CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS THE TABLET UGARITICA V No. 7 (see page 138) (by kind permission of Mons. Claude Schaeffer-Forrer) CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS


Reader in Hebrew and Semitic Languages New College, Edinburgh

Originally edited by G. R. Driver, F.B.A., and published in the series Old Testament Studies under the auspices of the Society for Old Testament Study

T & T CLARK INTERNATIONAL A Continuum imprint LONDON • NEW YORK Published by T&T Clark International A Continuum imprint The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London SE1 7NX 15 East 26th Street, Suite 1703, New York, NY 10010 www. tandtclark .com

Copyright © T&T Clark Ltd 1977 First published 1956 Second edition published 1978 This edition published 2004

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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0567080897 (paperback)

Printed on acid-free paper in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION

THIS edition of Canaanite myths and legends from (now Ras-as- Samrah) on the Syrian coast is based on lectures delivered over the last ten years and is now published in the hope of making these interesting but difficult texts accessible in convenient form to students of the Old Testament and the Semitic languages, of mythology and religion. No one can occupy himself with these texts without acknowledging his debt to the distinguished pioneers without whom his work could not have even been begun: these are Dr. C. F. A. Schaeffer, who was in charge of the excavations which so successfully recovered the tablets containing them from the soil in which they had lain hidden for some 3500 years; Mons. C. Virolleaud, whose admirably prompt and accurate copies made them available for study, and Prof. E. Dhorme and Prof. H. Bauer, who shared with him the honour of finding the key to the decipherment of the new dialect or language in which these texts were written. That much of their early work has been left behind and that other scholars, notably Prof. H. L. Ginsberg, Dr. T. H. Caster and Dr. C. H. Gordon, to whom all students of these texts are also greatly indebted, have taken over the task of interpretation, does not detract from the honour of the pioneers. Wherever possible the debt owed to all these and other workers in this field is indicated in the notes and in the glossary. Much labour of great value has already been expended on these texts; but much work still remains to be done on them, and I hope that the present edition may stimulate others to take up the study of them.

The bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive; in fact, it contains the titles almost exclusively of books and articles which have been of any use in the preparation of the present work. The glossary will be found to contain a certain number of alternative words, readings and interpretations; these are added because finality has not yet been reached on innumerable points of interpretation and the decision in these cases may still be left to the reader. In conclusion, my thanks are due to the Old Testament Society and the Trustees of the Pusey and Ellerton Fund at Oxford for generous contributions towards the cost of publication. I wish also to acknowledge my debt to the compositors, who have set up this complicated piece of printing, and the readers, who seem to have checked both printing and references, with a care which is characteristic of all work done by the University Press. Magdalen College, Oxford G. R. DRIVER 31 March, 1955 This page intentionally left blank PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION

SIR GODFREY DRIVER intended to produce a second edition of Canaanite Myths and Legends after retiring from his Chair at Oxford, but the pressure of his commitments with the New English Bible and as time passed his own failing health prevented him from carrying the project beyond a preliminary stage. He asked me some years ago to undertake the task for him, generously conveying to me his annotated copy of the first edition along with several folders of other notes which he had gathered, including contributions received from a number of correspondents. We planned the broad outlines of the revision together and agreed upon most of the changes in format that are incorporated in it, notably (i) the adoption of Mile. Herdner's system of enumerating the tables, (2) the inclusion in the main body of the work of only the longer and better preserved texts from the first edition, with the smaller and more fragmentary texts being relegated to an Appendix, (3) the inclusion in this Appendix of some of the more important texts discovered or published since the appearance of the first edition, (4) the setting out of the main tablets as far as possible in poetic parallelism, (5) the printing in full of the titles in the Bibliography, and (6) the shortening of the entries in the Glossary and their rearrangement in a more conventional sequence. It was left to me, how- ever, to work out the details, using Sir Godfrey's notes and correspondence as a basis but giving due weight to new studies of the subject which appeared too late to be considered by him. Sir Godfrey consented to read and criticize portions of the revision as I completed them and in the event saw before his death in 1975 initial drafts of around two-thirds of it. Needless to say, I benefited immensely from the many shrewd and searching comments he made upon these; but I alone am answerable for the revision as it is now presented to the public, and its defects should therefore be laid at my door and not his. I hope that it will be judged to repay the confidence he showed in me. On two matters of some importance Sir Godfrey and I failed to reach accord. I could not share his firm opinions on certain features of grammar and had to ask that the section entitled 'Observations on Philology and Grammar' be omitted from this edition; the most I felt I could attempt (apart from a short Note on Phonology) was to give guidance in the footnotes on possible alternative solutions (including of course Sir Godfrey's) to some of the more troublesome problems. He on the other hand disapproved of the attention I pay in the Introduction and footnotes to listing and sometimes commenting more fully on parallels between the and the Hebrew Bible. His scepticism about the propriety of such comparisons is well known and has often been shown to be justified; but since a large number, viii CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS perhaps the majority, of those who work in the Ugaritic field are also students of the Bible, comparisons will inevitably continue to be made, and it seemed to me wiser to recognize this and, as far as space permitted, to close with the issues involved rather than to play safe by ignoring them. Sir Godfrey and I had several arguments over these two matters and I wish to place on record my deep appreciation of his magnanimity in insisting that I as editor should have the final decision. One small improvement I would have liked to introduce was in Ugaritic transliterations to substitute for the symbols z and ? of the first edition appropriate adaptations of the phonetically more accurate symbols d and J, but for typographical reasons this was not possible. On several occasions I consulted other scholars about problems connected with the revision and I wish to thank those who gave me of their valuable time, particularly Professors John Gray of Aberdeen and Jidouard Lipiriski of Louvain, and Dr. Wilfred Watson, formerly Research Fellow of Edinburgh University. I am grateful to Mr. William Johnstone of Aberdeen University for letting me see copies of two articles by him which are not yet in print. Of Sir Godfrey's many correspondents I should like especially to mention Professor John Emerton of Cambridge. Finally I am indebted to the senior class in Hebrew and Old Testament Studies at Edinburgh during the academic session 1975-1976, who were subjected to large sections of this edition in draft form and from whose reactions I drew many helpful insights; and to Mr. Kenneth Aitken, a member of that class, who also assisted me with the checking of references.





THE table below lists all the Ugaritic tablets and fragments identified as mythological in content. It gives in parallel columns (i) the page numbers of the texts in the order in which they appear in this edition; (2) the sigla employed to identify the tablets by Mile. Herdner in the official edition (CTA); (3) Mons. Virolleaud's sigla in the primary editions (including Professor Eissfeldt's additions to his system); and (4) Dr. Gordon's sigla in the widely used Ugaritic Textbook (previously Hand- book and Manual). In this edition Mile. Herdner's sigla are used as far as they reach; texts published subsequently are referred to by their numbers in the relevant volumes of PRU and Ugaritica (thus PRU II no. 3; Ugaritica V no. 3) and in the case of a single tablet separately issued (RS 22.225) by its archaeological campaign number.


Page Herdner Virolleaud/Eissfeldt Gordon

39 i iv VI AB iv 'nt pi. X iv 37.4° 2 iii.i.iv III AB,C,B,A 129,137,68 46 3 VAB 'nt 55 4 II AB 51 68 S I*AB 67 74 6 IAB 62obv. + 49 + 62rev. 82 M IK Krt 90 15 IIIK 128 94 16 UK 125,126,127 103 '7 II D 2 Aqht 1 10 18 HID 3 Aqht "3 '9 ID i Aqht 123 23 ss 52 128 24 NK 77


130 i ii,iii,v VI AB ii,iii,v 'nt pis. IX,X ii, iii, v 131 7l,II VABvar.A,B 130,131 132 8 II AB var. 51 fragment xii CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS

Page Herdner Virolleaud/Eissfeldt Gordon

132 10 IV AB 76 '33 ii IV AB III* 132 '34 12 BH 75 135 20 IV D then I Rp 121 (4 Aqht) '35 21 II Rp 122 136 22 IIIRp 123,124 136 PRU II no. 3 (VI MF) 1003 — RS 22.225 137 — — Ugaritica V no. i (RS 24.258) 601 137 — 137 no. 2 (RS 24.252) 602 — no. 3 (RS 24.245) 603 138 — '38 — no. 4 (RS 24.293) 604 no. 7 (RS 24.244) 607 138 —


IMF — 9 133 '3 6 6 — 25 IIIMF 136 _— 26 II MF 135 — «7 8 8 28 — — — — — PRU II no. i (IV MF) 1 001 — — no. 2 (V MF) 1002 — PRU V no. i 2001 — no. 2 2002 — — — no. 3 2003

_ Ugaritica V no. 5 (RS 24.257) 60 — 5 no. 6 (RS 24.272) 606 — — — no. 8 (RS 24.251) 608 — ;—For the sigla used in a recent edition of the texts by Dietrich, Loretz and Sanmartin (1976) see Addenda. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY

The following abbreviations are used: 2 iii in 24 (1944-1945), 1-12 2 i in C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook (Rome 1947), ANET-]. B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern 167-168 Texts relating to the Old Testament (Princeton 1950) 2 iv in Syria 16 (1933), 29-45 [znd edit. (1955)]—BASOR=Bulletin of the Ameri- 3 A in Syria 17 (1936), 335-345 can Schools of Oriental Research— CRAWL = 3 B in Syria 18 (1937), 85-102 Comptes rendus de I'Academic des Inscriptions et Belles 3 C in Syria 18 (1937), 256-270 Lettres.—CT.4 = Andree Herdner, Corpus des tab- 3 D, E, F in La deesse Anat ( 1938), 43-90 lettes en cuneiformes alphabetizes deeouvertes a Ras 4 in Syria 13 (1932), 113-163 Shamra-Ugarit de 1929 a 1939 (Paris 1963).— 5 in Syria 15 (1934), 305-356 IEJ=Israel Exploration Journal—JANES = The 6 (main portion) in Syria 12 (1931), 193-244 Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of 6 (small fragment) in Syria 15 (1934), 226-243 Columbia University.—JAOS=Journal of the Ameri- 14 in La legende de Keret (Paris 1936) can Oriental Society.—JBL=Journal of Biblical 15 in Syria 23 (1942-1943), 137-172 Literatures.—JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 16 in Syria 22 (1941), 105-136, 197-217; 23 (1942- —JNWSL= Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages. 1943), 1-20 —JSS= Journal of Semitic Studies—MIO = Mit- 17-19 in La legende phenicienne de (Paris 1936) teilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung.—MRS= 23 in Syria 14 (1933), 128-151 Mission de Ras Shamra (Paris 19366;.).—PRU=Le 24 in Syria 17 (1936), 209-228 Palais royal d'Ugarit (Paris I955ff.).—RHR = Revue de I'histoire des religions.—UF= Ugarit-Forschungen. (b) The Texts in the Appendix and the Frag- —VT=Vetus Testamentum.~ZAW=Zeitschrift fiir ments not included: die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. i ii, iii, v (see above) 7 in Syria 24 (1944-1945), 12-14 1. Official Publications of Texts (usually with 8 in Syria 13 (1932), 158-159 photographic plates): 9 in Syria 24 (1944-1945). >7-'9 Andree Herdner, CTA ( = MRS X) (Paris 1963) 10 in Syria 17 (1936), 150-173 [Note: For some corrections see W. J. Horwitz, ir in Syria 24 (I944-I94S). "4-1? 'Discrepancies in an important publication of 12 in Syria 16 (1935), 247-266 13 in Syria 10 (1929), pi. LXVI [cuneiform text only] Ugarit', UF 4 (1972), 47-52] J. Nougayrol, E. Laroche, Ch. Virolleaud, C. F. A. 20-22 in Syria 22 (i94»). i~3° (see also for 20 La SchaefTer, Ugaritica V: Nouveaux textes accadiens, legende phenicienne de Danel, 228-230) hourrites et ugaritiques des archives et bibliotheques 25 in Syria 24 (I944-I94S), 22-23 privees d'Ugarit ( = MRS\Vl) (Paris 1968) [hand- 26 in Syria 24 (1944-1945), 21-22 copies only] 27 in Syria 10 (1929), pi. LXVII [cuneiform text Ch. Virolleaud, La legende phenicienne de Danel, texte only] cuneiforme alphabetique (=MRS I) (Paris 1936) 28 in CTA, p. 107 La legende de Keret roi des Sidoniens d'apres une PRU II nos. 1-3, ibid., pp. 3-12 [plate of no. i] tablette de Ras Shamra (=MRS II) (Paris 1936) PRU V nos. 1-3, ibid., pp. 3-6 La deesse Anat: Poeme de Ras Shamra, publie, RS 22.225 »n CRAIBL, 1960, 180-186 [plate] traduit et commente ( = MRS IV) (Paris 1938) Ugaritica V (Paris 1968) nos. 1-8, ibid., pp. 545-580 PRU II, Textes alphabetiques des archives est, [Note: for some corrections see L. R. Fisher, 'New ouest et centrales ( = MRS VII) (Paris 1957) readings for the Ugaritic texts in Ugaritica V, PRU V, Textes alphabetiques des archives sud, UF 3 (i97i), 356] sud-ouest et du petit-palais (=MKS XI) (Paris 1965) 3. Other Editions of the Main Texts: H. Bauer, Die alphabetiscken Keilschriftexte von Ras 2. Primary editions (by Ch. Virolleaud unless Schamra (Berlin 1936) otherwise stated; usually with handcopies): U. Cassuto, Ha-Elah 'Anat = The Goddess Anath: Canaanite Epics of the Patriarchal Age [in Hebrew] (a) The Main Tablets: (Jerusalem 1951). Engl. transl. (Jerusalem 1971) [plates] I iv in La deesse Anat (Paris 1938), 91-100 M. Dietrich and others (1976): see Addenda xiv SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY P. Fronzaroli, Leggenda di Aqhat: Testo ugaritico 5. Studies on Specific Texts: (Florence 1955) H. L. Ginsberg, Kitvey Ugarit=The Ugaritic Texts (a) Baal and Yam: [in Hebrew] (Jerusalem 1936) The Legend of King Keret: A Canaanite Epic of T. H. Gaster, "The battle of the Rain and the Sea: the (New Haven 1946) An ancient Semitic nature-myth', Iraq 4 (1937), C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook: Texts in Trans- 21-32 literation, Cuneiform Selections, Glossary, Grammar H. L. Ginsberg, 'The victory of the Land-god over (Rome 1965) with Supplement (1967) [earlier the Sea-god', J. Pal. Or. Soc. 15 (1935), 327-333 editions were entitled Handbook (1947) and Manual J. A. Montgomery, 'The conflict of Baal and the Waters', JAOS 55 (1935), 268-277 (I9SS)] J. Gray, The KRT Text in the Literature of Ras J. Obermann, 'How Baal destroyed a rival: A Shamra: A Social Myth of Ancient Canaan, 2nd mythological incantation scene', JAOS 67 (1047), edit. (Leiden 1964) 195-208 W. Hermann, Yarih und Nikkal und der Preis der A. van Selms, 'Yammu's dethronement by Ba'al', Ku{ardt-GSttinnen (Berlin 1968) UF 2 (1970), 251-268 R. Largement, La naissance de I'aurore: Poeme mythologique de Ras Shamra-Ugarit (Gembloux- Louvain 1949) (b) The Palace of Baal: J. A. Montgomery and Z. S. Harris, The Ras Shamra Mythological Texts (Philadelphia 1935) J. Aistleitncr, 'Die Anat-Texte aus Ras Schamra', Z. Rin and Sh. Rin, Aliloth ha-Elim = Acts of the £^57(1939), 193-211 Gods: The Ugarit Epic Poetry [in Hebrew] W. F. Albright, 'Anath and the Dragon', BASOR 84 (Jerusalem 1968) (1941), 14-17 P. Xella, // mito at shr e slm: Saggio sulla mitologia 'The furniture of El in Canaanite mythology1, ugaritica (Rome 1973) BASOR 91 (1943), 39-44; 93 (1944), 23-25 J. Barr, 'Ugariticand Hebrew §BM?', JSS 18 (1973), 17-39 G. A. Barton, 'The second liturgical poem from Ras 4. Translations and Major Textual Studies: Shamra', JAOS 55 (1935), 49~S8 U. Cassuto, '11 palazzo di Baal nella tavola II AB di J. Aistleitner, Mythologische und kultische Texte cut Ras Shamra', Orientalia 7 (1938), 265-290; see also Ras Schamra (Budapest 1959) JBL 61 (1942), 51-56 A. Caquot, M. Sznycer, and Andree Herdner, Textes F. E. Diest, 'A note on fhrrt in the Ugaritic text 51 Ougaritiques, I, Mythes et legendes (Paris 1974) viii 22', }NWSL i (1971), 68-70 R. Dussaud, Les decouvertes de Ras Shamra (Ugarit) R. Dussaud, 'Les combats sangtants de 'Arm et le et I'Ancien Testament, 2e ed. (Paris 1941) pouvoir universel de El", RHR 118 (1938), 133-169 T. H. Gaster, Thespis: Ritual, Myth and Drama in the O. Eissfeldt, 'Ugaritisches', Z. deutsch. morg. Ges. 98 Ancient Near East, 2nd edit. (New York 1961) (1944), 84-100 H. L. Ginsberg, 'Ugaritic myths, epics and legends' T. L. Fenton, 'Passages in Ugaritic discourse: in ANET, 129-155 Restorations and observations', UF i (1969), C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Literature (Rome 1949) 199-200 Ugarit and Minoan Crete (New York 1966), T. H. Gaster 'Baal is risen: An ancient Hebrew 40-143 passion-play from Ras Shamra-Ugarit', Iraq 6 J. Gray, The Legacy of Canaan: The Ras Shamra (i939), 109-143 Texts and their Relevance to the Old Testament, 2nd The furniture of El in Canaanite mythology', edit. (Leiden 1965) BASOR 93 (1944), 20-23 F. F. Hvidberg, Graad og later = Weeping and 'A king without a castle: Baal's appeal to Laughter in the Old Testament: A Study of Canaan- Asherat', BASOR 101 (1946), 21-30 ite-Israelite Religion (Copenhagen 1938). Engl. H. L. Ginsberg, 'Did Anath fight the Dragon?', trans], and revision by F. Lakkegaard (Leiden 1962) BASOR 84 (1941), 12-14 A. Jirku, KanaanSische My then und Epen aus Ras 'Baal's two messengers', BASOR 95 (1944), Schamra-Ugarit(Gittenloh 1962) 25-30 J. C. de Moor, The Seasonal Pattern in the Ugaritic A. Goetze, 'Peace on earth', BASOR 93 (1944), 17-20 Myth of Ba'lu according to the Version of Ilumilku Andree Herdner, 'Remarques sur La deesse 'Anat', (Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1971) Rev. ft. shn., 1942-1945, 33-49 J. Obermann, Ugaritic Mythology: A Study of its J. Hoftijzer, 'Two notes on the Ba'al cyclus", UF 4 Leading Motifs (New Haven 1948) (1973)1 i55-«58 P. J. van Zijl, Baal: A Study of Texts in connexion E. Lipiriski, 'Banquet en 1'honneur de Baal', UF ^ with Baal in the Ugaritic Epics (Kevelaer/ (i97o), 75-88 Neukirchen-Vluyn 1972) 'Envoi d'un messager (V AB, F 7-11)', Syria 50 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY XV («973), 35-37 [see also sect, (e)] I. Engnell, The text II K from Ras Shamra: A S. E. Loewenstamm, "The muzzling of the Tannin preliminary investigation', Religion och Bibel, 1944, in Ugaritic mythology1, IEJ 9 (1959), 260-261 i-20 'Anat's victory over the Tunnanu', JSS 20 F. C. Fensham, 'Remarks on certain difficult passages (1975), 22-27 in Keret', JNWSL i (1971), 11-22; 2 (1972), J. A. Montgomery, 'Notes on the mythological epic 37-52; 3 (1974). 26-34; 4 (1975). i i-2i [continuing] texts from Ras Shamra', JAOS 53 (1933). 97-123, R. Follet, 'Le Poeme de Krt, my the social?', Biblica 283-284; 54 (1934), 60-66 37 (1956), 341-348 J. C. de Moor, 'Der mdl im Ugaritischen', ZA W T. H. Gaster, 'The Canaanite epic of Keret', Jew. Qu. 78 (1966), 69-71 Rev., 1947, 285-293 A. van Selms, 'A guest-room for Ilu and its furniture: H. Gottlieb, 'Ligklagen over Krt, II K, I-II', An interpretation of CTA 4 i 30-44', UF 7 (1975), Dansk teol. tidsskr. 32 (1969), 88-105 469-476 J. C. Greenfield, 'Some glosses on the Keret epic', Eretz In. 9 (1969), 60-65 M. Lichtenstein, 'A note on the text of I Keret', (c) Baal and Mot: JANES 2 (1970), 94-100 E. Lipinski, 'Le Bannissement de Yassib (II Keret W. F. Albright, 'The North-Canaanite epic of vi 57-58)', Syria 50 (1973), 38-39 'Al'eyan-Ba'al and Mot',}. Pal. Or. Soc. 12 (1932), A. A. Merrill, 'The house of Keret: A study of the 185-208 Keret Legend", Svensk Exeg. Arsb. 33 (1968), 5-17 G. A. Barton, 'A North Syrian poem of the conquest D. Pardee, 'A note on the root 'tq in CTA 16 i 2, 5', of death', JAOS 52 (1932), 221-231 UF 5 (1973), 229-234 M. Cassuto, 'Baal and Mot in the Ugaritic texts', ]. Pedersen, 'Die Krt Legende', Berytus 6 (1941), IEJ 12 (1962), 77-86 63-105 M. Dijkstra, 'Ba'lu and his antagonists: Some G. A. Saliba, 'A cure for King Keret', JAOS 92 remarks on CTA 6 v 1-6', JANES 6 (1974), 59-68 (1972), 107-110 J. A. Emerton, 'A difficult part of Mot's message to H. Saurcn, G. Kestemont, 'Keret roi de Hubur', Baal in the Ugaritic texts (CTA 5 i 4-6)', Austral. UF 3 (1971), 181-221 J. Bibl. Arch. 2 (1972), 50-71 J. F. A. Sawyer, J. Strange, 'Notes on the Keret text', T. H. Caster, "The combat of Death and the Most High', ,7- Royal As. Soc., 1932, 587-596; 1936, IEJ .4 (1964), 96-98 W. G. E. Watson, 'A suppliant surprised (CTA 16 i 225-235 41-53)'. JANES 8 (forthcoming) H. L. Ginsberg, The rebellion and death of Ba'lu', Orientalia 5 (1936), 161-198 V. and I. R. Jacobs, "The myth of Mot and Aleyan Ba'al', Harvard Th. Rev. 38 (1945), 77-109 (e) Aqhat: S. E. Loewenstamm, 'The Ugaritic fertility myth: W. F. Albright, The traditional home of the Syrian The result of a mistranslation', IEJ 12 (1962), 87-88 Daniel', BASOR 130 (1953), 26-27 'The killing of Mot in Ugaritic myth', Orientalia J. Blau, S. E. Loewenstamm, 'Ugaritic sly "to curse" ' [in Hebrew), Leshonenu 35 (1970), 7-10 4« (1972), 378-382 J. A. Montgomery (see under (b) above) U. Cassuto, 'Daniel e le spighe: Un episodia della VV. Schmidt, 'Baals Tod und Auferstehung', Z. fiir tavola 1 D di Ras Shamra', Orientalia 8 (1939), Rel.-und Geiteswiss. 15 (1963), 1-13 238-243 A. van Selms 'A systematic approach to CTA 5 i 1-8', 'Daniel et son fils dans la tablette II D de Ras Shamra', R. et.juives 105 (1940), 125-131 UF 1 (1975). 477-482 P. L. Watson, 'The death of Death in the Ugaritic M. Dijkstra, J. C. de Moor 'Problematic passages in texts', JAOS 92 (1972), 60-64 the legend of AqhStu', UF 7 (1975), 171-215 H. H. P. Dressier, 'Is the bow of Aqhat a symbol of virility?', UF 7 (1975), 217-220 (d) Keret: H. L. Ginsberg, The North-Canaanite myth of Anath and Aqhat', BASOR 97 (1945), 3-10; 98 J. Aistleitner, 'Die Keret Legende', Theologia 5 (1945). "5-23 (1938), 1-8 J. Gray, 'The Goren at the gate: Justice and the M. C. Astour, 'A North Mesopotamian locale of the royal office in the Ugaritic text Aqht', Pal. Expl. Keret epic', UF 5 (1973). 29-39 Qu- 85 (1953). "8-123 K. H. Bernhardt, 'Anmerkungen zur Interpretations L. E. Good, Two notes on Aqhat', JBL 77 (1958), des KRT-Textes aus Ras Schamra-Ugarit', Wits. 72-74 Z. der Ernst Moritz Arndt-Univ. Grief maid, Ges. A. Herdner, 'La legende cananeenne d'Aqhat d'apres und Sprachvi. Rfihe 5 (1955-1956), 101-121 les travaux recents', Syria 26 (1949), 1-16 J. A. Emerton, 'The meaning of the root msl in W. Hermann, 'Das Todegeschick als Problem im Ugaritic', JSS 14 (1969), 22-33 Altisrael', MIO 16 (1972), 14-32 xvi SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY D. R. Killers, "The bow of Aqhat: The meaning of a Nikkal dans la mythologie d'Ugarit', Semitica 2 mythological theme* in Orient and Occident (i949). '7-20 (Gordon Festschrift) (Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn M. Lichtenstein, 'Psalm 68:7 revisited', JANES 4 1973). 7i-8o (1972), 97-112 ]. Hoftijzer, 'A note on G 1083; titlr and related F. Lekkegaard, "The Canaanite divine wetnurses', matters', UF 3 (1971), 361-364 Studio theologica 10 (1956), 53-64 E. Lipinski, 'SKN et SGN', UF 5 (1973), 191-206 B. Margulis, The Kdsardt/6/rt: Patroness-saints of J. A. Montgomery, 'The Danel text', JAOS 56 women', JANES 4 (1972), 52-61 (with reply to (1936), 440-445 Lichtenstein pp. 113-117) J. C. de Moor, 'A note on CTA 19 (I Aqht) i 39-42', M. Tsevat, The Ugaritic goddess Nikkal w!b', UF 6 (1974), 495-496 JNES 12 (1952), 61-62 H.-P. Miiller, 'Magisch-mantische Weisheit und die J. W. Welch, 'Chiasmus in Ugaritic', UF 6 (1974), Gestalt Daniels', UF i (1969), 79-94 421-436 J. Obermann, How Daniel was Blessed with a Son: An Incubation Scene in Ugaritic (New Haven 1946) S. Spiegel, 'Noah, Daniel and Job' in Louis Ginzberg (h) The texts in the Appendix and texts not Jubilee Vol., Engl. sect. (New York 1955), 305-355 included: M. Tsevat, 'Traces of Hittite at the beginning of the M. C. Astour, 'Un texte d'Ugarit recemment Ugaritic epic of Aqhat', UF 3 (1971), 351-352 decouvert et ses rapports avec 1'origine des cultes bachiques grecs', RHR 164 (1963), 1-15 [RS 22.225] (f) Shachar and Shalim and the Gracious 'Two Ugaritic serpent charms', JNES 27 Gods: (1968), 13-36 [Ugaritica V nos. 7, 8] J. Blau, J. C. Greenfield, 'Ugaritic glosses', BASOR W. F. Albright, 'The myth of the gracious gods', 200 (1970), 11-17 [Ugaritica V texts] J. Pal. Or. Soc. 14 (1934), I33~'40 H. Gazelles, 'L'Hymne ugaritique a Anat', Syria 33 J. Finkel, 'An interpretation of a Ugaritic viticultural (1956), 49-57 [CTA 13] poem1, Joshua Starr Memorial Vol. (New York A. Caquot, 'Les Rephaim ougaritiques', Syria 37 J953), 29-58 (1960), 75-90 [CTA 20-22] T. H. Caster, 'A Canaanite ritual drama: The Spring 'Nouveaux documents ougaritiques', Syria 46 festival at Ugarit', JAOS 66 (1946), 49-76 (1969), 241-265 [Ugaritica V texts] H. L. Ginsberg, 'Notes on the birth of the gracious R. Dussaud, 'Le vrai nom de Ba'al", RHR 113 (1936), and beautiful gods', J. Royal As. Soc., 1935, 45-72 5-20 [CTA 12] G. Komoroczy, 'Zum mythologischen und litera- F. C. Fensham, 'Some remarks on the first three turgeschichtlichen Hintergrund der ugaritischen mythological texts of Ugaritica V, UF 3 (1971), Dichtung SS', UF 3 (1971), 75-80 21-24 H. Kosmala, 'Mot and the vine', An. Swed. Th. Inst. The first Ugaritic text in Ugaritica V and the 3 (1964), i47-«5« Old Testament', VT 22 (1972), 296-303 M. R. Lehmann, 'A new interpretation of the term L. R. Fisher, F. B. Knutson, 'An enthronement SDMWr. VT 3 (1953), 361-371 ritual at Ugarit', JNES 28 (1969), 157-167 J. A. Montgomery, 'The Ugaritic fantasia of the [Ugaritica V no. 3] gracious and beautiful gods', JAOS 62 (1942), T. H. Gaster, 'An Egyptological text from Ras 49-51 Shamra', Egyptian Religion 3 (1935), 95-110 [CTA J. C. de Moor, New Year with Canaanites and 13] Israelites (Kampen 1972), II, I7ff. The harrowing of Baal: A poem from Ras D. T. Tsumura, 'A Ugaritic god Mt-w-sr and his Shamra', Acta Or. 16 (1937), 41-48 [CTA 12] two weapons', UF b (1974), 407-413 —- 'Baal is risen' etc. (see sect, (b) above) [CTA 10] 'Sharper than a serpent's tooth: A Canaanite charm against snakebite', JANES 7 (1975), 33-51 (g) Nikkal and the Kotharat: [Ugaritica V no. 7] H. L. Ginsberg, 'Ba'lu and his brethren', J. Pal. Or. J. Aistleitner, 'Die Nikkal-Hymne aus Ras Schamra', Soc. 16 (1936), 138-149 [CTA 12] Z. deutsch. morg. Ges. 93 (1939), 52-59 'Ba'al and 'Anat', Orientalia 7 (1938), I-M T. H. Caster, "The Graces in Semitic folklore: A [CTA 10] wedding song from Ras Shamra', J. Royal As. Soc., J. Gray, The Rephaim', Pal. Expl. Qu. 84 (1949), 1938, 37-56 127-139 [CTA 20-22] H. L. Ginsberg, 'A Human myth in Semitic dress', 'The hunting of Ba'al: Fratricide and atone- Orientalia 8 (1939), 317-327 ment in the mythology of Ras Shamra', JNES 10 A. Goetze, 'The Nikkal poem from Ras Shamra', (1951), 146-155 [CTA 12] JBL 60 (1941), 353-374 'Ba'al's atonement', UF 3 (1971), 61-70 [CTA Andree Herdner, 'Hirhibi et les noces de Yarih, et de 12] SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY xvii W. Johnstone, 'Lexical and comparative philological P. Fronzaroli, Lafonetica Ugaritica (Rome 1955) contributions of the mythological texts of the 24th F. Grondahl, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Ugarit campaign at Ras Shamra to Ugaritic', Ugaritica (Rome 1967) VII (forthcoming) [Ugaritica V texts] S. Moscati (ed.), An Introduction to the Comparative 'The Sun and the Serpent: The interpretation Grammar of the Semitic Languages (Wiesbaden of Ugaritic Text RS 24.244', Glasgow Un. Or. Soc. 1964) Transaction (forthcoming) [Ugaritica V no. 7] R. E. Whitaker, A Concordance of the Ugaritic A. S. Kapelrud, 'Baal and the devourers', Ugaritica Literature (Harvard 1972) VI (1969), 319-332 [CTA 12] E. Lipihski, 'Les conceptions et couches merveil- leuses de 'Anath', Syria 42 (1965), 45-73 [RS 7. General Studies on Language and Poetic 22.225; CTA 10, ii] Style: '£piphanie de Baal-Haddu', UFj (1971), 81-92 [Note: For studies on particular lexical items and [Ugaritica V no. 3] grammatical features see the appropriate sections 'La legende sacree de la conjuration des of the Keilschriftbibliographie in the periodical morsures de serpents', UF 6 (1974), 169-174 Orientalia.] [Ugaritica V no. 7] F. Lakkegaard, The house of Ba'al', Ada Or. 22 K. Aartun, Die Partikeln des Ugaritischen (Kevelaer/ (1955), io-27 [CTA 12] Neukirchen-Vluyn 1974) .S. E. Loewenstamm, 'Eine lehrhafte ugaritische A. F. Campbell, 'Homer and Ugaritic Literature", Trinkburleske', UF i (1969), 71-77 [Ugaritica V Abr-Naharaim 5 (1964-1965), 29-56 no. i] J. Cantineau, 'La langue de Ras Shamra', Syria 13 'msd\ UF 3 (1971), 357-359 [Ugaritica V (1932), 164-179; 21 (1940), 38-61; Semitica 3 no. i] (1950), 21-34 B. Margulis, 'A new Ugaritic farce (RS 24.258)', P. C. Craigie, "The poetry of Ugarit and Israel', UF 2 (1970), 131-138 [Ugaritica V no. i] Tyndale Bull. 22 (1971), 3-31 'A Ugaritic psalm (RS 24.252)', JBL 89 (1970), F. M. Cross, 'Prose and poetry in the mythic and 292-304 [Ugaritica V no. 2] epic texts from Ugarit', Harv. Th. Rev. 67 (1974), J. A. Montgomery, 'A myth of Spring', JAOS 56 i-'S (1936), 226-231 [CTA iz] M. Dahood, 'Ugaritic lexicography", Melanges Eugene J. C. de Moor, 'Studies in the new alphabetic texts Tisserant, I (Vatican City 1964), 81-104 from Ras Shamra', UF i (1969), 167-188; 2 (1970), Ugaritic-Hebrew Philology (Rome 1965) 303-327 [Ugaritica V texts] 'Ugaritic-Hebrew syntax and style', UF i 'B. Margulis on RS 24.258', UF 2 (1970), 247- (1969), 15-36 250 [Ugaritica V no. i] L. Delekat, 'Zum Ugaritischen Verbum', W 4 (1972), S. B. Parker, 'The feast of RapiV, UF 2 (1970), 11-26 243-249 {Ugaritica V no. 2] G. R. Driver, 'Ugaritic and Hebrew problems', Arch. M. H. Pope, 'A divine banquet at Ugarit', Studies in Or. 17 (1949), 153-157 Honor of W. F. Stinespring (Durham N.C. 1972), 'Ugaritic problems', Studio Semitica ... Joanni 170-203 [Ugaritica V no. i] Bakos Dicata (Bratislava 1965), 95—no M. H. Pope, J. H. Tigay, 'A description of Baal", 'Ugaritic and Hebrew Words', Ugaritica VI UF 3 (i97i), 117-130 [Ugaritica V no. 3] (1969), 181-186 A. F. Rainey, 'The Ugaritic texts in Ugaritica 5" J. J. Duggan (ed.), Oral Literature: Seven Essays ^0594(1974), 184-194 (Edinburgh/London 1975) H. P. Riiger, 'Zu RS 24.258', UF i (1969), 203-206 J. A. Emerton, 'Ugaritic notes', J. Th. St. NS 16 [Ugaritica V no. i] (1965), 438-443 Ch. Virolleaud, 'Les Rephai'm', Rev. et. sent., 1940, G. Garbini, // semitico di nord-ovest (Naples 1960) 77-83 [CTA zo-22] Le lingue semitiche (Naples 1972) 'Le Pere des dieux dans la mythologie d'Ugarit', I. J. Gelb, A Study of Writing, rev. edit. (Chicago RHR 163 (1963), 144-146 [Ugaritica V no. i] 1963) S. Gevirtz, Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel (Chicago 1963) S. A. Goetze, The tenses of Ugaritic', JAOS 58 6. Reference Works: (1938), 266-309 C. H. Gordon, 'Homer and Bible: The origin and J. Aistleitner, Untersuchungen zur Grammatik des character of East Mediterranean literature", Hebr. Ugaritischen (Berlin 1954) Un. Coll. Ann. 26 (1955), 43-108 Worterbuch der Ugaritischen Sprache (Berlin G. B. Gray, The Forms of Hebrew Poetry (1915), repr. 1963) with prolegomenon by D. N. Fre'edman (New M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, Konkordanz der Ugaritischen York 1972) Textzahlungen (Kevclaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1972) E. Hammershaimb, Das Verbum im Dialekt von Ras xviii SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Schamra (Copenhagen 1941) and Old Testament Study (Oxford 1967), 145-167 Z. S. Harris, Development of the Canaanite Dialects M. Liverani, Storia di Ugarit nell'eta degli archivi (New Haven 1939) politici (Rome 1962) W. J. Horwitz, 'Some possible results of rudimentary A. R. Millard, 'Canaanites' in D. J. Wiseman (ed.), scribal training', UF 6 (1974), 75-83 Peoples of Old Testament Times (Oxford 1973), M. Liverani, 'L'epica ugaritica nel suo contesto 29-52 storico e letterario", Atti del convegno oil tema La A. F. Rainey, The Social Structure of Ugarit [in poesia epica (Rome 1970), 859-869 Hebrew] (Jerusalem 1967) A. B. Lord, The Singer of Tales (Harvard 1960) C. F. A. Schaefler, The Cuneiform Texts of Ras D. Marcus, 'Studies in Ugaritic grammar', }ANES Shamra-Ugarit (Oxford 1939) i/a (1969), 55-6i; 3/2 (1970-1971), 102-111 (ed.), Ugaritica I, II, VI (=MRS III, V, B. Margalit, 'Introduction to Ugaritic prosody', UFj XVII) (Paris 1939, 1949, 1969) (i97S), 289-313 A. van Selms, Marriage and Family life in Ugaritic J. C. de Moor, 'Frustula ugaritica', JNES 24 (1965), Literature (London 1954) 355-364 in P. Fronzaroli (ed.), Studies on Semitic Lexicography (Florence 1973), 61-102 9. Religion and Mythology of Ugarit: S. Moscati, // sistema consonantico delle lingue semitiche (Rome 1954) M. C. Astour, Hellenosemitica: An Ethnic and Cultural G. del Olmo Lete, 'Notes on Ugaritic semantics', Study in West Semitic Impact on Mycenaean Greece UF 7(1975)! 89-102 (Leiden 1967) D. G. Pardee, "Hie prepositions in Ugaritic', UF 7 'La triade de dresses de fertilite a Ugarit et en (1975), 329-378 Grece', Ugaritica VI (1969), 9-23 S. B. Parker, 'Parallelism and prosody in Ugaritic K. A. Bernhardt, 'Asherah in Ugarit und im Alien narrative verse', UF 6 (1974), 283-294 Testament', MIO 13 (1967), 163-174 A. F. Rainey, 'The scribe at Ugarit: His position and A. Caquot, 'Le dieu 'Athtar et les textes de Ras influence', Israel Ac. of Sciences and Humanities Shamra', Syria 35 (1958), 46-^0 III, no. 4 (Jerusalem 1968) 'La divinite solaire ougaritique', Syria 36 'Observations on Ugaritic grammar', UF 3 (1959), 90-101 (1971), 151-172 R. J. Clifford, The Cosmic Mountain in Canaan and M. E. J. Richardson, 'Ugaritic spelling errors', the Old Testament (Harvard 1972) Tyndale Bull. 24 (1973), 3-20 M. Dahood, 'Ancient Semitic divinities in Syria and S. Segert, 'Ugaritisch und Aramaisch', Studio Palestine' in S. Moscati (ed.), Le antiche divinita Semitica ... loanni Bakos Dicata (Bratislava 1965), semitiche (Rome 1958), 65-94 215-226 O. Eissfeldt, Baal Zaphon, Zeus Kasios und der J. M. Sola-Sole, L'JnJinitif semitique (Paris 1961) Durchzug der Israeliten durchs Meer (Halle 1932) E. UllendorfT, 'Ugaritic Marginalia', Orientalia 20 El im ugaritischen Pantheon (Berlin 1951) (1951), 270-274; JSS 7 (1962), 339-35'; l*a*l Sanchuniathon von Beirut und Ilimilku von Or. St. 2 (1972), 463-469 Ugarit (Halle 1952) 'Ugaritic studies within their Semitic and J. Fortenrose, 'Dagon and El", Orient 10 (1957) Eastern Mediterranean setting', Bull. John Rylands 277-279 Libr. 46 (1963), 236-249 H. Gese, M. Hofner, K. Rudolph, Die Religionen P. Walcot, 'The comparative study of Ugaritic and Altsyriens, Altarabiens und der Mandaer (Stuttgart Greek literatures', UF i (1969), 11 i-i 18; 2 (1970), 1970) 273-275; 4 (>972). 129-132 J. C. L. Gibson, 'Myth, legend and folklore in the W. A. Ward, 'Comparative studies in Egyptian and Ugaritic Keret and Aqhat texts', VT Suppl. 28 Ugaritic', }NES 20 (1961), 31-40 (1975), 60-68 W. Whallon, Formula, Character and Context: C. H. Gordon, 'Canaanite mythology' in S. N. Studies in Homeric, Old English and Old Testament Kramer (ed.), Mythologies of the Ancient World Poetry (Harvard 1969) (New York 1961), 181-218 Izz-al-Din al-Yasin, The Lexical Relation between J. Gray, 'The desert god 'Attr in the literature and Ugaritic and Arabic (New York 1952) religion of Canaan', JNES 8 (1949), 72-83 'Social aspects of Canaanite religion1, VT Suppl. 15 (1966), 170-192 8. Archaeology and History of Ugarit: Near Eastern Mythology (London 1969) 'Sacral kingship in Ugarit', Ugaritica VI (1969), Margaret S. Drower, Ugarit (Cambridge Anc. Hist. 289-302 monograph, 1968) W. Hermann, 'Astart', MIO 15 (1969), 6-55 J. Gray, The Canaanites (Ancient Peoples and Places) A. Jirku, Der Mythus der Kanaander (Bonn 1966) (London 1964) 'snm (Schunama) der Sohn des Gottes 'II', 'Ugarit' in D. W. Thomas (ed.), Archaeology ZAW 82 (1970), 278-279 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY xix 1 'Neue Gotter und Damonen aus Ugarit , 1 973 1 1975; Engl. transl. of Hebrew and Italian Archiv. Or. 41 (1973), 97-103 articles) A. S. Kapelrud, Baal in the Ras Shamra Texts F. M. Cross, Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: (Copenhagen 1952) Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel The Violent Goddesses: Anat in the Ras Shamra (Harvard 1973) Texts (Oslo 1969) M. Dahood, 'Hebrew-Ugaritic lexicography I-XII', G. S. Kirk, Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Biblica 44 (1963), 289-303 and successive vols. Ancient and other Cultures (Cambridge 1970) (finishing 1974) R. Labat, A. Caquot, M. Sznycer, M. Vieyra, Let - Psalms, 3 vols. (Anchor Bible) (New York 1966- religions du Proche-Orient asiatique (Paris 1970) 1970) R. de Langhe, 'Myth, ritual and kingship in the Ras - 'Northwest Semitic texts and the textual Shamra tablets', in S. H. Hooke (ed.), Myth, criticism of the Hebrew Bible' in C. Brekelmans Ritual and Kingship (Oxford 1958), 122-148 (ed.), op. cit., 1 1-37 E. Lipinski, 'El's abode: Mythological traditions G. R. Driver, Review of M. Dahood, Proverbs and relating to Mount Hermon and to the mountains Northwest Semitic Philology (Rome 1963) inJSS 10 of Armenia', Orientalia Lwaniensia Periodica ^ (1965), 112-117 (*»* reply by Dahood in Biblica (i97>), '3-*9 49 (1968), 89-90) 'The goddess Atirat in ancient Arabia, in 0. Eissfeldt, Kleine Schriften, 4 vols. (Tubingen, Babylon and in Ugarit', ibid. 3 (1972), 101-119 1962-1968) F. Lekkegaard, 'A plea for El the Bull and other J. A. Emerton, 'The origin of the Son of Man Ugaritic miscellanies' in Studio Orientalia J. imagery1, J. Th. St. NS 9 (1958), 225-242 Pedersen Dicata (Copenhagen 1953), 219-235 1. Engnell, Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient J. C. de Moor, 'The Semitic pantheon of Ugarit', Near East (Uppsala 1943) UF 2 (1970), 187-228 L. R. Fisher, 'Creation at Ugarit and in the Old M. J. Mulder, 'Hat man in Ugarit die Sonnenwende Testament', VT 15 (1965), 313-324 begangen?' UF 4 (1972). 79~9o - (ed.), Rat Shamra Parallels, I, II (Rome 1972, U. Oldenburg, The Conflict between El and Baal in >97S) (to b* continued) Canaanite Religion (Leiden 1065) T. H. Gaster, Myth, Legend and Custom in the Old S. B. Parker, The Ugaritic deity R3piV, UF 4 Testament (New York/London 1969) (1972), 97-104 C. H. Gordon, Before the Bible: The Common Back- R. Patai, The goddess Asherah', JNES 24 (1965), ground of Greek and Hebrew Civilisation (London 37-52 1962) M. H. Pope, El in the Ugaritic Texts (Leiden 1955) J. Gray, The Day of Yahweh in cultic experience and H. Ringgren, Religions of the Ancient Near East, eschatological prospect', Svtnsk Exeg. Arsb. 39 Engl. transl. (London 1973) (i974), S-37 C. F. A. Schaeffer, 'El, Elatet Asherat' in Hommages N. C. Habel, Yahweh versus Baal: A Conflict of a A. Dupont-Sommer (Paris 1971), 137-149 Religious Cultures (New York 1964) J. W. Jack, The Ras Shamra Tablets: Their Bearing on the Old Testament (Edinburgh 1935) 10. Relations with the Old Testament: E. Jacob, Ras Shamra-Ugarit et I'Ancien Testament [Note: With a few exceptions commentaries on and (Neuchatel/Paris 1960) studies of particular biblical books that make 0. Kaiser, Die mythologische Bedeutung des Meeres in extensive use of Ugaritic material are not included.] Ugarit, Aegypten und Israel (Berlin 1959) W. F. Albright, Archaeology and the Religion of A. S. Kapelrud, The Ras Shamra Discoveries and the Israel, 2nd edit. (Baltimore 1946) Old Testament, Engl. transl. (Oxford 1965) Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan (New York R. de Langhe, Les textes de Ras Shamra-Ugarit et 1968) lew rapports avec le milieu bibliaue de I'Ancien J. Barr, Comparative Philology and the Text of the Testament (Gembloux/Paris 1945) Old Testament (Oxford 1968) E. Lipinski, La royaute de Yahwe" dans la poesie et le 'Philology and exegesis: Some general remarks culte de I'Ancien Israel (Brussels 1965) with illustrations from Job 3' in C. Brekehnans S. E. Loewenstamm, 'Ugarit and the Bible' (review (ed.), Questions disputees d'Ancien Testament of Fisher, Parallels I), Biblica 56 (1975), 103-119 (Gembloux 1974), 39-61 P. D. Miller, The Divine Warrior in Early Israel W. Baumgartner, 'Ras Schamra und das Alte (Harvard 1973) Testament', Theol. Rundschau 12 (1940), 163-188; J. C. de Moor, New Year with Canaanites and 13 (i94i)i 1-20, 85-102,157-183 Israelites (Kampen 1972) L. Bronner, The Stones of Elijah and Elisha as J. C. de Moor, P. van der Lugt, The spectre of Polemics against Baal Worship (Leiden 1968) pan-Ugaritism' (review of Fisher, Parallels I), U. Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Genesis, Biblioth. Orient. 31 (1974), 3-26 Engl. transl. (Jerusalem I96iff.) R. J. Moroder, 'Ugaritic and modern translation of Biblical and Oriental Studies, ^ vols. (Jerusalem the Psalter', [7F6 (1974), 249-264 XX SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY D. Nielsen, Ras Samra Mythologie und biblische T. Worden, 'The literary influence of the Ugaritic Theologie (Leipzig 1936) fertility myth on the Old Testament', FT 3 (1953), J. T. Pattern, Parallels in the Book oj Psalms 273-297 (Baltimore 1944) C. F. Pfeiffer, Ras Shamra and the Bible (Grand Rapids 1962) R. Rendtorff, 'El, Baal und Jahweh', ZAW 78 (1966), 11. Bibliography: 277-292 S. and Sh. Rin, 'Ugaritic-Old Testament affinities', P. C. Craigie (ed.), 'Newsletter for Ugaritic studies', Bibl. Zeitschr. NF 7 (1963), 22-33; n (1967), occasional publication since 1972 by the Dept. of 174-192 Religious Studies, University of Calgary, Alberta G. Sauer, 'Die Ugaristik und die Psalmenforschung', M. Dietrich, 0. Loretz, P.-R. Borger, J. Sanmartin, UF 6 (1974), 401-406 Ugarit Bibliographic 1928-1966, 4 vols. (Kevelaer/ W. Schmidt, Konigtum Gottes in Ugarit und Israel, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1973) (to be continued) 2nd edit. (Berlin 1966) H. Hospers, A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the S. Segert, "The Ugaritic texts and the textual Semitic Languages, I (Leiden 1973) criticism of the Hebrew Bible' in Near Eastern For continuing bibliography the Keilschriftbiblio- Studies in Honor of W. F. Albright (Baltimore graphie appearing annually in the periodical 1970, 413-420 Oritntalia should be consulted. N. J. Tromp, Primitive Conceptions of Death and the The Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus and the Zeits- Nether World in the Old Testament (Rome 1969) chriftenschau appearing annually in the periodicals Mary K. Wakeman, God's Battle with the Monster: Biblica and ZA W respectively are useful for studies A Study in Biblical Imagery (Leiden 1973) bearing on the Bible. INTRODUCTION

A. THE DISCOVERY OF THE TABLETS and offerings, lexical and scholastic texts, lists of countries and towns, corporations and persons, 'hippiatric' texts, commercial and administra- AN Arab peasant, working on his land in the tive documents, and official and private letters; spring of 1928, struck a slab of stone with his and they are written in the Akkadian, Hurrian plough and, raising it, found traces of an and Sumerian, as well as the Ugaritic languages. ancient tomb with a number of potsherds and All apparently were discovered in a level which some small undamaged vessels. The Service des was dated archaeologically between the six- Antiquites en Syrie et au Liban, as soon as they teenth or fifteenth and the twelfth centuries B.C. heard of the discovery, sent out an expedition Objects bearing the names of the Egyptian under Mons. Ch. Virolleaud to explore the kings Thutmos IV (ca. 1425-1417 B.C.) and site. It turned out to be a necropolis and Amenophis III (ca. 1417-1379 B.C.) found yielded little that seemed promising; but the alongside the tablets reduce the period to archaeologists had in the meantime had their which they may be assigned; such a date, too, attention drawn by local tradition to a neigh- agrees well enough with the fact that certain bouring mound which was clearly artificial and letters of Niqmad, king of Ugarit, who is to which they then directed their efforts. This named in the colophons of several of the was the now famous mound of Ras-ashSham- literary tablets, are addressed to the Hittite rah,1 which concealed the ancient city of king Shuppiluliumash (ca. 1380-1336 B.C.). Ugarit, known from Babylonian, Hittite, and The literary texts must therefore like the other Egyptian records. documents have been written down between Excavations were carried out under Mons. ca. 1400 and 1350 B.C., though it should be C. F. A. Schaeffer in eleven campaigns between emphasized that the legends and myths them- 1929 and 1939 and were continued after the selves are not necessarily contemporary with Second World War. From the start a remark- the tablets but not improbably go back in some able civilization, to which the label Canaanite form or other to a much remoter antiquity. may loosely but not inappropriately be applied,2 The Ugaritic language, in which the poems was brought to light. Thousands of tablets have and some of the non-literary texts are composed, been unearthed, chiefly in and around the was entirely new and the greatest credit is due library attached to the temple of Baal and the to all responsible for the speedy decipherment chamber of the palace used for storing the of its writing system. Tablets were sent to royal archives3 but also in other buildings in Mons. Virolleaud in Paris, and he at once the city. These tablets are extremely varied in recognized that, although they were inscribed content and include not only the poetic mytho- with wedge-shaped, i.e. cuneiform, signs, these logical texts which are the subject of the present were not identical with those of the Sumerian study but other religious texts like lists of gods or Akkadian or of any other cuneiform script;

1 Meaning 'headland of fennel'; it lies on the In extra-biblical sources there is only a territory Syrian coast between two branches of a river called Canaan, which included the Palestinian and Phoe- the Nahr-alFidd about 12 km. to the north of nician coasts but did not apparently reach as far Lddhiqiyah (the ancient Laodicea ad mare) and about north as Ugarit. 800 m. from the sea. 3 The temple-library was uncovered in the second * Following the general usage in the Bible where campaign (1930) and the chamber containing the the term denotes all the pre- and non-Israelite in- royal archives was discovered in the course of the habitants of the Levant without distinction of race. tenth and eleventh campaigns (1938-1939). 2 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS and he was soon able to establish that there religion in an area of the ancient world which were probably only 26 or 27 signs.1 Early in chiefly through the avenue of the Hebrew Bible 1930 Mons. Virolleaud published the first exercised a deep influence on the rise of texts, thus enabling other scholars to work on European civilization. They are enabling them. The German Prof. Bauer immediately scholarship for the first time to arrive at a and correctly guessed, since the words were positive appraisal of the higher levels of conveniently separated from one another by a Canaanite culture, which is so remorselessly small vertical sign, that the language was attacked in the Bible but which can now be Semitic, and was able to identify 17 signs and seen to have contributed more to its composition 9 words by May or June; by December he had (and thus indirectly to the thought and poetic raised the number of signs which he could read imagery of the West) than was previously to 23. Meanwhile the French Prof. Dhorme had supposed.3 also found the key to the decipherment of the script and independently identified some half a dozen signs and two or three words. At the same time Mons. Virolleaud, aided by the B. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION large number of well-copied texts which he OF THE TEXTS was able to use, announced in December that he too had achieved a complete decipherment of the writing independently of Prof. Bauer (except for a single letter which he had taken i. BAAL AND YAM from him) and the identification of a dozen words. Thus the Ugaritic script was made out The tablets (except for the exact values of two uncertain The story of the conflict between Baal and signs) and a number of words were identified in Yam is chiefly preserved on the large fragment the new language in the course of a single year. CTA 2, discovered in 1931. This fragment This language was found to be closely akin to contains the lower portion of a first column with the classical Hebrew of the Bible and to other on the reverse the upper portion of a final extant first millennium dialects of the North- column, to which Mile. Herdner assigns the west or Syrian Semitic family like Phoenician number iv since the unusually long lines make and Aramaic, though being older by several it unlikely that the tablet could have had the centuries than any of these it represents an normal six columns. A smaller fragment dealing earlier stage in the development of the group.2 with this conflict, from one side of which the The tablets here edited and translated are of writing had disappeared, was discovered in the great importance for the study of literature and same year although not published till much

1 Compared with the many hundreds of syllabic 2 It is unfortunate that the term Canaanite has signs in the Mesopotamian systems. There are in fact become firmly established to denote the Hebrew- 30 signs, of which one is not employed in the literary Phoenician sub-division of this family as distinguished texts. The script is more accurately described as from the Aramaic sub-division, since such a distinc- simplified syllabic or alphabeto-syllabic than as tion holds good only for the first millennium B.C. In alphabetic in the European sense (Gclb), since each this more technical sense of the term it is misleading sign ideally represents a consonant plus a vowel; see to call Ugaritic a 'Canaanite' dialect, for it contains my remarks in Archivum Linguisticum 17 (1969), several features that in the first millennium survive iSSff. The fact that Ugaritic has three signs for the only in Aramaic. weak consonant ['] depending on whether it has in 1 Mention might also be made here of attempts by its vicinity the vowel [a], [i], or [u] is one of the C. H. Gordon and others to trace contacts between strongest pieces of evidence in favour of this re- the Ugaritic texts and the Bible on the one hand and definition. The Ugaritic script was probably adapted Mycenaean and Homeric Greek culture on the other; for scribes used to writing on soft clay from an so far the links they have found are general more already existing native Canaanite linear script, an often than they are specific, but the field is a new and ancestor or precursor of the later Phoenician exciting one. 'alphabet'. INTRODUCTION 3 later. This has equally long lines and is gener- text is in a healthier state and the story flows ally associated with the same tablet as the with fewer fits and starts, is set out in the next larger fragment, either as part of a col. iii (so two sections, and the remainder of CTA i in Herdner) or as the upper part of col. i (so most the Appendix. other commentators). Neither of these arrange- ments allows, however, for a satisfactory Contents development of the narrative, and the fragment 2 probably belongs to a preceding tablet (Gins- berg). To the information derived from these Col. iii [Beginning lost] three partial columns may be added an episode LI. 1-12. Kothar-and-Khasis,2 the craftsman concerning Yam which is contained in col. iv of the gods, precedes to the abode of the of the extremely ill-preserved tablet CTA i, supreme god El at the confluence of the rivers also discovered in 1931, though again publica- and the two oceans and does obeisance before tion was delayed because of the poor condition him. El instructs him to build a palace for of the text. This tablet, as Mile. Herdner's prince Yam (the deified Sea), who is also called enumeration implies, is usually placed first in judge3 Nahar (or river), and to do it quickly, the long cycle of Baal myths drawn up or lest it seems (for the text is damaged) he take edited by the scribe Elimelek and contained in hostile action. CTA I-61; but there is evidence, particularly Li 12-18. On hearing this, the god Athtar, in some links in vocabulary between its col. v who is described as possessing the kingship, and an episode related in CTA 6 ii 5ff., that takes a torch and carries it down, possibly (for the tablet may not be a member of the series the text is again damaged) intending to go to but a digest or synopsis of it (Caquot and Yam's abode beneath the sea to do mischief Sznycer). This hypothesis is provisionally there. He is, however, confronted by the sun- accepted here and used to justify the extraction goddess Shapash,4 who informs him that El has of i iv from its present position and the inser- decided to bestow the royal power on Yam- tion of it between the two fragments 2 iii and Nahar and that opposition on his part is useless; 2 i/iv. The resulting order (2 iii i iv 2 i 2 iv) he must accept his exclusion from the kingship. gives what is as our knowledge stands at the LI. 18-22. Athtar complains bitterly that, moment probably the most meaningful sequence unlike other gods, he has neither palace nor of events for the opening of Elimelek's cycle. court (which are essential to the maintenance of The rest of the cycle (CTA 3-6), where the royal rank) and can only now fear defeat and

1 Several other texts written by different scribes area of Memphis. His double name means 'skilful and were linked with this cycle by Virolleaud and are clever' or the like; on his other personal name Heyan, thus designated AB (for dliyn b'l) along with the which links him with Ea, the Mesopotamian deity Elimelek tablets (the numbers I, I*, II etc. refer to who was the patron of craftsmen, see p. 10 note 5. the order of discovery); but the long colophon at the 3 In parallelism with 'prince' the term 'judge' end of CTA 6, which mentions both the high priest may perhaps be more accurately translated 'ruler' and the king of Ugarit, implies that the latter were (cp. the biblical major 'Judges'); there is no necessary accorded an official status which should not lightly reflection of the widespread myth that the trial of the be extended to the former. The texts in question are souls of the dead before admission to the nether- either badly damaged (CTA 10) or very small (CTA world takes place on the bank of the world-encircling 7, 8 and n) and are given in the Appendix. river or ocean (though cp. 5 i 21-22). 8 He is called Chousor ( = felr) in the Greek 4 More accurately Shapshu (a variant of Hebrew account of Phoenician religion derived from San- Seme!). Like the name of the sun in Arabic the sun- chuniathon and equated with Hephaistus. His home deity at Ugarit is feminine. She seems to act as a was in Memphis (hkpt), the city of Ptah his Egyptian messenger or plenipotentiary of El, a role naturally counterpart, with whom evidently he was already devolved upon her because in ancient thinking the identified at Ugarit. He is also associated with a sun journeyed daily over the earth; in this role she place called kptr, usually identified with the biblical intervenes decisively in the action of the plot on not Caphtor and thought to be Crete but in the Ugaritic a few occasions. references more likely to be another name for the 4 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS death at Yam's hands; yet Yam is to have a order to secure his power he will have to drive palace and £1 is to honour him. Why should be, his rival Baal (who is, it seems, responsible for Athtar, not be king? Yam's discomfiture) from his throne and from LI. 22-24. Shapash replies that he has no the seat of his dominion,4 and warns him that wife like the other gods (meaning probably unless he takes certain precautions (an account that he is too young and therefore unfit to rule). of which is unfortunately not preserved) he will [End lost] be worsted by him. LI 28-32. El then holds a feast to celebrate I the naming ceremony just completed. [End lost] Col. iv [Beginning lost] LI. 1-8. As El sits in his banqueting hall he is 2 addressed by other deities (one of whom is Athirat1 his consort, here given her alternative Col. i [Beginning lost] name Elat meaning 'the goddess') who com- LI. i-io. Kothar-and-Khasis (now arrived plain that his son Yam is being put to shame for under the sea) tells Yam-Nahar that he has a reason that is not clear (for the text is damaged) risen presumptuously to his present position but that concerns his palace; they threaten that and that Baal (whom he clearly supports, unless he receives redress he will wreak though he has been instructed to build a palace destruction on the land. for Yam) cannot stand idly by. He threatens LI. 9-20. El gives them curdled milk to Yam's destruction by a magic weapon (which drink (a mark apparently of esteem) and as the sequel in the next column shows he summons his son; he declares that his name himself provides), invoking also to assist in this has hitherto been Yaw2 and invites Elat and task the god Horon5 and the goddess Athtart- her companions to proclaim a new name for name-of-Baal;1 so shall Yam fall from his high him more fitting to his royal dignity.3 They estate. reply that this task is El's alone, whereupon El LI. //-/p. Yam-Nahar thereupon sends an proclaims Yam's new name to be 'darling of embassy to El who is sitting in plenary session El'. with the gods. The envoys, who are encouraged LI. 2I-2J. He informs Yam, however, that in to hope that the jubilation of their master's

1 Athirat, though called the 'creatress' (cp. 23) or ing the Babylonian throne (ANET, p. 272) and the 'mistress' of the gods, is at Ugarit especially associated Hebrew kings Eliakim and Mattaniah changed theirs with the sea, her full name being &lrt ym, meaning at their accession (2 Kgs. xxiii 34 xxiv 17). 'she who treads the sea'. Contrary to the generally 4 This kind of language is conventional and need accepted opinion she probably does not appear in the not be interpreted to mean that Baal was already king, Bible, where the term '"serdh 'sacred pole, tree' soon to be replaced by Yam; as far as we can tell, means simply and more exactly '(holy) place' or Athtar was king at the start of the cycle and had just 'shrine' (Lipiriski). been demoted in favour of Yam. * I.e. his persona] name as opposed to the ' Apparently a chthonic deity and therefore generic title Yam or 'sea'. The name Yaw can only be associated with the malevolent power of the under- the same as Greek Into, who is in the account of world and death (though he plays a positive role in Eusebius based on Sanchuniathon (Praep. Evang. i g, the difficult text Ugaritica V no. 7; see Appendix). 21) an ancient deity of Beirut and is equated with • The Ugar.'«rf-fm-67=Phoen.7/r/-/m-6'/ (Esh- Poseidon (i 10, 35). It is in spite of some opinions to munazar inscr. /. 18). 'Athtart (Astarte)-name-of- the contrary probably fortuitous and not significant Baal' is a title designed to describe her as a mani- that a shortened form of the name Yahweh, god of festation of Baal, whose consort she in fact is; a Israel, is also Yaw (Yd). similar idea underlines the Punic tnt-pn-b'l, 'Tanith- J The ceremony described in this column may be face-of-Baal'. In the Ugaritic texts she figures like compared with that of conferring a regnal or throne- Anat, though much less prominently, as a goddess of name. This custom whereby a king took a new name war and of the chase. There is a reference to her on his accession was widespread in the ancient Near beauty in 14 146, but no other hint of her fertility East; for example, the Assyrian kings Tiglathpileser role, so well-known from the Bible, where she III and Shalmaneser V took other names on occupy- appears under the falsified name Ashtoreth. INTRODUCTION s enemies will soon cease, are bidden to proceed envoys by word of mouth. without delay to the mount of Lei,1 where the [End lost] assembly of the gods meets, and after doing homage to demand the surrender of Baal son Col. iv [Beginning lost] of Dagon4 and his henchmen, in spite of the LI. i-j. Baal has already joined battle with gods' reverence for his person, in order that he Yam-Nahar and is in despair because of the Yam-Nahar may succeed to his possessions. power of his adversary and of the fierce sea- LI. 19-29. The envoys start on their journey creatures that move around him. Addressing and arrive at the mount of Lei as the gods are Kothar-and-Khasis, he counsels their submis- sitting down to a banquet and Baal is standing sion before the strength of them both should beside El. The gods on perceiving them have fall to the ground. Even as he speaks he sinks buried their heads in their laps, but Baal angrily helpless beneath Yam's throne. asks them why they do so and bids them lift up LI. 7-27. Kothar-and-Khasis, urging him to their heads; if they are afraid to answer the rise, tells Baal that he has repeatedly promised challenge of the envoys, he himself is not. him victory whereby he will win a kingdom that Li 30-48. These enter the assembly, do shall have no end; and he fetches down two obeisance to El, and rising with tongues that divine clubs or maces for his assistance. He appear like flaming swords, deliver the message gives them two magic names and, perhaps word for word as they have been instructed. because Baal is too weak to wield them, bids El (forestalling Baal) answers that Baal is the the first leap from his hands like a hunting slave of Yam-Nahar and will bring him tribute eagle or falcon and strike Yam-Nahar on the like the other gods, whereupon Baal, losing his back. When Yam-Nahar remains unbowed, he temper, makes to attack the envoys with fear- bids the second strike him on the forehead.5 some weapons. The goddesses Anat3 and Yam-Nahar then collapses in a heap and Baal Athtart seize his arms to hold him back, re- drags him out and, laying him down, delivers minding him that the person of a messenger is the coup-de-grace. inviolable. Baal, here called Hadad4 and still LI. 28-40. Thereupon Athtart, who had angry, contents himself with addressing the (with Anat?) apparently accompanied Baal,

1 Meaning probably 'night'. This mount of (Kapelrud, Pope, Oldenburg etc.). In the Baal myths assembly is doubtless the same as El's mountainous El is remote but his supremacy is never questioned abode at the confluence of the rivers (see at 3 E isff.). and his approval or assent is an essential ingredient in 1 With two exceptions (24 14, Ugar. V no. 7 /. 15) legitimatizing claims to the kingship of the gods, Dagon appears in the mythological texts only in this which should therefore properly be thought of in title, although he figures in lists of deities and in terms of viceregency. offering tablets and if the archaeologists are to be a This is the first appearance on the scene of believed, in fact had a temple in the city. Perhaps as Baal's sister, an awesome goddess who plays so Rapiu (in the title of Daniel in the Aqhat story) was a prominent a double role in fighting and fertility in form of Baal he was only a form of El (Cassuto). This the mythological texts and who, if the reference in hypothesis would nicely explain both why El had no 3 D 35fT. is taken at its face value, also took part in temple at Ugarit and why Baal occasionally refers to the defeat of Yam, perhaps as is suggested below in a El as father (17 i 24; cp. 17 vi 29); or to put it another portion of the text that is now lost. She represents way, the temple accredited by the archaeologists to in a few important episodes (notably 3 B and 17 vi- Dagon is really El's and Baal's relationship to El is 18 iv) the menacing or erratic aspect of deity, the same as that of other gods. On the other hand operating as a kind of Ugaritic counterpart of the Baal's addressing El as father (or speaking of himself biblical 'wrath of God'; and by way of contrast and as his son; 3 E 2 etc.) may be no more than conven- in spite of her title 'virgin' she seems to figure along tional; and certainly Dagon is distinguished from El with Athirat as a mother of the gods in the theogonic on the god-lists, which is not the case with Baal and text 23. Rapiu. The whole question has still to be resolved, but * (Akk. Adad) is the personal name of meanwhile it would be most unwise to build upon Baal, which is a title meaning 'lord'; it apparently Baal's apparently belonging to a different family any means 'thunderer'. theory of a quarrel for supremacy between El and 4 The picture behind this scene is doubtless of Baal or of a replacement of the former by the latter the wind and lightning whipping up storms at sea. 6 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS rebukes Baal1 for being slow to press home his was the deity who impinged most closely on advantage and calls upon him to scatter2 his their everyday lives, whether as farmers rival, which he does, twice crying out that now dependent on the soil (it was this aspect of Yam is dead, he Baal shall be king (thus guaran- their existence that decided the date of the teeing that the heat of spring will not be festival) or—and this aspect is often forgotten delayed). The goddess too utters this shout of by interpreters—as fishermen and traders triumph. dependent on the sea (for Ugarit is situated on [End lost] the coast). It was Baal who kept at bay the unruly waters of chaos that surrounded their Interpretation universe, regulating the flow of rain and dew Elimelek's purpose in forming his cycle was from the heavens above and setting bounds to to bring a measure of order into the corpus of the sea beneath, and it was Baal who each year myths about the god Baal that had been brought the dangerous dry season of summer handed down, probably over many generations to an end when he arrived in the thunderclaps and in several variant forms, among the and downpours of autumn. The hopes and professional singers who were attached to his fears thus centred on this one deity were, as temple.8 It is likely that the cycle was recited was customary in the religious imagination of during a festival in the autumn4 at which the ancient peoples, projected back into a primaeval pilgrims celebrated the successful conclusion past in the form of stories which related how of the agricultural year just past and looked once upon a time their god had defeated his forward in prayer and expectation to the enemies among the other gods (the alien forces coming of the early rains when the ploughing of nature just referred to in deified dress) and and sowing for another year's crops could won their reluctant assent to his superior begin. Baal as the deity of rain and wind was might, and how he had then been recognized the god on whose providence the whole process by the father of the gods as his vice-regent who in their eyes chiefly depended. He was not.the would rule as king over his creation. As the head of the gods, a position reserved for El, stories were retold each year at the festival the the creator of the world and of mankind. But he confidence of the pilgrims was kindled anew

1 Interestingly using the title 'the Name', an inscriptions our only source of knowledge of Canaanite example of a religious fastidiousness usually thought religious belief. Their value used to be doubted in biblical circles to be a mark of advanced theological because of Eusebius* frequent equations with Greek awareness and therefore of late development (Lev. mythology, but the Ugaritic finds show that they xxiv n). were less contaminated in transmission than was 1 For biblical allusions to the motif of scattering suspected. the primaeval monster's dismembered corpse see 4 As was the Enuma Eliih at the New Year festival Ps. Ixxiv 14 (Leviathan) Ezek. xxix 5 ('««); cp- also in Babylon. This is the most that can be safely Exod. xxxii 20. A similar fate befalls Mot in 6 ii deduced concerning the Sitz im Leben of Elimelek's 3off. cycle; the frequently expressed view that it was 3 Elimelek's role in the preservation of Ugaritic (along with a similar ceremony in Israel) enacted in mythology (he is also responsible for the Keret and cultic drama goes beyond the evidence of the texts Aqhat tablets) may be usefully compared with that of themselves and is based upon a theory of the ritual the Yahwist or J-writer in the Pentateuch who origin of myth that is widely held in biblical and arranged and turned into prose the ancient oral Semitic circles but is rather discredited elsewhere poetic epics of the Hebrew people, or with that of (Kirk). From comparison with the epic tales of other Sanchuniathon of Beirut who wrote a definitive races (see the studies of Lord, Bowra, Whallon, account of Phoenician religion, drawing doubtless on Duggan) most of the Ugaritic myths and legendsshould poetic originals (Eissfeldt), though one should not in fact be classified as oral 'formulaic' literature, the press such comparisons too far. Sanchuniathon's creations of generations of popular or official singers work has perished except for extracts from a Greek and not librettos drawn up by priests for cultic translation of it which were made rather free use of performances. Elimelek's written versions would in Euscbius' Praeparatio Evangelica (4 cent. A.D.). perhaps be those approved for use in the training of Until the Ugaritic tablets were discovered these the singers and should not therefore be regarded as extracts were apart from the biased evidence of the having been meant to stifle creativity or supply a Hebrew Bible and some pickings from Phoenician canonical text that had to be slavishly followed. INTRODUCTION 7 that his royal power, which had in that distant cultural milieu) of the biblical monster defeated era been so resoundingly vindicated, would be by Yahweh, who is variously called Yam (Ps. again revealed and prove sufficient for their Ixxiv 13 Job iii 8(?) vii 12 xxvi iz), Rahab present needs. (Ps. Ixxxix ii Job ix 13 xxvi 12 Isa. li 9), The four columns here assembled are all Leviathan (Ps. Ixxiv 14 Job iii 8 xl 25ff. that survive from the story of the first of Baal's Isa. xxvii i4) or simply 'dragon' (tannin Ps. exploits as recorded by Elimelek, his battle Ixxiv 13 Job vii 12 Isa. xxvii i* li 9) or with Yam, also called Nahar, whose names 'serpent' (nahai Job xxvi 13 Isa. xxvii i4; mean 'sea' and 'river'. As the cycle opens a baian Ps. Ixviii 23); cp. also the references to deity called Athtar1 holds the position of king, 'rivers' (n'hartit) in parallelism with 'sea* in but he is peremptorily thrust aside as the two passages like Ps. Ixvi 6 Ixxiv 15 xciii 3-4 main antagonists face up to each other. At first Hab. iii 8. In the Babylonian myth it is related El favours Yam, but when Baal emerges how Marduk after the death of the monster victorious he is compelled to promote him created the firmament out of its carcase, and in (though this necessary ending to the narrative several of the biblical passages there are some is, as it happens, not preserved). There are rather less directly mythological allusions to two later references within the cycle to the Yahweh's creative acts (e.g. Ps. Ixxiv 15-17 defeat of Yam, in 3 D 34ff., where the goddess Ixxxix uff. Job xxvi yff.; cp. also Ps. civ 24-26 Anat claims to have slain not only Yam-Nahar Gen. i 21). Since at Ugarit El and not Baal (see but a 'dragon' (tnn) or 'serpent* (bin), and in CTA 23) was the creator god it is not surprising 5 i iff., where the god Mot speaks of Baal's to find that specific references to creation are victory over Leviathan (Itri); but it is not clear absent from the Ugaritic version. Evidently to whether these are attendant monsters of Yam,2 the people of Ugarit the sustaining of the seasons whose destruction could therefore have been and the guaranteeing of the world's order were related in the long gap between 2 i and iv or more important properties of deity than the (Caster) in a missing tablet between CTA 2 original creation of things, and it was therefore and 3, or whether they are, as in many references the god who embodied those active properties in the Bible (see below), alternative names of and not the venerable and remoter creator- one and the same enemy and derived therefore father El who in their mythology slew the from variant versions of the myth which were monster of old and overcame the forces of in circulation at Ugarit. That there were such chaos. variants is shown by the scattered allusions to a An interesting peculiarity of the Ugaritic primaeval battle in fragmentary texts not myth has already been noted, namely that being written by Elimelek (CTA 9 and PRU II nos. sea-farers the people of Ugarit would naturally i and 3). Be that as it may, there is no doubt that discern evidence of Yam's power in the tides Yam-Nahar was the chief Ugaritic counterpart that lashed their coast in winter and that put of the Babylonian Tiamat, defeated by Marduk sailing in that season virtually out of the (ANET pp. 66ff.)3 and (from a more adjacent question.5 By defeating him Baal makes it

1 Cp. 6 i 53ff. where this deity makes another bid images', and it was in fact through it as intermediary for royal power. On his identity see p. 19. that the old mythology of Canaan entered the thinking * Cp. the allusions to 'helpers' of Rahab in Job ix of Judaism and Christianity and ultimately exerted 13; cp. also Ezek. xxx 8 and 2 iv 4. its influence on European poetry and thought; see * Also of the Sumerian Asag, the Vedic Vitra and particularly Emerton's pioneer study on the origin Kaliya, the Egyptian Apophis and Seth, the Hittite of the Son of Man imagery. Hahhimas, the Human Kumarbi and Ullikummi, 5 De Moor lays stress on this particularity in his the Greek Typhon etc. For an analysis of the well-documented study aimed at establishing a similarities between these various monster stories and seasonal pattern in Eltmelek's cycle, where he argues the motifs they hold in common see Miss Wakcman's that the story of Yam's defeat by Baal should be penetrating study. transferred to a later position in the cycle after the * These allusions occur in an apocalyptic rather concerns of autumn had been dealt with. He proposes than a primaeval context; in this regard the apo- the sequence CTA 3 (autumn) r and 2 (winter) 4 and calyptic movement involved a kind of 'rebirth of the 5 (spring) and 6 (summer). But such a sequence 8 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS possible for calm seas to return each spring. reconstructed from six pieces found in 1930 This local colouring can often be detected in and 1931. At the end of its seventh column the the way in which the battle between the two name of the god Mot is brought into the gods is described in the text; it may mutatis narrative, thus preparing the listeners for the mutandis be compared with the uniquely ensuing conflict between him and Baal, which Israelite interest in historicizing the primaeval is the third major theme in Elimelek's cycle and conflict in the Exodus from Egypt (e.g. Isa. the subject-matter of the next section. li 10). Contents 2. THE PALACE OF BAAL 3 The tablets Div. A [Beginning lost] The tablet CTA 3, discovered in 1931, LI. 1-25. Those present having been en- consists of a large and a very small fragment couraged to lift up and not to lower their heads, which together preserve something over half a divine functionary spreads a banquet before of the original text; there are six columns of mightiest Baal, cutting up joints of meat and script, but following the first editor (Virolleaud) giving him huge quantities of wine to drink in and Mile. Herdner's official volume the remains vessels such as no woman or even goddess can are here grouped into six more convenient regard otherwise than with envious eyes. A divisions which do not always coincide with the minstrel with cymbals in his hands chants songs columns, these divisions being denoted by the in Baal's honour as he drinks copious draughts letters A to F. The tablet opens with a descrip- of wine or of mead that he has himself mixed. While he sits celebrating on his mountain tion of a banquet, doubtless held to celebrate 1 the victory of Baal over Yam-Nahar related in Zephon (where the feast is being held) Baal notices the approach of his daughters Pidray CTA 2; this is followed by a scene in which the 2 goddess Anat plays the dominant role, but by and Tallay. the beginning of division C the train of events [End lost] is clearly set in motion which lead to the building of Baal's palace. The story of these Div. B [Beginning lost] events takes up the latter part of CTA 3 and LI. 1-16. Anat, adorned with henna and almost the whole of CTA 4. This tablet is with rouge and scented, closes the door of her eight columns the largest and it is also one of the mansion and meeting her servants in a valley best preserved of all the Ugaritic texts; it was where are two cities (which possibly represent

creates more difficulties than it resolves, notably in 1 Identified with the classical mons Casius (Akk. the matter of the building of Baal's house, which he ffazii) and modern Jabal-d'Aqra, 'the bald (i.e. has to argue was begun, then abandoned and only snow-capped) mountain', the highest peak in northern later completed; and one wonders whether it is in Syria, lying approx. 25-30 miles to the NNE of fact essential to have each successive stage of the Ugarit, from which it could be seen. The meaning narrative accurately reflect the changing seasons for 'north' never occurs for fpn in Ugaritic and is the listeners to be enabled to make the necessary probably a secondary development in Hebrew based connections. The cycle is after all set in the mytho- on the location of this mountain, which may thus logical past when earthly time is by definition have been associated with Baal throughout the suspended and human limitations are regularly Canaanite world; cp. Ps. xlviii 3, where fdpon is transcended. In the interpretation offered here the applied to Mt. Zion. cycle is 'theomachic' in its primary thrust, cohering 1 Arsay, the third of Baal's daughters, may have around the struggle for pre-eminence (under El) been mentioned in the ensuing lacuna; on their among the gods, and the seasonal implications, though names and epithets, which as rendered in this edition everywhere evident, are in terms of structure associate them with various kinds of dew or pre- secondary. cipitation, see at 3 A 23-25 C 4-5. INTRODUCTION 9 Ugarit and its port Minat alBaidah) falls on understand this secret but only he himself.* their inhabitants and those of a wide region Together he and she will search for the round about. She slays guards and warriors lightning on his holy hill Zephon, which (now alike and girds herself with the heads and hands that he has defeated Yam-Nahar) is also a of the slain; then wading through blood up to place of victory. her knees, she drives away all the townspeople, including even tottering old men. Div. D LI. 17-30. Proceeding thence to her palace, LI. 29-80. Anat, seeing the divine messengers, she arranges tables and chairs for those warriors is contorted with anxiety lest they come to and guards who have so far escaped the announce the re-appearance of Baal's enemies; slaughter and then lays about them also, has she not herself, she asks them, slain Yam- laughing raucously until the palace is swimming Nahar and his various attendant monsters and in blood and she is at last satisfied with her obtained possession of the gold of him who has savage work. tried to oust Baal from his rightful throne?3 /,/. 31-44. Wiping the blood from the house The messengers assure her that none of Baal's and from her own person, Anat performs a rite enemies is in fact active; they then deliver his at which a peace-offering is poured out; she instructions word for word to her. She replies replaces the furniture and scooping up dew, that she will perform the rite demanded of her washes herself with it and remakes her toilet. only if Baal should first set his thunder- [End lost] bolt in the sky and flash forth his lightning. She also announces her intention to visit the Div. C most distant of gods (namely El) in his remote LI. 1-28. Baal, addressing his messengers and marshy abode (sensing apparently that (doubtless here as elsewhere Gupn and Ugar1), Baal will wish to obtain her good offices with pictures his sister Anat as sitting with her lyre him4). and singing of her affection for him and his LI. 81-90. She then obeys his summons and daughters, and sends them off to do obeisance sets out for Zephon. Baal, seeing her approach, before her. They are to tell her to perform a sends away the women who are with him and rite similar to that which she has already per- sets a meal before her; she washes and oils formed but whose details are spelt out more herself and paints her face. fully, then to hasten with all speed to him to [End lost] receive an important communication; this will be the secret of the lightning, a secret carried Div. E on the wind which sighs through the trees and LI. 1-6. Baal complains bitterly to Anat that is the means of converse between the firmament he has neither house nor court like other gods above and the earth and oceans beneath; neither (implying that a king without these is in fact no the gods in heaven nor mankind on earth king); he and his daughters have to live in the

1 The first name perhaps means 'vine' (Hebr. 'ilohim 'gods' and 'God'; Gen. i 26 iii 22; cp. also gepen; Aram, gupnd); the second has been connected Mark v 9. with Akk. ugdru 'cultivated field', but may be that of 2 As indeed he had already shown by the manner the eponymous hero or divine patron of the city of of his victory over Yam-Nahar (2 iv 7ff.). Ugarit. Gupn and Ugar are always treated as separate 3 See on this episode p. 7. deities, unlike the 'composite' deities Kothar-and- 4 As in fact he does (div. F); however, in a Khasis and Qodesh-and-Amrur (the servant of damaged passage in the summary tablet CTA I ii Athirat), who are usually construed with singular I7ff. (see Appendix) El calls on Anat to perform the verbs, pronouns etc., though sometimes duals are same rite asked for here by Baal and summons her employed. Such ambivalence is an interesting to his presence; in the cycle proper this message may example of what A. R. Johnson has called 'the one already have been delivered to her (perhaps at the and the many' (see his monograph of that title) in the end of tablet 2 or in an intervening tablet). ancient Semitic conception of deity; cp. in Hebr. 10 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS dwelling of his 'father' £1 and of Athirat.1 Qodesh-and-Amrur,4 the attendant of Athirat, LI. 6-24. Anat promises to go to El and to via Byblos and Palestine to Memphis in Egypt, threaten to trample him to the ground and make the home of the craftsman-god Kothar-and- his grey hairs run with blood if he does not Khasis, here also called Heyan;* falling down allow Baal to have a palace and a court; the at his feet, he is to deliver to him a message from earth quakes under her feet as she makes for his Baal.« abode at the place where the rivers and oceans [End lost] emerge from the earth.2 She penetrates the high mountains surrounding it, and £1 hears her voice from the dosed chamber where he is 4 sitting. Col. i [Beginning lost] LI. 25-26. Meanwhile on earth there is no LI. 1-23. Qodesh-and-Amrur delivers Baal's rain and the sun is scorching hot. message, in which after complaining in the LI. 27-52. Anat begins by telling El not to same words as before that he has no palace like rejoice or exult because he has a palace; for she the other gods but is compelled with his intends to pull it down about him and to strike daughters to remain in the house of El and him so that his grey hairs run with blood, if he Athirat, he instructs Kothar-and-Khasis to will not grant her request. £1 replies that he fashion presents for the last-named (hoping knows her ruthless nature and asks her what obviously to buy her support in a bid to per- she wants. Softening, Anat compliments the suade El to change his mind). supreme god on his wisdom and kindliness and LI. 24-43. The craftsman-god enters his reminding him that Baal is (as he himself has forge and smelts silver and gold in abundance, recognized3) king and judge, announces that which he then uses in the manufacture of she and another (presumably Baal's consort magnificent pieces of furniture, a pair of fine Athtart) would gladly serve him as ministers at sandals and a beautifully decorated table and his table. However, he has no house like the bowl.7 other gods and in his chagrin has requested her to ask El to remedy the situation. Col. it [Beginning lost] [End lost] LI. 1-26. Athirat is performing her woman's work by the seashore, spinning at her wheel Div. F [Beginning lost] and washing and drying clothes, thinking all LI. 1-25. Anat (having reported to Baal that the while of amorous dalliance with her hus- her suit has met with no success) and Baal band El, when lifting her eyes, she sees Baal himself (for they are together later) despatch approaching accompanied by his sister Anat.

1 Though the scene is mythological, we may have 4 A composite deity like Kothar-and-Khasis; his here supporting evidence for the view that Dagon's first name means 'holiness' (as in his mistress's title) temple at Ugarit was really El's (see p. 5 note 2); and his second may be connected with the root until he had his own, Baal would be worshipped there mr(r) 'to fortify, bless'. along with the other gods in the temple of El. Both 4 Hyn is the Hurrian form of Ea, the Mesopo- temples pre-date the writing down (though not the tamian god of wisdom and a patron of craftsmen; it is origin) of the myths by many centuries, but that vocalized E-ya-an (and identified with Ku-iar-ru) in ascribed to Dagon is the older of the two. the lexical list in Ugaritica V, p. 248. 1 On the terms used in describing El's abode see * In view of the fact that that Qodesh-and-Amrur the notes to 3 D 79-80 E itf. If it had, like Baal's is delivering such a message to Kothar-and-Khasis Zephon, an earthly geographical counterpart, the at the beginning of tablet 4, it seems unreasonable to best candidates for consideration are Aphek in disconnect tablets 3 and 4, as on vahous grounds Lebanon (Josh, xiii 4) at the source of the Nahr Ginsberg, Gordon, Rin and De Moor propose. Ibrahim (Pope) and the valley of Hule near Mt. 7 Some see in this passage a description of the Hermon (Sirion) and the sources of the Jordan typical furniture of a Canaanite temple, thus sup- (Lipinski). posing the gifts to be really intended for El; but » Probably in a portion of the section on Baal and 'sandals' fit ill with this suggestion. Yam which is now lost. INTRODUCTION II She gives way to alarm and angrily wonders her own and Anat's desire to wait upon whether they have come as enemies to kill all mightiest Baal, now that he is king and judge; her sons and kinsfolk.1 however, they cannot until El who appointed LI. 26-47. When, however, she catches sight him king permits him also to have a palace like of the splendid gifts they are carrying, her the other gods, from which he may exercise his anger turns to joy and she calls on Qodesh-and- rule. El asks sarcastically whether Baal wishes Amrur to cast a net into the sea that she may himself as well as his gullible consort to have provisions with which to entertain such become his labourers and handle the bricks and welcome visitors. He carries out her wish. the trowel.

Col. Hi [Beginning lost] Cols, iv and v Li 1-22. Anat, as they draw near to Athirat, LI. 62-63. Nevertheless he gives his assent is encouraging Baal with the prospect of an for a house to be built for Baal. eternal kingdom; but Baal is himself still anxious and reminds his sister how because he Col.v has no house he has been treated with con- LI. 64-81. Athirat replies that all-wise as he tumely in the assembly of the gods, where he is he has made the right decision; he has has been served with foul and disgraceful food, rendered it possible for Baal to ordain times though he hates all meanness and lewd con- for the appearance of the rain and the snow, duct.2 the thunder and the lightning. She invites him LI. 23-44. Tney ^"v* together where to have the glad tidings taken to Baal, and to Athirat is and immediately present their gifts instruct him to collect the cedar-wood and and make their entreaty. She asks why they do bricks and precious metals which he will need not first approach El himself and they reply for the building of his palace. tactfully that they intend to go to him when LI. 82-102. Anat, delighted at Athirat's they have convinced her of the justice of their success, hurries to Baal on mount Zephon and case. All three sit down with the other gods imparts to him the good news and repeats El's present to the repast which has been prepared. instructions. Rejoicing, Baal does as he is [End lost] bidden. LI. 103-127. Summoning Kothar-and- Col. iv [Beginning lost] Khasis, he sets a meal before him, then urging LI. 1-62. Athirat bids her servant to get the need for haste, describes the kind of palace ready an ass for a journey. Having saddled it, that he wants him to build. Kothar-and-Khasis he lifts her on to its back and she moves off; suggests that it ought to have windows in it, Qodesh-and-Amrur light up her way in front but Baal refuses to entertain the idea. and Anat follows behind on foot, while Baal [End lost] departs to Zephon. Athirat proceeds to El's distant abode and enters his presence and does Col. vi homage. He, laughing and pleased to see his LI. 1-14. Kothar-and-Khasis tells Baal that consort, asks whether she is hungry and thirsty he will eventually come round to his suggestion, after her long journey and invites her to eat and but he reaffirms his objection, explaining that drink, supposing that it is her love of himself he is afraid lest his daughters (i.e. mist and that has brought her thither. But Athirat, dew) may escape and, worse, lest his old enemy repeating Anat's words on an earlier occasion, Yam may gain re-entry from beyond the firma- compliments El on his wisdom and confesses ment and trouble him again as he has done in

1 In the Hittite myth of Elkunirsa, which as the iff., where these deities are apparently allies of Mot name ('El creator of earth') implies is based on a against Baal and suffer for it. Canaanite original, the storm-god boasts of having 2 Probably these insults are meant to reflect the killed the many sons of Ashertu or Athirat; for poverty of Baal's cult at Ugarit in the period before references see Kramer, Mythologies, p. 155. Cp. 6 v he had a temple. 12 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS the past.1 and resolves, should such exist, to send a LI. 14-59. Kothar-and-Khasis still hopes courier to Mot god of death to demand that he that Baal will change his mind. Nevertheless invite his enemy into his gullet (an impressive work on the palace is quickly started; men are way of willing his demise). He Baal alone is sent to Lebanon and Hermon to fetch timber king over the gods and he alone has the means and a fire is kindled, which burns for seven (in his rains) to satisfy the needs of teeming days, melting down the gold and silver ore humanity. which are being used in its construction. Baal, LI. 52-60. Even as he boasts to himself, on the completion of the work, rejoices. He however, Baal calls suddenly on his servants puts his new palace in order and holds a great Gupn and Ugar to look around them; the feast, to which he invites his brothers and kins- daylight is becoming darkened and the sun folk, Athirat's seventy sons and their consorts. obscured and flocks of birds are circling in the [End lost] sky above (sure signs that night is about to fall).2 He decides that the time has come to bind the Col. vii [Beginning lost] snow and the lightning (and doubtless the rains LI. 1-6. Baal in a speech (or someone else also, though this last is not mentioned due to speaking on his behalf) recalls his triumph over damage to the text). Yam (which has led to this happy hour) and [End lost] the gods with due respect remove themselves from Zephon. Coi. via LI. 7-12. Baal then marches out through the Ll. 1-46. Gupn and Ugar are ordered to land and seizes a large number of cities and make their way to the two mountains marking towns,' of which he makes himself lord (thus the boundary of the earth, to lift them up with 'showing the flag' in his domains or, alterna- their hands and descend into the underworld;3 tively, annexing an empire to maintain his there they are to search out Mot, whom they position). will find sitting on a throne deep in mud in a Li 13-41. Returning home flushed with country heaped high with filth. They are success, he puts away his former fears and warned not to come too near to him lest he resolves that he will after all have windows in consume them whole like a sheep or a goat, and his palace. Kothar-and-Khasis laughs at him are reminded also of the glowing heat of the but Baal, undeterred by his mirth, carries out sun which through Mot's power over Shapash his purpose. He then puts the windows to the is even now wearing out the sky. When after test by thundering out of them; the earth reels covering a huge distance they reach him, they and people far and near are terrified. Baal's are to deliver their master's message, which is enemies cling to the rocks in dismay and he that now he has a palace and is truly king he mockingly calls out to them to inquire the cause invites him, Mot, to a feast with their brothers; of their fear; can it be because he strikes so fast thus Mot too will acknowledge his sovereignty. or always hits the mark? L. 47. The two messengers, having reached LI. 42-52. Sitting down in his palace, he asks their destination, deliver their address and (in himself whether anyone, be he prince or com- the lost ending) Mot begins his reply. moner, will now dare to resist his royal power [End lost]

1 That Yam has already been destroyed (2 iv 27) is difficult, but their interpretation does not seem to but seems here again to be (potentially) active need me to be a necessary one. Mot's name is certainly not in the context of a myth with strong seasonal mentioned (in //. 45-49 in connection with the fate implications be regarded as illogical or cause surprise. Baal wishes on his enemies) but the god of death In tablet 6 Mot likewise recovers after an even more himself only appears actively on the scene when thorough annihilation. Gupn and Ugar deliver Baal's invitation to him 2 Sc. mythological night. Many commentators (50- find here and indeed in the whole second part of this 3 On the conception of the nether-world at column evidence that Mot has already begun to take Ugarit and possible biblical and other parallels see hostile action against Baal; the translation of the text the notes to this passage. INTRODUCTION 13 Interpretation experienced in that area of the world towards There are close parallels in language between the end of the dry season. We may therefore the opening scene of this section of Elimelek's conclude that the same anxiety is reflected in cycle and a passage in the Aqhat tale (17 vi this episode, in which Baal's worshippers suffer 3off.), in which the goddess Anat speaks of the cruelly at the hands of Baal's own sister Anat, joyful celebrations that take place when Baal is who is here as elsewhere in Ugarit's mythology brought to life. It is likely that both scenes are the type or embodiment of divine bellicosity based on happenings in the course of Ugarit's and savagery. In its present position it provides autumnal or New Year festival at which the an admirable link between the events in which pilgrims, it seems, like Baal in the text drank Baal won the kingship and those in which he generously of the first wine (hmr) from the has to exercise it. Will he in fact be able to recent vintage and listened to the minstrel (n'm) provide the rains on which the people of chanting in oriental fashion the story of their Ugarit so depended? god's successful battles with Yam and Mot. The In order to exercise his kingly power Baal festival commemorated both triumphs, but the has first in the logic of mythological thought to scene is placed here in the cycle and not at the have a palace (i.e., temple), and Anat is sum- end after the defeat of Mot, because as it moned to Zephon to help him in this quest. arranges Baal's exploits he becomes king The manner in which the summons is issued is following his victory over Yam and is probably perplexing. Anat is not told directly what Baal thought of as being still king during Mot's has in mind but is instructed to perform a temporary usurpation of his power. In that peculiar ceremony involving the placing or sense it marks one of the real high points in the pouring of bread, fruit, oil and honey in the drama of the whole cycle, namely Baal's earth2 and then to come to Baal to hear a secret accession to the kingship over gods and men. communication about the lightning. Since as There follows a bloodthirsty scene in which far as we can tell (and the rest of the text of Baal recedes into the background and Anat is tablet 3 and that of tablet 4 are reasonably well the chief actor, slaughtering mercilessly the preserved) Anat does not in fact carry out the inhabitants of two unnamed cities, which are ceremony at any later stage nor does Baal probably (De Moor) to be identified with impart the aforesaid secret, the message of Baal Ugarit and its port, and thereafter repeating may be no more than a ruse to get Anat to visit the process with a number of guests in her own him. But even if this is so and the episode is mansion. Gray compares Anat's bloodbath therefore only an interlude in the plot, it takes with the activity of the prophets of Baal on up considerable space and must have at least Mount Carmel (i Kgs. xviii 25-29) who dance some secondary significance for the meaning of around the altar and lacerate themselves until the cycle. Anat's ceremony has often been the blood runs, and he relates both to a rite judged to reflect some kind of rain charm used proper to the season of transition between the in autumn, but this is unlikely because for the sterility of the late Syrian summer and the new parallel to be convincing the rite would have season of fertility beginning with the rains of to be performed in the narrative; perhaps then autumn. Whether there was either at Ugarit or the command is given simply to remind the among the Canaanites of Palestine such a pilgrims of the kind of benefits that they and formal yearly ritual during which men actually the ground on which they laboured received gashed themselves to induce the rains to come1 from Baal (Caquot and Sznycer). We may we cannot say, but there is little doubt that the interpret the mysterious talk about the lightning actions of the prophets of Baal do mirror (as along the same lines; lightning was to the such a ritual would) the intense anxiety people of Ugarit a sign of Baal's might, they

1 Some commentators go even further and suggest references to the banishing of war and the coming of that human sacrifice may have been offered. peace to the earth, though seductive, are probably 1 Translations of this passage that bring in illegitimate. H CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS knew that it presaged the rains, but of how all no doubt that not Kothar-and-Khasis nor any this came about they had no idea; Baal, how- other god but only Baal controls the rains and ever, understood it, and the myth is content to decides when they should fall. Yet at the same leave it at that. time Baal's two foes of old, Yam and Mot, are When Anat arrives on Zephon she is immedi- forcefully brought into the picture; the window ately despatched by Baal to the abode of the Baal puts in could, as he himself fears, have a supreme god El to ask his permission to have a dangerous as well as a beneficent effect and palace built. El's reply is not preserved but allow the chaos waters of Yam not long since must have been negative or at any rate non- conquered a means of re-entry to the firma- committal, for Baal then sends Qodesh-and- ment; and with hardly a break thereafter we Amrur, the attendant of El's consort Athirat, have Baal unsuspectingly (or so it seems) to Egypt to ask Kothar-and-Khasis to make inviting the second-named to visit him on some beautiful gifts for her; with these he wins Zephon. The terror and uncertainty of ancient her round to his side, and she in turn persuades man as he confronts the ambivalent forces of El to let Baal have his palace. When the work is nature is vividly portrayed in this concluding finished, Baal holds a celebratory feast and then, scene of tablet 4. like Yahweh marching from Mount Sinai (Ps. Ixviii), goes out on an expedition of war to give 3. BAAL AND MOT surrounding cities a taste of his power; on returning he thunders from the windows of his The tablets palace, taunting his enemies and daring them The invitation issued by Baal to Mot in the to challenge him. He thus proves to the listeners' last column of CTA 4 provides the link between satisfaction that he can bring the rains whenever the theme of Baal's palace and that of his he wishes. conflict with the god of death, which occupies There can be little question that this long the final two tablets of Elimelek's cycle. CTA 5 narrative, lovingly and expansively developed, is made up of two fragments, found in 1930 and is derived from a foundation-myth of Baal's 1931; they supply about half the text of the temple at Ugarit, which has been worked into first two and the last two columns but only the the corpus of traditions about him between the beginning of the lines on the middle two two primaeval conflicts with Yam and Mot.1 columns. The beginning (where the expected Like Solomon's temple on Mount Zion (i Kgs. heading 'Of Baal' is lacking) and the end of the v, vi 2 Chron. ii-iv) this temple is built of tablet are, however, intact. The beginning and cedars of Lebanon and richly furnished with end of CTA 6 are also preserved on a small precious metals, and like it (cp. Isa. vi 1-4 fragment discovered in 1933, proving beyond i Kgs. viii 27-30 Ps. xi 4 xx 3, 7) it is clearly doubt that it follows directly upon CTA 5; but conceived of as a kind of analogue or counter- the main part of this tablet was unearthed in part of a greater house in heaven. Doubtless a 1930 and was in fact the first mythological text similar devotion was directed at it as biblical from Ugarit to be published; it comprises the passages like Ps. xxvii 4 xliii 3-4 Ixv 5 bottom half of the first three columns and the Ixxxiv 2-5 etc. show was lavished on the one in top half of the last three. When the smaller and Jerusalem. larger pieces were joined they fitted neatly, An especially interesting episode is the one with the result that the text of cols, i and vi is of the window which Baal was reluctant to have all but complete. There is a space sufficient for put in his palace. The tension is built up with three or four lines of writing at the foot of much artifice so that those listening can be in col. vi preceded by a colophon which is longer

1 The message of Baal to Anat concerning the that only part of it was used in forming the larger performance of a rite and the secret of the lightning, cycle; possibly it also contained an actual description which as we saw above sits rather awkwardly in its of the coming of the rains, which we do not get in the present context, may have had a more central place cycle (cp. 16 iii 2-16). in this foundation-myth, in which case we can assume INTRODUCTION IS and more detailed than on any other mytho- asks sarcastically what the invitation that Baal logical tablet; it seems reasonable to regard this has sent him can now mean. colophon as marking the finish of the cycle. [End lost]

Col. in [Beginning lost] Contents LI. 1-26. Baal (having apparently—for the 5 text is extensively damaged—made his way to Col. i the assembly of the gods) complains to El that LI. i-n. Mot concludes his reply to the the wide dominions which he has won are in summons of Baal, and Gupn and Ugar take it danger of passing to Mot. He expresses the back to Baal on mount Zephon. hope that this is not happening with El's LI. 11-35. There they repeat it word for connivance; for how in that case can he oppose word to their master. Just as the dolphin longs it? He then despatches messengers successively for the open spaces of the sea or wild oxen to Sheger and Ithm, two deities with responsi- are drawn to a pool or hinds to a spring, so he, bility for cattle and sheep, to ask them to Mot, like a lion in the desert, hungers con- supply animals for a feast, to which he intends stantly for human flesh and blood. If a supply to invite Mot (clearly hoping therewith to of bodies is not available whenever his appetite provide a repast more to his liking and assuage is aroused, new ones have to be ferried to him his wrath). across the river of death. Now Baal has thought LI. 27-28. More messengers are despatched fit to invite him to celebrate with his brethren (presumably to another deity with a similar and cousins, but he will give him only bread to request). eat and wine to drink. By so insulting him Baal [End lost] has overreached himself and he will be trans- fixed by him in the same way as he, Baal, once Col. iv [Beginning lost] transfixed Leviathan the sea-monster. Mot will LI. 1-26. A messenger (who can only have cause the heavens to wilt and collapse and, come from Mot) arrives in the divine assembly breaking Baal into pieces, will swallow him and demands to know where Baal is. Baal rises down limb by limb. Far from him having to with his retinue and approaches the table where visit Baal, Baal will soon be dead and be the other gods are dining on their usual sump- descending into his subterranean domain. tuous fare and quaffing wine from gold and [End lost] silver vessels. The messenger of Mot and Baal together go up to El's house and the supreme Col. ii [Beginning lost] god enquires what has been happening. LI. 1-7. Baal (or someone else speaking on [End lost] his behalf) confesses his fear and dread of Mot. His gaping jaws, which he must enter, encom- Col. v [Beginning lost] pass both earth and heaven, reaching to the very LI. 1-17. A speaker (apparently Shapash the stars, and his deathly power has already scorched sun-goddess) addresses Baal (who has, we may the crops and the fruit of the trees. assume, been abandoned by El to his fate). As Li 8-23. The speaker then bids Gupn and the sequel shows (for the text at this point is Ugar go back and tell Mot that Baal is eternally missing or hopelessly damaged) she is advising his slave. The messengers start without delay him to procure a substitute in his own image, and finding Mot enthroned amid the mire of who will then be sought out and slain by Mot his customary surroundings, they report to him in his stead; the life thus lost will, it seems, be Baal's intention to submit. Mot rejoices and that merely of a calf.1 Shapash (and the text here

1 Note that if Baal does not in fact die but eludes (e.g. Hvidberg). The text is difficult, however, and death, this passage cannot be without its implications partly damaged, and other commentators think that for the widespread theorizing about a dying and rising Baal is here providing himself with an heir in case he god in Near Eastern, particularly Canaanite, religion should fail to return. i6 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS becomes clearer) undertakes to bury his body has been scouring earth's mountains and hills and meanwhile she bids Baal himself take wind looking for her brother and she too comes upon and cloud, thunder and rain, as well as his the substitute's dead body. She puts on sack- attendants and two of his daughters, and cloth as a token of her grief. proceed to the two mountains that mark the entrance to the underworld (which she pic- 6 turesquely describes as her own grave since in her journey round the world she visits it every Col. i night). Moving them aside, he is to go down into LI. 1-^8. Anat performs the same mourning the earth and assume the condition of the rites (as El) for Baal and utters the same wish strengthless shades (thus deceiving Mot and to follow him into the world below. eluding his clutches until something can be LI. 8-31. Shapash meets her as she weeps done to rescue him). without restraint and Anat requests her to lift LI. 17-25. Baal listens to her counsel. He has the corpse on to her shoulder. The sun- connexion with a heifer in the fields near the goddess does not, as she might, tell her of the realm of death (to which when Shapash caught subterfuge that is being put into effect (for fear, up with him he was, it seems, already pro- we may suppose, lest it come to nought at a ceeding, no doubt to make abject obeisance time when she is still under Mot's domination), before its ruler). The heifer is immediately but does as she is bidden; and thus loaded Anat delivered of a boy, whom Baal then clothes in proceeds to Baal's mountain Zephon1 where she his own robe and pronounces to be a gift or buries the body and slaughters large numbers offering to the beloved one, a title often given of oxen and sheep, goats and asses as a fitting to Mot. memorial to one who had been the brother-in- [End lost] law of the gods. LI. 32-67. Anat, going on to the abode of Col. vi [Beginning lost] El, enters his presence and does homage and LI. i-io. Two deities (who are probably then tells Athirat and her numerous family Baal's servants Gupn and Ugar) arrive at El's (many of whom have, as later transpires, been mountainous abode where the two oceans meet allies of Mot against Baal) that they can rejoice and doing homage, announce to him that they since Baal is dead. El thereupon asks Athirat have been all round the earth searching for to nominate one of her sons to be king in Baal's Baal and that they have just come from the land place, and she remarks that someone wise and of pastures by the bank of the river of death, understanding is required. El, suspecting that where they have found him lying dead. she means Athtar, doubts whether one so feeble LI 11-25. On hearing the news, El (not (for all that he is named 'the terrible') can run knowing that it is in fact a substitute victim as fast as Baal or wield Baal's weapons (that is, that the two gods have found) descends from can harness wind and lightning so that the rains his throne and sits on the ground, strews dust may fall when required). Nevertheless, Athirat on his head, dons sackcloth, shaves off his designates Athtar. He seats himself on Baal's beard with a piece of flint, beats upon his breast throne but finds that he is not tall enough to and tears his arms, while he asks what will occupy it, thus confirming El's opinion. Athtar become of Baal's followers now that the prince therefore admits himself unfit to reign on of earth has perished; and he plaintively wishes Zephon and descends from the throne but is that he himself could be with Baal in the allowed by the supreme god to exercise a more nether-world. limited sovereignty on earth. Water is drawn in LI. 25-31. Meanwhile the goddess Anat also barrels and casks (evidently, though the text is

2 Shapash presumably accompanies her, though this is not actually stated (cp. 5 v 5-6). INTRODUCTION I? defective, a sarcastic allusion to Athtar's Baal's fostering care, and to ask whether she inability to fertilize the ground for which he is knows where Baal is. Anat conveys El's message now responsible). to Shapash, who promises that, if Anat makes preparations to welcome him back, pouring out Col. ii [Beginning lost] sparkling wine and ordering wreaths for the LI. 1-23. Days pass, and Anat (now in the gods to wear, she will herself go to look for nether-world in search of her brother's shade) is Baal. Anat commits her to the gracious protec- filled with yearning for Baal, as a mother beast tion of El and commands that the aforesaid for her young, and she clutches Mot by his preparations be commenced. garment and demands that he restore him to [End lost] her. After observing what an impossible request she is making of him, he answers that he like her had scoured every hill and mountain Col.v in the quest for Baal, hungry as usual for flesh LI. 1-6. Baal (now restored in full vigour to to consume, and that the search had taken him the world above) sets upon and fells the sons of to the pastures near the entrance to his own Athirat1 for their part in his downfall and domains, where he had come upon him and resumes his seat on the throne of his dominion. peremptorily swallowed him as a wild animal LI. 7-25. Meanwhile, months and years pass, carries off and swallows a kid. and in the seventh year Mot (now also resur- LI. 24-37. Meanwhile above, the sun is rected) repairs to Zephon and complains to scorching hot (i.e. Mot is still supreme) and Baal of the treatment which because of him he there is no rain; and days and months pass has received (sc. at the hands of Anat). He while Anat, thus rebuffed by Mot, continues demands that Baal surrender to him not this her search high and low. Finally, losing patience, time himself but one of his own brothers that she seizes Mot, cleaves him with a sword, shakes his appetite may be satisfied and his anger him as with a riddle, burns him with fire, crushes turned aside, threatening should he refuse to him as with mill-stones, and then throws his consume the teeming multitudes of mankind. remains into the open field for the birds to eat, [End lost] as Mot cries out in his death-agony.

Col. Hi [Beginning lost] Col. vi LI. I-2I. Anat returns to El and announces LI. i-8. Baal (evidently having sent Mot back that Mot is no more. She invites the supreme to his own country while he considers this new god to dream a dream whereby he may discover threat) despatches an embassy to the god of whether Baal can come back to life; if he should death to tell him among other matters (for the see the heavens raining oil and the valleys text is imperfectly preserved) that he will running with honey, she will know that the banish him and that he, Mot, may eat his own prince of earth yet exists. El has his dream and servants if he is hungry. sees the signs that Anat desires him to see. He LI. 9-55. Mot in a rage asks what kind of laughs and rejoices and declares that he can answer this can be and returns forthwith to now rest from his anxiety; for Baal indeed Zephon to have it out with Baal face to face. lives. The two gods immediately fall to fighting LI. 22-24. El now bids Anat speak to savagely. They gore and bite each other and Shapash. grapple together like wild beasts* until both fall exhausted to the ground, Baal lying across Mot. Col. iv At this juncture Shapash arrives to warn Mot LI. 25-49. She is to tell the sun-goddess that that fighting with Baal is useless and (in words the earth is cracked with drought for lack of that recall her address to Athtar on an earlier

1 See above p. n note i. 1 Cp. ANET, p. 78 (Gilgamesh and Enkidu). i8 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS occasion1) tells him that El, so far from listening sure enough of himself to dismiss Mot's to his cries, is now on Baal's side and will over- challenge disdainfully, and a battle ensues in turn his throne and break his sceptre. Mot, at which the two antagonists fight to a draw; last afraid, picks himself up from the ground neither surrenders and it takes the intervention and declares that Baal is rightfully king. of the supreme god El to persuade Mot reluc- M tantly to admit Baal's right to be king. LL 41-52. The minstrel addresses a hymn to Some commentators, notably Gordon and Shapash the sun-goddess in which after Driver (in the first edition of the present text- inviting her to partake of offerings that have book) make great play with the reference to the been prepared, he lauds her pre-eminence over passing of seven years, arguing that the pro- the shades and deities of the nether-world2 and longation of the conflict is sufficient proof that calls upon the craftsman-god Kothar-and- the myth is not a seasonal drama about the Khasis to protect her (as he had once done temporary failure of the rains each year in the Baal) against the monsters of chaos. summer but is concerned with a rarer and to ancient man more perturbing phenomenon, Interpretation namely the kind of recurring periods of famine The theme of this final section of Elimelek's that are also depicted in terms of a conventional cycle is the attempt by the god Mot (whose seven years in the Joseph story in Genesis (xli name means 'death') to usurp Baal's throne, 25ff., 47, 54ff.; cp. 19 42ff.). There is shrewd which he had won by defeating the sea monster reasoning behind this theory, for if the myth Yam-Nahar (CTA 1-2) and had consolidated had been purely seasonal in intent one would by successfully completing his palace on Mt. have expected it to finish when Baal was rescued Zephon (CTA 3-4). It is more accurately in from the nether-world and resumed his throne. fact described as a double attempt, for there are A fresh dimension of meaning must therefore be two challenges and two battles, in each of which looked for in the short narrative of Mot's Mot appears in a different role. second challenge to Baal, though I would In the first challenge Mot is patently the god question whether it has anything to do with responsible for the summer drought, who Mot as bringer of drought or famine. Even in causes the heavens to burn up and scorches the much longer narrative of the first challenge, earth's produce. Baal submits quickly and where the seasonal pattern is everywhere abjectly and has to descend for a while into the evident, Mot is something more than the dis- underworld (thus explaining the absence of rupter of fertility, as the frequent and insistent the rains during that season); and his enemy descriptions of his voracious appetite for human is only repulsed and his own rescue effected flesh and of his gaping jaws show; and in the through the combined efforts and ingenuity of concluding scenes of tablet 6 it is this aspect of the goddesses Anat, who slays Mot, and him that comes vividly to the fore, for he Shapash, who cheats him of his prey by getting threatens should his demand for restitution Baal to provide a substitute in his own likeness. against Anat be rejected to attack and consume Baal is brought back to earth and after avenging all men on earth. Mot is there, I believe, quite himself on the gods who had been Mot's allies, explicitly what he is elsewhere implicitly, the takes his wonted seat on Zephon. At this point personification of death simpliciter, humanity's (6 v yff.) there is what seems to be an abrupt ultimate enemy, a primaeval 'earth' monster change of direction in the narrative, which is every whit as dangerous to mankind as the signalled by a brief statement about seven years primaeval 'sea' monster Yam-Nahar, one whom elapsing. Thereafter, Mot, again in rudest moreover Baal cannot defeat on his own but strength, leaves his underground home for the can only keep in check with the assistance of the first time in the myth and confronts Baal face distant head of the gods himself. As such, he is to face on Zephon. Baal on this occasion feels the prototype of a surprisingly large range of

1 Cp. 2 iii 17-18. 8 An allusion to her part in the defeat of Mot. INTRODUCTION 19 biblical images, as the footnotes in this edition the spirit of death within the grain, which has attempt to bring out,1 though only in the to be symbolically expelled so that the crop may apocalyptic passage Isa. xxv 8, where in a be desacrilized for human consumption or, magnificent figure the poet looks forward to a alternatively, so that the life of the seed may be day when the swallower is himself swallowed, safeguarded for the next year's planting. His is there a veiled suggestion that the Hebrews role in bringing about the summer dryness is knew of a mythical conflict between him and extended, as it were, into the growing process Yahweh.2 itself. It is very doubtful, however, whether such Apart from its general meaning, there are theories with their animistic and ritualistic two smaller episodes in this section which have connotations are either justified or necessary. engendered much discussion. As both Loewenstamm and Watson have The main issue in the first of these (6 i 43fT.) pointed out, similar agricultural metaphors are is the identity of the god Athtar, whom Athirat used in the account of the destruction of the during Baal's absence in the nether-world tries Golden Calf in Exod. xxxii 20, where they seem to have appointed king. This fierce yet when simply to be expressing the idea of total compared to Baal rather ridiculous deity is extinction. When the Ugaritic passage is read unable to exercise rule on Zephon and has to in this light, its other images (splitting with the be content with a restricted dominion on earth sword and burning) need not be forcibly below. As the reference immediately after to stretched to equate with farming activities, dr' the drawing of water from or into barrels may be more loosely translated to denote the suggests, we are in the period of summer dry- 'scattering', not of seed, but of the pieces of ness when the rain-clouds disappear from Mot's dismembered corpse in the open fields Zephon's peak and divinity makes poor provi- for the birds to eat,4 and the parallel allusion to sion for man's needs; so Athtar's function must their 'scattering' in the sea (6 v 19), presumably be explained in terms of that poor provision. for the fish to consume, is no longer awkward. Possibly he is the god of the desert (Gray) The scene describes Mot's execution rather forcing men to conserve water carefully or the extravagantly, but there is no more to it than god of artificial irrigation (Caster) compelling that. them to work hard for little reward. The same The cycle closes fittingly with a hymn in god appears briefly as a claimant, equally praise of the sun-goddess Shapash, paying unsuccessfully, in the story of the contest tribute to one who had been a spectator at between Baal and Yam-Nahar (2 iii), but no much of its action and who, whether as El's details are given there that might allow us to plenipotentiary or on her own initiative, had assess his role further.3 intervened decisively on not a few occasions to The second episode is that at the end of the bring about the triumph of good over evil. second column of CTA 6, which tells of Anat's defeat of Mot. Some of the imagery in this passage is distinctly agricultural—winnowing, 4. KERET grinding, and if we translate the verb dr' by its commonest sense, sowing in the fields—and The tablets this has led most commentators to see in it a The legend of Keret5 survives on three mythological counterpart to a ceremony held tablets, discovered in 1930 or 1931, each having each year at the time of the grain harvest, in three columns of text on both obverse and which the god Mot represents in some manner reverse sides. Of these tablets one (CTA 14) is

1 See further the detailed studies of Tromp and Leviathan) Ezek. xxix 5 (of Pharaoh as the Miss Wakeman. monster). 2 Cp. also i Cor. xv 26,54. * The pronunciation 'Keret1 is precariously based 3 See now, however, Addenda where a new reading on the Hebrew gentilic adjective 'Kerethite' (Virol- at 6 i 66-67 removes the reference to drawing water. leaud), but it is kept for convention's sake; quite 4 Cp. 2 iv 28-31 (of Yam) Ps. Ixxiv 14 (of likely the name is non-Semitic. 20 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS very well and one (CTA 16), except for some home. This army, swarming over the country- damage in the middle of the text, is tolerably side, will in seven days reach a place called well preserved; the other (CTA 15) is in a very Udm and, having frightened the working poor condition, as each column has lost over women from the fields and the wells, must half its text. All three tablets are from the hand remain quiet outside it for another six days. On of Elimelek. As no catch-lines remain, the the seventh day its king Pabil, kept from his sequence of the tablets is established solely by sleep by the noise of his beasts, untended due their contents,1 which are, however, adequate to the siege, will send messengers to Keret who for the purpose. There is no need to suppose will try to buy him off by offering him gold, that further tablets have been lost, since the slaves and horses. Keret, however, must send story as we have it, though incomplete in some back the messengers, refusing Pabil's gifts but important details due to lacunas, forms a demanding his daughter Huray,' lovely as a satisfactory thematic whole (Merrill); but it is goddess, in marriage; for his only desire is a possible that the second and third tablets were wife by whom he may beget a family and a son separated by and that the third was followed by to succeed him. one such. LI. 154-194. Keret, waking up, puts into effect the instructions of his divine visitor. He makes himself ready, sacrifices to El and Baal, Contents prepares provisions, and leads out his army 14 which overruns the countryside. LI. 1-43. The audience is invited by the LI. 194-206. On the third day the army comes minstrel to bewail with Keret, a just king, the to a shrine at which Keret vows that, if he loss in quick succession of seven wives by obtains Huray, he will devote several times her natural death and pestilence, sea and sword, weight in gold and silver to the local goddess, and the ruin of his prospects, so that he is now here given the names Athirat of Tyre and Elat without royal dignity, lacking an heir. One of Sidon.4 night, as sleep overcomes his grief, he has a LI. 207-229. Continuing another four days, dream in which the supreme god El appears to the army encamps before Udm and, having him and asks him why he weeps and whether frightened the working women into the city, the reason is that, lacking the marks of sove- remains quiet for seven days. Pabil, unable to reignty, he desires a kingdom like that of the sleep for the noise made by his beasts, consults father of mankind. his wife. [gap] LI. 53-58. Keret refuses the gifts with which [Damaged section] El with conventional words has tried to console LI. 245-261. Pabil now sends envoys to Keret him and states that his only desire is for sons with instructions to offer him the gifts already and descendants. mentioned if only he will not besiege Udm but LI. 59-153. El in answer bids him wash and will remove himself far from it. deck himself out gaily, mount a high tower and [Gap] there offer sacrifice to himself and to Baal son LI. 265-306. The envoys arrive and deliver of Dagon, and then descend and prepare their message to Keret who refuses the gifts provisions for a campaign, in which he shall put and declares that he wants only Huray; for El a vast host2 into the field, leaving not even the has promised him issue by her. They depart to infirm or the newly wed husband behind at take his answer to Pabil.

3 This name has been variously read; for whether 1 The older numbering of the tablets (I K = i4, it is a non-Semitic or a Semitic name is not known. III K = IS, II K = i6) follows the order of their 4 Note that this reference would seem to locate publication (Virolleaud). the action of the poem (and perhaps therefore the 1 Symbolic clearly of the involvement of the whole origin of the legend) in or near Phoenicia; see, community in the king's fate. however, p. 23 note 4. INTRODUCTION 21 '5 show, he has fallen grievously ill). [End lost] Col. i [Beginning lost] LI. 1-8. The envoys (leading Huray out to Col. v [Beginning lost] Keret) tell him that the people of Udm will LI. i-zg. A second time Huray prepares the sorely miss her ministrations and that they feast as described and carves the joints and bemoan her departure as a heifer lows for her again she tells her audience (whose identity is calf or as the sons of absent soldiers cry for not recoverable) the reason why she has their mothers. invited them, namely that they may make sacrifice and may weep for Keret as for the Col. ii [Beginning hit] dead; for it is her fear that he will soon reach LI, 1-28. Baal rises in the assembly of the the realm of death, to be replaced on the throne gods (convened, it appears, at Keret's house) by Yassib, unless El should intervene to restore and urges El to bless the king. El, taking a cup him to health. in his hand, blesses Keret and promises that the [End lost] wife whom he is about to marry shall bear him eight sons; one of these, called Yassib and presumably the eldest, will be suckled by Col. vi Athirat and the virgin Anat, the nurses of the LI. 1-8. Huray summons another audience gods. (perhaps this time her and Keret's children) to offer sacrifice for the king and to condole with Col. Hi [Beginning lost] him. LI 1-30. Keret is told by El that he will be [End lost] greatly exalted among past rulers of the city. Furthermore, his wife will bear eight daughters, 16 of whom even the youngest shall enjoy the birth-right of a first-born child. The gods, Col. i having blessed Keret, go back to their own LI. i-n. One of Keret's sons, soliloquizing, abodes, and in the course of seven years1 Keret laments that he must now creep silently into his begets as many sons and daughters as have father's room like a dog and asks himself been promised to him; and Athirat asks whether he is not in fact dying and it is not rhetorically whether Keret means to keep the time for mourning women to be called. Already vow he had made, threatening disaster should the mountains of Baal and their broad environs he not. are grieving for him. Is Keret then really a son [End bst] of El? LI. 11-23. He enters his father's presence and Col. iv [Beginning lost] sorrowfully says that hitherto he has been LI. 1-9. Keret bids his wife prepare a great gladdened by the thought of Keret's immor- feast for the lords of Khubur (apparently the tality, but now that he must creep before him name of his kingdom). like a dog he can but ask if he is indeed a son [Gap] of El, whose issue do not surely die. LI. 14-28. Obeying his instructions she LI. 24-45. Keret bids his son not to shed prepares meat and drink and admits the lords tears over him but to call his sister Thitmanat,* of Khubur to the palace and when they have whom he knows to be full of pity, to weep for entered it, she carves the joints and then tells him. So as not to alarm her he is to wait till them that she has invited them to make sacrifice evening and go to inform her that he is pre- on Keret's behalf (for, as the following columns paring a sacrifice to which he invites her.

1 Obviously a conventional number. 'Inn = Greek Esmounos was similarly so called for the 2 As ttmnt means 'eighth', the girl so-called must same reason (Eusebius Praep. Evang. i 10, 39). Cp. be the eighth daughter of her parents; the Phoen. also Latin Octavia. 22 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS Meanwhile he himself is to perform a mysterious Col. v [Beginning lost] ritual at the gate of the palace which will, if LI. 6-J2. El calls seven times on the gods as successful, win divine assistance for Keret. they are gathered in assembly to see if there is LI. 46-62. This son, here called the hero any who will do anything to banish Keret's Elhu, goes out to the gate. But as he arrives he illness, but none answers him; he thereupon is surprised by his sister, who has come to the announces that he himself will cast a spell and well to draw water and who when she sees what provide the means to drive out the plague. He he is doing, gives way to tears, suspecting that picks up a handful of mud or dung for this the king her father is ill; but Elhu apparently purpose. (for the text is damaged) answers that Keret is [Gap] not sick but is summoning them both to a LI. 42-53. El addresses a female demon banquet. (having, it appears, fashioned her out of the mud and brought her to life) and giving her the Col. ii [Damaged section] name Sha'taqat (meaning that she 'drives away' LI. 79-720. Thitmanat, from her brother's sickness), he bids her fly in secret to Keret's behaviour more than ever suspicious, asks him city and by touching him on the head with her openly how long their father has been sick, and wand, expel the plague and then wash him he answers that it is now three or four months; clean of sweat. he then states bluntly that Keret is on the verge [End lost] of death and that she ought to be thinking of making ready a tomb for him. After bewailing her father in soliloquy in the same words as Col. vi have already been used by her brother, she LI. 1-2. El announces the imminent defeat of proceeds weeping into his presence. death and the victory of Sha'taqat. [End lost] LI. 2-24. Sha'taqat proceeds, sobbing but in stealth, to the palace of Keret and after curing Col. Hi [Beginning lost] him in the aforementioned manner, she washes LI. 1-17. A ceremony is being held in Baal's him. He becomes hungry, and it is evident that abode on Mt. Zephon1 to induce the return of death has been vanquished and that she, the rains (which have, it seems, ceased in Sha'taqat, is triumphant. Thereupon Keret asks consequence of Keret's illness); and servants for food, which Huray supplies; after partaking are dispatched round the earth to see the of it, he resumes his seat upon the throne. beneficent effect on the soil. The farmers look LI. 25-58. Meanwhile Yassib (knowing up joyfully as they plough and sow, glad that nothing of what has happened) sits brooding in the dearth of bread, wine and oil is coming to the palace; and he resolves to go to his father an end. The good news is taken to Keret. and upbraid him for neglecting his kingly [End lost] duties (for, as he intends to remind him, violent men have during his illness waxed Col, iv [Beginning lost] powerful and the weak have gone unprotected) LI. 1-16. El, addressing someone who he and to bid him descend from his throne that he, says is as wise as himself (and therefore presum- Yassib, may ascend it in his place. Yassib goes ably Baal) tells him to fetch Elsh the steward of into his father's presence and carries out his the gods and his wife. This done, he sends them resolve. Keret, however, promptly curses him, to the top of a building (apparently, as the next calling upon the god Horon and the goddess 2 column suggests, to summon the assembly of Athtart to break open his skull; so shall he be the gods). humbled. [End lost]

1 See p. 8 note i. 2 See on these deities p. 4 notes 5, 6. INTRODUCTION 23 Interpretation Eastern belief, the channel of blessing to his The story of Keret opens with a description community and the upholder of its order; as he of the hero, king of a place called Khubur, suffers or prospers so do his land and people.3 mourning the collapse of his hopes for the But behind the typical there seems to be some future, since death has deprived him of seven genuine historical reminiscence, at any rate in wives one after another before he could have the first tablet; for the account of Keret's children by them. The question immediately expedition to Udm is elaborated to a very much posed is how a king without wife or heir can be greater length than any other incident, and the truly king. For only he is fit to be such who has expedition has its location, moreover, far from a wife with whom he can have connexion and Ugarit in the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon. No- prove his manhood (2 iii zz)1 and an heir to one now seriously espouses Virolleaud's early support him in life and perform the necessary interpretation, which found in this account rites after his death (17 i 21-34)an<^tnus ensure allusions to Abraham's father Terah and the the continuance of his name. Keret, in response Israelite tribes of Asher and Zebulon, and to instructions from El received in a dream, regarded it as depicting a Phoenician invasion of restores his position by invading a neighbouring southern Palestine and Edom in the Patriarchal kingdom and taking the daughter of its king in age; this rests on a number of mistranslations, marriage and in due course begetting issue on inevitable in the first attempt to decipher these her. As he is pictured rejoicing there is, how- difficult texts, which have come to be recognized ever, an ominous hint that a vow he had made in the progress of knowledge as impossible. But during the campaign has not been fulfilled; and that Keret and Pabil,4 though neither their soon afterwards Keret shows signs of failing names nor those of their kingdoms occur in any health and falls so seriously ill that he is thought other extant text, were actual historical figures, to be dying. He can no longer adequately the story of whose clash in war and subsequent administer justice and his illness seems also to alliance became in time the basis of a myth affect adversely the fertility of the crops. The about the nature and value of kingship, is question posed in this latter part of the story is difficult to deny. how the fabric of a society can be maintained and its prosperity safeguarded by a king whose health is impaired. Following divine interven- tion the rains which had failed return and Keret 5. AQHAT is miraculously cured and remounts his throne. The story ends with an attempt by one of the The tablets king's sons to usurp his place,4 which Keret The story of Aqhat, son of Daniel, formerly now recovered is easily able to quell. entitled 'Danel' (Virolleaud), is now known to The main thrust of the poem, certainly of the have been called 'Aqhat' from the superscrip- second and third tablets, is ideological. Keret tion of one of the tablets (CTA 19). What is the typical sacral king of ancient Near remains is contained in three tablets, all dis-

1 The purpose of taking Abishag for David was 4 This pronunciation is supported by the Hittite not so much to keep him warm as to prove him still Pabili (De Langhe) so the name like that probably of possessed of sexual power; when 'the king knew her Keret himself is non-Semitic. It may be that we not', the failure of his power was patent and his should deduce from this that the story of the expedi- sons began to take steps to seize the throne (i Kgs. tion was itself originally non-Semitic, belonging for i i-39)- instance to northern Mesopotamia (as Astour argues * When the Hebrew king Azariah or Uzziah was on the basis of some of the place-names, notably that smitten with leprosy, his son acted for him; possibly of Keret's kingdom Khubur, which is the name of a he had been deposed (2 Kgs. xv 5). river in that region), and that one of the ways by » Cp. the prologue to the which it was given a Semitic dress was to situate the (ANET, i64ff.) 2 Sam. xxi 17 xxiii 2-5 Ps. ii incident of the king's vow (which is the link between 6ff. xlv 3ff. Ixxii passim Ixxxix zoff. ex Isa. xi the expedition and the more symbolic happenings of 2ff. Lam. iv 20 etc. the last two tablets) in Phoenicia. 24 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS covered in 1930 and all written by Elimelek; Col. ii [Beginning lost] two (CTA 17 and 19) are in a tolerable state of LI. 1-23. El in a dream tells Daniel what is to preservation and one (CTA 18) is badly happen; and he is relieved and joyful to think damaged at both beginning and end and lacks that he, too, will have a son to carry out all the two middle columns (of a total of four).1 filial duties. Two columns of CTA 17 are also missing, but LI. 24-38. Daniel returns to his home and that tablet had originally six, being the excep- holds a feast lasting seven days in honour of the tion, since CTA 19 also has four columns. The 'wise women", called the Kotharat,4 who arrive missing columns and the frequent losses at the to ensure that a son is successfully conceived. top and bottom of those that survive create LI. 39-47. The Kotharat, having accom- several gaps in the narrative, but the sequence plished this, depart and Daniel sits down to of the three tablets as given is not in doubt, and reckon the months until the child (who when enough of the text is preserved to reveal the the text is resumed is called Aqhat) shall be general outline of the plot and a fair number born. of its details. We probably possess (except for a [End lost] few lines) the beginning of the story, but the third tablet (19) breaks off in the middle of an [Two columns lost] incident and clearly at least one other tablet must have followed it. Col. v [Beginning lost] LI. i-/j. Daniel is sitting at the city gate, where he dispenses justice to widows and Contents orphans, when he sees the divine craftsman 17 Kothar-and-Khasis coming from afar with a Col. i [Beginning lost] bow and arrows for Aqhat (who is now grown LI. 1-16. Daniel, a righteous chief or patri- to manhood). arch,2 undergoes a seven-day rite of incubation /,/. 13-33. He at once summons his wife in the hope of obtaining a son; for unlike other Danatay to prepare a feast for the divine visitor, members of his family he is without issue. who having given the bow and arrows to Daniel, LI. 16-34. 0° tne seventh day Baal takes pity partakes of the repast and departs. on his misery and implores El, whom he LI- 33-39. Daniel solemnly presents the bow addresses as father,3 to grant Daniel the to Aqhat, reminding him to offer a portion of blessing of a son capable of performing the what he catches to the gods. proper duties towards him during his life and [End lost] after his death, and of rendering due honour to the ancestral gods. Col. vi [Beginning lost] LI. 35~4<). Daniel is blessed by El so that he LI. l-ig. In the course of a feast (at which may feel manly strength and have connexion apparently Aqhat is present) the goddess Anat with his wife, who will then conceive and bear sees the bow flashing like lightning across the a son capable of carrying out the aforesaid ocean and, dashing her cup to the ground in duties. vexation, offers Aqhat as much silver and gold [End lost] as he wants if only he will give it to her.

1 The old numbering I D (19), II D (17), HI D Patriarchal stories of Genesis rather than, as do the (18) is that given in the original edition, in which Keret texts, the urban monarchy of Jerusalem. they are arranged in order of size (Virolleaud). 3 17 i 24 and possibly vi 29. The title may, 1 Daniel is only once given the title 'king' (19 152), however, only be honorific (see p. 5 note 2). though his house is called a palace; but his manner of 4 Goddesses whose name means 'skilful' (cp. life as described in the tablets is much simpler than Kothar), associated here and in tablet 24 (q.v.) with that of Keret, recalling the atmosphere of the the conception and birth of children. INTRODUCTION 25 LI. 20-25. Aqhat answers that materials for presence at Qart-Abilim and expresses her fear making a bow and arrows abound and advises lest, unless something is done immediately, the Anat to ask Kothar-and-Khasis to make a set new moon will bring a change of luck and for her. Aqhat will escape them. LI. 25-38. Anat, however, wants these very LI. 11-15. Yatpan encourages Anat to pro- weapons and no others and offers to make ceed, and we are given the information that Aqhat immortal and to give him a life as long Aqhat has been left behind in the mountains, as that of Baal and the other gods in return for where having grown tired he prepares a meal. them. Aqhat replies that she is lying;1 she LI. 16-27. Anat proposes a plan of action; cannot confer these gifts, since old age and she will turn Yatpan into an eagle or hawk and death are the lot of all men, including himself. put him on her glove; she will then send a flock LI. 39-41. Moreover, she must know that a of these birds to hover over Aqhat at his meal, bow is a soldier's weapon; can a woman use it? accompanying them herself, and will launch LI. 41-45. Anat, while she laughs at Aqhat's Yatpan against Aqhat to strike him down. obstinacy, warns him that she finds his conduct LI. 27-42. She carries out this plan and presumptuous and will bring him to heel. Aqhat is killed; thereat she weeps as convention LI. 46-55. She then hurries to El's distant demands, chiding the fallen hero for having abode and falling down in homage before him, opposed her. The birds fly away (apparently complains of Aqhat's treatment of herself. having consumed Aqhat's corpse). [End lost] '9 18 LI. 1-19. The bow, however, has been broken Col. i [Beginning lost] and dropped into the sea2 (perhaps in the LI. 1-14. Anat threatens El with violence and struggle or accidentally as Yatpan was flying sarcastically bids him call upon Aqhat to save away), whereupon Anat expresses her chagrin him from her wrath if he will not do what she at the collapse of her scheme and her regret at wishes. the failure of the crops, which will inevitably LI. 15-19. El answers that he knows the follow the spilling of Aqhat's blood. ruthless character of the goddess and will not LI. 19-37. Daniel is sitting in court dispensing stand in her way; anyone who thwarts her will justice as usual (unaware that anything has have to face the consequences. happened), when he suddenly espies his LI. 19-34. Anat sets out in search of Aqhat daughter Pughat approaching from afar; for she and having found him after a long journey, has seen the eagles and hawks over her father's seeks (this time disguised as a mortal maiden) house, the land dried up, and the fields bare of to involve him in her affairs by fair words. She green herbage, and divined that an important conducts him to a place called Qart-Abilim person has been slain. Weeping, she takes (hoping no doubt to gain the weapons by some Daniel's robe and rends it. stratagem). Li 38-48. Daniel, now as a result of her [End lost] action in fear lest a prolonged drought may be imminent, prays that the dew and rains may [Two columns lost] come in their proper season, so that the earth should again yield its fruits. Col. iv [Beginning lost] LI. 49-74. Furthermore, he bids Pughat LI. i-n. Anat (having failed in this approach) prepare his ass and, having mounted it with her obtains the services of her attendant Yatpan to help, rides round his scorched land, embracing procure the weapons; she tells him of Aqhat's any green blade that he can find in the hope

1 Cp. the similarly daring response of Gilgamesh 2 So Gilgamesh lost the plant of life immediately to Ishtar's offer of marriage (ANET, p. 84); cp. also after obtaining possession of it (ANET, p. 96). Od. v 203ff. (Calypso and Odysseus). 26 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS that it may recover and not fail; he also wishes vegetation on their fields for their share of the ironically that Aqhat may be there to gather it guilt. into the granary. LI. 170-188. Daniel returns to his palace LI. 75-88. Meanwhile Pughat, looking round where he and professional mourners bewail the her, can see nobody; but suddenly two mes- death of Aqhat for seven years,* after which he sengers, showing signs of grief, arrive; they act dismisses the mourners and offers sacrifice to out in mime the killing of Aqhat and announce the gods. (by way of breaking the news) that if only LI. 189-202. Pughat then prays to the gods, victory lay with Zephon (otherwise Baal)1 they to whom her father had sacrificed, to bless her would be bringing good tidings; then would intention to take vengeance on the murderer Daniel and Pughat have been filled with joy. of her brother, and Daniel reiterates her plea. LI. 89-98. Unfortunately their news is that LI 203-212. Pughat now paints her face Aqhat is dead, slain by Anat; and hearing it, (disguising herself as the goddess Anat), puts Daniel is seized with a paroxysm of rage and on male attire with dagger and sword, throwing swears to slay the slayer of his son. a woman's cloak over it all, and sets out for the [Gap] tent of Yatpan, arriving there at sunset. LI. 105-112. Daniel perceives eagles coming LI. 212-222. Her arrival is reported to up against the sun and cries out to Baal to Yatpan, who instructs his servants to give her bring them down with broken wings to his wine. He pours out a libation to the local god, feet, when he will rip open their bodies to see boasting that the hand that slew Aqhat will slay if Aqhat's flesh and bones are in them; if they thousands more of his mistress's enemies. are, he will bury what remains in a grave. LI. 222-224. Pughat's heart is described as LI. 113-120. He has scarcely spoken when being like a serpent's as the servants twice give Baal brings the birds down, but Daniel finds her Yatpan's mixture to drink. nothing in their gizzards; so he asks Baal to restore them to life and bids them fly away. LI. 120-134. Baal brings down Hirgab the Interpretation father of the eagles with the same result. The background to the story of Daniel and LI. 134-147. Lastly Baal brings down Sumul Aqhat is a righteous chief's need of a son; for the mother of the eagles and Daniel, on ripping otherwise there will be no-one to tend him in her open, finds the flesh and bones of Aqhat old age, to perform the proper rites after his inside and buries them in a dark vault. death and maintain the worship of the family LI. 148-151. He then threatens the eagles god. In answer to the prayers of Daniel3 and that if they fly over Aqhat's grave and disturb on the intercession of his favourite deity Baal, his rest, Baal will again break their wings. whom he worships under the title of Rapiu or LI. 151-169. Daniel curses the three towns, 'the shade',4 the supreme god El grants him a including Qart-Abilim, which lie nearest to the son. The child is named Aqhat5 and when he scene of the murder, calling down banishment grows up, he is endowed with a magnificent and blindness on the inhabitants and loss of bow and arrows made for him by the divine 1 See at 19 84. summer stay in the underworld; cp. rfiu b'l (22 11 8). 1 An exaggeration of the traditional seven days Rapiu is not to be confused with the iltb or 'god of the (Gen. 1 10). father(s)' of /. 27. Note that if Albright's identifica- 9 The name is the same as that of the sage counted tion of the place with which Rapiu was associated is as one of the three righteous men of Hebrew tradition accepted (Hermel), the original home of the Aqhat (Ezek. xiv 14, 20 xxviii 3); it is sometimes argued legend would seem to be Phoenicia; it may be that both these names are different from that of the significant in this regard that in Ezek. xxviii the wise man at the court of Nebuchadnezzar, since the recipient of the oracle is the king of Tyre. form in Ezek. does not have a vowel letter (thought it ' The pronunciation of the name as 'Aqhat' is is pointed Daniel), but the name Da-ni-el is found as conventional, since the vowel of the last syllable is early as the time of the Mari letters, whereas no form unknown; it may be derived from the same root as Danel is known (Lipihski). that of the Levite 'Qohath' in the Bible (Caster). Is 4 Apparently a title of Baal associated with his it connected with the S.-Arab. qht 'commanded'? INTRODUCTION 27 craftsman Kothar-and-Khasis. His father warns It is difficult to decide whether we have in him that the first-fruits of the chase must be these three tablets the remnant of an old offered in a temple. Aqhat may have failed to Canaanite 'folk' or 'wisdom' tale about a pious accord with this requirement, and this may have chief or patriarch, the continuance of whose been a contributory cause of the disaster which house is temporarily put at risk through the subsequently befalls him. But in what survives death of his only son at the hands of a capricious of the narrative the chief cause is the envy of deity but is in the end safeguarded by his faith- Anat, the sister of Baal; and when Aqhat fulness to clan custom (my own view; we may refuses to give the weapons to her, a mere compare the prose story of Job), or whether woman who cannot use them, she engages her such a tale serves only as the backcloth to some henchman Yatpan to murder him and get them kind of myth, fertility or otherwise, centering for her. Aqhat is killed, but the weapons are on the bow and the death and resurrection of accidentally destroyed, and Anat is thwarted in the son (Caster, Hillers, etc.). The fact that it her ultimate purpose. Following Aqhat's death is the son's name and not the father's which is Baal withholds the rain and the crops fail. attached to the tablets lends credence to the Pughat,1 the sister of Aqhat, perceiving the second interpretation, but it should not be drought and observing eagles overhead (birds forgotten that in the story as we have it, the that may always be found where there is blood) father figures rather more prominently than concludes that the land has been polluted by the son, and we do not know what role he may bloodshed. She communicates her suspicion to have played in its denouement. The account of Daniel, who goes on tour through the country- the resurrection (or the replacement) of Aqhat side seeking signs of vegetation and carrying out is absent from the text, and was presumably a fertility ritual upon the few solitary shoots he contained, together with a description of how discovers. Meanwhile, he is apprized that the Yatpan met his deserts and how fertility victim of the suspected crime is his own son. returned to the land and prosperity to Daniel's He therefore vows vengeance on the murderer house, in the lost final tablet or tablets. Whether and searching for Aqhat's remains, finds them the bow was also recovered (and is consequently in the gizzard of one of the eagles and duly to be considered a significant element in the buries them in the family vault. He then curses meaning of the story), and whether Anat the cities nearest the scene of the crime, in repented of her violent behaviour and took part accordance with ancient oriental custom, and in the reviving (or replacing) of Aqhat, or Baal holds mourning ceremonies which last seven as Daniel's champion alone brought this about, years. Thereafter Pughat takes upon herself the cannot at present be determined. Until (if ever) duty of blood revenge, disguises herself as Anat, the missing portion of the text turns up and it and is received and honoured as such at Yatpan's is discovered how the various strands in the tent. Just as she is drinking the wine he gives narrative are resolved, no satisfactory compre- her the story tantalisingly breaks off. hensive interpretation is possible.2

1 The Ugar. P£t is the same word as the Arab. he makes a statement at a feast which the Rephaim fau&atu 'exhalation of perfume" just as the Hebr. are holding, but he does not figure again (at least by Puah (Exod. i 15) is the same as the Arab, fau'atu name) in the proceedings. It is unlikely that what in 'aroma of perfume' (Hava), so that the two names are its original state must have been a narrative of con- ultimately identical, since the Arabic words are but siderable length about the activity of the Rephaim variant forms of each other. She is probably not to be and other divine beings belongs in toto to the missing regarded as a significant mythological figure (see at denouement of the quite different kind of story about 19 .soff.). folk heroes that the Aqhat tablets contain. The most 2 The connection between the Aqhat legend and that can be hazarded as a guess is that Daniel in his the three extremely fragmentary tablets containing attempts to have his dead son restored to life paid a the myth of the Rephaim or 'shades' (CTA 20-22; visit to the underworld (cp. Od. xi) and that this see Appendix) remains to be elucidated. Like the encounter between him and the Rephaim was enough Aqhat texts these were written by Elimelek. The to have him assigned a small part in a mythological name and titles of Daniel appear at 20 B 7-8, where complex devoted to them. 28 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 6. SHACHAR AND SHALIM AND the terrace like so much dead wood. THE GRACIOUS GODS LI. 12. Rubric stating that the above tale (or it may be the above hymn) should be repeated The tablet seven times with appropriate responses by the The text of the poem is written in a single ministers. column on both sides of the tablet CTA 23, LI. 13-15. Rubric stating that a hymn about discovered in 1930; the number of lines is the fields of the goddesses Athirat and Rahmay complete, but the upper right corner of the (who is Anat) should be sung and that certain obverse and lower right corner of the reverse ritual acts involving coriander, mint and incense side have been broken off. Otherwise, apart should be performed seven times. from patches where the script is rubbed or LI. 16-18. Quotation, being probably the first partly effaced, the tablet is in good condition. line, from a mythological tale (or another The difficulty, therefore, of interpreting the hymn) depicting Rahmay as out hunting, text lies not so much in the state of the tablet followed by further instructions for the minstrel as in the form and nature of its subject-matter. and the ministers. The first part is divided into sections by hori- LI. 19-22. Rubrics concerning dwellings (that zontal lines drawn across the tablet and is, niches or portable shrines) for the gods and separating portions of hymn or myth from more concerning precious stones and vestments. prosaic rubrical parts, which contain directions LI. 23-27. Second hymn invoking the of a liturgical or ritual character; but the con- gracious gods who are described as sucking the nexion between the poetical pieces and the breasts of Athirat. The singer prays that the directions is not always clear. The second part sun-goddess Shapash may lead them to an contains the narrative account of the birth of abundance of grapes and asks a blessing as certain deities; this is only once interrupted by before on the officiating ministers. a short rubric. There is no superscription LI. 28-29. Rubric stating that the hymn about giving the title nor colophon giving the name the fields of Athirat and Rahmay should be of the scribe. repeated. LI. 30-54. Mythological text containing the story of the birth of Shachar and Shalim. The Contents supreme god El is out walking by the sea-shore 23 when he sees two women performing their LI. i-j. Hymn in which the singer invokes the ablutions (or washing clothes) over a basin and gracious and fair gods, recalling that they have happily calling out to their father and mother. established a city in the desert and inviting His manhood is immediately and urgently them to eat and drink of the offerings prepared aroused and he removes the women to his for them. He then prays for peace on the king house. Wielding his staff like a javelin he shoots and queen (who are perhaps though not it into the air and brings down a bird, plucks necessarily present) and on the officiating it and sets it to roast over the fire. Speaking ministers. seductively, he then invites the women to tell LI, 8-11. Excerpt from mythological text him when the bird is ready, saying that if they describing the destruction of the god of death, address him as husband, they shall become his who is here given the additional title of 'prince'1 wives, but if as father, he will treat them merely and who carries two sceptres representing as daughters. When the bird is browned they respectively the dangers of loss of children and cry out 'Husband' 'and become his wives. He widowhood. He is set upon by vine-dressers bends over and kisses them and after he has lain who prune and bind him and cast him down on with them they conceive and give birth to two

1 Or his name means 'Death and Dissolution' Aramaic incantation bowl from Nippur which (Driver; Jlry) or 'Death and Evil' (Tsumura; Arab. pictures the angel of death with a sword and spear in larru). Tsumura well compares his two staffs with an either hand. INTRODUCTION 29 children who are called Shachar1 and Shalim that the drama was intended to promote (names that mean 'Dawn' and 'Sunset' or fertility in nature, though commentators differ 'Dusk'2). The news of their birth is brought to on the date of the festival at which it may have El and he asks his wives to prepare an offering been presented, some arguing for the spring for Shapash and the stars. (when the laborious business of viticulture LI. 55-76. Continuation of mythological text began), some for the month of June (which in containing the story of the birth of the gracious Babylonian astrology belongs to Gemini or the gods (with a rubric inserted in parenthesis Twins, whose Ugaritic counterparts are sup- stating that the opening of the story should be posedly Shachar and Shalim), and some for the repeated five times in the assembly). The wives autumn as an element in the New Year celebra- travail and the messenger brings the news to tions (when for example in Sumerian religion a El as before, adding the information that the hieros gamos or sacred marriage, in which the newly born deities, who are given the title king played the role of the god Dumuzi or 'cleavers of the sea" (probably as sons of Tammuz, took place); a few, noting the seven Athirat,3 suggesting that she is one of the or eight years that the gracious gods spend in women in the text) are being suckled by the the wilderness, think it was only used occasion- goddess Anat and that they are opening their ally during an exceptionally long spell of dryness mouths so wide (for they have enormous or famine. These interpretations, however appetites) that their lips reach from earth to widely they vary in detail, have one feature in heaven and birds and fishes fly or swim, as the common, a conviction that myth and ritual go case may be, into them; side by side they stand so closely together as to be two sides of the same as this food is pushed into their mouths, but coin, which is not a position that is now greatly they cannot be satisfied. On hearing this report favoured, at least outside biblical and Semitic El despatches his wives and their children into circles (Kirk). It seems a wiser procedure to the desert, where they are to erect a sanctuary examine the mythological sections in their own and dwell among the stones and trees. For terms, particularly since the actual rubrics in seven full years, in fact for eight, the gods the text do not, unless superficially, equate with search and hunt for food until they come upon them. These state merely that the stories should one who is called the guardian of the sown- be recited so many times or concern the singing land. They request entry from him and he of hymns of praise or invocation to the deities grants their request. The story ends with him involved in the narrative or the carrying out of plying them with wine. some rather uncomplicated cultic instructions like the burning of incense or the placing of Interpretation images in appropriate niches. Read without It is generally held that the mythological them the mythological sections are in fact sections of this strange text correspond to capable of being regarded as extracts from a not ritual acts, providing the libretto as it were for untransparent theogony or explanation of how a cultic play, in which first the destruction of and why the gods came into existence; the the god of death with his threatening powers malevolent power of death is summarily and then the marriage of El to two women and removed (we may compare the manner of Mot's their successful delivery of children were demise at the hands of Anat in 6 ii 3off.), thus portrayed in the liturgy. It is further assumed making it possible for El, the progenitor of the

1 According to Isa. xiv u Shachar is the father of famli 'sunset'. His name probably provides the divine H&lel, the morning star (who is incidentally not to be element in Jerusalem. confused with fill in the title of the Kotharat). 3 Athirat is at Ugarit especially associated with 1 So-called as 'ending' the day; cp. Akk. Mam the sea; see p. 4 note i. 30 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS gods, to father divine offspring on two women1 text on numerous liturgical occasions at (who as the hymns cited in the text suggest may Ugarit. represent the goddesses Athirat and Anat). It is not certain whether Shachar and Shalim are the only children of this union and are therefore 7. NIKKAL AND themselves the gracious gods of the accom- THE KOTHARAT panying hymns or whether we have a more comprehensive theogony in which Shachar and The tablet Shalim are merely the first-born2 and the The poem accorded this title is written on a gracious gods are the gods of Ugarit in general single tablet (CTA 24) on which the script runs who are born subsequently. The latter is the from the top of the obverse almost to the end more probable if we follow Caquot and of the reverse side; and it is divided into two Sznycer's interpretation of the end of the pieces of composition by a horizontal line narrative, which supplies a neat aetiological cutting across the tablet about half way down twist to the myth, namely that the appetite of the latter side. There is a similar line at the end deity is not satisfied with the natural provision of the poem, beneath which there is a blank of the created world, the birds of the air, the space sufficient for two more lines. The tablet fishes of the sea, or the animals of the open was unearthed in 1933. Like the previous text it country but requires in addition the offerings has neither superscription nor colophon. The that men bring (these being represented in the tablet itself is complete, but part of the text has story by the wine proffered by the guardian of been effaced on the obverse side; the reverse side the sown-land). It is unlikely that such a is almost wholly undamaged. Certain letters, profound observation, in effect that though men notably g, have peculiar forms; and there are are clearly dependent on the gods, they in their also some signs of dialectal divergence.3 turn are dependent (or at any rate partially so) on men, would be confined to one particular Contents ceremony, annual, fertility or otherwise. It is of 24 the stuff of the religious attitude in general and doubtless found expression through the present LI. J-/5. A hymn to the goddess Nikkal-and-

1 The prominence in the myth of El as the father The peculiar logic of myth would enable the people of the gods deserves to be specially emphasized. He of Ugarit to accommodate themselves without much is not in the translation offered in the present edition difficulty to one or other picture of their supreme an almost impotent old man whose sexual powers deity as occasion demanded. have to be assiduously roused by the women before 2 Dawn and Dusk may have been born first he can have intercourse with them. This frequently because they represent the division of day and night, expressed interpretation depends on an identification which in Israel too (Gen. i 3-4) was considered the not only of the 'hand' of /. 34 but of the 'sceptre' first act of creation. which is lowered (/. 37) with the male member of El; 3 Notably in the presence of z (=d) and ? where here, however, the sceptre is regarded as a real one, the other texts have d and t; thus ipld (45); $hrm (21); which £1 handles in the fashion of a javelin, simply Izpn (44). The first of these equations recurs in CTA lowering it behind him before he throws it up to 12 (see Appendix; thus '&£ for 'fyf) and we may pierc<: and bring down a bird which he then cooks therefore assume that the two texts reflect the same on a fire (so De Moor). The symbolism of these dialect. The second equation (? for /) is, however, actions is certainly erotic, but the situation has been more likely to be a scribal spelling convention than a engineered by El to rouse the women rather than the mark of phonetic difference, being found in several other way round. In the time-scale of Ugaritic of the texts in Ugaritica V (e.g. ipz for tpt; zbm for mythology El is in this text, which is concerned with tbm; qb? for qbt), which do not have the first equation the birth of the gods, vigorous and far from senile. In (just as CTA 12 does not have the second); see further the different circumstances of the , which Dietrich, Loretz, Sanmartfn, UF^ (1975), pp. icsff. deals with a period when the gods are grown, he is CTA 12 also shows the feature ? (=/) for the usual naturally older and less active, but he is still, as we s ( = Arab. d; thus yzbq for yshq); no words where it are several times reminded, in ultimate command. might be expected to occur appear in the present text. INTRODUCTION 31 Ib1 and to an unknown divinity (the vocalization how Khirkhib, king of summer, who behaves Khirkhib is arbitrary)2 who is entitled the king like a typical eastern marriage-broker, arranged of summer. The singer recalls the successful the betrothal of the lunar goddess Nikkal to the outcome of the marriage of Nikkal to the moon-god Yarikh. It is probably like the moon-god Yarikh and as if present on that narratives in the previous text an extract from a distant occasion announces to the divine mid- fuller theogonic myth. This tale is preceded wives or Kotharat that a son is to be born to her and followed by hymns of praise and invocation and solicits their attendance at her confinement. to Nikkal, Khirkhib and the Kotharat, who are LI. 16-39. Part °f tne story °f tne betrothal the 'sages-femmes' of the Ugaritic pantheon.6 of Nikkal. Yarikh asks Khirkhib to procure the In the first hymn the Kotharat are summoned goddess's hand for him and undertakes to pay to oversee the birth of a son to the two moon her father a huge sum in silver, gold and deities. The last lines of the second hymn with precious stones and to give him fields and vine- their allusions to incantations to the Kotharat, yards as her bride-price. Khirkhib suggests betray the purpose of the whole poem, which is that instead he arrange a marriage for him with to secure for a human girl Prbht the same Pidray,3 daughter of Baal, or if her present blessing and protection in her forthcoming suitor the god Athtar should object too strongly, marriage as had been enjoyed by the goddess with another of Baal's daughters called Ybrdmy.* Nikkal in hers. The Kotharat are in one of their Yarikh replies, however, that he wishes to titles associated with the new moon, which marry only Nikkal. He sends the gifts already suggests that the girl may have presented mentioned to her house, where her parents and herself in the temple at that auspicious time. brothers and sisters carefully prepare the scales to weigh them. The extract finishes with the minstrel wishing happiness upon the engaged 8. THE TEXTS IN couple. THE APPENDIX LL 40-50. A hymn to the Kotharat, who are called the daughters of the new moon and com- The texts in the Appendix are given in trans- pared to swallows and are pictured descending literation only, though their vocabulary is with their potions and unguents. The singer represented as far as is practicable in the commends the cause of a mortal maiden named Glossary. Some of them are mere fragments, Prbht to the supreme god El and to the Kotha- but a number contain substantial stretches of rat, claiming to know the appropriate incanta- reasonably preserved writing and are therefore tions with which the latter may be invoked. He important for a comprehensive view of Ugaritic asks them to applaud with the guests at her mythology (notably CTA 10 and 12 and the wedding.5 first three and the seventh of the eight more recently discovered texts (1961) published in Interpretation Ugaritica V)\ these have been placed in the The mythological portion of the text relates Appendix with some misgivings, but they have

1 A composite deity like Kothar-and-Khasis. The cycle, nor is Athtar's interest in Pidray alluded to first element is equivalent to the Sumerian Ningal or there. 'great lady' (consort of Sin the moon-god). The 5 The clapping of hands is a feature of eastern second element is an epithet meaning either 'clear, weddings and was intended to drive away the evil bright' (Akk. ebbu) or 'fruit' (Akk. inbu); the latter spirits that were thought to threaten the happiness would reflect the Akk. title ilat inbi 'goddess of fruit', of the bride and bridegroom. applied to Ningal. 6 Cp. 17 ii 26ff., where these goddesses arrive to * Probably a Human deity. He seems to be bless the marriage-bed of Daniel and help ensure entrusted with the betrothal arrangements, though that a son is born. They may be alluded to in Ps. some commentators think he may be Nikkal's father; Ixviii 7, where the form kdidrdt is fem. plur., although but Dagon of TuttuI, a name restored in /. 14, is more the meaning required is 'in safety', 'safe and sound' likely to have been this. (NEB) or the like; perhaps the form was originally 3 See at 3 A 23-24. fem. sing, (so two manuscripts) and we should rather 4 This daughter does not appear in the Baal compare ktr in 14 16. 32 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS almost without exception engendered wide dis- certain notable idiosyncracies of spelling and agreement among commentators and I have phonology (cp. CTA 24). myself been unable to reach firm conclusions on the rendering of damaged or problematic CTA 20-22. Three very fragmentary tablets, passages or on their comprehensive interpreta- probably from the hand of Elimelek, describing tions. The following brief remarks may be of certain happenings at a convocation of the some help to readers, but it is to be emphasized Rp&m or 'shades', the deities of the underworld. that they are no more than provisional. Neither the order of the tablets nor of the columns is certain. On the possible connection CTA i (remaining columns). See p. 3. of the text with the story of Aqhat see p. 27 note 2. CTA 7. Two fragments of an alternative PRUII no. 3. A small fragment mentioning version, not from the hand of Elimelek, of the deity Yam and the word mrym 'the heights' portions of CTA 3 B and C. (sc. of Zephon). The word ibm (1.8) has been compared with the difficult form istbm in CTA 8. The extant lines offer resemblances 3D37- toCr^4J22f. iii zjff. iv 50-51, 62 v&3 vii 52-58. The tablet (cp. CTA i) probably RS 22. 225. A mythological text describing contained a summary in the form of a series of in picturesque and euphemistic language a loye- catch-verses of this part of the Baal epic. affair between Baal and Anat and probably to be classified in the same genre as CTA 10 and CTA 10. This tablet has often been regarded ii. Only the obverse is relevant, the reverse as the final one in the Baal cycle, but it was not being occupied by part of a Babylonian written by Elimelek and should probably be syllabary. connected with a different genre of texts about Baal describing his love-life with Anat (De Ugaritica V no. i (RS 24. 258). A description Moor and Lipinski). Anat seeks Baal in his of a banquet to which El invites the other gods palace but is informed by his servants that he and at which he falls outrageously drunk. The is out hunting. After finding him and being last lines on the reverse contain an incantation welcomed by him, she is told that she will bear for the cure of a disease or perhaps (as Rainey a steer to him; later following the birth she suggests) a hangover. takes the good news to him on Zephon. Ugaritica V no. 2 (RS 24. 252). A hymn to CTA ii. A small fragment describing Baal (who is given the title rpti or 'the shade') realistically the mating of Baal and Anat; it and Anat, in which the worshipper (perhaps the probably comes from another tablet in the same king of Ugarit, since the city is mentioned by series as the previous text. name) invites them to drink and invokes Baal's protection. CTA 12. A large fragment describing an encounter in the desert between Baal-Hadad Ugaritua V no. 3 (RS 24. 245). The obverse and some creatures called 'the devourers' has a description of Baal sitting on Mt. Zephon; (dklm). Most commentators believe that Baal is the visible lines of the reverse correspond to worsted by them but Caquot and Sznycer argue 3 B 31-33 and 3 C iff. The tablet has been that the text relates his victory over them. Many regarded as an enthronement ritual or a interpretations have been offered (e.g. Gaster description of an epiphany but is best taken as that it is a seasonal myth, Gray that it concerns a mythological fragment supplying a divergent fratricide and atonement, Kapelrud that it is a version of the events related at the beginning ritual to guard against a locust plague), but none of CTA 3; it breaks off in the middle of a line has gained wide currency. The text contains and was clearly left unfinished. INTRODUCTION 33 Ugaritica V no. 4 (RS 24. 293). The obverse is divided into roughly equal paragraphs or contains a slightly divergent and incomplete panels by horizontal lines (cp. CTA 23). version of CTA 5 i i^fi.; it is followed after a line drawn across the tablet by a fragmentary Notes on texts not included: mythological text, previously unknown, which CTA 9,25-28 and PRU V nos. 2, 3 are very is continued on the reverse. The tablet may small with little or no continuous writing. CTA have been used by a scribe for practice. 13 is a difficult and ill-studied text thought to Ugaritica V no. 7 (RS 24. 244). A long and be a hymn to the goddess Anat. PRU II no. i excellently preserved but difficult text contain- is a long fragment dealing apparently with the ing in the opinion of most commentators a combat of Baal and the monsters tnn and btn; charm against snake-bite. The daughter of the PRU II no. 2 is also long but extensively sun-goddess Shapash (or perhaps simply a damaged; both texts are frequently broken up mare, as the name may be translated) calls on by horizontal lines, a feature which invites her to carry a message to £1, Baal and various comparison with CTA 23 or Ugaritica V no. 7. other deities in order to obtain help from them PRU V no. i is long but badly mutilated; it in curing the malady. Only when the god Horon mentions the names of Baal and Athtart. is approached is a positive response forthcoming. Ugaritica V no. 5 has on its reverse a list of the According to Johnstone, however, the text is kings of Ugarit; it and no. 6 may in fact not be chiefly a mythical narrative not a charm and the mythological. Ugaritica V no. 8 is a poorly serpent mentioned represents some cosmic preserved text of the same kind as no. 7, perhaps disaster which is removed by Horon. The tablet its continuation. This page intentionally left blank TRANSLITERATION AND TRANSLATION OF THE TEXTS This page intentionally left blank i. BAAL AND YAM


Col iii

i I ]b[----]«[---? ] [ ) «[—• —-]r.Ir[—? ] t ] 3l H<[---? ] I 3 4 [Jdk.]\ytn[.]pnw. [Then] indeed he set (his) face 'm[.l]/.mWj[.nhrm.] towards El at the source(s) [of the rivers], [qrb.apq.thmtm] [amid the springs of the two oceans]; 5 [ygiy-Ml- [he penetrated] the mountain(s) of El wybti[. q]n. m/k[. ab. i>nm. ] and entered the massif of the king, [fathers of years];1 [](6)[yhbr.]^?l[.] [he did homage at El's feet] and fell down, [y]/(/tw[y.]wyW>[dnh.] he prostrated himself and did [him] honour2 [--]ry[ ](7)[—] [ ] [k]

4-6: cp. 4 iv 20-26 6132-38 9 bt.k (Herdner) or btk (Virolleaud) 'within' (cp. 4 v 5 SI error for id "7) 6-7 Herdner [ y('] (7) [/m'./] (cp. I iii 10 [bh}tm (cp 4 v 115) or [bh]th 26) 12 dpk error for or variant of dpnk (cp. 6 i 56); dm[lk]: 7-10 Herdner (cp. 4 v 113-116); alternatively these cp. 18 and 4 iii 9 lines may contain a complaint by Athtar about the building of Yam's palace 1 See on El's abode at 3 E uff. 8 [-] hrn. w (Herdner) or [b]irtk (Driver a. Virolleaud) 2 Cp. Ps. Ixxxvi 9. 'in accordance with (or against) your will' (cp. 18 i 3 If this title is taken literally, Athtar and not 18-19) Baal or Yam is king at the opening of the cycle. 38 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS i5[----M.]nrt[.]llm[.]/X. Shapash the luminary of the gods [ ] him,[sh.] she lifted up her voice and [cried]: [M'.«'[ ] 'Hear, I beseech you [ ]; 16 [\yt]ir(.]tr il.dbk[.] 'the bull £1 your father [will indeed] cause (the table) to be set 'before prince Yam, /pn[.t]pt[.n]hr 'before judge Nahar. 17 [&.i]l.yhn']l.dbk. '[How of a truth] shall the bull El your father hear you ? /y*'.[alt.]*[btk.] 'Indeed, he will pull up [the support of your seat], ny]h/>A(i8)[ksa.Jm/M. '[indeed] will overturn [the throne] of your kingdom,1 lytbr.h\[.]mtpt\i. 'indeed will break the sceptre of your rule.2 wy'n[.'ttr].dm[\]k And [Athtar], the possessor of kingship, answered: 19 [---] 'The bull El my father [ ] against me. dnk.inbt[.\]y[.\m.]tim[.] 'I myself have not a house like the gods [w]h*r[.kbn](2o)[qd]/. '[nor] a court3 [like the sons of the Holy] one.4[.]bn[p]lny. 'Alone I shall go down into the grave5 of us both trhsn.ktrm[.] '(and) the skilful ones' will wash me. [yt]bi[ht](2i)[ '[Prince] Yam is to [dwell] in a [mansion], bhkl.tpt.nh[r]. 'judge Nahar in a palace.[.]dbh 'The bull El his father will cause (the table) to be set lpn[.zb]l y[m] 'before [prince] Yam, 22 []/[.nhr.] '[before judge] Nahar. mlkt. [in. ]hm. Imlkt. in[. ] 'Am [I indeed] king or am I not king?' (wt'n.nrt.llm.IpS.) (And Shapash luminary of the gods answered): in.dtt[.]]k.k[m.l\m] 'You have no wife7 like [the gods] 23 [wglmt.kbn.qds'.] '[nor a maiden like the sons of the Holy one]. wy[- -]zbl.ym. 'And prince Yam [ ] y'[- -]tpt.nhr 'judge Nahar [ ] 24 [-----' W»- '[ ] he sends me." wy'n.'ttr And Athtar answered:

15 Virolleaud; at the end prob. restore [I'ttr] or title 1 Cp. 2 Sam. vii 13 Hag. ii 22. (cp. 6 vi 24) * Cp Ps. xlv 7 Ahiram inscr. /. 2. 16 [lyt]b: cp. 17, 21 9 Or 'residence' (so in parallel passages). 17-18: cp. 6 vi 26-29 4 Lit. 'sons of Holiness', a title of Athirat (cp. 3 E 18 ['ltr].dm[[]k: cp. 12 46-47 4 iv 50-51). 19-20: cp. 4 iv 50-51 2 i 21 4 An extension of the metaphor whereby the 20 ftiim error for Ibdm or so read (Herdner); bn[p]!ny entrance to the underworld is compared to the throat Herdner a. Virolleaud who finds traces of/>; [yt]b of the god of death Mot (cp. 5 i 7). The reference (De Moor) here is perhaps to drowning in the sea; the sun of 21-22 Herdner course sank into the sea west of Ugarit. Cp. also 15 22 [dn]: cp. dn later in the line; Gordon wn; v 18-20 6 vi 5off. The suffix is dual (cp. 4 iv 45). etc.: cp. [l]k (22) and wy'n.'ttr (24); k[m.Um] etc. 6 Presumably attendants of Yam. Herdner after the formula in 19-20 7 A wife to bear a son and heir was like a palace a necessary mark of a king; cp. 14 i 6ff. BAAL AND YAM (2 iii; i iv) 39 i

Co/, iv

1 [->•?[ ] ( 1 2[[bm ] They1 did cry aloud to those [near ] 3 ] to those far away,* to [ ] 4 }[mrz\)h ] they did cry (aloud): 'El sits in [his banqueting hall ] 5 bit.'limn.[ } 'the shame of [ ] 6'lk.[ ] 'the gods, the house of your lord3 [ ] 7 dl.ylkn.h!M[rs ] 'lest he go guickly through the earth [ ] 8 b'pr.hblttm.l } 'on the ground destruction* [ ] 9 iqy.rtbJnmy.jfn[.ks,bdhm] He did give (them) curdled milk5 to drink, he gave [the cup into (their) hand(s)], 10 krpn.bkldtyd- ] the flagon into both (their) hands [ ] 11 fon//.tyw.fiwp[ ] like like was gathered [ J 12 tgr.ll.bnh.trl ] El his son, the bull [ ] 13 ttry'n./t(p)n.//.rfp[id ] ] and Latipan [kindly] god spoke [ ] 14 $m.6ny.jyo>.#f[.w ] 'the name of my son is Yaw,' o Elat [and ] 15 tt)/>V.«n.;ym[.wlh.w ] ] 'so do you proclaim a (new) name for Yam.' [And Elat and ] 16 t'nyn.lzntn[ ] answered: 'For our sustenance7 [ ] 17 [mrl.llm.'glm.dt.!nt] bulls and [fatted rams, yearling calves], 32 }>nr.[qms.lllm ] [skipping] lambs [(and) kids ]


Col. i

'[' ] [ ] »[ ] [ ] 3 it.#'t.b[ ] 'you have risen against [ ] 4dttyn.b'l[ ] 'mightiest Baal [ ] 5!l( ] 'your dominion [ ] 6 brlik.dymr[ ] 'Ayyamur1 on your head [ ] 7 tp/.«Ar. 'judge Nahar. ^<4[r.hrn.yymm.] 'May [Horon] break, [o Yam], [ytbr.hrn](8)r&fc. '[may Horon break] your head, f«r/.[§m.bel.qdqdk.] '(may) Athtart-[name-of-Baal (break) your crown]! [ ] (9) [--]«•*• '[ ] staff;

30-32: cp. 4 vi 40-43 22 B 12-14 12-13 Prob. Herdner exaggerates the number of word- dividers in this col. (see at 2 iv i) 1 The name of a club later (iv 19) given by 5 error for drklk Kothar-and-Khasis to Baal; it means 'Let him expel 6: perhaps complete [.zbl.ym.bqdqdk.ygrS] (Herd- anyhow!' or the like. ner a. Ginsberg; cp. 2 iv 12, 21-22) ' Yam appears to have had two wives unlike 7-8: cp. 16 vi 54-57 and below /. 36 Athtar who had none (2 iii 22). 9: perhaps bg[bl.{ntk.bhpnk.wt'n] (cp. 16 vi 57-58) * Cp. Prov. xxviii 12. ii: cp. 22 4 Perfects with jussive meaning. 13 ut or dt (Herdner) 6 Lit. 'the assembly' or 'totality of the appointed 13-18: cp. 19-20, 30-31, 33-35; cp. also 3 D 81 F meeting'. Cp. Isa. xiv 13. BAAL AND YAM (i iv; 2 i) 41 tny.d'tkm. 'repeat what you know;1 virgm.ltr.d[by.{[.] 'and tell the bull [El my] father, [tny.lphr] (17) m'd. '[repeat to the] full [convocation]: thm.ym.b'lkm. ' "The message of Yam your lord, ddnkm.t[pt.nhi] ' "of your sire judge [Nahar] (is this): 18 tn.ilm.dtqh. ' "Give up,2 gods, him whom you protect, dtqyn.hmlt. ' "him whom you protect, o multitude,3 f»,6'/[.w'nnh] ' "give up Baal [and his lackeys], 19 bn.dgn.drtm.pzh. ' "the son of Dagon, that I may possess his gold." ' tb' .glmm.lytb, The pages did depart, they stayed not. [idk.pnm] (20) lytn. [Then] indeed they set [(their) faces] towards the mount of Lei,4 'mphr.m'd. towards the full convocation. a/>.tfm./

^[](4i)[dk.ym.] 'How (is it that) you [smite the messengers of Yam], [t]A.W*. '[ ] a messenger; bn.ktpm.rgm.b'lh. 'between (his) shoulders is the word of his lord,6 »y[ ](43)[ ]• 'and he [ ]' ^.

31 d[mr] (De Moor) 1 Cp. Ps. Ivii 5 Ixiv 4 Gen. iii 24 Exod. iii 2; 33 [l!]nhm (Cross) or [bym]nhm (Caster) cp. also Qodesh-and-Amrur (4 iv 16-17) and the divine 34-35: CP- 17-18; dtqynh (Herdner) or dtqyn h (35) messengers of Num. xxii 31 Josh, v 13 ^ Sam. [«/]' (Gordon) xxiv 16 i Chron. xxi 27, 30. Similar imagery is used 36 Gordon by Micaiah in i Kgs. xxii 19 and by Isaiah in Isa. vi 37[ynhr]m: cp. yymm (36); the s of d[s]rkm was visible iff. to add lustre to their prophetic office. on an earlier photograph (Herdner) z Probably Gupn and Ugar are meant; cp. 3 D 76. 38 [Ate.]: cp. 37; wbn error for kbn or so read 3 Cp. Ps. Ixxii 10. Note the 'dative' suffixes and (Herdner) 39 De Moor the mater lectionis y. 40-41 Herdner a. Gordon 4 Lit. 'was companion to anger' (cp. 6 v 21 41 mfyr or mf fyr 'the staff of. ..'; yfrb[f] 'binds on" 16 vi 36). (Caquot and Sznycer) or yjfb[q] 'clasps' (De Moor) 5 Or 'He ... the pages'. 42 Van Selms iey[tny] 'his lord has spoken and he can • Official messages were carried in a diplomatic- but repeat' bag tied round the neck. 43 De Moor bg\pnm] (cp. 23 9) 7 Cp. Isa. xvi 8 Hab. iii 17 23 10. BAAL AND YAM (2 i, iv) 43 [----] (45) I-;-"-]- [ ] an. rgmt. lym. b'lkm. 'I myself tell Yam your lord, dd[nkm.tpt](46)[nhr.] '[your] sire [judge Nahar]: [sm* .]hwt.gmr[.]hd. '[Hear] the word of the avenger1 Hadad: /way[ ] ' [ ] 47 [ ]iyA-g[-] '[ 1 thbr[ ] 'do homage [ ] 48 [ ] [ ] Col. iv

. . (C0.ll.) . . i[ ] '[ ] yd[y].ktt.mtt[---] [my] power is shattered [ ] 2 [ ]hy[ ]fiW. '[ ] I will not bring out. /»m.a/>.dmrH(3)[----]. 'If moreover [ ] toby m. mnhl dbd. 'and in Yam is the sieve of destruction, bym.lrtm.m[l] 'in Yam are the lungs of [death]; 4 [tptj.n/tr.tfin. '[(in) judge] Nahar "gnawers",* tm.hrbm.lts. 'there "attackers" move about. anfy(s)[-]hrm. 'I will kiss [ ]3 ldr;.yplMny. 'The strength of us two4 will fall to the earth wl.'pr.'zmny 'and the might of us two to the ground.' 6 [b]ph.rgm.lysd. Scarce had his word(s) come forth from his mouth, his speech and the utterance of his voice from his lips y$r(])thtksl.zblym (than) he sank under the throne of prince Yam. w'n.ktr.whss. But Kothar-and-Khasis answered (him): lrgmt(S)lk.lzbl.b'l. Truly I tell you, o prince Baal, tnt.lrkb.'rpt. 'I repeat (to you), o rider on the clouds.5 ht.ibk(g)b'lm. 'Now (you must smite) your foes, Baal, ht.lbk.tmhs. 'now you must smite your foes, ht.tsmt.srtk 'now you must still your enemies.6 10 tqh.mlk.'lmk. 'You shall take your everlasting kingdom, drkt.dtdrdrk 'your dominion for ever and ever.'7 11 ktrmdm.ynht. Kothar fetched down two clubs8 vyp'r.Smthm. and proclaimed their names, (saying):9

8 45-46: cp. 34 Some act of submission is clearly meant; cp. 46 [/m*. ] (De Moor); Iwdy or Ivmy Ps. ii 12. On word-divides in this col. see Horwitz UF 5 (1973), 4 Dual suffix. 6 i6sff. Cp. Ps. Ixviii 5; alternatively 'cloud-gatherer', if 1 yd[y] (Van Selms) or simply yd[.] (cp. 16 vi 32) the root rkb originally meant 'to harness, yoke'; cp. 2 Van Selms [r]hy (cp. 18 iv 24-25) the title of Zeus in Homer nephelegeretes (Ullendorff). 3 mnhl dbd (Van Selms) or rnnj Idbd (Virolleaud) * Both the structure and content of this passage 'a resting-place has indeed perished'; m[t] (Van are neatly parallelled in Ps. xcii 10; cp. also Ps. viii 3 Selms) or m[ym] (De Moor) cxliii 12. 7 5 [b]htm (Virolleaud) does not obviously suit Cp. Ps. cxlv 13 Dan. iii 33 iv 31. 6 [b]ph: cp. 19 75; tin error for ntn (16 i 4) or tn (4 v * Rather illogically the whole sentence is repeated 70) or nominal form with t prefix in /. 18. * Sc. to the first. The famous relief of Baal 1 Or 'accomplished; cp. Ps. Ivii 3 (Dahood). (Vgaritica II pi. xxiii) has a mace or club in its right- 1 The normal Hebrew meaning 'worms, maggots' hand. The naming of weapons is a common motif in hardly suits in this context. mythology and folklore. 44 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS $mkdt(i2)ygri. 'Your name, yours,1 is Yagrush. ygri.griym 'Yagrush, chase away Yam, grlym.lkslh 'chase away Yam from his throne, 13 [a]hr Ikht drkth. 'Nahar from the seat of his dominion. trtqf bd b'l 'Do you dance from Baal's hand,2 km ni (14) r bfab'th 'like an eagle from his fingers. hlm.ktp zblym. 'Strike the shoulders of prince Yam, bnydm(i$)[tp]tnhr. 'between the arms3 of judge Nahar.' yrtqf.fmd.bdb'l. The club danced from the hand of Baal, km.nk(i(>)\>[b]}b'th. like an eagle from his fingers. yim.ktp zblym. It struck the shoulders of prince Yam, bnydm.tpt(i"j)nhr between the arms of judge Nahar. 'z.ym lymk. (But) Yam was strong,4 he did not sink down, Itngpi.pnth. his joints* did not quiver, lydlp(iS) tmnh. his form did not crumple. ktrpndmynht. Kothar fetched down two clubs viyp'r hnthm and proclaimed their names, (saying):6 19 hnk.dt.dymr. 'Your name, yours, is Ayyamur.7 aynvt.inr.yn. 'Ayyamur, expel Yam, m ym (20) Iksih . 'expel Yam from his throne, nhrlkht.drkth. 'Nahar from the seat of his dominion. trtqs (21) bd b'l. 'Do you dance from Baal's hand, km.nh-bufb'th. 'like an eagle from his fingers. Mm . qdq (22) d. zbl ym . 'Strike the crown of prince Yam, bn.'nm.tpt.nhr. 'between the eyes8 of judge Nahar. ypnhym (23) vryql.ldrs. 'Let Yam collapse and fall to the earth!1 uyrtqs.pnd bdb'l And the club danced from the hand of Baal, 24 [km.]nfr.biisb'th. [like] an eagle from his fingers. ylm . qdqd . zbl (25) [ym . ] It struck the crown of prince [Yam], bn.'nm.tpt.nhr. between the eyes of judge Nahar. yprsh .ym .yql (26) Idrs . Yam collapsed (and) fell to the earth; tngfn.pnth. his joints quivered ioy dip. tmnh and his form crumpled. 27 yqt b'lwyit.ym. Baal dragged out Yam and laid him down,9 yklytpt.nhr he made an end of judge Nahar. 28'rm.'ttrt. Athtart rebuked the Name,10 (saying): btldttyn.[b'l] 'Scatter (him),11 o mightiest [Baal]! 29 bt.lrkb.'rpt. 'Scatter (him), o rider on the clouds! kibyn.zb[l.ym.] 'For prince [Yam] is our captive, \k]($o)!byn.tpt.nhr. '[for] judge Nahar is our captive.'

24-25: Cp. 21-22 4 Cp. Ps. Ixxiv 13 6 vi 17. 29: at the end [k] (Ginsberg) or [w] (Virolleaud) 5 Possibly 'his features' (i.e. related to pnm; cp. the parallelism in Ps. xvii 15). ' Sc. to the second. 1 Note the strengthening pronoun (cp. i Kgs. xxi ' See at i 6. 19); the name means 'let him chase away!' (cp. Isa. ' Cp. Exod. xiii 9 Dan. viii 5. Ivii 20). * Possibly 'drank him down' (Driver, Cross). 1 Apparently (cp. 5) Baal was not himself strong 10 See p. 6 note i. enough to wield the weapon. The picture comes from 11 Possibly 'Be ashamed!' (Hebr. bd!; cp. i 4off.); falconry (cp. 18 iv lyff.). but the positions of envoys and defeated enemies are 1 Lit. 'hands'; cp. Zech. xiii 6 2 Kgs. ix 24. not the same. BAAL AND YAM (a iv) 45 toysd b[ ] And he did come forth [ ] 31 ybt.nn.dliyn.b'l. mightiest Baal scattered him »[ ] and( ]: 32 ym.lmt.Vimpn/[k] 'Yam is indeed dead! Baal shall be king!1 2 [ ] (33) **•#"•• '[ ] heat is indeed assured!' «[ ](34)/«- And [ ] answered: ym .lmt[. b'lm. ymlk. ] 'Yam is indeed dead! [Baal shall be king!] [---hm](35)tfrr. '[ heat] is indeed assured!' art'[n.'ttrt ] And [Athtart] answered [ ] 36 b'lm.hmt.[ hm] 'Baal, them [ heat] 37 &r.ft[ 1 'is indeed assured!' He did place [ ] 3«Wf*.[ ] on his head [ ] 39 iM.m/[ ] his enemy [ ] 40 [b]».'«A[---? ] between his eyes [ ]

30 Ginsberg b[ph.rgm(h)] (cp. 6), but the negative is 39 ft/i (Herdner) or (38) [in] (39) ydh (Virolleaud; cp. missing and there is not room for the full idiom 14, 16) 31: perhaps w[y'n. rkb. 'rpt] 40: Cp. 22, 25 32 Bauer 33: perhaps w[ybt.nn.rkb.'\ (Virolleaud) 1 Cp. Exod. xv 18. 34, 36: cp. 32-33 1 35 Virolleaud Cp. Gen. viii 22 19 40. 2. THE PALACE OF BAAL

3 A

Col. i

. . (ca. 25//.) . . 1 d/./l/fy.rfitkm] 'Do not lower [your heads].' 2 />rdmn.fW.d%n] (3) b'l. Then /Wm»l did serve mightiest Baal, sid.zbl.b'l(4)drf. he did wait upon the prince lord of earth.'r($)w.yllhmnh He did rise, he set (the table) and fed him; 6 he divided a breast before him, 7 bhrb.mlht(B)q?.mri. with a salted knife he did carve a falling. ndd (9) y'h. wyiqynh He did stand up, he spread a banquet and gave him drink; 10 ytn.ks.bdh he gave a cup into his hand(s),2 11 krpn.bkldt.ydh a flagon into his two hands, 12 bkrb.'zm.rl a large jar, huge to see, dn (13) mt.bnm. a cask of mighty men,3 k.qdi(n)ltphnh.dtt. a holy cup which no woman could regard, krpn(i$)lt'n.dtrt. a flagon which no goddess4 could look upon; dlp(i6)kd.yqh.bhm he took a thousand pitchers of wine,6 17 rbt.ymsk.bmskh ten thousand he mixed in his mixture. 18 qm.ybd.wyh One did rise, one chanted* and sang; 19'm the cymbals were in the hands of the minstrel; 20 yb.&zr.tb.ql the sweet-voiced hero sang 21 'l.b'l.bsrrt (22);/»«. over Baal in the recesses of Zephon. ytmr.b'l(2$)bnth. Baal caught sight of his daughters, yn.pdry (24) if.dr. he perceived Pidray daughter of mist,7 a/.n.//y(2S)[bt.r]6. also Tallay [daughter] of showers;8 i Aartun (cp. a i 24-25) so sometimes El for 'god'. 6 De Moor ybr (error for did) 'he cut up a ' The term ftmr, according to De Moor speci- suckling', lit. 'he of the teat" (Aram, brd 'cut'); fically the new wine of autumn, occurs only here and Ipnwh: 'Aramaizing* form or error for Ipnnh (D 84) in 23 6 in the mythological texts. 9: this and //. 1 1, 14 transgress the margin with col. ii ' Lit. 'improvised poems or songs'; the oriental ii n has been written over a second word-divider singer or troubador was allowed considerable (Herdner) latitude within the traditional forms to vary his story. 25: cp. C4 Cp. 2 Sam. xxiii i. 7 Cp. Job xxxvii 11 where this word may occur in 1 Cp. Akk. Radmdnu (Tallqvist Ass. Pen. Names Hebr.; alternatively 'daughter of light', representing p. 185). Alternatively 'Prdmn did serve', in either case the lightning (cp. Job xxxvii 15). The meaning of the a minor deity not mentioned elsewhere. personal name is unknown. * Cp. Gen. xl 13. ' Perhaps more accurately 'drizzle', regarded by » Lit. 'men of heaven*. the ancients as a type of dew; the second daughter's 4 Note the name Athirat used in a generic sense ; personal name means 'she of the dew'. THE PALACE OF BAAL (3 A, B) 47 pdr.yd'(26)[---]t.lm[-]lt Pidar1 knew [ ] 27[---? ] [ ] 28 [ ]rt I ] . . (ca. 12-14 //.) . .


Col. it

. . (ca.2S//.) . . m[ K--] i ] 2 kpr.ib'.bnt. henna (enough) for seven girls, rh .gdm (3) wdnhbm. scent of coriander and murex.2 kldt.tgrt(4)bht.'nt. Anat did close the gates of the mansion,3 vttqry.glmm (5) and she met the pages at the foot of the rock. whln.'nt.tmlfy ths.b'mq And behold! Anat fought in the vale, (7) qrytm battled between the two cities,4 tmhs.ltm.hpy smote the people of 8 tsmt.ddm.sdt.!(p]! silenced the men of the sun-rise. 9 ihth.kkdrt.ri[t\ Head(s) were like balls5 beneath her, 10 Ih.kirbymkp. palm(s) above her like locusts, k.qsm (n) palm(s) of warrior(s) like avenging grasshoppers.8 'tkt(i2)rtit.lbmth. She did stick the heads on her waist,7 !wt(ij)kpt.bhb!h, did bind the palms to her sash.\\l] (14) bdm.Smr. She plunged (her) knees in the blood of the guard(s), hlqm.bmm^] (15) mAnn. (her) skirts in the gore of the warriors. mtm.tgrf(i6)ibm. With (her) shaft(s)8 she drove forth the old men, bksl.qtih.mdnt with her bow8 string the townspeople.* 17 whln.'nt.lbth.tmgyn Then behold! Anat proceeded to her house, 18 tstql.llt.lhklh the goddess started for her palace; 19 wl.ib't.tmthsh.b'mq but she was not sated with her fighting in the vale, 20 (her) battling between the two cities. tt'r (21) ksdt .Imhr. She arranged chairs for the warrior(s), t'r.tlhnt(22)lsbim. she did arrange10 tables for the soldiers, hdmm.lgzrm stools for the heroes. 23 mid.tmthsn.wt'n Anat fought hard and looked, 24 thtsb.wthdy 'nt she battled and surveyed (the scene);11 25 igdd.kbdh.bfhq. her liver swelled with laughter,

26-27 De Moor Am[.A/i] (Z7)[foiy<] (cp 4 iv 54) ' Anat's own house, situated in a place later given 7 fe1^ Virolleaud Jp y[m] 'sea-shore', but the Arab. the names Ughar and Inbab (D 78). equivalent is ti&ffatu I Probably Ras Shamrah and its port (Minat 9 r/[f]: sing, like kp (10); in 12-13 P^irs- are used alBaidah) in mythological guise (De Moor). 11-28: 7 I i-io gives a slightly different version of 5 Cp. Isa. xxii 18. these lines 6 Lit. 'of vengeance, punishment*. 13-14: cp. 27-28; there is scarcely room for the 7 Lit. 'back' or perhaps more accurately 'torso*. second / and it may have been omitted by error 8 Cp. Hab. iii 9, 14 (of Yahweh). 9 Lit. 'town, province*. Alternatively 'foes' (lit. 1 Cp. Akk. Pidar (Ugaritica V p. n); the name 'strife'; cp. Hebr. mdddn) or 'weaklings' (lit. 'weak- occurs as a divine name in CTA 37 4 38 5 and else- ness, meanness'; cp. dnt in 4 iii 20). where as an element in personal names; the context 10 Infinitive absolute or basic verbal form (3 masc. here suggests that it is a by-name or title of Baal. sing, perf.); also fr (36). 1 I.e. purple snails, from which dye was obtained. II Or 'and rejoiced" (Hebr. fidddh). 48 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS ymlu(26)lbh.bsmht. her heart was filled with joy,1 kbd.'nt(vj)tiyt. the liver of Anat with triumph, kbrkm.tgllbdm(2&)zmr. as she plunged (her) knees in the blood of the guard(s), hlqm.bmm .mhrm (her) skirts in the gore of the warriors, 29 'd.tSb' until she was sated with fighting in the house, 30 with battling between the tables. ymh (31) [b] The blood of the guard(s) was wiped [from] the house yfq.!mn($2)'. (and) oil of a peace-offering was poured from a bowl.[\]t.'nt. The virgin Anat washed her hands, usb'th.ybmt.limm. the sister-in-law of peoples2 her fingers; 34 [t]rhs.ydh.bdm.2mr she washed her hands of the blood of the guard(s), 35 [ii]$b'th.bmm'.mhrm her fingers of the gore of the warriors.3 36 [tfr[.]ksdt.lksdt. She did put (back)4 chairs with chairs, M»t(37)[\]tlhn(t). tables with tables, hdmm.ttdr.lhdmm she put (back) stools with stools. 38 [t] She scooped up water and washed (herself), 39 [t]l.lmm.lmn.drf. dew of heaven (and) oil of earth,5 rbb (40) [t]kb 'rpt. showers of the rider on the clouds,* tl.lmm.tskh dew that the heavens poured upon her,7 41 [rb]b.nskh.kbkbm [showers] that the stars did pour upon her.

Col. iii 42 ttpp.dnhb[m.] She set off her beauty with the murex, [dalp.3d](43)«to.tym[.] whose source [is a thousand tracts away] in the sea, [tl ] (44) [--]"».![ J [with dew ] . . (ca. 20 //.) . .


i*[tihd](i)[knrh.bydh.] '[she takes her lyre in her hand], [t]!trimt(2)Krth. '[she] puts corals on her breast, ft.l.ddMyn^b'l.3) b'l. 'she sings of (her) love for mightiest Baal, 'of (her) affection for Pidray daughter of mist, 4 dhbt[.] 'of (her) devotion to Tallay daughter of showers, dd.drfy (5) bt.y'bdr. 'of (her) love for Arsay daughter of 8 31 Cassuto 'progenitress of peoples' (from a putative •jybm) and 33: this line transgresses the margin with col. iii and (De Moor) 'sister-in-law, widow of the Li'mites' (an the final word-divider separates the last word from ancient dynastic or clan name). the first in D 34 s Cp. Ps. Iviii ii. • Lit. 'did arrange'. 34: cp. 7 II 8 36: cp. 21 1 Cp. Gen. xxvii 28 6 iii 6. 37:cp. 36 38-43: cp. D 86-90 • See at 2 iv 8. 42-44 are written on a small fragment giving the top 7 Note the 'dative' suffixes. In ancient belief the of col. iii and on the reverse the bottom of col. iv dew fell from the sky. i*-i: cp. Ugaritica V no. 3 rev. /. 6 1 The first part of the epithet of Baal's third 1-26: cp. 7II10-21; a few letters and words from the daughter, whose personal name means 'she of the end of B are preserved in 7 II 1-9 earth', is usually linked with Arab, tea'iba 'was i: cp. 7 II 10 spacious'; De Moor's suggestion 'ampleness of flow' 2 tfr: cp. Ugaritica V no. 3 rev. /. 7; Virolleaud mfr; (Arab, darra) referring to moisture in the earth seems this and several other lines in col. iii finish on the more appropriate than Albright's 'wide-world, edge of the tablet spacious universe' (Arab, daviru 'circuit'). Cp. 5 v 6fT., where this daughter does not descend with Baal 1 Cp. Ps. xvi 9. into the nether-world, i.e. her function does not 1 Alternative renderings of the title are (Albright) cease in the summer. THE PALACE OF BAAL (3 B, C) 49 kmglmm(^} w.'rbn. 'Like pages, then, enter, lp'n.'nt.hbr(7)wql. 'do homage at the feet of Anat and fall down, tsthwy .kbd hyt 'do you prostrate yourselves (and) honour her; 8 wrgmlbtlt.'nt 'and tell the virgin Anat, 9 tny.lymmt.llmm 'repeat to the sister-in-law of peoples: 10 thm.dttyn.b'l. ' "The message of mightiest Baal, hwt (n) dliy.qrdm. ' "the word of the mightiest of warriors (is this): gryy.bdrf (12) mlhmt ' "Put an offering of loaves in the earth, it.b'pn.ddym ' "set mandrakes1 in the ground, 13 sk.ttm.lkbd.drs ' "pour a peace-offering in the heart of the earth, 14 ^r bdd.lkbd.ldm ' "honey from a pot in the heart of the fields.2 15 hik.'fk.'bsk 1 "Make haste! be resolute! hurry on!3 16 'my.p'nk.tlsmn. ' "Let your feet run towards me, 'my(i-j)twthMdk. ' "let your legs hasten towards me. dm.rgm (18) ' "For I have a tale that I would tell you, 19 hwt.w.dtnyk. ' "a word that I would repeat to you, rgm (20) 'f.w.lhit.dbn ' "a tale of tree(s) and a whisper of stone(s),4 21 tdnt.fam.'m.drf ' "the sighing of the heavens to the earth, 22 thmt.'mn.kbkbm ' "of the oceans to the stars.5 23'.itmm ' "I understand* lightning, which the heavens do not know; 24 rgm ltd' .nm. ' "(it is) a tale that mankind does not know,7 wltbn(i$}hmlt.dr$. ' "nor do the multitudes of the earth understand. dtm.iodnk(2())lbjiyh. ' "Come and I myself will search it out8 btk.gry.U.fpn ' "within my rock El Zephon,' 27 bqdl .bgr .nklty ' "in (my) holy place, in the rock of my heritage,10 28 bnm.bgb'.tllyt ' "in (my) pleasant place, in the hill of my victory.11" '

9 ymmt error for or variant of ybmt worship of the 'high-places' with their standing poles 12 'prt (Virolleaud; plur.?) or 'prm (Herdner; cp. and stones (Deut. xii 2-3 Jer. ii 27), but in con- D S3, 67, 73) junction with II. 21-22 it is more likely to refer simply 14 dr bdd (Caster) rather than dri dd (Aistleitner) to the action of the wind, picturesquely represented 'much love* (cp. Arab, elative) as the conversation of the various natural phenomena. 24-25: cp. I iii 15 and contrast U. 59-60 where the 8 With the thought and language here cp. Ps. xix placing of the couplet is different 2-5 xlii 8 Hos. ii 23-24. • Possibly 'I will create' (-Jbny), though this disturbs the chiastic structure of //. 23-25; cp. Job 1 The fruit of this plant was believed to possess xxxviii 35. erotic and fertilizing properties. 7 Cp. Job xxviii 13. 1 This passage has often been interpreted as a I Alternatively (Caquot and Sznycer) 'I will call on the goddess of violence to cease from war divulge it' (Arab, fa&d 'spread* (of news)). (mlbmt) and seek peace (Urn); but with a verb 'to ' The mountain is here apparently deified (cp. pour' it is more probable that Urn means 'peace- 19 84 and in a sacrificial text CTA 35 42) unless the offering' as in B 32, and neither a verb Ihm 'to fight' phrase means simply 'my godlike, towering mountain' nor a noun mlhmt 'war' occurs elsewhere in Ugaritic. (Dahood; cp. Ps. xxxvi 7). 1 Lit. 'your hastening' etc. 10 Cp. Exod. xv 17 3 F 16 4 viii 13-14. * An allusion has been seen in this line to the II Cp. Ps. Ixxviii 54. 50 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS D

29 hlm.'nt.tph.ilm. Behold! Anat perceived the two gods bh.p'nm(y>)ttt. (and) at that1 (her) feet stamped, b'dn.ksl.ttbr she burst (her) loins round about,2 31 ''. her face sweated above, tfo.fnt(p)ktlh. she convulsed the joints of her loins, did.dt.zrh. the muscles of her back. tti(M)gh.wtsah. She lifted up her voice and cried: lk.mgy.gpn.wbgr 'How (is it that) Gupn and Ugar have arrived? 34'.Ib'l. 'What foe rises against Baal,

frt(3S)lrkb.'rpt. '(what) enemy against the rider on the clouds? lmh!t.mdd($6)ilym. 'Did I not destroy Yam the darling of El,3 'did I not make an end of Nahar the great god?4 37 Ititbm.tnti.tttmll 'Was not the dragon captured* (and) vanquished? 38 mhti.btn.'qltn 'I did destroy the wriggling serpent,8 39 ilyt.d.ib't.rdSm 'the tyrant with seven heads;7 40 mhSt.mddttm.h[l] 'I did destroy Arsh8 the darling of the gods, 41 fmt.''tk 'I did silence Atik* the calf of El, 42 rMt.ktbt.ilm.lst 'I did destroy Ishat10 the bitch of the gods, 43 'I did make an end of Zabib11 the daughter of El. lmt\$vr(44)itrt.hrs. 'He did fight and was dispossessed of gold11 trd.b'l- 'who banished Baal

Col. iv (4$)bmrym.fpn. from the height(s) of Zephon, «fo.k's[r](46)«W«A. 'who pecked his ear like a bird, grsh.lksi.mlkh 'who drove him forth from the throne of his kingdom, 47 Inht.lkhi.drkth 'from the cushion on the seat of his dominion.1* 48 mnm.ib.yp'.Ib'l. 'What foe (then) rises against Baal, jrt.bkb.'rpt '(what) enemy against the rider on the clouds?' 49 [v]'n.glmm.y'nyn. [And] the pages did answer (and) gave reply: lib.yp' (50) Ib'l. 'No foe14 rises against Baal,

D 29: the departure of the messengers is not related xxix 3 xciii 4. (cp. 4 v 104-105) * The form is 3 masc. sing, perfect Gt and the 37 titmll: the reading is uncertain (Herdner iltmlh; -« is enclitic. The meaning 'muzzle' (which Dahood Virolleaud fl&m[-]A) also finds in Hebr. in Ps. Ixviii 23) is based on an 38-44 are written on the rounded bottom edge of the equation with Arab, labama, which ought to give sbm tablet in Ugar. and is in any case prob. denominative from 40: cp. 6 vi 50 the noun iibdmu (Barr). 43: for to (Virolleaud) Herdner suggests ksp, which * Cp. Isa. xxvii i. makes the verb difficult to translate r Cp. Ps. Ixxiv 13 Revel, xiii i. 45 k'f[r] (cp. Herdner); Virolleaud vfyr * An attendant monster of Yam mentioned also 46: in Adnh both ti and d have four vertical wedges in 6 vi 50 but otherwise unknown. 48: this and several other lines in col. iv finish on the * Meaning 'the quarrelsome one' (cp. Arab. edge of the tablet 'ataka 'rushed to attack'). 49 [»]*» (Cassuto) or [y]'n (Virolleaud) 11 Meaning 'fire'. 11 Meaning perhaps 'flame' (Hebr. iabib); but cp. 1 Or 'on, in her'. Baal Zebub (2 Kgs. i 2). 1 Cp. Ezek. xxi u. 11 Cp. 2 i 19. * See further on this passage p. 7. u Cp. I iv 24-25 2 iv 12-13. 4 Possibly 'god of the great (waters)'; cp. Ps. 14 Cp. Ps. hoxix 23. THE PALACE OF BAAL (3 D) SI frt.hkb.'rpt '(no) enemy against the rider on the clouds. 51 thm.dllyn.b'l. The message of mightiest Baal, hwt.dlty($2)qrdm. 'the word of the mightiest of heroes (is this): qryy.bdrs.mlhmt Tut an offering of loaves in the earth, 53 st.b'p[T\m.ddym. 'set mandrakes in the ground, sk.!lm(s4)lkbd.dn. 'pour a peace-offering in the heart of the earth, drbdd.lkbd.idm 'honey from a pot in the heart of the fields. 55 [h]/A.[W^- 'Make haste! be resolute! hurry on! 'my.p'nk (56) [tls]mn. 'Let your feet [run] towards me, []my.twth.iidk 'let your legs hasten towards me. 57 [,ly.]wdrgfflk. '[For I have a tale] that I would tell you, hwt (58) [witnyk.] 'a word [that I would repeat to you], [rgm.]'?.uilhit(s<))[lbn.] '[a tale] of tree(s) and a whisper [of stone(s)], []'.»tf[m.] '[a tale that] mankind [does not know], [wlt]fo (60) [hmlU]K. '[nor do the multitudes of] earth understand, [tint. 5mm. fm.4]rt '[the sighing of the heavens to] the earth, 61 thmt.fmn.kbkbm.] 'of the oceans [to the stars]. f [dbn.brq](62)(/U[d .Smm.] '[I understand lightning] which [the heavens] do not [know]. [4tm.wdnk](63)^[yh.] '[Come and I myself] will search [it] out [btk.yry.ll.jpn '[within] my rock El Zephon, 64 bq[&.tyr.nh]lty 'in (my) holy [place, in the rock of] my heritage.' 65 wt[n].btlt.[']nt. And the virgin Anat [answered], «6(66)[ybmt.]amm. [the sister-in-law] of peoples replied: [d]n.i^ (67) \bh&].mlhmt[.] 'Shall even I put an offering of loaves [in the earth], [45]f.ft>m(68)ddym[.'] '[shall I] set mandrakes in the ground, a^[.§lm.]/W.(Jrj 'shall I pour [a peace-offering] in the heart of the earth, 69 [r]m.Jflfym. 'I shall set mandrakes [in] the ground, dsk(74)ilm.lkb[d].dwf. 'I shall pour a peace-offering in the heart of the earth, dr bdd (75) /AW./[d]m. 'honey from a pot in the heart of the fields. dp. mtn. rgmm (76) drgmn. 'Also, one more thing11 will say:'nn.ilm 'Go, go, lackeys of the gods. 77 dtm.bftm.wdn.fat 'While you delay I2 do quit 78 tyr.lrhq.Um. 'Ughar3 for the most distant of gods, inbb (79) hhq.ilnym. 'Inbab3 for the most distant of ghosts, in. mtpdm (80) M. 'nt. (iry. 'two layers beneath the wells of earth,

55-64: cp. C 15-27 1 Lit. 'the repetition of words'. Alternatively 65-66 Virolleaud (who however reads tk(S6)pnh. a fading too in front of her. She scooped up water and washed (herself), 87 tl.imm.smn.drs. dew of heaven (and) oil of earth, tl.!m[m.t]skh dew that the heavens poured upon her, Wrbb.nskhkbkbm. showers that the stars did pour upon her. 89 ttpp.dnhbm. She set off her beauty with the murex, .W[.zuh.bym] [whose source] is a thousand tracts away [in the sea], 3 9o/'[- ] with dew [ ] . . (a. 15 ft) . . E

[wn.ln](i*)[bt].l[b'] '[But there is not a house] for [Baal like the gods], [whzr](i)&n.[atrt.] '[nor a court] like the sons of [Athirat]. [](2)inA. '[The dwelling of El] is his son's [shelter];4 mftb.rbt.itrt.ym] '[the dwelling of dame Athirat of the sea] 3 mtb.pdr\] 'is the dwelling of Pidray [daughter of mist], [m?ll](4).%.i/.r[b.] '[the shelter] of Tallay daughter of showers, [mtb.iiisy](s)bt.y'bdr[.] '[the dwelling of Arsay] daughter of , [mtb.klt](6)ftnyf. '[the dwelling of] the noble [brides].' toi'nf.btlt.'nt] And [the virgin Anat] answered: 7[.iA>y] The bull El [my father] will attend to me, 8] 'he will attend to me and [I will tell] him (what I shall do).

Col. v 9 [ms\i.l]mfh.nn.k{mr.ldrs 'I shall [surely] drag him like a lamb to the ground, 5 10 [mk].tbth.dmm. '[I shall make] his grey hairs [run] with blood, ibt.dqnh (i i) [mm'm]. 'the grey hairs of his beard [with gore],'l.kllm 'if he gives not Baal a house like the gods

84 ybnt error for or variant of ybmt (cp. C 9) 1 A reference to El's abode, described more fully 85 mrlA: cp. mrA (4 v 107; see also at 4 vi 41-42) in E I4ff. as being within a mountainous massif at a 87: phrase perhaps omitted after Arf (cp. B 39-40); mysterious place (the navel of the earth?) where the {m[m.t]skh: cp. B 40 waters beneath the earth meet those above the 88: the final word-divider is doubtful firmament and where also they gush forth to feed the 89: cp. B 43 seas and rivers. i*-8 comprise the reverse of the small fragment 1 Or 'Across a thousand tracts . . . Baal sighted'. mentioned at B 42 * There is not room in the following lacuna for i*-6: cp. 46-52 and with a change of order 4 i 10-19 the performance of Anat's rite or the imparting of the iv 30-57 secret of the lightning (or its creation); when the 6 Virolleaud text resumes Baal is already complaining about having 7-8: cp. 17 vi 42-43; [drgm] (Gordon) or [dtb] (De no palace. Moor) 4 See p. 5 note 2. 9: cp. 6 v 4 10-11: cp. 32-33 6 Cp. i Kgs. ii 9. THE PALACE OF BAAL (3 D, E) S3 12 (whz]r.kbn.dtrt[.] '[and a] court like the sons of Athirat.' [tdVfo'n (13) [wtr.%. [She planted] (her) feet and the earth [did quake];1 M[k.lttn.p]nm then [indeed she set] (her) face 14 [fm.l]l.m6fc «/»r[m.] [towards] El at the source(s) of the rivers,* [qr]6.[4p]9(i5)[thm]/m. [amid the springs of the] two [oceans] ;* tgl.*(A.]l(l.] she penetrated the mountain(s) of El4 wfW(i6)[qr]/.m[l]JUb[.5nm.] and entered [the massif]5 of the king, father [of years]8 mjr (17) [t]b£.£drn. she entered the mountains qn[-]4[-]nH" [ 1 7 18 qft.>*K]-Mfl] •<***• The bull [El] her father heard her voice; [- - -]1 (19) bib't.hdrm. [ ] from the seven chambers, [bt]mn[t.ap](2o)i£rt. [through] the eight [entrances] of the closed room *H.[-M---]*[ i I J 21 '».&[ ] he did look [ ] 22 '&».<[ ] above [ ] 23 //>'n.£[m]m[ ] at the feet of the pages [ ] 24 mM.dn[—]sn[ ] much [ ] 25 mt.flmJ/tf[.§hrr]t Shapash, the luminary of the gods [did glow hot], 26 M.f»rm[.]by[]t the heavens were wearied8 by the hand [of divine* Mot]. 27 vit'n.btlt.'n[t.] And the virgin Anat spoke: [bnt.]bfc (28) A.y/ffl. '[(In) the building of] your mansion, o El, 6nl[.]W[tk].d[l.tSH 'in the building of [your] mansion do not [rejoice], 29 [.] 'lest I seize them with my [right hand], 10 [--->[-] (31) bsdlt.drkty(.] '[ ] by the might of my long arm, am[ ]\(i2)qdqdk. '(lest) I [ ] your crown, dlplk.!bt[\a.dmm] 'make [your] grey hairs run [with blood], 33 fi/.


Col. vi . . (ca. 10 //.) . . i[ ]b '( ] *( rjttfc '[ ] your head 3 [ ]bn 'nkm '[ ] between your eyes 4[ ]db '[ ] a thousand 5 [--~-]ym.rbt '[ ] the sea, ten thousand 6 [—]bnhrm '[ ] through the rivers. 5 7£b]r.gbl.'br(S)ql. '[Cross] over Byblos, cross over Keilah, 'br.iht (9) np hnm. 'cross over the islands of "Noph of the heavens".* bnfr(io)ldgy.dtrt 'Start away, o fisherman of Athirat,

35-36: cp. 18 i 16-17 words are conventional; perhaps Athtart, Baal's 35-37: these lines transgress the margin with col. iv consort, was present with Anat. Note dual suffixes. 36-37 Virolleaud 4 Assuming that El has recognized Baal after his 45 Artyi error for dryh (cp. 4 iv 50) defeat of Yam (in a missing portion of CTA 2 or in a 47-52: cp. i»-6 lost following tablet); alternatively 'who created him' 7, 8, 11: note / with four vertical wedges (n); cp. Deut. xxxii 6 where both ideas are present. 1 Or (ironically) 'gentle'. 1 In Palestine (i Sam. xxiii i). * Cp. Ps. xcv 3 Isa. xxxiii 22. ' Noph is another name for Memphis, the islands 1 Hardly here as in 4 iv 45 Athirat, unless the being therefore those on the Nile delta. THE PALACE OF BAAL (3 E, F; 4 i) SS 11 mg.lqdi. (vf)dmrr 'proceed, o Qodesh-and-Amrur. 12 ldk.dl.ttn(\$pnm 'Then of a truth do you set (your) face tk.hqkpt(n)tt.klh. 'towards all broad Memphis,1 kptr(i$)kd.tbth. '(towards) Kptr* the throne on which he sits, hkpt(i6)drf.nhlth 'Memphis the land of his heritage.* 17 bdlp.Sd.rbt(i8)krm. Traversing a thousand tracts, ten thousand spaces, lp'n.kt(t)(ig)h\)T.wql. 'do homage at the feet of Kothar, and fall down, tSth (20) ioy.wkbd.hiet 'prostrate yourself and do honour to him; 21 wrgm. Iktr (22) whss. 'and tell to Kothar-and-Khasis, tny.Ui(2i)yn. dhri jdm 'repeat to Heyan,* skilled worker by hand:* 24 thm.dl[\yn.b'\] ' "The message of mightiest [Baal], 25 h[wt.aliy.qrdm] ' "the word [of the mightiest of warriors (is this)]: . . (ca2oll.) . .

4 Col i . . (ca. 20II.) . . «[ 1 [ } «[ ]y ( } 3l 1 [ ] 4 [any.lys]h.

it: cp. 4 iv 8, 13 etc. 1 Tell Am. Akk. (aI)Vi-ku-up-ta-ab, 'the city of 13 bqkpt error for or variant of ftkpt (15) Ptah', the Egyptian god of craftsmen. The phrase 24-25: cp. C lo-n D 51-52 means lit. 'Memphis of El, all of it'; cp. C 26 4 i 4-13: cp. iv 47-52 3 E 43-47 3iff. 17 vi 23. 6-7: there is room for two lines here, but only one can 1 The syntax makes it unlikely that Kptr is the have been inscribed, since the restorations are not same as biblical Caphtor, usually identified with in doubt Crete. * Cp. Exod. xv 17 3 C 27 4 viii 13-14. 1 17: cp. iv 55 See p. 10 note 5. 19: this and several other lines transgress the margin 1 Lit. 'craftsman, skilled with two hands'. with col. ii • Or 'mistress*. 56 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 26 yfq.ksp.yilfa) h.hrf. he smelted silver, he plated gold, yfq.ksp(z$)ldlpm. he smelted silver into thousands (of pieces), hr;.3^(29) m.Irbbt he smelted gold into ten thousands (of pieces), 30 ysq.hym.wtbth he smelted a and a couch, 31 kt.ll.dt.rbtm a divine1 pedestal from twice ten thousand (pieces), 32 a divine pedestal coated with silver, 33 hrtrgt.bdm.hrf overlaid with veneer of gold, a divine seat with a rest at (its) back, hdm.U(^)dprsd.bbr a divine footstool whose was 37 nl.ll.d.qblbl divine sandals, thonged ones,2 38 'ln.yblhm.hrs which he furnished on top with gold,3 39 a divine table whose surface4 he did fill 40 mnm.dbbm.d (41) msdt.drt with creeping species from the depths* of the earth, 42 f'.il.dqt.kdmr a divine bowl whose handle was (shaped) as (in) Amurru6 43 sknt.khwt.ymdn (and whose) appearance was as the land of Ym'an, 44 dbh.rumm.lrbbt where are wild-oxen by the ten thousands.7

Col. ii . . (ca.i6ll.) . . i[-]b[ ] i ] 2 l$n[ -J on a stone [ J 3 4#.iftft[.bydh] she did grasp her spindle [in her hand], 4 plk.t'lt.bymnh the spindle of (her) high-estate in her right hand; 5 npynh.mks.birh (she carried) her garments, the covering of her flesh, 6 tmt'.mdh.bym. she carried her robe into the sea, in (7) npynh.bnhrm her two garments into the rivers;8 8 ht.hptrM she did place a cauldron on the fire, 9 hbrt.lzr.pkmm a pot upon the coals, 10 t' (as) she fluttered (her eyelids) at the bull, kindly god, 11 tgzy.bny.bnwt (and) winked at the creator of creatures.9 12 bnit.'tih.tvtphn Lifting her eyes, Athirat perceived, 13 hlk.b'l.dttrt(i4)kt'n. she surely sighted the coming of Baal, hlk.btlt(i$)'nt[.] the coming of the virgin Anat, tdrq.ybmt(i6) pimm]. the speedy approach of the sister-in-law [of peoples]. bh.p'nm (17) [ttt.] At that (her) feet [stamped],

33 /wg/ (Albright) or *»w^/ (Virolleaud; cp. Hebr. 1 Lit. 'above he did bring them out (as) gold'. mdrflA 'rubbed, smeared') * Lit. 'which'. ' Lit. 'foundations'. 35 if error for // (cp. 31. 32. 34 etc.) 4 Less likely in view of the parallelism 'like a 40 [ ] [ ] 2 [ ]dn [ ] 3l ^ [ 1

4t ]»•» r 6 i 5 [ ]^->w '[ ] let him not escape

1 18 pn/> error for fm/» 21 : cp. 23 Lit. 'Are my smiters the smiters of etc. ?' 1 24-25: cp. 19 196-197, 201-202; [rfftrt: cp. 3 E 45 Or 'Athirat surely sighted ...' 9 26[?l]:cp. 27 Infin. absol. or basic verbal form (3 masc. sing, 27:cp. 132 29:cp. viissetc. perf.). 30 dp t (Herdner) or dpt[(i] (Bauer) 'I shall open'; at 4 Perhaps a technical term for a dragnet. the end perhaps insert the vocative / (3 F 10) 5 Anat is speaking as they approach Athirat and 32-33 De Moor (cp. 3 F 10-11 4 iv 16-17) referring probably to any enemy of Baal; there is no 34-35: cp. 3 D 35-36; a verb meaning 'cast' is need to seek an allusion to Mot (Cassuto) or to Yam required (Ginsberg) (Caster). 40-41 Gordon [rbt] (41) dtr[t.ym] 58 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 6 [ ]ysdk. '[ ] your foundation 7 [. ]r.dr.dr '[ ] for evermore 8 [ ]yk.wrhd '[ ] ; • . 9 [-- -]yilm.dmlk '[ ] o god, possessor of kingship1.' 10 y[t]b.dliyn.b'l Mightiest Baal replied, 11 yt'dd.rkb.'rpt the rider on the clouds responded, (saying): 12 [--].ydd.vyglfn '[ ] they stood up and abased me, 13 yqm.wyvtptn. 'they2 arose and spat upon me btk(i4)p[h] 'amid the assembly of the sons of the gods.3 !U(i$)p[--].btlhny. '[ ] was set on my table, qlt (16) bks.titynh 'disgrace in the cup from which I drank. 17'l. 'Truly (there are) two sacrifices Baal hates, tlt(i8)rkb.'rpt. 'three4 the rider on the clouds5— dbh (19) bit.wdbh.wdbh (20) dnt. 'a sacrifice of shame and a sacrifice of meanness wdbh. tdmm (21) dmht 'and a sacrifice where handmaids debauch;' kbh'.btt.ltbt 'for therein shameful conduct is indeed seen 22 wbh.tdmmt.dmht 'and therein the debauchery of handmaids.' 23 dhr.mgy.dliytt.b'l Afterwards mightiest Baal did arrive 24 mgyt.btlt.'nt (and) the virgin Anat did arrive; 25 tmgnn.rbt[.tyrtym they importuned dame Athirat of the sea, 26 tfczyn.qnyt Urn entreated the creatress of the gods. 27 wt'n.rbt.dtrt ym And dame Athirat of the sea answered: 28 Ik. tmgnn. rbt (29) dtrt .ym. 'How should you importune dame Athirat of the sea, tjgyn (30) qnyt.ttm. 'entreat the creatress of the gods? mgntm (31) tr. tt. dpld. 'Have you importuned the bull, kindly god, hm.gztm (32) bny.bnwt 'or entreated the creator of creatures?" wt'n(H)btlt.'nt. And the virgin Anat answered: nmgn (34) [u]«.rbt.dtrt.ym 'We will importune (our) mother dame Athirat of the sea, 35 [nk]?.qnyt.ilm '[we] will entreat the creatress of the gods; 36 [ahr].nmgn.hwt '[thereafter] we will entreat him.' U[--].dUyn.b'l Mightiest Baal [ ] 38 [--]rbt.dtrt.ym dame Athirat of the sea [ ] 39 [- - -]btlt .'nt the virgin Anat [ ] 40 []h«.tf/y(4i)[ilm.] [while the gods] ate (and) drank, [wtp]q.«r£m(42)[td.] [and they were supplied] with a suckling [of the teat]; [bhrb.m]/A/.#(43)[mrl.] [with] a salted [knife] they did carve [a falling]; [tSty .k]r/»»m .yn [they drank] flagons of wine 44 [wbks. hrs. dm]. 'an [and from cups of gold the blood] of trees' . . (gapof7//.j . . 52 [ J'/n [ ] 53 [ ]/« [ J

6: note the final word-divider The phrase is used of Athtar earlier (2 iii 12,18). jo Herdner 12: perhaps [dm] (cp. 17) Lit. 'one' (indef.). 14 Virolleaud Cp. Ps. xxix i Ixxxix 7 Job i 6 ii i xxxviii 15 Caster p[gIt] 'foul meat' (cp. Hebr. piggtil) 7; Iternatively 'of El'. 19 dittography of wdbh Cp. Prov. vi i6ff. 34 Caster 35: cp. 29, 31 See at 2 iv 8. 36 Caster Cp. Mishna Aboth ii 7 ('more maids (means) 40-44: cp. vi 55-59 iv 36-38 more lewdness'). 41 [wtp]q (Bauer) or [tup]q (Virolleaud) 1 Cp. Gen. xlix 11 Deut. xxxii 14 i Mace, vi 34. THE PALACE OF BAAL (4 iii, iv) 59 Col iv . . (ca. 12II.) . . ( ](i)

i Herdner 1 This passage hardly elucidates Zech. ix 9; the 2-3 Herdner (cp. 8 and ii 31-33) donkey was the usual means of transport in the 2 mill. 4-7: cp. 9-12 8: cp. 13 B.C. and not specifically a mount of royalty. 29: this and several other lines are continued on the * Cp. 2 i 32. edge of the tablet 3 Or 'smoothed his forehead" (Caquot and Sznycer 31-32: cp. iii 29-30 34 vi's[t]: cp. wt&t (33) citing an unpublished text). 6o CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS bk(s).hrf($)dm.'sm. 'the blood of trees from cups of gold. km .yd. U mlk (39) yhssk. 'Or does affection for El the king move you, t'rtk 'love of the bull rouse you?1 40 wt'n.rbt.dtrtym And dame Athirat of the sea answered:1 41 'Your decree, El, is wise, hkmk.U2)'m'lm. 'your wisdom is everlasting. hyt.hzt(4$)thmk. 'A life of good fortune is your decree. ntlkn.'dUy[n.]b'l 'Mightiest Baal is our king, 44'lnh 'our judge and there is none who is over him. 45 %n.?[$]h[.]»[bln] 'We two [would carry] his chalice, 46 klnyn[.n] 'we two would carry his cup. 47 [*n]y[.]\ il.dbh '[(Yet) groaning] he indeed cries out to the bull El his father, 48 [l}\.mlk.dyknnh. 'to El the king who installed him, yfh (49) btrt.wbnh. 'he cries out to Athirat and her sons, tit.Wfbrt($o)byh. 'to Elat and the company of her kinsfolk:\ (51) km Urn. ' "But there is not a house for Baal like the gods whzr.kbn.dtrt ' "nor a court like the sons of Athirat. 52 mtbilmzll.bnh ' "The dwelling of El is his son's shelter; 53 mtb rbt.dtrt.ym ' "the dwelling of dame Athirat of the sea 54 mtb.AA[.]*»y/ ' "is the dwelling of the noble brides, 55 ' "the dwelling of Pidray daughter of mist, 56 mzll.tly[.]btrb ' "the shelter of Tallay daughter of showers, 57 mtb.drs(y).bty'bdr ' "the dwelling of Arsay daughter of "' 58 w/a ///»« // & And Latipan kindly god answered: 59 p'bd.dn.'nn.dtrt 'So I am a slave, a lackey of Athirat, 60 p'bd.dnk.dhdMt 'so I am a slave to handle the trowel, 61 hm.dmt.dtrt.tlbn(62)lbnt. 'seeing Athirat is a slave-girl to mould the bricks!2'l 'Let a house be built for Baal

Col. v (63) ^w //«. like the gods whzr.kbn.dtrt 'and a court like the sons of Athirat.' 64 wt'n.rbt.dtrtym And dame Athirat of the sea answered : 65 rbt.ilm.lhkmt 'You are great,3 El, you are indeed wise, 66 sbt.dqnk.ltsrh 'the grey hairs of your beard indeed instruct you4 67 rhntt.d[-].Urtk ' to your breast. 68 tu» dp.'dn.mtrh 'Now at last5 Baal may appoint 69 b'l.y'dn. 'a time for his rain, 'dn.&t.bglt 'a time for (his) barque (to appear) in the snow6 70 wtn.qUi.b'rpt 'and for the sounding of his voice in the clouds,7

17: cp. 5 iv 16 2 Cp. Gen. xi 3 Exod. v 7. fS-4?:cp. 3 E4I-43 3 Or 'aged' (cp. Job xxxii 9). 17: cp. i 19 4 Cp. Ps. cv 22 16 vi 26. >3, 69: these lines are continued on the edge of the 5 Lit. 'And moreover'. tablet • The white snow clouds are pictured as Baal's >7: perhaps rjtnt {/n Alternatively 'waves' or 'tempest' (N. Hebr. gala! 'boiled'). 7 Cp. 2 Sam. xxii (Ps. xviii) 14 Ps. xlvi 7 Jer. x 1 See on the following lines at 3 E 38ff. 13 Joel ii 11 ANET p. 484 (El-Amarna letter). THE PALACE OF BAAL (4 iv, v) 61 71 bh.ldrs.brqm 'for htm to release1 (his) lightnings on the earth. 72 bt.drzm.ykllnh '(Is it) a house of cedars?1 He may complete it. 73'msnh 'Or a house of bricks? He may construct it. 74 ^yrSm • MUyn VI 'Let it indeed be told to mightiest Baal: 75 fh.hrn.bbhmk ' "Call a caravan into your mansion, 76 ''Sbi.bqrb.hklk ' "(building) wares within your palace; 77 tblk.grm.mid.ksp ' "the rocks shall yield you much silver, 78 gb'm.mhmd.hrs ' "the hills the choicest of gold, 79 yblk.&dr.llqsm ' "they shall yield you the noblest of gems; 80 wbn.bht.ksp.whrs ' "and (so) build a mansion of silver and gold, 81 bht.thrm.iqnim ' "a mansion of brilliant stones (and) lapis-lazuli" ' 82 Smh.btlt.'nt. The virgin Anat did rejoice,* td'f (83) ^'rtffl. wtr.drs she planted (her) feet and the earth did quake; 84 ldk.lttn.pnm then indeed she set (her) face 85 'm.b'l.mrym.fpn towards Baal (in) the height(s) of Zephon, 86 a thousand tracts away, ten thousand spaces. 87 fhq.btlt.'nt The virgin Anat did laugh, t!u(%8)gh.wtsh. she lifted up her voice and cried: tbh b'l 'Be gladdened, Baal! 89 bhtk.yblt. 'I have brought you glad tidings.4 y$]n(<)o} 'A house shall be built for you like your brothers whzr(gi)km.dryk. 'and a court like your kinsfolk. fh.hrn(<)2)bbhtk. 'Call a caravan into your mansion, '3bt.bqrb(92)hklk. '(building) wares within your palace; tblk.grm (94) «W.&/>. 'the rocks shall yield you much silver, gb'm.mhmd. (95) Arj. 'the hills the choicest of gold; wbn.bht.ksp( ^W«n ^rm .mid.ksp the rocks yielded him much silver, 101 ^i'm lhmd.hrs the hills the choicest of gold, 102 yblnn.Mr llqpn they yielded him the noblest of gems. 103 y(l)dA./fer.o)AiJ He summoned Kothar-and-Khasis. 104 w<^ /ffupr. .ktldkn And again recite: When the pages 105 }/mm were sent*

106 dhr.mgy.ktr.iohss Afterwards Kothar-and-Khasis did arrive; 107 st.dlp.qdmh. they did set an ox before him, mrd (108) wtk.pnh. a falling too in front of him; t'db.ksti(i09)u)yttb. they made ready a seat and he was seated

1 75 Wrotfc error for 6^fA (cp. 92) Cp. Job xxxvii 3. 94: note the final word-divider * Cp. z Sam. vii 2. 7. 95: phrase omitted (cp. 79, 102) * Infin. absol. or basic verbal form (3 masc. sing, 101 //imrf error for w/im]t.bbhtm 'Do not put a lattice in the mansion, 9 A/n.fy[]/m 'a window in the midst of the palace, 10[.pdt]y.btdr 'lest [Pidray] daughter of mist escape,3 11 [-]ht[-tl]y.*f.r* '[(lest) Tallay] daughter of showers [ ], 12 [ m]dd.tiym '(lest) the darling of El, Yam4 [ ] 13 [ ]qto- '[ ] did abase me *pto 04) [ J 'did spit (upon me) [ ]' vy'n.ktr (15) [whss.] And Kothar-[and-Khasis] answered: ttb.b'l.lhwty 'You will come back to my word(s), Baal." 16 [hL]bhth.tbnn [Quickly] his mansion was built, 17 [}\l.]trmm.hklk [quickly] his palace was raised. no: cp. vi 55 12 :cp. 3D 35-36 m: cp. 125 16-17 IK)or I'M (CP- v »5-"6) 112 De Moor (cp. 2 iii 7-8); Avishur [ttf.]b[htm.ktr] 113-116: cp. a iii 7-10 1 Cp. Ps. ex i. 113 A[in] (De Moor) or k[tr] (Herdner) J Perfect with jussive sense. 123: cp. vi 5 3 Cassuto, who thinks that Mot is already im- 126-127: cp. 123-124 vi 8-9 plicated in the plot (see at iii 5) compares Jer. ix 20; i: cp.v 120 but there is no definite reference to the daughters 2: cp. 15 being abducted. 5-6: cp. v 123-124 4 I.e. the chaos waters may break through; cp. io-n:cp. iv 55-56 Gen. vii n. THE PALACE OF BAAL (4 v, vi) 63 18 y[t\]k.llbnn.w'sh Men went to Lebanon and its trees, 19 l^i\yn.mkmd.drzh to Sirion1 (and) its choicest cedars; 20 h[- - l]bnn.w'fh they did [ ] Lebanon and its trees, 21 i[r]yn.mhmd.drzh Sirion (and) its choicest cedars. 22 th.lit.bbhtm Fire was set in the mansion, 23 nb\l]dt. bhklm flames in the palace. 24 hn[.]ym.wtn. Behold! a day and a second tlkl(2s)Ut[.]bbhtm. the fire consumed in the mansion, nbldt(26)bhk[\]m. the flames in the palace. tlt.kb' ym A third, a fourth day 27 tik\[.\]lt.bbhtm the fire consumed in the mansion, 28 nbtt[t.]bhklm the flames in the palace. 29 hm$.t[)dliyn.b'l. Mightiest Baal did rejoice, (saying): (b)htybnt(tf)dt.k$p. 'I have built my mansion of silver, hkly[.}dtm($)hr;. 'my palace of gold.' 'dbt.bht[h.b']I(w)ydb. Baal put his mansion in order,2 hd.'db[.'d]bt(io)hklh. Hadad did put his palace in order. tbh.dlpm[.ty] (4i)««. He did slay oxen, [also] sheep, ty/.

1 18 Virolleaud A name of Hermon and the Anti-Lebanon range 19: cp. 21 20: cp. 18 (Deut. iii 9); cp. Ps. xxix 6. 1 23:cp. 25 Lit. 'prepared the preparation(s) of. 1 26 kb' error for rb' Conventional for a large but indeterminate 3i:cp. 45 32: cp. 17116 number (Exod. i 5 Judg. ix 5 2 Kgs. x i). In the 33: this line transgresses the margin with col. v Hittite myth of Elkunirsa Ashertu (Athirat) has 36: cp. viii 35 seventy seven or eighty eight sons. 39 Ginsberg * Alternatively 'he did supply the ram gods with 40-43: cp. 22 B 12-14 wine etc.', the deities being specified according to 42 mrid: cp. mrl (22 B 13; see also at 3 D 85) their functions in presiding over the natural order 44: cp. V9i (Caster), i.e. the livestock (//. 47-50), the civil 47-50. 52. 54 Virolleaud (cp. 51, 53) authorities (II. 51-52) and the vintage (//. 53-54). 64 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 51 ipq.ilm.khtm.yn he did supply the gods with seats (and) with wine, 52 ipq.Wa.ktdt[.yv] he did supply the goddesses with thrones [(and) with wine], 53 tyq-ilm.rhbtyn he did supply the gods with tuns of wine, 54 ipq.ilkt.dbtf.yn] he did supply the goddesses with casks [of wine], 55 'd.lhm.ity.ttm while the gods did eat (and) drink, 56 and they were supplied with a suckling of the teat; 57 bhrb.mlht.qf[.m]r (58) i. with a salted knife they did carve a failing; tity.krp[nm.y]n they drank flagons of wine, 59 [bk]s.jjrs.d[m.'sm] the blood [of trees from] cups of gold. 60 [ ]« [ J 6i[ •]« [ ] 62 [ •]« [ ] 63 [ ]n [ ] 64 [ -]k [ ] . . (ca.iL) , .

Col. vii (ca. 1l.)

1 [ 1]qnlm]..] '[ ] lapis-lazuli 2 [ -]Wyn.b'l '[ ] mightiest Baal 3 [ ]k.mddll '[ ] the darling of £1, 4 ^[m ]lzr.qdqdh 'Yam [ ] on top of his crown1.' 5 ll[m.]rhq.b£r The gods did withdraw from the rock, 6 km.y['-]ilm.bfpn like [ ] the gods (did withdraw) from Zephon. 7 'dr./['r].Vm He* did march from [city] to city, 8 tb.lpd[r.]pdrm he did turn from town to town; 9 tt.lttm.dhd.'r he did seize six and sixty cities, 10 Sb'm.ib'.pdr seventy-seven towns; 11 tmnym.b'l.[ ] Baal did [ ] eighty, 12 tl'm.b'l.mi[-] Baal did [ j ninety. 13 6km[.']rbA'/.fyrb(i4)fo. Forthwith Baal did enter into the house; w/n.<%n(i5)6'/[.] and mightiest Baal spoke: ditm.ktr bn(i(>)ym. 'I will put (it in), Kothar, this very day, ktr.bnm.'dt 'Kothar, this very hour.3 17 ypth.hln.bbhtm 'Let a window be opened in the mansion, 18 trbt.bqrb.[h]kl(i<))m. 'a lattice in the midst of the palace, ioy[p]th.bdqt.'rpt 'and let a rift be opened (in) the clouds,

57-59 :cp-J»42-44 iv 36-38 as some suppose, the final stage in the defeat of Yam; i: cp.v 81 more probably we have a statement celebrating that 4: cp. vi 12 triumph spoken at the feast by Baal himself or by one 5 tt[m]: cp. 6; possibly il[m.y]rjiq of the other gods present. 7 dr error for 'br (Caster; cp. 2 Chron. xxx 10); * Sc. Baal; cp. with this passage the descriptions /fr]: cp. 8 of Yahweh of hosts marching from Sinai in Deut. 13: cp. 42; De Moor bt[.'rb] xxxiii 2 Judg. v 4-5 Ps. Ixviii 8-9, 18-19. 16 bnm.'dt or (Caquot and Sznycer) bn.m'dt (Hebr. 5 Lit. 'on the day, appointed time'; with the mffld) parallelism cp. Jer. xlvi 21 Ezek. vii 7. Less likely, 19: cp. 17 since the titles are not found elsewhere, 'son of the sea', 'son of the confluence (of waters)' (see apparatus), 1 It is hardly likely that these few lines describe, referring to Kothar-and-Khasis. THE PALACE OF BAAL (4 vi, vii) 65 20 '/h[wt].&r.K>Aw 'according to the [word(s)] of Kothar-and-Khasis.' 21 shq.ktr.whss Kothar-and-Khasis did laugh, 22 >&[.]£h[.]wyiA he lifted up his voice and cried: 23 Irgmt.Ik.Mil (24)yn.b'\. 'Did I not tell you, o mightiest Baal, ttbn.b'l(2$)lhwty. '(that) you would come back, Baal, to my word(s).' ypth.h(2(>)ln.bbhtm. Baal opened a window in the mansion, irb/(27)6yr6.AA[lm.] a lattice in the midst of the palace, [yp]tf (28) b'l.bdqt[.'rp]t [he] opened a rift [(in) the clouds]. 29 gft.ri.OTl.yJfti Baal uttered his holy voice,1 30 yny.4/f[it.S]p//i Baal repeated the [issue] of his lips; 31 qlh.q[d$.t]r.irs (he uttered) his [holy] voice [(and)] the earth did quake,1 32 [sit.Spth.j^rm. [(he repeated) the issue of his lips (and)] the rocks (did quake); 3 t^»(33)rMm- v-](34) peoples afar off were dismayed [ ] qdmym. the peoples of the east;4 bmt.tys] (35) «/n. the high places of the earth6 shook.' lb.V\.t{hd($)y'rm. The foes of Baal clung to7 the forests, !ni.hd.gpt(p)$r. the enemies of Hadad to the hollows of the rock.8 wy'n.dUyn (38) 5'/. And mightiest Baal spoke: ib.hdl.lm.ths 'Foes of Hadad, why are you dismayed,' 39 lm.thf.ntq.dmrn 'why are you dismayed at the weapons of Dwrn10? 40 'n.b'l.qdm.ydh '(Is it because) the eye of Baal outstrips11 his hand 41 kt£2 .drz .bymnh 'when the "cedar"12 is brandished in his right hand?1 42 bkm.ytb.b'l.lbhth Forthwith Baal did sit down13 in his mansion (and spoke): 43 umlkMl.mlk 'Will (anyone else), whether king or commoner,14 44 dr$.drkt(y}ystkn 'occupy for himself15 the land of (my) dominion? 45 dll.dl.ildk.lbn(^) 'I will of a truth send a courier to divine1' Mot •dd(.]lydd(u)ti.tzr. 'a herald to the hero beloved of El yqrd. mt (48) £«/>/A. '(to ask) that Mot invite (him) into his throat,

20 '/ h[wt] (Herdner; cp. vi 15) or 'lp[km] (De Moor a. 1 Cp. I iv 3 Ps. Ixv 9 Isa. xxxiii 13. Ginsberg) 4 Cp. Job xviii 20. 27-28: cp. 19 I Cp. Deut. xxxii 13 Amos iv 13 Mic. i 3. 29 Gaster • Cp. Ps. xcix i. 30 Gaster (cp. 16 i 35) ' Cp. Job xxxviii 13. 31-32: cp. 29-30; [t]r or [tet]r (cp. v 83) or (De Moor ' Cp. Isa. ii 10, 19. after Virolleaud's copy) [f]rr 'his holy voice made 1 An ironic question as in Ps. cxiv 5-6. the earth quake etc.' (D) 10 A name of Baal mentioned in PRU V no. i rev. 32: this line transgresses the margin with col. vi /. 7 and in Eusebius Praep. Evang. i 10, 37 (Zeus 33: cp. i iv3 Demarous). 34 Gaster; there is perhaps room for / or k at the end II Lit. 'is before', describing the speed or accuracy (De Moor) of his aim. 38 hdt possibly error for hdm (Driver) or hdd (Gordon; 12 Probably signifying the lightning or a thunder- cp. 9 rev. 6) or t is simply a scratch (De Moor) bolt; cp. the in Ugaritica II pi. xxiii, where Baal 42 Ibhth perhaps error for bbhth (cp. 2sff.) grasps a mace in his right hand and a stylised tree in 44: haplography his left. » Cp. Ps. ix 8 xxix 10. 14 Lit. 'not king'. Cp. 2 iii 22 (Athtar) Eshmunazar 1 See at v 70 above. inscr. /. 4. 1 Cp. (with different verbs) Judg. v 4 2 Sam. " Cp. 14 104, 192 Ps. Ixviii 17. xxii (Ps. xviii) 8 Ps. Ixviii 9 Ixxvii 19 xcvii 4. »• See at 3 E 26. 66 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS ystrn ydd (49) bgngnh. '(that) the beloved one hide him within himself.1 dhdy.dym (50) Ik.'I.Urn. '(For) I alone am he that is king over the gods,2 lymru (51) llm.wnsm. '(that) indeed fattens3 gods and men, dy!b(s2)£].hmlt.dr!. 'that satisfies4 the multitudes of the earth.' *».# (53) [!»]*•«•*>¥*• Baal surely cried aloud to his pages: '«(54)bpn]-"^- 'Look, [Gupn] and Ugar, btlmt($$)fmm.]ym. 'the daylight [is veiled] in obscurity, bn.zknt.r($(>)[']t[.] '[the exalted princess] (is veiled) in darkness, \br nrnt (57) [shrrm.] 'the [blazing] pinions of 5 (are veiled). []r/>/(58)[tht.] '[Flocks are circling round in] the clouds, [b§mm.fsnri'j/rt '[birds] are circling round [in the heavens] 59 [--glt.lsr---]m '[ I shall bind the snow ] 60 [brq ymtm -]h '[the lightning j . . (ca.7ll.) . . Col. viii 1 idk.dl.ttn.pnm 'Then of a truth do you set (your) faces 2 'm.$r.trj>zz 'towards the rock of Targhizizi,6 3 'm.jr.trmg 'towards the rock of Tharumagi,6 4 'm.tlm.£sr.drs 'towards the two hills bounding the earth. 5'l.ydm 'Lift up a rock on (your) two hands, 6 hlb.lzr.rhtm 'a wooded height7 on to (your) two palms, 7 hptt (8) drs. 'and go down (into) the house of "freedom"8 (in) the earth, (9) i dm. drs 'be counted with them that go down into the earth.8 10 idk.dl.ttn(u)pnm. 'Then of a truth do you set (your) faces {' '(towards divine Mot) tk.qrth(i2) hmry. 'within his city "Miry",10 mk.hd(i$tbth. 'where a pit11 is the throne on which he sits, hh..drs(i4)nhlth. 'filth12 the land of his heritage.13 wnfcr (15) 'nnMm. 'But watch, lackeys of the gods,

50 /ymni perhaps error for dymru (cp. 49, 51) the earth-encircling ocean and held up the firmament 52 Virolleaud 53-60: cp. 8 5-15 (cp. Job xxvi 10-11) and also, as here, marked the 54 b&lmt perhaps error for bn.&lmt (8 7) entrance to the underworld, is unknown; they are ii: cp. 5 ii 14 thought to be Hurrian. 13: note the double word-divider 7 For a possible parallelism cp. Ps. Ixxxi 17 ('wheat from the wooded height'). 1 Lit. 'in his heart, inside", prob. the same word ' A euphemism for the underworld; cp. 2 Kgs. at in 16 vi 26. Cp. Isa. v 14 Hab. ii 5 Prov. i 12 xv 5 where a similar phrase describes a leper house. Jon. ii 3. Cp. also 2 Sam. xxii (Ps. xviii) 5-6 Ps cxvi 3 Jon. * Cp. Ps. xcv 3. ii 7 of Sheol as a place of imprisonment. For other 1 Cp. Gen. xxvii 28 Ps. Ixv 12. euphemisms for the realm of the dead sec 5 vi 6-7. 4 Cp. Ps. ciii 5 cxlv 16 Job xxxviii 27 Isa. ' Cp. Ps. Ixxxviii 5 (with fiopli in the next verse). Iviii n. 10 Cp. 2 Sam. xxii 5 Ps. xl 3 Ixxxviii 7-8 Job * Apparently another term denoting the sun. The xxiv 19 (NEB) xxvi 5. passage is prob. simply a poetic description of the 11 Lit. 'a sunken place'; cp. Ps. Ixxxviii 5 Lam. setting sun and the coming of evening, though it is iii 55 etc. (bar) Ps. xvi 10 Isa. xxxviii 17 Job possible (see apparatus) to translate 'the sons of xxxiii 22 etc. (fafrat). obscurity, darkness have veiled etc.' and find a 12 So Ishtar, having descended to the nether- reference to attacks by Mot's henchmen (so also by world, finds everything covered with dust and the translating 'seized' in /. 35). denizens eating mud (ANET p. 107); cp. also Ps. 1 The pronunciation of these names, which denote xxx 10. the twin mountains or pillars which were founded in 11 Cp. Exod. xv 17 3 C 27 F 16. THE PALACE OF BAAL (4 vii, viii) 67 dl(ifytqrb.Um.ilm(\l)mt. '(that) you come not near to divine Mot, dl.y'dbkm (18) kimr.bph 'lest he make you like a lamb in his mouth,1 19 klli.btbrn(2o)qnh.thtdn '(and) you both be carried away like a kid in the breach of his windpipe. 21 nrt.llm.ty>/ (22) fhrrt. 'Shapash the luminary of the gods is glowing hot, Id (23) ilmm.byd.mdfa) 'the heavens are wearied by the hand of Mot the darling of the gods.* bd(2s)>)mn. Traversing a thousand tracts, ten thousand spaces, Ip' (27) hbr.wql 'do homage at the feet of Mot and fall down, 28 tHthwy.wk(2g)bdhwt. 'prostrate yourselves and do him honour, wrgm (30) /6n[.]// 'and tell to divine Mot, 31 tny.lydd(yi)iL^xr. 'repeat to the hero beloved of £1: thm(tf)dllyn.b'l ' "The message of mightiest Baal, 34 [hw]t.atfy.j(35)[rdm.] ' "[the word] of the mightiest of [warriors] (is this): bhtybnt($(>)[

48 [ ]t [ ] . . (w. i67/.) . .

E. [spt.l\m\]]y.nqmd.mlk.&i>rt [The scribe is Elimelek the] master, Niqmad (being) king of Ugarit.

34-35: cp. jC io-ii etc. Ugaritica V no. 4; cp. also 51 izff. 36-37 Herdner (cp. vi 36-38) E.:cp. i6viE. 47: the double line indicates that the journey of the messengers to Mot is omitted (cp. v 104-105) 48ff.: the reply of Mot to Baal begins here; a version 1 Cp. Ps. cxli 7. of the earlier part of this reply is preserved in 1 Cp. i iv20 (of Yam). Ironic? 3. BAAL AND MOT


Col. i 2»[pnSt.btl.t'n](i*)[lttnk.] '[Have you then forgotten, Baal, that I can surely transfix you], [ raa--k] '[ you], 1 ktmfff.ltn.btn.brh 'for all that you smote Leviathan the slippery serpent 2 tkly.btn.'qltn.[-] '(and) made an end of the wriggling serpent, 3 llyt.d.ib't.rMm 'the tyrant with seven heads?1 4 ttkh.ttrp.imm. 'The heavens will burn up (and) droop (helpless),2 krs(s) tpdk.dnk 'for I myself will crush you in pieces,3 tspl.utm (6) irqm.dmtm. 'I will eat (you) * (and) forearms.* lyrt(i) 'Indeed you must come down* into the throat of divine Mot, bmh (8) 'into the miry depths7 of the hero beloved of El.' 9 tb'.wl.yibilm. The gods did depart and stayed not; idk(io) lytn.pnm. then indeed they set (their) faces 'm.b'l(u)mrym.spn. towards Baal (in) the heigh.t(s) of Zephon; tay'n (i2)gpn.w&gr. and Gupn and Ugar gave (him the) answer: ilm (13) mt. The message of divine Mot, (14) gzr. 'the word of the hero beloved of El (is this): pnp.I.npi.lbim (15) thw. ' "But my appetite is an appetite of lions8 (in) the waste,* hm.brlt.dnhr (16) bym. ' "just as the longing10 of dolphin(s) is in the sea hm.brky.tkid (17) rumm. ' "or a pool captivates wild oxen 'n.kzd.dylt ' "(or) a spring as it were11 herds of hinds." 18 hm.lmt.{mt.npi.blt(ig)hmr. ' "If it is in very truth my desire to consume13 'clay',14 pimt.bkltyt (2o)ydy.tlhm. ' "then in truth by the handfuls" I must eat (it), i*-i*: properly the final lines of the preceding tablet and a different metaphor Ps. cxliii 3. (cp. below 26-27) 4 Cp. 18 iv 3. z: after 'qltn the scribe apparently began to write the 5 Seemingly the reference is to different parts of next word then erased it Baal's body to be consumed by Mot (Van Selms); 6 dtntm hardly '(and) I will kill (you)' (Aphel); perhaps cp. Job xviii 13-14. error for tmtm '(so that) you die' (Emerton) • Lit. 'you have come down' (by assimilation from 13: omit bn as scribal error (cp. ii 18) yrdt). 14 pnp.f error for pnp! (cp. Ugaritica V no. 4 obv. 7 Cp. Ps. cxl ii. U. 2-3); Mm: the last letter is broken off but is I Sc. for flesh; cp. Deut. xxxiii 20 Ps. cxxiv 3, 6 confirmed by ibid. obv. /. 3 Hos. xiii 8 Isa. v 14 Hab. ii 5. 16 brky perhaps error for brkt (ibid. obv. /. 6) or y is a * Cp. Deut. xxxii 10 Job vi 18. fem. ending 10 Lit. 'Then is my appetite ... if the longing...' 16 thid (17) rumm; cp. [m]fbfi krumm (ibid. obv. II Lit. 'like', a construction similar to the Kaph tf.6-7) Veritatu of Hebrew. 18 imt: cp. mt (ibid. obv. /. 9) 11 Cp. Ps. xlii 2. 19: cp. 3 A it " Cp. Ps. xlix 15 ('their form is for Sheol to consume'). 1 On these lines see at 3 D 35ff. 14 Sc. men's bodies; cp. 6 ii 17-19 Job iv 19 * Cp. Isa. v 24. xxxiii 6. 9 Lit. 'with a breaking in pieces'; cp. Amos vi u 15 Lit. 'with both my hands'. BAAL AND MOT (5 i, ii) 69 hm.y>'(2i)ydty[.]b;'. ' "whether my seven portions are (already) in the bowl hm.fa.ymk (22) nhr[.] ' "or whether Nahar1 has to mix the cup. 1 *[n].;M.]4'/.'m(23)%[.] "[So] Baal has invited me with my brothers qdn.hd.'m.dryy ' "(and) Hadad has called me with my kinsfolk! 24 wlhmm'm.dhy.lhm ' "But (it is) to eat* bread with my brothers 25 toftm.'m.4--l*. "'[ ]you, &m&(28)[]A. ' "for all that you smote [Leviathan the slippery serpent] /Wy(29)[btn.'qltn.] ' "(and) made an end of [the wriggling serpent], //y/(3o)[dSb't.ri5m]. ' "the tyrant [with seven heads]? ttW(3i)[ttrp.5mm.] ' "[The heavens] will burn up [(and) droop (helpless)], [krs.ipd]A(32)[ank.] ' "[for I myself will crush] you [in pieces], [ispi.6tm.zrqm] (33) [amtm.] ' "[I will eat (you) (and) forearms]. [lyrt.bnpS] (34) [] ' "[Indeed you must come down into the throat of divine Mot], [bmhmrt] (35) [ydd.fl.gzr.] ' "[into the miry depths of the hero beloved of El]'"

Col. ii . . (ca. 12 U.) . . 1 [ > '[ 1 2 []«.fy*.ffmro '[A lip to the] earth, a lip to the heavens, 3 [---\}In.lkbkbm. '[ ] a tongue to the stars!4 y'rb (4) \b']l.bkbdh. 'Baal must enter his innards5 bphyrd '(and) go down into his mouth. 5 Khn.zt. 'Because he has scorched the olive(s),( ybl.drf.iDpr (6) 'sm. 'the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees, yrd&n.dttyn.b'l 'mightiest Baal is afraid of him, 7 it'.nn.rkb.'rpt 'the rider on the clouds is in dread of him.8 8 tb' 'Depart, tell to divine Mot, 9^zr 'repeat to the hero beloved of El: 10 thm.dliyn.b'l. ' "The message of mightiest Baal, hv>t.dlly(ii)qrdm. ' "the word of the mightiest of warriors (is this): bht.lbn.llmmt ' "Hail, o divine Mot! 12 'bdk.dn.wd'lmk ' "I am your servant, yes, yours for ever*." '

1 21, 23: these lines transgress the margin with col. ii Infin. absol. 22 k[n] (cp. « ii 54) or k[ y»; note the 31 Ezek. xxix 4 Isa. Ii 9; cp. also 10 ii 24. final word-divider (or n with four wedges) < A poetic description of the gaping jaws of Mot; 28-35: cp. 1-8 cp. Ps. Ixxiii 9 and see further at 4 vii 48; cp. also 23 2: cp. 23 61-62 61-62. 1 3 Virolleaud Lit. 'liver'. 3, s, 6, 10: these lines transgress the margin with • Cp. Hab. iii 17. 7 col. iii Cp. Isa. xli 10, 23 Karatepe inscr. ii 4. • Cp. 2 iv 1-7 6 vi 30-31. Note the perfect apparently followed by 'Nun energieum' suffix. On 1 Prob. a poetic allusion to souls being taken across Baal's title see at 2 iv 8. river of death. • Cp. Ps. cxvi 16 Job xl 28 14 55. 70 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS ij tb'.iol.ytb.ilm The gods did depart and stayed not; Idk(i4) then indeed they set (their) faces ' towards divine Mot 15 tk.qrth.hmry. within his city 'Miry', (16) tbt. where a pit is the throne on which (he) sits, hh.drf.nhlth filth the land of his heritage. t!d(i-])ghm.v}t}h. They lifted up their voices and cried: thm.dllyn(i%)bn. b'l. 'The message of mightiest Baal, hwt.dUy.qrdm 'the word of the mightiest of warriors (is this): 19 ' "Hail, divine Mot! 'bdk.dn(2o)wd'lmk. ' "I am your servant, yes, yours for ever." ' Divine Mot did rejoice,1 21 [yjii.]gA.twJ/A. [he lifted up] his voice and cried: tk.ylhn(22)\b'l.'m.lby.] 'How (is it that) [Baal] invites me [with my brothers], [lk}.^»[.]W(23)rm.aryy.] '[how (is it that)] Hadad calls me [with my kinsfolk]? [—ftp.mlhmy '[ ] my bread *4 [- '-"}lt.qzb '[ ] he has cut up *5 [ -"My '[ J 26 [- -]t4' '[ ] depart 27 [ -]«nm '[ ]

Col. m . . (ca. 10II.) . . ![.--->[ ] i ] 2 [-]rbt.tbt.[ ] '[ ] great is the seat [ ] 3 rbt.tbtM[n ] 'great is the seat [ ] 4 y.dr!.Mt[ ] '[ ]-tbe land [ ] jftd.tkl.[ ] ' .- t ] * tkn.lbn[k ] 'it shall belong to your son* [ ] 7 dt.lbnk( ] 'of your son [ ] fm.k.kbkb[ ] '. . . . like'the star(s)3[ ] .PM-**[ 1 Truly* I must .call Mot [ ] i»jtt/.%[b ] 'the beloved one within [ ] 11 dlM.b[ ] '(How) of a truth can I put [ j 12 dhpkk.l[ } 'can I overturn you [ ] 13 tmm.tolk[ ] ' And go [ ] 14 wlk.ilm[ ] 'and go, gods [ ] 15 n'm.llm[ ] 'the most gracious of the gods [ ] 6 16 igr.mtfd ] ' "Sheger, much [ ]

13-16: cp. 4 viii 10-14 1 Cp. Ps. xiii 5 xxx 2 xxxv 25-26 (all of the 18: omit bn as scribal error (cp. i 13) Psalmist's enemy or enemies) Mic. vii 8. 2i: cp. 4 vii 22 etc.; dfb error for>;A (Gordon); ylhn 1 Sc. probably Mot, the title being used con- (Virolleaud) or y. }frn (Herdner) error foryjAn (cp. i ventionally (see at 3 E 26). Baal is here complaining 22) to El. 23 mtymy: cp. Ihm (i 24) mlhmt (3 C 12 etc.) ' Cp. Pyrgi inscr. //. 9-11 Isa. xiv 13. 24 Ginsberg [bmAk]U.qzb 'with a butcher's knife' « Or Tor'. 3=cp. 4 ' Sheger (whose name means 'offspring of cattle') 6: cp. 7 10: cp. 19 and Ithm (24) appear together in a god-list (Ugaritica

11-12: cp. 6 vi 26-28 i6:cp. 17 Vp.S84). BAAL AND MOT (5 ii, tii, iv) 71 17 !gr.mM[ ] ' "Sheger, much [ ] 18[h ] ' "Truly I must call Mo [ ] 19 yd(d).bqrb[ ] ' "the beloved one withi [ ] 20 wlk.ilm.[ ] 'And go, gods [ ] 21 twgm./[ ] 'and tell to [ ] 22 6miW.Hn[ ] ' "with much sheep [ ] 23 miwf.ftof ] ' "much sheep [ ] 24 itm.mui[ ] ' "Ithm [ ] 25 /&[ ] ' Andgo[ ] 28[--]Uk[ ] '[ ]go[ ] 29HkM'[ ] [ ]

Col. iv 1 p.fh[ ] i ] 2 wltlb,[ ] 'and to seek [ ] 3 mlt.rh[ ] 'a hundred [ ] 4 ttlb.d[ ] 'do you seek [ ] 5 yi.^h[.wysh] He1 lifted up his voice [and cried): 6U/>.4'[1 ] 'Where then is Baal [ ] 7 l.hd.d[ ] 'where is Hadad [ ] 8yn/.fr'[l.b5b't.glmh] Baal arose [with his seven pages], 9 &£mn*.[hnzrh ] with [his] eight ['boars'1 ] 10 ygrb.[ ] he came near [ ] 11 \hm.m[ ] food[ ] 12 [;]

18-19, 25-26: cp. 9-10 1 Sc. the messenger of Mot; cp. 2 i i iff. (of Yam). 5: cp. ii zi 8-9: cp. v 8-9 1 These servants of Baal are only mentioned in iz-i6:cp. 4 vi 55-59 this part of the cycle; perhaps like his daughters they 20, 22: cp. 17 vi 7-8 had a function in fertility. 21 Ginsberg //[mm] 8 Cp. i iv 23. 72 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS Col. v

1 [ ]Myn [ ] mightiest 2 [b'l }\p.dprk [Baal ] your torch1 3 [ -]mnk.sht '[ ] your 2 4l ]t.«/>f.>/ '[ ] the life of a calf 5 [--->*. '[ ] d!t.n.bhrt(6)ilm.dr?. 'I will put him in a hole of the earth-gods.3 tvdt.qh (7) >/>/£. 'And as for you, take your clouds, rhk.mdlk(%}mtrth. 'your winds, your thunder-bolts (and) your rains,4 'mk.ib't(g)&lmk. '(take) with you your seven pages tmn.hnzrk '(and) your eight "boars", 10 ' '(take) with you Pidray daughter of mist, 11 ' '(take) with you Tallay daughter of showers.5 idk(i2)pnk.dlttn. 'Then of a truth do you set your face tk^r(i^)knkny. 'towards the rocks (at the entrance) of my grave.[.]'lydm 'Lift up a rock on (your) two hands, 14 'a wooded height on to (your) two palms, tord(is)bthptt.drf 'and go down (into) the house of "freedom" (in) the earth, tspr by (ifyrdm.drf. 'be counted among those who go down into the earth,1 wtd'tt\(\i)kmtt. 'and do you know inanition7 like mortal men.'8 yim'.dliyn.b'I Mightiest Baal obeyed. 18 ythb.'glt.bdbr. He loved a heifer in the pasture(s), prt(vj) bidM mmt. a cow in the fields by the shore of the realm of death; !kb(2o)'mh.!b'.m'm he did lie with her seven and seventy times, 21 \$£]fy.tmn.Umym she allowed (him) to mount eight and eighty times; 22 vj[th]rn.vitldn mt and she conceived and gave birth to a boy.' 23

11 2, 3, 25: these lines transgress the margin with ' Or 'in the cemetery of the gods (i.e. the shades) col. iv (in) the earth*. 5 De Moor []nk 'shall belong to your son' (cp. iii 4 Cp. Ps. cxxxv 7. 6-7); dlt.nor d?« (n with four wedges) ' The third daughter Arsay does not go with Baal ii tfty error for fly (cp. 3 A 24) because, it seems, her role is not affected by the 13 knkny: cp. 19 147 summer drought; see at 3 C 4-5. 16 ill (Virolleaud); Herdner Urn 'the gods shall know ' See on this passage at 4 viii 1-9. that you have died' (?) ' In the Bible (e.g. Ps. xcvi 5) the same root ('//) 21-22 Virolleaud and Ginsberg is frequently applied to idols or foreign gods as 23: cp. 17 worthless or unreal. 24 Driver (cp. Akk. epattu 'wrapper'; Hebr. 'ipdd • Lit. 'like, as of mortality, death'. 'ephod') 25 y[dd]: cp. 4 vii 48 • Perhaps (with De Moor) to be related to Akk. maiu 'twin-brother', though this hardly suits in the 1 Presumably to see with in the underworld; cp. 2 case of the fern., applied to Huray and Danatay iii 13. (14 143 17 v 16). 1 A reference to the boy whose birth is related in 10 Cp. Exod. xxix 5 Num. xx 26 Isa. xxii 21. /.22. "CP.4i23. BAAL AND MOT (5 v, vi) 73 Col. vi

3*[ldk.lttn.pnm] [Then indeed they set (their) faces] 2*['m.H.mbk.nhrm] [towards El at the source(s) of the rivers], i*[qrb.ipq.thmtm] [amid the springs of the two oceans]; i [] [they penetrated the mountains) of Ei] [w]t6[a](2)[qrs-.mlk.ab.]/»m [and] entered [the massif of the king, the father] of years.1 3 [t§i.ghm.wts]A. [They lifted up their voices and cried]: sbn (4) [y. 'd. q]s[m. ars. ] 'We [two]* did go round [to the edges of the earth], dk(5)kfl».m/t)rt[.J 'to the limits of the watery region.* [m]&ny (6) In'my.drf.dbr 'We two did reach "Pleasure"4 the land of pasture(s), 7 4 "Delight"4 the fields by the shore of the realm of death. 8 m^ny. Ib'l. npl. W (9) r;. 'We two did happen upon Baal;6 he had fallen to the ground. mt.dttyn.b'l 'Mightiest Baal is dead,* 10 hlq.zbl.b'l.drf 'the prince lord of earth has perished!' 11 " (12) dptd. Thereupon Latipan kindly god yrd.lksl.ytb(i$lhdm[.] did come down from (his) throne (and) did sit7 on the footstool, [w]l.hdm.ytb(i4)ldr;[.] [and] (he did come down) from the footstool (and) did sit on the ground.' ysq.'mr(i^)^n.]riih, He poured straw* of mourning on his head, 'pr.pllt (16) l.qdqdh. dust of wallowing on his crown;10 IpS.yki (17) mlzrtm. for clothing he covered himself11 with sackcloth;12 $r.bdbn(i8)ydy. he scraped (his) skin with a stone,'t with a flint for1* a razor 19 yhdy.lhm.todqn he shaved (his) side-whiskers and beard;14 20 ^ft-jn.^'^.] he harrowed15 his collar-bone," >/irt(2i)%n.

3»-i*, i-3:cp. 3E 13-16 41720-24 6132-36,39 'hay, fodder' than the biblical 'sheaves'. 3 sbn[y]: cp. [m]frty (5) 11 Cp. Ezek. xxvii 30. 4: cp. 16 iii 3; 'dk prob. error for 'd (dittography of k) " Cp. Ps. civ 6. 5 mhyf. cp. miyt (16 iii 4); [m]&ny: cp. 6 ii 19 11 Lit. 'loin-cloth'. Cp. Amos viii 10 etc. 7,12,15: these lines transgress the margin with col. v 11 An example of what is called in Hebr. Beth Esientiae. 1 See on this passage at 3 E 13**. M Cp. ANET p. 88 (Gilgamesh mourning for 1 Sc. Gupn and Ugar. The ending is dual. Enkidu) Isa. xv 2 Mic. i 16 Jer. xlviii 37. ' See at 16 iii 3-4 where there is a fuller text. 11 Lit. 'did for a third time', clearly a technical 4 Euphemisms as in 4 viii 7. term for a third ploughing or harrowing. 1 It is of course the surrogate borne by the heifer 11 Lit. 'humeral bone of his arm'. (v 22) that they have found. " Lit. 'front (nose) of (his) heart'. • Cp. i Kgs. xxii 37 (LXX) Pi. Ixxxii 7. 11 Lit. 'back' or 'torso'; cp. 3 B 12. ' Cp. Isa. xlvii i Jer. xlviii 18. 11 Poetic descriptions of the cutting offles h(cp . • Cp. Ezek. xxvi 16. i Kgs. xviii 28 Jer. xvi 6 etc.); for a similar metaphor • The meaning required is nearer the Mishnaic see Ps. cxxix 3. 74 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS (24) dgn. 'What1 (will become) of the people of Dagon's son, my.hmlt. 'what of (his) multitudes? dtr (25) b'l.drd.bdr;. 'After Baal* I would go down into the earth.1 dp(2b)'nt.ttlk.wtfd. (Then) Anat also went to and fro and scoured (27) Ikbd.drs. every rock to the heart of the earth,' (28) l[k]W.Mm. every hill to the heart of the fields. tmg.ln'm\y] (29) [irs.]dbr. She reached 'Pleasure* [the land] of pasture(s), [$hl] mmt. 'Delight' the fields [by the shore] of the realm of death;


Col. i 1 Ib'l Of Baal 2 $r.bdb(n).td[.] she scraped (her) skin with a stone, [ps]Um[.by'r] with a flint [for a razor] 3 thdy.lhm.wdqn[.] she shaved (her) side-whiskers and beard;3 [ttlt](4) qn.Sr'h. [she harrowed] her collar-bone,$)dplb. she ploughed (her) chest like a garden, k'mq.ttlt.bmt she harrowed (her) waist like a valley, (saying): 6 **/.««. 'Baal is dead! dgn 'What (will become) of the people of Dagon's son, 7 my.hmlt. 'what of (his) multitudes? dtr.b'l.nrd(B)bdrf. 'After Baal we would go down into the earth.' 'mh.trd.nrt(<))ilm.!pi. Shapash the luminary of the gods came down to her,4 'd.tib'.bk as she sated herself with weeping 10 tit.kyn.udm't. (and) drank tears5 like wine. gm(ii)t;h.lnrt.Um.ip! She cried aloud to Shapash the luminary of the gods: 12 'ms m'.ly.dliyn.b'l 'Hoist, I beseech you, mightiest Baal on to me.' 13 tim.nrt.tlm.api Shapash the luminary of the gods obeyed, 14 fAi <%n.W. she lifted up mightiest Baal, lktp(i$)'nt.kt

28-31: cp. 5-9 6 ii 17,19-20 tude(s) of Baal's shrine' (lit. 'place'). 31: cp. 16-17 ' Probably conventional terminology (cp, 5 vi 19 2-3: cp. 5 vi 17-20 of El), though bearded goddesses are not unknown in 6: notice b with three vertical wedges mythology. 7 nrd perhaps error for drd (Bauer; cp. 5 vi 25) * Hardly 'went down with her* into the nether- 16 fp'n error for fpn (confusion with Ip'n (?) or ' is an world, since Shapash has not previously been with unintentional stroke) Anat and in any case the dead body to be buried was lying on the ground. 1 Cp. Ruth iii 16. • Cp. Ps. Ixxx 6. « See at 5 v 5-6. 1 Cp. Gen. xxxvii 35. Alternatively 'the multi- ' The meaning of this word is unknown. BAAL AND MOT (5 vi; 6 i) 7S'm.dlpm she slew seventy oxen 21 [kg]mn.dtiyn.b'l [as a] for mightiest Baal, 22 [tt]\)h.Sb'm.sin [she] slew seventy sheep 23 [kgm]n.)dhd.b.btk[.]dmlkn 'give one of your sons that I may make him king.' 47 wt'n.rbt. dtrtym And dame Athirat of the sea answered: 48 bl.nmlk.yd'.ylhn 'Yes, let us make (him) king that has knowledge (and) intelligence1.' 49 wy'n . ///w . il dpi (50)

21-29: cp. 18-20 1 Meaning Athtar; alternatively 'one who is able 28 Ginsberg \y\lpnrm 'roebucks' (Hebr. yattmur) since (knows how) to understand*. ' Cp Isa. xl 29, 31. the ass is, at least in Jewish law, ritually unclean; 4 Lit. 'with' (cp. Ps. budii 5). but cp. CTA 32 18, where the offering of a he-ass 1 Cp. i8iv 22 Jobx i. (V) is mentioned ' Lit. 'according to the opportune moment' 29: the small fragment ends after [kgm]; possibly it (Caquot and Sznycer). The 'running* will refer contained a further two lines (De Moor), making metaphorically to the movement of the wind and the the total of offerings seven 'lance* to Baal's lightning or thunderbolt (cp. 4 vii 32-34: cp. 4 iv 20-22 45: cp. 44, 47, S3 41). Alternatively (see apparatus) 'nor can one of 52 k. mm (Caquot and Sznycer) or kt man (Dahood a. scant beauty release .. .' (-Jktt, ysm; Dahood; cp. i Virolleaud) Sam. xvi 18 2 Sam. xiv 25). 7 Infin. absol. or 3 pers. masc. sing, used as a 1 See at 5 ii 20 vi 9; cp. also 4 ii 24-26 6 v 1-4. basic form. ' Cp. Exod. xv 18 Ps. cxlvi 10. 76 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 56 dpnk.'ttr.'rz Thereupon Athtar the terrible 57 y'l.bfrrt-Spn went up1 into the recesses of Zephon; SBytb.lkht[.]Wyn(s

Col. ii . . (ca.30//.) . . il[- ] { ] 2 Wl[ j [ J 3*-[ J [ ] 4 «.«[—.] [ ] [ym.ymm] (s)y'tqn. [A day, days] passed, wfrhm.'nt] (fytngth. and [the damsel Anat] sought him.

JUM[rW(7)/>ft. Like the heart of a [heifer] (yearning) for her calf,[t] (8) limh like the heart of a ewe (yearning) for her lamb,'n[t](q)dtr[.]b'l. so the heart of Anat (yearned) after Baal.4 tOid.m[t](io)bsin.lpi. She seized Mot by the hem of (his) garment, tifq[vh](n)bqs.dll. she constrained [him] by the end of (his) robe;[\s](i2)h. she lifted up her voice and cried: 'Do you, Mot, give up5 my brother.' 13 v>'n[.] But divine Mot did answer: mh(n)tdrin.lbtlt.'nt 'What (is this that) you desire of me, o virgin Anat? 15 dn.itlk.todfd. 'I myself went to and fro and scoured kl(i6)$r.Ikbd.drs. 'every rock to the heart8 of the earth,'(ifilkbd.idm. 'every hill to the heart of the fields. npS.hsrt(i8)bn.n3m. 'My appetite did lack7 humans, npS.hmlt. (19) drf. 'my appetite (did lack) the multitudes of earth. mgt.ln'my.drf (20) dbr. 'I did reach "Pleasure" the land of pastures), ' "Delight" the fields by the shore of the realm of death. 21 ngi.dnk.dliyn b'l 'I it was who confronted8 mightiest Baal, 22 Vfafl dnk.imr.bpy 'I who made him (like) a lamb in my mouth,

66-67 Virolleaud 4 Cp. 15 i 5-7. 4~g: cp. 26-31 • Cp. 2 i 18 Hos. xi 8 Isa. xliii 6. 10: or tifq[m] • Lit. 'liver'. 18: notice the final word-divider 7 Cp. Isa. xxxii 6 Ps. xxxiii 19 ('from the 22 imr or m[.] his flesh5 indeed the birds ate, mnth.ltkly (37) n/>r[m.] his limbs' indeed the sparrows consumed.7 Sfr.JSr.w* Flesh cried out to flesh8

Col. iii . . (ca. 40 //.) . 1 Wq[.]mt[------] 'for Mot has perished [ ] 2 whm.hy .a[liyn.b'l] 'And if [mightiest Baal] is alive,9 3 wfon.fc.26/.&'[l.ars] 'and if the prince lord [of earth] exists,10 4 '(then) in a dream of Latipan kindly god, 5 bzrt .bny .bnwt 'in a vision of the creator of creatures, 6 imm.smn.tmtrn 'the heavens should rain oil, 7 nhlm.tlk.nbtm 'the ravines should run with honey,11 8 w'tf'.%.<%n[.]b'l 'that I may know that mightiest Baal is alive,12 9 ktt.zbl.b'l.drs 'that the prince lord of earth exists.' 10 bhlm.ltpnildpi[d] In a dream of Latipan kindly god, 11 bzrt.bny.bnwt in a vision of the creator of creatures, 12 smm.imn.tmtrn the heavens rained oil, 13 nhlm.tlk.nbtm the ravines ran with honey. 14 smh.ltpnM.dpid Latipan kindly god did rejoice;

239y:cp. 4VIH20 s Or 'his pieces, remains' (cp. Hebr. far). 37 Herdner; De Moor restores the first line of iii 6 Or 'his portions' (cp. 17 i 33). [mnt.lmnt.tftf] 7 Cp. Ezek. xxix 5. It is particularly difficult to i i mt (Barton); Ginsberg i* [kmt.dltyn.b'l] (i) see the point of this action for any agrarian rite; cp. k(flq.g[bl.b'l.Ars] v iQ where 'scattering' in the sea is also mentioned. ' Cp. Gen. iv 10 Ps. Ixxxiv 3. 1 De Moor (wishing to keep the agrarian imagery) ' Cp. i Kgs. xvii i. translates 'blade' (sc. of the threshing-sledge), com- 10 This formula may be reflected in the name paring Syr. foarbd dpadddnd 'ploughshare'. Eshbaal (i Chron. viii 33; Albright). 2 Cp. Exod. xxxii 20. If the metaphor is agri- 11 Cp. the similar images of fertility in Gen. xxvii cultural, the burning of stubble is presumably meant. 28 Exod. iii 8 Job xx 17 Ezek. xxxii 14 Joel 1 Cp. Exod. xxxii 20. iv 18. 4 Cp. Zcch. x 9 for a similar metaphorical usage. 12 Cp. Job xix 25. 78 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 15 p'nh.lhdm.ytpd he placed his feet on the footstool 16 vyprq.lfbtoyshq and parted (his) throat1 and laughed; 17 y&.gh.teyfh he lifted up his voice and cried: 18 dtbn.dnk.tvdnhn 'Even I may sit down and be at ease, 19 wtnh.birty.npl 'and (my) soul within me2 may take its ease;8 20 My.

Col. iv 25 pl.'nt.Sdm.yipi ' "The furrows in the fields are cracked,4 o Shapash, 26 />/.' ' "the furrows in the fields of El are cracked. yhk[n] (27) [b]'/.'n/.mAr« ' "Baal should be occupying the furrows in the plough-land.8 28 ly.dUyn.b'l ' "Where is mightiest Baal, 29 iy.zbl.b'l.drs ' "where is the prince lord of earth'?" ' 30 ttb'.btlt.'nt The virgin Anat departed; 31 idk.lttn.pnm then indeed she set (her) face 32 'm.wt.llm.spi towards Shapash the luminary of the gods; 33 she lifted up her voice and cried: 34 The message of the bull El your father, 35 hwt.ltpn.htkk 'the word of Lapitan your sire (is this): 36 pl.'nt.ldm.yip! ' "The furrows in thefield sar e cracked, o Shapash, 37 pi.' ' "the furrows in the fields of El are cracked. yS[tkn] (38) A7.'irf.mArl[t] ' "Baal should be occupying the furrows in the plough- land. 39 iy.dliyn.b'l ' "Where is mightiest Baal, 40 iy.zbl.b'l.drs ' "where is the prince lord of earth?" ' 41 wt'n.nrt.//m./[p]§ And Shapash the luminary of the gods answered: 42 /

11-24: these lines are written on the bottom edge of • Lit. 'in my breast'. the tablet » Cp. 17 ii 12-14. 24: cp. iv 32 4 Or (a noun) 'are a waterless desert'. zby!tk[n]: cp. 4 vii 44 5 Sc. with his rains so that they may become soft 37: CP- 26 for the farmer to plough. 38: Virolleaud's copy has mfrrth (cp. 27) • Cp. Deut. xxxii 37 Ps. xlii 4 cxv 2 Jer. ii 6; 42 [t]bl; the t is visible on an earlier photograph cp. also the names Jezebel and Ichabod (i Sam. iv 21) (Herdner) which may reflect this formula. 47: cp. 48 7 Lit. 'wine of an eye' (cp. Prov. xxiii 31). 49 De Moor (cp. 42) • Cp. Prov. i 9. ' Lit. 'where to where" (cp. i Kgs. ii 36, 42 Ps. 1 See at 4 iv 28. cxxxix 7 Song vi i). BAAL AND MOT (6 iii, iv, v) 79

[ht.dr]y.bk&rt 'because [of you] I have [suffered winnowing] with the riddle,7 17 f/[t.-]![-] (i8)6W«. 'because of you I have suffered [ ] in the fields, 'lk.pht(i())dr'.bym. 'because of you I have suffered scattering in the sea.8 tn.dlid(2o)bdhkJspd. 'Give one of your brothers that I may be fed,' wytb (21) tip.tfinSt. 'and the anger that I feel10 will turn back.11

3 dk ym (Aistleitner, Dijkstra) or dkym gracious gods (23 58) and possibly Ps. xciii 3. There 4 fJir mt[.] or farm. (Albright); ymfb (Herdner; cp. is no question of Yam himself being involved at this 3 E 9) or ynqi (Virolleaud) stage of the myth. 1 5-6 Herdner (cp. vi 33-35 16 vi 23-24 3 D 47) Prob. a title of henchmen of Mot (cp. vi 8), who 6 [Infft] or [bn.dgn] (cp. 10 iii 15) were aiding the sons of Athirat (cp. 4 it 24-26) 7: cp. ii 26 against Baal, so-called because they were parched by 8:cp. 4v»3i 15 iii 22 the sun or were pale from habitually living under- 9 De Moor after the copy wrk 'softened up' (Jrkk; ground (but see now Addenda). 4 cp. 10 iii 28); Virolleaud vihn See at i iv 24-25 a iv 8ff. 1 ii Bauer See on the significance of this reference at p. 18, 13 dry prob. error for bq' (cp. ii 32); the phrase with though perhaps too much weight should not be dry (in which the noun is different) is to be restored placed on it in view of the not dissimilar phrases in in 16 ii 4-5, 26-27, which form with it a kind of pro- 15: cp. ii34 gression; in any case mythological time is meant 4 16: see at 13 With the repetition of this prepos. cp. Amos 17 Herdner [|]/[y] 'sinking, wilting' isff. Cp. Amos ix 9. 1 Cp. Ps. ex 5-6. 8 Cp. Ps. bcxiv 13-14 (Leviathan). * A name linking the sons of Athirat with their 9 Cp. 6 ii 12 sis- mother, whose full title is rbt dtrt ym 'the lady who 1 Lit. 'am companion to' (cp. 2 i 38). treads upon the sea'; cp. Agzr ym describing the 1 Cp. Hos. xiv 5 Isa. v 25. 8o CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS /«(22)

Col. w 2 i [- h]rdh '[ I] will drive him forth, 2( ig]r/A '[ II will banish him 3t -]«* '[ ] 4[ -]h '[ 1 5 [ '[ divine] Mot 6 [- ~]mr.limm '[ ] peoples. 1 [ ] '[(Let)] divine Mot [ ] B \ysp]b[.]lb't.tlmh '[let him eat] his seven pages!'3 9 [vty^ [And] divine Mot [answered]: 10 phn.dhym.ytn.b'l(ii)$puy. 'But look!4 Baal has given me my own brothers to eat, bnm.&my. 'the sons of my mother to consume!' 12 ytb.'m.b'l.frrt (13) fpn. He returned to Baal (in) the recesses of Zephon; he lifted up his voice and cried: 14 dhym.ytnt.b'l(i$)spby. 'You have given me my own brothers, Baal, to eat, bnm.umy.kl(i(>)yy. 'the sons of my mother to consume.' yt'n.kgmrm They eyed each other like burning coals; ij mt'z.b'l.'z. Mot was strong,5 Baal was strong. ynghn(i$) Mimm. They gored like wild oxen;' mt.'ai.b'l(ig)'z. Mot was strong, Baal was strong. yntkn.kbtnm. They bit like serpents;7 20 mt.'z.b'l.'z. Mot was strong, Baal was strong. ymfhn (21) k/rmm. They tugged like greyhounds;8 mt.ql(22)b'l.ql.'ln. Mot fell down, Baal fell down on top of him. !p!(23)tfh.lmt. Shapash cried out to Mot: im'.m' (24) 'Hear, I beseech you, o divine Mot. ik.tmt[\>](zs)?.'m.dUyn.b'l 'How can you fight with mightiest Baal? 26 fa) ti.dbk. 'How of a truth shall the bull El your father hear you ?9 Lyt'.dlt(2&)tbtk. 'Indeed he will pull up the support of your seat, lykpkM.mM 'indeed will overturn the throne of your kingdom,

22 De Moor after traces on the copy sheep. 24: perhaps [m]tm 'the dead* (De Moor); Herdner 1 Messengers of Baal addressing Mot. [*]»*; [bn.nfm]: cp. ii 18 1 Apparently here servants of Mot (contrast 5 v 25: cp. ii 18-19 8-9). 1-2: cp. 3 D 44-46 5 Virolleaud « Lit. "Then behold!'. 7: perhaps [yWy] (De Moor; cp. u) • Cp. Song viii 6 a iv 17; cp. also the name 8: cp. ii 9 Driver Azmoth (NEB; i Chron. viii 36). I3yflerror for >/ii • Cp. Deut. xxxiii 17. 26: cp. 2 iii 17 ' Cp. Prov. xxiii 32. • Sc. at the hare; lit. 'runners'. 1 Cp. Hos. xi 6 Jer. x 25; cp. also Ps. xlix 15 ' Possibly 'How shall ... not hear you?" (but cp. where death is compared to a shepherd looking for his a iii 17). BAAL AND MOT (6 v, vi) 81

29 'indeed will break the sceptre of your rule.'1 30}t. Divine Mot was afraid, tt'.y(v)ddM.tzr[.] the hero beloved of £1 was in dread.2 y'$2)bqlh. Mot roused himself at her call, ^[] he [lifted up his voice and cried]: 33 b'l.yttbn[.M](u)mlkh. 'Let them seat Baal [on the throne] of his kingdom, /[nht.lkht](35)drkih[.] 'on [the cushion on the seat] of his dominion!' [ ] [ ] 36 [-—M- 1 [ ] 37 [ ]-M ] [ ] 38 [- —-M——1 [ ] [ ]pk [ ]brow 39 I -]?W* [ ] ] 40[- — -]fc»(4i)[...]4. [ [ ] Wty/(42)[Bi]r./ry. 'Do you indeed betake yourself [to] the fresh [meat],*

53 spr .ttmlk flmy Written by Elimelek the Shubanite," 54 lmd.dtn.prln.rb disciple of Atn-prht,11 chief of the priests, 55 khnm.rb.nqdm chief of the shepherds,1' the master, 56 fy.nqmd mlk tigr[t] (in the reign of) Niqmad king of Ugarit, 57

30: haplography (the title elsewhere is always bn.ilm; 7 Alternatively 'you rule the shades' (VJ'fc; cp. cp. iii 24) Ugar. V no. 2 rev. 11. 8, 10). 32 De Moor 33-34: cp. 3 D 46-47 ' Or 'are around you" (Driver; -j'tod). 37-40: the small fragment (rev.) begins at this point; * Cp. 3 D 37, 40; presumably they present a according to Herdner an extra line is to be inserted danger to her as she passes through their domain after 38 every night. 42 [lH]r (De Moor) or [lb]t (Lipinski) " Cp. 2 iv yff., where the same deity assists Baal 45 rpim perhaps error for rpbm (see at n A 9) or against Yam. Alternatively (Lipinski) "Through the oblique case is used for the nominative sea ... may Kothan-and-Khasis drive (you) . . . draw (you)' (Arab, wattara 'stretched, drew taught'). 1 See at 2 iii 17-18. According to Eusebius Praep. Evang. i 10, n * Cp. 5 ii 6-7 (Baal). Chousor was the inventor of navigation. » See at i iv 24-25. 11 Cp. the place-name Subdntt (Ugaritica V p. 189). ' In non-mythological texts this word designates " Or 'Elimelek ... the (trained) singer; Atn-prln a profession. was chief etc.* (Cross; cp. i Chron. xxv 7). Cp., 5 I.e. to a ceremony in the temple. Alternatively however, 16 vi E. (see apparatus) '[to the house of] freshness', i.e. to a 11 A class of functionaries appearing frequently in feast in the underworld (with the euphemism cp. 4 administrative documents; cp. Amos i i. viii 7 5 vi 6-7). 14 These words may be parts of titles rather than • Cp. Deut. xii 6, n, 17. place-names. 4. KERET

M Col. i i[lk]rf [Of] Keret. a [.....].*/f>.-] ( Jking[ ] 3[ ]«.*[-•--] [ ] 4[ ] [ ] 5t ]«•«[—] [ ]E1[ ] 6 [----JrfaAr. [ ] river. !l«/(7)[krt.]rpd*. The clan [of Keret] did die out, fc(8)[m]&.to#. the house1 of the king did come to an end,

1 : cp. 6 i i 16 i i 19 i palace is not a motif in the story; the words for 2 Virolleaud 'house', 'place', 'seat' in //. 7,11,23 are therefore best 5: perhaps [»'mn.£/]ro (cp. 40) understood metaphorically. 7 [Art]: cp. 130-132 16 i 39-40; rpdt (Virolleaud) or * In this introductory portion (//. 1-25) 'our' rut (Herdner) refers to the story-teller and his audience. 8 lldb error for ttbd (cp. 24) ' With the vocabulary cp. Yehimilk inscr. //. 6-7 9 Gaster Yehaumilk inscr. /. 9 Prov. xviii 22. 15 (a. Aistleitner) or tia urn (Virolleaud) 'the 4 I.e. 'she died'. kin of a mother (did he get)' (cp. ttr 18 i 25); dkn 1 LI. 16-21 have usually been understood to refer error for tkn or so read to the death of Keret's children, e.g. 'one third died 20, 24: these lines transgress the margin with col. ii in (their) prime etc.' Note the adverbial m with ktr. 22 bthp error for htkh * The god of pestilence; cp. 15 ii 6 Job v 7. 24 btmhn: the suffix is sing, with added n (cp. 7 I.e. the waves of a storm. qithn 10 ii 6) and therefore possibly that in ' Cp. Joel ii 8; or metaphorically 'lightning' (Van mib'thn (20); Virolleaud btm hn 'in (its) entirety lo!' Selms). * Sc. each member of the audience. 1 The destruction (or restoration) of Keret's " Lit. 'heir'. KERET (14) 83 26 y'rb.bhdrh.ybky He1 entered into his chamber weeping, 27 btn.rgmm.vydm' as he repeated (his) tale (of woe) he shed tears; 28 tntkn.udm'th his tears streamed down 29 ]tm.tqlm.dr}h like shekels to the ground, 30 km hmst.mtth like pieces of five upon (his) bed. 31 bm[.]bkyh.ivyin As he wept he fell asleep, 32 bdm'h.nhmmt as he shed tears (there was) slumber. 33 int.tltin (34) tpy&6. Sleep overpowered him and he lay down, KAwmf (35) vryqmj. slumber (overpowered him) and he curled up.2 wbhlmh (36) «.>r>arf. 'Does he wish for the kingship of the bull his father hm.rfrk[t](43)kdi.adm 'or dominion as (of) the father of mankind?' . . (gapof6-7//.) . 52 [1m] (53) [dnk.ksp.wyrq] '[What need have I4 of silver and yellow metal],

Col, it 54 [^&.]yd.mqmh '[of gold] fresh from the mine5 55 [wfb]d.'/m. '[or of] perpetual* slaves, tit (56) [^ 'of triads7 [of horses] (and) chariots btrbsbn.dmt 'from the stable of the son of a slave-girl8? 57 [--b]nm.djny '[ ] sons I would get* 58 [---]rmJmW '[ ] I would multiply.' 59 [wy'n]Jr.

30 km ftmit (cp. 19 82-83); Virolleaud tmfy mil 'the 1 Sc. Keret; the story proper begins here. covering of his bed was soaked' (Akk. mafydbu 'to 1 Perhaps a teachnical term for resorting to pour out*; cp. Ps. vi 7) incubation (Greenfield); see at 17 i 6. 33 tl&n: note n with five wedges; Virolleaud f/iMn ' Cp. the tide of Zeus in Homer, 'father of men 38 mdt crasis of mh dt (Ginsberg; cp. Ps. cxiv 5) or and gods'. Alternatively 'the Man' as an epithet of my dt (Gray; cp. Ruth iii 16) the sacral king (Lipinski). 4 42: cp. 16 vi 24 Lit. 'Why I?'; cp. Gen. xxv 22. 1 52 (properly 50 or S\)~53- <=?• 137-138 Lit. 'alongside its place'; cp. i Sam. iv 13 (Qere) 54-56: cp. 126-129 Jobxxviiii. • Cp. Deut. xv 17 Job xl 28. 56: this line and 67 transgress the margin with col. iii 7 Cp. Od. iv 589-90. Alternatively 'a third man, 57-58 Ginsberg [tn.b]nm and []rm 'grant that I horses and a chariot'; Hebr. IdK! 'squire'. may get sons, multiply kin' ' Sc. El himself; but the words are conventional. 59 Virolleaud In /. 129 the reference is more appropriately to Pabil 60 Lipinski d[b]t 'you are wasting away' (cp. Ps. (cp. Ps. Ixxxvi 16). ' Cp. Gen. iv i. w Ixxxviii 10) Cp. 2 Sam. vi 17. Alternatively 'pen' for 63-75: cp. i57-«67 animals (Gray; Arab, fyummu). 84 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 68 lld.k\[ltn]m 'a young beast (in) [them both]; 69 JW/./[hmk.d]n*/ '(take) all1 the choicest1 of [your bread], 70[rr.]'fr (71) dbh. 'take a , the sacrificial bird; f[q-bg]l.Atf (72) ya.' 'pour wine [into] a vessel of silver, bg^TS.nbt 'honey into a vessel of gold. 73 'llzr.[mg]dl 'Go up on to the tower 74 to'llzr.[mg]dl.rkb (75) ffoi»n.Am[t]. 'and mount the shoulder of the wall; &.}><$ (76)/mm. 'lift up your hands (to) heaven dbh.Hr (ft) '(and) sacrifice to the bull £1 your father, frd.b'l(i8)bdbhk. 'make Baal to come down with your sacrifice, bn.dgn (79) AwwrfA. 'the son of Dagon with your game. wyrJ (80) krt. /£§•/. Then let Keret come down from the roof;3 V4 (81) aW.l^ry/ 'let him make ready* corn5 for the city, 82 htt.\bt.hbr 'wheat for Beth Khubur;* 83 yip.\hm.dhmi 'let him parch bread (from grain) of the fifth, 84 m$d[.]tdt.yrhm 'rations7 (from grain of) the sixth month.8 85 fd»[.]n^.ayf/ 'Let a multitude be gathered and go forth, 86 fbu.sbl.ngb 'let a mighty army* be gathered; 87 vyft.'dn.m 'then let the multitude go forth together. 88 '(Let) your army (be) a numerous force, 89 tlt.mdt.rbt 'three hundred times ten thousand, 90 hpt.dbl.spr 'peasant levies10 without number, 91 tnn.dbl.hg 'regular soldiers10 beyond reckoning. 92 hlk.ldlpm.Mz 'Let them go by thousands (like) storm-cloud(s),11 93 wlrbt.kmyr 'and by ten thousands like the early rains. 94 [i]/r.ft'r.ft»(io2)i«A. 'let him make away with his wife to another, Im.nkr (103) mddth. 'with his beloved to a stranger.14

74: dittography of 73 or vice-versa (cp. 165-166) the campaign does not seem to have lasted long (cp. 94: cp. 182 //. io6ff., ii4ff.). * Lit. 'an army of an army'. 19 Cp. Akk. (Alalakh) fyiph, sliananu, the first 1 Or 'a measure, measures of (Hebr. kyl in Isa. referring to free-born farmers who had become xl 12 Gezer inscr. /. 5). tenants of the king in return for certain feudal 1 Properly bread offered to guests. services, the second to professional soldiers (cp. 23 7), ' Lit. 'roofs', i.e. roof-terraces; cp. ANET p. 81 probably archers (Wiseman). (Gilgamesh) 2 Kgs. xxiii 12 Jer. xix 13 Zeph. i 5. 11 Cp. Zech. x i Jer. iv. 13. Alternatively this • Infin. absol. or perfect with jussive sense; so and the following term denote military classes. ngb (85), hlk (92, 94), sgr (96) and perhaps yrd (79). 11 Or 'hire a hireling" (Gray), in either case because • Cp. Gen. xli 35 Prov. xiii 23. her son had been taken to the war; cp. Gen. xxx 16 i • Cp. 15 iv 8-9. Alternatively 'from the granary Sam. ii 5. ... from the cellars)' ; cp. Akk. 6ft qaritu 'granary', l* Or 'let the newly-wed pay the bride-price (but 6ft buburi 'ale-house' (Albright; cp. Prov. xxi 9 xxv then) etc.' (cp. /. 189); for another example of y;d G 24). ' Cp. Gen. xlii 25 Josh, ix 14. with the meaning 'put forth* see 16 i 53. 1 Lit. 'of the fifth, sixth of months', being those 14 Newly married men seem to have been normally in which respectively barley and wheat were gathered exempt from military service, as in Israel (Deut, to storage (Gray). Hardly 'for five, six months', since xx 7 xxiv 5). KERET (14) 8s ktrby(iQ±)h] 'Let them settle like locusts on the field,

Col. Hi ios km.hsn.pdt.mdbr 'like hoppers on the fringe of the wilderness.1 106 Ik.ym.wtn. 'Go a day and a second, tlt.rb'.ym 'a third, a fourth day, 107 \flaS.tdt.ym. 'a fifth, a sixth day; mk.!p!m(io8)bsb'. 'then with the sun1 on the seventh (day) wtmfcy. ludm (i09) rbm. 'you shall come to great Udm wl.udm.trrt 'and to well-watered Udm; no wgr.nn.'rm. 'and do you tarry at the city, bn(\\i)pdrm. 'encamp at the town.3 it.bidm(ii2)htbh. 'Running in from the fields4 (will come) the women fetching (wood), bgrnt.hph 'from the threshing-floors those seeking (straw); 113 s'!ibt. 'running in from the well (will come) the women drawing water, bbqr (114) mmldt. 'from the spring those filling (buckets).5 dm.ym.vAn 'Stay quiet a day and a second, 115 tlt.rb'.ym. 'a third, a fourth day, ymi(ii6)tdt.ym. 'a fifth, a sixth day; 'do not discharge your arrows into the town dbn.ydk(ii8)m!dpt. '(nor) your sling stones (into) the citadel.' whn.spim (119) bib'. 'And behold 1 with the sun on the seventh (day), wl.y!n.pbl(i2o)mlk. 'then king Pabil will not sleep lqr.tlgt.ibrh 'for the rumble of the roaring of his bull(s), 121 lql.nhqt.hmrh 'for the sound of the braying of his ass(es), 122 Ig't.dlp.hrt. 'for the lowing of his plough ox(en), z$t(i2i)klb.#r. 'the whining of his hunting dog(s).7 vryldk (124) 'And he will send messengers to you, (saying): 'm.krt (125) mswnh. "ToKeret • thm.pbl.mlk ' "the message of king Pabil (is this): 126 qh.ksp.wyrq. ' "Take silver and yellow metal, hr; (i2i)yd.mqmh. ' "gold fresh from the mine wbd.'lm ' "and perpetual slaves, 128 ilt.sswm.mrkbt ' "triads of horses (and) chariots

104: cp. 192 * Or 'attack' (Akk. gari) 'the villages, destroy the 106: this and several other lines of col. iii are con- towns'. tinued on the edge of the tablet 4 Or 'Swept from the fields (shall be) the women 109 rbm error for rbt (cp. 134) etc." (Greenfield). The root occurs in Ps. Iv 9 des- 112 fttbh error for ktbt (Pedersen) cribing a wind. 113 n

fc:cp. 216;66$r error for imgr(cp. 216-217) 1 Cp. Quran Sura cxi 4 Gen. xxiv n j Sam. unless m assimilated to b ix n. US yd error f°r bmi through dittography of ym ' Cp. Num. xxxv 17; or 'your sling-stones flung (cp. 220) in succession' (Driver; Arab, 'adaffa 'came consecu- tively (affairs)'). 7 Lit. 'the ox (with which) he ploughed, the dog 1 Cp. Judg. vi 5 vii 12 Nah. iii 15-17 Ben (to which) he whistled*. Cp. Job vi 5. Sira xliii 17. * Or 'he will send messengers to you, to Keret..., * It is uncertain whether this phrase means at (saying):' The term mtwn is variously rendered sunrise or at sunset (cp. 118). 'camp', 'colleague', 'delegate(s)' or as a place-name. 86 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 129 ' "from the stable of the son of a slave-girl. 130 qh.krt.ilmm (131) //mm. 1 "Take, Keret, the peace-offerings, (take) the peace- offerings wng.mlkfap) Ibty. ' "and flee away, king, from my house, rhq.krt (133) Ihzry. 1 "keep far, Keret, from my court; dl.t$r(m)iidm.rbt. ' "do not besiege great Udm wiidm trrt ' "and well-watered Udm, 135 ' "Udm the gift of El1 wusn (136) db.ddm. ' "and a present from the father of mankind." wttb(i'tf)mldkm.lh. 'And do you send the messengers back to him, (saying): lm.dnk(i$)ksp.wyrq. ' "What need have I of silver and yellow metal, hrj(iy)}yd.mqmh. ' "of gold fresh from the mine w'bd(iLO)'lm. ' "or of perpetual slaves, tlt.sstm.mrkbt ' "of triads of horses (and) chariots 141 ' "from the stable(s) of the son of a slave-girl? 142 pd.ln.bbty.ttn ' "So do you give (me) what is not in my house;2 143 ' "give me the maiden Huray, 144 nmt.iph.bkrk ' "the most gracious of (your) family, your first-born, 145 dk.n'm.'nt.n'mh ' "whose grace is as the grace of Anat 146 Jbn.frm. ' [rah] ' "(and) her fairness as the fairness of Athtart 147 d'qh.ib.iqnt. ' "whose eyeballs are gems3 of lapis-lazuli 'p['p]h(i48)sp.trml. ' "(and) her eyelids bowls of onyx, thgrn [u]dm ' "(who) is girded with rubies. 149 dilw.bsp.'nh ' "I would repose in the glance of her eyes, 150 ytn ' "because El in my dream has granted, 151 bSrty. db.ddm ' "the father of mankind in my vision, 152 vild.iph.lkrt ' "the birth of a family to Keret 153 w&lm.rbd.ll ' "and a boy to the servant of El." ' 154 krt.yht.whlm Keret awoke, and it was a dream, 155 ' the servant of El—and it was a visitation.4 156 yrths.wyddm He washed and reddled himself, 157 yrhs.ydh.dmth he washed his hands to the elbow, 158 iub'th.'d.tkm his fingers to the shoulder. 159 'rb.bzl.hmt. He did enter into the shade of the tent; Iqh (160) imr.dbh.bydh he did take a sacrificial sheep in his hand, 161 lld.kldtnm. a young beast (in) them both; 162 klt.lhmh.dnzl (he did take) all the choicest of his bread, 163 ZyA.»«rr. he did take a , the sacrificial bird;

Col. iv 164 ysq.bgl.htt.yn he did pour wine into a vessel of silver, 165 bgl.hrs.nbt. honey into a vessel of gold.

135 yfmi error for ytnt (Virolleaud) unless n has four 1 Cp. Ecclcs. iii 13 and for the thought Deut. wedges xxxii 8. 146-147 :cp. 293-295 1 Cp. 2 Sam. ix 3. 148 [ii](>)\zr.mgdl. And he did go up on to the tower, rkb^tytkmm.hmt. did mount the shoulder of the wall; nid(M)\y]dk.hnmk. he did lift up his hands to heaven dbh (169) \ (and) did sacrifice to the bull El his father, !rd(vo)VD'\].bdbhh. he did make [Baal] to come down with his sacrifice, bndgnfatffbmlfdh. the son of Dagon [with] his game. >r

Col. v 216 s't.bnpk.tfbt. running in from the well (did come) the women drawing (water), wb (217) mqr.mmldt and from the spring those filling (buckets). 218 d[m].ym.vrtn He did stay quiet a day and a second, 219 th[.]rb'.ym a third, a fourth day, 220 hmi.tdt.ym a fifth, a sixth day; 221 m&[.]/p/m.6$' then with the sun on the seventh (day), 222 w/._y/n[.]/»i/ (223) mlk. king Pabil could not sleep l(V.]tiqt(22^ibrk(.] for [the rumble] of the roaring of his bull(s), [l]ql.nh(226)hr/[.] [for the lowing] of his plough ox(en),

[lZ]M.]Afl(227)[s]pr[.] [for] the whining of his hunting dog(s). [apn]A(228)[pb]/[.mlk.] Thereupon [king] Pabil [g]«.^H(229)[h.k]y[sh.] [surely] cried aloud to [his ]wife: Sm'.m' (230) [- -]'m[-]dtty 'Hear, I beseech you [ ] my wife 231 [ -}thm '[ ] the message 232 ( M-> '[ ] 233 [ ]« '[ ] 234 [ ]h.fifl '[ ] to make ready 235 [ ]»0«ft '[ ] his hands 236 [ J.W.tfft '[ ] no, I shall send 237 ( 1*. '[ ] gm (238) [1 fysh [Surely] he [cried] aloud [to ] : 239 [ ]W.V '[ ] the city

207-208: note the final word-dividers 230 Herdner [/n]'m[f. ] 'o my gracious wife' 109 brb' prob. error for bhm! (cp. the pattern in 106- 234: note d with four vertical wedges 108, 195-196) 236: this line transgresses the margin with col. iv 211: cp. 109 238: cp. 228-229 213 fr«: note n with five wedges (cp. 33, no); Virolleaud irnd 1 Or 'two parts her (weight), the third part her 214: cp. 112 (unless the masc. is used for the fern.; (weight)' (Herdner a. Pedersen); cp. Akk. UttaSu cp. 16 i 51) ilu-ma {ullultalu amelutu (Gilgamesh), 'two parts of 215 Virolleaud grnm him are divine, his third human'. 218: cp.114 * See apparatus; the two full days of //. 194-195 220: note that 116-118 are not repeated and the four of //. 207-208 are equivalent to the six 223-227: cp. 120-123 full days of //. io6ff. 223 tlqt error for tigt (120) or variant ' Apparently 'Nun energicum' endings after perfect 227-229 Ginsberg (cp. 17 v 13, 15) verbs. KERET (14) 89 240 [ -]bi [ ] 24' [ -]*»y •: ] 242 f IP '': . ] 243 [ d]ty (244/5) f [----] ' ] sacrifice [ ] [id]*(246)/mKM'» ' [Then of a truth do you set] (your) faces 247 '«.[krt.msw]n towards [Keret ] 248 wr[gm.lkrt.]<€ and tell the noble [Keret]: 249

Col. vi . . (gap of 3 fl.) . . 265 [idk.pnm.lytn] [Then indeed they set (their) faces] 266 [']m[.krt.mswnh] towards [Keret ], 267 (/[dn.ghm.wtshn] they lifted up [their voices and cried]: 268 rt[m.pbl.mlkj* 'The message of [king Pabil] (is this): 269 ^[.ksp.wyrq] Take [silver and yellow metal], 270 hrr.[yd.mqmh] 'gold [fresh from the mine] 271 tt)'W[.'lm.] 'and [perpetual] slaves, [tit] (272) wwm.m[rkbt] '[triads] of horses (and) [chariots] 273 ft/rb;.[bn.dmt] 'from the stable of [the son of a slave-girl]. 274 0[]<[.51mm] (275) /[1mm.] Take, [Keret, the peace-offerings], (take) the peace- [offerings] d/.*[sr](276)fidm[.r]bt[.] '(and) do not [besiege] great Udm wi[dm] (277) [t]rrt[.] 'and well-watered Udm, W«.y[tMt](278)n[.] 'Udm the gift of El il/n[.](283)ttyr[q.] 'What need have I of silver and yellow metal, [hrs] (2%^yd.mqmh. '[of gold] fresh from the mine

243 Virolleaud 249-259: cp. 125-131, 133-136 244-245 are probably one line (Herdner) 260-261: cp. 279-280 and contrast 131-133 244/5-246:0?. 3 F 12-13 265-267: cp. 301-304 247 Herdner (cp. 125); Ginsberg [krt.f] 268-280: cp. 249-261 248 Ginsberg (cp. 16 i 38) 281 Herdner a. Ginsberg 283: cp. 138 90 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS to'bd(2&s)'lm. 'or of perpetual slaves, tlt.sswm(2%(>)mrkbt. 'of triads of horses (and) chariots btrbf (287) bn.dmt. 'from the stable of the son of a slave-girl? pd.[l}n(2tt)bbty.ttn[.] 'So do you give (me) what is not in my house; te(a89)(x.Mff[.]Ary 'give me the maiden Huray, 290 n'mt.ibh.bkrk 'the most gracious of (your) family, your first-born, 291 dkn'm.'nt (292) n'mh. 'whose grace is as the grace of Anat km.tsm (293) 'ttrt.tmh '(and) her fairness as the fairness of Athtart, 294 d'[.]l({nt 'whose eyeballs are gems of lapis-lazuli 295 'p'ph.sp.trml '(and) her eyelids bowls of onyx; 296 rfftA/ffiy.ll.^/n 'because El in my dream has granted, 297 Uirfy[.]ld.iph.&ik(2y))t. 'the birth of a family to Keret ^/m./'W(3oo)//. 'and a boy to the servant of El.' «i'.«Mfe»(3oi)/y

'5 Col. i (ca. 40 //.) 1 [mrglb.yd.m[tkt] '[The hungry she] did [grasp] by the hand;1 2 mzmd.yd.mtkt 'the thirsty she did grasp by the hand. 3 tttkrn.[--]dn 4 'm.krt.mswnh 'towards Keret 5 drh tz& I'glh '(As) the heifer lows for her calf 6 bn.hpt.lumhthm '(and) soldiers'2 sons (cry) for their mothers,3 7 ktnhn.udmm 'surely the people of Udm shall bemoan her.' 8 wy'ny.krt.t' And the noble Keret answered:

Col. ii (ca.zoll.) i[ ] '[ ] «[• ]"• '[ ] the bull 3 [--.-iHyJn.W ;i mightiest] Baal 4 [- ..... -JyrA . zbl ] prince Yarikh 5 [--kt]r«$« '[ ] Kothar-and-Khasis 4 6 [ ---- ] zbl '[ ] Rahmay, prince Resheph

287: cp. 142 ii 3, 5 Virolleaud 290: note b for p 295: note the omission of two phrases (cp. 148-149) 1 Cp. Hos. vii 5. 298-299 krk t error for krt (cp. 152) * See at 14 90, 305-306 Ginsberg (cp. 61-62); possibly the word // ' I.e. in the absence of their fathers; cp. 6 ii 28ff. began the next tablet « Probably a name or title of Anat meaning 'the i Herdner and Virolleaud merciful'(l) (23 13). KERET (14; 15 i, ii, iii) 91 7 [w']dtMm.tlth '[and] the company of the gods,1 the third thereof'.2 8 [ty]nk.krt.t'.'[l]r Thereupon the noble Keret did hold a banquet; 9 [fr]b bth.yh. [he did enter] his house (and) drank, 'rb(io)[bt]h.ytn. he did enter his [house] (and) gave (gifts); wysb.lytn and he came forth, having indeed given (them). 11 [ib]r.injy.'[A]t.ilm Afterwards the company of the gods did arrive,* 12 [vf]yn.dlty[n.]b'l [and] mightiest Baal spoke: 13 [\t]tb'.lltpn(i4)[l\.i\pid. 'Do [you indeed] arise,4 o Latipan kindly [god], Wr*(i5)put.]«'. 'do you indeed bless the noble [Keret], //mr.n'mrt(i6)[&lm.]l/. 'do you indeed fortify the gracious one, [page] of El.'5 fc.yW(i7)[il.b]ynj.M6.d[t]rt 'one that shall suck the milk of Athirat, 27 mfj.^.b«ft.['nt] 'one that shall drain the breasts of the virgin [Anat], 28 m^tt.Um—] 'the suckling nurses of [the gods].'7

Col. iii . . (01.15 fl.) . . x[ ](a)[-—] [mid.rm.]^ '[Be greatly exalted], Keret, 3 [btk.rpi.]^ '[in the midst of the shades] of the underworld, 4 \bp\}r].qbf.dtn '[in the assembly] where Ditan8 gathers; 5 [vtt]qrb.wld((>)bn.tlk '[and she] shall approach (her time)' to bear daughters to you. TtU.ptt.t[--]t 'She shall bear a girl (called) T . . . . t, 8«W.pftt[—-] 'she shall bear a girl (called) [ ] 9 tW./>|[t----] 'she shall bear a girl (called) [ ] 10 M.p&t -] 'she shall bear girls (called) [ ]

7 Herdner a. Virolleaud 1 Cp. Ps. Ixxxii i. 8 [dp]nk Virolleaud; '[f]r Sauren and Kestemont 2 Or 'the three-fold company', referring to ranks 9-10: cp. PRU II no. 121,1. 2 or divisions within the pantheon. 11-12 Virolleaud 13: cp. 14 * Infin. absol. or basic verbal form (3 masc. sing, 14-18 Virolleaud perf.). 19-20 Virolleaud (cp. 17 i 35-36) 4 Lit. 'depart', i.e. go over to him. 21 Virolleaud (cp. 14 204) 6 Cp. 17 i 24-25. 23 bqrk error for fork (cp. 14 205) ' See at 14 203-205. 26-27 Virolleaud 28 Ginsberg 7 Like the Sumerian king Lugalzaggisi suckled by 2-4: cp. 13-15 Ninhursag (Gray); cp. also 23 24 ANET p. 62 5: cp. 20 (Marduk). 6 bn.tlk error for • Lit. 'in the assembly of the gathering of. Dtn is 10,11 perhaps contained two names each, making the a prestigious tribal or dynastic name (Ugaritica V p. total number eight 564). ' Or 'shall soon". 92 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS ntU'tto ] 'she shall bear girls (called) [ ] 12 /M.£[gt.ttmnt] 'she shall bear a girl (called) [Thitmanat]. 13 mid.rm[.krt] 'Be greatly exalted, [Keret], 14 btk.rpt.dr[s] 'in the midst of the shades of the underworld, 15 bphr.qbf.dtn 'in the assembly where Ditan gathers. 16 sgrthn.dbkrn 'I will give the first-born's blessing (even) to the youngest of them.'1 17 tbrk.llm.tlty The gods blessed (him and) returned, 18 ttty.Um.Mhlhm the gods returned to their tents, 19 drtt.lmtknthm the race of El8 to their habitations. 20 wtqrb.wldbn Ih And she approached (her time) to bear him a son, 21 wtqrb.tcldbnmlh and approached (her time) to bear him sons; 22 mk.bfb'.htt then in the seventh year 23 hm.tdr the sons of Keret (were as many) as had been promised,3 24 dp.bnt.hry (25) ^mAm. moreover the daughters of Huray (were as many) as they. tothis.dtit (26) m/rA. And Athirat thought on his vow w//^.p[---] and Elat on [his pledge],4 27 wtfti.^A.wftsh] and she lifted up her voice and [cried]: 28/>A«'J/>.ft[] 'Consider, I beseech you: has Keret then [broken] 29 ii^-l>[ -] '(Then) I shall break [ ] . . («.7flL)

Col. iv . . Ks//.) . . 1 />['nh.lhdm.ytpd] [he placed his] feet [on the footstool]; 2 ^w.l[dtth.kysh] [surely he cried] aloud to [his wife]: 3 &»'[.lmtt.hry] 'Hear, [o maiden Huray]: 4 /bh[.]/[mnj.mrfk 'slay the [fattest] of your fadings, 5 ^.[rhjbf.^n 'open tuns of wine; 6 $h.!b'm[.]try 'call my seventy dukes 7 tmnym.[2]bxy '(and) my eighty barons,8 8 tr.hbr[.ib]t 'the dukes of great Khubur, 9 Air[.trrt] '[well-watered] Khubur. IO[-P>[-M-> '[ J " [-----]r[---]/H

12: cp. 161 29 1 I.e. all will be treated as if they were the first- 13-14: cp. 3-3 born; cp. Deut. xxi 16 Ps. Ixxxix 28; there seems 20-21 Ginsberg corrects to 6» and bnt (cp. 23-24) no reason why in this context the youngest should be 26 Ginsberg p[ldh] (Hebr. JpV Piel, Hiphil 'made a singled out. special vow') » Cp. dr. bn. ti (32 17) Phoen. dr bn 'lm (Kara- 28-29 Ginsberg; [rnlk]: cp. 14 8 tepe inscr. iii 19). 30 Ginsbergp[lfy]', Sauren and Kestemont [hwt]; the 1 Lit. 'vowed' and thus presumably promised by following gap allows for three to four lines on the Athirat in reply to his vow. bottom edge (cp. 14 159-163) 4 See 14 2ooff. It seems that Keret had not ful- i: cp. 17 ii 11 filled his side of the bargain. 2: cp. 14228-229 ' Cp. Ps. Ixxxix 34. 3-5 :cp. 14-16 ' Lit. 'bulls' and 'gazelles'; cp. Hebr. 'bulls' 7: cp. 18 8-9: cp. 19-20 (Jer. 1 27), 'gazelles' (Isa. xxiii 9), 'he-goats' (Isa. xiv 10-13 are in a very poor state 9), 'rams' (Exod. xv 15), 'calves' (Ps. Ixviii 31). KERET (15 iii, iv, v) 93 12 tf.A[ ]t '[ ] 13 /hn A[- -]iAd[-] '[ ] 14 tfm'.mtt.[h]ry The maiden Huray obeyed; 15 ttbh.Smn.[m]rih she slew the fattest of her fallings, 16 f[p]tA.r/ibt.yn she opened tuns of wine; 17 'Iktrh.tfrb she brought in his dukes to him, 18 'Ih.tTrb.jbyh she brought in his barons to him, 19 fr.Wr[.]^ the dukes of great Khubur, 20 hbr.trrt well-watered Khubur. 21 fo.krMMn They entered (into) the house of Keret, 22 /m.m*b[ ] [ ] to the throne-room 23 wlhmtar .tqdm and they advanced to the audience-chamber. 24'.tflh She put forth (her) hand1 to the dish, 25 hrb.bbh.thn she put a knife to the flesh. 26 [wtJ'w.ffltt.Ar^ [And] the maiden Huray addressed (them): 27 [llh]m.%.^ffi 'I have called you [to] eat (and) to drink, 28 [wldbh.l]ks.b'lkm '[and to make sacrifice for] Keret your lord. . . (ca. 15//.)

Col. v . . (lorztf.) . . 1 [ttbb.5m]».[mrih] [she slew the] fattest [of her fadings], 2 [tpth.rh]i/.[yn ] [she opened] tuns [of wine ] 3[--l-k]rp[n---] [ ] flagon(s) [ 4[----bM----l [ ] Khubur [ j Sbbr[-..]t[....]h 61m^[--]t[ ](7) [tqdm.] to the throne-room [ they advanced]. yrf.i?e.t[Sl]/i She put forth (her) hand to the dish, 8 [hrb.bMr].t//n she put [a knife to] the flesh. 9 [vft'n].mtt.hty [And] the maiden Huray [addressed (them)] : 10 [Uh]m.%.^htk[m] 'I have called you [to] eat (and) to drink n[—]brM—-1 '[ ]bless[ ] 12 ['l.]krt.fbkn 'Do you weep [over] Keret 13 [km.]r^m.

15-16: cp. 4-5 '5 [—]t: perhaps ['l]h or ['/]» 'over him' 26-27: cp. vi 3-4 16 Virolleaud [bh]ml 'with tears' (cp. Arab, hamala 28 [dbft.l] (Gordon; cp. vi 5) is too short and [dbff. 'shed tears'); perhaps u$b'[t] 17: prps. [k]rt dbff.l] (Virolleaud) too long for the space 19 ?Wd: cp. ;6d (16 i 36) and fbi (19 209) 1-2: cp. iv 15-16 1 3 Ginsberg Cp. Judg. v 26 Job xxviii 9. z 4: cp. iv 8 Cp. Exod. viii 15 Luke xi 20. 7-10: cp. iv 23-27 3 Where was the entrance to the underworld (cp. 12-13 Virolleaud and Ginsberg 2 iii 20 6 i 8ff.). 14 Ginsberg * See at 2 iii 20 iv 5. CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 94 wymlk(2i) [y]si In. 'and [Yassib]1 will be king over us uy[\]y(22)[\LT]tt'. 'and he will [replace] the noble [Keret]; 'In.bhr (23) [.-.-]. 'over us a youth [ ] «Jttk.'/(24)[----]k>/« 'your wife2 [ ] he will drive forth 25 [ -}hbr.rbt [ ] great Khubur 26 [V>r.trr]r//

Col. vi 1 im .\[~]mt[-]m\[-]tnm 'Hear [ ] 2 Vm.


Col. i 1 [l]krt [Of] Keret. 2 k[k]lb.bbtk.ntq. 'Like a dog3 we pass into your house, klnr(3)dp.hltk. 'like a cur (through) the entrance to your chamber.4 dp.db.ikmtmfytmtn. 'Shall you then5 die, father, as men,* M!tk.lntn(s)'tq. 'or (shall) your chamber (be made over) to an old man's mourning,7 bd.dtt.dbsrry '(to) a woman's chanting, my glorious father8? 6'l The rocks of Baal weep for you, father, 7 fpn.hlm.qdi 'Zephon the holy circuit,9 8 dny.hlm.hdr. 'the vast circuit is groaning (for you), hl(g)ihb.mknpt. 'the far-flung10 circuit. dp (io)[k] 'Is then Keret the son of El,11

21 [y]}b (Aistleitner); wy[l]y (Caquot and Sznycer; I Dogs in the east are only allowed inside the cp. Arab. wald(y)) house on sufferance (Gray). Cp. Ugaritica V no. i 26-28 Ginsberg obv. /. 13, where (with a slight emendation) the 1 Sauren and Kestemont \f\mtmm l[q]tnm 'o orphans parallelism klb :lnr again occurs. (•Jytm), o little ones' 4 Or 'from your house . . . even from your 2 Herdner 4-5: cp. iv 27-28 chamber'. 7 perhaps error for rgmhm (cp. v 13) 6 Or 'even you'. i: cp. 14 i 2: cp. 15 ' Cp. 17 vi 38 Num. xvi 29 Ps. Ixxxii 6-7. 3 Ik perhaps error for k (cp. 17) ' Lit. 'giving (of voice)'; cp. Gen. xlv 2. • Lit. 'father of my brightness*. 1 Keret's eldest son (ii 25). ' Sc. as place of pilgrimage and processions. 1 Sc. Huray herself now addressing Keret w Cp. Ezek. xvii 3, 7 (of a vulture). directly. II Cp. 2 Sam. vii 14 Ps. ii 7 Ixxxix 27f. KERET (15 v, vi; 16 i) 95 sph (n) Itpn.wqds. 'the progeny of Latipan and the Holy one1?' 'I(i2)dbh.y'rs. He entered into (the presence of) his father, ybky (13) wy/»». he wept and gnashed his teeth,2\iy. he uttered his voice (in) weeping (and said): bhyk.dbn.dimh 'We rejoiced8 in your life, our father, 15 blmtk.ngln. 'we exulted (in) your immortality. kklb (16) bbtk.n'tq. '(But now) like a dog we pass into your house, Wir(i7)ip.yrt. 'like a cur (through) the entrance to your chamber. dp.db.kmtm(iS)tmtn. 'Shall you then die, father, as men, ih!tk.lntn(ig)'tq 'or (shall) your chamber (be made over) to an old man's mourning, bd.dttdb.pry '(to) a woman's chanting, my glorious father? 20 ti(2i) krt[.] 'How can it be said (that) Keret is a son of £1, Sph.ltpn(22)v>qdi. 'the progeny of Latipan and the Holy one? ullm.tmtn 'Or shall gods die?4 23 Sph.ltpn.lyh 'Shall the progeny of Latipan not live?' 24 wy'ny.krt.f And the noble Keret answered: 25 bnM.tbkn. 'Son, weep not, dl(z(>) 'lament not forme;'j)qr.'nk. 'exhaust not, son, the well of your eyes mh.rl!k(2%)Mm't. '(and) the marrow of your head with tears.8 ;h.dhtk(2i))ttmnt. 'Call your sister Thitmanat, bt.hmhh (30)

12 y'rf error for y'rb (cp. ii 112) 1 See at 2 iii 20. 14 Almfy perhaps error for nfmff (cp. ii 99 but cp. also * The appropriate Eng. metaphor; lit. 'sharpened db.frry, 5, 19) (his tongue)'. 17: this and several other lines transgress the margin * Or 'would rejoice etc.'. with col. ii 4 Cp. Gen. iii 22 Ps. Ixxxii 6-7. 29 Ginsberg (im/t /i 'ardour, affection' 1 Cp. Jer. viii 23. 30 § dittography (Herdner) or read t' (Driver) 1 I.e. Yarikh the moon-god; cp. 24 16, 31. 31 Ginsberg 7 Perhaps this is simply a fuller form of the name; 32 Driver (cp. 31, 26) cp. Yatp(an) (18 iv 6, 7). 36 Virolleaud 8 Lit. 'door-pivot', associated in Mesopotamia 42 Driver a. Virolleaud; also possible [tfMtfrJfc (CP- 48) with various ritual acts. 96 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 44

Col ii 63'[ ] '[ ] 64 *[ ] '[ 1 65*[ ] 'do you [ ] 66 a>[ ] 'and [ ] 67/>^[t.ttmnt---] 'the girl [Thitmanat ] 68 lk[- ] 'go[ ] 69«[- -J '[ ] 7°«V[ ] 'and he [ ] 71 «y[ ] 'Who [ ] 72 *[t ] 'wife [ ] 73 4W -] 'your brother [ ] 74*-*[t -] '[ I 75 «*M -] and she cried [ ] 76 %[ ] she gave (him) to drink [ ] TJtr-M ]

44 Watson [bhntk] (cp. 17 i 17) 70: perhaps Uiy['ny.&zr.tibu] (cp. i 58 ii 83); 45 \prt error for yrf or so read (Ginsberg) Herdner wt} 47:cp. 51 72: cp. i 5 74: cp. 77 48-49 Herdner a. Virolleaud 50 Ginsberg; mqyh error for mjyh 1 Sc. £1 or Baal to ask his intercession. 51 Hb error for libt (or masc. for fern.; cp. 14 z^) * Watson translates 'branch* (Akk. girgiru or 54 Virolleaud (cp. 3 D 30) engingiru, a plant); he compares the enigmatic 55 Virolleaud passage Ezek. viii 16-17 anc' Akkadian rituals in 56-57 Driver (cp. ii 81-82) which the suppliant holds a branch to his nose and in 58: cp. ii 83 his other hand grasps a stick or spear. 59-60 Driver and Lipinski 1 Presumably a place near the gate associated with 61-62: cp. 39-41 Elhu's ritual. 66-67: perhaps [uit'ny] (6j)p6[t.ttmnt] (cp. 15 iii 12) * Lit. 'put forth . .. (at) the gate' (G). 69: possibly M[nr] (cp. i 2) » Lit. 'Behold!' KERET (16 i, ii) 97 78[ ] and a mixture [ ] 79 tyr'MA[h.wt5il] She approached [her] brother [and asked]: 80 lm.tb'rn[ } 'Why do you put me off1 [ ] 81[Ts] 'How many months (is it) that he has been ill, 82[t] 'how many (months) that Keret has been sick?' 83 toy'ny.£zr[.l\hu] And the hero [Elhu] answered: 84[ts] 'Three2 months (it is) that he has been ill, 85 drb'.kdw.k[rt] 'four* that Keret has been sick. 86 mnd'.krt.m$\y] 'Assuredly Keret is passing away, 87 wqbr.tfr. 'and you must fashion a grave, q[br] (88) *jr. 'you must fashion a grave /ra./«q[t] 'you must rise (and) ; 89 *w.n*yH^r[h] 'like a strong-room's3 (let) [its] gate (be), 90 km.Mt.[----] 'like an enclosure's [ ] 91[.sk] 'bare without [covering] 92bi[--M----] 'without [ ] 93 ft/.^.w[- ]A 'without covering'. And [ ] 94 ybmh.ib'[ ] her brother-in-law. Seven (days) [ ] 95 lzr.lM.t[---]l the hero Elhu [ ] 96 trm[.]tfr.trm[.t]nqt she arose (and) fashioned, she arose (and) 97 tbkywtfnn. She wept and gnashed her teeth, [n]n(gS)gh.bky. [she] uttered her voice (in) weeping (and said): 6/i[yk.i]bn(99)nfmA. 'We rejoiced in [your] life, our father, Wmtk.n,fin 'we exulted (in) your immortality. 100 ftfttt.[b]6^.n'^ '(But now) like a dog we pass [into] your house, 101 k{nr[.iip.]h$tk 'like a cur [(through) the entrance to] your chamber. 102 ib kmtm.tmtn 'Shall you then die, father, as men, 103 iW^./bky'/y 'or (shall) your chamber (be made over) to an old man's weeping, 104 W.)[l]tpn.lyh. 'Shall the progeny of Latipan not live? t[b]kyk (107) n[.wqdl] 'the progeny of Latipan [and the Holy one]?' 112 Wm.f'r[b.'l.ibh] Forthwith* she entered [into (the presence of) her father], 113 f'ri.A[zr.krt] she entered the court [of Keret];

79 [ttil] (Ginsberg) or [<$] (Herdner) 106-112: cp. i 6-12 80 Ginsberg [<$]; Lipinski [fmrt] 107,108: these lines transgress the margin with col. iii 81-85: cp. i 56-60 j 08 nny error for dny (cp. i 8) 86 Driver 87 Virolleaud 113 Driver a. Virolleaud and Ginsberg; [krt] or 88: cp. 96 perhaps [ddnh] (cp. vi 29) 91 : cp. 93 1 94 Virolleaud !b' [.ymm] Lit. 'remove, make away with me'. 96: cp. 88 * Cp. Amos i 3ff. Prov. xxx i sff. 3 97-98: cp. i 13-14 Lit. 'treasury*. 4 loo-ioi : cp. i 2-3 Possibly here 'Weeping'. 98 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 114 Mtm.t[ J with two she [ ] 115 iknt.[ ] she did stand [ ] 116 bkym [ ] weeping [ ] "7^->[ •] rock(s) [ ] uB ydm. [ ] he lamented [ ] 119 dpn.[ -] Thereat [ ] 120 [»]b[ ] ] . . (ca.3ll.) . . Col. Hi . . (ca. 30//.) . . 1 ^./m['] The oil [of a peace-offering] was poured [from a bowl]. 1 2 'n[.}\r.fc?.wsmm They did see the quaking of the earth and the heavens; 3 sb.lqsm.dr? they did go round to the edges of the earth,* 4 Iksm.mlyt. to the limits of the watery region. 'n($)ldrf.m[t]r.b'l A source (of blessing)3 to the earth was the rain of Baal 4 6'ly and to the field(s) the rain of the Most High; 5 7 n''l a delight to the earth was the rain of Baal 8'ly and to the field(s) the rain of the Most High, 9 n'm[.]lhtt.6'n a delight to the wheat in the furrow, 10 6ffj[.]»rt.Ajmm (to) the spelt in the tilth, 11 'Itlm.'trtrm (to) the on the ridge. 12 tM.[r]ii'.hrtm The ploughmen did lift up (their) head(s), 13 bir[.]'db.dgn they that prepared the corn (did lift up their heads) on high; k!y(i4.)lhm.[b]dnhm. (for) the bread had failed [in] their bins, kly (i$) yn.bhmthm. the wine had failed in their skins, k[\]y (16) /m» bq[ ] the oil had failed in their [cruses].6 17 btkrt.t[bbn---] They [entered] the house of Keret . . (ca. 18 //.) . .

Col. iv (ca. 16II.)

i[ ](a) //./«'. '[ ] El has heard.

Fewer word-dividers are clearly visible in this col. bottle1) or bq[rbthm] (Gray; cp. Arab, qirbatu than Herdner marks; several lines also appear to 'water-skin') or bq[b'thm] (Herdner; cp. 19 216) finish on the edge of the tablet 17: cp. 15 iv 21 (or dual tbdn); the missing lines i: cp. 3 B 31-32 Ugaritica V no. 3 rev. /. 4 include four on the bottom edge (cp. 14 159-163) 2: cp. 4 v 83; Virolleaud 'n '[k]r 'the troubling of (Hebr. 'dkar) 1 Sc. probably Gupn and Ugar, the messengers 4 mtyt (Virolleaud) or mhyt (Herdner; cp. 5 vi 5), of Baal, as in the similar passage 5 vi jff. perhaps alternative forms (cp. Arab, mdhu and * Cp. Ps. xlviii 11 Ixv 6. md'u 'water') * Or 'They saw on the earth etc.' Note the play g b'n (Virolleaud) or bgn (Herdner) 'in the garden on the meanings of the words 'n (2, 4, 9) and ksm (farm?) land' (4, 10). 11 De Moor; Gray '/ tl[m] k'tr trm 'on the ridge (it 4 Cp. Ps. cxlvii 8 Job v 10. With the title of was) like perfume of ..." (Arab, 'ataru) Baal cp. Hebr. 7, 7to (i Sam. ii 10 Ps. vii 11 bcviii 12 Virolleaud 35). 14 Ginsberg; Virolleaud [b]'dnhm 4 Cp. Gen. xlix 15. 16 bq[lthm] (Ginsberg; cp. Arab, qullatu 'earthenware * Cp. i Kgs. xvii 14 Ps. civ 14-15 Hab. iii 17. KERET (16 ii, Hi, iv, v) 99 dmrk ph[t] (3) ML 'I see (that) you1 are percipient like El, hkmt.ktr.ltpn '(that) you are wise like the bull Latipan. 4 sh.ngr.ll.itt 'Call Elsh the steward* of El, i\[$\(S)v>dtth.ngrt[.\]tht 'Elsh and his wife the stewardess of the goddesses.' 6 %.*m'r[ ] Like .... like ....[ ] 7 y&-nS,r U-ili he called Elsh the steward of El, 8'l Elsh the steward of Baal's house, 9 wdtth.ngrt.ilht and his wife the stewardess of the goddesses. 10 w/n.///m[.]ild/>i[d] And Latipan, kindly god, addressed (them): a M.lngrUil^] 'Hear, o Elsh, steward of El, 12 \U.ngr bt b'l 'Elsh steward of Baal's house 13[ht] 'and your wife stewardess of the goddesses; 14 'l.ltkm.bnwn 'go up to the shoulder of the building, 15 Inhnpt mlpy 'to the parapet of the tower; 16 tit kmm trry 'three 17 [---]^h '[ ] to the rock (and) cry aloud i«[ M> [ ] . . (ea.vjtt.) . . Colv ''r[ ] [ ] 2'r[ ] [ ] 3M- 1 I ] 4 «yd[ ] 'and let him [ ] Sb'd(- ] 'behind [ ] 6 ydtr[ ] 'let him proceed [ ] 7 W*.b[ ] 'with your hand [ ] 8 tnnth[ ] she* did it a second time [ ] 9 tUth[- - -] she did it a third time [ ] [wy'n](io)/#rt.[ll.dpld.] [And] Latipan [kindly god answered]: [my] (11) W/m. [ydy. mrs] '[Who] among the gods4 [will banish (his) illness] 12 £r/m.«[bln.] '(and) drive out8 the plague?' [ln.bllm](i3)'«yA' [None among the gods] did answer him. 3p[tny.ytlt](i4)r^«. [A second, a third time] he [repeated] (his) speech: my. b[ilm. ydy] (15) mrs. 'Who among [the gods will banish] (his) illness jr/[m.zbln] '(and) drive out [the plague]?' 16 /rt.6//m.'[nyh.] None among the gods did answer [him]. [yrb1] (i"l)yhmf.rgm. [A fourth], a fifth time he repeated (his) speech: [my.bllm] (18)ydy.mrs. '[Who among the gods] will banish5 (his) illness ^[rSm.zbln] '(and) drive [out the plague]?'

2 ph[t]: cp. /ifemt (3); perhaps arrange iam kph[i] 6: perhaps yAtr[t] 'o Athirat' (cp. 15 iii 25) 3,4: these lines finish on the edge of the tablet 9-20 Herdner a. Virolleaud (cp. 14, 21-23) 4: perhaps ti[!]('iy (cp. 8) Step. 9 1 Sc. probably Baal, requesting El's aid in the 6: cp. kmll.kfo(l iv n) curing of Keret. 1 16: or tltkm mtrry (Gordon and Gray) 'the three of Or 'carpenter' (Akk. naggdru). you, my water-providers', requiring Elsh to have * Sc. Athirat or some other goddess approaching had two wives El. 18: perhaps r[u]m 'wild ox' (cp. 6 i 19) • Cp. Exod. xv n. 6 i: perhaps V[6] There did enter...' (cp. 17 ii 26) Prob. participles. 100 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 19 in.bilm.'n[yh.] None among the gods did answer [him]. ytdt(2o)y!b'.rgm. A sixth, a seventh time he repeated (his) speech: [my. ]bUm (21) ydy. mn. '[Who] among the gods will banish (his) illness grsm zbln '(and) drive out the plague?' 22 tn.bilm.'nyh None among the gods did answer him;1 23 tty'n.ltpn.ll.bpid and Latipan kindly god spoke; 24 tb.bny.lmtb[t]km 'Sit, my sons, in2 your places, 25 Ikht.zblk[m.] 'on the seats of your princely state. [t]nk(26)ihtrf.w[l]lkn 'I myself will cast a spell and will create, 27 d!kn.ydt.[m]rs 'I will create (what) will banish (his) illness grh(z8)zbln. '(and) drive out the plague.' r[t.ydh].>Wii He filled [his hand] with mud,3 29 n'm.rt[.yran.] [(his) right hand] with a fair piece4 of mud; yvt (3°)

Col. vi i [m] 'Death, truly be shattered! i'tqtdt. (2)U. 'Sha'taqat, truly be victorious!' tottb'.i'tqt And Sha'taqat departed;

53 bptd error for dpid 48-53: cp. vi 6-10 54-25 Virolleaud vi i [m]t; cp. 13; dt. error for dm or so read 56-27 Herdner 58-29 Ginsberg; the reading rt is very uncertain 1 Cp. i Kgs. xviii 29 Job v i. 10 dt or dm (cp. vi i); mt}t or .^/ (cp. vi i) * Or 'Return, my sons, to'. ^0-41: cp. 15 ii 16-18 ' Cp. 17 i 34; or 'dung' as in Arabic (rawtu). \,2 Ginsberg (cp. vi i) 4 I.e. a piece of suitable size or texture. \4\ cp. 42 5 Cp. Gilgamesh I ii 34 (ANET p. 74) Job .5 Ginsberg and Gray 'fr[ptm] after vi 8 xxxiii 6. .6 Ginsberg ' Or 'from' or 'over cities, towns' (so in vi 6-7). KERET (16 v, vi) 101 3 bt.krt.bu.tbu she indeed went into the house of Keret; 4 bkt.tgly.wtbu she did weep (as) she entered and went in, 5 rifrt.tbu.pnm she did sob (as) she went in within. 6 Vm./ She flew in stealth to the city, 7 she flew in secret to the town. 8 htm.t'mt. She tapped (him) with (her) wand; (mrs.)p/r/»tm (the illness) did escape (from his) temples, 9 zbln.'l.rish the plague from his head. 10't And she sat down (and) washed him (clean) of sweat. 11 npih.llhm.tpth His throat opened for food, 12 brlth.ltrm his gorge for a meal. 13 (So) death was truly shattered, i'tqt (14) dm.ldn. Sha'taqat was truly victorious. wyPqd(i$ krt.t'. And the noble Keret gave command, y&.gh(i(>)wy}h. he lifted up his voice and cried: Sm .Imtt (17) fcry. 'Hear, o maiden Huray; /W./mr(i8)w^m. 'Slay a sheep and I will eat (it), m^.toftrm 'a fading and I will consume (it).' 19 tim'.mtt.hry The maiden Huray heard, 20 ttbh .imr .wlhm she slew a sheep and he did eat (it), 21 mgt.wytrm. a falling and he consumed (it). hn.ym (22) win. Behold! a day and a second (passed) ytb.krt.l'dh (and) Keret sat down on his dais, 2$ytb.lkslmlk he sat down on the throne of (his) kingdom, 24 lnht.lkht.drkt on the cushion on the seat of (his) dominion.1 25 dp.yfb.ytb.bhkl Yassib too sat in the palace, 26 vfywsrnn.ggnh and his heart instructed him:1 27 Ut.Ubk.yfb. 'Go to your father, Yassib, lk(2S)[ti]\>k.wrgm. 'go [to] your father and speak,

6 mh (Herdner); Virolleaud mt; Ginsberg ml, perhaps 30-31 :cp. 42-44 error for mit 'over a hundred cities' (Driver) 8 ; cp. v 50; pfr ptm (Virolleaud) or '(rptm 1 See at i iv 24-25. (Ginsberg and Gray after v 45) 'wrapping, 2 Cp. 4 v 66 Ps. xvi 7; or 'his jwn or personal bandage' (lit. 'surrounding of the brow'; cp. Hebr. demon' (Kutscher). 'afar) 3 Lit. 'the drooping of your hand(s)'. 14 l&n error for Idt (cp. 2) 4 Cp. 17 v 7-8 Deut. x 18 Isa. i 17 Job xxix 20 Virolleaud wysh. (and) he lifted up his voice and cried: itn m.Ikrt (42) f'. 'Hear, I beseech you, o noble Keret, titm'.vitqfc idn 'hearken and let (your) ear be attentive. 43 kgz.jzm.tdbr 'While bandits raid you turn (your) back, 44 wgrm.ttvry. 'and you entertain feuding rivals. sqlt(4S)bglt.ydk. 'You have been brought down by your failing power. ltdn($)dn.dlmnt. 'You do not judge the cause of the widow, lttpt(u)tptqsr.npL 'you do not try the case of the importunate. ltdy (48)

E. spr ilmlk I'y The scribe, is Elimelek, the master.

38 dtb.dn (Herdner; cp. 53-54) or dtbnn (Virolleaud) 2 With//.48-50cp.Jobxxii7-9 xxxii6-i7 Isa. 54: this line transgresses the margin with col. v x 2 Ps. Ixxxii 2-4 Ben Sira xxxv 13-14. 57 qdqdr error for qdqdk 1 On these deities see p. 4 notes 5, 6. 4 Alternatively 'from .the peak of your loftiness' (Driver; Arab, jabalu; Hebr. i'not in Prov. v 9). 1 Cp. Amos vn. 1 Lit. 'the hollow of your hands' (Lipihski). 5- AQHAT


Col. i

i ppnk](a)[]l. [Thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu], dpTi.£z[t] (3) [mt.hrnmy.] thereat the hero, [man of He-of-Harnam], uzr Urn .ylhm gave the gods * to eat, 4 [bzr.ylcff.]bn.qd!. [gave] the holy ones* [ to drink]. yd($) [sth.y'l.jwy/M. He put aside [his cloak, he ascended] and lay down, yd (6) [mlzrt.jpyn/. he put aside [his loincloth], and so he passed the night*. M.];ym(7)[wtn.] Behold 1 a day [and a second] [fai.]tlm.dnil Daniel (gave) the gods [ ], 8 [iur.l\m.]ylhm. he gave [the gods ] to eat, &zr(<))\ylqy.\>]n.qd! [he gave] the holy ones [to drink]. tit rV ym A third, a fourth day 10 [mr.\]lm.dnil. Daniel (gave) the gods [ ], uzr (ii) [llm.y]ttm. [he] gave [the gods] to eat, tizr.ylqy An (12) [qdS.] he gave the [holy] ones to drink. [\\]ms[.]tdt,iym. A fifth, a sixth day «l2r(i3)[nm].^/. Daniel (gave) [the gods] , iizr.Urn.ylhm he gave the gods to eat, 14 [&zr.]y!qy.bnqdf. he gave the holy ones [ ] to drink. yd.sth (is) [dn]i/. Daniel put aside his cloak, yd.fth.y'l.toylkb he put aside his cloak, he ascended4 and lay down, 16 \yd.]mlzrtpyln. [he put aside] his loincloth, and so he passed the night. mk bib' .ymm Then on the seventh day 17 [vi]yqrb.b'l.bhnth. Baal drew near with his supplication: <%nt(i8)[djn//.wf.r/)/ The misery5 of Daniel, man of Rapiu!' dnJi.$zr (19) [ml.]krnmy. The groaning of the hero, [man] of He-of-Harnam I7 'For he has no son like his brothers, 'nor offspring like his kinsmen.8 i-3: cp. ii 27-29 Some translate 'ate the ... of the gods etc.* (G) 2 dpn perhaps error for dphn (cp. ii 28 v 14,34) ' Or 'the sons of the Holy one' (Athirat); see at 2 4: cp. ii 5-6: cp. 15-16 iii 19. 6 ynl error for yln (cp. 16) 3 For biblical allusions to the practice of incuba- 78.: cp. 22-23 tion see i Sam. iii iff. Ps. xvii 3,15; cp. also 14 3iff. 9: this and several other lines transgress the margin 4 Perhaps to a special cell or loft. with col. ii ' Or (see apparatus) 'Miserable is... groaning is'; 12 fym: the scribe apparently began to write Kb', then or 'because of his compassion for the misery of etc.' erased it or 'because of his (Daniel's) plea, (because of) the 16: cp. 14, 15 misery of etc.', the address of Baal then beginning at 17 [«i] (Virolleaud); Abynt or Sbyn t[-], the final letter /.2I. transgressing the margin, or possibly dbynm • Lit. 'the shade'; see p. 26 note 4. 7 Perhaps Hermel east of Byblos in Phoenicia 1 Precise meaning of tizr unknown; it should not (Albright); cp. the biblical epithet Shaddai, 'He-of- be too hastily connected with the disputed Punic the-mountain' (Cross), applied to El. sacrificial term 'zrm, which may be Berber in origin, ' Cp. Num. xxvii 4 2 Sam. xviii 18 Isa. xi 10. 104 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 21 dhh. '(Because) he has not1 a son like his brothers, tosri(22)km.dryh. 'nor offspring like his kinsmen, iizrm.Hm.ylhm 'he gives the gods to eat, 23 'he gives the holy ones to drink. 24 Itbrknn Itr .11 dby 'Do you indeed bless him, o bull El my father, 25 tmrnn.lbny.bnwt 'do you fortify him, o creator of creatures,2 26 wykn.bnh bbt. 'that he may have a son in (his) house, M.bqrb(27)hklh. 'offspring within his palace; nsb.skn.ilibh. 'one to stand as steward of his father's god,3 bqds(28)ztr.'mh. 'in the sanctuary as of his ancestors;4 ldrs.mstfi.qtrh 'one to free his spirit5 from the earth, 29 YprJmr.dtrh. 'to protect his tomb* from the dust; tbq.lht(io)ni?h. 'one to shut the jaws7 of his detractors, grs d.'fy.lnh 'to drive away those who turn against him;8 31 fyd.ydh.btkrn. 'one to hold his hand in drunkenness, m'nuh (32) [k]/i* yn. 'to carry him [when] filled with wine;9'l 'one to supply his (offering of) corn in the house of Baal, 33 [wm]n/A '[and] his portion10 in the house of El; th.Mh.bym(u)[tl]t. 'one to plaster his roof in the [muddy] season,11 rhf.npfh.bym.rt 'to wash his garments when the weather is foul12.' 35 [--yW.irbdh. [ ] El took his servant, ybrk($(>)[dnl]lmtrpl. he blessed [Daniel], man of Rapiu, ym.fczr (37) [mt.hrJBTwy fortified the hero, [man] of He-of-Harnam, (saying): »/nir.>'A.(/»//(38)[mt.rp]/ 'In spirit let Daniel, [man of Rapiu], revive, brlt[.]$ hrnmy 'in breath the hero, man of He-of-Harnam. jp [ ] 'Let him [ ] vigour; I'rih.yl(40) [-'---.-]. 'his couch let him mount [ ]; bm.idq.dtth (41) [ ] 'as he kisses his wife [ ], bhbqh.hmhmt 'as he embraces her let her become pregnant,13 V [--•-'--\btylt. '[ ] let her be with child;13 hmhmt (43) [ 'let [the wife of the man of] Rapiu become pregnant, wy^».4«A(44) [bbt.] 'so that he may have a son [in (his) house],

21 turn error for Am (Judg. xvii 5). 32-34: cp. ii 6-7, 20-22 « Or 'in the sanctuary (to set up) the sun-emblem 35 Virolleaud [byd.y]; Caster [bkm.y]; Dijkstra and of his kindred deity' (Tsevat; Hittite ft'Mar(i); West De Moor [ks.y]lhd. tl bdh (' being an unintentional Semitic 'ra in proper names). stroke; cp. 15 ii 16-17) 1 Cp. 18 iv 26; alternatively 'his incense". 39 kw.mb: cp. hy[.]mb (19 *<») • Cp. rnqm (Hadad inscr. /. 14). 40-43 :cp. 8351-53. 5& •> Cp. Ps. Ixiii 12. 42 ylt from yldt (cp. 43 53; yrt 5 i 6) 1 Cp. Ezek. xxix 20 (Driver); or 'those who abuse 43!cp. 40 his guests' (V/w/y«; Gray; cp. Gen. xix i-i i Judg. xix 44ff.: cp. 26ff. 22-26). 1 Cp. Isa. Ii 18. 1 Cp. Hebr. V» ye! (i Sam. xxi 9 Ps. cxxxv 17). J0 Cp. i Sam. i 4 2 Chron. xxxi 3. > Cp. Akk. ban binuti, a title of Nebo. On £1 as 11 When the rains come the Arab peasant rolls his Baal's 'father' see p. 5 note 2. With the passage cp. roof with a light limestone roller (Gray). Alternatively 15 ii I2ff. 'when it leaks'. ' Daniel's ancestral or clan deity; cp. the patri- 11 Or 'when they are soiled'; lit. 'on the day of archal 4god(s) of the fathers'. Alternatively 'one to set dirt'. up the effigy of the god of his fathers' (Akk. liknu), in u Perfects with jussive sense; the first may be a which case compare perhaps the biblical Teraphim noun '(let there be) pregnancy' (cp. 23 51). AQHAT (17 i, ii) 'OS [M].bqrbhklh '[offspring] within his palace; 45 [nsb.skn.i]/#A. '[one to stand as steward] of his father's god, f tyff(46)[ztr. mh.] 'in the sanctuary [as of his ancestors]; [li]rj.m/^(47)[qtrh.] 'one to free [his spirit from] the earth, [l'pr.i]mr.d[t]r/t 'to protect his tomb [from the dust]; 48 [tbq.lht.nlsh.] '[one to shut the jaws of his detractors], [gr]5.^.7>.(49)[lnh.] '[to drive away] those who turn [against him]; [dhd.ydh.bSkrn] '[one to hold his hand in drunkenness], 50 [m'msh.kib'.yn.] '[to carry him when filled with wine]; [spii](si)['l.] '[one to supply his (offering of) corn in the house of Baal], [wmnth] (52) [] '[and his portion in the house of El]; [] '[one to plaster his roof in the muddy season], 53 [rhs.npsh.bym.rt.j '[to wash his garments when the weather is foul].'

Col. ii

3*[wykn.bnk](2*)[bbt.] '[and you will have a son in (your) house], [3rS.bqrb.hklk] '[offspring within your palace]; i*[nsb.skn.llibk.] '[one to stand as steward of your father's god], [bqds"](i)z[tr.€mk.] '[in the sanctuary] as [of your ancestors]; [lars.mssu.qtrk] '[one to free your spirit from the earth], 2 /.'[r.atrk.] 'to protect [your tomb] from the dust; [tbq] (3) Iht.ntsk. '[one to shut] the jaws of your detractors, £r[5.d.csy.lnk] 'to drive [away those who turn against you] 4[b'l.] 'one to supply your (offering of) corn in the house of [Baal], [wmntk](5)i*.//. '[and your portion] in the house of El; dhd.ydk[.]b[lkrn] 'one to hold your hand in [drunkenness], 6 m'msk.kib't.yn. 'to carry you when filled with wine; *[h] (7)ggk.bym.tif. 'one to plaster your roof in the muddy season, rhf($) npsk.bymrt. 'to wash your garments when the weather is foul.' btini\\] (9) pnm. tsmh, Daniel's face lit up with joy wl.y;hlpi[t] and (his) brow above gleamed ;J 10 yprq.ljb.wyshq he parted (his) throat and laughed ;2 11 p'n.lhdm.ytpd. he placed (his) feet on the footstool, yti (i2)gh.toyfh. he lifted up his voice and cried: atftn.anft (13) wdnhn. 'Even I may sit down and be at ease, wtnh birty (14) «/>/. 'and my soul within me may take its ease;3$)&hy. 'for a son's to be born to me4 like my brothers dryy 'and offspring like my kinsmen; 16 njb.skn.lllby, 'one to stand as steward of my father's god, bqd% (17) ztr.'my. 'in the sanctuary as of my ancestors; (lars.mSsu.qtry.) '(one to free my spirit from the earth),

1 3*ff.:cp. i26fF. Cp. Ps. civ 15. 3 [Ink] or possibly [Ik] 1 Cp. Gen. xxi 6. for an alternative rendering of 4ff.: note the change of order (cp. i 3iff. ii the first phrase see at 4 iv 28. 8 bM[l] error for bdni[l] (Ginsberg) ' Cp. 6 iii 18-19 Gen. v 29. 17: phrase restored (cp. i 28) « Cp. Isa. ix 5. 106 CANAANITCAN E MYTHS AND LEGENDS l'pr[.]£mr.d{r\y] 'to protect [my] tomb from the dust; 18 tbqlht.ntfy. 'one to shut the jaws of my detractors, gri(ig)d'!y.ln. 'to drive away those who turn against me; km. 'one to hold my hand in drunkenness, m'msy kib't yn 'to carry me when filled with wine; 21 sp&'l 'one to supply my (offering of) corn in the house of Baal [w]mn[t](22);x.fc.//. '[and] my portion in the house of El; 'one to plaster my roof in the muddy season, 23 rhf.npfy.bym.rt 'to wash my garments when the weather is foul.' 24£yn Daniel proceeded to his house, 25 yltql.drdl.mih Daniel betook himself to his palace. 26 'rb.bbth.ktrt. There did enter into his house the Kotharat, bnt(vj)hll.smt. the swallow-like1 daughters of the crescent moon.2 dpnk.dnil(28)mt.rpi. Thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu, (29) hrnmy. thereat the hero, man of He-of-Harnam, dlp.ytbh.lkt(io)rt. slaughtered an ox for the Kotharat. y{lhm[.]ktrt.v>y(li)s!q. He fed the Kotharat and gave drink to bnt.[\\\]l.$nnt the swallow-like daughters of the crescent moon. 32 hn.ym.wtn. Behold! a day and a second y!lhm(M)ktrt.wyf[l]q. he fed the Kotharat and gave drink to bnt.hl[l](u)s>tnt. the swallow-like daughters of the crescent moon. tlt[.r]b'ym. A third, a fourth day ysl (35) km ktrt[.]vtyttq he fed the Kotharat and gave drink to 36 bnt hll[.]snnt. the swallow-like daughters of the crescent moon. hmi(tf)tdt.ym. A fifth, a sixth day y!lhm.\t[t]rt(tf)wy[&q\. he fed the Kotharat and gave drink to bnt.hll.mnl the swallow-like daughters of the crescent moon. 39 mk.blb['.]ymm. Then on the seventh day tb'.bbth(4o)ktrt. the Kotharat did depart from his house, bnt.hll.snnt the swallow-like daughters of the crescent moon, 41 \y]d£]t.n'my.'r!.h[r]m those [artful] in pleasure(s) of the bed of conception, 42 ysmsmt,'rs.him delight(s) of the bed of childbirth. 43 ytb. dntt. [ysjpryrhA Daniel sat down (and) [counted] her months.3 44 JW-M ] A month [(passed) ] 45

1 Lit. 'the swallows', so-called because these 19: perhaps read /»; cp. the lines of poetry in birds are commonly associated with domestic bliss 15-18 and fertility (Driver). 24: note dn.ll for dntl ' Hardly in view of 24 41-42 'the daughters of 2&,M 1920) melody, praise' (though cp. Eccles. xii 4). The moon 41 [y]d£]t (Virolleaud); h[r]m (Dijkstra) is generally regarded in mythology and popular belief 43 WPr'i Herdner [li]pr; the p is very uncertain as propitious to child-birth. 44 yri perhaps error for yrfy with thereafter y[m&y] * I.e. the months till the child was born (cp. Job (cp. 46) xxxix 2). AQHAT (17 ii, v) 107 Coiv

I[ ](2)[---.] [ ] i&l.qh tmn[-j 'I shall bring the bow of eight (parts),1 3 dsrb'l]qs't. 'I shall have four times as many arrows.'2 whn ib[] (4) bymm. And behold 1 on the seventh day,^rpi. thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu, d (p )An. £zr .ml. Ar»m[y] thereat the hero, man of He-of-Harnam, 6 yt&.ytb.bdp.t$r. raised himself up (and) sat at the entrance of the gate3 thtfyddrm.dbgrn. beneath the trees which were by4 the threshing-floor;5 ydn (8) dn.dlmnt. he judged the cause of the widow, ytpt.tpt.ytm tried the case of the orphan.6 9 bntf'nh.wyphn. Lifting his eyes, he saw bdlp(io)!d.rbt.kmn. a thousand tracts away, ten thousand spaces, hlk.ktr(u)ky'n. the coming of Kothar surely he sighted roy'n.tdrq.hss and he sighted the swift approach of Khasis. 12 hft.gfto>Mr. Behold I he carried the bow, f W.y/(i3)r6 .^. lo! he had four times as many arrows. dpnk.dnil(i4)mt.rp{. Thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu, (15) hromy. thereat the hero, man of He-of-Harnam, £m.W«A.%A surely cried aloud to his wife: 16 $m.mtt.dnty. 'Hear, maiden Danatay, 'd\b](i7)tmr.bphd. 'make ready a lamb from the youngling(s) /n/>/.&r(i8)j»hw. 'for the desire of Kothar-and-Khasis, lbrlt.hynd(ig)hriyd. 'for the appetite of Heyan, skilled worker by hand; ilhm.Hqy. (20) Urn 'feed, give drink to the gods,7 sdd.kbd.hmt. 'wait upon (and) do them7 honour, b'l(2i)hkpt.U.klh. 'the lord(s)7 of all broad Memphis.'8 t!m' (23) mtt.dnty. The maiden Danatay heard, t'db.imr(zs)bphd. she made ready a lamb from the younglings) lnpi.ktr.whss for the desire of Kothar-and-Khasis, 24 torft. hyn. dhri (25) ydm. for the appetite of Heyan, skilled worker by hand. dhr.ymfcy.ktr (26) t»Aw. Afterward Kothar-and-Khasis arrived;7 W.rf»//.yf»n(27)gA. he gave the bow into the hand of Daniel, ftrAA./^(28)jj'/. he left the arrows upon his knees. dpnk. mtt.dnty Thereupon the maiden Danatay 29 tilhm.ttfqy llm fed, gave drink to the gods, 30 tsid.tkbd.hmt. she waited upon (and) did them honour, b'l(ii)hkptll.kUi. the lord(s) of all broad Memphis. tb'.ktrfa)Idhlh. Kothar did depart to* his tent, hyn.tb'.lm!(M)knth. Heyan did depart to his dwelling. dpnk.dnll.m[i](M)rpl. Thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu,

2 tmtt: cp. 19 5 4 Lit. 'mighty ones'; cp. Ezek. xvii 23 (of a cedar). 5 d(p)hn: cp. 14, 34; ii 28 Possibly 'below the notables who were (sitting) in* (Gordon). 1 Perhaps referring to the parts or layers of a 5 Cp. i Kgs. xxii 10 Mishna Sanhedrin iv 3. composite bow (cp. vi 2off). • See 16 vi 33-34 and references there. * Lit. 'make four(fold)'. 'Arrows' rather than 1 Note the oscillation between sing, and dual; see 'arc' in view of vi 23. p. 9 note i. • See at 3 F i2ff. 3 Where justice was dispensed in eastern cities * Probably not in view of 15 iii 18-19 'from his (e.g. Deut. xxi 19 Amos v 10,12,15). (Daniel's) tent etc.'. io8 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS dphn.£zr.m[t] (35) hrnmy. thereat the hero, man of He-of-Harnam, q!t.yqb.(---](i(>)rk. .... the bow [ ], 'l.dqht.kyq[-..] over Aqhat surely he [ ], (saying): 37 pr'm.sdk.ybn[---} 'The choicest of your game, o son [ ], 38 pr' prfm] 'the choicest of your game, behold! the [choicest] 1 39;

Col. vi

'[ ] [ 1 2[ 1JM-----] [ ] food [ ] 3[ -].dys[----} [ } 4t -1 ( . ] [bh]r4.m/&[t.qs](5)[mrl.] [With] a salted knife [they did carve a failing]; [tJty.krpnra].^. [they drank flagons] of wine, Wi.rj[rs](6)[dm.'sm.] from cups of [gold the blood of trees] [ ]n.krpn.'l.[k]rpn [ ]flago n upon flagon ?[ -]qym.W [ ] surely they ascended; t*(8)[ -]. new wine [ ] yn.'iy Ihbf wine fit2 for a ruler [ ] 9 [- ]htn[.]qn.ysbt [ 1 10 [- jm. [. J bntt[.]'nh[.]vrtpha Lifting her eyes, she perceived 11 [ ]ml.kslh.kb[r]q [ ] its string like lightning 12 [ ]mj)g't.thmt.brq [ j the ocean(sj the lightning 3 13 [ ].tsb.q!t.bnt [ ] she coveted the bow [ ] H [ ] [ ] ['] her eyes like a serpent that hisses. isf- 0*1 [ to] the earth, fch.tfr«(i6)[l'pr.] her cup she hurled [to the ground]; []wfcA. [she lifted up her voice] and cried: im'.m' (17) [laqht.gzr.] 'Hear, I beseech you, [o hero Aqhat], [l]ri.ksp.v>dtnk 'ask silver and I will give (it) you, 18 [hrs.wi5]lAA[.] '[gold and I will] bestow (it) on you;] (19) ['nt.] 'but give your bow [to Anat], [tq]h[. q]§'fA. ybmt. limm '[let] the sister-in-law of peoples* [take] your arrows.' 20 wy'n.dqht.fczr. But the hero Aqhat answered: ddr.tqbm(2i)blbnn. 'Most splendid of ash trees from Lebanon, ddr.gdm.brumm 'most splendid of sinews from wild oxen, 22 ddr.qrnt.bylm. 'most splendid of horns from mountain-goats,

38: cp. 37 (Herdner) 'she emptied' vi 7 kt'l or wt'l 16 Herdner a. Ginsberg 7-8: cp. 5 iv 20-22 17-18: cp. 16-28 9: the text is very uncertain 18-19 Herdner (cp. 24) 10: this line transgresses the margin with col. v 21 blbnn or dlbnn n Virolleaud (cp. iz) 13: possibly bnth (Virolleaud) 'within herself (?) 1 Sc. that presumably of Baal. 14 n«A (Ginsberg) or [qr]nh 'its (the bow's) horns' 1 Or 'manufactured wine'. (Virolleaud) ' Or 'the bow was set between". 15 ksh or kit 'the cups'; tirm (Ginsberg) or tipkm « See at 3 B 33. AQHAT (17 v, vi) 109 mtwn (23) b' 'of tendons from the hocks of a bull,1 ddr.bglil.qnm 'most splendid of stalks from vast reed-beds,2 24 tn.lktr.whss. 'do you give to Kothar-and-Khasis; yb'l.qh VTA 'let him fashion a bow for Anat, 25 qs't.lybmt.limm. 'arrows for the sister-in-law of peoples.' wt'\t(2b)'nt. And the virgin Anat answered: iri hym.Idqht.gzr 'Ask life, o hero Aqhat, 27 irl hym.wdtnk. 'ask life and I will give (it) you, blmt(2S)vrd!lhk. 'immortality and I will bestow (it) on you;* disprk.'m.b'l(2())!nt. 'I will cause you to count the years with Baal, ' il.tspr.yrhm 'with the sons of El4 you shall count the months.5 30 bb'l.kyhwy. 'As if he were Baal when he comes alive, y'ir.hwy. '(when) men* feast the living one, y'!($i)r.wylqynh. 'feast and give him drink, ybd.wyb 'Ui (32) n'm[-] '(and) the minstrel chants and sings over him' [wt]'nynn. —and she answered him— dp dnk.dhvy (33) dq\it[,$rz]r. 'so will even I give life to the [hero] Aqhat7.' wy'n.dqht.gzr But the hero Aqhat answered: 34 dl.titgn.ybtltm. 'Do not lie, o virgin; dm. l&zr (35) bgk. Khm. 'for to a hero your lying is unseemly.8 mt.& 'As (his) ultimate fate* what does a man get? 36 'What does a man get as (his) final lot? spsg.ysk(u)[tyis. 'Glaze will be poured [on] (my) head, hrf.lzr.qdqdy 'quicklime on to my crown;10 38 [vr]mt.kl.dmt. '[and] the death of all men I shall die,11 wdn.mtm.&mt 'even I indeed shall die. 39 [kp.m]tn.rgmm.drgm. '[Also], one thing further121 will say; qStm (40) [—]mhrm. 'a bow [(is the weapon of)] warriors; ht.tjdn.tintt(4i)[b}\.] 'shall now womenfolk hunt [with it]?' [g]m.tshq.'nt. Anat laughed [aloud], wblb.tqnyfa) [ ] and in (her) heart she forged [(a plot)]: t6 sy.ldqht.gzr. 'Attend to me, o hero Aqhat, tb lywlk (43) [irgm.] 'attend to me and [I will tell] you (what I will do).

30 1}viy.y'i(^) r: perhaps dittography (cp. 3 A 9) cp. Ps. xxxvi 7 Ixxx ii. The stalks are obviously 32 n'm (De Moor: cp. 3 A 19) or n'm[t] 'men sing for making arrows. over him pleasant songs' (Caster); [wt]'nynn ' Cp. Ps. xxi 5. (Herdner) or [wy]'nynn 'and make(s) responses to • Cp. 4 iii 14 10 i 3. Possibly 'son of El', though him' (Virolleaud) or [d]tnynn '—I repeat it—' immortality was a property of all gods (cp. Gen. vi (De Moor) 2-4) and not only of Baal; see further p. 5 note 2. 35 ml: the t with word-divider looks more like m • Cp. Ps. cxxxix 18. 38 [tti] (Ginsberg); there is perhaps room for two ' Lit. 'one, he', unless n'm is the subject. I letters Cp. 2 Kgs. v 7. The allusion is to the celebrations 39: cp. 3 D 75-76 4120-21 in honour of Baal's victory in the autumn, a heavenly 41 [bh.g]m (Ginsberg) or [bh.bk]m (Gaster) counterpart of which may be being described in 42: there is not room for [tbblt] (Albright; cp. Prov. 3 A 1-22. i 5), but a word of similar meaning is required; fj» ' Lit. 'rubbish'. error for ly 1 Cp. Num. xxiii 10 Eccles. vi 12. 43 [drgm] (Gordon) or [dtb] (De Moor); cp. 3 E 8 10 There is evidence from Jericho of the plastering of skulls before burial (Gordon), but it comes from 1 On the structure of such 'composite' bows see Neolithic times; it is safer to take the phrases as a McLeod, Composite Bows from the Tomb of Tut'an- poetic description of the white hair of old age. khamun. II Cp. 16 i 3-4 Num. xvi 29 Ps. Ixxxii 7. 1 Lit. 'of El', i.e. divine or in this context vast; M Lit. 'the repetition of words'. no CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS' 'If ever I meet you on the path of transgression, 44 [ ] '[ ] on the path of presumption, 1 dfyZUA*(45)[p'ny.i]n*. 'I shall fell you beneath my very own [feet], n'mn.'mq.nim 'you charming, strongest one of men!' 46 [id's.p'n]m.wtr.drf. [She planted] (her) feet and the earth did quake; Idk (47)]«. then [indeed she set (her)] face IB tl.mbr.nhrm towards El at the sources) of the rivers, 48 [qrb.ipjq.f/imJffl [amid the springs] of the two oceans; tgly.idil she penetrated the mountain(s) of El 49 [wtbu.qr]/.wtt.<^[.]/nm [and entered the massif] of the king, father of years.2 50 [Ip'n.H.tjhir.tety/. [At the feet of El she] did homage and fell down, f. [ the child of ] Daniel, man of Rapiu. w/'»(53)[btlt.cnt.] [The virgin Anat] spoke, [t5ii.g]^A. [she lifted up] her [voice] and cried: ktot (54) [ ] 'Him[ ] <¥<-y*H (55) [----] 'Aqhat [ ] [- ]».?[-•-"] [ J

£. [spr.llmlkJbny.lmd.atn.]/>r/H [The scribe is Elimelek, the Shubanite, disciple of Atn-]prln.


Col. i ^[ J ( ] *[ ] ( } 3t ] ( ] 4[—--]h.A[ ] [ 5 [...-.]U.*.[ ](6)[ ]. I ] wf'n.tbtlt.'nt] And [the virgin Anat] answered: 7 [bnt.bht]A.y/m[-J '[(In) the building of] your [mansion], o El, [bnt.bhtk](8)[il.tlmb.] '[(in) the building of your mansion do not rejoice], ^/.tf[mb.brm.h] (9) [klk.] 'do not rejoice [in the raising of your palace],4 [dl.]^ftw.[bymny] '[lest] I seize them [with my right hand], 10 [---b.b]##/>[kty.] '[ by] the might of my long [arm],* [dm--](n)[---qdq](/A '[(lest) I ] your [crown],

45: cp. 19 109, 115-116 etc. and for the reinforcing 1 Cp. 19 109. prepos. 2 iv u, 19 1 On //. 46-49 see at 3 E uff. 46-51: cp. 3 E 12-16 4 iv 20-26 v 82-83 1 Cp. Prov. xxx 10. 47 mbr error for mbk 4 A conventional address, more appropriate to the 52: cp. 19 174 E.: cp. 6 vi 53-54 context in 3 E ijR. than here. 6-12: cp. 3 E 27-33 as reconstructed by Herdner ' Cp. Exod. xv 16. 12 [qrd]: cp. ax A 2 ' Cp. i Kgs. xviii 24 Job v i. AQHAT (17 vi; 18 i, iv) in

6rt[.dnll](i4)w/ir*. 'the son [of Daniel], and let him preserve you byd.btlt.['t&] 'from the hand of the virgin [Anat].' 15 vy'n[.]ltpn.ildp[\A] And Latipan, kindly god, answered: 16 yd'tk.btkdnit. 'I know, daughter, that you are like men1 ttrf[n.bllht] (17) qlsk. 'and there exists not [among goddesses] contempt like yours. tb'[k.] 'Depart, daughter, haughty is [your] heart; [tl] (18) hd.dlt.bkbdk. '[you] take what is in your mind,* tU.d[\t.\>](i<))lrtk. 'you carry out** what [is in] your breast. dt.ydt.mqbk. 'He who hinders you* shall be utterly struck down.' [ttb'J (20) [bt]tt.'««. [The virgin] Anat [departed]; idk.lttn.[pnm] then indeed she set [(her) face] 21 £m.$]qht.£zr. [towards] the hero Aqhat, bdlp.fa] (22) [rbt.]*»m. a thousand tracts away, [ten thousand] spaces. w}hq.btlt.[nt] And the virgin [Anat] did laugh/ 23 [tSu.]gfc.«rtjA. [she lifted upj her voice and cried: im.m[. la] (24) [qht.fc]zr. 'Hear, [I beseech you, o] hero [Aqhat], d*.t.]dby.ndt.dnk[ ] '[ ] I myself have fled [from] my father's [house ] . 27 [ ]dmlk.tlk.b?A[ ] '[ ] of a king. Go you on the chase? [ ] 28 [- ]mt.«ryf[ ] '[ ] a man of Ishriyyat [ ] 29 [ Ir.dlmdk.ft ] '[ ] I will teach you [ ] 30 [ -]qrt.dblm.d]b]ia] '[ ] Qart-Abilim, [Abilim] 31 [

Col. iv

i[----M ] [ ] 2(---].ytbr[ ] '[ ] may he break [ ] 3 [---]utm.£r[qm ] '[ ]•-..[ ] 4 [btl]*.en*.UW.[ j '[the virgin] Anat to all [ ]' 5 [tt]b'.btlt.'nt[.] The virgin Anat departed; [idk.lttn.pnm] [then indeed she set (her) face] 6 'm.ytpn.mhr.$[t.] towards Yatpan, warrior of the [Lady]; 13: cp. iv 19 30-31: cp. 19 163-164 16-17: cp. 3 E 35-36 16 v 22 32 'rhm (Herdner) or 'rpt (Virolleaud) 17 ql;k: Virolleaud qlf w and in 3 E 36 qlst 'there is no iv3:cp. Si 5-6 contumely among goddesses' or 'there can be no 4 Ikl (Herdner) or liW (Virolleaud) scoffing at goddesses'; [tt]bd (Obermann) S-6:cp. i i9ff.;f[t]:cp. 27 18 d[tt.b] (Obermann) or 6[m] (Virolleaud) or b[qrb] (Gordon) 'you place (it) within' 1 Or (ironically) 'you are gentle'. 19 [ttb1] (cp. 17) or [tb'] or [imfr] (cp. 4 v 82) * Lit. 'liver'; cp. 2 Sam. vii 3. 2* Cp. 19 221 20-23: cp. 4 v 84-87 ' Cp. Job xxxvii 4. 4 23-24 Gordon Infin. absol. or basic form (3 masc. sing. perf.). 26 Gaster ' Cp. Song iv 9 et passim. 29: perhaps s[d\ (cp. 27) but cp. 17 vi 40 ' Or there is a reference here to blood-revenge. 112 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS [](7)«rt$. [she lifted up her voice] and cried: ytb.ytp.[lqht.] '[Aqhat] is dwelling, Yatp,1 [ytb.b] (&)qrt.dblm. '[he is dwelling at] Qart-abilim, [---](!$) Mb.bSdm. and [ ] was left behind in the moun- tains, mrs[—] and he did grow tired [ ].4 16 wt'n.btlt.'nt. And the virgin Anat spoke: tb.ytp.w[hgm](v)lk. 'Attend, Yatp, and [I will tell] you (what we will do).[$y] 'I will put you like an eagle on [my] wristlet, 18'rty. 'like a hawk on my glove.6 dqht.[km.ytb](ig)llhm. '[As] Aqhat [sits down] to meat, wbn.dnll.ltrm[.] 'and the son of Daniel to a meal, ['\h](io)nirm.trhpn. '[above him] eagles shall hover, ybp.\hbl.d] (21) lym. '[a flock] of hawks look down. bn.nbm.drbp.dnft..] 'Among the eagles I myself will hover; [']\(22)dqht.tdbk. '[over] Aqhat I will release you;* hlmn.tnm.qdqd 'strike him twice (on) the crown, 23 tltid.'l.udn. 'three times on the ear; (24) dm. 'spill (his) blood like a 7 km.sht.lbrkh. 'like a "killer", on to his knees. 'Let his breath go forth like a wind,8 km.itl.brlth. 'his life like spittle, km(26)qfr.bdph. 'like a vapour from his nose bdp.mprh. '—(and) from his warriors'* noses I dnk (27) Idhvy. 'I will not let (him) live.' tqh.ytpn.mhr.ft She took Yatpan, warrior of the Lady,10 28 titn.knlr.bhblh. she put him like an eagle on her wristlet, km.dly(2(j)bt'rtp. like a hawk on her glove.

7 Driver and Caster; a restoration as in 1 6 does not Aqhat was protected by its beneficence. give a connection with the following lines 1 Cp. Deut. xxxii 39 2 Kgs. v 7. 8: cp. 19 164 n : cp. 27 4 Perhaps these lines belong to Yatpan's speech. 12-13: cp. 27, 40-41 1914-16 5 Cp. 2 iv I2ff. Isa. xlvi 11 Zech. be 13. The 1 6 [drgm] (Caster) or [Atb] (De Moor); cp. 3 £ 8 picture is derived from falconry (Watson). 17-21: cp. 28-32 • Cp. Job x i. The verb is prps. a panic, (cp. 2 i 22 'dbk: perhaps error for d'dbk (cp. 33) 28), masc. for fern., or basic form. 26 bdp perhaps dittography (Ginsberg), i.e. '(nor) 7 This and the next adjective may refer to classes shall I let his warriors live'; mprh error for mhrh of hunting hawks. 29 t'rtp error for t'rth (cp. 18) • Cp. Ps. cxlvi 4. ' Servants of Aqhat who escape and later inform 1 A shorter form of the name (cp. /. 16). his father (19 77ff.). Alternatively, giving another 1 Cp. Akk. qarnu imittalu 'the horn on its right meaning to mhr here, 'his ready courage I will not side', said of the moon; apparently Anat wished the revive' (Driver; see apparatus for omission of bdp). deed to be done quickly before the moon waxed and 10 I.e. Anat herself; cp. mhr 'nt (22 B 9). AQHAT (18 iv: 19) 113[m] As Aqhat sat down to meat, 30 bn.dnil.ltrm. the son of Daniel to a meal, 'lh.nir[m](2\)trhpn. above him eagles hovered, yb$[m.] a flock of hawks looked down. [bn] (32) nbm.trhp.'nt. [Among] the eagles Anat hovered; '/[.aqht] (33) t'dbnh. over [Aqhat] she released him;[ -- —] Flying [ ]

*9 Co/, i 1 [l%[h]t [Of] Aqhat. 2 wtrd.[ ]fyrb[.]mym and (the bow) came down [ ] in the midst of the waters it fell [ ] the bow 3tf-t ]»-«[b> : 4?ft[- ]r-y[tf>' was broken [ ] the eight [ ] 5 tmn.[ ]btlt.[]nt were broken [ ] the virgin Anat

6 ttb.[ ]W sat down [b ] 7[---]ydh.ksr ] her hand . 8 bar.Wt\i[.]hrf. a lyre, her fingers dbn(g)ph.tihd. The stones of her mouth she clenched, fath.vidkl.bqmm. (io)tst her teeth (she clenched) and food in . she placed hrj.klb ilnm

29-36: cp. 18-25 7: perhaps km[r] (cp. 12) 37: cp. 26; thereafter w with a fern, verb 9 wdki or kdkl; bqmm: Caster bm'mm 'in (her) 39: cp. 19 1^2. 157. 165; at the end perhaps [Jyft] bowels' (Hebr. meim) 40-41: cp. 12-13 19 14-16 41 Gordon 10 tit £r? or tithr; 'she whetted (her tongue)' (Cassuto; i: cp. 6 i i 16 i i cp. Exod. xi 7) 2 wtrd (Driver) or tkrb (Herdner); this line trans- gresses upon the next col. and the word-divider 1 Cp. 5 vi 10. separates the last word from the first in 50; * A reference has been found here to 'the hound similarly in 9, n, 14, 17, 23, 28, 37, 41 of the gods' (Cassuto), a kind of Canaanite Cerberus. 5 tmn: cp. 17 v 2 For an attempt to reconstruct this whole difficult sect, 6 !d; Driver [f]/

12 dqht .y'n. kmr. kmr[- -] 'Aqhat has been humbled1 13 kdp'.tt.bgdrt. 'surely I cry (like) a ram in the fold, Wbl(i4)&*. '(like) a dog for its stick. tmhsh.kd. 'I smote him thus, 'l.qlth. (ifiimhsh 'for his bow I smote him, 'l.qith.hwt (16) l.dhw. 'for his arrows I did not let him live. dp.qsth.lttn (17) ly. 'Yet his bow has not been given to me, wbmt[.y]hms s[—]. 'and through (his) death [ ] shall be soured,2 18 pr'.q?.yb[l]. 'the shoots of summer will wither, !blt(i9)\>$lph. 'the ear(s) of corn in their husk(s)V dpnk.dn\l(2o)[m]t.rpi. Thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu, dp[h]n.gzr(2i) [mt.htn]my. thereat the hero, [man of He-of-]Harnam, y&l(22)[ytb.bap.t^r[.] raised himself up [(and) sat at the entrance of the] gate [t]/rf(23)[adrm.dbgrn.] beneath [the trees which were by the threshing-floor]; [y]rf»[.](24)[dn.almnt.] [he] judged [the cause of the widow], [ytpt.]^/(2S)[ytm.] [tried] the case [of the orphan]. [bn5l.'n]A(26)[wyphn.] [Lifting] his [eyes, he saw] [bil]p(27)[sVi.rbt.kmn] [a thousand tracts away, ten thousand spaces], 28 «k.[pg\.kyfn.] the coming [of Pughat surely he sighted], [bn]5l. (2g)'nh.wtphn[.] [Lifting] her eyes, she perceived [ ](p)bgm.yhrb[.] (that) [ ] on the threshing-floor was dried up, [ ] had wilted, I—--JfeOrifr. 4 **.«[—-] the blossom [ ] was shrivelled, 32 '!\i[p]n (that) eagles hovered over her father's house, 33 ybfr.hbl.diym a flock of hawks looked down.6 34 Pughat wept in (her) heart, 35 tdm'.bm.kbd[.] she sobbed in (her) inward parts.8 36 tma' She rent the cloak of Daniel, man of Rapiu, dl(l) .fczr. mt hrnmy. the robe of the hero, man of He-of-Harnam. 38{. Thereupon Daniel, man of Rapiu, ysly. 'rpt. b (40) km. ii». prayed (that) the clouds in the heat of the season, yr.'rpt (41) tmtr. (that) the clouds might give the early rains, (42) l$nbm. (that) in summer7 the dew might distil upon the grapes, (saying): 12: perhaps kmr[t] 'I have overthrown* * Or (see apparatus) 'and in death the fosterling 17: perhaps 6mi[.]<$ (or /yj) mff[.'nt] (cp. 15 ii 27) of Anat is cast down" (cp. Prov. xiv 32); or 'from 18 Virolleaud and Ginsberg death ... shall not revive'. 20-28: cp. 17 v 4-11; there may be room for a * The basic thought here and in //. 30-31,38ff. is further line between 27 and 29 (cp. 4 ii 13-15) of the land under a curse because it has been polluted 32: cp. 18 iv 20, 31 by bloodshed; cp. Gen. iv 11-12 Num. xxxv 33 2 35: there seems to be a word-divider at the end of Sam. xxi i Jer. xii 4. this short line 4 Cp. Job viii 12. 37:cp. 48 * For the association of birds of prey with death and drought see Hos. viii i Jer. xii 9 Job xxxix 1 Cp. 16 vi 58. Alternatively (Caster), 'Because 30 Matt, xxiv 28. he has indeed been laid low' (Hebr. ya'an; Akk. 1 Lit. 'liver' (cp. Lam. ii 11). kamdru 'to overthrow'). 7 Alternatively (i) (De Moor) "Thereupon Daniel AQHAT (19) 115 tb'.bit (4$ypk.b'l. 'For seven years1 shall Baal fail,* tmn.rkb (44) 'rpt. 'for eight the rider on the clouds,J 'without dew, without showers, 45 bl.b'.thmtm. 'without watering by the two deeps,4 bl(46)tbn.ql.b'l. 'without the sweet sound of Baal's voice?6 ktmz' (47) 'For rent is* the cloak of Daniel, man of Rapiu, 48

Col ii 50 $m'.p$t.tkmt[.my] 'Hear, Pughat, who carry [water] on your shoulders,7 51 hspt.ll' 'who skim the dew from the barley,8 yd[t](S2)hlk.kbktm. 'who [know] the course of the stars,' mdl.'r($j)md.phl. 'saddle a he-ass,10 yoke a donkey, H.gpny dt fop 'put on my harness of silver, 54 dt.yrq.nqbny. 'my trappings of gold.' t?[m](ss) Pughat heard, she who carried water on her shoulders, hspt.\[l'] who skimmed the dew from the [barley], 56 yA't.hlk.kbkbm who knew the course of the stars. 57 bkm.tmdln.'r Forthwith11 she saddled a he-ass, 58 bkm.tfmd.phl. forthwith she yoked a donkey; bkm (59) tti.dbh. forthwith she lifted up her father, i/tnn./jVjroi 'r she put him on the back of the he-ass, 60 lysmm.bmt.phl on the easiest part of the back of the donkey. 61 ydn(.dn)ll.ysb.pdlth Daniel approached, he went round his parched land, 62 bsql.yph.bpdlt. a ripening stalk1* he descried in the parched land, b$[

[cont.] adjured the clouds (and) cast a spell on the heat, Ginsberg, Rin) "Thereupon Daniel cursed the clouds (saying): Let the clouds pour rain on the summer- (that gather) in the heat of the season of early rains, fruit etc." (Hebr. 'Stem 'evil'; yry 'to shoot, throw'); the clouds that bring rain in summer, the dew that (ii) (Dietrich and Loretz) 'Thereupon Daniel prayed, distils upon the grapes, (saying): For seven years let (saying): May the clouds (rain) a downpour on the Baal fail etc.*. Cp. Ugaritica V p. 245 where in a heat, may the clouds rain on the summer-fruit etc.* lexical list the verb fly is given the Akk. meaning (tin yr = 'downpour'; cp. Hebr. '6n 'strength'). 'to curse". 3 See at 2 iv 8. 44: the second b of rbb is only partially formed 4 Cp. 2 Sam. 121 i Kgs. xvii i Hab. iii 10. 49: cp. 17 vis 5 Cp. 4 vii 29. 50-51 :cp. 55-56 6 Or 'When she rent etc." Cp. Gen. xxxvii 34 i 53: this and several other lines in col. ii are continued Kgs. xi 30. on the edge of the tablet 7 Cp. 14 113-114. 54-55 :cp. 50-51 8 Possibly 'for (her) hair* (cp. Hebr. ii'dr; Aram. 59: cp. 60 sard); cp. 3 B 38. 60: possibly yrajm (cp. 4 iv 15) ' I.e. who is skilled in the spells associated with 61 tf: cp. 68 midwifery. 63, joybbq: cp. 17 i 40-41 10 Hardly in this homely context as the mount of royalty (Zech. ix 9); cp. 4 iv gS. (Athirat). 1 Cp. Gen. xli 26 2 Kgs. viii i Sefire inscr. i 11 Possibly 'weeping'. A 27. " Cp. 2 Kgs. iv 42 ('grain (in) its ripeness'?). * Or 'For seven years Baal failed etc.' (cp. 176- 15 Possibly a rite of sympathetic magic to restore 177). Alternatively //. 38-43 may be translated (cp. fertility to the crops. 116 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS bsqlyp' byfclm '(this) ripening stalk shoot up in the scrub! 66 br.tkpk.yd.dqht (67) gzr. '0 herb, may the hand of the hero Aqhat gather you, titk.bqrbm.dsm 'put you within the granary!' 68 ydnh.ysb.dhlth. He approached, he went round his blighted1 land, yph((x))sblt.bdk(\)t. he descried an ear of corn in the blighted land, tolt.yp' (70) bhmdrt. an ear of corn he descried among the shrivelled grain. /Wr.^hrjjq] (71) vynsq. He embraced the ear of corn and kissed it, (saying): dhl.dn.s[b\t](72)tp'.bdklt. 'May, oh! may (this) ear [of corn] shoot up in the blighted land,'[.bhm]drt '(this) ear of corn shoot up [among the shrivelled] grain! 73 &r.tispk.yd.dqht.gz[r] '0 herb, may the hand of the hero Aqhat gather you, 74 dsm 'put you within the granary!' 75 bph.rgm.lyfd. Scarce had (his) word(s) come forth2 from his mouth, W/>rh[.hwth] [his speech] from his lips, 76 bn8'nh[.]totphn. (than) lifting her eyes, she perceived /«.[---] (77) [-]WM/mm (that) there was no [ ] the coming of two youths.3 bddy .ys[d - •] (Mournful) singing4 did come [forth (from their mouth)], 78 \\1ysd.wl.ysd. it indeed did come forth unceasingly.5 Wm.[tnm](79) [q]dqd. They did strike (each other) [twice] (on) the crown, tltid.'l.M[n] three times on the ear. 80 [--a]w./><: cp. 68, 72; yp' error for yph (cp. 68, 72) part of this line, and reads [ btlt .']nt .[f]fdt 71-72: cp. 69-70 75: cp. 113, 142 [k}r}f.npihm (cp. 91-92 and more fully 18 iv 24-26) 77: a letter visible before h may belong to /. 29 (see apparatus at 2), or supply w, at the end perhaps 1 Lit. 'eaten, consumed (by drought)'; cp. Gen. [bphm] (cp. 75), continued on the edge of the tablet xxxi 40. 78-79: cp. 18 iv 33-34 2 Lit. 'did not come forth'; cp. Ps. cxxxix 4, 80 [~d]sr (cp. 81); the two (or one) letters before this 3 Or 'behold two youths'. These were servants of may belong to /. 31 Aqhat who had been attacked with him (18 iv 26, 38) 81: perhaps [']/ as earlier in the line but had escaped; they act out his killing in mime and 82 [

Col. Hi (107) [gh.]w^/i[.] [his voice] and cried: [knp.n5rm](io8)6'/.v<4. '[The wings of the eagles] let Baal break, 6'/.jytb[r.dly.hmt] 'let Baal break [the breast-bones of them]; 109 yp'ny. 'they shall fall beneath my feet,9 %['.kbdthm.w](no)aW. 'I will rip open [their gizzards and] see (into them).$[[t] (in)'arm. 'If there is fat or is bone, dbpy.w.dqbrnh 'I shall weep and bury him, 112 dit.bhrt.ilm.drt 'I shall put (him) in a hole of the earth-gods.'* 113 Scarce had (his) word(s) come forth from his mouth, bSpth hwt[h] his speech from his lips, 114 knp.nirm.b'l.ytbr (than) the wings of the eagles Baal broke,5 115 b' hmt. Baal did break the breast-bones* of them; tqln(n6)tht.p'nh. they fell beneath his feet,

89 Virolleaud 113 error for lyfd (cp. 75); this and several other 91-93: see apparatus at 87; it is assumed that 93 lines in col. iii transgress the edge of the tablet finishes on the edge of the tablet 93-97 :cp. 3D 29-33 4"i6-2i 97-99: perhaps restore as in 196-197, 201-202 (with 1 Cp. Ezek. xxi u. Any for dhy), though the long space in 97 and the 2 Lit. 'from the setting of the sun', i.e. towards first letter of 99 hardly fit the east, reflecting perhaps a superstition that eagles 105-109: cp. 120-125, 134-139 can fly into the sun without being dazzled or 106 Virolleaud (cp. 210); Ginsberg b'rpt[.nirm] (cp. blinded (Caster), cp. Shakespeare 3 Henry the 8 n) Sixth II i 91-92; cp. also Prov. xxiii 5. 108 and 123 y/6 (cp. 137) or ytb 'let Baal pluck' * Cp. 17 vi 45 2 Sam. xxii (Ps. xviii) 39. (Watson; cp. Arab, nataba (?), natafa) * Cp. 5 v 5-6 6 i 17-18. 111 ibpy error for dbky (cp. 126, 140) ' Cp. Adapa B 5-6 (ANETp. 101). 112 Art error for dr? (cp. 141) ' Possibly 'pinions' (from the root 'to fly'). n8 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS ybq . kbdthm. wfyhd] he ripped open their gizzards1 and [saw (into them)], 117'zm. (but) there was no fat nor bone. (118) wysh. He lifted up his voice and cried: knp.nSrm. (b'l.)ybn 'The wings of the eagles let (Baal) (re)make, 119 b'l.ybn.diyhmt 'let Baal (re)make the breast-bones of them; ntrm (120) tpr.wdu. 'eagles, flee and fly away.' W/.'nA.a;yp{h)n Lifting his eyes, he perceived, 121 yhd.hrgb.db.nbm he saw Hirgab the father of the eagles. 122 He lifted up his voice and cried:\g]b(i23)b'l.ytb(r). 'The wings of Hirgab let Baal break, i'/.>-[tb]r.^[.h]wt 'let Baal break the breast-bones of him; 124 wyql.tht.p'ny. 'and he shall fall beneath my feet, \bq'.kbd[h] (125) wdhd. 'I will rip open [his] gizzard and see (into it).![.'im] 'If there is fat or is [bone], 126 dbky.tudqbrn. 'I shall weep and bury him, a/t.6Arf(i27)i[lm.drs.] 'I shall put (him) in a hole of the [earth-gods].' [bph.rgm.lysl.] [Scarce had (his) word(s) come forth from his mouth], [b5p](i28)tA[.]hwth. his speech [from] his lips, bip.htgb.Vl.tir (than) the wings of Hirgab Baal did break, 129 b'l.tbr.dly.hwt. Baal did break the breast-bones of him; wyql(\^6)tht.p'nh. and he fell beneath his feet, ybq'.kbdh.vfyhd he ripped open his gizzard and saw (into it), 131 [l]n. 'zm. (but) there was no fat nor bone. yti.g[h](i32)wyfh. He lifted up [his] voice and cried: knp.hrgb.b'l.ybn The wings of Hirgab let Baal (re)make, 133 \b]' 'let Baal (re)make the breast-bones of him; hrg[b](iu)tpr.wd&. 'Hirgab, flee and fly away.' bnsi.'nh[.](iM)[w]yphn. Lifting his eyes, he perceived, yhd.pnl.&m.nsrm he saw Sumul the mother of the eagles. 136 y&.gh.wyfh. He lifted up his voice and cried: knp.}tnl[.] (137) b'l.yibr. The wings of Sumul let Baal break, b' 'let Baal break the breast-bones of her; tql.tht.p'ny. 'she shall fall beneath my feet, ib(]'(\i<))kbdh.ii*lhd. 'I will rip open her gizzard and see (into it). Jmt. (hm.)/< (140) 'zm. 'If there is fat (or) is bone, dbky[.]wdqbrnh. 'I shall weep and bury him, ditn(i^i)bhrt.Utn.drs. 'I shall put him in a hole of the earth-gods.' bph.rgm.l[ys]d Scarce had (his) word(s) come forth from his mouth, 142 bspth.hwth. his speech from his lips, knp.fml.b'[l](.tbr) (than) the wings of §umul Baal (did break), 143 b' Baal did break the breast-bones of her; tq\[.\hi](i^)p'nh. she fell [beneath] his feet, ybq'.kbdh.ieyhd he ripped open her gizzard and saw (into it). 145'zm. There was fat, there was bone;

116: cp. 130,144 divider at the end of these lines 118 <6'/>: cp. 132 139 : cp. no, 125 123-125: cp. 138-140 142 <<6r> (cp. 128) or (ytbr) (cp. 114) 127: cp. 112-113, 141-142 143 :cp. 138 131 :cp. 117 134, 136: according to Herdner there is a word- 1 Lit. 'livers'. AQHAT (19) 119 wyqh bhm (146) Iqht. and he took Aqhat from them, yb.llqi. he scraped out yWy.wyqbr he wept and buried (him), 147 yqbr.nn.bmdgt.bkrik[n] he buried him in a dark chamber in a grave. 148 And he lifted up his voice and cried: knp.nbm (149) b'l.ytbr. The wings of the eagles let Baal break, b"l.ytbr.dly(i$<>)hmt. 'let Baal break the breast-bones of them, hm.t'pn.'l.qbr.bny 'if they fly over the grave of my son 151 tfhtnn.bSnth. '(and) wake him out of his sleep.' qr.[mym] (152) mlk.ypn- The king cursed Qor-[mayim],1 (saying): ylkm.qr.mym. 'Woe to you, Qor-mayim, d'\b](itt)mhs.dqht.gzr. '[near] whom the hero Aqhat was struck down!1 bt II 'Be continually a seeker of sanctuary.3 154 'nt.brh.p'lm.h, 'Be a fugitive4 now and evermore, 'nt.pdr[.dt] 'now and to all [generations] ;& 155 'db.tihry mt.ydh 'let every last one* make ready a staff for his hand.'7 156 ymg.lmrrt.tgll.bnr He proceeded to Mararat-tughullal-bnar,8 157 he lifted up his voice and cried: ylk.mrrt(i$S)tgll.bnr. 'Woe to you, Mararat-tughullal-bnar, d'lk.mhf.dqht(i$

Col. iv 163 ymg.lqrt.dblm. He proceeded to Qart-Abilim,10 M[m](i6^)qrt.zbl.yrh. Abilim city of prince Yarikh, ys&.gh(i(>$) wysh. he lifted up his voice and cried: ylk.qrt.dblm 'Woe to you, Qart-Abilim, 166 d'lk.mhf.dqht.gzr 'near whom the hero Aqhat was struck down! 167 'wrt.y!tk.b'l.lht(.} 'May Baal this instant render you blind!"

146 Driver yd.llqh 'he laid out his. . .' (cp. Ps. Ixi 5). Alternatively '(Aqhat) who dwelt ever 147 bknk[n] (cp. 5 v 13) or bknrt 'in a shroud" (Gray; in the sanctuary', i.e. like the child Samuel (i Sam. Arab, kinndratu) i 22). 151 t!ff(nn: note n with five wedges; Virolleaud 4 Cp. Jer. iv 29. tifftdnn I Cp. Exod. iii 15 Ps. xxxiii 11 etc. 152: cp. 158, 166 ' Or '(even) the youngest". The verb is infin. 153 dmd error for tmd (Caster) or has same meaning absol. or perfect with jussive sense (so also $y in 154 'Im.h error for 'Imh; pdr[.dr\: cp. 161-162, 168 /. 160). 160 m'k: note n with four wedges 7 Cp. Gen. xxxviii 18 Exod. xii n Mark vi 8. 162 pdr: note d with four vertical wedges ' The name has the suggestive meaning "The bitter place which was plunged in fire' or the like (or 1 The name means 'source of waters'. On the could be so understood). custom of cursing cities near the scene of a crime see ' Cp. Eshmunazar inscr. //. 11-12 Amos ii 9 Deut. xxi 1-9 Driver and Miles Bab. Laws I, Job xviii 16. MO-III; cp. also 2 Sam. i 21 (Gilboa). 10 Where Aqhat had in fact been murdered (18 i * Or 'upon whom (the guilt rests for) the smiting 30 iv 7ff.); the name means (or could be taken to etc.'. mean) 'city of mourners'. * Lit. 'sojourn, be a client in the house of a god' II Cp. Deut. xxviii 28 Sefire inscr. i A 39. 130 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS <'nt.brh)(i68)w/mA. '{Be a fugitive now) and evermore, I'nt.pdr.dr 'now and to all generations; 169 'db.& 'let every last one make ready a staff for his hand.' 170 dntt.bth.ym.gyn Daniel proceeded to his house, yit(i7i)ql.dnll.lhklh. Daniel betook himself to his palace. Vi.i(i72)ty*. Weeping women1 did enter into (his house), bhklh.mispdt. wailing women into his palace, WbrA.pz(i73)p^m.^r. men that gashed (their) flesh2 into his courtyard; yb\n.ldqkt(ij4)gzr. they wept for the hero Aqhat, ydm'.lkdd.dnil(i7s) mt.rpi. shed tears for the child of Daniel, man of Rapiu; lymm.lyrhm from days to months, 176 lyrhm.Unt. from months to years 'd(in)!b't.snt. for seven years3 ybk.ldq(itf)ht.gzr. they wept for the hero Aqhat, yd[m.]lkdd (179)[p\.] shed [tears] for the child of Daniel, man of Rapiu. [mk].6/6'(i8o)Jn/. [Then] in the seventh year toy'n[-^n^-mt-]rP^ [Daniel, man of] Rapiu spoke, 181 j;/6.^«r.m[t.hrnmy.] the hero, [man of He-of-Harnam], addressed (them), \y]$A(i82)gh.ivysh. [he] lifted up his voice and cried: /[b'.bbty](i83)b^. '[Depart from my house], weeping women, AAyfe[l]^.m/fpdt 'from my palace, wailing women, 184 bhzrypz£m.$r. 'from my courtyard, men that gash (your) flesh.' toyq[ry] (185) dbh.ilm. And he presented a sacrifice to the gods, yny.d$th(i86)'bsmym. he sent up his incense among the heavenly ones, ^Arnfny[.bk](i87)bfebm. He-of-Harnam's incense4 [among] the stars 'd[ ] [ J 188 [-]tt.^V[ ms] [ ] hand [ ] cymbals, 189 Itm.mrqdm.ds[n - -] castanets5 of ivory [ ] 190 wt'n.pgt.tkmt.mym And Pughat spoke, she who carried water on her shoulders: 191 qrym.&b.dbh.ltlm 'My father has presented a sacrifice to the gods, I9Z j'/y.^hfjb/m^m 'he has sent up his incense among the heavenly ones, 193 ^.Arwwy.bkbkbm 'He-of-Harnam's incense among the stars. 194 /(6rkn.

167 <'«/ etc.) (cp. 154, 161) or (cp. 168) 195 alkn mrrt (Virolleaud) or dlk nmr[rt] (Herdner; 170 ym.&yn error for ym&yn N partic.) 171 b<,bth.b) Herdner (cp. 182-184) 196-197: cp. 202 172: note dittography of pz (cp. 184) 178-179: cp. I74-I7S; [«*]: cp. I? i 16 ii 3Q 1 The professional mourners familiar in the east; 182 t[b'.bbty]: cp. 17 ii 39 cp. Jer. ix 17-18 16 i 5. 184 Gordon (cp. 191) 1 Cp. 5 vi 176*. i Kgs. xviii 28. The practice was 186: cp. 193 frowned upon in Israel (Deut. xiv i Jer. xvi 6). 188-189: cp. Ugaritica V no. 2 obv. //. 4-5 * Cp. 6 v 7-9. 190: the second and third epithets have been omitted 4 Or 'incense for He-of-Harnam'. (cp. 50-52, 199-200) * For the use of castanets in mourning sec 193 (and 186) Herdner dkbkbm '(among) the lords of Mishna Kelim xvi 7. the stars' * Or 'Do you indeed bless me etc.* AQHAT (19) 121 toy'«[-^n] (J9^) ft-mt.rph Then Daniel, man of Rapiu, spoke: »M-]d?[-P£t] 'In spirit let [Pughat] revive, 199 t[km]t.mym. 'she who carries water on her shoulders, hspt.tfr(2oo)tl. 'who skims the dew from the barley, yd't[.]W.kbkbm 'who knows the course of the stars; 201 d[- -].hy[.]mh. 'let her [ ] vigour; tmhs .mhf[.ihh] 'let her smite the smiter of [her brother], 202 tA/.m[k]fy.f/.6w/[h.] 'make an end of him that made an end of the child of [her] family.' l"](M3)[ ]-^«. [ ] in the sea, trfh[s] (204) [wt]4/. at the setting of Shapash the luminary of the gods m^y[t](2i2)/>^.WWm. Pughat did arrive at the tents. r^m./y/[pn.y] (213) 6/. Word [was] brought to Yatpan: dgrtn.bdt.bidk. 'She that hired us2 has come into your mountain(s), ['nt](2i4)6at.6A error for rpi gress the margin with col. iii 199: cp. 50, 55 219 lid error for lln or so read; Caster completes 201 hy[.]mh: cp. hw.mft (17 i 39) /[mm.] 201-202: cp. 196-197 203-204: cp. 14 62, 156; tium error for tldm 1 Probably a member of the murex family, from 205 De Moor; Virolleaud t['l]; Caster t[hgr] which dye was obtained. Pughat disguises herself as a 206 Caster b[lp.b] 'a dagger" (cp. Syr. ttldpd) courtesan or serving maid (Gray) or more appro- 207: cp. 18 iv 1 8 208 [Im] or [Am] priately as Anat (De Moor; cp. 3 B 42-43; 18 iv sff.). 209 De Moor [']r[bt] s Or (without 'Anat' in the lacuna) 'our hired 210 Wm perhaps error for zdm (213, 220); Im 'rb (cp. woman'. 106) or Im'rb (Virolleaud) 9 Or (see apparatus) 'Bring her and let her give me 212 Gordon wine to drink; let her take etc.' (similarly in 217). 213 idk perhaps error for fdk (cp. 210); De Moor Cp. Judg. iv 19 v 25 (Jael). I'nt}; Ginsberg [p&t} 4 Yatpan makes a libation to the £1 of the district 214 b<,d)hlm (cp. 212) or bhlm 'hither' (Lipinski; cp. before uttering his boast (Lipinski); cp. Hadad inscr. Hebr. 'ad hdlom) ; [mhr] : cp. 18 iv 6 H. 15-17- 215 possibly tqh', the reading is uncertain J Possibly (see apparatus) 'El of [heaven], El who 217 tp[h] error for fq[/»]; this and II. 218, 222 trans- created the mountains'; cp. Gen. xiv 19. 122 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS yd[.]mhft.d[<$\\t.£ (221) zr. The hand that smote the hero Aqhat[.} 'shall smite thousands of (my) Lady's foes, [t]& (222) \\rim.ldhlm. 'shall work1 magic2 against (their) tents.' p[---]km(22 3)[-]bl ( ]like[ ],[- -]\dh. her heart (was) like a serpent's (as) he [ ] her. 224 tnm. tiqy. msk. hwt. Twice they gave (her) his mixture to drink, <%[.]w[ they gave (her it) to drink and [

E. tohndt.ytb.Ittupr And this he shall recite again.3

221 [t]it: cp. tmhf; possibly the previous ft is infin. (Gordon, Textbook, 39); Virolleaud absol. 'shall indeed work' 222 Virolleaud k[bdh] 223 Caster [s]bl (cp. Arab, liblu 'lion's whelp') ' Cp. Exod. x i. 224 is a continuation of 223 (note the final word- * Lit. 'spells, charms'; cp. Isa. iii 3. divider) at the foot of col. iii ' The rubric may have reference to the passage in E. kndt (cp. Herdner) perhaps fern, form of hnd 'this' //. 171-184, alongside which it is written. 6. SHACHAR AND SHALIM AND THE GRACIOUS GODS


Obv. i Iqrd.ilm.n^mm ] I would call on1 the gracious gods [ ] 2$p[ ] and fair, sons of [ ] 3 ytnm.qrt.l'ly[- ] who established a city on high2 [ ] 4 bmdbrJpm.yd[- ]r in the desert, who 3 [their] hands [ j 5 IrUhtn.toyi^- ]m for their head(s) and [ ] 6 Ihm.blhm dy. Eat of any bread wfty.bhmr yn dy and drink of any foaming wine.4 7 5/m.mJk. Peace to the king! Urn. mlkt. 'rbm. wtnnm Peace to the queen, the ministers5 and the guards I1

8 mt.wSr.ytb. Mot-and-Shar7 sat down, in his one hand the sceptre of bereavement, bdh($ht.ulmn. in his other hand the sceptre of widowhood.8 yzbrnn. zbrtn .gpn The pruners of the vine pruned him, 10 ysmdnn.smdm.gpn. the binders of the vine bound him, ysqLUtmth (u)kmgpn they felled (him) on the terrace* like a vine.

12 ib'd.yrgm.'I.''rbn.t'nyn Seven times shall (this) be recited on the dais, and the ministers shall make response.

13 wSd.idilm. Then (shall be sung) The field(s), the field(s) of the gods, ld dtst.wrhm (Y) 'the field(s) of Athirat and Rahmay10.' 14 'l.i!t.!b'd.$zrm.tb[- g]d.bhlb. Seven times over the fire let the heroes dnnh bhmdt coriander in milk,11 mint in butter;

1 : cp. 23, 60, 67 7 I.e. 'prince'; see p. 28 note i. 2 Virolleaud !r[m] (cp. 22 and Ps. Ixxxii 6, 7); ' Cp. Isa. xlvii 8-9 Jer. xv 7-8; cp. also Ps. Herdner fp[i] cxxv 3. 3 Ginsberg 7y[nm] 'the most high (gods)' ' Cp. 2 i 43 Deut. xxxii 32; the interpretation of 6: this and several other lines on the obv. are con- this word as a compound ('field(s) of death'; cp. Hebr. tinued on the edge of the tablet (particularly 14) salmdwet) can only be sustained if it is assumed that 13 r£m: cp. 28 the Massoretic tradition (pi. S'demtit) with initial / is 14 Virolleaud tb\b.g}d; Caquot and Sznycer tb['.g]d wrong. 'let (them) plunge" (D); De Moor farm. g. fb '(let) 10 Apparently another name for Anat meaning 'the the sweet-voiced youth(s) (sing)' (referring to the merciful' (!; 15 ii 6). The prominence of Anat and hymn ; cp. 3 A 20) Athirat in the preliminary hymns makes it not unlikely that they are the two unnamed women of the 1 Cp. Deut. xxxii 3. mythological text; and the present hymn and the 1 Perhaps a reference to the sanctuary of /. 65. story (or hymn) mentioned in //. 16-17 may in fact Alternatively (Xella a. Ginsberg) 'Let glory be given be alluding to the events of U. 66-68. to the most high gods' (Jyqri cp. Esth. i 20). 11 See apparatus; the text is difficult but a verb 1 Alternatively 'in the desert of the dunes' (Hebr. (presumably perf. with jussive sense) seems to be i'pdyim). required. Virolleaud's suggestion, widely accepted, 4 Cp. Prov. ix 5. The last phrase may refer to a '(let them cook) a kid in butter' (cp. Exod. xxiii mixture of Jmr, the new wine from the early grapes 19 xxxiv 26 Deut. xiv 21) is not suitable in the (3 A 1 6) with older wine (yn). context; and in any case fi/i is 'slaughter' rather than * Lit. 'those who enter'; cp. Akk. erib biti of a 'cook' (the Hebr. has a verb 'to boil' and adds 'of its minister in a temple. * See at 14 91. mother' after 'milk'). 124. CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 15'dm.dfc[t ]t and seven times over the basin incense [ j 16 tlkm.rhmy.wtfd[.] 'Rahmay went and hunted, (-..-] (17) thgrn '[ ] she girded herself.' M-J«'m[- • • - -J The hero minstrel [ ] 18 vfim.'rbm.yr[ ] and the name1 shall the ministers [ ] 19 mtbtMm.tmn.t[mti ] Niches for the gods eight [by eight ] 20 pdmt.ib' seven times. 21 tqnu.imt Lapis-lazuli, cornaline, 22 the scarlet of princes.2 23 lqrdn.ilm.nmm[.] I would call on the gracious gods, [agzr ym.bnljw ['cleavers' of the sea,3 children] of the sea,1 24 ynqm.bdp zd. who suck the teats of the breasts «fer*.[wrhmy] of Athirat5 [and Rahmay] 25 $pLmsprt.dlthm[.] May pale Shapash lead them8 [ ] (26) ivgnbm [ ] and (to) the grapes! ilm.'[iaa] Peace to the ministers (and) the guards, 27 hlkm.bdbh nmt those who come with the sacrifice of grace! 28 &<.5d>[i]b». The field(s) (the field(s)> of the gods, Sd.dtrt.wrhmy 'the field(s) of Athirat and Rahmay,' ql-—JoflP shall again7 [ J • 30 [tt-y*]i-gpym. [El went out] to the shore of the sea and advanced to the shore of the ocean. 31 [---]ll[.]m!t'ltm. El [(perceived)] two women moving up and down,8 mit'Itm.IrtS.dgn two women moving up and down over a basin.

i5:cp. 19 185 2 Or 'singers'. 18: perhaps yr[gm] (cp. 12) J Cp. Ps. cxxxvi 13; the form is probably 'broken' 19 De Moor t[mn.bgg] 'on the roof (cp. CTA 35 plur. (sing, gzr; 63); or (if Shachar and Shalim are 50-51 and 14 80) being described) 'those who cut off the day' (Gray). 22 in or bn (Virolleaud; cp. 2); notice the word- Alternatively dgzrym (with unexplained y; a mater divider after irm lectionis?) 'greedy, gluttonous' (Xella, De Moor; cp. 23: cp. 58-59, 61; dgzr ym or dgzrym Isa. ix 19). 24 [turbmy] (cp. 59,61) or (beginning the next phrase) * Or (of Shachar and Shalim) 'born in one day' [nrt.tim] (Bauer; cp. 2 iii 15 etc.) (Driver). 25 mfprt (Herdner) or myprt (Bauer, Caster etc.) ' Cp. 15 ii 26ff. Note zd and id (61) for the td of 'Shapash (who) makes their tendrils abound the other texts, unless these are variants of a different with . ..' (Driver; •jypr D; cp. Arab, wafara 'was word related to Hebr. ziz, parallel to iod in Isa. plentiful'; Arab. dald(vi) V 'hung down' of fruit) Ixvi ii. 26: cp. 7 • Perf. with jussive sense, zB : cp. 13 7 Lit. 'one shall return ..." 29 De Moor [Imspr] (cp. 19 E.) 8 Lit. 'those raising themselves up' (St partic. 30 [ytV (De Moor; the final letter is doubtful) or fern, dual), perhaps describing the act of washing similar verb clothes; cp. 4 ii sff. (Athirat). Most commentators 31 Gordon [yqh] (cp. 35) but on the interpretation (restoring 'took' in the lacuna) assume El is per- advanced here a verb of seeing is assumed; this forming some kind of ceremony to restore his line on the bottom edge finishes on the side of the virility; e.g. 'two handfuls' (Albright; cp. Hebr. tablet fo'al), 'two kindlings' (Gordon), 'lids' (Largement), 'scales' (De Moor). Caquot and Sznycer render 'two 1 Perhaps that of Rahmay (cp. 2 iv 28); or 'the women who made (sc. the water) rise', i.e. who were names(s) of the ministers shall be . . .' filling the basin. SHACHAR AND SHALIM (23) "S 32 h/h.[t]/p/. One1 moved down, hlh.trm. the other moved up; hlh.tsh.dddd one cried 'Father, father 1' 33 and the other cried 'Mother, mother!' The organ* of El grew long as the sea 34 vtydil.kmdb. and the organ of £1 as the flood. drk.yd.ll.kym The organ of El did grow long8 as the sea Rev. 35 and the organ of El as the flood.'ltm El took the two women who moved up and down, 36 mit'ltm.lrti.dgn. (he took) the two women who moved up and down over the basin, yqh.yi(t).bbth he took (them and) set (them) in his house. 37 «.Art.«fc«[.] El did lower his sceptre, El the staff in his hand. yi& ($)yr.smmh. He raised (it and) shot heavenward, yr.b!mm.'$r. he shot a bird in the heavens, yhrtyh (tf)lphm. he plucked (it and) put (it) on the coals. n.dttm.kypt. Surely El seduced4 the two women, (saying): hm.dttm.tshn 'If the two women should cry out 40 ymt[.]mt.nhtm.htk. ' "0 husband, husband, who have lowered your sceptre, mmnnm. mt ydk '"who have the staff in your hand, 41 h[\.]'r.thrr.Wt. ' "look! the bird is roasted on the fire, fhrrt.lphmm ' "it ha» browned on the coals," 42 d\l] 'the two women (will be) wives of El,'lmh. 'wives of El even for ever. whm (43) dttm.tjhn. 'But if the two women should cry out y.dddd.nhtm.htk ' "0 father, father, who have lowered your sceptre, 44 ydk. ' "who have the staff in your hand, hl.'sr.thrr.liit ' "look! the bird is roasted on the fire 45 w$hrrt.lphmm. ' "and has browned on the coals," 'the two girls (will be) daughters of El,^6)w'lmh. 'daughters of El even for ever.' whn.dttm.tshn. And behold! the two women cried out: y.mtmt (47) nhtm.htk. '0 husband, husband, who have lowered your sceptre, ydk. 'who have the staff in your hand, W.>(48)thfT.flft. 'look! the bird is roasted on the fire w;/rr(r)f.//)Amm. 'and has browned on the coals.' a«w.i[tt.ll] The two women (became) wives [of El], 49 wives of El even for ever. yhbr.!pthm.yi[<\] He stooped (and) kissed their lips; 50 hn.ipthm.mtqtm. behold! their lips were sweet,6

32 Caster 1 Lit. 'Behold she*. 36 Virolleaud * Lit. 'hand'; cp. Isa. Ivii 8. Xella resists this 38: this and several other lines on the reverse finish interpretation. -" on the edge of the tablet 9 Infin. absol. or 3 masc. sing. perf. used as basic 4i:cp. 44 42:cp. 48 form. 4 48 :cp. 41-42 Cp. Exod. xxii 15. 6 49'-cp. 55 Cp. Prov. xvi 21. 126 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS mtqtm.klrmn[m] sweet as pomegranatefs], 51 bm.niq.whr. In the kissing (there was) conception, bhbq.hmhmt. in the embracing (there was) pregnancy;1 tyt[nsn] (52) tldn.Shr.foUm. they travailed1 (and) gave birth to Shachar and Shalim. rgm.ttl.ybl. Word was carried to El: 4«y](53)«o*- '[The two] wives of El have given birth.'3 mh.ylt. 'What did they bear?' yldy .!hr .wU[m] Two have been born,4 Shachar and Shalim.' 54 M.'db'.UpS.rbt. 'Raise (and) prepare (an offering) for lady Shapash[m] 'and for the fixed stars.'5 55 yhbr.ipthm.yiq. (Once more) he stooped (and) kissed their lips; hn.\l]pthm.mtqtm behold! their lips were sweet. 56 bm.iuq.whr. In the kissing (there was) conception, [b]/i£q.H>A[m]Amf. [in] the embracing (there was) pregnancy— 6 **M (57) ysprM.l;[- ] this shall be recited again five times for [ ] fr./>Ar. the assembly— kldt($)tqtnfn.vjtldn. Both of them travailed and gave birth, t\d.[l\m.]n'mm. they gave birth to the gracious [gods], dgzr ym($g) bn.ym. 'cleavers' of the sea, children of the sea,[p.]i.[d.](h.) who suck the teats of the breasts (of the Lady).7 [r]gm.Ul.ybl Word was carried to El: 60 The two wives of El have given birth.' mh.ylt. 'What did they bear?' limy nmm The gracious gods, 61 dgxrym.bnym. ' "cleavers" of the sea, children of the sea, 'who suck the teats of the breasts of the Lady, Ipt (62) /n

50 Ginsberg or read sing. J Lit. 'crouched, stooped". 51: perhaps [l]'rb (Virolleaud) or w'rb (Herdner) • Lit. 'one shall recite again*. 63 l(g)xr Ginsberg 7 I.e. Anat (cp. 18 iv 6, 27). • Cp. 5 ii 2-3 (of the appetite of Mot). 1 Cp. 17 i 4off. ' Lit. 'one put (them)'. SHACHAR AND SHALIM (23) 127 ti.'! 'raise (and) prepare a sanctuary in the midst of the desert,1 66 tm.tgrgr.ldbnm.wl.'m. 'there dwell among* the stones and the trees.' ?b'.!nt((>fltmt. Seven years did come to an end, tmn.nqpt.'d. eight revolutions of time, ilm.n'mm.ttlkn((>$)sd. (as) the gracious gods went about in the field(s) tfdn.pdt.mdbr. (and) hunted on the fringe of the desert; (69) mdr . and they did come upon the watchman of the sown land,8 wsh hm.'m.ngr.mdr*. and they did cry to the watchman of the sown land: y.ngr (70) ngr.pth. '0 watchman, watchman, openl* tvpth hw.prs.b'dhm And he did open a breach for them 71 w' and they did enter, (saying): Am[.it--l]hm. 'If [there is ] bread, w/[n] (72) vmlhm. 'then give (us it) that we may eat;[--yn.] 'if there is [ wine], [w]tn.wnXt '[then] give (us it) that we may drink.' 73 w'nhm.n£r.mdr'[.] And the watchman of the sown land did answer them: [It.lhm.d'rb] '[There is bread for him who enters]; 74 tt.yn.d'rb. 'there is wine for him who enters *A[ ] 'I 1. 75 w^ hto.lhn.lgynh[ -] 'let him approach* here, his pint of wine [ ] 76 whbrh.mldyn.[ ] 'let him fill4 his companions) with wine [ ]

71: cp. 72; perhaps [dy] (cp. 6) * Nothing else is known about this enigmatic 73: cp. 71,74 figure; cp. however, the guardian cherubim of Gen. iii 24 and the gatekeeper in the Descent of Ishtar 1 Or 'raise an offering within the holy desert'. II. I2ff. (ANETp. 107). * Or 'open your throat for' (De Moor; denom. 4 Perfects with jussive sense. Alternatively // 75-76 from grgr). are narrative, though Ihn is then difficult to translate. 7. NIKKAL AND THE KOTHARAT


Obv. i ternkliotb I sing (of)1 Nikkal-and-Ib 2 hr\)b.mlk qz (and of) Khirkhib king of summer, hrhbm(3)lk&gzt. Khirkhib king of 2 *4*¥(4)J»* At the going down of the sun Yarikh ytkhyh[bq.]d(s)tld was inflamed (and) embraced her who3 would give birth, fc.Ht-M—] the daughter [ ] [\k](6)trt.lbntM[.snnt] [0] Kotharat, o [swallow-like] daughters of the crescent-moon, T hlglmttldb[n.] behold! a maiden shall bear a son.4 [• - -]n (8) 'nhd [(May)] their eyes [ ] her! lydh tzd[- - -] For her use* may they get sustenance [ ] 9 pt for her flesh blood d[ ]h(io)wyn, [ ] and wine; ]tmtrht[ ]h for the betrothed one [ ] ii hf ilht ktr[t.] Hear, goddesses the Kotharat, [- -]mm (12) nh [ ], lydh tzdn[- - - -]n for her use do you get sustenance [ ] 13 ldd[nh ] to [her] sire [ ] 14 dgntt[[ ]l(i5) Dagon of Tuttul7 [ ] /kW(.lbnt>A/[]«/ o Kotharat, swallow-like8 (daughters ) of the crescent- moon. 16 yldkyrh ny[r] 5mm. Yarikh lamp of heaven sent (word) 'm (17) br[Ii]6 mlk qz. to Khirkhib king of summer, (saying): tnnkly(ityrhytrh. 'Give Nikkal (that) Yarikh may marry (her), ttt'rbmbbh(i<))th. '(give) Ib (that) she may enter into his mansion; vtdtn mhrh Id (20) bh. 'and I will give as her bride-price9 to her father dip kspwrbt h (21) rs. 'a thousand (pieces) of silver and ten thousand (pieces) of gold, islh zhrm iq (22) n\m. 'I will send brilliant (stones of) lapis-lazuli,

2: this and several other lines on the obv. finish on 1 Cp. Isa. v i Ps. Ixxxix 2 ci i. the edge of the tablet 2 Possibly 'the raiding season', i.e. autumn 3 dbzt or t&zt: note the single word-divider closing (fcy\ cp. 16 vi 43). 'he line of poetry (similarly in//. 16-33, 23, 29-33, 1 Note d for £ of /. 45; the text, however, is 35-38, 4*-43, 46) doubtful. 4 Herdner a. Virolleaud and Ginsberg; the d is by no 1 Cp. Isa. vii 14. means certain and / is possible; dtld may be an 5 Or 'LookI behold!' followed by 2 pers. verbs. error for dt tld • Lit. 'hand(s)1. 5: perhaps &[r&6] 5-6: cp. 15, 41 1 In NE Syria, known from the period of the Mari 7 Herdner letters as a centre of the cult of Dagon; he seems to 8 'nhd error for 'nhn be the father of Nikkal. The Human sounding names 13 Virolleaud (cp. 33) of Khirkhib and Prbht (49) point also to this region 14 «[/]: cp. Ugaritica V no. 7 /. 15 as the original home of the myth. 14-15 /': perhaps [i]m' (cp. 11) 1 Lit. 'swallows'; on this and the following title 15: cp. 6, 41; the k of ktrt is only partially formed see at 17 ii 26-27. 16: cp. 31 17: cp. 2 ' Cp. Gen. xxxiv 12 Exod. xxii 15-16. NIKKAL AND THE KOTHARAT (24) 129 dtn Idh krm[m] 'I will give vineyards (to be) fields for him, 23 !d ddh hrnqm. ' (to be)field sfo r him to delight in1.' w (24) y'n hrhb mlk qi[.] And Khirkhib king of summer answered: [\] (2$)n'mn.ilm '[0] gracious one of the gods, E. lht[n](26)m.b'l 'o son-in-law (to be) of Baal,* trh pdry 4[th] 'bring a betrothal gift for Pidray [his] daughter 27 dqrbk dbh b'[\] '(and) I will introduce you to her father Baal. 28 ygtr.'ttr '(But if) Athtar is jealous, Rev. ((29) rh Ik ybrdmy. 'bring you a betrothal gift for Ybrdmy, b[t](3o)6Aftb/rr. 'a daughter by whom (any) heart would be stirred.' wy[ri\ (31) yb ny* *nm- But Yarikh lamp of heaven answered, vm '[n] (32) 'md nkl htny. indeed he did answer: 'With Nikkal (shall) my mar- riage (be).' d\\r (33) nklyrhytrh. Thereafter Yarikh brought the betrothal gift for Nikkal; ddnh (34) yh msb. mznm. her sire set the base of the scales, umh (35) kp mznm. her mother the trays3 of the scales; lhhyi'r($)m$rrm. her brothers arranged the hinges, dhtth Id (37) bn mznm. her sisters (saw) to the weights of the scales. «3Wttfc(38)

22, 24, 25, 29-31: the signs at the ends of these lines 1 Lit. 'of his love'. have disappeared but were visible when Virolleaud's 2 I.e. if you agree to my proposal. 3 copy was made Lit. 'palms'. 26 b[th] (Herdner) or b[t dr] (cp, 3 A 24) 4 Or 'may Yarikh give light" (perf. with jussive 27: perhaps insert [hm] at the end (construe with 28) sense). 29 b[t] (Herdner) or b[t d] (30) bh (Virolleaud, 6 Note the 'dative' suffix and (if dr in /. 38 is a Gordon) verb) the chiastic arrangement of the couplet. 30 Ibb or Ibu 'lion', thought to be a title of Athtar or ' Presumably the emblem of the new moon. Baal; this and several other lines on the rev. finish I Apparently drugs or potions for use at child- on the edge of the tablet birth ; the first appears in the hippiatric text CTA 161 32 'md error for 'mn 10 and the second was perhaps an agent to prevent 36 dfftth error for dfrth (Virolleaud) or reduplicated haemorrhage (cp. the element dm). 8 form (Gordon, Driver) Lit. 'number'. 40: this line read by Virolleaud has now disappeared • Cp. i Kgs. ix 16. 47-48 yttqt perhaps error for yttql 'will be weighed 10 The girl for whom intercession is being made. II out' (Caster) Perf. with jussive sense. 8. APPENDIX: FRAGMENTARY AND RECENTLY DISCOVERED TEXTS

i [kptr. ]&[ii. tbth. hkpt. drs. nhlth] Col. ii W//)./>-./>nnk to. rgm. lk[tr. wfcss. tny. Ihyn] [tlsmn. 'my. twt]A.#$t 5 dhrl.y[ HJbk] [tk.hrSn----]r.[-]AmA-^ hwt. ltpn[. htkk [ -M--H* yh.ktr.b[ ' 5 [ \}qnlm it.lskt.n[ [ -yt.byrb 'db.bgrt.t[ ( ].*r 10 hik. 'sk. 'b[sk. 'my. p'nk. tlsmn] [ -]m.ymtm 'myfk/A./[|)r§n [ -]*W r[gm. It. ly. wdrgmk] 10 [ -]«[.]'*.«« hwt. wdinyk[. rgm. 's. wlhSt Jbn] [- Iftm.'db t unt. smm. 'm[. sirs. thmt. 'mn. kbkbm] [ Ytqn J5 rgm. ltd'. n§[m. wltbn. hmlt. £rs] [ ]b.ilk dt.w.dnk.ib[feyh [lytn. pnm. 'm. ]tn. bb. bdlp hzr wy'n. ktr. whss[. Ik. Ik. 'nn. llm] 15 [rbt — -\p']n.'nt dtm. b!tm. todn[. Snt. kptr] [yhbr. wyql. yh]hwyn. wy Irhq. llm. hkp[t. Irhq. llnym] pcbdnh. ySii. gh. wy]sA. tkm 20 in. mtpdm. tht. ['nt. drs. tit. mth] [tr.ffl.ibk.hwt.ll^i'.A*** gyrm. Mk. lyt[n. pnm. 'm. Itpn] [qryy.Wrs.mlhJmf.ft b'p ttdpld.tkhrl[n gr.'ks] 20 [rm. ddym. sk. §lm]. Ikbd. drs ygly £d. i[l. wybu. qr5. mlk] [drbdd.lkbd.5]rf«.WA db. Snm. l[p'n. il. yhbr. wyql] f?k. 'bsk. 'my. p']nk. tlsmn 25 yAAwyf.wykbdnh rmy.twth.l5d]k.f)Ur/» fr./I[Jbh [ ' ]bdk.spr hi b[htm. tbnn. h5. trmmn. hklm] 25 f- In* tok.[ bn.[ 30 4 Col. Hi i* [] ii 1-2: cp. 3 C 15-17 10-11: cp. ii 1-3 3:cp. 23 s:cp. 4v8i 11 tktb error for tietfr 9: cp. 18 iv 25 12-16: cp. 3 C 17-26 13 ilk error for idk 14: note u with four vertical wedges 13-17: cp. 3 F 12-20 17: the arrival of the messengers and delivery of the 17-18: cp. 6iv 33-35; foryiu perhaps readyid (dual; message are not given Gordon) 17-20: cp. 3 D 76-80 19-23: cp. 3 C 11-17 21-22: cp. 2 iii 4 ii 13-14 iii 11-12 25 Virolleaud [ym]nk 23-25: cp. 4 iv 23-26 6 i 34-38 iii i*~5: cp. 3 F 12-23 26: cp. 3 E 18 5-6 :cp. 6 iv 34-35 27: cp. 4 v 115-116 APPENDIX (i ii, iii, v; 7 I, II) '31

Col. iv (see p. 39) WtjB.^ft bsh]q.ymlu.lbh Col v b]kdrt[.]ril \>i\k(m}.t#l.bdm [ ]b 10 M-Mb [ wym.ymjm ]* [y'tqn ymg'y.]npi 1* [ h]d.tngtnh 5 [ \\mk].b;pn Rev. A few signs are visible [ ].n!b.b'n [ ]bkm.y'n II obv. [ yd'.l]yd't Hri-W t]dsrn kUi.( 10 [ ]trks kpr.[ [ bjn dbnm.&pqt wtyrjy [ ]/ w^r mtny 5 Wop [it.zd }r1-^ ldyn( [ ]kl.tfcr.mtnh §>k./[ IS [ ]b.wymymm fr/u.yd[h ft Mr [y'tqn }.ym$! (--]y [ ]t.hd.tngtnh 10 t!t[.t]lmt[ [ ]hmk bspn [ihb]//*/r[y [ }Uqb fylt ir$y bt .y[*bdr 20 [ ]m.bkm.y'n r£m fit/[t [ ].yd'.fyd't E. Aw[t [ ]tdsrn.tril IS [b']pr[m [ ] /AW[.]/[dm tls] [ ]iipqt.'rb [m]n 'my t [wth 25 [ w^]r.m/ny dtzd Rev. [h]»/. 'nt

v 2-3: cp. 6 ii 4-5, 26; [ym&y]: cp. 16 8: cp. 389 4:cp. 17 s:cp. 18 9: cp. 3 B 13, 27 8: cp. 21 II 3:cp.3Bz 9-10: cp. 22 4: cp. 3 84 u:cp. 23 S:cp. 3829 i3:cp. 25 8:cp. 3832, 34 17: note final h with four horizontal wedges 10-12: cp. 3 C 1-5 I 2: cp. 3 B 11-13 13-21: cp. 3 C 8-26 3: perhaps [tmfty (cp. 3 B 17) 23-26: cp. 3 8 2-7 4-7: cp. 3 B 19-26 27 Virolleaud l[l]m 132 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS t( ]I[.]ltmm k[ ]b.ldrf ]l.Ur ]d/m 8 20 ]ydy [tyk.mgn.rbt.dtrt }y \ym].m$z.qnytMm }lm rlumm tetn (ca.i ll.) \\\lm.whzr.kbn 3 gm.ltfmh 5 [i]W. Col. ii b'l.ysh.'n.gpn[.] (ca.zoll.) [ b'l.bbhth] '[t] [ll.hd.bqr]A.hklA't.lbr[.mnt] wt'nyn.glm.b'l 10 fhrrm.hbl[m.b] in.b'l.bbhtht 'rpt.tht.\b$m] \\hd.bqrb.hklh m*frm.h[t--] S qithn.dhd.bydh gltM-'--] viqf' m.brq[ ] Idk.lytnpnm ymtm[ ] '5 tk.dh. Imk. mU[t. rjumw 4- 1 10 ttiknp.btlt.'n[t] < ] ts&.knp.wtr.b'p tk. dh imk. mldt rumm wytt.'nh.dltyn.b'\ 10 vyiti.'nh.wy'n Co/, i 15 vy'n.btlt.'nt (ca. 2oU.) . . n''l ]btlt.'nt Ipnnh .ydd .wyqm jpp.Arw Ip'nh.ykr'.tvyql ].dlyd'bnil wy&.gh.wy$h ]pffr kkbm 20 hwt.dht.wttdr[-] 5 ]dr dt.fmm qrn.dbdtk.btlt[.]'nt il](yn b'l qrn[.]dbdtkb'i.ymsh ].rkb.'rpt b''p ]gl.llimm nt'n.bdrf.iby ]lytb.Mrs 2S wb'pr.qm.dhk 10 ].mtm wtti.'nh.btlt.'nt ]ydmhr.ur wti&.'nh.wt'n ]yhnnn wt'n.drh.wtr.blkt ]t.ytn tr.blkt.wtr.bhl btlt.]'nt 30 [b]n'wm. bysmm. h[- -]k^rt IS ybmt.]ltmm [([\].lb'l.'nt.ttnn 8 1-2: cp. 4 i 22-23 iii 28 ii 1-2: cp. 4-5 4-5: cp. 4ivsi 4 bhtht error for bhth Sff.: cp. 4 vii S2ff. 20 Herdner ndr[k] 'may (sc. your days) be prolonged' : ii [b]'rpt. . . [blm]m De Moor (cp. 19 106; app.) Driver ten dr[m] error for tr[m] 'and now you shall i 2: perhaps part of verb <]'top 'to fly" (cp. ii 10-11) be exalted' 17: cp. 9 30 Caster g[b'. ]w&r (cp. iii 32); Caquotand Sznycer 20-21: cp. ii 6-7 fy[bl.]ktrt(cp. ii 6) 23: cp. ii 12 3i:cp. iii 33 APPENDIX (7 II; 8; 10 i, ii, iii; n) «33 [--}l.b'lm.dipl(--] [--}!hp&th [ll.]hd.d'nn[.]n[--] ^.tfl.A[-]^r (----]Wyn.b[l] mlmt.bgr.tllyt 35 [---btl]t.'n[t-]/>A 3° wt'l.bkm.bdn [ ]« bm.drr.wbfpn C ]y bn'm.b£r.t$]\yt [ ]'l.ttrm [ MH<[r.b'}l 35 wbfr.htk.dgn Col. iti ]n.ibr'.lb'l(.yl]d ll.) . . mum.lrkb[.]'rpt [---]drht.tld[n] ylmh.dliyn.b'l d[\p].lbtlt.'nt wypt lybmt .li[mm] 5 wy'ny[.]dttyn[.b'\] it lm.kqnym.'l[m] kdrd(i).dyknn[ [ ].ytkh.wy\hd.bqrb b'l.y^d.mU[ [ t]tkh.'vitlhd~b&]t tlpd.mld.&$[ [ b]'l.ynbd. Idlp 10 blt.pbtlt.'n[i] [ \>t]lt.'nt top.nmt.dht[.\>'l] 5 [ }q.hry.wyld y'l.b'l.bfr [ }m.hbl.kt[c]\[ [ bi]lt.'nt b'l.ytb.lks[l.mM\ [ m]yn.b'l 15 bndgn.lkh[t.dr1tth] [ ]mn mp[.}ql.z[ 10 ( } /np £/[.]»

39 lk[tr]t (Driver a. Virolleaud) 26 Caquot and Sznycer y[nq] iii 2 Ginsberg ['glm] 28: the letter visible after 6 has been erased (Herdner) 3 Virolleaud 32:cp. 29 6-7 Ginsberg 34: cp. 35 8 Ginsberg [.ydh] 'with his member erect' 36 Ginsberg and Gordon 9 pd error for hd; Ginsberg u;[b'(t)h] ii 1-3: if the fragment belongs to the same tablet or 12: cp. 28 series as 10 there is only room at the beginning for 13 w has apparently been written over a defective b a small particle (Herdner) 1-2: perhaps bqrb[h] and buik[h] 14-15: cp. 6 v 5-6 2 iJ/A (Virolleaud) or usr 'penis' (Caquot and Sznycer; 17: perhaps W/> (Herdner) cp. Akk. iiaru) 18-19: cp. ii 29-30 3: or ydbd 20-22: cp. 36-37 5: perhaps [bni]q (cp. 23 51, 56) 21: perhaps ['l] or [Ib'l.whd] (Virolleaud) 6: cp. 10 ii 30, 39 »34 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS

12 wymzd.'qqm b'l.hmdm.yhmdm Col. i bn dgn.yhrrm 40 b'l.ngthm.bp'nh [ -]« totl.hd.bhrz'h [ -] [ -}ddrf ( -]* Col. it 5 [----]nbhm [ [—]fci I—]M [--]hrn.fen./Ar [--]'»[ [--] pnm[ \t}bdn.U.dbn 5 b'l.n[ 10 kbdkU.tikbt il.hd[[.lt hmdm.[ kbd 10 '[r zl.dt.ltl! kb[ 15 dmt.yrh ym.[ Idmgy.dmt yih[ dtrt.qh yW[ ksdnk'.hdgk 15 hn.$[ htlk.wzi *[ 20 bdln.tkm t( btk.mlbr [ II Hy [ kry dmt 20 % 'pr.'zmyd wb[ 25 tgrm.hl.ld W.[ dklm.'tbrkk tthd.b[ wld'qqm[ Um[.]yp'r 25 yisphm.b[ hnthm bn.dgn[ 30 bhm.qrnm 'Sbm.[ km.trm.wgbtt uhry.l[ km.ibrm mst.ksh.t['l 3° ldm.ddr[ b'l.ytlk toysd idm.'rz.t'rfy 35 yhpdt.mlbr 'n.b'l.d$]*[ ien.ymly.dklm zrh.dh$.<$l

i i, 3: these lines finish on col. ii between //. 5-6 and ii The width of the col. is indicated by //. 47, 49, 54-36 6-7 ( = 8) respectively where at the most two or three letters are missing 7: this and //. 8-n, 13, 26, 38, 40 transgress upon 5: perhaps n[pl] (cp. 34) col. ii; the scribe has drawn a wavy line to indicate 7: this line is to be suppressed; it is really the con- the separation tinuation of i 3 9: cp. 10 8:cp. 24 11: or trm 10: cp. i 39 zi mlbr (cp. 35) apparently a variant of mdbr 25: perhaps &['/) 22 U Hy or iliiy (a place-name) 31 Herdner; Virolleaud 'r^.q[ 41 frl'h perhaps error for forth (Gray); he renders 'in 32: cp. 33 his haste' 33 Herdner; Caster tyiq.i[ , 'I will fasten . . .'? APPENDIX (12 i, ii; 20 A, B; 21 A) '35 p'n.b'l.dh$[ ]bwt' 3S Wfmt.lllm[ 5 ]n bym.qz dhz.dklm.k( ]ym.tlhmn npl.bmbr&[ rpjiim.t/tyn dnpnm yhr[t yi.d'rgxm bmtnm.yShn.[ ]dt:i.lty 40 £b[ 10 ]tdbh.dmr hwkm.hrr[ hi mtm.dbt[ tr'.tr'n.d[ ColB bnt.idm.fhr[ tmn. bqrb. hkly. [itrh. rpum] 45 !b'.bit.\l.mld.[ tdd.dtrh.tddMn\ym wtmn.nqpnt.'d dsr.$svtm.tsmd.dg[ klbLkmlpLdmtfhh] t'ln. Imrkbthm. rf[ty. 1'rhm] 5 tlkn.ym.wtd <^r./[p5m.btlt] k!b't.Ub'm.dhh.ym[ m$y [ -]rP&M- Igmt • flnym. 1] 5° wtmnt.ltmnym mft. wy'n. dnll. [mt. rpl] fy.dhyh.mzdh hrnmy[ wmzdh.Sr.ylyh bgrnt. Urn. bqrb. m[t't. Unym] bskn.sknm.b'dn 10 dtlt.yspl.sp&.fi ''l[ tph.tsr.shr[ 55 km tr.wtkms.hd.p[ mr[ km[.]tbr[.]btk.mfm! ds[ Ittpq.ldwl tittk.lm.ttkn 21 Htk.mlk.dn 60 Hk.tfbt.'n Col. A[.}ll [- }[.]bty [rpim. rpim. b]ty. dfhkm[.]iqrd [km. ilnym. bh]k/y. dtrh. rpim [\tdd.toih].ltdd.anym 20 5 [- ]rz'y.dpnnk.yrp [ -]km.r' Col. A [ -]$y.Ibt rp]ji«./dbAn [y bqrb] .hkly.wy' ]b'd.ilynm [ rz'] ]1 km imtm 10 [rpim. bty. $&]hkm. iqrdkm

37: cp. 56 3 Caquot and Sznycer kmt mtm 38: cp. 41 and 23 41 B 1-2: cp. 21 A 3-4 45: there may (despite the word-divider) be no 4: cp. 22 A 23-24 further writing after mW (cp. 55) 5 to error for tn;{[pim.btlt]: cp. 14 196 47: cp. 49 6: cp. 22 A 25-26 49 Caster ym[U]; Gray ym[d] 'he measured, ap- 7: cp. 17 i 18 etc. pointed'; Caquot and Sznycer ym[&y] 9 Virolleaud (cp. 6-7) 51 dfyyh prob. error for Afrh (49) or dryh (48) 21A 1,5: there does not seem to be room for [wy'] and 54-55: it is not certain whether there is writing at the the required space as in 8-9 end of these lines, as the£ in 55 seems to have been 2-4: cp. 9-12 20 B 2 erased; Caster restores [tr] in 54 and i[br] in 55 5: perhaps yrp (6) [tim] 56-57 Herdner df or dl; Caster {[in] 'mire' (cp. Ps. 8: cp. 20 B i; perhaps [dlk.bqrb] (Herdner) xl 3); Gray m!mf dt(tf)i ttpq (it 'waterhole'; cp. 9 rpim perhaps error for rpum (thus also in 2, 10; cp. Arab, ta'ta'a 'watered beasts') 3); cp. also 6 vi 45 2oA i, 7 Virolleaud i36 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS [ilnym. bhklly. dtrh. rpum[ ] [\]h.ltdd.i\\nym][ -] [ M ] ydk.& 5 blsmt. tm .ytbL bn. il.mtm Col. B y' tm.tmq.rpii.b'l.mhr b'l [ yt]b.ldrs wmhr. 'nt. tm .yhpn. hyl 10 y.zbl.mlk.'llmy[.]km.tdd 2Z ''pt.bnm tbh. dlpm. dp fin. Sql. trm Col A wmri Urn. 'glm imr.qms.llim.kksp [--]•[-! 15 I'brm. zt. hrs. I'brm. ks b.hkfy.[''l /A.ify.r[plm.rplm.bty.ash] mlkm. hn .ym .y;q .yn. tmk km.fyr[dkm .ilnym . bhkly] 5 ti[hd.ksd.mlkh] nht.kht.d[ikh.bly] PRU II no. 3 dfh. rpi[m. iqii. ilnym] 20 V6.A[kly.dtrh.rp6m.l] [--.-]r[----] tdd. [ ] hmltht.[--]

B Virolleaud (cp. 5 vi 13-14 10 i 9) 17 V prob. error for'/ 22A 3-6, 8-11, 18-21: cp. 21 A 1-4, 9-12 17-18 Virolleaud after 3 D 46-47 7: cp. B 9 22-26: cp. 20 B 2-7 11-12: cp. B 9-10 B 7 y'bi perhaps error for ytbl (6) or vice-versa 13 ntm error for dim; at the end perhaps [tin] (14) ym 9-10 byly or (De Moor) byl bb 'the host of filth' 14 Virolleaud qd[qd.dltyn.b'l] 26: cp. 17 v 4 16 Virolleaud ym[lk] (PRU) 4, 6: note <;' is also possible APPENDIX (21 A, B; 22 A, B; PRU II no. 3; RS 22.225; Ugar. V nos. i, 2) 137 /.tp[->[---] ll.kyrdm.drf.'nt «[>[-.--] w'ttrt.tfdn[ -] [---M 1 RS 22.225

'nt.hlkt.wsnwt Rev tp.dhh.wnm.dhh. ['t]trt.w'nt[ ] kysmsm.tspi.sirh wbhm.tttb[--]dh[-] kmt n'r 5 Ibl.ks.tpnn.'n bty.'n btt.tpnn dyst.lkbhhi'rklb 'n.mhr.'n.phr 5 [w]rti.pqq.wsrh 'n.tgr.'ntgr yh.dhdh.dmzt.hrpnt ltgr.ttb.'n[.]phr 10 Iphr.ttb.'n.mhr Ugaritica V no. a Imhr.ttb.'nbty lbty[.t]tb.'n[.]btt Obv. [- -]n.yst.rp&.mlk.'lm.wyst lbtt.[t& ] [- -}gtr.wyqr.ll.ytb.b'ttrt II tpz. bhd r'y. dyh. wy&mr Ugaritica V no. i bknr. wtlb. bit. wmltm. bm S rqdm. dhi. bhbr. ktr. zbm Obv. wtst.'nt.gtr.b'lt.mlk.b' hkl\h] sh.lqs.ilm.tlhmn It. drkt .b'lt. him. rmm Urn.wtstn. titn >{n> 'd Sb' [b'\]t. kpt. w'nt .dt.dit. rhpt trt.'d.ikr.y'db.yrh [ ]rm.dklt.'gri.mSt 5[•--\yqtqt.tht 10 [ ]r. dyd'nn [ ]n.ilgnt.'glil y'db.lhm. tti(dm$d). wdlyd'm [ -]d.ll.!dysdmlk ylmn(bqr'). htm .tht. tlhn [ ]yltM 'ttrt.w'nt.ymgy [- ]ltmh 10 'ttrt.t'db.nib Ih w'nt .ktp[. ]bhm .yg'r. tgr'dbn Rev. nlb.Unr.t'dbn.ktp [ ]*& btl[.]&h.g']ib[n] [ }drh i5 dt[rt.]il.ytb.bmrzhh [ ]'l yst[.\\.y]n.'dib".trt.'dlkr [ ]gk.rptmlk ll.hlk.lbth.yhql. S ['lm---]k.W/A.tfrft Ihzrh .y'msn. nn. tkmn [ ]rpi.mlk'lm.b'z wbim.vmgSnn.hby. [rpi. m]lk. 'lm. b&mrh. bl 20 b'l.qrnm.wZnb.yttn [iaih.]bhtkh. [--]drs'.'zk.z'mrk.ld

(RS) 12, 13: cp. 9, 10 Rev. 4: the letters in this line may be variously divided Obv. 7, 8: the words in brackets are glosses written in small characters under the words which they here 2 Obv. 3i 5 tp?, ?bm; see p. 30 note 3 follow 9 De Moor [b!mm. j (cp. CTA 13 12);'/ error for il 12 Probably the r before Ib should be read as k, giving (the * has been circled by the scribe; cp. 11) klb parallel to inr (cp. 16 i 2); Dietrich and others 12: perhaps mlk (13) [7m] (cp. rev. /. 6) hn.lm.klb (. hig) (see Addenda) Rev. 3: perhaps f/]r/(cp. 5) 14 De Moor wb[n] S:cp. 6 18 Virolleaud wrongly reads Ihfrh (see p. 30 note 3) 8-10: as corrected by Fisher 138 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS 10 nk.htkk.nmrtk.btk sb' &grt. lymt .//>/. wyrh ton [--]&.rbt(--] [---] Ugaritica V no. 3 E. [—]m zbm tr Rev. 15 [.--]bn.tlm Obv. b'l.ytb.ktbt.$r.hd.r[--] [mt.]$mh.pydd kmdb.btk.grh.Uspn.b[tk] «[.fl«r.' $r.tttyt.!b't.brqm.[--] bndn.'.z.w r't.'}brqy[-'] rgbt.zbl 5'n[h] fa'rt.tmUMdh.qrn[m] Ugaritica V no. 7 dt.'lh.ri!h.bglt.bhn[m] [--]$bm[ ] Obv. &'n[.] bnm tothm [ -][ ] qrit.Upl.itmh.s''m 10 [ -]?>

3° tqru.KpLumh.f'ps'.Urn.qlb(\).'m tqru.UpLumh SpLiun.ql bl rip. bbth. mnt. ntk. nhi.bnrr 'm hrn.msdh.mnt.ntk nhi nhs. 'qsr. Ink. mlhi. dbd. Ink .ydy hnrr.nhi.'qfr.bih.mlhi hmt.hlm.ytq.nhi.yilhm.nhi.'q 60 dbd.Wi.ydy.hmt. i(ry.y'db.ksdtoytb bhrn .pnm. tr£nw[. ]wttkl 35 tqru'm bnwth.ykr.'r.dqdm zz, tokmt. hryth. mnt idk.pnm.lytn.tkdrih.rbt rr.nhi.'qir.lnh.mlhi dbd.lnh wdrfh. trrt .ydy. b'fm. Vr ydy. hmt. Mm .ytq nh! yllhm. nh! 65 wbiht ,' Yrm .yn'rnh 'q.b.y'db.ksd.wytb ssnm .ysynh. *dtm .y'dynh .yb Itm .yblnh. m$y 40 [t]qru l$p! Hmh.ipS tun'm mlk. 'ttrth. mnt. ntk. nhi.imrr tplg.kin.plg nhi. 'qk. Ink. mlhi dbd. Ink .ydy hmt. him .ytq. «W .yilhm. nhl 70 b'dh. bhtm. mnt. b'dh. bhtm. sgrt Rev. 'qfr.y'db.ksd.wytb b'dh.' 45 tqrti.lfps.umh.Hpi.&m.qlbl.'m ktr. whss. kptrh .mnt. ntk.nh! mhry.wbn.btn.hnny Smrr.nhL'qb.lnh.mM.tibd 75 bin Mi .ydy. hmt. him ytq. nh! ttnnk yslhm. nh$. 'qh .ydb ksd <;o wytb E. dtrrfy.'ttrt tqru[.]'m 'm 'ttrt.mrh ihr.wilm hnmh mnt.ntk.nhi mnt.ntk.nhi

30: cp. 2, 8 etc. 72 viubd (Fisher); the copy and transcription have 36 ?z: Virolleaud (t totibn 39 ' prob. error for 'q!r (cp. 5, 10 etc.) 41-43: these lines are written on the bottom edge of E. These lines are written on the left edge of the tablet the tablet alongside //. 30-40, and refer to a section omitted; Rev. 65: Virolleaud's copy (but not his transcription) there may be some connection with the list of dei- wrongly has yn'rAh (Fisher) ties in no. 8 obv. II. i^K., where ['tt]r.ta'ttpr 68 hifrh: see at no. i obv. /. 18 follows rip and precedes zf.tukmt NOTE ON THE PHONOLOGY OF UGARITIC

THE mutation of the troublesome interdental/dental The following show mutation within Ugaritic: and velar/pharyngal consonants as between Ugaritic zhrtjirt; zdlsdjtd (but see p. 124 note 5); hm 'if'jtm; and other Semitic languages is summarized in the miytlmhyt; mtfbrlmlbr; tlstltlqt. following table; consonants in brackets are occasional but well-attested variants. Note also these cognate verbs: ysdjyzd (sit); ytii/ ntn; nihslmh!; fi&/n$f ;£»///?»//; Smhlimb (?); I'rjtdr.

P.-Sem. Ugar. Aram. Hebr. Akk. Arab. Interchange of the labial consonants />, b, in (some- times within Ugaritic) is shown in the following : bk, b'l, brd (but see p. 46 app.), brlt, b!, blH, zbr, ybmtj I t t / f i ymmt, Ibljlpf, mbkjnpk, mqrjbqr, nbt, nqbn (2nd. etym.), 4 dIS d z 2 d ph (2nd. etym.), Spblibb, lp!, tlb. Interchange of m, n: J *(*)« ? f f z bkm, ybmtjybnt, kmjkn 'so, thus', p'n. Interchange of 1 « ?(z) f ? d n, I: hm. * / j s / f h h b b b On the (non-phonological) replacement of f by z * *(')2 g in CTA 24 and certain of the texts in Ugaritica V see p. 30 note 3.

[For the position in the Old Aramaic dialects, which Metathesis of consonants is evidenced in the has many similarities to Ugaritic, see my Textbook of following: in, git, hprt, msl, mrh, qsm, sr', t'r. Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, vol. II, p. xix.]

Examples: The role of the stress in Ugaritic is different from 1 Wli »*M "iff £mA &r 'rock' its role in the first millennium 'Canaanite* and 1 far (znd etym.), *iS, &zy, qzb Aramaic dialects. In Ugaritic (as in Arabic) vowel 1 n'm 'tunefulness', 'mm 'darkened', 'ms, 'mr, 'rb, quantity is distinctive and the stress is attracted to a 'rpt (if connected Arab. &arafa 'ladled') penultimate or previous open syllable containing a long vowel (or its equivalent, a closed syllable con- The second of the above features (z for s) is shown taining a short vowel). In Hebrew, Phoenician and regularly by CTA 12; this text and CTA 24 also have Aramaic, on the other hand, the stress is free and £ regularly for d of the other texts; see further p. 30 therefore distinctive, deciding the quality (rather note 3. than the quantity) of the vowels in its environment. This change in the role of the stress was closely Irregular or exceptional mutations are evidenced associated with the dropping of final short vowels in by the following words (they mostly involve the grammatical forms and occurred sometime between interdental/dental and velar/pharyngal consonants): the age of the Ugaritic texts and the appearance of the ibb (see p. 50 note n), id 'mountain', zdjzd 'breast' earliest Phoenician and Hebrew inscriptions (c. (but see p. 124 note 5), ihrt, imr 'made music', bdy looo B.C.); see further my remarks in Journal of (see also p. 47 note u), b*P, bp (see p. 47 app.), ktr, Linguistics 2 (1966), 35!?. There are, it should be m&y, mtk, 'db 'left, released' (if connected Arab. noted, important corollaries here for theories of 'azaba 'was, went far away'), jnb, far (if connected Ugaritic and Hebrew metre; syllable counting may Arab. 'a;ara 'pressed grapes'), pdm, pd 'crushed', pz& be a viable undertaking for Ugaritic where differences (if connected Arab, fasa'a 'squeezed grapes'), s£d (if in vowel quantity are phonologically relevant, but is connected Arab. ;a'ida 'ascended'), qls, ibm (see p. 50 hardly meaningful in the case of a stress-orientated note 5), tdt, ti. language like Hebrew. GLOSSARY Notes: i. The order of letters follows that in where a word or a meaning cannot be easily attested Gordon's Textbook and Whitaker's Concordance, i.e. from classical Hebrew. £ ( = 4) after d and ? (=|) after / 4. A number of alternative etymologies may be 2. In the case of common words selected references found in the footnotes to the translation. only are given; Whitaker's Concordance should be 5. A list of verbal forms whose roots are uncertain consulted for the fuller picture. is given at the end of the Glossary. 3. Etymologies are as a general rule added only 6. Obvious truncated forms are not included. db 'father' 2 i 33 iii 17 3 E 43 etc. dll 'robe* 6 ii 11 12 ii 48 19 37, 48 [Akk. aldlu 'to dbd G 'perished, was lost, lacking' Ugar V no. 7 //. hang'] 5ff. Gt 'perished' 14 i 8,24 dlmnt 'widow' 14 97 16 vi 33, 50 17 v 8 dbd 'destruction' 2 iv 3 din 12 i 20 dbynt 'misery' 17 i 17 [M.-Hebr. 'ebydn&t 'poverty'] dip 'ox' 3 D 85 4 vi 40 etc. dblm element in place-name 18 i 30 dip 'thousand' 3 A 15 D 82 4 v 86 etc. dbn 'stone' 3 C 20 5 vi 17 etc. alt [V?] 'mainstay, prop" or similar 6 vi 27 [Arab. dgn 'basin' 23 15, 31 'dlatu 'tool, instrument' or Hebr. 'alldh 'pole' dgrt 'one hiring" (fem.) or 'hired woman' 19 213 (Josh, xxiv 26)=Arab, 'allatu 'spear' or Akk. dd 'father, daddy* 23 32, 43 [child's term of endear- aldlu 'to hang'] ment] dmr G 'saw* 16 iv 2 'said* 2 i 15, 31 Gt'caught sight ddm N 'reddled, rouged oneself 14 62 19 204 of 3 A 22 'was seen, appeared* 2 i 32 [Akk. ddm 'mankind, men* 368 14 37, 43 amdru 'to see'; Hebr. 'dmar 'said'] ddn 'lord, sire' I iv 17 2 i 17 15 vi 5 16 i 44 etc. dmr 'saying, command* 2 i 15, 31 22 A 17 ddr 'vast, noble' 16 i 8 17 v 7 vi 20 dmr variant of imr 'lamb* 20 A 10 dhb G 'loved' 5 v 18 dmr 'Amurru' 4 i 42 dhbt 'love' 304 4 iv 39 amrr name of Athirat's servant 4 iv 17 more fully dhl 'tent' 15 iii 18 17 v 32 19 212 qdf'W-dmrr (q.v.) dfrd 'one, alone' 2 i 25 4vii49 6i46viQ 14184 dmt pi. dmht 'slave-girl' 4 iii 21 iv 61 12115 1456 dlfdh 'together' Ugar. V no. i rev. /. 6 dmt 'fore-arm, elbow' 5 i 6 14 63 dfrl 'oh that!' 19 64, 71 [Hebr. 'a^ilay, 'affdliy] dn, also dnk T 2 i 45 iii 22 3 D 77 etc. db 'brother' 4 v 90 16 i 53 etc. dn 'where, whither' 6 iv 46 [Hebr. 'an] dfy [ij'by] G 'was a brother to' 16 vi 35, 51 an 'ah! now" 19 64 [Hebr. 'anna] df} 'bank, shore' 10 ii 9, 12 [Akk. afru 'arm, side'] dnhb 'murex' 3 B 3 D 89 [Akk. yanibu, nibu 'shell- dffd, also dfyi G impf. yiffd, yuffd 'took, seized' 2 i 40 fish'] 3 E 30 6 ii 30 etc. ant} 'sighing* 17 i 18 [Akk. mhu] dfri, also dj)d G 'seized' 12 ii 33, 34 dnrjr 'dolphin* 5 i 15 [Akk. ndhiru] afyr 'afterwards' 2 i 30 14 195 24 32 etc. dny G 'groaned* 3 E 43 16 i 8 dfrt 'sister* 3 D 83 10 ii 16 etc. dnk, also dn T 2 iii 19 3 C 25 etc. ay 'any' 23 6 [Arab, 'ayyu 'which?, what?'] dnm [V'w] pl. 'strength* 6 i 50 dyl 'hart, stag' 6 i 24 drmfy 'mint' 23 14 [Akk. ndna^u] dylt 'doe, hind' i v 19 5 i 17 dnp, also dp dual 'nostrils, face' 12 ii 38 dymr name given to club 2 i 6 iv 19 dni G 'was like a man' or 'was gentle' 3 E 35 18 i 16 dki G 'ate, devoured' 4 vi 24 6 ii 35 12 i 36 etc. D 'made someone a companion* or L 'was familiar dkl 'food' 14 81 19 9 with' 2 i 38 6 v 21 16 vi 36 [Arab, 'anisa, dklt 'blighted earth' 19 68 'dnasa] dl 'not' in prohibitions 3 E 29 14 116, 133 19 159 dni broken pl. 'muscles' 3 D 32 [Hebr. ndieh] in questions 18 iv 9 'lest' in subordinate clauses dn!t 'gentleness* 15 v 27 18 iv 10 3 E 30 4 vi 10 viii 17 dim 'granary' 19 67, 74 dl 'surely, of a truth* in commands 2 i 14-15 4 viii i dsp G 'gathered' I iv n 12 ii 25 19 66 Gt 'gath- 17 vi 34 in questions 6 vi 26 in statements ered to oneself, carried off 14 18 4 vii 45 [Hebr. 'al 'surely' in Mic. i 10; the dsr G 'bound' i ii 7 v 9, 22 8 13 19 81 20 B 3 etymology of this particle and its connection with 22 A 22 the preceding are uncertain] dsr 'prisoner' 2 i 37 dlly yry] 'mightiest' 3 C ii 4 viii 34 5 ii 10 dgzt 24 3 dllyn yi'y] 'mightiest* as title of Baal i iv 22 2 i 4 dp, also dpn 'also, moreover, even, yet* i iv 26 2 i 20 3 A 2 4 ii 22 etc. 6 vi 42 16 i 3, 9 19 16 etc. 142 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS dp, also imp 'nostril, nose' 2 i 13 18 iv 26 Idk 'then' 3 D 81 4 viii i etc. 'anger' 2 i 38 6 v 21 'tip'23 *4 'front's v' 21 idm 12 ii 30 'entrance' 3 E 35 17 v 6 Iht pi. of fy 'islands' 3 F 8 [Neiman, JNES 30, 64] dphn, also dpn, dpnk 'thereupon' 17 ii 28 v 14 ih 'brother, cousin' 24 35 [Zenjirli inscrs. 'yh] Spy G 'baked' 14 83 iy, also / 'where?' 6 iv 28 dpn, also dp 'also' 3 A 24 ik 'as, like' 16 i 3 [cp. k] dpn, also dphn, dpnk 'thereupon' 17 i 2 16 ii 119 ik(m) 'how?' 2 i 40 3 D 33 6 vi 26 16 i 20 etc. dpnk, also dphn, dpn 'thereupon' 5 vi n 6 i 56 U 'god' i iv 13 3 D 36 4 ii 10, 35 10 ii 5 12 i 41 17 ii 27 dpnnk 21 A 5 19 153, 219 etc. name of 'El' as supreme god 4px 'end, top' 6 i 61 i iv 12, 28 2 i 21 iii 19 3 E 47 4 iv 23 etc. dpq 'channel, spring' 4 iv 22 6 i 34 dual and pi. 'gods' z iv 6 2 i 18, 20 3 D 40, 78 dqht name of Daniel's son 17-19 passim 17 v 20 etc. expressing superlative 3 F 14 4 i 3iff. dr [/iw] 'light' 24 38 6 i 65 10 iii 34 12 i 22 17 vi 23 dr [fmr] G 'gave light to' 24 39 ti-fpn title of Baal Ugar. V no. 3 obv. 1.2 of Mt. dr 'mist, moisture' 3 A 24 4 i 17 5 v 10 [Arab. Zephon 3 C 26 D 63 'aryu 'dew, rain'] il ['] 'entrance' Ugar. V no. 7 /. 72 'then'] iigr name of second servant of Baal [see gpn] id 15 iv 12 ugr 'field, soil' 12 i 25 [Akk. ugdru] UGARITIC GLOSSARY H3 dgrt 'Ugarit' 4 viii E 6 vi 56 Ugar. V no. 2 rev. /. 11 bl 'without' 14 91 19 44 [b+l] Mm name of Pabil's city 14 passim bid 'country* 22 B 18 [Arab, baladu] udmm inhabitants of Udm 15 i 7 bly G 'became worn, withered' 19 18 D 'wore out, udm't pi. 'tears' 6 i 10 14 28 16 i 28 consumed* 5 i 18 Mn 'ear' 3 D 46 16 vi 42 18 iv 23 blmt 'immortality' 16 i 15 17 vi 27 udr 'most noble' 4 v 79 bit 'nay, but' 6 i 54 [cp. W] iari Ugar. V no. 3 obv. /.6 bit 10 iii 10 liar 17 i 3ff. 6m, also b and bn 'in etc.* 2 i 39 10 iii 31 12 i 12 ufrry 'coming after, last, last-born' 12 ii 28 19 155, 14 31 19 34, 83 23 51 [Hebr. b'mS\ 162, 169 bmt 'torso, back' 3 B 12 4 iv 14 5 vi 22 [Akk. ufrTyl 'latter end' 17 vi 35 bamtu 'rib-cage, chest'; Hebr. bamah in Deut. xxxiii lif 2 i 13 515 18 iv 3 29] «i/ [V'w/] 'force, strength' a iv 5 14 88 bmt 'high place' 4 vii 34 [Hebr. bdmdh 'high-place'; ulmn 'widowhood' 23 9 Akk. bamdtu 'open country'] ult implement of metal 4 iv 60 in, also b and bm 'in* 4 vii 15, 16 (inm), 55 8 7-8 lira pi. iimht 'mother' 6 vi 11 15 i 6 23 33 etc. [S.-Arab.&n 'from'] umt 'family, clan' 6 iv 43 14 6 19 197 [Arab. bn 'son' i iv 12 2 i 19, 21 3 E 12 5(7 etc. 'ummatu] bn t-Jbyn] G 'understood' 3 C 23, 24 4 v 122 tin 'evil, sorrow' 5 vi 13 [Hebr. 'dwen] bn [•Jbyn] 'between't v 23 a i 42 iv 14 386 etc. tin 'season' 19 40 [Arab, 'dnu] bn [-Jbny] G 'built, made, re-made* a iii 10 4 iv 62,80 ugr place associated with Anat 3 0 78 vi 36 19118 etc. tipqt i v n, 24 bnion [•Jbny] 'building, structure' 16 iv 14 fyb' pi. fyb't 'finger' 2 iv 14 3835 14158 I5vi6 bnwt [•Jbny] 'creature(s)' 4 ii u 6 iii 5 17 i 25 hr 'herb* 19 66, 73 [Hebr. '6rdh] Ugar. V no. 7 /. 62 ur 10 i ii bny 'creator' 4 ii 11 6 iii 5 17 i 25 urbt 'lattice, sluice* 4 v 123 vii 18 [Hebr. 'Srubbdh] bnt 12 ii 44 17 vi 13 ii/* 'testicle' ii 2 [Hebr. 'eleh] b'd, also b'dn 'behind, around' 16 v 5 vi 49 Ugar. V uht 'gift* 14 135 [Arab, 'atvsu] no. 7 I. 70 'for' 23 70 [Hebr. ba'ad] b'dn, also b'd 'behind, round about' 3 D 30 b, also 6m and bn 'in, into, at, among, on, by, with' b'l 'lord' I iv 6 2 i 17 3 A 3 6 vi 57 17 v 20 passim 'as' 5 vi 18 'from, out of' a iv 6 38 34 24 42 elsewhere title of Baal, chief god of Ugant C 14 D 45 4 iv 36 vi 33 vii 5 6 i 46 v 20 14 56, b'l G 'made' 17 vi 24 [Hebr.pool] in i6viio 171139 19183,219 236,59,63 b'lt 'mistress' Ugar. V no. 2 obv. /. 6 [Hebr. b' 'from' in Ps. xviii (2 Sam. xxii) 9 b'r D 'kindled' 3 D 70 'removed, made away with' Job v 21 xx 20 Prov. ix 5 etc.] 14 101 16 ii 80 [Hebr. bi'er; perhaps two roots] bd [-Jim] G 'came in, went in' 2 iii 5 3 E 15 bgy G 'sought out' 3 C 26 D 63 [Aram, b'd} 15 iv 21 16 vi 3 19 213 bfql 'green, ripening stalk' 19 62 [Hebr. bif.qOldn] bbr 4 i 36 [or b + br] bsr G 'looked, regarded' 18 iv 20 19 33 [Arab. bbt place-name Ugar. V no. 7 /. 31 [or b+bt] basira] bd [b] 'plastered' 17 i 33 bmdt 'curdled milk, butter* 23 14 (I [J(U] 'dew' 3 B 40 19 41, 44, si 22 B 20 Ifmmr 'audience chamber' or the like 15 iv 23 fib G 'sought' 5 iv 2, 4 [Arab, (aloha] [|| nttb] (ly name of daughter of Baal 3 A 24 C 4 Ugar. V bmr 'wine' 3 A 16 23 6 no. 3 obv. /. 5 etc. Iftitf 'five' 23 57 'fifth' 4 vi 29 14 83, 107 17 i 12 /// D 'gave dew, bedewed* 19 41 bmi D 'did for fifth time' 16 v 17 'took as fifth* f'n G 'pierced' 5 i 26 10 ii 24 14 18 (rd G 'drove away' 3 D 44 [Aram, pad] fymlt pi. 'pieces of five' 14 30 try 'fresh (meat)' 6 vi 42 bmt 'tent* 14 159 [Arab, fraymatu] (tm i iv 8 bnzr 'boar* 5 v 9 bnp 'haughty* 18 i 17 [Arab, bdnifu] ?ii [>- 3 B 7 flmt 'darkness' or 'shadow of death' 4 vii 55 8 8 bprt 'ewe' 4 vi 48 [Akk. (furaptu, Arab, fyarufatu [Hebr. falmdwet] 'she-lamb'] ?r [J?hr] 'back, top' 2 i 23 3 D 32 4 i 35 14 73 bptr 'pot, cauldron* 4 ii 8 [|| fort] hr 'upwards' 16 iii 13 [Arab. ?ahru] bpt 'peasant, common soldier* 14 ii 90 15 i 6 [Akk. (Alalakh) bupfu; Hebr. ty>pR} y '0!' of vocative 2 i 36 3 E 28 4 iii 9 etc. with bptt 'peasant status, freedom* 4 viii 7 5 v 15 following / 'woe to!' 19 152 [Arab, yd] fab Gt 'hewed about one, battled' 3 B 6, 30 716 ybl G 'brought, carried, yielded, wore* 2 i 37 3 E 42 bri 'dung' Ugar. V no. i obv. /. 21 4i38v77 6iv42 14189 Ugar. V no. 7 //. 2fT. brb G 'became dry' 19 30 ybl 'produce' 5 ii 5 /jr/)6 name of deity 24 2 yblt 'tuber, growth' Ugar. V no. 7 /. 66 [M.-Hebr. bn G 'plucked' 23 38 [Arab, \paa\a 'stripped yabbelet] (leaves), planed (wood)'] ybm 'brother-in-law' 6 i 31 16 ii 94 brz 12 i 41 ybmt, also ybnt and ymmt 'daughter-in-law' 3 B 33 brn 'caravan* 4 v 75, 91 [Akk. \fanam 'highway; 4 ii 15 17 vi 19 etc. caravan'] ybnt, also ybmt 'daughter-in-law' 3 D 84 brpnt 'autumn' Ugar. V no. i rev. /. 6 [Hebr. Jior«p, ybrdmy name of daughter of Baal 24 29 148 CANAANITE MYTHS AND LEGENDS ygr/name given to club 2 iv 12 forth' 2 iv 2 17 i 28 19 87 yd pi. ydt 'hand' x iv 19 2 i 39 3 B 34 F 23 yfb name of Keret's eldest son 15 ii 25 16 vi 25 4 vii 40 etc. 'left hand' 10 ii 6 151117 16141, ysbt 17 vi 9 47 etc. 'power' 2 iv i 16 vi 32 'portion, share' y;m G 'reviled, cursed' 19 152 [Arab, istavidama] 5 i 21 'membrum virile' 23 33 [Hebr. yad 'left ysqG 'poured, smelted' 3 831 4126 5vii4 14164 hand' in e.g. Judg. v 26 Ps. Ixxxix 26] yfr G 'designed, fashioned" 16 ii 87 yd prep, 'beside' 14 54 yqy G 'protected' 2 i 18, 34 [Arab. waqd(y)] yd [jydd] 'love' 303 4 iv 38 yqg G 'was awake, attentive" 16 vi 30, 42 [Hebr. ydd 'beloved' 4 vii 46, 48 5113 etc. ydqa;; Arab, yaqiza] ydy G 'scratched, scraped' 5 vi 18 [Arab, viadd] yqr 'noble, honourable' Ugar. V no. 2 obv. /. 2 ydy G 'banished, drove out" 6 vi 51 16 v 18 vi 47 yr [Jyry] 'early rain(s)' 14 93 19 40 Ugar. V no. 7 II. sff. ]&grl] yrd G 'was afraid' 5 ii 6 6 vi 30 yd' G 'knew' 3 A 25 C 24 6 iii 8 etc. yrgb place-name 6 vi 57 yd" G 'sweated' 3 D 31 [Arab, wada'a 'flowed'= Eth. yrd G 'went, came down' 2 iii 14, 20 4 viii 7, 8 waza'a 'sweated'] 6 i 63 14 36 etc. § 'made to come down" 14 77 yh I iii 7 [truncated or verbal form] yrh 'moon' 18 iv 9 name of the moon-god 'Yarikh' yw name given to Yam i iv 14 15 ii 4 24 4 Ugar. V no. i obv. /. 4 etc. 'month' ykd 'single' 14 96 6 ii 27 14 84 17 ii 43 vi 29 etc. yhr a venomous lizard Ugar. V no. 7 /. 73 [Arab. yry G 'shot' 23 38 wahratu] yrq 'pale, yellow gold" 4 iv ti 14 53 yfp short for y(pn 18 iv 7, 16 yrt G 'got possession of' 2 i 19 Gt 'was dispossessed yfpn name of Anat's accomplice 18 iv 6 19 214 of" 3 D 44 [Hebr. yarai Niph. 'was dispossessed'] y?d, alsoyfd G 'went forth" 12 i 14, 19 [see p. 30 n. 3] yrt 'heir' 14 25 yld G 'bore, gave birth to" pass, 'was born" 5 v 22 y{n G 'fell asleep' 14 31, 119 IS ii 23 17 ii 14 23 52 etc. § 'begat' 23 65 yir 'rightness, legality' 14 13 yly G 'followed, replaced' 15 v 21 N 'treated as a ytm 'orphan' 16 vi 49 17 v 8 friend, helped" 12 ii 57 [Arab, wald(y)] ytn G 'gave, gave up' 2 i 18 3 A 10 6 vi 10 yly 'follower,- companion' 12 ii 52 14 150 etc. 'uttered (voice)' 2 iv 6 4 v 70 ym [•Jyum] pi. ymm and ymt 'day' 4 vi 24 vii 55 16 i 13 'set, directed (face)' 2 iii 4 3 D 81 6 ii 26 14 106 17 i 33 Ugar. V no. 2 rev. /. 11 F 12 etc. 'established' 23 3 etc. ytnt 'gift' 14 135 ym [\lymm] 'sea' 2 iii 12 3 B 43 4 ii 6 5 i 16 ytb G 'sat1 2 i 21 5 vi 12 6158 16 vi 22 17 v 6 6 v 19 23 30, 33, 63 name of the sea-god 'Yam' etc. 'stayed' 2 i 19 519 14 301 S 'made to x iv 15 2 i n iii 7 4 ii 35 vi 12 etc. sit' 4 v 109 6 vi 33 ymdn name of country 4 i 43 ytq G or L 'was trusting, friendly (with)' Ugar. V ymmt, also ybmt 'daughter-in-law' 309 no. 7 /. 6 [Arab, wataqa, wdtaqa] ymn 'right hand, side' 2 i 39 4 ii 4 18 iv 10 23 63 etc. k, also km prep, 'like, as' 3 B 10 E i, 9 4 iv 17 yn 'wine' 4 iii 43 6 i 10 14 72 23 6 etc. 6 i 19 14 43 etc. 'as when' 16 vi 43 'as it ynq G 'sucked' 15 ii 26 23 24 were' 5 i 17 Ugar. V no. 4 //. 7, 8 ysd 'foundation' 4 iii 6 k, also km con), 'that' 3 E 35 6 iii 8 14 39 16 i 33 ysm 'fair, beautiful' 23 2 [Arab, nasimu] iiSictc. 'for, because'2 iv 29 3 E 36 4 iii 21 ysmsm 'fair, delightful" RS 22.225 '• 3 'easy, 5 i 4 ii S 6 iii i, 20 17 ii 14 etc. 'although' comfortable place' 19 60 5 i i, 27 'when, as" 3 B 27 4 ii 27 v 104 vii 41 ysmsmt 'beauty, delight' 17 ii 42 'easy, comfortable 17 ii 6 etc. [Hebr. ki] place* 4 iv 15 k adv. (usually before postponed verb) 'surely, ysmt 'beauty, delight' 5 vi 7 6 ii 20 indeed' 4 ii 14 iv 27 v 113 vii 53 17 v 11 23 39 y'bdr epithet of daughter of Baal 3 C 5 4119 [Hebr. ki in Gen. xviii 20 Ps. xlix 16 Isa. x 13] y'd G 'appointed (a time)' 4 v 69 kbd D 'honoured' 307 4 iv 26 17 v 20 etc. y'l 'mountain-goat' 6 i 26 17 vi 22 kbd 'liver, inside" 3 B 25 C 13 5 ii 4 19 35, 124 etc. y'r [

HEBREW BIBLE xiii 9 44 xxxiii 25 144 XV II 99 xxxiii 29 '43 Genesis xv 15 92 >3-4 3° xv 16 53,110 Joshua i 21 . 7 xv 17 39, 49, 55, 66 v 13- 42 i26. 9 xv 18 45, 75 ix 14 84 ii 6, i off. S3 xxii 15 125 xiii 4 10 iii 22 9,95 xxii 15-16 128 xxiv 26 141 iii 24 43, 127 xxiii 19 123 iv i . 83 xxvi isff. 53 Judges iv 10 77 xxix 5 72 iv 19 121 iv 11-12 114 xxxii 20 6, 19, 77 V4 • 53,65 v 29. 105 xxxiv 26 123 V4-5 64 vi 2-4 109 V25. 39, 121 vii n 62 Leviticus v 26. 93, H8 viii 22 45 xxiv ii 6 vis • 85 xi3- ' 60 vii 12 85 xiv 19 121 Numbers 1x5 . 63 xviii 20 148 xvi 29 94, i°9 xvi 16 101 xix i-u 104 xx 26 72 xvii 2 149 xix 15 149 xxii 31 42 xvii 5 104 xxi 6 105 xxiii 10 109 xix 22-26 104 xxiv ii 85 xxvii 4 103 xxiv 67 87 xxxv 17 85 i Samuel xxv 8 '54 xxxv 33 114 i4 • 104 XXV 22 83 1 22 . 119 xxvii 28 48, 66, 77 Deuteronomy "5 • 84 xxx 16 84 iii 9 . 63 ii 10 98 xxxi 40 116 vi? . 160 iii iff. 103 xxxiv 12 128 xi8. 101 iv 13 83 xxxvii 34 "5 xii 2-3 49 iv 21 78 xxx vii 35 74 xii 6, ii, 17 81 ix n 85 xxxviii 18 119 xiv i 120 xiv 32 '55 xl 13 46 xiv 21 "23 xvi 18 75 xii 25 ff. 18 xv 17 83 xxi 9 104 xii 26 "5 xx 7. 84 xxiii i 54 xii 35 84 xxi 1-9 119 xii 47, 54ff. 18 xxi 16 92 2 Samuel xlii 25 84 xxi 19 107 i 21 . 115, 119 xiv 2 94 xxiv 5 84 124- 39 xlix ii 58, 144 xxviii 28 119 vi 17 83 xlix 15 98 xxxii 2 159 vii 2 61 1 10. 26 xxxii 3 123 vii 3 in xxxii 6 54 vii 7 61 Exodus xxxii 8 86 vii 13 38,39 '5 • 63 xxxii 10 68 vii 14 94 i 15 • 27 xxxii 13 65 ix3 . 86 iii 2 . 42 xxxii 14 58 xiv 25 75 iii 8. 77 xxxii 32 123 xviii 18 103 iii 15 119 xxxii 37 78 xxi i 114 V7 • 60 xxxii 39 112 xxi 17 23 viii 15 93 xxxiii 2 64 xxi 5 66 x i . 122 xxxiii ii '5° xxii 5-6 66 xi_7. "3 xxxiii 17 80 xxii 7 53 xii n 119 xxxiii 20 68 xxii 8 65 162 BIBLICAL AND OTHER REFERENCES xxii 9 143 xxii 18 47 xxviii 2 53 xxii 14 60 xxii 21 72 xxviii 3 26 xxii 39 "7 xxiii 9 92 xxix 4 69 xxiii i 46 xxv 8 19 xxix 5 6, 19, 77 xxiii 2-5 23 xxvii i 7,50 xxix 20 104, 155 xxiv i6 42 xxxviii 16 '47 xxx 8 7 xxix i 153 xxxii 14 77 i Kings xxxii 6 76 xxxiv 2 149 1 i-39 23 xxxiii 13 39,65 xlvii i ff. 53 »9 • 52 xxxiii 22 54 ii 36, 42 78 xxxviii 17 66 Hosea v, vi '4 Xl 12 84 ii 23-24 49 viii 27-30 14 xl 29, 31 75 vii 5 90 ix 16 129 xli 10, 23 69, 160 viii i "4 xi 30 "5 xliii 6 41,76 xi6. 80 xvii i 77. "5 xlvi ii 112 xi8. 4L76 xvii 14 98 xlvii i 73 xiiiS 68 xviii 24 no xlvii 8-9 123 xiv 5 79 xviii 25-29 '3 «9 • 7,69 xviii 28 Ii 10 73, 120 8 Joel xviii 29 IOO Ii 18 104 ii8 . 82 xviii 42 41 Hi 7. 61 ii ii 60 xxi 19 IviiS 44 125 ivi8 53,77 xxii 10 107 Ivii 20 44 xxii 19 42 Iviii 11 66 xxii 37 73 Ixiii 15 146 Amos Ixvi ii 124 i i . 81 2 Kings i3ff- 79,97 i 2 . SO Jeremiah iig . 119 iv 13 iv42 "5 H6 . 78 65 V IO, 12, 15 107 v? • 109, 112 ii27 49 viii i "5 iv 13 84 VII. 102 ix 24 iv 29 "9 v 26. 56 44 vi ii x I . 63 viii 23 95 68 xv 5. 23,66 ix 17-18 120 viii ic 73 xxiii 12 84 ix 20 62 1x9 . 79 xxiii 34 4 x 13- 60 xxiv 17 4 X25. 80 Jonah xii 4 114 »3 • 66 Isaiah xii 9 114 ii? . 66 ii?. 101 xv 7-8 123 ii 10, 19 65 xvi 6 73, '20 Micah iii 3- 122 xix 13 84 i3 • 65 iii7. I46 xlvi 21 64 i 10 . 141 v i . 128 xlviii 18 73 i 16. 73 v 14. 66, 68 xlviii 37 73 vii 8 70 V24. 68 l27. 92 V25. 79 Nahum vi i ff. Eaekiel '4,42 "i i5-'7 • 85 vii 14 87, 128 (24. '45 1x5. S3, 104 iii 14 '52 Habakkuk ix 19 124 vii 7 64 66,68 x 2 . 102 viii 16-17 96 »5 • iii 8 . x 13. I48 xiv 14, 20 26 7 iii 9 . X12ff. 23 xvii 3, 7 94 47 xi 10 103 xvii 23 107 iii 10 i'5 iii 14 xiv 9 92 xxi ii 50, "7 47 iii 17 42, 69, 98 xiv 12 29 xxiii 3, 21 '55 xiv 13 40, 70, 76 xxvi 16 73 xv 2. 73 xxvii 3 149 Zephaniah xvi8 42 xxvii 30 73 '5 • 84 BIBLICAL AND OTHER REFERENCES 163

Haggai xlviii 3 8 Ixxxix 23 SO ii 22 38 xlviii 11 98 txxxix 26 148 xlix 15 68.80 Ixxxix 27 f. 94 Zechariah xlix 16 148 Ixxxix 28 92 ix9 • 59, "5 Iv 9 . 85, 153 Ixxxix 34 92 ix 13 112 Ivii 3 144. 42 xcii 10 43 XI. 84 Ivii 5 4i xciii 3 79 x8 . 149 Iviii 6 158 xciii 3-4 7 X9 . 77 Iviii ii 49 xciii 4 SO xiii 6 44 Ixi 5 114 xcv3 54,66 xiv8 53 Ixiii 12 102 xcvi 5 72 Ixiv 4 44 xcvii 4 65 Psalms Ixv 5 18 xcix i 6s, '52 ii 6ff. 23 Ixv 6 95 ci i . 128 iiy . 94 Ixv 9 66 ciii 5 66 ii 12 43 Ixv 12 67 civ 6 73 ivy. 154 Ixvi 6 3 civ 14-15 98 vi?. 83 Ixviii 5 49 civ 15 105 vii ii 98 Ixviii 7 3', '43 civ 24-26 7 viii 3 43 Ixviii 8-9 . 64 cv 22 60 viii 4 126 Ixviii 9 53,6s ex . 23 ix8. 65 Ixviii 17 65 ex i. 62 xi4. H Ixviii 18-19 64 ex 5-6 79 xiii 5 7° Ixviii 21 149 cxiv 5 83 xvi 7 101 Ixviii 23 7,5° cxiv 5-6 65 xvi 9 48 Ixviii 31 92 cxv 2 78 xvi 10 66 Ixviii 35 98 cxvi 3 66 xvii 3 103 Ixxii 23 cxvi 16 69 xvii 15 44, i°3 Ixxii 10 42 cxxiv 3, 6 68 xviii 5-6 66 Ixxiii 5 75 cxxv 3 123 xviii 7 53 Ixxiii 9 69 cxxix 3 73 xviii 8 65 Ixxiv 13 . 7- 44, SO cxxxii 14 39 xviii 9 H3 Ixxiv 13-14 • 79 cxxxv 7 72 xviii 14 60 Ixxiv 14 . 6, 7, '9 cxxxv 17 104 xviii 39 117 Ixxiv 15 . 7 cxxxvi 13 124 xix 2-5 49 Ixxiv 15-17 7 cxxxix 3 '53 xx 3, 7 '4 Ixxvii 19 . 65 cxxxix 4 116 xxi 5 109 Ixxviii 54 . 49 cxxxix 7 78 xxiv 7, g 4' Ixxx 6 74 cxxxix 18 109 xxvii 4 H Ixxx it 109 cxl ii 68 xxix i 58 Ixxxi 3 «53 cxli 7 67 xxix 2 86 Ixxxi 6 >54 cxliii 3 68 xxix 3 5° Ixxxi 17 . 66 cxliii 12 43 xxix 6 63, 150 Ixxxii i 9i cxiv 13 43 xxix 10 65 Ixxxii 2-4 . 102 cxiv 16 66 xxx 2 70 Ixxxii 6-7 . 94, 95- 123 cxlvi 4 112 xxx 10 66 Ixxxii 7 . 73. 109 cxlvi 10 75 xxxiii ii 119 Ixxxiv 2-5 '4 cxlvii 8 98 xxxiii 19 76 Ixxxiv 3 . 77 xxxv 25-26 7° Ixxxiv 12 . 149 Job xxxvi 7 49, 109 Ixxxvi 9 . 37 16 58 x!3 66, 135 Ixxxvi 16 . 83 ii i 58 xl ii 149 Ixxxviii 5 . 66 iii8 7 xti 4 101 Ixxxviii 7-8 66 iv 19 68 xiii 2 68 Ixxxviii 10 83 v i . 100, 110 xiii 4 78 Ixxxix 2 128 v? • 82 xiii 8 49 Ixxxix 7 58 V IO. 98 xliii 3-4 U Ixxxix ii 7 V 21 . '43 xlv 3ff. 23 Ixxxix i2fT. 7 vis • 85 xlv 7 38 Ixxxix 20 . 155 vi 18 68 xlvi 7 60 Ixxxix 2off. 23 vii 12 7 BIBLICAL AND OTHER REFERENCES i64 viii 12 114 xxiii 3 78 xxxv 13-14 O2 1x13 7 xxiii 3 80 xliii 17 85 XI. 75, "2 xxiv 21 53 xvii 14 101 xxv 84 i Maccabees xviii 13-14 68 xxviii 12 •4° vi 34 58 xviii 16 119 XXX 1 no xviii 20 65 xxx isff. 97 xix 25 77 NEW TESTAMENT xx 17 77 Ruth XX 20 143 ii 19 154 Matt, xxiv 28 "4 xxii 7-9 102 iii 16 74.83 Mark v 9 . 9 xxiv 19 66 iv n, 13 87 Mark vi 8 . 119 xxvi 5 66 Luke xi 20 93 xxvi 7

M. Dietrich, 0. Loretz, J. Sanmartin, Die keilalpha- 18 y[']«.i(l] betischen Texte aus Ugarit, Teil i, Transkription 32 dihlk not diplk (Neukirchen-Vluyn IQ76). 52: missing ca. is//.

This important new edition of the Ugaritic texts 4 based on a re-examination of the tablets in Paris, iv 41 hkmt Aleppo and Damascus reached me after the present v 67 (ft edition was in the printer's hands. The texts CTA 89 ytn 1-25 are numbered 1.1-1.25 ar>d tne other mytho- 127 is perhaps the last line logical texts as follows: vi 8 bhtm not bbhtm CTA 26 1.62 RS 22.225 .96 20 hn. [\]bnn 27 1.45 Ugar. V no. i .114 54: there is no sign of a final [ym], though there is 28 1.63 no. 2 .108 space PRUUno. i 1.82 no. 3 .101 vii 33 rtq[ no. 2 2.3 no. 4 .133 38 t of hdt written over erasure no. 3 1.83 no. 5 .113 viii 13: only one divider after ffff PRUVno.i 1.92 no. 6 .124 30 Ibn: letter erased after n no. 2 1.95 no. 7 .100 no. 3 1.88 no. 8 .107 5 i 22 k\ for k[n] The following readings, restorations and comments vi 4: k erased at end on scribal errors are particularly noteworthy (I do 11: letter erased at end not include places where a reading recorded in my apparatus is supported in preference to one in my 6 text nor minor disagreements about the marking of i 50 yrq rather than yrz letters as certain or uncertain or the disposition of 66 [- - -]b/.46n word-dividers.): 67 [ ]n.J6n (i.e. no reference to drawing water) 2 iii ii 7 I'glh: the ' is written over another letter 2 [ kpt]r./rhq [.i]l[m.hkpt.lrhq] 36: second y erased at end 3 [linym. tn. mtpdm. tht. 'nt. irs. tit. mth. $ yrm] v 4 ?grm.ym;h(i.e. no reference to henchmen of Mot) (cp. 3 D 78-80 i iii 18-21) s pyt'i.Jb'i 9 6r.A[.srrt.s]pn(cp. 4vii7) 22 dhd.Adhk.sqn 10 []6t 23 hn. - af)? (or - nh?).y[- -]1 n [rbt.]kmn[.]hk[l] (cp. 4 v 118-119) 24 'nt.dkly[ 20 bn snq for bn[p]sny vi 32 bqlh.yib(myty)[

I iv 14 13 Itpn with p written under n 7 'rwt 'was laid bare' 16 mtltt: the m is written over erased t 2 i 20 h erased at end 10 ab.snm 'father of years' 24 bklhn 15-16: see at 31 27 'gmm 'cries of grief: the ' is written over erased p 31 ^mm.atr.amr 'they advanced (and) spoke' 33 tludn error for tlunn 56 and parallel passages: bt rbf 3 58 srm 'princes' A i dl.t£\t[ 59 w[y«]b 11 krpmm corrected to krpnm 99: two letters erased at end 26 / (27) [kny]t.w (cp. 4 i 16) 112 btbt: the final t is written over erased h B 25 tddd corrected to tgdd 113 6gr error for mqr 31 dt error for bt 175 [mg]u error for [mg]d D 37 iltm.[-]-h 199 sd[y]nm 52 &rdm corrected to qrdm 212 brnn: the 4 is erased and corrected to^ (cp. 215) 72 ar - - bars 213 s't (cp. 214) erased and first two letters of bnA E 8: double line thereafter (error for /ran) substituted 166 ADDENDA 215 grnm error for grnt 201 nps.hy.mfy 217: two letters erased at end 203 d.ttql.bym 244/5 [ld]i» error for [\d]k 204 w.tkm 223 ybl IS 224 ends at second tiqy i i rgb for [mrg]b 4 mswnh marked very do\ibtfui 23 ii 8 sr for '[s]r 14 gzrm with m replacing a previous tb v 17 [kjrt which has been erased 21 wy[']ny 15

19 8 «^6'/i (error for &$b'th).\hrf 12 11 j^p/i (error for gprh).!r i 33 bn corrected to pn 11 kmrm 36 nn corrected to ton 17 bmt - hmffr - 37 'qmm corrected to 'qqm iSybfori-btl] ii 5-6: cp. i 40-41 66 tfepp corrected to tispk 22-23: cp. 140-41 86

22 i8 bibn A 1 8 ml error for nht No. 7 19 '/ error for 'm B 7 brkn error for ybrkn 65 yn'rdh error for yn'rnh 10 AA ioty 68 b 20 /; error for // 23 tf erased at end 25 bs0 Further Bibliography:

PRU II no. 3 L. Badre and others, 'Notes ougaritiques I Keret', 3 N"« Syria 53 (1976), 95-125 4 'rp (error for r'r/>; cp. 6) W. Beyerlin (ed.)t Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch 6 t'rp zum Allen Testament (Gottingen 1975) (selections) 8 tdn error for (nn C. M. Bowra, Heroic Poetry (London 1966) (omitted 10 Ibnt from bibliogr. sect. 7) n (i'n.sst J. Clear, Ugaritic Texts in Translation (N.E. Dept., 14 r/im Univ. of Washington, Seattle 1976) P. C. Craigie (ed.), Ugaritic Studies 2972-1976 RS 22.225 (Reprint of the 'Newsletter for Ugaritic Studies' i 'nn error for 'n* nos. i-io) (Calgary, Alberta 1976) R. C. Culley (ed.), 'Oral tradition and Old Testament Ugaritica V Studies', Serneia 5 (1976) (see also Culley's earlier 1 obv. 5 Am.klb book Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical 8 (Ap) Psalms [Toronto 1967]) 11 ktp: the /> is written over an erased letter J. Heler, 'Die Entymythisierung des ugaritischen 12 pn (error for hn).lm.rlb (error for Mb) Pantheons im A.T.', Theol. Lit. 101 (1976) cols. 14 //.wl 2-10 21 //.Am mt I. Jacobs, 'Elements of Near-Eastern mythology in rev. 2 *«i.[a]hdA Rabbinic Aggadah', J. Jew St. 27 (1977), i-i i 3 Atm.rr/iJ.An n'r E. Lipiiiski in Orient. Lov. Per. 3 (1972), 106-109 2 obv. 2 [11.] [on CTA 13] (omitted from bibliogr. sect, sh) 6 #rr error for gtrt J. C. De Moor 'Rapi'uma-Rephaim', ZAW3& (1976), 9 [bsm]m rm (error for rmm) 323-345 10 jj]mr R. A. Oden, 'The persistence of Canaanite religion', 15 ] - rsp Bibl. Arch. 39 (1976), 31-36 rev. 7 bimrh: the A is written over an erased / W. E. G. Watson, 'Puzzling passages in the Aqhat 8-9 r[p]i tale', UP 8 (forthcoming) 3 obv. 7 bf W. R. Walters, Formula Criticism and the Poetry of rev. 2 ]l?r.iir[ the Old Testament (Berlin 1976) 4 obv. 2 «/>sm R. E. Whitaker, A Formulaic Analysis of Ugaritic 4 fAwf Poetry, Unpublished Dissertation of Harvard 6: before fbit a letter is erased University (I owe this reference to Mr Kenneth 13 rm« Aitken) TABLE OF UGARITIC SIGNS Column I gives the order in which letters appear in Ugaritic abecedaries (see CTA 186: PRU II nos. 184, 185; Dietrich and others, Die keilalph. Texte nos. 5.4 and 5.6). Sign no. 30 is not used in the mythological texts.

1 12

(28) 14

(29) '5

2 I?

3 19

5 (30)

6 (26)

7 21

8 22

9 23

(4) 24

10 (•3)

(18) 27

ii (25)