. Cloud Be efer It, place on a )ioai aSi-RHon with pep- is now attending the law achool an er and butter, and eervu piping For the rati mm* Wealern Mrala i'a. i uii. a -ii.- uf ei..mi.*, iii Onlnea {ot." ga In Itarlli'K Mil rl,a*l nl ri-nr of 1'onl Villa Offlee. 40-tf Tor frying iteak rou need a •••"» hot fire. If you uee an ol) etove with Among tho ooUege -nnli-nis who lonir chimney bvirnere. you will set Mr. nnal .Mli- I.. A OH8MM, ..I moat eatlafactory reaulte by turning innil- ciiy, IKIII tha wont and In SI a-iiina* liainn- im* tin* week-end nnal m the flame until yellow tlpa appear, Cloud "llli rilnllv.s. l.'inl.al lln* Arniisliri* Day footbaftll bout lVi lnohee high abora Uie uniu.. werai i.nuis CUTSSH/., and his Elue area. ICvary Fatah I nitnlili' IIIIII fruit thnt .ir Smith, a.r Iiinii* ciiy, Bur- thi' niNlka-l iiflurils .*iui In* Inni nt tin* .aalUl-lt, I'll'slaUl .h.llllSIIll, llllll ii iin.l B. ttrocary. 4-tf l'r.ilii-ii siiin, of ih. i nlveralty of Plorlda; Rlaeaa Doroathy Qeorg, Iiin..ilia V. Tiiyuii*. I.. I.. I*. M., \niii' ' (j.aiiwin nnal Bleenor I'lm*, of ih" Plorlda Btate College tor aiml I'iium Tl'll.llir. Viall'l's |*iia*n fra-a' California Papparm lliltlaa. II "• IVomi I- Taallaa laaa--. a* | |*'rr.| Kisi'i* • i.i .1... .ham*-, of n..iiins College, win- Mra. Belle DcOraf. San Franoleoo home eronomlcii counsellor. Is very hr Turk. fon«l of Californla atuffed peppers (I.ITIll Mill. I, Ol lla.llillH I'..II..a and Weat Coaat pot roast. Winter I'nrk. apenl sumlni with lal- For the former, aeleot short, niiatlia-r, Mra. S, III.. Miller Mil THK*. SAY* 11 plump peppers; cut off tops and re­ move seeds. Put In a saucepan and III SINKS* MUX'S ( I | II oover with boiling water to which I'liayK Barbar Bhop gad Beamy hns been addi>d a bit of soda the atie of a pea. Let peppers atand In I'ai-lor, lluun-r ArniH lliillilliiR. tfStf 11 aiiiliinH-.l from I'nii.* ' hi'* ' water about 10 mlnutea. Drain and Herd, of ry\ 500—PEOPLE 5IIO iiiiii iiini iln* club wi.iiiii give its su]i place eacii pepii.r IP P greased muf­ 300 — HORSES 300 Insiii-a. ymirwlf lii-fnra* III,- aii.iij.iit fin pan. Then fill with the following pOrt In the • llllllllaal Ml I'ilX-aall ,||- mixture; Elephant, Le I2 R. R. TRAINS —2 i.nil WWW baan liafini- Hi,- fire. I>e- caaaed tho uemberehlp drive a.f tin* |50-&50| Mia IH cupi boiled rloe with 1 lli.y laiulti-y. Illli .V Ohio. 10 If chamber of c meraae una, aaked aaii cup nf minced bum and l eup of Itli llllll * nl Ilia* llllll hi ia a a a[ H *1||, (* ||l BRvory sauce. Art,) " - nl.lcK j.oons of VV. Knill. I- l'l ' ll* h I" II Mil..I.a * I'aa making n aa i butter i" *. nip uf dry fine bread crumbs and place on top of iin- government fcoepltal nt Oiki* Olty, Chairmen Paxaon atated that after filling. Servo with sauoa. fjcaas E*S55S»S»X E*SM*S»»«»«*5*S*!5*Sa aSB X»KC-X»8!!Ifflff*KSSS ZSSS SS25SSS«*^ S 5 S*I SS*n*SBBB» .na aa. in* win receive treataaent nil iln* mbera had aahied City Uaaa- ger Mih lull nil Hn* queetlona ilny hmi Dr ('. Karkhoff. I'lilropraaliir, Hours in ininii iimi Mi. II. I., lateen ia. II lo 12 nml " In 6. I'mni HIIIIIIIIIK. thing aaf ''siM-aini Intereal in bring In* Hllll St. nnd I'enna. AIT. 24-tf ia,a, ,i„. dab. *-Vh.'li Mr Sl. i II wns nska-tl In l.iinu We$t Coast Pot Roaot Knr lhe vrry bciat Wt-sti-ni Meata nis limns before tin* .inh in* Bated RII In Hurt It's Market at rear of I'oat Hint hifiil-nnit IIIII ha- bad ri.rivral laa Select not less than 4 pounda of beef from the round. With a sharp- Office. **•» ilny. nmi Information iinn ht hoped <" pointed knife make deep Incisions receive Uaaorrow, hmi caueed him i.a ami force ln at.ifred olives. Make Thanksgiving Mm. Nun I'lilinn nil l\ a-at HIIH ivark ali'frr tils ri'iimrks nn inrtiiln matters about lt incisions. Sprinkle meat wllh salt and pepper than dredge iraiin .Hiin tn help .-in.* for hat liinlhgff. iniiil II fill 11 ia' ilnii*. "lal.ii llm ilui. with flour. Dr. iiiiiii'i. wbo hns in-i-ii in tat *•*,„„. expreeeed i WaUUagaeaa bo wall for. Heat I or I tablespoons of beef llllla*. Br, T. 0. Moore reportad attending drippings and brown meat on all aides. Then add I cups of boiling :i slmw* nn rnnijilhiinliliny Ihki'ts nl water, % teaspoon salt and one Dr. M. B. < iii-liinnii. Hnmropath and KIsKllllllli-i Ihis wii*k ut whirh In* onion for each person. Stlok I iKii*ia|i:itli. Hetin, from 9 to 111 I whole cloves In each onion and add sl:ili*il In* wns approached nlmnl linv to meat. lo I Plorlda Ave. bet. llth and 121 h. inu n Hlinlliir Klinw in SI. I la.ml. After Cover closely and cook over a low noma dlaciitBlon Mr. Uaott ivm. ap. flame under boiling point until meat I'laiiiiins ] Ii, ii,ll.->-. iii'a-iiniiuiiili.il by p..lm.*.I ilui I rn an ia aif II inillli*.• with Is tender, about \ hour for each Henry UBOfc*. ntiirni'il Siitiinlny It 111 ii. k -In u r nml It. Cntlri'll tn nr pound of meat. Keep about ths afternoon from Itockvilla Oaalar, New aame amount of water In the kettle* range fnr • reproduction aif tin- riavow adding more as lt oooka away. Vaalk III SI. rhill.l When cooked, remove meat uu onions and thicken gravy. llnanl. nm,ii- IUIII apart nuiiU. Col­ Mr. it. i„ si,,*n roportad lln* Inili. nf lin llniiM*. Indiana \u*. aunt llrnnlli Knin ltrntnniiii- nl tin* t*linn>tii . ".iiihiK surface Is II Ala'X Bmltba Ol Mlnllsaili. I l sain. MrH. l.filhftta'i* wns fin-nn-rly rej .'i tin* department Flour, aalt and pepper to taete •Minn Avlri* ,*ait lra-11. nf SI Climil. A uibU'Spoonfula bread crumbs savory Dressing i iHblespoonful lemon Jules TRY DIB MY-TtJOOD COWKK KKD I.KTIK.K SAl.K 'n onion ANI> TKA AT PICKENS, :• tahlcspoonfula butter 'j cup orcam The St. Cloud Cafeteria Til,. I.II.*. ill. 1.11 I.ii. |a .1-1 In Wllllll Mi-, nn.l Mi*- .si. I, SwnllnwH nml Urown well on one aide. Dredge tni* iln- IIIIII..iiiirm i of Pickens with flour, salt and pepper and put .iniin Braaa notorad in oriiimin hint O-rocery lti*.i Letter s.-iir whlcb will In the center of each a tabl^spoonful Frhlny In visit .li.lin Kwiillaiti-H. wlm Is of bread cruinba seasoned with sav­ begin Baturday, Movemtier in. ory dn-Hsing and a few drops of Remodeled and repainted, is now ready to serve Ilia* aan of Ml*. 11 U.l MlS. SWIlllllWN. Ismsn Juice and onion (H). Hrlng the birds together as nearly Dr. C. -sal. Iilinlt. I llirii|irili'liir. I mill In the shape of a bird as possible the public with the very best in HiiililliiK, "Itli SI. anil IVnna Ave. and tie with a strong string. Fry In Han's Slu>,:s slowly until a golden brown tn two 10 tf tablespoons butter ln a pudding pan. Then sorer with H oup cream. Mr. nnil Mi Uin 1-*. HI-IKIIIII* ri* Plies In hot oven for 10 minutes (4 Mi* F.). Kemove the oover from lin-ni'il Iai Bt (Inml Insi Tlmi-siliiy nml the vessel and nllow to brown for Mill s|M*llil III.- wlnti-i IUTI*. Tht*y aoven minutes. The d rl;>plngs in Home Cooking apenl tha siiiiiiiii'i* In Konliirlu, Oliln. tlm pan may bs uaed for gravy, If like/. Dr. Wm. If. Doalils. 1'II.I'SICIHII and' Bargeen, office Kli-vrull, anil rinini. We use only the best grades of meat, and when Avi*. Dny ami Vitjlil rail*, promptly 111 l.'Ilalt-al. possible, FRESH vegetables only—all prepared in a s * men give their friend thin* iipn .m iiii- principle thai mlaery Ham and Raisin Sauce lOVei l*..||l|aallaa Ham with raisin aauos Is delloloua, way to please the most fastidious taste. and can be oooked la B0 minutes according to Mrs. Vaughn's rsolps. •+*-l-^-!"K-M--:":"!-+-*™M..}.+++.;..;..;..:..:..- 1 silos bam (1 lb. 10 oa.) 1 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoons oorastarob + ADVISK OK AN\ % oup watar I HAM.K IN \DDKKSS • *tf oup vinegar — • *A oup raisins plaos slloe of ham ln oven 400 St. Cloud Cafeteria *|" ir yam an. imi getting .imn •:• degreea F. In a small baking pan. :' .*.i|iy a.r iin- Tribune there muy *:* lii x su gar, cornstarch In sauospan and add water and vinegar slowly, Corner Tenth St. and Massachusetts Avenue *•' IM. mi e mi' In ynur mlih-cHH nn •*- st.rring until thick AAA raisins. ••'• .un* records. Ooptat have beta • Rarnard, Cleveland, newly Conk ham for 4 0 mlnutea, pour tbs • mailed -ami ta nil mtiHi-riiK-iv. • ratals sauos over ham and oontlnua iliriiil President of the Am* to cook for 10 minutes longsrv • Ptaaas nihlsi* ..!' ..ny .lin nm* of •!• all I ••.it;in-, it, MI. • a*, il Bar •i* iiii .i*a**H sn timi in* aaa ooainui *•• liiliiisini, .mt i* great power in dia- Mildewed linens may bs r—eorsS + aaur PtOoeBb + iiiaiiiil .iH.an** 11.nn.ml li.i* ht'Cn by wsttlng and soaping ths spots* + active in lhe American I innue for Then oover wtth flneJy powdered •y+4 25 years. shatk snd nib It In weh. nn i(-ii\*i MiiKMitui i7. tni PICK i i.ni TIIF. ST. (.1.011) TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA

    DOUGHTY'S NARROW ESCAPE DUE TO Special Sale on FORETHOUGHT DICKSON-IVES SUIT CLUB ORANGE AVENUE, ORLANDO Ma* 1 M I' I III" '*ltj ' Christmas Greeting Cards irluil in » » IIIHW wv*" ! IK ,i.la*l I'llilllai lal-' | Box of 16—10c Cards $1-00 tm. >• loaded arlth Box of 12— 10c Cards 89c Jack Hewitt 2— 15c Booklet* 25c „h„ i, llllll K * 3-25c Booklets 60c i-.il oul 12—5c Booklets 39c Inni iln* treat ror .,,* tha tlrlver ."iii.i Gets Suit No. 4 12—5c Florida Views Xmas Cards 45c • ii to .a '"ii -'"i'­ 12— 10c Florida View Xmas Cards 90c ii, . ; Iai i'l- llii'il-'l'- 12— lc Florida View Xmas Cards 10c M;, ].,,,ija*. -alllil lliiii-i'll // not a Member 12 Sheets White Tissue Paper 10c lilt lal Hi* mil »* '"' Xmas Wrapping Paper 10c ,i| || , a.lll.l U* 1 i. ..mill I- a Hi "till Haa.l La . i l> ' I""..*.'- are These Prices Are Extra Good and Cards ,|, ,| |1, a.aaa.lal llll VI' I II llH '» """''' Investigate! Fine Clean Stock. Buy Now and Have - ,,,* ll il,-I.- .lm* tu Them When You Need Them. .„, ,,, ii-sffl. .* In lluil -.i*ti"ii ,.|* III. • null,a H , i*..«-.i li Kiitliereil alioul ,i„." .,, ,. nt IIM- aa.. i.i.-ill Lm Ur. vLeat s tUogger EDWARDS PHARMACY IHn-ltlit*, -,*i tlielr . nrlmlt a- sl real by ..I liiin-.*li. I 1 The Cthristmas Club was •>' " '""'' ''v"'!' "s •Ifie *y\*Vxa!Z. Drug Mon

    • ll.- I Simplifies Gift Shopping Mr am,I Mi*.- Win. II. Hkn-i' null "JOIN THE RED CROSS" || i, - l'l- aiml -ili'l '"' . hil,lu II. aiml Mi- Mill, ran Sklt-a* If i . iim* at Illllilll Sllllllil.V I'lallli Itl'llll.i \ Y mil •.'Ia - 'I ' I' '"' m,l| " l'".'-- I III.III. an*, -ann, people ,,a, your Christmas In thla ' I li!" '• ** " ''"' pan. «iili il"* *l.*i' 'i'ii*1" * li-i ynn wisli in rania iiilni* with "different" a aallllll.a Sifts, A Iiinni carved .'linir • handsome nli RBI*. -II l- < OOKK nn* luxurious tm* scarf s brilliant toy sir Wll l«KV M.lOlN plane for s child • "one .if a kiml" jj-ift which .1.•utli- i.f Hi. I!' a cannot In* duplicated U.l M.l.allll. :,,1a.|lta , ' .\--.»*ill t lOU, lln Christmas (.ift < Ini. al Dickson Ires helps Ida, \.aai*iiii»*i* tl. Assignee's Sale .....1 here. Selections mada in November will In- ".inliillv stored until t hristma* I'm* vou - ami ainiail-iil Inw- .1 ..in brothers snd 1-".H (IK* benefit of creditors following will paj i .hiiiii il • oki .111.1 lla-v. red Ihelr country Every Cash or Charge Patron a,ml (hi • Allliv. Pulpit alllil In* sold in bulk or in pari: ; -,i| aaii l,a t laal 1 May Enjoy Club Privileges a l li.i rge Pal run- nil \ per cent, deposit - •111; a.l Luinlii i. Sash, Doors, Lath and other building b ' iiii-iiain man- -ini'ily -aii "Christmas i ash customer! it time llllll Ilil- l"-l til" material; 1 Federal Knight 2-ton Truck; l Ford i lull t barge" ,*nul tin* of |Ulirll;isi , ami tllr faithful llllll .rti.i.ni ali;i|.Inin- \ lla.' glfl n ill laa In III lllllll i. m.iInder >n 1 decern* illllilll laaa- I..-1 1 aa " ...llli-l. ."11-. ll llli in-i before Christmas l>< r kccurei t he -Kift lllll laal I- I.a the UpbnlllUlll Ol III" Roadster; Office Equipment, etc, fur al a I I V a* i* y. I'ln *. mi stlt'ct. An\ t Mng riili-lia.li Kaallla . Ill" ."llllllll II il J iu Which Ilny Haul l«" aillill alllil 'a.n- : IIIIIIIIII will be iii.i i a* al in this lust stun- iiiIIy -iil.rnli* Inilllll"'!-. Ami 111'* World all CALL AT OFFICE OF an I lii'i inin i*. A •!:. In iliiisi ii large Ilia- lOSl I"' ' laia aa.^.i..!!— Of a *, a • I* > ".anlay cause. It.* ii further Toyland is i Opened ](••-..iv,..i. Thai ii * -*• resolutions bt -i.iiiiai ..I, the iniiiiii"- i.r n.i- ima i llllh uuilil uili- li .a laa r, I'm* linys in,I a|rK State Sa.a ial\ .1 aaa|a\ -a-Ul (al till" 1*1'- Hewitt Lumber & Supply Co. Bring the children in and lit them see n lint laiii. * - ii( iia. deceased snd > .**i]iy to ( hrfetimi- has in store for tin m !',!• si. i i,mi Tribune r*.r publlt-atlon. A U l.ntliii.p. St. Cloud, Florida MI;// WIM: I i nnii I* •-• [ailillr lllllllSili. Mn 1 11 Nail". FRANC IS.I. IGOU, I ' illai* on Ui-i.lull.ill- Assignee. DICKSON-IVES

    .... \\ Bjmorlh, ORI AN! Fainnlm-ala, I, IS \ an i Iliil Tlilirsilaiy am,I n in -]aa hi iii" winter m their inun.* ala .alaal a • \' riia- "111 il*..llll" Ml aami Mi- Kpworth were accompanied Palmer, of No* Hampshire, •tupping a.i tin* Bemlnole botal. Pants Sale All One Price I FOR allW I al,l* Friday, Saturday and (iiiiai Monday % November 18--19-21

    in the Home! I Our -i..i*. a- stocked with ilu best looking snd moal enduring lurnl If You Wear Pants, Dont Kver) I lover «ill luul here all the odd pleees or aomplete sets Fail to Take Advantage of Values $6 to $10 I la.al In mill- This Sale!

    In I'll ll'I i' guaranteed to ,ai\.* tlu maximum amounl oi wear al H

    I illllllaa COCt. I lllllll lira . Illall will In I In lun] i- ul lllr UUI l*l*n-A . C

    int.. .nu* -lun aaaal lal n- «hoW VI I* -l.aik .Sana nana ' Wt "il. I"' glad 350 Pairs i'a arrange an extended payment for all those who wish It. to Select from FINE FURNITURE ll i Parks Furniture Co. Cheat'iL s -(poggeru 11 BROADWAY. KISS1MMI I "For Ihe Man Who Cares" J

    «»i«*» ***sr\f+hWmmww*^Ufwh


    Lm the leading light IK Sow. The moving flttger writes - w rii. Archie hud SSOghl OSS day | gline RLACKSHEEP! |IHO of severs] of t be lodiai o JmrnohrmP Xn{ Meredith Nicholson •Irnwn on the nmrgtn of a newspaper > In I.* tin* Governor had neglected t" erase them; hut he was natonndad to find iimi be wai in the company of a man who took counsel of the iters. Vi --'.us uae nut ui aim etolls' Kaa eiiti'ii ih.* sense admirably, When yen -.*.' mc scribbling i am calculating thr potency of the dark rate that ovar* bungs ne and trying to estimate when if - ver the .inu.i w iii paaa i toal trouble your bead with those fanclee; leave th. m to ne. i tope la buoyed tn KiBS 5CKTBNER3 SON 8 - RELEASED THRU PUBLISHERS AUTCCASTER. SERVK3. in- hy the hid that never yel have m.v INTRODUCTION id'ury nt Walker'a term, where Archil ih* kniu nothing aave thai ba "w^ ftgureo erred." itete new tnelgbl Into worklngt of Qu enormonaly tired and he weal tn tht Po return to pradtcal sffsira, we \n t ii.n).i Bennett, wi'ii'iii bacbi lor, crime world. Al the Urti opportunity iinh-i ami crawled weartlj lato bad. shall abandon Colllna1 naohlne ami C I;llltl.\ ill tall' tllll'lI'M "1 i danghter appeala to Archie lit* was alttlng ou the i dga ol the rn wire bin where to pick it up. j his iini!th. lie meeta teabel Nrry, in URIP ber elope wtth o yonng Cam bed when ;i gently Insinuating knock I la h we'll entrain a l our leisure." SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST I WhO ii'.i.iiiini'iuls • litr of I'liini*. .nl im mi. He decldea to aaelat, cutting i Inni to -lurt. If > • a i.i* "New Vor,;. my deal hoy; hut you i Ballej Harbor to Inveetlcata i sum ride, Re-wing Sally onto the train in* t>» permit • outa'a bead to ba thruel [ needn't bs aiaw.-.rd. it win bs hot! not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe HMT bouae tor bli lutmt, A baaaa la rewarded with a fond Farewell kiss in. A Eaoa waartng mi amnaad mile. there nnd we'll only pause for a day! «I. n in f. ii'ci'- hi HI lo s) H*i it«t u S.nrjiU-M-M imii. Archie, toeing, IN afraid to tell i ore been by aeddent, bni na*. an.l see ted himself with n little sh-'h ' 1 1-171 thr truth—falls tu witli "Thr t;..\n- here 1 an eoneiaced—I am •l tiniM'." Archie ventured timidly. ii..r. la whiski'ii toroaa oonatry in i ..ii yon are ipylng npea "thai .van itiMir ahinr." Htnlfti nir, Srrs story in ueWNpiiiM-r • "i th. yea i im alena! Troel na for ; •if UlUng at Ballej Harbor and, frtgb- •Milt. UlM I'-n,, Dint : bul my friend Walker naa aoi : t'-ln'll, be ili eh It s In sn.v mil lit lip hut i h* i i.i ihink," in* Interrupted) easily shaken. And hie provoeattoua) atlcfe with Ms ttrange Crleod and awail 11 .ny boy, iii- provocation to .in**.: • ii relopment At Oornford, N. H.. ki. o lug or suspi-el IIIL « bal 1 Ini in do you would sbon ne flable homicide and 'ill that aorl of Av hir eomea upon [eobel Perry a1 ON thing I" hotel deck but ihe refuaa to reoognlm • onaldernttOBs" ROOMING HOUSE him. 'i in- Qofemor, bg u oleeer plan, i .un t x iit it iii: really 1 ran w i n. i only did a bal i thoughi DUNTILE awltebes Btoien money tor good momy< i win lire me • mum- was right," Archie declared doggedly Arrlili- •<•> uiiililliu hni* lu anl:" ' weighing the eonseqw nleoa *>f agent aenl to meet eccentric • i umi. i -i.-uni perfectly thai imt spi. ndldi ny ttoar Archtei t.i *-«•! i. in n nexl do just the nudg she hand, i never hesitated thlnga i have been doing, roving lhe ns in the ooarae i ahonld bake after world, shooting and plundering!" she told me her atory. The marriage i *.. i one a rang," die wns in proper form and i bavaa*l • aald, "nnd yoa nmy have all the agtln single regret I" . mi ca ii gal "Hi of | ona Inter •what you did Archie," the Oovt i irrtiir.*. your Intrusion upon affaire ol •or renamed patemnllyi "was t.i mar­ test delicacy, in which my as- ry Bally, the Incomnaranle, Bally (he atstiince and ny honor ara (dodged. tUvtne. to Pete Barneyi the diamond n standing yonder lirinims to thief." im. mni beiore ' Eanve i wanj yoa to "Y.ni mean—yoa mean i married walk away fmn here us rapidly aa the girl t" • crookT" grasped Archie. fudge C H Burn ell, Loi AIH .mil mil turn ymir hand I" •line of tht* ii iiu**-! iii the game] the divorce evil is BO ih* .iiu n"t even oonflrn hrr atate< And Bally knew bs wai • erooa! i HK.it it is time to try five-year neni an t.» the propinquity .•(' tha otr, suppose ii waa the dlnmonda that "term" m.uii.ni*-. -which could hm inn croeeed the platform with the renewed at thi end <>f that i>crioa ;.i. bed her. ir you'd Looked ai his it both partus wore satisfied. crestfallen air of • child in Hagraee. banda v" wonld have noticed that ha I hadn't the paws of sa lamest Qrnen .Mountain farmer, l'ick pm ket origin­ ally ami inarveloii'-ly drft : Inn }irr**l ana afetmee am ins tnn nsHsr The trilling )Hth* neekhue he had on bis person whan bs si rnoh Walker's is Some drivers claim they worth a brash it np sad isU 'em i" €m\ixm never take chances—yet (rhe Banal wny nn.l it will hike time." Archie sank upon ths bed] he had they often purchase motor dnna n horrible thing, hardly eooottd io murder, and his penitence weighed oil without knowing its name heavily ogjon him. •it doean'i aeem poaatbla thai the girl would bava deoeived na We never knoa when thay are g<>* lug to deceive ae, Ar.-hir! Sally hated tin* farm and wns crazy to escape Khe lifted u iple of hundred dnllam tie- old nimi kepi under a plank hi the pmior fioui' in emergency fond la ease TJOivl be ever had t<> run tot it. A sssty trick, l call ii ; most unfUtal on Sally'a part The Walkera arc crushed h.v her COndnct And 1 had vouched for At The you at the Walkers; It's almost as had as though 1 had hrirnycd them ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE OFFICE Diyself. Vou will net. of course, make You Will Find One of The Beat Selection. Of Christmas i.'iis error of knocking at the Cards In The City. By Buying NOW, You Will Avoid If you stop to think how much de­ Walker door ngnia! Thai would lie pends oo correct lubrication—mileage, rubbing it in." The Hurry Of The Last Minute Ruah—,*nd Find The I don't want you to think ine un Assortment Complete And Fresh To Choose From. freedom from repair*, resale value, grateful/* Archie shimmered. "The even personal safety—you will alwaya .Mil mad.' | fOOl Of me; 1 sec il all Tku it lit seal adopted ky th* Greeting Card now !" insist upon "Standard" Motor Oil. She made a fool of yen hi:t yon Amciatlon aad displayed by mrerxbanti wt* All of the best qualities are united in In turn made a fotd of me! And < tarry eardi made by numbers of the As—tSaHem. while im noi oavtllng, yon win par* this motor oil. iimi me. son. If I BUggoel that here- .:;.!• yoa play asjmrs a ll h ns i STANDARD OIL COMPANY .ion i in.'nn to sorb ynur personal i a •NCONPOHATCO IP* MIRfTVCNV or set any limit on ynur lit- i le a!Tnirs ot the heart Bul let's have no more foolishness." CLASS "A" <* 99 i haven't i thing to mj for ny- CLASS C" .'i!' blurted Arable, who was at the IS for It.00 STANDARD poiui of lean i wai weak, mlesrn II Iter It JI •_'-. tnr -t'l 10 bly weak, i had no idea thai in] one CLASS "IV •I fm- $*.** . nni,i he as inni girl dul. And lt*a 50 for N.tfl not fair for na to ataj aa with you II I'III* -til .SO no fur ir-ii nn i cant aaii you te truel na again. MOTOR OIL H.II We'ti better pari company rlghl here!" Prlct i Include print •a i.n* Prices III.TIIHII* |it*int it.iw completely yen niajndga me, it li von r tiiiinr 80 fur $1.10 Arable! Tbere'a • charm la you IM- lllg willi vuiir II, gotten of yoar very Inuocenoe and nni addreae, Prlcef Include print llllll auiall'I'S.s. lielplessnesM ami i should be rerj an inH With ynur iiaiinr happy If WS parted now, We've lun nml anlilri ^s • •ti laager together and In i pit.' of y weaknesses I'm fond of y>u. Ami it' I hl't you to ynur own d.\i . - something quite dlaaatroua nlghl lm,' pan to you" The Oovernor wns unoonoernedly scatter Sunsihine AUTOMO Kketcblug one of iin- diagram! wiih IQ2t*7 *lMB ROAD MAPS of Alabama, which he Boomed to riaaalme his plana s / Florida, Gavrria, Krntucky and Migsigtipji Archie wns startled now to bear his mam kt had Frgg at any of our tmrvico stations. companion muttering to himself; with Greeting Cards Aries, the Lamb, the riahei! Knr I a (ime i Bttimbled ami walked Is THI TODAY. NUVKMIIKR 17, 1WI PAOB TKN THE ST. CLOUD TJilBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA

    WklBN mri'THK A1ITOMOBII.NS A It H* Hllll.T llllll K Wil.l. IUHI.II TllKM WWWW< I t I H-++++*** I I I I I H-I-M"H'»->»»*»»»»»»»*I"H ly cattle, to turn cheap ronghagS Into GREEN WINTER FEED hotter, beef, or Othar market produelH; nmi the greater ths smoanl of past- INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON SAVES FEED BILLS nrage ami other forage peodnoad on the farm the Smaller will he the n.< , 4HI llll H I I 1 I I I t I t I I II ***'M"H TO DAIRYMEN •ary feed hilt tfoaay asved Is money By KM III L. BROOKS made iMun'iriiie Editor "Tho Klnjc's Bnnlnem," Secretary -TorreaiMintleure Coursea 11 * of UM IWMe Inatltut* of Ix» Anjrales) Many Florida fkrmera who imve stock to feed will find planting ot \« »\ i:\im.i; JO ii'i'i .mis i vi* or rape for winter pastur­ WANTED ! age B de-i ra hie and profitable pi." Real aetata brosm* or individ- MU Vll nUMPIONH I'HE Ol'KKSSKO ttoe Qreen, auoculeni feed hi or tin* unl« who wlnh bO Mil propstty Lfwaan Te\l—Miiah llM| 0:1 11* utmost Importance In the winter ra< could n»e Uieflo <*oloimm to groat tion of practically all farm animals; :i ivantagee. Fur tv> Buiidaj* ifcbHsd through the nacrtflcn at the i,n»t. »•»* and for bSSl rrsulis with such mil People aiv now beta qaftstiy ! •1' required, f*«erlflee is no more ret] the « *•»• "" mala as milk oowe, young trowing looking up imya and DOlthernen Im Mi,,; 1 ;l11 stme then Ample :\ t olloM-oill hns I tee 11 Hoaen S'«ft *» '•' ' '" ' '- atOCk, and poultry, some form of NUC- are walrli.in^ the papsra for 11.. ile.ith of Christ Is "the Iwltl nnd I . uh me i> ludlaiieueable, bO rem H l'tiy propltation for the sins of the whole words ror fkxi Mini for rlflhtecManesa. Oata la more widely grown than is IF TOD DON'T ADAMl.liSK that women I'll,. IMtttf Mb ah mentis Win. Ifl world," * i John 8:3), Wbal Mi.ah ilees mean i> that «-"' rye for winter grasing though BOOM fOI t^AN^' BKPDOT ivt iiu iimi'*" ills one plea •eemi to have Farmera who have had experwaoe SKI.I, i» not pleaaed Wtth mere BJ l,r,'i, to -.el Israel to return t» the with both, prefer the latter. Rye is desire** Durability -I'litoriui'v wiih the out want form** ot moral Image of Ood Mlcali wai lhe more hardy nud sustain- less In norshtp whan (1M» eternal i»r Incline* tvnwomo with lealnli "«' trot evi­ iui\ from heavy free/in*;. A. V. thflt mCn of rlghl Mini wrong ara dl dently In active -- prophet Bpenoer, of the Agricultural BxtSB Dill C^m/ HeaeWab I M L.-.iii would say tha aama thh •ton Dtvtaoa, aaya thm variety knows IHofes^in ; 1 l,i ist ian-i bod*} IT 1!'' aa LbrUaSal rye la raperlor to those i i- not padded lw th« mere form most popular iu the northern atatao DUIV^K demand The pinplieeio- of Hi* • nt trorshlf) All our ohwch-gi resemble thoae ol Hoaes Both are tor rtortda. Others strains ,.f aouth- JOT Fleet, graceful lines... seerlfietal sift- mean nothing when we i*rn .mown rye, oftM llatad aa "Qsar HhTUV4 Ul Iheir transitions -In not the thing* that Ile rrqnlrw t,f contraats, abundant In Imagry, gla ryn" or iietida ryi',' are also I F you want to \f\^\ Q lw«trou« Duco color* a* Wi* today are v>eetilhirl\ blessed ,-M-iiiv tiiiii ten among the most desirable varieties with the inst nn-t ions concerning nil tor Plorlda, Local - ' firms usu­ I V^J J rS • • • luxurious closed Hince Mleab and Isaiah labored to­ the duties of life. U ulvi n lis by t he gether it: the A-svrlati period ally handle the Bouthorn-grown sssd see everybody in car interiors— reocher «>f tnaohera, We have no ex- he found helpful to read Isaiah end or varlotles beel adapted to our eon • to remain anacquatnaed with Hln —unmatched performance ... unrivalled Mi.ah together, noting the roaemUance d it ions, while thOSS whose flaldS of iients, nm* need Wo remain town busy, see prophetic vtidona and the etyle bualneaa art mote or less reatrtctad comfort. . . sturdy construction that assures without divine ponrer bo snaMe us to at recording them to northern aecttoni may find other Iivi thla life, fof the Hni.*, Spirit** carletioa omre popular. long life—you'll find them all in Buick! 1 in Chapter i the propliel pi tiflie*? is to enable ua to live o - *"" The season for plant iny will range the A [nltatlon which waa aboul to •n otti.i have ua. through October and early November, Buick for 1928 has won tremendous popularity come uiwn lodah and la Endowing worthy enterin Is* - wtth In tho northern section of tb J. W. Sage among men and women alike, because it com­ • money dishonestly acquired i- ou pass­ plantlnga may be made al • some- hoae offeneea theae port to heaven. W* are to IK.* Just whal earlier date than would ba u-i- bines the style that women desire with the hefore we are generoua We nre tn \w vtaable farther smith. The aeod ahonld and go to building durability that men demand. be iiottom of it all were thoaa honest before we profess to Ix be drilled Opon well prepared aoll at who upon their beda al nlftri "devlaed (v.llt. We nre to be truthful hefore the rate of aboul two buahela to the SI DANS M195 to »1995 . . , COUPES #1195 to M850 Iniquity, aud when the mornh we oven na Chrlvtlaas (v. 12t. aire. Of, when a grain drill is not with D UNT ILE Ughl they practised it" (8:1 I, They \i the utne time let na available, it may be sown broadcaal SPORT MODELS »1195 to #1525 laid their \%\ • i b themselves -• -.in*- i ,h liltttc 1V-M'- and eov-te'l with a drag harrow or Concrete Building 411 price, f. o. b. Flint, Micb., emernnent tax to bt added. Ml till !'••• ii f anyone Be win- dtec. Tbt G'.Af. A.C. financing plan, the mo,t ie.ireble, iiarailabU. arose enrlj li the P il their i ta i deh of < I'm- live seeded UpOD fOOd, fertile Boll l iithernn-re. it IMmton due to the iutirmhii - BhOUld, under loa-oiiahly fa *, m aide Blocks. Ir hand to do nature. I'II^-I.- .*••• gentle B sentence condtttona, furalah pood razing (n MEHANE BUICK CO. it ' as [M.>-ll»le upon the other fellow is fnmi MI tn IIMI din s after planting, our duty, bul to call oureelves strictly The profits from the livestock In­ We»t Central Avenue at Railroad dustry are derived very largely from "They Cost Less" ad when their -nt for foiling bo Iiv. up to the ORLANDO, FLORIDA i wealth haa ihrlit w. -lioiihl i-4* our tlrst the ability of farm animals especial­ ..ni roi over t iiv poorer i lasses t.ii-ine->.

    unrest through* iil the lead and I-I ni \MI mnrr to breed Bolshevism aud hatred Juatlce i- the roo^ merey the foliage ivetlng (Md* and taking them nnd godliuetiB the fruit of walkinjJi In away ao thai thej opreae a man and the fear i f the I^ord t Mieah •• Si his houae*' i v, 9) it is aelfleht • *« nnd In Imi ool thaae achemera think that procure the mleerlea of the world, "Do tin- H.HI ot heaven wtU fail t" o Injuetlce to blm ahall ni't remove their nooks." Many rou don*l love hlni. nml you'll communists of todag wonld solve the come to hate him" i Huskin I problem by forcibly tali «"or m is fundamental wealth of the capital lata Tbey forget ; aud eaaentlal to personal godlineaa, Ga^^i h methods would offer ao cure Rlgbl is right ami wroui; i- wrong, tor the covsto-osussa of the human whatever ataed typa they may be print* heart. Tin* I pSUnj i- .insi .-il in (6 lit. aa dangeroua aa the love of thi Be la aleaadj half false who veou- Mhny of th. of today were ii truth and does net do it. tha poor man <BN i'i:\T I\A,\ s'l-u.viiuN Our New Teatamenl tMla us ..f the iie hath ahowad thaa, <» num. what hlng doom "f tin' opre- . La treed : and \ hai doth the Lord re­ Ilea In thla aga When our Lord cornea quire of thee imi to go Justly and to iv mil to tin* mountains love mercy, aad t" walk humbly with lo full upon tin ui ami hide them." it neat Ve«* 'li co\of i- not likely thai the bllla aad mean* th] Qodr i Mh'.-ih a si tains will rentier the venlnt in tneir Ii i- UfcallJ that many uili phi. . .ill a S3. ***** favor The wicked will have ao pro­ the aophaaai oa the Ami leetloa ot tection ftom the preaaaoe oi the Jnaga the- tt'\t and OVarhMi the last plint-e of mankind. which roada Uterallj "and to bow "i* my paopla, \\iuit have i doaa low before th] Ood.** Herein la the UBtO the. - (6J), The Ix'nl Of heaven aacrei of obtaining divine power to 651 Y av B y challenging men to produea tha live the othar requirement! at the A oe^ « dove gr ^r\a^^ " mmm - toe of annua IOC their dls text Beneath an old church al Qulncy, obedlenci to his rlghteoua la wa. baaetta, Ue tin- remalaa of John Me- if you cap He .iini John Qulncy Ada ma, iHiiii declarea The Infinitely wiee Ood eon- prealdenta of the United State* and la to bt tried at the Imr of beth davoai OhrlaUana, The former iiumati raaaoo. i^-r atheists rave a- was oaee preeldeai nr tha Amerieaa ujilnst liliii if ihey will; when all the itihh- Kovieiy. ami liis son. John Qatney Admns. it is aald, evary nlghl in the facts are known* the eonltj and avae White Houae (stern and acholarlg man the mUdneea <»f His povernmenl will that he waa I knell ami prayed the ." be admitted. prayer bla mother taugSH him. 1 le prooaeda to ibow larael "Now I lay me down u> aleep haa dona for tham which riiould have I |.r;i\ the L0Cd my BOUl I" ItOOp forever tied them to Blm la grateful barn*1 " narvlce it is time we alao mada a It I 1 Id die before I wake. "" ° large *#**%***> %$£>**• careful review <»f His dlrlnt I pray the l.ord my soul t.. take." s .-imt naked ouraelvea hnw wi - an luatlfy Th.- mjiii who hiimhly and sincerely our treatment "f Blm [.rays thus will IN- .,.,-! and merciful •rii. people taapoiid to thaaa rebukea toward hi- fellow men. « ^X^TIT^ °^l^el. *<>»* w in, the Inqudrj Whn will meei the ilemanda of the t*oti\Y' Doea He want aHng Dot Be aanl GETTING READY FOR panaaeef i >oei Be want ms i»r river- of oil?" Would ua "give -"tr flmtiboru OPENING DAY OF THE eOJ^ actio* a'""* usnvnamTVC* \k ehtldren tnr our trauHgreaalona tho v C fi ii it of the body for the sin of the HUNTING SEASON Vs.af - ^^0tm LTW WO \m \a -oiiir- iv.Ti M.U, i . -i wanting to |o through 'iin* nlmrmli "i thli MCUM nf not- ~.iiu* rellgtoua form to appt oUloi ni. ilnii* gau fm* iim while hi* contlnuea his eruoked living, iipenlag ilny a.f Hi,. Iinui .i.u- H-iiKun Whal i« the Whal doth Be Willi ll lllll-. aall N,,a , ,,,,( ||,,|| isrtch***** require of thee but to do Juetly, ami belny Bunday it mu in* i,. *L*I ~i bt to love no-ri-y. ami to walk IminMy la.I** 1 I a. - v aalll III -li II,,,,,, ||„. w|||| willi th] OodT iv. I), fOWl IIII.I aillilllllls aif the fail. Doaa this mean that th.* hiw rt-ipilr 'I'llll'l* llll-, bSOII 11 .Pli 'aalial |,|,„|i„. log n aacrlflca wns dona aerayl No, » *nil Stores.6^,5:^ Iia.ai of 'imiil nil IIVI.I* l**|,,i*lil,i ||i|„ fmt/t, Indeed) Until the hour that Ohrlat, il.lll ill iirliiiii MCtJoU II I- sui.l tiiiii Hie i/jiinh of Ood, bung upon H ivllil tiirki-i* liuvi* looroawd bf unit,v itiot[ nf dtviii.- atonement 1 Sio*"* ^mmmmmmga\


    •yii~ lyjri i iS! oftioea up- of Disaster Service. .-i.lNIO.OOO MKMKKR.S IN mory Is short. If vmi ass any old stale ri,,. rtrsl r a i" the rlgbl is THK I'RKNKNT < Al I Tax Books 1 1 [ond i bog ot } "u s* workers have served by the •Ituatlinia auch ns ihis. without tba "Jullll e usually M iy |>i ninnt Imi "Tlmt's iiii Tow Drive AIMOOV thousands with tho local Chapters in niii.s-.iiy a,r JI spra ini oampalgn for nt Sl. Cloud are now open tor rolleition ol inline, please. aha Is tortus from Southampton garment production, printing raised* linials tiiiii th,. ,,„i ,,i* S.OOO.OOO Bi d "We may wander to our hearts' nm- and w. nnisl allow Iier ihe usual mar u type randlnj matter foi the blind, In linss member, Ims 1,,., tix.*il for tbe tent Anhie, hut there's no plans like gin*" ihe litiverii.ii remarked when T1 LSS7 taxes. hospital service, a* caatsso workers * "i it'.ii iiiii iiitiiiiiiiii; November bone, parlli'iilarly when it's littb nhl tbey lie I in the dra w injj rnniii. and motor carps aids, Nearly all ac­ Hmn York." reimirkeil the OoTOrnor 11. min. The clock had struck the three-qua r tive Chapter workers are volunteers. Naalia.nail lllll,li|lllill,*t*s nt Mi,. U,i| sinking back oontontsdly. lei's when ihey heard the annunciator More than 90 per cent of tho avail­ rraaa nr nny .,f lis chaapten Is pre A disOOUUt Oi two per i-cnt will lie ;i llowe.i The ear crossed bo the A.TMUS ud (Inkle dtllowed h.v ihe opt lllng of the able read.HK material for tho blind Is pnriil. however, ia. receive rat* oon- bora nor! h. frmn 'i •. The Governor left tbs produced by volunteer Red Qrosa II-II.inii.ns na are tendered hy ilms,* on all tens paid duriaQg Nm .'inlief. ihe Oovernor bad nol warned iiim room H iih a bound and Archie beard ulna nana al.-sir,* t,, |, ,y,. ,||,*..,.| pni distinctly hla heart; groetluga and a workers. -Totonteera produced 175,481 : in avoid mark I ny lln* rmiie, whlcli ii.'ipniiaiii iii thia relief wort an..i add wonmnV subdued replies larmaata, 1*087.91! -« irglral dressings fa Sill IS* I" Anhie ns (Iie iin hn Hl.'lll I" Ilu* lilll.l- lllll .1,- livullillili* »rry to be late for boapltal aae, and 6,898 articles for ei' bis iiii III I. hut aomewhees lu the bul Wm had li*.1.1 Hi.* Bed iii.ss .lisnsii-i reeerva Seventies he With ynur hat?" block of baudsome resldenoas. Than Tho ganner.t production! large aa lt coming 11 all call to ini.-i Ita iii-i'.ls. other "No III keep li : thanks !" wsa still tin- ohauoe thsl thla was all ili i ands of than fan* very Inrae emeiipanclM." Lrive description of the property. The .leer friuued for fl momenl • by-play, a trtsk Dor ooncaaUag thatr ;armenl -sisaippi An.i • "iiHil. uii..lis Hmt nuiy IN* n* young 'v.ii.ian who in tier Instants arrival In town; bul tba footman was Another I lal l«* l.irwinal.il i.a Null,,nn| iln;il\ lin-im: lln* hell nf a ImUKe the threshold seemed like n • ihe prep- ll.*aiili|llalla*l*s of |),a> A Ill.l i.ii ll 11.sl •• auddenlj corns to life. whose facade "as tha most dlsttu- - 00 Chrlat* l n.ss in the usiml nitiiini-r. glllahed in siylii The il • was ,>|H*II i i than tiie Oovernor ami i lud bluejackets ed bs 8 munnsri ant, «boss lierself with • auggsstton of I Ions. SIUNBD: i h, (lot ei'iini pass* liorltatlve beaiinj lh r faos eii him wiiii all tin- alia ol Inoontsst nilnlsed version uf Ihe Qover I I'oatage stumps as boma deooratlonu ahle proprlotorahlp. iiulsltel} modeled and Ilium* . u li ile the are becoming Incccnalngly popular in "i think wa may as \eii ue al ooos Inaieil h> dark eyea th.it awepl Archie rotuntesra In Kngland. Papering hla wife's bou­ J. B. COLLINS, tu our ii'"ii,*.' be aahL "Yen ninier wllh n basty Inquiry from ui lilitlonal doir w il I ilmisea] slumps .list 11 >t.nni, Bartngi thai we dins al brim nf H black picture imt. II aasrgsnolsa wealth)' Iinui,, 180,000, hut OITT TAX OOLLKI ran, ST. CLOUD, FLOBIDA Iliil l\ |il:iee- h.i* UlMV'.'"' ".luliii Ihis Is n,\ friend. Mr. of regular nurses lie was su pleaaed with tha .ii'e.t thnl

    ••\'er> i i 11.11red |"nt 1 • .* lie inni his main iiiiii n • covered i" telegram." Her rery glad, I'm -ure.'' waa Ut­ Voluntee: aarvlco will be an Impor­ the sunn, wny, using tail different On the third floor, Anhie -in \,\ tered with reservations, bul she emll* tant facto#• In tbo forthcoming elev­ nips tai form a colorful ed approvingly n lounging room halt .ni linie amlle enth Anna'i Roll Call, from November library and half offloe Tin- Governor had Introduced her 11 to 24, In enrolling the 5,UOu,000 \^b*m*m.*n %+\\ \e a* 0*/^+* wm ttjtf emn*J mmn mJg *Pi Wpl m fw mm w M i h ini ii i e,i i oward a si inni mi as .laiia. carelessly, a*- though <>r membership to ba I whieh dieaiii'.- syphons, and n sil­ U'hie km \ tin rest of It ver boa i of ice and had been The Governor ashed perfunctorily YOU In 111.* N.av.hlri'iilli .Tudlelli nil nf ih* helped I lusly to is a, nmi whether AGAIN KINNIM, KOK CONGRESS Legal Advertising lire uii Court of "*< '..uul v. CAN PAY YOUR ntilil Bootcbi the Oovernor contandad kin- it had been ti<• t in the country. Din- ner was announced Immediately and V* II P Qeorare, Itosi nni.' Poracloi sell' wilh a glSM Of mineral water- Uuiii Bryan Owen, according to an STATE AND COUNTY NOT1CK art "i" Uortffi • ,.f m •iti MHH he never took anything alas, hi si down at a round table whosa . .1 in the - "Itj '""in cenieipitee of aweal pea- broughl a announcement In the Mimni Herald, TAXES THROUGH I... iii.-d wiih tha eitv Itiaagftr Notice is ii.-n-i.y given, ih.ii by rlrrtae of plained. win be in tha* ran <• for Oongreaa< run­ II rimii tii't-rei. uf ronctosun coolness Into the room. m ii.-..*inl.er lt»t, for Ihi* Audit "Odd, bul Ivi never used the Mtll'f ning nu tin* Democratic ticket, in op- THE OFFICE OF i,,. . books to. that |.i'rt»'i from ihi' nlnIM. . uili t.-il >• r .,n No ii seemed to Archie as bs met • vember 3rd., toff, I bavs taksn • ni all. Blsss ymi. IIII fanatical notions jmsitinn tn Oongreeamao Baara In m*xt 'nut umilt tn thf lout of nn the anbject. And now, my dear poasled leek In .lulla'- eyes from time nicni • IM OinuiUslon ro iimi will v..II tieforo the Court) yeara' prhngrtaa tn Klraitnmw, Florida o\ public nutcrjp for Anhie' be closed iln* d and turn­ lo time that she was trying t<> accounl Ella M. Watkins , . i |Kbl in psIeH ini or nil Mil* I'MIIII. iiiniiik' ile- least ii.MifM nf Hiiii> MI Mis ilwiii Is i.n llm I'liiiulinunin I i.i:.,l M Ml i . Mill-. ed nn ih* ill an- my gnsst. In fnr bhn, and her uiannet he thought iv. -.-ini.. i- r.i ti. lost, i" mis daj sf uld platform ihl- Room 1, Millsom Block Cltj i'mni itn* following ii.-i rii-i'i) pro party every aeaae my guest, it may have or- •lowly changed. Hsr flrsl defensive situated iii Oacaola Oounty, Plorlda, to *rU i eiirred tO you thai 1 ma.\ he an inter hostility yielded to aomethlng much 111 till' lllSl I'll'lllllll ill till* I'a,llllll On llth Street Lot Mm* HH In I'ln. QroTO l.irl. || I ',.,111 Si*\.ltta 'Hi It I leper here, luil audi is imt the ease. I more amtahli u waa ;i- though lha Oongreaaalonal dlatrlcl lire. OWN was St. Cloud, Florida th. Mate of Klorlilii. In and sn). i 'lor hail reached a deci not wholly I defeated by Oongraaaman Baara hy n County, In » 'liiinorry. Idi own i ins hones and ths ground it M Itl.kiinl*. Couiplfilnn.it, VITHIIH 1'ui.h iM>r lo im*. for Aaed sinini-, eii ami evsrytbtng in it. Yon 'llal laall.-l-llm nmi I a a 1MI a I lal* al lllll aar-jclo .: W W, Hnn'*, tl'-' '•un'il. Win \ i; « \1 1 l.M'l n are, of course, nol a prisoner j nol in ry rni inr earlier nttlttid .*. liiilnlfilrntor »f I2«l iti I I • mesry • t*. a mi i hen's a telephone in ".Iuiiu. It" ymi brnugbt iln.--a* ,i.*.-11 •ii I • Boltcttora fur ('..iiipLiiiiHiii ynur renin k] w hii li you ean talk to IIH'JIls Willi aim I'll uiKi* llli-ll) lip tu ud, Plorlds, Noi li all the world Quite freely -uo reetrlc< laal laaailii ailnl |a>Ok III, -1.1 (fl'l'l*. It'H aaiilv II in..ilti*r a.l my simiiiliiii*, l-an"i ir,.* * i 'iiiillin* liutiN whatsoever. E. W. ABBOTT & SONS, Inc., Offers ..If.u'.l. In tbe s.v.nt.-i'iith Judicial Clrcull of Hj inline is in.i gauishnr], of II I'll l.l' al.nill III nil, A Two-Story Double Frame Garage Houae; i .Imn i i. In mul fm 1 iiy Well a .lam will fllnl llii'in lu County. in i'hn •>• No. KMM, Jobn rourse, bni something ti'.iiie different 4 Rooms Upstairs; Lot 53 ft. by iin servants la thi*- bonaa lo noA aaa.. laau ill till' ball I lllllsl itttl llllllll- Ii,.|*.-I.I*.-l.y 0OfmI \ ilrcen, Complainant * s Hbrvarst F 135 ft. Price—$1950 • nt Itl'-il saiiih .*t nl, [>ofcndante, i \ true inline They Blight, of a ill ...... li. lull ktluli*." ifScturtns »'"in I Il.lll ll.a|N*.l \aal| WaallM SlH*lll| tlia, work it mii, for i pay taxes Choice of 4 Lots 43 ft. by 123 ft. Price—$ 350 Each WiTN Hi i ba Honorable Kri Iilil, a. I-i tii^lil In-n*." sni.I th. c.IIIIII.at*: "Imt I ih<> nbore Court i my h..i any orden il i a appear mi lit* hen*, and my family history is spread Choice of 4 Lots on Paved Street Price—$ 750 Each i Wii i in rsef, and tfce I., tti- mn i.r Com in ihe public rsoords, bni tha psapls if yam won't I'm titnli'Tul i*v.-ll lin ilii*- K Isalmuies, «teesoU County, irialnl herein Hied against >-ou it i- fur littl.' i;lllulis.*." Large Lot on New Haven Avenue Price—$1000 imi.t i tbti nth dsy of October, A. I). [her ordered thm (hit* ordsr bo published aboul hsra are trained bo curb Small Frame Cottage on Lot 50 ft. by ••• i *.*. i - k for ("ar roiiM-fiiiivi* we«*ka their curiosity; i trust them just as i The iii.i. iin.i i.n iu.- IIIUIII IIII.I ta- ,i ]. 0VBB8TRBBT, in Un* si Cloud Tribune, a weekly news* tnisl yon. They are all from under appeared "iii. • until aatobal, ta>..k 300 ft. Price—$ 650 Cwrt Clreall Oonrt pspei puhllabed and of general clrcula lit Sl*\lt*lll l.llinlll's aaf 1,-mil laa|]M'l'S • • Besl) Hon in Oaceolii County. Plorlda. lhe i t usi -the inaii wlm met us at the TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE ker, si Cloud, Plorlda Win,,-- ti,. Honorable Prnuk V Smith, BtStlon IS I tlalln;: hmiset'l eakel i the and uiiiin-i'ai nt their naperaorlptlona. MKI.BOURNE unn'i t >* Com pis Ina nt in .i mi •,- HI tha above • 'out I tu n moment they heard his iiuia-k FLORIDA ih-t 27 Nov 1. CP • mri :M ECtsalmmsa Osceola Coun- chauffeur a aoeondnrtory man. tht E. W. Abbott & Sons, Inc., butler La a botal thlsf I town to ths •tep "ii iln' ita!r, "11 is lailltit (ii'iil* l.i lull," .1 llllll. KUUer] maid, whn was a clever shop lifter, all the seivnnts nre CrsOBS I've li'iiuu'ki'il. "thnt iny lir.illi.'i* |ira-fi-rs ll.'l to l'<* illuln. Willi in.." picked Up ami luMnllod here until they can do wbal Leary*a dohig lasasi "l rather rarmlaed Hint," Arehla re* Iheir Ill-gotten galas in seme legiti­ piled "iiii .-in aaaa ha < I l.i nni fa-pi. iiai mate inisiness Baring has enough nn* i tn drop his cigarette Into iin* rewards hanulim ever him to make nny braaa racelrer .-at iai- .*iiia.w* t.i :i\-..i(| '..uiaiai wltb her gaao, which wns hi-nt a one rich whn ean telephone Ins where ni..aii him dlaioonoertlngly. nln.nts to police headquarters In any •\Ni* hula* Imi ai iiiiiiiicnl, jiiul wi' - town iu America As all branches of Osceola County the profession am reprssented hers my iiiiiMt linn, n care nol t<» aaem t„ ba confidential. He didn't .iaiw- his repaj my hospitality by keep­ al *. 1 Ihlnk." Tin- Araparlea al the and of tba ,\ I l-a I. till. Ml.' .'.(ll I.a- Ot NO T iwajred a lltUe nml Arabia • .-iut..-r 1 1. walked i-ii .-ik niul Kiiuiii-ii inin iiu* .tiii (Cl 1*1 S. all .1. I. ill KltS lUICllT. a i,*.i. a ir,.,it i ...ari. Oaceoln riannty, l*"la illl.'i**'a.|ll.. It. Ilaailllll*') II "ll SSUli liyly TAX NOTICE lata* W IT I'lll Nil, la I . .ami sin* iiiilii-niiil ,i seal ii little n.invr ill I:IM\ « OVBR8TH1 Hunter lllllll Ilu- mil' In* llllal lafl S.alla*i|..a f„r I '•.llalilalilltllll. a* 1**1.1 N*a- HI II.*'* I "Pleaaa don'1 I..' nlniiin'it. imi it's .a lingular I'.-UI that l know yam ; w.* IN Clin in* rut BT I'dit lin*: »BVBN iin't iini'i'. pnssiiiciy, III ii tpn in Cam­ I ITI \ I II .11*1111 'I.M, I'l HIT IT 111' I I.IIII bridge; it's • nitn.l white ago iiiiii wa in \ list Kail.A COUNTS. IN 1'IIAN SEASON OPENS . I Kl 111 l.l. Ill QUIBT T1TLB. II. li exchangad only aa word, ao don'1 try {IOTI0K is hereby tfivnii that tin- lav lunik.-* It lit ,\\ \ 1-OMPLA1NANT. Vlllist's ia. remember, t inuih prater thnl ynn .IAMKS M 1IAVIS, KT Al.. I'I •hnnldn't" Archie didn't remember; ANTS iilllil'llt nv PUBLICATION in- luul attended many tana nt Onm of Oio-aola County for the year 1.01 will III III.* IlllkllaaWll llalr.- Ill lilTV. I**|T a. I .*..(. .1.*, iN.-.-aa enntaas, or otbor .• i-• 11111.1 a.i -. am bridge dnrlng commanoameni fi*stiv. open for collection on November llret. .'.-a Maallaaa I IHM Daialta in.it Willlilili It ii' - .iini hii.i alwaya hatad iin'in. "li .I hliMliilll.t. ilea*..*.*..*.! ; Itn* Flaarlilil WM iia'l Until wi' win* nl lha* nihil' NOVEMBER ?0th T... la.l nni T'liul'iT I a.n.puny. • Klnll.li. ... a i>.. a . 1 l.n.. If a-xlaallni:. nml If null .-I that i piiiii'ii ymi tonight, iin reUe-r- Eaftlug, llla'll till' llllll naaavii |t r ll ll I ll-M. mil* ad, inflniii'iy reilered, to kno-n thnl COglor.1 atMlBQGM, aar aallicr .*lnlintlilts l.v. y.m nn. with my brother ihiw ii I .nn now i-i'inly lo I'imiisI; estimates on 1 la r.< ,a ar la. iai* uniliT tl ; alia] ilnv lllul llll Whether it be Bijr or Small Game. We a -'.aaa. Ililvtnit or a lailtnlaiif la. Iiiaa-a* came about is a r my affair, iti-.i T* lltl.*, i'l lll!..r.-ial III llllal la. till* you mi- n gentleman; In the atrange following il-'aa.-rlI..-.1 liiaailH Ivliial „' these taxes, lu -writing this office, pleam. In IIM atai Connty, Klaarlalaa. laaavll ; Tha- I "ll.-l -.* tfarOllgfa Which"—lll'l li|i-. laanii have the equipment and supplies to make Nnrthwi..! Qimrti-r MVkja of Routnwotl i-il in si«.iik II nniiii. bul aha caogbl ytfe complete description of your property Uuurter as\N »,i .,r Boctlon nlnn tm. Town- beraalf np iharply "through which your hunting season a joyous one. Mill. lav.-i.t y H.-va*ai 1^71 S.mlli ltiuiiii* 111- IS IIIHasillK I*|n graatlftaOd llllll DO aa I ;,M|, alHr.'l.lO I '.atlllty and enclose postage, SOU iiii'l MOD Of v.aai IIII- li.-ri'l.a* 1ms ynur i-iiln]iilliliinshlp. lllia- a'l.llillinn.Ia*al la. ai,a|,i-aia- <*n Hu- 1-llt ll .Ian ..t HilllK very I'rui'l hniipi'iii'il I., him; Na..all.laar, A. D, IH-'7. laa III,. HIII .,f I*,,,., plaint III.*.I lii-r.tii nmiliiaal y.iai Till- St. s ilainu Hint greatly embittered blm, a laallal TlltUlm*. ll III*1VH|>|||>.T IHlliltMlli.al llllal ai vary erueL bird thing, Indeed; and Onr stock is made Up of the l>est anil most a.t ctllaMHl tl all. til.- pnper for IhP pillalia-ill f till. riiin. tht, "iillll is nil," lhe snlil. nnil lalai-.l la .li.v ..f tl.-t r. A 11 IS1U7. anil Apparel. Conn* in anil see our iu*\v a.t .1 .1 I.. 0VBR8TRBB1 iiim im.iiii wiiii her beautiful repoaa S.*iall »» \V II 1'...uul, 11 a*. an.i nniiii .1. bar perfect aalf-i tr-ni Murray W. OVI-I-.II. iimi touched him with nu infinitii' merchandise. Make your plans for tha I TallliMil fair I'llllliallllllllllt, .rl.la Oct 27-No. 21 pity, In Circuit I'liurt Sa-v.-tiliN'iilh .lu.llrlnl i To Hi' i ..niiiiii..I Nesl Week) liitf season just ahead. Btata 'af la'la.I'lll. I Bl llllll P*or Oacaola Cuiluii in Ckanonrja-. Ill Ita' a Aiaplla-ntli.il of Mm. OUJT Swii n Sa.nia* people mi' marrying bow i>> I'I li.'i 11 I'r. a* II.-iiliT l...'|. Hi,- w..II' from tin' iliN.r: ..1 li. IS­ Notion. N..li.i* IK lior.-lay irlvan Unit ll I. ,nv In II 1-- ligUI-UU iilll hnw 'li.y ,-aaii lln*.aw il lclllli.li I l'l V lo Ilia* ll..aaa.,.11.a "Hi aaf |||,. 1 sa. la,-!',,!*,* il has (Hlp-l ARTLEY C. L. BANDY, A Sinltli. .1 ,1.1K.- ..r Ilia. 17th .lll.lli-liil cir­ KIIIIIS,IIIII Willi; -tlllll.I.'llil cuit ..r Kt.iri.in, in riniini..*!*. ni Orlando, Florida, on ih-* mih iin.v nf NoTambar, A. ARDWARE TAX OOLIBCTOB, KISHIMMKK, FLOREDA •ar II. 1 lln-ri-.flir ma paa..Ihl.- tjiieen .Mali. ..I l|,••an,,iiaiai plans a H. C. H fnr a lla-a-n.i* to iniinilK.*. Inlai- .'Iliiral.- i.f, return trip in the United smia.s, bring .nil control my pr..|..*i I y, ami to I....*..111.. Pennsylvania Ave. & llth St. II fri*c ili-ailiT ln i-vprv r.».p.».*l. ina.- the little six year ..l.l King I MKS .ll'Y SWAN. n witli lu'i*. Theae grandmaa Pntltlnnar St. Cloud, Florida \mw\le*' »»^a>*"' — *>b%****a^af,mwaj ee. \eej\f., eemJl/e.qmnJtf., mml I P«rk.>r A 1'orlaa.r. me sisters iin.l,., i he skin after llll m HI..an...v. nl I..vv (lot 27-Novl7 cp .•li I llll K.SIIAV NOVKMBKB 17, 1M7 VUiK TVVKLVK THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF TAX OOHnra TO ST. I'LOUI WITH liKNTKYS (IKI'IS, OKI KM1IKR 1. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllll BUDGET CREDIT TO A Real Home Fnr Funerals COMMISSIONERS Our new funeral home Is one of tbe MANY IMPROVKMKNTN SHOWS beat equipped establishments of Ita FREE Willi.K WOKK Ol THK I'lTY sort ln the atata. MANAGER II \^ I'KII'I'I.ITK Everything within ita nails has been OVER I'lll-: PAST \K\ll airdi'i'ml with a view tv. comfort, con­ venience and a soothing atmosphere. Theatre Tickets \ niiiiiniris (' lln- lux lillll ah,* ally ,. Imt in IIIIIIII ol. arrangements and equipment, at Lsch week, six name* will be chosen Irom among aiia.i have I...ia i.awn.'.l. i-vi-n In tin* 11 il •'*>.' llll' lit [.I*..111*11111 a aall your dleiKisat when needed at reason Tnbune subscriber* and scsttered through tin- •lltlU 1 aal II .y.lMl.lXlll la,ami IsSUO, al ahle ratia-aa. classified ads ou this page. To each person whose direct obligation ot tba .li.v. which IllllSt taa* la Illltl ttaallt lllM'S. Phone 60 name appears, two free tickets to lhe Palm l~he- In L9SB Haa* na \i amounl of tin* tni alte will be given. Tickets must be called foi at budget * " a IU am .Tribute Office and used within two days. Befjin i.i valuation ot (2,961.160.00 In IBM, FJSELSTE1N IIROS. iin. ni'i a nm '.us fas.408 IV, aaaaaa today the profitable habit of reading the Classified o.i valuation M0a0.000.00. in 1987 MORTICIANS Want Ad.. Una ni'i ami i i« I73.77i.99, \aiiii assessed raluiattoa ..l si i.:il7.tHKMKi. 'tin. millaii;.* iii IBM "ns M%, lu lumi .. a,, I..JT (., 57. Read the Want Ads Today Iii IBM ll*..* aily luul t.. r.'iin* fm BOO in Intereal nml principal payment! Your Name May Be There -an bond issui's. GENERAL INSURANCE iu IMT in,* .ii) mual ra'iii'i* 93S,- Pennsylvania avenuea, whlcb allow.*-. Fire. Allloliinliilr, rial,* llliiMH. Ac- | BOB .'*'. -i aa • i bonded obligating uinl more parking down town. CASTLE OF DRY ICE a'lill'lil, Huia.ly Bonda Anything In Believing Hun n K,.,.ii band wns nn , m m ,, „ I, , j asnuTiiTa |u ipeclal iiii|irovi*iin-ni the liisuiniu-i- iiiii­ bonds coverliiK paving, etc., in front t-sst'lltllll I'm* Ilu* illy lhi> year, till- DRAWS ATTENTION iiiii.iniaiiioii on Batai I'lieer- ..f Hi.* variona propertlaa which they aill* aallllllllssl.lll Ims || III l|, U i ,*.|'< | lllllll We nil know IN very ui.iul, aiaaal willi fully l**iiniisli,*,i a •" n. AT N. Y. SHOW In iniiiiii,ui iii 1BS7 lln* elly has llm niilf.trins, to. n,,iv hm,. gel only The Oldest Ageiuj in lhe I'lly II ii.iiiil liiiiui. lint ills,, a, i;,ii„l looking li.ul I., iissiini,. tlit- salary of n Ulirar- S. W. PORTER , Inn, umi Iiii'ii* 1ms uls.i been anltlt it tin aaaa \i:\v rOBK nn.' ..I' tin- mjmg nn nm* ot tin* ini'si importanl nointe i** Kcal Mate A* liisuriini,. expense of • paid man at Ibe fire umiiil ft'jiiun's ..r Hit' EBsctrlOftl niul Notary I'uhlir department at nil tlmea Tbe expenea iimi iin amounl in tha 1881 budget for tin' aiiiniiiiisti an in- enpanaaa of tin* linfii>ir|;il Dxposltloa held nt flu' l'oiii'i- Bids Penaaylvanla Are. |WWANi T ADS aal' slla ll II lllllll is Ml V -lllllll 1*1.111 |HI I* These Little Business Getters Pay Big a i nnii Hi,, inml* ratea ou lnaurance -•ity is practically tha sunn' nt, wim <-'rmnl < '"iil ini Tnlti ii' is n en Hid* of "JOIN THK Kin »Kl»,SS" These Li uiiii*li un* I., i..- eatabllabed In UM Baat tn Hi* 1888 budget, mul Unit In tin-! ally an* vnlaiiil i.v This exhibit, im>- future, mul Uu* tax payers uii: meantime the amounl ..f mirk whlcbI wanted bv ilu* Dry ii*- Corporation of Lnaurance ls ,"ll""(''1 ''*-' llu' l'll> manager nml Unarlca, is .*, novelty this y, nr, lun* FOR SAI.K FOR BBNT greal deal nuni- on tl : iluin Um smiiii niimtiiit whlcb Oils par­ a ima --st iiir' ,«ii i.i iia,, public nuiy 'ill, tncreaalng. "lliv In-full' III till' a -tl, -la - i. ail -luiiv ll ar III IIII I nu RENT T r.. 11arlit .imt ticular llt-in "filial roprooenl in In- BUSINESS DIRECTORY j Iiy owner. J W. Masury, avnt.-r: furnished. lat.iiilr. s tliiitlmil lu­ lew ivi'iks imaa. iiiui ilei-lareil Ta, tn- nu .1 it l". Itpd lu order to nu down iln* oxpensos outetaudlng achievement In the mn — of alia* any in,mi -HIS were iiiuiii' in INHERITS A BIG JOB /.illlaaii a.f scientific ri'iaa-nroli rin* i-niii- F. R. SEYMOUR • Becks. POB REN*] Uodora Apnrl it, -' *>r al ilu* -miillii* ita*iii- in iln* budget which Registered Optometrist I was published in "a** Tribune, bul ilu* IN CHINATOWN AT line i.f tha ivoiiilirs iif ilry la*o Is ••I. ind Ky. '-' '-''I' , imiiii IT .-HI la a laving uf *it,ooo in Ihal ll alms mil leave nny lli|lllll iis It St. Oloud Florida iniiiiii whlcb luul been AGE OF 21 -iniiil evaporataa, li In nniiii mr *0-tt POR BBNT Thn-e nice furiii.lnal r.'.ain. r public worka. or itrwl main* uie which haa baaa tn Wllh Kiia lla lla-tl... BCri- aaal llllltl. tainanoa umi rapalra. n tempera tu re aaf nm degrees below Buy your Tapers. Magartnm, 1*0. |a|a,lll», UlSlttI tall pOOnd ItllH-Bl'l s. Ml. I. -.T**. It. ll. II IJ Mini sr Cloud was wmewbal unfortti- SAN FRANCISCO.* Uanageuenl i.f aero Cahreabell aunt in uf Hmi sunn. lau-eo. Ilgars, Krulte, Poet {'ants, Sta- Lawaa or goriieiian. o it ih,* various bank CaUurea '-" Ohlnatown telephone exchange of healthful mis wtolefe is in nil oarboa lloii»r>. I'eanula A Cwndy al HM- Ht. •X 87. f , , nj which happened during tbo paal i * « i -" i . ; '[' nii.l iia lnk-s llnud Na»wa Station. HATTON TIIJJB Ala* , nml luul tin- property BU " fair, ir waa, in effect Inherltod by .Miliaaiii-h thla la'iaii of i a tin uiilloxlde bh-tt ' llllllll a. It x Ml baan able i" paj fur ilu* work which -. 'Utli. nnil Ills sN- '..is haaa known tu Briaima fur a a*i*n had boon dona •- their ..wn roqneota, I. i Klmeniv tsOOi :i« l»:ui of tin* us- rult s.M.i: OB BBNT Hew tiamaaa.. fear WANTKD Hnv. II Iius .Mily la,'a-ll nil the liinikll >l. llllllll l«lga. Nai. 221 .• aa achool ..ai.1 hinl ra.aial. iiu' milium* could lmvt' boon lowered -ii* i'i' tin- aetata of tfealr wealtby iiiauut three rears umi is g asm sii;iit | all; BAI.I *** laa.U.i' about two polnta for IMT. iiiliir, I.n.) Knin sim. if tin* \ ll , r - -1 ii Ua, .|i„w. Ii P. * A. M. fHICKKNS \\ • .una liens nml ,ai coraor lot ,VI,IMI i'.-.-i si, IHTL-.. rooma. DOW MIHUIM (lu* fity is earry- • Mii- i .'t*. a im died in Is iiiuiii* i'.v the Dry-Ice Corporation uf .Meets aorond ami fourth ...•III. itaM. fl'i*- i \raitln»r iifilimis nntl I'llitT nm\mi dBM items, IVllltl'l*. I IXKR O. A. R. HALL ul. Unlit*. Mlrb. Avi*. slid l«th St. f.-r uim nt Hi,- Tribal 0 B "1 .imi has alao linnm-ed tli>* fii>t imv began to tnacb hla yowvaal son, Biffn« Tin* principal use nf ilry IIT II I: CRAWFOBO, Master tl Inr«e orsnitp si ml urn pe­ • iiiuiri) Petereon, John nit'iit on iln- atreel paTlnf ussessmentw. iiif hnsini'ss nt the HKV of eight and the i.-frig.*i nt I..n .af partahabls foods in Master rmit tri»e«. 4 roi'in hoaM, ttectrlc lights. B, Csrlln, R. 1, BaeOleo, t; \ P ahto iiu* paal du.' Ughl and ivntac ao* MnrylMii.1 AT*, find 17th Vi. - i few yenrs later his daagfatOT, Khir- transit. Tliis nuiy lie u pint of laa A. • tinWDHR, Sea-relary : i ruiiuluK frmn 2V. ncrrs up. fARMBBS WsuUd t-' locate in IMiit- oonnta haTa boon reduced Dearly Blxty •iiri-. U'Kiin tt» leiini it. eli'llln wlai.ll the Inalls.'W ifu is eiirry- VIsHtng Ilrethiv Wrlrunir Write IUP for bsrBfilnx. C. N. MoMuUeti. • \n-r ntmi in tin- paal five mot he, Loo driUod Into theiu not only tho iBg Ilium* from Ilu* Htnii-, or n n-fil Wnlita, Colnmilo. 7 Btpc . t i'nr full Intormntlon B Any further nuaatlon of vodudng dnlnUn of axneutin mnnagament nad in to ii. Mrr , Hi-* siiik.-r I ••rater ear aar froita agaadlai fnun -i r i. Flu. II It.- tha aUUage in tta 'i'v *>f Bt Oloud switchboard operation i.nt nitm tneot* r,lU t [ in T'lireli's in Na*iv \nrk. 1. i). o r. • inii-t real \\U\i tin* people thaaaaalvaa, ' ' tham the pespril de oorp^* ef I ** -an av I e lot iri'iiin llie pint Ht. I'lmul LiOdai i • rhuroh. Mil Kis i Wbo, if they WUI pay nil their hills, t-lepliony nnd derotlon to the nf pin« will make ii i< ihe commia-l -u -1 Karn, whan bla futher dlod of llle ireiilll Is pill.-ill In u No, Hll, I 11. (I F • kt>r anil l'nrk-fr U t'l"t D tu Lower taxes. was made maniiyer und Kloiei:. siiKiiii.i laiis'er imih*r pafkaga. whleh meets every Tnae- v blch i" spend the IMTlnils u ims-o of th,. dry lat* to In- snl LDTeetl Mie budget ihowi • -tta oUat .'iM-nitur. liy evening la KI.M uf lhe dtj Th"!.* uie I'.l tele|iln)ii.' ^irU, all ii^niii-i iiu paekaca of 1*1*1*11111. tin 1 KM Kellow Rail i, Fla. I ll.illll- Ilu* lli'llsuivifi* a*ull avn New York ire i ...... i • bare i n Kunawhat raduoed, whan OUnaaa* ami ggjch of them kao leave tbe iiai-kuge uf lee ctaaai atand- nue. All visit . fi..iii twenty PIT, Mri- '. i llnot L9M. the '"'iirt the names and ph..in- uumherH Dumber of ii«ht ami water coonecttona <»f tbe ^,70:; oonnecttons, A Cblnaae lni: on 11 liil.le for six hours In*a*i.iis,- brothers wolcome. (Wl nil Ifl-ltp h :i little more thaa doubled patron, who tnkea down the receiver tin- ilry lie lusts Hull loni;, unalel* tlu-sc A If. ItAII.KY, Nobis tJrnnd. ,,ml u • 1 i'luli' inns. i ' 11. KBNNET, 1 and that the planl is putting out **>Jt g*tm mm ' a Un EaP K«''« W 1NTED Kt liable Lpartmeul double tha amounl thai it did. I hla connection Jual ut Qulddy an the IK niiiki-ls point mil srverill llllla.II 1 hurcfa pn H jrodman.. He Por tin* oonvenlaooa of tha public HngUah ipaaklng patron who eniin by • a a* iinn Iinui' IIUIIII Men Voik aviinn- was wtdanod hi- numbera. mils uf perishable fruit toau nf new, Price J.voo. K i\ OKIIKR K/"TFRN STI IS ltp LOST twaan 10th and 1 ith streets, nml ua I The glrla iwtteh tnaa Kugllsh to B its now 11 1, which ii is poeotblO, lhe eity ia wideulng Chinese in I fiasli nnd muny limes meanl Hmt a boavlat lead oaa im car- ;| M. t'lotid la'iaiisa'iiiatlvp—New Vnrk Ufe a uniformly high standard nf pro lusurtiiu I- i 'al. iltf BAVABOTA. lha aaaand ridgaaat flclency. Iu addition, more than 21 IftOBd ad I'l'ii'l.i MBBBd graiK'- Ilea i OB SALH OB BBNT llew bouse, four winter raining courses were con rd rood. fruit to t'. lifornla from the I ducted the past year. Swimming i U it CBttaaaa bwoffporatad, i/f Ms city, "institutes" at camps in Arizona, The Cooler Days MURRAY VV. DVKKSTRIKT California, Indiana, Massachusetts, ims ii*ft bata foe snn Prand «.». Tin* We Have Most Every Item for Your Comfort Allomi') at Law KOK RKNT carload Includat *'** eaaaa ad lha ivn- New Yorli, North Carolina, Missouri, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin, Children's Sweaters, Age 2 to 12 $1.00 to $2.95 Off lie nvii* Hank of llsii'olii I ran btmnd Unit willi i-ncli of tl. OBSB "splash weeks" and nwliinnlng and DOOM KOR ItHNT with or wlthoul board, oarrj Ing a Batnaota lahati Klssliiiiui*!*, I'lm Ida ilfo-savlnR campaigns uiu' .r Hnd Cross Maun's and Boys' Sweaters $1.00 to $4.95 (1 I..II • A I-un two ia- llllll M-'i.a- enjoy themselves ln safety, the nam VVIuili'sale and Italsll II 7 romn faralohed laii^i* a.nl.is I'm* ,11 ima-,1 fr..:i, I.nt luts ber of preventsblo deallm through I beds) io parttcul laa*. li lll'l.- I" Taaill II liii'Ki- nti nuni a.f drowning will bs greatly reiliia-a il." Arch Support Shoes in Black Kea-d. Hay, Grain and Flour N. Kj Phone W. t:t Btpd llijla-l [ isili;; mill |,uli|li-]lv fill' Sllrnsaatll tlil*iail*

  • a-ni|i|.,.\*- so far as Its facilities permit. To In cream- the effectiveness of this anil rfiit—«th . bl i-i nn. A New York A TOO. a-,1 lllliro I llal II I'M IH-rsa/IIH II r.iy, all —Courteous Prompt and Efficient Service- -Phone m Ht. I'lend N. Y. Ava 11 itpd iif tin* lli'lp ii.liiiliK f'riim llllal ai'v other survives, the Eleventh Annual Boll Call, from November 11 to 2*1, Buying for 26 Stores We Naturally Can Save lllll IlKN'I 11 lurialalaa.il a Il­ ia I la.IH laf lailll) With la Prlnotn Ili-uua at bXnnsmnX* umy bwile l urge an enrollment of r.,000,.100. You Money l!i.ll*a*na, bell .lliral laaaal lla.HHa* X nn.i.iii l-iirni-r „t llrulnla anal Till St. - afl'ill.v" alal ala.JM-ll Kll*l |.lia I FREDERIC STEVENS . I. Klaarlalll A|.|,l| |,, Ma I a < i-nlli .IT iiruriiiiiiii-i'il Iiy tin* IIIIIII The American Red Cross will ask S Vim rs' I ai .lr,7 N Muryiiiml Avi* U IU .I.a. laal'' | lll'll 11 (,'0 III llll' ll.K.' Illliy I I' Hill' an enrollment ot 6,000,000 members nf Hume smootli hlrils who knoivs tils for the coming year, during the An* I ril.MNIIKIi lllll'SK for It. i.t II r...una THE PERSONS CO. NIHTARY I'llltlH* ...al laaa I,. 4 la.la I.f lllllll Witli I I ca-liugife. nnal Roll Call. November U4A In ttuwi-ra, Inii yard anil tiouaa*. $.' elusive. St. Cloud, Florida KIRK INSI RAM I liiniiii. Can ,,,-r ..f Vlriflula Hnil 7lli HI. Ht. 'Ilia- mil ting Heiison a-oina's to n close. ri.iuil, riorlda lia.,ulr.- „t W. ia \v I, ,neer,ns and RKAI, KSTATK1 I'ara.llim All* W-Wi.^ ^:::Xi ;^r,^" Join the Tribune family. St Cloud i 11,1,1 t-i-llim-s Hull, mi N.n \a,rk Ave.